Redpill me on this game, gameplay looks kinda clunky

Redpill me on this game, gameplay looks kinda clunky

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  1. 5 months ago

    Well... it is clunky. Honestly only good thing about it is the immersion, is one of the very few games that actually make sense as first person game.

    It's a pretty good peaseant simulator, having to learn to ride horses, work to get a horse to begin with, learn to read, etc. is pretty sweet. Also graphics are good and the realism in it makes it even better, actually getting to explore a castle in which the devs actually educated themselves on how castles work and didnt' just watch a marvel movie and said "how many penis shaped towers do we need?".

    Shame only reason the game is famous is journos had a meltdown about the game having no blacks.

    • 5 months ago

      Devs should've looked up how making a non-convoluted lock picking minigame works.

      • 5 months ago

        Lockpicking isn’t even difficult. Once you train up to level 5 you can get a decent perk to stop lock picks from breaking so easily, and just a few levels past that makes the lockpicking only take half the time. Even breaking lockpicks adds experience so it takes no time at all to get better at it. I barely have to do anything now in the game to open even a very hard lock. It just takes some patience

  2. 5 months ago

    I've been playing it. Unarmed combat is aids. Melee combat is ok. Ranged combat is the worst ranged gameplay in the history of gaming. Everything else is pretty much 10/10, so far at least.

    • 5 months ago

      >Ranged combat is the worst ranged gameplay in the history of gaming.
      It's fun, and incredibly powerful, if you can land your shots.

      What's the issue?

      • 5 months ago

        No, issue.

        Ranged combat is the worst in the history of gaming.
        What's not to understand, bot?

    • 5 months ago

      Mod a crosshair into it and you'll be fine.

  3. 5 months ago

    Get the sword and frick Theresa.

  4. 5 months ago

    git gud

  5. 5 months ago

    The world and setting are beautiful but you're stuck playing as the creator's humble bastard self-insert in an isekai tier story. Just get butterlord.

    • 5 months ago

      >you're stuck playing as the creator's humble bastard self-insert

      t. troony mad he could not play as a woman going around smashing the patriarchy and being a dyke

      • 5 months ago

        No I just hate the homosexual acturry being a noble bastard who was raised next door to his aristocrat parent.

        Also, I want to pillage with cumans not be a homosexual knight. Barbarians are true chads. Worshipping israelites is gay.

        • 5 months ago

          > G-guys i totally am not trans i wish Henry was a cuman evil rapist instead of the nice boy he is!!
          >> Runs to Skyrim and makes his dragonborn a woman

          • 5 months ago

            t. finkleberg

            But yeah, an option to play as a barbarian would've legitimately fixed my issues with the game. Fricking around in the world was a lot of fun even if it was janky af.

            • 5 months ago

              In what world are the Cumans "barbarians"? They're from Hungary

              • 5 months ago

                What would even classify as a "barbarian" in 1400s?
                Everyone in Europe was civilized at this point.

        • 5 months ago

          >Worshipping israelites is gay.
          Just kicking the hornets nest huh.

      • 5 months ago

        he can play as theresa. thats why the dev added theresa as playable (after you pay of course)

      • 5 months ago

        I love how one of the loading screen "hints" is that you can't be a troony because they didn't exist back then.

        • 5 months ago

          I must have missed that one, source?

          • 5 months ago

            I'm not going to look for a source but it said something about how you're not able to wear women's clothes because they just didn't do that kind of thing back then.

  6. 5 months ago

    They're master-strikes all, you can't go wrong.

  7. 5 months ago

    you *will* spend the first 5-8 hours being a useless moronic illiterate peasant
    once you spend an hour or so winning archery contests then an hour or three training with Bernard you will no longer be useless and you will quickly find it is one of the most immersive games ever made, progression is satisfying, Henry eventually stops being an illiterate moron and you become the destroyer of worlds the frickboys you hate at the beginning are terrified of
    The graphics are also fricking incredible. Questlines are fun, travel is fun, Henry's entertaining. Just power through the beginning and it'll be worth it.

  8. 5 months ago

    It ended way too quickly for me even after doing everything you could possibly do
    I still had fun at least

    • 5 months ago

      how long did it take you?

  9. 5 months ago

    comfy, does a very good job of really making you feel stronger as you progress. When you first start you’re a complete wet noodle
    Combat is a mess unless you’re fighting 1v1
    Story tries a little too hard to be small scale to the point where the late game is a bit meh

  10. 5 months ago

    Story ends in the middle of the game without any resolution or showdown

  11. 5 months ago

    i had a great time with the game but very early on i realized spamming master strike to the head with a mace is the only thing you have to do the entire time. you could 1v100 enemies that have the best armor and it wouldnt matter if you just master strike and clinch spam. it's probably the greatest failing of the game besides needing an item to save.

  12. 5 months ago

    combat and graphics are good

  13. 5 months ago

    Combat is clunky, and it takes ages to get to the best part of the game but otherwise a pretty cool. The scenary is gorgeous and it reminds me of oblivion. The one feature I really like is the codex, a compendium of medieval facts such as the food peasants ate, customs etc. Henry is a boring protagonist, and it would be better if you play as the dad instead.

  14. 5 months ago

    I have 100 hours in it so far and it's good but yeah, the combat is fricking ass for most of it ESPECIALLY against more than 1 enemy. It goes from being shit because nothing works to being too easy because you will just masterstrike and kill most enemies barely having to try. Itt's also very buggy. Also people use "muh realism" as cope to defend way too much annoying shit in this game. Like I fricking dare you to justify how tedious and slow alchemy is.

    • 5 months ago

      Alchemy is comfy, what the frick are you talking about?

    • 5 months ago

      To be fair I beat the whole game up until the second to last "boss" without learning masterstrikes on the hardest difficulty using a shield. The only reason I learned masterstrikes were a thing was because the "boss" kept countering me and I couldn't beat him without cheese. Actually having to constantly switch the attack position of your weapon to catch the AI off guard was pretty okay sword combat

  15. 5 months ago

    It's a very decent immersive no-fantasy medieval RPG.
    The protagonist is likable, the story is whatever, the combat is brutal to start out if you're not gaming it as it should, your character doesn't start as a trained soldier.
    It has fun activities like tournaments or hunting that let you experience the world in medieval central Europe.

  16. 5 months ago

    I like the move where you go for the enemy's wrist and disarm them. I feel like some elite french fencing duelist. By the time you're leveled up enough to land it consistently though, enemies die way too quickly and easily.

  17. 5 months ago

    Not worth it
    Combat is broken to the point where people will collectively agree or autists will shill it into the ground as the best combat system ever.
    It's inherently broken and about halfway through the game you have untrained bandits mogging you with master strikes and parrying everything you do. You either figure out how to cheese all the enemies(I did it with the headcracker perk) or you're a bowgay.
    The story and immersion is really nice though
    I think a sequel where the devs unfrick combat would be pretty good

    • 5 months ago

      You didn't do the training with Bernard if you were getting mogged by bandits. The combat is literally only hard in the early game before you train up. It's biggest flaw is that by the time you can do cool moves you destroy enemies way too quickly, cheese or no cheese.

      • 5 months ago

        >you didn't do the training
        every fricking thread theres one of you guys
        Yes I did. So did a ton of other people who kept coming back and trying to get their moneys worth out of the game. Frick off seriously, combat is broken your cool moves mean nothing when all the npcs just fricking cheat their way to victory.

        • 5 months ago

          I beat the game in a few 12+ hour gaming sessions without consulting any guide, imageboard, or forum. Maybe you just suck ass at videogames if you had issues with the combat. The NPCs do not "cheat their way to victory" you are just decrepit or something. The fact people in this thread are complaining about fighting multiple enemies and suggesting the save cheat mod goes to show how many noobs on this board get filtered by average difficulty games.

          • 5 months ago

            >dude get good
            amazing exactly the response I expected.
            >they dont cheat
            Nope just your average guardsman blocking every one of your moves with high warfare, swordplay, agility, etc etc

            I played the game on release, the combat was fine, and then they kept patching it and fricking it up even more

            • 5 months ago

              >amazing exactly the response I expected.
              What response do you expect for a glaring skill issue? Stop gooning before every gaming session and have a cup of coffee or something. The game is not fricking hard by any stretch of the imagination, definitely not hard enough to insist the NPCs "cheat."

              • 5 months ago

                >post earlier about how people will collectively agree combat sucks or some shill shows up to pretend its ok
                >immediately get proven right
                imagine my shock

              • 5 months ago

                By "we" you mean the average modern day zoomer Ganker poster? Yeah, you guys all suck ass at videogames.

                >The NPCs do not "cheat their way to victory" you are just decrepit or something
                A lot of combat in the game is based on skill checks, so a low combat henry will have a very hard time against high level enemies. Unless you just cheese it.

                Right, which is why I mentioned you have to train. I stand by everything I said. The only issue with this games combat is unironically that its too easy and you have no room to do cool shit because even late game geared up enemies die incredibly fast. The opposite of being hard.

              • 5 months ago

                the word "We" wasn't used in my post a single time

              • 5 months ago

                Weird how you know what I meant but chose to argue semantics instead. I accept your concession. I hope you look inward and learn how to improve in videogames instead of blaming the systems for your lack of skill in the future. Or if you're incapable of doing that, at least have the decency to not shit up my imageboard with your garbage opinions.

              • 5 months ago

                this is easily the most fart sniffing post I've ever read on this board

          • 5 months ago

            >The NPCs do not "cheat their way to victory" you are just decrepit or something
            A lot of combat in the game is based on skill checks, so a low combat henry will have a very hard time against high level enemies. Unless you just cheese it.

          • 5 months ago

            the save "issue" is such a non-issue I agree, it's a filter for morons
            you save every single time you sleep, the vast majority of quests take most of the day to accomplish, zoomer's ADD-addled brains just want to be able to savescum every moment of every game and blast through quests when the game is trying to be immersive, go do your quest for the day, do some other peasant shit, sleep to save and get to morning before taking on the next quest, rinse/repeat wow soooo hard

            • 5 months ago

              You can still savescum which is the funny part

              • 5 months ago

                oh right I forgot you save every time you quit so you can just do that, too, it loads up in like 10 seconds on an SSD
                there's also inns and places to sleep no more than 5 minutes away at all times in 90% of the map
                also by mid game there's basically nothing stopping you from making as many save potions as you could possibly need (or you've made so much cash from the archery tournaments it's a triviality to spend the 100g per potion)

              • 5 months ago

                No that's just an exit save. It deletes itself whenever you load from it. Brewing saving potions is easy and there is almost no downside to being mildly drunk.

        • 5 months ago

          Sounds like you're just shit at the game. Kys

        • 5 months ago

          Works on my machine

  18. 5 months ago

    if you play it get the mod for unlimited saves

  19. 5 months ago

    people complain about multi fights in kcd for a lot of reasons, but for me it’s only the FRICKING lock-on
    Hopefully for kcd2 they don’t let Vavra have input into the combat

    • 5 months ago

      There's a mod that helps to fix that luckily, makes it far easier to switch between who you are locking

  20. 5 months ago

    You cant fight more than 1 enemy at a time, I once ran out of save options and got ambushed during fast travel, died and lost almost 2 hours or progress, only played 10 hours and gave up

  21. 5 months ago

    This is the best game to play if you're struggling with Black person fatigue

  22. 5 months ago

    Goat character writing.
    Killing Cumans, selling their spurs and investing in my village was very fun.
    Make sure you don't ignore side quests after you start them. People will die.

  23. 5 months ago

    it's very clunky
    honestly one of the worst games I've played
    it has good ideas but ultimately fails in the execution of almost everyone
    it got shilled here cause of le anti-woke devs which yeah it's refreshing to see that but you still have to make a good game in the process and they failed to do so
    it's pretty tho

    • 5 months ago

      >honestly one of the worst games I've played
      either you haven't played many games or you're just baiting

  24. 5 months ago

    It's shit.

    • 5 months ago


  25. 5 months ago

    I don't know why people b***h about the combat so much. Yes it was kind of clunky, but it was not nearly as impossible or unplayable as some try to make it seem.

    • 5 months ago

      This. I’ve played games with far worse combat. Sure, the lock on can be a pain, but it’s really not that clunky or broken. It’s just the initial hump of learning and getting a handle on it that can be difficult. I think people over time have just gotten worse at games and have no patience anymore

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah my only issue is how tight locked the camera and animations are, it sometimes looks really silly and breaks the atmosphere.
      Reminds me of the stabilized Pennywise dance from IT


  26. 5 months ago

    >white incel: the game
    you will now buy it

    • 5 months ago

      Bro I’m like three hours into the game and I’m already halfway to cucking a lord just by talking to his woman

  27. 5 months ago

    Amazing game, the combat is pretty rough though. I recommend getting the hidden DLC armor and weapons to give yourself a bit of a break.
    You could git gud also but after 60 hours I was still ass at the combat.

  28. 5 months ago

    im 70 percent or so through it, i think.

    i like it overall, a solid 7/10 game worth the sale price of 10 dollars i paid for it. i am playing on hardcore mode, and i like it overall. i enjoy the having to use an item to quick save idea, because it makes you actually face consequences sometimes, like if you lose in an ambush, and forces you to use quick saves strategically.

    i only have two complaints.

    1; combos. they are confusing and difficult to consistently land just on their own, but against any non-moronic enemy you get perfect blocked 80% of the time, cancelling the combo. you can try to perfect block them, or clinch them first but even this doesn't work all the time, and you can get severely punished for it. as a result combat against high enemies, like in the tournaments, you are often better off simply master strike spamming, which is repetitive.

    2. stat caps at 20. i have no idea why they did this. it makes any perk that is +1 to your stats effectively useless late game, and there are a shit ton of these, like half the perks are stat perks. terrible decision.

    • 5 months ago

      I'd rate it 9/10 but I agree with both those complaints. Except I'm fine with the combos since I found them annoying to memorise, so making them a situational thing you'll use one or two of rather than the core of the combat system worked out well for me.

      The one that knocks your enemy down with a pommel strike is extremely powerful if you can unlock from them and get behind them.

      >mount horse
      >your melee now does insta-kill damage at full gallop
      >enemies run over by horse are crippled/killed immediately
      >you can ride circles around an entire group of enemies and shoot arrows and never get hit
      >enemies can't lead bow shots very well, so you never get hit enough to die
      >you have to be a complete idiot to get dismounted
      No wonder the Mongols conquered half the planet. This is BROKEN. Also Lord Capon is a bro. Easily the best character.

      It's pretty damn great.

  29. 5 months ago

    >mount horse
    >your melee now does insta-kill damage at full gallop
    >enemies run over by horse are crippled/killed immediately
    >you can ride circles around an entire group of enemies and shoot arrows and never get hit
    >enemies can't lead bow shots very well, so you never get hit enough to die
    >you have to be a complete idiot to get dismounted
    No wonder the Mongols conquered half the planet. This is BROKEN. Also Lord Capon is a bro. Easily the best character.

  30. 5 months ago

    Casual shitters get filtered by the combat and non fantasy setting. It’s kino filled with soul and I love it

    • 5 months ago

      I need to download it again and set aside a week to just churn it out. KCD is one of those games that needs full focus to really sink your teeth into. You can't just play it piecemeal, and I love that.

      • 5 months ago

        Agreed. I tried to play other games in between at first but found once I focused on it alone, I was absorbed. Taking time to learn all you can makes it such a great experience

  31. 5 months ago

    Thank you anons, I will try the game

  32. 5 months ago

    It's absolutely fricking amazing, a really fun ride.

    Make sure you don't overlook alchemy though, it's the great equaliser when you're starting out. Eg. You can barely aim a bow properly until you've got 5 skill in it, but the potion gives a temporary 5 skill, so now you can aim properly, and go hunt some deer or pigs, which will increase your skill till you don't need the potion anymore. It's great.

    I never used the save patch either, you can very easily make hundreds of Saviour Schnapps, or use the Bath Maids for a save, zero problems. Plus it makes the games systems actually matter since you don't want to carry too many Saviour Schnapps with you, since they have weight, and so you actually consider when and how you'll save.

    • 5 months ago

      >alchemy perk lets you skip one step
      >Saviour Schnapps recipe is only two steps
      >mash the one step over and over to make hundreds of potions for the price of one flower each
      >sell potions to merchants and make huge amount of cash
      >take horse to ruins of Skalitz
      >endless high-level bandits spawn there
      >trample them and swing war club while at full gallop
      >kill them all and take no damage
      >loot their expensive armor and sell it to merchants
      >just steal everything and sell it to the flour mafia

      • 5 months ago

        I made my fortune powching. Just went out into the woods, and only came back when my horse and me were so overloaded we couldn't carry anymore. Sold everything to all the vendors, then repeated. Soon the vendors were all mega rich, and I had more groshens than I knew what to do with. And more importantly, I had my archery at a high enough level to be worth using.

        Where it gets really funny though is when you what to level up a new weapon type, and you realise that unarmoured Henry with some athletic skill as enough speed to run down a deer, rabbit or boar. So you just dash through the woods like a madman, stabbing animals to raise your sword skill.

  33. 5 months ago

    Jesus Christ be praised.

  34. 5 months ago

    >Finding some guy named Timmy before the bandits reach him and kill him
    >Encounters said bandits and asks me if I've seen Timmy
    >Instead of just lying right away, asks them first for some money. They pay you upfront
    >"They're that way on the other side of the continent. Believe me guys."
    >"Lol okay. In case you're lying here's one of my henchman to watch over you."
    >We go our separate ways while a bandit follows me
    >We reach town and find Timmy. Bandit becomes angry and alerts the town guards. We gangbang the dude then I loot his corpse

  35. 5 months ago

    Its a great immersive experience and a mediocre game. The story fricking sucks

  36. 5 months ago

    Fun for 1v1 combat.
    Absolute trash when trying to fight more than one opponent.

  37. 5 months ago

    Kingdom Come Deliverance (from Black folk) is overall not worth playing imo. Any time based Sir Hans Capon is present it's fun. Any other time you're doing a shitty midevil batman investigation. You also have to kill about 200 sheep in Skallitz before you can flail around in combat and win sometimes. No practicing actually doesn't help, lmao, played the whole fricking thing and still didn't understand what I was doing. Basically you just pick Headcracker and some other busted perks and just hope for the best. Game has it's moments but beating it felt like getting up off the toilet after a long, painful shit.

    • 5 months ago


  38. 5 months ago

    israeli game.
    israeli spam.

    • 5 months ago

      Meds. Now

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