redpill me on this game, i see it get shilled a lot on?

redpill me on this game, i see it get shilled a lot on Ganker but everything about it looks like a red flag
>open world survival sandbox
>grindy basebuilding
>reviews say you "make your own fun"
what makes it good?

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  1. 11 months ago

    The fact that it's a open world survival sandbox where you can build your own base and do whatever you want to make your own fun. If you don't like exploring in a sandbox or basebuilding or playing pretend with your little guys, you won't like the game.

    • 11 months ago

      say you "make your own fun"

      It's all the things you mentioned. If you don't like those things you won't enjoy the game and should not try it.
      What makes it good is those things and how much you enjoy them.
      All the stuff that applies to these kinds of games (Project Zomboid, Starsector, Stalker Anomaly, Mount & Blade, etc) applies here. The main difference is in the mechanics, since it plays more like a real time tactics/strategy game than an action game.

      Why not just play Minecraft

      • 11 months ago

        I can't control 20+ dudes at once in Minecraft and then create a flesh harvesting windmill mechanism to sell the meat to cannibals.

      • 11 months ago

        Will minecraft let me train a squad of elite cyborg bodybuilder ninjas for the express purpose of sprinting halfway across the continent at 50 km/h with 20 kilos of hashish apiece to sell to city slickers?

      • 11 months ago

        because it's a totally different game from minecraft

  2. 11 months ago

    It's all the things you mentioned. If you don't like those things you won't enjoy the game and should not try it.
    What makes it good is those things and how much you enjoy them.
    All the stuff that applies to these kinds of games (Project Zomboid, Starsector, Stalker Anomaly, Mount & Blade, etc) applies here. The main difference is in the mechanics, since it plays more like a real time tactics/strategy game than an action game.

    • 11 months ago

      >The main difference is in the mechanics
      And the world building is amazing but sparse

    • 11 months ago



  3. 11 months ago

    It's more like an RTS/top down RPG than something like RUST or whatever you might be thinking of.
    >single player
    >existing towns that you can base out of if you so choose
    >factions that you can work with or frick with
    >not really a story based game but there is lore to the setting and part of the fun is uncovering secrets and things like that, some of the existing characters can be charming for what they are
    >can make money the old fashioned way by producing material goods or you can go out and loot stuff
    >at a certain point you have to go out and loot stuff anyway since all the endgame tech is buried in old research centers
    >soulful visual style
    >soulful music
    >can play as a solo martial artist hellbent on kicking the world or run a military campaign for your choice of faction
    >world is moderately reactive, you can see some of the effects your actions have on the world (although this gets expanded on a lot with mods)

    It is pretty slow though. You have to kind of like the grind, and it's pretty easy to bugger up a save and have to start over when you're still learning basics.

    • 11 months ago

      There's also mods that buff the leveling process if one feels the game is unjustly too grindy.

  4. 11 months ago

    >i see it get shilled a lot on Ganker
    No you don't. Fricking Black person.

    • 11 months ago

      whenever people say something like this what I think they really mean is "I have consistently seen 3 or 4 threads a year about this game, for the last 5 years." Kenshi is a game I don't think will ever not be talked about on Ganker, but it's once in a blue moon, literally months and months in between threads. It's so not-shilled the only way I'm gonna see another thread in a reasonable amount of time is if 10 new players pick it up and love it cuz of this thread and start making threads on it for the next week.

  5. 11 months ago

    >open world survival sandbox
    >grindy basebuilding
    >reviews say you "make your own fun"

    It's all of that. And it delivers.
    You'll love it or hate it, but give yourself the time to make an opinion. It's a masterpiece IMO

  6. 11 months ago

    Owned this game for four years before I gave it a real chance and actually played it. Now it’s my all time favorite game. It’s great, you just have to have an imagination. You dont have to base build at all. If it’s too grindy you can always just set the play speed to x4.

  7. 11 months ago

    You can watch your squadmates get eaten alive, how is that not fun?

  8. 11 months ago

    the game has a setting instead of a story.
    you don't do questlines with multiple story beats, you set a goal for yourself like "I will build a little town here," or "I will overthrow this nation" with a lot of steps, and you work you way up to that.

    it's really more of a proof of concept at the end of the day, it's blatantly unfinished, but I still loved it dearly. there's no other game that lets me play as a kung fu tinman with a harem of sexy horned ladies, or as a thieve's guild of bugmen intent on taking down an anti-bug theocracy.

    • 11 months ago

      >or "I will overthrow this nation
      Which you cannot do, because the game has almost no worldstate reactivity to speak of, and even if it did these "nations" are a few tiny as. "cities" that more resemble outposts. The "overthrowing" surmounts to nothing more than taking out some faction leaders and going murderhobo on their perpetually respawning cities.

      This is why all of these "make your own fun" games are dogshit. None of anything you do is of any significance and all the world elements are completely superficial so as not to be too consequential when it's fricked with.

      • 11 months ago

        numbskull, you totally can.
        I regularly overthrow the holy nation just for kicks. it's actually very harmful to the geopolitical balance since cannibals and fogmen move in from the north and west, and without the HN keeping them low and humble the Shek start getting bloodthirsty and you start to run into more trouble in their borders from random Shek berserkers.

        • 11 months ago

          Holy Nation were the good guys all along.

          • 11 months ago

            No, they're inbred hillbillies making terrible use of the most fertile part of the island, but they're politically useful idiots, which helps them attract chuds. Like unto like and such.

            • 11 months ago

              Holy Nation isn't perfect but it's your best bet for survival if you're human. They hate women but even so a female human is safer there than anywhere else. Surely not in the place where being poor is a crime.

            • 11 months ago

              >have lots of slaves
              >have lots of easily-defensible arable land
              >make all the slaves build a pointless statue
              >don't cultivate most of the land because it has to go to le based trad farm families
              how is it possible to be more moronic than the shek?

              • 11 months ago

                displacing family farms in favor of gigantic slave plantations literally destroyed the roman republic so I'd say the holy nation is pretty smart in that respect

              • 11 months ago

                that other anon is historylet i think, probably a UC spy. like moll.

              • 11 months ago

                yeah, from what I understand they essentially disenfranchised their entire middle and upper-lower classes, which is where a lot of semi-skilled and skilled craftsman came from and where a lot of loyal lower and mid rank soldiers came from. It sounds cool on paper for maybe a generation or two, then it starts causing a lot of problems as you've dramatically increased the amount of lower and poverty class citizens, which will always lead to civil unrest.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes, increasingly large plantations growing cash crops with slave labor filled the entire Italian countryside, and all the normal people that used to live there flooded in to Rome proper and became known as the 'urban poor'. Crime skyrocketed - Rome became a city where you simply couldn't go out alone - and politics became driven by competing groups of radicalized mobs vs bought and paid for mobs. In the century before Caesar came along and finally killed the thing, the republic was averaging a civil war every decade.

            • 11 months ago

              >use of the most fertile part of the island,
              That's not the swamp.

      • 11 months ago

        You're kidding me right? You absolutely can. Literally every city has different states based on actions. For example, doing the Anti-Slaver quest line and murdering the UC nobles will lead to their territory turning into a wrecked wasteland where everyone is starving. Kill the hive queen, and suddenly there are fogmen everywhere and the southern hive goes absolutely batshit.

      • 11 months ago

        >This is why all of these "make your own fun" games are dogshit.
        I've never played Kenshi but Starsector is very much "make your own fun" and I've definitely noticed a big difference in how the galaxy behaves after taking out a big faction like the Church of Ludd or the Hegemony. Namely being in the case of the Church my escapades are a lot less annoying to perform, and with the Hegemony, I'm suddenly being harassed and bombed constantly by factions that were spending most of their resources to defend against the hegs.

  9. 11 months ago

    Empty, static and boring world. Needs a ton of QoL mods, too.
    It's one of those games that are more fun to watch than play. Only reason it's so praised is because of youtubers such as generalsam and sseth making the game seem more fun than it actually is with their edits and stories.

    • 11 months ago

      I'm still waiting on the RatDad to fight Cat-Lon.

    • 11 months ago

      >Empty, static and boring world
      no, no and no
      mods do improve on what's there but the fact that there are patrols for basically every faction and a bunch of wild animals, and that settlements and can and do change hands between factions, makes it ten times more interesting than 99% of open world games

      • 11 months ago

        M&B has way more interesting faction mechanics tbh. Territory wars happen organically in M&B and factions can get wiped out with zero input from the player - settlements only ever change hands in Kenshi when the player happens to kill a specific NPC

        • 11 months ago

          And in M&B settlements changing hands at least means something. Reduced economic output, reduced armies and troop qualities, less lords fighting for the faction, defections, etc.

          In Kenshi you go and kill religious chucklefrick of town shithole and what are the overall consequences of it? Now it's the same town but the blue skinned horned guys spawn in it instead. The consequences of this on surrounding settlements or overall factions? What? Dude sandbox lol! make your own fun lmao!

  10. 11 months ago

    The reactive world/faction system is genuinely very cool and is the main thing separating Kenshi from typical survival sandboxes, but in order to do any of the cool stuff you have to go through a ridiculous amount of grinding
    >You want to do combat? Great! The first thing you need to do is get the shit beaten out of you repeatedly because this levels up your skill at staying conscious, so go find some random bandits and watch them knock you out for a hour
    >Now you can start getting a couple hits in while they beat the shit out of you, which will slowly level your attack
    >After that you can probably kill a single bandit if you're lucky, but bandits all travel in giant packs that'll rape you, so you need to level up your running skill to avoid fights. How do you do that? You guessed it, you run around for an hour!
    >You can't automate this so have fun spamming right click
    >Oh but that's not all, you see there's actually a SECOND running skill which is levelled separately by running while encumbered, and you need this skill to be able to wear armor or hold a sword
    >So now you have to run around for an hour while wearing a backpack full of rocks
    And that's just the fricking start - basically every mechanic in the game requires you to spend hours doing moronic shit like this before you can engage with it
    The grind would actually be liveable if you only had to do it once, but if you want to fight oppponents tougher than bandits you need a squad and everyone you recruit will have garbage stats, so you have to go through this process at least 3-4 more times before you can even think about participating in the faction wars that make the game interesting. It's so mindnumbingly tedious that "getting good" is basically just figuring out cheap gamey bullshit that makes the grinding slightly less annoying, like "intentionally become a slave because you can repeatedly fail escape attenpts to get the guards to beat the shit out of you and they'll heal you up after"

    • 11 months ago

      >0 replies
      this guy is 100% right. worst progression system there is.

    • 11 months ago

      >0 replies
      this guy is 100% right. worst progression system there is.

      skill issue
      Finding ways to stack xp bonuses and grind with max efficiency is one of the fun parts of the game. The only real limiting factor is money and for that you just need to steal some shit which does not require grinding anything if you're smart about it.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's so mindnumbingly tedious that "getting good" is basically just figuring out cheap gamey bullshit that makes the grinding slightly less annoying
        >Finding ways to stack xp bonuses and grind with max efficiency is one of the fun parts of the game
        damn he really was right

  11. 11 months ago

    Its my favourite game, and I recommend it to noone. Youll either get it, or you wont.

    A problem with everything you mentioned is that 99% of those kinds of games do not take place in an established setting and focus way to much on the survival aspect, where this focuses way more heavily on the "rpg" aspect. You exist in the world that has fleshed out factions, cities and regions to interact with, which is what most games like this are severely lacking and could be improved immensely by having them.

    • 11 months ago

      this anon is correct, you'll either get it or you won't, simple as.
      it's not really very close to anything else.

  12. 11 months ago

    If even a single Gankeredditor likes it, it's automatically shit.

  13. 11 months ago

    The unusual lore that delivers with party members dialogs, notes and observation. When you start the game it doesn't give you anything except for big alien world to explore.

    Basebuilding is buggy shit btw. You don't need it to complete the game.

  14. 11 months ago

    Cat-Lon was not a monster.

  15. 11 months ago

    No one mentions this but, it's one of those RPG's that you can both take seriously or not at the same time. It's one of its better advantages.

  16. 11 months ago

    i need to beat the shit out of this game in a 2 weeks i cant have more time. ive invested 20 hours straight already learning mechanics. i dont sleep. Ganker please tell me what i do to break the game. my time running out.i dont care how exploitative it is. i just cant use mods

  17. 11 months ago

    It can be fun, but it's autistic and unfinished(given the 1.0 version number and abandoned to work on the sequel).

    • 11 months ago

      >game in development for like 15 years


  18. 11 months ago

    grindy but very cool when you learn to chease it

  19. 11 months ago

    you have to be extremely autistic to enjoy Kenshi, if you're a normie you won't get past the jank

  20. 11 months ago

    its hard fun until you figure out how to game the system then you basically need autism or something for it to not feel like a chore. You need some special personality trait to have it be fun, like be able to immerse yourself in the game and roleplay and self limit yourself.

    • 11 months ago

      you have to be extremely autistic to enjoy Kenshi, if you're a normie you won't get past the jank

      That just sounds like discipline when you think about. Just don't save scum.

      • 11 months ago

        it has nothing to do with discipline unless you consider discipline being able to do the same tedious and brainless task for several real-time hours before you can actually explore the world

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah that sounds like discipline.

          • 11 months ago

            sounds like tedium to me and I work in accounting

        • 11 months ago

          You can cheese most of the tedium in this game with stealth honestly.

        • 11 months ago

          >before you can actually explore the world
          we got a videogame journalist here
          man sucks so much ass he needs to powerlevel to do basic shit

  21. 11 months ago

    People have mentioned good things ITT. I'd like to add one more point:

    Kenshi has a very strong Marxist message. It's one of the few games that truly does not stray away from socialist teachings -- it pulls absolutely no fricking punches -- and it's wonderful. If you felt like even Disco Elysium was a little too "both sides are le bad!!!!" then Kenshi is for you.

    • 11 months ago

      is this some sort of falseflag? i don't see how it's communist beyond portraying the HN and UC as bad

    • 11 months ago

      OP, don't listen to this moron. He's lying.

    • 11 months ago

      Kek I’m going to use this false flag shitpost as template in the future

  22. 11 months ago

    >but everything about it looks like a red flag
    fricking moron lol
    If the trailers and gameplay is offputting, you won't like it. It either inspires autistic roleplaying within yourself, or you think "but what do I do thooo????"

  23. 11 months ago

    It's a clearly unfinished game that changed priorities mid development. It's still worth some fun.

    • 11 months ago

      some chinese dude saw potential on it and decided to make his own version, i hope he gets it out in time.

      • 11 months ago

        What's the name of the game? If it comes out before Kenshi 2's release in 10 years, then I want to play it.

        • 11 months ago

          the matchless kung fu, list it on your gabenshop.

      • 11 months ago

        >chinese steal idea
        WOW what a shock

    • 11 months ago

      >changed priorities mid development

      • 11 months ago

        If you've played the game, you know what I'm talking about.

        Basically Kenshi is this weird mix of open-world, Bethesda like RPG as well as a squad and faction management game. People like it for the freedom it offers but it doesn't really gel well. For example, you'll enter a town and get a scripted conversation that stops the game world as you talk to an NPC. This conversation only plays if you have at least one female character, in which a sleezy guy hits on you in a bar and based on your response you can either start a fight with them, or pay for his drink and smooth things over. However, this will happen if you have a single solo character, OR if you have a massive group of 20+ people where your female character isn't even the leader. The game has a lot of focus on individual character situations and skills, and yet is not designed for single-character runs (ie; lone swordsmen, Kenshiro martial artist, etc.) at all pretty much requiring at least two people for your playthrough, but so much of the writing seems to imply you're traveling through the world by yourself exploring strange sights which become absent after you pass by the invisible triggers that activate these moments. Then, on top of that, the game has randomly generated characters you can purchase to join your party- but there are also scripted characters with unique voice lines and joining conditions that stick out like sore thumbs. It's clear a great amount of effort was put into certain characters, like Beep, where as others basically don't talk as they are radiant-AI tier after they join your party, so you can't really play the game as a "roadtrip" style DND campaign grabbing party members and having wacky adventurers. It feels like the characters and world was designed to be a single player RPG experience, but the game engine and mechanics are solely suited to group combat.

  24. 11 months ago

    I don't like it and I've given it multiple goes. The first hour is the same as every other hour.

  25. 11 months ago


  26. 11 months ago

    The lore
    The world
    The Geography
    Frick I need kenshi2 for my boat adventures

  27. 11 months ago

    I have been sold on Kenshi and will now pirate it, what mods are necessary without drastically changing the experience?

    • 11 months ago

      Recruit Anyone

  28. 11 months ago

    I like running around as a noble hive prince ronin solo. Its quite fun just exploring the world and improving your character with weapons and cybernetics.

  29. 11 months ago

    Basically, you just get to explore and interact with a living, breathing world. That's where most of the fun comes from: just walking around and getting in trouble.

  30. 11 months ago

    Don't die on me thread, I need Ganker to talk about games that I'm currently playing.

  31. 11 months ago

    I made a squad of 4 robot martial arts masters and killed everyone

  32. 11 months ago

    Worst. Game. Ever.

  33. 11 months ago

    The atmosphere. If you're not a special kind of sperg, you won't like it.

  34. 11 months ago

    is this face bogged enough?

    • 11 months ago

      Get the mod that unlocks the sliders to embrace your inner Bog.

  35. 11 months ago


    Sneed it or feed it?

    • 11 months ago

      Sneed it.

    • 11 months ago

      Feed it.

  36. 11 months ago

    Okran was An Hero, and Narko was a filthy Skeleton bootlicker that ratted him out.

  37. 11 months ago

    Tengu? Mogged by GODfist.

  38. 11 months ago

    Came for the shekfu stayed for the atmosphere.

  39. 11 months ago

    I'm having fun with it so far OP and I don't feel like I've wasted my money. Threads here say to do save start and I kinda agree.
    Feels like I've barely scratched the surface.

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