Redpill time

Videogames aren't shit because of DEI or whatever other bullshit people like to claim. Videogames went to shit because everything that there's to do in the medium has been done already, the genres have solidified and all that remains is to make slight variations on the same old ideas.
The 2010s indie boom was the last spark of creativity for this medium and even that has run its course and become stale, Indie itself became a solidified genre.

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  1. 1 week ago

    Here is a good game idea no one has ever done before. If you die in the game your OS gets deleted. How will you respond

  2. 1 week ago

    nuh uh

  3. 1 week ago

    There's plenty of innovation left to explore, but it would require two things
    1) Creative control; complete worker self-management
    2) Longer dev cycles in order to research, implement, and perfect technology required to execute certain ideas
    Capitalists don't want this, they want to gamble on making live service multiplayer games or copy and paste remakes.

    • 1 week ago

      Those 2 exact things are what lead to the indie boom of the 2010s and all the kickstarter games, we got a lot of cool games out of it.
      But even that has run its course now and indie games feel like generic-indie.

      or you're jaded

      No, creative opportunities do in fact run out aft awhile. There's a reason people circle jerk over the same 60+ year old novels.
      Literature being the oldest and most explore genre ran out of steam long ago. You can't hope to add anything new to that medium.

      Similar thing happened to videogames, especially exasperated by technological stagnation as development in technology had pushed a lot of innovation in videogames, for the first time you can have 3d environments, for the first time you can have fully voiced games...etc

      • 1 week ago

        neuralink could be the next big thing for gaming in the near future but I don't think I'll be willing to drill a hole in my skull for that

        • 1 week ago

          I will, I don't care if I get turned into a vegetable.

        • 1 week ago

          >The 2010s indie boom was the last spark of creativity
          You realize you sound like a beta or bright now, right? You're probably a cvck too.

          Not everyone should have internet access.

          • 1 week ago

            The powers that be literally want the whole world connected.

      • 1 week ago

        >There's a reason people circle jerk over the same 60+ year old novels.
        Funny you bring our literature, because that's a thousands year old artform that's never run out of creativity, not even now.

    • 1 week ago

      >Videogames went to shit because everything that there's to do in the medium has been done already, the genres have solidified and all that remains is to make slight variations on the same old ideas.
      Close, I'd say, but the bigger problem is that there's no longer any room to even try. Budgets have bloated too much to take risks. We're in a massive bubble because audiences are getting tired yet companies are unwilling, nay, unable to take risks. "DEI" is, if anything, a symptom; a last-gasp attempt at reaching untapped markets, which is necessitated by the need for constant growth.

      Got it right

    • 1 week ago

      Yes and no. There are plenty of examples of studios sitting on their hands and doing frickall for years until a publisher gets involved and forces them to get to work

      The indie patreon game scene is exactly what you describe and yet it's track record is abysmal

      • 1 week ago

        for every one example of that there's a dozen examples of a publisher shitcanning years of productive work on a whim.

  4. 1 week ago

    or you're jaded

    • 1 week ago

      You're just a little tike that wasn't around for the good days

  5. 1 week ago

    Yeah, vidya died and then its corpse got raped with DEI. It's not rocket science.

  6. 1 week ago

    >because everything that there's to do in the medium has been done already,

  7. 1 week ago

    not sure I agree, but it is obvious that most of the big ideas have been done with the technology we have available at the moment
    it's like sweeping up glass, the big chunks come first and then you're sweeping up shards and eventually dust; right now we're sweeping up shards
    anyway, a game doesn't have to be original to be good, it just has to be good at what it's trying to do. people can still enjoy clones of older games even if there's no twist, sometimes all it takes is an aesthetic difference and that's enough for people to enjoy it
    pic related, some of these aren't exactly going to start a new genre but there's enough in them for me to be interested in

  8. 1 week ago

    I agree culture war shit have nothing to do with the state of industry.

    That said, it's moronic to think everything have been done. moronic to think genre are immutable eternal fabric that will last until the end of time.
    Indies games are still booming and trying tons of things, many fails but not because their ideas were bad, simply because they didn't have the money to survive the failure and try again, or didn't have the manpower to produce all the content that would go nicely around their ideas.

    Also blame morons who will pre-order the shitty AAAA franchise2024 and its day-1 DLC because they couldn't crack it, but will crack and torrent for free their favorite indy game, all without seeing any causal link about why shitty game keep appearing while good game disappear.

    Games are market driven yes, but WE decide what is the market.
    Keep buying unoriginal shit out of habit/desperation? You get more shit.
    Risk the money on something imperfect but pushing boundary? Maybe it will work and more will follow.

  9. 1 week ago

    Redpill time:

  10. 1 week ago

    No, the redpiill is that gamers REJECTED the next great leap (VR) and are now reaping what they sowed.

    • 1 week ago

      This. They failed to realize the reason why they were so fond of the slop they grew up with was precisely because of the technological leap at the time that attracted special creative types. Video game development relies entirely technological trends, which is why it goes hand in hand with transhumanism.

      • 1 week ago

  11. 1 week ago

    Dogshit take. You have no creativity and no soul. The reason you think this way is because you only play AAA slop which of course is not going to be full of creative risks because it costs $500M and 5 years to make each game. There are hundreds of original indie games coming out every year and no I'm not going to spoonfeed you.

    • 1 week ago

      >butthurt inspiring indie dev

      OK pal

    • 1 week ago
    • 1 week ago

      I basically came here to post this.
      AAA has been dead for almost 20 years yet every year a new generation of kids seems to just figure it out.

  12. 1 week ago

    What you just said is the definition of a bluepill, though.

    • 1 week ago

      Redpill = uncomfortable truth
      Bluepill= you wake up in wonderland and you believe whatever you want to believe, the indominable human spirit! we'll keep finding way to be creative!!

  13. 1 week ago

    >AAA and indie-sloppers crying
    >meanwhile GACHA-GODS are enjoying the Golden Age of gaming
    KINO, simply KINO

  14. 1 week ago

    First of all it's only western AAA games that are purely shit Japanese games and indie still create good games.
    The reason why western AAA sucks is because they cultivated the worst audience in the world normalgays.
    It's normalgays that want every game to be as accessible as possible so they demand easy modes in games like sekiro.
    It's normalgays that want games with fanservice banned or censored when in the past there was a place for every genre you now have ethics departments that sanitize every game until they all look the same.
    It's normalgays that pre-order broken games and purchase micro transactions when in the past developers like Bethesda were mocked for their attempts and the community collectively stood against such practices.
    Allowing normalgays into the hobby was the worst that could have happened to gaming because the suits follow them in an attempt to attract even more normalgays creating a negative feedback loop.
    This is also happening in other hobbies like anime where the increase in normalgays creates opinions like "old anime is offensive" or "fanservice is ruining anime" and that the medium needs to be changed something that never happened before.

    • 1 week ago

      As if Asia is any better nowadays. They just make gacha and anime garbage for loser otaku see

      >AAA and indie-sloppers crying
      >meanwhile GACHA-GODS are enjoying the Golden Age of gaming
      KINO, simply KINO

      The time when they make kino after kino is long over.

      • 1 week ago

        They still make games worth playing once in a while which can't be said about the west

        • 1 week ago

          Baldur's Gate, The Witcher, Ghost of Tsushima, Cuphead, Hades, Cyberpunk (after the updates).
          They make more than Japan. What does Japan have other than From-software that isn't troony loser otakus shit?

          • 1 week ago

            >Baldur's Gate
            If you mean 3 then the game was unfinished when it released
            >The Witcher
            Made by east europeans
            >Ghost of Tsushima
            I give you that
            Is a indie title and we're specifically talking about AAA
            Same as cuphead
            >Cyberpunk (after the updates)
            Made once again by east europeans and was so fricking broken on release that it was barely playable.

            • 1 week ago

              >Made by east europeans
              Yes, EUROPEANS you sad weeb

              • 1 week ago

                >Yes, EUROPEANS you sad weeb
                If you think that east europeans are the same as western europeans or Americans you're mistaken.

              • 1 week ago

                If you think Eastern Europeans don't have vastly more in common with the rest of the Western World (which they are by definition included in) than with Japan by virtue of being "East" of something you're not merely mistaken but delusional

              • 1 week ago

                It's funny because when all that woke lashing was going against CD projekt Red he probably called them western.

    • 1 week ago

      Also normalgays made all the good anime and games. Kojima, John Carmack, Chris Swayer, literally any genuis creative you can think of was a normalgay.

      What ruined the hobbies and culture wasn't the appealing to normalgays but the normalization of being a nerd/otaku with no life experiences or good ideas, what you call normalgays are nerds.

      • 1 week ago

        >Also normalgays made all the good anime and games. Kojima, John Carmack, Chris Swayer, literally any genuis creative you can think of was a normalgay.
        I think you don't know what a normalgay is but I do agree that a lack of live experience is a negative for any creative work.

        • 1 week ago

          A nerd in the 90s is a normalgay by today's standards.

          • 1 week ago

            >A nerd in the 90s is a normalgay by today's standards
            A nerd is a nerd because he doesn't fit in with the normalgay the definition remains the same.
            Being a social outcast today isn't that different from the 90s you only have more options to connect with more outcasts and it's easier to have access to your interest.

      • 1 week ago

        >all of those "creative geniuses"

        Son, they were part of a team, also Carmack was/is a code monkey whit no vision whatsoever of the final product, Kojima is a marketeer, and Swayer is a literal hack.

  15. 1 week ago

    Most people don't have ADHD which is all that you're describing.

    People who like things want more of it. By your logic we wouldn't eat anything just because it's all been done before. No one who likes a thing gives a frick, you moronic gaslighting eunuch fetishist.

    • 1 week ago

      We eat because food sustains us, but people who are truly passionate about food do seek out new culinary experiences all the time.
      To use a food analogy, if your post was an omelette, you fricked it up

  16. 1 week ago

    DEI is just another boogeyman for angry gamers to use against people they don’t like (women, gays and browns). The reality is gaming is shit because 90% of big games need to be made in line with regarded corporate mandates from out of touch CEOs nepo babies (who are moronic straight white men 99% of the time).

    Hard to make anything groundbreaking when your boss forces to make the most broad appeal, live service battle pass slop every single time.

  17. 1 week ago

    Innovation is dead because innovation doesn't sell as well as being a cheap frick, and innovating from this point takes a lot of competence (something sorely missing in the industrial part of gamedev), and an excellent intuition on gamedev (which is very, very rare).
    Evidence of that is the fact that every single large game has crossovers of shit that no one cares nor wanted nor make any sense, but people will slurp the frick up because it's familiar. See also: every single bullshit The Boys or Invincible or Nicki Minaj or whatever skin in whatever game you can think of, it's ghoulish and boring.

  18. 1 week ago

    >Trying to obfuscate the antichrist agenda in video games
    Hello bunkertroob israelite

    • 1 week ago

      >the antichrist agenda in video games
      You're like a self-parody of a self-parody of gamergate

  19. 1 week ago

    DEI definitely made games shittier but that's not the main reason, the main reason is that videogames became mainstream and have investors making huge investments. Investors want a return on their money, so they encourage sequels and milquetoasts products that they know will sell well, not anything to push the medium forward.

    We need to go back to when videogames were made by two dudes in their garage making something out of passion, not obligation.

  20. 1 week ago

    No, is your israeli troon agenda affecting video games in all fronts

  21. 1 week ago

    >Beta cuck, dimwitted take
    No, games went to shit because of DEI, but slightly before that it was going to shit because everything was wannabeing the film industry instead of representing gaming's own format, and because companies getting bigger meant more normies entering dev companies, creating social fiefdoms and leading to dev culture of sarcasm where the audience isn't taken seriously to start with.

    Oh and then Neil Druckmann "won" and shook hands with Anita Sarkeesian, cementing GamerGate as a thing, and the rest has been a humiliation ritual.

    • 1 week ago

      >Oh and then Neil Druckmann "won" and shook hands with Anita Sarkeesian, cementing GamerGate as a thing
      I thought it was about, er, "ethics in games journalism"?

  22. 1 week ago

    Recent games like Kenshi are proof it's still possible to find new and good ideas. Some older games that have great ideas haven't been copied yet too for some reason, despite the shit Bethesda has been getting, no one really managed to properly emulate their formula, on the other hand a lot of games started emulating the botw formula as soon as it came out. Some older games get their formula copied by modern titles giving said formula a new breath (BG3 is pretty similar in feel to DAO, despite differences)
    What is shit is that every game chooses to copy the same formulas : survival-crafting shit, soulless ubisoft tier empty open world with towers, soulslike shit that can't hold a candle to the originals.
    Mix them all and you get botw, which is a good game but most of these individual categories are shit, and games that copy botw end up shit too. More recently you got the one-button mashing flashy action shit too.
    More games should dare and copy Bethesda's formula (which would be easy for any competent company to do something better than Bethesda), or Kenshi, or older games' styles.
    I'm eager for Kenshi 2, and I'd like to get some shit like a Slayers game with BG3's game play but jrpg tend to not try for different things. I'd also like for some studio to try and do something like Larian's Divinity 2 Ego Draconis, as that game had some great Dragon gameplay.
    It's not that everything has been done but more that companies won't dare.

    • 1 week ago

      Listen to yourself "Just copy the Bethesda formula!!"
      That's already such an admittance of defeat. In a healthy world a game would drop that's unlike anything you played before that will eventually be polished and need its own term coined like "Bethesda formula"
      But the world is so saturated. You can't even think of anything outside the established conventions.
      You really think copying the Bethesda formula would be a brave new direction in gaming?

      • 1 week ago

        Not exactly my point, I mostly agree with you. I wish more innovative games would come out, and they still do but at a lesser rate. But if companies can't even copy a seldom used formula and polish it, how do you want them to even have the creativity to come up with something that'd blow your mind?
        >In a healthy world a game would drop that's unlike anything you played before that will eventually be polished and need its own term coined like "Bethesda formula"
        Yeah. That's what I meant when mentioning Kenshi. We need more games of that type. Some formulas are only explored by one game/series which sucks.
        Games outside of the established conventions come out from time to time, but instead of having their gameplay copied and polished they remain as unicorns, because companies are not focused on innovating in interesting way, rather only in money-making ways. So yeah, in a way it'd be a good step forward to have some frickers copy the Bethesda formula as it would also spark competition and force both companies to innovate and polish their stuff instead of one company watering its formula down until it becomes dogshit (Bethesda).

  23. 1 week ago

    >Videogames aren't shit because of DEI
    they are
    > Videogames went to shit because everything that there's to do in the medium has been done already, the genres have solidified and all that remains is to make slight variations on the same old ideas.
    that's not the issue, you stupid monkey Black person
    not every game needs to reinvent the wheel

    the problem is games are made by politically obsessed people as a vessel to push their bullshit political propaganda

  24. 1 week ago

    I was shocked when I found out that my 11yo grandson and all his schoolmates use the "redpill" meme. How come it's so popular among pre-teens?

  25. 1 week ago

    You are WRONG
    If that were the case we'd be getting good games, the best games are without DEI
    >Witcher 3
    >Kingdom Come
    We'd also be getting Bethesda like RPing games with great writing and great combat, but instead we get THE OUTER WORLDS, which completely fricking misses the mark because of DEI shit, and STARFIELD is utterly soulless because of DEI shit

    Fucl you OP you apologist motherfricker

    • 1 week ago

      Some 7 year old games and a franchise from the PS2 era. Good polished games come out every now and then, not every game need to reinvent the wheel.
      Truly revolutionary, earth shattering games are very rare and they become rarer because all we're doing is remixing the same Ideas.

      In 10 everything would have been done to death, you couldn't even play anything no matter how well polished.

      • 1 week ago

        >Truly revolutionary, earth shattering games
        Not everyone is asking for that, but these kind of games can't happen because the studios don't have a cohesive culture to draw upon from, thats why the games I listen happen to be from Countries without DEI
        >Czech republic
        Plus the games themselves to be diverse so they cant create unique worlds, they have to appeal to everyone and none feel unique from one another. Unique games and game mechanics would come from a actuall well of creativity

    • 1 week ago

      Typical case of correlation ≠ causation, you didn't refute shit, you just reiterate "umm ackchually it is DEI" and then just make sweeping statements like "Starfield sucks because DEI" as if the inclusion of a black person is even in the top 100 of the game's worst problems

      • 1 week ago

        In the past a game with technically flaws could still be lovable despite its flaws, we'd call it charming or something. Now it's just flawed while at the same time woke gorilla lesbian nog tells me I'm evil.

        • 1 week ago

          Tell me 4 games with gorilla lesbians that you would think were charming if not for the gorilla lesbians.

  26. 1 week ago

    Your gaslighting attempt failed, troon.

  27. 1 week ago

    People are telling you they don't like the DEI shit. The real question is why can't you just accept that?
    Is it because you have a strong ideological attachment to it?

    • 1 week ago

      If you dislike "DEI shit" because you're a straightforward bigot, then sure. If you dislike it for all the reasons Ganker always gives for disliking it because they are scared to admit it even on an anonymous board because they feel it grants them perceived moral superiority to keep up the charade of noble reasons, then you're wrong, though. I guess the point is we can't accept your rationalisations and excuses.

  28. 1 week ago

    Wrong. There are still quite a few niches and themes that have not been done before or done properly.

  29. 1 week ago

    The problem with this is that these variations of existing ideas are being executed with increasingly lower quality which is caused by DEI and other bullshit.

  30. 1 week ago

    Video games, as well as all major media, has been destroyed by public trading. That's the core issue at the center of it all.

  31. 1 week ago

    Not even close. Even compared to literature, vidya has so many ways to make more creative and unique things. We're not even 1% of the way.
    Just thinking of multiplayer experiences I can imagine thousands of insane games that would be so much fun that have never been tried. Sky is the limit but people like you with no imagination can't even fathom it.
    Just keep buying what the normalgays shill you and stay quiet.

    • 1 week ago

      compared to literature vidya has more moving parts and a lot of mouths to feed attached to those parts that you cannot in good conscience risk in order to pursue some new idea that could bomb, so actually

      Video games, as well as all major media, has been destroyed by public trading. That's the core issue at the center of it all.

      is right that the economic incentive is at the root of it.

  32. 1 week ago

    If you think that "everything has been done" already, you're a fricking moron.
    DEI is one reason a lot of games went to shit, but a significant other one is that companies are demanding insane levels of visual detail and engine shit so it takes devs, artists and designers a very very fricking long time to build all the bullshit to put into the game. The game then suffers because instead of focusing on cool gameplay stuff and making the game fun, the crunch time is moved into making sure the whole fricking game doesn't break horribly, the visuals are all there and that it can hit 30fps on sony's abysmal hardware.
    Nintendo saw the light and realised that dev costs were going to be insane and dev times were going to start being longer than the whole console generation and scaled the frick back.
    We need less visual fidelity and a higher focus on making vidya fun again.

    • 1 week ago

      >mind reading
      that gets you in trouble. in fact it could make talking to you a complete waste of time

  33. 1 week ago

    Yasuke is the MC of Assasins creed. Deal with it

    • 1 week ago

      And before that we had an AC Scandinavia game with a blonde viking MC and no one gave a shit because AC/Ubisoft has been done to death, no matter whose the MC.
      Thanks for proving OP right.

  34. 1 week ago

    nah, plenty of game ideas havent even been tried yet

    • 1 week ago


  35. 1 week ago

    >Videogames aren't shit because of DEI
    A good game will become bad with DEI
    A bad game will become even worse With DEI

  36. 1 week ago

    you're dumb

  37. 1 week ago

    Yes, this is what I've said. Indie games sucked all the life out of the genre by using up all the ideas really fast. Just enjoy the games that are out there. There are many which have Gnostic, Christian and israeli ideas which are timeless and will always have a place to be played by someone sometime. Nothing new will truly come along

    • 1 week ago

      >nothing new under the un.
      People have been saying that since before christ. We always find something new

      • 1 week ago

        Solomon wrote Nihilism before Nietzsche. The whole point of Solomon's words in that text were to tell you that everything is pointless, not that there's nothing new. Striving for something new doesn't worship God in any way. It's all to fill time pointlessly before you die when you could have been discovering and praising God for the life he gave you.

        I only play video games because white people thought it prudent to fill the world with noisy cars and machinery and pointless noisy babble. So I sit and play video games.

      • 1 week ago

        For example, Sephiroth from FF7 means the 10 sphere on the Tree of Life. These Gnostic themes are the games that stick with me, and when I play a game I look for God in it.

  38. 1 week ago

    Wokeness is still a huge factor, and has collapsed games immediately on their release. The industry is over-ran and under the control of social, racial, and economic parasites. THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO DELVE INTO THEIR OWN CULTURES, HISTORY, AND FANTASY. All they know how to do is take what's already been done, and alter it to suit their own personal viewpoints.

    They're the reason why so many games feel like you're playing the exact same game over and voer again across different maps.

  39. 1 week ago

    The real redpill is that videogames didn't go to shit at all, you just grew up

    • 1 week ago

      wrong. I play older games all the time they have more soul.

    • 1 week ago

      Nope, pretty sure there is objectively more and more crap and less stuff to enjoy gets released.

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