Regardless of what game it was; how did you eventually break free from the churn?

Regardless of what game it was; how did you eventually break free from ‘the churn’ /tg/?

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  1. 5 months ago

    I never bought into any lifestyle brand-type hobby in the first place.

  2. 5 months ago

    That sounds like a personal issue, consoomer.

  3. 5 months ago

    I only buy boxed games from GW and keep them around like board games

  4. 5 months ago

    >they don't have anything im interested in up for 2024 on that map

  5. 5 months ago

    I realized that I was having no fun and I was progressively getting angrier with every new edition release. I hated playing with my brother, I hated going to tournaments, I hated going to stores and looking at models, and I hated myself for not winning enough. The most fun I had with WH was building and painting (something I still suck at), and that was something I could do with countless other games or with just Reaper minis.

    I got out at a good time too.

    • 5 months ago

      Let me guess, you play magic now?

      • 5 months ago

        Ya got me there. I still play Magic, but it's been a damn long time since I bought into new packs and sets. Instead I get my fix at a dollar store where I can buy 15 cards (including holos and rares) for $1.50 or 100 cards for $4.

        I mainly play with the same cards I was using back in the 90's. Still love all that old art.

        wrong number

    • 5 months ago

      Ya got me there. I still play Magic, but it's been a damn long time since I bought into new packs and sets. Instead I get my fix at a dollar store where I can buy 15 cards (including holos and rares) for $1.50 or 100 cards for $4.

      I mainly play with the same cards I was using back in the 90's. Still love all that old art.

  6. 5 months ago

    I stuck with 3rd/4th edition of 40k after realising what their sales tactic was (sell, make obselete, get you to buy the next version of the same thing). I am still playing 3rd/4th edition today. I know all the rules for it, no constant game breaking rules changes, no 'gotcha' surprises from new powercreeped models, just a familiar game that lets me focus on the tactics, scanarios and gameplay.

    I take pride in that I have saved myself from buying SEVEN successive editions since then (so far) and can still use the models I bought/built/painted all those years ago. No problem finding players as most of my friends prefer the earlier games. I know only one person who plays tenth, but he is super competitive and not much fun to play against.

  7. 5 months ago

    Threads like this are like AA meetings, but with occasional drunks and booze salesmen bursting in to tell us how great drinking is.

  8. 5 months ago

    I tried to get back into 40k for 9th, but then COVID dropped. I thought it’s be fine, and when restrictions lifted I’d have all my stuff painted and I could just play but instead by the time the FLGS was open people were already discussing 10th edition release. I guess there’s people who really enjoy constantly getting new releases but it’s exhausting
    to even watch tbh

  9. 5 months ago

    Eventually WotC made enough compounding bad decisions that just reading MTG spoilers felt like a chore, which made it wasy to quit.

  10. 5 months ago

    I bought 200 pieces of figures from aliexpress and printed a pirated copy of warhammer fantasy 2e.

    Why bother with GW at all?

  11. 5 months ago

    I realized that the reason I lost literally every card game I ever played was because everyone else was either buying expensive singles or entire booster boxes amd thus had all the best cards, while I was getting one booster pack a month if I was lucky. By the time I was old enough to get a job, I was so soured by the experience that I'd sworn off card games forever.

  12. 5 months ago

    What is "the churn"?

    • 5 months ago

      It's when a game is never 'set', it's constantly changing to encourage you to keep buying the latest products. Powercreeping the stats of each successive model release, ommiting stats of out of production models so you can no longer use them in the game, also repeateldy resetting the game every few years so you have to buy a completely new set of rulebooks, codexes and often armies, etc. The 'Churn' has been a major tactic of GW since the 80s. 40k in it's 10th edition, WHFB was in it's 8th, Spacehulk, Bloodbowl, Adeptus Titanicus, etc. All games that are produced and supported just long enough to sell them, then replaced by a similar copy a few years later.

      Meanwhile, games like Battletech are still using the same core rules from 40 years ago, menaing grogs from the beginning can play the same game with todays players.

      • 5 months ago

        Oh... then I guess I avoid the churn by not playing to win, just to enjoy my army, and downloading the books. It says 2010 on the sprues and I don't mind and don't feel like need another ship.

  13. 5 months ago

    I dropped 40k when 4th ed came out, mostly because I was a broke teenager and I'd figured out whatever I spent money on would be invalidated in a year or two. I came back for Heresy because nostalgia and the hope that it won't receive updates and codexes every 3 months. Happy so far, but the model release schedule has been painful at times.

  14. 5 months ago

    Enjoyed playing tactical games where I would outsmart my Chaos/Tyranid/Ork/Necron opponent or would be outsmarted by them, but too often I’d turn up for game night to be matched against a Space Marine player with about 15 models (in a 2000 point match) that would be pure rule-bending cheese that kills anything on a 2+ regardless of positioning, tactics or anything I enjoyed about the game

    Played from AD&D to 3.5e and had a great time - Never bothered to pick up 4e and when 5e came around I looked at the types of people playing it (as well as the normie accessibility features) and knew it wouldn’t appeal - now they have item/race/class micro transactions

    Friend who was trying to get me into the game showed me a pile of >400 cards and said “these are unusable cards now” and I went “frick that” so was mercifully spared the torment that playerbase suffers

  15. 5 months ago
    lowercase sage

    >Codex Chaos Space Marines
    Will there be anything interesting about Thousand Sons?

  16. 5 months ago

    The latest edition of Kill Team after I realized it’ll never be good and most of the community are slavering cultists who prop it up despite it being a legitimately shit game. Played 40k games for a long time and never got caught up in buying too much until KT21, which was so good at the launch box but so quickly declined it was impossible to notice until I already was too committed.

    Feels good to be free of it tho.

  17. 5 months ago

    I have never paid for any roleplaying game and I do not ask people to pay for the ones I design.

  18. 5 months ago

    Went to uni, had other priorities for my limited money. Got the itch again after a while, had an enduring curiousity about historicals, so I sought out a historicals club. Now I've been in the workforce for a while I can afford GW stuff again, and wouldn't mind doing a project one day for a better set of rules than what GW offer, but every time I look at what they charge these days for characters and core units and it gets bumped down the priority list. Now my mates from my hometown are starting to get each other into historicals.

  19. 5 months ago

    I wasn't a moron who bought into a rent-seeking game and then complained when it turned out to be a rent-seeking game.

  20. 5 months ago

    I didnt really bother keeping up with 40K and then when they switched to 9th I dropped it, though I was barely playing by then anyway. WHFB was great but GW killed it and any interest I had in in their fantasy brands, bay maybe one day buying some Stormvermin.

    Magic, I purchased some cards and played with friends, frick this whole "new series new series" mindset. Still play with those same decade+ old cards today, I think the last new ones I bought were a couple of boosters in the Return to Innistrad set. Competitive/store play is just a money sink.

    These days I play historicals and other games that are mini agnostic or dont constantly flip out new editions and units every 30 seconds, and I have a large enough collection to happily play most games as and when I want. I have much more fun too.

  21. 5 months ago

    I started playing historicals and then switched completely to miniature agnostic systems in general. Frick GW, you goddamn plastic israelites. I even switched my paints, brushes and tools to other brands.

  22. 5 months ago

    I just buy new models and homebrew with my friends with our different rulesets.
    Peak tabletop experience.

  23. 5 months ago

    Fatigue. Every time I felt as though I was on top of the game something changed. Sometimes those changes would turn something you spent hours building/painting into a liability.
    I haven't touched 40k in almost a year. What does it do well? If I want a quick game there's blood bowl. If I want a narrative there's ttrpgs. If I want vehicular mayhem there's gaslands. 40k tries to run massive battles in skirmish scale. It doesn't work. Seeing two armies crammed onto one tiny table is laughable.

  24. 5 months ago

    Stopped buying when real life became a priority. Wife, kids, family, bills. When I got into printing, most interest in purchasing models dropped, and it became obvious that supporting the artists themselves was a better option. I have a severe dislike since end of 5th as to what GW had done, and only got worse with each successive edition that "fell off the back of a truck".

    Nowdays, I barely have enough to support anyone, nor do I have the time but for one evening per fortnight to play tabletop. Fortunately, resin is cheap, and so are paints.

  25. 5 months ago

    GW stopped released books for WHFB, and so I bought that big Order tome for AoS, realized they weren't going to support my Wood Elf boys, then didn't buy anything else after barring some of the Kurnothi(?) dudes to make some Treekin since.

    I may buy the core books for TOW depending on how the game actually does in my area, but it's been a good time not feeling beholden to what the modern morons who design rules want to do and just playing some 6e/8e games every so often depending on which of my old boys wants to do.

  26. 5 months ago

    I became physically disabled in a way that stopped me from playing maybe a year before MTG nosedived directly into the garbage bin.
    Some days I'm thankful. Other days, much less so.

  27. 5 months ago

    I got married and had kids. No time to keep up and always have the shiny newness, so stuck with what I've got. Kids are almost old enough to properly game with my stuff, instead of just bouncing them around the floor.

  28. 5 months ago

    I have never played a wargame I've felt the need to "keep up" with. Just seems a ridiculous concept.

    So with 40k I kind of stopped when 4th ended and 5th was a bit weird in comparison. So I got out even before the 6/7th mulch, never mind nu40k.

    Played Blood Bowl using the CRP rulebook until like 2018, haven't played it since GW tore apart the community rulebook to unbalance it and sell it piecemeal to morons.

    Played Necromunda Underhive, the ~2005 edition not the new one. Like seriously, rules for 3D terrain weren't even in the launch rulebook of Nucromunda. Now it's all vehicles and psykers and god knows what.

    I don't know if it's the contrarian in me, the penny-pincher, or like a protective laziness. But it seems to work for me, I could never be one of "those drones" chasing the next hit from my dealer. I simply don't buy £40 boxes of infantry or FOMO army boxes or whatever, I have never queued on a website. It's quite alien to my personal hobby.

    Now? I play Mordheim at the club, Five Parsecs From Home, Gaslands, the odd dally in other stuff like SAGA, Deadzone or Stargrave.

  29. 5 months ago

    MtG, and the game has become so shit, I legit don't know how anyone can stand it anymore.

  30. 5 months ago

    I just stopped playing it. 40k has been moving in a negative direction since the 8th edition big FAQs started dropping, every idea they've had since then has been bad and the lack of stability is totally disinteresting.

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