Remember when people complained about games being too short, specifically in the 360/ps3 era?

Remember when people complained about games being too short, specifically in the 360/ps3 era? Why do players nowadays not play long games? What changed?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Back then most gamers were either kids or neckbeards who had nothing but time to waste on games. Now they have grown up and have family and other responsibilities, so putting tons of time to games became too taxing.

    • 2 years ago

      Bro none of those people sound like adults, they sound like young teenagers

    • 2 years ago

      while this is reasonable point. Most of these redditors whining about time are childless man children.

  2. 2 years ago

    because they're fricking idiots and don't know what they want
    take a look at how many people actually complete a game like Witcher 3

  3. 2 years ago

    The same reason why I don’t watch anime with a gorillion episodes anymore. Because I’m not a 12 year old with shit taste and infinite time, I’m an adult who can spot shitty padding from a mile away and hates having his time wasted. Hence, why I browse here

  4. 2 years ago

    because they heard this and decided to pad their games with pointless junk and grinding
    people wanted longer games that actually had interesting things to do instead of repeated content

    games got longer by adding more filler to pad time

    • 2 years ago

      It's why crafting became such a big thing in games the past decade, it's an easy way to pad the shit out of games.

  5. 2 years ago

    A good short length game will make me want more, a good long length game will make me want more, a shit short or long length game will make me drop it. In short, don't make shit games m8s

  6. 2 years ago

    Games are shit now. Game developers are trash. They stuff these games with useless tasks and bad voice acting. Of course a 100 hour game is going g to get complaints. But there are still a few games that do it right. So it's not necessarily bad a game is 100 hours, its just the content that fills it.

    • 2 years ago

      game companies are filled and ran by people who have never played a game in their lives

  7. 2 years ago

    At some point you just realize that your time is valuable and it's dumb to waste it on games. They aren't fun anymore, they have shitty padding and greedy devs try to squeeze your ass wallet. There's no artistic merit either compared to something like books or movies, games are like waving a shiny toy front of a cat. They don't really inspire or develop you as a person, they are just mindless time-wasters. Nothing wrong with that i guess but at some point you just want something more

    • 2 years ago

      I mean I get your point I don't reslly see movies as much better unless they're addicted to a multiplayer game.

    • 2 years ago

      >At some point you just realize that your time is valuable and it's dumb to waste it on games.
      ya, I’d rather project my egotistical stupidity at 3 in the morning on a chinese image board about the games i claim to no longer have time for. seems a better use of my time for sure

  8. 2 years ago

    These gays grew up to be consumer homosexuals, everything had to be beaten/completely before it stopped being flavour of the month. Instead of pacing out their play they have mentality of having to beat it within the week that start playing, They turn games into work instead of enjoying them.

  9. 2 years ago

    There were just too many open world games in recent years. Or even non-open world games that needlessly stretch out content by implementing metroidvania game design when the game would work way better as a simple a to b linear experience.

  10. 2 years ago

    Because filler content that exists solely to make the game longer is shit

  11. 2 years ago

    streamers and youtubers. People want to see a full game per upload/night.

  12. 2 years ago

    >Remember when people complained about games being too short
    No? Nobody has ever liked long games.

    • 2 years ago

      >he wasn't around for the $60 for a 6-8 hour campaign era

  13. 2 years ago

    Most "long" games these days are just 1000000 hours of boring bullshit nothing content. Cool your open world is 100000x100000km wide? But it has a story mode that is like 7hr long at best and then 9001 side missions that are all the same variation of "collect thing" or "kill X enemy". It's all trite garbage.

    I'd rather have a shorter, more honest (for lack of a better term) game that is like 10hr long but is great the whole way through with maybe some replayability but then you're done with it after instead of a game that is 200hr long where you don't really spend any of that time doing anything fun or interesting.

    Like think of the ass creed games or ubisoft games in general. Who gives a frick they are open world? You do more walking forward and holding x to open chests than you do any real content or gameplay. Wow cool it's 100hr long and has a massive open world, who gives a frick when 90% of it is just NOTHING

  14. 2 years ago

    I want a game longer than 10, but less than 100+
    Also most 80+ hour games are padded with bullshit

  15. 2 years ago

    >Why do players nowadays not play long games? What changed?
    Because games aren't about the games anymore. It's about the social experience. These people care more about FOMO than they care about enjoying a game, posting about it on twitter matters more than experiencing it yourself. If a game is huge, they get confused and freak out because they're not following a comfortable little railroaded path with all the other kids, they've been let out on their own with no guardrails or directions or guides, and this jeopardizes the promise of dopamine from twitter posts and viral clips. They paid the money not to get as much of a game as possible, they paid it so they could easily generate some social media posts for the real goal: dopamine.

  16. 2 years ago

    No point in caring about game length and game price when even low level service jobs leave you with enough disposable income to buy a new game on a weekly basis

  17. 2 years ago

    Shit tonne of games coming out, all super affordable.
    Although people are still happy to put hundreds of hours into the latest open world game or multiplayer game, and longer games generally do better commercially, so maybe it’s just a vocal minority.

    At least for indie games, people have a very limited amount of money and time they’re willing to risk on “unproven” titles. And that’s after they’ve survived every other barrier to purchase.

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