RPG Names

When playing an RPG the first time, do you use the default names? Or name the characters after yourself/your friends/ your girlfriend? Or something else entirely?

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  1. 2 years ago

    default names
    otherwise my brain fricks up the name association during online discussions

  2. 2 years ago

    Generally default for jarpigs and games with a pre-planned story structure. For games with more emergent narrative I just pick a name that I like. Like Burt.

  3. 2 years ago

    I leave the names as they are if they are for characters with background or personality, as insignificant as they may be. If there isn't a default name or it's for a generic unit then I name it with whatever I'm reading, mostly out of novels or history books.
    Last ones I remember are in a Tactics Ogre replay of mine on the PSP: a female TerrorKnight called Agrippina and a Lamia/Matriarch called Livia.

  4. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >12 y/o
    >buy used SNES RPGs from classified ad
    >guy asks "do you want me to delete the saves?"
    >say no, might be fun to get a headstart
    >play game
    >all character names are the foulest swear words I've ever seen

  5. 2 years ago

    It really depends
    When I played Chrono Trigger, I didn't give characters anything but default names because that's how they should be named, everything else would feel dumb and out of place.

    But when I play some random RPG, I may give them names that i feel could be appropriate for them based on their appearance and character.

    Shining Force II protag will forever be Torick to me, named after a guy who introduced me to this great game.

    • 2 years ago

      Ness is Mikey, Paula is Sandy, Jeff is Isaac, Poo is Tnzin. Forever.

      first run default, second run something juvenile like poopoo or ass

      Friend named Tellah 'my dick' in FF2US and was amused when in the ending, Edward says something 'Anna, my dick is with you in heaven.'

  6. 2 years ago

    Usually default names, but characters who have no such name will be given something thematic that fits their role.

  7. 2 years ago

    When playing final fantasy 7 I use Claude and Alice, as the developers intended

    • 2 years ago

      Don't you mean Claud and Ellis?

  8. 2 years ago

    first run default, second run something juvenile like poopoo or ass

    • 2 years ago

      same, except I'll give them titles too like Lt. Bobo. "Dad" is also a good protagonist name.

  9. 2 years ago

    I always do default names now, but when I was a kid and teenager it would be my friends and crushes

    • 2 years ago

      Someone got FF7'd.

    • 2 years ago

      >and crushes
      I remember that. I had a crush on a girl names Jess, which was perfect for the limited space

  10. 2 years ago

    In general I leave the default names.
    For Dragon Quest games specifically I use my own first name.
    Something about the atmosphere of those games makes the journey feel personal to me.

  11. 2 years ago

    Default names

  12. 2 years ago

    I just name the main character after my own name, Kayla. Or default if its someone iconic like Cloud. I always rename Link though, idk why but i do.

    I dont have any friends so never rename party members, although i do give every pokemon a nickname based on a variation of their actual name

    • 2 years ago

      >I just name the main character after my own name, Kayla.
      breasts or GTFO

      • 2 years ago

        I'm a guy

        • 2 years ago

          Why did your parents give you a girl's name?

          • 2 years ago

            Scientific purposes

        • 2 years ago

          Demand still stands.

  13. 2 years ago

    When I play FF1 I always use band member names.
    I think Eddy(Fighter), Danny(Black Belt), Grace(White Mage), and Cliff(Black Mage) were the last crew.

  14. 2 years ago

    I use my real name as the protagonist and then the names of my close friends.

  15. 2 years ago

    I think about it for a minute or two, then go with whatever popped in my head. My FF6 names, for reference:
    Terra: Hocus
    Locke: Fuzz
    Edgar: Juan
    Sabin: Don (figured Juan would make what occured to me with Edgar more memorable, then when I found out he had a twin I couldn't resist)
    Shadow: Shade (I think I was just being difficult here)
    Celes: Pocus
    Cyan: Arthur
    Gau: Mowgli
    Setzer: Deuce
    Mog: Pillow
    Strago: Mimic
    Relm: Sketch (didn't know that was her skill's name when I chose it)
    Umaro: Bumble
    Gogo: Zone (I was mad I already used Mimic, but then I remembered they got eaten by Zone Eater)

    My dad was even more flippant in this regard. Cyan and Gau were respectively named Bozo and Po'boy on his file

    • 2 years ago

      >Mog: Pillow

  16. 2 years ago

    I always gave the female characters the names of my female crushes. I always gave the male characters the names of my male crushes

    • 2 years ago

      I name after RPG characters after ex girlfriends. I told my friend and he said it was cringe ;_;

      • 2 years ago

        I didn't have a lot of exes at thirteen.

  17. 2 years ago

    I named Celes "Jewel" on some autistic whim and urge to be unique. Then I was talking about the game with other people and referred to "Jewel" forgetting that it wasn't the characters name, they were confused and I didn't want to admit I was making up character names. Never again

  18. 2 years ago

    default names, even before the internet. I would get pissed when my brother changed the names in FF6. I'm probably autistic

  19. 2 years ago

    Default name if there is one. Otherwise I usually go with Ryu after the Breath of Fire MC.

  20. 2 years ago

    >rent chrono trigger from blockbuster
    >hey neat box art
    >some save filed already there
    >find save file in front of nu who can change your party chars's names
    >magus is DOOM
    >chrono is KYLE
    >marle is TERRA
    kinda based i guess.

  21. 2 years ago

    always default

  22. 2 years ago

    i stick to the default names because i figure they were named that for a reason, and i like to try to reverse engineer why they picked THAT name.

    however, naming your character things like penis can generate some outstanding comedy. example, i used to have this screenshot of ogre battle or tactics ogre or something where they named some char "penis", and the screenshot of the dialog was "penis, go round behind!"

    as far as something like zelda where they seem to imply they want you to name link after yourself, eh... breaks my immersion, and it's too...sentimental, or wistful, or immature, or self-centered...something. it disgusts me, although i'm not trying to pathologize it really.

  23. 2 years ago

    When I played ff7 for the first time a few years ago, I knew nothing about it other than it was the game with sephiroth and cloud, that it was about eco terrorists or something, and that all the gaming journos praised it for its anti capitalism message or some shit

    So with this in mind, I named all the characters after communists and socialists because I thought it would be fitting
    Clearly they (journos) never played the game they claimed to love for it's "themes"; because the environmental message is thrown away by the end of disk one, and shinra is so clearly the good guys because they are actually trying to save the world from sephiroth, without relying on a bunch of teenagers hopefully doing a very specific set of tasks. Anyway.

    Cloud - Vladimir
    Barret - Mugabe
    Tifa - Rosa.Lux (as in Rosa Luxembourg)
    Red - Stalin
    Cid - Trotsky
    Cait sinth - don't remember
    Aerith - don't remember

    • 2 years ago

      >gaming journos praised it for its anti capitalism message or some shit
      FF7 is about death. it's also kinda based on/inspired by the duel of musashi and sasaki kojiro. kojiro used a long katana. if i was gonna make any substantial changes to the basic story of FF7, i'd play up the dueling swordsmen thing more because i think that shit is cool

  24. 2 years ago

    called sabin guile cuz of the haircut and that blitzes are basically combos

  25. 2 years ago

    You can't leave a name all in uppercase if there's an option, it just looks like garbage

  26. 2 years ago

    Mostly use default names, save for the main dude who I name after myself because I'm a tard.
    Between 99 and 01 me and my friends kept replaying ff7 time and time again using random names. my every one was Sephiroth play was unexpectedly funny, or the one where I had everyone named after a different slur for blacks with the exception of Barret who was Cracker.
    One of my friends on his first playthough of ff7 named Aeirth after some girl he had a mad crush on and the rest of us managed to keep quite and not laugh at what was to come, it was hard when he got to the city of the ancients, but when she died he just sat there for a few minutes not doing anything then just got up and left his house. We tried to get ahold of him latter to play d&d but he didn't want to talk to anyone, when he finally caught up with him two days latter back at his place he had started the game over again and left Aeirths name unchanged.

    • 2 years ago

      >but when she died he just sat there for a few minutes not doing anything then just got up and left his house
      Unexpectedly deep. Funny how games can mess with your mind philosophically like that sometimes. Here's one time they got me in the feels:
      >Fallout 2
      >Euro version
      >All children removed from game by making the sprites invisible and unclickable
      >Go to Modoc
      >Family asks me to find their missing son
      >Take their dog to smell his trail
      >Dog brings me to village well
      >Go down
      >Dog leads me to dead-end tunnel
      >Find the kid's BB gun, but no kid
      >Dog stays there and won't leave
      >Can't complete quest
      >Parents never find out what happened to their child

  27. 2 years ago

    I like default names as I've always thought self-inserting was kinda lame.
    Also thought it was a bit awkward self-inserting as most characters aren't a complete blank slate to project onto and make their own decisions that aren't like the person/thing you wanted to project onto the character.

  28. 2 years ago

    > play retro RPG
    > Use all default names
    > use memory editor to find all names in memory strings and replace them with "DOUBLE Black personhomosexual"
    > Whether or buffer overflows crash the game determines whether I continue playing it until the end

  29. 2 years ago

    Default. Only exception is FF7 Barret. I name him Giga Niga

  30. 2 years ago

    Default. It's just weird seeing another name that's not meant for the character, and everyone is going to refer to X character's default name anyway when talking about the character
    >Yeah i'm currently leveling up Jimmy, Bruce Willis, and Lola Bunny before fighting the demon wall in the tomb

  31. 2 years ago

    >First play through
    - Myself, Gf, friends, dog (if there’s a horse or a dog)
    >Second play through
    - default names

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