>RPG swords aren't realistic

>RPG swords aren't realistic
When will people stop believing this?

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  1. 2 years ago

    Everything can be realistic in a way that it could exist in our world. Most of these overdesinged swords however would be realistically not practical.

    • 2 years ago

      >Everything can be realistic in a way that it could exist in our world.
      Magical weapons
      Weapons with physical properties that don't exist in our universe (some ridiculous density without causing black holes, impossibly durable, sharp etc.)

  2. 2 years ago

    >Realism is at all desirable
    When will americans grow out of this childish phase?

    • 2 years ago

      Is it really exclusive to Americans, though?
      I know the japs don't give a shit and just do whatever they want but what about Europeans?

      • 2 years ago

        Go read 2chan sometime. There's people angrily arguing about unrealistic guns and weapons same as everywhere else. We just make up what we think the Japanese are doing, but in actually it's a country of a 100 million people and thus has the same sorts of weirdos as in English speaking countries.

        One of my favorite threads of the last few years was on Ganker where we went diving on 2chan's cooking board and it was almost exactly the same. Even people arguing about the best cheap fast food, and why it isn't as good anymore. Was amazing.

      • 2 years ago

        europe is a mixed bag
        t. euro

        • 2 years ago

          so is the US if we're being honest
          it's a really big place

      • 2 years ago

        No, he is just an obsessed Europoor homosexual.

    • 2 years ago

      >if realism gets in the way frick it
      >t. julia marlowe

      Realismgays have been shitting things up for at least a century.

    • 2 years ago

      Many Europeans modders on the Nexus are realimsgays too.

    • 2 years ago

      Americans are drunk on capeshit, so much for your shitty theory

    • 2 years ago

      How can Americans believe in realism when they pretend trannies are women?

    • 2 years ago

      unfortunately never

    • 2 years ago

      Is it really exclusive to Americans, though?
      I know the japs don't give a shit and just do whatever they want but what about Europeans?

      >if realism gets in the way frick it
      >t. julia marlowe

      Realismgays have been shitting things up for at least a century.

      Many Europeans modders on the Nexus are realimsgays too.

      How can Americans believe in realism when they pretend trannies are women?

      unfortunately never

      >d0000d realism is like really boring!
      >Authenticity is boring too
      >everything should be like, fantastical and shit.
      >Internal consistency? No one needs that, everything can be everyone, mmmkay?
      >Nothings matters mane!
      Terminal redditardation right here.
      I am surprised that you people are even capable of reading with how creatively bankrupt you are.

      You know how I know that you are creatively bankrupt? Because you haven't created anything. Haven't written anything. Here you are on a Congolese yak-farming board and instead of putting your money where you mouth is you b***h and moan that others should create something for you.

      • 2 years ago

        >mass reply
        >strawman greentexting
        >reddit boogeyman
        >proceeds to b***h about a perceived lack of creativity in others

        You border on parody, friend.

        • 2 years ago

          Yet he isn't wrong. Complaints about realism are as foolish as they are tiresome.
          All the more amusing considering the sheer astronomic amount of fantastic things which can be built in reality.

          • 2 years ago

            also dont forget the autists who think 'because its looks cool' isnt a realistic reason for why people would make something opulent or complex

      • 2 years ago

        Nice projection my autistic friend.

    • 2 years ago

      It's called 'elegance.' The admiration of good craftsmanship and design: that various utilitarian forms shape into something aesthetically pleasing with fine artistry. Immaculately detailed yet ultimately simplistic and holistic. To accomplish such a feat takes a strong mind.
      What you call realism is in fact good aesthetics. This is why so much modern weebshit looks overstimulated, overcrowded, and forgettable. Realistic? No, impracticable.
      Stormtroopers and blasters from Star Wars are a good example. They are not necessarily 'realistic' (they don't wear camouflage or anything) but their design is authentic and elegantly simple. It still looks practical.
      Just look at this suit of Gothic armor and see what I mean. Fine craftsmanship yet eminently practical. Beautiful and memorable, this was made by a fine genius.

      • 2 years ago

        Simple really does look the best.

        • 2 years ago

          Norman armor really looks great

      • 2 years ago

        Simple really does look the best.

        Making things just for the sake of them being elegant is a waste of time, like engravings for example.
        You're right that it's practical. Each part serves a specific purpose in most armor, from it's shape to it's overall design and material. The "elegance" you see now is what we subcribe to it emotionally. Humans love tools, we especially remember those that are effective, that is a primal mechanism.

    • 2 years ago

      Realism is desirable though. You need realistic elements to make the fantastical shit seem even more fantastic. This is like the very basics.

  3. 2 years ago

    What exactly is that real-life cartoon sword

    • 2 years ago

      The Order of the Sword. It's a meaningless asskissing ceremony in the air force.

      • 2 years ago

        Air force are the biggest chuunibyous. Imagine posing with something like this and not dying due to cringe.

        • 2 years ago

          What are the stats on this bad boy

          • 2 years ago

            Arming Sword of Shame and Disgrace -3
            1d6-3 20-20/×1.5
            Deals 4 psychic damage to wielder with every attack, regardless if hit or miss.
            During a critical attack, the enemy has to roll DC 10+WIS modifier. On a failed save, the victim becomes dazed for one round and suffers 4 psychic damage as well.
            With every blow struck, there is a 5% chance the blade permanently bends, thus improving the weapon into a Piece of Trash +0, which works as a club and deals 1d6 damage, losing the psychic damage property as well.

            Cast out of pure aluminium by one of the Order founder's alcoholic cousin as a means to lounder money. Used as a means to discipline unruly soldiers when they are too high rank to order them digging latrines.

          • 2 years ago

            Adds 25% thunder damage to your attacks (meaning you do 100 slash damage you do 25 thunder on top of it) 1/10 chance of stun (1-3 rounds). Increases your aggro gain and visibility by 30%.
            Classified as a rapier so it sparks thrust skills in addition to slash.

        • 2 years ago

          Look at these nerds wasting their time on plastic swords, fantasizing about the middle ages the greatest country in the world is so deprived of, when they could be doing something productive.
          How about putting that geek energy to good use and upgrading those already overengineered F-35s with the ability to transform into invincible metal knights that could dominate all battlefields with their limitless power?

          • 2 years ago

            >How about putting that geek energy to good use and upgrading those already overengineered F-35s with the ability to transform into invincible metal knights that could dominate all battlefields with their limitless power?
            Holy mother of kino.

          • 2 years ago

            Those who survive a long time on the battlefield start to think they're invincible... I bet you do too, buddy.

          • 2 years ago

            Pilots don't actually make the planes you know.

            • 2 years ago

              Wait, they don't?

            • 2 years ago

              >it's only for pilots


              >RPG swords aren't realistic
              When will people stop believing this?

              So who designs the sword?

            • 2 years ago

              Pilots only make up a minority of soldiers in the air force m8

          • 2 years ago

            >How about putting that geek energy to good use and upgrading those already overengineered F-35s with the ability to transform into invincible metal knights that could dominate all battlefields with their limitless power?
            based as frick

            i can't wait until a gundam throws a car into my house

        • 2 years ago

          How do they even lean out of the jet wienerpit to function as anti-calvary with that thing pfft yeah right try something one handed at least.

        • 2 years ago

          Only weaklings care about what others think. I would happily take it and put it on the wall of my hobby room with Edrick's shield. They look like a perfect fit.

        • 2 years ago

          >Air force are the biggest chuunibyous.
          100%, but the other branches are just as bad. It's part of the territory having a group that's nearly all men and has pretty strict rules that college-educated people (i.e., nerds) are always the highest leader positions.

          I used to work for a defense contractor and dealt with different branches regularly. I wish I could find a picture of it on google, but we had this one contract that was about basically just engineering an electrical grid, super boring stuff, and they came up with a challenge coin and banner for it. It had a Benjamin Franklin skull and lightning bolts on it, because electricity lol. Looked completely unnecessarily badass for what we were doing. Pic related is pretty close to how it looked, but slightly different.

          • 2 years ago

            Air force are the biggest chuunibyous. Imagine posing with something like this and not dying due to cringe.

            The Order of the Sword. It's a meaningless asskissing ceremony in the air force.

            >Looked completely unnecessarily badass for what we were doing.
            Souless femoids and low t "men" can never understand symbols or banners or anything that speaks to the human spirit at all.

            • 2 years ago

              Whatever, gay. Everyone in the thread is aknowledging they look cool, but it's also fine to admit they look gaudy and a bit over-the-top. The funny part is that these dudes create things trying to "speak to the human soul" every time they do anything. Go look up contract challenge coins. Every fricking piece of boring management software, infrastructure project, or slight tweak to a weapon system gets its own set of custom artwork plastered with eagles, skulls, lightning bolts, sharks, etc. It's what happens when every project is worth a zillion dollars: what's a few extra hundred or thousand to commission some art and goodies? Put that in the hands of a hyper-masculine organization like the military, and you get what people have been posting. It can be both cool and ridiculous at the same time.

      • 2 years ago

        Air force are the biggest chuunibyous. Imagine posing with something like this and not dying due to cringe.

        This is proof the Air Force enlisted corps is too big. What the frick does this have to do with making sure the bomb hits the target?

        • 2 years ago

          You use it to point at a target.

        • 2 years ago

          E5 in the USAF here. You're 100% correct, and I'm counting the days until I'm out.

      • 2 years ago

        Air force are the biggest chuunibyous. Imagine posing with something like this and not dying due to cringe.

        I bet its not even sharp, let alone forged and not factory-made.

  4. 2 years ago

    >Chair Force

  5. 2 years ago

    Try to use something like the Buster Sword (Final Fantasy 7) or the DragonSlayer (Berserk).

    • 2 years ago

      If you worked out enough you could

      • 2 years ago

        Incorrect. Having strong muscles is only the first requirement. To properly wield a buster sword, you would have to be monstrously strong AND weight like a quarter of a ton, if not more. Otherwise, every swing would just trip you.

        • 2 years ago

          Unless you can move your center of gravity not really.

          also still waiting for

          If you worked out enough you could

          to reply.

        • 2 years ago

          Unless you can move your center of gravity not really.

          also still waiting for [...] to reply.

          Frick you. My main goal in life is to get Ganker enough that I could use a dragonslayer in real life as a real sword. All my savings are going to is to actually commission such a sword. I don't care about anything else.

          • 2 years ago

            How would you make the dragonslayer even approach being usable? I know things like the hilt is way too thin.

          • 2 years ago

            I guess it doesnt matter as long as you become healthy and take care of yourself but this is the dumbest reason ever... its on par with sora keyblade cringe video

            • 2 years ago

              It's not really a dumb reason at all

        • 2 years ago

          You'd just have to use the zweihander moveset from Dark Souls, always swinging it into the ground like a hammer, rather than how Cloud or Guts can just swing it like a regular blade.

        • 2 years ago


          You use momentum. Not muscles. What you're thinking of is garbage greatswords from berserk or dark souls, which doesn't exist. In fact in most european history big strong men preferred blunt weaponry, maces, clubs that sort of thing.

          • 2 years ago

            >What you're thinking of is garbage greatswords from berserk or dark souls
            You are a fricking moron. Every post was literally about the garbage greatswords from berserk or dark souls and you are the only one talking about real-world two-handers.

            • 2 years ago

              The subject, initially, was about "RPG swords aren't realistic" and your discussion was about "You need strong muscles to hold buster swords", which doesn't exist. Why would there be a requirement in real life for a fictional situation, think with your brain for two seconds.

              It's called bringing some reality check into your delusional anime brained lives... so you can stop arguing like idiots between each other

              • 2 years ago

                >It's called bringing some reality check into your delusional anime brained lives... so you can stop arguing like idiots between each other
                The gall of a midwit. Were you able to track the reply chain you would discover that the discussion on that particular subject started with

                Try to use something like the Buster Sword (Final Fantasy 7) or the DragonSlayer (Berserk).

                which names Buster Sword and Dragonslayer, both of which are oversized fantasy weapons. Not even one person was talking about regular, real two-handed swords. Cease your posting for it is worthless.

              • 2 years ago

                This is a thread about RPG swords aren't

                Are you genuinely stupid? that is the subject of the thread.
                Your post goes:
                "Try using BERSERK sword" e.g. for more REALISM instead
                That's why I posted, so you stop arguing in that chain.
                Don't talk to me anymore you complete dumb frick

              • 2 years ago

                Are you new on 4chin or on the internet? Not every post is 100% on topic, and as long as it is partially, it won't be deleted.
                One anon started a new conversation by introducing a new topic, slightly different from the OP and we were discussing it in the new framework. You are the only spazz that jumps into the discussion on the premise of the wrong subject, and then you ended your post with >What you're thinking of is garbage greatswords from berserk or dark souls, which doesn't exist
                which was a completely moot point. In other words, kys.

              • 2 years ago

                Frick off with the backpedalling. What's the subject of the thread, motherfricker. Read it out loud one more time and read the post. Shut the frick up now, don't reply next time with your shitstain "witty" response that turns out to be shit because you aren't paying attention. I did nothing wrong, you said something dumb, got told like a little b***h and backpedaling immediately. You can frick off now, along with your animaymay garbage.

              • 2 years ago

                You absolute mongoloid. You are the one backpedaling, you did that in your first post. My point stands unchanged. Once again, kys.

              • 2 years ago

                THE SUBJECT



                >uhhmmm sweetie nooo you are wrong this is a new topic! no u b-b-b-backpedaling!!!!!
                Shut the frick up frickface I will literally murder you and hang you on my wall like a trophy

              • 2 years ago

                Kek, you are actually becoming funnier and funnier. Go on, explain to me why you think are correct.

              • 2 years ago

                >Frick off with the backpedalling.
                >aren't paying attention.
                >you said something dumb, got told like a little b***h and backpedaling immediately.
                Oh the irony hits like a garbage anime sword.

              • 2 years ago

                I didn't backpedal anything at all. Read the subject of the thread. Read the post I replied to. I replied to a chain to stop homosexuals from arguing did nothing wrong. Dont forget to grab that anime sword while you're at it you chinlet double homosexual

                Kek, you are actually becoming funnier and funnier. Go on, explain to me why you think are correct.

                I just did, dumbass.
                This is a thread with the subject name "rpg swords aren't realistic"
                >Umm but nooooooo dont you know not all threads is on topi-
                Shut the frick up.
                >Here's a more realistic sword for the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD, the Dragonslayer from BERSERK
                Shut the frick up. No. It's not. Here's why. Big swords require momentum and understanding of gravity and physics. There is very little mass involved.
                >Shitflinging arguing about fictional swords that are supposed to be more realistic than OP's subject in a thread called RPG SWORDS ARE ----------REALISTIC-------------

                I posted the video to stop the debate, not spark a new one. You homosexuals are pathetic. Genuinely pathetic. Sit and bait each other in your own filth like pigs. I did nothing wrong.

              • 2 years ago

                >I just did, dumbass.
                No, you didn't. Try again.

              • 2 years ago

                >I didn't backpedal anything at all. Read the subject of the thread.
                As in


                >RPG swords aren't realistic
                When will people stop believing this?

                "RPG swords aren't realistic" is the headline attached to it is the continuation "When will people stop believing this?" and a real-life picture of a adorned sword.
                The subject of thread is literally that RPG swords are realistic not the other way around.
                >Read the post I replied to.

                Incorrect. Having strong muscles is only the first requirement. To properly wield a buster sword, you would have to be monstrously strong AND weight like a quarter of a ton, if not more. Otherwise, every swing would just trip you.

                >Incorrect. Having strong muscles is only the first requirement. [... ]
                The poster replied to

                If you worked out enough you could

                >If you worked out enough you could
                As a reply to

                Try to use something like the Buster Sword (Final Fantasy 7) or the DragonSlayer (Berserk).

                >Try to use something like the Buster Sword (Final Fantasy 7) or the DragonSlayer (Berserk).
                The topic being the requirements to use those swords. Neither your text nor your video add to this discussion.
                >Here's a more realistic sword for the SUBJECT OF THE THREAD, the Dragonslayer from BERSERK
                This was never claimed.

                Shouldn't have replied to me with your mental illness and we would've been fine. Anime brained shitters, literally. I'll break your ligaments in 10 seconds with a stick if any of you starts this convo with me ever. Swordfighting is a beautiful art and you subhumans will never understand

                >Shouldn't have replied to me with your mental illness and we would've been fine.
                Once again the irony, kek.

              • 2 years ago

                Read the thread subject one more time, subhuman. You see the word "Realistic"? It's not offtopic. It's literally the original thread post (which you tried to backpedal as it's not in 100% of the threads up above).
                The video shows a REALISTIC greatsword, which is what Dragonslayer is supposed to be. Which is both ontopic and realistic. Die in a fire homosexual weeb trash.

              • 2 years ago

                homie, you stupid.

              • 2 years ago

                This is why they didn't teach swordmanship to random shitters in the gutter. You should first learn to write without subhuman jargon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Read the thread subject one more time, subhuman. You see the word "Realistic"? It's not offtopic.
                You are wrong and instead of admitting that you come up with one weak defense after the other. Your post may be ontopic with OP all you want (which it isn't) that doesn't explain why you replied to the chain the way you did. If you're so upset with OP then reply to OP not a chain that started a other discussion simple as.
                >It's literally the original thread post
                It's literally isn't. You picked one word out of the OP and suddenly you're ontopic.
                >The video shows a REALISTIC greatsword, which is what Dragonslayer is supposed to be.
                lol, where's the source to that? Even if the Dragonslayer was supposed to be a real greatsword that wasn't claimed by any of the posters here and didn't need to be disproven. The whole discussion you replied to was about the requirements to use fictional swords you added nothing to that discussion and got called out for it. You're to stubborn to admit that your wrong. You know that pride is a cardinal sin, don't you anon?

              • 2 years ago

                bro youre only provign him right since its been like a day and youre still on it get a fricking life christ sake

      • 2 years ago

        Unless you can move your center of gravity not really.

  6. 2 years ago

    Ceremonial weapons have existed for most all of history and no they weren't used in combat, precisely because they were expensive symbolic pieces of authority or honor so you wouldn't go tarnishing it hacking into flesh and armor.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes, but they looked regal and not like they were plastic toys from everything for 2$ shops.

  7. 2 years ago

    Can I get some feedback my 64x64 textures? Anyone is free to use these in their game, if you want, but they don't tile (yet).

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, meant to post the high-res versions.

      • 2 years ago

        Can I get some feedback my 64x64 textures? Anyone is free to use these in their game, if you want, but they don't tile (yet).

        Black person bot.

  8. 2 years ago

    The Sword of the Air Force is in fact much like Crystalis. It is the key to activating Americas Self Destruct system that would basically lay waste to the human life on Earth.

  9. 2 years ago

    That's not a real sword.

  10. 2 years ago

    Another thread ruined with back-and-forth autistic shit-flinging. Sasuga.

    • 2 years ago

      Shouldn't have replied to me with your mental illness and we would've been fine. Anime brained shitters, literally. I'll break your ligaments in 10 seconds with a stick if any of you starts this convo with me ever. Swordfighting is a beautiful art and you subhumans will never understand

      • 2 years ago

        Stop assuming you're only talking to one person.

  11. 2 years ago

    >these homosexuals arguing about swords

    • 2 years ago

      Just poke 'em with a pokey stick.
      Poke poke poke.

  12. 2 years ago

    Military is pretty much a giant LARP when not directly involved with combat

  13. 2 years ago

    RPG swords aren't realistic in our world, but that doesn't matter, what matters is that for that setting and that context that the sword and weapons make sense.
    Pic unrelated

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