r/vst, rejoyce! PAradox has finally fixed same-sex gameplay in CK3 by introducing the new adoption mechanic!!!

r/vst, rejoyce!

PAradox has finally fixed same-sex gameplay in CK3 by introducing the new adoption mechanic!!!

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  1. 11 months ago

    so that's what was up with that title pic for the dlc, it's a pederast holding a child by his shoulders, got it

    • 11 months ago

      The drawing looks like a girl though.

      • 11 months ago

        It is a chink, so you never know before the clothes comes off, but fine, change that to Cho Biden then.

      • 11 months ago

        >assuming their gender
        cis scum check your privilege

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        should have used picrel for the pedo
        still glorious tho

        • 11 months ago

          lmao I never realized Nabokov was the template for this pic

          • 11 months ago

            >therapistjak is the author of e-girlta
            can't make this up

      • 11 months ago


      • 10 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      They were definitely going for a predatory vibe which they nailed but it is funny how pedophilic it ended up being. The regent holding her shoulders even has huge ugly bastard hands to emphasize the difference in age and size

  2. 11 months ago

    You can turn off adoption in the game rules.

    • 11 months ago

      >Medieval game
      >Same sex marriage and adoption so you can turn your "son" a troony too just like real life


      • 11 months ago

        The trannies and homosexuals on the paradox forums would call for them to be cancelled if they didn't include the option. They are vocal as frick in pushing wokeness on their forums.

        • 11 months ago

          You say no to them. If you want to be polite you can advise them that this is meant to be a game set in the dark/medieval ages that aims for historical accuracy.

          • 11 months ago

            >If you want to be polite you can advise them that this is meant to be a game set in the dark/medieval ages that aims for historical accuracy.
            But they are forced to maximize profits by their investors since they went public. Therefore they can't make games for niche audiences anymore.

            • 11 months ago

              capitalism was the bad guy.... all along...

              • 11 months ago

                Not so much Capitalism but more WEF/CCP/ESG/DEI-ism

              • 11 months ago

                No it was globohomo

          • 11 months ago

            You'll get banned on the forums for that.

          • 11 months ago

            Me standing in front of the platform

      • 11 months ago

        nah bro, those are called futanari. men only have penises, not woman veganas as well

      • 11 months ago

        gay marriage existed in some pagan cultures though, and in a game that lets you custom make a religion it's not far fetched
        as the other anon said, turn it off if it bothers you so much

    • 11 months ago

      I hate sodomites, LGBTfetishists and the nuleft.
      Paradox deserves to collapse.

      Frick off moron.

  3. 11 months ago

    >same sex marriage in the dark ages
    fricking hell

  4. 11 months ago

    Oh cool, something like Roman dynastic adoption for certain cultures-
    >Adoption is available to same-sex marriage, childless and elderly/infertile, and compassionate characters (???)
    Nevermind, CK3 is still a reddit meme

    • 11 months ago

      >Oh cool, something like Roman dynastic adoption for certain cultures-
      You know, in the past, Paradox actually would have rolled out adoption to support the Roman Restoration crowd.
      Now it's for reddit memes and imposing 21st century social progressive ideas on medieval Europe.
      A lot has changed about that company in the last decade.


      r/vst, rejoyce!

      PAradox has finally fixed same-sex gameplay in CK3 by introducing the new adoption mechanic!!!

      >it's just kind of been there and we've yet to introduce a way to actually make same-sex play... well, playable.
      So close, devman.

      • 11 months ago

        Oh cool, something like Roman dynastic adoption for certain cultures-
        >Adoption is available to same-sex marriage, childless and elderly/infertile, and compassionate characters (???)
        Nevermind, CK3 is still a reddit meme

        Playing as a homosexual without the Hellenic Roman LARP is moronic anyway, might as well treat it as a very peculiar Roman mechanic

        Just imagine the patchnotes from a better timeline
        >Childless Roman cultured characters can now pay prestige to adopt a non-dynastic heir with high relations, who will be considered valid for player succession
        >Roman cultured characters with the lustful or lunatic traits can now marry eunuchs

        • 11 months ago

          >Roman culture
          >lunatic trait
          Almost cheating. There is no depravity so deep that it couldn't be excused with this combo.

      • 11 months ago

        exact same reaction
        thought they just wanted an adoption mechanic to be in there, didn't realize it was a decision centered around making homosexual marriages (???) more sustainable

    • 11 months ago

      >Oh cool, something like Roman dynastic adoption for certain cultures-
      You know, in the past, Paradox actually would have rolled out adoption to support the Roman Restoration crowd.
      Now it's for reddit memes and imposing 21st century social progressive ideas on medieval Europe.
      A lot has changed about that company in the last decade.
      >it's just kind of been there and we've yet to introduce a way to actually make same-sex play... well, playable.
      So close, devman.

      Playing as a homosexual without the Hellenic Roman LARP is moronic anyway, might as well treat it as a very peculiar Roman mechanic

    • 11 months ago

      Roman adoption was a scam anyway. They adopted men but also married those men in to the family using a female relative. I too was excited for something Roman-like. The disappointment is big.

      • 11 months ago

        Also, forgot to say. Pretty sure some mods already allow for adoption. I think I've seen it in Fallen Eagle. Trust Paradox to copy something mods have already done, make you pay for it and gay it up for upvotes.

  5. 11 months ago

    adoption sounds cool

  6. 11 months ago

    Think of it this way, it's even less lines of code to allow same-sex marriage

  7. 11 months ago

    Literally obsessed.

    • 11 months ago

      They seem to be obsessed with homosexualry, yes

  8. 11 months ago

    Same company that hired Pacifica for Victoria 3. Just pirate the games and dlc

    • 11 months ago

      i hate leftist gsg enjoyers so much bros...i hate hoi4... the only think that makes hoi4 and community fun is teen chuds and nazi larp... actual game very the bad. leftist hoi4 player very unwholesome bad vomit- leftist eu4 ck2 player less bad. why trannies only play hoi4?

      • 11 months ago

        holy mother of ESLs

      • 11 months ago

        ESL speaking the truth

      • 11 months ago

        Oh my Polska

      • 11 months ago

        eastern european (polish? zigger?) hands typed this post

        • 11 months ago

          >eastern european (polish? zigger?) hands typed this post

      • 11 months ago


      • 11 months ago

        >i hate leftist gsg enjoyers so much bros
        This. They are the least fun people in the fandom

  9. 11 months ago

    I don't even want to acknowledge how better ck2 is. Wasted money

  10. 11 months ago

    I'm glad they putting important gameplay features first

    • 11 months ago

      At this rate it's going to be 2030 before I actually play ck3 again

  11. 11 months ago

    CK3 is literally just a parody of CK2 at this point

  12. 11 months ago

    same sex marriage is off by default in the game rules, is there something you'd like to tell us anon?

    • 11 months ago

      >blind ESL: is there something you'd like to tell us anon
      Not him but read.

      • 11 months ago

        But there won’t be any homosexual marriages unless you choose to enable that rule, it is off by default.
        Do you play with it on?

        • 11 months ago

          >Do you play with it on?
          there should not even be one hour of salaried work spent on implementing gay marriage. it's existence as even a game rule is personally insulting to me.

          • 11 months ago

            Understandable and I agree but see

            The trannies and homosexuals on the paradox forums would call for them to be cancelled if they didn't include the option. They are vocal as frick in pushing wokeness on their forums.

        • 11 months ago

          >But there won’t be any homosexual marriages
          That is not the problem.
          It is clear from the statement it was meant for sodomites and pederasts.

      • 11 months ago

        *post-sodomy era

  13. 11 months ago

    >same sex marriage in the middle ages europe

    • 11 months ago

      My religion, my rules.

      • 11 months ago

        Calm down, Jesus

      • 11 months ago

        Your religion is reddit cringe kys

    • 11 months ago

      Imagine the STDs a homosexual would get before modern medicine. They should make it so that none of them live past 25 due to all the bugs homos rack up

  14. 11 months ago

    Based, I'm going to buy ck3 with all DLC to show my support for the company while all the /vst/ chudcels seethe about not being pandered to despite pirating the game 🙂

  15. 11 months ago

    Just play CK2+HIP. Paradox is a lost cause at this point and we all know it.

  16. 11 months ago

    Main issue with this is that it shits on historical accuracy. Failure to procure a heir, often it had to be be male specifically, was the doom of many historical dynasties. Adoption was present, but was outright insufficient by the laws of succession across whole medieval world. It was fact of life that played an important part in mechanics of historical families.

    • 11 months ago

      historical accuracy doesn't get me upboats on reddit.

    • 10 months ago

      >Failure to procure a heir
      failures aren't allowed in modern gaming, otherwise some paypig will get upset and throw a fit
      it's the same with matrilinear marriages, there is NO way to disable those in the settings, they are always available to the player, they don't want morons to get "game over" and then not buy the next DLCs

      when will people learn? there is no hope in commercial games, they will become more and more dumb and woke
      open source games are our only chance

  17. 11 months ago

    when are we gonna start winning the culture wars im tired of this leftists bullshit

    • 11 months ago

      2 more weeks

    • 11 months ago

      Never. But you can use the law of assumption to manifest a positive future for yourself.

    • 11 months ago

      Never, as you probably lack definable culture comprehension on one hand, other than hand-you-down social engineering leverages conveniently bestowed to you.
      And on the other, the entire concept of culture war is compromised at the core, so even if you win, you'll look like a moron and incur some losses and prices, unless you possess the exact competences to make it right, which few people have at all, and those types are busy with other things. There shouldn't have been a war to begin with.

    • 11 months ago

      Never because you fight each others or go full neocon when something is not going well.
      Worse than communist infighting kek

    • 11 months ago

      when you make your own game and do something about it instead of b***hing about it on a basket weaving forum

  18. 11 months ago

    knew this game would be pozzed from the moment they revealed they were taking out deus vult references to not offend muzzies

    • 11 months ago

      Up next is the mandatory cuck event for Western European cultures

    • 11 months ago

      >they revealed they were taking out deus vult references to not offend muzzies
      IIRC that was a fake news article. Not fake in the sense that the article didn't exist though, just in the sense that the journalist completely made it up because he wanted it to be true.

  19. 11 months ago

    >now I can adopt and raise daughter-wives instead of having to marry
    Based Paracuck.

  20. 11 months ago

    Are there rape mods in CK3 yet? Can you rape traps to death?

    • 11 months ago

      There is rape but all the sex mods are janky as frick.
      Some don't respect fertility at all, some just have zero pregnancy chance.
      You can rape people to death in a mod but it's only a low chance in a rape attempt.

      • 11 months ago

        Dang. In CK2, the easiest way to make bastards was to rape a rival's wife.

        • 11 months ago

          >rape pope as chad viking

          • 11 months ago

            >rape pope as chad viking TWICE

            • 11 months ago

              wtf bro?
              twice is too much

          • 11 months ago

            >rape pope as chad viking TWICE

            Homosexual behaviour incurred the death penalty in Germanic pagan cultures, israelite. Gay rapists got thrown into the bog.

            • 11 months ago

              Just reform as gay.

              • 11 months ago

                Juden raus

              • 11 months ago

                oversexed millenial degenerate sex comic. STINKY

        • 11 months ago

          >This character has sadly been defiled against her will
          troony pope?

        • 11 months ago

          How is he defiled but still a virgin?

          • 11 months ago

            He never penetrated a woman. He simply got penetrated. Hard.

          • 11 months ago

            he was defiled pre-op

    • 11 months ago

      Does the mod add new death sounds?

  21. 11 months ago

    Gotta love how adoption, what should be a basic game mechanic like marriage, is something they are trying to milk people for. Frick Paradox.

    • 11 months ago

      Adoption is part of the free update according to the dev diary morono

  22. 11 months ago

    Now we only need "Show your Pride" in traveling options, gathering all the gay and possessed for your court as you move.

    • 11 months ago

      That should be a mod tbqh, gay sex should attract evil societies, we probably could have done this in CK2

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah we could of done a globohomosexual secret society to replace the devil worshipers

        • 11 months ago


          Anon, I.........................

  23. 11 months ago

    This is why gatekeeping is important to do- israelites, women, troops, and the full ensemble of leftist shabbos goys have infiltrated our hobby and are defiling it with this shit. It will only keep getting worse, video games are essentially over.

    • 11 months ago


  24. 11 months ago

    >Please, call me "dad"
    what the frick? is this what you parashits play?

  25. 11 months ago

    So they're just spitting in the face of the fans who want something historically grounded

  26. 11 months ago

    I'm going to turn this off. Or maybe should I go back to the real game. CK2. 3 years. Still no horse lord, republics or china mechanics.. Teleporting levies. I'm fricking over these gay paradox devs.

    • 11 months ago

      >Teleporting levies

      • 11 months ago

        All of that guys mods should be in the game.

  27. 11 months ago

    >Arabic/Muslim name
    As we all know, Islam has always been incredibly accepting of the gays. Especially in the middle ages.

  28. 11 months ago

    publicly traded companies was a mistake.

    • 11 months ago

      Based. As an example, Ford only went public until 1956 and all the cool dude philanthropic billionaire business magnates had private companies. Elon is only able to do cool shit nowadays because his companies are private.

  29. 11 months ago

    Is it worth playing at this stage or is it still trash? I never tried it

  30. 11 months ago

    i love this game just for the fact that it makes people who never played it or CK2 completely melt down for some reason

  31. 11 months ago

    Adoption completely died during the period.
    >one of the mayors of the palace got a puppet Merovingian ruler to adopt him, so he could become the king, only it to trigger a civil war and the mayor of the palce getting deposed
    >Caliphate of Cordoba collapsed into 20 years of civil war when the Al-Almanzor (Caliph's vizir) forced the Caliph to adopt him so he could rule directly

    • 11 months ago

      The people still take this game seriously? The gays are the least of its issues, and the third entire Christian/Pagan world gets inherited by womyn 30 years after start because women bonus health and all men die in the fighting.
      Even the idea of women inheriting was controversial/uncommon until late medieval period.
      But when I start this game as William the Conqueror, there is an immediate faction to replace me with my sister, which would have never happened.

      apologize, chuds

      • 11 months ago

        sorry for party rocking

    • 11 months ago

      It existed in some cultures in Africa, China and of course the Byzantines (though it became rarer there among nobility over time and was never as common as it was in the classical Roman days).
      The Germanics never went for that kind of thing so it died out in Western Europe.

  32. 11 months ago

    The people still take this game seriously? The gays are the least of its issues, and the third entire Christian/Pagan world gets inherited by womyn 30 years after start because women bonus health and all men die in the fighting.
    Even the idea of women inheriting was controversial/uncommon until late medieval period.
    But when I start this game as William the Conqueror, there is an immediate faction to replace me with my sister, which would have never happened.

    • 11 months ago

      >pick meme options
      >get meme'd on

    • 11 months ago

      >he plays without mods
      Your fault then.

      • 11 months ago

        >dude just use mods don't expect the devs to fix their shit
        you are a cuck to the gamedevs

    • 11 months ago

      I've never had tons of women rulers, the popes still hate them and will give out claims like candy. Your english lords are just grasping at straws to kick you out

      Is it worth playing at this stage or is it still trash? I never tried it

      I've gotten hundreds of hours in it, wait for a sale, Royal Court is a pretty important expansion the rest are meh

      • 11 months ago

        >wait for a sale

        • 11 months ago

          its annoying as frick trying to mod games you pirated

          • 11 months ago

            It isn’t so bad, though that might be due to it being all I’ve known. Just copy and paste files, change the names, go into the .mod file to update the path then the .json to add the mod where you want in the load order.
            The only annoyance is keeping up with patches and new dlc. But since mods themselves sometimes don’t even do that either you can just download some mods that work with the version you have, wait a couple months after a new DLC for them to all update to it and then re-download. Some mods don’t even bother, so knowing your way around the files and what changes can let you go update them yourself, like how some Court Position mods were broken by changes in what the game accepts as scope writing so you can just go into the files to fix it. Being comfortable and hands o. With your mods makes that easier.

  33. 11 months ago

    Crusader Kings ??? More like Crusader homosexuals

    • 11 months ago

      More like crusader queens lmao

      • 11 months ago

        Crusader Queers

  34. 11 months ago

    There is a survey from devs in the game launcher, take part Anons
    Its also about pricing of DLCs

    • 11 months ago

      needs a "take your meds" edit

    • 11 months ago

      Already took the survey, hopefully they'll listen to me and add back sunset invasion =)

      • 11 months ago

        If CK3 wasn't an RPG but an autism simulator like HOI4, the community would have demanded for Sunset Invasion to come back, but given its status as a glorified doll house you're not gonna get any map autism wackiness of something like a sunset invasion or maybe even an ooga booga invasion with all the African countries they added.

  35. 11 months ago

    I resent $30 event DLC's and $15 flavor DLC's, give me MEGHANICS

  36. 11 months ago

    >Asks to avoid adoption and same-sex relationships in the game "because historical accuracy".
    >In a game where spiritual needs are the same as the current understanding of spiritualism, being "goes to church every Sunday and during all occasions while respecting the everyday tenents"-religious is the domain of fanatical characters instead of the bare minimum, being of a certain faith is more often than not a political ploy (yes, that might include the "Acceptance" laws, but so does any other ahistorical "based" combo you might think of), and where a very Germanic succession system is considered both valid wprldwide AND hard to think away from.
    The game was rigged from the start, if you sought historical accuracy.

    • 11 months ago

      >being of a certain faith is more often than not a political ploy
      That was entirely the case at the start of the game and continued to be so until Christianity became fully dominant in Europe though

      • 11 months ago

        Whaaat? You think things like Antipopes and investiture controversies means people were still selfish and politically minded rather than good little tradcaths?

      • 11 months ago

        Whaaat? You think things like Antipopes and investiture controversies means people were still selfish and politically minded rather than good little tradcaths?

        My dudes, my men, there's a world of difference between "I've converted from Madzaism to Islam to avoid paying taxes" or "Frick you Pope, you can't elect my archenemy's brother as bishop of a diocese near where I keep my court 90% of the time, I control the land damnit!"; and "I was born and raised Catholic, but because I am Le Medieval Rick Sanchez, I consider religion moronic, science of the kind theorised by an Italian guy centuries after the time is super-duper amazing, and I am going to openly flaunt prescriptions with only the mild grumbling of those oh-so-explicitly-bigoted and overzealous courties while everybody else won't be offput in the slightest because I'm being a good person, and that magically makes it fine by them, oh, and also I will duel the Pope aprops of literally nothing without anyone batting a single eyelid or asking WTF am I doing that".

        Like, I know the Slap of Anagni came up from a real place even though the event itself is probably a falsehood, and the Guelph-vs-Ghibellibes wars were very much political.

        But you can't really chalk up things like Irish monks basically reproselytising Europe, or the Fraticelli outright wanting to be accepted by the Pope, rather than fighting him, to entirely political ploys, the way CK 3 would.

  37. 11 months ago

    The way they've gone all-in on "lifestyle" stuff in all but two minor DLCs suggests they don't have any interest in doing a historical setting and are probably kicking themselves now that BG3 has gotten the type of audience they want into fantasy RPG gaming.

    If they were doing this on top of a basegame that carried over the cultire/religion/region-specific content from CK2, it could make sense, but at this pace we're never going to get a CK3 with as much flavour or historical depth as CK2.
    The "tribal rites of passage" thing they also announced is just scraping the barrel of this tendency. It'd be one thing if they threw in some research into Africa/tribal India in an unrelated DLC/update, or as the first example of an adaptable system, but it's not even historically based, just invented for "flavour".

    Adoption is also something which needed to be culture-specific. The whole point of medieval customs in this respect was that blood relations had legal significance beyond personal relationships. Even in societies where raising other people's children had a place, it was more typically distinguished as "fosterage" rather than "adoption". Fosterage meant raising other people's kids (sometimes paralleling with hostage exchanges), whereas adoption used to mean conferring the legal rights of being your child on someone who wasn't.

    • 11 months ago

      >Adoption is also something which needed to be culture-specific.
      There was a mod already that handled adoption better by doing that. Most religions and cultures can’t adopt in it, but a few religions allow it and there are some cultural traditions that allow it as well. Even then it divides things up further where adoption isn’t just a yes/no flag but rather a set of different scaling allowances that determine things like the age of the allowed adoptee, how related they need to be to the adopter, highborn vs lowborn, and other factors.

      • 11 months ago

        so they stole from a mod and made a shittier copy of it
        real skills right there

        • 11 months ago

          Hopefully the new system will just be able to improve the mod version by making adoption not literally just set the adoptee as the child of the adopter, since the mod has to do wonky stuff with the three adoption marking Traits to handle that and reduce inbreeding since the adopted aren’t really biologically related.

  38. 11 months ago

    sometimes i feel like im the only map game player who doesnt give a flying frick about historical plausibility and just frick around and create stupid things

    but then i get off Ganker and see that literally everyone thinks like me, and pdx knows it too.

    • 11 months ago

      Historical plausibility is the most important, HIP was better than CK2+. Also I like fricking around and creating stupid things but it feels better in a historical backdrop and difficulty makes it so that it's earned

    • 11 months ago

      Naw you’re just a low t homosexual

    • 11 months ago

      >sometimes i feel like im the only map game player who doesnt give a flying frick about historical plausibility
      It's true, you are the only one

    • 11 months ago

      When history is sold as the backdrop setting for all their games, defaulting to pandering alt-history is like basing a work of fiction's sequel off of bad fanfiction.

      You're being economical with your precision when you say "historical plausibility". Stuff in CK2 like pagan reformation, Zoroastrian revival, etc was implausible but not contrary to possibility when considering how the game-driven alt-history could pan out. Getting from point A to point Z instead of point B only sounds more implausible if you leave out the intervening letters.
      The approach in CK3 is different - reforming religions and to a lesser extent cultures is less tied to (alt-)history and more of a mana-based power your character has. It reminds me a bit of Tyranny or Elder Scrolls lore.
      That's for the "feature-rich" parts of the game; the sloppy/unfinished parts aren't worth talking about.

      The other distinction is between the concept "history" as the development of societies, and "history" as a "verse" where you mentally take out your nose ring and problem glasses in order to put on your robes and wizard hat to play quidditch.
      People who don't care about big picture/minutiae historical stuff which the bad, chuddy kind of nerds like, won't make up for it with equal gusto for actual "people's history". It will devolve to neither fish nor fowl, when the fantasy isn't autistic malebrain power fantasy anymore, it's oversocialised/autistic female-brain/homosexual YA novel center-of-attention fantasy.

      If it was an explicitly fictional setting it wouldn't be as grating, since normies won't know or care about historical untruths, and the fanbois/fangirls will treat it like history is an IP that can be retconned or "expanded" to be more "inclusive", and be smug for their partaking in the pander-circlejerk-consoom cycle of their curated "fandoms".

      • 11 months ago

        feel like we're taking things a bit too far here, chief. staying out of broscience psych evaluations, is there anything really wrong with the design being "if number is high enough, you can do stupid shit"?

        at the end of the day, it's a video game. it's impossible for it to be anything other than an exercise in making the number right. so i say embrace it, and that's how i learned to love the bomb.

        • 11 months ago

          It's not bro science, he speaking to this chuddy malebrain power fantasy seeker's hindbrain.
          also you should know that
          >it's just a game bro
          is extremely offensive

        • 11 months ago

          >is there anything really wrong with the design being "if number is high enough, you can do stupid shit"?
          That's not really my point, my point is there's a difference between the new style and the old style "historically implausible" where the "stupid shit" meant making Zunist tribal Finns conquer India by being good at game mechanics which were built to make normal "plausible" medieval althistories play out during normal gameplay.
          The new style "stupid shit" is core mechanics built around facilitating stupid shit, which isn't as good when it becomes the whole focus, and in many senses isn't even recognised as being stupid shit, precisely for the culture war/gender divide reasons I mentioned
          For example compare Saints Row 2 with the cheap tryhardness of 3, and the culmination of these phenomena in the reboot.

          For Paradox I think HOI4 is a big milestone in this regard because of how shitty the focus trees are as gameplay and how absurd and illconceived the abundant "wacky" options are, at the same time as many relevant countries and actually plausible alt-histories have gone without being fleshed out or made playable.

      • 11 months ago

        It's particularly fun when they drop their agenda.
        They made Elagabalus a woman to appease LGBT people (for some, why these people consider Elagabalus a role model is beyond me)

        I think most annoying history is forcing male preference on everyone but the Muslims, which will result in women ruling 3rd of the non-Muslim world (because women have extra health and non-rulers can't die in battle).
        What is worse unlike in CK2, you can't even change it to male-only before mid-game.

        While enforcing male-only as default succession would make the game harder for monogamous societies, they could have made it a game rule, considering they do a bunch of stupid game rules related to LGBT shit, but they can't be bothered with this.

        • 11 months ago

          Later historians suggest Elagabalus showed a disregard for Roman religious traditions and sexual taboos. He replaced the traditional head of the Roman pantheon, Jupiter, with the deity Elagabal, of whom he had been high priest. He forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating this deity, presiding over them in person. He married four women, including a Vestal Virgin, in addition to lavishing favours on male courtiers thought to have been his lovers.[5][6] He was also reported to have prostituted himself.[7] His behavior estranged the Praetorian Guard, the Senate and the common people alike. Amidst growing opposition, at just 18 years of age he was assassinated and replaced by his cousin Severus Alexander in March 222. The assassination plot against Elagabalus was devised by Julia Maesa and carried out by disaffected members of the Praetorian Guard.
          top kek

        • 11 months ago

          >why these people consider Elagabalus a role model is beyond me
          he was a giant coomer and so are they

        • 11 months ago

          >I think most annoying history is forcing male preference on everyone but the Muslims, which will result in women ruling 3rd of the non-Muslim world (because women have extra health and non-rulers can't die in battle).
          There's a mod that fixes that.

          • 11 months ago

            Does it?
            It is built on Salic Law mode, and its comments indicate its out of date.

            • 11 months ago

              >Incorporates the Salic Law Mod and applies Male Only succession to the appropriate cultures and titles at game start.
              >and its comments indicate its out of date.
              It's not. It doesn't need an update to the latest patch.

              >they revealed they were taking out deus vult references to not offend muzzies
              IIRC that was a fake news article. Not fake in the sense that the article didn't exist though, just in the sense that the journalist completely made it up because he wanted it to be true.

              Paradox forums had a thread talking about it but the moderators locked the thread and forbid anyone from discussing it outside the LOCKED thread. This was years ago and nothing has changed.

              • 11 months ago

                >It's not. It doesn't need an update to the latest patch.
                This is with Succession Extended, Norse still use male preference.

              • 11 months ago

                Looking at mod files it seems like nothing there modifies male only, so:
                >Incorporates the Salic Law Mod and applies Male Only succession to the appropriate cultures and titles at game start.
                Is complete bullshit

              • 11 months ago

                It's in the on_actions and scripted_effects folders.
                salic_law_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {
                NOT = { has_culture = culture:occitan }
                culture = {
                OR = {
                has_cultural_pillar = heritage_frankish
                has_cultural_pillar = heritage_central_germanic
                has_religion = religion:christianity_religion
                has_government = feudal_government
                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier > tier_county
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law

                byzantine_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {
                culture = culture:greek
                has_religion = religion:christianity_religion
                has_government = feudal_government
                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier = tier_duchy
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law
                But yeah I guess it doesn't apply to all countries.

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, found it:
                salic_law_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {
                NOT = { has_culture = culture:occitan }
                culture = {
                OR = {
                has_cultural_pillar = heritage_frankish
                has_cultural_pillar = heritage_central_germanic
                has_religion = religion:christianity_religion
                has_government = feudal_government
                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier > tier_county
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law

                It's pretty cucked, so it only applies to Christians who have Germanic or Frankish cultural pillar.

                Jesus, none of Europeans pagans recognized the inheritance of women. And the fricking balls to claim it is " appropriate cultures"

              • 11 months ago

                Here's how you fix it.
                salic_law_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {
                NOT = { has_culture = culture:greek }
                has_government = feudal_government
                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier > tier_county
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law

              • 11 months ago

                I found this to better:
                salic_law_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {

                culture = {
                NOR = {
                has_cultural_pillar = heritage_yoruba
                has_cultural_pillar = ethos_egalitarian

                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier > tier_barony
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law

                byzantine_male_only = {
                every_ruler = {
                limit = {
                culture = culture:greek
                has_religion = religion:christianity_religion
                has_government = feudal_government
                every_held_title = {
                limit = {
                tier = tier_barony
                NOT = {
                has_title_law = male_only_law
                add_title_law = male_only_law
                add_realm_law_skip_effects = male_only_law
                But in the end both solutions are kinda shit, because when you grant a title to someone it switches to male-preference on default, which means in 20 years, it's back to the basics.

              • 11 months ago

                Then just mod the male_preference from the 00_succession_laws.txt file to be like male_only.

                succession = {
                gender_law = male_preference


                succession = {
                gender_law = male_only

              • 11 months ago

                Removing male-preference might not best, I mean leaving it to occitans is fine

              • 10 months ago

                Occitans have equal succession. I'm going to assume that's not historical.

        • 11 months ago

          I don't understand why Elagabalus is in the picture at all considering his reign wasn't during any of the current Paradox games. Or did you mean in general?

          • 11 months ago

            You can see the line of people who once held the title "Roman Emperor" in-game. It goes all the way back to really early years, and because of that, one of the emperors is Elagabalus, and Paradox made him a 'woman' to appease the crowd of LGBTards

            • 10 months ago

              I swear Transgender people have so few people to pick from as case studies that they have to pick through random weirdo historical figures who would have been completely forgotten if they weren't a fricking mess in their day. Elagabalus was a fricking quack (and a coomer) if even half the shit people wrote about them was accurate. Yeah, I understand the senate was also the aristocracy, so only they could really write about him (the same problem happened whenever a Chinese Emperor got on the bad side of the Confucian Bureaucrats).

              No, Elagabalus wasn't trans, even with him supposedly offering any riches to someone who could give him a sex change. Elagabalus was a mentally deranged coomer, narcissist, and fool who was more focused on acting like a sexual deviant and getting pounded in the ass as opposed to actually trying to figure out how to rule the empire he was supposed to be governing as it was going through more turbulence than the Challenger.

              It's super ironic for people who keep screaming that modern gender is a social construct to backpedal then and cherry-pick a historical person out of historical context and use it as evidence.

              Roman sexuality was super complicated (and changed over the centuries) but generally,
              1. Being the bottom during sex was viewed as lesser, even if this was a wife on top of their husband.
              2. People only really cared if you were the one getting the penis put inside you. Yes, that does mean that the dude getting it up the ass is "lesser" than the person putting it in.
              3. Same society was completely okay with you using a slave as a sex toy, consensually or not. In fact, it was viewed as manlier than jerking off.

              • 10 months ago


                Honestly, I'm amazed that his Wikipedia page hasn't had all the instances of "he" changed to "she" yet. I guess it's because the group of individuals who already have a bad reputation of being socially moronic coomers don't want one of their pieces of evidence to represent them too accurately.

                I've noticed both sides of the political spectrum cherry-picking stuff out of historical context to use as argument points, but the LGBT community (in particular the T), has, by far, been the worst about it.

                I swear to god if I hear one more time about how some random twenty-person group of Native Americans/Indians had a "third gender" for men who got one of their arms crushed by a Bison and can no longer hunt, so they help at camp doing stuff typically assigned to women, documented by a dude in the area 80 years after that tribe went extinct, I'm going to scream.

                "Gender is a social construct, unless it benefits my Transgender argument, then the society I am cherry-picking from had the exact same views on Gender that I hold"

              • 10 months ago

                >Elagabalus was a mentally deranged coomer, narcissist, and fool who was more focused on acting like a sexual deviant and getting pounded in the ass as opposed to actually trying to figure out how to rule the empire he was supposed to be governing as it was going through more turbulence than the Challenger.
                albeit this describes like 95% of trans people


                Honestly, I'm amazed that his Wikipedia page hasn't had all the instances of "he" changed to "she" yet. I guess it's because the group of individuals who already have a bad reputation of being socially moronic coomers don't want one of their pieces of evidence to represent them too accurately.

                I've noticed both sides of the political spectrum cherry-picking stuff out of historical context to use as argument points, but the LGBT community (in particular the T), has, by far, been the worst about it.

                I swear to god if I hear one more time about how some random twenty-person group of Native Americans/Indians had a "third gender" for men who got one of their arms crushed by a Bison and can no longer hunt, so they help at camp doing stuff typically assigned to women, documented by a dude in the area 80 years after that tribe went extinct, I'm going to scream.

                "Gender is a social construct, unless it benefits my Transgender argument, then the society I am cherry-picking from had the exact same views on Gender that I hold"

                I would love to see actual native american thoughts on those activists that are like "lol i'm two spirit, actually us natives were supporters of lgbtqiamap+ until the whiteys came along and ruined everything"

      • 11 months ago

        >The approach in CK3 is different - reforming religions and to a lesser extent cultures is less tied to (alt-)history and more of a mana-based power your character has.
        A gsg with a simulationist/pop based version of CK3's modular culture and religion systems is one of the few things that could make me stop being a homierd long enough to day one purchase

    • 11 months ago

      I feel like the historic grounding makes fricking around and creating stupid things more fun.

  39. 11 months ago

    When did geek culture get co-opted by half-ass trannies wearing Star Wars shirts and Mexican lesbians calling themselves gamer when the only game they’ve ever played is Mario Kart?

    • 11 months ago

      t. was never a geek

    • 11 months ago

      >paradox tism

  40. 11 months ago

    Can you disable that stuff in the game rules?

    • 11 months ago

      Adoption? Yes. Gay marriage is disabled by default anyway.

      • 11 months ago

        >Adoption? Yes
        Good, because I imagine AI is stupid with that shit.

  41. 11 months ago
  42. 11 months ago

    I like how people are upset that their incestuous horse-fricking simulator allows people to play in an ahistorical manner. Surely the immortal high priests of the reformed Kordofan faith would be shocked if they existed.

    Fricking jerk offs.

    • 11 months ago

      bro if you're that desperate for (you)s just ask for them

    • 11 months ago

      homosexuality is not ahistorical it is antihistorical

  43. 11 months ago

    >making deaths random isn't the answer tho
    >we want a completely stale and deterministic mobile game

    • 11 months ago

      Random deaths is one of the few good game design decisions that they made recently imo

    • 11 months ago

      If you dont wanna live for too long theres plenty of ways to shorten your lifespan already
      Making it completely random goes against the rest of the game design

      • 11 months ago

        Pure determinism is shitty game design. How can you be immersed if you can predict everything that happens with 100% certainty?

  44. 11 months ago

    >same-sex gameplay in CK3

    • 11 months ago

      Oh there are people who import their moronic degeneracy in to historical settings, how could i forget

    • 11 months ago

      Paradox made an optional game rule that allows gay marriages in medieval world, homosexuals were crying that they cant get achievements because of this and game over screen appeared pretty quick as they couldn't have heirs.

      • 11 months ago

        And their justification for why it should be otherwise from historical angle would be...?

        • 11 months ago

          People want to live in fantasies, I guess

      • 11 months ago

        a huge part of why all the hype around the elder kings mod for ck3 died was because the devs made every religion have same sex marriage and got mad that a chud made a mod where this is OPTIONAL (where you can still make your own le gay religion but by default no one has it on). its mainly annoying because gay marriage in their mod (when I played at least) doesn't care about fertility so you're here "fertile only" and the entire fricking list of potential spouses is all dudes where the confirm marriage screen literally says chance of marriage: none

        • 11 months ago

          >because the devs made every religion have same sex marriage
          this is not true
          >and got mad that a chud made a mod where this is OPTIONAL
          this game rule is built in vanilla there is no need for a mod for this, have you played the game?

          • 11 months ago

            >this game rule is built in vanilla there is no need for a mod for this, have you played the game?
            He was talking about EK2, moron. They turned off the ability to change if you want to allow or criminalize homosexualry.

            • 11 months ago

              And I'm talking about EK2 too, homosexualry wasn't compulsory in all religions there afair

              • 11 months ago

                He meant that when you create your custom religion you can't select if you want to criminalize homosexualry.

  45. 11 months ago

    Im willing to forget them their homosexualry because the tourneys dlc and the game update were really good

  46. 11 months ago

    >adoption mechanic
    Medieval 2: Total War had this.
    It was an awkward carryover from Rome: Total War, because Romans loved to adopt people from other families and declaring them heirs, but it was sorta awkward that a random guy got to inherit the kingdom before your first born son, because you adopted him before your son was born (but them stats were just that good)

    • 11 months ago

      the previous crusader kings "adoption" system was let yourself get cheated on and pretend you didn't get cucked

      • 11 months ago

        at least they admitted that adoption was cuckoldry

  47. 11 months ago

    speaking about mods
    >still no hobbits in lotr mod

  48. 11 months ago

    why the frick did my character just go randomly naked. this game is a joke to the developers, i swear.

  49. 11 months ago

    to all the homosexuals seething ITT
    you don't own paradox, you don't own the games
    they are for everyone, eat shit and die

    • 10 months ago

      >they are for everyone
      >except you chud
      Why do you leftists always use broad terms when you mean specific thing?

    • 10 months ago

      >they are for everyone
      they are for autistic extremist history nerd men, they are for the minority, the übermenschlich. spurning this audience means spurning mod creators, aar creators, and authentic content creators

      • 10 months ago

        Someone has an overinflated sense of self-worth. Do actually popular mod makers even associate with any of you, losers?

        • 10 months ago

          Yeah, discordtrannies lurk here all the time

          • 10 months ago

            >Do actually popular mod makers even associate with any of you, losers?
            I sliced off my genitals so they're forced to interact with me

            Yeah, it really shows. Once /gsg/ no longer has any trouble keeping their general alive, once I no longer recognize the same couple of moronic posters mad about Paradox and Vicky 3, when this board no longer openly brags about pirating, THEN you have my permission to claim you're, in any way, noteworthy part of Paradox's audience. Until then, you are irrelevant losers, that impact nothing. You're not the peanut gallery, you're outside the fricking theatre.

            • 10 months ago

              Delusional narcissism indicative of schizophrenia. More takey meds, less posty in threads.

            • 10 months ago

              relax i don't pirate anything troony

        • 10 months ago

          >Do actually popular mod makers even associate with any of you, losers?
          I sliced off my genitals so they're forced to interact with me

  50. 10 months ago

    I find that adoption completely trivialises the game and removes most of the tension. Imagine that your character is infertile and he doesn't have any sons nor daughters but he still has a brother who's next in line. The brother is a count which means that he's not in your control thus you hope that he doesn't make any mistakes otherwise it could result in game over. He gets married to a decent noblewoman but the years go by and he has yet to have any sons. However he has plenty of daughters. You start contemplating to change your law so that women can inherit but that wouldn't go well with your vassals. Perhaps you should risk waiting a few more years to see whether your brother has a son or... Let's just adopt! Boom! Solved! Thanks Paradox! I can never lose on ironman now

    • 10 months ago

      I'm thinking they're trying to make CK3 a historical sandbox RPG instead of a strategy game. All they do is adding flavor and gimmicks like having 20 titles that have to be manually replaced every 5 minutes and each give +0.5% sneedpoints per month. The game had so much potential but they're making the wrong decisions at every turn

      • 10 months ago

        the word "historical" is doing a lot of work there
        I honestly wouldn't mind the RPG shit if it was at least plausibly grounded in history

      • 10 months ago

        >CK3 a historical sandbox RPG instead of a strategy game.
        Clearly, they gave no fricks about historicity considering everything starts with male preference. Which is absolutely absurd for Viking Scandinavia and Ireland.

      • 10 months ago

        I keep saying that it's a Medieval Sims, there is no historical accuracy whatsoever, there is no strategy the game is easy as frick

    • 10 months ago

      They made a gamerule ffs. Are you people bots or something? You can disable adoption completely or make a mod to your tastes. Vanilla ck3 was always trash. Same with hoi4.

      • 10 months ago

        I know it's a gamerule. The goal of my post was to criticise the rule. Why would one use the rule when not only breaks the game but it's also historically innacurate anyway? I bet they read about some obscure culture in bumfrick Tanzania which used to adopt heirs and decided to apply it to every culture.
        Also the point of these expansions should be to replace mods, not to make more of them. We shouldn't have to rely on mods because they will get broken or abandoned eventually. I have CK 2 saves from 2016 which I can't even load anymore because it is ridden with uninstalled mods.

        • 10 months ago

          You can't stop wokeness and paradox were never based anyways. Do you understand how far up the chain wokeness is being pushed? If paracucks didn't include some token woke shit they would be blacklisted by the payment processors and cancelled. At least be happy they include the ability to disable most of the woke shit for now. Other companies don't even give you the option at all.

      • 10 months ago

        >But it's le game rule, you can le disable it
        shut up you fricking spastic
        the reason why ck3 is such a shit game is becasue devs are wasting time on moronic shit like gay adoption instead of shit people actually want

        • 10 months ago

          >the reason why ck3 is such a shit game is becasue devs are wasting time on moronic shit like gay adoption instead of shit people actually want
          You think think that's gonna change? Even if they would change they would get deplatformed from everything. You can't make games even remotely based or homosexuals start crying. Steam is eventually going to remove even the cuck simulator game. They've already removed a lot of based games.

    • 10 months ago

      But medieval gay kings now have the ability to have heirs doe!!!

    • 10 months ago

      Lel, this never happened and this never is a problem. Game is piss easy. Don't pretend it has much depth to it at all.

  51. 10 months ago

    Proud cuck here, enjoying the new content and able to raise someone elses son.

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