Sakaguchi shills bashing Nomura makes no sense

Reminder that if it wasn’t for Nomura, Sakaguchi and the others would have done this to FFVII:

Tetsuya Nomura
“But if I hadn’t stopped you, in the second half of the game, you were planning to kill everyone off but the final three characters the player chooses!

Yoshinori Kitase
No way! I wrote that? Where?

Tetsuya Nomura
In the scene where they parachute into Midgar. You wanted everyone to die there!

Yoshinori Kitase
Really? Wait, I’m starting to remember …

Tetsuya Nomura
Yeah, remember? You and [writer] Nojima-san were all excited about this. I was the one who said “No way!” and stopped you guys. You wanted to kill everyone except the final three characters the player chose for the endgame.”

Yet people still bash on this guy and worship Sakaguchi.

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  1. 4 years ago

    frick Nomura and frick SE though

  2. 4 years ago

    Nomura is and always has been a shitstain on Square's track record. It's just that after the merger the rest of Square got as shitty as him.

  3. 4 years ago

    People bash Nomura because he's responsible for the disgusting autistic mass that is Kingdom Hearts.

    • 4 years ago

      Kingdom Hearts is great with lot’s of build up and foreshadowing.

      • 4 years ago

        All of that and it can’t make the writing good outside of CoM and Days

    • 4 years ago


      “* The Kingdom Hearts series and first game in particular suffers from some of this, perversely not due to bad or uncreative translation—indeed, it's actually really good—but due to Woolseyism. The translation team worked to preserve tone and meaning in a lot of dialogue, rather than literalism, and successfully turned "conversations with friends in Japanese" into "conversations with friends in English." Good! Except for the fact that the Japanese dialogue, unbeknownst to the localization team, contained Arc Words and very subtle bits and pieces from Chekhov's Armoury that wouldn't come to full fruition until later games in the series. As a result, some of the Foreshadowing was gone, and the Kingdom Hearts series' growing a massively intertwined and complex plot came much more unexpectedly to Anglophones. It's an excellent translation for a stand-alone game, but unfortunately—it wasn't a stand-alone game.
      * A lot of this revolves around the word "hearts". The word in Japanese translates to the effect of "What makes you, you." Which an English speaker might translate as "souls". However Heart is valid enough translation and with the various heart symbols it was kept. Which was well and good... until the Nobodies came. Who "Lacked Hearts". But were not the Heartless, who lacked bodies. And there is consistent questions in the English fanbase if Nobodies had cardiological hearts. A question that is unlikely to come up in Japanese.
      * Sora's Awakening in the beginning of the first game is guided by a mysterious voice. In Japanese, it was obvious that this voice belonged to Mickey Mouse — nobody else talks the way the voice talks. In English, there's a lot less room for identifying features in a speaking pattern, and the English-speaking side of the fanbase was left wondering when it'd get explained until Ultimania confirmed what Japanese fans had known all along.”

      • 4 years ago


        “The symbolism of Xion's name in Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days was unfortunately lost in translation. In Japan, "shion" (the Japanese pronunciation of Xion) is also the name of a plant that is commonly associated with memories.
        * The Kingdom Hearts translation team is usually rather good at catching Arc Words, but in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance they seemed to have missed Young Xehanort saying "We'll go together.", translating it as "Come with me." instead.
        * The first game created a What Happened to the Mouse? situation due to an awkward translation. When Donald is leaving on his mission to find Sora and King Mickey, he says to Daisy "Can you take care of the-?" and she replies "Of course". Take care of the what, exactly? Whatever it is, it's never mentioned or brought up again. This is because in Japanese, he starts to say "We'll find the king", which in Japanese word order would be "The king, we will find". Donald starts "The king-" and Daisy cuts him off with "Of course (you will)". However, this would be impossible to translate into English while preserving the meaning, since the only way you could preserve the word order would be to have it as "The king will be found by us", which sounds nothing like the way Donald (or most English speakers, for that matter) usually talks, and having him start with "We'll find-" wouldn't make it obvious that he was talking about finding the king, so the line had to be changed.”

        I won't bother discoursing with you anymore since you're very uninformed and base your opinions on the crappy translations.

  4. 4 years ago

    Look at the way this homosexual dresses whenever he makes an appearance. No wonder his character designs suck ass.

  5. 4 years ago

    Do people actually like the idea of killing everyone but those three you chose, just to be contrarian?

    • 4 years ago

      Yes. That’s all this place is. People who disagree and refuse to post in actual informative threads.

    • 4 years ago

      I like the idea of characters dying on you but I don't quite like killing massive amount of characters in one fell swoop when you could use their deaths as catalyst or a good beat for the story.

    • 4 years ago

      Give me a single reason why it's a bad idea.

    • 4 years ago

      considering death is a major theme of 7 it wouldn't exactly be out of place. if the rest of the game is anything to go by they would have done an excellent job with it so I don't think there's any reason to dismiss it outright.

      • 4 years ago

        >considering death is a major theme of 7

        So was X but you don’t see it pulling that bs.

      • 4 years ago

        It would be moronic because it kills the entire meaning of death, just kill everyone amirite

        Now, killing the character you use the most outside Cloud, that would be great.

  6. 4 years ago

    Remember when Nomura was kino?

    • 4 years ago

      Remember when you didn’t use Nomura as a boogieman.

    • 4 years ago

      Goddamn, he's so pathetic.

      • 4 years ago

        Cry more.

        • 4 years ago

          The only one crying here is Nomura though, given how he can't manage to finish a single game and is also coping with not being able to dress like a teenager at 50 years without getting laughed at.

          • 4 years ago

            Who hurt you?

  7. 4 years ago

    >worship Sakaguchi.
    People still do this? All he does these days is mobile shit.

  8. 4 years ago

    That would actually have been pretty ballsy. Too bad they didn't go there.
    Also no Sakaguchi, no FF. It's that simple.

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