Satisfactory is on sale rn should I get it? I liked Factorio albeit I got burnt out and dropped it before yellow science.

Satisfactory is on sale rn should I get it? I liked Factorio albeit I got burnt out and dropped it before yellow science.

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 week ago

    It's pretty good, more forgiving than factorio in a way since you can always just stack more belts or glitch them through each other if you end up painting yourself into a corner. On the other hand you will miss construction robots if you relied on them.

  2. 1 week ago

    no not rn

  3. 1 week ago

    it's very addictive

  4. 1 week ago

    every time you think you are braindead, remind yourself that there are underage kids like these who cant click 2 buttons to get any game for free to try but instead beg for others opinions online before they spend their mommys money

    • 1 week ago

      Not op but you are an absolute moron,
      1 some people are frickin poorgay like you and don't want to waste those 60 seconda to look for a new download whenever the game updates+ manually checking when there is a update, some simple want to support the game they play
      2 even if you pirate a game you still need to waste considerable amount of time trying it out

      • 1 week ago

        >game updates
        most games dont update that often nor contain anything worthawhile in the updates anyway, and you can automate the process easily as well, not that a tech luddite who cant even pirate would know how
        if you and op werent you wouldnt ask should you buy it in the first place, much less to buy it now since its "on sale" lmao
        >even if you pirate a game you still need to waste considerable amount of time trying it out
        correct, then you're not locked to 2h before you can refund it but you can just delete the folder and be done with it

        • 1 week ago

          You are probably right update but there are still reason to buy games like multiplayer (or more convient multiplayer at least), workshop for some games and the previously mentioned ethical issues, piracy only works if majority of people still buy games and actually buying games support it's devs
          If op is already willing to fork over (not gonna look up the actual price) 10$ for the game i doubt another 10$ to buy outside of sale will kill him, sale is just an incitivizer to more seriously consider a game you already had your eyes on
          It doesn't matter if the refund window is 2 or 20 hours most working adults can't even spare 1 hour for every single game that remotely interest them, i know because i pirate games and have a bunch i never even started once

    • 1 week ago

      It's actually the government's money kek seethe wagie

      • 1 week ago

        >government's money
        that was given to you, meaning then it became yours, meaning you could have bought literally anything else instead of spending it on something that is free

        no wonder you are on government gibs, you are actually breaddead lmao

        • 1 week ago


  5. 1 week ago

    I enjoyed my time with it. I have about 25 hours of playtime on Steam. You'll probably have the same experience as with Factorio, you'll get addicted and then burnt out because there is always more ways to optimize. But it's fun to get a better and more efficient factory. I think what killed it for me long term was that the early mid game a lot of time gets eaten up with foraging for plant matter to power your base. You can upgrade machines to make the plants 100x more efficient, but I still felt like I was spending an annoying amount of time running out to cut down trees. I also couldn't solve the issue of drowning in some resources while having to sit around and wait for others. I could just make more machines for the things I wanted more of, but that would require more power which meant more foraging. Perhaps next time I play I'll make a beeline to unlock the other power options. Overall though thats a minor complaint, I had a lot of fun with it!

    • 1 week ago

      Restarting to beeline coal power takes only a few hours if you got to Tier 2 before

    • 1 week ago

      Like the other guy said its hell starting out for the very first time because you don't know that you should be going straight to coal as fast as possible. The biomass burners having to be manually filled with plants that you have to manually collect is awful and I'm happy to hear that they are adding the ability to feed biomass burners via conveyors in the next major update, not that I really think it solves the issue since you will still have to stockpile wood and leaves which means setting up a small factory to make biomass.

  6. 1 week ago

    If you burnt out from Factorio so fast you'll drop the got turd that is Satisfactory way faster
    Consider Dyson Sphere Program if your problem with Factorio was that it was too complex for you

  7. 1 week ago

    I pirated the game to test it out and it is just fine, I guess. I had fun for a few hours, but the gameplay loop got repetitive, stale and obnoxious after a while. You just keep on building more shit for the sake of building more shit.

    I am sure it is much more fun in multiplayer with friends, though.

    • 1 week ago

      >You just keep on building more shit for the sake of building more shit
      Isn't that the whole frickin point

      • 1 week ago

        >You just keep on building more shit for the sake of building more shit
        Literally the purpose of life, gayboy

        >Satisfactory: Build shit for the sake of building shit
        >Factorio: Build shit for the sake of defense et al.
        You 80 IQ Pajeets need to get off my fricking board.

        • 1 week ago

          >Factorio: Build shit for the sake of defense et al.
          You tard the only reason you are attacked is because you built shit if the point of the game was defend yourself you could just not built anything and you would never be attacked.
          the whole point of the game is build shit so it can build the final shit to build(rocket), building shit to defend the shit you built is just a middle step and more of a resource sink than anything like a tower defense/strategy game

        • 1 week ago

          This is not cow shit, please let this not be cow shit

          • 1 week ago

            cant believe there's still anons that think the indians eat shit thing is a joke or a meme

        • 1 week ago

          : Build shit for the sake of defense et al
          I play Factorio on peaceful mode.

    • 1 week ago

      >You just keep on building more shit for the sake of building more shit
      Literally the purpose of life, gayboy

  8. 1 week ago

    if you didn't like one factory game enough to beat it, why would you assume you'd like another of the same type

  9. 1 week ago

    If you love factory building and logistics, absolutely. I basically no lifed the game when it first game to early access for 2 weeks and the performance and shit sucked then when you got a big factory. It's much better now.

    Excellent game for the price. Not perfect, but will definitely scratch the logistic itch.

  10. 1 week ago

    Are there ways to cheat in all the alt recipes from the crashed drones? I plan to start another save when the 1.0 update comes around but exploring for all those things for a 4th time does not sound remotely entertaining.

    • 1 week ago

      Yeah there are multiple mods for that. I also use the early hoverpack mod that shit shouldnt be gated that far into endgame

  11. 1 week ago

    satisfactory has three major differences over factorio:
    >resource nodes are infinite
    >enemies are a non-threat to the base, so no need to waste time on endless defenses
    >3d, duh.
    pretty much it manages to be a more casual version of factorio while the actual skill test (the logistics) remains relatively unchanged
    you could argue that being 2d is a limiter in factorio, but underground belts are effectively the same thing as being 3d.

    • 1 week ago

      >on endless defenses
      There's also no defenses whatsoever.
      Any weapons you have are just toys to shoot at the local fauna with.

  12. 1 week ago

    I love Satisfactory to death, but once I hit a certain point I just don't know how to build anymore. Gets too complicated.

  13. 1 week ago

    If you play the moronic reddit or youtube way then you’ll get filtered quick. Those morons are obsessed with rebuilding a base over and over and making it look nice thats nonsense. You should never rebuild a base just cut the power and drive off somewhere else. You usually would do this when you can upgrade the miner after that the base extraction rate goes way up so it would be a headache to refactor that into some shitty starter base. After midgame you make 4x smelter etc in the blueprint and plop down rows on 30x50 foundations and run the belts

  14. 1 week ago

    I like it, but I'm disappointed that some of the biggest issues I have with it aren't going to be addressed before the 1.0 release. I'm hoping at least for a better end game.

    • 1 week ago

      What are your biggest issues with the game?

  15. 1 week ago

    I will never pay for an unfinished game.

  16. 1 week ago

    Factorio is way better

  17. 1 week ago

    I just got it myself. It's sort of a casualized Factorio. The 3d aspect makes building is a pain in the ass but on the bright side going full spaghetti is trivial since you can just build up when things get too cluttered. Resource nodes are infinite which I guess the devs thought made coal power overpowered or something so you have to spend way too much time manually powering the factory yourself by manually cutting down trees and bushes and manually putting them in power generators. There's no base defense which is kinda lame but I guess casuals would find that annoying, but there are enemies and mobs. The general progression of item crafting feels a lot simpler to me too, I'm not far in, but it seems like you don't have to mix items as much as Factorio which again, makes spaghetti a lot easier.

  18. 1 week ago

    If you got filtered by yellow science then you'll feel right at home playing Satisfactory

  19. 1 week ago

    It can be fun, but I do not really like it.
    Possibly most importantly, the building pieces you get are extremely limited: triangle, rectangle, floor, roof, so making good buildings can be more challenging to me than the actual factory itself.
    The progression is kind of a mess. Some things are perfectly logical.
    >find ore sample in the wild
    >unlock node scanning
    >utilize node to unlock products from that ore
    Others, not so much.
    The Ma'am got shuffled seemingly haphazardly and even stuffed a couple hard drive techs in there for convenience.
    Hard drives as they are serve to further reward exploration and combat, as they provide a gacha roll of alternate recipes that significantly improve your factory design flexibility and can even boost production significantly if you get lucky. They're scattered around the map in areas guarded by enemies and sometimes hazards you will have to either chug health potions to get through or get the specific gear unlocks later to deal with poopoo gas and green static.
    The item sink (awesome sink) they added to let you ignore ratios gates most building pieces, but by the time you get them, you'll have already needed to make several buildings to even get the raw sink points to get them.
    Overall, the game is just kind of clunky, already showing its age due to the extremely long early access period.
    They claim to be adding a planetside story to tie into the final phases of the game, but the gameplay itself up to that point is still rough.
    Can't really recommend it if you bounced off of factorio, as it is more of a slightly different flavor of the same autism.

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