>Sega tells him to shut the frick up and stop leaking info about future Sonic games on twitter

>Sega tells him to shut the frick up and stop leaking info about future Sonic games on twitter
>He just does it anyway

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  1. 11 months ago

    Anything new happen? Any new leaks?

    • 11 months ago

      >He just recently heard about the "Momentum" meme, next game will be developed with it in mind
      >Combat system will probably redesigned from the ground up
      >Future environments will feel more cohesive, no floating black platforms and sky rails

      He a good boy. Someone recommended Spark 2 to him on twitter, he actually went and played the game to completion, it gave him an absolute shitload of ideas for Update 3 and the sequel

      • 11 months ago

        Combat wasn't even bad in Frontiers the problem is just that there is no good reason to fight anything unless it literally traps you and forces you to engage

      • 11 months ago

        Frontiers was good

      • 11 months ago

        Very based, we are so close to having J-Action Sonic kino

      • 11 months ago

        What the frick happened with him? I thought he was a hack all of these years because he did Colors, Lost World, and Forces. Now all of a sudden he cares about improvement and quality.

        • 11 months ago

          guess he just needed to make a twitter account so fans could tell him how to do his job

          • 11 months ago

            It's like he's never received any of the feed back from fans all these years. As if Sega has only read Amazon reviews.

            • 11 months ago

              That's probably actually the case. A lot of oldschool devs effectively lived in a bubble and all they saw was magazine reviews and the very rare fan mail. Twitter, for all it's faults, lets people get directly to people.

            • 11 months ago

              Wouldn't surprise me. For like 20 years people have been talking about lack of momentum and whatnot and apparently only now did he or anyone at Sonic Team acknowledged it.

        • 11 months ago

          Sega of America did a shitty job giving Sonic Team feedback on the games.

        • 11 months ago

          actually having direct communication with the fans for once + sega told him that if he fricks this up he'll lose his job because he was only a last resort because the director for rangers was even worse.

        • 11 months ago

          He started making a game he wanted to make instead of the game SEGA told him to make, and now he's more passionate about actually improving his work because of it

          • 11 months ago

            >All he wanted to make is a Zelda ripoff
            Is he Naka's son? There's no chance Sonic gets directed by two anti Sonicgays that rather be working on Nintendo games instead.

            • 11 months ago

              QRD on this veritable tale of autism and Kishimoto?

              • 11 months ago

                Long story short he worked on the Storybook games (only as a level designer though) but was magically upgraded as the B Team director behind Colors, Lost World and Forces. After the A Team behind Unleashed and Generations quit and moved on to Mario and Sonic at the Olypic games, Kishitmoto was all that was left so he was promoted again to A Team to direct Frontiers. Basically before the reception of Frontiers everyone blamed him for the state of mid Sonic games post 06 because every game he worked on was just inferior to the likes of Unleashed and the more wildly acclaimed at the time Generations until the adventure era fandom grew up and shun any and all boost styled, meta era writing games. hence, Frontiers was born.

          • 11 months ago

            >All he wanted to make is a Zelda ripoff
            Is he Naka's son? There's no chance Sonic gets directed by two anti Sonicgays that rather be working on Nintendo games instead.

      • 11 months ago

        >>He just recently heard about the "Momentum" meme, next game will be developed with it in mind
        doesn matter sonic team will frick it up somehow

      • 11 months ago

        I'll admit its better then every 3D sonic game but why that instead of spark3 where the controls and stage design are much more refined and dont rely on shitty spammable parrying

      • 11 months ago

        >>He just recently heard about the "Momentum" meme, next game will be developed with it in mind
        doesn matter sonic team will frick it up somehow

        They just added momentum in update 2

        • 11 months ago

          no, they didnt. the changes arent that drastic. you still come to a complete stop when landing from a jump, no matter how fast you were going. all it does is allow you to not lose speed when jumping and decelerate slower. but theres barely any momentum.

      • 11 months ago

        >Future environments will feel more cohesive, no floating black platforms and sky rails
        I wouldn't even mind those if they JUST added a proper fade-in effect to them.
        Like, materialise them with some green wireframe lines or something instead of just having them pop into existence with no effect at all.

      • 11 months ago

        >He just recently heard about the "Momentum" meme
        I hate every single one of you braindead zoomers who call an integral and crucial aspect of Sonic's gameplay a meme just because most of your childhood Sonic games didn't have it. (And at least TWO of them DID which makes this even more pathetic.)
        >Oh so YOUR childhood games were better then hmmmm?
        Why yes, they were. If the Sonic games in the 90s had the same subpar level of quality and attention to detail that the 2000s Sonic games had, then the series would've been absolutely Bubsy-tier and completely forgotten about by 1999. Any developer can make a character go fast at the press of a button, but a talented one will make it actually feel GOOD to go fast.

        Sega of America did a shitty job giving Sonic Team feedback on the games.

        Zero evidence of this. Why are you making shit up? In fact SoA went out of its way to try and let fans give feedback on numerous occasions (Sonic 4 being one of them, for all the good it did) but for the longest time Sonic Team appeared to live inside this impenetrable bubble where no criticism from the West, you know the people who actually PLAY these games, could possibly get through in any meaningful capacity. Whether or not that's actually changed with Kishimoto here remains to be seen. I certainly wouldn't hold my breath, but I would welcome being wrong, too.

        • 11 months ago

          >unironically dicksucking SoA
          if they DID give them feedback, they gave them all the wrong shit. no "STOP REUSING OLD ASSETS" or "MAKE THE GAME FUN TO PLAY" it was moronic shit like "make sonics artstyle change canon" or "make sonic more like mario"

      • 11 months ago

        how is that a bad thing?

  2. 11 months ago

    >both SEGA of America and Sonic Team hate SEGA of Japan
    Imagine my shock.

  3. 11 months ago

    We’re so fricking back, Sonicbros.

    • 11 months ago

      We had one
      game.. You ought to know better than to get your hopes up so easily.

  4. 11 months ago

    Wait who?

  5. 11 months ago

    he's me

  6. 11 months ago

    If only Kensuke Tanabe could turn over a new leaf like Morio Kishimoto did. Imagine if he actually listened to feedback about Paper Mario.

    His ego won't allow it. Kishimoto strikes me as a soft-hearted normalgay autist who wasn't maliciously making bad Sonic games, he was just thrust into a position with no outside help from fans. But Tanabe on the other hand feels like a really vindictive contrarian who refuses to listen to fan criticism because he thinks he's above everyone else, because he sees himself as a genius. The expose by Liam Robertson where Retro Studios, NST and Next Level Games paints him as an angry wannabe auteur really does seem to be true.

    • 11 months ago

      >normalgay autist
      Really homie?

  7. 11 months ago

    Sonic is in the same league as actual dog shit like Rayman and earthworm. Should have fricked off 20 years ago.

    • 11 months ago

      Never had a bad game in his own franchise unlike Sonic, so not sure what you're talking about.

    • 11 months ago

      >Doesnt mention Kirby
      Kirby is dogshit too you know it literally not a single game above 5/10 aside of DL3

    • 11 months ago

      Suck my wiener fricker, Rayman has zero bad games unlike shitnik.

      • 11 months ago

        I love rayman
        But come on man
        3 wasnt up to the standards

        • 11 months ago

          To what standards, that ancel wasn't on it so it wasn't good? It was more like Rayman 1 than Rayman 2, Origins and Legends was, and Rabbids was his idea, and thanks to the leaks had it actually not become the party game shovelware series it would have been the Twilight Princess of Rayman but worse, no world with a Rayman in a Gothem eslse art direction with Rayman 3 model'd rayman would ever have looked passable. People can make good Rayman content without him, and all he's done is denied 3D Rayman sequels for years now.

          • 11 months ago

            I just didnt like it as much
            Simple as
            I'd rather play the gba versions (except the isometric one, frick that)

    • 11 months ago

      Never had a bad game in his own franchise unlike Sonic, so not sure what you're talking about.

      Suck my wiener fricker, Rayman has zero bad games unlike shitnik.

      I love rayman
      But come on man
      3 wasnt up to the standards

      To what standards, that ancel wasn't on it so it wasn't good? It was more like Rayman 1 than Rayman 2, Origins and Legends was, and Rabbids was his idea, and thanks to the leaks had it actually not become the party game shovelware series it would have been the Twilight Princess of Rayman but worse, no world with a Rayman in a Gothem eslse art direction with Rayman 3 model'd rayman would ever have looked passable. People can make good Rayman content without him, and all he's done is denied 3D Rayman sequels for years now.

      it's Rayperson, bigots

  8. 11 months ago

    >Sonic is in the same league as actual dog shit like Rayman

    your (you) sir

  9. 11 months ago

    Sonic is arguably no better higher than Pokemon.
    It used to be inarguable that Pokemon shitstomps Sonic, but that's changed with later games.

    • 11 months ago

      Pokemon was never good
      Just mediocre dogshit that normalgays praised
      The chrono trigger of rpgs if you wil
      Since CT is a movie game

  10. 11 months ago

    The amount of seething that will come in thinking some Black person japman will recreate what fans have done to translite (not even perfectly themselves I should add) classic Sonic gameplay in 3D

    I hate underaged, gullable idiots. Oh hurr he played a fan game that means he gets 3D Sonic now! Fricking mental illness. He's a fricking "professional" dev and have made more than 5 Sonic games in 15 years, he isn't going to magically become an entirely different dev in a year just because fans are delusional.

    This is like saying Gayfreak will make a actual playable Pokemon game after 10 years of 3D shit that looks worse than N64 games just because of some indieshit pixelshit game aping off of Gen 2. Give me a fricking break. I'll believe it when I see it, and when I see it he won't be directing Sonic anymore will be the day I see classic Sonic gameplay in 3D.

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