
Started this game yesterday. Just beat lady butterfly. What a frickin rush man. This is the most fun I’ve had with a video game in years.

I know, genechiro is a massive skill check and I’m still basically at the beginning of the game but it’s been awesome so far.

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  1. 7 months ago

    If you beat lady butterfly before gyoubu oniwa then genichiro will be fricking easy in comparison to her since you were supposed to fight oniwa first

    but every boss is fun as frick on the first run

    gets really hard on NG+ runs but still a rush regardless

    • 7 months ago

      >If you beat lady butterfly before gyoubu oniwa
      can you do that?

      • 7 months ago

        yeah t. played the game for the first time a couple of weeks ago and did that

      • 7 months ago

        yeah you don't even have to fight the shackled ogre dude before fighting lady butterfly

        • 7 months ago

          weird, always thought you only get the opportunity after fighting the bull

          • 7 months ago

            Pretty sure you unlock the estate from the bell the old woman gives you.

  2. 7 months ago

    A game that really rewards learning and paying attention to all the game mechanics, including minor details. For example, your posture damage recovers more quickly while holding block as opposed to just standing there. You do take a tiny bit of posture damage when deflecting, but your posture can never actually be broken on a deflect, even if it's flashing orange. Enemies' posture recovers more quickly the more health they have, and the same with you, the player. And other things like that

  3. 7 months ago

    >defeats artificially difficult gimmick boss
    >feels good about himself

  4. 7 months ago

    >tfw defeated Owl and got to Owl (Father) today
    He seems doable at first glance, unlike what I felt with some of the lategame ER bosses, but he doesn't have a whole lot of openings compared to regular Owl.

    • 7 months ago

      Press circle towards him (to the right) when he throws the firecrackers mid-combo, free hits.

    • 7 months ago

      the problem with that fight is that it's unironically too long if you don't use shuriken every time he backs off

  5. 7 months ago

    I want to FRICK Kuro.

  6. 7 months ago

    yeah it's great
    shame how it kinda turns into a boss rush later. i wish tehre was more exploration between bosses.

    • 7 months ago

      it's a delicate balance
      its funny how many "soulslike" indie games i've played that somehow think a souls game is just a boss rush
      people are really moronic

      • 7 months ago

        well, i don't really play any "soulslike" indie games but in sekiro, if memory serves, you have...


        all in a row.
        i don't want to do four bosses in a row. i want to explore, read lore, sneak around, and learn new shinobi techniques. and then after the palace area, there's another string of bosses.
        i think the balance here is not well done.

        • 7 months ago

          helps if you measure out the optional areas in between

          • 7 months ago

            you'd have to wiki dive to know ahead of time how to measure it out

            it's my favorite fromsoft game but for some reason I still have never replayed it

            i heard that lies of p is pretty similar and good, although i have not played it yet

            • 7 months ago

              I've played lies of p
              I kinda see why people would say that because parrying is heavily emphasized and there is an invisible posture bar. But sekiro is still way better

              • 7 months ago

                i'll keep that in mind and go in expecting less because of it. i'll probably enjoy it more now

              • 7 months ago

                combat is a mix of bloodborne and sekiro, enemy and boss design itself is very bloodborne/ER for the most part

                it's a very solid game all around. Definitely better than that absolute scam Lords of the Fallen slop that people once again fell for for some reason

  7. 7 months ago

    it's my favorite fromsoft game but for some reason I still have never replayed it

  8. 7 months ago

    >What a frickin rush man
    >OP still hasn't self-actualized that he's just CONSOOMing goyslop yet

    • 7 months ago

      Godamn, I hope you are joking and people don't actually say things like "goyslop". You're a homosexual.

  9. 7 months ago

    I struggle at this game HARD.
    Beat all other Fromsoft games, recently I got into Sekiro and it still didnt click (Im a lil bit beyond Gyobu)
    The beginning of the game was ludicrous! Just one heal which heals small amount, small hp bar. I had to GRIND to atleast get some useful skills from the skill tree.
    Also dont like the whole Dragonrot mechanic. Makes me not want to give a boss many tries.
    Losing half xp on death sucks too, it just means that whenever I want to try to beat a boss I am basically forced to grind mobs to earn xp point so that I dont lose the xp on the boss.
    This might be the first fromsoft game I will drop

    • 7 months ago

      sekiro is the most mechanically responsive and polished game in terms of combat that fromsoft has ever made; I will concede that it is their most challenging game but it is fair; if you drop it you might as well start ordering model kits or a mountain bike because you are absolutely getting filtered and are no longer a true videogame enthusiast.

      • 7 months ago

        >I will concede that it is their most challenging game but it is fair
        Specific bosses are fair. Not all bosses are designed to be fair. Minibosses, as a whole, are a really mix bag.

    • 7 months ago

      I was in a similar position to you. The game plays so differently from Souls series adjusting to it is very hard. It also doesn't help that some of the crucial skills, like HP restoration on deathblows, are locked behind upgrades. The game just doesn't flow that well until you unlock them.

      >Im a lil bit beyond Gyobu
      You're around the spot where it should start clicking. I beat Gyobu more or less fine, then absolutely struggled with the bull, but after that I managed to get into the rhythm of things.

      What I recommend is taking things slower with normal enemies and getting the hang of deflect / mikiri counter first and foremost. The window is larger than it looks like, so it's not that hard. Also, you should actually use your prosthetic tools. The spirit emblem system is fricky, but you absolutely can and should use the tools where appropriate (shurikens against airborne enemies, etc).

      >Also dont like the whole Dragonrot mechanic
      Its only meaningful downside is locking you out of npc questlines. However, you're going to get items that reverse it temporarily quite soon.

      >Losing half xp on death sucks too
      It's not that much of an issue. Upcoming areas will give you way more XP per kill.

      That said, I do dislike that you pretty much have to grind money for prosthetic upgrades. Yeah, they're ""optional"", but frick off, I'm not fighting Headless without the umbrella upgrade.

      • 7 months ago

        >That said, I do dislike that you pretty much have to grind money for prosthetic upgrades.
        Yeah and you don't get enough lapis for all of them in a single play through so you have to do at least two good ending playthroughs. Then you also have to do one bad ending playthrough to get One Mind, which is a pretty strong. And Not just prosthetic upgrades, but all upgrades really. To get spiral cloud passage, it costs 9 levels. And by later new game cycles you might only get like 10 for a whole playthrough, if that. It felt like I didn't have every single upgrade until maybe new game +4

  10. 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    sekiro is my favorite game of all time and is the only fromsoft game I've played through multiple times intentionally and not just to make new builds and get better rings for invasions. that being said I just got done with Lies of P and it's the best soulslike I've ever played not form fromsoft; game of the year for me. enjoy sekiro while it lasts everything else is going to fall short of that experience from here until who knows when.

  12. 7 months ago

    Glad you are having fun. I've never played Souls game before, and I just bought DS1 Remastered this week and I've been playing it all week. Slept on it for too long, this game level design is awesome
    Capra Demon is bad design tho.

    • 7 months ago

      dark souls is a flawed gem in a vacuum; there is nothing like it. it's rough though and the last third of the game is obviously unfinished.

  13. 7 months ago

    Sekiro is really fun but it's so fricking stressful
    I feel so goddamn squishy if I'm not paying attention

  14. 7 months ago

    Owl was the hardest for me been a while since i played it

    • 7 months ago

      Sword Saint on NG+++ was the hardest for me but it was a matter of learning all his moves
      True owl was the hardest for me other than that
      they felt very fair though

  15. 7 months ago

    Get floating passage combat art. The move has a fast start up, Sekiro actually steps into the hits which help tracking and pacing, and it even does chip damage if the enemy blocks. You can combine that with other buffs, like living flame with the flame vent or bestowal. I feel a lot of people sleep on that while focusing too much on the mortal blade draw (which sucks) or double ichi (which is great).

    • 7 months ago


  16. 7 months ago

    The Geniciro fight is honestly the peak of the game. You climb up the highest tower and fight some punk to save your cute little boy. I'm saying this after getting every ending.

    • 7 months ago

      That's because he was the most well designed boss fight with actual personality in how he fights. He had real strengths to watch out for and weaknesses you could pressure and exploit. He didn't have faster than light reflexes and defenses or headless bullshit.

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