Self imposed missions when playing open world games

Does anyone else do little self imposed missions when playing open world games. One thing I found very fun was to start at one end of hyrule coast and reach the other while collecting hearty blue snails to see how many I end up with at the end. I start with no weapons and must scavenge for them. If I die or take more than 4 in game days I fail. This make it so I have some pressure to use my snails to boost my health. The better I get the less I need and thus the more snails I have at the end of the mission.

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  1. 4 years ago

    Back in the day on the Xbox version of Morrowind I embarked on a quest to make a pillow fort. It was more like an igloo, and it crashed my game, but still neat that you could even do that at the time.

    • 4 years ago

      Yeah this kind of shit is what I'm talking about!

  2. 4 years ago


    • 4 years ago

      Jesus I know right. Why can't I just pay 20 dollars for 5 hours of DLC product like the rest of us. Like what do I think I'm doing, playing a game? lol

      • 4 years ago

        >game is so devoid of content you have to come up with some autistic busywork to find something resembling fun to do

        • 4 years ago

          It's not busy work, it's something I thought up when I realized scavenging with a goal in mind works best to the games strengths. The game is plenty fun enough and I've come up with other mission types that play to the mechanics strengths. I know games are serous business and art now and I have to wait/pay for the official fun pack but I enjoy playing with games the same way I enjoyed playing with wooden blocks growing up.

          • 4 years ago


            I like you. Post more missions anon

            • 4 years ago

              I made up one during winter where I gave myself 30 hearts saw how long I can survive the cold of the mountains just hunting without cooking. couldn't use warming items and just had to keep on the move. It got tense sometimes especially when I was running out of food. I think next time I'll do like 3 hearts.

  3. 4 years ago

    I've read this post before, why do you ask again anon, why?

  4. 4 years ago

    Oh, well, I think I have one, if maybe a little strange.
    Playing games like TES I like to play interior decorator and to furnish any places I frequent as well as I can, going so far as to hunt rare items for decoration purposes.

    • 4 years ago

      Awesome! In Skyrim I would play as an unarmed thief who traveled around each city try to steal what I could. I would have to move out if I was caught. Made moving in the wilderness actually kinda tense

  5. 4 years ago

    I get a kick out of this kind of thing when playing Ubi games, I'll pretend some malevolent chaos god is giving me orders in my head. "For this fort all civilians must die" or "For this base kill every archer before challenging the captain to a 1 on 1 duel". My personal favorite is introducing elements of randomness, rolling a die to determine what weapons I bring, or making things OSP.

    • 4 years ago

      I do something similar, in my headspace the character I control is actually being controlled by an immortal being that has controlled every character I play. He discusses the games events with his handler, and receives special orders to spice up the gameplay. "Kill that one last" or things like that.

  6. 4 years ago

    I do this too, but my only goal for the mission is to enjoy the video game I'm playing, and I usually fail

  7. 4 years ago

    I like to role play as if the character I’m playing as needs to actually do things like sleep or hunt for food.

    When I was little I would always bring my Pokémon MC back to his home in the main town to sleep whenever I would go to bed.

    In BoTW I sometimes set up campfire at night and have link eat meals during certain intake hours.

    It’s pretty autistic but I like living vicariously through my characters.

  8. 4 years ago

    what was that one jrpg series designed specifically around roleplay? might be worth a shot.

  9. 4 years ago

    Everyone does this in their own way.

    • 4 years ago

      Yeah I'd like to read them 😀

  10. 4 years ago

    Dunno if this counts but in Assassin's Creed 2, once you wreck the Templars in that area the Medici guards (the ones in yellow and brown) take over. Since Ezio was friendly with Lorenzo de' Medici, I would actively avoid killing the guards, only fighting them with fists so that they'd get knocked out rather than killed. All the other guards were fair game for stabbing, but not the Medici ones.

    • 4 years ago

      That's nice of you, anon.
      I used to fight everyone with fists out of a general desire to reduce bloodshed myself, they're just doing their jobs after all, but the finisher animations can be so brutal most of them would be dead anyway.

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