Sengoku Rance

Why is this coomer glorified VN, better thought out, deeper, more challenging and fun than most strategy games I've played past decade?
Also, how do I beat Takeda, they're getting my ass handed to me?

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  1. 1 year ago


    praise kek mein bruder

    • 1 year ago

      If we needed evidence of you being in cahoots with the jannies...

  2. 1 year ago

    >Also, how do I beat Takeda, they're getting my ass handed to me?
    From what I remember you can just rush the frick out of them but you have to get kind of lucky with the battles depending on what they have. If you completely take over their western province in one turn I believe you can avoid them attacking you and then you just rush the eastern one next turn.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm not even talking about the blitzes, their regular cav is eating my backline. My only ashigarus worth a damn are Senhime (the Tokugawa prison girl) and Katsuie (Oda pedo). I've been thinking of leveling up Senhime and getting rid of All Guard in favour of regular one.

  3. 1 year ago

    >this thread
    >those replies
    i can't tell if its trolling, mental moronation or sarcasm and satire so strong that it will draw in morons who think they are in good company.
    Reminder that pretending to be moronic will bring in real morons.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you new here? Its our resident schizo, he spams every 2nd thread with his inane bullshit

    • 1 year ago

      Hey newbie you're supposed to ignore bait

  4. 1 year ago

    coomers will be coomers, but Im sure even them agree sengoku rance is one of the bests.

    • 1 year ago

      go back to twitter

      • 1 year ago

        never been registered to any social network, moron

  5. 1 year ago

    Question, I heard in some storylines you impregnate some girls. Do you actually see them give birth, or does the game end before?

    • 1 year ago

      What the hell?

      • 1 year ago

        There is a severe lack of hentai where father and son gangbang their wife/mother.
        And considering Rance spans years, it doesn't sound impossible in storyline A you could sire A son, and in storyline B see the son become a man, and take him with you to rape women.
        But I guess this game isn't quite Crusader Kings

        • 1 year ago

          >and in storyline B see the son become a man, and take him with you to rape women.
          pls calm yourself, genghis

    • 1 year ago

      Don't quote me on it but I believe the ending for Isoroku's IF route shows her with the child.
      I don't think there's any mid-story birth content whatsoever.

  6. 1 year ago

    Does anyone know what happens if the clan holds some settlements in a province and then loses adjacency to it? Like, say, Houjou has taken the field from me in Tokaido but then I conquer entire Edo from them? What if Edo was their last province? Do they lose or do I have to reconquer Tokaido's field?

    • 1 year ago

      If a clan controls some of your territories in a province, and you conquer all their provinces/defeat them/they cease to exist, you regain control of the territories. Territories are basically just conquest-progress for provinces.

      Question, I heard in some storylines you impregnate some girls. Do you actually see them give birth, or does the game end before?

      Nobody gives birth on screen in the series. One of the children is born in a side route's epilogue, another one of Rance's children appears in the sequel, and the rest factor into Rance X
      Rance doesn't do any incest in the series (except for one spoiler that's not really actual incest)
      Though in Sengoku Rance there's a scene where one of the villains brutally rapes his daughter. In Kichikuou Rance there's a scene where a villain molests his daughter and uses drugs on her, he seduced her mother solely to grab her power for himself and has a narcissistic attraction to her. Rance doesn't do shit like that though since he's a hero of justice and a feminist.

      Why is this coomer glorified VN, better thought out, deeper, more challenging and fun than most strategy games I've played past decade?
      Also, how do I beat Takeda, they're getting my ass handed to me?

      >Also, how do I beat Takeda, they're getting my ass handed to me?
      There are a few cheese tactics you can use if your army is weak. You can deploy a single useless commander to bait out their strong cavalry units, then purposely lose the battle, and attack another time for real when their strong units can't defend.
      You can also get a tactician with Time Advance or whatever its' called, that skips time to end the battle faster, combine that with high-damage nonmelee units to win using the morale bar.

      Also: if you're playing on the normal route, you can win another way. After a few turns Takeda's generals will join the war, and they'll attack you four times in a row on a single turn. If you manage to win all four consecutive battles, you'll unlock an option to assassinate Shingen, which will automatically defeat them. The blitz is really hard though, but since they're defensive battles so you could maybe win. Try battle preparation, ninja's leaves-hiding ability, diviners with guard shikigami, and the time advance thing. Also Urza and Kenshin are godtier.

      • 1 year ago

        >rest factor into Rance X
        I haven't played a single Rance game just lurked some vndb article.
        It seems like Rance 1 is set in modern Japan or something, Kichou in fantasy world, and Sengoku in feudal Japan.
        How there be continuity between the games?

        • 1 year ago

          The continuity is fine, the setting is just a little unique.
          The whole series is set in a fantasy world, being made by a Japanese company and mostly comedic in tone it throws in more Japanese stuff than the average fantasy world along with a bunch of other weird stuff.
          Sengoku is in JAPAN (all caps) which resembles feudal japan but is a landmass that sits over an abyss, attached to the rest of the world by a bridge.
          Rance 1 is in a fairly generic (at least for the setting) European medieval fantasy kingdom.

          • 1 year ago

            >Sengoku is in JAPAN (all caps) which resembles feudal japan but is a landmass that sits over an abyss, attached to the rest of the world by a bridge.
            That's weird.

            >Rance 1 is in a fairly generic (at least for the setting) European medieval fantasy kingdom.
            so why does the pic look like suburb?

            • 1 year ago

              >so why does the pic look like suburb?
              Because it was made in 1989 and has a bunch of weird anachronisms like a casino, a robot and a posh all girls school so depicting authentic medieval architecture probably wasn't a high priority.
              Here's what it looks like in the remaster. I think most of the buildings pass as late medieval (besides the obviously anachronistic stuff).

              • 1 year ago

                >huge stone castle with a gate big enough to fit the church
                >houses that could pass for late medieval if you squint a bit
                >obviously modern cubical concrete buildings right next to them
                >some kind of steel girder radio tower???
                Really, the flat roofs are the worst offender in my opinion. You don't see that a lot in old buildings, since it makes waterproofing much harder.

              • 1 year ago

                1st game, mechanics more important than consistent setting, especially considering the setting isn't even properly "set" yet.

              • 1 year ago

                isn't Rance a detective in that or what? what is it? some sort of point-and-click?

              • 1 year ago

                It's standard for jap fantasy to have most cities look like immaculate Champs-Élysées

        • 1 year ago

          This is the Rance world.
          The first game is set in Leazas, which is a fairly rich late medieval/early renaissance era kingdom. Loosely based on Britain/France.
          Second game is set in the Free Cities, which are a bunch of city states and merchant republics with low to super high tech.
          Third game is set in Leazas/free cities.
          Fourth game is set on a floating island.
          Fifth game is set in a dungeon
          Sixth game is set in Zeth, an extremely advanced magical kingdom with a caste system. Loosely based on India.
          Seventh game is set in JAPAN. Which is fuedal Japan. Based on Japan. It's Japan.
          Eighth game is mostly set in the free cities again.
          Nineth game is set in Helman. An extremely low tech poverty shithole. Heavily based on Russia.
          Tenth game is set in the whole world.
          Kichikuou is prototype Rance X and also set in the whole world.

          Continuity is so/so. because you follow Rance, who is an ambitious adventurer from the free cities with wanderlust. There is very strong continuity when Rance is forced to do something, and light continuity when Rance is allowed to go do whatever he wants, such as going to visit JAPAN because he wants to frick princesses.

          • 1 year ago

            >Kichikuou is prototype Rance X and also set in the whole world.
            I thought Kichou did not include Japan, and hence not the entire world.

            Also, doesn't Rance become king of Lezas in the beginning of Kichou because he raped its princess in the first game or something?
            I'm also under the expression that one of the endings of Kichou sees him become a demon lord or something.

            I also heard that in later games, Rance has to kill his own sons to save the world or something. It is absolutely whacked.
            Does Sill give birth to any of Rance's children? Or is the random woman every time?

            • 1 year ago

              >I thought Kichou did not include Japan, and hence not the entire world.
              It does include Nippon, though it's smaller than the other countries and kind of a sidebar. Almost everything in Sengoku Rance is completely new and new-canon versions of old characters basically only make vague references to KR.
              >Also, doesn't Rance become king of Lezas in the beginning of Kichou because he raped its princess in the first game or something?
              Yeah. Lia is the princess of Leazas in 1, later queen, she becomes obsessed with Rance and keeps trying to get him to marry her and become king, but he likes being free too much and always runs away. KR is like a "what if Rance actually took the offer".
              >I'm also under the expression that one of the endings of Kichou sees him become a demon lord or something.
              >I also heard that in later games, Rance has to kill his own sons to save the world or something. It is absolutely whacked.
              that's not really it, but the story does go really off the rails later in Rance X.
              >Does Sill give birth to any of Rance's children? Or is the random woman every time?
              iirc canonically yes, but they're not defined characters in any of the games, it happens after the ending of X
              Based sillchad

              • 1 year ago

                >that's not really it
                I just figured it was something like that because description of this ost
                >"Oh shit Rance is killing his children"

              • 1 year ago

                Also, is Toushin Toshi 2 set in same universe as Rance?
                Apparently France appears in the Tournament of Gods, and there is a princess of Japan

              • 1 year ago

                The Toushin Toshi games are set in the same world as Rance, yeah. In fact the Toushin Tournament takes place in a city created at the site of the crash-landing of a flying island, which happened because of Rance. It takes place in the future after the events of all the games, some Rance characters have little background cameos, some TT characters appear in the Rance series, and Rance is like an optional superboss in Toushin Toshi 2

              • 1 year ago

                >Rance is like an optional superboss in Toushin Toshi 2
                You fight him using some crossover gates that can summon other characters too. And either the devs don't know their own lore or TT and Rance worlds are slightly different because prior to the release of Rance X their artist makes a point to say that there are no Oni women in regards to one X character while ignoring that one with a giant vegana from TT2 who apparently has a crush on Kiratouki. She IS a minor character, but the guy himself is in that category, and he is an optional boss in X.

            • 1 year ago

              >that's not really it
              I just figured it was something like that because description of this ost
              >"Oh shit Rance is killing his children"

              You went a little crazy spoiling yourself mate. but since you've come this far I explain a tiny bit, as light spoilers as possible when talking about extremely heavy spoilers.
              Kichikuou is the prototype for all Rance games from 5 to 10. It was the we're going bankrupt here's everything we have game. Some of the plot points change in the future games, but never too much that you can't see how the idea has evolved from Kichikuou. In Kichikuou, one of the things that can happen in the game is Sill dying. This sends Rance into rage and despair...and unlocks a new potential ending. Turning into the Demon King. This ending is included in Rance X. And that's all I'm going to say.

              • 1 year ago

                >You went a little crazy spoiling yourself mate
                Bit off-topic, but I don't really care about spoilers, actually in my experience, they have actually improved my experience, at least as long as they are vague enough.
                Like somebody spoiled that certain LOGH character was gonna die early, but they didn't say when, so every time when the character was in danger, I thought they were gonna die, but to my surprise, they survived very long, and when they died I couldn't believe it.
                Without that spoiler, I would have expected them to have plot armor, and earlier action scenes would have been less tense.
                Through some times they make shit worse, like I was told which character in Battle Star Galactica was a Cylon, so while watching the show I desperately looked for some foreshadowing before the reveal, but there was none.

                >It was the we're going bankrupt here's everything we have game.
                Weird, Rance series is one of the oldest and biggest eroge franchises, next to something like Taimanin Asagi-series, but even that seems to have bombed recently because they stopped making them.

  7. 1 year ago

    I like that GUI for most part, I just don't get why it was important to shoehorn the name of the in the middle of it?

    • 1 year ago

      Jap autism. Also, the UI certainly looks better than it plays.

  8. 1 year ago


    go back to twitter

    kys discord troon

  9. 1 year ago

    I liked Sengoku Gensyoko, The Great War Of Prefectures, as well as some of the "Empires" DW games and would like to play other games based on this formula. I also enjoyed playing eraTohoK as well, since I don't really mind erotic content in games as long as I can decide to play as not an butthole. In fact a game with all the data and map from EratohoK, but with the battle gameplay from Sengoku Gensyoko and whatever you can cram in strategic gameplay would be a dream come true.
    Can someone suggest any?


    Pls tell how to get paid for shilling either of games/anime/homosexualry or all of the above. It seems like a way more enjoyable way to earn money than my current job.

    • 1 year ago

      Eiyu*Senki Gold – A New Conquest
      VenusBlood HOLLOW International
      VenusBlood FRONTIER International

      most (all?) are on steam with the h content removed. you can download a patch for free, which restores them, from the developer websites

  10. 1 year ago

    Use generics/prisoner footies that have at least 6 def and ok speed. Don't be obsessed with trying to use uniques only. You can fire these once you have no more use for them.
    You can either finish them off before fuurinkazan are ready, or block the blitz to trigger an event to assassinate. Or you can just play correctly and not have to fight Takeda at all, especially if you're in normal route your first play.

    • 1 year ago

      >Or you can just play correctly and not have to fight Takeda at all, especially if you're in normal route your first play.
      Thanks, that's exactly what I did.

  11. 1 year ago

    So, Sengoku Rance the best entry for Rance virgins?

    Mangagamer has:

    Shouldn't I start with 01 if its remake of the first game and there is continuity?

    • 1 year ago

      Most start with Sengoku because it's largely disconnected from the previous games and explains everything well enough, it's also one of the best in the series. But starting at 1 works too. When you do play Sengoku ideally use the fan translation because it's better.

      For the full Rance experience you go Little princess > 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 4.1/.2 > 5 > 6 > 6 after > 7 > slash/thrust/burn > 8 > 9 > 10. With Kichikuou played anywhere between 4 to post-10. LP, 4.1/.2, 6 after, stb, and kichikuou are optional. For remake vs original, remake changes a good bit so there's arguments for and against starting with them. There's generally two timelines, new canon and old canon. 4, 4.1/2, and kichikuou are all in the old canon. There's no 04 yet unfortunately too. In both cases you should play 02 though because 02 is just a graphic and quality of life update, there's a kai version of 02 that has a different script for the new canon.

    • 1 year ago

      Sengoku is the one I started with quite recently and I've been having a blast, the game throws you into the fray of things pretty quick but it's easy enough to figure out the gameplay mechanics for the most part

  12. 1 year ago

    Omachi is the best girl and best commander in this game.

    • 1 year ago

      Best commander sure, but she's not the best girl. That honor goes to Uesugi Kenshin.

      • 1 year ago

        I love how pure she is. I also love her ending. Best one in the game probably. Her theme is outstanding.

        • 1 year ago

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