Seriously tho how would you make pokmon fun again?

Not just pokémon but that genre of game with a lot of monsters you collect and train or whatever

How is it fun for these adults? I tried pokémon silver and got insanely bored

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  1. 5 months ago

    I don't. I play Palworld.

  2. 5 months ago

    Not copying Ark that's for fricking sure.

  3. 5 months ago

    new stadium style game that isnt rushed out the door like the recent releases

  4. 5 months ago

    Palworld fricking sucks. Don't get me wrong, Palworld is fricking garbage. But maybe the next Pokemon game could head in that direction a little bit?

  5. 5 months ago

    SMT V is bloody fun

    • 5 months ago

      >hear v jerk this game off nonstop
      >fine ill give it a whirl
      >"young man, you must do a thing..... and save some people..... because the world is ending.... or something....."
      >"holy crap lois, I am a god. Aint that crazy", says person you have spoken only like twice throughout the entire game
      >"you know what main character? Frick you, and frick your ass. You always think you are better than me", says person I dont even remember being in the game
      >"remember kid, you gotta kill some guy because..... thing... and make sure satan is not god anymore because..... reasons...."
      this is the shittiest story I have ever played in a game bar none. At least when other games have shitty stories, they dont even try. This game tries its absolute best to make non characters.
      At least the open world is kinda nice though

  6. 5 months ago

    Sounds like you just don't like JRPGs. Why should it (or SMT, or whatever else) change

    • 5 months ago

      People have been saying it for ages and we always get ignored or mocked by the Smelee Tournament gays who think spreadsheets are the biggest and best thing to ever happen to RPGs.


      If you're going to have a game about a journey from town to town collecting pokemon make a game that REFLECTS THAT JOURNEY, Make an exploration game about going off the beaten path, finding rare and unseen sights, take on challenges that are dangerous and thrilling, and taking on quests and intrigue that maybe not every player gets to see.

      A pokemon game with even a quarter of the effort that went into Skyrim would break the game industry. Instead, no, we get game after game of copy+paste garbage with the highest level of sophistication being a flat, lifeless world made with the clone tool in Unreal editor with Pokemon lazily walking around.
      Fricking Pokemon Snap did a better job animating these things twenty years ago and we still can't find something for them to do besides stand in tall grass all day?

      But instead when you bring this up, you get the tournasmelee homosexuals telling you the same thing they've said for ten years: that there's nothing else to add to pokemon because the 1v1 exists and you can play it online. Game Freak listens to these people because it's easy to listen to these abject fricking morons, and they will buy the game even if it shipped like the online pokemon battle simulator because their standards are that low.

      i dont understand these types of comments. Do you just randomly play a game, complain its shit and then make the devs change it for you who has never touched it before?
      >man FIFA is not "fun", anymore. I tried playing fifa and its just not fun. Who even plays these games anymore, they should add shit like a first person shooter mode or an open world, you know?
      >man i think fighting games is not fun anymore. I tried playing street fighter and all that fighting is just not fun, you know? They should add a battle royale or crafting into it, i think thats how you make street fighter fun.
      >man pokemon is just not fun anymore, you know? I tried playing pokemon and its just not fun. The devs really should just remove the pokemons altogether and just make a survival crafting rpg or something

      >duhh but how do i know you've played pokemon before (largest franchise on the planet btw)
      you sound just like the smelee homosexuals who supported axing the national dex and were happy they did it.

      • 5 months ago

        >OP outright admits to never playing the game before
        >>duhh but how do i know you've played pokemon before (largest franchise on the planet btw)
        dont bother replying to me again

        • 5 months ago

          >OP outright admits to never playing the game before
          OP's post:
          >How is it fun for these adults? I tried pokémon silver and got insanely bored
          >I tried pokemon silver
          Ok I get it, you're fricking moronic and/or have severe reading issues from being ESL. It's okay, Ganker is an English website and is not meant for you.

      • 5 months ago

        one of the craziest things about the modern world is how many people spend much of their free time defends the powerful groups shitting all over all of us just because they favor some of them over others and cant handle seeing anyone criticize anything associated with anything they like

        • 5 months ago

          most people grow up and realise how easy it is to frick up a working system.
          so they keep throwing money at working systems that keep working until somone shows them forcibly - "look dummy there's a better system"
          ofc then that system becomes the only thing that people throw money at and the cycle repeats.
          see bethesda games/ubisoft games/gamefreak games etc etc

  7. 5 months ago

    stardew Valley with a Chao garden

    • 5 months ago

      instead of swords you have pokémon to fight...this is genius if only smart people made games

  8. 5 months ago

    For a game that is actually like Pokemon, focusing on the other elements besides just battling npcs would be nice
    The game moving past grid based movement would be excellent if it actually meant getting better exploration and puzzles, but it's only regressed since sun/moon
    There's very little reason Pokemon couldn't just dumpster a franchise like Persona, but instead it just innovates backwards

    • 5 months ago

      until you can do this in new pokemon games they can blow me

      The thing is it's entirely in Gamefreak's / Nintendos capability to make a far, far better and much more aesthetically pleasing open world Pokemon game than Palworld which is if we're honest just unity slop with the Pokemon style painted over haphazardly and everyone knows that. But they haven't. Because Pokemon fans are fricking losers. If they actually made a good Pokemon game it would print money, it's all anyone wants from them. This is very true it could integrate a lot from Persona. It's not like it wouldn't take a lot of work but what they have to do at the bare minimum is pretty simple. Remake the experience of the 2d games everyone loved but have it be 3d and open world and put it on fricking pc. Actually unlocking the Fly HM for the first time and putting it on your bird type and physically flying through the clouds in real time to the next island or whatever while your small pokemon you keep out of its pokeball all the time is clinging for dear life to your back woud be kino and everyone would fall in love with pokemon again.
      Maybe this will be a wake up call for them but until they make a better game they can blow me and I'll keep holding hands with my Pals.

      • 5 months ago

        >until you can do this in new pokemon games they can blow me
        They USED to have the ability to set up camp and pet your mons' but of course like every good feature, they took it out to replace it with a worse one a generation later.

        • 5 months ago

          This usually means that the feature was implemented by one very passionate guy and when that guy left no one knew how to read his spaghetti code.
          it happened in farcry 2->3/4. people just couldn't figure how the deployable mortar launcher calculated trajectory so instead they made it a stationary object that did frick all.

  9. 5 months ago

    pokemon was never fun, moron baby’s first jrpg

  10. 5 months ago

    i dont understand these types of comments. Do you just randomly play a game, complain its shit and then make the devs change it for you who has never touched it before?
    >man FIFA is not "fun", anymore. I tried playing fifa and its just not fun. Who even plays these games anymore, they should add shit like a first person shooter mode or an open world, you know?
    >man i think fighting games is not fun anymore. I tried playing street fighter and all that fighting is just not fun, you know? They should add a battle royale or crafting into it, i think thats how you make street fighter fun.
    >man pokemon is just not fun anymore, you know? I tried playing pokemon and its just not fun. The devs really should just remove the pokemons altogether and just make a survival crafting rpg or something

  11. 5 months ago

    Unironically make the games more like nuzlockes. The older games are infinitely replayable because of these things.

  12. 5 months ago

    You're not autistic enough to enjoy stimming. Adults who enjoy these games are all on the spectrum.

  13. 5 months ago

    You vcan addm ore to it if it fits within the core gameplay but it HAs to be

  14. 5 months ago

    make the pokemon have real personalities, act differently from eachother, actually function as real companions
    make the graphics not look like hot ass. I don't need ultra-realism but frick's sakes at least have some artstyle cohesion and graphics that don't look like they're from the N64 era
    have all fricking pokemon in one game. also have one fricking game, none of this pokemon buttplug version and pokemon dildo version bullshit.

  15. 5 months ago

    pokemon never stopped being fun, or rather pokemon showdown never stopped being fun
    i havnt played a pokemon game since b/w

  16. 5 months ago

    Why is it so easy being a women? Is that why men wanna be a women?

    • 5 months ago

      Because "being a woman" is an act that requires only the bare minimum of participation, you just have to look nice enough and have a hole for a penis to go in. Men are affection-starved animals across the world who can only benefit from competition, so naturally some choose to compete with women at being passive frick holes

      • 5 months ago

        >Because "being a woman" is an act that requires only the bare minimum of participation, you just have to look nice enough and have a hole for a penis to go in. Men are affection-starved animals across the world who can only benefit from competition, so naturally some choose to compete with women at being passive frick holes
        none of this was true before we gave women rights which is totally unnatural and unsustainable, the idea that men and women are equal is never entertained aside from during some brief moments between civilizations peaking and collapsing

        • 5 months ago

          true and real

        • 5 months ago

          >we gave women rights
          Jews gave women rights.
          >allow women to make money and able to live independantly
          >naturally they start all flocking to the same top 1% guys, the rest can frick off, better die alone with 25 cats
          >while most men are starving out of pussy and getting suicidal *israeli clap* here's the solution you asked for goyim *hands you Tinder* I hope you'll like it 😉 *eat foreskins chips*
          >make billions out of men desperation
          Next step is oxygen

  17. 5 months ago

    go back to 2D, thats all.
    gamefreak doesnt not know how to work in a 3-dimensional world, especially with their team size.
    Theyve already been reusing the exact same pokemon models for 5 gens now and they still have less content than the 2D games despite having to remake all the pokemon from scratch back then

  18. 5 months ago

    Learn from Legends Arceus. 151 Pokemon in an open world KANTOOOOO but add depth to the Pokemon catching. Want to catch a Geodude? Well it looks like a fricking rock and it isn't interested in a human wandering by, so start kicking rocks. Want to catch a Pidgey? Why would a bird Pokemon not fly away when approached by a human? You better go catch a Pokemon with a move that can immobilize it (string shot, thunder wave) so you can actually capture it. Want to catch a Clefairy? Oh, too bad, looks like it isn't a full moon, go frick yourself.

    Go back to the series' roots of catching frogs out in the forest. Just dropping a bunch of Pokemon models with identical AI into an open field is fricking gay, and I hate PLA / SwSh / whatever the frick the new one is called for handling it that way.

  19. 5 months ago

    Is this edited? Those are some unnervingly huge eyes

  20. 5 months ago

    >no longer forcing ridiculously long cutscenes, especially in tutorial form
    This alone would make modern Pokemon games playable, Sun/Moon onwards is absolutely torture. Even if it's aimed at kids, shits overkill.

  21. 5 months ago

    An open-world (in the way dark souls is) with highly stylised graphics and a focus on battling. With a well-written (but child friendly) story about facing adversity in the style of a studio ghibli film. Not that hard.

    • 5 months ago

      What's funny is that Colosseum gave us the story aspect on a shoestring budget without an open world because literally everyone can do Game Freak's job better than Game Freak

  22. 5 months ago

    go play pokemon showdown for free and see how trash the pvp is. The main problems are probably sweeper moves and cancer heals

    • 5 months ago

      but showdown is where the fun is. then again i only play ranbats where a random boost can snowball into half their team being wiped

  23. 5 months ago

    They really don't have to change their formula, just execute it well instead of doing a shoddy job. Also re add the fricking Battle Frontier already holy shit.

  24. 5 months ago

    Just like palworld, make them more than just a sprite in your menu or just a 3d model that follow you in your back.
    Make them more uesful and each pokemon have their own identity.

  25. 5 months ago

    nuff said. Just balance out the moves and pokemon types

  26. 5 months ago

    you can't. only 30 yo nostalgic manchildren like pokemon these days

  27. 5 months ago

    > I tried Pokémon silver and got bored
    Then Monster tamer jrpgs aren't for you. Play something else and leave me alone.

  28. 5 months ago

    Play Palworld.

  29. 5 months ago

    Just make xbc but with pokemon where you explore the world and find shit. Have the legendaries be actually imposing (physically at least)
    They were/are inching ever so closer to that with arceus and sv

  30. 5 months ago

    i would rework that stupid simple combat

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