Shadow Gambit: The Cursed Crew

shadow tactics and desperados bros, we goin' home


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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Oops, forgot gameplay trailer

  2. 1 year ago

    Looking good.

  3. 1 year ago

    not sold on the setting

  4. 1 year ago

    I don't like the setting.
    Gameplay POSSIBLY this is the evolution of commandos/desperados/shadow tactics BUT given the greater degree of freedom, there may be a reverse effect. One of the interesting aspects of real-time tactics was puzzle missions, where the enemies are so dense and the possibilities are so limited that you can only spin the level in a very specific way. Here it looks like they have gone a long way from this in favor of a free sweep of the level.

    • 1 year ago

      Honestly I got the impression they moved away from the hard puzzle elements with every new game it seems like. Later levels can be kinda puzzle-esque I felt but generally I get the sense they don't intend to create things that are so rigid.

      I do enjoy the puzzle type missions but at the same time the freedom to figure out your own approach is fun in itself too. I liked some of the missions in desperadoes where the optional bonuses were more toward the puzzle style and the rest was more open.

    • 1 year ago

      How about both? Like the other anon said, the core gameplay in D3/ST can be done however you like, while the badges, achievements and challenges and stuff require tinkering and perfect timing.

  5. 1 year ago

    Setting looks like typical modern forntie-esque or some sea of thieves shit.

  6. 1 year ago

    I dislike the Black person female protag. Not buying this one sorry mimimi.

  7. 1 year ago

    The themes of pirates and stealth don't really go that well together (unless we are talking about their ships evading the navy or something) but I guess you could kind of say the same thing with cowboys so dunno
    Was hoping they would expand Shadow Tactics with a medieval European, Persian or Indian settings to follow up with the ninja theme. Just rogues, assassins, thuggees, crossbows and studded leather armor that sort of thing. Could also be fantasy.
    When you look at these characters they don't really stand at as being one thing or another, like you could give any of them the cannon or any of them the anchor and they would play the same, it seems more like they are just magic ability carriers than stealth specialists.

  8. 1 year ago

    >you will never play that vampire Hunter game Spellbound cancelled
    Feels bad man

    • 1 year ago

      well i hope the staff at mimimi knew about this canceled game and secretly trying to make it from scratch....shame about the oldschool HD 2d sprite lost to time though

  9. 1 year ago

    Honestly the setting has potential, but considering how little these games explore their setting, it's probably going to be disappointing. Edo Japan is Edo Japan, you don't need to flesh it out too much and people get it. So's WW2, Wild West, etc. I guess I might be getting this wrong and it's just Carribean Pirates + supernatural Inquisition. But it's so cartoony and stylized I can't tell if it's that or if it's some meh OC setting that we'll only get to superficially explore.

    Might seem petty but I don't think I'm likely to play one of these savescumming simulators if I don't enjoy the setting.

  10. 1 year ago

    I'll be shocked if this doesn't get delayed to 2024.

    • 1 year ago

      Why? It already looks finished.

      • 1 year ago

        Mimimi is anti-crunch time. They're also publishing it themselves this time so there's no one to crack the whip. The gameplay footage is still in alpha. Also, in Mimimi's last two games, they had closed betas that people got to test and they have yet to announce one. Desperados 3's closed beta was nearly a year before the final release.

  11. 1 year ago

    I like the designs and undead powers might make for really fun gameplay, but the mobile gamey fortnite art style is disappointing. Still going to check it out, maybe it will grow on me.

  12. 1 year ago

    It's getting traction. How long until Tucker Carlson condemns Steam on Fox?

    • 1 year ago

      Kali Yuga

  13. 1 year ago

    Looks good so far, devs didn't disappoint me yet so I'm hopeful

  14. 1 year ago

    Core gameplay, I trust mimimi to make it solid. Everything else however I'm not really so sure about. Generic magical vfx feel cheap compared to more grounded effects in previous games. Virtue signaling is obvious, but hopefully won't impact the quality otherwise. Very open-ended nature of missions probably means focus on replayability and achievement to get any semblance of challenge - and I'm not sure how fun it would be to replay the same level over and over just with different characters.
    Also in regards to challenge, I feel Desperados was already quite a bit easier than Shadow Tactics (ignoring completely broken Kumo-into-Swordwind combo), and I played Desperados first, so it wasn't the matter of getting better at it. Here they are clearly trying to appeal to people completely new to the genre, so I'm a bit worried if "hard" difficulty will actually be hard.

    • 1 year ago

      They're trying to appeal to the idiots that thought sections in ST/D3 could "only be done one way". Sadly, there must've been a lot of them.

      • 1 year ago

        Ideally, these games should be designed with a degree of 'competitive creativity' in mind. This seems to happen accidentally sometimes when games allow for different approaches and enemies reacting to things in a way that make situations dynamic. I rarely see developers actively promote it, though IO Interactive initially did with the recent Hitman games but it kind of fell off. It's not enough for a designer to think 'well we need at least five different ways of this problem being solved' but for things to happen in ways even they didn't predict.

    • 1 year ago

      I did the opposite play through order and I'd agree, the guns open up a ton of freedom in how you do missions and generally I felt desperados the characters have better abilities sans swordwind. I wouldn't worry about difficulty though, if we're being entirely honest most of these games have some broken ability/combo buried in them just because there's a lot of shit you can get up to that experienced players tend to see a lot easier than new ones.

      I did Robin Hood Legend of Sherwood as a kid and by the end of the game missions were easier but I had a few I felt were very much play a certain way or lose type. Then I did a playthrough like ten years later and realized strong merrys with 5 fighting could solo entire maps non-lethally. Everything I thought was linear was suddenly extremely open, whistle made a vast number of different things viable to partner up with the strong merry. I think its just the nature of these games.

      Ideally, these games should be designed with a degree of 'competitive creativity' in mind. This seems to happen accidentally sometimes when games allow for different approaches and enemies reacting to things in a way that make situations dynamic. I rarely see developers actively promote it, though IO Interactive initially did with the recent Hitman games but it kind of fell off. It's not enough for a designer to think 'well we need at least five different ways of this problem being solved' but for things to happen in ways even they didn't predict.

      Pretty much any ability that allows you to control or influence enemy movement is going to do that by itself. It inherently mixes up any puzzle style map the developer build just by shuffling around where enemies are. I genuinely don't think you can have true 1 answer puzzle maps without either axing those abilities, having enemies be immune to them, or layering enemies insanely heavily. And even then, even in maps where devs intend to do one or more of the above, there's often some kind of workaround.

  15. 1 year ago

    There's actually ANOTHER pirate themed commandos-like in the works. This one uses a more realistic setting.

  16. 1 year ago

    Looks like they're getting rid of the badge system altogether. I wonder if it's getting replaced by something better or if they're just going to make those kind of challenges achievements instead.

    • 1 year ago

      I think having all of them as achievements would just inflate the list pointlessly.
      Maybe you'll get some unlock points, experience or something

      • 1 year ago

        Steam versions have achievement for extra stuff on top of badges, and honestly it just makes it hard to track them.

        In any case, it means speedrun challenges are likely gone. I don't mind this because it means less work for completionists and it doesn't stop people who like speedruns from doing them anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      Steam versions have achievement for extra stuff on top of badges, and honestly it just makes it hard to track them.

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