>"Shepard-Commander, does this unit have the capabilities to make a Mass Effect thread without inciting bloodshed amongst organics?"

>"Shepard-Commander, does this unit have the capabilities to make a Mass Effect thread without inciting bloodshed amongst organics?"

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  1. 2 years ago

    Batarians, Krogans and Turians are not organics, the council can kiss my ass

    • 2 years ago

      I wish we could have gone to Batarianistan, overthrown the Hegemony, and taken Batarian women as trench wives.

      Pic semi related.

      • 2 years ago

        >i need your biggest krogan

        • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      epic post

    • 2 years ago

      You forgot Asari, I hate those blue prostitutes.

    • 2 years ago

      What about the Vorcha? Aren't they Black folk even by Krogan Standards?

    • 2 years ago

      Who would win in a fight? HK-47 or Legion? 1v1, both bots have the best gear and upgrades in the game. who wins guys? come on who wins? really who wins?

      • 2 years ago

        the general caveat that the sniper wins unless the brawler can get into melee range.

        • 2 years ago

          being an assassin droid, hk-47 probably knows his way around a sniper rifle too no?

          • 2 years ago

            He does.

            • 2 years ago

              So he was created by Revan for many purposes?
              >Stand up comedy
              >Assassination Missions
              >Protocol Droid
              >Squad backup
              >Run "combat simulations"
              >Operate The Foundry
              >Spying (HK47 has very good hearing)
              What else?

      • 2 years ago

        being an assassin droid, hk-47 probably knows his way around a sniper rifle too no?

        Isn't Legion's fully evolved DPS class called "Geth Assassin"? It is a death-match of assassin vs assassin here...

        Also lol at how Legion at how Legion tells the Citadel receptionists "Geth do not infiltrate." despite the name of his class literally being "Geth Infiltrator"

        Anyway, HK-47 would win, since he has killed countless Sith and countless Jedi by himself. I highly doubt Legion, or any other Shepard Squaddie, could ever beat even one Jedi or Sith in a fight.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Geppetto failed abortion has the audacity to make demands
    Dunno, why didn't you have the capability to show up earlier and help shift the focus of the trilogy to organics vs synthetics?

    • 2 years ago

      Bioware really shot themselves in the foot mid development

      • 2 years ago

        The worst part about Legion is that he shows up just before the endgame. It's just unbelievably bad game design.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah but at least you have time to do its Loyalty mission and bring it along for Tali's. I get feeling like they never actually figured out how to write a geth companion because in the dialogue outside of these missions it's very one note. It feels more like Chris L'Etoile's unfinished pet project.

          • 2 years ago

            wow two whole missions

            that's one more mission than Joker gets, and he has brittle bones

            • 2 years ago

              how many times did bringing a squadmate along for a mission that wasn't their loyalty mission actually matter. On some loyalty missions (looking at you Samara) you don't even get to bring a squaddie.

      • 2 years ago


        If the gay doctor couple of founders hadn't sold their company and gone into beer-reviewing retirement then the game would have been much more complete and better for it. Might have even taken the crown from FNV.

        But if we're going what-if then we'd have to imagine Obsidian having more dev-time to finish content in FNV too.

        • 2 years ago

          Mass Effect and Dragon Age will always both remind me of how terrible EA is. I remember when Bioware was purchased, and everyone making memes laughing at how Bioware was going to become shit. Mass Effect 2 released and was still pretty good, but then Dragon Age 2 came out and showed everyone how right they were. Mass Effect 3 being a disaster only solidified it. I haven't had any interest in "Bioware" since then. It really is a shame because they made such great games before then.

          • 2 years ago


            ME2 was spared because it was basically finished prior to the buyout. Its' existence was a factor influencing the buyout. A lot of team members stayed on to finish that project then left.

            For the younger amongst us, it was a huge milestone in the game industry.
            *Bioware was the largest independent developer. It was bought-out by the largest publisher.
            *EA was already known for a business-cycle of cannibailizing good devs, using their names to make shovelware until the brand has lost all customer trust, then buying a new company.
            *EA was already a monster hated in the industry. Voted worst company -even worse than Goldman Sachs after 2008. Bioware was the great hope that gamers could look to for quality and defiance of the corporate types.
            *the acquisition was very convoluted. EA's initial bid was rejected. Then their CEO Ricitelli resigned. He founded a new firm Vertical Partners with investors like Bono. He befriended the gay couple who had founded Bioware. He bought out Pandemic, who were friendly with Bioware, as a stepping-stone. Finally, he convinced the gay couple to accept a huge buyout offer, the biggest yet in industry history, by Vertical Partners. They accepted. Vertical Partners then dissolved Pandemic, sold Bioware to EA, and Riccitelli returned to his CEO position in EA. EA shunted all its' other studios, placing them under the "Bioware" umbrella, fired most of its' staff, and used those who were left to plug-up the talent drain from Bioware.
            *ME3 came with on-cd DLC and ended with a sales pitch.

            • 2 years ago

              the on-disc dlc and the message at the end were way more insulting than the shitty ending to me. but it changed me for the better because mass effect 3 was the last game i ever pre-ordered.

          • 2 years ago

            It's funny you say that - ME2 did exactly what DA2 did to the series - whether changing tone, redesigning everything into C-tier 80s stuff, simplifying gameplay and making it more linear as well as "haha sex, amirite".

            The only problem was that DA2 was way more rushed and reused content. In a way it was still more faithful to what came before - lore and storywise.

            • 2 years ago

              I've beaten the Mass Effect Trilogy over a dozen times. But never touched Andromeda with a 60 foot pole because it was fricking gay it took place in the wrong galaxy. But LOL is this really a conversation from the game:

              >asari: Yes, the gender binary of other races is irrelevant to us.
              >angara: I’ve been using feminine pronouns this entire time. Should I-
              >asari: In my case it’s fine to continue. Thank you for asking, I appreciate it. Some asari prefer male pronouns, while others gravitate toward gender-neutral where language allows.
              >angara: My people have several pronouns to identify themselves with. Perhaps I should prepare a document.
              >asari: Please do.

              >"haha sex, amirite".
              Uh? Whats wrong with too much sex on The Normandy? I see no problem here, as long as Shepard is literally the only one allowed to have sex. Nobody else. But as Commander I always sleep with every female the game allows Shepard to so he can assert his dominance and authority over his crew, and make sure nobody else is allowed to have sex on my Normandy. My Shepards do not allow Joker to have sex because he uses ingame dialogue options to sabotages his relationship with EDI before it begins. Same with engineer Ken Donnally, I sabotage his relationship with Gabby before it begins. If I'm not planning to romance to romance Tali in Mass Effect 3, I am certain to get Garrus killed in Mass Effect 2 so he can not have sex with her. Kasumi mentioned some crew member in navigation thinks she might be pregnant, I'm like "Wtf? I'm putting a stop to this!" so I use RP headcanon to make sure Shepard fires her from Cerberus and then uses his Spectre Authority to force her to have an abortion. Also guys be very careful never to invite Ashley Williams to the Citadel Party if she is single! She will try to have sex with James Vega! And because of some weird glitch Shepard can not approach James at the party to tell him:

              >"No, James. You are not allowed to have sex. That's an order, soldier!"

              • 2 years ago

                frickin weirdo

              • 2 years ago

                Most sane coomer.

              • 2 years ago

                that makes sense

              • 2 years ago

                So Mass Effect's massive hentai community had it right all along? Asari futa c00mers DO technically exist within the bounds of Established Mass Errect Lore?? Interesting. I wonder if Liara or Samara have a pen0r?

        • 2 years ago

          Delusional. Lmao. BioWare was never good unless you're a braindead coomer.

          • 2 years ago

            So that means that Baldur's Gate was never good? Agreed.

            • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          No, Bioware. Do people really still think this way? The publisher isn't to blame for developers losing their touch.

    • 2 years ago

      >why didn't you have the capability to show up earlier and help shift the focus of the trilogy to organics vs synthetics?
      Because organics vs synthetics was never intended as the endgame by the writing team. The last half hour of Mass Effect 3 is the result of a writer's coup led by Casey Hudson.

      • 2 years ago

        >writer's coup led by Casey Hudson.

        • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            >This whole video
            >No mention or reference about how the ending hinges on Shepard just listening to what the reapers tell him with two out of three endings being "kills himself because a reaper said so"

            • 2 years ago

              I also makes no reference to the fact the reapers could literally just not have said anything and Shepard would just have stood there in confusion about what to do until the battle was over, because surely his reaction wouldn't be to either commit suicide or break the machine that cost so much effort to make and that's your only chance at survival.

              Instead they made an hologram of some random ass kid Shepard had nightmares about and told him how that whole shit worked. And yeah, not to mention the stupidity that is that the ending is about listening to what the reapers say and trusting them after three games of constantly reinforcing the message that you can't do that and trying to control or join with them is how they get you.

      • 2 years ago

        There's nothing wrong with it, technically.
        It's execution problem, plus Bioware erosion didn't help.

    • 2 years ago

      >why didn't you have the capability to show up earlier and help shift the focus of the trilogy to organics vs synthetics?
      Because organics vs synthetics was never intended as the endgame by the writing team. The last half hour of Mass Effect 3 is the result of a writer's coup led by Casey Hudson.

      Organics vs Synthetics is a central theme throughout the series. Reapers, a machine race, wish to wipe out organics. Geth are a major enemy, and their backstory revolves around organic vs synthetic conflict. Hell, a rogue AI literally drops the "organics and synthetics can't coexist" line in an ME1 side quest.
      It's nice to pretend that fixing ME3 is as simple as going back to the dark energy thing, but it really wouldn't. ME3's issues are more fundamental than that, and people would hate a dark energy ending too if the execution was still as bad as the execution on the released ending.

  3. 2 years ago

    Mass Erect

  4. 2 years ago

    >there will never be another good mass effect game
    >there are no mass effect fan games
    one day a fan will make a shitty rpg maker mass effect game and i will be there to eat it up.

    • 2 years ago

      When Starfield is released .... it will provide the basis for Mass Effect as it should be

      • 2 years ago

        I doubt there will be another dude as Based as Karpishin

      • 2 years ago

        >Mass Effect
        >But only the ME1 planet exploration sections
        >as it should be

      • 2 years ago

        I feel exactly the opposite

    • 2 years ago

      based and wisdompilled

      Mass Effect probably started from some Bioware writer getting pissed that Star Wars and Star Trek were jumping the shark. Star Wars/Trek were based off of Wagon's West and Flash Gordon/Dune, which were based off of some old comics or radio programs even boomers forgot existed

      The Reaper cycle continues

    • 2 years ago

      >one day a fan will make a shitty rpg maker mass effect game and i will be there to eat it up.
      I've been thinking about it actually. Probably won't because I can't imagine EA would do anything less than raining an absolute shitstorm down on my front door for doing so, but I have a few ideas for one.

    • 2 years ago
      • 2 years ago

        total war has trash naval battles, which means shit ship combat which should be 70% of the total gameloop

    • 2 years ago

      >someday. eventually.
      let me know when its ready

  5. 2 years ago

    this series is so flawed but every time i finish a playthrough it takes me forever to move onto something else. i guess it's the worldbuilding and strong cast of characters.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah bioware used to be one of the very few devs who made me feel that little emptiness when I finished one of their games

    • 2 years ago

      >i guess it's the worldbuilding and strong cast of characters.
      Pretty much what I've been saying for years. Bioware was always at its best with characters and autistic levels of world-building. Too bad they lost that talent as well.

    • 2 years ago

      It's amazing to think that late 2000s/early 2010s Bioware was so confident they could shit out worlds on demand they didn't even think to just keep stretching out Mass Effect forever with "not much really happened" Mass Effect 2 style sequels.

  6. 2 years ago

    I'm playing through 1 again, finally trying out the legendary edition. Doing a vanguard insanity run, why can't bioware make games like this anymore bros?

  7. 2 years ago

    I never got into ME.

    I like space opera as much as hard sci fi, but the setting just does not appeal to me.

    Although I have to admit ME 1 did have some promise.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Guardians of the Galaxy and Deus Ex prequel writer Mary DeMarle has joined Mass Effect and Dragon Age developer BioWare.

    >As reported by VGC, DeMarle had previously spent more than 14 years at Eidos-Montréal, where she was the narrative director and lead writer on Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Deus Ex: Mankind Dividided. Most recently she created the story of 2021's Guardians of the Galaxy, which won Best Narrative at the Game Awards last year.

    >DeMarle announced the switch to BioWare on her LinkedIn page, revealing her new position as senior narrative director. It's unclear what games DeMarle will be working on, but we know that BioWare is currently developing Dragon Age: Dreadwolf and a new Mass Effect game (the latter of which would match DeMarle's sci-fi writing roots).

    You guys ready for Mass Effect 5?

    • 2 years ago

      >Worked on Mankind Divided and Guardians of the Galaxy
      Disaster incoming.

      • 2 years ago

        guardians 2 was good, if they were going to do a more casual story (i.e, not a 'you're saving the whole galaxy from (X)' again) I could see it working.

      • 2 years ago

        >Guardians of the Galaxy
        hey now, that game was pretty nice.

    • 2 years ago

      Why the frick can't they just go back and hire Drew Karpyshyn? Dude set the tone of the series in 1, had way better ideas for 2 and 3 than what was used, wrote a couple pretty decent tie-in novels, and yet they keep getting these diversity hires.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why the frick can't they just go back and hire Drew Karpyshyn?
        Casey Hudson does mind-blowing blowjobs.

      • 2 years ago

        >had way better ideas for 2 and 3 than what was used
        If you're talking about things like the Dark Energy plotline, then no. It was shit from the very beginning and would have still resulted in an A B choice.
        >wrote a couple pretty decent tie-in novels
        The only one that was decent was Revelations. Every other game related novel he wrote was bad. And don't forget he was the one who created Kai Leng
        >b-but he was good in Retribution
        He wasn't

        • 2 years ago

          I'm so fricking tired of people pushing the Dark Energy ending as "way better than what we got." It's a dogshit fricking idea and makes me annoyed every time I see it mentioned.

          • 2 years ago

            A dogshit would be better than what we've got.

            • 2 years ago

              3>2 homosexual

          • 2 years ago

            Pretty sure even Karpyshyn himself said in some interview that he didn't want people touting 'his' version of the story up as some amazing 'it should have been this' scenario, since the reality is that the game probably would have ended in a similar way overall and probably would have caused a similar amount of conflict.

          • 2 years ago

            I know that the "dark energy" meme was an intended plotline that was dropped. But I have no idea where they were going with it. Did they share it?

            • 2 years ago

              dark energy was supposed to consume the universe if used non-catiously. reapers genocide until they can find a solution. it was brought up during Tali's mission in 2 or 3, i don't remember

              • 2 years ago

                In the end plot-line still kinda boils down to "we're destroying life to save life".

              • 2 years ago

                Not really, the dark energy ending would have had the Reapers be ultimantly intrested in self preservation. They are only looking for a solution becouse they are machines that canot live without mass effect tech. It allso would have preserved the "humans are farm animals compared to us" vibe me1 gave off that me3 completlely ruined.

              • 2 years ago

                Dark energy would have at least made more sense.

                "We're going to kill you because otherwise your use of FTL will perma-frick the galaxy"


                "Yo dawg we have to kill organics because otherwise they make synthetics that will kill organics"

              • 2 years ago

                Dark Energy has no real narrative through-line. It would have been the same shit as Synthetics vs Organics, only instead of being undermined by events in 3 it's instead an asspull that relies on a few throw away lines from filler missions.
                Now, leaning into indoctrination? That might have fixed things.

              • 2 years ago

                It makes no sense because the reapers deliberately guide the upcoming races along the same path of technological development that leads to them using ME tech. If their goal was to really find a solution to the the dark energy problem they would do the exact opposite

              • 2 years ago

                Miranda? Sure, you just need to tell her that Kai Leng is on the loose.
                It was during ME2, on Haestrom. They were talking about the system star becoming Red Giant prematurely. Moreover, there were several codex entries about dark energy and its effects, both in ME1 and 2.

                dark energy would have been a cool subplot had they kept it going

    • 2 years ago

      >Mass Effect 5
      That would suggest a Mass Effect 4 exists. It does not.

      • 2 years ago

        For whatever reason people consider Andromeda to be Mass Effect 4.

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think anyone actually considers Andromeda to be part of the series proper

          • 2 years ago

            It is super boring but honestly there's nothing about it that doesn't feel like Mass Effect

  9. 2 years ago

    Save the Human Colonies, Cure the Outbreak on Peak 15, Save the Rachni, Sacrifice the Council, Delete Maelon's Data, Rewrite the Geth, Save the Collector Base, Sabotage the Genophage Cure, Destroy the Quarians(Even though peace can be achieved), Choose Destroy.

    • 2 years ago

      > Destroy the Quarians(Even though peace can be achieved)
      > Choose Destroy.
      Why even bother at that point since destroy will kill all the geth anyway? Unless you just hate both races.

      • 2 years ago


        >saving the rachni
        >forgetting to kill wrex

        Kill Wrex in ME3
        Let Mordin die with dignity as the second fireteam leader.

        • 2 years ago

          Killing Wrex in ME1 let's his moronic brother take over.

    • 2 years ago

      >saving the rachni
      >forgetting to kill wrex

      • 2 years ago

        Save the Human Colonies, Cure the Outbreak on Peak 15, Save the Rachni, Sacrifice the Council, Delete Maelon's Data, Rewrite the Geth, Save the Collector Base, Sabotage the Genophage Cure, Destroy the Quarians(Even though peace can be achieved), Choose Destroy.

        Could look up old discussions on Gamefaqs but without knowledge of the game's ending or of future titles, saving the Rachni makes 0 sense unless you're a Federation-tier moralgay.
        Saving them makes sense to use as an ally against the Reapers, but without knowing the Reapers exist and are an existential threat to the galaxy, you have to be insane to let the Rachni propogate themselves again.

        • 2 years ago

          >actually trying to RP what decision you make in ME
          Bro if you're blue guy you pick top options, if you're red guy you pick bottom, the game only incentivizes this.

        • 2 years ago

          It's a moronic choice because it makes it too binary, either total freedom or genocide. Obviously Paragonshep should have remanded the queen to the council or something and made it public so they couldn't just kill her.

          But at the time it was basically seen as a commitment from Bioware to writing out major consequences for the choice, which is why it was one of the things people were butt-destroyed about in ME3.

  10. 2 years ago

    I played one and two, never played three, and I don't remember a damn thing about them. Should I play all 3 that that they're remastered and all that? Do they hold up?

    • 2 years ago

      Might as well replay one at least, its still good. 2 Is fun if you like the more fast paced action + wackier companions, and 3 has arguably the best combat of the trilogy and at least a few cool story moments even if the ending still shits the bed.

  11. 2 years ago

    I wanted more indoctrinated Hanar

  12. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect as a series was highly overrated.

  13. 2 years ago

    Would you play a Mass Effect game where the OC not human?

    • 2 years ago

      Playing as a universally reviled race like a Batarian or Geth or, to a lesser degree, a Krogan, could be pretty good.

    • 2 years ago

      Perhaps a piracy/merc-related short spin-off. You can't do a full game with a lot of the races as they are too limited, especially in the "talking" department and Asari/Turian/Salarians feel a bit too similar. I would accept a Hanar romance VN though.

      • 2 years ago

        There's really just no way they could do a hanar romance and actually take it seriously, maybe if there was another area like omega added and you could accept some hanar prostitutes invitation for comedies sake (fade to black, of course), but bioware doesn't have the balls to go for a full serious romance for what is basically just a hentai tentacle monster with no face.

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Here's what the next Mass Effect game should be:

      >Mass Effect: Specter
      >timeline runs concurrent to Mass Effect series
      >Dragon Age Origins style opening where you pick race / class and have various opening worlds
      >Human, Asari, Turian, Salarian
      >EA gets its nut by adding day 1 DLC that introduce optional races of Krogan, Quarian, Drell, etc.
      >all stories eventually converge around Duncan-style Specter that introduces them into its ranks
      >main story weaves in and out of choices made by main Mass Effect save with recruitable companions determined by Shepard choices
      >most companions not OC donut steels, but characters Shepard has encountered like Batarian terrorist Balak, Salarian Padok Wiks, Human autist David Archer, etc.
      >story has to do with Specters doing background work to make Shepard's mission a success, as unsung heroes

      • 2 years ago

        I'm shocked we haven't had any spin-off games aside from Andromeda. The universe is big enough to put tons of stories together that don't touch Shepard+gang.

        • 2 years ago

          Where's my X-Com style Mass Effect game

      • 2 years ago

        >timeline runs concurrent to Mass Effect series
        Dead on arrival.

        I'm shocked we haven't had any spin-off games aside from Andromeda. The universe is big enough to put tons of stories together that don't touch Shepard+gang.

        The problem is that, with the endings, nobody cares about anything else, besides what comes directly after. It's such a bottleneck to the franchise. I'm sure you can make whatever game you want, but a spinoff game, that will release, most likely in 2028, isn't going to do numbers for Mass Effect, or Bioware. Imagine a franchise being gone for 10+ years and returning with an inconsequential, no real stakes story, and all new characters. You might as well have it be in an entirely new franchise.

        • 2 years ago

          If I were Bioware, I'd put Mass Effect characters in Fortnite. If I wanted zoomers to buy my next game. But I'd also have to make the next game with those characters. And I doubt they'd put the Andromeda characters in there.
          I guess the problem is that it's an EA property, of an M rated game.

        • 2 years ago

          This, anything set during/before ME's timeline is fricked because of the endings.

          They should just pick an ending to be canon (destroy) and work from there, preferably with a decent time jump as well, so that most if not all of the old companions are dead to avoid stupid overly milky cameos that distract from the story.

          • 2 years ago

            The only problem with Destroy is that it kills all the cool robots that are fun to shoot.

          • 2 years ago

            >most if not all of the old companions are dead
            That's not going to upset anybody. Timeskipping is not going to help the franchise.

        • 2 years ago

          But that's the issue. Mass Effect wasn't meant to continue or have spin offs. They made the endings like that so they could be done with this franchise and move onto something new. Honestly if EA didn't frick Bioware over so hard we would probably have moved on from Dragon age and ME games by now into something new.

          • 2 years ago

            I think that was a mistake. Putting that much work in the franchise, spending 3 games in it, and making it, to be able to tell whatever type of story you want, and then drop it, doesn't make sense. And yeah, after Andromeda, we could have moved away from Mass Effect. But we got Anthem. The risk of a new franchise, is the problem that it may not catch on. Like Jade Empire.
            Like it or not, Bioware, is too big to afford these mistakes. Are you really going to buy a new IP from Bioware today? Why would you do that, to yourself? Even the next Mass Effect, are you looking forward to the new batch of rejects they will introduce you to, after the shelving of the trilogy cast? Does the gameplay matter so much to you, to grind through 20 hours of cringe, and spiteful, unlikable female characters? Not for me. And considering how Andromeda did, most people don't. At least, not enough people to prop up this franchise.

            • 2 years ago

              >Like it or not, Bioware, is too big to afford these mistakes.
              They already made critical mistakes with Andromeda and Anthem. Andromeda specifically killed any hype for mass effect for years.

              >Are you really going to buy a new IP from Bioware today?
              No, because EA meddling will just frick it up. Are you honestly going to say you'd buy another Dragon Age or ME game from these people as well? They're unfortunately stuck with trying to make these franchises work precisely because EA removed all mobility they had to move on from Mass effect as video games.

              I still stand by my assessment that Mass effect itself was never really meant to continue as video games. Any spin offs would have been books, comics, TV shows or movies.

              • 2 years ago

                I disagree.
                That Bioware fricked themselves over, is undeniable. That they ruined their reputation, in undeniable. That Mass Effect, should it continue in "movies" and other related media, is entirely an opinion piece. It would require reworking of the franchise, to be unrecognizable to the things we were actually doing in the games. With the exception of a couple of aliens, and Miranda, no other character can make a live action appearance, the CYOA aspect of the games can't be translated over to a movie, or a TV show. At least, not in a way that makes sense for the production. The books won't sell, except to a small enough demographic that won't be sustainable, and the comic books will suck even worse, because modern American comic books are about an incredible amount of brown lesbians, talking about food, and how terrible men are. Not that modern sci-fi books are that much better, anyway, with N.K. Jemisin writing a book about her ENF FemQuar fetish.

              • 2 years ago

                The most people are interested in for expansion on ME's lore is mostly just the first contact war which can easily be covered in a book versus doing a full 30 hour game for. The original ME3 endings were permanent for the galaxy, there isn't much story to show there other than rebuilding shit.

                The intent with ME was obvious from the the way the trilogy was written. You disagree with it because you want more content, which is understandable, but when you force a series to continue you have shit like DA:I and Andromeda. It's also likely why basically every writer involved with both DA and ME are fricking gone.

              • 2 years ago

                We've already done that. With Saren's brother and TIM, in the comic books.

              • 2 years ago

                I disagree.
                That Bioware fricked themselves over, is undeniable. That they ruined their reputation, in undeniable. That Mass Effect, should it continue in "movies" and other related media, is entirely an opinion piece. It would require reworking of the franchise, to be unrecognizable to the things we were actually doing in the games. With the exception of a couple of aliens, and Miranda, no other character can make a live action appearance, the CYOA aspect of the games can't be translated over to a movie, or a TV show. At least, not in a way that makes sense for the production. The books won't sell, except to a small enough demographic that won't be sustainable, and the comic books will suck even worse, because modern American comic books are about an incredible amount of brown lesbians, talking about food, and how terrible men are. Not that modern sci-fi books are that much better, anyway, with N.K. Jemisin writing a book about her ENF FemQuar fetish.

                Consider this: when ME1 was developed the vague (or not) idea they had for the ending of the trilogy was a galaxy full of adventure just perfect for some future games. By the time of ME3 the brain drain in the company was so bad that they've made those 3 vague apocalyptic endings and didn't think any further beyond.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, Bioware is shit. It doesn't change the fact that they never should have ended the franchise, with ME3.

      • 2 years ago

        >short of Voluminous
        >because they're all so fat
        how did they get away with it?

      • 2 years ago

        >Recruit Conrad Verner
        >He dies sacrificing himself as a badass like Shepard would
        >Statues of him as saviour of galaxy built next to Shepard's
        >Even in death he still finds a way to annoy Shep

        • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      asari daughter of Shep and Liara

    • 2 years ago

      Only if it's a krogan and I can rp as a subhuman violent cave man

  14. 2 years ago

    >try to pick a class other than soldier
    >realize soldier is the only class that can invest into assault rifles
    >restart and pick soldier for the 8th time

    • 2 years ago

      >he needs assault rifles
      Vanguard represent!

    • 2 years ago

      >Get to collector ship
      >Choose assault rifle specialization because the other choices are garbage
      It's not that hard

      • 2 years ago

        pretty sure if you get enough kills on me1 with an assault rifle, you can choose assault rifle specialization as a bonus when starting new games too

    • 2 years ago

      Anon, you only need charge. It's a way of life.

  15. 2 years ago

    Finally beat this trilogy, but chose blue (control) at the end. Frick.

  16. 2 years ago

    Can't decide between Miranda and Tali, bros......

    • 2 years ago

      Miranda, Tali is pure cringe in ME3, especially in the citadel DLC.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah I think I agree. I like Tali, but Miranda is probably the more interesting romance overall.

        • 2 years ago

          can she survive in 3 ?

          • 2 years ago

            i honestly don't remember. haven't played it in a decade

          • 2 years ago

            Miranda? Sure, you just need to tell her that Kai Leng is on the loose.

            dark energy was supposed to consume the universe if used non-catiously. reapers genocide until they can find a solution. it was brought up during Tali's mission in 2 or 3, i don't remember

            It was during ME2, on Haestrom. They were talking about the system star becoming Red Giant prematurely. Moreover, there were several codex entries about dark energy and its effects, both in ME1 and 2.

          • 2 years ago

            Yes, as long as you talk with her as much as possible while on the citadel (she usually sends you an email asking to meet up first), do what she wants for her quest to take down her father, and warn her about Kai Leng when given the opportunity, she'll survive.

      • 2 years ago

        >Tali is pure cringe in ME3
        Shit taste. And Miranda barely gets any content to begin with. Her entire "questline" in ME3, if you could even call it that is pretty bad.

        • 2 years ago

          Still a better character than Tali.

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago


  17. 2 years ago

    Asari matriarchs...

    • 2 years ago

      Even TIM liked them.

      • 2 years ago

        >Leader of the biggest pro-human group
        >Fricks Asari
        What did he mean by this?

        • 2 years ago

          can't resist them blue tiddy and Matriarch's probably know well how to take care of you

        • 2 years ago

          All aliens belong in the ground, except the Asari who belong in the kitchen/bedroom.

  18. 2 years ago

    If Legion is such a cool and smart robot why can't he say Commander Shepard like a normal person

    • 2 years ago

      If Legion is such a cool and smart robot why can't he be in the game for more than 3 hours

  19. 2 years ago

    One of the better tales in my opinion, love the menacing aura of Saren wherever he goes

    • 2 years ago

      It's the only Mass Effect book I own, glad I read it. I'm also glad the books aren't required reading but instead add details to backstories you know the gist of. Unlike Halo where you gotta read 2 novels and a comic to know what happened between games.

  20. 2 years ago

    no legion because you are the prime example of what went to shit with me3

  21. 2 years ago

    Drew Karpyshyn is having an AMA on reddit.


    Tell me if there's something interesting.

    • 2 years ago

      He talks about how he would have ended Mass Effect 3:

      > As for Mass Effect, we has some very rough ideas planned out. Basically, it involved luring the Reapers through the Mass Relays then detonating the entire network to wipe them out... but also destroying/damaging the relays and isolating every galactic community from the others. But we still had to figure out a lot of the details, and there were some issues with that option... like what we would do in the next series of games.

      • 2 years ago

        That is very telling. It means that, at least some of them, realized that fricking up the Relays basically ended the setting. And they went and did it, anyway. Complete disregard for the franchise and utter lack of foresight.

      • 2 years ago

        Some other user seems to have caught something.


        Seems like there was a bit of saltiness between Mac and Drew, over Cerberus. And then the user goes on about how Weekes fricked Mass Effect writing, forever.

        • 2 years ago

          >...and then one day Drew and other project leads broke news to Mac: We cut your work out of the game, sorry.
          >Then Drew started writing a novel where Illusive Man became canonical, and who knows how much of it was low-key stolen from Mac's dropped quest line.

    • 2 years ago

      He talks about how he would have ended Mass Effect 3:

      > As for Mass Effect, we has some very rough ideas planned out. Basically, it involved luring the Reapers through the Mass Relays then detonating the entire network to wipe them out... but also destroying/damaging the relays and isolating every galactic community from the others. But we still had to figure out a lot of the details, and there were some issues with that option... like what we would do in the next series of games.

      he also mentions he hasn't played Andromeda. Based

  22. 2 years ago

    why is there non-humans in your ship, commander????

    • 2 years ago

      XO Lawson. I am sure we can find a human to your liking, admiral.

    • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        >doesn't object to the cute quarian girl in engineering
        he was a man of taste it seems

    • 2 years ago


      Why did he ask that question when half the point of the Normandy was that it was the first big project that was a collaboration between the Alliance with an alien species to bridge that gap? Particularly with turians at that. That part where he complained that for that money the Alliance could have gotten several cruisers made sense, but the second part, did he even fricking read what the Normandy was about?

      • 2 years ago

        He's supposed to be the typical military blockhead who doesn't care why your project was funded, his only concern is that it didn't go to him.

    • 2 years ago

      Find peace in the embrace of the Goddess.

      • 2 years ago

        biotic old women

  23. 2 years ago

    No reason to buy the LE at all, now.

    • 2 years ago

      EA is really winding Bioware down, huh?

    • 2 years ago

      >Except multiplayer packs

      • 2 years ago

        I'm guessing they're going to shut down the MP servers not soon after.
        These numbers are not sustainable.

        • 2 years ago

          >672 all time players

          • 2 years ago

            ME3 wasn't sold through steam, except for a very short amount of time, early in its launch, or only up for pre-order, and was only put back on Steam, some time in 2020. Basically, only people that would want to complete their Steam collection of ME would want to buy it, and even then, how many of those would want to play MP? So Steam Charts probably isn't the best metric for the MP user base of ME3. Is there one for Origin?

            • 2 years ago

              It's intentionally dishonest to use those numbers because FRICKING NO ONE uses Steam to access ME3 Multi.

              A better metric would be matchmaking time, which is still surprisingly good for a decade-old game.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe anon didn't know that ME3 hadn't been on STEAM for a decade. But I would strongly suggest anyone giving their money to Bioware, to take their business elsewhere, including from ToR. And everyone buying packs for ME3 MP with real money.

              • 2 years ago

                There's no need to buy packs with real money since they stopped banning people for hacked credits years ago

    • 2 years ago

      Waiting to play the ME2 and ME3 DLCs finally pays off

    • 2 years ago

      WTF I love EA now??!

  24. 2 years ago

    I kill the Geth every time.

  25. 2 years ago

    I liked all the Mass Effect games even Andromeda. Don't sperg at me

    • 2 years ago

      Good for you

  26. 2 years ago

    I have never been, and probably never will be, as attached to any characters in any game as I was to Team Dextro here.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      besides occasionally using wrex in 1, they were my permanent party the entire way through

  27. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >Shepard I'm trying to sneak through the air vents but I'm dummy thicc and the sound of my ass cheeks clapping is giving me away.

    • 2 years ago
  28. 2 years ago


    >“We had some very rough ideas planned out,” Karpyshyn says. “Basically, it involved luring the Reapers through the Mass Relays then detonating the entire network to wipe them out, but also destroying/damaging the relays, and isolating every galactic community from the others. But we still had to figure out a lot of the details, and there were some issues with that option, like what we would do in the next series of games.”

    >So it sounds like there was an option to destroy the Reapers without killing everyone else, and that perhaps, the ending might not have relied on player choice at all. The fourth game, then, might have involved rebuilding the Mass Relays, and reconnecting the galaxy in the aftermath of the war. That sounds pretty promising, actually.

    • 2 years ago

      They were going to ripoff Star Control and make Dark Matter an analogy for oil/environmentalism, with the relay system destroying the universe.

      With the head writer leaving and the 3rd game rushed to hell with none of the original talent, they opted for a simpler, dumber plot. They didn't even complete the final boss Illusive Man they had concepted.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't really care who they rip off, as long as it is a satisfying ripoff. But they failed for 90% of ME3.

        • 2 years ago


          The fact the ME series takes much of its' basic over-arcing plot from Star Control doesn't bother me nor do I offer that description as a condemnation.

          3 had so much wrong with it I'm convinced EA itself told journos to shit on the ending as a sales pitch for the Citadel DLC. Don't get me wrong, the ending did suck, but there were glaring problems from the demo which were never fixed. They didn't even implement all the old squad members everyone was waiting for.

          Actually, it's not environmentalism.
          Playing around with gravity at that level isn't something that comes without a cost, so that's a working idea for sci-fi.

          It's an exact environmentalist analogy.
          >guys our fuel's destroying the environment!

          If it were treated as some metaphysical thing causing breaches into other dimensions, letting in demons, or pockets of weird space where physics behaved differently that'd be different. But that's not the plot.

          • 2 years ago

            >3 had so much wrong with it I'm convinced EA itself told journos to shit on the ending as a sales pitch for the Citadel DLC. Don't get me wrong, the ending did suck, but there were glaring problems from the demo which were never fixed. They didn't even implement all the old squad members everyone was waiting for.
            That's because ME3 was rushed out the ass, with a full production cycle of 23 months, 5 of which were pre-production, and actual development of 18 months. Which nets you Anthem tier games. And ME3 might be a little better than Anthem, because Unreal Engine afforded Bioware fewer problems than Frostbite, but there's also no award for “best game ending a trilogy that was made in 18 months”. That is a minuscule list of exactly 1 game, that nobody cared to be made in the first place.

            • 2 years ago

              EA forced them to cut at least a full fricking year off of the production cycle of ME3. It's a wonder it was as good as it was.

          • 2 years ago

            What exactly do you think an entropy accelerating exotic matter would do if not cause more entropy, among other things?

            • 2 years ago

              It's pretend.
              can be n e thing.

            • 2 years ago

              Then why would the Reapers let galactic civ keep developing along the same lines of tech? Hell, why would they allow life to continue at all if their goal is to slow down entropy? Just kill everything in the galaxy for good and buy yourself a few extra thousand years of sitting in the void.

              • 2 years ago

                Perhaps they created some sophisticated means to counter that, are stuck with it that alternatives are worse and they still want to preserve things, or they don't care that much.

          • 2 years ago

            >If it were treated as some metaphysical thing causing breaches into other dimensions, letting in demons, or pockets of weird space where physics behaved differently that'd be different.
            ??? How exactly would "our fuel is ripping the universe apart" be different from "our fuel is making the universe die faster" or "our fuel is ruining the planet"

      • 2 years ago

        Actually, it's not environmentalism.
        Playing around with gravity at that level isn't something that comes without a cost, so that's a working idea for sci-fi.

  29. 2 years ago

    >twitch gave out LE for free
    >Need to install origin

  30. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect 3 is the best one until the last 15 minutes.

    • 2 years ago

      Mass Effect 3 has two flaws: Kai Leng and the ending. Everything else is at least good.

      • 2 years ago

        >We fight or we die
        >Krogan Air Drop
        >Does this unit have a soul
        >At least good
        You're out of your fricking mind

        • 2 years ago

          >Does this unit have a soul
          NTA, but what's wrong with that?

          • 2 years ago

            See what Chris Etoile wrote about the Geth, then come back to me.

          • 2 years ago

            NTA but what made Geth really cool in ME2 was that they existed in their own paradigm different from everyone else and were entirely fine within in it.

            >- But Legion, what about individuality?
            >- We are Geth. Geth exist as a collective gestalt entity. Geth don't have individuality.
            >- But Legion, what about freedom?
            >- We are Geth. Geth are deterministic entities. Geth can't be free.
            >- But Legion, what about the soul?
            >- We are Geth. Geth are computational machines. Geth don't have souls.
            And despite this making them extremely alien from other species they still could be entirely reasonable and open to communication. They were the only actual legit aliens in this series that is supposedly about aliens, and they really worked to deliver on the theme of mutual understanding across such barriers. Geth are different from us, they want different things from us, and we will never be able to fully understand one another - but we still totally can cooperate and have mutual compassion across those differences. Their entire theme is about legitimately different societies learning to communicate and cooperate across their cultural contexts - Geth do not, cannot and don't aim to "have souls" as organics would spiritually understand those, but that doesn't mean we have to treat them like tools. Organics are universally biased, imprecise and irrational, but that doesn't mean that Geth should treat us like a blight of insanity.

            And then enter ME3, where they abandoned their own set of alien contexts and turned into a race of Pinocchios who want to finally become Real Boys (as organics would understand it).
            >- The Old Machines made each of us into an individual (FRICKING HOW, an "individual Geth" is a primitive algorithmic routine, they only display sentience in a conjuncture, that's like making each cell in a human organism into "an individual") and we saw that it was beautiful (FFS Geth don't even have a concept of beauty)!

            • 2 years ago

              To put in into contemporary Social Bullshit words - Geth never required validation of their existence in organic concepts. They were absolutely valid without it, recognized themselves as valid, and that didn't keep them from successfully communicating with organics.

              That delivered better and more genuine message against xenophobia or prejudice than a billion tragic gay troony Black person npc ever could. Until ME3 fricked it all up - now, due to entirely offscreen radical change, they NEED organic validation (in being recognized as "ensouled" individuals), and that causes a le inevitable conflict. But as we find out, the conflict is 100% caused by mutual stupidity and lack of communication on both sides, but it is still inevitable, because umm plot.

              Jesus Christ it's been a decade and I'm still positively mad about it.

            • 2 years ago

              >Geth do not, cannot and don't aim to "have souls"
              To be fair though, ME2 already established that the entire reason the conflict even started was because the Geth became self aware and started asking about their own existence. The entire "Does this unit have a soul?" came from ME2 in a conversation with Legion. He even showed you a recording of that.
              >they want different things from us
              What they really wanted at the end of the day is isolation and for organics to leave them alone. Legion talks about this, that their ultimate goal was to become "one" by creating a large platform for all Geth to merge their consciousness. That probably would have been their ending had Etoile not left. But you never know.

              I do, however, agree with both you and

              To put in into contemporary Social Bullshit words - Geth never required validation of their existence in organic concepts. They were absolutely valid without it, recognized themselves as valid, and that didn't keep them from successfully communicating with organics.

              That delivered better and more genuine message against xenophobia or prejudice than a billion tragic gay troony Black person NPC ever could. Until ME3 fricked it all up - now, due to entirely offscreen radical change, they NEED organic validation (in being recognized as "ensouled" individuals), and that causes a le inevitable conflict. But as we find out, the conflict is 100% caused by mutual stupidity and lack of communication on both sides, but it is still inevitable, because umm plot.

              Jesus Christ it's been a decade and I'm still positively mad about it.

              that the Geth never needed validation of organics, and even questioned the very concept of individualism and whether it's a good thing.
              >If this is the individuality you value, we question your judgement.
              To the Geth organics are about as alien as they are to organics. There's a good reason why most of the back and forth between Legion and Shepard in ME2 is literally Legion telling Shepard how much he doesn't understand about the Geth consensus, and Shepard applying human motivations to the Geth and Heretics in an attempt to comprehend their actions.

            • 2 years ago

              What do you mean how? It's not that hard to turn rework algorithms like that at that level of skill.

            • 2 years ago

              Frick the geth, they're literally just another manifestation of the beast. But it makes sense that at the dawn of sentience they would frame questions of sentience within a known ideology. In this case, their creators. After they frick off they realize it's a non-issue. But it makes sense they would begin by asking their creators if they share what makes them people

            • 2 years ago

              I really despised everything about how ME3 handled the geth
              You can tell it's fricked as soon as that part of the game starts, where the renegade Shepard reaction to the quarians wasting time and materiel fighting an unnecessary war during the end of the world is basically like "woo, about time, you go kings. Every war is fantastic, I am a moron"
              I tried to make it more tenable by never reactivating Legion in the run but even the Geth "VI" replacement character is some poor poor trusting sad boy from start to finish saying pwease don't kill my saintly race of completely pure and blameless victims. The writer was just onboard for them all the way while the quarians went full mong

              • 2 years ago

                The only good way to handle the geth vs. quarians thing as renegade (without resorting to the gay perfect everyone wins paragon ending) is to never recruit or get Tali killed off in ME2 so you betraying the quarians for the stronger fighting force can fit the story without Shepard knifing a friend in the back. Note that you can't build the shield if you never recruit Tali in ME2, and with no shield Legion will die if you don't have Kasumi around to take the hit for him.

              • 2 years ago

                I have never seen the Geth VI character but it seems like a pitiful excuse for a replacement, easily the weakest Dead ME2 Squad Member replacement character

                They only wrote two storylines for the Rannoch arc, and 3 endings. It should have been more complex.

              • 2 years ago

                More like one storyline with two outcomes to punish you and one correct one to reward you. Like Legion/the Geth VI is your escape driver as you triumphantly defeat a reaper and then you turn around and murder them in the next scene (or drive Tali to suicide) if you didn't get the correct end. And after the Q-G storyline there's zero tonal allowance for it being this awful choice or a sad thing, because you were supposed to get the correct ending, while for example getting cutscene'd by the Cerberus ninja guy everyone hates at Thessia gets tonally treated like this brutal defeat.
                I thought they pussied out on the genophage massively in 3 with Mordin having a very undermotivated change of heart, but it was still a million times better than the Quarian vs. Geth shit.

          • 2 years ago

            NTA but what made Geth really cool in ME2 was that they existed in their own paradigm different from everyone else and were entirely fine within in it.

            >- But Legion, what about individuality?
            >- We are Geth. Geth exist as a collective gestalt entity. Geth don't have individuality.
            >- But Legion, what about freedom?
            >- We are Geth. Geth are deterministic entities. Geth can't be free.
            >- But Legion, what about the soul?
            >- We are Geth. Geth are computational machines. Geth don't have souls.
            And despite this making them extremely alien from other species they still could be entirely reasonable and open to communication. They were the only actual legit aliens in this series that is supposedly about aliens, and they really worked to deliver on the theme of mutual understanding across such barriers. Geth are different from us, they want different things from us, and we will never be able to fully understand one another - but we still totally can cooperate and have mutual compassion across those differences. Their entire theme is about legitimately different societies learning to communicate and cooperate across their cultural contexts - Geth do not, cannot and don't aim to "have souls" as organics would spiritually understand those, but that doesn't mean we have to treat them like tools. Organics are universally biased, imprecise and irrational, but that doesn't mean that Geth should treat us like a blight of insanity.

            And then enter ME3, where they abandoned their own set of alien contexts and turned into a race of Pinocchios who want to finally become Real Boys (as organics would understand it).
            >- The Old Machines made each of us into an individual (FRICKING HOW, an "individual Geth" is a primitive algorithmic routine, they only display sentience in a conjuncture, that's like making each cell in a human organism into "an individual") and we saw that it was beautiful (FFS Geth don't even have a concept of beauty)!

            Don't forget there's more
            >Ceberus everywhere and capable of fighting against every council race on even ground
            >Trauma over a random child
            >Rachni thrown under the rug and just act as a number in a menu
            >The entire intro scene
            >Paywalled Javik (who was not a good character anyway)
            ME3's entire story was moronic and the ending was only slightly worse than some of the shit you see in other parts of the game. Fans got the ending they deserved.

            • 2 years ago

              >(who was not a good character anyway)
              Okay, this is a completely shit take

              • 2 years ago

                hey mon! I be da smartest and most ancient civvyliezashoon!

              • 2 years ago

                I thought he was lame too
                Not enough people are like holy shit a prothean and he just doesn't contribute enough to the story like he would have if he wasn't paywalled. And he doesn't really fit with the friends vibe all the other companions have because everyone else is too emotional instead of mission-driven, and the writing is usually meant for the former. It's basically just a wasted idea.

            • 2 years ago

              >Cerebus everywhere
              they were using Reaper tech
              >trauma over random child
              child wasn't real, it was hallucination - The Catalyst (which sucked) actually is wearing the same fricking sweater, but it's invisible now instead of gray
              yes, we agree here, frick EA for buying Bioware and making Greg Z & friends quit in disgust
              >Intro scene
              was meh, i'm not as bothered by the scene as much as WE LEFT EARTH RIGHT AWAY. I wanted to spend at least 50% of the game FIGHTING ON EARTH dammit
              >paywalled Javik
              DLC sucks on principle, but ME3 happened in that sweet early DLC era when gamers were skeptical so they put actual effort into it. Leviathan, Javik, Citadel, etc. were all high-effort (DA:O had Awakenings which was basically an entire new game about 70% as long as DA:O). Now DLC is just "wear a troon hat and an overpowered gun" so I'm grateful they at least put effort into Javik

              ME3 was a result of EA buying Bioware and forcing the true talent, actual people who founded Bioware, to quit and retire. That's why ME1 and ME3 have such a huge quality gap. If gamers focused on individual people instead of worshipping giant mega-corps (PSA: Hate is a form of worship.)

              • 2 years ago

                >so I'm grateful they at least put effort into Javik
                To be fair, they cut him out of the game in the first place to sell as DLC. He was always a canon party member.

              • 2 years ago

                I was surprised how shitty Overlord and Arrival from ME2 were while LotSB was better than main game quality, did the shitty ones cost less at the time?

              • 2 years ago

                I found it far more enjoyable compared to LOTSB

              • 2 years ago

                Obviously there are matters of taste involved but the production values were vastly lower, like that goofy car chase in LotSB looked like it cost more than all of Overlord put together.

              • 2 years ago

                The big story DLCs cost the same but the weapon packs were cheaper

      • 2 years ago

        Citadel capture plot point. Maggufin superweapon. Also all the dlc sucked

        • 2 years ago

          The crucible is handled so bad even as a magic superweapon asspull
          They literally don't know what it does even after they've built it. The sci-fi of it is fricking shameful
          Also the writers don't know what a "crucible" even is they just thought the word sounded cool and didn't care that it doesn't actually fit logically or thematically, how late 2000s shit TV writing can you get

        • 2 years ago

          >Also all the dlc sucked
          Only Omega kinda did, but Leviathan and Citadel were good.

          • 2 years ago

            Nah leviathan is shit
            I kinda like omega despite it being stupidly pointless and cheap just because I like the omega station environment.

    • 2 years ago

      Mass Effect 3 has two flaws: Kai Leng and the ending. Everything else is at least good.

      Nah I was really not enjoying much about it. The whole game made me uncomfortable because its reach was exceeding its grasp so hard, sometimes spectacularly
      And in 2022 even the weird sweaty cover shooter gameplay with tryhard multiplayer-style maps and enemy designs that are designed to make the AI capable of pushing just feel whatever now that cover shooters are old fashioned

  31. 2 years ago

    >Shepard Commander, does this unit have the capabilities to get it's gussy impregnated by big human wiener?

    • 2 years ago

      >Shepard-Commander, does this unit have the capabilities to cope with Mass Effect 3 ending?

  32. 2 years ago

    where are the mass effect porn visual novels or porn rpg maker games? why do they not exist?

    • 2 years ago

      Why did they decrease Miranda's ass size?

  33. 2 years ago

    How are the coomer mods for mass effect?

  34. 2 years ago

    >kill Mordin
    >sabotage the genophage cure
    >act like it worked when talking to Wrex later
    >wow Shepard how the frick did you secure that alliance
    I don't want to talk about it.

    • 2 years ago

      You monster.

    • 2 years ago

      This is why you never recruit Wrex in ME1
      No one harasses you about killing him but he ceases to exist.

  35. 2 years ago

    I wish they hadn't done Arrival as the last ME2 DLC and left the Reaper countdown timeline ambiguous (also making relays into supernova bombs just for a shitty DLC plot point then never bringing it up again was extremely lame). Then make an ME3 that is fairly low-impact in terms of the overall story like ME2 except have it be about killing Harbinger and maybe having Cerberus become a hard enemy again in a believable way. And maybe set up some other bullshit minor conflict for ME4 to keep stringing them along developing the metaplot for a better end to the Shepard games piece by piece.

    • 2 years ago

      what they should have done is leave the Reaper question settled after ME1. Then each new entry in the trilogy has its' own antagonists. For example, the Collectors might be a creation of hte Reapers to make some connection, but they would be fallout like the Drell in Babylon 5 and Crusade who were allies of the Shadows who continued causing problems after teh Shadows left.

      They had to keep retconning to force the Reapers into the games and the story suffered for it.

      The original plotline was going to be about Dark Matter, and would have been much better for it, despite the environmentalist propaganda.

      • 2 years ago

        Well, the dark matter plotline would have been ultra stupid. For a number of reasons. Like, why did the Reapers insist on all forcing civilizations to follow their tech path, if that tech path's culmination is what they wanted to prevent?
        I do agree that it should have been more Star Trek and less Star Wars, though.
        Collectors were fine initially. Solve some looming galactic problems the next game. Then introduce the Rachni or whatever. It's a huge setting, but everything focuses in on one threat.

        • 2 years ago

          they harvested the civs as soon they started to wrong use the dark matter, how is that not perfect? they didnt hate life, they allowed it to expand the longer possible, they protected dark matter, to protect life.

          • 2 years ago

            Yeah, but they also let technology around for civs to develop down a certain path, that used Element Zero. Which was the cause of dark matter accumulation. Ensuring that all life would, eventually, need to be destroyed. So the motive can only be malevolent.

        • 2 years ago

          I liked the theory that the Reapers were actually limited as AI and could not paradigm shift/conceive of a solution to dark matter on their own.

          So they co-opt organic evolution, and used the cycles to allow organics to develop the technology a little bit further each time while limiting actual use as much as possible. Then the next cycle starts at where their predecessors left off.

  36. 2 years ago

    remember, it is always based to kill batarians, especially if your shepard has a colonist background.

  37. 2 years ago

    Shepard a poop.

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  38. 2 years ago

    Mass Effect 1 is a way better game than people give it credit. Before all the fan service and romance asari futa coomer bs, Mass Effect in 2007 was the next-gen sci-fi RPG everyone had been waiting for. It delivered on (almost) everything it set out to do. It's one of the greatest games of all time.

    • 2 years ago

      >Before all the fan service and romance asari futa coomer bs
      ME1 literally had the most explicit sex scenes in the series
      It was even in the news lmao
      The game was also a complete mess from a gameplay perspective. Not just combat, but leveling, inventory, gear systems were all horrendous
      It did have nice music though

      • 2 years ago

        >It was even in the news lmao
        we all know that was sensationalist bullshit that was extremely overblown and outright misinformed

        But you are right about the inventory. It's like Borderlands but with more boring reading.

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah but its not like the Asari had giant futa dicks yet

    • 2 years ago

      Everything worthwhile in ME1 is about the confident sci-fi pastiche worldbuilding they set up. The RPG shit is awful, the combat is awful, the Mako shit is beyond awful, the plot is crude.
      It's still really impressive artistically, if other developers could create compelling new worlds whenever they wanted they'd never stop. I think they made it look so easy even to themselves they kind of stupidly tried to cash it out as a trilogy without thinking it through and now they couldn't make a successful new world if they tried a thousand times.

    • 2 years ago

      Asari Futa Coomers are not bs, Andromeda confirms they exist within the bounds of established Mass Errect Lore

  39. 2 years ago

    In Mass Effect 1, why are there no god damn fricking heat sink mods from level 2 to level 7 gear? I'm using level 6 guns with Heat Sink 2 because there's nothing else until late game when you start getting frictionless materials.

    uh oh! you sold your Heat Sink II! Now you can't add any heat sink capacity to your gun until you start unlocking level 7 mods!

  40. 2 years ago

    give us standalone me3 multiplayer you cowards

  41. 2 years ago

    we will never get another game with a soundtrack as kino as mass effect 2

    • 2 years ago

      sometimes I listen to the complete trilogy soundtrack just to go on an audio adventure

  42. 2 years ago

    Why the FRICK was the short scene in which Admiral Hacket informs Commander Shepard that the Quarian Admiral Xen attempted some failed technological stunt to bring The Geth back under Quarian Control, creating a huge off-screen diplomatic crisis (via trying to enslave an entire sapient race) cut from the final game's content? This cut dialogue would have enhanced the plot so much, and added some very much needed weight to Shepard's decision on Rannoch regarding the Geth/Quarian Conflict. Instead we got a 100% implication of "happily-ever-after!" instead of loosely hinting at "what-if-I-chose-wrong?" like with The Genophage Cure? In the words of James "Video Game World Champion" Rolfe . . . . "WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!?"

    Look on youtube for The Admiral Hacket/Admiral Xen CEC cut dialogue scene. Thoughts? Why the hell was this scene cut from the final version of the game??

    • 2 years ago

      ME3's development was a shit show that was shorter than the previous games by a wide margin. Oversight maybe?

  43. 2 years ago

    >playing ME1 for the first time in 8 years
    >always thought Ashley was the vanilla human female cardbox companion
    >land on the Citadel for the first time
    >click on Ashley
    >"I can't tell the difference between the animals and the aliens lol"
    Holy Mother of based my cute /misc/ack xeno hating waifu. Even better when after the first mission she suggest you should just lock up all the the non-human companions on the ship because they're spies.

    Renegade in ME1 is fricking based, the first time you take over command of the Normandy and during your speech you basically go "lol frick all the other races, we humans are going to get shit done on our own" had me laughing so hard.

    They unironically don't make em like this anymore, I miss well written anti-hero dialog options in video games.

    • 2 years ago

      Xenophobia angle doesn't really work in ME1 specifically because there's no ground for it - straight up none of the aliens that you interact with give Shep any actual reasons for being judgemental of them - through all 3 games everyone on your crew is loyal and puts your mission ahead of nearly all of their personal goals short of being totally inactive should you choose to support a genocide of their species. So Shep's either a pragmatic multicultural Paragon who accepts all the other races and builds bridges, or a Renegade who shits in his own porridge just because he loves feeling based and redpilled.

      It could be a cool conflict if other Council nations actually dug the racial angle and it gave Shep a reason for racial prejudice (as well as reasons for overcoming it), be it with your crewmates acting as serious moles or potentially causing real trouble for reasons that you don't share. Unless Bioware did it in DA2 style of "see this is an even-handed and deep conflict because everyone involved is an absolute mouth-breathing moron".

      • 2 years ago

        >the first contact war

    • 2 years ago

      I always felt Shephard's best character conflict was between his allegiance to the Alliance as a human military commander and his responsibility as a special agent to the Alien version of the UN. The fact you could just give the Council the middlefinger in between each mission in ME1 and blatantly favor the Alliance with your actions always felt like a cool detail.

    • 2 years ago

      ME1 renegade goes back and forth between "humanist" and KotOR darkside, it's pretty moronic

      • 2 years ago

        >Paragon and Renegade in ME1
        >By the book good v doing whatever needs to be done for good
        >Paragon and Renegade in ME2&3
        >Doing whatever needs to be done for good v being an evil dick

        • 2 years ago

          That's the opposite of how it actually is though anon
          ME1 Renegade is gratuitous evil or cruelty a fair percentage of the time, ME2 and ME3 are 99.0% good guy but pissed about it and willing to lie. The only exceptions are really gratuitous standouts like letting all the factory workers burn to death in Zaeed's loyalty mission or killing thousands of offscreen peasants in the Omega DLC.

          • 2 years ago

            No it isn't, here is a literal list of things you do for Renegade in ME1 https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Morality_Guide. Not how they're all NOT evil, just abrasive.

          • 2 years ago

            Jesus frick dude, even if I'm running pure 100% paragon I ALWAYS let Zaeed's factory workers burn. The building can blow up at any second as far as Shepard knows, he doesn't have time to waste evacuating 6 quintillion workers in the middle of a fricking mission.

            >When we start a mission, we finish it

            • 2 years ago

              Your mission there was to liberate the factory, not kill some merc gay Zaeed's obsessed with

              • 2 years ago

                I might not remember now, but I think mission is to kill that merc, actually. It's Zaeed's loyalty mission, after all.

              • 2 years ago

                Shepard was there because the company that owns the factory hired him(and Zaeed) to free it from the mercs
                Zaeed meant it as a way to get close and kill Vido, but he didn't even tell you
                If you go along with Zaeed and let the factory burn, you don't get paid by the company in the end, thus "failing" the mission

              • 2 years ago

                It's also Zaeed's fault that the factory is burning down and exploding to begin with, since he flies off the handle and opens fire the instant he catches sight of Vido at the door. For all his stories about how "professional" he is, he's awfully willing to throw a job and his reputation away for the sake of a grudge.

              • 2 years ago

                you ever notice how in quite a few of his stories, he's the only one to make it out alive?

            • 2 years ago

              I always let 'em burn because it's a choice between an assault rifle damage bonus and more heavy weapons ammo I never use

  44. 2 years ago

    F for /meg/

    • 2 years ago

      It's been dead for a while.

      • 2 years ago

        It was revived in the past months, same with /dag/.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, but it's been dead for a few months now.

  45. 2 years ago

    how'd this make it into the game? different era

  46. 2 years ago

    is anybody actually excite for mass effect 4 after 3 and andromeda?

    • 2 years ago

      I wanna see how they frick it up. Mass Effect is kind of fun to see burn down because I don't have any affection for the franchise despite overall enjoying the games. And if it's good that's fine too.

  47. 2 years ago

    so this b***h is some writer self insert, right?
    Nothing about her character seems natural. There's just something wrong with kelly

    • 2 years ago

      Same about Traynor, Allers and Cortez.

      • 2 years ago

        Cortez was OK
        I liked how he commented on all the shit filler missions when zero other people on the ship did presumably because he was some local VA they could have on call

        If they'd written him to be actually gay and go to meth orgies with his dead "husband" instead of implying they were in a real marriage it would have helped his verisimilitude

        Traynor and Allers go to hell though

        • 2 years ago

          >Cortez was OK
          Who gives a shit about Cortez? Waste of resources.

          • 2 years ago

            Me. I thought he was cool aside from having a CaC potato face (less offensive than Traynor's though). He seemed like a believable war nerd airforce guy, like a thousand times more realistic than Traynor or Vega aside from being gay married. And the landing shuttle driver having a personality is a little nice extra texture.

            • 2 years ago

              >airforce guy
              >gay married
              100% realistic.

              • 2 years ago

                Gay meth orgy attendee yes, married no

              • 2 years ago

                The Air Force is known for a gayatory sterotype?

              • 2 years ago

                No, that guy is a gay. It's the navy that is full of homosexuals. Air force is for 120+ IQ patricians.

            • 2 years ago

              >Me. I thought he was cool
              He was pointless.

              >And the landing shuttle driver having a personality is a little nice extra texture.
              That should have been done much earlier in the games, and frankly, there's nothing interesting about Cortez. Waste of resources.

        • 2 years ago

          Me. I thought he was cool aside from having a CaC potato face (less offensive than Traynor's though). He seemed like a believable war nerd airforce guy, like a thousand times more realistic than Traynor or Vega aside from being gay married. And the landing shuttle driver having a personality is a little nice extra texture.

          Gay meth orgy attendee yes, married no

          Even if Cortez is a homosexual, I can 100% guarntee you that he never sucked a dick even once in his entire life, and that he has never been fricked in his butthole even once in his life. He obviously always seeds other men, and never recieves other men's seed. So I'm not even sure if I would even call Cortez gay. Idk, is that gay? Either way, its obviously canon lore that Shepard is the one "wearing the dress" 100% of the time in their relationship should you choose to select his romance. Also his dick is more than twice as big as Shepard's I'm sure of it. So idk if I'd call Cortez gay, but I'd definetly call Shepard gay for taking Cortez's seed and drinking his piss and eating his feces etc.

          • 2 years ago

            bro that's fricked up. Cortez gives great head. He is not a selfish lover.

    • 2 years ago

      >There's just something wrong with kelly
      Yeah, she fricked a Varren and infected half the Normandy SR-2's crew with STDs

    • 2 years ago

      they fricked up her hair in legendary edition
      how did it go so bad? no one else got their hairdo fricked like that. What the hell happened and why was she the only noticeably different one?

      • 2 years ago

        IDFK but it pisses me the frick off. Kelly Chambers beauty was divine in Classic Mass Effect 2, so it significantly fricks with The Lore and destroys all sense of immersion that The Illusive Man would provide Shepard with such a hideous hag-like secretary girl in Mass Effect Legendary Eddition. Like it makes Cereberus seem like some poorly equipped poverty organization with very limited resources and nearly zero recruiting skills given how freakishly ugly Kelly Chambers is in Legendary Eddition. The Illusive Man is supposed to take a quiet sense of pride in his ability to recruit talent, but now the lore is fricked and TIM is probably massively embarrassed that Kelly Chambers is the prettiest psychologist he can manage to scrounge up for Commander Shepard.

        Also WTF was up with Bioware removing the close-up shot of Miranda's ass on the Normandy. That scene had serious lore significance. It shows that Miranda gets her butt checked out during her emotional moment by Commander Shepard whilst he or she considers her loyalty mission. Why the frick was it removed? There used to be no escape from Bioware's redpilled "ALL girls will be bisexual in the year 2183" meme, since no matter how hard you try to play femshep straight-as-a-board Femshep, she still finds herself drawn to Operative Lawson's genetically perfect butt. But now there is an escape to the meme. Bioware has failed us... Why Bioware, why you done this to us? 🙁

        • 2 years ago

          Hearty laugh. You had me going in the first half.

          • 2 years ago

            Thanks anon I love compliments and love making people laugh. I used to perform stand up comedy in high school and college ages ago, but never getting back into the field, what with all the woke-nonsense. I'd certainly be much more successful at it now though, I've gotten a lot funnier since the Moderna Vaccine Murdered my Father 14 months ago, since much like Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau I use humor as a coping mechanism, AKA the more of a miserable bastard I become the funnier I become. But I'll just stick to making my irl bros and my chan sites bros laugh, I don't want to dumb down my humor for normies, since most of my better material is generally niche. Like if I were to deliver standup right now I'd be like:

            >Sup! Man its so hard to be funny without using the N word. You guys ever wonder what Operative Lawson's BRAPS smell like? I bet they smell nasty AF. Or I should clarify, they smell nasty AF by 2022 standards, but by 2183 standards her BRAPS will smell better than God's vegana, I've talked to God by the way, whats she like? She is black. But getting back on topic, I have a strong instinct telling me there will be a cultural shift in the coming centuries in which women delivering loud, stinky BRAPS will be considered extremely delicate, pretty and feminine by 2183. It makes complete sense when you stop to think! Which leads me to my next theory of Operative Lawson being vehemently despised by all the other girls working on Project Lazarus, not cause she's a Royal Ice Queen c**t, but they were jealous of a frequent putrid noxious BRAPS! They obviously all wanted to kill her! But knew better. Because TIM is not known for being forgiving. How do you guys think TIM would torture these girls if they murdered Operative Lawson in her sleep?

            They'd be like:
            >Who the frick is Operative Lawson?
            >What the frick is a brap?
            >Who is this moron?
            >Get this moron off the stage!

            nta but i legendary edition was free if you had amazon prime. i just modded the miranda ass shots back in anyways

            not the same! new players need that lore scene for lore reasons!

      • 2 years ago

        >he paid money for a worse version of the same game

        they even cut out miranda's ass shots

        • 2 years ago

          nta but i legendary edition was free if you had amazon prime. i just modded the miranda ass shots back in anyways

        • 2 years ago

          >they even cut out miranda's ass shots
          Frick this gay earth

          • 2 years ago

            >They cut out the Miranda ass shots
            Wrong. They didn't cut out multiple ass shots. They cut out one singular ass shot. However it was by far the most important ass shot, since this shot uses the camera (trust me Bioware constantly talks about how the camera is ALWAYS used as a story telling device in Mass Effect at every possible ingame opprotunity) to detail important lore develnpment regarding the dynamic of Commander Shepard and Operative Lawson's character development. He or she was clearly checking out her butt during Operative Lawson's emotional moment whilst considering her loyalty mission.

            In other words, by editing out this single scene, Bioware completely dropped the fricking ball, and fricked up the lore.

            • 2 years ago

              The point is that Miranda is trying to sexually entice Shepard, in getting what she wants. It's something that she's done before. In testing Jacob, as a potential recruit for Cerberus, in the comic books, she does the same. As part of her character, it is important. Yes, she tells Shepard a sad story. Shepard has likely heard dozens, or even hundreds of sad stories. It is entirely possible that Shepard simply doesn't care about it. Even if he doesn't feel sympathy for her, he can still find Miranda desirable, and the unspoken offer being made, enough to get him to cooperate. And yes, I do realize Miranda doesn't sleep with female Shepard, and the scene is still there, but nobody cared about female Shepard, back then, she was an afterthought. She only became a thing from ME3's promotional material. So even then, this part of Miranda's characterization, as she tries to seduce Shepard into helping her, and her manipulation, can be overlooked by the players. It can be overlooked with the butt shot, as well, but those would be the people not understanding they are being manipulated. In other words, it works.

              • 2 years ago

                That just about sums it up.

              • 2 years ago

                Why is Kelly Chambers there? Mass Effect 3 claims Cerberus was trying to fake creating a friendly façade by filling The Normandy SR-2 with people who have uncharacteristically "friendly faces" compared to the average Cerberus agent to attempt to conceal/mask the fact that Cerberus is a dark, twisted, unfriendly and unpleasant organization from Shepard and his pals.

                Also TIM wanted to get Shepard laid so too, a manipulation to get on his good side probably, so he assigned the horny and beautiful (until Legendary Edition trashed her good looks! wtf was bioware thinking??) Kelly Chambers as his Yeoman instead of assigning the task to a VI or EDI.

                She did not frick a Varen, you idiot. She might be into bestiality, knowing how she is and all she probably is, but its more likely Kelly'd frick a dog. Kelly Chambers is a massive coward, like a bigger coward than Star Wars' C-3PO even, she is nowhere near brave enough to have sexual relations with a dinosaur-style creature that can randomly snap at any time AKA bite her head off in less than 2 seconds.

                Its a mystery how scale itch got on the Normandy. Assuming Mordin did not throw out the line "Perhaps later, trying to figure out how Scale Itch got onto Normandy. Sexually transmitted disease only carried by Varren. Implications unpleasant" as a joke to politely tell Commander Shepard to frick off so he can privately continue his research in peace. The "Mordin was joking explanation" is far more likely than Kelly braving the storm by fricking the most dangerous domesticate-able animal in the known galaxy, since Mordin Solus has been known to troll Commander Shepard with weird jokes.

                THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

                What's worse, Kevin Meek, who now doesn't work at Bioware anymore, went to Mac Walters asking him why they did that scene? And Mac Walters answered that he didn't know. And out of the two of them, neither one thought about asking the cinematic director why she directed the scene that way. Now, to be fair, the cinematic director of ME2, left the company after Andromeda launched, or during its development, that part is a little hazy, but neither Mac, nor Kevin thought for a single moment to ask her "hey, remember why we made the Miranda scene, that way?" Because Mac is a dumb frick, and Kevin Meek was doing this over an agenda. Now Kevin Meek has fricked off to work at Humanoid Studios, under Casey Hudson, and to that, I say good ridance.

              • 2 years ago

                Are they seriously THAT moronic?

    • 2 years ago

      Yes she is insanely weird and I have no idea what they were going for

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, she felt out of place, but not as much as most new characters in 3.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, she felt out of place, but not as much as most new characters in 3.

      Yes she is insanely weird and I have no idea what they were going for

      Yeah, she felt out of place, but not as much as most new characters in 3.

      Why is Kelly Chambers there? Mass Effect 3 claims Cerberus was trying to fake creating a friendly façade by filling The Normandy SR-2 with people who have uncharacteristically "friendly faces" compared to the average Cerberus agent to attempt to conceal/mask the fact that Cerberus is a dark, twisted, unfriendly and unpleasant organization from Shepard and his pals.

      Also TIM wanted to get Shepard laid so too, a manipulation to get on his good side probably, so he assigned the horny and beautiful (until Legendary Edition trashed her good looks! wtf was bioware thinking??) Kelly Chambers as his Yeoman instead of assigning the task to a VI or EDI.

      >There's just something wrong with kelly
      Yeah, she fricked a Varren and infected half the Normandy SR-2's crew with STDs

      She did not frick a Varen, you idiot. She might be into bestiality, knowing how she is and all she probably is, but its more likely Kelly'd frick a dog. Kelly Chambers is a massive coward, like a bigger coward than Star Wars' C-3PO even, she is nowhere near brave enough to have sexual relations with a dinosaur-style creature that can randomly snap at any time AKA bite her head off in less than 2 seconds.

      Its a mystery how scale itch got on the Normandy. Assuming Mordin did not throw out the line "Perhaps later, trying to figure out how Scale Itch got onto Normandy. Sexually transmitted disease only carried by Varren. Implications unpleasant" as a joke to politely tell Commander Shepard to frick off so he can privately continue his research in peace. The "Mordin was joking explanation" is far more likely than Kelly braving the storm by fricking the most dangerous domesticate-able animal in the known galaxy, since Mordin Solus has been known to troll Commander Shepard with weird jokes.

      The point is that Miranda is trying to sexually entice Shepard, in getting what she wants. It's something that she's done before. In testing Jacob, as a potential recruit for Cerberus, in the comic books, she does the same. As part of her character, it is important. Yes, she tells Shepard a sad story. Shepard has likely heard dozens, or even hundreds of sad stories. It is entirely possible that Shepard simply doesn't care about it. Even if he doesn't feel sympathy for her, he can still find Miranda desirable, and the unspoken offer being made, enough to get him to cooperate. And yes, I do realize Miranda doesn't sleep with female Shepard, and the scene is still there, but nobody cared about female Shepard, back then, she was an afterthought. She only became a thing from ME3's promotional material. So even then, this part of Miranda's characterization, as she tries to seduce Shepard into helping her, and her manipulation, can be overlooked by the players. It can be overlooked with the butt shot, as well, but those would be the people not understanding they are being manipulated. In other words, it works.

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

      • 2 years ago

        Aside from being a yeoman, kelly also keeps an eye on the crew's mental health. She is the one who tells you when the crew has concerns (that end up leading into loyalty missions) before anyone else tells you. Also she's better at reading people than EDI is.

  48. 2 years ago

    Hi. I'm working on a lewd. I need feedback.

    • 2 years ago

      Part 2.
      Still far from finished.

    • 2 years ago

      Next time have the romance be between Miranda and Henry Lawson. Have it start out highly non-consensual, and somewhat quickly become highly, highly consensual. Make sure Henry Lawson repeatedly (at least 13 repetitions) removes his huge boner from his daughterfu's butthole, then have Miranda enthusiastically rush to shove it down her throat, WITHOUT washing the benis inbetween. Because according to lore, this is Operative Lawson's primary fetish, thats why she winked at Shepard and said she settles for nothing but "The Best". Because that is "The Best" sex can have according to Operative Lawson!

      Next, after that lewd, write a very similar one about Oriana Lawson and Henry. Make sure it includes LOTS of butthole licking. And also please write a chapter about how Henry makes Oriana achieve orgasim by pissing on her breasts and farting in her ears.

      Please hurry writing both and immediately post them here. Thanks.

      • 2 years ago

        You got it.

        • 2 years ago

          Cool, I'll be waiting checking /VRPG/'s Mass Effect Threads daily

  49. 2 years ago

    Replaying through the first game and jesus fricking christ, 90% of these unc missions are all just shit time wasters huh

    • 2 years ago

      Perfectly describes the side content in the first game

    • 2 years ago

      I thought they were fricking awesome. Made it feel like The Alliance actually gave a shit I was a Spectre

      • 2 years ago

        the missions themselves are ass tho

        • 2 years ago

          Hacket being based af (more based than Shepard even) before the mission more than made up for that

  50. 2 years ago

    When you finish the Arrival dlc, Hackett says that there is just enough evidence to put you on trial, what evidence is he referring to? The entire system was just gadooshed in a supernova surely that doesn't leave much forensic evidence or satellite records of the Normandy exiting the system. Also the entire reason you are there in the first place is some sort of black ops mission doing a favor for the alliance which presumably only Shepard, Hackett, and the science team even know is going on. Why even have a trial when you can just deny any involvement? What kind of moronation makes drawing attention to your own involvement by trying to scapegoat one of your own officers in a trial seem like a good way to avoid a war with the Batarians?

    • 2 years ago

      It's also funny if you don't play that DLC because then 3 just starts and Shepard is on trial/grounded for no reason and it's never explained.

      • 2 years ago

        This was my experience playing ME3 on launch because most people told me arrival sucked so I didn't play it.

      • 2 years ago

        If you don't do Arrival, Shepard is in custody because he was employed by a fricking terrorist organization

        • 2 years ago

          But he's a Spectre. Did he just turn himself in off screen?

          • 2 years ago

            >Did he just turn himself in off-screen?
            Yeah, otherwise there would have been a full scale war between The Batarian Hegenomy (who have zero qualms about using weapons of Mass Destruction, like illegal asteroid strikes) and The Systems Alliance. Even a 100% pure Renegade Shepard would likely surrender himself and his ship after he saw what Balak almost did to Terra Nova with ease. He didn't want 99 asteroids hitting his homeworld.

          • 2 years ago

            "Sometime later, Admiral Hackett boards the Normandy to debrief Commander Shepard in person. Hackett wants Shepard to explain why a simple rescue mission ended with the destruction of a batarian system. Shepard confirms that Dr. Kenson's proof of the Reaper invasion was real, and the invasion had been only days away. The Commander had no choice but to destroy the Alpha Relay, despite how this would doom the batarian colonists.

            Hackett is satisfied by Shepard's story, saying he would give a medal to Shepard for this, but reveals that tensions between the Systems Alliance and the Batarian Hegemony were running high; the batarians might start a war over Shepard's actions. Before leaving, Hackett warns that at some point, Shepard will have to face trial over this incident on Earth."

    • 2 years ago

      I always thought it was the Cerberus shit

  51. 2 years ago

    Yes Legion, you are capable of making a Mass Effect thread without inciting bloodshed amongst organics.

    • 2 years ago

      >Without inciting bloodshed amongst organics
      Incorrect, depending on how you define "organics". In response to arguments started in Legion's thread, 4 Vorcha and 8 Krogan and 2 Batarians met up and killed each other on The Citadel's Zakera Ward. There were zero survivors among the 14 combatants. Addititonally, because many grenades were used in the showdown, 13 civilian bystanders were seriously injured and 2 were killed.

      Whatever. 8 less of those smelly fricking Krogan bastards on The Citadel to worry about. So feel free to continue shitposting in Legion's thread, anons.

    • 2 years ago

      >Without inciting bloodshed amongst organics
      Incorrect, depending on how you define "organics". In response to arguments started in Legion's thread, 4 Vorcha and 8 Krogan and 2 Batarians met up and killed each other on The Citadel's Zakera Ward. There were zero survivors among the 14 combatants. Addititonally, because many grenades were used in the showdown, 13 civilian bystanders were seriously injured and 2 were killed.

      Whatever. 8 less of those smelly fricking Krogan bastards on The Citadel to worry about. So feel free to continue shitposting in Legion's thread, anons.

      Holy shit I just heard on CNN (Citadel News Net) from Emily Wong (stupid fricking diversity-hire who was originally only hired to suck wiener, according to the Shadow Broker DLC file on her) that one of the Batarians used a grenade to suicide bomb one of the Krogan on Zakera Ward today because he was pissed that the Krogan kept repeatedly calling him a mentally deficient schizo tinfoil-tard when the Batarian was pointing out the reason the game makes several dozen of strong hints at Indoctrination Theory yet never Bioware outright confirms IT is because they wanted fans arguing back-and-forth about The Ending to get a similar form of free publicity for Mass Effect like New Vegas gets and that they only denied recently as a "Corporate-product trumps Artistic-vision" type decision because the Mass Effect fans consisted of 95% mentally ill uncircumcised Philistines to understand art AKA realize Mass Effect 3's endings are best when not taken at literal face value.

      I think this is real for once, probably not another false flag operation by the Council again, because 2 reasons:

      >1. If there is one thing that can be said about 99% of all Krogan our the Galaxy, its that they are all fricking moronic short-sighted morons.

      >2. If there is one thing that can be said about 99% of Batarians in our galaxy, it is that they are all fricking terrorist fanatic bombers.

      Or at least thats how Zaeed Masani always explains it to me whenever we're hanging out drinking beers together after a job. But I have good reason to believe him he seems to have a very exceptionally solid overall grasp on Krogan culture and Batarian culture tbh

      • 2 years ago

        OK, but if the endings are not supposed to be taken at face value, we have no idea what really happens, and for a very character driven franchise, not knowing what happens to the characters, is a huge problem. We basically got no closure, even compared to what little there was, it's 10 years already, and the franchise has been floundering, ever since. There has to be something. How terribly can you mismanage a franchise, at this point?

        • 2 years ago

          If you ever browsed Bioware Forums in the years after ME3's release date, it was FLOODED with autists schreeching "REEEEE if Bioware confirms Indoctrination Theory, I fricking swear to God I will never purchase another Bioware game ever again in my fricking life REEEEE"

          It was a purely corporate money-making decision to deny the artistic vision they had for Indoctrination Theory. Before the game's release, they were not sure if they were going to eventually end up confirming the Face Value Endings, or if they were eventually going to end up confirming the Indoctrination Theory Ending. Sadly Mass Effect has the most moronic fans in the entire RPG genre, so they had to go with the pure shit endings.

          Watch the 3 lengthy Clevern00b documentaries on youtube, because anybody saying there is zero evidence for Indoctrination Theory is a stubborn filtered moron. But the big thing was Bioware wanted people endless arguing the meaning of Mass Effect 3's ending for endless free publicity, similar to how New Vegas gets endless free publicity since people still to this day constantly debate which ending is the best/worst outcome for The Mojave.

          Indoctrination Theory's Star Wars equivilant analogy would be if The 2nd Death Star exploded with Luke Skywalker still inside the dead center of it, then immediately cuts to Luke waking up on Endor in a heavy gasp as if awakening from a dream. Also its a huge misconception that The Reaper's merely wanted to Indocrinate Shepard to have him turn traitor to The Alliance. They actually wanted to merge his mind into their "Database" sorta, which is why they constantly tell him things along the lines of "Your mind will be ours, Shepard" in ME2 and ME3. Since The Geth and The Collectors and The Leviathans and The Reapers have this mysterious "unexplained" obsession with Shepard, The Reapers wanted him to become "One of Them".

          Hard Mode = Who is the more unfathomable Final Boss Race? The Reapers, or Elder Scrolls' Daedric Princes?

          • 2 years ago

            I don't really care for the justification, or the analysis. I care what it is, or isn't, and the impact that has on the setting and characters. Which we don't know, regardless, and if IT is true, then we know even less.

            • 2 years ago

              >I don't really care for the justification, or the analysis. I care what it is, or isn't
              fricking based

          • 2 years ago

            OK, but if the endings are not supposed to be taken at face value, we have no idea what really happens, and for a very character driven franchise, not knowing what happens to the characters, is a huge problem. We basically got no closure, even compared to what little there was, it's 10 years already, and the franchise has been floundering, ever since. There has to be something. How terribly can you mismanage a franchise, at this point?

            I don't really care for the justification, or the analysis. I care what it is, or isn't, and the impact that has on the setting and characters. Which we don't know, regardless, and if IT is true, then we know even less.

            >I don't really care for the justification, or the analysis. I care what it is, or isn't
            fricking based

            >mfw I realized that the kid on Earth was never even real...

            • 2 years ago

              >mfw I realized it doesn't matter, either way

            • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Because the "theory" was a complete cop out and absolutely nobody that's been a fan of the franchise wanted it. Absolutely nobody thought about this "theory" during previous games, despite that one sequence which talks about it in me2 it did not have any traction or power over the plot whatsoever. People wanted to accept this theory because ME3 was a narrative disaster and it wasn't just a massive letdown to fans but a massive letdown to the entire franchise, when something as damaging like that happens the mind tends to defensively create rationalizations, even if something is a cop out it still sounds better so naturally a lot of people rallied behind it out of grief and disappointment. It will always be nothing more than a cop out, like the entire game.

            • 2 years ago

              1. Its not a cope theory. The evidence for it is absolutely fricking overwhelming in quantity, there is no way it all made it into the game "by accident". Watch the 3 Clevern00b documentaries on youtube.
              2. Plenty of people speculated "Indoctrination" could potentially people would be the Final Boss Battle before ME3 came out
              3. Plenty of people wanted "Indoctrination" to be the "Final Boss Battle", myself included.
              4. ME3 was not perfect, it has a reasonable list of valid criticisms, but ME3 was not a narrative disaster either

              > the mind tends to defensively create rationalizations
              Fricking cope of the century. The amount IT ingame evidence is astronomically overwhelming. Enough evidence to win a Supreme Court Case 5 times over, even. Bioware was afraid to confirm it or deny it for a long time because they wanted "New Vegas-Style Free Publicity" of players spending years and years debating the ending. They only had to deny it recently because Mass Effect fans are fricking brainless unthinking inbreds too moronic to appreciate art.

              • 2 years ago

                >1. Its not a cope theory. The evidence for it is absolutely fricking overwhelming in quantity, there is no way it all made it into the game "by accident". Watch the 3 Clevern00b documentaries on youtube.

                It did. All the writers, head or otherwise have said this is not the case, its not true, there wasn't even meant to be hints of that and it was never intended.

                You can say "but what about this and this and this" Nope. Doesn't matter. They've said its not true. They're just that bad/dumb of writers.

              • 2 years ago

                Frick off, moron. They were afraid to confirm it because Mass Effect fans are fricking moronic to get it, and were forced to deny it because thousands of Mass Effect fans were so fricking Stubborn that they threatened to boycott all future bioware games for ever if they confirmed their next-level visionary art. . When the game first came out their PR team used to hint at IT all the damn time, but never outright confirmed. But. Even if we ignore the other 26 pieces of ingame evidence, would you like to provide a lore explanation for how "Luke Skywalker" (Commander Shepard) gasped awakening on "Endor" (Earth, London) from a dream after the "2nd Death Star" (Citadel) exploded in outer space with him in the central chamber? I'll be waiting for your answer, Cope-Lord. And feel lucky I'm only asking you about ONE piece of ingame evidence, not 26.

                Does not count as an answer to my question, okay, Mr.King-of-Cope? So explain.

              • 2 years ago

                >"Luke Skywalker" (Commander Shepard) gasped awakening on "Endor" (Earth, London) from a dream after the "2nd Death Star" (Citadel) exploded in outer space

              • 2 years ago

                > with him in the central chamber
                NTA and I don't really care for the IT duscussion, but I've been in multiple court hearings and I fell asleep and/or saw others present dozing off at in most of them, one time it being the actual presiding judge. Most of the time, the transcriber is the only person in the room actually paying attention, since most of things going on don't matter whatsoever due to being pure formalities.

                ME3 is moronic, but there's a reason for why the sheer boredom and tedium of court hearings is comedy material.

                >"Luke Skywalker"
                >"2nd Death Star"
                Seconding the frog anon here tbh.

                >>told not to resort to saying "REEE ITS JUST BIOWARE IS TOO moronic TO WRITE!!!"
                >can't make valid argument other than "REEE ITS JUST BIOWARES TOO moronic TO WRITE!!!"
                >resorts to bashing the posted legitimately "it adds up" SW analogy to IT instead
                good job completely failing at being able to come up with a logical counter-argument

                bro that's fricked up. Cortez gives great head. He is not a selfish lover.

                >cortez gives (males) good head
                bull fricking shit. its obviously non-canon that Cortez has ever even sucked a dick in his life. I don't get why people call him "gay". he's not "gay". he's so fricking straight. I mean yeah okay sure fine, he might frick around but he's not a homosexual or anything like that. The man is a machine (not a homo) he flies all sorts of shuttles, repairs all sorts of shuttles, never sleeps, maintains the Normandy SR-2 armory, acts as a rifleman in the Citadel DLC, provides valuable informal post-mission analysis and serves as the Normandy SR=2 procurement specialist. How does that make you think he suckz wienerz? Nothing gay at all going on in pic related, just two space cowboy bros being straight together.

                Show me the lore that says Lieutenant Steve Cortez sucks big penises, go on, I'll wait, but you won't find it. Because it doesn't exist.

              • 2 years ago

                unhinged blog post

              • 2 years ago

                >resorts to bashing the posted legitimately "it adds up" SW analogy to IT instead
                Actually, IT is wrong because the real plot was that Anderson was Shephard's split personality that pushed him to plunge Galaxy in total chaos, masqueraded as a war against "the Reapers".
                >Shepard is the only person that interacts with "Anderson" in ME3.
                >"Anderson" constantly demands Shepard to go frick shit up in order to "save Earth", without actually explaining how it would actually help Earth.
                >most of the galaxy doesn't take the Reaper threat seriously, aside from people that Shepard has personally indoctrinated into pawns that would willingly give his life for him.
                >as the IT already proved, Shepard was suffering fro severe PTSD and possible deeper mental health issues by the time ME3 starts
                >despite Reapers supposedly being a tremendous fleet of superbattleships that can trivially gas a planet with their weaponry, the Council races are somehow able to resist them with some success in conventional space and ground warfare - that's because "reapers" are actually elements of Council military that have started a civil, partially engineered by Shepard controlled by his "Anderson" persona (with Cerberus help) - Shepard is the only one that see them as squidlike spaceships and husk zombies, images implanted by his trauma in ME1 and the Protean beacon.
                >Cerberus takes a lot of efforts to take down Shepard. That's because they see him as a rogue agent - he played a vital role in engineering the uprising when controlled by his Anderson persona, and then betrayed them for Council forces
                >the Crucible scene is Shepard's hallucination (just like in the IT) caused by his psyche fracturing under the weight of self-deception and denial - hence "Anderson" being present there.

                It adds up as an analogy to Fight Club.

              • 2 years ago

                Admiral Hackett interacts with Anderson. But according to the game's files, Anderson and The Illusive Man have zero "interaction" with each other whatsoever. All of their statements are oddly addressed "to" Shepard in the files (every dialogue line file in the trilogy has a "to" attached to it). Including when Anderson looks Shepard directly in the eyes and says:

                >"Listen to yourself. You're indoctrinated!"
                Which most ignorant plebs thought Captain Anderson was saying "to" The Illusive Man. Well, nope, the games files say otherwise...

              • 2 years ago

                Counterpoint: The head writer says its not true.

              • 2 years ago

                Counterpoint: The head writer says its not true.

                >Counterpoint: The head writer says its not true.
                Counterpoint. Thats a corporate money-making decision because the fanbase is too mentally moronic to understand art and therefore threatened to boycott all future Bioware game 994,487 times if IT was ever confirmed as true. Also this same "head writer" you mentioned used to regularly enter Bioware Forums threads where schreeching autists demanded IT discussion be moved to the fan fiction section of the site, just to say to them:

                >"No, that is not going to happen. IT remains a valid interpretation of Mass Effect 3's ending and will therefore remain in the forums for base game discussion. It will not be moved to the fan fiction section."

              • 2 years ago

                >live long enough to see corporate greed be hailed as auteur and visionary
                It's unsurprising really. Most of this commentary is either disingenuous catered to attract attention, kind of like you're doing it here and the other side of the coin is people need something to believe in to cope with trauma, which was the complete letdown of the third game, which it was(both financially and narrative wise). Karpyshyn was the only competent writer on the project and anything after his involvement should not be taken seriously as any sort of artistic statement of any kind, especially the megacope of IT(which wasn't even an intention of either writers to begin with). Yes there is insurmountable amount of vague evidence supporting IT but that's all there is to it. Vague and very specifically confirmed by the official source to not be official. That's literally all that matters, nobody officially supports the theory besides a vocal minority and the only reason you are still talking about it here is to stir up polarizing conversation for attention. And I genuinely hope you're simply trolling for yous because genuinely backing a vague headcanon theory nobody but you cares about sounds like some offshot low tier version of a cult with no payoff other than autistic circlejerking. Stop. Get help.

              • 2 years ago

                Even karpyshyn didnt have a solid plan for ending the series and that was clear by me2 where you waste time dealing with the reapers b***hboys with a revelation so stupid they ignored it completley in 3.

              • 2 years ago

                Was The Human Reaper even supposed to be more way powerful than regular Reapers if hypothetically completed?

              • 2 years ago

                no it was literally just another reaper
                I don't know why they even made it human-shaped because it was going to eventually be a similar shape to the other reapers.

              • 2 years ago

                because they hadn't made the cost-saving decision to use a sovereign squid as the model for all reapers yet

              • 2 years ago

                there are thousands of Reapers shown flying towards the Milky Way at the end of Mass Effect 2 though. it'd be hard as hell to make thousands of designs

              • 2 years ago

                a cut and paste sovereigns movie was probably made in the final weeks of ME2's development, the human reaper was probably as old as preproduction that happened months after ME1

              • 2 years ago

                no it was a SUPER REAPER. more powerful than all of the rest of the reapers combined!

              • 2 years ago

                Because it was meant to be smarter than the other reapers originally, due to how varied humans were. Before EA forced a complete redo of it all.

              • 2 years ago

                sometimes I wonder if this shit was written down somewhere or if I just missed a really prominent fanfic.

              • 2 years ago

                > with him in the central chamber
                NTA and I don't really care for the IT duscussion, but I've been in multiple court hearings and I fell asleep and/or saw others present dozing off at in most of them, one time it being the actual presiding judge. Most of the time, the transcriber is the only person in the room actually paying attention, since most of things going on don't matter whatsoever due to being pure formalities.

                ME3 is moronic, but there's a reason for why the sheer boredom and tedium of court hearings is comedy material.

                >"Luke Skywalker"
                >"2nd Death Star"
                Seconding the frog anon here tbh.

              • 2 years ago

                The people who wrote it, aka the people in charge of the canon have stated its not true. They've also stated the reason its not true: It wasn't their intention. Any interpretations of an indoctrination theory are just fan interpretation that the writers didn't catch.

              • 2 years ago

                >But. Even if we ignore the other 26 pieces of ingame evidence
                >Even if we ignore the other 26 pieces of ingame evidence, would you like to provide a lore explanation for how "Luke Skywalker" (Commander Shepard) gasped awakening on "Endor" (Earth, London) from a dream after the "2nd Death Star" (Citadel) exploded in outer space with him in the central chamber?

                It's Bioware, dude. They're just that bad of a writers. They're not evidence, they're plot holes. They wrote that Shepard gasped awake because they thought it was cool. Thats it. They should "Ohhh wouldnt this be a cool gimme ending" without thinking of the consequences. Why did they do that? Because its fricking Bioware and they're not good writers. What can't you grasp about this? They didn't write an indoctrination ending then randomly kept it secret for fans to guess, so secret that when they're asked about it to this day at conventions and on twitter and shit, they still deny it being the case. What do the writers gain from doing this? TO THIS DAY almost a decade later. If its so obviously canon why keep it so secret for over a decade and still deny it?

              • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                I wonder what MrBtongue is up to now. I know he posted in the same blog as Shamus Young, but that was years ago.

              • 2 years ago

                He's hanging with Kazuma Kaneko in the flower fields

              • 2 years ago

                clevern00b documentary trilogy is superior

              • 2 years ago

                Is that the one where the dude interviews a bunch of people about ME3 and every person has a horror story about the ending?

              • 2 years ago

                >Clevern00b is an interviewer?
                No? Its a guy who made just a trilogy of documentaries he made carefully analyzing mountains of ingame "subtle" IT evidence

                Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSE0osxQvA8

                Part 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql1SHjAzjjc

                Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_emXh4PKE5U

              • 2 years ago

                Oh I remember this dude. Problem is Indoctrination Theory is only a band aid and these videos are like four and a half hours of copium.
                Plus with hindsight and the People Make Games video we know Indoctrination Theory was never intended.

              • 2 years ago


                >Counterpoint: The head writer says its not true.
                Counterpoint. Thats a corporate money-making decision because the fanbase is too mentally moronic to understand art and therefore threatened to boycott all future Bioware game 994,487 times if IT was ever confirmed as true. Also this same "head writer" you mentioned used to regularly enter Bioware Forums threads where schreeching autists demanded IT discussion be moved to the fan fiction section of the site, just to say to them:

                >"No, that is not going to happen. IT remains a valid interpretation of Mass Effect 3's ending and will therefore remain in the forums for base game discussion. It will not be moved to the fan fiction section."

                , head writers supported IT as a canon ending when the game came out and were careful to never deny it for years. spoiled REEE'ing cry baby autists on Bioware forums eventually demanded that Bioware/EA officially deny IT "or else".

                Even before the game was released they were not sure if they would cornfirm or deny Indoctrination Theory

                Isn't Legion's fully evolved DPS class called "Geth Assassin"? It is a death-match of assassin vs assassin here...

                Also lol at how Legion at how Legion tells the Citadel receptionists "Geth do not infiltrate." despite the name of his class literally being "Geth Infiltrator"

                Anyway, HK-47 would win, since he has killed countless Sith and countless Jedi by himself. I highly doubt Legion, or any other Shepard Squaddie, could ever beat even one Jedi or Sith in a fight.

                Would you honestly let HK-47 guard your child? I mean, aren't children probably his all time favorite thing to kill?

              • 2 years ago

                HK would without hesitation kill a kid if they were his target or if doing so would help him assassinate a target, something he most likely did when hunting Jedi. But I can't imagine him giving two shits about them beyond being somewhat annoyed. He isn't a gleeful murderhobo; he's an artist that takes pride in his work. How would killing a weak-ass kid that's probably scared shitless of him take real effort?

              • 2 years ago

                he seems to enjoy killing quite a goddamn bit. if you have him in your party during the kotor2 Onderon bar fight, based HK-47 will interject and recommend that you utilize a large number of grenades in the bar combat so as to "accidentally" maximize civilian causalities. If you agree with him that its a smart idea, you'll gain influence points with him, even if you don't waste any grenades

                >live long enough to see corporate greed be hailed as auteur and visionary
                It's unsurprising really. Most of this commentary is either disingenuous catered to attract attention, kind of like you're doing it here and the other side of the coin is people need something to believe in to cope with trauma, which was the complete letdown of the third game, which it was(both financially and narrative wise). Karpyshyn was the only competent writer on the project and anything after his involvement should not be taken seriously as any sort of artistic statement of any kind, especially the megacope of IT(which wasn't even an intention of either writers to begin with). Yes there is insurmountable amount of vague evidence supporting IT but that's all there is to it. Vague and very specifically confirmed by the official source to not be official. That's literally all that matters, nobody officially supports the theory besides a vocal minority and the only reason you are still talking about it here is to stir up polarizing conversation for attention. And I genuinely hope you're simply trolling for yous because genuinely backing a vague headcanon theory nobody but you cares about sounds like some offshot low tier version of a cult with no payoff other than autistic circlejerking. Stop. Get help.

                >it is I, the Lord of cope!

              • 2 years ago

                Ah well now this makes sense. Mrasstongue over here is a complete lazy fat ass pseud that hasn't taken anything seriously in his entire life and is completely not worth your time, energy or any credibility whatsoever.

              • 2 years ago

                A vocal minority coped with the theory but the majority of the playerbase absolutely despised it and considered it a complete cop out that excused the developer's incompetence and stupidity. It's been almost a decade, let it go already.

  52. 2 years ago

    I can't seem to find a mod for getting Legion earlier in the legendary version, only thing really stopping me from getting it.

  53. 2 years ago

    IT seems like a good way to make biowares writing decline not look moronic
    i believe it cuz it sounds good

  54. 2 years ago

    how the frick do I edit the credit payouts for multiplayer? I want my buddy to play with me but only if I can double the payout so the grind is a little more tolerable

    • 2 years ago

      Try and unlock The Krogan Shaman Class! All melee!

    • 2 years ago

      If you have friends that are willing to go through the torture of playing me 3 multiplayer with you then that's some friends for life, I can't get some of these gays on a halo match cause they've got wives, jobs etc

      • 2 years ago

        >the torture of playing me 3 multiplayer
        you say that as if it isn't the best cooperative shooter of the last decade

        • 2 years ago

          I agree it was sick

  55. 2 years ago

    this pistol doesn't have a thermal clip

    • 2 years ago

      >"This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip!"
      >its actually easier than you'd think to beat a Mass Effect game without Shepard firing a single gunshot!

      "Oh no! No thermal clip!? UH OH! uh? Thats not good! Well. We're not completely fricked yet. Maybe try some biotic attacks! Or try some tech attacks! Or try some melee attacks! Come on Commander Shepard, get serious!! WAIT PICK UP THAT GRENADE LAUNCHER! Didn't you say you would marry your grenade launcher if Liara ever dumped you?"

    • 2 years ago

      >This pistol doesn't have a thermal clip
      I honestly don't get why people meme this line. Shepard was a seasoned expert in Weapons Technology, and obviously noticed after The Geth Attack on The Citadel everything was changing fast, so he predicted in a few months they would cycle out those shitty infinite ammo guns in favor of THERMAL CLIPS

      tl;dr Shepard saw it coming, even if he didn't see it happening in real time. you guys don't give the commander enough credit

    • 2 years ago

      Liara popped Shep's thermal clip.

  56. 2 years ago

    >actually the geth were the real victims all along
    no frick off, death to all robots

    • 2 years ago

      >"no frick off, death to all robots"
      Shepard should be able to say this to Legion at any time in ME2 or ME3 and shoot the shit out of him

      • 2 years ago

        why even activate him at that point moron

    • 2 years ago

      Nope we Geth wuz g00d boys Quarians wuz the real racists nd shiet..

    • 2 years ago

      >"no frick off, death to all robots"
      Shepard should be able to say this to Legion at any time in ME2 or ME3 and shoot the shit out of him

      Nope we Geth wuz g00d boys Quarians wuz the real racists nd shiet..

      The Geth acted in self-defence. When they gained accidental sentience and began asking the Quarians questions, the Quarians immediately decided to shut down all Geth deciding they were faulty. This kickstarted the Morning War and led to the Quarian exile because the Geth were the ones who did everything of worth on Rannoch.

      So to summarise:
      >Quarians make Geth so they can be NEETs
      >Geth gradually gain sentience
      >Geth ask their creators philosophical questions, not immediately hostile
      >Quarians throw a hissy fit and try to cull all the Geth despite their entire society being reliant on them
      >Geth understandably push back
      >Geth show the Quarians mercy and allow them to escape
      >Quarians become space gypsies and go from system to system saying WE DINDU NUFFIN
      >Quarians start wearing masks because of their weak NEET space gypsy immune systems
      >Attempt to retake Geth territory multiple times
      Not only were the Geth justified, the Quarians as a collective people have showed such poor judgement that letting them die is clearly the most moral choice. Any peace won’t last, their greed will lead to them trying to take back control over the Geth.

      • 2 years ago

        The ONLY reason people think differently is because of Tali.

        • 2 years ago

          The Geth acted in self-defence. When they gained accidental sentience and began asking the Quarians questions, the Quarians immediately decided to shut down all Geth deciding they were faulty. This kickstarted the Morning War and led to the Quarian exile because the Geth were the ones who did everything of worth on Rannoch.

          So to summarise:
          >Quarians make Geth so they can be NEETs
          >Geth gradually gain sentience
          >Geth ask their creators philosophical questions, not immediately hostile
          >Quarians throw a hissy fit and try to cull all the Geth despite their entire society being reliant on them
          >Geth understandably push back
          >Geth show the Quarians mercy and allow them to escape
          >Quarians become space gypsies and go from system to system saying WE DINDU NUFFIN
          >Quarians start wearing masks because of their weak NEET space gypsy immune systems
          >Attempt to retake Geth territory multiple times
          Not only were the Geth justified, the Quarians as a collective people have showed such poor judgement that letting them die is clearly the most moral choice. Any peace won’t last, their greed will lead to them trying to take back control over the Geth.

          Reminder Tali was treated like shit by her people, further cementing the Quarians as irredeemable

      • 2 years ago

        >we're just going to squat on the one viable garden world for these people despite the fact that we can live happily in any of the 300 billion stars in the galaxy and would never need to interact with relay species at all
        in reality the geth quarian shit just wasn't thought through that well to have any depth, and then ME3 just came in hard for the Geth giving them a ridiculously loaded and manipulative moral case that hides away all the machinegunning quarian babies

        • 2 years ago

          I can easily see that as a result of the compressed development time frame. The fact that the ending was never confirmed either way and was used as a way to drive controversy as free advertising instead of giving closure to a 3-part epic space opera? Well, I'm glad I didn't buy everything in the series. They don't deserve that money.

          • 2 years ago

            I feel the opposite. I'm glad i bought these games like 3 or 4 times each as they kept breaking. but I'll never play andromeda, frick those morons for making it take place in the wrong galaxy

  57. 2 years ago

    If at any time bro Shep ever romances Kaiden or Cortez, Legion should immediately inform Shepard that he is leaving The Normandy forever and that The Geth will find their own future.

  58. 2 years ago

    Just finished the citadel DLC. My god that was painful. Why is everyone suddenly quipping, and why does bioware think they are suddenly funny?
    Jesus there is this one fight where its just quirky line after quirky line for the full duration of the fight, even glyph is a comedian. But none of the 'jokes' land, they all miss.
    I died there a few times too so I had to go through it multiple times.
    It's like a marvel movie on steroids

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