Should all games have difficulty settings?

So it's pretty widely agreed that Elden Ring's DLC is too hard to be enjoyable for many people.
Who is right? Kojima or Miyazaki?

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  1. 1 week ago

    >inb4 brainlets getting filtered by kojima yet again

  2. 1 week ago

    Is the DLC really that hard if you use all of the tools that the game gives you, including summons, spirit ashes magic, grinding etc? Not really. People just want to go for a more skill based build and playstyle and then proceed to cry and whine when they actually need to get gud for it. It's fricking moronic. It would be like if normalgays started every game in expert mode and cry about the difficulty of the game instead of just going for the normal difficulty.

    • 1 week ago

      People only have this mentally for souls game too. You dont even get a reward for not using the other tools to win. Only in fromsoft games people would play a challenge run as a default way to play, then praise the game for how hard it is

    • 1 week ago

      >Is the DLC really that hard if you use all of the tools that the game gives you, including summons, spirit ashes magic, grinding etc?
      Yes. I just completed it and I have never died as much to any boss as I did to about half of the DLC bosses, especially the last one. Most of them don't even give you an opportunity to even call a spirit ash before they're on you with mental combos, you have to try to tank the hits and hope you can waste 3 pots straight away while your Mimic slowly forms.

    • 1 week ago

      Going full cheese does make it easier, yes, but therein lies the problem, much as it is in the base game. Fighting most of the bosses with the combat style you find most appealing will mean, for most people, that the fight isn't any fun because is on you constantly with their dumbass anime nonsense combos while you're only able to take effective action less than 10% of the time. Conversely, fighting them with maxed out spirit ashes, 60 vigor, all Scatman fragments, and a build that embraces overpowered offense isn't any fun either because then you just crush them without any effort.
      This is why the game is worse than most of its predecessors.

  3. 1 week ago

    technically Kojima, since he is able to provide more gameplay/interesting things to a game rather than difficulty. Souls games are boring sandboxes if you had max level/were able to kill things easily enough, so the design has to cope with harder difficulty to trigger value to people's brain.

  4. 1 week ago

    I usually do normal for a balance of story and gameplay since story is important for me. I know souls games don't really have a story, but yeah.

  5. 1 week ago

    I don't have a problem with either side. Let devs choose whichever suits their vision.

  6. 1 week ago

    That's up to the devs. Not inferior subhumans like journalists, feminists, numales and the shitters behind them.

  7. 1 week ago

    Only obese smelly hipsters play Miyazaki's games. They think pretending to beat them online makes them look special.

  8. 1 week ago

    Both are based, and valid choices depending on how ur game works and stuff.

    My problem with Fromsoft over the years has never been the actual fights but incredibly frustrating map/exploration shit. If I'm always on the constant threat of dying easily even to "mobs", why make constant backtracking in literally every single area this infuriating?

  9. 1 week ago

    kojima is a moviegay and souls games you can beat easily if you want, but gays want to brag online that they beat skibidischizo one handed blindfolded at soul lvl 1 with no weapon or armor equiped and then they complain online when its too hard

  10. 1 week ago

    Kojima is a movie designer, not a game designer.
    Miyazaki is right. Frick normies.

  11. 1 week ago

    >don't put a difficulty mode for a game
    >get stuck at some point because it's too hard
    >uninstall the game

    • 1 week ago

      yeah this shit. I have enough on my job, I play games to relax and not commit suicide.

    • 1 week ago

      Builds are there to make it piss easy and its ok to use guides. I used guides for most Metroid games because I get lost. Nintendo made magazines with maps in them all the time.

    • 1 week ago

      just summon a dude who will beat it for you

    • 1 week ago

      LITERALLY a skill issue.
      Besides, beating a game is not a right, it's something you have to earn by learning how to play well. 99% of games should be impossible to beat for any normal person.

  12. 1 week ago

    Miyazaki needs to learn a lot and take patience to fix alot of issues before making his next games and not shit one out every year or two. He may not have the passion nor ego that takes to be a perfectionist and push some boundaries but he has room for improvement.

  13. 1 week ago

    Kojima already won his retirement place since he made Snatcher, mgs, and Death Stranding (frick you I like it). I think it is time for him to try movies before he croaks tbh.

  14. 1 week ago

    Nobody's asking for difficulty selections on games with a well balanced difficulty. No one was ever like "Gee, I wish Zelda had a difficulty selection." Miyazaki should just learn to make his games less frustrating.

  15. 1 week ago

    Kojima isn't a stranger to having no difficulty settings. TPP doesn't have one but the game adapts to you and there are failsafes in place.
    TPP cucks you if you keep doing the same strat over and over again and actively pushes you towards different strats without making it impossible for you to keep doing what you did. You can also kinda ''set'' the difficulty depending on what equipment you take with you on deployment.
    Fromsoft just outright blocks you until you found the strat that works, get lucky enough or go back to grinding. I prefer TPP's take on having no difficutly setting.

    As for a very easy mode, sure why not. As long as you insert a very hard mode too.

  16. 1 week ago

    Trick question, they are saying the same thing, so both are right.

  17. 1 week ago

    Games should have a slider called "Difficulty Reduction" with a text explaining that you can use it to speed through the game if you're having difficulties.
    They should also have a "Difficulty Increase" slider with a text explaining that you can use it if you have no life and want to spend more time whacking/shooting at bullet sponge enemies.
    Delegitimize the idea of difficulty levels and force developers to make the game fun and challenging on the average difficulty level.

  18. 1 week ago

    there's nothing wrong with either statements because difficulty doesn't have to be the/a defining feature of your game

    mgs 3 is renowned not for its difficulty, nor would it be 'better' or more popular for there being no difficulty choices for it
    this isn't the case for elden ring or dark souls, in which the difficulty is very much part of the experience and it's meant to be this way

    tho I understand that not everyone can have the potential for critical thinking required to understand such concepts and how different they are while still being legitimate, but at the same time this thread is probably just the usual 'haha kojimbo bad miyazaki bad' thread, or even a false flag, nor do I really care

    I love both and I love all of their games, sucks for you

  19. 1 week ago

    Can't you just spec into a spellcaster or pyromancy like DS1 and make the game baby easy mode? Ik you can respec your stats at any time this really shouldn't be that bad for people

  20. 1 week ago

    Japs have never designed a good game.
    Not once in the history of video games.

    • 1 week ago

      t. Ubisoft dev

  21. 1 week ago

    I just realized I dont really care that much about games and just like watching stories unfold like in movies
    so idc what Black folk say here, I like the cinematic experiences more to have a comfy moment

    • 1 week ago

      Then just watch movies, 95% of game stories are shit.

  22. 1 week ago

    Both of them are bad in how they design difficulty. Games like DMC does it better with changing enemy placement after each difficulty. For open world ARPGs Dark Souls 2 does it better because you can not only make the game harder for you but also can enemy placement for each bonfire, NG+ automatically changes and remixes enemy placement too. Ideally every game should follow God Hand though. God Hand had a dynamic difficulty in the name of levels that changed the enemy placement longer you play it.

  23. 1 week ago

    >Soulsgays use to think how cool it was that their games had such high difficulty
    >Now they're getting filtered
    They would all commit suicide if they played Ninja Gaiden Black and Ninja Gaiden II. Frauds exposed.

  24. 1 week ago

    Yano-san sounds like a fricking moron.

  25. 1 week ago

    CHAD Kojima vs Virgin Miyazaki

  26. 1 week ago

    Mikami shits on both of them.

  27. 1 week ago

    >choose your difficulty from a menu
    >choose your difficulty by making use of more or fewer of the myriad options the game provides you
    Right is better.

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