Should I do it? Should I just fricking go for it?

Should I do it, Ganker?
Should I just fricking go for it?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 6 days ago

    So you can play emulated SNES games? Sure, why not.

  2. 6 days ago

    Then let me play on it
    My pc is slowing down and I'm sad 🙁

  3. 6 days ago

    >alder lake is so good intel released it 3 times

  4. 6 days ago

    Why do people upgrade their entire system?
    I'm pretty sure a 4090 can carry any game today.

    • 6 days ago

      Because you can't bottleneck a 4090 with a Kaby Lake processor and then you realize that you need a new motherboard to fit the new CPU, then realize your case is too small and dusty for these new parts
      Its a domino effect

      • 6 days ago

        I doubt the bottleneck is serious.

  5. 6 days ago

    If you have the money and don't mind spending it, why not?
    There are no games worth having a top-tier PC for now, tho, everything actually worth playing can be played on a $800 rig

    • 6 days ago

      It's a waste of money. The guy should at least save and invest $3k of it and be happy with a $3k pc if he wants to go all out.

  6. 6 days ago

    >Meme power supply
    >meme CPU
    >meme MOBO

  7. 6 days ago

    I'm a rich incel
    Gaming is the only joy I have in life
    I've spent probably 50k+ on Games and Gaming Equipment, don't regret any of it

  8. 6 days ago

    All you will do for the rest of your life is emulate old PS2 and SNES games from back in the day when gaming used to be good. So sure man

  9. 6 days ago

    never under any circumstances buy asus products. chance the brands on your motherboard and 4090. also dont buy a watercooler for your cpu. its zoomer bait. an air cooler is more reliable and cheaper and will last you for the pc's entire lifespan.

  10. 6 days ago

    4090 is overkill unless you run like 3 monitors, 4080 runs all modern sloppa perfectly

    • 6 days ago

      Need it for AI image generation

      • 6 days ago

        In that case its worth 100%

  11. 6 days ago

    Do you really need to spend $1,100 on a motherboard?

  12. 6 days ago

    >paying a thousand dollars to use asus malware drivers

    • 6 days ago

      Do you really need to spend $1,100 on a motherboard?

      What's the best mobo brand to get today?

      • 6 days ago

        make your own

  13. 6 days ago

    >$2280 for a 4090

    Might as well wait for the 5090 if you're willing to spend that much over MSRP.

    • 6 days ago


  14. 6 days ago

    1600W is overkill for a single GPU.

  15. 6 days ago

    Why do you need two 4TB SSDs

    • 6 days ago

      We've got single games now that take up over 200GB by themselves.

      • 6 days ago

        What? Name one.

        • 6 days ago

          ARK: Survival Evolved.

  16. 6 days ago

    those better be australian dollars
    >intel space heater
    >1600W PSU
    >overkill SSDs
    >$1k mobo

  17. 6 days ago

    What the frick would constitute a mobo costing 1k?

    • 6 days ago

      pretty lights

  18. 6 days ago

    >thousand dollar motherboard
    >4090 this late in the cycle 800 bucks over msrp
    >400 dollar PSU

    • 6 days ago

      When is the next 5080 coming out?
      How do I get my hands on one before they're all sold out?

      • 6 days ago

        Unless you know someone working at a major retailer like newegg you won't get an 80 or 90 card at MSRP. Maybe you're really lucky and you find some store accepting preorders. But otherwise, no. I managed to get a 4090 for 1600 last june by sheer luck so i'll be good for another 3ish years, maybe more. If i hadn't i would probably just bite the bullet, and depending how bad the next lineups prices are, pay up.

        • 6 days ago

          My brother managed to get a 3090 back when they came out by sheer luck
          He literally just walked into best buy and got one because some other shmuck didn't pick his preorder up on time. He only waited like 3h
          I'm happy for him, but man I'm jealous

  19. 6 days ago

    I have literally never heard of this PSU brand so I assume it's either a chink time bomb or a chink time bomb rebranded as a "premium gaming psu" for people that sort parts by price high to low

    • 6 days ago

      >Hasn't heard of ASUS

  20. 6 days ago

    This is a sick OSRS machine brother, how is your ironman doing?

  21. 6 days ago

    >1k mainboard
    >intel cpu

    yeah free yourself of your dollars

  22. 6 days ago


    I really can't see you reaching the full potential of that power supply unless you're using multiple high-end GPUs. I'd say 1200W at the maximum.

  23. 6 days ago

    liquid cooling is still a meme
    nobody needs 64gb unless you're running daw's or video rendering and shit
    spending insane money on huge nvmes instead of just buying 1-2gb for games and using normal ssds for the rest of your storage is moronic
    doubt anyone really needs an i9 either but hey that and the card are your own call if you have money to burn
    >$1100 motherboard
    i find it exceptionally unlikely this is even remotely warranted by anyone in the world.

  24. 6 days ago

    I love these bait threads.

  25. 6 days ago

    >literal 300W Intel shit that barely does better than a 7950x3d
    >16gb ram per slot instead of 32gb slot on a $1100 motherboard
    >nearly $800 over MSRP 4090
    >1600W PSU
    This thread is a bait.

  26. 6 days ago

    yall homies posting in a troll thread

    fricking newbies

  27. 6 days ago

    >"pc gaming is not expensive bro"
    >5919.86 dollars for a porn/Ganker machine
    bro if you're smart buy a ps5, get a nice tv and buy physical games so you actually own them
    >"brooo physical is not uwning broo"
    join the physicalGODS

  28. 6 days ago

    Bro what the frick are you planning to plug in?

    • 6 days ago

      dude he needs all that power for his hentai and old games you dont understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  29. 6 days ago

    Why do you need a $1000 motherboard? Are you doing extreme overclocking for gaming when you've already gotten a 4090?

  30. 6 days ago

    Yeah sure, if you've got the money. Even if you don't use it for heavy gaming your pc will last a long time and better yet you won't encounter issues for regular browsing especially in this day and age with browsers asking for more and more RAM usage for no reason

    • 6 days ago

      unironically a fricking chromebook or a phone will browse better than that lmao

  31. 6 days ago

    get 2 sticks of larger ram instead of 4 or you will guaranteed regret it

  32. 6 days ago

    don't get a corsair liquid cooler.

    if you're absolutely insistent on wanting a liquid cooler, get one of a different brand, just don't get a corsair.
    but if this is your first one ever, just don't get a liquid cooler. you're probably going into them thinking they must be quieter than air coolers because it's liquid. they're not. corsair's fans are among the loudest i've ever heard. the piece of shit AIO ended up failing on me as well.

    you want a noctua NH-D15. they cost less than an AIO and they are dead fricking silent even when you're playing games.

    trust me this is your opinion 5 years into the future: you don't want any LEDs in your case, and no, they do not "look cool."

    rethink the corsair ram as well as they are the only brand name whose ram sticks ever failed on me.

    and idk why you're buying anything but a samsung 990 pro. they're amongst the best right now, but i assume it's price per gb or total capacity. doesn't your board have like 3 m.2 slots? i can agree it's fine to go big the first time but you can just as easily expand later. this used to be more important when boards barely had 1 m.2 slot and it like disabled other features if you used it.

    • 6 days ago

      it will be loud as frick not because corsair aio's are bad but because 14900ks is literally the hottest cpu released in 10 years moron, NH-D15 won't be enough to cool it down without undervolting. Custom loops have issues cooling it down past 90c, air is going to be even worse. I watched a video of a guy getting it down to 85c in cinebench but not only did he had to get a custom loop he also had to delidd and do direct die cooling

      • 6 days ago

        Are other i9's easier to deal with?

        • 6 days ago

          Entire 14th generation premium intels is fricked, just google 14900ks. Guru3d is your best friend. If you go with a good AIO cooler (Like Corsair) and switch the fans to something better like Noctua + undervolt you should be fine. I would still keep an eye on temperatures if you would end up idk rendering a video in adobe premiere after 6 months.

          • 6 days ago

            If I were to upgrade I would probably get an earlier model of i9 from a few years ago. The ones I glanced at already seemed several times better than my i7-6700k from almost a decade ago. I'm not that tech literate when it comes to this stuff, but the early i9s had twice or four times as many cores/threads, so that's probably good enough for me as an upgrade
            My pc is getting weak, but I'm currently NEET and don't plan to upgrade. The only thing I'm missing out on is ER at the moment, which sucks, but I can live with it

            • 6 days ago

              oh, I've upgraded from 8700k to 5800X3D 2 years ago, best budget upgrade I ever did in my life. But then I also upgraded from 1060gtx to 3070gtx and everytime I think about that I get angry and I feel bad about myself. Fricking 8gb vram is not enough even for 1080p gaming in 2024.

              • 6 days ago

                My guy, im on i7-6700k and a 980ti with 1080p monitors
                ANY amount of upgrading will be gamechaning for me. It's so old it's at the point where I would basically need to start from scratch when I "upgrade" lol
                I can't remember the last modern game I was able to run on max. I had been waiting for ghost of tsushima to come out on pc since it released, but I had to purge that desire from my head since my old dog is reaching potato teir
                I've been having slowdowns on everything, framedrops on my fricking desktop, browser and steam menus slow loading, and slideshow gaming on vidya
                I tried opening it up and dusting and resaucing yesterday. Did nothing to help. I'm not sure if I've got a software problem. Other anons have said that it's either that or an overheating issue with my fans not being enough to cool it down, but my cpu and gpu both dont get past halfway to their max load even when "playing" games

          • 6 days ago

            >Entire 14th generation premium intels is fricked, just google 14900ks.

            My 13700k is just as bad. It boosts until it hits 95°C or, depending on ambient, even 100°C then throttles until it cools down a little, then boosts again etc. Apparently that's how the chip was designed and i can't complain about a lack of performance. The system is stable, my 360 AIO isn't screaming and the side panels of the case aren't getting warm either. If i didn't have hwinfo on the other monitor showing me the temps i would have no idea that the chip is running that hot. Still it makes me a little uncomfortable.

            • 6 days ago

              Deliding is back on menu boys, this time with a twist. Direct die cooling.

      • 6 days ago

        moron you're involving the same amount of fans and AIOs don't improve cooling performance at all and frick custom loops you average Gankerirgins are too moronic for them.
        >I watched a video
        oh you sound so educated and informed

        • 6 days ago

          dude this cpu is going to shit itself on NH-D15, it shits itself on 90% of cooling solutions. Yes, NH-D15 would be absolutely amazing for let's say 5800X3D but then again OP has fricking 4090 in there so it's going to be fricking loud whatever he does on the cpu side....

          • 6 days ago

            This. Intel recommends AIOs for KYS-tier CPUs
            >Pic related
            Assuming you bought the KYS over the 7800X3D for intensive non-gaming related stuff

  33. 6 days ago

    Remember that you must run Windows 11 to use a 14th generation Intel CPU.

  34. 6 days ago

    Get a less expensive motherboard and GPU.
    Unless you plan on playing 120fps 4k its overkill.

  35. 6 days ago

    I got a 1800$ PC and it can run most games at 120 fps 2K.
    4K is a meme i cant even tell the difference.
    Fps > Resolution.

    • 6 days ago

      That's 1920 by 1080, anon. You probably meant 2.5K, which is 2560 by 1440.

  36. 6 days ago

    I like how whenever you ask Ganker for PC building advice, their assumption is always that you're broke and want to save money
    Some people have alot of money, sometimes we care more about reliability and quality of components than just the cheapest ones

    • 6 days ago

      >it's more expensive, that means it's better
      god it's so easy to scam morons

    • 6 days ago

      Contrary to popular belief among some of you morons, more price does not equal more quality in IT sector you dumb motherfricker. F.e.the Phanteks PSU is overpriced Seasonic collaboration project and not something Phanteks specializes in.

  37. 6 days ago

    also one more thing please get a thermal grizzly kryonaut, don't listen to the morons. It makes a difference of 5c to 10c which might make all the difference with this beast. It's not a bad cpu, it just gets hot. Be ready to undervolt and with that corsair aio and that thermal paste you should be fine to go. If the noise is the issue consider switching to noctua fans and check if you even can do this in that AIO.

  38. 6 days ago


  39. 6 days ago

    14700k 4080 super. regular mobo. ypull get nearly same performance for $2400 usd

  40. 6 days ago

    What do you do for living?

    • 6 days ago

      Suck dick

      • 6 days ago

        At 10c a pop, that must be tens of thousands for (You) to afford a PC

  41. 6 days ago

    I hate these types of fricking falseflag baits, or maybe you're just a fricking moron.

    The CPU is way overkill, just get an 8-core ryzen for one quarter of the price, fits for both gaming and usage of creative software.
    Why the frick would you buy a liquid cooler? Stock coolers are better and require far, FAR less maintenance
    Where the frick do you need a $1100 motherboard? An MB that fits everything and lasts you decades will cost you MAX 200 dollars.
    You don't need 64gb of RAM, 32 is already overkill.
    You don't need 8 terabytes of storage, 2tb will last you a lifetime.
    You don't need the absolute latest GPU especially with so much excess VRAM. There are no games that would utilize it fully and you'll never play them anyways. Buy one that's $600 at most. It won't be a massive hunk of metal and it'll fit a smaller case.
    The PSU is also overkill, you can get something that's 80% just as effective and 1/4th of the price.

    People who understanding nothing about technology, shouldn't splurge on things they understand nothing of.
    You'd do better in buying a pre-built, not individual pieces, since you don't seem to know why you're even buying them, except for their exuberant pricing.

    It also scares away midwits from PC gaming because they think they have to buy top of the line parts to play their bing bing wahoo simulator 2000 at 69420fps in 24k resolution or it won't be good enough of an experience

  42. 6 days ago

    no, you homosexual, how low iq are you?
    the goal of pc building is to find the optimal price point between power and price, not just buy the most expensive components you possibly can.
    you could build a system 80-90% as powerful as that for half the money if you had a brain, and not just mommy's pocket book

  43. 6 days ago


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