Should I get Warno or Wargame Red Dragon?

Should I get Warno or Wargame Red Dragon?

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  1. 2 years ago

    warno looks promising, but it's early access though eugen has been pretty good about its last 2 games.
    red dragon is alright and has a decent amount of people playing it, but the homosexualry is immense in many ways.

  2. 2 years ago

    WARNO is much better than Red Dragon plus RD already has a dying playerbase. At the moment SD2 is much better but WARNO might be good after the current changes they are working on.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't go with with the expectation that they are realistic or proper wargames. At best they're the spiritual successor of WiC. Get WARNO since RD is dying and full of absolute cancer and minmax cheese

      is WGRD actually dying? i thought it had the most stable playerbase of eugen games. is it due to warno slowly getting more content?

      • 2 years ago

        >is WGRD actually dying?
        Obviously not.

        • 1 year ago

          warno is catching up (big spike with the latest update) but still consistently under at least for now. the post-update regression hasnt been as bad as i would have guessed.
          When I play in the evenings usually 500-600 people are on according to the in-game chart, when Oudinot game out it was like 1400.
          IMO good shot Warno eclipses current WGRD consistently after it leaves early access and gets a 1.0 full release

          • 1 year ago

            It doesnt even count the epicgames owner, Im one of em. Got wargame for free and bought all the DLCs when I got addicted

            • 1 year ago

              it was free on epic? goddamint

              • 1 year ago

                bro its like thirty doolars lol get a job lol like just buy it for money LOL dude just get income adn then spend it on things you want LOL

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                adjusting for inflation it's now more like $50

              • 1 year ago

                Are wages adjusted for inflation?

          • 1 year ago

            >WARNO releases...
            >Barely catching up to a game released 9 years ago

            Game is fricking DOA lmao. Can't wait to hear WARNO gays cope as to why it's can't even match red dragon, never mind beat it.

            • 1 year ago

              You're delusional friend. Please take your medication.

      • 2 years ago

        >is WGRD actually dying?
        Obviously not.

        I'm honestly surprised anyone is still playing it at all but I'm sure glad the /k/incels are sticking with that dogshit.

        • 2 years ago

          WGRD is deep and very enjoyable if you have any idea how to play RTT games. Besides, there is no alternative to it.

          • 2 years ago

            It's objectivelly the worse of the recent Eugen games, Stell Division 2 is a much better game than it.

            • 2 years ago

              WRD is the last game that was made when Eugen still had competent developers. After that it was a downward spiral of one shit game after another. SD2 is garbage with unbalanced maps, unbalanced cashgrab divisions, absolutely broken combined arms, and tons of shitty game mechanics to top it off. Whatever miniscule playerbase still remains in this game is 70% wehraboo redditards and 30% scrubs who got filtered by WRD.

              • 1 year ago

                yeah, I really tried to like SD2. The campaign seems like my ideal game. I love that strategic to tactical transition. But for the love of God I cant enjoy it at all, and I dont know why. It just feels OFF

              • 1 year ago

                Same here - I think it’s because every battle feels samey- you use the same tactics every time for a given side

            • 2 years ago

              >Shit Division
              >Better than anything
              Why yes I love having a top tier unit routed by an auto cannon that can't actually pen it

              • 2 years ago

                Well, if you let an autocannon unit to get close enough to a heavy, then you deserve to get raped.

              • 2 years ago

                >mfw i have 6 flak 88' in my deck and player like you are the reason why i still play this.

              • 2 years ago

                >flak 88
                this is why Shit Division is shit, the playerbase is as dumb as a sack of shit.

              • 1 year ago

                but rd is like that too

            • 1 year ago

              Steel division is a vastly different game to RD, it's not really comparable

          • 2 years ago

            Don't respond to the spammer who ruins every single thread about WG with his autism.
            And on Christmas no less. Sad!

        • 1 year ago

          you are crazy, being an incel would imply heterosexuality.... and we all know that post2022 /k/ are just nu-males, gays, furries and trannies

          • 1 year ago
            • 1 year ago

              Back when this God damned website had some culture.

            • 1 year ago

              met mcnig at a meet once he was pretty cool

          • 1 year ago

            I miss old /k/ so much
            it was one of my favorite boards, slow and comfy, great humor and board culture
            now its one of the worst boards on this site

          • 1 year ago

            I miss old /k/ so much
            it was one of my favorite boards, slow and comfy, great humor and board culture
            now its one of the worst boards on this site

            Why are people who very obviously never browse /k/ complaining about /k/?
            Is it because they clown on russians?

      • 1 year ago

        Absolutely not and yes it does have the most stable playerbase it's just a couple of SD trannies who seethe about it

  3. 2 years ago

    Don't go with with the expectation that they are realistic or proper wargames. At best they're the spiritual successor of WiC. Get WARNO since RD is dying and full of absolute cancer and minmax cheese

  4. 2 years ago

    Red Dragon, but if you're going to helo rush, just skip straight to begging for e-wiener and don't bother playing.

  5. 2 years ago

    as i said, WGRD has a lot of immense homosexualry, and this is a prime example.

  6. 2 years ago

    Red Dragon if you can only get one, it's much better value for money. Better multiplayer, more players, currently the only game with single player (though it's pretty meh, entertaining enough but the AI is dogshit and the scenarios aren't really worth playing more than once or twice), much better UI and the graphics aren't that much worse for a game made ten years ago.

    WARNO, for all its rough edges, will probably end up being a better game for single player. SD2's Army General mode is miles above ALB and RD's scenarios, which are very simplistic and easy to game. Their latest dev diary says they're actually trying to improve their AI and give players a better, more satisfying singleplayer experience so you feel that you're going up against a human who wants to win the game instead of a robot that cares less about area control or combined arms and more about tallying up "points" from killing your shit. Whether they pull it off is another story, but honestly it's refreshing to see Eugen actually admit their games have problems and that they want to fix them instead of just being snobby Frenchmen and retreating between thirty layers of "well ACSHULLY" bullshit. You have to balance this out against the terrible UI, balance issues they're still struggling to fix, the cashgrab division system, but if they can pull it off it will eclipse Wargame.
    One area I'm not enthusiastic about is their map design. Ever since SD they've forgotten how to make maps that offer more tactical opportunities than fighting over the centre of the map for 30 minutes. ALB's maps were honestly rather bland and similar, so maybe it's just a European thing. I prefer the maps in RD and Regiments, with the caveats that the latter has hideously slow movement speed and expects you to defend the entire map with a fraction of the units your enemy can call in.

    • 2 years ago

      After playing for a couple of hours, the biggest issue with the game is the map design.

      • 1 year ago

        I've always had the same issue

    • 1 year ago

      >but the AI is dogshit
      That's half the fun, trying to speedrun a campaign and only losing units because you literally ran out of ammunition

  7. 2 years ago

    Wargame red dragon its not even a contest

  8. 2 years ago

    Neither. You have to wait until a game like combat mission black sea is made with an actual decent budget

    • 1 year ago

      this. when the frick is this happening? now is the perfect time, everybody wants to simulate obliterating russians

      • 1 year ago

        Actual sim games are a very niche market so nobody wants to pour money into that kinda thing.

    • 1 year ago

      this. when the frick is this happening? now is the perfect time, everybody wants to simulate obliterating russians

      Actual sim games are a very niche market so nobody wants to pour money into that kinda thing.

      Are you guys me? I've been waiting an eternity for a modernized Combat Mission-like game.
      I'd prefer WW2 or sci-fi setting though.

  9. 2 years ago

    Both are trash, buy Airland Battle

    • 2 years ago

      Series peaked right there. RD killed the cold war spirit by adding all the sci-fi unicorns to push DLC sales, or circlejerk France because of course every modern military game must be biased towards the country it was developed in.

      • 2 years ago

        Plinking CVs and Buratinos with the Dutch tactical missile feels so good. Might be habit forming in an otherwise mediocre deck.

        I don't know if it's just me but FRA&EC players have the lowest braincell counts only second to Israeli airborne decks. It's different each time, sometimes they leave a vital town ungarrisoned at round start and waste hundreds of points of infantry pushing it, other times they drive their mortars into an open field within tank range, and one time a guy just snuck his Mirage right on top of our air spawn corridor and got shot down by a pole Mig-21.

    • 2 years ago

      Airland Battle is the awkward middle child of the series and shouldn't be recommended at all now that the multiplayer's dead. EE has more replayability.

    • 1 year ago

      thou I'm not fan of battle games, but I've watched a fren played red dragon, i wont call it a trash tbh!
      Car rasing games have been my favorites

      • 1 year ago

        Feels so comfy with car racing games and anything in-car entertainment, will be adding pixel ripped 1995: on the road to my game list.

    • 1 year ago

      God I miss that game.

    • 1 year ago

      I got this one on sale years ago, but I never got into it because I'm too brainlet to figure out what units to build, plus I've never been good at RTS's to begin with (played Starcraft 1 back in the day but was always a glue eater at it)

    • 1 year ago

      I wish eugene would have just stopped making strategy games after alb and give us mod tools
      the game would have stayed at 1000 players till today

    • 1 year ago

      why do you like ALB compared to RD?

      • 1 year ago

        >better map design
        >more maps
        >siege gamemode
        >actual game balance
        >no coalition decks
        >era bonus is genuinely useful
        >1 point transports
        >33 deck points
        >only 3 unit slots for downside
        >better ai
        >ai have decent default decks
        Overall I feel like it's the better game, Red Dragon is fun and has some fun factions, but Airland Battle was always the better game

    • 1 year ago

      I honestly preferred European Escalation, both the solo and MP. Artillery was better (saturation that force you to leave an area or take damage over time), larger map that allowed for gap in your opponent defense and needed actual recon instead of chokepoint cluster fest they seem to prefer now. I even liked the unlocking system for deck that let you learn your unit instead of drowning under tons of them, and identify area where your deck is lacking to buy new unit their.

  10. 2 years ago

    >/25/22(Sun)02:44:27 No.1292192
    >2.36 MB JPG
    >Should I get Warno or Wargame Red Dragon?
    Get Regiments.

    • 2 years ago

      Regiments is not an alternative to WRD and WARNO. You may as well recommend C&C Generals.

      • 1 year ago

        Play red alert
        Its also a cold war gone hot game

    • 2 years ago

      game still fresh so no Multiplayer for a while

      • 1 year ago

        Never ever, actually. Which is shame, because I like it a lot

    • 2 years ago

      Not autistic enough

      • 2 years ago

        Regiments is autistic in weird ways. Each Regiment is actually researched and is composed of what units it actually had at the time and what reinforcements would have been allocated to it, but there's no formations. Each and every unit has it's own pedia entry with a cool little excerpt from in-universe interviews and books, but there's no air to air combat. There are SAM's though.
        Casualties are calculated, KIA, WIA and Missing are displayed after each battle with calculations based on vehicle survivability and Infantry training, but there's no option to make a custom regiment. There will be Custom operations soon though, which will be nice.

        • 1 year ago

          so far they're planning to add baguettes, Czechs abd britbongs

          • 1 year ago

            They just added 3 British regiments and company sized formations. It's pretty fun to watch a company of T-55's suicide charge a platoon of Challengers.

        • 1 year ago

          Fricks sake! Why have I just seen this? I have more games than time to play as it is.

        • 1 year ago

          It would be even better if Regiment's dogshit AI didn't cheat as hard

    • 1 year ago

      Man regiments turned out to be seriously terrible. Regret buying it.

  11. 2 years ago

    All these Warno/Wargame/Steel Division games are far too arcadey for me.
    I wish there was something with the depth/realism of Combat Mission but more modern and had team gameplay capability.

    • 2 years ago

      so far we have to wait for Broken Arrow and Regiments

      • 2 years ago

        These don't look much different from the other titles I listed to be honest. Again, too arcadey. I want more focus on depth like it exists in Combat Mission.

    • 1 year ago

      i just want a truly modernized Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

    • 1 year ago

      armored brigade tbh

      • 1 year ago

        how the frick do I have fun in this game? It feels like everything you do is hunt for a place where you can actually see shit

  12. 2 years ago

    The singleplayer campaign will be shit because they never have enough map variety.

    • 2 years ago

      theyll add modding and mapmaking support for sure this time. they wont lie again.

  13. 2 years ago

    what was the point of adding naval stuff in red dragon

  14. 1 year ago

    How do I git gud at the Wargame series? I used to be good at World In Conflict but im terrible at the Wargame series, I never have enough units to cover more than one or two places, and stuff has a tendency to get blown up while im busy micromanaging elsewhere.

    • 1 year ago
      and lots of practice

    • 1 year ago

      Beyond the basics like using recon, understanding LoS, managing your tanks well, cuing orders to move arty after firing, I think the real difference between champ and chump is deck building and making sure you have a balance of cheap units for map control and stronger units that you can use to push your advance. Decks like Israel are OP precisely because they're so cost effective with great infantry, the Zelda transport, cost effective tanks and underpriced air. If you're struggling, I would suggest building something like mechanised Commonwealth or Warsaw Pact.

  15. 1 year ago

    Red Dragon,it has more playable base nations and it's cheaper. Eugen went to shit after Red Dragon, I stopped buying there games because of the DLC policy.

    • 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    I feel like every time I try to get back into WARNO I find something else moronic about it
    >AI still can blatantly target anything it feels like regardless of the fact it has zero recon
    >>The devs insist this isn't the case so it'll never be fixed
    >Engineer tanks suddenly can't target light tanks/APCs because reasons
    >>Even though they skullfrick said targets if you manually fire it

  17. 1 year ago

    OP if you haven't paid already then get Wargame Airland Battle if you don't already. It has more maps and game modes than Red Dragon and better AI. All the expansions are free and it's $4 right now. The main drawbacks are slightly less base game factions (China, Japan, Canada, + 2 Koreas), and slightly less units for existing factions. Though honestly most of the new units are bloat, and the new factions aren't that great either, except for China. Airland Battle also generally has better balance. As for multiplayer bases, all Eugen games have smaller player bases anyways, and a large part of RD's player base only plays against bots or just chats all day

    • 1 year ago

      Red Dragon has ~1000 players at peak hours, WARNO usually only gets to 300.
      ALB will have 8 people playing max.

      • 1 year ago

        ALB has an average of 30-40 players depending on the month, and a peak of about 100. While not much, we are talking about games with small player bases anyways. Another issue though is that all the data counts single player and the chat rooms. I know of at least 20 players in the English speaking chat room in RD that just chat all day. I don't really think that Wargame is a good series for multiplayer due to the low player counts

  18. 1 year ago

    For me it's Chinese Motorized

  19. 1 year ago

    WG:RD is actually fun if you don't sweat over every decision, just accept losses when they happen. I just say "Eh, looks fine, let's smoke it and go for a push, what's the worst that could happen?"

    You perform better regardless of actual strategy if you act quickly and energetically. Sure I may burn through stacks of poor conscripts and draftees like it's napalm (napalm planes and arty actually suck in my experience, and flame infantry are only marginally useful at best) but at the end of the day if I can say I went even then it's a good day. Also helo rushers are gay, everything else is a fair, counterable tactic (even bkan spam, as much as I dislike you scandi support players)

    • 1 year ago

      >napalm planes and arty actually suck
      They are really good anon. Napalm arty is useful for taking out a town, infantry pretty much get fricked by it, great for when you know the enemy dug in with inf, just blast them with this a minute or 2 before you launch an assault. Napalm planes are great for stealth bombing the enemy spawn points, easily panic cheaper units like infantry or supply units. It's also great at creating a buffer when your opponent charges you, the moral debuff can make the difference too
      >flame infantry are only marginally useful
      They are really fricking good anon, once had some flamers inside a town behind enemy lines, their tanks just kept getting in range and wiped out. Plus they are insane at hunting other infantry units inside of forests
      >helo rushers are gay, everything else is a fair
      I agree that helorushgays deserve the rope, but you can counter them by leaving a few cheap units behind to defend your spawn zone. I usually leave 1-2 aa guns and 2-3 light tanks and any surplus transports with guns get placed back there too. Just don't use aa missiles because infantry can easily take them out

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah napalm can be nice but looking at how expensive it is in air/arty form compared to normal munitions that could do much more damage, that just makes flame infantry more viable because they are cheaper. I personally prefer using mortars to panic enemies, especially in towns, before engaging them.

        Do people not mix mobile AA into their initial comp? I always bring at the least some MANPADs in a truck which will pay their cost many times if they encounter choppers.

        In regards to the AA, yes, I swear by the 20pt MANPAD in every deck, the issue is with "roundstart 2000 points of only helos and planes" rushed that cannot be countered unless you had the precognition to buy 1000 points of AA yourself

        • 1 year ago

          I don't think they're over priced. I think that napalm planes are really cheap, 35pts for a bomber that has the potential to punch like a 70pt bomber is really good. The artillery is imo cheaper too, just because you only need one since it's rockets, versus needing 2-4 for the low end or one massive expensive for the high end regular artillery guns. Mortars are good too but be careful because sometimes people place forward scouts/ambushes that can take them out, or they'll call in the big guns

          The way helo rushes work, you can literally spend 800pt out of the initial 1000pt on AA and still die to a helo rush. To counter a helo rush, you need lots of cheap units that shoot up (preferably with autocannons rather than missiles) AND you need a second CV. An example of a perfect anti helo rush unit is the 20pt NK Iglabus. Shit like Crotales and Tunguskas is a waste of points. If your deck isn't geared to counter helo rushes, and the rusher is somewhat competent, you just autolose by default.

          I got to BrG doing helo rushes in three weeks (91% WR) before the wipe, and I'm a Maj at best when I play normally. I wasn't even trying to change my nickname. This strat is actually broken.

          You don't really need that much AA to counter a helorush though. Just use a bunch of units that can counter infantry, since that's all they'll be dropping. You can usually pull back some of your units to deal with it, and once you beat the rush, you'll basically win the match if it's 1v1. 2v2 is even easier to counter, unless both players are rushing together. And 3v3, 4v4, 10v10 are all unlikely to have that kind of cooperation, and if they do then you were probably doomed from the start. Plus more players equates to more aa at base

          • 1 year ago

            >since that's all they'll be dropping
            A helorush doesn't drop anything. Your idea of what a helorush is, is wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      Do people not mix mobile AA into their initial comp? I always bring at the least some MANPADs in a truck which will pay their cost many times if they encounter choppers.

      • 1 year ago

        The way helo rushes work, you can literally spend 800pt out of the initial 1000pt on AA and still die to a helo rush. To counter a helo rush, you need lots of cheap units that shoot up (preferably with autocannons rather than missiles) AND you need a second CV. An example of a perfect anti helo rush unit is the 20pt NK Iglabus. Shit like Crotales and Tunguskas is a waste of points. If your deck isn't geared to counter helo rushes, and the rusher is somewhat competent, you just autolose by default.

        I got to BrG doing helo rushes in three weeks (91% WR) before the wipe, and I'm a Maj at best when I play normally. I wasn't even trying to change my nickname. This strat is actually broken.

        • 1 year ago

          I just use Gun trucks like the Norwegian 20mm or the Warpact ones and defend my vehicles with them, back them up with some manpad infantry and maybe 2-4 decent cheap Gun AA like a Sopel, maybe even helo killer missiles like the Germ OSA.

  20. 1 year ago

    Warno is just the better game. Better UI and graphics. The controls in red Dragon are weird.

    • 1 year ago

      WARNO was DOA. It hasn't even been a full year and its difficult to find games.

      >Better UI

      I laughed.

      • 1 year ago

        its difficult to find games in sd2 and wrrd because the community has autistically split up over the games. I do prefer warno though, honestly.

    • 1 year ago

      WG autist here.
      WARNO isn't as deep and interesting as RD... at least not yet.
      It depends on how far they're going to take this early access and how much they're willing to experiment.
      Although things are generally going the right direction it feels like they're re-learning mistakes they made during ALB and RD and retreading old ground which shouldn't be necessary and is wasting a lot of time IMO. That makes it quite clear that it's not the same people who worked on those games...That means they copy some design decisions slavishly from RD without knowing which ideas were good and which ideas were bad. I think they honestly need to work on it another year at this pace, 6 months at minimum.
      But the division system as is will never be as interesting as WG deck system.

      How do I git gud at the Wargame series? I used to be good at World In Conflict but im terrible at the Wargame series, I never have enough units to cover more than one or two places, and stuff has a tendency to get blown up while im busy micromanaging elsewhere.

      "Mid tier" units are generally the way to go as opposed to few expensive ones, but you need to know which units are actually cost effective. The basic M1 Abrams is basically your gold standard in terms of price/performance. If you see something heavier that you can't fight with an M1 Abrams, throw a plane or helicopter at it.

      Cheap units are usually intentionally a bit cost-uneffective (reason cited by devs being performance concerns in 10v10) while expensive units theoretically being the most cost effective (nothing can beat a top tier tank on the ground) come in too little availability and are too juicy targets to actually cover a lot of ground.

      • 1 year ago

        It's interesting to see they're trying new things and reworking combat entirely this late in the game. For a long time I had lost all hope in Eugen being anything more than a bunch of scummy Frenchmen who only made teasers for DLC Division packs.

      • 1 year ago

        >That makes it quite clear that it's not the same people who worked on those games...
        That's not necessarily bad, they were absolutely insufferable when it came to communicating with the fanbase and sometimes it impacted the game, especially that one arrogant c**t madmatt or whatever his handle was. Are they still throwing b***hfits when people point out inaccuracies or errors?

        • 1 year ago

          lol I remember when WARNO first came out and flopped hard. Madmatt seethed in the WGRD world chat for hoouuurrrsss.

          • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        > But the division system as is will never be as interesting as WG deck system.
        Couldn't agree more.
        I've played a little SD but the division system seems like a very noob friendly game-mechanic in comparison to the deck system. With a narrower selection of units available off the bat it leaves little in the way for tactics responding to enemy units. One of the skills you develop playing with the deck system - where all your units available to you at the start of the match - is appropriately predicting and responding to varying enemy units given your situation. I remember loads of times wasting shit loads of points trying to kill a super-heavy when I could have just waited for them to push and side pen them.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm this guy

        I will try to give an unbiased and fair answer as someone for whom RTS is their favorite genre and someone who has a soft spot in their heart for Eugen titles. I have about 200 hours in Warno and about 700 hours in WG:RD.

        Wargame Red Dragon is the more popular, but much older title.
        It has a larger playerbase for now, but this will almost certainly dwindle over time. WGRD is receiving no more dev support and no more content.
        The game is beloved for its much 'looser' deck building resulting in many fun and joyful meme possibilities.
        However, this also means that the game has a megasweaty MP community and you will certainly be raped by people using obscure memeunits and obscure mechanics.
        As a result of being older and the 3rd in a series, it has loads of content (# of countries, units, etc.).
        However, because it is older it also has some very dated mechanics and lacks many Quality of Life improvements they have made since. The net of this is that to be good at WGRD you need high game knowledge and high mechanics skill (e.g. knowing how Line of Sight works and how to micro loading / unloading units, microing tank units, etc.)

        and although I recommended Warno I basically agree with everything you said. What gives me hope is that Eugen seems very willing to try new things or re-tool mechanics. That plus the QOL changes mostly inspired from the Steel Division series gives me hope it will ultimately be the better game once the content is there and once they've made ~6-12 months more of feature and mechanics improvements. The latest Warno dev diaries preview some pretty major and bold changes IMO, and I think the Army General mode may be really, really cool.

        > But the division system as is will never be as interesting as WG deck system.
        Couldn't agree more.
        I've played a little SD but the division system seems like a very noob friendly game-mechanic in comparison to the deck system. With a narrower selection of units available off the bat it leaves little in the way for tactics responding to enemy units. One of the skills you develop playing with the deck system - where all your units available to you at the start of the match - is appropriately predicting and responding to varying enemy units given your situation. I remember loads of times wasting shit loads of points trying to kill a super-heavy when I could have just waited for them to push and side pen them.

        This is 100% true, the division system inherently makes peoples' decks more 'homogenous' in terms of the mix and types of units they bring, but as Warno has continued it has gotten much better - they've been adding new units to older divisions and it is finally getting to a place where there are both some interesting choices in deck building and interesting differences in how the 'types' of divisions play, especially with the forward deploy mechanic (Armored / Mechanized / Airborne).
        Overall, I actually honestly think the Division system may be both less interesting (and meme-y) for obvious reasons, but overall better for the quality of the MP game, so long as they ensure meaningful differneces both between and within divisions.

        How do I git gud at the Wargame series? I used to be good at World In Conflict but im terrible at the Wargame series, I never have enough units to cover more than one or two places, and stuff has a tendency to get blown up while im busy micromanaging elsewhere.

        Seconding this
        and lots of practice

        , but from my experience the two absolutely most important mechanics you need to get your head around are Line of Sight and Cover (Forests, buildings). This game really boils down to microing units in and out of forests, getting line of sight, taking the shot, and then breaking their line of sight. It's the most important unique 'fundamental' to the Eugen RTS games.

        • 1 year ago

          >Overall, I actually honestly think the Division system may be both less interesting (and meme-y) for obvious reasons, but overall better for the quality of the MP game, so long as they ensure meaningful differences both between and within divisions.
          All well in good in theory, but when you actually play multiplayer there is no meaningful distinction between divisions and deckbuilding in practice. The vast majority of people in WGRD play Unspec or well-known meta decks. In SD2, you can join a lobby and find the exact same thing, the only difference is that they're playing the meta divisions rather than Eurocorp Moto or USSR unspec. I have to admit that WARNO is rather decently balanced at the moment, but I think it's inevitable that it will end up in the same place, with multiplayer ruled by a few powerful meta divisions that you are essentially forced to play if you want to have a chance at winning, because the limitations build into the division system are impossible to overcome. 7th Panzer is in this spot right now, it's a dud pick and the playerbase is competitive enough that nobody wants to shoot themselves in the foot by picking it. There isn't a single nation in RD that is unplayable if you build the deck right, but SD2 has dozens of fluff Divisions nobody actually plays.
          Divisions are in my opinion utterly indefensible instead of changing the way you play multiplayer or adding more variety to the game, they just take away players' freedom to make the deck that they want to play. It's just an excuse to churn out DLC.

          • 1 year ago

            Balancing diverse nations/coalitions/divisions is a very difficult task. Considering that, WRD is surprisingly well balanced. The number of meta decks is rather large, off the top of my head all of these work very well in high-level 1v1:
            - blue mech
            - red mech
            - usa unspec
            - entente unspec and mech
            - ussr unspec
            - finpol unspec (still very strong even after the nerf, used to be actual s-tier)
            - norad unspec
            - EB unspec and mech (bmp-1 spam with the mech spec is actually insane)
            - scandi unspec
            Between all that I think blue mech, usa unspec, entente mech and ussr are the strongest, but because the overall skill level of active 1v1 players is not THAT high compared to popular RTS games like Starcraft, you can get away with playing lower tier decks.
            You also see a lot of variety in how various players build these decks. I don't own WARNO, but in SD2 variety between divisions is miniscule, at least if you want to be competitive.
            Moto decks in 1v1 are generally weak in my opinion, it's very risky to play them. It's much better to build an unspec deck that has a strong moto opener and then play off of it.
            >Eurocorp Moto
            Eurocorps is actually not that strong in the current meta, neither unspec nor moto. Not even because of the nerfs, it's just way too figured out.

            • 1 year ago

              Also because WRD is actually alive you don't just have people playing 1v1s. Tacticals are fun as frick and regular 10v10 though usually a crap shoot can give you a great game once every 4 matches.

              • 1 year ago

                what do you mean by tacticals? I thought that was 1v1?

              • 1 year ago

                Tactical is a 10v10 game on a 1v1 or 2v2 map with something between 1000-2000 points per team
                The point is that you have about ~200 points per player so they have to specialize. So you end up with the arty guy, the asf guy, the tank guy and so on and so forth.

          • 1 year ago

            >All well in good in theory, but when you actually play multiplayer there is no meaningful distinction between divisions and deckbuilding in practice. The vast majority of people in WGRD play Unspec or well-known meta decks. In SD2, you can join a lobby and find the exact same thing, the only difference is that they're playing the meta divisions rather than Eurocorp Moto or USSR unspec.
            I think this is very true although when it comes to:
            >with multiplayer ruled by a few powerful meta divisions that you are essentially forced to play if you want to have a chance at winning
            >There isn't a single nation in RD that is unplayable if you build the deck right,
            I think some of what makes WRD really great is that there aren't just a few powerful meta divisions, there are quite a number of them and the coalitions in game have at least some viability or feel close enough to viable that you can for hours on end think up ways to make it work and it's interesting to play even if you lose. Some fun 'near-viable' but not necessarily meta decks:
            '85 BLUFOR marines, US marines, RD mechanized, Scandi-mech, etc. The only standout blatantly OP faction is Yugoslavia.

            The division system just needs that extra spice which gives you customizability, and while it doesn't need to be a copy of the RD deck system, there's been plenty of good suggestions on the discord. "Attachments" would perfectly fit the theme of divisions.
            Air units are usually "attached" to divisions ad-hoc rather than being permanent parts of them. It'd be interesting if you had options of taking a limited number of ad-hoc attachments as a bonus to your division to expand your options. Pic related, lets say by attaching the 4450th tactical group you'd take small activation point penalty, but get F117 and A-7 Corsair options in your deck.

            >7th Panzer is in this spot right now
            Anon, just embrace UAZ SPG9 as your lord and savior.

            • 1 year ago

              >7th Panzer is in this spot right now
              Actually 7 Panzer is considered quite strong because (1) of all the strong price-to-performance t-72's, (2) mot-schutzen spam, and (3) UAZ SPG9 spam [...]

              The TL;DR of my opinion is that the Wargame deck building system is more fun and more cool but ultimately IRL it boils down to 10-20 meta/viable decks with a lot of deck copying, and unfortunately as well a lot of use of one-off meme units and cheese.
              The division system is less fun because its more restrictive but at least as of now all the divisions are relatively balanced between each other, with meaningful differences between them, and there are some (but IMO not enough) cool trade-off decisions within the divisions as well.
              I think long-term as long as their division design stays good and they keep adding to it, what will be better than the deck system (or at least as good, in a different way) is that the divisions will produce well-balanced decks that also have unique strengths / weaknesses inherent to the division in a balanced but unique way. I also think it's just more straightforward for new players tbh.

              >The division system just needs that extra spice which gives you customizability, and while it doesn't need to be a copy of the RD deck system, there's been plenty of good suggestions on the discord. "Attachments" would perfectly fit the theme of divisions.

              I really like this idea, it would be the best of both worlds. not sure exactly how it would work - maybe 3 max 'attachment' slots and filling any one would cost a high point value (3 points?), which is expensive but potentially very potent. Say 3rd armored getting a card of SAS, to add a lot of 'spice' to the division and add a limited but potent capability or two.

              If there is one thing I dont like about the division system right now its how 'same-y' many of the USSR divisions feel because, just like IRL, its T-XX and BMP-spam as far as the eye can see

              Nobody's talking about it, but the Division system means you are paying for the slow implantation of content that was either in the game at launch in RD or you're now allowed to do whatever you want with. Eugen's DLC model is absolute cancer, you pay more for less content and less choice.

              • 1 year ago

                Red Dragon has so much content because it was third in a series of 3 games worth of units you gay

              • 1 year ago

                Red Dragon has so much content because it was third in a series of 3 games worth of units you gay

                Maybe SD was different. ALB at launch had plenty of units but factions weren't fleshed out. That got fleshed out over time with free updates. Then when RD came out those factions weren't exactly fleshed out but even the legacy factions got free updates due to popular demand and in the end RD just ended up as a massive game. It's kind of crazy to me how Eugen abandoned such a 'behemoth'.
                Basically, RD and ALB didn't have everything at launch, but they added a lot for free.

                I do worry if the division system is a way of just selling what would be "decks" in RD though. Because lets say you add another US armored division, what's it going to be? Oh it's gonna have an abrams it's gonna have riflemen it's gonna have most of what already exists and maybe they'll throw in 1-2 new units or add something from Germany that you don't get in the other division.

              • 1 year ago

                Lol they abandoned Red Dragon for the steaming pile of shit that is Act of Aggression and then immediately came scurrying back to make WGRD dlc

          • 1 year ago

            >7th Panzer is in this spot right now
            Actually 7 Panzer is considered quite strong because (1) of all the strong price-to-performance t-72's, (2) mot-schutzen spam, and (3) UAZ SPG9 spam

            >All well in good in theory, but when you actually play multiplayer there is no meaningful distinction between divisions and deckbuilding in practice. The vast majority of people in WGRD play Unspec or well-known meta decks. In SD2, you can join a lobby and find the exact same thing, the only difference is that they're playing the meta divisions rather than Eurocorp Moto or USSR unspec.
            I think this is very true although when it comes to:
            >with multiplayer ruled by a few powerful meta divisions that you are essentially forced to play if you want to have a chance at winning
            >There isn't a single nation in RD that is unplayable if you build the deck right,
            I think some of what makes WRD really great is that there aren't just a few powerful meta divisions, there are quite a number of them and the coalitions in game have at least some viability or feel close enough to viable that you can for hours on end think up ways to make it work and it's interesting to play even if you lose. Some fun 'near-viable' but not necessarily meta decks:
            '85 BLUFOR marines, US marines, RD mechanized, Scandi-mech, etc. The only standout blatantly OP faction is Yugoslavia.

            The division system just needs that extra spice which gives you customizability, and while it doesn't need to be a copy of the RD deck system, there's been plenty of good suggestions on the discord. "Attachments" would perfectly fit the theme of divisions.
            Air units are usually "attached" to divisions ad-hoc rather than being permanent parts of them. It'd be interesting if you had options of taking a limited number of ad-hoc attachments as a bonus to your division to expand your options. Pic related, lets say by attaching the 4450th tactical group you'd take small activation point penalty, but get F117 and A-7 Corsair options in your deck.

            >7th Panzer is in this spot right now
            Anon, just embrace UAZ SPG9 as your lord and savior.

            Not OP, but I am interested in what you like about the division system. Having dicked around with RD occasionally, half the fun for me is the wide world of potential units you can pick, even if some, or most, of them aren't effective.

            The TL;DR of my opinion is that the Wargame deck building system is more fun and more cool but ultimately IRL it boils down to 10-20 meta/viable decks with a lot of deck copying, and unfortunately as well a lot of use of one-off meme units and cheese.
            The division system is less fun because its more restrictive but at least as of now all the divisions are relatively balanced between each other, with meaningful differences between them, and there are some (but IMO not enough) cool trade-off decisions within the divisions as well.
            I think long-term as long as their division design stays good and they keep adding to it, what will be better than the deck system (or at least as good, in a different way) is that the divisions will produce well-balanced decks that also have unique strengths / weaknesses inherent to the division in a balanced but unique way. I also think it's just more straightforward for new players tbh.

            >All well in good in theory, but when you actually play multiplayer there is no meaningful distinction between divisions and deckbuilding in practice. The vast majority of people in WGRD play Unspec or well-known meta decks. In SD2, you can join a lobby and find the exact same thing, the only difference is that they're playing the meta divisions rather than Eurocorp Moto or USSR unspec.
            I think this is very true although when it comes to:
            >with multiplayer ruled by a few powerful meta divisions that you are essentially forced to play if you want to have a chance at winning
            >There isn't a single nation in RD that is unplayable if you build the deck right,
            I think some of what makes WRD really great is that there aren't just a few powerful meta divisions, there are quite a number of them and the coalitions in game have at least some viability or feel close enough to viable that you can for hours on end think up ways to make it work and it's interesting to play even if you lose. Some fun 'near-viable' but not necessarily meta decks:
            '85 BLUFOR marines, US marines, RD mechanized, Scandi-mech, etc. The only standout blatantly OP faction is Yugoslavia.

            The division system just needs that extra spice which gives you customizability, and while it doesn't need to be a copy of the RD deck system, there's been plenty of good suggestions on the discord. "Attachments" would perfectly fit the theme of divisions.
            Air units are usually "attached" to divisions ad-hoc rather than being permanent parts of them. It'd be interesting if you had options of taking a limited number of ad-hoc attachments as a bonus to your division to expand your options. Pic related, lets say by attaching the 4450th tactical group you'd take small activation point penalty, but get F117 and A-7 Corsair options in your deck.

            >7th Panzer is in this spot right now
            Anon, just embrace UAZ SPG9 as your lord and savior.

            >The division system just needs that extra spice which gives you customizability, and while it doesn't need to be a copy of the RD deck system, there's been plenty of good suggestions on the discord. "Attachments" would perfectly fit the theme of divisions.

            I really like this idea, it would be the best of both worlds. not sure exactly how it would work - maybe 3 max 'attachment' slots and filling any one would cost a high point value (3 points?), which is expensive but potentially very potent. Say 3rd armored getting a card of SAS, to add a lot of 'spice' to the division and add a limited but potent capability or two.

            If there is one thing I dont like about the division system right now its how 'same-y' many of the USSR divisions feel because, just like IRL, its T-XX and BMP-spam as far as the eye can see

            • 1 year ago

              >I really like this idea, it would be the best of both worlds. not sure exactly how it would work - maybe 3 max 'attachment' slots and filling any one would cost a high point value (3 points?), which is expensive but potentially very potent. Say 3rd armored getting a card of SAS, to add a lot of 'spice' to the division and add a limited but potent capability or two.
              Yes exactly. The possibilities open up alot with this sort of system. Say you could attach an elite heavy tank regiment giving you just a little bit of armored capability in an otherwise infantry focused deck, or maybe you'd want some elite artillery, or a couple of F-14 Tomcats for air cover in a usually air weak division.
              I think the prevalence of it should depend on the division. More complete divisions should probably only be able to take 1 attachment while less complete or weaker divisions could take 2-3.

              • 1 year ago

                >W RD is too meta
                >Let's make it soo people can add Meta units to the division system willy nilly
                You Black folk have brain damage

              • 1 year ago

                >Let's make it soo people can add Meta units to the division system willy nilly
                Yes. Meme units are fun and so is RD.

              • 1 year ago

                There's a balance to be had. Too many overpowered units is bad, but everybody mashing together cookie-cutter decks is also bad.

  21. 1 year ago

    >Try this game series after reading reviews
    >Be utter and complete shit at them
    >Still have lots of fun
    Whoa, so this is what playing good games feels like.

    • 1 year ago

      >Whoa, so this is what playing good games feels like.
      Games are fun and it eased me off any stress

    • 1 year ago

      FWIW I tried to get into WG:RD several times and it never "clicked"
      Then I played a bit of Regiments which seemed easier to grasp
      Then went back to try RD a couple weeks ago and ended up playing for like 10 hours straight cause it finally "clicked"
      That might be my advice, go play Regiments for a bit because that feels like Wargame-lite a bit

  22. 1 year ago

    Are there ways to make RD's singleplayer less shit? I just wanna dick around on occasion with all kinds of funky Cold War units, but the dogshit AI refuse to let me have any fun.

    • 1 year ago

      Download a cheat engine and give yourself more starting points. Surprisingly fun when you can actually have huge armies on the field at once.

      • 1 year ago

        Alright. Have any recommendations?

  23. 1 year ago

    Warno is weird
    red Dragon is better
    >as far as i've played both games

  24. 1 year ago

    I've put 100 hours into RD singleplayer. I want to join multiplayer but I'm nervous from all the horror stories, and there aren't many games open anyway.

    • 1 year ago

      Last time I tried multiplayer, it was all extremely-low-point 10v10 conquest matches on 1v1 maps.

    • 1 year ago

      If you are worried about sweatlords, play those low point 10vs10 meme games

      Last time I tried multiplayer, it was all extremely-low-point 10v10 conquest matches on 1v1 maps.

      It's the designated casual mode of the series basically, nobody gives a frick how you do, you just send a few shiny tanks in the general direction of the enemy and collect those juicy point popups.
      And if any mentally ill troony tries to give you shit, you laugh at xir for acting like 10vs10 is a serious game mode.

      • 1 year ago

        I joined a couple, everybody else teamswitched to blue, 1/3rd of my team didn't build any units and it was just 20 minutes of feeling totally impotent as we got slowly rolled back.

        • 1 year ago

          Sounds like 10vs10, yep.
          Try 1vs1 if you want a proper match, regular team games are mouthbreather sperg territory.

  25. 1 year ago

    WARNO is for b***h homosexuals who love supporting Nu-Eugen which sucks Black person dick and donates to rapefugee campaigns. The company that made Red Dragon does not exist anymore, almost all the people who made red dragon no longer work there.

  26. 1 year ago

    I will try to give an unbiased and fair answer as someone for whom RTS is their favorite genre and someone who has a soft spot in their heart for Eugen titles. I have about 200 hours in Warno and about 700 hours in WG:RD.

    Wargame Red Dragon is the more popular, but much older title.
    It has a larger playerbase for now, but this will almost certainly dwindle over time. WGRD is receiving no more dev support and no more content.
    The game is beloved for its much 'looser' deck building resulting in many fun and joyful meme possibilities.
    However, this also means that the game has a megasweaty MP community and you will certainly be raped by people using obscure memeunits and obscure mechanics.
    As a result of being older and the 3rd in a series, it has loads of content (# of countries, units, etc.).
    However, because it is older it also has some very dated mechanics and lacks many Quality of Life improvements they have made since. The net of this is that to be good at WGRD you need high game knowledge and high mechanics skill (e.g. knowing how Line of Sight works and how to micro loading / unloading units, microing tank units, etc.)

    • 1 year ago

      Warno is the spiritual successor to WGRD currently in Early Access.
      Big picture design-wise, it is 80% the same game, with a 'refresh' mentality. This means rebuilding many of the units and nations from the ground-up, better graphics, and lots of mechanical improvements that are IMO irreplaceable now (esp. LoS tool and order queueing at match start.)
      The 20% that is different is: (1) Deck building is restricted to 'divisions' now, which means your choices in deck building are much more limited, but also more 'balanced' for MP' and easier for new players to get into (2) The 'scale' and 'speed' of the maps and matches has been slightly reduced and increased, respectively. The net of this is Warno is a bit 'faster' / 'arcade-y' / 'action-packed' than WGRD (Units travel and get into combat faster on smaller maps).
      Warno has much improved AI and if Eugen is honest in their Dev Diaries, the Single Player experience will be much more robust than in WGRD via the Army General mode, which is a game mode that plays kinda like Total War with a strategic layer leading into tactical battles
      Warno is also being actively developed and is going to be the future of the franchise, for better or worse.

    • 1 year ago

      Warno is the spiritual successor to WGRD currently in Early Access.
      Big picture design-wise, it is 80% the same game, with a 'refresh' mentality. This means rebuilding many of the units and nations from the ground-up, better graphics, and lots of mechanical improvements that are IMO irreplaceable now (esp. LoS tool and order queueing at match start.)
      The 20% that is different is: (1) Deck building is restricted to 'divisions' now, which means your choices in deck building are much more limited, but also more 'balanced' for MP' and easier for new players to get into (2) The 'scale' and 'speed' of the maps and matches has been slightly reduced and increased, respectively. The net of this is Warno is a bit 'faster' / 'arcade-y' / 'action-packed' than WGRD (Units travel and get into combat faster on smaller maps).
      Warno has much improved AI and if Eugen is honest in their Dev Diaries, the Single Player experience will be much more robust than in WGRD via the Army General mode, which is a game mode that plays kinda like Total War with a strategic layer leading into tactical battles
      Warno is also being actively developed and is going to be the future of the franchise, for better or worse.

      So what's my take. My take is get Warno but honestly it comes with some risk. WGRD is buying into a dead-end game. Its not getting any more support and the community will dwindle over time. Moreover most of the people still playing are diehards which will make it hard for new players.
      Warno has NOT been a smash success and has small player numbers right now. It can be hard to find an MP game at certain times of day. But I honestly like the overall direction they are going with Warno. The division system isn't as bad as people are saying for lots of reasons which I can elaborate on if you want, but suffice to say it works, the divisions are getting larger with each patch, and I actually like the Airborne / Mechanized / Tank division trichotomy they have built.
      The game has improved a lot in Early Access and Eugen seems actually willing to make major improvements to the core mechanics and are constantly rebalancing and making mechanics improvements. So I would say "so far so good" on my Early Access purchase.

      So I say buy Warno and for the love of god pray that it builds momentum, gets a healthy influx of new players on full release, and continues this type of game into the 2020's.
      If Warno fails my honest impression is Eugen is fricked and the studio will close. My understanding is that the Steel Division franchise was a flop and after the Eugen labor dispute the company hemmoraged staff and they are holding on for dear life.

      So buy Warno and play. It's very fun.

      • 1 year ago

        Not OP, but I am interested in what you like about the division system. Having dicked around with RD occasionally, half the fun for me is the wide world of potential units you can pick, even if some, or most, of them aren't effective.

      • 1 year ago

        i dont think steel division 2 was a flop, but sdn44 was probably close to break even in eitherdirection.

    • 1 year ago

      My friends and I play SD2 and got into WGRD when it was on sale in late 2020.

      I think that the sweaty and competitive mp players are a very vocal minority. A lot of people play singleplayer or co-op vs AI in these games, but dont go on 4ch or plebbit to talk about it because they're casual.

      By focusing more on singleplayer in WARNO at the cost of multiplayer, eugenic is hopefully going to scoop up more customers.

      90% of my time in SD2 is singleplayer and then watching replays. I really hope they flesh out the WARNO SP experience because im tired of the vocal minority of competitive players taking up the devs attention with focus on meta and balance vs improving AI, more cool singleplayer modes and content, general QOL like a UI refresh etc.

      • 1 year ago

        It is a well known fact that the majority of people who play even PC RTS games primarily or solely play single player.

        • 1 year ago

          Damn, the video made me wish those French homosexuals would make their moddable. Or at least give us the damn map editor. Instead, they keep shitting out those useless division DLCs.

          • 1 year ago

            Map editor was promised, but if Eugentists aren't morons they will improve their mod tools, because without meme mods their game will never be popular. You can't get decent online by posting copypaste info from wikipedia in your patchnotes.

        • 1 year ago

          the youtuber who made this video has the voice of everything wrong today.
          its like audio almond milk.

  27. 1 year ago

    this is the absolute worst deck I've ever made

    • 1 year ago

      >MBT 70
      >Assault Engineers
      Unironically better than 60% of all decs people use in Tacticals

    • 1 year ago

      I never could really get into that franchise with it's deck system. Something about it just puts me off.

      That and I'm absolutely fricking horrible at the games, but that's really more of a tangential aside.

    • 1 year ago

      >All that shitty missile tanks that will be slaughtered by some conscripted Pole or East G*man with RPG-7...
      Tank crew's must have done something terrible to you, anon

    • 1 year ago

      >no naval units
      No wonder it's cursed

    • 1 year ago

      Hell yeah Starships and Sheridans are my shit. It's a shame the M81 Gun/Launcher was such a pile of shit.

      • 1 year ago

        they're absolute shit in game too, I suppose they could be decent on the defensive if you have proper depth to let them actually use their shitty missiles and give them the full week they need to aim their main gun.
        The CEV is quickly becoming one of my favorite pattons though, it can be a really nasty surprise to enemy infantry is placed in a town along with riflemen

    • 1 year ago

      That's a lot of M60s?
      Do you hate them?

      Because they are going to get slaughtered

    • 1 year ago

      Based M60 chad

      • 1 year ago

        Those aren't M60s, those are Starships. The M60A2 was disowned and disinherited, and the family would prefer you respect their decision and thus not refer to it as part of them.

  28. 1 year ago

    Get both, WRD gets dirt cheap during sales.

  29. 1 year ago

    red dragon wont launch on my pc anyone know a fix? using windows 11 by the way nvidia graphics card and gaming laptop

    • 1 year ago

      ask eugen for support

    • 1 year ago

      >gaming laptop

      • 1 year ago

        You're a moron.

  30. 1 year ago

    Post your MVPs

    • 1 year ago
      • 1 year ago

        nice ai match

        • 1 year ago

          Thank you.
          The replay was rather peculiar; I'd just dicked around with air units which helped my AI compatriot handily win the thing. Yet when I watched the replay, most of my units never spawned, and the enemy AI won. Guess the computer was mad at getting beaten.

  31. 1 year ago

    Big WARNO update just came out, it’s pretty hype.

    • 1 year ago

      What're the highlights?

      • 1 year ago

        Well they added amphibious vehicles...

        • 1 year ago

          Did they add amphibious vics or did they add amphibious functionality? I find it hard to believe there weren't any M113s or BMPs in there before.

    • 1 year ago

      shit rocks, best update ive seen in a while

      Did they add amphibious vics or did they add amphibious functionality? I find it hard to believe there weren't any M113s or BMPs in there before.


      • 1 year ago

        Honestly, kinda deplorable even so. I understand it isn't the same engine, and it's essentially a reboot of the Wargame franchise, but I still think you should at least include the basic mechanics from the previous iterations at launch.

    • 1 year ago

      What're the highlights?

      shit rocks, best update ive seen in a while

      The new WARNO update is good as hell, plus 1000+ concurrent players, frick yeah, the game hasn't been this populated since like day one. I hope its actual new players and not just returning people too.

      I'm actually surprised how good it is. Multiple new and reworked maps and map configs, the new infantry trait system actually works as intended and is cool as hell (makes special forces and assault squads and reservists etc. actually play and feel different from one another, actually a good reason to take SF now), suppression changes actually work without being busted as frick like steel division 1 was, 3rd armored changes were good (AT-4 fire teams in bradleys are good as hell, 2 pretty good new divisions although the NATO berlin command one is kind of a meme, I actually like the CV changes, and the UI improvements are a straight upgrade. A (kinda funny with bad voice acting) tutorial is there now too.

      The only two things bad or straight busted is the nighthawk implementation. planes dont have a stealth stat (yet?) so it just functions as a suicide bomber that will 100% get targeted and die. I think i remember a dev saying on the steam forums they are gonna add the stealth stat so the plane cost is low for now, but that's lame.
      The other thing that's weird is the AA changes. They made SPAAG's generally do less damage but more suppression (and planes will auto-evac if suppressed or below like 2 health now), which sounds good in theory but it means that A-10's and SU-25's are way too resilient versus AA guns right now.

      Otherwise though this is a really good update. If they put out one or two more updates of this quality, with the Army General mode, some rebalancing, new units, and good polish, I think the game is release ready. Then I am pumped to get the NORTHAG and SOUTHAG expansions lol, I want my Yugo and Scando countries.

      • 1 year ago

        what is the infantry trait system? is it like steel division or like wargame where there is militia normal shock and elite troops?

        • 1 year ago

          It's a mix of both kinda. Most / all infantry have one of like 12 traits.

          The main / most common ones are Special Forces, Shock, and Reservist which basically map onto Elite / Shock / Militia respectively from WGRD. Elite units move faster, don't get suppressed / stunned as easily, and have a higher RoF on top of their standard stats. Shock units take reduced suppression when fighting in close range like in buildings or forests. Reservists take more suppression in general and are more likely to be stunned or routed. (Thankfully unlike SD1 its not like every unit routs all the time lol, they actually mostly do just fight and die).

          But then they added some more ones that are more specialized or flavored. Like Military Police grant a suppression reduction for units fighting near them. "IFV Infantry" (like the US Fire Teams or the BMP Motostrelki) take less suppression when near their IFV. "Resolute" units (AKA the East Germans) are like ideologically indoctrinated I guess and so take a little less suppression across the board. Some NATO recon units have "GSR" (Ground Surveillance Radar) so they get additional optics level when not moving. Obviously also there's the Airborne and Recon units which can deploy farther ahead in the map at match start.

          Mostly the gameplay change is that it makes infantry combat actually about quality and mix and not just quantity. Before who'd win any infantry fight was bringing the mostest largest squads. Now having a mix of cheap reservists and shock troops actually works well.

          Also now CV units upvet the guys near them so there's a theoretical reason to bring CV infantry and tanks rather than just the cheap jeeps.

          First impressions really positive.

          • 1 year ago

            that sounds pretty cool. do you think the game is developed enough to be worth buying yet?

            • 1 year ago

              I got my money's worth from it so far and it seems to be heading in the right direction so I would say yes. Like I said above I think this game is like two more patches like this away from being great. It just needs like 4 more maps, one more big pass for balance of the existing divisions, one more big pass for polish, UI, and optimization (particularly I think the unit sounds effects and some of the gun effects are weak right now, but the soundtrack slaps), at least the first big batch of single player campaigns, and a nice collection of new units (I think I'd prefer rounding out the existing divisions than adding new ones right this second but would be glad to have both), and the game will be in a really good spot IMO and ready for "1.0" release.

              IMO it's a really encouraging sign that Eugene is actually willing to change unit balance around and make major mechanical changes rather than just sort of sleepwalking through content additions of maps and new divisions.

              The only caveat is that even though I really like the game right now there is always the possibility that because of their zero marketing budget and Wargame's infamously fickle fan community this game could also just dwindle and die a slow obscure death unfortunately. But as a game right now it's pretty good and I genuinely think on it's way to becoming a worthy successor to Wargame.

              • 1 year ago


                i hope they never add the polish

              • 1 year ago

                It's all but guarantied. Diversity sells better than the same nations over and over. And PACT doesn't have that much to pick from compared to NATO.

              • 1 year ago


                i hope they never add the polish

                I would rather they add like 1-3 divisions from new interesting countries at a time rather than keep adding more and more USSR and USA divisions tbh, more completely new units and keeps things interesting
                Better than "we are adding this crazy new obscure USSR division. Guess what? It uses - wait for it - BMP's and T-72's."

              • 1 year ago

                It's all but guarantied. Diversity sells better than the same nations over and over. And PACT doesn't have that much to pick from compared to NATO.

                Madmatt is a poleaboo so they will get added. Except they'll get only useless outdated units because he has a hard on for that junk

              • 1 year ago

                Why not?

              • 1 year ago

                I hope they add the Poles just so you can kill them

          • 1 year ago

            Only thing I dislike is the role of veterancy and the fact that zones don't need CVs anymore.
            I LIKE that they want CVs to be used offensively and to support troops. Thats fine.
            I DISLIKE that the comeback mechanic related to CVs is effectively removed from the game. Also backline harrassment gameplay was fun in my eyes and now that's toned down significantly.

            Now the game feels like it's really just a single protracted clash where one side accumulates advantage over time and wins.

            >comeback mechanic
            Unfortunately people, not even eugen themselves, seem to really understand the function of CVs having to stay in the zone.
            >How it works now:
            Now, if we start with 200 pts, I buy a tank and a CV, you buy a tank and a CV. The CV caps all the zones and we meet in the middle zone for a fight. If you destroy my tank my CV retreats and you gain victory points. I spend the next 100 pts on a tank, you spend the next 100 pts on a tank. You have 2 tanks, I have 1. Basically, you won the first engagement, this provides significant advantage for the next engagement. And again after that and again after that. The snowball effect is quite large.

            >How it used to work.
            If we both buy 1 CV and 1 Tank, the CV stays in a backzone. If I lose my tank. Neither of us gain victory points. BUT, the next 100 points of income you can spend on a new CV to capture a zone and gain victory points while I MUST spend those 100 points to replace the tank. The state of the game is now, you 2 CVs and 1 tank and me 1 tank 1 CV. This gives the loser a fighting chance. I might hunt for the second CV to claw back some advantage so you're incentivized to spend some points to defend that second CV. This means your forces are also spreading a bit thin. Essentially winning the first engagement isn't a super duper snowballing advantage. You have to consistently outplay.

            And in reverse, if I start to come back, I'll also have to spend my income on CVs to actually get victory points.

            • 1 year ago

              I totally get what you're saying - and although I like the change overall I agree that we did lose a 'comeback mechanic' of CV sniping to buy time in a losing match - but the problem with your simplified example is that its too simplified; in a real game with a 1500 points budget there's a 'law of large numbers' effect where even if you get memed and lose a couple units, unless you went absolutely bunga and lost not one but like 6 or 7 units, you should have enough units to use to fight your way back to even if you play right.

              The real way that this new mechanic plays out is like this:
              >People buy 1 cv and queue-move it between 2-3 zones at the beginning to get all the safe caps and then contest the mid point
              >Then you have contested mid zone where the 2 players meet and fight
              >If you are losing mid then they are at +1 zone over you until they attack your safer zones

              The effective change really is less money spent on CV's and more on units, and less emphasis on the choice of building up early point leads by buying lots of CV's vs. allocating full budget to winning mid
              IMO the far more interesting thing they should look at is how can we get more mobile CV's to back-cap enemy zones which don't have any units in it (incl. no CV). I haven't played with it yet but there may be more use for command helicopters here or more mobile inf CV

      • 1 year ago

        >auto-evac if suppressed
        oh my god they brought that moronic mechanic from Shit Division 2

  32. 1 year ago

    Does WARNO allow 10v10 against bots? I think in RD you had to play on a server to do it PVP only, and I'm too shit for PVP...

  33. 1 year ago

    I'm gonna play some mp and see if I can win in Waryes.

  34. 1 year ago

    >female units in my RTS

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine the rape.

    • 1 year ago


  35. 1 year ago

    >Research actual Battalion level tactics for the Soviets.
    >Hop into an MP match, thinking I'm gonna run these Black folk into the ground
    >Combat recon patrol goes out, finds the main American push
    >A couple BMP's die, but that's fine, I gained knowledge on where he's coming from and what he has.
    >Realize I don't have enough units or points to properly form the Advanced body of troops needed to attack.
    >Not to mention nowhere near the reserves needed for the third echelon
    >American player is thunder running an Abrams/Bradley combo right down my throat.
    Perhaps I miscalculated...

    • 1 year ago

      the way wargame is structured makes it entirely unsuitable for real life doctrines or realistic brigade OOBs, it's cold war RTS smash bros

    • 1 year ago

      it's almost as if its a videogame with its own rules

    • 1 year ago

      I always cringe when people try to apply real world military tactics/strategy in games, like ARMA neckbeard larpers bragging about having read Sun Tzu.

      • 1 year ago

        I sometimes wonder about the opposite. Would crazy tactics pulled off in video games sometimes really work in real life?
        One example is heli-rushing. Generally, modern warfare has revealed helicopters to be kind of useless individually because of stingers and the like.... but if you have 10 helicopters, sure someone might get hit by that stinger, but there's 9 helicopters who might see where missile came from and light up that position.

        Another example which probably works but will probably never be acceptable is sending human waves of low quality troops to draw fire from enemy / drain supply and thus make them reveal themselves and be less of a threat for following higher-quality tanks and forces.

        Or deliberately sending planes in to soak enemy AA with the knowledge that a BUK only has 3 missiles ready so even if 3 planes die that's just acceptable if you can bring more. Things like that probably shock theorists who have their neat and tidy expectations subverted by supreme gamer logic and tactics™.

        • 1 year ago

          Seeing as you described 3 actua tactics that are widely used IRL (aside from #2 usually being done with highly mobile forces that can withdraw fast, although auxiliary infantry works too, and #3 being done with cruise missiles and drones), I think that you are deliberately baiting.

          "Helo rush" is literally how airborne infantry actually works most of the time.

        • 1 year ago

          >Another example which probably works but will probably never be acceptable is sending human waves of low quality troops to draw fire from enemy

          >Or deliberately sending planes in to soak enemy AA with the knowledge that a BUK only has 3 missiles ready so even if 3 planes die that's just acceptable if you can bring more.
          The Americans did that in Nam. Had special mission objectives for parts of an Air Raid to go play chicken with fricking SAMs.

        • 1 year ago

          >Or deliberately sending planes in to soak enemy AA

        • 1 year ago

          I think the main thing games can't simulate very well that's very important IRL is morale and friction, all the games both vidya and tabletop that tries to implement it have been unimpressive, frustrating (although I guess that's the point) and/or janky.
          Something basically no game does is asking the question if your barely trained reservist human shield or sea of T-34s actually wants to die gloriously, and maybe that's a good thing

    • 1 year ago

      Sperged over historical documents and manuals:

      Based his tactics on america frick yeah memes:
      >American player is thunder running an Abrams/Bradley combo right down my throat.

      • 1 year ago

        I had one of my best mp games ever last night and it was exactly this. 3rd armored, m1a1 abrams and bradley spam. i was able to just pick him apart with TOWs and the m1a1s tanking.
        I also got a few very lucky gun runs with the A-10 and it shredded like 5 t-80's. when i watched the replay i couldn't believe it. it was killing units i didn't even realize lol

        • 1 year ago

          3rd Armored is so fricking good after this patch, probably the best NATO Division. It's funny how really it was just a mild buff to the Fire Teams and helis that made this whole division really come together.

          >6-man but 2-support weapon + AT-4 fire teams in Bradleys locking down towns and blasting enemy tanks with TOW's and IFV's with the Basedmaster
          >M1A1 beast-mode accuracy wrecking T-80's
          >Apache rockets decimating entire infantry pushes
          >A-10 Rapehog absolutely brapping helicopters, tanks, infantry, everything
          >F-15 merking enemy air from across the map
          >Chappy + PIVADS Mommy and Daddy AA net everywhere brapping and blasting down everything in the air
          >ACAV + Scouts and sending ACAV into forests for cheeky snipes plus loads of visibility from the Scouts

          So much fun, by far my favorite division right now. Before this patch I was a 5th Blindee Francegay but now I feel way more at home with good American metal. PACTgays just can't compete

          • 1 year ago

            Holy shit you talk like a fricking troony

            • 1 year ago

              Least troony obsessed /misc/tard.

            • 1 year ago

              go back, you do not fit in here.

          • 1 year ago

            3rd Armored is insanely strong. I honestly don’t know how anyone can lose a single game with them.

  36. 1 year ago
  37. 1 year ago

    Getting addicted to tacticals lately

    • 1 year ago


  38. 1 year ago

    Friendship is magic.

    • 1 year ago
  39. 1 year ago

    Are helis still insanely tanky in Warno? Is helirush as good in Warno as it is in wargame? Asking as someone who has a personal helirusher blacklist for WGRD

    • 1 year ago

      Heli rush is significantly less viable in Warno than in WGRD. in general helicopters are more 'specialized' units with less availability so they aren't nearly as spammable.
      There was actually a hot week after the latest big patch where armored Helicopters were OP as hell due to the changes they made to AA and the reduction of the +Accuracy bonus on AA from increased Veterancy, and people were doing Apache spam, but then it got hotfixed like yesterday
      There are very few games where people insta-kill your entire opener with helicopters or a cheeky air or artillery strike on a main road
      The only exception to this is A-10's and SU-25's are extremely powerful and tanky so people very often pair one up with a recon helicopter and blast towards you with that at match start. it's not game ending but it its enough of a risk to always recommend an ASF because the CAS plane will tend to reach your forces before your shilkas, chapparals, etc. reach the frontline.
      I have had games where I run that and they brought no opening AA or planes. getting 4-5 transport kills on their special forces units is enough to really frick up someone's game lol

      • 1 year ago

        Good to know, how come artying the road is less viable?

        • 1 year ago

          I feel like the multiple starting positions between both recon and para forward deployment just ruin the economy of it. In Red Dragon even if they evade the barrage they have to wait it out or take a less optimal path while in Warno everyone may already be deployed past it.
          Better to spend your points on your own forward deployments or on CAS that can be more flexible.

  40. 1 year ago

    Okay WARYES sisters. List your...

    >favorite NATO division
    >favorite PACT division

    >favorite NATO unit
    >favorite PACT unit

    I'll start.

    >3rd Armored

    >M3 Bradley
    >2S7 Malka

    • 1 year ago

      >1st Armoured
      >7th Panzer

      >Challenger Tank
      >Akula Helocopter (or any of the Hind varients)

    • 1 year ago

      >NADO UNID
      Tornado (SEAD)

      >PAGD UNID
      Fs SPG-9

      >NADO DIV

      >PAGT DIV

      • 1 year ago

        >Tornado (SEAD)
        I fricking love that plane.

    • 1 year ago

      >8th mech or the panzergren
      >the new one

      >Bradley IFV
      >any of their MLRS

      • 1 year ago

        I just wish 8th Inf got at least some cards of the Bradley IFV, that's the real weak spot of that division, lack of good IFV's.
        I was playing them the other day and canot describe how badly I wanted a nice autocannon shooting, TOW-equipped armored vehicle to support my mech riflerinos
        I actually prefer their tank options to 3rd armored though, the M1 Abrams is like the perfect price / performance for spam, and you have the option of the M1A1 as well for heavy tank standoffs

    • 1 year ago

      NATO division
      11e division parachutiste
      PACT division
      7. panzerdivision
      NATO unit
      p4 milan paras
      PACT unit
      east german t-72s (none in particular)

      • 1 year ago

        This is the way now
        New patch meta IMO is France and East Germany
        The game right now is really favoring 'masses of good price-to-performance tanks' AKA the French AMX-30's and the East German T-72's
        That plus the French Grenadiers and Mot-Schutzen are great spammable infantry
        I personally think 7th Panzer may be the best div in the game because in addition to T-72 spam they also have the BMP-1P which I think is better than the French VAB's
        The only weakness really in the French decks are that you need to complement your forces with lots of Milan 2's in case they bring heavy tanks, and their Helicopters are shit
        But basically it's really hard to stop a superior number of Infantry + IFV's + tanks + ATGM spam, even with individually superior units

        That being said, the USSR 39th and 79th are still really good, as are the US 3rd Armored especially and to a lesser extent 8th Infantry, but for me, it's 100-150 point tank spam
        Funnily enough 3rd Armored plays really interesting where you rely so heavily on Bradley spam and A-10's, their megahuug Abrams are actually a little secondary just because they are so expensive
        8th Infantry I've had shockingly good success playing in really counter-intuitive way, which is basically spamming the cheaper fire teams in the M113 Dragons with the M60 tanks (Also with A-10 spam lol). Their signature unit of Mech Rifles is just too expensive

  41. 1 year ago

    >favorite NATO division
    3rd Armored
    2nd Place: 5th Blindee
    >favorite PACT division
    39th Motostrelki
    2nd Place: 7th Panzer

    >favorite NATO unit
    A-10 Warthog ATGM
    2nd place: Fire Team (AT-4) in the M2 Bradley
    >favorite PACT unit
    Motostrelki METIS in the BMP-1P
    2nd place: The little 35 point SPG truck lol

  42. 1 year ago

    how do you counter artillery with the attack ground+ queue move order combo?

    • 1 year ago

      Multiple, simultaneous, deep strikes with CAS.

    • 1 year ago

      Sometimes the best you can hope for is threating the counterbattery to just force him to relocate and alleviate some of the pressure. Other than that once you have the arty, just fire it at juicy targets instead of counterbatterying and at least equalize the pressure.

      But other than that:

      Multiple, simultaneous, deep strikes with CAS.

      This is a good idea. It's perfectly possible if a bit dangerous.

  43. 1 year ago

    You should buy both and financially support Eugene.

  44. 1 year ago

    anyone else remember this gif from back in the day

    • 1 year ago

      'whos the cripple now lol' gets me every time

  45. 1 year ago

    Compared to RD, due to income inflation, shit-tier units are priced much more competitively and "good" units priced very highly. Crits can also instakill a challenger from the front.
    Basically, WARNO is a lot more spammy. People are upset at spam but the reality is just cheap units > good units.

    • 1 year ago

      >People are upset at spam but the reality is just cheap units > good units.

      True to a point, but my last game where my M1A1(HA) abrams (300 points) got like 9 kills (720 points) against T-62 spam alone shows its not a universal rule lol

      Currently the 'sweet spot' seems to be as many of the ~150-200 point tanks as possible. As in M1 Abrams / M1A1 Abrams; or T-72M1 / T-80B tier. Spamming the goldilocks middle at least for me has had the best success.

      I would rather have 2 base abrams than 1 superheavy because the main challenge with superheavies is they just simply will die to planes. Also, Warno maps are a little smaller / cramped so the odds of your opponent being able to bum rush you or forest-shot you with a RPG to the side are higher.

      That said when it comes to infantry spam is definitely the name of the game. The update improved this dynamic a lot I would say, but at the end of the day a flood of flame engineers and squads with METIS or Dragon II launchers can rip through a forest and come out the other end as a force to be reckoned with.

      Lost a game to someone who played 82nd Airborne who just spammed nothing but Dragon fire teams, Stinger squads, flame engineers, and airborne squads. In retrospect there was possible counterplay but his initial human wave was so strong and I just got ripped apart by the endless wave of ATGMs and his stingers killed all my copters lol. I panicked and sent cheap tanks to try and fight them but the sheer quantity of Dragon II's overcame me

      • 1 year ago

        The inf-spam meta is also why the light-vehicle "cheap spam" is also meta. But I think more active mortar use might be the real under-explored territory here to counter it.

      • 1 year ago

        >I panicked and sent cheap tanks to try and fight
        Hey that's my best strategy too

  46. 1 year ago

    Waryes is simply the better game in the long run.

  47. 1 year ago

    Now that they're adding EW aspects like jamming radar optics and changing the SEAD to debuff AA instead of being a missile truck I feel like the groundwork is being laid to finally go beyond RD in depth.
    They're being bold with mechanics. Lets just see if that boldness translates to units. Some divisions feel left behind or left out from the adding of traits.

  48. 1 year ago

    >reach the other side of the map in a 10v10
    >it's pointless because the enemy can just keep spawning shit
    You don't have this problem in smaller games because if you're in the enemy's spawns you've probably already hunted down most of his CVs, but I hate how WARNO encourages slogging out in the centre of the map and juicy suicide cluster bombings more than actually controlling territory in my favorite game mode.

  49. 1 year ago

    We should setup some vst game night bros

  50. 1 year ago

    shit bros ive been getting a lot better at the game and was on like a 7 win streak in ranked but i get absolutely destroyed by the airborne divisions particularly the PACT VDV division
    how the frick am i supposed to compete as like 3rd armored
    >infinite iglas + ASF spam neutralizes my air
    >cheap howitzer spam kills my AA and any vehicle that gets visible even for a second
    >cost effective infantry horde in every forest and town, fireteams just cant compete
    >over 9000 konkurs and metis cards makes any of my vehicles DOA on open ground
    >every unit is pound for pound cheaper

    I basically fought it to a draw / early lead then faded in the stretch and ultimately folded as i literally ran out of infantry cards

    Watching the replay I saw some stuff I could have done differently, but the problem I always have is its really hard to know where my enemy is weak while the game is happening.
    Obviously recon exists but the with enough IGLA spam helicopters are not viable and infantry has such high stealth in cover theres no way to probe and get intel without spending all your points on one-way trip suicide recon missions.

    I always overestimate the number of forces my opponent has lol im like general mcclellan im seeing double and getting spooked by ghost units

    • 1 year ago

      3rd Armored has more powerful units, but is much slower to build up forces. A lot of its power budget is spent on Abrams, Bradleys, and A-10's. Everything is really good but expensive.
      35th-YA has weaker units individually, but are more cost effective, and more get on the field faster.

      To win, you have to weather the initial onslaught and build up and unstoppable frick-you strong push of armor and cut through them. This means you have to play defensively at first with your ground forces, but also make some strong plays early with A-10's, Apaches, or similar to get some kills and not completely lose the initiative / take too many losses.
      3rd Armored early-game air spam is 'meta' because otherwise each fire team is ~100 points in the Bradley and your cheapest abram is ~240 points, whereas the VDV guy is buying 40 point INF in a 20 point transport that gets sold - you'll fall behind too fast and get overwhelmed.

      You're right though. 35th is fricked to play against. The main thing is they just get wild helicopter and air spam, while also having enough strong infantry and infantry-based AT options to fill up every nook and cranny of the map. They are just fricking annoying. You think you're winning and then they spam those transport helicopters with rockets over here and the SPG trucks there and a Spetsnaz push through the forest and then the whole line collapses. That's why you need to hit them hard early. If you can get map control and recon your tanks will eat them alive.

      On the Artillery side sounds like you should have just counter-batteried though, the howitzers are towed and so have slow move speed and can't get out of the way in time.

    • 1 year ago

      3rd Armored has more powerful units, but is much slower to build up forces. A lot of its power budget is spent on Abrams, Bradleys, and A-10's. Everything is really good but expensive.
      35th-YA has weaker units individually, but are more cost effective, and more get on the field faster.

      To win, you have to weather the initial onslaught and build up and unstoppable frick-you strong push of armor and cut through them. This means you have to play defensively at first with your ground forces, but also make some strong plays early with A-10's, Apaches, or similar to get some kills and not completely lose the initiative / take too many losses.
      3rd Armored early-game air spam is 'meta' because otherwise each fire team is ~100 points in the Bradley and your cheapest abram is ~240 points, whereas the VDV guy is buying 40 point INF in a 20 point transport that gets sold - you'll fall behind too fast and get overwhelmed.

      You're right though. 35th is fricked to play against. The main thing is they just get wild helicopter and air spam, while also having enough strong infantry and infantry-based AT options to fill up every nook and cranny of the map. They are just fricking annoying. You think you're winning and then they spam those transport helicopters with rockets over here and the SPG trucks there and a Spetsnaz push through the forest and then the whole line collapses. That's why you need to hit them hard early. If you can get map control and recon your tanks will eat them alive.

      On the Artillery side sounds like you should have just counter-batteried though, the howitzers are towed and so have slow move speed and can't get out of the way in time.

      I'm not really a 3rd armor player but I think what I'd do is simply challenge them for air dominance. You have the F-15s, you have the A-10s. Hell YOU'RE the air division not him. His ground based AA isn't great so if you win the air war you're in a great position and can take down helicopters with your A10s. Drain Iglas by flying over his AA with your F-15. In the end you can bomb him out or swarm him with Apaches.

      Relying on ground units and expensive abrams against him is just going to be a slog when it comes to cleaning up the infantry spam and he'll throw bombers at your expensive tanks. So your own bombers are gonna be necessary simply to speed up the process, and for bombers to get free reign you need to clear the airspace, which should be doable as 3rd armored.

    • 1 year ago

      Just get some superheavies lol

      • 1 year ago

        >get clustered instantly
        You can't get superheavies. (For one, they're just heavies lmao).
        Because if you need to build an army worthy of mordor to support it so it won't die.
        >needs supply for repair and smoke rearm
        >needs recon to spot targets because it can't see shit
        >needs CAP and/or long range radar AA to cover you at all times because you are a clusterbomb magnet and they'll somehow always have vision on you
        >needs anti-heli AA to stave away panic helicopters
        >needs fire-support because you sure as hell can't clean up all the shit-tier infantry on your own

        Basically just cheapshit instead and build. Then at the end if you've cleared the skies or have built all the support you can maybe bring a heavy.

    • 1 year ago

      >I always overestimate the number of forces my opponent has lol im like general mcclellan im seeing double and getting spooked by ghost units
      recon is your friend anon, always remember that if you are trading even barely acceptably your opponent never has many more forces than you do

  51. 1 year ago

    >broken arrow demo drops
    >its shit
    looks like you got me again, eugene

  52. 1 year ago

    Is south africa worth it?

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't played them enough to know, and I also play singleplayer almost exclusively because I don't invest enough time to be any good against micro-heavy sweats in MP, but I like them just for the flavor.

      • 1 year ago

        I wish I could enjoy the SP, but the AI just too horrible. It’s a shame that Eugen never made it bearable, and I’m sure that it also has directly affected the number of MP players as it is hard to get in the game as a beginner when the AI can’t act as a proper training opponent.

    • 1 year ago

      nah. just get fr or eu moto

  53. 1 year ago

    >wargame red dragon

    what is best for mainly single player against AI?

    • 1 year ago

      Regiments is the only one with an actual campaign and AI that doesn't actively try to lose.

    • 1 year ago

      wargame red dragon has a series of campaigns which are pretty good, but the AI is bad so its almost a tower defense game as the AI suicide bombs you with all of its forces. That said it is genuinely fun
      Warno will have a much bigger single-player based on the 'army general' mode they developed for steel division 2, which is basically almost a 'total war' style strategic layer where you move units around on a map, then do tactical battles. the single-player AI is also much much improved and i would say is at a competent level.
      Regiments has a more traditional single player campaign but i cant really comment on it. it has no multiplayer at all

      • 1 year ago

        >which is basically almost a 'total war' style strategic layer where you move units around on a map, then do tactical battles
        Isn't that what the Wargame campaigns are?

      • 1 year ago

        >That said it is genuinely fun
        Defense of Busan is good. The rest are shit because they're weighed down by the absolutely fricking abysmal naval combat.
        Bear vs. Dragon is absolute dogshit, not even worth attempting.

        • 1 year ago

          busan pocket and pearl of the orient are extremely fun, i admit not all of them are as good, but for like 20 bucks its worth the price of admission

      • 1 year ago

        Wargame RD single player is garbage. Wargame EE was the only one with a vaguely decent campaign.

        • 1 year ago

          Man have you played the EE campaign recently? It is so fricking tedious and slow. It has better campaign design in terms of it being a conventional RTS game camapign with a linear series of missions, but holy shit man that campaign is just so much waiting to queue up lots of tanks and then attack moving.

        • 1 year ago

          The best thing about EE was the versus campaign. I would play against my friend who was good at wawrgame and he'd take the side that was always worse off

    • 1 year ago

      I don't think WARNO has singleplayer yet.

      wargame red dragon has a series of campaigns which are pretty good, but the AI is bad so its almost a tower defense game as the AI suicide bombs you with all of its forces. That said it is genuinely fun
      Warno will have a much bigger single-player based on the 'army general' mode they developed for steel division 2, which is basically almost a 'total war' style strategic layer where you move units around on a map, then do tactical battles. the single-player AI is also much much improved and i would say is at a competent level.
      Regiments has a more traditional single player campaign but i cant really comment on it. it has no multiplayer at all

      notes there are plans to bring SD2's army general whatever to it, which I heard was good but haven't played myself so I can't testify to it.

      • 1 year ago

        >which I heard was good
        it was a bit mixed, the overall campaign was fun but the skirmish maps tended to get reused a lot and the way your individual forces were split up, you could go into battles with like half a deck
        the set forces of ALB's campaign with the map and movement of AG would be the best mix

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, SD2 army general takes some time to wrap your head around, or you’re gonna have bad time with fights where you get only infantry against tanks etc., and some awful match-ups can’t be avoided. Not necessarily a bad thing but something to be aware of.

        • 1 year ago

          I believe they later expanded it to allow deployment of up to five battalions per a battle.
          What I'm not sure will translate are the strategic level abilities like battalions of AA not allowing the deployment of any planes within their influence on the map. Maybe helicopters could ignore it so air assault battalions aren't easily countered, but I feel aircraft are a lot more essential in Warno to making certain armies good.

          • 1 year ago

            >I believe they later expanded it to allow deployment of up to five battalions per a battle.
            that would change it up, I only played shortly after release

    • 1 year ago

      RD despite the braindead AI because WARNO's general mode get's boring after an hour because most battles are very samey. Regiments is alright but it's smaller scale than both and the AI cheats a frickton

      • 1 year ago

        homie the army general mode isnt even out yet

  54. 1 year ago


    nah. just get fr or eu moto

    How did you know I was a Gankerer? Was it something I said Sneed?

    • 1 year ago

      How'd you know it was me. Also milk dribble of kiev is a very 4chud name

  55. 1 year ago

    >raped by giga artillery

  56. 1 year ago

    Why are Wargame fans so fricking annoying? Literally the furries of the RTS community.

  57. 1 year ago

    >mfw HEAT is getting nerfed because of a meme video

  58. 1 year ago

    Why the NATO Berlin division is so shit when compared to WP’s Untermenschen Zentrum?

    • 1 year ago

      The Berlin Light Rifles are great, but it's true it's not enough

      • 1 year ago

        Skill issue.
        What you do is build an impenetrable wall of infantry. Make sure all your berlin rifles have a supply truck for dat continuous RR damage. Then you get a shitton of artillery. If he tries to counterbattery you, use the nighthawk to snipe his arty. Use artillery to shell things that are too far away. Push with berlin light rifles and melt everything else. Avoid long ranges at all cost. If it can't be helped, use smoke screens to set up ranges such that berlin light rifles are always in range of using their RR.

    • 1 year ago

      arguably its intentional / historical but yeah no doubt, besides BLR's which are OP (I want more recoilless rifles god dammit!!!) Berlin Command frickin sucks, probably the only division that can be called objectively bad

    • 1 year ago

      The Berlin Light Rifles are great, but it's true it's not enough

      arguably its intentional / historical but yeah no doubt, besides BLR's which are OP (I want more recoilless rifles god dammit!!!) Berlin Command frickin sucks, probably the only division that can be called objectively bad

      Just played a match with them in a rather open map, and holy frick is their AA miserly to use. When your ground based AA is all manpads or shitty AAA, you’d want a good fighter but nope, you either get slow as frick AA Harriers that are useless at anything but copter sniping, or you need to use your expensive strike planes as shitty multiroles.

      I can’t recall the last time I got plane raped thst hard.

      • 1 year ago

        manpads are pretty good right now imo so i spam them even with divisions with 'better' AA options, but yeah dude those british planes fricking suck

        • 1 year ago

          Mistrals and Stingers are fine otherwise, but it’s a pain to construct a large area AA net on them alone. I really like them in hotspots, but you’d need something more mobile or long-ranged against planes if you want to cover a wider front.

  59. 1 year ago

    warno is cool and fresh, was on the fence for ages even bought and returned it b4, but the current version of the game is enjoyable, also i have the feeling that there a less meme strats or atleast a lot of people havent figured out the meta yet. had fun 1v1 matches.
    also i havent met an artygay until now in teamgames

  60. 1 year ago

    awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeee new patch warnosisters, new maps, balance, and improved LoS tool, supply chaining

    • 1 year ago

      Literally made the game worse. Pointless patch.

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          >SAM ranges increased, but bugged so no missile has range over 4000m, not even air to air missiles
          >changed splash damage on everything so nothing can kill infantry, bombers made useless, artillery made useless
          >LOS tool also brought undocumented LOS change, units in blue area pretty much act as obstructed rather than stealthed units and so you get invisible tanks shooting you
          >literally impossible to attack a town now because nothing damages infantry

          Biggest balance change was basically "Nerfed UK" who everyone agreed needs buffs
          When asked why no buffs reply is simply
          >waiting for le meta to settle
          Literally seconds after someone found a way to make 1st AD bearable by using gun groups and MG teams to get cheap warriors and scorpion tanks to swarm with it was nerfed immediately. Guess waiting for meta to settle just means everyone giving up playing UK.

          • 1 year ago

            Skill issue

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, good thing I haven't bought this trash yet. Might check it out when they finally release Army General.

          • 1 year ago

            yeah dude the shit is fricked
            HE bombers, helicopter rockets, and artillery essentially do nothing now lmao
            eugen says they intentionally hit it with the nerf bat as hard as possible to then incrementally move it back up until it 'feels right' but i think it didn't feel overpowered before
            people did get annoyed at how artillery could just one-by-one delete units from the map, how suicide HE bombers would guarantee get value, and how strong helicopters were in general. but IMO the problem wasnt really the raw damage
            they should have increased AA effectiveness, e.g. damage and range, and should have increased artillery dispersion or aim time rather than making it do ... no damage lol
            you can literally have two HE bombers drop two full payloads on one squad in a forest and they'll survive. it's moronic
            frickin eugen man the post-Oudinot, pre-this patch Warno felt so fricking good

            • 1 year ago

              Why are frenchies so moronic?

              • 1 year ago

                yeah dude the shit is fricked
                HE bombers, helicopter rockets, and artillery essentially do nothing now lmao
                eugen says they intentionally hit it with the nerf bat as hard as possible to then incrementally move it back up until it 'feels right' but i think it didn't feel overpowered before
                people did get annoyed at how artillery could just one-by-one delete units from the map, how suicide HE bombers would guarantee get value, and how strong helicopters were in general. but IMO the problem wasnt really the raw damage
                they should have increased AA effectiveness, e.g. damage and range, and should have increased artillery dispersion or aim time rather than making it do ... no damage lol
                you can literally have two HE bombers drop two full payloads on one squad in a forest and they'll survive. it's moronic
                frickin eugen man the post-Oudinot, pre-this patch Warno felt so fricking good

                I think they actually also decreased HE values across the board. TTK is super high now. Tanks can just unload on infantry and they keep on trucking. In buildings they’re practically invincible until the building is destroyed.

                Im 99% sure this will be addressed very soon but for now the ‘meta’ is shaking out to be swarms of infantry because they’re so durable. ATGM’s are super effective. So just like, swarms of Dragons, TOW’s, and beefy frontline squads are really hard to deal with.

                It doesn’t feel good man, tanks vs. infantry is gimped. You’re actually incentivized to swarm cheap tanks because you need that many barrels and guns firing to deal enough damage to deal with the infantry.

                In forests though, forget it, idk what the frick you’re supposed to do except ‘have more guys’

              • 1 year ago

                >In forests though, forget it, idk what the frick you’re supposed to do except ‘have more guys’
                Because of the LOS changes, you'll note that inside a forest there's now a blue area. The blue area is "can fire, but cannot see". This means if something 'else' sees anything in the blue area, you can shoot at it without them able to shoot back. So you can exploit this to use tanks or IFVs in forests. They literally can't see you because apparently it works as "no line of sight" and not like stealth. So their optics don't seem to matter either, they need direct vision on you.

              • 1 year ago

                i thought there are no LoS changes, just the LoS tool display. i thought blue area means ‘the unit can fire at units in this zone, but can not necessarily detect all the units in this zone (based on respective optics and stealth stats).’

              • 1 year ago

                They balance around their tiny quote unquote "competitive scene" rather than just playing the game themselves.

              • 1 year ago

                >competitive scene
                Why do small games even care about that shit? They're not going to be the next Starcraft. Moreover, I'm willing to bet that the majority of their player base doesn't even play multiplayer.

              • 1 year ago

                Loyal pay piggies, I suppose. To get SP fellas to buy your useless nation packs, you'd need to add a campaign or some such thing.

              • 1 year ago

                Singleplayer babbies are the cancer of RTS, they are the reason why the genre is almost dead today. Only competitive multiplayer matters as the only pure expression of what RTS games are aupposed to be about.

              • 1 year ago

                This is literally completely backwards lol, the vast majority of RTS players throughout its history and especially at its peak were almost SP exclusively. This is an objectively true fact. The multiplayer sweatlord community is the cancerous growth on RTS that has killed the host.
                I say this as someone who plays multiplayer RTS as their primary genre lol, fact of the matter is RTS gradually abandoned their single player communities to myopically focus on the vocal minority of us MP spergs and that had a big hand in making the genre's releases ever less relevant to what the vast majority of people want to play.

              • 1 year ago

                The vast majority of RTS players play single player. But keep coping, delusional moron.

              • 1 year ago

                >I'm willing to bet that the majority of their player base doesn't even play multiplayer.
                I think this would be a huge stretch based on what I know about Wargame players at the very least. I think there's a lot of people who play MP in small groups with their friends, especially the Army General mode in SD, without ever touching the "mass" multiplayer lobbies, but the AI in these games is so annoying to play against there's no chance that the majority of people play these games play to watch the AI try to sneak heavy tanks behind your lines or attack your positions in brain dead human wave attacks.

            • 1 year ago

              I don't know what Eugene was thinking with the latest patch. It was perfect and then back to shit so quickly that I cannot believe that this was given the green light at all. Now morons who never space their tanks or infantry are being positively rewarded because they can't be punished for their brainlet move, with the only counter being the same brainlet move. The worst part is that a huge chunk of the player base are absolute mouth breathing morons who have a tantrum when their epic and tacticool straight line of tanks gets bombed because they're too moronic to micro units beyond mass select into attack move. Now the exact same people who asked for this trash are asking for a revert after realizing every game has turned into heavy tank spamming or infantry blobs.

              The division system is such crap too and should've stayed with Steel Division. The fact that an infantry div is restricted to less than 20 incredibly shitty ATGM units and being entirely unable to get anything better while an armored div can have over 40 significantly armored tanks is beyond stupid. There shouldn't be a handful of divisions which exist to be an optional joke that you could play like the Brits or one of the W. Germs divs. Sure you can argue that certain coalitions in RD weren't good but in the hands of someone competent can be made to be effective, with Warno being so painfully restrictive in comparison and locked tight for the sake of "realism" that it isnt worth the effort to play them. A Eugene dev even stated that it was intended to have worthless divs with a completely unbalanced amount of unit availability for flavor.

              Tl;dr realismgays suck and Eugene is moronic

              • 1 year ago

                Eugen game design decisions have zero to do with realism.
                >Eugene is moronic
                They've been moronic for many years now. They lost critical talent back in 2014 and there is an ongoing employee exodus since 2018.

              • 1 year ago

                Buddy, the first paragraph contradicts your claims about "realism". They listen to morons on discord who cry when a plane or arty kills their shiny units. Decreasing the damage is the opposite of realism.

              • 1 year ago

                Not him but the gays on their Discord claim that reduced damage is realistic. It's even a popular opinion that cluster planes shouldn't be able to destroy tanks easily. It's the same group of people who demanded that AA should have way more range to reflect their real life counterpart, which did eventually happen.

                Eugene has been particularly more communicative with Warno than past games so I wouldn't be surprised if they're actually listening to mass complaining.

              • 1 year ago

                Tanks were always overpowered in Eugen games since Red Dragon. It only gets worse after each game/update. It's been forever since I played Warno, but Steel Division 2 was extremely bad, infantry only had point blank AT weapons (aside from shitty AT rifles), and AT guns couldn't be hidden in a forest

              • 1 year ago

                In Red Dragon infantry is overpowered. It is deadly, difficult to dislodge from a defensive position and dirt cheap, which is balanced by their short range (excluding ATGM teams, who are much squishier). Expensive tanks are difficult to kill with the right positioning, but they are literally incapable of defeating infantry in towns/forests on their own. This creates a balanced environment where you have to use combined arms to its full extent.
                SD2 throws it all out of the window. Not only there are less unit classes in this game, but there is also zero balance between them. It's a shitty game.
                Warno leverated it somewhat, but now Eugen is once again doing balance swings with their braindead buffs/nerfs to AA and aircraft, which was an issue in SD2 too.

  61. 1 year ago

    Can someone explain to me what I'm supposed to use wild weasels for?

    • 1 year ago

      SEAD. You fly them to an area where you expect there to be enemy AA, if they detect any AA radar they'll fire missiles at it and frick off. If the enemy is good at micro he'll order his radar AA to turn off their radars when he detects a WW approaching, and you'll be screwed.

  62. 1 year ago

    beat the AI for the first time bros!!!

  63. 1 year ago

    AI in wargame sucks. They get like infinite more spawn points and just bum rushes you. It's impossible to win in an open engagement you need to bait them deep inside cities or forests. Plus they always know where your fricking cv is too. It's way worse in Naval. You gotta cheese them and it's not fun, only time consuming.

  64. 1 year ago

    what other nations do you think they'll add to WARNO?
    since they're doing alt-his anyway, I hope they'll throw in yugoslavia and china on the pact side

    • 1 year ago

      why, our greatest ally of course!

    • 1 year ago

      Belgium FreeLC.
      Poland DLC.
      Royal Mounted Corp DLC.
      Czech Republic surplus from the 80s (no Moderna for you Chud!) DLC
      134th Romanian Gypsy Patatroopers Division DLC (FINALLY, BASED EUGEN!)
      Inevitable Finnish Expansion (NATO this time, with a long essay from Madmat about how stupid and unrealistic Red Dragon is)

      • 1 year ago

        >no Moderna
        Fricking gay, what's the point then?
        Poland gives me muh SKOTs, so I don't need Czechoslovakia then.

      • 1 year ago

        >Mental illness wrote this post
        The anime pic is the cherry on top.

    • 1 year ago

      They've announced they have two planned expansions
      NORTHAG - Baltic Sea (Scando, Poland)
      SOUTHAG - Mediterranean (e.g. Italy, Yugo)
      We will also get Marines decks (e.g. US / USSR Marines) in one or both in addition to new countries

      • 1 year ago

        '89 MiG-29Ks with different loadouts are the only thing I'm really looking forward to in this game. Luv me Sov. Marines, love me Ka-28s, hope they add me Shark, simple as.

  65. 1 year ago

    >opponent stacks five airborne squads inside an apartment building
    >call in my Su-24 for some high explosive Syrian War action
    >drop 8 x 500kg bombs right on the roof expecting to make Turkey look like the little league
    >kill one (1) yankee
    >they're not even stunned either
    So this is the power of German engineering huh?

  66. 1 year ago

    The 10v10 mode has alot of inherent appeal towards casual gamers so I think the WG series has a higher proportion playing MP than other RTS games.
    That said we're probably talking about 20-30%

  67. 1 year ago

    i was away from red dragon for a while but reinstalled it. tried some 10v10s

    one was fun but the rest quickly devolved into team killing, stacked teams, people spamming units to feed into enemy lines

    deleted again

  68. 1 year ago

    homies think im gay the way im always chasin' the SACK

    teamkilling in WGRD is based and VERY redpilled

  69. 1 year ago

    fav team killing strats for 10v10?

    north korean bomber run on friendly start area as soon as game starts is a personal fav topkek

    • 1 year ago

      The J-21 is a rocket plane with 6 secondary napalm rockets, no one suspects it ever has them either. I like to provide danger close support to my allies infantry with it, they never suspect the napalm to rout their guys. Yugoslavia has the most napalm units in the game, so you can always frick with your team. The prototype vehicle with the rockets is good too, because it has napalm rockets to spam at spawn roads

  70. 1 year ago

    >SD2 is getting more (mapless) Division Packs

    • 1 year ago

      If there’s something I REALLY dislike about Eugen, it’s how they are so stingy with maps. Yeah, developing them takes time and I suppose that they have dev tools from hell because they seem to be so averse to making more maps, but it’s just so tiresome to see those same maps again and again and again. It ruined especially Red Dragon for me, because it had such comically small map selection, with a horribad ratio of actually enjoyable maps vs. junk.

      • 1 year ago

        agreed - low map selection in sd2 kinda ruined it for me. Eugene has gone on record saying basically that adding maps would make the game over 100gb which they don't wanna do for some reason

      • 1 year ago

        agreed - low map selection in sd2 kinda ruined it for me. Eugene has gone on record saying basically that adding maps would make the game over 100gb which they don't wanna do for some reason

        It really looks like a skill issue. If they were good at their job, they could improve their dev tools, but unfortunately, they're french.

      • 1 year ago

        Going from Airland Battle to Red Dragon was a big letdown for that reason. AB had a ton of good maps, but RD had only a few decent ones

        It really looks like a skill issue. If they were good at their job, they could improve their dev tools, but unfortunately, they're french.

        Why are the French so bad at life?

        • 1 year ago

          the french revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity

      • 1 year ago

        Supposedly WARNO is meant to receive map tools one day, which is the main reason I'm interested in it at all.

        • 1 year ago

          That's what they were saying at the beginning but haven't mentioned that in some time.

        • 1 year ago

          they promised the same thing for steel division 2.

  71. 1 year ago

    is teamkilling still fun in WARNO as it us in red dragon?

  72. 1 year ago

    >Beware, cummies nearby

  73. 1 year ago

    i love ruining a good 10v10 with a few well placed bomb runs

    • 1 year ago

      >not buying as many 10 point supply trucks as you possibly can at the start and a 15 point tank to shoot at them to cause a massive chain reaction

  74. 1 year ago

    What's with the sudden influx of underages talking about team killing?

    • 1 year ago

      u mad?

    • 1 year ago


  75. 1 year ago

    >spend all deployment points
    >turn weapons off
    >send them on fast move towards enemy
    >spam /ALL chat with TIME TO EAT UP BOYS

    • 1 year ago

      Wasted dubs, you should just:
      >spam cheap units
      >follow teammate's cv
      >have helicopters around cv
      >have plenty of supply vehicles around cv
      >fly cheap planes nearby
      >enemy now sees helicopters
      >enemy now bombs ally cv
      >supply's make big explosion

  76. 1 year ago

    I love tacticals

    • 1 year ago

      Why are so many tactics played on 1v1 maps?

      • 1 year ago

        if you suck your teammates can carry you

  77. 1 year ago

    This looks pretty cool, if I only actually knew how to play WARNO

    • 1 year ago

      It's just simplified Wargame

      • 1 year ago

        if only I knew how to play Wargame

        • 1 year ago

          Play campaign in European Escalation and then get into 10v10 in Red Dragon.

        • 1 year ago

          If you're white I will make you suffer through the game until you learn it like I do with everyone else. You must hand me your evropan card though and I'll reward you.

  78. 1 year ago

    Pact Infantry gonna make me bust

  79. 1 year ago

    Is there a mod to remove naval battles from the red dragon campaign?

    • 1 year ago

      yeah it's called get a trainer dumb Black folk, play it or cheat it you can't remove it.

      • 1 year ago

        No need to be so rude

  80. 1 year ago

    how can i cheat in mplayer red dragon? i heard there is a FoW cheat?

    • 1 year ago

      You'll need a cheat program, dunno where to get them, but it'll probably be in some slavic forum. There is a FoW cheat that people use, I assume you could also cheat in more resources per minute, or more starting resources. I know the trainers allow you to have infinite funds and infinite unit availability, so those could be done too. Maybe a cheat that improves a units stats or effects hit chances could go under the radar. Considering that the games anti-cheat is developer made, it would be easy to crack. It also hasn't been updated since 2015 iirc

      • 1 year ago

        There's also a lag cheat. Slows the game down to a crawl but the timer keeps going at a normal rate.

        • 1 year ago

          You'll need a cheat program, dunno where to get them, but it'll probably be in some slavic forum. There is a FoW cheat that people use, I assume you could also cheat in more resources per minute, or more starting resources. I know the trainers allow you to have infinite funds and infinite unit availability, so those could be done too. Maybe a cheat that improves a units stats or effects hit chances could go under the radar. Considering that the games anti-cheat is developer made, it would be easy to crack. It also hasn't been updated since 2015 iirc

          for multiplayer? wouldnt unlimited points or units be too obvious? i want to cheat in 10v10s

          • 1 year ago

            Only if you make it obvious. The points would be good, since you could always buy that one or two units that you needed. No one would notice as long as you don't keep plopping down whole waves of units. The unlimited units would be undetectable if you make sure to only go over once in awhile. You could also just use the normal unit amount while bringing the max vet available. Also 10v10s are such huge cluster fricks that you could get away with a lot of cheating. iirc Eugen only gives out week long bans at most

  81. 1 year ago

    Nublet here, how the frick do I deal with Apaches spraying my tanks with hellfires from outside AA range? If I move my AA up they just kill that too.

    • 1 year ago

      Apaches and other expensive choppers are a mission for a suicide plane. Get a cheap-ish air superiority fighter, strafe the chopter with AA missiles and some gunfire, and it almost always gets blasted out of the sky. Granted, so does your fighter with high certainty too, but who gives a frick as long as you end up winning in the trade?

      • 1 year ago

        Nothing kills my immersion like seeing an Su-27 dive at an Apache or a Phantom suiciding to take out a Hind. It's just stupid.

        • 1 year ago

          the high end (if not all) planes should be more expensive and take longer to reach the battlefield when clicked tbh

  82. 1 year ago

    Eugen needs to fricking fix HE and artillery.

    • 1 year ago

      whats wrong with it

      • 1 year ago

        Its not OP as shit anymore and winning requires more than arty spam.

        • 1 year ago

          DId you get this opinion from a youtuber or a discord?

          • 1 year ago

            I got this opinion from playing the game. Arty nerf was the best thing they did to the game

            >noooooo your supposed to just get raped by arty the whole game
            > counterbattery is not viable at all.

  83. 1 year ago

    Warno is shit and continues with a lot of the issues of eugene. I'm waiting for broken arrow at this point.

  84. 1 year ago

    Regiments is fun but its very hard because the units are realistic. You literally have to micro artillery because of constant counterbattery.

    I HATE how the AI uses combined arms so well I'm struggling on Medium on the campaign.

    Should I wait for WAR NO do get to full release? I don't like early access unless games very often.

    • 1 year ago

      For now it has only multi and skirmish, but if I remember correctly, army general (dynamic campaign like in Steel Division) is coming in the next update. I might buy the game then, if it turns out to be good.

    • 1 year ago

      Does this game have always online drm? And can you swap nato symbols for something else?

      • 1 year ago

        North American copies are DRM-free

  85. 1 year ago

    Neither. Both are bloated games for cave dwellers with more than 3 different types of mental disabilities, made by a gamedev companies with the some of the worst management practice. Just sacrifice a sheep to Ubisost so they give us RUSE 2.

  86. 1 year ago

    After about 15 multiplayer games, red dragon has finally clicked for me, and I'm actually having fun in MP. Last night I ran circles around my enemies in a 10v10 forest fight. I had a leclerc and a few low-tier french infantry in 20mm transports. They were spamming spetz and spetz grus with BMP-3s and had two burratinos supporting them against me. Every time they pushed in to the forest I fell back and dismantled them piece by piece. The burros only ended up killing an already damaged sapper and a recon inf. The kisser was at the end when they charged in with a 200 point command tank and then my own command tank shot it in the ass.

    • 1 year ago

      >20mm transports
      VABs? I fricking love those guys.

  87. 1 year ago


  88. 1 year ago

    Bad game last night. Got fricked by nighthawks and atacms and maglans constantly without hardly even seeing the enemy. Sad!

    • 1 year ago

      I know what you mean. Getting real tired of the longbow + adats + atacms + cluster delete button artillery + nighthawks + delta force + suspiciously well aimed barrages/air strikes at CVs combo personally

  89. 1 year ago

    >be me
    >play france every ranked game
    >spam amx-30 b2's
    >spam amx-10 recon tanks
    >spam grenadiers in vab's
    >play defensively for first 15 minutes
    >attack move with my entire force
    >win every time
    i have legit gone from like a 40% WR in ranked to about 65% with this amazing strategum
    eugene please

    • 1 year ago

      This is the opposite of how israelitetubers say i should play france

    • 1 year ago

      >be me
      >play landjut
      >kill trillions of DLC Black folk
      It just works

  90. 1 year ago

    Who's dunkachino

  91. 1 year ago

    Mech scandi is unbeatable in grinds or cities

    • 1 year ago

      >be a chink
      >have an alt
      >join a 3v3
      >quit as soon as the game starts to get more income and availability
      >HE and cluster the road outside the enemy spawn
      >guaranteed win without a challenge
      I have no idea why this do this, and it's more pathetic than anything. Imagine trying to cheat this hard just to get your WR up when you can just kill bots like wtf

      • 1 year ago

        I ban homosexuals with Chinese characters on their ign

  92. 1 year ago

    >that unit you didn't appreciate until 1000hrs in

  93. 1 year ago

    what happened to coldwargame? It got taken down years ago, was it stolen assets or something?

  94. 1 year ago


  95. 1 year ago

    So, when is Eugene going to break radio silence on the FOBs they promised more than a week ago?

    • 1 year ago

      When they're ready. Stop being entitled.

      • 1 year ago

        I paid for the game, I am entitled.

  96. 1 year ago

    I was poking around in the files

    RadiusSplashPhysicalDamages = 800 * Metre
    PhysicalDamages = 102.4
    ShowDamageInUI = True
    RadiusSplashSuppressDamages = 1600 * Metre
    SuppressDamages = 800.0

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I miss RUSE so much it's unreal.

    • 1 year ago

      Probably singleplayer only if real

    • 1 year ago

      Probably singleplayer only if real

      It's been added to a few mods long ago. Pretty fun to frick around with, even if it's "only" a relatively small tactical nuke.

  97. 1 year ago

    I've been a huge WARNO booster and really enjoying it but fricking French fricks still not reverting (or partially reversing) the awful HE damage reductions and plane bomb / artillery nerfs is fricking pissing me off so much
    I win like 65% of my ranked games now only playing 5th Blindee or 7th Panzer and spamming AMX-30 B2's or T-72's because le blob is le unstoppable
    But it's not any fun. I mixed it up with some 3rd Armored / 79th games which was OK but IDK.
    WARNO's balance right at the Oudinot update was so good, why did they frick with it? It was snappy, fast, lethal, and every unit was valuable. Now it's just shitty medium tank spam.

    Frick it, I'm gonna boot up Red Dragon for the first time in like 3 years this weekend. Wish me luck boys I always sucked at Red Dragon

    • 1 year ago

      Emmanuel Macron is fricking right French fricks are so fricking lazy, I hope the Macron Kill Squads force Eugene to fricking fix their games and work till their 70 to get the god damn helicopter line of sight fixed in Warno, lazy fricks

  98. 1 year ago

    Just refunded WARNO after seeing it has mirrors in the automatch, frick that shit killed SD 2 for me. Why even have different equipment, two blocks of powers with unique equipment and synergies if I'm going to fight NATO on NATO. It kills all immersion for me. Frick player Numbers as well, they could include a toggle button like in AOE2 that you don't want fricking mirrors. I'm so mad, at least Broken arrow wont do that shit, at least as far as I know

  99. 1 year ago

    Which game is good to get into this genre?
    I do own Steel Divison Normandy 44 cause I got a key years ago from the devs but I never actually played it properly.
    And why are all these games still so expensive? Red Dragon is 30€ for a 2014 game?

    • 1 year ago

      You've just missed a spring sale.

      • 1 year ago

        i know, i came back from vacation too late

  100. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on the new update?
    Also I see there's a couple of options for balance mods that slow down vehicles and such - is there a preferred mod for this? I agree that the game feels a bit blitzy and could be a slower paced

    • 1 year ago

      God is still on the side of the player who can attack move the most price effective tanks across the map.

  101. 1 year ago

    My summary of the situation:
    >Warno hits all-time peak with Oudinot patch, really good balance, everyone was having a great time, everything felt punchy and lethal, game felt like a faster-paced, more action-packed WGRD, it was wonderful, peak player counts
    >Eugen for absolutely no reason except for screeching noskill morons on reddit, and completely gimps HE damage thereby severely reducing the lethality of artillery, bombers, and tanks vs. infantry; introduces a bunch of other moron-tier balance changes such as reducing autocannon aim-time to make autocannons stupid OP in forests, etc.
    >Eugen eventually walks back the changes *a little bit* which is *better* but game is in a super weird state
    >Now all the unit prices have no relation to actual effectiveness; planes are too expensive and do too little; superheavies are too expensive and die too easily
    >Formerly middling medium tanks are now god-tier because you can spam them in sufficient numbers to counter terminator-tier infantry which require like 10 cannon shots to die
    >its been weeks since the last meaningful balance patch

    what am i missing
    Eugene can still save the day by further walking back some of the HE changes, if they really insist on not having artillery be a delete button (to be fair), then also need to do an across-the-board major change to prices and availability

    • 1 year ago

      Seconded, Oudinot was very close to being perfect regarding the state of overall unit type balance, only really requiring division and unit-spefcific adjustments. Now it is utterly moronic how even super-expensive planes like that carpet bomb Mirage in Berlin Command are near useless, because why take a risk of using such a plane if it can’t reliably kill anything?

    • 1 year ago

      It's being balanced for 10v10 because that's what most people play.

      • 1 year ago

        This is most likely the case, for SD2 they had create a for-free testing team to actually be able to balance for 1v1 or 2v2

    • 1 year ago

      Seeing the Eugene devs respond to whining on their platforms has been the funniest shit I've ever seen

      >Some moron on Reddit and their Discord whines about AA being shit
      >AA being a giant pain in the ass due to units not firing on targets they have a clear visual on
      >Other morons jump in and agree
      >Eugene dev chimes in to say "ok guys, buffs will come in the next patch"
      >Knee-jerk buff to AA by inflating range but completely forgot to adjust SEAD accordingly
      >Now radar AA like the Buk and I-Hawk can snipe SEAD before it can fire its missile
      >Other divs have infrared options that can ass blast planes anyway
      >Planes effectively turn into cruise missiles
      >The solution to the "suicide plane" is now even worse
      >Autists are content now that an entire roster of units is now dog shit

      >morons demand and suggest special features for certain infantry, such as IFV infantry performing better near IFVs
      >Eugene lazily slaps together some ideas and throws it out
      >Traits such as Special Forces literally do not do anything in the code and is an entirely fake trait to make it seem they put more effort than they actually did
      >Autists beg for FOBs non-stop
      >Dev chimes in to hint and tease FOBs
      >Get FOBs
      >Day one you could find any FOB by selecting an enemy unit and using the LOS tool to scan for FOBs
      >People would snipe FOBs in every game minutes in

      >Eugene promises new VFXs for artillery
      >Posts videos of the new VFX
      >implement the update
      >All artillery trails became invisible and impact explosions for some artillery like the buratino being completely invisible
      >Absolute shit eaters can't decide if the lack of trails was intended or not, with most assuming the former and stating that it's "realistic"

      One step forward ten steps back every single time. Everything post Oudinot is just falling apart and Eugene staff became increasingly more silent, which is a good thing considering any time they appeal to the Reddit crowd the game just gets fricking worse

      • 1 year ago

        Still sounds better than their relations with community in wargame times, they'd throw b***hfits for pointing out issues, lmao.

      • 1 year ago

        >Some moron on Reddit and their Discord whines about AA being shit
        >AA being a giant pain in the ass due to units not firing on targets they have a clear visual on
        >Other morons jump in and agree
        >Eugene dev chimes in to say "ok guys, buffs will come in the next patch"

        thanks for pointing this out this has been the story of this game man
        the warno sub is pretty bleak but there are some good posts that point out a myriad of issues
        >helicopter behavior being absolutely borked AKA suicide helis that cannot acquire targets or align weapons
        >AA can never see its targets
        >planes lose targeting all the time when they really shouldnt or dont drop bombs
        >line of sight for every unit being really finnicky

        but they never address the 'fundamental' issues they just like try to paper over it with an arbitrary AA buff like you gave the example of
        Worst of fricking all is how the reddit crowd seems to HATE the fact that bombers, artillery, etc. do any fricking damage.

      • 1 year ago

        don't you remember ALB and RD where NATO test players got one of the two PACT test players banned from the game when he pointed out balance issues in alpha?

    • 1 year ago

      >its been weeks since the last meaningful balance patch
      >Now all the unit prices have no relation to actual effectiveness;
      My biggest frustration here is nothing is changed in a "big picture" manner.
      >"Oh no we don't like the TTK".
      >They do some HE changes which affects everything.
      Nothing else is adjusted.

      >"Hmmm infantry vs tank combat is too low TTK, time to increase infantry AT aim-time and reduce ammo"
      >autocannons untouched
      >IFVs and Autocannon tankspam annihilate infantry
      >Huge nerf to infantry in practice, prices remain same, only buy tanks

  102. 1 year ago

    Warno is basically a half finished stitched together mix of WRD and some of the worse aspects of SD2. Idk what's with Eugein and trying to shove the moronic ideas they had for SD when neither of the two games eclipsed WRD, it's like they hate anyone who likes this game with a passion

  103. 1 year ago
  104. 1 year ago

    >the division system will stop players from playing the same meta crap

    • 1 year ago

      I spit on the meta and play 7th Panzer and 2nd UK infantry.

    • 1 year ago

      >muh meta
      boring cringe shit, I play Czech national and Bri'ish national and have fun doing so

  105. 1 year ago

    I got featured on the subreddit lmao

  106. 1 year ago

    i only care if they introduce mapmaking tools like they promised even though they promised the same for sd2....

  107. 1 year ago

    The reddit post got deleted LOL

    • 1 year ago

      I got featured on the subreddit lmao


    • 1 year ago


  108. 1 year ago

    i was a huge warno booster and have dumped a ton of hours into it but if eugen doesn't release like, a really big comprehensive balance and polish patch within 2-4 weeks i might be done with it. like big reworks of unit stats, unit costs, damage profiles, the works.
    im legitimately pretty stunned at how eugen seems to (1) have competence issues (broken patches and broken balance, not just in the normal complaining way but for real - their last update broke all rocket and artillery trails); (2) have a vision for the game that is kind of bad for the game and less fun (much higher TTK gameplay for some reason and favoring spammy tactics)
    it makes me feel like i've hitched my cart to a bad horse so to speak
    they obviously could totally turn it around for me but i really need to see some progress here personally

    • 1 year ago

      Increasing TTK was a mistake and it's probably here to stay. A good chunk of players actually like the higher TTK. It's hard to describe, but there's definitely an insane level of patch whiplash.
      >Infantry divisions performing as well as armored ones, to infantry now losing to tanks in CQC scenarios because launcher aim time is long enough where it's possible to stun and nuke infantry cohesion where they can never land a rocket again
      >Infantry with 14AP or less being able to kill tanks in CQC with numbers to now being unable to put a dent in anything
      >Howitzers were able to blast static tanks to now barely scratching them unless massed to ridiculous numbers
      >Cluster planes goes from tank group deleter to maybe damaging a group of tanks before getting shot down by 6000 range AA
      >Div variety became even more meaningless, with lobbies changing to everyone now playing 79th, 39th, UZ on Pact and 3rd, 5E, 5. Panzer on NATO
      >Spam tactics are more viable now that the spam solutions are barely relevant

      I'll never understand why people like the division system. It's the ultimate illusion of variety, especially when a handful of divs are so ass that nobody plays them. Even in SD2 you'd have infantry focused divisions with unique equipment in low numbers but then you have an armored division with as many medium tanks as you have infantry, with medium armor being king and it's the only shit people play. I have no faith in Eugene in fixing this if they couldn't get it right before. The way the Eugene devs are speaking when responding to community feedback makes it seem like a big patch is on the way but knowing Eugene it'll be a few tweaks before another month of total radio silence, or something breaking yet again for a week.

      • 1 year ago

        I actually sort of liked the division system in SD1. They felt more unique and since the scale was smaller you'd be more involved with the units. Also the phase availability and income was a balancing factor before they gutted it in SD2 leaving it a vestigial feature and making nobody happy.

      • 1 year ago

        The game is in a really odd place right now where the only viable strategies are spam and dumb rock-paper-scissors counters like rocket helis to kill infantry spam, planes are still kamikaze rockets to take out Command tanks or helis and crap like that. I love the way vehicle on vehicle conflict works at the moment, but HE needs to be buffed in the next patch or the game will continue to be a boring spamfest where the player with the most cards wins. The only reason I'm playing it instead of RD is that I'm even more tired of the repetitive bullshit you get every time you open MP, and the existence of Israel both in and out of game.

        It also sucks that there are entire categories of units that you will essentially never use not because there's a better option, but just because they're just not compatible with the way the game has been BUILT. Having to skip BM-21s and aa-guns s the Soviets is sacrilege.

      • 1 year ago

        i was a huge warno booster and have dumped a ton of hours into it but if eugen doesn't release like, a really big comprehensive balance and polish patch within 2-4 weeks i might be done with it. like big reworks of unit stats, unit costs, damage profiles, the works.
        im legitimately pretty stunned at how eugen seems to (1) have competence issues (broken patches and broken balance, not just in the normal complaining way but for real - their last update broke all rocket and artillery trails); (2) have a vision for the game that is kind of bad for the game and less fun (much higher TTK gameplay for some reason and favoring spammy tactics)
        it makes me feel like i've hitched my cart to a bad horse so to speak
        they obviously could totally turn it around for me but i really need to see some progress here personally

        You have things like Eugene changing veterancy to no longer give accuracy bonuses and instead being for morale, but you still have the option to bring in things like elite veterancy planes that provide such a marginal change to the unit that it's completely pointless to even upvet them. It would make sense if planes actually took morale damage but the AA to plane interaction is either die in miliseconds or fricking off the map successfully. I'm not sure why they didn't make it unit specific or just remove it entirely. Everything is just so half assed and nothing is thoroughly adjusted when knee jerk changes are made as if they have not a clue how their game works so they're just winging it.

        • 1 year ago

          The most frustrating part is that they alredy got most things right at some time (obviously not all at same time, but still). For example, Oudinot was really close to being perfect regarding ground unit rock-paper-scissors balance, and while planes tended to be suicide bombers in it too, at least they did enough damage to be worth it in it.

          • 1 year ago

            I dont think Eugene even understands that Oudinot was nearly perfect core combat design and all that was needed was more units, countries, and normal general rebalancing of unit availability and costs. MAYBE at that patch a SLIGHT debuff to artillery accuracy / damage and plane damage was warranted.

            Then instead they pulled huge nerf levers across the board to whole damage types and everything feels mushy and confused now and unit price / power / availability is totally borked and nonsensical.

            Most cost-effective price-to-performance tank in the game for the B2? You can have 24 of them. The only plausible tank option for the division in the challenger 2 for 2nd infantry? You get, uh, 4. Also bomber planes largely dont do shit and artillery struggles to get any kills.

            • 1 year ago

              2nd Infantry literally feels like some frenchman revenge against the British, it’s such a horribly junky deck. Dire lack of stuff that you actually need, and it has nothing special to compensate.

              • 1 year ago

                I mean... that's probably what it is. The French are unironically that petty.

              • 1 year ago

                >2nd infantry
                Some good players apparently think it's fine. But there's nothing good about it!

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot pic.

              • 1 year ago

                Forgot pic.

                2nd infantry has one and precisely one trick up its sleeve which is the SAS. because the SAS has both solid AT and AA, and really far forward deploy, you can combine the SAS with the Fox autocannon recon unit to do very cheesy early game pushes.
                The entire trick revolves around doing something very out of the box to cripple the opponents immediate early game, and then then playing your heart out to seal the deal over the course of the game with the inferior rest of your deck.
                This strategy is completely unavailable to the median player of course because the skill floor to make anything of it is so high, and its basically an all-in.
                The main point is that after that meme, everything the 2nd Infantry has to bring to bear is objectively underpowered or underavailable or overpriced compared to basically every other division
                >British IFV's - not as good as other IFVs but too relatively expensive
                >British Infantry - British Rifles are actually pretty great but besides that their units are all 5-10 points too expensive per
                >British Armor - The only decent tank is the challenger 2 (because the other tanks have the reservist trait) but they only get maximum 6 of them at lowest vet
                >British air - broadly british planes are the worst in the game lol (and too expensive)

                To see an example of the SAS meme in action check out this video

                tbh 2nd Infantry would be in a much better spot if they made mostly minor price and availability changes. Particularly if they gave Challengers like...2 more availability per card, or had some non-reservist alternative lighter tank like how 8th infantry gets the m60 which is solid.

        • 1 year ago

          You don't get enough cards in a deck to make upvetting worth it, period.

          • 1 year ago

            Upvetting tanks especially NATO is pretty standard and feasible.

  109. 1 year ago

    Just play tactical 10v10 in wargame. It shows how important logistics is.

  110. 1 year ago

    >WARNO is suddenly crashing after the last update

  111. 1 year ago

    if im moronic/new and want fun games as a US division, what do i pick for warno?

    • 1 year ago

      3rd armored division is the murica frick year 40 IQ pick.
      Gets all the murica frick ye units like F-15, Bradleys, undeadable Aybrahams tanks, apaches etc.

      • 1 year ago

        Haha 3rd armored is definitely the best Murica deck but I would say weirdly its actually a pretty finnicky division to play, because so much power is 'unlocked' behind relatively expensive units, particularly the Abrams line, and its other power units (Warthog, f-16, Apaches,) aren't cheap either
        In my humble experience 3rd armored play is basically spamming bradleys (recon and IFV) early game and trying to trade decently well with the TOW-2's and the dismounted infantry, while you slowly build up a frick-you unstoppable mass of Abrams over the course of 20 minutes, which you then use as an unstoppable steel wall to crush your opponent.
        The thing with 3rd Armored is that if you encounter a disaster early game (like you are up against an airborne division and your initial bradleys get killed by METIS squads in a town push or something) then you are really on the back foot all game and may not recover
        I have the best success actually playing early game like how France plays, where you spam a shitload of Recon Bradleys (instead of the AMX recon tanks), and just try to get enough cheeky / annoying kills to force your opponent to the defensive while you just slowly accumulate enough good 'ol murican armor to crush them
        Like with all other tank divs though, your biggest enemy will be 'well placed ATGM's'. I had a game last night where I really effectively beat off multiple 3rd armored pushes by just hoarding Konkurs teams and BMP-2's and never letting them get close enough. Throwing SU-25's at the issue helps a lot too lol

        • 1 year ago

          man I can't play 3rd armor for shit. if i buy tanks early game its too many points and im too thin elsewhere. if i dont buy points i am at super high risk of just getting rolled by cheap tanks. bradleys are cool but the infantry options are pretty mid. basically when i play 3rd armored i feel like the match is decided by the first 5 minutes and whether i got counterpicked or not.

  112. 1 year ago

    man ANZAC as a faction is really weird, tons of Vietnam-era stuff that isn't even good. The Hong Kong singleplayer campaign is wild because of this. Time traveling Chinese tanks fighting walker bulldogs that should have been all scrapped by 1984

  113. 1 year ago

    >Warno has not enough content or players and still feels unfinished with lots of buggy bullshit and weird balance
    >Wargame doesn't have the QoL features that I can't live without anymore and the game / community is much sweatier and I get absolutely annihilated every match

    My pain is severe

    • 1 year ago

      Have patience. Operations and army general will release sometime this year.

    • 1 year ago

      The biggest problem with RD is how much people fricking stack in team games. Back when I went hard with the game I'd have people continuously swap to my team whenever I swapped. Couldn't even avoid the stack if I tried.

  114. 1 year ago

    Just don't get Steel Division 2, it has no soul.

    • 1 year ago

      i like it, but i liked steel division normandy 44 more.

      • 1 year ago

        I don't know if I'm moronic, but Steel Division 2 feels like they somehow got worse than 1.

      • 1 year ago

        Just don't get Steel Division 2, it has no soul.

        I don't know if I'm moronic, but Steel Division 2 feels like they somehow got worse than 1.

        SD1 is unplayable garbage dude, frick that game
        every unit just gets immobilized and routed in 2 seconds

  115. 1 year ago

    Anyone play FRAGO or any of the other gameplay mods?
    Handful of skirmishes and digging it, heli rushes aren't as cheesy, pacing in general feels a bit better.
    Why the frick do vehicles move so fast, seems like everyone is complaining about it and it just LOOKS weird to boot, tank columns Cannonball Run'ning their way to the front lines

    • 1 year ago

      I'm liking the Frago mod so far especially the replacement of satchel charges with grenade launchers. 16 max concurrent planes instead of 9, better rate of fire for rocket artillery, infantry engagements are more interesting, ATGMs are faster, anti-radar missiles match with anti air, vehicles move slower in forests, and artillery feels good.

  116. 1 year ago

    Sneed it or keep it

    • 1 year ago

      Red Juggernaut took me 39 minutes and the AI moved its own CV out of the final zone at the end of the game, giving me the win when they would have been better staving off my tanks with Cobras and trying to hold the tree line.
      I don't expect genius from the computer, but it should at least understand the mission's objectives and not do anything that would instantly lose the game. Even Chess bots know they can't move their King into mate.

      The change log is just a price reshuffle and

  117. 1 year ago

    >Comrade Commander, ve must defeat ze Americans and marche on Frankfurt honhonhon

    • 1 year ago

      Have patience. Operations and army general will release sometime this year.

      Anyone else think the two Operations they released were pretty shit?
      I'm not the biggest fan of the SD series but the Historical Battles in SD2 were way better than the two Warno Operations they released
      For one thing the scale of these Operations was way, way too small, it doesn't feel like World War 3 at all, more like a minor skirmish between a handful of tanks. Second, they lacked any kind of interesting hook or scenario, it was literally just 'defend' and 'attack'. Third, even on Elite difficulty, they were way way too easy.
      In general they felt like the kind of custom scenario a random teenager makes when learning the mapmaker lol
      I beat Black Horse's Last Stand or whatever first try, just by putting out a few Abrams and hiding them in woods with some PIVADs to autoattack
      Same with the Soviet one, I just helidropped the two towns at start and then massed a frick-you huge blob of t-80's and then Q-moved to win
      Really pretty disappointing

      • 1 year ago

        yeah they were kinda shit. i agree scale way too small.

        Eugen can't release a mapmaker because they don't have a plug-and-play mapmaker even internally, it's pretty obvious.
        I like Eugen's games (in a masochistic way sometimes) but it's pretty obvious that their games are hopeless messes of spaghetti code and hard-coding and stitching together assets. It's probably a frustrating mess for them to make a map or adjust unit values or really do anything, because it's obvious how much of the programming is sort of improvised or rushed or forced through to 'get it to work' and put out content
        They do not have a sophisticated, easy-to-use map-maker internally that they can release to the public, because they have not made one, unlike say Blizz built for Warcraft 3.
        It's kind of a shame, if Mr. Eugene hadn't had that awful labor dispute due to mismanagement which caused 50% of their staff to quit after the release of SD1 then we may indeed have a much different Warno with enough manpower to have built in advance these kinds of tools.
        But fact is Eugen was never a rich company so who knows if they could have even afforded to keep everyone on anyway, IDK

        probably true

        Red Juggernaut took me 39 minutes and the AI moved its own CV out of the final zone at the end of the game, giving me the win when they would have been better staving off my tanks with Cobras and trying to hold the tree line.
        I don't expect genius from the computer, but it should at least understand the mission's objectives and not do anything that would instantly lose the game. Even Chess bots know they can't move their King into mate.

        The change log is just a price reshuffle and

        i didnt have this issue myself but not surprised

        The biggest problem with RD is how much people fricking stack in team games. Back when I went hard with the game I'd have people continuously swap to my team whenever I swapped. Couldn't even avoid the stack if I tried.

        the eugen insistence on having a 'player level' kills their lobbies. because people see those levels and self-consciously stack. and if players join a lobby with a stacked team they will immediately leave. they should get rid of visible player levels in lobby or have a lobby option where people pick which divisions they want to play and they get assigned to random team.


        2nd infantry has one and precisely one trick up its sleeve which is the SAS. because the SAS has both solid AT and AA, and really far forward deploy, you can combine the SAS with the Fox autocannon recon unit to do very cheesy early game pushes.
        The entire trick revolves around doing something very out of the box to cripple the opponents immediate early game, and then then playing your heart out to seal the deal over the course of the game with the inferior rest of your deck.
        This strategy is completely unavailable to the median player of course because the skill floor to make anything of it is so high, and its basically an all-in.
        The main point is that after that meme, everything the 2nd Infantry has to bring to bear is objectively underpowered or underavailable or overpriced compared to basically every other division
        >British IFV's - not as good as other IFVs but too relatively expensive
        >British Infantry - British Rifles are actually pretty great but besides that their units are all 5-10 points too expensive per
        >British Armor - The only decent tank is the challenger 2 (because the other tanks have the reservist trait) but they only get maximum 6 of them at lowest vet
        >British air - broadly british planes are the worst in the game lol (and too expensive)

        To see an example of the SAS meme in action check out this video

        tbh 2nd Infantry would be in a much better spot if they made mostly minor price and availability changes. Particularly if they gave Challengers like...2 more availability per card, or had some non-reservist alternative lighter tank like how 8th infantry gets the m60 which is solid.

        well you'll be happy to hear the UK divisions are pretty decent now. not particularly good at anything besides SAS memes but not particularly bad at anything, except a fairly weak air tab. 15 point gun group + warrior milan = fun spam time.

      • 1 year ago

        They sure try to hype up 2 regular single player missions up so much, as if they weren’t just regular single missions.

      • 1 year ago

        Peak to me was Wargame Red Dragon campaigns.
        Simpler compared to Steel Division but had enough battles and replayability in them that I think the only major thing missing from them was co-op.
        I really liked that they limited your options and your losses and veterancy carried over through battles. I remember that in the 2nd Korean War I had this squadron of shitty ~50 points Etendards that otherwise barely see any use ever but those guys carried my game and by the end were all elites with dozens of kills including a ship or two.
        Sort of made me yearn for some sort of roguelike mode where you slowly accumulate forces under your command as the world around you descends deeper into chaos of total war.

        • 1 year ago

          yeah, the wargame AI was pretty bad but i still had a lot of fun with those campaigns, even if sometimes they were practically tower defense missions lmao
          Busan Pocket is of course iconic but I remember liking the Pearl of the Orient campaign
          British Superheavies and air support vs. hordes of cheap chinese steel

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, the campaigns were very often just you sitting on a point shooting ridiculous waves of enemies but due to how they worked it was fun because neither you or AI had all the tools at all times. Soviet campaign where you're basically stuck with shitty VDV and bunch of planes against a tidal wave of top tier Blufor gear made me savescum to extreme extent because losing a single ATGM meant total collapse of the defensive line. Planes were extremely powerful and important because anti-air was limited so you really had this feeling of establishing air supremacy by shooting down enemy jets and running SEAD. Sometimes it made sense to suffer some losses to take out enemy AA or superheavies or artillery because they wouldn't show up for the rest of the campaign.
            Naval landings were cursed as frick but I liked that they posed a slightly different challenge.

            • 1 year ago

              Which soviet campaign?

              • 1 year ago

                I'm pretty sure they're talking about the Japanese campaign where you face hordes of Blue Dragon prototypes. I think the rationale is that you assault a tank school where all of the elite material of the JSDF is being kept.

            • 1 year ago

              I'm pretty sure they're talking about the Japanese campaign where you face hordes of Blue Dragon prototypes. I think the rationale is that you assault a tank school where all of the elite material of the JSDF is being kept.

              You know you can just immediately spawn in the second aircraft carrier, buy a heli regiment from it, then destroy all the training regiments with helicopters because they don't have any AA?
              The naval and airborne troops only have to fight junk, and by the time you hit the south island with all the american shit, assuming you're running on schedule, you'll have proper heavy armour and motorized regiments getting brought in.

  118. 1 year ago

    Got banned in Bashar al Assad servers. Anyone know how to circumvent bans

    • 1 year ago

      thats what you get for saying "assad must go"

  119. 1 year ago

    please, Eugen, give us a mapmaker like you promised (though you didnt give one to steel division 2)

    • 1 year ago

      No, the Eugen curse that we all must bear dictates that you will play on the same 5, same-looking maps for all eternity.

    • 1 year ago

      Eugen can't release a mapmaker because they don't have a plug-and-play mapmaker even internally, it's pretty obvious.
      I like Eugen's games (in a masochistic way sometimes) but it's pretty obvious that their games are hopeless messes of spaghetti code and hard-coding and stitching together assets. It's probably a frustrating mess for them to make a map or adjust unit values or really do anything, because it's obvious how much of the programming is sort of improvised or rushed or forced through to 'get it to work' and put out content
      They do not have a sophisticated, easy-to-use map-maker internally that they can release to the public, because they have not made one, unlike say Blizz built for Warcraft 3.
      It's kind of a shame, if Mr. Eugene hadn't had that awful labor dispute due to mismanagement which caused 50% of their staff to quit after the release of SD1 then we may indeed have a much different Warno with enough manpower to have built in advance these kinds of tools.
      But fact is Eugen was never a rich company so who knows if they could have even afforded to keep everyone on anyway, IDK

  120. 1 year ago

    Wargame campaigns suck generally. I like SD 2 army general campaigns better but the era sucks and gets old real fast plus there isnt any satisfying oomfp and pop to the battles similar to wargame and explosions its like puff and boring shizzles

  121. 1 year ago

    chuck taylor AKA frick haters

    • 1 year ago

      ive seen him in a few 10v10s. hes not bad

  122. 1 year ago

    Bros I feel like such a fricking chump for getting into Warno, I feel like Eugen is going to shit the bed, the game is never going to sell well, and eventually they are going to shutter and I've wasted my time and my precious brainbanks by stuffing it full of useless knowledge like how to be good at Warno
    Eugen keeps releasing busted patch after busted patch, the Operations were a complete joke and really underwhelming, basic mechanics and unit feel is still buggy or fricked up, they are so damn slow at releasing content, they keep fricking up unit balance (artillery is now useless. OK now AA is incredibly strong. Bombers dont work anymore.), I am just terrified this game is not gonna fricking sell and Eugen is not gonna fricking exist in 12 months
    I really want to like this game but it looks obvious to me they are screwing the pooch. Eugen's whole unique thing is having big scale maps, big scale combat, lots of cool units, and vaguely historical units (or at least inspired by IRL to keep it interesting).
    But in Warno they seem to bizarrely be focusing on smaller maps, smaller unit counts, unit costs too high, and then we're just doing a smaller scale WGRD babysitting the superheavy and if it dies then its GG
    Like, how do they expect this game to even be a niche sleeper hit or success at this rate
    The Operations were insanely underwhelmingf, like the Black Horse one is just spawn 2 - literally 2 - Abrams and have them shoot at a weak trickle of BMP's. What the frick
    Where the frick is the scale. The action. The cool factor. It's all wrong man I feel like I bet on a losing horse here
    Someone help

    • 1 year ago

      shouldve played steel division 2 instead

      • 1 year ago

        thats literally the same situation but even worse

  123. 1 year ago

    >the thread is this slow
    its over for us, eugenbros...

    • 1 year ago

      Red Dwagon

  124. 1 year ago

    The truth is that PACT is much weaker than NATO. It's a shame because you won't enjoy the game. ( political correctness for 36 euros - the Eugen system). PACT has inaccurate AT missile systems, it's practically a miracle if they hit anything. They don't stand a chance against the USA or Germany in open area. Tanks... that's a joke xD PACT tanks are so inaccurate that sometimes one Abrams can destroy three or four PACT tanks T80. Of course to make it look cool the PACT tanks got AT missiles, but those missiles with sub 50% accuracy will hit absolutely nothing. PACT has much less helicopters available compared to NATO. PACT helicopters are more inaccurate and expensive.

    so in short: the PACT army is absolutely inaccurate and incapable. NATO vehicles destroy PACT vehicles like on a shooting range. (because NATO vehicles and NATO missile vehicles have around 60-65% accuracy, where PACT barely achieves 50% accuracy). PACT has poor air support because NATO has three to four times as many helicopters. PACT AT infantry + vehicles is woefully inaccurate (around 50% accuracy), so it's almost useless, but NATO AT infantry has around 60-65% accuracy (NATO AT infantry can stop almost an entire column of PACT tanks).
    What it means: when you play against AI and want a balanced fair game, you have to set PACT's AI to HARD/VERY HARD and NATO's AI to EASY/MEDIUM to make the game balanced omg. loool

    • 1 year ago

      I'm a NATOgay because like you say I like my ATGMs to actually hit, but PACT units are cheaper, come in larger card sizes, and the t-80+ line is competitive with the NATO heavies
      On the IFV front, the best NATO IFV is obviously the Bradley but it's fricking expensive, not as cost-effective as the BMP-2. Marders are pretty good too but otherwise I'd say that PACT gets better IFV spam which is the name of the game tbh. Yeah PACT ATGMs hit less and have less PEN than NATO, but you get way more of them
      Moreover PACT has objectively the best AA - the KUB is completely broken and can cover the entire map lol, and I'd say PACT plane options are pretty competitive. I don't see why you say that NATO has better air support when there's not really a big difference in the ASF options and PACT gets lots of good bomber and AT plane options too.
      PACT a great mix of helicopters (including lots of the AA helicopters) while NATO really only has the Apache and the Cobras, and then just meme units like the Gazelle Cannon
      Infantry is such a mixed bag it's hard to say one side is overall better than the other, but PACT decks often have really good cost-effective infantry options. Motostrelki and Mot Schutzen are whatever but those OP anti-tank squads and Spetsnaz line are strong as hell
      Top ranked players still consider 39th and 79th top-tier divisions. Overall I think the problem isn't PACT versus NATO so much as that it's that there aren't enough PACT divisions in the game lol. When the choice is between 39th / 79th (good divisions) and then East Germany as really the only other pick, it gets boring pretty quick
      But I play lots of 3rd Armored so I cannot be trusted

    • 1 year ago

      Different playstyle, I recently had a pretty cool game playing as DDR tank division and absolutely BTFO'd a West German tank division + he was getting support from his allies Longbows and ayybraps, (which were the only reason I didn't steamroll into their spawn). Keep in mind DDR tanks are absolutely garbage compared to Leo2A4. However 3 stock T-72 will easily beat a Leo2A4 while costing the same amount. They depend on numbers to get close to the enemy, which means their guns do more damage and they're more likely to hit, thus negating the quality advantage. Cheap tank spam absolutely dominate forest fights aswell.

      • 1 year ago

        >Cheap tank spam absolutely dominate forest fights aswell.
        for me it's a line infantry and flamethrower mix for forest fights.

    • 1 year ago

      Player skill and APM will always be the deciding factor, but I think that the game itself is biased in favor of NATO.
      Repairs are ridiculously fast, which negates the advantages of having more cards of less-well armoured tanks. The only tanks that can go toe-to-toe with NATOs best are extremely limited in availability. And to add insult to injury pretty there are more NATO decks with superheavies than without them. Having more tank cards is only effective if you are rushing, which really cheapens the experience in my opinion.
      ATGM vehicles like the SHTURM and SPW Konkurs are even more useless than they are in WG.
      The HE nerf hurts Pact more than it does NATO because of how artillery dependant the Red Army was and how important barrages were to their doctrine. atm artillery is only good for smoke and sniping weapons teams, witht the exception of the Uragan you can't trust it to reliably remove enemy infantry, especially from cover with how quickly they can zip from building to building. Suppression and stunning is practically just there for show because of how even the very best artillery has ridiculous dispersion and splash damage, meaning you will rarely if ever actually kill an entire squad with arty alone. Rocket artillery needs to be reworked from the ground up. Grads are neutered because their stupid long flight time and dispersion means they can only pepper , leaving 20 spread-out craters at random instead of actually killing anything. I can't image they playtested them beyond taking some screenshots for a TOOSER. Smerchs are also useless because of flight time and dispersion, by the time they land your enemy is already scooting away. You might get lucky and get a glancing hit on a tank or supply truck, but Eugen's obsession with making killing anything as tedious as possible means you rarely put them out of action. Top shelf cluster artillery NEEDS to be an instant delete button because of how easy it is to repair vehicles in this game.

      • 1 year ago

        Controlling fewer units is inherently easier anyway.

      • 1 year ago

        Finally, despite people asking for Eugen to fix them since they released EE, helicopters are still unrealistic and fly in a way that negates their combat potential. The current heli movement where they get in range, stop, align and THEN fire off their rocket is not how Pact helicopters should fly. It makes perfect sense for a hovering missile platform like the Apache when it's launching Hellfire missiles at Toyotas halfway across Afghanistan, but a Hind flying over the Fulda Gap is performing the same role as a Tornado or A-10: fly low, fire rockets at everything that moves, circle around, fire everything still in the tube then deploy countermeasures and hope you make it back alive. It shouldn't be that hard to give them the same attack pattern as an Su-25, but instead they just eat stingers to the face and spin around.

        The current ridiculous meta of NATO players parking their squads of Abrams and Leo 2A4s in open fields with some AA and a repair truck, knowing that they're going to be able to wipe out anything that comes their way and just drive their way out of any clusters really embodies the fundamental inferiority of Pact in the game. As it stands WARNO is a ridiculous game.

        • 1 year ago

          Players who want a truly good cold war wargame play flashpoint campaigns. WRD is unrealistic but it's a well designed and game. Warno is for kids who want pretty graphics.

        • 1 year ago

          They're probably too conscious of the criticism helicopters get. If helis are good in any way someone will spam them and hordes of new players will reeee about "helicopter are broken" and that "the game is a joke you need to fix this immediately!" so I think they just leave helicopters in a shitty state for this reason.

          Planes also keep getting nerfed but I think it's the pro players reeeing about them because they want to micro tanks all day and get upset when someone reminds them this game has air units so now planes are shit too barring the very most meta ones like A-10, Su25 and dive-bombers.

          • 1 year ago

            >Planes also keep getting nerfed but I think it's the pro players reeeing about them
            This is spot on. The small but extremely vocal Warno community who are in the top 50 ranked and post constantly in the WarYes and Eugen official Discord and are like Wormtongue in Eugen's ear have a vision for the game that is antithetical to an actually fun multiplayer experience.
            Because they are such sweats and are so good, all they want is to maximize their personal skill expression, AKA buff everything they like to do and nerf everything that counters it.
            What does this mean in reality? It means that they cry about good artillery and planes, and essentially want the game to boil down to superheavy and smoke micro 24/7 because that's what they can do to always win. They want small numbers of super expensive units that they can dunk on people with.
            What would actually be good for the game? Warno would be better with larger maps, cheaper+more units, and lower time to kill / more lethal engagements (incl. planes and artillery).
            >It's a more fun spectacle
            >More units means less crippling to lose each one
            >Easier and more fun to do q-moving batches of units across a bigger map than superheavy smoke-and-reverse micro in one treeline for 10 minutes
            >More room to maneuver and hide means artillery can be good without being oppressive
            >More units on the field is an implicit nerf to bombers so bombers can be fun again
            Yes, what I am basically describing is at least a step towards WGRD. WGRD isnt objectively better than Warno in every way, but in terms of 'scale' it is better, INCLUDING and especially for noobier players.
            It sounds counter-intuitive but 'sending out infantry and tanks across a big map' is actually easier and more fun and rewarding for a noob than 'microing the shit out of 1 M1A2 and losing if it dies'

            >They're probably too conscious of the criticism helis get.
            This is true and I do feel for them because Heli spam is a real thing and it's a hard line to walk.

            • 1 year ago

              What normal casual players in these games want to do is have lots of cool units getting in big tank battles and big infantry city fights and calling in huge artillery barrages killing like 20 T-72's and a sick bomber that annihilates a town square. That's fun and it's cool and you can't get that anywhere else.

              And it plays into the biggest strength that the WG/Warno series has. Namely, cool historical units semi-realistically modeled, big scale and zoom. That's the differentiator with this game, and they need to play INTO it NOT tamp it down.

              Normal casual players do NOT have fun jumping between one of their only 5 infantry squads across the whole map to get off the satchel charge micro to kill the 1v1 infantry engagement in a forest and trying to keep them alive while reversing/smoking/popping out with a single tank to kill two T-72's (if he loses the tank its GG), and having artillery that does no damage + gets no kills, and planes that do half damage to a single BMP.

              I am genuinely worried Eugen has lost the plot on Warno, don't realize why WGRD had a cross-over appeal (hint: it was Big Bombastic Fun), and are paradoxically killing the noob-and-casual-friendly-fun by 'trying' to make the game 'easier' or less 'punishing' by reducing scale, reducing TTK, and reducing unit numbers.

              It is just made worse by the fact that the "PRO" players are encouraging this because they are so invested in winning in the current state they can't conceptualize what it would be like for a normal RTS player to sit down with this game. They can't imagine like, 3 normal guys booting up a 3v3 and wanting to do a big tank rush or something and laughing and having fun.

            • 1 year ago

              What normal casual players in these games want to do is have lots of cool units getting in big tank battles and big infantry city fights and calling in huge artillery barrages killing like 20 T-72's and a sick bomber that annihilates a town square. That's fun and it's cool and you can't get that anywhere else.

              And it plays into the biggest strength that the WG/Warno series has. Namely, cool historical units semi-realistically modeled, big scale and zoom. That's the differentiator with this game, and they need to play INTO it NOT tamp it down.

              Normal casual players do NOT have fun jumping between one of their only 5 infantry squads across the whole map to get off the satchel charge micro to kill the 1v1 infantry engagement in a forest and trying to keep them alive while reversing/smoking/popping out with a single tank to kill two T-72's (if he loses the tank its GG), and having artillery that does no damage + gets no kills, and planes that do half damage to a single BMP.

              I am genuinely worried Eugen has lost the plot on Warno, don't realize why WGRD had a cross-over appeal (hint: it was Big Bombastic Fun), and are paradoxically killing the noob-and-casual-friendly-fun by 'trying' to make the game 'easier' or less 'punishing' by reducing scale, reducing TTK, and reducing unit numbers.

              It is just made worse by the fact that the "PRO" players are encouraging this because they are so invested in winning in the current state they can't conceptualize what it would be like for a normal RTS player to sit down with this game. They can't imagine like, 3 normal guys booting up a 3v3 and wanting to do a big tank rush or something and laughing and having fun.

              Thankfully though, Eugen can make this happen. It is a completely doable future vision for the game that they can steadily move towards.
              >All new maps are like 33-50% bigger. No need to get rid of the smaller ones, but going forward go for a bigger size. Something like a 20% bigger 4v4 Vertigo with more room to maneuver around the sides of the map as a 1v1 map size would be perfect.
              >Reduce unit prices by like 33-50% and increase card size commensurately
              >Revert to something like old artillery and bombers
              >Increase unit lethality generally, but particularly infantry vs infantry lethality (they are no fun to use right now) and as a balance change infantry vs. tanks in forests as well
              >Add more fun unit choices within divisions and of course in addition to new divisions (Without going full RD stupid prototype mode, more unit choices would be better as today divisional deckbuilding feels same-y)
              And then do balance and polish around that. That should be the 'vision'. Big. Bombastic. Fun.

              • 1 year ago

                I already posted Too Much so I'll just cap this off.
                >What was the reason so many of us and so many people over the last decade had so much fun with WGRD, which is objectively Eugen's best selling and most successful game?
                Big ass maps. The meme potential. Shit like the Reddit vs. Ganker 10v10 tournament with huge 50-tank-strong pushes across the top of the map. Gigantic artillery barrages. Killing 20 tanks with a m270 ATACMS and going OHHHHHHHHHH. Having the type of game where you and two of your friends, all of whom are bad at the game, can casually hop into a 3v3 and do meme strats with heli-drops behind enemy lines and oh god it didn't work they called in 20 Gepards and spamming T-34's and oh frick hahahaha oh man that was fun haha.
                >What stopped people from getting into WGRD?
                Honestly, the number one thing was the completely ass controls for controlling that many units easily and lack of a good UI. It was really tough for people to even get used to fast-moving and unloading their units at match start and visualizing Recon and Line of Sight and even just getting through the Busan Pocket campaign. I know because I've tried to get people into the game and it really was a pain in the ass hurdle for them. They were like I dunno man.
                The number two and three things were a merely OK single player and basically being scared of deck building / MP because it was so huge.
                Eugen has already made huge improvements across these dimensions! The LoS tool and the Unload at Location and the unit order lines, etc., are a HUGE improvement. Army General will *hopefully* be really fun. Divisions simplify the deckbuilding.
                Eugen has the raw material already to make this huge. They just need to EMBRACE. FUN.
                That's it that's my piece. I'm feeling bad abt this right now because I'm worried Warno won't sell and then it will die and Eugen will die and we will never get peak WGRD back and there's no real game that fits into this space as well.
                So IDK. send this to Eugen.

      • 1 year ago

        I completely agree that artillery in warno is fricked right now, it's a mess. On one hand non-mortar artillery is quite expensive, on the other hand it does too little damage. They need to pick a lane. Either its weaker and its cheaper or its more expensive and its more lethal.
        The complicating factor IMO is that because the maps in Warno are so much smaller and so much more 'arena like' than WGRD, artillery has the potential to be really annoying and oppressive and spammy. In most of the 1v1 maps you literally *know* that there are about 3 forests that the opponent *will* have units in on any given map, and there's no real room to maneuver around them.
        Because of that, artillery has to be simultaneously weak, expensive, and rare, which does not feel fun. Some howitzers are just not worth taking ever. But, get the M270 as 3rd Armored and even if each rocket feels individually too weak, you are just getting so much free value by just lobbing rockets into any of the spots you just know the opponent is (even without Recon)

        Finally big important point, I think Eugen has made a mistake by going
        >Smaller Scale
        >Fewer Units
        >Less Lethal
        Or at least they have gone too far in this direction. Compared to its current state, they need to introduce
        >Bigger Maps
        >Cheaper + more units
        >Higher lethality

        Finally, despite people asking for Eugen to fix them since they released EE, helicopters are still unrealistic and fly in a way that negates their combat potential. The current heli movement where they get in range, stop, align and THEN fire off their rocket is not how Pact helicopters should fly. It makes perfect sense for a hovering missile platform like the Apache when it's launching Hellfire missiles at Toyotas halfway across Afghanistan, but a Hind flying over the Fulda Gap is performing the same role as a Tornado or A-10: fly low, fire rockets at everything that moves, circle around, fire everything still in the tube then deploy countermeasures and hope you make it back alive. It shouldn't be that hard to give them the same attack pattern as an Su-25, but instead they just eat stingers to the face and spin around.

        The current ridiculous meta of NATO players parking their squads of Abrams and Leo 2A4s in open fields with some AA and a repair truck, knowing that they're going to be able to wipe out anything that comes their way and just drive their way out of any clusters really embodies the fundamental inferiority of Pact in the game. As it stands WARNO is a ridiculous game.

        Also completely agree helicopters are moronic right now and lose LoS way too easily and then suicide fly way too close into targets and die. Unless you use them as a 'flying atgm team' (Apache) or as 'cheap suicide spam' (gazelle cannon) then you're gonna have a bad time outside of a few 'stars align' situations

        Controlling fewer units is inherently easier anyway.

        Common fallacy. Sometimes but not necessarily true. Fewer units means each individual unit is more important. That actually incentivizes / rewards 'sweat micro' type play where you micromanage the shit out of one frick-you strong superheavy, etc. I actually think as above the game has too much emphasis on very small unit count micro.

        • 1 year ago

          For this reason I like to either play on map sizes one step larger than devs recommend, or reduce income rates a bit. Gives a bit more room for manouver warfare.

        • 1 year ago

          >on the other hand it does too little damage
          It can do decent damage, but the morale and shock affects are what you want it for. If you engage with your direct fire troops as the arty is hitting it can be a very one sided fight. Also I don't recognise what you said about helis at all. Rocket choppers especially are very useful and can put the kibosh on anything squishy and are excellent at harrassing anything tougher.

          idk, you Red Dragon dorks all sound very bad at combined arms.

          The truth is that PACT is much weaker than NATO. It's a shame because you won't enjoy the game. ( political correctness for 36 euros - the Eugen system). PACT has inaccurate AT missile systems, it's practically a miracle if they hit anything. They don't stand a chance against the USA or Germany in open area. Tanks... that's a joke xD PACT tanks are so inaccurate that sometimes one Abrams can destroy three or four PACT tanks T80. Of course to make it look cool the PACT tanks got AT missiles, but those missiles with sub 50% accuracy will hit absolutely nothing. PACT has much less helicopters available compared to NATO. PACT helicopters are more inaccurate and expensive.

          so in short: the PACT army is absolutely inaccurate and incapable. NATO vehicles destroy PACT vehicles like on a shooting range. (because NATO vehicles and NATO missile vehicles have around 60-65% accuracy, where PACT barely achieves 50% accuracy). PACT has poor air support because NATO has three to four times as many helicopters. PACT AT infantry + vehicles is woefully inaccurate (around 50% accuracy), so it's almost useless, but NATO AT infantry has around 60-65% accuracy (NATO AT infantry can stop almost an entire column of PACT tanks).
          What it means: when you play against AI and want a balanced fair game, you have to set PACT's AI to HARD/VERY HARD and NATO's AI to EASY/MEDIUM to make the game balanced omg. loool

          Did you just admit you struggle against the AI? In public? In front of everyone here? How embarrassing.

          • 1 year ago

            I'm top 100 on the ranked 1v1
            My comment on rocket helis are that their target acquisition / aligning / firing patterns are a known issue right now largely due to LoS issues. this is especially apparent in towns.
            Rocket helis are of course good if you have clear LoS and no AA in the area for them to slowly and ploddingly acquire and fire. But they have bad movement target acquisition and firing. Their behavior with actually right-clicking a target is a problem too. Due to LoS, if they lose target, their behavior is to fly directly at the target (usually to right overhead) where they will be stunned and killed by small arms fire.
            It's a known issue Eugen has said they are looking at.
            Never said they aren't worth bringing just that it's better to put your helicopters at about their maximum range and let them sit and fire at what they can, especially in or around towns, rather than try and strafe or move them around much.

        • 1 year ago

          For this reason I like to either play on map sizes one step larger than devs recommend, or reduce income rates a bit. Gives a bit more room for manouver warfare.

          It's kind of obvious that anyone capable of designing a good map walked out on Eugen. Every map from SD2 and onwards is just a bland meeting engagement where you squabble over the centre for 40 minutes.

        • 1 year ago

          Few have PCs that can run 10v10

      • 1 year ago

        >ATGM vehicles like the SHTURM and SPW Konkurs are even more useless than they are in WG.
        I never understood why they seem so bent on keeping this the case. If they maybe could make it so there's a delay on when they're revealed after firing or give the units being fired at penalties to spotting/accuracy when attacked by previously invisible ATGM carrier.
        Or just give them more range or something. It's just so counterintuitive that the designated ambush vehicle can't even really get one shot off in most cases because the enemy crosses the range advantage before the missile hits and just lightly taps the vehicle with their main cannon.

  125. 1 year ago

    Just got WARNO.
    What am I in for?
    What did I think about it?
    Did I like it?

    • 1 year ago

      Those last two questions you ought to be able to answer, anon.

  126. 1 year ago

    I love how supply is handled and think wargame would be more fun if it was just CM on larger scale
    i do not understand half of graviteams mechanics so i will refrain from recommending it despite graviteam being the closest concept, though bush war and chink-vatnik border conflict dlc is based and shorts pilled

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