Should Tetris hypertapping be banned?

Should hypertapping be banned, it just gives you arthritis early in life and completely defeats the purpose of classic tetris

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  1. 4 years ago

    watching people playing videogames should be banned, competitive videogames should be banned, you should be banned

    • 4 years ago

      >watching people playing videogames should be banned
      Is there any study that investigated it as a mental disorder? I'm still trying to wrap my head around as to why people would do it but I haven't found any decent answer, professional esports aside.

      • 4 years ago

        >Is there any study that investigated it as a mental disorder
        If you've never watched a sibling or friend play a video game for any amount of time, I think you're the one with a me talk disorder.

        • 4 years ago


        • 4 years ago

          except youtubers aren't your friends kek

      • 4 years ago

        How is it different than watching people play sports?

        • 4 years ago

          I think they're talking about AGDQ video games, the one full of super whackos.

          • 4 years ago

            i like agdq because they usually explain whatever mechanics they are using to a general audience, whereas watching an individual speedrunner stream for hours sounds like torture

            • 4 years ago

              >i like agdq

              • 4 years ago

                lots of people on this board probably watch it but we don't talk about it because yall sperg out every time

              • 4 years ago

                speak for yourself

              • 4 years ago

                Not him, but I do. No one on Ganker focuses on the games so I dont post about it.

              • 4 years ago
              • 4 years ago

                I like watching GDQ and speedrun commentaries in general. It's fun and it's just a small minority that screeches about muh trannies or whatever.

              • 4 years ago

                You're the first in this thread to mention them.

                AGDQ is full of dudes with zero charisma that literally cry over video games. I would watch Low Tier God every day of the week over anyone at AGDQ.

              • 4 years ago

                Well maybe people aren't watching them for their "charisma" anon, ever think of that? Little children watch Pewdiepie and he makes funny noises and they laugh at it and it keeps them entertained. Adults are usually more interested in the content of what a person is doing.

              • 4 years ago

                >sperg plays video games and yells= kids content
                >sperg plays video games=adult content

              • 4 years ago

                I don't really care about the personalities. I want to watch the runs and hope they'll give good explanations, typically the runs where they try to be funny or relatable are the worst, like AGDQ 2019's Resident Evil run.

                Also, its great background noise or something to just have on when I have free time.

          • 4 years ago

            >it's still a particular feat as uninteresting as it sounds.
            I'm not a fan of Mortal Kombat but even I can enjoy Sonic Foxx vs Perfect Legend in their first to 10. Frick the gameplay, the hype and commentary are too good.

            With AGDQ what even compares? I watched a few clips and it was too much for me to stomach.

            Karl Jobst is a champion of these speed runners and his claim to fame is beating the very first level of goldeneye on the easiest setting. He was brought to tears over this feat. What the frick.

            • 4 years ago

              >Frick the gameplay, the hype and commentary are too good.
              This is why people into e-sports are idiots. They are more into it for the community and memes than the games themselves. They likely call themselves "gamers" too.

          • 4 years ago

            Whenever I watch a let's play or a streamer I'm focusing on how they approach games and what they do different from what I would do.
            I once watched this one guy play Sonic Mania but he tried to explore the entire level at once, trying to find all of the giant rings and 1up boxes like it was a Metroid game. Stuff like that is interesting to me.

      • 4 years ago

        That's why I wrote aside of esports.
        No, that would even make sense, it's still a particular feat as uninteresting as it sounds.
        I mean how can someone spend hours watching some random person normally playing a game on youtube or twitch (except of ethots of course).

        I think it's mostly very lonely people. I watched a lot of twitch when I was in college, but then I was living alone, far from family, didn't have any friends, and also not a lot of money for videogames.
        I would go to college, then go to work, and when I got home I would turn on Twitch while I had dinner and until I slept. The channels I frequented really gave me some sense of community, like hanging around with people, and the games were just background noise. Never given anyone any money, obviously.
        Since then I've turned my life around, and funny enough can't stand Twitch anymore, but I look fondly to those times
        I still watch games I like from AGDQ sometimes, though. It's fun to see those games getting completely broken, and sometimes I even learn a trick or two I can use

        • 4 years ago

          Thank you for your honesty anon, that makes sense.

      • 4 years ago

        >I'm still trying to wrap my head around as to why people would do it but I haven't found any decent answer, professional esports aside.
        I've only enjoyed it once or twice when the person playing it was also doing particularly amusing commentary. In that case, you're basically there for stand-up comedy and not for watching some loser play video games.

    • 4 years ago

      imagine voluntarily watching some youtube/twitch homosexual play video games.
      that was literally the worst part of playing games with your friends.

      • 4 years ago

        >that was literally the worst part of playing games with your friends.
        You didn't take turns by lives?

    • 4 years ago

      Holy fricking BASED

    • 4 years ago


  2. 4 years ago

    Stop trying to make this a thing. No one cares how you play tetris.

    • 4 years ago

      >Nobody except autistic virgins care about competitive tetris

  3. 4 years ago

    joseph is my Black person frick you

  4. 4 years ago

    Tetris is shit.

  5. 4 years ago

    you're still pressing the buttons with your fingers

  6. 4 years ago

    we just had this thread OP

  7. 4 years ago

    You sound like a shmup player who wants the game to play it self.

  8. 4 years ago

    Just play TGM, the superior game. The only reason not to is if you are an online clout chaser.

  9. 4 years ago

    Twitch should be banned

  10. 4 years ago

    >it just gives you arthritis early in life
    is this true? I think it should be investigated. On one hand it seems incredibly unhealthy, on the other it seems to be a bit like fast down-picking on a guitar

  11. 4 years ago

    It defeats the purpose of classic tetris completely.
    The point was to watch amazing building with limited movement. Thebest builder wins. Now that movement has been "unlocked" by spazzing on your controller, that aspect is going away little by little. I get that it's popular still, but it's evolving slowly into who is the fastest spastic and can vibrate his fingers on the controller fastest. It's a little ridiculous, but I guess the physical skill is to be applauded or something I dunno. I'd rather TGM made a comeback, but eh, memes and twitch right.

    • 4 years ago

      right now it's kind of a shitfest but as it grows more popular the best builders will emerge anyway, you can only tap so fast anyway

      • 4 years ago

        I understand that, the best builder+spaz will emerge but I don't know how to feel about there being a physical entry to actually build. One doesn't have much to do with the other.

        Imagine if the competition was done but instead of a mn average controller, you have to move the pieces by tapdancing. Only those that can tapdance reappy fricking fast (with a genetic and age limit factor) can compete. But it's still tetris right? And the best builder out of the tapdancers will win anyway. Yeah, but I dunno man.

        • 4 years ago

          I think it's just a natural aspect of competitions growing. Although hyper tapping does put a very strong physical barrier to accessibility, it's not like anyone could play on level 18 comfortably with just knowing how to build. There's always some degree of physical behaviour

  12. 4 years ago

    There is a romhack that makes pieces move and spawn much faster, it also adds hard drop. It's fun! i made it

    • 4 years ago

      That hack is fricking dog shit.

      • 4 years ago

        you didn't even play it

    • 4 years ago

      >hard drop
      Sorry m8. That's gonna be a hard pass from me.

      • 4 years ago

        that's cool. i wanted to kind of prove that NES tetris didn't have to control as "bad" as it does. i wanted to see how fast i could make the game. i also wanted control over the pieces at fast levels without killing my thumb.
        the hack is not for everyone, in fact, i made it for one person: me.

  13. 4 years ago

    >this little queer starts crying while playing his match against Jonas after Alexey Pajitnov gives a speech that consists of a few lines of broken english
    He never intended for you homosexuals to play it like this.

    • 4 years ago

      pretty sure if i won a tetris tournament and alexey fricking pajitnov came out to give me the trophy id be emotional too
      sorry everyone isnt dead inside like you are anon

      • 4 years ago

        This was before he won dumbshit

        • 4 years ago

          wow so you're just bad at the game and just taking it out on everyone. git gud you fricking scrub

          • 4 years ago

            He started crying after the guy said like two generic lines "I make da game you guys really good let's play Tetris opa!" and it was well into his match with Jonas till he composed himself because he's a moronic zoomer with no self control.

  14. 4 years ago


  15. 4 years ago

    broke: banning hypertapping
    woke: allowing different kinds of controllers

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