Since when are we using twitch numbers to see if a game is popular or not ? Twitch is a dying platfo...

Since when are we using twitch numbers to see if a game is popular or not ? Twitch is a dying platform where game publishers can massively inflate their numbers by offering "drops" for their games, how does low or high viewers on twitch equates to popularity exactly, morons ?

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  1. 3 years ago

    since people started to watch streams instead of playing games. so like 10 years ago or something. dunno. i'm too old for this youngster shit.
    i'll just play a game if i want to. i don't care if it's popular or not or if someone streams it. what the frick does that matter to my enjoyment

  2. 3 years ago
    • 3 years ago

      shit thread and frick coomers but this is based for BTFOing OP

      • 3 years ago

        I already did by cooming to OP's pic anyway though.
        The thought of that plastic wore trying to philosophize me while i cum all over her breasts was pretty hot. I'm gonna do that with my gf too

        • 3 years ago

          mods, this individual has grown too much in power

    • 3 years ago


    • 3 years ago

      based, I'm not even going to read OP's post out of protest for his stupid bait.

      I'm out.

    • 3 years ago

      Absolutely based, you used the coom to destroy the coom

    • 3 years ago


  3. 3 years ago

    >wall of unreadable text
    The left can't meme.

  4. 3 years ago

    If I overcome my sexual desire I'm still a slave to matter. When does it end?

    • 3 years ago

      kek, based. We are all slaves to something.

  5. 3 years ago

    I ain't reading all that shit.

  6. 3 years ago

    haha breasts

  7. 3 years ago

    I will die an animal and so will you. Sage

  8. 3 years ago

    seriously why the frick so many sfm porn artist focus on dva , the worst of the overwatch girls she looks or at least to me remember to transhitioned shinji ikari i cant fap to her not for all the money in the world , give me widowmaker , mei or mercy buttholes 24/7 instead of this troony looking chick

  9. 3 years ago

    It works because our brains have evolved to find women incredibly appealing, it evolved this way because our species would of died out if it did not.

    Reproduction is the foundation of evolution because without reproduction whatever you are will not be passed on and dies with you, whatever makes a guy horny and want to frick is a successful evolution.

    A man with an IQ of 10k but that has no sex drive is a evolutionary failure.

    • 3 years ago

      Low IQ + High self confidence is the perfect combination in modern times for passing on your genes.

      The future of humanity is Black folk.

    • 3 years ago

      >whatever makes a guy horny and want to frick is a successful evolution.

      By this logic some tree knots are successful evolution. There's a lot of shit that makes me horny that probably shouldn't.

      • 3 years ago

        Anything that makes you want to frick is a foundation of evolution. Anything that encourages you to frick and have kids is the future of humanity.

        You can be born with 2 hearts, a high IQ and massive strength but if you never have sex it never gets passed on. Evolution only works if you frick and have kids.

        As such, if stupidity means you have sex then that is the future of humanity. All the smart people will think through the consequences of having kids and so won't have them and they will die out.

        People have this mindset that evolution only improves our species, this is not correct. We are far more likely to regress now because that is what promotes procreation.

    • 3 years ago

      >whatever makes a guy horny and want to frick is a successful evolution.
      This is wrong. Budding yeast reproduces asexually, and given an ideal environment, will create a billion clones of itself.

      Thus, budding yeast has objectively evolved to be "better" than you, given your own metric.

      Sex is, in reality, merely a vestige of our genetic control. Given we find ourselves in a godless world with no meaning or purpose, falling for the lie of genetic immortality is the mark of an animal. You were gifted with intellect far superior to every other species on earth, and yet you'd choose to squander it in the pursuit of sex?

  10. 3 years ago

    Starting my 3 month no fap no porn today OP thanks for the encouragement. People dont realize how bad consuming porn everyday is. I WILL change the nature of my mind.

  11. 3 years ago

    >Since when are we using twitch numbers to see if a game is popular or not ?
    Let me guess, this is what broke you

  12. 3 years ago

    blizzard should just give up and make an H game where you frick DVA and rape Tracer.

  13. 3 years ago

    High IQ has been shown to be an evolutionary dead end, it's all down hill from here!

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