Skyrim is the best bad game ever made

Skyrim is the best bad game ever made.

The story is shit, the combat is atrocious, the enviroment is a boring blend of grey and brown, but I simply cant stop going back to it every year.
How did Todd do it?

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  1. 3 years ago

    Hearthfire got me interested in gardening, I now grow Chili and potatoes outside

  2. 3 years ago

    Cause you're either negative IQ or a coomer.

    I pumped this garbage game with a bunch of gameplay mods and it's still boring as frick. Create a new character, walk around for a minute, realize how shallow this game is, and quit.

    • 3 years ago

      Cant I be both?

    • 3 years ago

      God I fricking hate boomers. Isn't it time for you to wander around in a supermarket for 3 hours?

    • 3 years ago

      Why can't boomers just think their games are better without constantly shitting pure liquid diarrhea on everything else?

    • 3 years ago

      >Create a new character, walk around for a minute, realize how shallow this game is, and quit.
      This, I've only been able to do a full 80 hour playthrough once. Every time I try and go back it's exactly "walk around, go on a murder spree, quit game after essential characters refuse to die"

      • 3 years ago

        >go on a murder spree
        Consider therapy.

  3. 3 years ago

    Sounds like it's a good game.

  4. 3 years ago

    >Skyrim is the best bad game ever made.
    umm no? you're a moron.

  5. 3 years ago

    Yeah, simulationist games be like that. Terrible in a lot of ways but those immersive sim elements really raise the game as a whole.

  6. 3 years ago

    Never understood the hate for Skyrim's combat. It's much better than it was in Morrowind and Oblivion.

    • 3 years ago

      Well, if you compare normal shit do diarrhea it looks good.

  7. 3 years ago

    >the enviroment is a boring blend of grey and brown

    • 3 years ago

      holy shit thats some ugly modding, grey and brown is preferable.

      • 3 years ago

        aint even mad bro. the best part about modding is that if you don't like it, you can change it. if you like gray and brown in your game, more power to you.

        • 3 years ago

          I dont get these coomer mods.
          I dont want to get aroused while I play vydia. If I want to get an erection I watch porn.

          • 3 years ago

            Fricking your wife with Ostim is immersive and not even janky. You don't have to turn Skyrim into full blown coomer game. In many other games and tv shows there is also fricking. Like in The Witcher. Just have sex from time to time.

            • 3 years ago

              Yeah, but it doesnt have to be explicit. After you sleep in the same bed with your wife you get the "Lover's Comfort" buff, which implies you had sex with your beloved.
              Again, if I wanted a sex game I would download it.

          • 3 years ago

            >I dont want to get aroused while I play vydia.
            Why not? It's fun. Personally I'm not interested in the big milkies bikini coomer bawd mods, I just install mods that let the player and npcs have sex, pregnancy/child mods, and play the game normally. It adds a whole new dimension into the game and makes the immersive sim experience that much stronger.

            Incidentally, it also makes Skyrim into a much better sex game than any actual 3D sex game out there.

          • 3 years ago

            >I dont want to get aroused while I play vydia.
            Sometimes I feel like it. For the more hardcore mods it's like watching porn but more interactive (and depending on what you're playing, can be more psychologically impactful). When it's just aesthetics (eg big-titty models with jiggle physics), that's maybe just mildly distracting. It's not normal to pop a boner while you're walking down the beach just because there bikini-clad girls in view.

            But yeah for games that have good gameplay (like Dark Souls or Icewind Dale) I don't miss coomer content in the least. But Skyrim's not worth playing without it, for me.

          • 3 years ago

            these "people" are mentally ill, don't bother trying to understand them

        • 3 years ago

          The vanilla women are hotter than whatever coomer shit this is.

  8. 3 years ago

    I know this is bait but Skyrim is unironically one of my favorite games because I can choose my own fun. I enjoy finding mods or building a challenge run for myself. It's video game junk food and not something I think everyone has to enjoy or enjoy the same way I do but it's a game I always enjoy returning to.

  9. 3 years ago

    as a stealth archer game its great, but all other classes and combat methods suck turds.

  10. 3 years ago

    >Skyrim is the best bad game ever made.
    thats a funny way to spell "The Witcher 3"

  11. 3 years ago

    Because the story is shit, the gameplay is shallow but the concept of it puts it among the most freeform RPGs out there. You can be a tanky mage swordsman and shit on most enemies, you can instantly kill most enemies with the huge damage from stealth archery, you can completely make yourself not require mana and stunlock enemies to death, and nobody cares because the game is not anal about maintaining difficulty, you can still deliberately exploit alchemy and smithing to gain tons of stats to this day. It's wide enough that there's something to do even if it's likely to be generic, you can simultaneously become the "leader" of several factions and nobody bats an eye, you can pledge yourself to a dozen daedra and you're none worse for wear the implication is that the daedric princes are getting scammed because your soul already belongs to Akatosh. It's casual and it's freeform, a nice breather from the average RPG where you're expected to dedicate yourself to playing a certain way and missing on a ton of content and alternative paths because you don't have the right stats for it, even if it is a huge amount of wasted potential because they aimed for the "total casual" audience.

  12. 3 years ago

    >The story is shit,
    It has utterly shit pacing but lore and story in general is nice. Same with all guilds. One of the main problems is lack of Falmer ruins to explore from before they were animalized and instead focus on Dwemer again. It makes it less unique that previous two games since in TESIV we got Ayleids while in TESIII we already had Dwemer and everything that was to be explored about Dwemer TES III already handled. We should get Snelfs this time in addition to Nordic stuff, while in TES VI High Rock there should be Direnni ruins and in Hammerfell Nedic ruins. Dawnguard and the Carved Brink really are such blueballing looks at what could have been..

    Other problem is lack of proper Nordic pantheon of Gods. At the very least there should be much more Old faith followers among Stormcloaks. It makes them look like pathetic cuckservatives when they fight only for being able to worship all 9 Imperial gods. In TES IV you had Nords who were said to be annoying to populace since they refused to worship the Nine and were sticking to their culture. And now when Empire is falling apart, there is illegitimate nonDragonborn Emperor and last Septims died Nords somehow got fully converted when they were so resistant for thousands of years? It's moronic. Dragon lore and tongue was nice though
    > the combat is atrocious,
    It lacks visual impact, but is very versatile and the fact that it is first person alone elevates it above turds like the Shitter, Soulshit or Dogshit Dogma. Shame about lack of Spears though.
    >the enviroment is a boring blend of grey and brown
    Now that's simply wrong, game can be very pretty and Holds are visually different

    >Skyrim is the best bad game ever made.
    Skyrim is vastly underrated on this site so I'm always forced to protect it here while shit on it on normalgay sites since people never now about what to complain and what is in truth bad or good. For this same reasons I have to shit on Morrowind here and protect it among normalhomosexuals

  13. 3 years ago

    It's not even bad, corny at parts, sure but not bad

  14. 3 years ago

    Skyrim is a mile wide and a foot deep, always has been, and there is little the modding community can do/has done to remedy that; short of getting a team of voice actors to redo the entire game and add depth and development to most of its characters, it will never happen in a satisfactory way. Even the admirable attempts to recycle dialogue through the universal voices used to create "new" dialogue falls flat of actual characterization being present.

    What Skyrim did have going for itself is that it sat in a class of its own in terms of market appeal; there existed nothing like it since Oblivion, and Oblivion was antiquated to the market by 2011, so Skyrim scratched an itch nobody knew they had and it spread like a forest fire. It was an open-world game that gave the player the illusion of choice - not to be confused with real choices, which titles such as New Vegas and Mass Effect are renowned for offering.

    Paired with its opportunistic release date and its memorably rough start and Bethesda's initial response to repairing what they released, that seemed to be enough to sate and create a community that withstands to-date, however, the original fragments of that community, and I imagine a fair number of people who were familiar with TES before Skyrim's reception, are bound to have been put off by the developer's conduct of rereleasing the title for everything since. And the projects that the developer has undertaken since have not been met with remotely similar enthusiasm.

    The game is entertaining, but by no means is its writing of any notable caliber, there are only a few characters that are fleshed out beyond their initial greeting with you, and the combat is positively hack-and-slash-redundant. That players adlib all the rest is their business. The game suffers eternally from a lack of acknowledgment of the player's choices and progression, NPCs that lack any awareness, and the design philosophy behind the game was obsolete long before it was released.

    • 3 years ago

      >mile wide and a foot deep
      Oh please, this phrase comes from a dude who admittedly doesn't care for single player RPGs. People who say Skyrim isn't deep overlook an entire ocean and hang out on a tiny sandbar near the shore. They can't recognize lore or choice unless the game spells it out for them as blatantly as possible through an exposition dump or ham-fisted dialog prompt. Too many fictional worlds cater to this through insecure writers too damn afraid they'll develop content the audience may never see.

      What made Lord of the Rings so damn great is that Tolkien had the balls to develop an entire world but only let us peer into it through a couple self-contained adventures. The world is made all the more convincing through its subtlety. It's clear there's a rich, internally consistent history and culture; but he's not going to debase his story by revealing everything. Instead, you'll have to dig around and piece things together much like a historian attempting to discern the past from fragmentary records.

      The Elder Scrolls possesses this same quality. It even takes it a step further not just with its lore and environmental storytelling but also with its gameplay systems. There's so much you can do and so many mechanics you can experiment with, but the game's not going to destroy its immersive elements by telegraphing it all to you. Did you know factional affinity exists in the game? Your actions towards one NPC will affect not just their own by their family and friends' disposition towards you and that changes flavor text, quest available, and what value items you can take from their home. I'll bet you missed it because the UI doesn't tell you about it.

    • 3 years ago

      >modding community can do/has done to remedy that; short of getting a team of voice actors to redo the entire game
      They did that already. Its called Enderal.

    • 3 years ago

      >Even the admirable attempts to recycle dialogue through the universal voices used to create "new" dialogue falls flat of actual characterization being present.
      There is this
      And iirc there is some other guy making alternative that makes less robotic voices. I saw it used in few mods and it can sound good.

  15. 3 years ago

    >Game is fun
    Then it's not bad.

  16. 3 years ago

    Morrowind or Oblivion, over Skyrim any day. Morrowind, over Oblivion or Skyrim any day.

  17. 3 years ago

    bethesda games are shit on their own but amazing if you have a good imagination and/or install a bunch of mods. they're like a rough framework for a game that makes a great candidate for inventing your own story for your character, you also have the option of adding on a bunch of mechanical/graphical improvements.
    as flawed as all of bethesda games are and as much as their antics piss me off sometimes, no other dev really fulfills this certain type of game as much as they do. although I haven't played fallout 4 or 76 so not sure if they've gotten worse in recent years

  18. 3 years ago

    open world+mods.

  19. 3 years ago

    Because it's world is actually full. It's not a barren wasteland like other "open world" games.

  20. 3 years ago

    You see, it's actually good, you've just let yourself get memed into thinking its bad. It's why you think you like "good" games but dont really play them much.

  21. 3 years ago

    its got really solid moment-to-moment gameplay. satisfying combat, "exploring" ancient dwemer ruins and nordic crypts, getting better gear and loot from chests.

    its only after pumping 50 hours into the game you realize theres no "real" advancing. the game is played the exact same from level 1 to level 100. thats when it begins to break down. and obviously there are mods to fix this.

    • 3 years ago

      if the core gameplay is fun, it doesnt need to have "real" advancement

      • 3 years ago

        it just kinda gets stale. the elder scrolls games have always been a power-fantasy style rpg. getting new gear, spells, and levelling up your skills. in morrowind and oblivion you feel that growth of your character slowly becoming a demigod. in skyrim every unlock is the last but a little better(e.g the destruction spells -> flames, firebolt, fireball ect), which doesn't make you feel and stronger when enemies scale with your level.

        • 3 years ago

          >oblivion scales well
          >skyrim doesnt

          • 3 years ago

            yah true lol.

  22. 3 years ago

    Elder scrolls games should not have fast travel and they should always have hunger, thirst, and sleep necessities.
    Playing Skyrim with any kind of needs mod really elevates its world and your immersion. You actually have a reason to rest at inns, to buy food from food vendors and hunt animals, etc. It's crazy that Bethesda puts as much depth into its world as they do while only necessitating the barest amount of interaction in vanilla. It's commendable, but stupid. I hope we see a survival mode on launch for TESVI.

    • 3 years ago

      Nah, it just gets annoying. You sleep in skyrim if you want the rested bonus (I don't; I'm not interested in leveling faster). You hunt if you need leather; food is a nice little byproduct assuming you have salt. Buying food is usually kinda dumb, but if you want to be able to heal quickly but dont want to level alchemy, its a decent option. You run out of potions pretty quick in skyrim if you dont make or buy any, and fricking buying them because they're expensive.

    • 3 years ago

      I also like those needs mods, but I play on much lower timescale anyway so I don't have to eat and sleep each second. Camping with followers is peak comfy.
      Look at how often is Fellowship of the Ring camping in movies
      >Hobbits camping while travelling to Bree
      >Later Hobbits + Aragorn camping on Weathertop
      >FoR camping next in mountains where Saruman's Crows are spying on them
      >FoR camping in Moria
      >Fellowship camping at Amon Hen
      Entire first movie is camping. And then there is also camping in next 2 movies. Without camping and needs travelling loses the feeling of adventure.

      I'm pretty sure that in TES VI
      >Survival will be integrated to the game, which is also why everyone will get it soon for free
      >There will be building as well. Maybe rebuilding Hammerfell after it's war with Thalmor
      >There will be sword swinging. Whatever it is.
      >Alik'r may be Companions/Fighter's Guild. They will be relevant in some way surely.
      >It will be Hammerfell + High Rock

    • 3 years ago

      no. i can choose to do all those things for my own reasons if I want the immersion. i don't need the game to force me to do it.

    • 3 years ago

      totally agree anon, ignore those other gays

  23. 3 years ago

    I thank mods for that. The shit people make does wonders for improving things immensely.

  24. 3 years ago

    The biggest modders for Skyrim are Germans and Russians. They turn a janky, severely unpolished game into something much deeper, and more stable. Prettier, with improved mechanics all round.
    Russians and Germans are known for their Eurojank, their games being much less polished and a lot more unstable than America or Japan.

    Bethesda is more janky than Eurojank.

    • 3 years ago

      Anon, Bethesda is an american company...

      • 3 years ago

        yeah that was his point

        • 3 years ago

          ESLs have shit reading comprehension
          I don't know where they're coming from, but it's been a problem here for a year or two

  25. 3 years ago

    Yea, I get it, you grew up on Halo or maybe COD and Skyrim was pure relevation to you...

    It's OK, enjoy what gives you happy fun time feels

  26. 3 years ago

    It just works

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