So are OLEDs memes

So are OLEDs memes

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

Terry Davis: They Glow, You Shine Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 years ago

    first gen ones ye

  2. 3 years ago

    From what I see the LG CX C1* and new B* ones are good for gaming as they have the right ports and VRR and freesync/gsync

  3. 3 years ago

    god i'm sick of waiting for microled

  4. 3 years ago

    Yes. I wouldn't want to deal with that constant stress of knowing that burn-in is possible and it will happen at some point.

  5. 3 years ago

    what was he playing?

    • 3 years ago

      Sony(TM) games

    • 3 years ago

      the news channel

  6. 3 years ago

    they will never not be memes

  7. 3 years ago

    really tempted to jump from ultrameme to C1

  8. 3 years ago

    Obviously. But they'll be shilled forever because they do technically have a better picture to start with, it's just that they're built to degrade so you're forced to buy a new screen ASAP.

    4k is unironically the absolute end-game in terms of consumer resolution. You need an 80" screen at typical living room distances to even get the full impact of 4k.

    We'll see gimmicks like "enhanced FOV" pushed soon. The film will be made at 4k, but they'll use a 16k camera to capture the periphery of every shot, and then sell that as something new. But given film stock can't be resolved above 4k, there's no longer any way to make money off old movies once a 4k version drops.

    For desktop use, 6k is about the reasonable limit without scaling, at 55+" size.

  9. 3 years ago

    Monitors are a meme

    • 3 years ago

      I'll never understand people who buy this garbage. 1440p is a peak meme resolution. I've never once thought "man, if only my 1080p panel had another 400 vertical pixels...". The only acceptable upgrade from 1080p has always been 2160p. Vertical space is a useful commodity, peripheral space is meaningless garbage for "muh immersion", which is why the only use for this kind of shit is "wow, 2 landscape monitors without a bezel!"

      Yes, you have 2 2560x1440 panels. But with 4k, I have 2 1920x2160 panels. Given the choice, I'd pick the latter every single time. Because I don't have to have that configuration. I can go up to 4k for movies and TV. I can go down to a 35" 4:3 2880x2160 panel for retro games.

      16:9 is the de-facto aspect ratio. As much as I hate it, it's what we're stuck with. Going out to 32:9 is the exact OPPOSITE way you should be fricking going, morons. Ultrawides are absolutely disgusting, and bought by the same kind of absolute brainlets who bought 1440p monitors in the first place, so they just see it as "the same screen, but wider!" instead of what it really is, which is "a screen that's been stretched out to be worthless for 99% of content, with the top cut off".

      • 3 years ago

        I used to have two monitors and I miss it.
        I have plans to build a new desk, but finding wood large enough is expensive as frick.

        • 3 years ago

          Not them but apparently it's a popular meme to just get an ultra sturdy specific counter from Ikea (The Karlby), and two legs or even filing cabinets. It's thick kitchen counter level wood so it won't sag/droop in the middle either.

          • 3 years ago

            If only Ikea wasn't expensive as frick too.
            The Australian one.

            That looks almost long enough for my interests, but not quite deep enough.

  10. 3 years ago

    yeah this was known by anyone that understood the technology
    it degrades with light, both from being in sunlight and from the nature of being a self emissive display

    it's disposable tech
    looks nice, lasts about 1000 hours, maybe 2000 if you baby it
    good for people that don't use their screens, bad for people that do

    • 3 years ago

      >lasts about 1000 hours
      THat must be an exageration.
      Even if you use it 5 hours a day, it would take less than 1 year to break down...

  11. 3 years ago

    I used a plasma only for gaming during 10 years and never got burn in.
    Sometimes there would remain the shadow of a UI but leaving the TV on a static channel would fix it after 5'

    • 3 years ago

      Plasma burn in, especially on the later models, wasn't too bad. On OLEDs, it isn't so much burn-in, as it is burn out. The diodes fail over time based on their brightness, so you're left with these hideous patches of noticeable dimness that ruin the half the screen.

      The whole thing is an obvious shift to replace (admittedly mediocre) traditional LCD panels that will last for years and maybe experience some slight UNIFORM backlight dimming that's nigh unnoticeable, with low quality junk that looks nice in the store but breaks in a few years so you're forced to buy a new screen.

      No company is interested in making microLED displays, because they'd just be shooting themselves in the foot. OLED is ideal from a planned obsolescence standpoint.

      >lasts about 1000 hours
      THat must be an exageration.
      Even if you use it 5 hours a day, it would take less than 1 year to break down...

      Most people buying this kind of shit are people who maybe turn it on for an hour or two in the evenings once a week to watch a movie. Very different to PC users who run their panels for 16 hours a day every day.

    • 3 years ago

      I got some burn-in on my plasma when I was using it as a pc monitor. I can even see the exact hour and date it happened. Took me 7 years to realise though.

  12. 3 years ago

    Poorgays are a meme

    • 3 years ago

      based and OLEDpilled

  13. 3 years ago

    >Mommy, Daddy, I never once used the SCREEN CLEANING OPTION IN THE MENU!

    OLED owner here, Oled is a meme but its hard to go back once you get used to how good the screens are.

    Ive had to replace my 55 inch LG OLED tv 3 times, all free thanks to LG being FRICKUPS and its always covered.

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