So he's basically the cause of everything that happens in Yakuza?

So he's basically the cause of everything that happens in Yakuza?

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  1. 7 months ago

    nah that'd be kiryu for not letting nishiki go in the joint for 10 years instead

    • 7 months ago

      What would happen if he did? I mean I’m pretty sure he would have found a way to save Nishiki’s sister.

      • 7 months ago

        the main issue nishiki was running into outside of his whole sister thing was a lack of respect from his family, kiryu already had no issues with that so he would've been able to build it up without having all the frick ups along the way
        meanwhile nishiki might've toughened up a bit in prison, though it wouldn't matter too much since it was nishiki getting put in a position of power while also getting fricked over enough to snap that led to everything

        • 7 months ago

          >kiryu already had no issues with that so he would've been able to build it up without having all the frick ups along the way
          Problem is that in this hypothetical Kiryu would be an awful leader because he doesn't want to do what Yakuza do in the first place. He doesn't want to kill, he doesn't want to run drugs, he doesn't want to do human trafficking, he doesn't want to scam people, he doesn't want to shake people down, etc. He wants to essentially loan shark and get protection money, that's it. Even then he's a hypocrite because if I remember right he constantly stops loan sharks and people trying to get protection money.

          Kiryu basically wants to be what Someya is "morally" but he also paradoxically wants the old "honor" of the Yakuza to also be there.

          • 7 months ago

            i'm pretty sure he'd do other shit, the main reason he got grabbed by the triad was because he was competing in their forgery business so it's not like he was gonna go full one-trick pony and he wasn't entirely shy of doing illegal shit
            he's definitely not as ruthless as other family heads are and maybe his family wouldn't gain as much strength as nishiki's comparatively, but kiryu's definitely the type to figure out other ways to manage it anyway and still keep the respect of his subordinates (even if he has to tiger drop a few of them)

            • 7 months ago

              Oh I have no doubt he'd do gun running or something similar since he has no problems with supporting black markets or illegal gambling halls, but he'd only grow to a certain extent and in the grand scheme of things would be a pretty poor leader, especially if he ever got into a chairman position assuming 1's events never happened. He would effectively be a Kashiwagi situation where he's not willing to do enough and everyone thinks he's too soft or not "man enough" to be a Yakuza.

              • 7 months ago

                >He would effectively be a Kashiwagi situation where he's not willing to do enough and everyone thinks he's too soft or not "man enough" to be a Yakuza.
                He's apparently immune to this, seeing as people are begging him to become the chairman until the end of 6.

              • 7 months ago

                That's because at no point has anyone seen what a large organization under Kiryu would look like, so they want him as their leader because he's strong, charismatic, and honorable. It's like seeing an 8ft tall athletic guy and assuming he should play basketball, without knowing that if he did he'd trip on the ball and miss every shot or pass.

              • 7 months ago

                >That's because at no point has anyone seen what a large organization under Kiryu would look like
                The Asagao-gumi is the most feared organisation in Okinawa.

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                That's because he was once the 4th Chairman and thus he's revered purely for having that title. Granted, he had that title for all of 10 minutes and immediately pawed it off to Terada

            • 7 months ago

              It’s weird that most people forget that Kiryu can make shit loads of money without doing anything egregious. Like most of his shit is pretty white collar with a few blue collar things on the side. I mean forgery, racketeering, illegal gambling, smuggling, extortion, and shit like that is the bread and butter for almost everyone organized criminal group. You don’t have to go full on frick force with human and drug trafficking.

              • 7 months ago

                Thats not the problem, Kiryu is a bleeding heart and cant enforce rules, do you seriously think Kiryu would allow anyone to behave like the Dojima family did? Kiryu is a goddamn failure of a leader because those arent issues he can punch his way out of, hes not a cold killer like Kazama, or a unfeeling psycho like Shimano, none of his boys would respect him once they realize he wont kill them for going against his wishes

              • 7 months ago

                Most of the issues involving insubordination he can punch his way out of, I mean beating the shit out of a guy and making him cut off his pinky is pretty standard. And if someone crosses the line Kazama or someone else could off them.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah, and Kiryu would intervene and prevent death
                And then it comes round circle
                Kiryu is not Yakuza material, never was

              • 7 months ago

                Kiryu was yakuza material for at least 10 years. Leader material? Probably not, but he was definitely a yakuza and an enforcer.

              • 7 months ago

                10 years in the joint made him a fricking pussy

              • 7 months ago

                Anon, the story bends over itself to make Kiryu succeed, he would never last 10 years as an enforcer and going against orders to whack someone

              • 7 months ago

                It happened so you have to believe Kiryu was, between 0 and 1, a loan shark enforcer.

          • 7 months ago

            >Problem is that in this hypothetical Kiryu would be an awful leader because he doesn't want to do what Yakuza do in the first place. He doesn't want to kill, he doesn't want to run drugs, he doesn't want to do human trafficking, he doesn't want to scam people, he doesn't want to shake people down, etc. He wants to essentially loan shark and get protection money, that's it. Even then he's a hypocrite because if I remember right he constantly stops loan sharks and people trying to get protection money.
            Well, we don't see how he is between 0 and when he goes to prison, which is the period when he earned the moniker and became a legend to begin with. I'd love a game in that area, but I doubt RGG would be comfortable with showing a more ruthless Kiryu.

          • 7 months ago

            >Even then he's a hypocrite because if I remember right he constantly stops loan sharks and people trying to get protection money
            It's been awhile since I played, but I thought they actually were self-aware of this in Yakuza 3 -- with one of the substories where a guy is threatening to kill himself, Kiryu stops him only to find out he's in debt.
            Doesn't Kiryu bring up how he used to be muscle that made guys pay their debt, and convinces suicidal guy to just pay his debts after kicking the loansharks asses because they were being predatory and inflating the shit out of his debt?

            • 7 months ago

              Something like that. I want to say he convinced the loan sharks to stop their massive inflation and tells the guy to pay a reasonable interest rate and what he was loaned.

              >He would effectively be a Kashiwagi situation where he's not willing to do enough and everyone thinks he's too soft or not "man enough" to be a Yakuza.
              He's apparently immune to this, seeing as people are begging him to become the chairman until the end of 6.

              Sure, but within the context of all of those games they've got effectively no money and many conspiracies pop up out of nowhere to either drag him into it or take over the Tojo Clan. He'd still have to face the same crap Daigo had to but he might be able to nip some things in the bud sooner. You also wouldn't have people like Mine joining which is what initially saved the Tojo Clan in the interim of 2 to 3.

              • 7 months ago

                >You also wouldn't have people like Mine joining which is what initially saved the Tojo Clan in the interim of 2 to 3.
                I think it is at least reasonably fair to say that Kiryu as chairman would have plenty of charisma, particularly compared to Daigo. I mean, look at all the people who end up having undying loyalty to him throughout the series itself.

              • 7 months ago

                And he would fail miserably to keep their profits unless the families started to run stuff he doesnt approve of behind his back to sustain the Tojo Clan, and by that point it means hes not respected anymore

          • 7 months ago

            Didn’t Kiryu instill all that moralhomosexualry into Daigo? I wonder if the Tojo Clan would have fell on it’s own from such soft hearted leadership

            • 7 months ago

              The Tojo Clan was pretty much fricked from the start of Yakuza 1. Once the 10 billion got stolen, there was really no coming back.
              >Kiryu is in charge: Some people respect him, but the clan is still broke and some guys probably still think he got to the top by killing the old leaders like Dojima and there's probably still internal struggle because of it. Also Kiryu isn't ruthless enough to more brutally punish the worst of the clan so those problems only get worse
              >Terada is in charge: Secret Korean doesn't actually do anything to fix anything since he's a secret Korean who has been colluding with the Omi guy the whole time
              >Nishiki in charge: Lol
              >Daigo in charge: Everything that was the result of Terada and the other games still happens

              • 7 months ago

                Nishiki would probably do a better job actually, that is if he actually fricked over Jingu, but Nishiki was more Yakuza than Daigo and Kiryu ever were

          • 7 months ago

            >Kiryu basically wants to be what Someya is "morally"
            I'm moronic, explain what you mean by this. Yes, I know about the interview describing Someya as "the last hero of the tojo"

            • 7 months ago

              Someya wants the Yakuza to be about white collar fraud instead of dick measuring contests for territory that draw the attention of the police. Specifically, the kind of dick measuring that causes wars, murders, fights for honor and face, etc.

              Some examples of what this looks like would be money laundering, high interest rate loans, loan sharking, government corruption, police corruption, etc. His version of the Yakuza would be that you're in the shadows never seen but robbing people blind and getting money in any way possible that doesn't involve getting face to face and risking your way of life.

              He wants the Yakuza to be white collar crime where you rob someone of their home via loans to then sell it yourself. Not you going to the house, beating the guy half to death, forcing him to sign over the deed to the house under duress, and then selling it yourself. With the latter you'll eventually get caught which causes issues back up the river, whereas in the former you can pressure politicians and authorities to work with you and make things legal.

              • 7 months ago

                Funny enough thats what the Yakuza essentially became
                Anyone who was too stupid to get away with shit stuck around on the old school
                Hell, those who were smart saw the writing on the wall and became legit corporations or members of them, same shit the Italian Mob did in the US

              • 7 months ago

                That's what most organized crime became
                at least the ones who remained successful. Why risk your life and decades in prison for such small returns when white collar crime has way better profits and less punishment?

              • 7 months ago

                It's not because of small returns, it's because law enforcement decided it was tired of tolerating their existence. The thing about organized crime is it only can really exist where the rule of law exists (because if you don't, you have disorganized crime), but doesn't give enough of a shit to do something about them. If they care, then the mafia/yakuza/whatever's days are numbered. Look at Mexico right now, every time the Mexican government actually gets off their ass and unleashes the army on the cartels, it's an absolute bloodbath where hundreds of cartels members are killed with maybe 1 or 2 casualties on the military's side, because a gang can't stop an army.

        • 7 months ago

          nishiki would've gotten killed by the assassin sera sent in the prison battle.

          • 7 months ago

            he's not that weak, he still managed to turn his family into one of the strongest in the clan after he went joker mode

            • 7 months ago

              but the assassin would've been sent when he was still a prison b***h.

      • 7 months ago

        Kiryu would have cured nishiki's sister, ended up a captain, and built up one of the most powerful families in the tojo for nishiki to come back to once he got out of the pen. He also probably would've married Yumi, while nishiki would have Reina waiting for him. Everything after that more or less would depend on if Nishiki would've had his joker moment later anyways.

        • 7 months ago

          The thing is in this genre the MCs have to suffer needlessly or Kiryu would be living in his orphanage with Sayama bringing him hot tea on the daily and his daughteru wouldn't have been a teen pregnancy

      • 7 months ago

        Well, he wouldn't have, because that's the kind of man Kiryu is. But I doubt that he'd be able to keep Yumi from bolting, and Nishiki's insecurities and inferiority complex would have only become even worse in prison, so he'd be more angry, bitter, and desperate than we see him. With Jingu still after the ten billion, some of the details would change, but Nishiki and Shimano would probably still be his accomplices after the fact, with Nishiki probably told that he'll be reinstated with a family of his own at the expense of Kiryu being framed as the true killer of Dojima, but displace events by possibly up to a year. Since Kiryu now has a family and significant prestige, things might not get so out of hand, so Shinji, Reina, and Kazama would still likely be alive, and for the better. Though I reckon that Kazama would have to keep Yumi, or at least Mizuki secret even from Kiryu to ensure that there's no leakage of info. Chances are that the end game plays out mostly the same, and Kiryu, instead of being left with nothing at the end, would have a family to run and Haruka to look after. The Tojo would remain strong, Kazama likely becoming the next Chairman, and Kiryu possibly retiring at some point. The story ends with 4, since Haruka is probably more openly tied to Kiryu if he stays in the clan and it would be impossible for Park to try and scrub that with just a leave of absence, and Yumi, if hypothetically alive wouldn't be so dense to not notice that Haruka doesn't want to be an idol, or let her insecurities be manipulated into giving up her daughter, assuming the aforementioned issue of being directly associated with Kiryu isn't a problem.

        • 7 months ago

          If Kiryu doesn't go to jail, would Haruka even exist, at least in the way she currently does? Her trauma combined with not having Kiryu is what led her to Jingu, so if Kiryu is there, the two probably wouldn't have even met.

          • 7 months ago

            The only thing that broke her trauma-amnesia was a gunshot. And Kazama would undoubtedly have tried everything he could. Kiryu would just have to accept that Yumi is a different person now, and that the feelings he was literally never able to verbalise or act upon would still go unspoken. Haruka would still exist, and he might be warmer to her, knowing she exists, or even raising her when Yumi "disappears", or he might not bother until she's found with a gun in a room full of dead men, or she comes waltzing into his family office nine years on.

        • 7 months ago

          >Haruka is probably more openly tied to Kiryu if he stays in the clan and it would be impossible for Park to try and scrub that
          Hey you're right, Park couldn't just storm into a high ranking tojo official's home to scout his daughter

          • 7 months ago

            ...would she try?

            • 7 months ago

              Absolutely, She's fricking deranged.

            • 7 months ago

              The point of Park's character is she would've gone to hell and back for her YUME. I think she'd try to get Akiyama's help to look into it, and Akiyama would help because he loves hardworkers.
              I still think it's impossible, but she'd probably get to meet Kiryu once.

            • 7 months ago

              Irrelevant since the only reason she even knows Haruka exists is because she spotted her at Okinawa, Haruka would definitely not run around freely if Kiryu was Tojo Chairman, so Park would never scout her

          • 7 months ago

            ...would she try?

            She'd probably try some slippery shit, like catching Haruka outside of school, the two at home, or when they're alone together, such as out doing Haruka-Oji-san things. She'd possibly even try to start shit with legal services or more underhanded methods to pressure Kiryu into handing her the keys. She wouldn't succeed, but she'd try for sure.

      • 7 months ago

        From judgment we know the fate of a kumicho with a sense of justice that has no strong criminal mind. Kiryu's family would've flopped because he'll refuse jobs that can endanger alot of people's lives/jobs. If a situation like 0's makoto happened to him he'll 100% save the woman instead.

      • 7 months ago

        Unless Kiryu took a huge loan from the Kazama family, which they probably would give to him since he was always the favorite, than he might save her
        But the entire thing happened because Kazama was a piece of shit, Kiryu was a dumb fricking moron and Nishiki didnt have the balls to gut his subordinate the moment he started talking shit

    • 7 months ago

      what you think kiryu is better than nishiki?

  2. 7 months ago

    Not really since Nishiki was already exhibiting his disdain for Kiryu and talked about how much better he was constantly in 0. It's still Nishiki.

  3. 7 months ago

    Why didn't Kazama offer to pay for it?

    • 7 months ago

      The money wasn't the issue, she died after the surgery.

      • 7 months ago

        The issue was because they lacked things to make it work because Nishiki's subordinate stole from them to get that money.

      • 7 months ago

        There was no surgery, the doctor took the money and fricked off, essentially turning Nishiki into the monster he was. He stole money, got walked over by everyone, and when he had it, it was all for nothing anyway.

        • 7 months ago

          Worse than that, the doc scammed Nishiki so he could repay the guy who was stealing from Kazama’s turf. Nishiki was just super fricked by fate.

          • 7 months ago

            Nishitty was a homosexual who deserved all the bad things that happened to him.

    • 7 months ago

      The only way it makes sense is if Nishiki has been covering for his sister for years or something and couldn't bring himself to ask Kazama for more after he just gave him a promotion and a setup meant for Kiryu. Not to mention very soon after he effectively is robbing Kashiwagi. He'd lose massive face and Nishiki himself is a massive egoist so there's no way he could bring himself to do it either.

      >You also wouldn't have people like Mine joining which is what initially saved the Tojo Clan in the interim of 2 to 3.
      I think it is at least reasonably fair to say that Kiryu as chairman would have plenty of charisma, particularly compared to Daigo. I mean, look at all the people who end up having undying loyalty to him throughout the series itself.

      Daigo has a bunch of people loyal to him too, look at Majima, Saejima, Watase, and Arakawa for instance. Hell, most people consider Majima "untameable" but there Daigo has him as effectively one of his best teammates. Mine would die for him which he effectively did.
      I think putting Daigo down as not being charismatic treats him like he didn't put himself forward as the Chairman and manage to convince basically everyone to still take the war to the Omi. Sure, he has Kiryu and Majima's backing, but he was ultimately an active threat to the Omi for years even with all their issues and despite being far smaller. Kiryu and Daigo are both charismatic.

      • 7 months ago

        >Majima, Saejima, Watase, and Arakawa
        All of those people except Arakawa are more closely tied to Kiryu, though. Kiryu even had to beg Majima to come out of retirement for the sake of Daigo. The Mine thing is a double edged sword too, since he went yandere and tried to kill him for no reason. I'd say Kiryu could have easily attracted more people to the Tojo than Daigo, if only by virtue of all the Yakuza who practically worship him (you mentioned Someya earlier for example).

        • 7 months ago

          >All of those people except Arakawa are more closely tied to Kiryu, though.
          Fair, I'm mainly just pointing out that ultimately Kiryu and Daigo are still keeping people in their inner circles through their own merits, not just because of Kiryu. Kiryu's the one who introduces them but they still have to measure up to expectations. Majima could at least trust Daigo and still does to the point of going to the security firm and then the fisherman stuff in 8.
          >The Mine thing is a double edged sword too, since he went yandere and tried to kill him for no reason.
          Yeah, but Daigo didn't know that at all and was presumably working with him for over a year-ish with no issues to speak of. The only reason he turned was because of Beautifur Eyes and Wesker popping up out of nowhere and shooting him into a coma. If Daigo wasn't shot and simply strongarmed I'm sure Mine would still be there supporting him.

          • 7 months ago

            >Fair, I'm mainly just pointing out that ultimately Kiryu and Daigo are still keeping people in their inner circles through their own merits, not just because of Kiryu. Kiryu's the one who introduces them but they still have to measure up to expectations. Majima could at least trust Daigo and still does to the point of going to the security firm and then the fisherman stuff in 8.
            Yeah, naturally there was obviously some trust there. I don't mean to say he was totally incompetent, only that Kiryu as the chairman would probably have ended up better (though it was of course totally unworkable because Kiryu became a model citizen through the correctional system and won't do anything illegal anymore unless it involves being a vigilante).
            >Yeah, but Daigo didn't know that at all and was presumably working with him for over a year-ish with no issues to speak of. The only reason he turned was because of Beautifur Eyes and Wesker popping up out of nowhere and shooting him into a coma. If Daigo wasn't shot and simply strongarmed I'm sure Mine would still be there supporting him.
            Is a friend who will try to kill you for no reason if you're incapacitated really a friend? More like a time bomb, especially for someone in Daigo's shoes.

            The issue was because they lacked things to make it work because Nishiki's subordinate stole from them to get that money.

            What I'm saying rather is that even had Kazama paid for it personally, she still would have died and he still would have snapped under the weight of Kiryu's shadow.

            • 7 months ago

              >Is a friend who will try to kill you for no reason if you're incapacitated really a friend?
              Well, like I said, up until that point he wasn't unhinged. Daigo didn't know about that side of him at all and he only snapped when Daigo looked like he was gonna be on machines to live for the rest of his life.

              • 7 months ago

                Overall I do agree to some extent, I think Daigo's record is more than a bit unfair since for plot reasons he was dragged into various black swan events. BUT, the record stands (the clan almost collapsed repeatedly and then he gave up and dissolved it).

              • 7 months ago

                I'm going to pull out one of my old posts for this.
                Other than the events of 4 where he was forced into a corner, nothing was ever really his fault. In 2 he was basically forced into the job by Kiryu who was abdicating his responsibilities, then he had to spend every game after picking up the pieces from the clusterfrick Kiryu left the clan in after destroying Nishiki and Terada. And it's not like he's incompetent, in 3 and 5 he immediately figured out what was going on in the grand conspiracies that we took the whole game to figure out, but in 3 he got shot before he could do anything about it and in 5 he went into hiding to gather allies to move against the Omi chairman (also, Kiryu taking out Mine only caused the Tojo clan to go into financial ruin AGAIN). It's only in 4, where the clan is under the threat of bankruptcy because of Jingu's and Mine's money being gone, that he's forced to sell out Majima to the cops just to have enough money to keep them going.

                I don't know why people think a character being forced into situations where the deck is stacked against them as high as possible, and then aren't competent enough to magically fix a series of impossibly bad frickups caused by someone else, is bad character writing or that they're a shitty character. He's not my favorite character by a long shot, but people act like everything that ever happened after Y1 is somehow Daigo's fault and that he's the worst chairman. This despite Y2 being about the chairman trying to sell the fricking clan to the Koreans. And no, his eventual decision to do the right thing does not erase that. The Fifth was a traitor, but Daigo is apparently the worst because he made some bad decisions a couple times after he was forced to run a criminal organization in his early 30s with no guidance. Hell, that's why this letter from Kiryu works in Y6. He's finally straight up admitting that he kinda screwed up not, at the very least, keeping contact with him so that he could guide him

              • 7 months ago

                Kiryu didn't actually take out Mine, he killed himself in honourable (and unnecessary) kamikaze fashion after he saw Daigo wake up and felt regret for trying to kill him.

              • 7 months ago

                Unnecessary, but considering how lonely, bitter, and ambitious he was his entire life, it makes sense that he'd do something so rash in the heat of the moment.

              • 7 months ago

                Mine realized he was in the wrong when Daigo was immediately concerned about him when he saw he was there too

              • 7 months ago

                It's why I enjoyed the ending of 6 even if it isn't Kiryu's last game anymore, he spends all of 6 helping out his daughter and her son and then at the end he finally pours his heart out to his neglected son of how much he's failed him, which also goes further to strengthen yakuza 3 and Mine's character.

              • 7 months ago

                It's why I enjoyed the ending of 6 even if it isn't Kiryu's last game anymore, he spends all of 6 helping out his daughter and her son and then at the end he finally pours his heart out to his neglected son of how much he's failed him, which also goes further to strengthen yakuza 3 and Mine's character.

                Daigo is one character that would have really benefitted from having a protagonist slot in one of the games to fill out his personality a bit and show his strong points, I think that was a big missed opportunity. That being said, I seem to remember that RGG can't have one of the main protagonists be a member of a yakuza family for the main body of the game for some legal reason or another.

              • 7 months ago

                >RGG can't have one of the main protagonists be a member of a yakuza family for the main body of the game for some legal reason or another.
                the 3K plan transcended the boundaries of the game... I fricking kneel masato-sama

            • 7 months ago

              >What I'm saying rather is that even had Kazama paid for it personally, she still would have died and he still would have snapped under the weight of Kiryu's shadow.
              That's not what you were saying but pop off I guess lmao
              God I hate these homosexualy ESL types

      • 7 months ago

        >Sure, he has Kiryu and Majima's backing
        maybe the most important part. kiryu had to save the clan no less than 4 times during Daigo's premiership (on one of those occasions it was partially Daigo's fault, even)

      • 7 months ago

        Majima wasn't even going to join Daigo if not for Kiryu's insistence at the start of 3, and every other one of those but Mine falls into place just by being the assigned leader of the Tojo.

    • 7 months ago

      Kazama liked Kiryu more

  4. 7 months ago

    Is ishin and Lost Paradise any good?

    • 7 months ago

      Ishin is "okay" but kinda underwhelming unless you really like the period piece style, and the Kiwami changes it got (since it's a Kiwami in Japan) are absolutely fricking moronic bullshit. Plus it's got some UE pains.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah what the other guy said
      I wouldn't call ishin a bad game on its own but most of the other games are better

    • 7 months ago

      keep in mind that RGG has never really developed any bad games, the worst one (Kiwami 2) is still a good game that is worth going through at least once
      Kaito Files is top tier and Binary Domain is Ludokino

      • 7 months ago

        >Kaito Files is top tier

      • 7 months ago

        what makes ishin so bad bros

        • 7 months ago

          the UE4 combat feels bad compared to every other brawler title, and the game has a ton of awful grindy shit in it that feels almost mobage tier - it's a real shame because the story and characters are great + the map is gorgeous

          • 7 months ago

            should i just blast through the main story then? i'm only chapter 4 so far playing on the gaypass, done every substory i can up to now

            • 7 months ago

              Pretty much. Just do the substories and main story. Unfortunately Amon is locked behind some unholy grinding in the mine roguelite minigame thing.

              • 7 months ago

                alright yeah I'll just finish the game and most of the substories, maybe then i'll come around and finally finish one of the other games

              • 7 months ago

                To be honest with you, if you bounced off the mainline titles (I assume you started with 0) then I'm quite surprised you're sticking with Ishin.

              • 7 months ago

                i got burnt out months ago after going through 0-3 in a row (after playing the PS2 games forever ago) and going through more than half of 4, took a long break

                maybe the different time and guns help

              • 7 months ago

                I had almost the exact same experience after going through 3-5 in a row - came back a year later and blew through 6, JE, 7, and LJ

        • 7 months ago

          as I said in regards to Kiwami 2, the same applies to Ishin: it's still a good game
          the problem is that, just like K2, it has so many small issues that they can compound into an experience that can be frustrating at times.

          my advice is to leave Ishin for last and only get it on sale. If you manage to tolerate all the small issues and jankiness of the whole franchise, then Ishin will actually be a fun experience to you (like it was for me)

        • 7 months ago

          I might as well repost what I posted the other day
          >gunman is boring
          >most substories I didn't like
          >friendships are shit
          >overly grindy upgrade system that could've easily not been that way if there weren't so many filler upgrades
          Also the story is just kinda alright, feels a bit crowded with characters that don't do much

          How is the translation of Gaiden?

          I noticed that there are several voiced lines that go way quicker than what the subs would suggest, something that I never noticed in the sub only games, so I suspect that the script is dubtitles only despite the dub not existing yet due to the game's short development time (8's demo has some different subs between voices so it's just this game)
          Nobody else has made this speculation so I assume for most people it's fine
          There are some typos here and there since again it was probably rushed a bit

          • 7 months ago

            Thanks man, I appreciate the response.

        • 7 months ago

          they completely fricked up in such a bad way with Ishin. They should have made it far lighter, but they tried to go half-in, half-out with their microtransaction scheme which only works by having a shit ton of grinding. I don't get why they thought Ishin was the game to try this on. They should have tried to ride the Ghost of Sushi wave and presented a much simpler, smaller side content buffet for normies with a focus on the story. If you just play for the story, it's great but the side content, which is usually the main attraction for me, was awful. It really ruined the entire game imo.

      • 7 months ago

        I've only ever played Yakuza 0, Yakuza 1 and Kiwami 1. What makes Kiwami 2 so shit? Should I just go back and play Yakuza 2?

        • 7 months ago

          >I've only ever played Yakuza 0, Yakuza 1 and Kiwami 1. What makes Kiwami 2 so shit? Should I just go back and play Yakuza 2?
          that anon is an outlier, the games in the series that often get a lot of hate are 3 and 6 (and sometimes 7 but for gameplay rather than story reasons).

          • 7 months ago

            >sometimes 7 but for gameplay rather than story reasons)
            lol yeah sure whatever you say

        • 7 months ago

          You're better of playing the original Yakuza 2, yes. But Kiwami 2 isn't as bad as this dude makes it out to be. 6 is genuinely worse because it's a conceptually confused, buggy and unpolished mess that sacrifices characters to serve the plot instead of actually being written competently with the characters in mind, copies sections directly from other titles, and its entire point for existing is now totally redundant. Its only saving grace is comfiness, great music, great bosses, and some stuff that I don't want to spoil for you. That doesn't mean it's bad, it's just the weakest title by a good margin. Kiwami 2 isn't great, either, but it's better, even though it really does get frustrating at times.

          • 7 months ago

            >better of
            I need to sleep, Goddamn.

          • 7 months ago

            agreed, 6 is upsettingly bad. They couldn't even be bothered to finish the fricking map so they closed off the champion district and park lane. and the combat? extreme heat mode and mash heavy attack, that's it

        • 7 months ago

          honestly, you might as well start with Kiwami 2
          Yakuza 2 is one of the best and most good looking games in the PS2, it's also a direct upgrade of Y1.

          My main issue with K2 came with the fact that I had already played through Y2 twice, and seeing all the ways they fricked up this "remake" just made me think - "Why would I ever play K2 when Y2 still exists?"

          there's also the fact that it's pretty obvious K2 is just Yakuza 6 wearing the skin of Yakuza 2

        • 7 months ago

          Anon is contrarian. Kiwami 2 is one of the best, with a few flaws from the remake downgrading some parts.

          • 7 months ago

            it's not particularly contrarian to prefer the original 2 amongst people who've played both

            • 7 months ago

              playing 6 makes you realize how shitty Kiwami 2 is. Just watching the first cutscene you immediately realize how lazy Kiwami 2 was in comparison just going off of presentation.

        • 7 months ago

          Kiwami 2 was my favorite, people just didn’t like the dragon engine back then and cling to that when nobody cares about that anymore.

          • 7 months ago

            I didn't like that even though it gives a hilariously broken guard crusher move, fights still take forever because bosses have so many hp bars that they don't even color them all

            • 7 months ago

              Maybe it was overcorrection from 6?
              When I played 6 recently I felt bosses just melt when Kiryu farts, especially if you use that brutal extreme heat beating.

              • 7 months ago

                tbf, that feels in character. No one in 6 feels like they can match Kiryu, even an aging Kiryu. He hasn't truly been pushed since Aizawa.

              • 7 months ago

                Even then Aizawa was only really able to match Kiryu because he was still bleeding out from getting shot. I'm pretty sure throughout all the games, the hardest battle he's ever fought was still Ryuji at the top of the building.

              • 7 months ago

                I'd say Mine was the toughest opponent. Kiryu's clash against Ryuji was marred by both of them being injured already. His fight againt Mine on the other hand had no such handicap on either side. And by the end of it, Kiryu was catching his breath as if he just ran a marathon.

      • 7 months ago

        >Binary Domain
        I forgot I played that never going to get 2nd game

        the UE4 combat feels bad compared to every other brawler title, and the game has a ton of awful grindy shit in it that feels almost mobage tier - it's a real shame because the story and characters are great + the map is gorgeous

        >and the game has a ton of awful grindy shit in it that feels almost mobage tier
        The main reason why I don't like Kiwami. The Mmajima everywhere system was such shit thing that was added.

        Also did nobody play Lost Paradise, I thought it was pretty good expect for the fact every anime villain fricks off after you beat them

      • 7 months ago

        >6 that high
        >But 5 and Binary Domain

        I can live with this. I should give Judgement another run though, played it only once on original version but LJ felt like such an improvement for me outside of like most of the story.

        • 7 months ago

          >7 that high
          whatever floats your boat

          if you're looking for recommendations then give Kurohyou 2 a priority. It's story isn't as good as 1 and it's main bosses are quite shit tbh, but it's still a great game

          >I should give Judgement another run
          I highly recommend you do this with both Judgment and Y6. I used to dog on both of these games a lot after my first playthrough in each, but here's the thing: replaying this series is great, because you're already familiar with all of the shortcomings each of the games have, so you know what to expect, what to tolerate and what to avoid. Back in the day, I'd also have put Y6 in the Kiwami 2 tier, but after replaying it, I can't help but just love it
          on the other hand, replaying Kiwami 2 was a bad idea, as it left an even more sour taste in my mouth

          • 7 months ago

            I'll admit it's the novelty and daringness that won me a bit on 7. I do like the story but thinking now I don't think a replay of it would change my opinion on it for the better.

            I just finished Gaiden and I usually take breaks between these games but I'll look into Kurohyou 2.

        • 7 months ago

          Could you link the list that has Binary Domain on it? It might be time for another playthrough

          • 7 months ago

            surprised nagohsi stayed at sega after binary domain bombed

            • 7 months ago

              I remember ignoring it for years because the cover just looked insanely generic. Was surprised how kino it got

              • 7 months ago

                >game forces you to simp for a chink robot bawd
                Pick one

              • 7 months ago

                Your loss, I love Chinese girls.

          • 7 months ago


            • 7 months ago

              Someone needs to add RGGO so we can all put it in its own "It's a gacha" tier.

              • 7 months ago

                I'd put lost judgement in B tier, if it weren't for SAWA-SENSEI it'd be a solid A.

              • 7 months ago

                I can deal with SAWA-SENSEI arguments, Emily, and the Illegal Detective Agency because so much of the game was extremely solid. Seiryo, a much better Yokohama than 7, the skateboard, a bunch of new or revamped minigames, Snake and Boxer, combat isn't ass anymore because only fatties can bounce block you now which makes sense, bosses were great especially in The Kaito Files, some awesome music in comparison to Judgment which I felt wasn't as pronounced personally, and it was overall just a great game.

                I still think Judgment offers a better experience overall despite Crane being unusable with far better substories and a main story.

              • 7 months ago

                What, you didn't like Golden Dragon's Wanderings?
                this is a joke to be clear

              • 7 months ago

                It's been added.

              • 7 months ago

                > Dead Souls F tier
                Gameplay is clunky due to it being survival horror mechanics built on 4's gameplay and the dungeon crawling segments are hardcore. All the same calling that a nofun vote because 1) Majima's first playable game. 2) Goda's ONLY playable game. 3) For a throwaway zombie apocalypse mod, the plot is pretty fun

              • 7 months ago

                Comically long ladder.

              • 7 months ago

                Also, why is Binary Domain on that list?

              • 7 months ago

                Kiryu is in it

      • 7 months ago

        >Like A Dragon not at the top with 0.
        >Y5 at the top
        >Dead Souls above K2 and next to K1.

      • 7 months ago

        swap 6 and Yakuza 2

      • 7 months ago

        fixed it for ya

      • 7 months ago

        why do people say black panther is good
        It was painfully ok

        • 7 months ago

          Because it's obscure so people get a sense of superiority? Or maybe they played it years ago and nostalgia kicks in. I wouldn't know, I'm waiting on my Sister to give me back my old PSP so I can play it eventually.

        • 7 months ago

          Because they are good? 1's obviously not as good as 2 and the story is a mix of weak and strong depending on how you feel about watching Tatsuya's characterization, but 2 is pretty great all around. It only starts falling apart when you actually consider going for 100%.

    • 7 months ago

      Lost Paradise is awesome fanservice and the last game in the Yakuza 5/0/Kiwami 1 engine before the big change to Dragon Engine. The combat is good and there's a lot of content, but the endgame checklist can be a real chore to see through. Also Amon in LP is just ridiculous, I still haven't beat him.

    • 7 months ago

      If you're an HnK fan, Lost Paradise is probably the best we're gonna get even if it fricks with the story in a lot of little places.

    • 7 months ago

      Ishin Kiwami is worse than the original but is still fine if you don't want to play the original. Ishin is fine as a whole but has some issues with substories and the story isn't super engaging most of the time.
      Lost Paradise is more for FotNS fans than Yakuza fans. So many things in it are more fanservice than anything else, New Eden is probably the worst town they've made so far, the Wasteland is by far the worst thing of any Yakuza game yet, the boss fights are the best in the entire series, Kenshiro handles great and is fun but has some really broken moves that let you dominate any enemy, and the story is rushed summaries of manga stories but missing half the characters mixed with OC.

  5. 7 months ago

    >fighting 50 koreans in yakuza 6 on a replay
    >enter heat mode to avoid dying
    >pause game at the last second to heal
    >exit pause menu and I die with my health refilled

    anyone ever encounter this glitch?

    • 7 months ago

      i forgot to mention "at the last second" meant as soon as i ran out of heat.

  6. 7 months ago

    Lovey-Dovey Kiryu-Haruka Baby-Making Sex!

  7. 7 months ago

    Why did they make him look like some ugly bastard?
    Good looking doctors who do vile corrupt shit are just as likely to exist. Were they afraid it was going to somehow make people not care or give the doctor the benefit of the doubt just cause he looked good?

  8. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      That scene was so good.

      I was just imagining the crying scene with this moron bawling his eyes out and it just made it so funny.

      How is the wealth demo?

      • 7 months ago

        Frick if I know. I gave up on the series, I just shitpost this homosexual

        • 7 months ago

          how did they know

      • 7 months ago

        Well the demo literally does not work for me unless i play with english dub so yeah

      • 7 months ago

        They might actually get a good performance out of him if they just recorded him reading his blocked twitter replies out loud.

  9. 7 months ago
  10. 7 months ago

    How is the translation of Gaiden?

    • 7 months ago

      In english.

    • 7 months ago


  11. 7 months ago

    I'm starting Gaiden tonight, after being filtered by Ishin.
    What to expect?

    • 7 months ago

      Depends how much of the other games you've played. If you missed 3, 6, and 7 it will be mostly nonsense.

      • 7 months ago

        Everything but Judgment, LJ and anything else that wasn't localized I did not play yet.
        Everything from 1 to 7 is done.

        • 7 months ago

          Then you're in for some absolute kino. For me it was on the level of the best games in the series, only pulled down by being shorter.

  12. 7 months ago
  13. 7 months ago

    Should I play Gaiden before or after 7? I've played up to 6.

  14. 7 months ago

    >Only have True Final Millennium Tower achievement left for Yakuza 7 on Steam
    >Know it's just going to take hours of grinding one hallway with a significant amount of time just running
    >If I was playing the Japanese version I'd already be done with the game
    >I can get mods or saves to reduce the grind
    I'm a bit torn at this point. The grind seems crazy but if I start to cheat then what's the point in not just triggering the achievements in SAM.
    Honestly, there's a couple things I still want to do in the game like do all substories but I can't help but think that's just cutting into my grind time.

    • 7 months ago

      what level do you even need to be for it?

      • 7 months ago

        The recommended is level 99 and 90 on your main job with a couple other jobs at decently levelled for the stat bonuses.
        I'm at level 80 and job level 50. The first enemy in the dungeon punched Kasuga before I got a turn and it only did 80% of my health cause I perfect guarded it. I died on the next turn.

    • 7 months ago

      >If I was playing the Japanese version I'd already be done with the game
      No you wouldn't. The Japanese version has the Premium Master's Pack DLC trophies permanently on your list and required you to do a whole NG+ playthrough on Legend.

      what level do you even need to be for it?

      The recommended is level 99 and 90 on your main job with a couple other jobs at decently levelled for the stat bonuses.
      I'm at level 80 and job level 50. The first enemy in the dungeon punched Kasuga before I got a turn and it only did 80% of my health cause I perfect guarded it. I died on the next turn.

      The recommended level is a lie. You want every single job at 30 for all the stats and shared skills. You then want your main job to be 99, and a secondary job to be 99 for the stats. If you were playing the Japanese version most of your jobs would be in the 50s or so from the EX-HARD playthrough, but you would still need one maxed out bare minimum whereas in the English version that's not a requirement so there's a grind of the hobos involved instead of EXP gained from a playthrough.

      • 7 months ago

        we couldn't get confirmation that you needed a NG+ / Legend to unlock the final tower on PC, so I played and maxed out everyone like this on a Legend playthrough. Idk about the japanese version but they did give you a ton more job points during Legend. I think we found out you didn't have to do it. All told it took me over 200 hours. Would have taken probably a lot less time but I like redid everything twice and completed the entire list. and that fricking tower was still difficult af on Legend. Same with Amon.

        • 7 months ago

          >we couldn't get confirmation that you needed a NG+ / Legend to unlock the final tower on PC
          Huh? It was the same as on console, the west got the Premium Masters Pack built in. That could be confirmed just by you going past 30 in a job or if you had access to certain skins at Hello Work. Within the first week of release we already saw people accessing the TFMT and getting wiped.
          >but they did give you a ton more job points during Legend
          Every enemy in a fight gives a flat 5k or 10k, I think it was 10k, and the most enemies in an encounter is 6 if I remember right. It's not that much compared to the hobos but it's enough to give you a free 10-20 levels without really trying in a job just from running around for a playthrough.
          >and that fricking tower was still difficult af on Legend. Same with Amon.
          It's really not that bad, the Subjugation-kuns at the start are the hardest part. After that it's you just being smart about casting Peerless Resolve turn one on Ichiban while Han uses Fulminating forecast to stun every enemy before spamming Essences while Saeko or Ichiban heal and your third party member (Hopefully Eri) uses their strongest attacks. For Amon you just need Mr. Masochist when he summons the gang because of the counters at half health. The bosses between floors outside of maybe Tendo are extremely easy, especially Majima.

          I beat it second try after a Legend playthrough with I think three 99 jobs on everyone and everything else was a mishmash of 40-60. First try I died to Amon because I didn't realize I'd get hit so hard from the counters and because one or two party members died from the instant KO. Second try I had Ichiban and one other party member with the accessory to block Death and Mr. Masochist on hand for the counter.

          • 7 months ago

            I was already at the end of my first play through in 3 days. Trust me, I was there and it wasn't unlocking. I never paid much attention to whether a patch fixed it or if it was really meant to be done through NG+.

            • 7 months ago

              You just had to go on PA like the FMT, it was at the back door. I was here for the launch too. We even had people complaining about instantly dying if I remember right because they walked into it right after the FMT.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah it wasn't unlocking, we had running threads about how to actually unlock it. I think they must have patched it. I waited a good week before I started my 2nd playthrough. That's how the steam version was, idk about any others

              • 7 months ago

                Okay, I decided to double check again because it sounds kinda familiar. I was one of the people saying it seemed like you had to go into NG+ to unlock it because of JP information I was relying on at the time.




                both corrected me on this.


                this guy said the PC version specifically was having issues.


                this guy said he beat it within the week of release. So it seems like a PC version only issue.

              • 7 months ago

                iirc, there's not even an achievement for finishing the game on Legend. I had planned to do it at some point but I just ended up doing it. Either way, I don't see how you can max your jobs without losing your mind on anything but Legend. They were just piling on job points even for trash mobs. I was no where close on my normal playthrough even after doing a bunch of dungeon runs.

              • 7 months ago

                >iirc, there's not even an achievement for finishing the game on Legend.
                There's not, only on the JP PS4 version like I showed

                >If I was playing the Japanese version I'd already be done with the game
                No you wouldn't. The Japanese version has the Premium Master's Pack DLC trophies permanently on your list and required you to do a whole NG+ playthrough on Legend.

                The recommended level is a lie. You want every single job at 30 for all the stats and shared skills. You then want your main job to be 99, and a secondary job to be 99 for the stats. If you were playing the Japanese version most of your jobs would be in the 50s or so from the EX-HARD playthrough, but you would still need one maxed out bare minimum whereas in the English version that's not a requirement so there's a grind of the hobos involved instead of EXP gained from a playthrough.

                . You had to get to Hello Work and get a job again, beat the game on Premium New Game Ex-Hard (So NG+ without changing from Ex-Hard), clear the Super Final Millennium Tower (TFMT), get all 7 party members to level 99 after having cleared NG+, get a single job to 50, and get a weapon to 極+1 (EX +1) on that one.
                >I don't see how you can max your jobs without losing your mind on anything but Legend.
                Because Legend is terrible for grinding job levels, especially the hobos. It was one of the first things I tested.
                On Legend your best EXP rate at endgame is the group of six or so guys who patrol W Tsurukame Highway then running down Isezaki Road. You'd do that route and get either 30k or 60k a fight (Again, I don't remember if it was 5k flat or 10k flat per person) but it was roughly 30 seconds to find a group, ten seconds to do your Essence, then another 10ish seconds for the fight to end before you ran around again hoping to find another encounter even if you were drunk.
                You couldn't do the hobos because they had something like 100 or 200 HP on Legend and required Jackpot Chip to kill which was also a % chance meaning your girls better pray they get that crit, and then you had another 3+ minute fight against guys who could one-shot your party members even at 99 in all jobs.

                The unequivocally best EXP farm is on Normal difficult on Kamuro Sewers 2F. You run from every encounter that's not a hobo, follow the route to the split, pick one of them then do the other, then double back to the stairs you came from and repeat. It's 2 and a half levels past 30 per 4-5 minute runs as long as you had at least one job EXP item.

    • 7 months ago

      How many hours did it took to reach this point? From what I've read, Y7 is nowhere near as long as Y5, so the extra hours of grinding doesn't seem all that bad in the grand scheme of things.

      • 7 months ago

        My file says 70 and Steam says 90. I should probably just accept the tedium or move on to another game. It just feels so close when there's only one achievement left but it's a massive spike in time compared to the previous ones.
        I know the game as a whole is nothing compared to 5. In general I just might not be cut out for the tedious aspects of platinuming these games as the only other one I've done is 6 and that is a cakewalk.

      • 7 months ago

        Not him, but
        >Y7 is nowhere near as long as Y5
        The main story is absolutely longer than 5. 5 is like 14-16 hours if you're casually rushing it, 7's is about 18-32ish because of the Battle Arena and having to grab money to progress the story. This is assuming you're not cutscene skipping of course, I'm just assuming a casual run through of the main story only.

        If you're just asking what the guy you quoted is talking about, getting every job to 30 is nothing, like four or five runs of the hobos in Kamurocho Underground 2F is enough to get any job from 1 to 30 (The max before the DLC) which is about 30ish minutes, then every run after is about 2 and a half levels as long as you have one job accessory to increase the JP rate (Which you will have). Getting a job from 30 to 99 with one job accessory is roughly 2-3 hours. One hour is 12 runs roughly (60 minutes / 5 minute runs = 12) multiplied by 2.5 levels from hobos which is 30 level ups per hour. Roughly. You might get more or less but it's around 25 bare minimum, so four hours should be your max to get someone from 30 to 99. You only need to do two jobs like this.

  15. 7 months ago

    I enjoyed Lost Paradise for what it was.
    It felt like the plat was the grindiest out of all the RGG games.

  16. 7 months ago

    >Sister's boyfriend has a 5 year old son
    >Son takes a liking to me (calls me his best friend)
    >About my 4th time meeting him
    >Instead of letting him play Mario on my switch I show him the final boss fight of Gaiden
    >A lot of "why's it like that" and "why this" and "why that"
    >I mostly answer to it with "Because they're strong!"
    >Asks why they're fighting and I give a brief summary on what yakuza are, how he's losing his way of life etc shit he wouldn't get but he's ok with whatever I say
    >He gets a bit hyped over being strong and uses my weights I have lying around
    >Notices Kiryu being "on fire" (his heat)
    >When the fight is over and Shishido and Watase approach he asks "are those his parents?"
    I should have lied and said yes because it's funny. Instead I said they're former friends. I let him play Devil May Cry 3 on Switch after this. I had him hyped over getting stronger, I told him "become stronger than me, become stronger than your father!" or something to that effect.
    Did I do good?
    Posting in another bread for (You)'s

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        He asked what the text on the bottom was (Shishido's name) so I taught him how to say it.
        >KO-SE-I SHI-SHI-DO
        He can't even read yet.

    • 7 months ago

      I tried to reply but the thread was archived between checking to see if it hadn't already and doing the captcha to post. You made the right call and you can save the older brother torment arc until he starts to really become a rascal.

      • 7 months ago

        >You made the right call and you can save the older brother torment arc until he starts to really become a rascal.
        What do you mean?

        • 7 months ago

          Every man who has an older sibling (or analogue thereof) must endure teasing, treachery, and physical conditioning by said sibling. It's an essential part of growing up. Or at least I think so.

          • 7 months ago

            I haven't really tormented him in any way yet unless you count me letting him play DMC3 and even then I accidentally left on the mode that gives Dante unlimited Devil Trigger and lowered damage but he still lost hard to Cerberus (almost won though) because he didn't put any effort into dodging. I think youngn's should be exposed to a little bit of edge or darkness here and there so they aren't too desensitized by the time they start seeing it more often. That's why I appreciate it when kids media get a little darker.

    • 7 months ago

      >I told him "become stronger than me, become stronger than your father!" or something to that effect.

  17. 7 months ago

    In the last few years I've played
    >1 (ps2)
    >Currently on 7

    In that order. I watched rough plot summaries for the others but are any other titles worth playing? I've heard 5 is really good but long as shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Judgment is good

    • 7 months ago

      I'd recommend 4 and Judgment.

    • 7 months ago

      Judgement and Lost Judgment are good and have the best girl.

      • 7 months ago

        >can't date best girl

      • 7 months ago

        The best girl being Amasawa-chan of course.

        • 7 months ago

          No Amasawa in 3 = no buy

        • 7 months ago

          No Amasawa in 3 = no buy

          >Ran in Gaiden is just her with heavy make up

          • 7 months ago

            Which is why she is pure sex

          • 7 months ago

            I knowI was the anon that originally informed everyone here as soon as Foulveins tweeted about it 🙂

    • 7 months ago

      All of them are worth playing in some way if you ask me (well Ishin is pretty skippable), whether because of the hubs you can explore, the (sub)stories or who you play as, helps that 3-6's default digital prices are already pretty low
      mind you I'm someone who can play these games back to back and get 80% completion or more each
      Like others have said the Judgment games are two very good entries that stand on their own, if you don't see yourself playing every game soon those aren't bad purchases since a sale is on right now if you play steam

    • 7 months ago

      5 is dogshit because a character named Park comes in and assassinates Kiryu, Majima, and Haruka. Granted she did it figuratively but imo it's bad enough where it should've been literal and the series just ended there.

      Frick 5.

      • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          Nah idgaf about that it's more who the frick would marry his crazy ass. Twist for the sake of having Majima involved somehow... the writers 4 and after really hated him for some reason and he got written out. 0 was clearly a different writer making an apology to the character lmao

          • 7 months ago

            >who the frick would marry his crazy ass

            • 7 months ago

              4/5/0 made his crazy a veneer. 1/2/3 he's the Japanese Joker. Shirtless mobster goes around cutting people up (and driving trucks into buildings). And you expect me to think Park of all people said yep, that's my man!

              • 7 months ago

                Majima is pretty crazy before 0 came out. The only times he's not really are around Saejima, and Park wasn't ever around until when Saejima was out of the picture when we know he decides to play it up after the end of 0 and is still insane by the time Kiryu's out of jail.

                >Majima is pretty crazy before 0 came out.
                Only 1 and 2 make him out to be the Japanese Joker, and 2 tones it way down outside of the bomb scene.
                3 has him not only running his family, but actively working with Kiryu and is fairly serious outside of slamming his head on The Florist's desk and challenging Kiryu to a fight. But again, after the fight is done he immediately gets serious again.
                4, again, has him running his family and Kamuro Hills, and we have constant flashbacks to who he was establishing basically everything about him outwardly is an act to try and seem tougher as a Yakuza. Then he's dead serious with Saejima constantly, and his scene with Kiryu is also being dead serious.
                Dead Souls doesn't really count, but even there he's mainly pissed off at people being slow and risking their lives more than anything.
                5 has him being Daigo's diplomat who actively stopped Kurosawa's plan from even working properly and continued to establish his past.
                Then you have 0 where it shows a massive part of his past where, again, he's not crazy at all and is exactly like how 4 showed him in the past and establishes 100% that the Mad Dog is just a mask he puts on to push people away as even after he becomes the Mad Dog he has normal discussions with Makoto and Sagawa no issue.

                I'll probably just go with that then. Jesus, 11th?

                1, 2, Kenzan, 3, 4, Dead Souls, 5, Black Panther 1, Black Panther 2, Ishin, 0.
                It's the sixth mainline title. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0.

              • 7 months ago

                3 also has him drive that truck into the embassy because of his obsession with Batman. Err, Kiryu

                His death was one of the dumbest moments in any yakuza game and people don't talk about it enough

                It was great and tied the game together stfu. What was dumb was the two coin locker babies thing

              • 7 months ago

                >What was dumb was the two coin locker babies thing
                Why was it dumb?

              • 7 months ago

                One coin locker baby is fine. But two? The same night? The same coin lockers? Ichiban didn't cry at all why Arakawa beat the shit out of another locker? Nurture has nothing to do with how people turn out, only Nature?

                Granted, on that last ones this is the Yakuza series, wherein being Korean makes you automatically evil.

              • 7 months ago

                mirror face was worst, two coin locker babies is fate and destiny shit that I can buy into

              • 7 months ago

                We've already had shapeshifting koreans in the past in 4/5 games at this point, that's nothing new. It's never been so blatantly and poorly used as a plot device but the benchmark was there.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a reference to a book.

                The moment the Japanese audience knew there was a baby in a coin locker, they knew there were two of them cause that's the plot of the book.

              • 7 months ago

                >One coin locker baby is fine. But two? The same night? The same coin lockers?
                It's that exact twist of fate that is so compelling.
                >Ichiban didn't cry at all why Arakawa beat the shit out of another locker?
                Different babies are different. Some are silent for quite a while after birth.
                >Nurture has nothing to do with how people turn out, only Nature?
                No idea where this came from in the conversation.

              • 7 months ago

                Don't forget that Ichiban was in the locker for longer and came out with no detrimental health effects. But really the worst part about the baby thing is that it's almost utterly pointless in 7 since Ichiban doesn't tell anybody and won't even bother to get a blood test and it turns Sawashiro into kind of a ridiculous character. Now 8 has to bear the burden of 7's sins

              • 7 months ago

                Ichiban's built different. Also probably better blanket than broke-ass Sawashiro and his girlfriend wrapping Aoki in a rag.

                He also only has it revealed after Arakawa is already dead, and the only person it could be relevant to is Aoki... but the best that'd do is sound insane or make Aoki want to kill himself more. 8's following up on it with Sawashiro telling Ichiban about his mom as the main premise of the game.

              • 7 months ago

                >Don't forget that Ichiban was in the locker for longer
                Was he? I thought the implication was Jo put his kid in, then left for a smoke and came back quite a while later. Meanwhile Ichiban was put in like right before Arakawa showed up and the soap land owner showed up like 2 minutes after the punching.

              • 7 months ago

                If you're gonna bring up these issues at least also bring up that Masato was in the lockers longer than Ichiban, but Masato is the one who ends up with a glass body while Ichiban is mostly fine outside of his diagnosed schizophrenia.

                >even FF1 and DQ1 are way more in-depth than it.
                You didn't actually play either game did you? No one with a brain would say DQ1 had more depth. Y7 depth was a little above most DQ's in complexity but DQ1 is as barebones as it gets.

                DQ1 at least asks you to use enemy weaknesses on some normal mobs and you have to be careful how you progress.
                7 doesn't even ask you that outside of like one boss, two if you want to get picky. You can genuinely just spam whatever and you'll be fine. No reason to debuff, no reason to really buff, DoT are completely pointless, status debuffs have next to no purpose on Normal because outside of like two boss fights you take maybe 1/6th of your health a turn, enemies resisting attacks barely means anything on Normal because that's like maybe 10 damage less on a 200+ damage attack, you can craft healing items for almost nothing that completely invalidate the only viable healing job, you can immediately buy endgame-viable equipment just by spending a couple minutes doing side content, etc.

                Like, the most 7 does on a normal playthrough is have you not go to Chinatown for the first few levels, but as soon as you get to about 15 or 20 you can already take on the guys there from what I remember.

                I'd say polish is a little more accurate but I can start to see what Moose is getting at with more time with the game.
                Like in 7 I have a fully upgraded bat that does 1800 damage but if Ichiban happens to be next to a chair when I press attack, then he'll pick up a chair, hit the enemy for 150 damage, and I will want to fricking die.
                If I hit attack in Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy, they might miss but they'll be using the weapon I equipped to them.

                I guess "Polish" is the right word, I just absolutely feel like almost every mechanic in 7 has no point outside of Legend difficult. Accuracy checks aren't even a thing outside of Bodyguard because you will hit like 99/100 attacks.

              • 7 months ago

                >DQ1 at least asks you to use enemy weaknesses on some normal mobs and you have to be careful how you progress.
                Not really. Attack is always more reliable than frizz, mp should only be used for healing. Even the golem isn't only beatable with the flute.

              • 7 months ago

                I just wish SEGA had maybe taken advantage of the fact they own Atlus and maybe consulted them a bit on the mechanics in 7.
                Persona 3 in 2006 had indicators if enemies were weak or resistant to the moves you were attacking with.
                Yakuza 7 needed a patch to add weakness indicators and is finally going to have resistance indicators in Yakuza 8.
                Like other RPGs have learned these lessons already, take advantage of it.

              • 7 months ago

                >wherein being Korean makes you automatically evil.
                pretty realistic if you ask me.

              • 7 months ago

                It's a trope we have here in Japan, stupid weeab

              • 7 months ago

                >Granted, on that last ones this is the Yakuza series, wherein being Korean makes you automatically evil.
                The koreans in 7 are all fine.

              • 7 months ago

                sega being SJW cowards as usual!

              • 7 months ago

                They killed a guy for failing to run Hamako's friend out of town simply because she refused to let them steal electricity, actually assassinate people in the first place, regularly steal electricity from everyone and then strongarm them even if they're going poor from it to the point that they hire people to destroy their businesses and rob them just to power Geomijul, spy on all of Ijincho like the Florist, tried killing not only Ichiban but threatened Yagami for trying to ask questions, and refused to let Nanba meet his brother for seemingly years making him think the brother was kidnapped when the very obvious solution is to threaten Nanba's brother with deaths of him and his wife if he explains where he's been in detail, or to just make him explain that he was living with the Geomijul and leave it at that.

                Then in Han's bond you even find out the regular Jingweon are coming to Ijincho to kill them regularly for messing up or defecting so both the Geomijul and Jingweon Koreans are portrayed as complete morons.

                Meanwhile on the Chinese side you have them trafficking a bunch of stuff into the country which 3 even set up, Lao is still trafficking weaponry, and then you have the mess Mabuchi left in his wake.

              • 7 months ago

                Wait, scratch the first part, I forgot he was a miniboss later if I remember right.

              • 7 months ago

                It could happen, because I guess coin locker babies are the Japanese equivalent to prom night dumpster babies.

              • 7 months ago

                One prom night dumpster baby is fine. But two? The same prom night? The same dumpster? Ichiban didn't cry at all why Arakawa beat the shit out of the other compartment? Nurture has nothing to do with how people turn out, only Nature?

              • 7 months ago

                >3 also has him drive that truck into the embassy because of his obsession with Batman. Err, Kiryu
                Well, he was mainly there to bail him out, I wouldn't exactly call that crazy even if he did drive at the people.

              • 7 months ago

                He busts into an embassy, into certain death, and all he can do is cry about Kiryu. It's just what he did it's why and how he did it. Had he not been crazy maybe he would've had a better plan.

              • 7 months ago

                >He busts into an embassy, into certain death
                You're missing the part where he busts into it seemingly knowing that Kiryu just needed a ride out since he only does it when he's already outside. If anything it sounded like he planned for it.

            • 7 months ago

              Majima is pretty crazy before 0 came out. The only times he's not really are around Saejima, and Park wasn't ever around until when Saejima was out of the picture when we know he decides to play it up after the end of 0 and is still insane by the time Kiryu's out of jail.

      • 7 months ago

        They straight up have a Yakuza 2 sidestory about a talent agency trying to scoop up Haruka and promising a future for her that Kiryu can't provide, and it ends with her outright telling Kiryu she's not interested and wants to be with him instead.

        Walking that back between 4 and 5 is one of the absolute worst character backslides I've seen for Kiryu, given 4 straight up ends with Haruka practically nudging Kiryu back into acknowledging the Tojo is a part of him, and then by the start of 5 he's abandoned the kids AND the Tojo, 6 he does that again, and they have to deal with this shit still.

        • 7 months ago

          Yep. It's a backslide for both. imo the idol thing isn't the issue it's Kiryu leaving. He'd never leave his kids, especially not because some c**t told him to. And Haruka heard that entire conversation from the hallway and really thought "yep I need Uncle Kaz out of the picture so I can be famous".

          What a load of garbage 5 is. Absolute dumpster fire.

          I know people hate in 4 for rubber bullets... but it's so much better than 5, camp twist aside.

        • 7 months ago

          >kids aren't allowed to change
          damn dude you stupid.

  18. 7 months ago


  19. 7 months ago

    so what's going to be the big plot twist in Y8 ?

    • 7 months ago

      rubber parents

    • 7 months ago

      Kiryu and Ichiban are half brothers.

      • 7 months ago

        Kiryu's parents got Kazama'd tho

    • 7 months ago

      The vtuber is Ichiban's mom who dies inmediately after

      • 7 months ago

        The vtuber is a reverse Kizuna Ai where it turns out she's actually an AI all along.

        I actually like these

    • 7 months ago

      secret rubber koreans in lockers were fighting over the hidden golden tiger castle

    • 7 months ago

      >Ichiban, you've really made it to the top this time, we're proud of you.
      >Kiryu, your cancer is regressing, good job. Also Yumi didn't actually die.

      • 7 months ago

        To the top of what? Pretty sure ichi has been a freeter bum working random shitty jobs since he got out of jail since he clearly didn't get rich via the business minigame in 7

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          In a dialogue from the demo Ichiban mentions he worked at Hello Work
          And in the trailer where we see him in a work suit, the background looks similar to Hello Work office, and it would make sense, as Ichiban would definitely try to help people get their shit together

          Sorry, meant to reply to this post

      • 7 months ago

        Yumi got amnesia (AGAIN) and had a child with another man (AGAIN)

      • 7 months ago

        >We meet the AI girl in person, there is no Vtuber, that's just what a real person looks like
        >She reveals that "Ichiban" was the "Connector" all along.
        >Later down the line, Danny Trejo sticks out his tongue and says "You've got it all wrong" and starts gloating as he's then immediately shot in the same cutscene.
        >It's Joji!
        >But actually...
        >Takes off mask
        >It's Han Joon-Gi (the real one)
        But then...
        >Danny Trejo gets back up because he was shot with a rubber bullet instead of a real one
        >Look, there's a camera! You're being recorded, it was all a prank!
        >Curtains move away to reveal a crowd who are all clapping in applause
        >Everyone bows

        • 7 months ago

          Kiryu was too "strong" to defeat "cancer"...

          • 7 months ago

            I'd love to see an Amon brother put that piece of shit Raian in his place. Kill Kures. Behead Kures. Roundhouse kick a Kure into a trash compactor.

      • 7 months ago

        Yumi got amnesia (AGAIN) and had a child with another man (AGAIN)

        Yumi didn't die
        She's the leader of the Omi
        ai wo torimodose starts playing

    • 7 months ago

      Ichiban was you, the player, all along

    • 7 months ago

      Kiryu's cancer is prostate cancer and the infinite wealth was the friends they made along the way

      • 7 months ago

        It's obviously lung cancer, why would it not be when Gaiden has so many instances of Kiryu going GOD I LOVE SMOKING, WHY IS EVERYONE GETTING IN MY WAY WHEN IT JUST WANT TO LIGHT UP?

        • 7 months ago

          He's a virgin so it's obviously prostate cancer

    • 7 months ago

      The vtuber is a reverse Kizuna Ai where it turns out she's actually an AI all along.

      • 7 months ago

        The second plot twist almost inmediately after is that it's actually sentient (and thinks Ichiban is cool)

        • 7 months ago

          Well I mean yeah, obviously. That it's become self-aware and is secretly helping Ichiban, like Daedalus in Deus Ex.

    • 7 months ago

      Haruka cheated on Yuta with an American Black man but thanks to Kiryu finally seeing them again and talking about their problems he will convince Yuta to stay with Haruka and raise her wife's black son. Then Kiryu dies of cancer.

      • 7 months ago

        Frick off euro.

        • 7 months ago

          Actually I'm Indian.

          • 7 months ago

            Ah, british?

    • 7 months ago

      In a dialogue from the demo Ichiban mentions he worked at Hello Work
      And in the trailer where we see him in a work suit, the background looks similar to Hello Work office, and it would make sense, as Ichiban would definitely try to help people get their shit together

    • 7 months ago

      Kiryu never had cancer it was the Daidoji trying to poison him.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, plot twist the knife the Assassin used to stab Kiryu in Yakuza 2 was actually a special cancer knife made by the Daidoji and stolen by a contact of Sengoku
        Kiryu then proceeds to beat his own cancer to death in a dream sequence

    • 7 months ago

      Third coin locker baby

    • 7 months ago

      >A new miracle AD-9 was previously being worked on, but progress on it was halted due to unintended side effects
      >Under the Daidoji's supervision, development continued in secret on it
      >While it doesn't cure Alzheimer's, it has an interesting effect with cancer cells that target the malignant cells and destroys them
      >Kiryu is able to cure his cancer with this and return to the orphanage to live out his days as the whole world knows Kazuma Kiryu lives

      • 7 months ago

        >Kiryu is able to cure his cancer with this
        With the catch that he's now a cripple due to Nu AD-9 side effects, can't have everything tied up neatly in a bow after all

        • 7 months ago

          The side effects of AD-9 would give Kiryu beautifur eyes.

        • 7 months ago

          >Kiryu gets the Phantom Liberty ending treatment
          I don't think they'd risk their office getting firebombed by fans

  20. 7 months ago

    The real secret is there are no actually BAD yakuza games, even the worst ones are still better than most other non-yakuza games that are of a similar quality. It's really an argument over which is the least good.

    • 7 months ago

      I love Dead Souls and it's a shame you can't get it on current consoles or PC.

      • 7 months ago

        Dead Souls is bad because it can't run for shit on PS3, that's pretty much it

  21. 7 months ago

    Bros Ik playing the new game in first person just walking around. Holy frick it's comfy. Why hasn't anyone made a Japan simulator. Where you just walk around doing random stuff

    • 7 months ago

      Yakuza already is a Japan simulator though. It's customary to wander around in a group of 4-8 people and get all of your asses kicked by one guy

  22. 7 months ago

    The vtuber is actually Mirror Face

  23. 7 months ago

    I did it, bros

    • 7 months ago

      the max level is only 20?

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      are any of the other fighters fun to play as

    • 7 months ago

      >42 characters

      could make a fighting game right there

      like power stone

  24. 7 months ago

    unless the Bruce Lee job is OP, I don't see any reason for not just using this job for all male characters

  25. 7 months ago


  26. 7 months ago

    I cried at the end of Gaiden

    • 7 months ago

      Is it that good?

      • 7 months ago

        More like it ends in the most emotional scene in the franchise

    • 7 months ago

      has it been a while since you felt like this

      • 7 months ago

        Last piece of media that did that to me was Ikiru by Kurosawa and I watched that over a year ago. So yea.

        • 7 months ago

          Kurosawa's masterpiece. Cried multiple times. Bought the DVD on my trip to Japan. The 70 year old clerk smiled and in very broken english said "Good film. Gaijin only buy anime."

  27. 7 months ago

    >playing koi-koi
    >no idea what the frick is going on
    gambling is weird

    • 7 months ago

      Cars pair based on what the background of the card is. Cherry blossoms pair with cherry blossoms, chrysanthemum pair with chrysanthemums, etc.
      Your goal is to aim for high value hands so aim for the moon, the chrysanthemum, and the cherry blossom with the purple sash on the bottom. Those are the ones that pair best with everything. You then aim for fancy looking cards like the oni, the emperor, the crane, etc. Then you aim for the golden animals to try and make Boar, Deer, Butterfly. Then you aim for red/purple poem strips with words on them, then ones without, then basic ones.

      It'll look like nonsense at the start but you'll be Crab Fab before you know it. "Koi" means you want the round to keep going but with a chance to lose if the opponent gets a point at all, "Don't Koi" means ending the turn and banking your points. There's also a rule that doubles your points if you go to 7 or above which you should always have on. As long as it's the first round you can quit out if your opponent makes a winning hand and you see them hovering over "Don't Koi" without losing tags, but any round after that you can't.

  28. 7 months ago

    Kiryu is Ichiban's mom

    • 7 months ago


  29. 7 months ago

    Ichiban will get a brawler game soon
    Anything the devs say in interviews can be doubted since they change their mind/lie in order to not reveal anything

    • 7 months ago

      Honestly i feel like they'll switch to a new protag instead and the next Gaiden will be for Ichiban
      Ichiban is 46 in Infinite Wealth and is (probably) gonna get with Saeko
      He's getting old and RGG can't make a man in a relationship do cabaret stuff

      • 7 months ago

        I’d only expect that if the marketing hints they’re ending his story

      • 7 months ago

        Ichiban will get a brawler game soon
        Anything the devs say in interviews can be doubted since they change their mind/lie in order to not reveal anything

        I think Ichiban getting old just means they'll lean even more into him being supported by a party, which fits well with the RPG formula.

        Maybe eventually he even gets to go full SRPG or city sim like it's Actraiser.

        • 7 months ago

          Age doesn’t matter
          Kiryu was still a powerhouse and the only way to nerf him was with cancer

          • 7 months ago

            Him blocking those fricking katana swings bare fisted in that last fight. Pretty insane

          • 7 months ago

            >Age doesn’t matter

      • 7 months ago

        I’d only expect that if the marketing hints they’re ending his story

        I think Ichiban getting old just means they'll lean even more into him being supported by a party, which fits well with the RPG formula.

        Maybe eventually he even gets to go full SRPG or city sim like it's Actraiser.

        It's not about power, but as spry as Ichiban is for his age, he is still aging. People will find it harder to accept a guy in his 50's doing all the stuff he does, then again we have Adachi too but he's not the protagonist.

  30. 7 months ago

    why are the White Knights all fat dudes

    • 7 months ago

      There whole thing is eating and running at places and they all have no job

  31. 7 months ago

    Winnie the pooh looking MF

  32. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      It's a shame Gaiden has such shitty models. Uika is cute AF.

      • 7 months ago

        >Asian Abigail Shapiro

      • 7 months ago

        still has that bogged face

  33. 7 months ago

    Can I just say real quick the final boss of gaiden fricking took on Majima and Taiga at the same fricking time and made them look like fools. His threat level was pretty fricking immense for a otherwise no name grunt

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not sure how to feel about that.

      On one hand you can just say Majima and Saejima are getting old.

      On the other it has its own appeal of the big bad being just a grunt challenging Yakuza legends.

      Who the frick was kiryus handler? They mentioned that he ran into kiryu before becoming a agent at the end

      He has the same voice actor as Morinaga, whatever that means.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm not sure how to feel about that.

      On one hand you can just say Majima and Saejima are getting old.

      On the other it has its own appeal of the big bad being just a grunt challenging Yakuza legends.

      He has the same voice actor as Morinaga, whatever that means.

      I loved it. It was Majima getting old/wienery. No one has ever beaten him besides Kiryu and Saejima, so when this no name jamoke shows up he goes for his same cuhrazy approach which nearly got him killed. It shows Shishido was meant to be a legend but his time came to late. Also don't forget what being absolutely enraged does to one's power level in this series, Kiryu should not have been able to survive the end of 6.

      • 7 months ago

        Speaking of Shishido, did allies always had the ability to hit you with weapons?

        This man would not leave me the frick alone on the Castle escape, the roam around town, and the Kjinn raid to the point I joked that he might betray me.

        • 7 months ago

          I was thinking the same thing and thought they may have added for Hell Team Rumble, but now I'm replaying Lost Judgment and Kaito has rocked me with his flying kick a few times. Unless you meant it was actually doing damage, in which case I have no idea because I don't think Shishido ever hit me.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah no damage taken. Just interruptions and ragdolling to the point he's not even hiding his hatred.

            The Minamida boss rush was really cool though I wish it wasn't Sword Ryuji again.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm still triggered that the boss rush doesn't include Shibusawa at the end

              • 7 months ago

                I'm still pissed there wasn't an individual match for each one with 8+ health bars.

              • 7 months ago

                I quite literally sandbagged aizawa’s portion just so I can take in battle for the dream fully

    • 7 months ago

      They shouldnt have made Shishido Match Saejima in Str,i can get behind him being a bad match for Majima by doing that stunt he did with the hand stab grab, but handling the two of them at once is something even Kiryu cant do without a lot of effort

      • 7 months ago

        I'm not sure how to feel about that.

        On one hand you can just say Majima and Saejima are getting old.

        On the other it has its own appeal of the big bad being just a grunt challenging Yakuza legends.

        He has the same voice actor as Morinaga, whatever that means.

        It was fricking Kino and I fully believed at the feats he pulled off. Just looking at his design he probably went through worse shit than both Majima and Saejima in life. They're yakuza legends? He doesn't give a single frick, he was at the end of the rope with nothing to lose like Saejima said.
        His speech and his fight was beyond fricking kino it's insane. Definitely one of the better villains and final boss of the whole series and that's saying something.

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, I wasn't expecting Shishido to be such a great character from his first encounter, but he ended up being great.

        • 7 months ago

          Shishida and Nishitani being brought into the Daidouji at the end is gonna bite Kiryu in the ass in 8, just watch.

    • 7 months ago

      It's too fricking good

  34. 7 months ago

    Who the frick was kiryus handler? They mentioned that he ran into kiryu before becoming a agent at the end

    • 7 months ago

      I literally just beat the game too and yeah were they implying that Hanawa is Morinaga? We never saw Morinaga's corpse and they also share the same voice actor

    • 7 months ago

      Its assumed he is Morinaga however i remember seeing a leaked image of the Taxi company owner so it could be him too.

      • 7 months ago

        making it Nakajima would be too goofy tbh

        • 7 months ago

          He does look exactly like him though

          • 7 months ago

            but he doesn't sound like him at all, he sounds like Morigana (for obvious reasons). I guess it could be him but that would be way too weird.

      • 7 months ago

        That could just be part of Kiryu's schizo cancer memories sequence(s). I'm pretty the Harukas were all datamined too weren't they. Could be part of a trip down memory lane type deal and maybe he doesn't actually show up. Or he does, it's not like it's a big deal if he's in Yokohama

  35. 7 months ago

    why did nishiki think a magikarp tattoo was a good idea

    • 7 months ago

      NISHIKIyama therefore fish
      Just like KiRYU therefore dragon
      It's also symbolic

  36. 7 months ago

    Which way white man

    • 7 months ago

      Where does 8 go?

      • 7 months ago

        Furuta and Takeuchi, a guy who's mostly been in the background for most of the series. Presumably with Yokoyama supervising or whatever

    • 7 months ago

      I think Judgement sucks, havent played Lost Judgement but I hated the combat in Judgement, it was too floaty for my liking

      • 7 months ago

        This isn’t a tier list. Also lost judgment is the worst game in the franchise

        • 7 months ago
          • 7 months ago

            Worst minigames, worst substories, incredibly annoying forced parkour and stealth, and worst story in the series to the point they murdered Yagamis character. The only good thing about lost judgment was the shake style was fun

            • 7 months ago

              >worse story in the series
              >not 5

              • 7 months ago

                5’s was significantly better than lost judgment, and it’s not even close

              • 7 months ago

                >T. Bullying victim

              • 7 months ago

                The villain was right in lost judgment and I’m tired of pretending he wasn’t

              • 7 months ago

                Okay but have you considered Sawa-sensei?

              • 7 months ago

                something to not repeat on my later endeavors

            • 7 months ago

              The boxing alone is worth the price. The substories are always hit or miss, LJ didn't change that in any appreciable way imo. The story was not nearly as contrived as K2, Y4, or Y5. Yagami seemed like the same hard headed idiot he was in the first game. The only thing I didn't like about LJ was that the writers practically made me completely disagree with his points up until the very end. They made it seem like he was just wrong and being an butthole about it the entire time. At least that was an interesting dynamic.

            • 7 months ago

              >worse story in the series
              >not 5

              5’s was significantly better than lost judgment, and it’s not even close

              Lost Judgment and 5 are the two best stories in the franchise.

            • 7 months ago

              low T post

    • 7 months ago

      People care about Dead Souls' story?

      • 7 months ago

        They care about gun arm Ryuji

      • 7 months ago

        It's the only game where the civilians actually recognize Kiryu for the legend he is

      • 7 months ago

        Only for Ryuji and some of the Majima bits, otherwise it's barely even got anything going on. The main villain is just barely more fleshed out than Kenzan's final boss.

        • 7 months ago

          Did the gold castle guy actually survive in the Dead Souls timeline? I mean all yakuza protagonists are incapable of killing after all. He landed on a bouncy castle.

          • 7 months ago

            Nah, Sengoku is still down for the count. Hayashi is roaming around though, same deal with Arase who partners up with Kiryu after he gets over Shinji and Reina's murder.

    • 7 months ago

      Major furuta

  37. 7 months ago

    I've just been grinding the Platinum rank rumble in the batting cages since there's no big enemies to throw out commands and it's an easy 2mil minimum per match. Is that the most efficient way to level teammates in the coliseum?

    • 7 months ago

      That's how I did it. dont' know the meta though. in between that, I would do the special solo that you can bet 10million in and rake in money that way. I think it unlocks after 5 arena fights or so. So I would highly suggest grinding that one

      • 7 months ago

        sorry, it keeps unlocking again and again after 5 fights in the arena. but you have to unlock it first. then you get a text message and you go talk to the lady in the vip section by the pool

  38. 7 months ago

    so now the 3 strongest homies in the whole series are kiryu, saejima and shishido

  39. 7 months ago

    Was Ichiban just taking a nap during the end of Gaiden? I don’t remember where he went

  40. 7 months ago

    Look at the size of this dude's head.

    • 7 months ago

      big head = big brain

    • 7 months ago

      sad we didn't get to see his back tat again.

    • 7 months ago

      >Hey Lois, the Watase Family just betrayed me!

  41. 7 months ago

    >Shishido loves his sledgehammers
    >falls into construction zone
    >comes out with katana
    One of my very few complaints about the finale. His phases should have gone sledgehammer->unarmed->katana->unarmed

  42. 7 months ago
  43. 7 months ago

    Just finished all the substoried in 3, started 4.
    I think I spent so long on it, I never understood the blocking issue. Now that I'm on 4, tearing heads off from the start, I see the frustration. 4 might be a Leelee easy tho.
    One thing I really don't get about Akiyama.
    How the frick is he a pretty boy?

  44. 7 months ago

    What really killed the yakuza irl is the same thing in 7, the passage of a new law. See, before in order to get arrested and thrown in prison as a yakuza member, you had to actually commit a crime which makes logical sense. The new law says that no, belonging to a criminal organization is in itself a crime and is not covered under freedom of association. Suddenly the whole "you've got nothing on me" line no longer matters because they don't need to have anything on you, being a yakuza is enough to nail your ass to the wall.

  45. 7 months ago

    The Young Master deserved to live past 7 tbh, and not just because I liked that he was Wei Shen in English.

    • 7 months ago

      Ichiban willing to help him from rock bottom after all that and him being willing to accept was great, shame about it turning out that way. I don't get why he had to die when he definitely would've been put in jail for years, so it's not like he'd hijack screen time. It'd just be something nice for Ichiban to look forward to, and more incentive to make a life for Aoki to come back to when he gets out.

      • 7 months ago

        I'd like to have seen what Aoki would have done to amend for him having large amounts of people deported when they were promised good things.

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, they don't do much for showing amends for horrible actions without sweeping them under the rug or being a single action that's good before death.

          It's kinda fricked that Kiryu, Saejima, and Ichiban are all playable characters that have gone to jail for killing people, served their time, got out, and turns out to have never killed anyone even once. Mostly fricks with Saejima and part of his story being PTSD over killing 15 people, and then it turns out he killed none (but did knock them out with intention to kill, and allow them to be killed after so whatever).

          • 7 months ago

            >Mostly fricks with Saejima and part of his story being PTSD over killing 15 people, and then it turns out he killed none (but did knock them out with intention to kill, and allow them to be killed after so whatever).
            See that's why the reveal that he didn't kill anyone doesn't bother me, because it was "not for lack of trying" situation. Sure he went to prison on bullshit charges, but that part's not his fault, he was trying to kill them.

    • 7 months ago

      >man cucked so hard he becomes a super villain
      classic tale

      • 7 months ago

        >The Man Who Was Cucked To Death

    • 7 months ago

      I can always sympathise with a villain who's main deal is bitterness, envy and resentment. Both Nishiki and Aoki really who are quite similar and parallel each other. Aoki was looked down upon, quite literally even his whole life.

    • 7 months ago

      His death was one of the dumbest moments in any yakuza game and people don't talk about it enough

    • 7 months ago

      His death was one of the dumbest moments in any yakuza game and people don't talk about it enough

      the fact he died from what is basically a letter opener, a tiny fricking knife, is just laughable. There is no way he'd bleed out from that, that fast. It's hilarious, they could've just made the knife better, or have the little bleach japan gay stab him and slice across the stomach. 7s story is gay, the coin locker baby switch up is one of the most unbelievable things

  46. 7 months ago

    My friend bought me yakuza 0 but I've never played the games before. Should I start with the first one or is this prequel a good starting point?

    • 7 months ago

      just play 0 dude, it's fine

    • 7 months ago

      You can play the PS2 version but kiwami 1 assumes pretty heavily that you've played 0

    • 7 months ago

      Yes and no at the same time. It's an anniversary game but also a prequel. It'll give you expectations for the series in terms of writing, mechanics, gameplay, and characters that simply aren't remotely like that but it's also an extremely strong game and really good at the same time. Give it a try if you don't want to go in release order, just understand you're starting with the 11th game in the series and will be jumping around when going in chronological order.

      • 7 months ago

        You can play the PS2 version but kiwami 1 assumes pretty heavily that you've played 0

        just play 0 dude, it's fine

        I'll probably just go with that then. Jesus, 11th?

        • 7 months ago

          If plot if what you want to see, then go from 1, Kiwami, K2 and proceed to the end, if you want to see how the gameplay evolves then start emulating the PS2 and titles first before getting to 0 I guess, I for one started with 0 and I ain't touching any titles without multiple styles in it

          • 7 months ago

            *go from 0, Kiwami, K2
            sorry, too tired to type properly

        • 7 months ago

          Yes but ignoring spinoffs it's 6th

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah but most of us started with 0 anyway despite that game being littered with callbacks that most of us didn't understand at the time.

          • 7 months ago

            The fortune teller substory sure was a trip

          • 7 months ago

            I started with 4. I remember when pre-0 people would seriously ask if 3 or 4 is the better starting point for a newbie.

            • 7 months ago

              both super horrible starting points

              0 and 6 are actually ok to start with

              on the ps3 era they were entirely banking on people in japan that bought the PS2 games in japan and nothing else.

              • 7 months ago

                Eh, 4 actually kinda works as a starting point because aside from where Akiyama got the start of his fortune and why the Tojo is out of money (and i guess who Hamazaki is), it's all about events disconnected from everything in 1-3 and is instead tied to a completely unrelated event in the 80s that doesn't really ever get touched on again until the backstory for Majima in 0.

              • 7 months ago

                personally 4 is the same as judgment where its much better if you actually spend sometime in kamurocho to appreciate the "different perspective".

              • 7 months ago

                True, when I went back to it after playing 1-3, before 5 came out in english, I was surprised at how many little nods to earlier games I noticed. But the game is surprisingly good at keeping focus on the new characters and their story that a new player won't really be lost, it's like almost completely unrelated to everything else going on until Majima becomes part of the picture.

              • 7 months ago

                kind of but the end of the story makes even less sense

                kazuma kiryu part just sucks lol, even more as a newcomer

  47. 7 months ago

    >tsuruno is the one who made the call to kill nishitani
    >nishitani also killed for watase
    >watase is the le honorable yakuza who is just a giant himbo fightard

    It really is so hard to believe that these bigshot legendary yakuza don't kill. The romanticism and rose tinted glasses is insane

    • 7 months ago

      I think that's more Kiryu saying Watase wouldn't lie about it. Watase definitely kills people or has them killed given he's introduced with wanting a war between the Omi and Tojo, and Daigo straight up has killed people with a gun directly in front of Kiryu multiple times.

      • 7 months ago

        I always forget about Quick Draw Daigo's body count

        • 7 months ago

          Daigo with a gun and mortally wounded is the strongest person in the series.

        • 7 months ago

          Never forget

  48. 7 months ago

    Just picked up DRM-Free LAD.
    What am I in for?

    • 7 months ago

      Nice story, but i wouldn't bother with the post story content sweatfest, just like all RPG

    • 7 months ago

      Barebones JRPG that is somehow less developed than NES games with a great cast, an interesting story, tons of awesome enemy variations and animations, mostly solid side content, and the worst boss fights in the series both in terms of hype and boredom. There is exactly one boss that is fun to fight and that's primarily because of something that happens in the fight that'll trip you up.
      You can tell a lot of love and money went into it in terms of variety and new animations/content but they dropped the ball so hard on the actual gameplay because even FF1 and DQ1 are way more in-depth than it.

      • 7 months ago

        >even FF1 and DQ1 are way more in-depth than it.
        You didn't actually play either game did you? No one with a brain would say DQ1 had more depth. Y7 depth was a little above most DQ's in complexity but DQ1 is as barebones as it gets.

        • 7 months ago

          I'd say polish is a little more accurate but I can start to see what Moose is getting at with more time with the game.
          Like in 7 I have a fully upgraded bat that does 1800 damage but if Ichiban happens to be next to a chair when I press attack, then he'll pick up a chair, hit the enemy for 150 damage, and I will want to fricking die.
          If I hit attack in Dragon Quest or Final Fantasy, they might miss but they'll be using the weapon I equipped to them.

    • 7 months ago

      is Infinite Wealth gonna be on GOG?

      • 7 months ago

        Probably not immediately. Took Sega forever to put them on GoG We'll probably see Judgment and Isshin up there first, but everything else that was up on Steam seems to have arrived on GoG this summer.

        • 7 months ago

          I am not paying $85 dollars for a fricking game

          • 7 months ago

            Bro I've waited so many times for the right time to buy certain games in the series. I don't know why you are mad.

            I mean I'm silently hoping they do Of the End/Dead Souls as a remaster/remake just to give it slightly better gameplay and let the game with the best roster of main characters in the whole series get it's due.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm mad because they are locking significant content behind day 1 paid DLC. Games have already increased from 60 to 70 dollars. So the argument is games are bigger in scope and require more work to develop so they have to charge more. Okay, so is the $70 game I'm buying going to be bigger in scope? No. Now they are stripping down the $70 game and making you pay another $15 for features that should be in the base game.

              • 7 months ago

                Here is what they don't tell you:
                1) Companies are aware of steam
                2) Companies are aware of price trackers
                3) Companies know people wait for the sales
                4) Companies are trying to take advantage of this

                If you are in the content rat race or just have fomo they are going to make you pay extra for it.

            • 7 months ago

              Anyway seriously tho: Most badass roster in the series and Goda gets a chain gun arm.
              If it only played a little better and less like a casual mod of 4...

  49. 7 months ago

    Was Shintaro Kazama a good dad?

    • 7 months ago

      >kicks open a door and leaps, dual wielding guns to get you out of chinese torture

      I'd say he was pretty good, though like Kiryu, he's a bad fit for the yakuza life. I mean he was good at it, but his intelligence and morals were wasted on the tojo

  50. 7 months ago

    >open yakuza thread
    >Moose has posted a lot
    >close yakuza thread

  51. 7 months ago

    You think Daigo ever met up with Shinada again after 5?

  52. 7 months ago

    >scams a good for nothing yakuza who makes his living preying on the vulnerable

    based, frick gangsters

  53. 7 months ago

    So is it normal that I've nearly maxed all my skills in chapter 2 of Gaiden
    There's still one under the shoes that's not unlocked

    • 7 months ago

      That's normal if you're doing side content and not continuing the story. The skill under the shoes is locked by story progress and you won't see it until a specific event happens in Chapter 4.

  54. 7 months ago

    Weird how you never hear Yakuza 4 chads start crying about novels or that it was le fate that The Yakuza Four (tm) kept letting Munakata pick up a gun for no reason

    • 7 months ago

      Because they don't exist.

  55. 7 months ago

    Who was this guy again? I have no idea.

    • 7 months ago

      Scammed Nishiki and made him become (more) moronic

      • 7 months ago

        Who? What part of Kiwami was this?

        • 7 months ago

          The Nishiki flashbacks that happen at the start of every chapter

          • 7 months ago

            I know that but what part which one

            • 7 months ago

              Multiple parts. I think the third one is when he makes a deal with him and then the fifth one is when he runs off because it's after the Kashiwagi scene.

  56. 7 months ago

    I never knew that you could do the clan battle stuff in yakuza 6 somewhat out of order, huh.

  57. 7 months ago


  58. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      At 50% off, it's a pretty good steal. Even the basic story will take you quite a bit, and Yokohama adds quite a bit of content to the game, nevermind that you also have stuff in Kamurocho (though obviously not as filled as Yokohama).

      • 7 months ago

        ya i bought it.. into chapter 2 so far not really digging the shitty teenager drama garbage

        • 7 months ago

          It escalates from petty teenager drama in a bit. It's mostly laying the groundwork for how bad bullying can get in Japan and seeing the consequences of it happening firsthand.

        • 7 months ago

          At the end of the day you're buying this game for the gameplay, the story is each to their own

        • 7 months ago

          >he doesn't like being an adult that gets to beat up little high school shits and face no repercussions
          First two chapters are cathartic as hell

        • 7 months ago

          After a while you'll realize the first two chapters are just an excuse to have yagami socialize with students. The game focused more on the aftermath of bullying and how it affects those left behind. Also they shoved in some government conspiracy that ties into the ending of 7 because it's not nu-rgg without some bullshit national-level stake.

      • 7 months ago

        Yokohama stuck with me a lot more in LJ for some reason. I liked the Liumang glow up with Tesso and the White Masks, Kuwana's Batman Yakuza Uncle, the school. But maybe it was just Yagami on a fricking skateboard that won me over

        • 7 months ago

          I think the free-form combat that Yagami had also helps it out. When you're with Ichiban, you're mostly grounded outside of spamming Essence attacks, but Yagami being able to interact with his environment a lot more makes for some interesting combos. Also like you said, the skateboard is pretty cool and makes traversal feel better.

        • 7 months ago

          Probably because it is exhausting to navigate in 7. You can hardly explore for the first big chunk of the game because everything outside of the southern districts is way higher level than you. Then there is the fact that enemy encounters take forever as opposed to LJ when you can beat a regular encounter in 20 seconds. Also no skateboard.

        • 7 months ago

          >Yokohama stuck with me a lot more in LJ for some reason.
          I feel like everyone felt this way. In 7 it was more barebones in a lot of places. Everything north of that highway above Survive Bar dividing the upper and lower portions is either lacking in stuff to do, is lacking in stores, or just has maybe one store and nothing much to speak of. Sure, in LJ you don't have access to most of Goemijul but overall they shuffled a lot of stores around to give more stuff in the northern half of the map, Seiryo constantly makes you go to it, you have minigames all over the place now, you have the squirrel hunt which is much more expansive than the kappa, you have a ton of substories taking you all over the place compared to 7 which likes to sit around the top-right and bottom-left of the map, and so on.

          Movement also plays a big factor in making it enjoyable. In 7 you either get around on foot or by taxi and are level gated for a bit unless you want to dance around tough encounters to explore those areas. In LJ you are free to go around the entire map since it's just about how skilled you are at the encounters and you are given the skateboard which is sprint 2.0 in terms of massive advancements in exploratory gameplay and would have greatly helped make it feel less stale in 7.

          Another thing to keep in mind is that you're in it almost twice as long in 7 as you are in LJ, but for most of 7 fights take minutes while in LJ it's seconds. It gets better later on in 7 but still.

    • 7 months ago

      I'll wait for the DRM-free version

  59. 7 months ago

    alright replaying 6 has been fun but i'm already starting to regret it since I haven't been able to unlock the bar talks yet.
    Debating on going back to either Lost Judgement or 7 for any kind of achievement hunting purposes or just finishing the school stuff, I'd buy Gaiden but it's overpriced right now.

  60. 7 months ago

    I burst out laughing, how the hell did they even move it there? After Sengoku croaked did they have to dig it up and move it piece by piece while everyone awkwardly watched?

    • 7 months ago

      I assumed they just built a new one. Didn't seem that hard to build the first time.

      • 7 months ago

        Two of them existing would be even funnier.

        • 7 months ago

          Let's face it Osaka Castle going transformers into the human trafficking super brothel and casino with tigers was over the top from the beginning.

    • 7 months ago

      It's really weird how the games are so self-serious and then suddenly pull out absolutely moronic shit like this.

      • 7 months ago

        Sotenbori is probably the stupidest location the series, every time the characters go there something really stupid happens
        >Yakuza 2: Osaka Castle
        >Yakuza 5: You have to play as Haruka doing dance battles
        >Yakuza 0: A boat that gets submerged underwater to take you to a coliseum that's underneath the city that never gets brought up again because it was their way of avoiding making the characters know purgatory exists before Yakuza 1.
        There is not a single point where the series' plot relies on sotenbori where anything normal is expected to happen.

        • 7 months ago

          >There is not a single point where the series' plot relies on sotenbori where anything normal is expected to happen.
          Play Gaiden.

          • 7 months ago

            >Gaiden: You meet this hot brightly colored kansai woman who takes you to a boat amusement park based on the castle from Yakuza 2.
            what's your point?

            • 7 months ago

              Literally 90% of the plot revolves around Sotenbori and the Castle.

              • 7 months ago

                Half of Yakuza 0 takes place in Sotenbori and that doesn't take away from the fact that there is still something really fricking dumb that happens there at one point in the game's story despite being relatively normal for the most part until that point.

    • 7 months ago

      Akame explains it later.

  61. 7 months ago

    Are you a real Yakuza?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. Best karaoke song. Pure Love in Kamurocho, Machine Gun Kiss, Baka Mitai, Tonight is a Diamond, and now Sayonara Silent Night are up there though.

    • 7 months ago

      I still have my pinkies so I don't always use a gamepad

  62. 7 months ago

    If kiryu had shown up alone to confront nishiki he'd still be alive

  63. 7 months ago

    Akame/First Summer Uika supremacy

  64. 7 months ago
  65. 7 months ago
  66. 7 months ago
  67. 7 months ago
  68. 7 months ago

    yagami you sick frick she's a high schooler

  69. 7 months ago

    when is Gaiden's dub coming out
    i really want to laugh at yongyeet

  70. 7 months ago

    >Yumi dies before she and Kiryu can confess
    >introduce Kaoru as a love interest but pussy out of it (for the better, but they shouldn't have tried to begin with)
    >Hana (best girl) gets shafted because Akiyama has the hots for a brocon
    >Yasuko dies before she and Saejima can properly reconnect
    >Haruka and Kiryu forced apart and never get to be together again
    >Shinada just goes home to his normal life instead of getting to run away with Milky like they dreamed of
    It's so painful, bros. Why can't anyone be happy? I guess at least Daigo has him Mum and Tanimura has Zhao and Mei Hua.

    • 7 months ago

      >image is recast tanimura's face
      Not my Tanimura

      • 7 months ago

        I had one of 3 Tanimura eating Onigiri with Mei Hua (who had stolen his hat as a proper tf2 soldier main like her would) but I can't find it. Currently scrolling through pixiv to see if I can.

  71. 7 months ago

    the truth that no one will admit

    • 7 months ago

      Swap 6 and 4 and we have an agreement.

  72. 7 months ago

    Which main game would you say has the least impact on the rest of the series? Like which one could you excise from the timeline with the least amount of shit having to change as a result.

    • 7 months ago

      By its nature as a prequel, 0. Literally nothing in 1-5 is affected by 0 existing, all 0 does for them is add more characterization for already existing characters. Hell I'm pretty sure Park was married to Majima BEFORE the events of 0 and he never even mentions her.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah he marries Park like right after 0, probably on the rebound of losing Makoto

      • 7 months ago

        >Hell I'm pretty sure Park was married to Majima BEFORE the events of 0
        Nah, it's about three years after 0. 0's in the tail end of 1988 and early 1989.
        Park's roughly 38 during 5 and one of the people who knew Katsuya says he has a photo from twenty years ago which should be around when she got married. She says she did that when she was 18, and 5 takes place in 2012. So they got married in 1992.

      • 7 months ago

        In the photos, Majima had already lost his eye and had his hair short. It makes sense to me that he would have tried to take inventory of his feelings and move on from Makoto, something that would be a lot easier when you've fallen for another woman, too. Having a wife and kid probably would have helped him accept his decisions and self-doubt over letting Makoto go. But sadly, it wasn't meant to be. And Yuki was prime wife material, too, so I like to think that they've now come together and Majima has learned to let himself be loved and to trust in others, like Kiryu and Saejima, two of the best bros a man could ask for.

        • 7 months ago

          >And Yuki was prime wife material, too
          There's still time, Majima can save her dusty unused womb!

          • 7 months ago

            Or Koyuki for that matter. She was very cute.

            • 7 months ago

              anime style fanart heavily increased since 0 came out

              its mostly western too

              gay homosexualry reddit tumblerina shit dot com fo sure babe

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                yakuza is supposed to be anti anime homosexualry

                well it was. but it cant be helped. yakuza IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE GOOFY

                to me everything in these games are just normal

              • 7 months ago

                They stopped blurring the lines between the goofy and the serious with 7. Gaiden only reinforced that by making Kiryu have wacky secret agent gadgets.

              • 7 months ago

                Putting the wacky sheep guy on the 7 boxart was what did it for me
                Can't bring myself to get gaiden and probably 8, not just for that reason but it's one of them
                I don't know why the humor didn't work in 7 besides that they leaned into it too hard

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                >yakuza is supposed to be anti anime homosexualry
                You could make a case for Y1. But the moment Osaka Castle fricking split in two revealing a golden castle where you fight animated armor and two goddamn tigers completely invalidate your gay theory.

              • 7 months ago

                >But the moment Osaka Castle fricking split in two revealing a golden castle where you fight animated armor and two goddamn tigers

                thats just action movie stuff

              • 7 months ago

                >complaining about japanese art of a japanese game
                Way to out yourself as the homosexual.
                >not supposed to be goofy
                It's gotten way out of hand over time but it's not difficult to ignore if you dislike it. Except for 7, which is a meme and shouldn't be taken seriously to begin with.

              • 7 months ago

                Weak ass bait. Apply yourself.

  73. 7 months ago

    Haruka is unironically sexy.

  74. 7 months ago

    Is it weird that nobody ever remembers Kenzan?

    • 7 months ago

      The only neat thing about it for me was dual-wielding swords. Aside from that it's just whatever

    • 7 months ago

      Weird nobody in the West, where a minority of people are familiar enough with moonspeak to play it or willing enough to play it without fully understanding the language, remembers a game that was never localized?
      No big surprise there. The only series I played without knowing anything written on screen was SRW.

      • 7 months ago

        Y3 is janky as frick and kenzan is a prototype of that

    • 7 months ago

      There's barely anyone here who has played it and even less who have done anything more than the main story. I'm one of them, there's a guy doing a rework of ThePatrick's guide that's one of them but I have no idea if he ever finished that, there's the two guys behind the translation patch, and like maybe three other people I've seen since 0's release.

      It requires the translation guide from KHHsubs just to play the main story, and any side content at all requires both ThePatrick's guide and Japanese guides in tandem. If you want to actually 100% the game good luck, it's even more effort. Barely anyone is going to do any of that.

      • 7 months ago

        >there's a guy doing a rework of ThePatrick's guide that's one of them but I have no idea if he ever finished that
        That anon is me. I never bothered to finish it since I have to reword a bunch of stuff and since I completed the game, I just never felt like doing it. Technically I still could but I don't have the drive, autism, or time to really do it. I started lifting and I'm gonna make a home gym in my garage and I started working 50 hour weeks and I'm about to get my second promotion in less than 4 months. Basically, I'm not gonna finish

        • 7 months ago

          Rip. I thought you already finished like more than half of it though? You were pretty far along even during your playthrough. You could try co-authoring it with someone I guess, I think GameFAQs allows that.

          • 7 months ago

            I have. I'm dealing with other shit right now though. I hit a deer last week and my car is totaled, so now I have to work some more overtime since my insurance company are a bunch of homosexuals. I also have to help my sister with stuff around the house, like painting and sanding the cupboards. Then in the spring, I plan to get a prairie dog.

            • 7 months ago

              Hope it all works out for you man.

              • 7 months ago

                Her JORYU is stuck in my head

    • 7 months ago

      I want to play it, but I want to learn the moonrunes first so that I don't have to rely on translated playthroughs. Otherwise it's easy to lose a lot of nuance in terms of word meaning and immediate and wider context. Though Kazumanosuke Totally-Not-Kiryu looks funny and Haruka is cute as always.

    • 7 months ago

      I am somewhat hoping it gets an adaptation like isshin did, because then all that would be left for side stories are Dead Souls and the PSP games I think

  75. 7 months ago

    >i'll never bother this innocent woman because her life would be better with a civilian husband
    >hell yeah, an upcoming and underaged idol, let's marry her
    why is majima like this

    • 7 months ago

      Idols are dealing and living with the scum of society, very different from a bystander civilian.
      Some weird japanese soft caste system going on.

  76. 7 months ago

    >intentionally try to level the atk stat as little as possible in yakuza games because it always becomes overkill if you push the stat too high
    >before you unlock the coliseum gaiden felt annoying because of the low damage
    >engame gear from the coliseum buffs damage so much that i can melt bars of hp and i still never upgraded atk
    i can not imagine how absurd the damage must be if you actually fully upgrade kiryu’s atkequipping the best gear

    • 7 months ago

      The only game where max upgrading still feels like it isn't enough is K2. That game's balance is fricking wierd.

  77. 7 months ago

    >mfw I'm gonna have to play through Y5 again to figure out who Hanawa is

    • 7 months ago

      I mean, you're probably only going to need the Kiryu section, so that's not as bad.

  78. 7 months ago

    should i get judgement or remastered trilogy (playing just yakuza 3 for now) from the steam sale?
    i just finished kiwami 2 yesterday

    • 7 months ago

      Depends. Do you want more Kiryu, or do you want to see things from a non-yakuza (but still present)perspective?

  79. 7 months ago

    why does shishido look like jackie chan

  80. 7 months ago

    Is Osaka known for engineering or something, where are they finding the dudes that design castles that split into other castles, and boats that turn into elevators in the middle of rivers, and shipping container amusement parks and shit like that? Where is the Gaiden game about that guy?

    • 7 months ago

      They didn't tell you?

  81. 7 months ago

    >There are some people that dislike the goofy bits in Yakuza games
    Moments of levity makes the serious moments all the better though?

    • 7 months ago

      It's also makes Kiyru feel real, that who says Yakuza can't play pocket circuit and be a virgin

  82. 7 months ago

    >Yakuza 1 is Kiryu's fault for going to jail
    >Yakuza 2 is Kiryu's fault for appointing Terada
    >Yakuza 3 is Kiryu's fault for appointing Daigo with minimum support
    >Yakuza 4 is Kiryu's fault for not being able to save Mine
    >Yakuza 5 is Kiryu's fault for preventing Daigo from taking Akiyama's money and agreeing to let Haruka go with Park
    >Yakuza 6 is Kiryu's fault for refusing to use Daigo's lawyer and going to jail instead
    >Yakuza Gaiden is Kiryu's fault for turning himself into Daidoji's buttslave instead of accepting bribe money

    • 7 months ago

      3 is Kiryu's fault for appointing Daigo with minimum support
      Yakuza 3 is Kiryu's fault for moving into the orphanage. Granted, it'd be ridiculous to act like Kiryu is wrong for doing that, but it is the reason any of the shit really kicks off. If the orphanage was in a different spot, Kazama and Richardson would've had no reason to even need to go to Nakahara and Daigo to get the deed and Daigo would've never been put into a coma.

  83. 7 months ago

    autistic franchise. its one district for 500 hours. IRL you dont spend all your time in one neighbourhood either.

  84. 7 months ago

    I know it's Yakuza.. but how the frick did Nishitani survive getting hit by a car going full speed?

  85. 7 months ago

    5gays get the rope (rubber)

    • 7 months ago

      5 was fun but the consequences it has had on the series have been disastrous.

    • 7 months ago

      >The reason why I don't decide the story is because I always want to suprise myself. As I write, I want to say "Oh, I'm surprised"
      Is he stupid?

      • 7 months ago

        It's probably bullshit because the story developments in 5 are forced as frick

  86. 7 months ago

    >Mahjong in 0 preventing me form 100%
    Frick this stupid nip board game

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