So how is gaming on Linux in 2024?

So how is gaming on Linux in 2024?

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  1. 7 months ago


  2. 7 months ago

    >gaming on linux

    • 7 months ago

      i would, but i need PUBG on it

  3. 7 months ago

    It's gotten so good there's nothing left to do but the one thing that can't be fixed (invasive anti-cheat)

    Anytime a game comes out that doesn't work or has problems Valve instantly whips developers into fixing it.

    • 7 months ago

      It really is funny that the only thing standing in the way of linux gaming at this point is literal malware.

      • 7 months ago

        its honestly a fantastic way to easily filter out the garbage devs/games I don't care about anyway

    • 7 months ago

      >can't be fixed
      What is the technical limitation?

      • 7 months ago

        There is no technical limitation, the anti cheat would need to support linux in some ways.
        What probably linux users would not like is giving the likes of tencent root access to their machine.

      • 7 months ago

        >What is the technical limitation?
        None, it can be made to work, but against the wishes of some large companies like Epic (owners of Easy Anticheat, also Tim Sweney hates Linux for some reason and can't back down)

        The problem is that if Valve goes this route it will initiate an arms race between wine and the industry and that will cause lots of negative press and people to complain that things break all the time.

        IMHO Valve is right. Companies need to support Linux period, so there is no need to hack anything and the consumer has the best experience possible.

    • 7 months ago

      And adding support for weird video codecs, see Kingdom Hearts' pre rendered cutscenes

      • 7 months ago

        It's best to take all the cutscenes and convert/re-encode them again.

        • 7 months ago

          Then why has no one done that for years, if it were this easy? For Kingdom Hearts at least, everyone says to delete them and forget they exist

          • 7 months ago

            Because I don't see anyone trying it. IIRC if KH series were on Steam, part of the cache you download would be re-encoded movie files.

      • 7 months ago

        Fairly sure they're not allowed to include the codecs because they're proprietary/non-redistributable. That's what proton-GE does but redistributing proprietary stuff as 1 dude on github vs as Valve, forefront of PC gaming is a very different scenario.

    • 7 months ago

      Play darksiders warmastered edition and tell me it works as if on windows

  4. 7 months ago

    Works for me, any game I want to play I can get launched. If you like playing games with spyware anticheats, Linux may not be for you

  5. 7 months ago

    The only problem I've had is Civ5 sometimes crashing when it updates the modlist. I don't know why it does that but I think it's shit code or because I'm a moron and use cuckbuntu.
    Otherwise its great.

  6. 7 months ago

    actually fully functional but troubleshoot-heavy

    • 7 months ago

      Probably the best way to put it

  7. 7 months ago

    It works, but the slop to trough pipeline is a little more convoluted, so it'll involve troubleshooting a bit.
    The only things that don't work are corporate dicksucking competitions.

  8. 7 months ago

    good morning sir

    • 7 months ago

      Good morning sir
      I agree, windows 11 much better. Do not redeem the linux sirs, Microsoft is king

      • 7 months ago

        this but unironically

        >spend an hour in command line installing moron software designed by butthole
        >play TF2 have fun for an hour

        Linux is actually the biggest COPE for nerds

        • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          werks on my machine

        • 7 months ago

          >sudo apt install steam-installer

          • 7 months ago

            no, we already talked about this.
            GUI ONLY.
            Otherwise Steam may delete your whole GUI.

            • 7 months ago

              I'm on Arch. What do I do if my distro doesn't have a GUI to install packages?

              • 7 months ago

                Then you are fricked.
                Install a proper distro.
                Using commandline is very bad and you are not allowed to do that.

              • 7 months ago

                Oh no! What do I do, Linux sister? I've already used the konsole!

              • 7 months ago

                anything going wrong is your fault then, even when it's obvious bugs in all sort of Linux shit software.
                >only ASCII mode
                jeez Linux users are really 40 years behind.

          • 7 months ago

            >computer, install steam.
            >you mean delete your pc? you got it boss!

            • 7 months ago

              >your pc
              "This PC" for the Winjeets in the crowd

            • 7 months ago

              I will never know who brainwashed these idiots into using linux at all but here we are.

  9. 7 months ago

    Tux looking like he's missing some chromosomes

    • 7 months ago

      Just a few dependencies

      • 7 months ago

        Just a few package conflicts

  10. 7 months ago

    Is League of Legends not working again?

  11. 7 months ago

    It really isn't

  12. 7 months ago

    so far all i had to do was install proton and winetricks and it has been smooth sailing since then, i think only two games didm't work for me, but i didn't particularly cared enough to troubleshoot right then.

  13. 7 months ago

    More importantly, how is image editing on Linux in 2024?

    • 7 months ago

      Krita and gimp with plugins cover all your needs. And I've seen anons running photoshop in Wine if you really need that.

  14. 7 months ago

    Im on arch
    Things just work most of the time. I recently pirated koikatsu with HF patch, lutris worked with wine GE just had to open winetricks and install the winhttp DLL and after that bepinEX loaded, game was in english and worked fine with mangohud and all.

    Some games run better like stalker, but it's still not perfect but much better than windows in terms of frametime.

    Still stutter when loading in areas which can't be fixed in stalker with the current engine, I'm hoping openxray will work on stalker anomaly soon.

    • 7 months ago

      There were a lot of things I couldnt get to work with lutris. I added them as non steam games and then they just werk

  15. 7 months ago

    It's better than 10 years ago but still strictly worse than windows by a significant margin.

  16. 7 months ago

    Almost everything I want to play works fine out of the box with Lutris or Steam. The few things that don't I'm alright with restarting into Windows for on occasion, but at this point I don't use Windows for anything else except games that don't work on Linux.
    Gentoo, Fedora, and Debian are the only distros that matter btw.

    • 7 months ago

      what about arch?

      • 7 months ago

        It's fine, but I think inferior to Gentoo in contests of poweruser features, minimalism, and elitism internet cred.
        Pacman is an overrated package manage IMO, I find Portage to be both more user-friendly and also offer a greater level of control over your system.
        Arch does have the AUR going for it, but in my case I barely used it in the year and a half that I ran Arch on desktop, so it didn't provide much of a reason for me to stay.

        • 7 months ago

          as someone who uses gentoo daily on their desktop but arch everywhere else I honestly would rather recommend arch to other people for most cases since its way easier to jump into and maintain
          I only swapped after doing makefile autism with -git packages from the AUR
          there are some pretty great things like masking packages that break or pulling in specific other packages, but there's also dependency chains that prevent certain packages from getting pulled in for quite some time so its a tradeoff
          that said I don't run gentoo stable so I probably run into a lot more maintenance issues than a standard user might

          • 7 months ago

            Why would you use Gentoo as a daily driver?

            what about arch?

            If you're new to this, everyone recommends you just use Mint

            • 7 months ago

              >Why would you use Gentoo as a daily driver?
              Because genone doesn't exist, you only have gentoo. There's no gentree either or Gaben would throw a fat fit.

      • 7 months ago

        Arch/Artix are literally all you need. Any list that doesn't include either is a shit list you can safely ignore.

      • 7 months ago

        When you need a wiki to install the OS…. It’s not a good OS

        • 7 months ago

          >boot usb
          >type archinstall

          • 7 months ago

            It’s well documented fact that arch is the flagship distro for the LGBT community, ohh and YWNBAW no matter how many dresses you wear.

            • 7 months ago

              hey man check out


              thread could use more seething winjeets

              • 7 months ago

                I used Debian based, you intergalactic level moron

              • 7 months ago

                >new ip
                Anyway here's your (You)

              • 7 months ago

                KDE is for homosexuals so no one cares.

              • 7 months ago

                I'd rather be gay than a footgay.

              • 7 months ago

                I have good news for you

            • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        It's dependent on a lot of weird knowledge to make it work, but it offers the best experience for me. I like being able to nuke any programs or groups I don't like and understand wtf I'm installing on my disk.
        >inb4 you can do it too on any distro
        not as easily

        The wiki is the cherry on top. All serious OSes should have a wiki.

      • 7 months ago

        >what about arch?
        Arch is great.

        Started using it as a desktop after 11 years of using Ubuntu, not looking back.

        Not for the newbie though.

        • 7 months ago

          >Not for the newbie though.
          It's the first Linux distro I installed

          • 7 months ago

            >It's the first Linux distro I installed
            Cool I guess, how did it work for you fren?

            • 7 months ago

              Why do you have reply in your namefield?

            • 7 months ago

              Looks like I dragged it accidentally from the "quick reply" text above. I'm using an old touchpad.

    • 7 months ago

      i'm still relatively new to linux.
      what makes gentoo so special? it's a big meme on Ganker so much so they named the wiki after it

      • 7 months ago

        you have to compile all your software from source code
        in some cases this results in better performance because you can use hardware-specific compiler optimizations that wouldn't be used in generic prebuilt packages, but it's mostly just a Ganker meme to tell tech support gays to frick off

      • 7 months ago

        It's a meme, kinda. It will make you learn a lot about computers but will require even more work than arch.

      • 7 months ago

        >what makes gentoo so special?
        You kind of build the system completely tailor-made to your needs. And yes, "build" not just install.

  17. 7 months ago

    new EndeavourOS was released
    time to switch, white man (brown or yellow)

  18. 7 months ago

    >need lib32-gst-plugins-bad/ugly for wine to get videos working on some old games
    >can't install them because one dependency refuses to install just because it's an outdated version and the GitHub maintainer never released a new version, just a patch that you have yourself to apply
    sometimes too much freedom can be a negative if you stop giving shit about your product

  19. 7 months ago

    >window manager can't remember window size of programs
    >multimedia buttons don't work even after manual configuration
    >lutris gives the very helpful error code 256 when trying to install pirated copies of some games
    >mpv ignores arguments in the config file like the ones removing window decorations for no reason
    >global hotkeys
    >can't get streamlink working no matter what
    I tried. 2 months straight, I tried and it almost worked. But in the end it's just not worth the hassle. I'll check back in 2 years.

    • 7 months ago

      >pirated copies
      what games?
      just don't tell me they're repacks

      • 7 months ago

        most recent one i tried was the new expansion for dredge

        • 7 months ago

          just right click on the base game and install the dlc, also make sure your base version and dlc are from the same region

          • 7 months ago

            the dlc comes bundled wit the rest of the game, so it's just one big install, not a separate file
            either way i'm too tired of dealing with it

            • 7 months ago

              Try Bottles. I never liked Lutris, things just didn't work half the time.

    • 7 months ago

      manager can't remember window size of programs
      damn sounds like windows to me
      i3/sway don't have this problem 🙂
      buttons don't work even after manual configuration
      just get the right keycode my man
      >>mpv ignores arguments in the config file like the ones removing window decorations for no reason
      sounds like pebkac
      >>can't get streamlink working no matter what
      definitely pebkac

  20. 7 months ago

    >gaming on linux
    why is he trying to play a video game on a server? is he stupid?

    • 7 months ago

      there's no meaningful difference between a server and a personal computer

      • 7 months ago

        um sweety, servers cant run graphic drivers properly and dont have video games support. i cant play fortnite or valorant or utilize my gpu fully on a linus server

    • 7 months ago

      Hybrid kernel is more server than monolithic

  21. 7 months ago

    just bought a Steam Deck so I think it's alright

  22. 7 months ago

    The gaming DE, Plasma 6 is coming in early 2024 so it will be even better.

  23. 7 months ago

    >DBFZ online multiplayer on Linux w/Windows (or people who don't have the EAC (anti cheat) disabled) still doesn't work even though the Proton and EAC issues causing this have been resolved for a year+ at this point
    >This is easily fixed if 1 fricking Bamco intern takes 2 minutes to log in and check a single box in the developer settings within Steam

    Why can't Steam/Valve just step in for cases like this?

  24. 7 months ago

    It was good until Linux distros decided to self destruct by shoving Wayland down everyone's throat. Wayland gives me nothing but problems so I switched back to Windows after 5 years on Linux. Redhat is nothing but a cancer on Linux and all distros should be ashamed of copying them no matter what dogshit they push on people just to save themselves a bit of work. Desktop Linux is a joke.

    • 7 months ago

      I am too afraid to try Wayland and Nvidia after hearing all the pain anons go through. You have literally turned it into a fear of mine. check if there is Wayland under my bed, please!

      • 7 months ago

        You can easily switch between x and wayland on any distro

      • 7 months ago

        I wouldn't switch yet but the latest driver (545.29) has a lot of Wayland fixes. I think NVIDIA has finally started trying to support Wayland properly, and while they're not quite there yet it should become very usable in the near future.

        • 7 months ago

          lol lmao even

          • 7 months ago

            Bot response.

        • 7 months ago

          >and while they're not quite there yet it should become very usable in the near future
          2 more weeks

          • 7 months ago

            It's been ready for several years now on AMD/Intel so they should be able to catch up soon.

            • 7 months ago

              >It's been ready for several years now on AMD/Intel
              It's not. Waytards say it's "ready" because they're used to things not working.

    • 7 months ago

      >i chose not to use X [skill issue]
      >i went back to windows [skill issue]

      • 7 months ago

        >skill issue
        it literally is. people would rather let m$ frick them in the ass than to tinker around with their own os because windows just werks (except when it doesn't which is often hence the ass fricking)
        the only exception is windows ltsc which has very few flaws and actually works like a proper os without the bullshit. then the only valid argument i can think of is that linux gives you full control over your operating system, and no spying i guess.

      • 7 months ago

        only works on intel igpus (so you're not gaming, only larping that you do)
        >inb4 use ayyymd
        No amd card has been worth buying since the rx 470 which is now unsupported, underpowered and irrelevant. AMD is poorgay/tinker troony cope.

  25. 7 months ago

    >Risk of rain 2 crashes when I try to host/open up steam overlay

    • 7 months ago

      Switch to Steam Beta Client, worked for me.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah didn't work, and i'm not the only one having this issue. That's not the only issue i'm having with linux too. For example the flatpak version of parsec not working, discord audio share client isn't working, and I still haven't converted my hardrives to none ntfs(Only 1 more to go)
        I'll get it done man, but yeah I hope I don't run into too many more problems. I'm not going back to 10.

  26. 7 months ago

    Still a meme.

    Also according to the last stramsurvey only 1.7% of steam users are using Linux, which includes dual boots obviously.
    It's a ridiculously small metric.

    But you're quick fto find someone screaming how it's so much better than windows (it isn't), easier to set up(hell no), and throw some benchmarks at you telling you how much better the performance is on Linux (which it isn't in 99% of times and everyone knows a benchmark means nothing until you tried it yourself).

    t. exclusive Linux user for 5 years.

    • 7 months ago

      Terrible bait. Try harder next time.

    • 7 months ago

      Millions of people use the Steam Deck without issue, including children. You have no excuse

      Also you type like this

      because you are

      a redditor

      • 7 months ago

        Deck is great but not for portability. When I have a long break it’s way easier to pull out my PSP/Vita then to have open the suitcase carrying the massive SD.

        • 7 months ago

          >When I have a long break it’s way easier to pull out my PSP/Vita
          Im trans btw

        • 7 months ago

          How is that in any way relevant to the post you're replying to?

          • 7 months ago

            It came up when he did a Ctrl-F for "Steam Deck" in his FUDposting script.

    • 7 months ago

      Works on my machine

    • 7 months ago

      >muh %
      Cringe as absolute frick that a supposed Linux user would appeal to popularity like this but okay.
      It's actually over 4% for English-language users. Before you ask why that's important to or relevant, observe the language of this board.
      Also, it's actually about 1.4% overall (currently down due to a huge increase in Chinese accounts), and it was closer to 1.6% just prior to that. When did you get 1.7%? Update your copypasta if that's what this is.

      • 7 months ago

        I don't get the point that your butthurt reply is supposed to present.
        No it's not copypasta, it's experience.
        Also yea I think I'm a bit off because the "latest" steam survey I was quoting is a couple of months back actually.

        But anyway, your reply is redundant.

        • 7 months ago

          The point is that popularity is irrelevant to anyone seriously considering the use of Linux, and it's funny that your "muh %" post wasn't even accurate.

    • 7 months ago

      >t. exclusive Linux user for 5 years.
      The frick you did, you were dual booting each time you found any niggling issue you put absolutely no effort to figure out how to solve.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't get the point that your butthurt reply is supposed to present.
      No it's not copypasta, it's experience.
      Also yea I think I'm a bit off because the "latest" steam survey I was quoting is a couple of months back actually.

      But anyway, your reply is redundant.

      >Also according to the last stramsurvey only 1.7% of steam users are using Linux,
      Those surveys are faulty, they also claim 50% of all steam users are Chinese
      They are vastly inflated by cheaters evading bans and cybercafe users using 100 different computers with 200 different accounts. Each one getting a vote for Windows.

      Stop quoting it as a source because Valve themselves admit it's a flawed survey.

      If these numbers were accurate, no one would own a Steam Deck.

  27. 7 months ago

    It's not 2024 yet, but it works for me, might not for you. You'll generally have a better experience gaming with an AMD card vs Nvidia but RT performance still has problems in a number of games on AMD if you care about that. nNt every game is going to work, usually but not necessarily due to kernel anti cheat, some are fricked because of the licensing of the video codecs they use, for example.

    If you watched a video showing Linux having better performance in x games and that's your sole reason to use it then don't even bother, some might have better performance but that can't be guaranteed across the board and you'll find games that are the opposite, and if you move to Linux thinking it'll be "windows but faster" you'll just get angry at the first roadblock you find

  28. 7 months ago

    i got mint running on my 2015 laptop a couple weeks ago. it was fun setting up. the goal was to get dark souls 1 running because ds1 ran great on it in w7 with dsfix.
    it runs with steam's compatibility layer, but it runs like trash and i can't get dsfix to work even with steam's startup command feature. i'm almost certain it would run well if dsfix would work.
    i have wine (properly) installed but i've been too lazy to try that or bottles or lutris. i also haven't tried out any other game, native or otherwise.

    i'll stick with ltsc on my desktop for now ..., but i would like to toy around with linux on it eventually just to see what it's like on high end hardware.

    • 7 months ago

      >i have wine (properly) installed but i've been too lazy to try that or bottles or lutris
      wait, are you even using DXVK or running it on pure wine?

      • 7 months ago

        i ran it through steam. i haven't tried anything else yet. i may need to torrent a copy. i plan on dicking around with wine, bottles and also lutris at some point. just need to set aside some sunday morning
        as far as games go, ds1 is probably the most complicated it'll get bc that's the most recent game that thing can feasibly run fnv worked but ran like a 360 with about 80 mods lmao
        everything else like indies and older games will probably be easy or are native.

  29. 7 months ago

    Like riding a bike without legs and one arm

    • 7 months ago

      >shitty analogy that makes no sense
      Why is Ganker so bad at these?
      A better analogy is that Linux is like riding a bike, as opposed to Windows which is like riding a bus. With Linux, it might be more work and take longer to get there, but you can go wherever you want for free, and you don't have to sit with a bunch of smelly normies. With Windows, you have to go where the bus takes you, but at least you don't have to pay attention or know how to get where you're going.

      • 7 months ago

        You also can't say Black personBlack personBlack person on the bus.

        • 7 months ago

          You can, you will just get banned from riding buses.

          • 7 months ago

            >bus pass stolen

        • 7 months ago

          I suppose the analogy works on many levels, then.

      • 7 months ago

        Still a shit American analogy.
        Windows is like seeing an ad on TV for a vacation destination, calling their hotline and then having them arrange the entire trip for you, complete with obligatory and unwanted attempts to sell you overpriced garbage along the way.
        Linux involves the need to figure out where you want to go, how you're going to get there and where you're going to stay while you're there, but in most cases that will mean you can do what you actually want to do.

        • 7 months ago

          Like riding a bike without legs and one arm

          These comments here represents everything wrong with linux. The one anon used a single sentence that clearly explained the experience of using linux. But that's not good enough for the "linux user". He goes off and says the same exact thing but in a much more needlessly complex way. Does it sound nicer? Sure? But the meaning is ultimately the same exact thing as the previous comments but now much more involved and convoluted for the exact same goal.

          I use Mint btw.

        • 7 months ago

          >shitty analogy that makes no sense
          Why is Ganker so bad at these?
          A better analogy is that Linux is like riding a bike, as opposed to Windows which is like riding a bus. With Linux, it might be more work and take longer to get there, but you can go wherever you want for free, and you don't have to sit with a bunch of smelly normies. With Windows, you have to go where the bus takes you, but at least you don't have to pay attention or know how to get where you're going.

          linux is like having a button which makes you hava a vacation while having other extremely optional buttons to put sprinkles on your food on those vacations, sometimes the less used buttons get stuck but they are easy to unstuck by wiggling a little, windows is a button which puts throws you human excrement and activates a speaker which says that you need to think that is a vacation while the button gets stuck by the goop that it has.

  30. 7 months ago

    Boring. I don't have to tinker with wine anymore.

  31. 7 months ago

    >Gaming on Linux
    No such thing

  32. 7 months ago

    I've seen so many people online pushing for Linux, but there doesn't seem to be an answer for me to decide whether a change is worth it. Can it run the following without issues:
    Adobe Suite
    DMM Games

    • 7 months ago

      >Adobe Suite
      >DMM Games
      and ching chong nip nong to you fine sir
      >poo in the loo

    • 7 months ago

      >Gee willickers , I cannot decide if I should use Linux. Can it run these things I've carefully selected based on what I think is least likely to work?
      Just stay on Windows.
      Adobeshit isn't a video game btw

  33. 7 months ago

    It's okay. Another 20 years and it should be better than Windows.

    • 7 months ago

      >implying windows will live another 10, let alone 20 years

  34. 7 months ago

    it's fine
    I'm having a great deal of success with RDR2 and Doom Eternal
    DMC3 worked about as well as expected, game itself runs great but the prerecorded cutscenes run like ass

  35. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >chatgpt screenshot is the last straw for poor little poojeet

      • 7 months ago

        Holy cope

      • 7 months ago


        Holy cope

        this bug is solved already and it's just a program copying itself incorrectly, in windows this type on shit on the programs that cause it are harder to solve by windows installations uninstalling resources from just one folders instead of folders and indexes so this problem would have been worse on windows
        >but xsessions is d
        yeah but it's automatically installed by default on xfce and the only way to frick it up is to use another graphical manager when you choose other, this could have been easily fixed by the user just using the mint download menu which is easier than flatpaks or just changing distro
        >but moronation isn't the r-
        wanting to solve the issue on a harder manner while not wanting to have the solution literally handed on his hand is moronation, windows has these kinds of issues too and is worse by not filling your hard drive but killing your system if you don't do these correct procedures so this isn't even a linux issue but an OS issue which is worse on windows.

        • 7 months ago

          Windows wasn't written by moronic mentally ill morons and thus doesn't fill itself up with kernels that it keeps forever.
          >because it totally makes sense to keep kernel updeet for 10 years
          >you see at some point I may want to go back to the kernel from 12 years ago
          >updeet every few days
          >oh wow, the harddrive fills up
          >just enter this totally normal command on command line to fix it
          apt-get --purge remove $(dpkg --list | egrep -i 'linux-image|linux-headers' | awk '/ii/{ print $2}' | egrep -v "$i")

          • 7 months ago

            >Windows wasn't written by moronic mentally ill morons
            It does way worse, it just grenades your desktop one patch tuesday on an update that brings AI spyware into your computer.

            >As of September 26, 2023, the preview update KB5030310 for Windows 11 22H2 has been released (see Windows 11 22H2: Preview Update KB5030310 (September 26, 2023)). This preview update also brings the code for Windows Copilot to the systems, but it is not activated in Europe yet. Here in the blog I had already mentioned in the post Windows 11 22H2/23H2: September 2023 Preview Update KB5030310 forces shadow font on desktop icons that with the update the shadow font in the labels for desktop icons can no longer really be turned off.


            • 7 months ago

              >Windows 10+11
              Not Windows, lmao
              Last Windows is Windows 7, but nice try

              • 7 months ago

                >Daily babydick cope thread
                ok so the winsissy I'm arguing with is actually the winsissy other winsissies look down on for being morons.


                >It does work
                no, it doesn't.
                Windows doesn't let you delete files that are in use, duh
                And it also wouldn't work without a UAC prompt either lmao
                And it's still not INSTALLING STEAM using official means, who then break your fricking system, moron.

                >no, it doesn't.
                On your version of Windows it totally does LOL

              • 7 months ago

                an OS which microshit tre to remove to put you on new versions to make you pay and still had the shit of:

                windows literally does that by windows update having increasing updates which stack on top of each other, linux has updates which delete older files in exchange of new ones and are easy to return from installing an older package.
                at most is an OS issue based around updates causing this on differing periods (increases your hard drive size by 1 or 2 megs each 2 weeks on linux or fills a gb every month on windows, still better, optional and fixable on the package manager with ui in most debian distros and even stock debian) and at worse windows gives harmful unavoidable updates which frick your system, hard drive and even cause the system to break while giving worse security, performance and functions and we are living on the worse case scenario

              • 7 months ago

                >to remove
                ESL or moron?

                >wow, so exactly what I said
                No, actually the opposite of what you said.
                >You implied that he was doing some SUPER DANGEROUS fix !!
                >! RED FLAG !!! RED FLAG !!!
                Yes and Yes
                You can see these red flags on

                -The Package manager (Warns him on this operation)
                -APT (warns him of this operation)
                -APT AGAIN (tells him not to do it)

                That's three red flags he ignored to get to that point.

                There is no defending the man, he ignored warnings from his operating system specifically telling him what would happen because he thought "It's all linux bullshit who cares" then complained when his OS broke.

                it actually says that it doesn't really know, but it maybe be a problem, but maybe not.

              • 7 months ago

                >>to remove
                What's wrong with "to remove"? That's a normal thing to say in English.

              • 7 months ago

                >What's wrong with "tre"? That's a normal thing to say in pajeet.

              • 7 months ago

                Answer my question anon

              • 7 months ago

                Sorry sirs I will not redeem your question.

              • 7 months ago

                >tre is English
                Ugga ugga bugga, poo in toilet now

              • 7 months ago

                >Windows Vista+7
                Not Windows, lmao
                Last Windows is Windows XP, but nice try

          • 7 months ago

            windows literally does that by windows update having increasing updates which stack on top of each other, linux has updates which delete older files in exchange of new ones and are easy to return from installing an older package.
            at most is an OS issue based around updates causing this on differing periods (increases your hard drive size by 1 or 2 megs each 2 weeks on linux or fills a gb every month on windows, still better, optional and fixable on the package manager with ui in most debian distros and even stock debian) and at worse windows gives harmful unavoidable updates which frick your system, hard drive and even cause the system to break while giving worse security, performance and functions and we are living on the worse case scenario

            • 7 months ago

              >fills a gb every month on Winows
              if that was the case, my harddrive would be full.
              It isn't and you are stupid.

            • 7 months ago

              Not true. Windows actually damn near reinstalls itself after each major/cumulative update. That's why settings reset. MS has to worry about morons installing garbage and fricking up their system then blaming windows for "slowing down"
              Slow down is a myth on windows btw

  36. 7 months ago

    Help! I'm suddenly a professional artist/photo editor/video editor/3D modeler all at once!

    • 7 months ago

      >3D modeler
      Blender is native linux so you can scratch that off the list

  37. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      play better games

    • 7 months ago

      stop being black

    • 7 months ago

      The only way 80% of your games aren't working on Linux is you exclusively playing Fortnite, Siege, CoD, Destiny 2 and literally anything else.

      And if that's the case you probably can't even handle Windows with that amount of normalgay brain.

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Technically this could be true. If you ONLY play the currently popular multiplayer games anti-cheats block you from playing four out of the five games you play, then this might be the case for you.

  38. 7 months ago

    I have Mint installed right now and the literal only game that keeps Windows 7 installed right now is Space Station 13.
    Byond is never getting ported to Linux and it will probably not even work on Windows 12 because of the strict requirement for Internet Explorer 11 to even work. The creator also said he will never port it to Microsoft Edge which would fix 99% of these problems and let it be played on Linux and W12 alike.

    Funny because Space Station 14 works on Linux natively but then you're playing SS14 and all the furries and trannies who are shaping that into a furry sex simulator.

    Also I can't get NFS High Stakes, the 90's racing game, to detect my gamepad

  39. 7 months ago

    >they even make "memes" now
    it's so pajeety, holy shit

    • 7 months ago

      They melt down the same way if you tell them you're still running Windows 7.
      Microsoft call center employees genuinely believes the company 'likes' them and is keeping them employed so they act like monkeys when you don't have their latest product. They're exactly like Apple fanboys circa 2012.

      • 7 months ago

        >They melt down the same way if you tell them you're still running Windows 7.
        Sounds fun.

  40. 7 months ago

    >Fortnite detected my VM again

    • 7 months ago

      stop trying to cheat in timmy's game

      • 7 months ago

        I will NOT run windows on bare metal FRICK YOU
        Either port to linux or let me play it in a VM you c**ts

    • 7 months ago

      How were you avoiding detection before?

  41. 7 months ago

    >Perform system update
    >Can no longer boot into arch

    Back to windows slop

  42. 7 months ago

    What about pirated games? Can you run windows installers through lutris and play the game that way, or do you need to find a pirated linux version?

    • 7 months ago

      lutris and wine for piracy is cancer. for example installers install without problem for me using proton-ge but if i try to run the gog update installers they always fricking refuse to find the game destination. don't fall for the linux meme if you want to pirate. its not worth it.

      • 7 months ago

        since you're using proton they might just be bubblewrapped etc. and having issues trying to go outside of their prefix
        are you installing everything in the same prefix, an external or dir like ~/Games?

      • 7 months ago

        >update installers
        You have to click on the game and select "Run EXE in Wine Prefix" from a pop up context menu next to the wine icon at the bottom, then select the update file.

      • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >What about pirated games?
      Use Bottles, flatpak version, open up target SSD in flatseal permissions, install games.

  43. 7 months ago

    NVidia cards are basically fixed now, right? I want to upgrade to a spare 2070 I have on my second computer with a 6600

    • 7 months ago

      >NVidia cards are basically fixed now, right
      No, lmao
      >I want to upgrade to a spare 2070 I have on my second computer with a 6600
      RX 6600 > RTX 2070 on Linux

      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      >NVidia cards are basically fixed now, right?
      They never will be, until nvidia open sources their drivers.

      • 7 months ago

        how do the non-free drivers work?

        • 7 months ago

          Exactly the same as they do on Windows. Which is the issue. AMD has shit Windows drivers, but the Linux exclusive drivers are far better than Nvidia's.
          Like cards that perform the same on Windows, the Nvidia card will be about the same with 5%, and the AMD card will be 10-15% faster than the Nvidia card.
          RDNA2 has gotten a lot of work for the Deck so it is a special case and those cards are performing up to 33% faster.

          Its gotten so bad for Nvidia that they aren't providing review hardware to Linux sites anymore. The 4090 still brute forces its way to the top of performance lists, but not nearly by the margin it should for the price.
          There are open drivers for Nvidia hardware now, but they are at the state the open source AMD drivers were 10 years ago. Barely able to start running games at 60fps if you have the highest-end cards.

        • 7 months ago

          They do not and cannot work, because nvidia cards require a vendor signature to work properly. There is no hope of nvidia cards ever getting usable open source drivers until this fact changes. When it does, it will probably not take that long.

    • 7 months ago

      you can get them to work, and nvidia did release a new driver that fixes some of the issues
      but you'll always be beholden to nvidia's "charity" unless they finally open source their drivers

  44. 7 months ago

    Fun, I just beat Risk of Rain 2 Void boss with mods with a friend, playing as the Heretic because my build was fricked, so I just fricked it even more, resulting in a broken build.

    • 7 months ago

      That's a couple reds.

  45. 7 months ago

    its a lot of fun!
    >Steam Deck
    Retro Deck got me back into retro gaming. It's just so comfy to lounge on my bed playing Banjo Kazooie.
    I've only had issues with The Sinking City, Black Mesa and Civ Beyond Earth. Other than that it's been as good or better than Windows.

  46. 7 months ago

    im scared to upgrade my gpu. i will 100% do something wrong and frick up big time

    • 7 months ago

      if it's wayland, idk how that works but if it's X, it's really easy to do. Just start in a terminal (ctrl + alt + F1 or F2 while it's booting), login with your account, clean your drivers and update them. Maybe rebuild the xorg.conf file which I think happens anyway, and reboot.

      • 7 months ago

        don't know my account

        • 7 months ago

          Oh, well
          Open a terminal and type 'whoami'
          next is remembering your password

  47. 7 months ago

    I already hate that the Steam Deck uses it but I understand that windblows is just too dogshit for handhelds

    • 7 months ago

      >hates that thing just werks

      • 7 months ago

        that thing just werks
        you clearly don't have a steam deck

        • 7 months ago

          ive had one since launch, LE arrives tomorrow
          i also game purely on linux already on my desktop and have been for years now

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing is more troon the MS and Windows

      • 7 months ago

        I already hate that the Steam Deck uses it but I understand that windblows is just too dogshit for handhelds

        >That pride icon that appears in your widget bar throughout all of june
        >only way to get rid of it is to remove widgets altogether

        • 7 months ago

          >doesn't doesn't let you remove anything and even if you get rid of a specific feature or software yourself there might be issues or Windows will simply reinstall it when the next unavoidable update happens

          >lets you unistall the bootloader if you really wanna do it

        • 7 months ago

          >>That pride icon that appears in your widget bar throughout all of june
          the what? never seen that
          learn to configure your windblows homosexualron

          • 7 months ago

            The pride icon appears if you follow gay shit with your account and have it configured to push news into your feed, otherwise it doesn't appear.

          • 7 months ago

            The pride icon appears if you follow gay shit with your account and have it configured to push news into your feed, otherwise it doesn't appear.

            It appears regardless of if you subscribe to gay shit or not. It's there in June, most of you have widgets disabled so you don't notice it.

            The one YOU'RE thinking of is in the Search bar, which you can disable by telling Search not to push 'relevant interests and advertisements' because having one monument to gay shit isn't enough for Winhomosexuals LOL

            • 7 months ago

              how very weird that many many people are not getting it, but people that want to shitpost do get it, very interesting...

              • 7 months ago

                >live in muslim shithole
                >surprise you ain't getting any homosexual propaganda

              • 7 months ago

                What's actually very weird is that wintrannies with actual troony flags built in to their OS come to linux threads to project how gay they are onto others. Frick off wintroon.

              • 7 months ago

                >live in muslim shithole
                >surprise you ain't getting any homosexual propaganda

                you're not fooling anyone, you're trannoids and are getting the ads on your default windows VMs inside your arch installs. Show your desktop. I 100% bet there is tranime in there.

              • 7 months ago

                I don't use windows because I'm not a moronic troony homosexual, now go dilate.

              • 7 months ago

                I knew it

              • 7 months ago

                It's really not possible to project any harder than wintrannies with their troony flag taskbars. Bill Gates could come shove a dildo up your ass and you'd be in here screaming about how everyone else is gay.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                Honestly yeah.
                It's a sign of fricked priority from the developers.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, that is correct, wintroony.

                right, but linux can have like 40% troony Rust code on the kernel and be supported and used by troonys but thats okay?

              • 7 months ago

                Better than pajeets.

              • 7 months ago

                Windows is also getting Rust'd, the wintroony is projecting.

              • 7 months ago

                damn, microshit must be gettin desperate.

              • 7 months ago

                You just defended the troony flag on your OS so we know there is at least one troony using windows. Why are you even still here?

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                Yes, that is correct, wintroony.

              • 7 months ago

                On linux you can fork away from the eunuchs pushing their sodomy. But on windows you are Lot being egged on by the homosexuals to submit.

              • 7 months ago

                Stage Reached: Acceptance

    • 7 months ago

      How dare you soil Sealguy's art with your inane trash

      • 7 months ago

        >insane trash
        but, it's the truth?

    • 7 months ago

      If trannies looked like this I wouldn't have a problem with them

      • 7 months ago

        you mean like iammery?

  48. 7 months ago

    >Linux gaming

    • 7 months ago

      >gaypex legends

    • 7 months ago

      >flawless corporations

    • 7 months ago

      >use cheater OS
      >no, you can't look into my OS
      >no, no, I'm "totally" not cheating
      >wtf, why was I banned???

      • 7 months ago

        How is Linux a cheater OS?

        • 7 months ago

          >use Windows emulator
          >no, you can't look behind the scenes
          It's literally cheating heaven and thus all of them should get banned for all competitive multiplayer
          >no, you can't check the files, or the kernel, or anything at all
          >wtf, I am totally not cheating
          >just trust me brah

      • 7 months ago

        >the only way to detect cheaters is to allow us to install kernel-level spyware on your machine, trust us bro
        >oh yes daddy Apex, give me more of your spyware cummies

        • 7 months ago

          >no, you can't look if my kernel modifies anything
          >just trust me brah
          There is no right to play competitive.
          You can play cheater lobbies.

          • 7 months ago

            VAC works just fine without kernel access on windows as well.

            • 7 months ago

              VAC is garbage and doesn't detect cheaters at all.

              • 7 months ago

                Wow so it works just as well as all the other anti-cheats

              • 7 months ago

                Linux cheaters are not cheating in fortnite

          • 7 months ago

            I don't play homosexual eboy shooters like valorant or apex, but you're a moron if you think it's acceptable to install this kind of anticheat when they could very easily and more effectively detect cheaters on the server itself. Keep taking it up the ass.

            • 7 months ago

              >I don't play
              Good, so why do you care?
              >anticheat le bad
              >just trust me brah
              Good, play cheater lobbies for all multiplayer games.
              Anticheat exists because you can't trust morons like you.

              • 7 months ago

                I care because morons like you who believe everything companies say make the landscape worse for everyone. They shouldn't be allowed to install this spyware on your machine. Even if you don't care about being spied on, they're using your drive space for no reason. They could be doing it in their own hardware.

              • 7 months ago

                >muh spyware
                >just trust me brah, I'm not using an aimbot
                I don't, and you belong banned.
                >you can detect aimbots and wallhacks server-side

              • 7 months ago

                >you can detect aimbots and wallhacks server-side
                Yes, dipshit. Why am I not surprised a wintoddler is this tech illiterate?

              • 7 months ago

                The game client has to get a message that a player is near you with exact position.

                Unless of course you want that every game is not running on your computer anymore, but is streamed and running on someone else's computer.

              • 7 months ago

                You have no clue how multiplayer games work. Just stay in your wintoddler playpen and be quiet.

              • 7 months ago

                >a game client doesn't need to know positions of players that are near you
                >just send the positions when you calculated that they are fully visible on the client
                >before that there is no need to send any positions
                >also frick audio, audio should be disabled anyway

  49. 7 months ago


    HAHAHAHAHAHA... now THAT is a good joke

  50. 7 months ago

    It's still 2023, but it will only get better in 2024 with new kernels, mesa and plasma 6.

  51. 7 months ago

    >Windows 7 dies
    "Yeah, i am still not switching to gay ass Linux - I don't mind Windows 10 being spyware - Everyone already has my data anyway and i can get rid of most of the spyshit by tinkering my system a lot and blocking all MS ports on my router"
    >Windows 10 support dies in 2025
    "I will just switch to Windows 11 - yes i know about Pluton and MS being able to track literally everything i do on my system - I am still not installing Linux - i already gave up most control with Windows 10 anyway so whats the big deal?"
    >Windows 11 gets replaced by MS new upcoming cloud OS
    Still not switching to Linux - I actually like how Microsoft is now hosting all my data. I don't even have my own harddrive anymore. Piracy is basically dead anyway and modern games suck i wouldn't download those anyway - It's just 5 bucks a month for Windows 12 basic shut the frick up and stop complaining"

    • 7 months ago

      I like the
      >You want privacy? but you own a smartphone right? LOL

      • 7 months ago

        >>You want privacy? but you own a smartphone right? LOL
        this is true

      • 7 months ago

        >>You want privacy? but you own a smartphone right? LOL
        this is true

        Nothing wrong with smartphones as long as you keep it isolated.
        Sure, Let Google/Apple know that BIGNIGDIGGER is spending a lot of time in the McD at Times Square and the local library.

    • 7 months ago

      >loonix troonix is so shit people would rather have a cloud OS than install it
      >loonix troons still can't see the issue

      • 7 months ago

        The only issue is most users buy prebuilt hardware designed to run Windows, and will never consider doing anything other than buying a prebuilt system with an OS already installed.
        Of course that works both ways, all it took was one major pre-installed Linux gaming system for users on Steam to more than double and pass MacOS X and Windows 7 years before anyone expected it previously.

        With the rate Valve is selling Steam Decks now, Linux might be 10% of English-speaking users by this time next year.

        • 7 months ago

          That#s the core issue really. People hate doing system management in any possible way.
          Most people who buy the Steam Deck of course run it with SteamOS as intended. Just like people who buy prebuilds stick to the already installed version of Linux.
          It's all a matter of convience and no major switch to Linux will happen unless systems come with Linux pre-installed or Windows gets so incredibly bad that people have no choice but to abandon it - which probably won't happen until their Cloud OS shit really starts becoming a thing with many refusing to switch simply because they don't wanna pay a sub for a fricking OS.

          • 7 months ago

            *installed version of Windows

  52. 7 months ago

    >update gamescope on arch
    >doesn't work anymore
    lel, gonna wait for a fix and until then I'm gonna play other games

    • 7 months ago

      you know you can just downgrade and pin it right

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, but as I said, I just use it for two games I'm not playing right now

  53. 7 months ago

    Pretty good.

    • 7 months ago

      KDE Plasma is so clean. Beautiful.

  54. 7 months ago

    I'm honestly surprised that the autism of the linux community has allowed them to make not only Genshin Impact but also most of Hoyoverse gacha playable on Linux
    Being able to play Genshin on Linux or not was the last thing keeping me on windows
    Here's hoping they're autistic enough to make Girl's Frontline 2 playable when it comes out

    • 7 months ago

      The power of autism is one hell of a drunk.

      DXVK and with that proton plus Steam Deck only exist because one german guys autism wouldn't allow him to dualboot into Windows for Nier Automata. He wrote an entire translation layer just to play this game on his Linux distro.

  55. 7 months ago


  56. 7 months ago

    I'm glad that we agree that Windows is for trannies and Linux is also for trannies, but it doesn't work for games either.

  57. 7 months ago

    >Install Steam

    • 7 months ago

      in that case it was actually true, because Steam package was fricked up or something
      should maintainer of that package be eternally bullied for fricking up exactly when spotlight was on that distro?
      should his frickup be hanged and displayed as a warning to other maintainers?

      • 7 months ago

        Both sides are damned. Linus has proven himself inferior to Gamer's Nexus.

      • 7 months ago

        It was not actually true. It took the DE out back and shot it but the system was still functional, as shown immediately after with him logged into a TTY. He solved it the Windows way by doing a complete OS reinstall but didn't dare bother google random terminal commands now.

    • 7 months ago

      Both sides are damned. Linus has proven himself inferior to Gamer's Nexus.

      huh huh, sure [...]
      >tell it to install steam
      >tries to unalive itself
      yup, exactly what the user told it to do

      >it's just that gay flavor of loonix that's bad
      >mine works I swear!
      every fricking time

      >Hey bruh this package relies on old libraries, so if you install this, you'll be asking your OS to
      >YES!!! DO AS I SAY!!!!!!!

      all would have been avoided if he just used the flatpak that the store suggested, too

  58. 7 months ago

    Besides some games that games that devs don't care to do tiny amount of work to make them playable; better than windows gaming by far and miles ahead of igay gaming

    • 7 months ago

      I'm dumbfounded that Dead Space 2023 runs better on proton than on native windows
      The worst part is that it's far from the only game where that's the case

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, like Starfield. It's a shit game but an autist got it working.

      • 7 months ago

        Its because nothing is 'native' anymore on Windows. Drivers developed for Windows often use an internal vendor API higher-level than Vulkan to implement D3D. Plus of course win32 applications have run through a compatibility layer on NT OSes from the start.
        Some hardware vendors have already started to change the way they do things, Intel was straight up using DXVK in their Windows drivers because it was better than what they had before.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm dumbfounded that Dead Space 2023 runs better on proton than on native windows
      The worst part is that it's far from the only game where that's the case

      Sad thing is that most game would perform better on GNU/Linux than Windows even with just Wine/Proton if develpores only did some optimization. But with SteamOS maybe it changes in future.

  59. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Looks fine to me.

    • 7 months ago

      noooo bros not my favorite game of fifa or atlas whatever the frick is this

      also, i've extensively played bannerlord on proton loooong time ago and it was flawless, should be platinum

      • 7 months ago

        why is R6 borked?
        I'm sorry for your enjoyment of Handball 2030
        everything else looks fine
        if I were you, I would start dual-booting
        big Linux partition, small Windows one just for those two games

        Looks fine to me.

        Sorry your trash OS doesn't run games without having to spend hours tweaking it and even then it won't work as intended. Literally wasting money on hardware that the OS will never fully utilize.

        • 7 months ago

          NOOOO NOT

        • 7 months ago

          the only game on that list I had to tweak to get working was XIV, and it took 2 minutes, and that problem was fixed like a week later anyway

    • 7 months ago

      why is R6 borked?
      I'm sorry for your enjoyment of Handball 2030
      everything else looks fine
      if I were you, I would start dual-booting
      big Linux partition, small Windows one just for those two games

      • 7 months ago

        Ubisoft doesn't want to enable support, playing offline works. Same shit as bungie with destiny.

  60. 7 months ago

    Good evening friends, I'd like to know how these run on Linux:
    God bless you friends, have a nice day.

    • 7 months ago

      they all run fine
      good day sir

  61. 7 months ago

    >this ancient game that's easily emulated on a PSP can't run native on loonix without changing shit and still having bugs and glitches
    >troonix supporters defend this

    • 7 months ago

      >that's easily emulated on a PSP
      Why don't just emulate on Linux then?

      • 7 months ago

        He doesn't actually care about playing Metal Slug, he just wants an excuse to stay on windows where his LGBTQP+ flags make him feel accepted.

      • 7 months ago

        why should I go around downloading emulators and pirating a copy of it
        when I could just play it NATIVE
        that is if I don't run it on loonix

        • 7 months ago

          >when I could just play it NATIVE
          Its not native on Windows. The download includes the ROM. It just runs through an outdated version of the same emulator compiled for Windows.
          I bought all the NEO GEO games I could years ago, and I run them legally with an emulator. Wish more companies would do the same.

          • 7 months ago

            what compilation? im up for some neo geo

            • 7 months ago

              GoG black friday sale is probably the best way right now.

              • 7 months ago

                AWESOME! Thanks!

        • 7 months ago

          There's no native version of Metal Slug. They just wrap the game in an emulator that automatically launches it.

  62. 7 months ago

    Linux troonys only argument against windows is

    >muh privacy
    >muh lgbt flag
    >muh indian workers

    • 7 months ago

      computer only does what I tell it to on linux

      • 7 months ago

        except when you tell it to play a video game

        • 7 months ago

          no, it does that too. I just press the play button on steam

          • 7 months ago

            >crashes before main menu
            >3 fps
            >broken memory caching causing the game to hitch every time new assets need to be loaded and rendered

            • 7 months ago

              I love how desperate the strawmanning gets when you tell a windows user; yes, you can play video games. God I love linux. It lives so rent free in your homosexual head you'll willing to waste hours of your life crying about its existence online.

              • 7 months ago

                it's not a strawman when these things literally happened to me when i tried to game on linux. FOSS is a good thing, but you're never winning anybody over by presenting yourselves as homosexual tech elitists and fighting made up boogeymen "microsoft worshippers". i like to PLAY my video games, not tinker with a computer until video games can even run on it.

              • 7 months ago

                >i like to PLAY my video games, not tinker with a computer until video games can even run on it.
                Maybe you should get a Nintendo Switch then because you constantly have to do that on windows, too, there's even a big website about it.


              • 7 months ago

                is this supposed to be a gotcha? no shit old unsupported abandonware needs fan patches to function on modern hardware and OSes. the difference is that linux needs this kind of troubleshooting ALL THE TIME with ANY game that doesn't run natively on it.

              • 7 months ago

                >the difference is that linux needs this kind of troubleshooting ALL THE TIME
                LOL, no. Things mostly just work. When they don't the most common fix is simply changing the compatibility tool being used for a more recent version, or using the GE version.

                >with ANY game that doesn't run natively on it.
                Same deal with modern Windows. Nothing is native, and you have less tools at your disposal. Devs have to do a ton of work behind the scenes to keep things running every time Windows updates and changes their compatibility layer.
                This is the real reason Valve is investing in Proton BTW. The whole idea is Valve ultimately wants to use Proton everywhere.

              • 7 months ago

                >nothing works
                >it's for me, le modern audience, with its tablet style teletubby UI
                >it's the fault of the games, not the fault of the OS

              • 7 months ago

                >linux needs this kind of troubleshooting ALL THE TIME with ANY game that doesn't run natively on it.
                No, it really doesn't, most of the games that need tinkering with are the same ones in my steam library that I had to tinker with on windows and some of those I don't even have to tinker with anymore on linux. Otherwise you select the proton version and run the game. I don't consider clicking a drop down menu as "tinkering" and that's all it takes to play most games.

            • 7 months ago

              >broken memory caching causing the game to hitch every time new assets need to be loaded and rendered
              The ironic part of this shitpost is in reality Elden Ring had its shader caching problems fixed on day 1 on linux while windows was fricked for weeks.

              • 7 months ago

                >that soya sauce face
                I hate the modern world.

              • 7 months ago

                >Elden Ring had its shader caching problems fixed on day 1
                God bless proton

      • 7 months ago

        huh huh, sure

        >Install Steam

        >tell it to install steam
        >tries to unalive itself
        yup, exactly what the user told it to do

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not a poopOS user. It just werks(tm) on my machine, homosexual

          • 7 months ago

            >it's just that gay flavor of loonix that's bad
            >mine works I swear!
            every fricking time

        • 7 months ago

          >the user told it to do
          Wrong. Why the frick would an OS give you the option to nuke your entire PC when you install Steam???? regardless if the user selects yes or no, it was the OS that gave the prompt, it's so shit.

          • 7 months ago

            Nothing was "nuked" you tech illerate homosexual moron. The desktop environment was removed and could have easily been added back even after a reboot and been back to normal in less than a minute.
            >regardless if the user selects yes or no, it was the OS that gave the prompt, it's so shit.
            So you want your computer to baby you and override your choices even when you manually confirm you know what you're doing? Fricking dipshit, stay on mac or windows.

            • 7 months ago

              >stay on mac or windows.
              that's the idea, troony

              • 7 months ago

                Enjoy your playpen, tech illiterate troony


              • 7 months ago

                please suicide like your OS keeps trying to do

              • 7 months ago

                My install is going on 4 years, keep seething wintroon


              • 7 months ago

                >like your OS keeps trying to do
                my homo, you do realise that industry uses Linux because of it's rock-solid stability?
                you trying to insult me by calling me mentally stable?
                peak clown world

              • 7 months ago

                >rock-solid stability
                yeah next to it's "security"

                It gets used BECAUSE IT'S CHEAP.

              • 7 months ago

                Windows killed itself (and my data along with it).
                Linux hasn't done it so cope, winjeet.

              • 7 months ago

                Fricking incompetent pajeets everywhere are the big problem, remember the Boeing crashes. Also, a pajeet made his own meme distro called Garuda and somehow managed to delete everybody's home directories after pushing an update.

              • 7 months ago

                Its even funnier considering that reinstalling windows on a drive that had a corrupted windows is impossible even after wiping the drive.
                But installing linux on that drive? Works like a charm.

              • 7 months ago

                >reinstalling windows on a drive that had a corrupted windows is impossible even after wiping the drive.
                Source? I never had this kind of problem with windows before I moved to linux. Can't you just reformat?

              • 7 months ago

                My personal experience.
                Windows wouldn't install properly on a formatted drive.

          • 7 months ago

            >Wrong. Why the frick would an OS give you the option to nuke your entire PC when you install Steam????
            It didn't, you see if you or Linus read that prompt: He had to specifically enter the administrator environment (red flag #1) tell the operating system to ignore all safety checks (red flag #2) not read the prompt telling him what those checks were doing (red flag #3) and finally, at the very last part, tell the operating system in a clear and concise manner

            >FOR FRICK'S SAKE
            >DO AS I SAY
            It didn't give him the "option", he forced the OS to do it. It's like saying Winblows sucks wiener because you can go right into the C:Windows directly and shift+delete System 32 and only have to press "YES!" to one prompt to let it happen

            What the frick do you want the OS to do? It had more guardrails to keep that from happening than Windows does deleting System32.

            • 7 months ago

              linus only installed steam, he didn't run any code to nuke the machine, he only tried to install steam and linux being so shit said, ok but you have to nuke your machine first.

              • 7 months ago

                At the time he did it, it was a known issue with that package, and had been publicized.
                Not saying he knew because I doubt he follows Linux news, but he also managed to perfectly follow the steps to produce the problem and ignored a warning.
                If he had done any of the recommended things when installing packages, like updating the repository, he wouldn't have had the problem.

                Maybe he really is that dumb, but it reeks of the same scent as when "Top Gear" reviewed battery electric cars and had them 'break down' to match the script even though there was nothing wrong with them.

              • 7 months ago

                So why did he say "ok, nuke my machine then" instead of at least googling the issue first?
                Let's be real, he ran into a stupid issue and as a youtube "content creator", saw a really good opportunity for content and ran with it. Sure, Poop OS maintainers should've never let it happen, but Linus also created the whole shitshow on purpose.

              • 7 months ago

                Linus the Cuck hates Linux so he goes out of his way to make it look bad. I’m glad to see his little soilent empire starting to fall.
                He’s also a paid nShitia shill who knocks AMD every chance he gets too

              • 7 months ago

                >linus only installed steam
                No, he didn't, to do what he was asking the computer to do: he had to install
                -A new desktop environment
                -New desktop libraries
                -New version of Xorg

                You can see it on the edge of this cropped picture

                >Install Steam

                that it was asking him to install every single thing under the sun EXCEPT STEAM

                If he had read that, he would realize this.
                You wouldn't uninstall system32 because a program asks you to, right anon?

                >He had to specifically enter the administrator environment (red flag #1) tell the operating system to ignore all safety checks (red flag #2)
                what the frick are you talking about lmao

                You need to enter sudo or an administrator mode with su in order to execute update commands. It's pretty explicit about which is which because this is the administrator mode of Linux.

              • 7 months ago

                >You need to enter sudo or an administrator mode with su in order to execute update commands.
                That's a normal function that everyone does when they want to install a package. It's not some kind of red flag lmao

            • 7 months ago

              >He had to specifically enter the administrator environment (red flag #1) tell the operating system to ignore all safety checks (red flag #2)
              what the frick are you talking about lmao

              • 7 months ago

                >he can't read
                stay on windows

              • 7 months ago

                I'm a linuxgay. You're just making shit up at this point. He opened a terminal and used his package manager to install software like you're supposed to.

                poopOS was bugged and saw a collision between steam and X11, and thought it needed to remove X11 to continue. It was wise enough to see that removing X11 was a bad idea so it forced him to type a prompt to continue. Being the brainlet that he is, he didn't even bother to read or attempt to understand what he was doing. There is equal blame to go around between user error and poopOS being a piece of shit here.

              • 7 months ago

                >I'm a linuxgay. You're just making shit up at this point.
                >He opened a terminal and used his package manager to install software like you're supposed to.
                No, you're just lying. You can see in Linus' own screenshot that it was telling him what it was going to do:

                >Install Steam

                He just fricking ignored it. He didn't "OH I JUST OPENED UP TERMINAL AND INSTALLED LIKE NORM-" Bullshit, he even says in the video: His package manager wouldn't let him install Steam because of said changes it had to make to the system. What he did was then go into the terminal, force Apt to install Steam, and when apt came back and told him all of the shit changes it would have to do to the system, he wrote


                You can dilate and rumble all day about this, but ultimately, he made multiple conscious decisions to make this happen. It wasn't "Oh I opened my package manager and my computer deleted itself". You're just lying.

                >You need to enter sudo or an administrator mode with su in order to execute update commands.
                That's a normal function that everyone does when they want to install a package. It's not some kind of red flag lmao

                Literally no it's not fricking lol. My software manager only does that when it wants to change system packages. Userland packages are all fair game.
                Just checked, Steam does prompt for an admin password to install but it doesn't touch any system package on the computer. Literally, Linus nor any of the wintards defending him can't read.

              • 7 months ago

                Dude, what the frick are you talking about? You have to prefix sudo to install a package. That's normal behavior.

                >Steam does prompt for an admin password to install but it doesn't touch any system package on the computer.
                Apt by its very nature touches systems packages. That's its entire purpose. I didn't see the exact commands he entered, but doing something like sudo apt install steam would be an extremely normal thing to do.

              • 7 months ago

                >Dude, what the frick are you talking about? You have to prefix sudo to install a package. That's normal behavior.
                You can literally open up your package manager right now and sync updates and it won't do that at all until it's ready to download and install. Which is what he should have done.
                >Apt by its very nature touches systems packages
                >. I didn't see the exact commands he entered,
                You can infer what it was from the command he entered

                >Install Steam

                He went out of his way to ignore Pop OS' package manager, which was built-in and had guardrails to keep his system from damaging itself, to open up a terminal and invoke apt from the command line without updating the repository because the package manager does that for him.

                Stop making excuses for the willful behavior of idiots.

              • 7 months ago

                should be noticed: The guardrails were stopping him from installing Steam, that's why he looked up some guide on Tom's Hardware or whatever that told him to open up apt and install it
                regardless, apt shouldn't have removed the DE over this shit. This is pop's fault for being a piece of frick.

              • 7 months ago

                >just infer
                >the PACKAGE MANAGER doesn't really know it
                >but the average user can INFER that installing a shitty DRM client WILL destroy his system
                >but the package manager doesn't
                >"MAYBE THIS IS BAD, I DONT' KNOW"
                Yes, I know installing Steam is a bad thing

                Tell me again, for what are these "package managers" good for?

              • 7 months ago

                >You can infer what it was from the command he entered
                Yeah, I can infer that the steam package was broken and had a collision with his entire DE during dependency resolution.

              • 7 months ago

                I will infer that Linux is shit and the package manager was written by poo-in-loos and thus it all should be avoided at all costs.

                I can unironically infer that by the code of conduct, that is a requirement for Linux developers, which means they are mentally ill.

              • 7 months ago

                >I can unironically infer that by the code of conduct,

              • 7 months ago

                >As a developer of applications for the Microsoft Store
                nice try there, mentally ill moron

              • 7 months ago

                >He can't read the article linking to the CoC all Microsoft app devs sign

              • 7 months ago

                >Microsoft store
                My Windows has no "Microsoft Store" lmao
                And I can just write software for it, no one asks me to sign a code of conduct, lmao

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                >He went out of his way to ignore Pop OS' package manager
                if you're talking about some shitty GUI wrapper, that shit is always garbage and should be avoided.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, but every bit of documentation will tell you that when you install an OS, the first thing you do is update the package repository.
                Similarly before you install a package, the first thing you do is update the package repository.
                If he was following common instructions for what he was doing, he would have updated the repository and gotten a fixed Steam package.

                He didn't, and produced a bug that was known, fixed, and publicized. Was he paying attention to the news about PopOS that came out right before he was making his video? Or was he just dumb enough to actually encounter the same error coincidentally?

              • 7 months ago

                >Apt by its very nature touches systems packages. That's its entire purpose. I didn't see the exact commands he entered, but doing something like sudo apt install steam would be an extremely normal thing to do.
                That's the neat thing: we can both watch it and find out what he did right now:

                >He goes to install Steam
                >Pop OS tells him no, explains why
                >He ignores it

                >He then tries random forum posts online
                >Says "This is stupid, this is apparently the solution"
                >Install it without updating the repository
                >The very bottom says "DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING"

                I don't see how that's not his fault. The package manager told him what he was doing was a stupid idea, so he just starts plugging in random commands from the internet.

                I will infer that Linux is shit and the package manager was written by poo-in-loos and thus it all should be avoided at all costs.

                I can unironically infer that by the code of conduct, that is a requirement for Linux developers, which means they are mentally ill.

                >I will infer that Linux is shit and the package manager was written by poo-in-loos and thus it all should be avoided at all costs.
                most people here can also infer you're moronic and would run a command from the internet that consists of "DELTREE *.*" in an elevated command prompt because you think it will install Steam.

              • 7 months ago

                >hurr DELTREE
                doesn't actually work, moron.
                you are mentally ill

                It's actually literally like Valve replacing their Steam installer with a DELTREE app and when you click on it, it deletes the system.
                THAT's what this shit show actually is.

              • 7 months ago

                >doesn't actually work, moron.
                It does work, you're just a mentally ill moron.
                >It's actually literally like Valve replacing their Steam installer with a DELTREE app and when you click on it, it deletes the system.
                It's not like that at all LMAO you're computer illiterate, kid.

                went and started plugging in random commands from the internet, not knowing what they would do.


              • 7 months ago

                >It does work
                no, it doesn't.
                Windows doesn't let you delete files that are in use, duh
                And it also wouldn't work without a UAC prompt either lmao
                And it's still not INSTALLING STEAM using official means, who then break your fricking system, moron.

              • 7 months ago

                >installing Steam using the package manager is "plugging in random commands from the internet"
                you are mentally ill

              • 7 months ago

                >Mentally ill Wintroon dilating this hard

                is not part of any normal Apt operation you computer illiterate wintroon.

              • 7 months ago

                >you can't just install using the official package manager, using the official Steam package, which then fricks up the system
                Yes, we see that.
                Linux is broken and shit.

              • 7 months ago

                >>you can't just install using the official package manager, using the official Steam package, which then fricks up the system

                The only thing broken is the tiny peanut in your head which processes words and events. You can see the OS warning him not to do it, he does it anyway, problem lies with morons who suck his wiener.

              • 7 months ago

                "install Steam"
                breaks the system
                "yes, I told it to break my system by installing Steam, so it's my fault"

              • 7 months ago

                >INSTALL STEAM
                >I mean, you sure man? This will break your OS-



              • 7 months ago

                install Steam
                >hey, this MAY be a bad choice, but maybe not, I don't know
                wait, I'm just installing Steam
                Linux is so fricking moronic.

                A proper software would figure out that it's deinstalling the GUI, and say so, and not do women-speak.
                But not software written by mentally ill morons.

              • 7 months ago

                >by telling you that it will frick your system
                That's what it doesn't do.
                It does women-speak
                "maybe I will destroy your flat and scratch your car, or maybe not"

                >there is no way to MARK packages that are part of the system, like the GUI accordingly and warn about them in clear English that you are uninstalling the GUI
                >no, you can only tell that "maybe it will be bad, or maybe it will be good, Are you sure sirs?"
                Hello pajeet

                because you are installing a copy on an already modified system which doesn't accept steam and after that, it's like using a modified .net on your windows and then discovering that an application which needed stock .net installed it instead of the modified one causing issues on your system, sometimes the system works but other times the thing was so essential that it fricks it up, it isn't woman speak but being honest, windows directly doesn't advice this shit while linux advices and does marking, it literally does the thing you are talking about and you are getting angry by being moronic.


                yes, the update counter is there and forces you to update after a while.

                >i won't suppose what you are but try linux, it's really good.
                i have a few times on bare metal actually. used it for a month on my laptop with amd.its okay. but after trying again on desktop its just shit. screen tearing in browsers, programs not remembering their window position and size, font rendering is fricking awful, nvidia cant even decode videos in a browser so you have to copy paste shit to mpv

                nvidia has the issue of being pieces of shit towards linux rather than linux being bad, i understand that your hardware has issues but it can be easily solved with custom drivers, at this moment amd and everything else works, nvidia in general still works surprisingly well on linux by literally the stock drivers being reverse engineered pieces which are made by multiple tests and no real code to work with, i don't like it but it's an honest issue which requires the use of more nvidia hardware on linux rather than dismissal to find the bugs and fix the gpu processes to make it work.

                the error message tells you nothing to actually resolve the situation, it doesn't tell you why any of this is happening

                it does by showing the file which is fricked and then the package, on the worst cases it shows the software which can't connect to or the need of a certain library, it does it but not any system is perfect and can see libraries which require other libraries to analyze, windows doesn't even do this and just let's you out of the blue unless the software you are installing has real error prompts, something that depends of the software creator and normally is forgotten, something that linux doesn't have because the OS does it for you.

              • 7 months ago

                after that having an error*
                is causing issues on your system*

              • 7 months ago

                >the system doesn't accept Steam
                >I'm not acting like a woman, I just don't accept you

              • 7 months ago

                >A proper software would figure out that it's deinstalling the GUI
                Linux is not a proper software. There is your answer

              • 7 months ago

                >installing Steam using the package manager is "plugging in random commands from the internet"
                you are mentally ill

                >hurr DELTREE
                doesn't actually work, moron.
                you are mentally ill

                It's actually literally like Valve replacing their Steam installer with a DELTREE app and when you click on it, it deletes the system.
                THAT's what this shit show actually is.

                You didn't even listen to a word I just said. Everything he did before YES, DO AS I SAY!!! was normal user behavior. Typing sudo apt-get install steam is normal user behavior. Nothing about that is a red flag.
                >BUT HE TYPED IN SUDO!!
                just made you look like a massive moron. Of course he did, he's using apt.

                The package manger went full moron. The package manager should be able to provide useful error messages in a case like this. It did not. Linus went full moron by ignoring the package manager freaking out, but it shouldn't do that in the first place. There is no reason it shouldn't just be smart enough to straight up tell you to update your system first, because it can see the age of the repos and the age of the steam dependencies. This is a case of poor user experience just as much as it is linus incompetence.

                >>you can't just install using the official package manager,
                But he didn't install using the official package manager. Why do you lie? Why are you looking at a video of the man recording himself not using the official package manager for his distribution and say "This man is using an official package manager"
                No he's not, you can see the package manager stop him. He went into the terminal to use apt directly. That's not the official way to download software in Pop OS!

                So tell me, are you lying because you're disingenuous or lying because you think no one else watched the video?

                Either ways, you chose to lie about something we both can watch unfold in the video he posted on his official account. Are you saying we can't trust that?

              • 7 months ago

                The """"""official""""""" package manager is just a gui front end to the actual package manager.

                >The package manager should be able to provide useful error messages in a case like this. It did not.
                But it did. You can see it in his video

                He doesn't read it, instead saying something about "Ubuntu did the same thing to me", but he didn't read the error message at all to see what it said.

                Again why are you lying? You just continue to tell lie, after lie, after lie and I can't help but wonder what you gain from it.

                That's not a useful error message. I repeat
                >There is no reason it shouldn't just be smart enough to straight up tell you to update your system first, because it can see the age of the repos and the age of the steam dependencies.

              • 7 months ago

                and that is enough because the package manager shows the errors on the gui.
                the system is smart enough by telling you that it will frick your system directly by saying that it damages essential files, you want a system which goes to the future and sees how the issue will be rather than listen to the advice which literally says:
                >moron, this will frick essential shit which is important and will most likely frick your shit, wanna do it?
                something that no OS can't do, windows doesn't do that shit either an is worse by not telling and letting you with a paper weight system with no explanation which takes a shit ton to install and is annoying to deal with

              • 7 months ago

                >by telling you that it will frick your system
                That's what it doesn't do.
                It does women-speak
                "maybe I will destroy your flat and scratch your car, or maybe not"

              • 7 months ago

                Well it actually says that if you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't do that.
                A mansplanation, which informs you that
                >Yes you can do this
                >You probably don't want to do this if you don't know what you're doing

              • 7 months ago

                >Well it actually says that if you don't know what you're doing, you shouldn't do that.
                Stop lying troony.
                Anyone can check the screenshot.
                It literally says:
                "You are about to do something POTENTIALLY harmful"
                It also says "these packages will be UPGRADED"
                This means that it does not know, has no clue what it is doing, was written by incompetent pajeets

                Only a mentally ill moron would defend shit software like this, but you continue doing so.

              • 7 months ago

                >there is no way to MARK packages that are part of the system, like the GUI accordingly and warn about them in clear English that you are uninstalling the GUI
                >no, you can only tell that "maybe it will be bad, or maybe it will be good, Are you sure sirs?"
                Hello pajeet

              • 7 months ago

                the error message tells you nothing to actually resolve the situation, it doesn't tell you why any of this is happening

              • 7 months ago

                >But he didn't install using the official package manager.
                >He went into the terminal to use apt directly.
                >apt is not the official package manager of the system
                let's fact check this
                apt is a command-line utility for installing, updating, removing, and otherwise managing deb packages on Ubuntu, Debian, and related Linux distributions.

                You are mentally ill.

              • 7 months ago

                >sudo apt-get install steam
                wow, so exactly what I said

                >You can infer what it was from the command he entered
                Yeah, I can infer that the steam package was broken and had a collision with his entire DE during dependency resolution.

                Dude, what the frick are you talking about? You have to prefix sudo to install a package. That's normal behavior.

                >Steam does prompt for an admin password to install but it doesn't touch any system package on the computer.
                Apt by its very nature touches systems packages. That's its entire purpose. I didn't see the exact commands he entered, but doing something like sudo apt install steam would be an extremely normal thing to do.

                You implied that he was doing some SUPER DANGEROUS fix !!! RED FLAG !!! RED FLAG !!! and removing a bunch of packages he shouldn't be touching. No, he was actually doing what any normal linux user would do to install software.

                >but he didn't update his repos
                Ok, but should trying to install a package without up to date repos really destroy your entire DE and xorg? At the very least there should be better error handling. Like, the package manager should be smart enough to see that the dependencies steam wants are chronologically newer than everything on the system and say "HEY!! Your system is out of date, your dependencies will not work for this software until you update!" so that the user could actually know what the frick is going on.

              • 7 months ago

                >wow, so exactly what I said
                No, actually the opposite of what you said.
                >You implied that he was doing some SUPER DANGEROUS fix !!
                >! RED FLAG !!! RED FLAG !!!
                Yes and Yes
                You can see these red flags on

                -The Package manager (Warns him on this operation)
                -APT (warns him of this operation)
                -APT AGAIN (tells him not to do it)

                That's three red flags he ignored to get to that point.

                There is no defending the man, he ignored warnings from his operating system specifically telling him what would happen because he thought "It's all linux bullshit who cares" then complained when his OS broke.

              • 7 months ago

                this can be done on windows by doing bad update order and breaking shit, at least linux tells you that it breaks shit unlike windows and is ordered so each iteration doesn't break the other.

                >fills a gb every month on Winows
                if that was the case, my harddrive would be full.
                It isn't and you are stupid.

                it's the case, windows updates do that shit each month, you lying or disabling the updates doesn't deny that.
                1/2 megs each two weeks is still a lot less than 1 gb and unlike windows you can choose not to update.

                >to remove
                ESL or moron?

                it actually says that it doesn't really know, but it maybe be a problem, but maybe not.

                >you wrote a single word incorrectly soo th-
                there moron.

                Not true. Windows actually damn near reinstalls itself after each major/cumulative update. That's why settings reset. MS has to worry about morons installing garbage and fricking up their system then blaming windows for "slowing down"
                Slow down is a myth on windows btw

                that's the reason it's a piece of shit, it takes too much to update, removes your fricking settings, breaks shit which uses certain software and causes slow down by updates which add bloat to an already slow and bloated system with a shit ton of input lag, performance issues and high requirements to boot.

              • 7 months ago

                >shit ton of input lag, performance issues and high requirements to boot
                works on my machine with a 7200rpm hard drive and a 4th gen i7

              • 7 months ago

                >each month
                no, they don't do that.

              • 7 months ago

                it does, read the time counter dude, that shit is there and is a thing which is forced a lot of the time, windows works like that and even windows users say that it does.

              • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                You didn't even listen to a word I just said. Everything he did before YES, DO AS I SAY!!! was normal user behavior. Typing sudo apt-get install steam is normal user behavior. Nothing about that is a red flag.
                >BUT HE TYPED IN SUDO!!
                just made you look like a massive moron. Of course he did, he's using apt.

                The package manger went full moron. The package manager should be able to provide useful error messages in a case like this. It did not. Linus went full moron by ignoring the package manager freaking out, but it shouldn't do that in the first place. There is no reason it shouldn't just be smart enough to straight up tell you to update your system first, because it can see the age of the repos and the age of the steam dependencies. This is a case of poor user experience just as much as it is linus incompetence.

              • 7 months ago

                >The package manager should be able to provide useful error messages in a case like this. It did not.
                But it did. You can see it in his video

                He doesn't read it, instead saying something about "Ubuntu did the same thing to me", but he didn't read the error message at all to see what it said.

                Again why are you lying? You just continue to tell lie, after lie, after lie and I can't help but wonder what you gain from it.

              • 7 months ago

                >error message
                There is no error message.
                It literally says that it doesn't know if it's good or bad. So if the moronic package manager can't tell, how should the user?

              • 7 months ago

                Anon... look at the picture

                >Install Steam

                >WARNING: The following essential packages will be removed. This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing!
                That is the most "you are entering dangerous territory" text you could possibly find. The only reason it's not an "error message" is that the program didn't stop, but it is essentially an error message.

              • 7 months ago

                "install Steam"
                "WARNING: these packages will be removed, but these others are added"

                Yes, I'm installing Steam, what's the actual problem?
                >This should NOT be done unless you know exactly what you are doing.
                I'm trying to install Steam?
                What's the problem, Linux?

                Stop defending shit software.
                >these packages are removed, these are added, these are upgraded
                >it MAY be harmful, but MAYBE not

              • 7 months ago

                >"WARNING: these packages will be removed, but these others are added"
                Holy shit anon did you miss everything after it like WHICH packages are being removed?

              • 7 months ago

                >you need to know what every package is, by name
                >but it's okay that the PACKAGE MANAGER of your system doesn't know

              • 7 months ago

                I keep saying "YES!! DO AS I SAY!!" because it is the counterpoint to "LINUS DINDU NUFFIN!" and "THE PACKAGE MANAGER WENT FULL moron!" when it was telling him to make specific commands to do his little full moron demand.


                lmao even

              • 7 months ago

                moron, the package manager adviced him that it wasn't right by him installing a piece of software before and telling him not to do it because it breaks shit.
                he didn't take into account that he needs to uninstall one thing and then do the install
                he was told three times in the sudo that he shouldn't do it
                and he still did it and fricked and made shit by being a moron which would have fricked up on any OS in existance.
                this can be done on windows if you install a modified steam and i don't see morons saying that is the fault of the OS but of them, even with that linux has a direct problem breakthrough on his package managers and is quicker to recover with live usb, reinstalls and even fix on the system itself.

                >shit ton of input lag, performance issues and high requirements to boot
                works on my machine with a 7200rpm hard drive and a 4th gen i7

                wasting 40% more disk space and going slow as shit while having 4 more frames of input lag.
                be happy literally and change to something that works, it's even free so you don't have to get dick ridded by windows, i won't suppose what you are but try linux, it's really good.

              • 7 months ago

                >i won't suppose what you are but try linux, it's really good.
                i have a few times on bare metal actually. used it for a month on my laptop with amd.its okay. but after trying again on desktop its just shit. screen tearing in browsers, programs not remembering their window position and size, font rendering is fricking awful, nvidia cant even decode videos in a browser so you have to copy paste shit to mpv

              • 7 months ago

                >Everything he did before YES, DO AS I SAY!!! was normal user behavior
                No, normal behavior would have including updating the repository, either after installing the OS, or before installing software. Taking that normal action, which is in all the guides would have fixed the bug.
                He either out of gross incompetence, or intentional desire to make a more 'entertaining' video for his Windows using audience, managed to produce a bug that was publicized and fixed before he started his 'Linux challenge'.

              • 7 months ago

                >forget to update your repos
                >next time you try to install a package your entire system is on the precipice of total collapse
                Yeah, no, that's moronic. The package manager can SEE the age of all the dependencies involved. It SHOULD BE smart enough to tell you "hey, these packages are newer than anything on the repo, update your system first, dummy!". It's morons like you defending this dumb shit that is the reason the year of the linux desktop will never come, because you don't actually give a frick about user experience. This is such a stupid hill to die on.

              • 7 months ago

                how fricking moronic is this package manager even?

                >GUI components
                >somehow Steam *INSTALLATION* can uninstall them, although there should be dependencies to EVERY SINGLE GUI program and thus causing it to not uninstall them
                Linux package managers are literally moronic.

              • 7 months ago

                there are a million of little dependencies involved, there is version mismatching happening where steam needs dicksucker.lib.1.2.0 but the system is using dicksucker.lib.0.1.9 so removing dicksucker.lib.0.1.9 means you have to uninstall everything that depends on it

              • 7 months ago

                Then that would be an upgrade, and it should all work.
                But it isn't, it's literally uninstalling the GUI, which should not even be possible in the first place.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's literally uninstalling the GUI, which should not even be possible in the first place.
                It definitely should be.

              • 7 months ago

                GUI software installed
                Package manager: let's uninstall the GUI, because the user tried to install more GUI software

                That makes zero sense, but maybe it does to the mentally ill.

              • 7 months ago

                that's not how versioning works

                if dicksucker.lib.1.2.0 changes any of the functionality of dicksucker.lib.0.1.9 and software that depends on dicksucker.lib.0.1.9 tries to use the newer version, it will just break

                my entire argument is just hey look, we can look at the repos and see that we don't even know about dicksucker.lib.1.2.0 so the package manager should be smart enough to deduce that our system isn't up to date and that updating would probably fix the problem

              • 7 months ago

                >it will just break
                only when morons designed it.

              • 7 months ago

                the system is good for that by telling you that a thing will frick x which is the case of this, doing that thing is impossible unless the package creator was in contact with the package manager creator and told him about a complete change to make him code a custom response which is already solved by the system telling you that you shouldn't do that action by the next package needing a new version of something you system depends (which could be fixed by updating or removing it, something that the system can't discriminate because it's something which a lot of libraries which could check if the solution was correct would be deleted after the fact and would make that check impossible), windows doesn't tell shit on those cases and a lot of pcs have died by bad applications installs or even windows installations.

                >the system doesn't accept Steam
                >I'm not acting like a woman, I just don't accept you

                the system just tells you the truth, it doesn't know the ramifications but it would recommend that you didn't do that.
                it's literally; don't do it but if you really know what will happen you can do it.
                for the other question: there's windows installs which require for certain software modified libraries and the thing i'm talking about happens.

              • 7 months ago

                windows installs with custom software/specific software or modded versions*

              • 7 months ago

                The Software GUI would normally update the packages automatically. He intentionally didn't use a software GUI installer.
                Any guide to using apt at the command line would have started with telling the user to update the repository, he didn't do that.
                Linus somehow put his system into the exact state to produce a bug that was known and fixed at the time he made his video.

                Again, maybe he really is that incompetent, but it smells funny that he ignored the guides, ignored the warnings, and broke his system on camera.

              • 7 months ago

                >you should not use the package manager yourself
                >you should use the GUI only
                >no one should use command line ever
                Don't you say that about Windows all the time?
                And why wasn't it properly implemented in the package manager, but hacked into the GUI package manager which runs on top of the actual package manager?

              • 7 months ago

                because the package manager has it implemented by the error messages, the GUI only shows that with buttons if you like it, the anon is just telling you that if he didn't knew how to use the terminal he should have just the easy option which was the GUI.

              • 7 months ago

                >still can't read

              • 7 months ago

                Except that he didn't do it like he was supposed to, because he didn't update the repository first. Which is a thing that all the directions for a Debian based distribution will tell you to if you are going to do it that way, and something the GUI application would normally do automatically.
                Somehow he managed to put the system into the exact state he needed to in order to produce what was at that time a very well publicized bug, that was already fixed.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm a linuxgay. You're just making shit up at this point. He opened a terminal and used his package manager to install software like you're supposed to.

                poopOS was bugged and saw a collision between steam and X11, and thought it needed to remove X11 to continue. It was wise enough to see that removing X11 was a bad idea so it forced him to type a prompt to continue. Being the brainlet that he is, he didn't even bother to read or attempt to understand what he was doing. There is equal blame to go around between user error and poopOS being a piece of shit here.

                It also forces repository updates to be done automatically if he used Pop OS' package manager, you notice what he's not in and not using when he is doing this installation in his video?

                >yup, exactly what the user told it to do

        • 7 months ago

          >yup, exactly what the user told it to do

          • 7 months ago

            >user is installing steam
            >loonix tries to unalive itself
            >user doesn't notice it's a suicide attempts and tells it OK
            >loonix succeeds in suiciding
            >this is the user's fault according to troonix defenders
            that's the greatest example of loonix being a troon OS, it even attempts suicide just like its users

            • 7 months ago

              The computer was still fine and very much usable. Why do you want your computer to decide whether you're right or wrong?

            • 7 months ago

              >>this is the user's fault

              >USER does something
              >Operating system tells him not to do it
              >USER tells operating system to do it
              >Operating system tells him to type out a very specific command to ensure USER wants to do something immensely stupid

              >USER types out that command

              >This isn't the USER's fault
              just curious do you get dysentery from the Ganges this time of year?

    • 7 months ago

      Those are all pretty good arguments.

    • 7 months ago

      >I will constantly call you trannies but you are not allowed to point out the lgbt flag in my system or call me Indian that's just not cash money of you

    • 7 months ago

      >only argument against windows is
      >muh privacy
      You need more?

      • 7 months ago

        Privacy is a fricking meme in 2023.

        • 7 months ago

          If it's such a meme, share your banking information, your credit card, and your SIN.

          • 7 months ago

            >If buying an expensive car is a meme then give me your car

            • 7 months ago

              Nice try shifting the goalpost.
              >a meme
              Where's that banking information sirs the village won't feed itself.

            • 7 months ago

              Remember! Buy a new or used care before 2026, the latter are going to explode in price.

        • 7 months ago

          >be zoomer anon
          >grow up in digital panopticon, taught "you don't need privacy if you don't have anything to hide" as a core value.
          >would be in trouble if I ever had a dangerous thought and expressed it.
          >only use corporate approved walled garden software on my operating system, my hardware straining under the footprint of my AI OS copilot making sure I don't break any trust and safety protocols.
          >luckily I'll only have the socially acceptable opinions, vote for the correct approved politicians, and see only verified and validated websites.

          God windows users are depressing. I'd be worried but my entire retirement plan hinges on jailbreaking you fools out of the digital hellscape you'll put yourselves into when shit gets 'too real'.

          • 7 months ago

            He's kinda right though. How many people will use Linux but have a fricking Google account, watch YouTube, have a steam account etc etc etc... not only that some distros have built in telemetry.
            Does that mean you should use Windows? No. Because at the end of the day, the telemetry on Linux is from 3rd party programs you'd be using and not the OS itself.

            • 7 months ago

              That's why I use Linux in the first place.

              I am choosing to give Google my data by using chrome
              I am choosing to give them more of my data by using Google Drive
              I am choosing to give them even more data by watching Youtube

              Arch does not take any data and allows me to see that fact.
              Windows would just take my data even during installation.

              • 7 months ago

                >I choose
                No, you don't.
                You use Google garbage already when you install Steam, and Valve doesn't tell you that or asks for permissionf for Google.

              • 7 months ago

                One day you will understand how the world works anon... I am jealous though

  63. 7 months ago

    So I want to cut my dick off and transition into a Linux user, how do I make my desktop look like this?

  64. 7 months ago

    proton ge gets better by the day, i'm getting better performance than i do on windows in pretty much every game

  65. 7 months ago

    Gaming is good now
    The problem for me is a bunch of random software I use doesn't have Linux versions. I'm still gonna try to live without all of them for my next build

  66. 7 months ago

    90% of games werk. Most of the biggest currently popular multiplayer titles don't werk because of anti-cheats.
    Personally I think it's pretty nice, good enough that I'd rather give up the few games that don't work than use modern Windows, but the only multiplayer I play these days is coop games with friends so ymmv.

    • 7 months ago

      holy ESL

  67. 7 months ago

    Its better than windows by far. There isn't a single game you can't run

  68. 7 months ago

    >please suicide like your OS keeps trying to do

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        >please suicide like your OS keeps trying to do


  69. 7 months ago

    Fun as frick specially piracy is so goddamn easy

  70. 7 months ago

    Pretty good. The only games I can’t play are MO with anti cheats.

  71. 7 months ago

    Shit. Anyone claiming otherwise is straight up lying to you.

    It's like emulator gays trying to laugh at switchies for playing games with visual glitches.
    Playing basic old games sometimes needs hours of tinkering. Ironically the latest AAA slip works much better on Linux.
    Either way, it's just not there yet.

    • 7 months ago

      Hello nu-fren from Reddit. How did you hear about us? Did you register your account with us yet?
      Oh and please go back to your r/sub and never come here again.
      Buh Bye!

  72. 7 months ago

    as always
    >just updeet
    >more stuff broken
    >just one more updeet
    >even more stuff broken
    >t's the Ndivia drivers
    >(it's actually incompetent programming in wine)

  73. 7 months ago

    TFW keeping the windows machine for ONE program.

  74. 7 months ago

    The 'eck changed everything. It's a level of polish shitdows can't manage.

  75. 7 months ago

    If Linux was any good there'd be more than 2% using it. Steam Surveys say otherwise tho.

    It's literally free and runs on a Pentium 3 third world toaster so you think everyone would jump at it if it was any good. Truth is, many did jump at it. But it just isn't any good.

    The only guy I know still sticking to Linux is a guy with the highest end rig possible. And even he has constant issues. Get kicked out of games, games take forever to launch or maybe won't launch at all depending on the day, and oh yes I forgot: he can't join windows player lobbies so we always have to join his games despite his internet being shite in games like vt2.

    • 7 months ago

      >If Linux was any good there'd be more than 2% using it. Steam Surveys say otherwise tho.
      Steam Survey says you speak Chinese and eat dog every day between playing skydiving simulator at your foxconn suicide net factory:

      >Also according to the last stramsurvey only 1.7% of steam users are using Linux,
      Those surveys are faulty, they also claim 50% of all steam users are Chinese
      They are vastly inflated by cheaters evading bans and cybercafe users using 100 different computers with 200 different accounts. Each one getting a vote for Windows.

      Stop quoting it as a source because Valve themselves admit it's a flawed survey.

      If these numbers were accurate, no one would own a Steam Deck.

      So do you? If not, then you admit those surveys aren't worth shit.

  76. 7 months ago

    installed arch in 2018 and have used it since
    experience thus far has been surprisingly solid, i had way more issue with "noob" distros like ubuntu

  77. 7 months ago

    all my favorite games are on it so it good

  78. 7 months ago

    Linux plays WoW, and that's unironically the only game I play.
    I have other games installed, but I just don't touch them for some reason.
    I really hated Windows 11, so I made the switch to Arch a few months ago. Couldn't be happier.

    • 7 months ago

      Here's the other games I have installed, for what it matters.

      • 7 months ago

        >Tales of Arise
        >Witcher 3
        >edge of eternity
        >a hat in time
        >nier automata
        >scarlet nexus
        >star ocean the divine force
        Those are in my library and they work. I don't know about the rest, haven't bought them.

        • 7 months ago


          "The launcher screen is pitch black, I had to disable it to be able to start the game."
          To revert to DX11: Set "fallback": "DirectX 11" in the file launcher-configuration.json.

          Slight Performance Problems
          DX12 performance is much worse than DX11, so I reverted to DX11.

          Trannies are so fricking dishonest.

          • 7 months ago

            I never said that in my posted games list. Also mine just works after clicking it. Same with A Hat in Time.

            • 7 months ago

              >it starts up
              >that means it works
              >that one game crashes when loading the first stage
              >but that counts as works for me, because the title screen showed up

              • 7 months ago

                Not my fault you bought an Nvidia GPU. Just werks for me on AMD.

              • 7 months ago

                >it's the fault of Nvidia
                >that's why an assert() comes up in my windows emulator

          • 7 months ago

            Can't fault the OS for the developers moronation.

            • 7 months ago

              >it's everyone's fault, except our garbage windows emulator

              • 7 months ago

                But the video shows win10 having the exact same problem.

          • 7 months ago

            >a hat in time
            Significant Performance Problems
            unusual stutterings

            Game crashes loading the first stage

            Crashed my PC even forcing experimental or GE

            >Someone said this game didn't work for them at one time
            >everyone else who says they play it must be a lying troony!
            With that logic we can go to the microsoft forums and conclude that everyone using windows has a bluescreening brick for a computer that will never boot.

            • 7 months ago

              A Hat In Time is even rated GOLD, which means totally broken
              But nice try there.
              >but it boots up into the start screen, that means it works fine
              You are mentally ill.

              • 7 months ago

                The frick are you even talking about? There are reviews in your own link that say it works great.

              • 7 months ago

                Yes, Steamies love to lie a lot.
                >Tomb Raider 2
                >crash when Lara dies
                >it works GREAT and PERFECTLY, just don't die

              • 7 months ago

                I just read that someone's windows computer crashed, that means yours did too you lying, mentally ill troony!

              • 7 months ago

                >it's the computer
                No, the software freezes, because the Windows emulator is a broken piece of shit
                *RATED GOLD

              • 7 months ago

                Mentally ill troony a poster on the microsoft forums said they can't boot their computer, how are you posting here if that windows machine isn't working? Your computer has crashed you fricking schizo.

              • 7 months ago

                Anyone on here and try out Tomb Raider 2 on proton and confirm that Linux users are liars, including (you)
                >it's the system, it's not our shitty windows emulator
                >when Lara dies and the game freezes, that's an Nvidia problem, actually a hardware program, our Windows emulator works perfectly

              • 7 months ago

                One could poison protondb, by posting that all games work perfectly, when they don't.
                This will discredit proton forever

              • 7 months ago

                It's funny, because you can tell how much Linux users and Steamies lie, which is a lot and you can check it yourself.

                >Just use OpenLARA
                Yeah, actually do that, and then actually try to play the game and see how far you get.
                How to spot liars: actually try out what they say.

              • 7 months ago

                and the cutscenes don't work
                and the frame rate is garbage
                but besides that, it totally works
                i was able to start the training level once

          • 7 months ago

            >Slight Performance Problems
            still better than shitOS 11 :^)

            • 7 months ago

              not Windows, but nice try, troony

        • 7 months ago

          >a hat in time

          Significant Performance Problems
          unusual stutterings

          Game crashes loading the first stage

          Crashed my PC even forcing experimental or GE

    • 7 months ago

      >Plays World of Sylvanas
      It all makes sense now.

      • 7 months ago

        Tauren aren't furry.
        They've been in the game since vanilla. Hell, since Alpha even.
        The only horde race that's furry is Vulpera.

        • 7 months ago

          The frick is this cope? They furry.

          • 7 months ago

            I disagree
            There is a hard line between "Furry" and "Beast Race"
            This is a furry

          • 7 months ago

            I disagree
            There is a hard line between "Furry" and "Beast Race"
            This is a furry

            And this is a beast race

  79. 7 months ago

    I never saw "gaming on linux" threads before when I was on windows... now I see them everyday... odd

  80. 7 months ago


    isn't "flatpak" moronic shit, where you download all components over and over again and store them separately and thus waste disc space and RAM?

    Maybe someone intelligent should have designed Linux, Windows doesn't do that.

    • 7 months ago

      NTA but you clearly haven't tried flatpak.
      Flatpak has a similar concept as portable programs on windows. Imagine a program that works across all versions of windows, across all the ages, starting from 3.1 to 11. That's flatpak.

      • 7 months ago

        No, flatpak is shit and garbage.

        At the time of this writing, the latest KCalc AppImage (if you can even figure out how to download it) is 152 MB. For a calculator.

        • 7 months ago

          Flatpak solves the dependency hell problem. That alone is reason enough to use it.

          • 7 months ago

            >just store every single library per application
            >waste bandwidth and disc space and RAM
            >this is a solution
            No, it's a hack and a stupid idea and terrible programming.
            Someone should have simply designed Linux properly. Windows doesn't do that shit. And other Operating Systems also don't, because it's moronic.

            • 7 months ago

              windows does that shit on his portable apps, it's worse because it contains them with separate libraries and running an instance for each app wasting more resources, flatpaks are just a way to get programs when the application is a dependency hell (something that windows has as well and is the fault of the maintainer of the software rather than the OS ) or because it's only available there.

              • 7 months ago

                Keeping the same library around for 100 programs is moronic.
                >security bug in a library
                >now update all 100 programs
                See how stupid this is?

              • 7 months ago

                it isn't because you can just update the library once and fix those issues instead of having programs which are broken while others don't work at all or have vulnerabilities by mismatches or bugs not solved on the newer libraries.
                that's one of the reasons windows has a ton of viruses anon, aside from that windows has united libraries but half asses it by using united and external libraries at the same time to check instead of doing one or the other.

              • 7 months ago

                >update the library once
                it seems you do not understand what a flatpak actually is.

                Flatpak means you have a copy of every single library in every single package.
                This means that you can't just update it once, you have to update EVERY SINGLE flatpak package.

                When you don't update all, you will be vulnerable, which is why flatpak is a moronic thing to do.

                btw. this also means that if you run 5 programs and all 5 use the same library, you still won't be loading this library ONCE, but you load it 5 times, and thus waste tons of RAM on top of that, which is also moronic.

          • 7 months ago

            dependencies are a solution to statically linked bloat hell

        • 7 months ago

          appimages and flatpaks are two different things

          • 7 months ago

            both are shit and tarded.

            Note that the app package itself is only 4.4 MB. The rest is all redundant libraries that are already on my system. I just ran the kcalc binary straight out of its Flatpak install path unsandboxed and let it use my native libraries. It ran just fine, because all of the libraries it uses are backwards compatible.

            • 7 months ago

              full on tarded

              If you install GIMP in Fedora 34’s Software store, it defaults to Fedora’s Flatpak of GIMP. This pulls in Fedora 35’s 650 MB runtime, not any runtime. Nothing will be shared with our freedesktop runtime KCalc we installed from Flathub earlier. On my machine /var/lib/flatpak is using over 3 GB of disk space for just these two apps.

            • 7 months ago

              you literally just install the flatpak runtimes once and that's it. it's like 500mb up front. idk why flatpak hater tards cant understand this

              • 7 months ago

                this is factually incorrect information, disproven by reality.

                Flatpak allows anyone to define their own runtimes. publishes some Flatpak runtimes for common use, but these aren’t necessarily the ones apps are using. For example Fedora publishes apps with its own runtimes, and these are the ones available by default in its Software store.

                If you install GIMP in Fedora 34’s Software store, it defaults to Fedora’s Flatpak of GIMP. This pulls in Fedora 35’s 650 MB runtime, not any runtime. Nothing will be shared with our freedesktop runtime KCalc we installed from Flathub earlier. On my machine /var/lib/flatpak is using over 3 GB of disk space for just these two apps.

                This is apparently working as intended. They want runtimes to be a free-for-all, filling your hard drive with gigabytes of custom junk for every app. I can’t imagine what system updates will be like in the future when you have a few dozen apps storing tens of gigabytes of runtimes that all want to be kept up to date.

              • 7 months ago

                alright im convinced youre a bot
                i was suspicious of these two posts

                full on tarded

                If you install GIMP in Fedora 34’s Software store, it defaults to Fedora’s Flatpak of GIMP. This pulls in Fedora 35’s 650 MB runtime, not any runtime. Nothing will be shared with our freedesktop runtime KCalc we installed from Flathub earlier. On my machine /var/lib/flatpak is using over 3 GB of disk space for just these two apps.

                both are shit and tarded.

                Note that the app package itself is only 4.4 MB. The rest is all redundant libraries that are already on my system. I just ran the kcalc binary straight out of its Flatpak install path unsandboxed and let it use my native libraries. It ran just fine, because all of the libraries it uses are backwards compatible.

                but this one confirms it. you are definitely a bot. you reiterate the same information often. your first line is uncapitalized and then everything else is capitalized and punctuated like normal. youre also talking about fedora 34 and 35, which havent been the newest since early 2022... which is also the cutoff date for most ais.

              • 7 months ago

                >everything else is capitalized and punctuated like norma
                because it's a quote, moronic dumb Black person from the very URL that was posted.
                It seems you are the bot.

              • 7 months ago

                >because it's a quote, moronic dumb Black person from the very URL that was posted.
                he says as he yet again follows the same pattern of uncapitalized to capitalized
                damn if you actually arent a bot thats sad, you type like a moronic subhuman if that's the case. ive never seen a human talk so repetitively and in circles. you are really shit at explaining yourself lol. i was genuinely convinced you were gpt or llama or something

              • 7 months ago

                >a bot would surely do that
                You sound like a bot.

              • 7 months ago

                Flatpak recognizes that mixing libraries with the host system is a mess. Instead, they want to bundle their own graphics drivers in the runtimes, keeping them regularly updated for new hardware.


              • 7 months ago

                You download the graphics runtime once and never again. its like 400 mb. who gives a shit

              • 7 months ago

                We already had that.
                "They want runtimes to be a free-for-all,"

                It's moronic shit and you should have a nice day, stupid bot.

              • 7 months ago

                >graphics driver
                >400 mb
                is this real life?

  81. 7 months ago


    Flatpaks are fricking gay. There's no good reason you shouldn't be able to just install the software. Dumb argument.

  82. 7 months ago

    IT’S FRICKING SHIT, but beats being on Windows 11 (AKA Windows 8 Glued together with currycel shit edition)

  83. 7 months ago

    >wanna play halo infinite (yes really. frick you the custom maps with ai bots are fun)
    >crashes at menu
    >change proton version
    >crashes at menu
    >try commandline from protondb that’s meant to help
    >delete compatdata. nada
    >hmmm wtf do i do? nuke my entire install and go again? frick off
    >downgrade nvidia driver to 5.25
    >now just works out of the box
    ok? frick you too fricking linux.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm on AMD and crash during the very first loading screen every single time. I gave up trying to play it.

      • 7 months ago

        i doubt this will work as we’re on two different manufacturers drivers, but delete the compat data, downgrade gpu driver, set infinite’s proton to be experimental, reboot if needed and try then. that worked for me

        • 7 months ago

          Linux just werks huh?

          • 7 months ago

            oh jeez you wont catch me saying that. i like linux but it’s definitely a “nerds OS”. you have to be dedicated to learning how to unfrick some convoluted shit via convoluted CS major shit (wizards will argue it totally makes sense but imo as a newish user of linux there’s still loads of shit i dont understand versus windows)
            and i did networking in college lmao

            • 7 months ago

              That's kindergarten in terms of learning about "nerd" OS.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah i know. money well spent.

        • 7 months ago

          >downgrade gpu driver,
          AMD drivers are built into the kernel. There is no downgrading.

          • 7 months ago

            You can in fact downgrade mesa driver versions. I don't think it's going to solve the problem however.

          • 7 months ago

            shows how much i know. now if you’ll excuse me i’m gonna go frick myself

  84. 7 months ago

    Imagine ever installing this OS on your computer

    • 7 months ago

      Don't need to imagine, it's already in it.

    • 7 months ago

      yeah, you have to be mentally ill to do that.
      Imagine playing the meta-game "why doesn't this shit work" over and over

  85. 7 months ago

    Imagine Dragons

    • 7 months ago

      Don't need to imagine that either, Dragon's Dogma 2 is coming soon.

    • 7 months ago

      imagine being at computers

  86. 7 months ago

    Windows drank all my beer and pissed on my cat

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