So, how's that mecha renaissance coming along?

So, how's that mecha renaissance coming along?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    goin' great chud

    • 7 months ago

      Bro, the game released like 3 months ago, devs are only just now working on games an-


      • 7 months ago

        how do we tell him?

    • 7 months ago

      ohnono he doesn't realize

  2. 7 months ago

    It was a great Armored Core game, but they didn't dare to innovate enough. What little they innovated on, From got shat on by braindead oldschool armored core fans anyway.

    No surprises it didn't win shit.

    • 7 months ago

      >they didn't dare to innovate enough
      we literally just wanted armored core and not the bastard child of some idea-guy in a suit, frick you
      >got shat on by braindead oldschool armored core fans anyway
      they didn't give us armored core at all. they gave us sekiroshit player vs orange meter with the face of an old friend stapled over it

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah thanks for proving my point, exactly the kind of jackass I was talking about.

      • 7 months ago

        Who's "We"?
        Who's "Us"?
        Autistic subhuman trash like you don't speak for fricking anybody. Learn your fricking place.

      • 7 months ago

        I was pretty doom n gloom about 6 before its release because of stagger and the clear lack of a turn rate stat but it was easily my favorite game this year. Did NG++ and got the stargazer achievement or whatever, and I still went back and replayed it a bit as some of the npc ACs for shits and giggles Chartreuse, my beloved. You're just being petty and nitpicky.

      • 7 months ago

        Stfu please. AC3 and AC4 are more different from each other than AC5 and AC6.
        Please define what "Armored Core" is to you because the numbered entries are really not fricking similar at all for the most part. AC6 is as much of an AC game as the other games.

      • 7 months ago

        What a fricking moron. You've never played the old armored core games, just shut the frick up

      • 7 months ago

        Is that an AC moving....? AIIIIIIEEEEE HELP ME Black person MAN

      • 7 months ago

        And Sekiro is the best From game and coincidentally won the GOTY you filtered drooling shitter.

      • 7 months ago

        movement in the webm looks fine to me what is the issue?

      • 7 months ago

        I can't wait until someone manages to make a mecha game with proper walk and turn mechanics, with realistic physics and damage, and with enormous customization options.

        • 7 months ago

          Living Legends isn't exactly a massive hit. Sure it doesn't have mechlan but it has everything gameplay wise you'd want from a mech game, and guess what, it's a fricking barren desert and MWO keeps pulling in morons and whales.

    • 7 months ago

      You're correct in a specific context, but you and I both know 100% that was not the context they were thinking about when they passed on it. In a general eye there's a lot to praise and more innovation than some of the other titles they prompted up there. But again, it really just comes down to mecha stigma and those people on the panel don't need to pretend to like it because it's not a Souls title.

      >they didn't dare to innovate enough
      we literally just wanted armored core and not the bastard child of some idea-guy in a suit, frick you
      >got shat on by braindead oldschool armored core fans anyway
      they didn't give us armored core at all. they gave us sekiroshit player vs orange meter with the face of an old friend stapled over it

      Then there's morons like this that after two generations of massive changes still what to shit fit something as juvenile as turn speed is changed when it was more of a balance tool than anything. Want a mech simulator, there's quite a few to pick from that are far better at it than AC. You don't play AC solely because it has a few simulator elements. You play it for stat/part autism.

      • 7 months ago

        Anyone saying "not armored core" isn't an AC fan. We've already done this dance three times.
        4rrys are fricking cancer. It hasn't stopped since that game came out.
        It's also weird because there's a ton of different mech games for your specific fan of autism. I like all of them so to see people pretending Battletech is some super realistic game and that Gundam is super robot, is so fricking weird.

        I loved 6, but man I wish the netcode was better. This recent zook patch just feels bad. Nothing like seeing a missile fly past you to then get put into ACS stun and die. At least Zim zam meta felt like "oh yeah, the shotgun guy got point blank and killed me. I get it". This just feels like shit. Also lance tri lasers are fricking cancer

        • 7 months ago

          >Anyone saying "not armored core" isn't an AC fan.
          This but the exact opposite.
          >4rrys are fricking cancer.
          Yeah, and those are the people I'd expect to like 6 the most, unless they were only in it for the ADHD boosting.

          • 7 months ago

            have a nice day shitskin

        • 7 months ago

          It's NOT armored core.
          >Repair kits
          >Artifically low HP because you can heal, no reason to not have 12000 extra HP except as a gotcha during ACS stunlocks
          >ACs turn instantly
          >No extensions
          >No inside parts
          >No optional parts
          >No weapon arms
          >No sniper rifles
          >No ECM
          >No AMS options
          >No part tuning
          >Poor part selection in general with several niches missing
          >3 Reverse joints, 2 quads, 3 tank legs
          >Pulse guns only good for shield breaking
          >NG+ only missions and parts
          >No branching paths in missions, only one choice matters
          >Dark souls bosses
          >Stance breaking
          >Bosses only take signifcant damage if you stance break meaning any weapon with low impact is worthless
          >Hard lockon
          AC6 is the worst AC game

          • 7 months ago

            I will gladly buy it if the devs put out a fanservice title with all the old mechanics and harsher economy again. It's just that they probably won't. PS2 era fans need to make their own Project Wingman.

          • 7 months ago

            >No part tuning
            Besides the extremely shitty stagger and low part count, this was my other huge issue.
            My friend told me there was tuning in the game later but he meant that passive upgrade shit.

            • 7 months ago

              I can't tell you how many times I'd have been like 5 points overweight or over energy and wished I could tune to get that last little bit I needed.

              • 7 months ago

                Yeah,the customization felt like ass for me because of that. Im glad it introduced a good amount of people to mecha games but this game was missing features id expect from ac, somehow making this worse than DxM as an ac game.

              • 7 months ago

                >somehow making this worse than DxM as an ac game.
                Now you are LEGITIMATELY talking out of your ass.

          • 7 months ago

            That being your first point is all I need to know that you’re just puking garbage

            • 7 months ago

              Checkpoints don't belong in AC

    • 7 months ago

      >but they didn't dare to innovate enough
      They're playing it safe considering it's been years since the last game and they're at the same time decided to have this balancing act of catering to both old AC fans and Souls fans.

    • 7 months ago

      The shitty stagger/poise system was not "innovating"

    • 7 months ago

      >they don't change the game ENOUGH
      have a nice day

  3. 7 months ago

    daemon x machina 2

  4. 7 months ago

    Why is it so hard to make a mecha game? You'd think people would want to play a game where you pilot a 16+ feet tall killing machine. Why is the mecha genre so weak?

    • 7 months ago

      westerners dont like mecha because they dont like scifi
      Japan likes mecha but they are behind in game development and budget so mecha games tend to be low budget affairs.

      • 7 months ago

        Westoids don't like anything in particular these days. They only like to get sucked into the hype of something that is flavour of the month at the time. They don't have any preferences or any sort of genre they like. Their cognitive functions revolve around what is deemed to be popular at the time. They consume and move on.

    • 7 months ago

      It's pretty hard to find the balance between making them cumbersome enough to feel like mecha, but still fun enough to play. AC boost and hovering is pretty well down, but comes at the cost of auto lock (because you can't turn the camera while boosting and hovering) which trivialize the game a bit. Also, the almost necessary part autism will lose the casual crowd.

    • 7 months ago

      Been thinking about making games ngl, I wanna make a mech game that's like Heavy Gear with how it's tactical & the cool alternate wheeled mode

    • 7 months ago

      because too much of it is gay oriental sword nonsense and hurt teenaged feelings. I want mechs which are big, heavy fighting machines. Armored Core is pretty good in this regard but most slant mecha isn't

      • 7 months ago

        >I want mechs which are big, heavy fighting machines.

        Have you tried mechwarrior 5?

    • 7 months ago

      the hardcore fanbase is has extreme parts configuring autism and there is no casual or general gaymer audience because every mecha game in the past 30 years has been too hardcore.

  5. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago
  6. 7 months ago

    Why would zoomers rather play games where they wonder around in the 90s with a shitty camera getting hit with a jumpscare every 2 minutes instead of pilot a 50 tonne walking war machine that carries 100+ missiles?

    • 7 months ago

      iPad generation with no attention span that gets overwhelmed by more than one or two game mechanics.

  7. 7 months ago

    they should have made chromehounds 2 instead

  8. 7 months ago

    Even if it takes a little time, it's alright because that will give me time to play older mecha shit

  9. 7 months ago

    I assume we'll get an AC 6:Whatever DLC or sequel/expansion title eventually. Every single numbered AC game got one before, I doubt that'll change now, especially with how well it did for such a niche franchise.

    >game sold a few million
    >has like a 90% rating on steam

    Just seems inevitable to me, it's by far the most successful AC title. It didn't do Elden Ring numbers but FROM and Bamco aren't really the type of companies to drop an IP just because it didn't sell 40 million copies.

  10. 7 months ago

    Why are people pretending like geoffs ad show matters?

    • 7 months ago

      I stopped caring after TLOU2 was rigged and found out that whoever wins is based on journalist votes.
      The reason Ganker cares is just to shit on the other games that didn't get an award.

    • 7 months ago

      You don't understand anon. It is not enough that I enjoyed a game. Hordes of mulatto morons and gay journalists must also enjoy that game.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't care about the award. I care about the shitposting. There's a slim chance that it winning will shut up some of them constantly saying it's a flop every god damn day.
      I'm aware an award has no bearing on the actual quality and they will shipost anyway but man. MAN. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN

      It's NOT armored core.
      >Repair kits
      >Artifically low HP because you can heal, no reason to not have 12000 extra HP except as a gotcha during ACS stunlocks
      >ACs turn instantly
      >No extensions
      >No inside parts
      >No optional parts
      >No weapon arms
      >No sniper rifles
      >No ECM
      >No AMS options
      >No part tuning
      >Poor part selection in general with several niches missing
      >3 Reverse joints, 2 quads, 3 tank legs
      >Pulse guns only good for shield breaking
      >NG+ only missions and parts
      >No branching paths in missions, only one choice matters
      >Dark souls bosses
      >Stance breaking
      >Bosses only take signifcant damage if you stance break meaning any weapon with low impact is worthless
      >Hard lockon
      AC6 is the worst AC game

      >List things in multiple armored core games to say it's not armored core
      See? Shit like this. I have no problem with people not liking a game. It's fine. But this shit is so tiring

      • 7 months ago

        >caring about shitposting
        oh boy

      • 7 months ago

        >List things that are AC staples that aren't in a game

      • 7 months ago

        >caring about shitposting
        oh boy

        Literally just stop responding to them. If the (you)s dry up they will move on and shit up other threads. The Black person with the greentext copypasta is almost certainly the same homosexual who’s spent the last year flooding Elden Ring threads. They are shazamtroons and they thrive on negative attention. Deny them their food and they will starve

        • 7 months ago

          I'm not. I'm just a PS2 era AC fan disgusted with how AC6 turned out.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't ever respond to them. Other people always will and hell they might even be yet further shitposters. It just sucks you got to abandon thread for a half hour or so before discussion can begin again and I'd love to not deal with that.

  11. 7 months ago

    Anyone expecting AC6 to get even a nomination was delusional. Mecha will never be mainstream.

  12. 7 months ago

    It still sold over 3 million. For a mech game this is insanely good. Its unheard of for the franchise itself at least. Not one single AC game comes close to those sales.

  13. 7 months ago

    I still think AC6 is an armored core game, it just has souls-like bosses. In past games, bosses outside of AC on AC fights were fewer in number and were either a super experimental AC (Nineball Seraph, Aretha) or a giant mech (Massive Weapons, Arms Fort) that just sat there and fired huge weapons at you. I like having more more bosses and yeah the souls influence is heavy there but outside of those, it still played like an AC game. I'm not sure why people are upset at getting more and better bosses.

    Compared to past games, AC6 felt like 3rd gen with 4th/5th gen quickboosts/overboost so it was like a blend of the past generations rather than doing a completely different approach like 4th or 5th gen felt compared to past gens. This imo was the best way to do AC6 all these years after the last AC game and in interviews before the release, devs said the same thing - they wanted to return to AC's roots, start with what made AC interesting to its fans in the first place and picked out what worked really well (like quickboosts completely changing things) while trying to not make the same mistakes again (again, quickboosts but it made everyone fight so far apart and spam QBs making combat incomprehensible so QB's have cooldowns, speeds overall toned down, weapon ranges shortened so we can see each other better).

    Is it a flawless game? Nah I think the stagger system is problematic and the number of parts is pretty poor, the OS tuning system is not as interesting as parts tuning as it's just unlocking basic mechanics one by one until you get them all, none of the feel of customizing an AC to the smallest detail. I think there should've been more missions inbetween the chapter bosses, more AC appearances without going into NG+. But complaints like turning seem trivial to me, we still have classic AC gameplay like boost hopping and strafing, just more fluid and faster in the right places, you're not always super fast but you're faster when you need to be.

    • 7 months ago

      Agreed on that.

  14. 7 months ago

    >Front Mission 2 Remake is MTL Tier
    Not well...

  15. 7 months ago

    It's great
    >AC sold like hot cakes
    >An Expansion is already a given
    >AC gets even more recognition
    >Already broke expectations and has a large positive reception
    >Large portion of people have nothing but positive claims for AC6
    Yeah it's already happened

    • 7 months ago

      >Already broke expectations and has a large positive reception
      heh. nobody tell him.

      • 7 months ago

        Yes I assume your been living under a rock I presume.

        Lol none of these are true. AC6 sold the best in the series but the standards are higher now. It's a flop. FROM will go back to making soulslop because that's the only thing people are interested in from them.

        Love seeing that word were its already been proven wrong

    • 7 months ago

      Lol none of these are true. AC6 sold the best in the series but the standards are higher now. It's a flop. FROM will go back to making soulslop because that's the only thing people are interested in from them.

  16. 7 months ago

    This is the absolute peak for me. There's nothing left to unlock, tweak, adjust, paint, test. This is my final AC6 homie.

  17. 7 months ago

    The holders of major mecha IPs are fricking incompetent.
    Sunrise with Votoms or anything not Gundam (and even then they cannot make a good Gundam game).
    Square Enix with Front Mission
    Whoever the hell has the current rights to Heavy Gear

    But I do have some hope that we will see an increase in quality mecha titles.

    • 7 months ago

      >Whoever the hell has the current rights to Heavy Gear
      Dream Pod Nine is, like, two guys in an apartment.
      they don't have any money to do anything and the company they hired to promote heavy gear doesn't seem to ever actually do anything.

    • 7 months ago

      How did the Front Mission remake thing end up anyway?

  18. 7 months ago

    I prefer it this way. The more popular mecha gets the less mech and more third person shooter with a robot skin you get. The fact that it is normie repellent is the only thing that ensures it retains some of its dna.

  19. 7 months ago

    I don't need a million dollar PR show to tell me it was game of the year when I already know that.

  20. 7 months ago

    Better than I expected. The fact that it got nominated at all when not even mechwarriror/battletech means there will be a new spotlight on mecha action games. It'll be slow really. Like real slow. But there are promising titles and if DLC and expansions to go by like the last 2 gens for AC, then it could really jump the ball the further they refine the mechs and add new company parts and missions.

    • 7 months ago

      I hope it wins the action game category just for the frick of it.

  21. 7 months ago

    It's a decent game, but was never GOTY quality. Fromdrones were delusional to think otherwise simply because some of their games have won in the past. I'd give it a 6.5-7/10 and that's exactly what it is. Just a solid third person shooter, nothing more and nothing less.

  22. 7 months ago

    look one great game isn't going to revitalize an entire genre. And especially not for a genre that is vehemently and irrationally hated by westerners.

  23. 7 months ago

    well, the game did sell well, but bandai was looking for Elden Ring numbers lmao

  24. 7 months ago

    So are we all pretending to care what a bunch of israeli people think is a good game or not?
    Didn't TLOU2 win like every award imaginable and XIV keeps winning music of the decade despite Soken getting caught plagiarizing every other song?

  25. 7 months ago

    >mecha thread
    Coming through lads


  26. 7 months ago

    >parts tuning
    Was not in 1, PP, MoA, 2, AA 3, SL.
    Was also braindead in all the games it appeared in.
    >B-but my snowflake build needed is 1 point overweight
    Deal with it.

  27. 7 months ago

    >secondary armored coregays who started with 6 suddenly have to deal with the fact that something they like may not be popular

    i hate fromgays so much

  28. 7 months ago

    Here's your mecha renaissance bro

  29. 7 months ago

    i noticed a lot less of these thinly-veiled bait threads during the second week of october

    what could it possibly imply

    • 7 months ago

      It's those redskinned bastards!
      I always knew they were secret israelites with their fricking casinos and prosecuted peoples act.. got damned whiskeynogs!

  30. 7 months ago

    It's fine

    • 7 months ago

      this game better have rocket punch shit in it so i can make balam do it like in that modded 4.1 video

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