So is elden ring actually that good or are people just parroting others opinions?

So is elden ring actually that good or are people just parroting others opinions? Why does this game divide so many people?

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  1. 6 days ago

    >Why does this game divide so many people?
    It doesn't. There's people who like it, and assblasted shazam nintendo trannies.

  2. 6 days ago

    I think it's boring af, personally

  3. 6 days ago

    open world shit game

  4. 6 days ago

    >Why does this game divide so many people?
    it doesn't, the game is objectively the best game of the decade

  5. 6 days ago

    It is very good. However, it's also not for everyone. The success of the game is very organic because it offers something that went above and beyond expectations in scale, content, detail while combining the already successful souls formula on top of it all. It makes people curious. People here are mentally ill and have been obsessed with chasing a TORtanic experience for every single major release. They live with a crab in a bucket mindset and don't want to enjoy things.

    • 6 days ago

      >The success of the game is very organic
      Ads and paying streamers to play it counts as organic?

      • 6 days ago

        There's no doubt the game has a massive audience, it's pure normalcore.

        Worst Souls game. Open World was a mistake.

        Many such cases. I can't think of a single series that benefitted from going open world.

        • 6 days ago

          Elden Ring

  6. 6 days ago

    Elden ring is literally humongous shit
    Ds2 is better hell, ds3 is better

  7. 6 days ago

    it's dark souls 3 but with worse balance and empty fields between the fights
    some people will like that and some people have standards

  8. 6 days ago

    The first 20 hours of elden ring (and the first 10 hours of the DLC, too) are peak Adventure kino on the level of what morrowind was in its days.

    The rest is pretty good.

    • 6 days ago

      My problem is that it goes on and on, with too much reused. Then the boss fights are becoming a parody, with endless wombo combos, the input reading these have always had, and now delayed attacks. There are a number of bosses that attack so quickly that you can roll and get caught by a subsequent attack before you ever had the chance to roll again.

  9. 6 days ago

    if you want a chill game to frick around in and look at the pretty scenery and cheese all the challenge with summons or friends, it's nice
    if you are a fricking masochist who wants the hardest cheapest bosses with ridiculous movesets, it's probably good, though i doubt these types of players would enjoy the open world aspect
    if you want a balanced souls game that you can solo reasonably easily and have fun exploring the levels, STAY THE FRICK AWAY. it might have copy-pasted souls combat, but they expect you to either be a god OR to cheese everything. or they just didn't playtest well enough

    • 6 days ago


  10. 6 days ago

    It’s so good it’s mindbroken Ganker twice now

  11. 6 days ago

    To many ambushes.

  12. 6 days ago

    It's good. I've put about 2000 hours in it and just finished playing the DLC for 20 hours straight. Sorry you hate video games, OP.

  13. 6 days ago

    It's mid. It's one of those things you're supposed to like so you do.

  14. 6 days ago

    Elon Musk said it was the greatest game ever designed

    • 6 days ago

      And Elon Musk is a fricking moron so that's not the flex you think it is.

      • 6 days ago

        Why is a “fricking moron” so much more successful than you?

        • 6 days ago

          You don't need to be that smart, plus he had a hell of a head start and he's a technocrat figurehead.

  15. 6 days ago

    It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination of but it's mostly an amalgamation of From's Dark Souls game design put into an open world. They didn't think about any of if which is why it took a year of updates to actually get right. It's just NPC parrots riding the hype train, like all popular media. It's not bad at all, but it's nowhere near as good as people want it to be. But good luck getting any sort of actual discussion about it. People either hate it on principle or have irreversible fanboy goggles. I personally thought it was fine. I expected a lot more but I just got another Dark Souls game. Some people wanted that but I didn't. I have no interest what-so-ever in replaying it or buying the DLC.

  16. 6 days ago

    ER is a genuine 3/5 game
    And this goes for basically all Souls games because they're all quite similar
    Souls games are fine but the reason they're so popular is not a result of exceptional quality
    It's a result of them being simple, easy to understand, and relatively non-punishing to the player despite how the mainstream outlets try to portray the game

  17. 6 days ago

    It's extremely overrated

  18. 6 days ago

    Worst Souls game. Open World was a mistake.

  19. 6 days ago

    It's basically a succesfully made "Dark Souls but Open World" but it divides fans because it doesnt' actually innnovate on what Dark Souls is, and it's also worse than most of the Dark Souls games by falling into the same issue as all Open World games do, which is that there's just too much flat terrain that looks like literal nothingburgers, and too much repeated content to compensate for how overly large they made the world.

  20. 6 days ago

    Elden Ring is FromSoft's Skyrim.

  21. 6 days ago

    It's good if you hate Dark Souls

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