So is this really that bad like eveybody say?

So is this really that bad like eveybody say? I kept waiting for it and now that the last DLC is out the PC version should be very close

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    idk i just shit on it because its PS5 exclusive

  2. 2 months ago

    Why ask this miserable shithole of a board? Play the games you want to play and come up with your own conclusion, you fricking moron.

    • 2 months ago

      This is what we used to do as kids and that's why we enjoyed games more, we just played what we liked. Nowadays we force ourselves to play games with good reviews even if we hate them.

      • 2 months ago

        >Nowadays we force ourselves to play games with good reviews even if we hate them.
        this is so true, for literally EVERY media

  3. 2 months ago

    you mean barry?
    >is it that bad
    no it's fun

    • 2 months ago

      It's pretty bad man. It's edgelord GoT shit with piss poor DMC combat. By all means OP can find out for themselves, but goddamn is this game trash.

      >since FF10
      frick it, X is still the best one

      10 is fricking terrible also. I can forgive the hallways but the main party and story were fricking terrible. Underwater soccer ass hole goes on a magical adventure to fight a giant whale slug because he's got frickin nothing better to do aside from trying to tap summoner pussy. Then oops he's a ghost.

      It's better than FF7 remakes that's for sure

      Definitely not. Remake has soul and better gameplay mixed in with it's misguided time jannie autism.

      • 2 months ago

        Remake is a better game and has really amazing character moments. But going with an MCU timelines plot makesit very hard to say it has soul.

      • 2 months ago

        Remake is a better game and has really amazing character moments. But going with an MCU timelines plot makesit very hard to say it has soul.

        7r is slop
        everything added and changed about 7r compared to 7 is worse
        they get no plaudits for taking an already well beloved story and only making it worse yet still acceptable enough for numbnuts to like

      • 2 months ago

        >Underwater soccer ass hole goes on a magical adventure to fight a giant whale slug because he's got frickin nothing better to do aside from trying to tap summoner pussy. Then oops he's a ghost.
        It's crazy how good X is. Here you are, trying to shit on it, and the story still sounds awesome.

        • 2 months ago

          The bacon narwhals at midnight

      • 2 months ago

        >main party and story were fricking terrible
        Put down the crackpipe Jamal.

  4. 2 months ago

    It's a mediocre action game based on really poor design principles that tries to carry itself on expensive spectacle and fails.

    It was hitting pretty hard up to Titan Lost. Everything after that failed to deliver.

    • 2 months ago

      >not even the best eikon's fight

    • 2 months ago

      >he didn't do a full run through and do the core side missions with character development
      >eikon's fight
      >poor design principles that tries to carry itself on expensive spectacle and fails
      it got its point across just fine I don't know where this expensive spectacle is coming from besides the eikon Battle that did it justice wish they did more with them.

  5. 2 months ago

    a chronic twitter shitposter is not "everybody"

  6. 2 months ago

    Yes, FF sucks and has been sucky since FF10. They're just bad games that frick up in 50% of the departments.
    Like, 16?
    One playable character
    Mediocre story
    Mediocre world
    Squix just can't keep at it, they're not good at making games anymore.

    • 2 months ago

      >since FF10
      frick it, X is still the best one

    • 2 months ago

      This but X was still ok in my books. XII is wasted potential the game and the rest are just inexcusably bad. I guess it just goes to show how important and irreplaceable individual people are when tackling creative endeavors.

  7. 2 months ago

    It's okay but very forgettable.

  8. 2 months ago

    It´s a MMO. It´s trash by design.

  9. 2 months ago

    It's better than FF7 remakes that's for sure

  10. 2 months ago

    is it just me or is there a huge increase of women streaming FF?

  11. 2 months ago

    16 is a perfectly fine, slightly above average character action game across the board. It's utterly forgettable and a paint by numbers assembly that is never offensively incompetent nor exceedingly stellar enough to really make much of a lasting impact, but compared to its cohorts, not being an utter frick up in some regard already puts it head and shoulders above"new" games. Probably worth $40 dollars at most without dlc.

  12. 2 months ago

    Never has been.

  13. 2 months ago

    It's kino

  14. 2 months ago

    It's good. It just shits the bed after a certain point in the story. I will not insult the side quests as much as I did at launch, but they're a bit monotonous. After suffering through 7 Rebirths minigame and ubislop hell, 16s side quests don't seem so bad.
    Also the game would be improved if it was fully linear.

  15. 2 months ago

    >Send Clive to the jail!! I want him to watch her woman killed by me
    >Why can't I do it now? I don't know. The writer told me no.
    >Alright, now that he's in the jail, bring him back so he can finally watch her woman dead
    >What's that? Mr Writer, sir. You want me to kill Jill now even though Clive is not here yet? Okay, I guess.
    >What's that? The dog needs to have its power revealed at this moment just because? Absolutely, Mr writer.
    What an awesome game.
    What an amazing experience.

  16. 2 months ago

    FFXVI isn't bad at all. In tone it's actually really similar to classic FF games and feels like playing their modern equivalent so good on them for that. What's holding it back is that it's not an RPG at all, no RPG mechanics in combat, no proper party, no elemental affinity interactions and very flimsy level design. If it was a full fledged RPG it would have been a classic, but as it stands I'd still call it a good FF game.

  17. 2 months ago

    It's a great 15 hour game stretched into a decent 25 hour game trapped inside a shitty 50 hour game. Both DLCs are fun.

  18. 2 months ago

    Just sort of boring. Also one of the only FF that actually have the plot of you being on a quest to kill God.

    • 2 months ago


      *Actually a wizard front the previous generation of mankind who seeded the current humans as a way to grow a stronger body to survive interdimensional travel

    • 2 months ago

      Sidequests were trash, combat is boring (no your 60s combo on a random trash mob in practice mode doesn't count when small mobs die instantly and bosses can't be launched), story goes to shit immediately after Clive's mom dies and never recovers, eikon fights are just cutscenes that were never had more depth than the one you do at the very beginning
      But I didn't hate it, no desire to replay it or the DLC though

      That'd be LRFF13, where you kill the actual God of Light/creation. Maybe FF2 after the emperor becomes Emperor of Hell after his death too

  19. 2 months ago

    Not an RPG

  20. 2 months ago

    I know nothing about this game since I want to go in blind when it eventually comes out on a platform people actually own but does the DLC add another character/moveset or is it still just Clive

    • 2 months ago

      The recent DLC adds two new eikons, earning you a combined total of 10 new skills. They are substantially more transformative of his abilities than the six received via the main campaign.

      • 2 months ago

        yeah, the two new eikon powers are pretty good

  21. 2 months ago



  22. 2 months ago

    Pozzed wokeslop garbage
    glad it flopped

    • 2 months ago

      chatgpt type post

  23. 2 months ago

    The DLC was shorter than I expected, but it was still fun

  24. 2 months ago

    It's the only FF I bothered to finish. It's ok. I am literally Clive.

  25. 2 months ago


  26. 2 months ago

    >So is this really that bad like eveybody say?

    the only person that says that XVI is bad thinks Forspoken is a good game.

    • 2 months ago

      Forspoken was pretty good.

      • 2 months ago


  27. 2 months ago

    Did the second DLC get released? What's it about?

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