So let me get this straight... these guys have been making cRPGs for decades, and yet:

So let me get this straight... these guys have been making cRPGs for decades, and yet:
>you can not change your height, weight, body
>but you can change your penis??? and give yourself vitilingo??? or use they/them pronouns???
>inventory management is GARBAGE. Every character have a personal inventory, sorting is shit, encumberance is shit, everything about it is shit

Why does this have 98% positive ratings again?

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  1. 11 months ago

    Sorry anon but I don't get it, is there any game mechanics that you are not enjoying?

    • 11 months ago

      >no pause button
      >game is clunky, characters get stuck in each other, combat feels stiff

      • 11 months ago

        got it, you clearly haven't played the game.

  2. 11 months ago

    Changing height and weight requires more work (because you want every armors to work on every body type) while genitalia/vitiligo/pronouns are much easier to get right, like most customisation options (body paint, piercings, etc). Don't be a moron.

    • 11 months ago

      frick you homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        >Dead game

        And your point is?

      • 11 months ago

        I didn't said it was impossible to develop, but that it had a cost. It was simply not a priority for Larian, and frankly I get it. Not saying I respect every decisions they made though.

      • 11 months ago

        like 50% of APB's development was spent on its character customizer

        While yeah it would have been great for a CRPG I think they were better off focusing on other roleplaying elements

        • 11 months ago

          >While yeah it would have been great for a CRPG I think they were better off focusing on other roleplaying elements

          What? In a role playing game, how is self-insertion NOT one of the most important factors? I was looking forward to making a character that looked like me.

          Maybe they should have worked on that instead of making sure female dicks aren't clipping through armor.

      • 11 months ago

        Frick....I miss this game so bad.

        • 11 months ago

          That was better times.

  3. 11 months ago

    I can't be sure but it feels like the original dev team isn't there anymore. There's a very distinct drop of quality when compared to os2 or even 1

    • 11 months ago

      Combat definitely isn't as smooth or fun as DOS2 was. I actually hope the mod scene changes the battle system a lot so it's more akin to DOS2.

  4. 11 months ago

    they paid for it

  5. 11 months ago

    customizable bodies are very hard to do because you have to fit every armor to them
    so it is usually a tradeoff that means less customizable body = more armor and clothing options

    • 11 months ago

      Fricking From Software can do it

      • 11 months ago

        Fromsoft can't do any kind of plot though

  6. 11 months ago

    >>you can not change your height, weight, body
    >>but you can change your penis??? and give yourself vitilingo??? or use they/them pronouns???
    They neutered the character creator. It used to be more detailed, but the developers unironically thought people were being "boring" by making characters that they—the developers —didn't like (take three guess what that entails, and the first two don't count) so they practically removed all customization from the character created and gave us a limited set of "diverse" presets so that our characters weren't "stale."

  7. 11 months ago

    >cant change height or weight
    I wonder if morons like u realize at all what implications would this have on gameplay balance, ie. making urself obese so you cant be shoved

    How the frick would they balance that? Make obese characters slower? Die of heart attack at random times? Did u think about ur suggestions/complaints for a second before u typed that shit out? Just because something is there in paper version with live human DM that adapts everything and makes the rules on the fly to accomodate the player doesnt mean it would translate at all to a videogame

    • 11 months ago

      just look at dragon's dogma. the true Baldur's Gate 3
      game is a mess, yet it feels so much more loose in terms of possibilities than BG3.

      >weight and height affects combat
      >quests have different outcomes that you need to think outside the box for (putting on a dress as a girl to talk to the female bandits, using a wake stone on dead whatshisface after the duel instead of letting him bear shegoat
      >quests don't just wait for the player to arrive. if you take too long, things will play out without you.

      game is a mess and largely unfinished but it has all the right ideas.
      dd2 will be the true bg3

    • 11 months ago

      They have big dragon frickers with tiny dwarfs you idiot. Do you see any differences in pushing a dwarf vs. them? No? Dumbass.

      • 11 months ago

        >Do you see any differences in pushing a dwarf vs. them?
        Yes? They're literally different weight classes in game

    • 11 months ago

      They went out of their way to add holes/tunnels in every zone as shortcuts and/or treasure spots for gnomes to benefit from their short size yet they couldn't be assed to make a height slider for each race. Just seems like a remnant of early access that was forgotten about at some point.

  8. 11 months ago

    Height and weight are whatever because you can just pick big bodies or roll a halfling/dwarf, what's lazy about it is that there's no face sliders, it's all presets. Fricking shit, you can't even resize your tattoos or scars, what kind of character creation is this?

  9. 11 months ago

    >you can not change your height, weight, body
    That takes a lot of effort to implement because it has to work with all armor and weapons without horrid clipping. Generally not worth it.
    >but you can change your penis???
    Easily implemented because it's almost never seen.
    >give yourself vitilingo???
    Easily implemented if you already have skin color options.
    >or use they/them pronouns???
    Easily implemented because almost no one ever refers to you in the third person.
    >inventory management is GARBAGE
    Use bags, chests or boxes.

    • 11 months ago

      >cant change height or weight
      I wonder if morons like u realize at all what implications would this have on gameplay balance, ie. making urself obese so you cant be shoved

      How the frick would they balance that? Make obese characters slower? Die of heart attack at random times? Did u think about ur suggestions/complaints for a second before u typed that shit out? Just because something is there in paper version with live human DM that adapts everything and makes the rules on the fly to accomodate the player doesnt mean it would translate at all to a videogame

      customizable bodies are very hard to do because you have to fit every armor to them
      so it is usually a tradeoff that means less customizable body = more armor and clothing options

      Changing height and weight requires more work (because you want every armors to work on every body type) while genitalia/vitiligo/pronouns are much easier to get right, like most customisation options (body paint, piercings, etc). Don't be a moron.

      Worked for Fallout, Warband, Dragon's Dogma

      • 11 months ago

        >Worked for Fallout

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, and each of these games had to compromise on other things to make this work. It's always a choice, and Larian decided against it. How hard is it to understand? You can't have everything in a single game.

  10. 11 months ago

    Game is "OK", im enjoying it so far, but i HATE a few things about it:
    >no day/night cycle
    it really frickin' hurts.
    Especially as a Drow.
    My LARP and Role Play go out the window without night in this game.
    >the map
    i hate how the map works, i cant click on it to make my team go there, and it doesnt even show the "box" of what part of the map im looking at now.
    its just dogshit.
    every time combat starts, i dont want to play it.
    faces look ok, but thats it.
    abandoning the 2D graphics that looked like a painting was a gigantic mistake. These ugly ass 3D graphics look just horrible.

    There is also way too much sex in this game.
    I fricked the goblin chick and saw 2 orks frick each other in the ass in the first 2 horus of playing.
    Its just too much.

    That is all i have to b***h about.

  11. 11 months ago

    >video game doesn't let me take a shit
    >can't make my character become an auditor for the IRS
    >gives me a bag full of items instead of a warehouse full of labelled shelves


  12. 11 months ago

    >play as a Drow
    >no night/day cycle

    • 11 months ago

      >play as a Drow
      >doesn't get cloak of elvenkind by default

  13. 11 months ago

    >you can not change your height, weight, body
    More work with armor models/armor changin appearance to default one
    >but you can change your penis??? and give yourself vitilingo??? or use they/them pronouns???
    Next to 0 work
    >inventory management is GARBAGE. Every character have a personal inventory, sorting is shit, encumberance is shit, everything about it is shit

  14. 11 months ago

    Woke shit went to the top of their priorities, anything that requires actual programming work got pushed to the side, simple as. New media is made by propagandists first, technicians second, just go look at their socials if you don’t believe that.

  15. 11 months ago

    Yes, the cosmetic features that they listed are barebones shit. Dick customization is just a few patches of hair that look like shit no matter what. And boy I sure hope you want to use TAA because it looks even worse with SMAA or none at all. Vitiligo is just switching between two skin textures on a percentage basis, takes no effort to implement. Pronouns don't cost shit, literally just a single variable they use for male/female.
    Of course you will see this shit everywhere, it takes zero effort to develop, unlike faces that don't look like you're some Amish rapist.

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