So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree New World has been a massive failure?

So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree New World has been a massive failure?

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  1. 3 years ago

    >People complaining about queues

    Just roll to another server you morons. I refunded the game after 1 hour. It's pretty much like all the MMOs, you run around following the quest marker brainlessly, kill zombies and pick up rocks, boring as frick.

      • 3 years ago

        I'm at work so not watching youtubes videos. I just read the title and figured he is b***hing about the queues which is silly as you can just roll to another server.

        The queues are a non-issue yet the entire discussion revolves around them while the game has much bigger problems.

        • 3 years ago

          >the game has much bigger problems.

          And he mentions a bunch of them, such as the 6 ability limit, boring combat, samey environments, lack of enemy variety, toxic community, shit moderating, etc. All of which are viable criticisms imo.

          • 3 years ago

            >toxic community
            >shit moderating
            Thanks, bought it just now

          • 3 years ago

            i dont get why everyone equates having more buttons to press as inherently being better than 1 or more less buttons. the combat is definitely the least of this games problems, and killing things 10+ levels higher than you is pretty fun. a lot of the weapons are shit, and the enemy variety is incredibly small and repetitive but none of this is a problem because 3 buttons

  2. 3 years ago

    I hate these bait threads

  3. 3 years ago

    Made it to 22 before getting bored

    New World only has 4 quests.
    >Kill X (between 5-12)
    >Loot X (with 100% droprate)
    >Search chests (between 5-8)
    >Kill Named Monster

    No mob variety, no environment variety, no story, no roleplaying, no phasing.

    I mean there's literally nothing going on, in wow there's actual changes to the environment after doing quests, it gets cleansed or corrupted. In new world literally nothing ever happens

  4. 3 years ago

    I think I might hate everything about this game's crafting system. Randomized Generic Gear was a mistake that ruined crafting in MMOs and other RPGs, and this game copies that model to a T.

    • 3 years ago

      You can actually control the stats and buffs on the gear pretty easily.

  5. 3 years ago

    >So now that the dust has settled, can we all agree New World has been a massive failure?
    You sound like such a homosexual.

  6. 3 years ago

    The one impressive thing about this game is it's fairly latency free many player battles. Other than that it's utterly soulless. If only they'd made a better game.

  7. 3 years ago

    >90% of people on my friends list playing it
    That's how I know I won't like it. These people are the arbiters of shit taste.

  8. 3 years ago

    tbh thought it was gonna be shit til i played it. open world pvp is pretty fun. feels like forever since i've played an mmo without instancing and sharding everywhere. if it had a sub fee, it would be the biggest joke on the market, but the one time purchase lets me have some fun times with my bros for now without any real buyer's remorse.

  9. 3 years ago

    >sold a million copies with no hype
    New World is a commercial success

  10. 3 years ago

    you gamer c**ts are pathetic for buying this shit.
    especially so for the streamers fake hyping garbage games up so they can get paid.
    that's not a job, it's a con. I'll gut every streamer I get my hands on.

  11. 3 years ago

    17th century Americas setting and it being a basic theme park mmo really doesn't work together imo. We wash up on a beach of some ancient lands and it's nothing but trees, shacks and some ruined temples. Now we must clear ruins and gather resources, then go to another outpost and clear more ruins and gather more resources, repeat for every area on the map. Wow, what an interesting world with amazing content.

    It would've been a good setting if this was some player driven pvp/survival game where you retake territories, gather resources together and build outposts. Which is what the game started out as, but then they traded in all those features for voice acted fetch quests... Financially they made the right call, because those type of games are fricking trash and nobody wants to play them. But they somehow made an already boring genre even more boring and soulless.

    >generic environments
    >no characters
    >no world
    >no main hub/city
    >trash lore
    >no reason to care for any of the shit that happens
    This shit is really important imo, because it grounds the world and makes things feel purposeful. Otherwise I might as well just go play a survival game, where I can at least build my own shit.

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