so what build is most *interesting*, im not talking about mini maxing character, usually i like to play as jack-of-all-trades to sqeeze as much as i c...

so what build is most *interesting*, im not talking about mini maxing character, usually i like to play as jack-of-all-trades to sqeeze as much as i can from game. give me advice, i got all 3 games but dropped first one since it was just boring

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    No one that actually likes crpgs asks for builds

    • 2 weeks ago

      thank you, anybody else?

      • 2 weeks ago

        That shits so fun, being able to pick every dialogue choice and having an answer to ever solution for a fight hits the dopamine just right
        >but its already so easy
        yeah and thats why i didnt care about cheating

        >Every playthrough
        you've played this linear iPad crap more than once? every implies more than twice. are you the same moronic sperg from the dragon age thread?

        Its fun, whats wrong with it? And do you have any other game recommendations
        I will not shit on any of your choices if someone does know thats not me.
        I am genuinely bored and want to play some good games

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Money is too tight to really go jack of all trades. That soad the game is piss easy so you might as well frick up your build on purpose to make kt even moderately challenging

    There is no build variety. Choose gun powers on cooldown magic blasts on cooldown or tech on cooldown. Thats it.

    Personally i think its just cool to have arm blades. Or some stupid shit. Other games dont have that

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Money is too tight to really go jack of all trades.
      No it isn't, just stop buying every new gun/armor and instead wait for every second tier.

  3. 2 weeks ago


  4. 2 weeks ago

    i've kind of gotten in to this lately, it's the first party based rpg i've played in years. the only problem is forgot what my build was supposed to be last time i played it. i have like throwing knives that suck and i'm apparently a human. i'm far enough in i don't want to start over. idk. what should i do for skills? i didn't assign any of the skill points except the ones from the beginning.

  5. 2 weeks ago

    I made a decker who was decent with pistol (you hit thanks to the main ability), could afford a bionic wire for melee and could afford mental stats and etiquettes for dialogue

    • 2 weeks ago

      does etiquette do anything? i used "gang etiquette" on that lady in the gambling den or whatever, but it didn't seem to make any difference or did it i have no idea

      • 2 weeks ago

        being a corp and a cop helped me in forst one

      • 2 weeks ago

        each one lets you skip at least one boss fight

      • 2 weeks ago

        Most etiquette except socialite which is used like once, lets you do some persuasion or extra info/reward automatically a few times

      • 2 weeks ago

        The thing with the harebrained games is that they're designed in such an extremely simple way that "builds" don't actually exist, you get to choose your flavor of combat and the game will accomodate itself to you.
        Every character, combat style and weapon class(beyond maybe a Shaman) is very proficient in combat, has it's own weapon(decker might be the exception here) becomes hilariously overpowered near the mid-end game mark, has really one option when it comes to upgrading weapons(cybernetics man, mage and shaman are the exception), has special dialog options and the fact that with three permanent companions you will always be covering for any gaps in your build.

        You'll always have a decker, you'll almost always have a someone who can commune with the dead for the incredibly rare off chance that a dialog check exists for that, and for everything else you're just picking flavors of "guy who can help you kill", assuming you haven't accidentally snowballed into an extremely powerful character in the process.

        Shamans are the exception because their power assumes dragon veins and summons. You get a bunch of fetishes and you're golden, but shaman's main stat is charisma so you get more loot or chances to bypass combat.

        It's like a free alternate dialog check for most conversations. If your build doesn't meet a specific requirement chances are you'd have the etiquette requirement to just pick the "blue" option in that dialog.
        It doesn't quite matter because like I said the game's extremely simple and all that amounts to is either more rewards or you get to skip some tedious puzzle with finnicky inputs or a step in a quest.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >"builds" don't actually exist, you get to choose your flavor of combat and the game will accomodate itself to you.
          >Every character, combat style and weapon class [...] is very proficient in combat
          >has special dialog options
          >with permanent companions you will always be covering for any gaps in your build
          As opposed to? You're just describing almost any RPG ever.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I realize I was being reductive but if Shadowrun felt incredibly simple in this regard, especially with how every weapon/class(again, sans shamans who had support spells and that incredibly shitty mage fire wall spell) had the same configuration of attacks like
            >normal attack
            >normal attack+higher crit chance +cool down
            >aimed attack(cooldown)
            >lower chance to hit but spread attack
            >multi-hit attack
            I mean shit the only difference I can think of was that shotguns had the spread effect built in for longer range fights which became hilariously busted once you got a smartlink shotgun and a high aim stat, you had a constantly critting area of effect sniper on you.

            As for dialog choices it felt more like the designers want to give every stat a blue option rather than a stat making sense in terms of puzzle solving. An example would be one sewer mission where you had to do something with valves and a tank and one of the options was available for magic shamans to use a fire spirit to loosen the valve so you could spin it easier in lieu of a strength check, or how selling payloads has the option of going "actually this payload is Ares prototype schematics from 20 years ago, you can fetch a higher price for it" from ranged weaponry. It's just every stat on the menu's turn at some point and for me that feels very fake for roleplaying.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >every gameplan works well
              >every ettiquete or class gets dialogue or environmental checks it can pass at some point
              yeah god forbid they try to give you something for your class to do. What kind of character you have, and what party members you take with you can seriously change a mission, especially if you don't have a decker with you for certain missions.
              >every class gets normal attacks
              what are you even complaining about here? if you pick a melee class you don't have ranged options, if your picking sniper you'll do better at long range and shittier up close, if your a mage you get no cyberware but get AoE and crowd control, if you play a shaman or rigger you get to control additional combatants and get specific checks for them. It's pointless to complain that they all have basic stuff that does damage because no fricking shit they do. You're complaint about "fake roleplaying" is so fricking stupid too, if you play a rigger or hacker you can use drones to enter combat remotely without risking your team or bypass it entirely with hacking, or you can try to sweet talk your way past guards, or just straight up fight them. You really do have multiple approaches to get through a level and it's not "fake roleplaying" because they all work. It sounds like your complaining there's no "optimal" way to do it and most classes will have some way to get through missions

              • 2 weeks ago

                I didn't even read the thread, but I had the same feel with SRHK
                >class variety is superficial
                >fake roleplay options

  6. 2 weeks ago

    the combat and character customisation in these games isn't deep enough for interesting builds to exist

  7. 2 weeks ago

    I made a rigger/decker, but what you gotta understand here is that your "gun" will be the two drones you get, but he was pretty versatile from what I recall. I heavily emphasized rigging over decking, since you don't need to have super high decking abilities for pretty much anything. Replacing the "default" decker you get was also a godsend as she is insufferable.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    Controller mage. You never get one in a party, and high tier CC spells work even on the final boss.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Blind, Petrification and Confusion were great since the first game.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Troll decker cybered up to the gills
    Throwing weapons - great skill, cheap to level up, only requires one skill (unlike say melee or unarmed where you have to level up close combat 1st). Makes enemies lose cover, does respectable damage. Brain implant for more INT.
    You can deck, you can do damage and uncover enemies, you even has free skill points for some etiquettes or medicine.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    Every playthrough I've done was decker/something, because I just never wanna use isobel who is terrible and a shit.
    decker/weapon, shaman, mage all work but you need to be a bit smart about money. You can buy an endgame deck at said isobel's personal quest very early and you're good on decking for the rest of the game

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Every playthrough
      you've played this linear iPad crap more than once? every implies more than twice. are you the same moronic sperg from the dragon age thread?

      • 2 weeks ago

        With the basic assumption that someone enjoyed this game, just bringing different people during missions adds some replayability.

      • 2 weeks ago

        shut up you stupid slav c**t, don't you have a child to molest

    • 2 weeks ago

      >You can buy an endgame deck at said isobel's personal quest very early
      Excalibur is still better than that new deck that was added in HK.

    • 2 weeks ago

      you don't even need the high tier decks
      I put pretty much the bare minimum into decking and it was still a breeze to work around

  11. 2 weeks ago

    You can't do everything at once, specialize
    the free companions are a hacker, a shaman, a rigger, a melee guy, and a rifle guy

    just like in dragonfall the only archetype no one else covers is hermetic mage

    making a better PC hacker than the hacker npc costs a fortune

  12. 2 weeks ago

    I think Rigger is really fun in HK, especially if you roll with Racter in your party. Maybe not "interesting" though, since it trivializes most encounters when you have that many extra players on the field.

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Jack of all trades is pretty shit but the closest to that would be a normie street samurai. The decker in HK is actually pretty interesting so you don't have to listen to all the redditors constantly demanding everyone become a decker/rigger in every game. Shaman will give you the most etiquettes but they're just flavor or open up a slight option in some missions. They're not critical for anything.

    I did a cyberware-heavy physical adept and had fun. Cyberware got buffed even more in HK compared to Dragonfall, which it was strong then too. Unarmed was way weaker than going with melee weapons and you don't actually need high wisdom for a phys adept. I forget exactly what I did but it was mostly focusing on cyberware early on and then mid-late getting a sword and using that too.

    Never liked rigger gameplay. It's strong but it's just not exciting. You hide behind a wall and then your battle bots tap everything to death with their gazillion moves per turn.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Oh and one more thing, I don't recommend a mage. It works, but due to the internal game logic, some of the skills they have are messed up and were never patched. One example is the one where you create a lay line wherever you want. It's a very good skill in the other games but it doesn't work in HK because the game's code treats its version lay lines as different and the skill uses the old version so it just does nothing.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Mage works great despite that one flaw. I don't know what other "skills" (you're talking about a spell there) are supposedly wrong, I guess I've just never used them. Hermetic mage is great, conjurer maybe not so much but it has been like that since DMS.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >The decker in HK is actually pretty interesting so you don't have to listen to all the redditors constantly demanding everyone become a decker/rigger in every game
      Redditors love Is0bel and don't want to replace her, for the simple reason that she embodies reddit.

  14. 2 weeks ago

    I played all three games as a dude in a t-shirt with a sword who could cast heal on himself. No cyberware. Reject modernity, embrace tradition.

    P.s. Dragonfall is the best one

  15. 2 weeks ago

    There is no canonical Mage companion in the game so that choice is made for you if you want to cover all the bases.

  16. 2 weeks ago


    Auto reload arm + grenade launcher, upgrade with the anti material rifle when you can. Cyberwhip. Adrenaline. Subdermal armor. Eye lasers.

    You don't even need specific weapons investments or anything else.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Op here im playing as street samurai with cyber weapon/mage, gangster/darkrunner. Have fun so far cook story

  18. 2 weeks ago

    I don't really consider this an RPG like the older Shadowrun games. It's more of a mission based xcom clone. There's very litlle role playing, and 'builds' are all kind of boring.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Just say 'I do not consider this as good an RPG as the older Shadowrun games' and you sound less like a petulant homosexual who makes terms pointless

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, I will say what I want especially if it pisses you off like a thin skinned homosexual that can't handle criticism of your boring game.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Dude the original Shadowrun games were basically action games.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You did not play the old Shadowrun games.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Which is a good thing for him. They sucked.

  19. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine getting this mad that people dont spend time with Elder Scrolls and dark souls, kek.

  20. 2 weeks ago

    i got filtered by the matrix cybersecurity thing. i had no idea what was going on, and quit the game.

  21. 2 weeks ago

    probably shamans. You get damage spells, support spells and the ability to summon whatever creatures you brought with you or whatever creatures can be summoned in the level. You also benefit from leylines you can find in arena's as well. Despite being able to basically everything, my favorite build was still a Shaman that didn't summon anything and had one damage spell and 4 barrier spells. I would have me and my team run around a corner or into a closet, I would cast every barrier on top of each other at the entrance and then enemies would walk over the barrier, lose all their action points and get lit up by my team mates on overwatch.

  22. 2 weeks ago

    There are none
    No matter what you choose you are provided with samy options
    A direct damage ability
    An aoe dame ability
    A buf ability
    A healing ability

    There is 0 incentive to progress creatively chosen skills/attributes because there will be no synergy and you will just feel weaker compared to a focused char with few rationally chosen skill/attributes to simply max out (you will still beat the game cause it's not hard though)

  23. 2 weeks ago

    I like physical adept a lot. Mage or shaman is cool too.

    Chromed-up street sammy or shooty guy is arguably the most powerful build but it's kinda boring compared to the magical options.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Chromed shaman is perfectly viable as well

  24. 2 weeks ago

    damn i like this game, kinda straight forward but i just finished Ng quest and it was pretty decent. i like that you can avoid battle at all times so far

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