So why would adachi send a letter to the protagonists home anyway?

So why would adachi send a letter to the protagonists home anyway? Its basically what gives him away and it seems like the moronic thing to do given that he wasn’t even the one committing the attempted murders.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Because japs can’t write
    Every single persona game has shit story

    • 3 months ago

      >given that he wasn’t even the one committing the attempted murders.
      Bait but yes he was.

      At the start of the game Adachi accidentally killed one and then purposely killed another. The political secretary guy Namatame calls the police station, Adachi eggs him on to throw people into TVs. Since then Adachi would appear in the fog after a deadline passes and remark that no dead body was found. Recall that when a copycat killer was arrested it was Adachi who insisted to keep the investigation going to find the real killer. Why would someone do this? Adachi wants Nametame to get caught and blamed for his crimes, that's why.

      Persona 4 Golden has multiple bad ending routes, but only one ending where the TV world merges with the real world. Adachi didn't have a suicide shadow master plan ever in the game until he was possessed by the fog god in the December dungeon. Adachi sends letters to your home to STOP YOU from stopping Namatame. And yet when you confront Adachi in the December dungeon he's very upset the cat and mouse game ended. The Adachi saying that is possessed by the fog God who comes out of his body, people cannot take most of Adachi says at face value at the end of the game. He doesn't need to have a possession voice to lie to you idiots, his actions in the dungeon make no sense. He wanted to still be a cop living in the hick village, not create a shadow utopia. He just had the urge to make Namatame pay by taking the fall for all the murders Adachi committed.

      • 3 months ago

        It's so weird that people still believe December Adachi's words. He didn't do all this because he was bored, he did it because he had two dead body cases and wanted to clean it up by getting his archenemy Namatame to get caught for all the murders. Adachi hates him because he has a warped mind because the Midgnight Channel showed him women fated to be his soul mates and each one ended up around Namatame which infuriated Adachi. If he really was bored, he wouldn't had sent letters to your home, he needed Namatame to get caught and he didn't know until late in the game that it was you saving the missing people.

  2. 3 months ago

    >given that he wasn’t even the one committing the attempted murders.
    Bait but yes he was.

    • 3 months ago

      Uhhh, anons, did we play the same game?

  3. 3 months ago

    It kinda bugged me how they rule out Dojima on emotion even though he could've done it too based on just the evidence

    • 3 months ago

      It's also because it was supposed to be Dojima but the devs thought it would be too hard on MC and Nanako, too bad they forgot to actually give an alibi to Dojima: all the times he skips family time to ~~*work*~~ and when he gets late home it's because he went ~~*drinking*~~, yeah right

      • 3 months ago

        >it was supposed to be Dojima

      • 3 months ago

        IDK if that's true, but damn that would have been better.

    • 3 months ago

      I hate the fact that solving the mystery boils down to picking from a list, as if everyone not on the list is magically ruled out because they simply weren't important enough to the story.

      I also hate the fact that we do not actually use any real evidence to implicate Adachi for the crime and instead rely on him shitting the bed when confronted with weak circumstantial bullshit.

      I do not believe you can fully rule out Teddie, either.

      • 3 months ago

        >I hate the fact that solving the mystery boils down to picking from a list, as if everyone not on the list is magically ruled out because they simply weren't important enough to the story.
        That's kind of the point, and is part of the reason why they nearly killed Nametame. The ywere desperate, because if it wasn't him, then who? There's a reason why if you pick wrong you get a bad ending. And they were never actually sure it was Adachi until he fricked up.
        >I also hate the fact that we do not actually use any real evidence to implicate Adachi for the crime and instead rely on him shitting the bed when confronted with weak circumstantial bullshit.
        >I also hate the fact that we do not actually use any real evidence to implicate Adachi for the crime and instead rely on him shitting the bed when confronted with weak circumstantial bullshit.
        It's a little more than that.
        >Seems in a rush to get Nametame out of it
        >Lying about the letter, which Dojima called him out on.
        >Last person to be seen with Mayumi Yameno, and personally called out Saki Konishi.
        >Constantly blabbing about polite details in earshot of the party. Even Yosuke admitted that was suspicious.

    • 3 months ago

      It's impossible because why would Dojima send a letter to his own house about threatening his daughter just to frick with Yu and co.?
      Not to mention if there's one thing about Dojima that is quite consistent throughout the game, is that Dojima DESPISES dishonesty. Dojima would sooner beat someone to death in the street as opposed to due all that serial killer shit. He's brutally honest, even when it probably be in his best interest to lie.

      • 3 months ago

        Well why wouldn't he if he were the killer? It would make the killer appear to be someone who doesn't live there after all. The other point is just an appeal to his character, which in this scenario would be just an act anyway.
        I get why they go after Adachi, and of course they were right to, but Dojima cannot be completely ruled out on evidence alone.

        • 3 months ago

          >Well why wouldn't he if he were the killer? It would make the killer appear to be someone who doesn't live there after all.
          He would never do that to Nanako. Being a killer is no excuse for characters to act...well out of character. Him doing that is just making him into an OC.
          >The other point is just an appeal to his character, which in this scenario would be just an act anyway.
          Act for whom? Ultimately he has no motive for it, constantly asks Yuu what the hell he's been doin (Which if he knew or at least wanted to stay out of suspicion in the context that he was the killer would be idiotic to do), and he could just ban Yuu from going to Junes or something.

          • 3 months ago

            >He would never do that to Nanako.
            Keep in mind that the "killer" has no choice about who gets thrown into the TV, it is at the mercy of the Midnight Channel. He would not want Nanako to get thrown in, but he would not really have a choice, and It would actually be really poetic if he were the killer, that his schemes would eventually leave to the person he loves more than anyone else getting thrown in.

            • 3 months ago

              If you're talking about Dojima taking Nametame's role, then it'd be impossible for him to do that. He sticks out too much.
              What made nametame so successful is that he was not only new to town and was mostly a recluse, but also he wore the outfit that all the delivery drivers in town did. Do you know what your amazon or USPS delivery guy looks like even though he's probably had your route for years?

              my previous reply was with the context that Dojima took Adachi's role.

              • 3 months ago

                >my previous reply was with the context that Dojima took Adachi's role.
                So is mine.

                Let's pretend that Dojima is Adachi for a moment, he kills the two women at the start and goads Namatame into throwing more people in. At this point in time, he has no control over the game, it is completely up to both The Midnight Channel showing the victims and Namatame throwing them into the TV.

                Thus, months later, when Nanako is shown on the Midnight Channel while Dojima is at the police station trying to dissuade Yu from getting involved, he would be powerless to stop Namatame from throwing Nanako into the TV, thus:
                >He would never do that to Nanako
                Has no meaning. He has no say when it comes down to who the future victims will be, and he is too far away to afford Nanako any protection when she is displayed.

              • 3 months ago

                >he kills the two women at the start and goads Namatame into throwing more people in.
                Why though is kind of the problem with the context of his social link. You can't just make OCs otherwise it. What if Nanako was the killer?
                >Thus, months later, when Nanako is shown on the Midnight Channel
                Wouldn't he make sure that she would have minimal opportunities to be thrown in as possible since he already knows what Nametame is doing? If anything that would have stopped that from happening in the first place.

                nametame generally only strikes at the victims' house or with help from someone covering his tracks (Rise). It as established that Nanako doesn't open the door for strangers, and nametame cant just kidnap her while she's coming home from school with other kids.
                >trying to dissuade Yu from getting involved,
                But that would also stop nametame, since as soon as he learns that they still die, he'd stop immediately. And doesn't Adajima want the game to continue?
                It doesn't really work without making Dojima some schizo.

              • 3 months ago

                >as established that Nanako doesn't open the door for strangers
                Because Namatame was disguised as a mailman.

              • 3 months ago

                But Adajima already knows who nametame is. He would say "Don't open it for anyone and make sure to never be alone."
                Perhaps have a police officer always follow her trail.
                Nametame managed to get the drop on so many peole because nobody knew who the frick he was and he wore the same uniform loads of people do.

              • 3 months ago

                I am only stating events that actually happen in the story to support my evidence that the script as written can fully support the possibility that Dojima could be the killer. Would he want Nanako dead? Of course not. But he wouldn't have the agency to make that decision, and you are adding a bunch of "what ifs" that are both implausible and hypothetical to try to dispel the possibility that he could ever be the killer.

                >as established that Nanako doesn't open the door for strangers
                Because Namatame was disguised as a mailman.

                >Because Namatame was disguised as a mailman.
                It never quite sat right with me that Nanako would ever feel comfortable opening the door for anyone at literally midnight, delivery person or not.

              • 3 months ago

                >am only stating events that actually happen in the story to support my evidence that the script as written can fully support the possibility that Dojima could be the killer. Would he want Nanako dead? Of course not. But he wouldn't have the agency to make that decision, and you are adding a bunch of "what ifs" that are both implausible and hypothetical to try to dispel the possibility that he could ever be the killer.

                I am doing no such thing. Everything I'm stating would be with the context that Dojima is the killer who also gaslighted nametame. Nanako's dungeon can't happen since Nametame managed to kidnap her in the first place because no one knew who the frick he was. And trying to stop Yu from catching the killer would make no sense since he wants nametame and Yu to keep opposing each other. Otherwise why even talk to him at all about it? The letter would also make no sense since that would be something that could potentially stop Yu form continuing his investigation.

                Everything I'm mentioning is stuff in the story that happened. Perhaps you're finding that Dojima doesn't really work as the killer, which duh.

              • 3 months ago

                >Everything I'm mentioning is stuff in the story that happened. Perhaps you're finding that Dojima doesn't really work as the killer, which duh.
                To be fair, I am not arguing that Dojima would be a good killer as much as I am arguing that the plot of P4 in general is pretty bad.

              • 3 months ago

                >plot of P4 in general is pretty bad.
                it's solid, and ignoring golden, there is only 2 instances that I can call bad writing.
                Everything everyone did makes sense with the context they have (besides those 2 instances)

              • 3 months ago

                As a mystery story, I believe it falls flat on its face due to the player not being given ample information to definitively solve the case on his own. Compare this to the Danganronpa series, which features an absolutely batshit insane premise but at least allows the player to enter each trial knowing who the culprit is because of the fact that hard evidence exists.

                Besides this, I felt 4's plot was very hamfisted after the first arc and just dragged up until Nanako's arc.

              • 3 months ago

                >due to the player not being given ample information to definitively solve the case on his own
                You can absolutely narrow it down to Dojima and Adachi by just the warning letters and what the game tells you about how the TV World's portals work.

              • 3 months ago

                >Do you know what your amazon or USPS delivery guy looks like even though he's probably had your route for years?
                no that guy, but i do actually. I know the face of the guy who used to delivered meals for me, and would recognize him even now even though I haven't ordered from that restaurant for years now, and I know the face of every post office worker next to my place. And I don't even live in a bumfrickwhere, but in a capital city instead

          • 3 months ago

            You see what I mean though?
            >He would never do that to Nanako
            >It would be out-of-character
            None of this is based on the facts of the case.
            >he has no motive
            They didn't know Adachi's motive at the time either.

            • 3 months ago

              >None of this is based on the facts of the case.
              I mean character is just as important as the facts in mystery fiction. Character influences actions and motive.
              Igor being an imposter seemed to come from nowhere, but then you start to remember how weirdly hostile he was when he talked about humans and society.
              I guess ultimately your criticism centers on that they should have at least considered him and then clear him afterwards, which I can understand.
              >They didn't know Adachi's motive at the time either.
              But the thing is they knew nothing about him for as long as they've known him at all. At least every character you've gotten the opportunity to get to know.

              • 3 months ago

                >your criticism centers on that they should have at least considered him and then clear him afterwards
                Yeah, I think it would've been more satisfying if they went through all the facts and characters and realized there's no possible way it could be anyone other than Adachi, which they didn't do.

              • 3 months ago

                >Yeah, I think it would've been more satisfying if they went through all the facts and characters and realized there's no possible way it could be anyone other than Adachi, which they didn't do.
                Sadly, this evidence did not exist in the game, nor was there any evidence to strongly tie Adachi (and only Adachi) to the crime.

              • 3 months ago

                >Last person to see Mayumi yameno and Saki Konishi alive (He was part of Yameno's police retinue, and he personally called for Saki)
                >Blabbing police details while in earshot of the party over and over again.
                > Mitsuo being thrown in immediately narrows down the killer to being a police officer, since Mitsuo was in police custody at the time. nametame also mentioned that he talked to a police officer who told him to throw people in, and lastly, all 3 non Nametame victims have a connecting pattern that the went missing after talking to the police.
                >"That explains it." No one knew that Rise, Kanji, and Naoto were missing, yet Adachi didn't question it or was surprised about it.
                >Since a police officer has to be the killer, it can't be Dojima because he would have jumped in after Nanako if he knew how the tv world works. The fact he didn't is proof that he is unrelated.
                (Obviously yea there are other police officers, but a drama makes it so that the killer always has to be someone we've seen or know. Stories are inherently contrived.)

              • 3 months ago

                >"That explains it." No one knew that Rise, Kanji, and Naoto were missing, yet Adachi didn't question it or was surprised about it.
                We both know that evidence is really a stretch. It is just as likely that he heard a couple of names he did recognize, say "that explains it" in an attempt to save face for not knowing as much as he probably should, and wanted to just leave it at that.
                >Since a police officer has to be the killer, it can't be Dojima because he would have jumped in after Nanako if he knew how the tv world works.
                I mean, Adachi did not know how it actually worked, all he knew was that people thrown in were dead to rights unless they were saved somehow. Nevermind the fact that Dojima was seriously injured under watch from the nurses at all times, so even if he wanted to jump in after her it would likely not be possible.

              • 3 months ago

                >It is just as likely that he heard a couple of names he did recognize, say "that explains it" in an attempt to save face for not knowing as much as he probably should, and wanted to just leave it at that.
                It's a case he has been working on for nearly a year, that his boss is getting up his and Dojima's ass about. There's no way he shouldn't know all the details, and the fact that he doesn't even question a clear contradiction (Especially since as far as he knows none of the actual victims of the murders were listed in the notebook) is proof that Adachi doesn't know anything, or that he knows too much.

                At the very least, the fact that there was no mention of there being Saki or Yameno in then notebook should have made him mention it.
                >Nevermind the fact that Dojima was seriously injured under watch from the nurses at all times, so even if he wanted to jump in after her it would likely not be possible.
                Regardless, he would have tried if he knew how deadly the tv world was(because he is the actual killer).
                I could even see him trying after the fact while in the hospital. While conscious, he would never let a grown man do god knows what to his daughter in a place like that while he is conscious and breathing.

  4. 3 months ago

    It was to throw Nametame under the bus so he'd be blamed for his crimes, but he never thought you would figure out that it wasn't him.
    In addition, it's just pure wieneriness and arrogance. Like criminals taunting police on social media even when it screws them over in the end. It's satisfying to trick people. I mean it's why Among Us was so popular a few years ago.

    Lastly, there is some evidence to support the idea that either intentionally, or at least subconsciously that Adachi wanted to be caught.

    • 3 months ago

      The whole thing was a game for Adachi, he took the town on a fun murder mystery joyride because he was bored. It's why he threw Mitsuo in the TV World, because Inaba PD isn't actually incompetent and caught the guy very shortly after he committed his murder, but they wanted to pin all the murders on him (which he was confessing to anyway) to just tie the investigation up and be done with it. That would end Adachi's game, so he made sure to eliminate the copycat.

      It's the whole point behind Izanami's experiment too. She wanted to see which aspect of humanity would have the greatest influence on the others, and Adachi's game ended up taking over Inaba for nearly an entire year, including wrapping Namatame and Yu up in it too. He was the most influential, so Izanami took Adachi as representative of humanity.

      • 3 months ago

        Because the game had gotten boring for him. The Investigation Team had managed to rescue everyone that Namatame had thrown in, to the point where most people didn't even know that these select people were going missing. So he sent the threatening letter to keep things interesting.

        Twin morons believe Adachi's bored line in December after he was cornered and a giant fricking fog eyeball God comes out of his body. Hey morons in case you forgot
        >Adachi thinks Midnight Channel women who appeared to him were stolen by Nametame
        >Adachi encourages Nametame to throw people into TVs
        >Adachi camps out on foggy nights after a deadline to wait for a dead body
        Notice that neither of you two moronic anons say anything about Adachi's plan of merging real + shadow world. Or that he sent letters telling you to stop because he wanted a dead body to appear so Nametame would get called as a suspect and the two dead women get pinned on him too. Get some eyes, December Adachi is the least truthful and you should judge him on his actions. He lets the copycat murder off the hook from being the real killer because it's so fricking obvious he hates Nametame and wants him in jail for all his murders, he just needs a new body to tie it to him. Not merging reality with the TV world, you have low IQ to believe his words 100% right before a fricking fog God shits out of his body.

        • 3 months ago

          >Adachi's plan of merging real + shadow world.
          It's because he has no place there with everyone knowing he's a killer.
          He doesn't really want to do it, which is why he urges Yu to come and stop him if you do his social link.

          I feel like the game over was because Ameno Sagiri took him over and then released all the shadows.

        • 3 months ago

          >say anything about Adachi's plan of merging real + shadow world.
          Because it wasn't a plan. That was Adachi winging it after being forced to flee into the TV World. He knew that place had monsters and never had any intention of going in there.

          >Or that he sent letters telling you to stop because he wanted a dead body to appear so Nametame would get called as a suspect and the two dead women get pinned on him too.
          That was him having fun. He's not some master chessmaster, he was a guy on a joyride and covering his tracks. He doesn't even do that very well, he doesn't destroy the letter Dojima seized.

          >Get some eyes, December Adachi is the least truthful and you should judge him on his actions.
          You're an idiot. In December Adachi was ready to be done with the game, hence his sudden bout of competency after Dojima gets hospitalized. He didn't have it out for Namatame, Namatame was a fun pawn to play and a stooge to pin the blame on in the end.

          >He lets the copycat murder off the hook from being the real killer because it's so fricking obvious he hates Nametame and wants him in jail for all his murders
          Holy SHIT you're moronic and don't understand the game at all. How would Namatame have access to the police station to throw Mitsuo into the TV World? The police already arrested Mitsuo by then. Adachi threw him in to keep the game going. Namatame was a patsy to him.

          >Not merging reality with the TV world, you have low IQ to believe his words 100% right before a fricking fog God shits out of his body.
          What in the absolute frick are you talking about? Ameno-Sagiri was placed inside Adachi by Izanami to monitor him as one of the three players in her game. It's the same reason why Kunino-Sagiri was placed inside Namatame, and why Marie (Kusumi-no-Okami) was sent to monitor Yu, without either knowing. How the hell can you misinterpret the game's plot THIS badly?

      • 3 months ago

        >because he was bored.
        it's not really just because he was bored. It goes hand in hand with the games theme of self expression, and that keeping your feelings inside will lead to those feelings finding toxic outlets.
        A serial killer mystery is as toxic as you get. Ultimately the girls really weren't actually important. The murders were just a chance for adachi to feel powerful for once in his miserable life.

        • 3 months ago

          The discrepancies between Adachi's motives and his actions went over both your peanut size brains. Throughout the entire game, in the majority of dungeon deadlines finishing, a person immersed in fog would appear in the town and complain no dead body appeared. This person of course is Adachi. If a dead person appeared then Namatame would know he isn't saving people and the ""game"" would end. What game? Supposedly Adachi after being cornered and spending all of December in the shadow world and getting possessed by a disco ball tells you all this, he even changes to yellow iris, you believe his words which are the opposite of his past actions.

          Once Namatame got a person killed, he would very likely confess out of guilt without Adachi needing to setup a crime scene. Second, Adachi lets the copycat killer take the blame for one dead body but not two of Adachi's own victims. Third, in only one bad ending route does adachi (possessed btw) merge reality with the TV world because in the rest the town never has a shadow outbreak even in the accomplice bad ending. Are you getting the picture yet? Adachi who is possessed and alone in a shadow world dungeon saying he was bored isn't try truth for the murders and neither is miss gas attendant. Adachi had a parasocial relationship with midnight channel women who he saw robbed by namatame so he plotted to get him caught and take the blame for his two victims, end of discussion. Sending the letters is in direct contradiction of wanting the mouse and cat game continued or his outbursts in the town market of foggy nights past deadlines.

  5. 3 months ago

    You live in a small town where it's established everyone knows everyone just by proximity and population. A new guest in town staying in a cop's house is torn gossip within 10 minutes your uncle picking you up. What drove Adachi to send the threatening letters is pure autistic sperg rage. Logically within the context of a small town:
    >the killer would know who you are to know your home
    >the killer would absolutely know a cop lives with you but still sent the letters
    >the killer is incognito enough to drop the letters at your home without ANYONE batting an eye meaning if someone everyone thinks is normal dropping letters
    Adachi may as well signed the letters since the process of elimination would've narrowed a small pool within a small town to 3. What's weirder on his part is Adachi didn't figure out you had persona powers until so late in the game then he sent the letters to stop you. He wasn't that smart not to figure you out sooner. Or maybe he was so incensed with Namatame being his fell guy he was blinded by sheer rage each time he avoided leaving a new dead body for Adachi to pin it on Namatame.

  6. 3 months ago

    The only logical answer is him wanting to be caught or being suicidal.
    Adachi has the power to influence the dungeon layout to permanently barricade (You) from him yet he still lets your party through anyway. Plus he actually assumed that (You)'re there to kill him.

  7. 3 months ago

    Because the game had gotten boring for him. The Investigation Team had managed to rescue everyone that Namatame had thrown in, to the point where most people didn't even know that these select people were going missing. So he sent the threatening letter to keep things interesting.

  8. 3 months ago

    What Adachi says inside of the TV world feels much like a performance put on by a man who doesn't want to admit he got his ass beat by a bunch of teenagers (and their dumb bear). By the time he's in the TV, he's been exposed as the culprit, made contact with Amenosagiri, he eventually gets yellow shadow eyes (which, as we know from the IT's shadows, don't exactly tell the truth), and you can tell that his actions in the flashbacks don't really match how he narrates them in the present day. Additionally, the Persona 4 fandom have also bought into the idea that he was amused by Namatame throwing people into the TVs. And yet, the figure who shows up on the foggy nights for each dungeon deadline strongly suggests that "Adachi running a little game where Namatame throws people in and then the IT rescue them" chronologically doesn't make sense. There's also the existence of the 2 letters he sends the protag, and it's important to pay attention to the dates on those.

    Personally, I think that Adachi's motivations are his imaginary dick waving contest with Namatame and his parasocial relationship with Mayumi. If Adachi was super bored and wanted to terminate society, it only happens in one bad ending route. Adachi doesn't merge the worlds in the other bad endings because Nametame takes the heat for all the crimes Adachi committed, Adachi is never exposed as a criminal and retains his job, and you can even join him as an accomplice in a bonus ending. He was decisively not bored and morons need to stop peddling the half truths the cornered and possessed Adachi says in December.

  9. 3 months ago

    Culprit should have been Naoto

  10. 3 months ago

    Persona 4 did not have a design document. They quite literally wrote the plot as they went with no foresight and it shows. Anyone that praises the writing or cast is just straight up moronic.

    • 3 months ago

      I've heard this, along with Yukiko being the killer originally

      • 3 months ago

        The yukiko thing is a rumor with nothing to back it up, but the design document thing is real:

        >The team were an easy-going lot, Hashino revealed. For example, when they usually created a game, the team would compile a document with all the information about the game contained within. However, in the case of P4, they chose not to. When they idea was considered, the team figured that they had a vague sense of what was going into the game already, so they didn’t require one.

        >Not that it was smooth sailing all along, however. Hashino also jokingly revealed that they would never make that mistake again, considering how much trouble the lack of such a document had caused them.

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