Somebody give me a review on it

Are the new areas cool? Are there many new enemies? I’m just wondering how worth it it is because I’m having to create a new character since I don’t want to do the dlc on new game plus

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  1. 1 week ago

    If you're iffy on it then just wait till it's on sale
    You don't have to play it on release date, no matter what any terminally online loser tells you

    • 1 week ago

      This is what I currently landed on. The base game felt like a pretty big time investment and I'm getting conflicting reports on how long the DLC is, so I'll just wait and get around to it when I have more free time.

      Hopefully they don't go do a bunch of stupid shit patch wise in the meantime, but whatever.

      • 1 week ago

        This has been the most heavily shilled DLC on Ganker by marketers in history.

        Do not ever, ever, buy games on launch. EVER. Any prerelease "hype" you see is always, ALWAYS astroturfed by paid shills, paid reviews, and pay4play algorithm 'trending' status. All manufactured to drum up sales.

        is the correct answer. You would have to be the ultimate moron to spend more money for an inferior, buggier version of the game. You could also pirate if you feel the risk is worth it.

        Me, I will just wishlist it and wait for a sale. I already have a backlog of good games, most of which are substantially better than Roll Simulator 7.

        • 1 week ago

          dont care, still buying all fromsoft games on release even though ds2 was kinda ass

          • 1 week ago

            >I am so excited to give corporations as much of my money as possible
            >trust me goyim im not a marketer

        • 1 week ago

          >This has been the most heavily shilled DLC on Ganker by marketers in history.
          But enough about cyberpunk.
          Seriously there is a ton of shilling on here but considering this board has always enjoyed fromshit this is far less egregious than most others

    • 1 week ago

      15% off on GamersGate($33.99) with coupon code

  2. 1 week ago

    >LGBT shit

    • 1 week ago

      meanwhile curator review

      literally the only gay guy in elden ring is a pedophile
      best lgbt representation

  3. 1 week ago

    bosses are not fun. just cheese them

  4. 1 week ago

    Wait till the frick you I liked it threads come out.

  5. 1 week ago

    Areas are cool. Every enemy that's even remotely threatening is either a poise monster that spams combos or spams even more combos than normal. It's fricking sickening, but it's fun.

  6. 1 week ago

    I'm doing the DLC on NG+ and it's fine. SL210
    The fact the DLC has the separate progression with the DLC items that boost you within the land of shadow means that NG+ is probably not that much harder. Bosses do have a lot of HP I've noticed but nothing unreasonable.

    • 1 week ago

      if it means anything. with how the dlc progression is separate.

      my bud in ng+ is doing about the same percentage of damage as I am in ng level 150

      • 1 week ago

        I figured, that's why I mentioned it to OP so he doesn't think he has to go and make a new character just because his old one is on NG+

        Yes, unironically. Marketers have a direct financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is good, because they get your money if you believe them.
        No one gains anything at all by telling you the game is bad. They get nothing regardless of whether or not your opinion changes.

        This does.not take that much brainpower to figure out.

        Fair enough. But that's not what I said in that post. I said
        >if it disagrees, it's a payed marketer/shill/discord troony
        Meaning that the very notion that fallacy is in the fact you assume that if anyone disagrees with you and praises a game it's a marketeer.
        Look anon. You dislike the DLC. Fair enough. But then at most call the guy's taste shit. If you assume every single bit of praise the DLC's going to get is just markeeting then no honest discussion can be had.

        • 1 week ago

          Meaning the fallacy*

  7. 1 week ago

    it's a complete flop
    it has no players on steam and no one ever bothered beating mogh
    all the reviews are mediocre
    its unbalanced and repetitive roll sloppa
    shazam was right about everything
    even streamers are ignoring it and playing other games
    2 years for rehashed pontiff and radhan and 100 new artoria leafs
    i fully expect miyazaki will hand in his letter of resignation by the end of the week

    • 1 week ago

      >no players
      Can you at least not lie?
      Also the reviews are at very positive

      • 1 week ago

        >that dropoff
        >not even a million
        oh no no no lmaoooo

        • 1 week ago

          >drop off
          You mean after the initial release. As in, after people finished playing the original release's story/content and then just put it aside?

      • 1 week ago

        And people think fromslop is niche lmao. This is a game for normies

    • 1 week ago

      >shazam was right about everything
      It's funny because Shazam has always been objectively, provably correct about every single thing, every single time, for every game. With the sole exception that it doesn't ever matter and the shitty, broken, garbage games always end up selling millions anyway.

      • 1 week ago

        Shazam was right once and keeps coasting on that despite getting his butthole blown out every other time.

        • 1 week ago

          Incorrect. He has been right about every single thing. Sales numbers and paid journo reviews do not change that fact.

          • 1 week ago

            That’s pretty deranged. Just because you dont enjoy video games anymore doesn’t mean every video game is shit.

      • 1 week ago

        Shazam has literally never been right about anything

        • 1 week ago

          Nah, Cyberpunk was legitimately dogshit when it came out. No amount of engoddening will change that. So once. Shazam was correct once.

        • 1 week ago

          Name one single time where Shazam was wrong about something.

  8. 1 week ago

    >Somebody give me a review on it
    a homosexual on a quest for his brother's wiener wrecks the entire world

  9. 1 week ago

    its good but not as good as old hunters. there is nothing in this dlc on the level of ludwig kino

  10. 1 week ago

    I'm having a blast

  11. 1 week ago

    it's unironically too difficult and any moron who pretends otherwise is a contrarian

    • 1 week ago

      the game gives you a bell to summon blue-ish homies that trivialize 90% of bosses
      have you considered using it instead of shitting your pants your "homie with a sword" build struggles with everything?

      • 1 week ago

        that's the problem, I either go solo and get hard-filtered by the game's reflex checks (I'm old and slow) or summon and make it trivial. I have a choice between impossible and piss-easy. it's boring

        • 1 week ago

          "I willingly play a self-imposed challenge mode, therefore the game is too hard"

        • 1 week ago

          So the game’s not objectively bad. You just got filtered by it. Thanks for clearing that up.

          • 1 week ago

            I dunno. I soloed lies of p and it was a lot more fun

            • 1 week ago

              And? I did as well and it never approached ER endgame levels of difficulty. You already conceded that you don’t have the reaction time for it anymore i.e. you were filtered. It happens. Doesn’t mean the game’s bad.

              • 1 week ago

                you know what? fair enough.

  12. 1 week ago

    >Are the new areas cool?
    Very, navigation is also pretty good, they made sure using Torrent is much more fun than the base game which is a big plus for me since its only real use was being a Spiritspring bot, there's more interesting platforming in the DLC
    >Are there many new enemies?
    A lot, most of them are really fun too, so far my favorite is either the Death Knight or demihuman Virgil, but I must say even most of the new mooks are fun to fight.
    The new weapons, spells and ashes of war are also really good, my only qualm so far is that getting enemies to drop their shit is a chore even with the white scarab, and I have 60 ARC, I want Messmer's soldiers' set and grinding it is mindnumbing.

    • 1 week ago

      >Are the new areas cool?
      If you like empty and brown

      >Are there many new enemies?
      About 90% are literally copy pasted from base game or reskins

      Some of the new weapons are ok but again mostly just reskins from base game.

      It's honestly not worth the purchase. $40 for about 12 hours of content is complete bullshit and is setting a terrible precedent for the gaming industry.

      The duality of Ganker

      • 1 week ago

        Yes, the duality between a paid marketer vs an actual gamer.

        • 1 week ago

          >an actual gamer.
          the 'actual gamer' hasn't actually played it
          it's anyone's guess whether the 'marketer' did

          • 1 week ago

            you haven't played it.

            The new Ganker marketing tactic: claim anyone who criticizes a game hasn't played it. Why are From cultists like this?

            >Actual gamer
            >With nothing to show for
            The tragic thing is that neither of us are paid but you're the only one actually doing it for free

            >you're the only one actually doing it for free
            Doing what? Exposing an asset flip cashgrab for what it is? You're the one shilling for the game for free.

            • 1 week ago

              you forgot to mention how it's been written by ai and something about homosexuals

        • 1 week ago

          >if your post agrees with me it's an actual gamer
          >if it disagrees, it's a payed marketer/shill/discord troony

          • 1 week ago

            it might sound odd but it's true

          • 1 week ago

            Yes, unironically. Marketers have a direct financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is good, because they get your money if you believe them.
            No one gains anything at all by telling you the game is bad. They get nothing regardless of whether or not your opinion changes.

            This does.not take that much brainpower to figure out.

            • 1 week ago

              Ok. But what if a game is actually good.

              • 1 week ago

                When you look at products on Amazon, do you look at the 5 star reviews? No of course not, only complete morons do that because most of them are fake. The most useful reviews are the 1 star reviews, followed by the 2-4 star reviews. Then you can judge for yourself, knowing the problems the product has, and the deal breakers people ran into.

                It is the same for games. Ignore glowing reviews and 10/10s, they are always either fake or written by unironic 85IQ morons. When you consider a game on steam, you look at the negative reviews, not the positive ones.

                I'm not telling you that anything is good or bad or that you should or shouldn't buy anything, I'm just telling you that most positive reviews for things are fake.

              • 1 week ago

                >Ganker hates everything
                >negative opinions are by far the most helpful
                >therefore everything sucks
                yea cool, frick off

              • 1 week ago

                I literally don’t look at reviews at all the inform my purchase decisions for video games because entertainment it too subjective for that. Which is different to when I look up reviews for a phone charger or whatever since that’s something that either works or doesn’t. You absolute moron.

                Low IQ responses, sad.

              • 1 week ago

                >letting anonymous, faceless morons online tell me what to buy and what not to is high IQ
                Absolute cattle mindset

              • 1 week ago

                >Low IQ strawman
                Why would you do that? I never said to do that. I said the negative reviews are more helpful and will give you an objectively better description of the product. Nothing more.

                Deciding whether or not to consume product after knowing the pros and cons is something that's on you, but only an idiot doesn't research before he buys.

              • 1 week ago

                Every review has an agenda you moron. Positive or negative. They are all equally worthless.i know better what kind of games I enjoy, reviews are no help for making an informed purchase decision.

              • 1 week ago

                >review days "product has undocumented feature X that prevents you from doing Y"
                >not helpful information
                Low IQ

              • 1 week ago

                Name an actual example instead of a made up hypothetical

              • 1 week ago

                >overly sensitive or poorly located buttons on Bluetooth earbuds
                >guns that don't reliably eject properly

                >no map in adventure rpg (Underrail)
                >game with online features that have since been disabled (many such cases)
                >action game that turns into a shitty RTS 1/3 of the way through for the rest of the game (Brutal Legend)

                Just of the top of my head. I dont think you are asking in good faith but if you are honestly having trouble seeing why it might be a good idea to get product information before giving away your money then you are either a billionaire and dont care, or you are just legitimately too stupid to help.

              • 1 week ago

                I literally don’t look at reviews at all the inform my purchase decisions for video games because entertainment it too subjective for that. Which is different to when I look up reviews for a phone charger or whatever since that’s something that either works or doesn’t. You absolute moron.

              • 1 week ago

                >The most useful reviews are the 1 star reviews
                dunno what it's like in the US version of amazn, but i've seen a lot of 1 star that basically go "product works fine, took 3 days longer to arrive than the shipping estimated"

              • 1 week ago

                That's sometimes true but the amount of morons that conflate shipping time with product quality are absolutely dwarfed by the amount of Chinese review farm slash chatGPT-generated 5* updoots. Also part of why reading the review is important not just looking at the number.

              • 1 week ago

                >dwarfed by the amount of Chinese review farm slash chatGPT-generated 5* updoots
                oh yeah, for sure.
                i'm just saying that 1-star are usually not as useful as 2-4 stars imo.
                but yeah, i usually try to actually read the reviews before buying stuff.

                for example, the ER DLC, a couple reviewers mentioned it, but the bad performance is definitely a big thing and not a lot of them complained too much about it.

                it pushed my opinion from "maybe when it's 25 bucks or under" to "10 dollars or under or just straight up pirate it"

            • 1 week ago

              despite the very low prices your mom charges, I wouldn't recommend approaching her

            • 1 week ago

              oh look, an actual israelite shill calling people marketers.
              >No one gains anything at all by telling you the game is bad
              shlomo pretending smear campaigns aren't a thing now.

              • 1 week ago

                >You're a shill if you don't give me $40 goyim!
                Buy an ad homosexual

        • 1 week ago

          >Actual gamer
          >With nothing to show for
          The tragic thing is that neither of us are paid but you're the only one actually doing it for free

        • 1 week ago

          >everyone who likes a thing is a paid marketer

          you're a homosexual

  13. 1 week ago

    >Are the new areas cool?
    If you like empty and brown

    >Are there many new enemies?
    About 90% are literally copy pasted from base game or reskins

    Some of the new weapons are ok but again mostly just reskins from base game.

    It's honestly not worth the purchase. $40 for about 12 hours of content is complete bullshit and is setting a terrible precedent for the gaming industry.

    • 1 week ago

      you haven't played it.

  14. 1 week ago

    i bought elden ring on release cuz of fomo and i really regret it. wasnt for me at all, thought the combat and exploration was boring. made me realize i like zelda's approach to open world a lot more.

    • 1 week ago

      Same but I realized I just hate open world games. Too many pointless places with a random dumb crafting mat like I'm supposed to want

  15. 1 week ago

    I'm only in the first area, but it's pretty good so far. Definitely a lot to explore. So far I've only seen new enemies (7 unique I think). But wait until y actually make it to Mogh before you decide.

    • 1 week ago

      I think I explored a good 20% of the map so far and I encountered some enemies from the base games
      >Demihumans+one Demihuman Queen boss
      >One Ulcerated Tree Spirit
      Outside of this there's some reskinned and slightly different enemies as well
      >Magma Slimes/Silver Tears
      >Messmer's light soldiers
      >The burnt ghost villagers with the daggers
      >Sleep slimes (?)
      >The new flymen enemies are largely reskinned flies from Ashes of Ariandel with a couple of minor differences
      I'm unsure whether to consider he Ghostflame Dragon a pure reskin because its moveset is considerably different from normal dragons, surprisingly enough, the only thing it carries over is the flying stomp and that one spread breath they do when you're in mid range, was actually really surprised by the sheer amount of Ghostflame shit he had and the fact that it can also summon a shitload of skeletons like a Tibia Mariner on crack.

      Yes, unironically. Marketers have a direct financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is good, because they get your money if you believe them.
      No one gains anything at all by telling you the game is bad. They get nothing regardless of whether or not your opinion changes.

      This does.not take that much brainpower to figure out.

      >Marketers have a direct financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is good
      However, the more interesting part is that marketers also have a financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is bad because they work for other companies and are paid to spread negativity, very common for american companies especially.
      For better or worse this isn't your case though, you're just an unemployed mindbroken moron.

      • 1 week ago

        >However, the more interesting part is that marketers also have a financial incentive to lie and tell you the game is bad because they work for other companies and are paid to spread negativity, very common for american companies especially.
        This is simply not true and there has never been a case of this happening in entertainment. This only happens for purchases like cars where people only buy one. Otherwise not buying game X from company A does not in any way translate to of game Y from company B.

        • 1 week ago

          >This is simply not true and there has never been a case of this happening in entertainment.
          Ooooh suddenly all the years of b***hing about western journalist unjustly slamming japanese games because of western agendas aren't a thing curious...

      • 1 week ago

        >the dragon
        what the frick, for me he just used the same moves from the base game (except his stomps had ghostflame AOE) - he never did anything cool like skeleton summoning

        • 1 week ago

          When he went down to 50% he summoned a shitload of skeletons for me just like Tibia, he also has a weird AoE ghostflame explosion that isn't part of the stomps, it's kinda similar to what the Ulcerated Trees do when they charge up and then explode.
          Another thing I noticed is that fast stomp+bite triple combo he has.

  16. 1 week ago

    It's "just dont get hit" the DLC.

  17. 1 week ago

    I still can't decide if I want to buy it.
    I have absolutely no interest in pvp and I'm not sure the new areas are better than the main game.

  18. 1 week ago

    Just beat the second boss, which was probably the worst boss of any souls game. Anime knight with magic and fire sword that spins a million times and has a magic aoe attack that hits the entire arena three times in a fricking row. If you hated the bullshit in original Elden Ring you will hate this. Miyazaki learned nothing from the complaints.

    • 1 week ago

      I've beaten the dancing lion and the boss you mentioned, plus I attempted the giant wicker man in the overworld, and I noticed a theme with this DLC where each boss has some kind of giant roomwide aoe phase transition like a fricking MMO or something that you either DPS fast enough to skip or just get lucky with your roll timing. It's like they gave each boss their own version of Waterfowl Dance.

  19. 1 week ago

    This is the first time a Souls DLC dropped and people weren't calling it GOAT 10/10 amazing right after it dropped

    Wait a couple weeks or even days, people will be saying it's a big disappointment

  20. 1 week ago

    Playing this at NG+5 was a mistake. Just gonna leave it to rust until i have enough patience to start a new game.

    • 1 week ago

      Is 60 vig and the tankiest armor + dragoncrest enough to tank the biggest hits? I hate using buffs, shit's boring.

  21. 1 week ago

    I finally beat the lion, I just gave up and used blasphemous blade, literally the worst boss I've ever fought in a video game. I cannot believe these fricking people made Sekiro

  22. 1 week ago

    rivals and even surpasses monster hunter expansions

  23. 1 week ago

    the big fire dudes are a lot easier than i though they'd be.

    also so far found no reason to move on from malenias sword

  24. 1 week ago

    from steam:

    The presentation is gorgeous - art direction and music are a 10/10

    The gameplay makes the game hard to recommend - spastic bosses with jerky roll-catch movements and a plethora of physically nonsensical moves make the bosses in this DLC hard to put up with. You can just spam weapon arts and chug your flasks, so they'll run out of health sooner than you do, but it won't be an enjoyable experience. As someone who beat all the Fromsoft games with gimped Lvl1 characters for fun (the base game included), I'll be calling quits on this one. It's fine if enemies jump high, fly or do magic, but changing trajectory mid-air, floating ominously and having impossible pauses mid-movement to throw the player off their reflexes is atrocious design for an action game. I'm not making mistakes because my reflexes are weak, but because I can't see what's happening. Enemy movements are specifically designed to not make sense to make the fight more "difficult" - apparently rolling when the enemy swings his sword is not good enough, now you have to memorize how much delay there is between each specific sword swing combo's slashes mid-movement. Once again, this difficulty is made redundant by the absurdly powerful weapon arts the player is given, so we end up with a game that's not hard to beat, but where engaging with the bosses' mechanics is torture.

  25. 1 week ago

    >The fallen leaves tell a story, but i'm not convinced it's a good one. I have completed ER two times, i have watched a reasonable amount of lore videos and i spent considerable amount of time reflecting on the information presented within this game. One thing i haven't found yet is any reason the player is meant to care about all this.
    >Now FromSoft have become famous for their confusing narratives, but i would like to compare the different openings of these games. [...] In Dark Souls, the life sustaining First Flame is fading and it's resulting in humans losing their sanity. Humanity is facing an existential threat, and you are another poor soul trying to fight this. [...]
    >In Elden Ring, you are a Tarnished who wakes up in the Lands Between and then sets out to kill every important person here, to try to become the Elden Lord. But this is not your war, so why would i want to get involved in it? And this is not your land, so why would i want to rule it? I mean it doesn't seem like a very nice place. Everyone just tries to kill each other. There is a religious aspect for these events, where you were apperently once banished by the light of Grace and now it is waking you back and tries to guide you. And it's nice that the light of Grace wants me back after banishing me, but why would I want IT back? It BANISHED me. And as far as i can tell, i don't owe it anything. In fact, i don't even know what it is. Maybe we are stuck in the Lands Between, but other people seem to travel between here and other places, like the Badlands and the Lands of Reeds, so wouldn't a more sensible motivation be to look for a way out of this rather dangerous island? Instead we just set out immediately to kill everyone.

    Will this DLC make the author regret his words or have a reason to change his mind?
    Is story still dogshit?

    • 1 week ago

      >Is story still dogshit?
      It's a Fromsoft game.

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