Songs of Syx

Famine edition
Holy shit, why are farming yields so trash now?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

CRIME Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Sell me this game. Is it another DF/Rimworld clone? Worth checking out?

    • 1 year ago

      it has a focus on a much larger pop count than either of those, and is also ugly as sin

    • 1 year ago

      It's really cool. Big population counts.

    • 1 year ago

      >Is it another DF/Rimworld clone?
      It's closest to Rise to Ruins if anything. There are similarities with DF and RW but the focus is managing a big population and their citizens needs. Each race has their own preferences. Some like to have more privacy in living quarters and some are cannibals, for example.

    • 1 year ago

      Definitely worth trying. The demo is the full game but a few patches behind so I say just give it a try

      • 1 year ago

        How far behind?
        I'll DL the demo but is it going to be significantly different than the normal game?
        Not many early access games get demos.

        >Is it another DF/Rimworld clone?
        It's closest to Rise to Ruins if anything. There are similarities with DF and RW but the focus is managing a big population and their citizens needs. Each race has their own preferences. Some like to have more privacy in living quarters and some are cannibals, for example.

        >Rise to Ruins
        Has this game been abandoned?

        • 1 year ago

          2-3 versions behind but all updates are major

    • 1 year ago

      Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld are Colony Management Sims. The max number of colonists you can have is around 70 to 200 respectively due to performance. Your focus is more on micromanaging each and one of your dudes to do their work properly.

      Song of Syx is a City Management Sim. You can have up to 20,000 citizens in a single map at max if your PC can handle it. Your focus is more in macromanaging your city and civilization on the world scale (once you open up trading and military actions on the campaign map).

  2. 1 year ago

    Man, the first year is way more difficult than it used to be. Just enough fruit to plant a couple farms. Wavering loyalty as soon as I unpause the game.

    • 1 year ago

      Wild animal population and hunters got nerfed too hard

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, my hunters get buttfricked by critters now. I agree that hunters were overpowered before but this is overkill.

        • 1 year ago

          Luckily you can't over-fish in the game so it seems to be the new meta. Might have to rely on meat imports now unless you're willing to make a lot of pastures. Cretonian majority with humans/dondorians/tilapis (something like 4:1 or 3:1) might seem viable to reduce meat consumption and the other race(s) do refining since pig hooves can't do shit in industry, but I guess mass farming takes up just as much space as pastures.

  3. 1 year ago

    What do you guys use to move shit across the map in the early game? My clay pit is on the ass end of the map.

    • 1 year ago

      You need to make small settlements near people's jobs to ensure they waste the least amount of time walking from one place to another and then set up Storage workers to move stuff between storages to where it's needed the most in your city.

      • 1 year ago

        Like housing + food + toilets, the whole nine yards?

        • 1 year ago

          Citizens have certain schedules for working, resting, and fulfilling their various needs. The less time they have to walk from place to place the more time they can dedicate to their respective schedules.
          You can help them by building road types that increase their movement speed, but the most common method is to ensure that they have all of the facilities required to satisfy their needs close enough so they don't waste any time.

          If you load the game without any mods installed you should be able to look in 'Examples' for multiple cities the dev has made that demonstrate stable societies where citizens have easy access to their required needs and can fulfill their jobs.
          In v63 these are 'Meridia' and 'Skane'.
          Pic related. You can see how housing and services are scattered around the city in the form of quarters to suit the location of their assigned jobs.

          • 1 year ago

            Like housing + food + toilets, the whole nine yards?

            In order to ensure that resources that are produced in certain locations of your city are transferred to the places they are needed (across long distances) it's a good idea to make use of Warehouses and their employees and Fetch feature, as well as of Haulers and Transports.

          • 1 year ago

            In order to ensure that resources that are produced in certain locations of your city are transferred to the places they are needed (across long distances) it's a good idea to make use of Warehouses and their employees and Fetch feature, as well as of Haulers and Transports.

            Thanks anon

  4. 1 year ago

    has anyone gotten this error? i can't find any fix online

    • 1 year ago

      nevermind, after half an hour of trying shit I fixed by creating a folder named "songsofsyx" on appdata/roaming
      I'll leave the post in case this happens to anyone else

  5. 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago

    Post more screenshots.

  7. 1 year ago

    any tips for making the cities not look like ass?

  8. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      what does this mean?

      • 1 year ago

        probably z levels or something

    • 1 year ago

      what does this mean?


  9. 1 year ago

    Does this game feature high beavers? Not just ordinary beavers mind you, but actual HIGH BEAVERS! Frick. High FRICKING beavers, man that's got to be good. Lots of HIGH FRICKING BEAVERS roaming around doing HIGH BEAVER stuff. Frick yeah.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Fricking beavers man, fricking HIGH BEAVERS at that! What is there to not understand?

    • 1 year ago

      Fricking beavers man, fricking HIGH BEAVERS at that! What is there to not understand?

      I think you're looking for pic related

  10. 1 year ago

    i think farming and hunting early on got nerfed due to the fact that garthimi and cretonian were basically ez mode for starting races, and they were made to be balanced out
    if you REALLY want it back to how it was, just turn up yields in the difficulty options

  11. 1 year ago

    r8 and h8

    • 1 year ago

      Comfy town.

      Is this v63? I would've used the fertile area near the river for crops. Are those big areas up north pastures or fields?

      • 1 year ago

        Pastures, but I don't really get shit out of using them. The yield of meat is pretty shit for how much space they use. The main use is for cotton and leather.

    • 1 year ago

      How come your map is that big?

      Famine edition
      Holy shit, why are farming yields so trash now?

      My issue with the game is that if you don't make a clear plan everything quickly spirals out of control. You need more people to produce more things to meet the needs of new people, new people you accepted to serve the needs of the old people. It's very difficult to develop any kind of strata. It's like you're building some commune, which would be okay if they serve some communal purpose.
      I'm really missing public buildings and I'm missing hierarchical buildings. As is you build some weird in between that feels somewhat contrived.

      • 1 year ago

        Took a lot of time to understand the mechanics and how each functions are connected to each other since you just get thrown in the game like that. I guess the dev made the it to not be a spoon-fed experience.
        They way it seems to work is that you start a colony and attract outside immigrants to start working on it. Then when you've reached a sizeable population, nearing 4 digits, you start to think of making the colony into a full standing settlement with nurseries. Although Dondorians can only be gotten from immigration so...

      • 1 year ago

        all maps are 768x768

      • 1 year ago

        Took a lot of time to understand the mechanics and how each functions are connected to each other since you just get thrown in the game like that. I guess the dev made the it to not be a spoon-fed experience.
        They way it seems to work is that you start a colony and attract outside immigrants to start working on it. Then when you've reached a sizeable population, nearing 4 digits, you start to think of making the colony into a full standing settlement with nurseries. Although Dondorians can only be gotten from immigration so...

        I stopped playing because I felt like I had to always exagerate with research to unlock something, but then the unlocks were not very interesting, any tips so I could be a better planner ?

        • 1 year ago

          Population used to unlock the researches a few versions ago. That was comfy. Research was basically just for improvements, which at some point you actually needed.
          It doesn't help that when you're loosing pops researchers are the first jobs people give up in favor of food or material producing jobs. That does make sense but you might not notice that none of your labs is researching and you've basically committed yourself into a research death spiral until it's too late.

          • 1 year ago

            Did they ever change research so it doesn't require 2000 people researching nothing for the rest of their lives?
            I get what they were going for but that system is awful.

            • 1 year ago

              I agree. And the actual workings of the knowledge system are really fuzzy.

            • 1 year ago

              I think knowledge decay has been nerfed and once you get libraries running its even less of a problem. Laboratories are also upgradable know, making it much easier to increase your knowledge output.

              • 1 year ago

                The problem is everything you just said still doesn't change having to have a large chunk of your population doing nothing forever. I get he didn't want it to be something you could just use only when you wanted research points but the whole "you get nothing out of this and they just stand around" thing is stupid.

              • 1 year ago

                >large part of the population doing nothing forever
                so, have you heard about bureaucrats?

              • 1 year ago


                I dunno, R&D is a real thing and the game abstracts this away into a flat knowledge score, which you can use to upgrade your production, much like real-life R&D. Are you bothered by entertainment jobs 'doing nothing'? Maybe 'producing' is the better word. Think of science as a similar occupation.

                The entertainment jobs provide entertainment. Research just stand around generating nothing, pure upkeep once it reaches its magical apex pulled from the dev's butthole. I'm "bothered" by having to have an ever increasing amount of people being useless eaters to figure out basic shit that should be unlocked at the start, then doing nothing once their magical points are used up.

              • 1 year ago

                I dunno, R&D is a real thing and the game abstracts this away into a flat knowledge score, which you can use to upgrade your production, much like real-life R&D. Are you bothered by entertainment jobs 'doing nothing'? Maybe 'producing' is the better word. Think of science as a similar occupation.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes, you don't know, very evidently

  12. 1 year ago

    Spawned next to some "smilodons" because i thought they were peaceful like in v62 but they killed my people

  13. 1 year ago

    Resource extraction makes mad profit compared to industries. In my first proper game I just exported fish and wood and bought almost everything else: bread, clothes, tools, weapons. If you run out of natural water you can just dig ponds anywhere and fish there at 50% efficiency.

    • 1 year ago

      How many workers do you dedicate to fishing? I usually relied on carpentry if I had big wood surplus and could only guarantee a stable supply of tools and iron by 1k population.

      • 1 year ago

        I think I had some 400 cretons fishing out of 800 total pop when I abandoned that game. Was able to place fisheries mostly at 75% water and had masturbator noble. For the rest, 100 tilapi cutting wood, some human scientists. I did not develop any industry besides 16 dondos carving furniture. Also did not have any military, so I had to pay protection money. Clearly that is not a feasible strategy in the long term, but anyways unrelated to wealth generation.

  14. 1 year ago

    Is opium still a great thing to sell?

    • 1 year ago

      I haven't tried it in the latest release but that was pretty much how I afforded everything I needed to import before.

  15. 1 year ago

    New race is being added.

    • 1 year ago

      Cool. What race?
      I didn't even know he added the spider people until I saw them in the wiki

      • 1 year ago

        Unspecified so far.

        • 1 year ago

          Guessing Goblins, Kobolds, power gap, different Humans/dwarfs/elves, power gap, DnD Demon race or Angel race. I don't think we'll get another prestige race for some time although I think he's adding a solid 3-5+ races to the game before launch given how large the menu for possible races is.

          While we're on added features, I hope he adds more shapes for houses and some castle features.

          • 1 year ago

            He adds so much stuff all this will realistically be in pretty soon. It’s like if Toady could code

        • 1 year ago

          maybe a weak but good at noble jobs race or a humanoid animal with fur like khajits, i just hope the races doesnt start feeling bloated

        • 1 year ago

          It's lizard people

          • 1 year ago

            >we want better access to hearths
            frick you lizardman
            >I can get a bit bored at times.
            >We wish to be able to ret-
            MOTHERFRICKER, thats it, skin them all.

          • 1 year ago

            given all the mods adding lizard people was pretty likely. portraits look great

          • 1 year ago

            Maybe they will be able to change skin color because the dev said that dynamic sprites for things like facial hair will be added but idk

      • 1 year ago


  16. 1 year ago

    It's unfortunate that you can't really larp because your city so quickly outgrows your larp. I feel like you should start with Mega City 01 and just ride that all the way if you want to experience all the features and have some cantors in your city, ironically.

    • 1 year ago

      Why does everyone misuse this term now? I see it everywhere but never ever used correctly.

      • 1 year ago

        Larp is nowadays used for any personality encompassing rp.

  17. 1 year ago

    What do ///y'all/// think about my city?

    I'm not quite a fan of the new housing buildings but I really like the arena and temples which got added recently.
    Starting out is a hassle though, and your first invasion can be a death sentence if you don't defend your throne properly. I was so thankful when the fricking BUG PEOPLE showed up that I had fortified by throne behind a literal citadel and three gates.

    • 1 year ago

      that down there is the new district around the stadium I built, above it is my cathedral to Crator Ye Almighty, The Common Denominator!
      I don't have enough prisoners to staff my three arenas and execution platform, not to speak of humanoid sacrifices.

      • 1 year ago

        you can make a giant screenshot with a button in the right

    • 1 year ago

      that down there is the new district around the stadium I built, above it is my cathedral to Crator Ye Almighty, The Common Denominator!
      I don't have enough prisoners to staff my three arenas and execution platform, not to speak of humanoid sacrifices.

      Natural and comfy / 10

  18. 1 year ago

    v comfy. My brain only handles squares. good work

  19. 1 year ago

    heres my current city, dondorian majority and just over 9.5k pop (7.3k citizens and 2.2k slaves)

  20. 1 year ago

    Does this game have any kind of tutorial to get you going or am I gonna need to watch a video on youtube?
    Is there an in-game encyclopedia/good tooltips or am I gonna need a wiki page open while I'm playing?

    • 1 year ago

      there is a tutorial, but its basically
      >make sure you have an hearth
      >dont cut off the throne
      >food good
      its a pretty straight forward thing all things considered, just keep track of what your population desires and go from there

      • 1 year ago

        Also this. Hearths should be everywhere, same with wells. The requirement people have for them is almost a bit ridiculous. Unfortunately there’s no real upgrade for health and cleanliness as bathhouses (and hospitals for doctors) fulfil a different need. Bathhouses are a luxury, like saunas today, and not the Roman style people pleasers. Bread, baths and games.
        Arenas and executions are also good for happiness. Try to get a good supply of people to persecute and imprison. Furniture workshops can also craft weapons.

        • 1 year ago

          Is it possible to do a one-race game if I wanted or is it designed in such a way that no one race can do everything you need?
          Could I play as race X and go full xenophobe?

          • 1 year ago

            You can definitely play as just one race. You can also enslave another race.

            Humans are great farmers + researchers so you could go full human and enslave the bug people to do your mining. Humans can do it they just wont be stoked about it frfr

            • 1 year ago

              All races have different likes, dislikes, and levels of skill regarding certain jobs, but it's perfectly possible to make one-race city playthroughs.

              I think the only race you couldn't do a xenophobic one-race city out of is the Argonosh, on the virtue of being giant, sapient spiders, a-la Ungoliant and Shelob from LoTR, which makes them suck at and hate practically every task except for soldiery (training at the training grounds), policing (looking-for, catching and punishing criminals), and enslaving (braking people into becoming slaves) jobs,
              It's possible to do it with Cantors, but extremely hard because despite excelling at most jobs they're extremely demanding, and they're not very numerous.
              Neither Cantors nor Argonosh are available to be chosen as your starting race at the start of a new game because of this, but this can be modded.
              Every race besides these two is able to perform all jobs with sufficient skill to warrant a one-race-city playthrough. They won't like all of their jobs, but Job Fulfillment is just a portion of what makes a citizen happy and you can overcome the maluses by giving them other benefits.

              There's actually benefits to excluding some races, right? Just going full-in on excluding all but one race is a bad idea.

              • 1 year ago

                >There's actually benefits to excluding some races, right?
                Yes. As with almost everything in the game Races have particular likes and dislikes regarding other races. Being in the city.

                >Cantor Giants absolutely abhor Humans and Garthimis (Bug People).
                >Argonosh absolutely abhor Dondorians (Tall Dwarves) and Tilapis (Bosmer Elves)
                >Dondorians dislike Tilapis and hate Garthimis.
                >Tilapis dislike Dondorians and hate Garthimis.
                >Garthimis hate Dondorians but are ok with Tilapis for some reason.
                >Neither Humans nor Cretonians (Vegetarian Pig People) have issues with any other race.

                It's perfectly viable to make a city including every race, or excluding all but one race (except probably Argonosh). You'd just have to be very careful at managing citizens' happiness and their job productivity.

              • 1 year ago

                How come Cantors leave my city instantly? I never get any immigrants and when I spawn some in or free slaves they just run away. I have capacity for everything in my city and specially designated cut stone houses and even free chambers in case they want them. I brine cantors with money and alcohol and no work yet they all just run away.

              • 1 year ago

                No clue. Check the statistics of the race and what is currently making them unhappy, if anything. You might've settled

                Cantors are very hard to please and so you must be ready to fulfill their needs as soon as they arrive. That means providing them with access to high-tier services they require to be happy, as well as goods for themselves and their

          • 1 year ago

            All races have different likes, dislikes, and levels of skill regarding certain jobs, but it's perfectly possible to make one-race city playthroughs.

            I think the only race you couldn't do a xenophobic one-race city out of is the Argonosh, on the virtue of being giant, sapient spiders, a-la Ungoliant and Shelob from LoTR, which makes them suck at and hate practically every task except for soldiery (training at the training grounds), policing (looking-for, catching and punishing criminals), and enslaving (braking people into becoming slaves) jobs,
            It's possible to do it with Cantors, but extremely hard because despite excelling at most jobs they're extremely demanding, and they're not very numerous.
            Neither Cantors nor Argonosh are available to be chosen as your starting race at the start of a new game because of this, but this can be modded.
            Every race besides these two is able to perform all jobs with sufficient skill to warrant a one-race-city playthrough. They won't like all of their jobs, but Job Fulfillment is just a portion of what makes a citizen happy and you can overcome the maluses by giving them other benefits.

            • 1 year ago

              >There's actually benefits to excluding some races, right?
              Yes. As with almost everything in the game Races have particular likes and dislikes regarding other races. Being in the city.

              >Cantor Giants absolutely abhor Humans and Garthimis (Bug People).
              >Argonosh absolutely abhor Dondorians (Tall Dwarves) and Tilapis (Bosmer Elves)
              >Dondorians dislike Tilapis and hate Garthimis.
              >Tilapis dislike Dondorians and hate Garthimis.
              >Garthimis hate Dondorians but are ok with Tilapis for some reason.
              >Neither Humans nor Cretonians (Vegetarian Pig People) have issues with any other race.

              It's perfectly viable to make a city including every race, or excluding all but one race (except probably Argonosh). You'd just have to be very careful at managing citizens' happiness and their job productivity.

              Is there some sort of "race policy" I can implement in the game like Distant Worlds and Stellaris or would I have to micro removing kebab?

              • 1 year ago
              • 1 year ago

                You don't have to micro. You can set policies to exterminate, banish, or enslave kebab

    • 1 year ago

      Feel like it’s pretty self explanatory. Might need a few starts if you want a really large and nice city.

      Some tips: always keep enough money around for mercenaries and maybe play with dev mode on. Sometimes you get a really aesthetic map to build on but there’s no water your citizens can cross, not enough stone and so on. but that’s only relevant when you really want to plan a city and get sweaty. The main difference to other city builders is scope and placing/building buildings. When you click on a workshop you essentially get the walls of a building and then place the components of a workshop. You should aim for 100% efficiency and no yellow spots, but the increased maintenance really isn‘t noticeable at all with most buildings.
      Starting out you need a hunter, storage, janitor, husbandry pasture, furniture workshop, janitor, wood cutter, houses for your people, a well, a speaker, then a lavatory, fields, clay mine and eatery.
      And I usually also redesign the throne building you start out with at this point. A research lab is really important and I‘d make that as large and meta homosexual as possible. But remember the more you build the more your people will want. A constant and varied food supply is essential and taverns are one of the easiest ways you can keep your people happy although brewing is extremely resource intensive in the current build.

      Try to enslave only the insect people and make them work in the mines. No one will object and you usually get a penalty for enslaving the same species as citizen pops early on.

      Have at most one or two buildings queued up. It’s okay to have more but keep them in one place otherwise the game will go to speed one or pause to avoid lag afaik. The citizen ai is pretty good but house range is a bit bullshit. People usually want their houses close to their work, as in, right next to their work so take that into account. Homelessness is almost as bad as no food.

      • 1 year ago

        Is the AI smart enough to house people next to their jobs?
        If I have a crafting quarter, farmsteads, and fishing village all with their own housing am I gonna have to micro and check to make sure the people living in that house are the nearby workers?
        I remember this being a problem with one of the Tropico games. Build an apartment complex next to my mines and the fricking farmer who works on the other side of the island is living in it.

        • 1 year ago

          >Is the AI smart enough to house people next to their jobs?
          It seems to be competent enough from my experience, but if it isn't the game has the tools to vacate housing and relocate pops to other locales.

  21. 1 year ago

    I think I solved this game for a human / dwarf playthrough.

    Broad strokes step by step:

    Start out and focus 75% of your population on grain and baking. You will also need one furniture crafter to create bakeries.

    Create an exporter and if you have any opiates export all of them.
    >> a small trickle of currency to import shit like clay. You only need small amounts of clay to set up eateries. DO NOT MINE FOR CLAY. waste of effort that could be spent on bread.

    Continue to expand access to rations in relation to how much grain and bread you have. This will increase happiness and many immigrants will flock.

    Absolutely imperative that you keep your people fed. If you see your bread is dropping faster then you can keep up, lower ration access until you are net positive on production of bread again.

    Eventually you will have 4/4 rations to your people. At this point you have hit the first milestone and can no longer expand food access to increase immigration, so we need to do it other ways.
    >> roughly 750 pop of humans for me at this point

    Build laboratories and focus research on baking and grain. Every % point helps a shit ton and free's people from the endless bread lines and allows you to open new industries.

    If raiders hit your settlement, just pay them.

    >> Create shit tons of food
    >> Spend research on bread and grain to decrease the % of population that has to focus on bread
    iron and upgrade labs, and bakeries to further decrease % of pop making food
    >> as workers become available, start new industries. Jack of all trades is dumb, focus on getting massive industries so that any research spent effects a lot of your population

    Source: dude trust me and see my city.

  22. 1 year ago

    Forgot to mention I am at 5k pop or so in this pic

  23. 1 year ago

    Also in year Age 1 year 54

  24. 1 year ago

    Does this game suffer from the 'need to constantly expand' syndrome? Where you need to expand your city in order to meet the demands of your expanding city?

    • 1 year ago

      Somewhat. At least until you actually have a city. The problem is that every building requires people and some really do require a lot, not to an unrealistic degree, but every dozen or so people noticeably take up capacity in/from your city institutions. After two hundred or so more people, a significant amount of citizens, you might have to build two new lavatories, a new bath, a new doctor and so on and that compounds eventually.
      I'd say this could be solved with a more expensive research and administrative system, maybe even some palatial structures for the latter. Currently laboratories only let you improve resource extraction and refinement, but not at all public buildings. Building something out of stone or wood or cut stone, making it a certain size only has linear growth with what production or service items you place inside a building, while real growth is not linear. I wouldn't say it's starkly exponential, at least not until 7k or so, which is rather large in Songs of Syx. The main impasse is city size in relation to citizen path finding and house/institution allotment and distribution. You end up very mechanically building your city because of the necessarily so extremely simplified citizen ai instruction. You end up with Barcelona like blocs if you want to meta game or build a very large city with play room.
      This sounds very dire but it's not really noticeable. It's very well integrated into the gameplay loop. You can build normal cities but some of the pop demands eventually get frustrating.

      It's very difficult to play this like a feudal lord. You either play as a socialist king, commune or a military dictator.

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