Sonic 3&K is the only good one.

>Play Sonic Origins.
>Sonic 1, CD, and 2 are shit.
>3 and K is the only good.
>I say this despite CD being my personal favorite.
Classic Sonic was never good. Jesus Chris the last 4 zones of Sonic 2 are the worst thing I've ever played. CD is carried by its presentation and Sonic 1 sucks. This series was never good.

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  1. 2 years ago

    stopped reading there

  2. 2 years ago

    S3K is the best because it has the best level design.
    And also the best music.
    And best special stages.
    And best art style.
    And best Sonic sprite.

    • 2 years ago

      >And best art style.
      >And best Sonic sprite.
      haha frick no

    • 2 years ago

      I never liked Sonic 3's sonic sprite, it screams mr needlemouse than sonic to me for some reason. I always loved Sonic 2's sonic. It's bold and cool

  3. 2 years ago

    >Classic Sonic was never good.
    >This series was never good.
    I'm sure I've seen this exact thread about 3 or 4 times today, and the answer still remains the same:
    You sucking at a game =/= The game sucking

    • 2 years ago

      Sonic 3 and K being a good game is a literal fluke. Replaying these 4 games has me genuinely confused as to what I like about this series.

  4. 2 years ago

    Explain why Sonic 1 is a bad game in a way that doesn't boil down to "I got filtered and am moronic."

    • 2 years ago

      Considering the platforming relies on momentum and Sonic 1 does nothing but do everything to break your momentum the games feels like its being played underwater sometimes. Doubly so when are you in labyrinth zone.

      • 2 years ago

        Of course it's going to try and break your fricking momentum, it's a platforming video game and it has obstacles. Your job is to maintain your momentum in spite of this. That's the challenge, and you can keep your momentum very well by getting better at the game, even in labyrinth zone. That's largely what the game is designed around.

        • 2 years ago

          Except Sonic 2 does it much better. For a first time its fine, but it kinda sucks. Its not as immediately satisfying to play as its sequels or its contemporaries.

          • 2 years ago

            I can sort of understand that, but 1 is also more satisfying to replay.

            • 2 years ago

              I mean it was a smoother play-through for me than Sonic 2, but that was more because the final 4 zones of Sonic 2 are awful.

        • 2 years ago

          Seriously stop you dumbass
          The only zones when you can keep momentum are green hill and starlight.... The rest is fricking molasses
          Sonic 1 is pretty mediocre by today standards.....
          2 and CD are better
          3K and Mania are the best of the series

          • 2 years ago

            >The only zones when you can keep momentum are green hill and starlight.... The rest is fricking molasses
            Spring Yard also.

      • 2 years ago

        >platforming? in my platformer?!

  5. 2 years ago

    Conversely the last 4 zones of S3&K are kino incarnate
    >Lava Reef
    >Hidden Palace
    >Sky Sanctuary
    >Death Egg
    Also frick you scrap brain, metropolis and metallic madness are all timeless.

  6. 2 years ago

    Sonic was meh, Sonic 2 was good, Sonic 3&K was amazing. I think most people would agree that S2 and S3&K are the best 2D Sonic games. I'm always dumbstruck about people being absolutely in love with Sonic CD and Chaotix. I found both games to be clunky, slow and well - kinda shit compared to the rest of them. I'd unironically rather play the GameGear games or that NeoGeo Pocket Color one.

    • 2 years ago

      CD is pretty, but is either
      a: piss easy if you just run to the end, but never really lets you get into any kind of flow because lol time travel
      b: kind of entirely obnoxious looking for the generators, especially since getting to the past usually requires a specific area to bounce back and forth in since again, the game deliberately breaks any kind of flow
      most of the bosses suck too

      Chaotix is also super pretty, but the game is like 70% finished if I'm being generous.
      They copy/pasted levels like mad so they'd have SOMETHING to release, and every character gets a wallclimb or something entirely so you can actually beat the unfinished levels.
      The into-the-screen bonus stages in each level are visibly entirely pointless and you can tell that they didn't actually finish fleshing out the idea of what you were supposed to do in them.
      The end of act special stages are REALLY fricking cool though. They spent a fricking ton of time on them, and it shows.
      Also, apart from the special stages, the game is EXTREMELY easy and some stages have like less than 10 enemies.

      the rubberband is a bad idea that massively hurt the final product because they clearly didn't know what to really do with it
      but god damn it, it's fun to frick around with, and if you're really good, you can do crazy mid-air grab bullshit, it's great

      at least the music in Chaotix is 11/10 "best out of all the classic games, period"

      • 2 years ago

        CD bored me to tears, it was what morons that say “Sonic makes you stop too much” wanted to a tee and it is trash. Hold right and occasionally jump and you win. The music is also the worst dated piece of shit ever, you know it’s bad when you can not only guess the decade but the exact year it was released. Sonic spinning horizontally when he bounces off a spring pad, his moronic exaggerated lemniscate shoe animations while running and the tedious past/future animations make it a sore to look at and a chore to play. It’s one of the few games that’s so bad it’s good, I couldn’t believe how shit it was and played it to completion only for the cringe kino.

        • 2 years ago

          You have terminal shit taste

        • 2 years ago

          You know, the exact reasons you listed are precisely what I like about it. It's a game with a different objective than the other 3 for rewarding you that "prettiness" for going out of your way to make good futures. You're encouraged to explore the zones with no limitations after, that's why they remove the enemies when you do so. But you're never forced to do that. It's gimmicky but I like that it gives you a purpose other than just running through the zones.

          • 2 years ago

            If that’s what you like why even play Sonic games for that? There are so many other genres that do that much better. It’s like playing Zelda for the puzzles

    • 2 years ago

      2 is too frickin mindless and easy
      Even for a classic sonic game
      So i cant call it good

  7. 2 years ago

    Don't give a shit. I'd bash your skull in if I had the chance. Still gonna play the classic games, stay mad.

    • 2 years ago

      >I'd bash your skull in if I had the chance
      Dude, you're into Sonic - you could be built like a rock, but realistically we're all imagining you as a CWC-level moron. Just saying.

    • 2 years ago

      >Still gonna play the classic games.
      You mean you are just gonna play S3&K and Mania. The only two good classic Sonic games. Maybe you'll play the Advance series once in a blue moon.

    • 2 years ago

      >classic games
      somebody should tell him

    • 2 years ago


  8. 2 years ago

    1, CD, and 2 are shit.
    >>3 and K is the only good.
    That's pretty dumb, Sonics 1, 2, and CD are the ones I like, with 3&K being the one I don't like that much

  9. 2 years ago

    I could replay sonic 2 until the end of time tbh. Perfect game

  10. 2 years ago

    Sonic CD was shit, Sonic 3&K had only 1 bad level (Marble Garden), Sonic 2 had only 2 bad levels (Hill Top and Metropolis) and Sonic 1 had only 1 bad level (Spring Yard). Even the shit levels were great (with the exception of CD which just sucks absolute ass), your taste is horrendous.

    • 2 years ago

      Why are so many people hating on Hill Top? Seems to be a pretty chill level, with not many annoying obstacles and the music is pretty funky. Is it because it reuses EHZ tiles or something?
      The game has several zones that are definitely worse.

      • 2 years ago

        Hill Top is a bad level to me because of how bland it is (like Metropolis). It could just he personal taste but so much of the level seems like it is copy and pasted over and over, especially when you play it 10+ times. I’ve probably beaten Sonic 2 20-30 times and Hill Top/Metropolis are the two zones I always dread when I get too.

    • 2 years ago

      >Sonic 2
      >Only 2 bad zones
      Homie did you even play Sky Chase, Wing Fortress, or Death Egg Zone?

      • 2 years ago

        >Sky Chase
        Absolute kino, you’ll never convince me otherwise.
        >Wing Fortress
        Terrible example, it is probably the most memorable level in Sonic 2 outside of Casino Night, enemies are great, the obstacles are high tension (platforms where you fall to your death) and a cool boss to boot.
        >Death Egg
        As a level I can see your point but as an experience it is decent. It’s meant to be a final boss zone and not a classic level

        Setting/Music/Tension are everything, and the final 3 levels execute these perfectly.

    • 2 years ago

      Sky Chase, Oil Ocean and Wing Fortress are infinitely worse than Hill Top
      Marble, Labyrinth and Scrap Brain are infinitely worse than Spring Yard as well
      what the frick are you smoking

  11. 2 years ago

    Origins is a god awful port.
    Sound balances are off
    Sonic 3' music quality is really low and sounds compressed as frick
    Replacement tracks aren't based off of the superior beta version but instead the fricking PC midis
    Something is off about the jump height of Sonic as certain specific jumps can't be reached.
    Game can't keep up with top speed
    Tails' AI is fricked in 2 and 3
    CD's end credits are messed up as the cutscenes are sped up for some reason.

    Although I'm suprised they got the vocal tracks for CD back after they were left out of the initial PC port.

  12. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I can't believe, Sonic the Hedgehog, is fricking dead...

  13. 2 years ago

    Recommend me some Sonic fan games.

    • 2 years ago

      Before the Sequel and After the Sequel are the two best ones I can think of off the top of my head. Those are really the only two complete fan games the rest are mostly tech demos.

  14. 2 years ago

    You're just having a bad day anon. It'll be ok.

  15. 2 years ago

    Nah 2 is good too. Except for Metropolis Zone.

    • 2 years ago

      metropolis is fun if you aren't a shitter.

      • 2 years ago
        • 2 years ago

          I've always thought the hitboxes were bullshit on them. Now I know it's fact.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, they're hard to dodge, that's why it's fun. Perfectly avoiding these bastards in the tight metropolis corridors is both a test of your skills and one hell of an adrenaline rush.

      • 2 years ago

        It’s too bland and Act 3 is gratingly long. The only fun part is those piece of shit crab enemies who despite being absolute wienersuckers to get past are always a welcome sight in a forest of bland machinery platforms and background.

  16. 2 years ago

    Special stages were a mistake and I'm glad they don't do those anymore.

  17. 2 years ago

    i agree still love 3k and cd thou

  18. 2 years ago

    I like them all and find them to be fun games.

  19. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      Is this suppose to look bad? You literally got crush between the ceiling and moving platform

      • 2 years ago

        Imagine being a game designer and designing that death and thinking "Yes, this will improve the game and make it more fun. Im sure the players will love jumping on a platform to progress only for the platform to insta kill them moments later"

    • 2 years ago

      Sonic 2 after the casino stage is the worst early sonic game, but Sonic 1 is an all around pleb filter of the finest kind and I honestly judge people based on what they think of it.

      Out of all the stupid shit in that stage and you picked that, this might be the only one besides barrel where I got stuck as a kid and it was not because of this

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