

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

Black Rifle Cuck Company, Conservative Humor Shirt $21.68

Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    >Ash loses to Leon through a trivial, almost rookie mistake her overthought
    >Decides to back to basics
    I can see it now

  3. 2 years ago


  4. 2 years ago

    >be you
    >10 year old
    >really want to be great trainer like your hero, Steven, champion of the Hoenn region!
    >in order to do that, you take the first step, enrolling in a Pokemon Trainer school!
    >first day of class
    >teacher asks the class "Do you know what element beats fire types? Water or Grass?"
    >excited student at the back of the class raises his hand
    >upon closer inspection, no fricking way, it's the runner up in the World Coronation Series
    >Second Strongest trainer in the entire world
    >The Dark Horse of Kanto
    >the Alolan Champion
    >Ash fricking Ketchum
    >tfw he answers wrong
    Sounds comfy, can't wait

  5. 2 years ago

    i hope is real

  6. 2 years ago

    God Ash is so fricking ugly

    • 2 years ago

      I hate the way he looks and I HATE his english VA. Subbed makes it a little more bearable.

      • 2 years ago

        Ash's English VA has been bad for the past decade or so years now: Natochenny is still living in the shadow of Taylor, her predecessor.

        At first she tried to imitate Taylor, that didn't work, then she tried to imitate Rica with the gruff but made it unclear and raspy, now it's an elementary school girl or gruff grown woman voice depending on the inflection.

        Goddamn, when something out of 4Kids was better, TPCi just doesn't do this show justice (even if it is a kids' cartoon, the English VA who was on the dub for only 8 years did better than the last 16).

  7. 2 years ago

    My guess is that he will lose the tournament at the very end to Leon, but the battle itself is a spectacle.

    The next series will go back to basics as Ash just travels through whatever the next region is with a dedicated group of companions.

    • 2 years ago

      >My guess is that he will lose the tournament at the very end to Leon, but the battle itself is a spectacle.
      He is going to win, anon. This is the swan song for Ash.

    • 2 years ago

      >The next series will go back to basics as Ash just travels through whatever the next region is with a dedicated group of companions.
      Win or lose just cements himself as the second or first strongest trainer in the world. I don't see what possible conclusion there can be fore him after this that isn't a full reboot or just straight up moronic

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly. If Ash stays, it is either a true continuity reboot or a soft reboot like BW.

        • 2 years ago

          >soft reboot
          I've never understood how BW was a soft reboot. Doesn't it literally open up to his trophies and shit from previous gens? And it was even the end of Charizard's character arc. And if it was SUPPOSED to be a reboot they fricked it up pretty bad by now since he's been all over and remet almost all of his past traveling companions

          • 2 years ago

            BW at first was a soft reboot. They rebooted Ash's skill level and personality. However, they backtracked on that in the second half which is why you get stuff like Dawn's return, Charizard and OS flashbacks, and more focus on gen 1-4 Pokemon.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ash's skill level
              here is a screenshot I personally took from the very first episode of BW
              >diploma for participating in pokemon camp in Sinnoh
              >teddiursa from May
              >Soothe Bells from that tournament he won with Paul
              >Focus Band from the Stonecutter in Johto
              >Twinleaf Tournament Trophy
              Funny enough, the only region he doesn't have proof of going through at this point is Kanto itself. I don't know everyone interprets this as a soft reboot, it was just a bad gen season of the anime. Unless there's a statement from a director or something, I think people are looking too far into things

              • 2 years ago

                KANTRANNIES BTFO

              • 2 years ago

                >I don't know everyone interprets this as a soft reboot,
                Because it was a soft reboot. All a soft reboot is a reset within the same continuity. They reset Ash's personality and skill level, while still maintaining it was a "continuation" of prior series.

              • 2 years ago

                Genuinely baffled at this. So, it's a soft reboot because they reset his skill level, despite the fact they gave him all the accomplishments of the past seasons including placing very high in 4 other leagues, which would maintain his high skill.
                So, this is a special kind of reboot that makes everything on screen that's happened before the same, and maintaining the same character, and inarguably the same general skill because the two characters have the EXACT same accomplishments. By this logic EVERY generation is a soft reboot.
                Do you think maybe it's not a reboot and they just fumbled a gen and made him look like shit?

              • 2 years ago

                They never acknowledged the achievements in BW. The trophies were a glorified easter egg. This isn't complex, they reset Ash's personality and skill level to sort of mimic the first series since GF original plans for gen 5 was to be a reboot of the series, so the anime was trying to reflect that. They backtracked on it because the poor reception gen 5 dex got. Hence why the second half of BW has far more continuity moments (Dawn, Zard etc.).

              • 2 years ago

                >all the blatant trophies don't count, this was all a complex plan to reset the anime that they dropped. They just never talked about it even once and didn't allude to it and still kept Ash's Pikachu knowing extremely strong moves he knew immediately before and on the plane Oak references Ash going to Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, and he's already acquainted with team rocket and while talking to Trip specifically referencing the first episode implying he's already gone on at least one journey
                >how do I know? Because it's obvious
                Alright I'm just gonna assume you're fricking moronic. Especially because none of your posts even make sense with each other. So they're all supposed to be within the same continuity and work as a continuation but also all references to the past are easter eggs.

              • 2 years ago

                Genuinely baffled at this. So, it's a soft reboot because they reset his skill level, despite the fact they gave him all the accomplishments of the past seasons including placing very high in 4 other leagues, which would maintain his high skill.
                So, this is a special kind of reboot that makes everything on screen that's happened before the same, and maintaining the same character, and inarguably the same general skill because the two characters have the EXACT same accomplishments. By this logic EVERY generation is a soft reboot.
                Do you think maybe it's not a reboot and they just fumbled a gen and made him look like shit?

                And this also doesn't make any fricking sense with the second part of your comment
                >However, they backtracked on that in the second half which is why you get stuff like Dawn's return, Charizard and OS flashbacks, and more focus on gen 1-4 Pokemon.
                If it wasn't a hard reboot and was always supposed to maintain the exact same character just with different skill and personality, then why would introducing past characters make it a backtrack?

    • 2 years ago

      Goh is taking over as the main protagonist.

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