>soul is not real it's just nostal-

>soul is not real it's just nostal-

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 2 weeks ago

    Left looks better
    Right has too many things, it all blends together, it's hard to pin point details

    • 2 weeks ago

      What’s the game in the left

    • 2 weeks ago

      First post best post.

    • 2 weeks ago

      both look like shit you blind animal

      • 2 weeks ago

        >t. meat industry worker

    • 2 weeks ago

      >too many things
      Trying hard to justify your contrarian opinion lmao

    • 2 weeks ago

      First post best post.

      holy falseflag batman

    • 2 weeks ago

      Yeah, if you are mentally handicapped.
      You can clearly see everything of interest in the right pic.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    The one on the left is unironically better.
    >house not hanging off the ledge
    >actual free space for activities, even has a little garden

  3. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      I made picrel in PolishedMap for my PokeCrystal decomp hack, based on the left. Maybe one day I'll go back and finish that hack but honestly writing scenario triggers in decomp is fricking pain and the romhack scene is too flooded with similar 'vanilla+' remakes.

      • 2 weeks ago

        And here's Violet City

      • 2 weeks ago

        And here's Violet City

        oh that's kinda neat

        • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      I'd love to play a 2D pokemon game that has the art style on the left. I think it looks neat.

      This too

    • 2 weeks ago


      I made picrel in PolishedMap for my PokeCrystal decomp hack, based on the left. Maybe one day I'll go back and finish that hack but honestly writing scenario triggers in decomp is fricking pain and the romhack scene is too flooded with similar 'vanilla+' remakes.

      And here's Violet City


    • 2 weeks ago

      >how you think it looked
      >how it actually looked

  4. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      why doesn't modern pixelshit games mimic this instead instead of looking like dated shit?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because by the time your art skills are good enough to make this, you can make much better looking stuff in true digital 2D, and there are no systems designed around hi-fi sprite artwork anymore like the arcade days.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >and there are no systems designed around hi-fi sprite artwork anymore like the arcade days.
          What do you mean? Can't you just use larger resolutions for sprites?

          • 2 weeks ago

            I mean there is no hardware designed only to run sprite animation. GPUs have obsoleted sprite artwork for decades now; any system that can run high res image processing can run 3D and 2D digital animation of various formats so there's no incentive to learn time-intensive sprite animation as opposed to just doing regular 2D animation.

            • 2 weeks ago

              >sprite animation as opposed to just doing regular 2D animation
              Wait, by 2D animation you mean stuff like skeletal animation and tweening?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes. Of course it's all pretty mixed in with 3D animation software these days

              • 2 weeks ago

                Kinda brainstormed about making a game with some drawn animations...

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because you only care about popular games.

        • 2 weeks ago

          great game
          for my wife Pirotess uoooooo

        • 2 weeks ago

          Looks like shit

          • 2 weeks ago

            It's fine, it's fine, you already fit in, no need to try so hard.

            very rare for one screenshot gets me to buy a game. grats anon.

            Wait until you see it in motion. There's a lot of animations that the game didn't "need", but were made anyway. Unnecessary details like that are pure soul.

        • 2 weeks ago

          very rare for one screenshot gets me to buy a game. grats anon.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Never seen this game before, reminded me of the GBA/DS Castlevanias, gonna buy it.

            Check out Touhou Luna Nights and Synchronicity Prologue (the latter is a free SMT fangame that Atlus officially published recently). Same dev, god tier spritework and all of them are 2D sidescroller castlevania type games.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Is this team ladybug? Luna nights was pretty good

        • 2 weeks ago

          Never seen this game before, reminded me of the GBA/DS Castlevanias, gonna buy it.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Because the average pixelshit game these days is made by 1-2 people with no budget. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to make a pixel game that looks as good as that or Metal Slug or whatever, but by the time I'm done it might be a decade or more later.

        • 2 weeks ago

          This. I don't think people realize the Capcom and Konami artists that were making godlike pixel art on the hi-res arcade machines or PS1 were classically trained professional artists who were only doing vidya because it was a boom industry at the time (and the Japanese illustration/animation industry in general is/was cracked as all hell). Making something of that quality today would be virtually impossible because the artists for it just don't exist in most countries thanks to CalArts and etc., and the people that CAN do it can make much better money selling commission or working on crowdfunded self-directed projects.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Even the great pixel artists you find online are so fricking expensive to hire that your average indie dev will not be able to hire him. Which is depressing, because most of those don't ever (get to) work on games.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Static pixel art isn't the same thing as animated game assets, though. If you're just going to handpaint everything individually there's no point to even using a pixel/sprite style, your game will look better to non-morons in a regular style at that point. The magic in sprite art is in playing around memory/resource limitations by smartly reusing assets and minimizing the number of unnecessary sprites.
              Like look at those hyperdetailed pokemon redraws, the artists mostly understand they need to reuse tiling assets so it still looks like videogame software but then they forget it and go overboard in some places and the artstyle breaks down. It doesn't actually look like retro game assets; it may as well just be static hand drawn art.

              • 2 weeks ago

                There are pixel games, even retro ones, that break the mold and make their environments look very natural. Your mileage may vary when it gets so detailed that it might as well be handpainted but I appreciate the love for the craft all the same.

                Me personally, I find it fun to actually try and use the same limitations as the hardware whose artstyle I'm imitating. I find it easier than not using any limitations at all, and I learn a lot of cool things about old console hardware

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Me personally, I find it fun to actually try and use the same limitations as the hardware whose artstyle I'm imitating. I find it easier than not using any limitations at all, and I learn a lot of cool things about old console hardware
                Yeah I'm in the same camp about this. If I'm going to go big and just make a map or whatever organically I'd rather just do it in 3D and hand model everything and then slap a visual filter on it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      is there anything stopping this from being a playable game apart from it being a lot of work to do?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nintendo's legal team.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Nintendo enslaves people

          I mean a pixel art game thats that detailed, seems like modern pixel art games are the bravely default style or atari-tier garbage instead of overhead pixel art thats as detailed as that image

          • 2 weeks ago

            Good pixel art games take too long to make, require a ton of skill, and sell like shit

            You're better off making some lazy sloppy shit like Sea of Stars

          • 2 weeks ago

            Those artist are stuck at making blasphemous

          • 2 weeks ago

            Yes, it's a huge deal of effort to not only create enough art for a full game, but to animate it as well.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nintendo enslaves people

  5. 2 weeks ago

    Right is what an ai would made if you prompt it to do the left
    It has zero respect for the original just more detail, why not Keep the waterfall as wide as it originally was? Why not Keep the placement the same? Why is shit round?

  6. 2 weeks ago

    the one on the right has so much soul over the the others

  7. 2 weeks ago

    literally no one claims this but moronic Black folk.

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >watching a video about Pokemon battle animation
    >only had lazy static sprites or rixel deformation up until gen 6
    >then they made the ~700 models and a couple bland animations for them each in the 3D games
    >guy who made the video keeps going on and on how this was a HUGE investment for Pokemon and how it's totally justified for them to take so long to do it and do nothing but reuse it for 4 gens after that with zero reworks or expansions because making ~700 3D models and a couple animations for them is just SO much work and money for the most profitable franchise in existence that sold 200M+ copies of just the mainline games alone by that point and how we should be grateful that they bothered to grace us with generic bobbing animations of bland lifeless models at all

    >meanwhile the literal first ever Yu-Gi-Oh game had 3D models and 3-4 animations for each of its 650 monsters in 1999 before the card game was even out or had finalized rules

    Soul was always about effort but most people are slop enjoyers and never even knew what it looked like

    • 2 weeks ago

      GameFreak/TPCI/Creatures Inc are the laziest and most talentless homosexuals ever known to man and the success of their games is entirely down to great gimmicks and one great artist. They couldn't even competently code their own games when they got started on Gen I.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >then they made the ~700 models and a couple bland animations for them each in the 3D games
      It's not a handful, it's literally about 7 or so by default (battle enter, battle idle, idle break, physical attack, special attack, hurt, faint) with certain Pokemon getting more depending on their status, and then another set of 4 for ("relaxed" idle, eating, happy, sad).
      That's 11 (one again, AT BASELINE, given some mons had more than one attack animation for physical/special moves, or had a unique "sleeping" or "high five" animation in amie) multiplied by the 700+ models they had to get ready. No matter what you think of GF/Creatures, if you think this wasn't a massive undertaking you're an absolute fricking moron who doesn't understand shit about workflow in general, let alone game development

      • 2 weeks ago

        And I'm telling you Konami did about as much work for the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh game before Yu-Gi-Oh was even a big TCG hit, have some standards

        • 2 weeks ago

          >about as much
          650x4 (a highball estimate, based on your wording) is literally less than half of 700x11 (a lowball estimate) you fricking moron.

          Game Freak didn't make any of those animations, they contracted a 3rd party to make them and then reused them for years.
          Pokemon is the largest entertainment IP in the world by a large margin, making billions of dollars off of children and battered housewife consoomers every year.
          Grow some fricking standards.

          >Game Freak didn't make any of those animations, they contracted a 3rd party to make them and then reused them for years.
          Creatures isn't a contracted third party, they have a literal stake in the franchise. Also, not only to the two companies have staff overlap during the development of new mainline entries, but their revealed 3D model workflow shows that the sculpting, rigging, and animation of a Pokemon requires them to literally bounce back and forth from GF artists, programmers, and other staff in order to make communication as smooth as possible, meaning GF staff are incalculably integral to the process EVEN IF the previous point wasn't true. Once again, you don't understand workflow.
          Also, XY sucked ass. I'm just shooting down your blatant ignorance of industry practices.

          • 2 weeks ago

            >650x4 (a highball estimate, based on your wording) is literally less than half of 700x11 (a lowball estimate) you fricking moron.
            You don't know how to count animations, using your moronic fragmented method Forbidden Memories also has ~10 animations for each monster

      • 2 weeks ago

        Game Freak didn't make any of those animations, they contracted a 3rd party to make them and then reused them for years.
        Pokemon is the largest entertainment IP in the world by a large margin, making billions of dollars off of children and battered housewife consoomers every year.
        Grow some fricking standards.

      • 2 weeks ago

        If it's so much work, then how did 3rd parties do it easily for Pokemon Stadium and Colosseum? If it's so much work, then how come literally every other monster collecting series does it easily? How come this problem is unique to literally the most profitable IP in existence?

        They just don't give a frick and they know it'll sell if they shit out the laziest garbage on the planet, so there's no reason for them to actually put any care or effort in.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >If it's so much work, then how did 3rd parties do it easily for Pokemon Stadium and Colosseum?
          Simple, Pokemon in those games objectively had less animations than the ones in the modern 3D series. Kabutops having a cool Mega Kick animation in Stadium 1 doesn't change the fact that it didn't have a walk or run animation or any animation pertaining to how it'd act outside of a battle. This isn't a slight against it obviously, it's a battle sim so it didn't need to, but it doesn't work for the sake of your argument. Also, not only did they not have to model 700 or so things all at once for the sake of a single project, but the original Japanese Stadium release didn't even support the entire Kanto dex, showing that they were either struggling to do, incapable of doing, or even just opted not do do even a fraction of that GF and Creatures would have to for gen 6.

          >650x4 (a highball estimate, based on your wording) is literally less than half of 700x11 (a lowball estimate) you fricking moron.
          You don't know how to count animations, using your moronic fragmented method Forbidden Memories also has ~10 animations for each monster

          Do the monsters in Fragmented Memories have walking, running, and out-of-combat interaction animations? If you'd be so kind as to lay them out I'd be happy to revise the numbers. As it stands, it sure seems like you're going "nuh uh!!!!" to a hard number that blows your shitty fricking argument out of the water

          • 2 weeks ago

            Was Yu-Gi-Oh a $100B IP when the game was made? It wasn't

            • 2 weeks ago

              >Wow Konami did what Pokemon struggles to do over a decade prior!!!
              >"They objectively did not"

              >it's physically impossible to make more animations once you reach a certain arbitrary number despite having infinite money
              stop posting

              >argument that I quite literally did not make
              Are Yu-Gi-Oh fans all moronic or is it just you lot?

              >Also, not only did they not have to model 700 or so things all at once for the sake of a single project
              This argument only works if it's the FIRST transition to using 3D models. But after doing it for several games and over a decade, it's no longer a good excuse. They've had years to make the animations less garbage and to improve the models, but they're just reusing the same ones. It's inarguably because of laziness.

              You can say it's a lot of work, and that's true, but they're also literally working on the single most profitable IP in existence. They're guaranteed to sell millions of units no matter what they do. So they have no reason to try. If any other company was in charge of making the games they would be better, though. Just look at any of their attempts at making a game that's not Pokemon.

              Again, other monster collecting games with a fraction of the budget and success don't run into this issue and then have people defending their bullshit on the internet. It's okay to have standards and demand more from the most successful franchise that has ever existed.

              >But after doing it for several games and over a decade, it's no longer a good excuse. They've had years to make the animations less garbage and to improve the models, but they're just reusing the same ones. It's inarguably because of laziness.
              You do realize that in both Legends Arceus and SV plenty of Pokemon, specifically many of those maligned for having bad idles, got new/revised ones? Lucario, Gardevoir, Gothitelle, Leavanny, Heracross, Mienshao, etc. etc. Not only that, but many also got new sets of battle anims for new contexts. Pokemon that can both fly and stand were largely given animations for both (i.e, Hawlucha only had animations for standing in battle but it now has a flying set, Gliscor only had animations for flying in battle but it now has a standing set, Vaporeon only had animations for standing in battle but it now has a SWIMMING set, etc.). Also, on top of all of that, every Pokemon was given a new "hurt" animation that plays in different contexts! One for "light" attacks, one for "heavy" attacks! this is obvious when you use Earthquake on a mon, in which they'll play the light hurt anim twice and then the heavy hurt anim once at the end, in time with the attack.
              TL;DR, eat shit you clueless, bad faith arguing, chimp brained, shortbus riding, extra-chromosomal homosexual.

              • 2 weeks ago

                that I quite literally did not make
                Then you don't have an argument. Unless it is physically impossible for GameFreak to improve the quality of their product, with infinite fricking money, then they should be held to the higher standard of doing so.

              • 2 weeks ago

                My argument is that "The task Game Freak undertook was a massive one, regardless of what you think of their competency or quality of the product, and your failure to understand that tells to a complete lack of knowledge in the fields of both technical workflow and gamedev."
                I'm not making an argument to the quality of the work. I already said XY sucks, and I perfectly agree that many of the idles that came out during it's release were fricking awful, especially in comparison to the early 3D games. I'm simply saying the work ahead of them at the time was immense, so acting like it wasn't is actual moronation.

                okay dude

                Yes, that animation sucks ass. How does this pertain to my argument, again?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >"The task Game Freak undertook was a massive one, regardless of what you think of their competency or quality of the product, and your failure to understand that tells to a complete lack of knowledge in the fields of both technical workflow and gamedev."
                Nobody fricking cares, you don't get a free pass for "trying your best" when you literally make billions on billions of dollar for just breathing.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Nobody fricking cares, you don't get a free pass for "trying your best" when you literally make billions on billions of dollar for just breathing.
                Good thing I'm not arguing they should get kudos for the work. It's not the consumers job to analyze products from the lense of the people who made it, it's their job to analyze it from the perspective of someone who's spending money on it.
                This argument, however, started because someone was commenting on the statement someone made in relation to the work the DEVELOPERS did, and then numerically comparing it to work another set of DEVELOPERS did. The consumer perspective doesn't matter at all here. If nobody has to care about it, then don't, that was never the point and I never argued it as such.

                They did do it though, for a brand new IP and not one that was the most valuable IP in the history of IPs

                They did less than half of the work (unless, of course, you're willing to revise the initial number set put forth) for a brand new IP, yes.

                okay dude

                Yes, that animation sucks ass. How does this pertain to my argument?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >They did less than half of the work (unless, of course, you're willing to revise the initial number set put forth) for a brand new IP, yes.
                You revised the Pokemon number anon..

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You revised the Pokemon number anon..
                >Initial guy puts forth 700 number for models needed to be made for XY (the actual number is over 721, but I played with his ball for the sake of keeping the argument simple)
                >I add the fact that, at baseline, Pokemon had to have 11 animations made for said models.
                Thus, the 700x11 estimate that I have yet to change.

                stop posting, nobody's buying your shitgame tendie

                Good, XY sucked and the 3DS is discontinued. I hope no one's buying in this day and age.

              • 2 weeks ago

                stop posting, nobody's buying your shitgame tendie

              • 2 weeks ago

                >How does this pertain to my argument?
                It's easy for you to inflate the number of animations when you include "slightly bouncing off the ground by changing the Y axis" an animation.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's easy for you to inflate the number of animations when you include "slightly bouncing off the ground by changing the Y axis" an animation.
                Shut the frick you braindead ape. I'm discussing the animation for the Pokemon models themselves. The move animations are an entirely separate discussion altogether. If I was counting those the number I put forth would be much higher, a fact which is readily revealed by a simple google search on how many moves existed at the time of XY/Sword and Shield.

              • 2 weeks ago

                okay dude

              • 2 weeks ago

                Yes, the lack of a turning animation there is bad, and definite proof that they didn't cover their bases even when making the initial set, which then bled over to later entries.
                Good thing this, too, has since been rectified (more than likely due to mechanical shifts demanding every Pokemon be at least able to move on the overworld), and Pokemon now have turning animations! They even went out of their way to make special-case versions when necessary. e.g, Falinks specifically turns on the "axis" of the middle member, and each member has a different collision box when on the overworld to make their movement up and down sloped surfaces natural.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You're an actual moron aren't you?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Just stop responding to him, he's a typical tendie battered housewife

              • 2 weeks ago

                I just opened this thread and had to see how hilariously battered this creature's psyche is. It's truly incredible how deeply depraved tendies are.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Care to extrapolate, or are you just going spend the rest this time shouting expletives in hopes that it'll somehow make you the winner of the argument?

              • 2 weeks ago

                okay dude

              • 2 weeks ago

                okay dude

              • 2 weeks ago

                Absolutely murdered him, oh my god.

              • 2 weeks ago

                tendies will defend this by saying this move no longer even exists in the games, as though straight up deleting content is somehow an improvement

              • 2 weeks ago

                Honestly not even the worst example

              • 2 weeks ago
              • 2 weeks ago


              • 2 weeks ago

                They did do it though, for a brand new IP and not one that was the most valuable IP in the history of IPs

              • 2 weeks ago

                pokemon had since gen 6 (2013) till now (2024) to make the 3D models look good and they have yet to do so... 3D was a mistake with pokemon. They are going through what sonic has been going through forever. (except SA1 and SA2 of course)

              • 2 weeks ago

                >le you lot :*~~
                telltale sign of a midwit who think themselves smarter than they realistically are
                >captcha: GY

          • 2 weeks ago

            >it's physically impossible to make more animations once you reach a certain arbitrary number despite having infinite money
            stop posting

          • 2 weeks ago

            >Also, not only did they not have to model 700 or so things all at once for the sake of a single project
            This argument only works if it's the FIRST transition to using 3D models. But after doing it for several games and over a decade, it's no longer a good excuse. They've had years to make the animations less garbage and to improve the models, but they're just reusing the same ones. It's inarguably because of laziness.

            You can say it's a lot of work, and that's true, but they're also literally working on the single most profitable IP in existence. They're guaranteed to sell millions of units no matter what they do. So they have no reason to try. If any other company was in charge of making the games they would be better, though. Just look at any of their attempts at making a game that's not Pokemon.

            Again, other monster collecting games with a fraction of the budget and success don't run into this issue and then have people defending their bullshit on the internet. It's okay to have standards and demand more from the most successful franchise that has ever existed.

          • 2 weeks ago

            Imagine sucking company wiener as hard as this anon.

            • 2 weeks ago

              xe does it for free (0.00 USD)

      • 2 weeks ago

        If they can't handle it they should either leave the games to competent devs or slow down so they can do the work necessary. They have the money and manpower to take their time.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >only had lazy static sprites or rixel deformation up until gen 6
      Apart from all the console games which had full 3d + animations for every single pokemon starting from gen 1? Fantastic soulful animations too

    • 2 weeks ago

      The most hilarious thing is that Game Freak doesn't even make the models. Creatures does, so it makes even less sense that the models don't receive substantial updates through the years as Game Freak doesn't even have to sacrifice development time for it.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >meanwhile the literal first ever Yu-Gi-Oh game
      This wasn't the first Yugioh game though.
      >had 3D models and 3-4 animations for each of its 650 monsters
      Pokemon Stadium came out the same year, and while it didn't have over 600 monsters, it still gave all its Pokemon models and unique moves.
      >in 1999 before the card game was even out or had finalized rules
      Didn't Forbidden Memories come with promos in both regions? That alone meant the game was already out in cardboard format. Not that it mattered, since the PS1 game you posted wasn't even using them, and instead used it's own custom (TERRIBLE) rules.

      I'm a yugigay, so this blatent bullshit sends me.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    Soul is making the best out of your limitations.
    You can rarely produce soul nowadays because nobody pushes the limitations anymore except Kojima.

    • 2 weeks ago

      You can impose your own limitations, though. Most talented creatives do this through intentional stylization. A modern 2D or even 3D artist could 1:1 replicate the artstyles of classic media if they wanted to put the effort in.
      The reason modern slop is soulless is not because graphical technology allows anything and everything, it's because of the death of traditional art standards and practices.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Frick it, I'm just gonna say it. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are the only modern games with soul because the Switch is brutally limited and the devs are working the console for every iota of power than can wring from it. The games are brilliant in a way that most people just ignore, the attention to detail and variety in those games is amazing due to its technical restrictions.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Those games suck and only have like 10 enemies. Play something besides nintendo slop

      • 2 weeks ago

        "build your own fun" sandbox games are such a fricking IQ test it's not even funny. Imagine paying one of the largest entertainment companies in the world your own hard-earned money so they can mail you a set of fricking digital lincoln logs, jesus christ
        Then you're an even fricking dumber schmuck for playing around in the dirt without even having buyer's remorse to justify it.
        You are directly subsidizing Nintendo et al to not put any effort into their games and still print money.

  10. 2 weeks ago

    The left looks so much better. What game?

  11. 2 weeks ago


  12. 2 weeks ago

    >gamefreak wienerslurpers
    >Current yrar

  13. 2 weeks ago

    Right looks better. Nostalgia gays btfo

  14. 2 weeks ago

    Right looks more soulful, left is RPGMaker slop

  15. 2 weeks ago

    >it looks like shit therefore it has soul
    >t.shit eaters

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Only on a shithole of autism like this place would people actually defend the block on the left.

  17. 2 weeks ago

    right is overstylized to the point it looks uncanny

    why is everything rounded out so much? why is the house hanging off the side of the cliff? the scale's completely off that rather than a large area to the right of the house where there's telescopes or whatever there's a bridge to a tiny ass platform with a single telescope which makes it seem like that entire bridge and platform was built just for the telescope, also another part of the scale shenanigans is it looks like the well was dug 10 feet away from the river; which it's not like that isn't the case in the left image but in the right the combination of all of the aforementioned extreme stylization and rounded platforms instead of just sticking with the general shape of left really jumps out. why is the fricking chimmney round? I'm not saying it IS, but the more I look at this picture the more I wonder about if it's AI generated because while left is equally "nonsensical" if you want to be pedantic, it's clearly just from using a tileset

    • 2 weeks ago

      >right is overstylized to the point it looks uncanny
      But everything in nature has natural 90 degree angles like the left? You fricking idiot.

      • 2 weeks ago

        left is tileset so it's excusable

        it's the fricking difference between watching an old godzilla movie where it's obviously some motherfricker in a suit and you just roll with it versus shitty CGI in a multimillion dollar movie

        • 2 weeks ago

          There is nothing wrong with stylizing the design of the area for visual unity regardless of whether it's based on hardware limitations or not. This is 101 visual design shit.

          • 2 weeks ago

            yes and left by virtue of being a outcome stemming from hardware and budget limitation tileset usage allows it to work as an abstraction and represent the idea of "it's a house on a cliffside next to a waterfall and you can see something in the valley below over the edge" and the proportions are somewhat realistic (the man, the size of the door on the house, the size of the well relative to the house)

            right on the other hand; 100% yes it has higher production values, I'm arguing that point, and as a standalone I'd say yeah that's a cool little picture and all; but it conveys an extremely different feeling (exaggerated style, almost surreal caricature) than what it is supposedly "upgrading"

            left is like the frickin bayeux tapestry, they're one step above stick figures, but you can tell what's going on
            right is like you told an AI to make the bayeux tapestry in the style of a heavy metal album cover and the closer you look you're wondering why the hands look fricked up

            • 2 weeks ago

              I don't believe you even know what the game in that picture is. Shut your ass up with your overwrought psychoanalysis bullshit lmfao, you just like the left because old = good.

              • 2 weeks ago

                and you're just arguing because "old = good" is a popular standpoint on this board and you're a fricking hipster. old is not always better, right is overdesigned, overstylized and has a completely different feel than left, and I've pointed out why

  18. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      At first glance the top part of the thumbnail looked like a Family Guy shot

  19. 2 weeks ago

    is left supposed to look better?

    • 2 weeks ago

      nah right looks much better
      if they had just updated the graphics a bit and kept the tiles 1:1 it would look souless but they completely redid the whole area

      The whole point of the thread is that soul is evident in the newer art compared to the barebones ugly old one, meaning soul is not just nostalgia as zoomers often claim, and games simply had more effort put into them before

      They could put the same amount of effort into new games to make them soulful as well, but they just don't for some reason

      • 2 weeks ago

        Right is literally TOO good for this flash game-tier shit. Also there's just something inherently funny about the character on the left flipping around in their and dying violently.

      • 2 weeks ago

        lol, the "soulless" graphics had a lot more effort put into it

        • 2 weeks ago

          the soul is on the right anon

  20. 2 weeks ago

    -gia. Cause gays will say left looks better

  21. 2 weeks ago

    nah right looks much better
    if they had just updated the graphics a bit and kept the tiles 1:1 it would look souless but they completely redid the whole area

    • 2 weeks ago

      BDSP might be the worst translation of tilework into 3D ever

    • 2 weeks ago

      i remember when we made fun of lgpe looking like shit. if only we knew...

      >Me personally, I find it fun to actually try and use the same limitations as the hardware whose artstyle I'm imitating. I find it easier than not using any limitations at all, and I learn a lot of cool things about old console hardware
      Yeah I'm in the same camp about this. If I'm going to go big and just make a map or whatever organically I'd rather just do it in 3D and hand model everything and then slap a visual filter on it.

      That's fair, at that point it's way easier.

      • 2 weeks ago

        LGPE was lazy and obviously targeted at kids, but it didn't look like an unironic chink knockoff for smartphones. There was a time Nintendo would have summarily dismissed whoever headed a project that looked that fricking bad and the responsible party would have promptly and quietly committed suicide.

  22. 2 weeks ago
  23. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Good shit

  24. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      Bottom is more soulful

  25. 2 weeks ago
  26. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      you guys ever thing about how fricking giant scooby doo is

      • 2 weeks ago

        Great Danes get big.

      • 2 weeks ago

        Some dogs are fricking huge, it's not that crazy.

  27. 2 weeks ago
    • 2 weeks ago

      >mismatched tiles around the cash register and toy robot due to palette limitations
      Apex soul.

  28. 2 weeks ago

    I've been playing picrel, Dragon is Dead.
    It's Castlevania + Diablo. Ran into some bugs and shitty translation but I am loving the pixel art.
    Post more obscure pixel art goodness please lads.

  29. 2 weeks ago

    now witness some REAL 2d kino, poke autists

    • 2 weeks ago

      >damage numbers pop up individually for each party member
      God this already looks like a massive slog.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >That dungeon exploration
      What were they thinking...

      • 2 weeks ago

        >my last game didn't resemble tabletop hard enough

    • 2 weeks ago

      This is a SaGa game, yeah? Is there a specific order you should play the games in?

      • 2 weeks ago

        not really, no. the games are like final fantasy where they're unrelated from each other in terms of story, and especially in gameplay. if you're looking for a place to start, go with either romancing saga 3 or frontier 1

  30. 2 weeks ago


  31. 2 weeks ago

    bros why do games look so much worse than I remember them every single time

    I recently looked up taz wanted and that game looks like the worst ps1 games but in my head it looked like a top quality N64 game or PS2 game

    • 2 weeks ago

      Because you're a fricking idiot

  32. 2 weeks ago

    right is soulless because there are no people on the image ie nothing with a soul

  33. 2 weeks ago

    how did they build that stone arch overhanging such a sheer drop?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Galvanized steel

    • 2 weeks ago


  34. 2 weeks ago

    soul is a reddit homosexual term

  35. 2 weeks ago

    last for shit thread

  36. 2 weeks ago

    I figured out what's pissing me off, it's the different shades of gray on the stone pathway and how they're sectioned off. It reads as shading, and if it's an area where the player can walk around, it does a poor job of highlighting the walkable areas.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Wow. Such a world of difference. You must a truly great and knowledgeable artist to be able to spot minor details like and alter them to drastically improve the image!
      What an amazing sense of style!

      • 2 weeks ago

        Sorry anon, this is borderline schizo shit. You are just looking for reasons to be angry at this point.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I've contacted Nasa to make you the first on the list for an interplanetary trip to a world of rape, homosexual

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sorry anon, this is borderline schizo shit. You are just looking for reasons to be angry at this point.

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