Space Marine Chapter Generation

Alright boys, I'm bored home sick so let's do another of these.

Give me a 1d100 roll for progenitor chapter.

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Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    We'll be using these tables

    • 2 years ago

      got a table for chaos space marines?

      • 2 years ago

        There is an extension mini table for a chapter falling to chaos, but not one for rolling up a Warband descended from the OG traitors.

        • 2 years ago

          I keep hoping that dude will make one for the actual traitor legions

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe after my exams, but I'm not a big chaos guy. I'll probs make Tau sept generator first.

  2. 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    Rolled 82 (1d100)


    • 2 years ago

      >Doctrine: Overwhelming fire power.
      >Training: Shepherd Marshals

  4. 2 years ago

    Rolled 66 (1d100)

    Rolling for role of non astartes.

    • 2 years ago

      Rolled 65 (1d100)

      >Useless, we tend our forges, we steer our ships. We have servitors and neophytes for the rest.
      Rolling for SPECIAL EQUIPMENT

      • 2 years ago

        Rolled 66 (1d100)

        >Special Mount
        Any ideas on what it should be?
        Also rolling for Fleet

        • 2 years ago

          2 Battlebarges and a lot of strike and support craft

        • 2 years ago

          Some kind of giant triceratops looking motherfricker because this Chapter's shield is CONTEMPT so hard that even their mounts are mostly there just to put another layer of FRICK OFF between them, their guns, and their targets, which is seemingly everyone, loyal or otherwise.

        • 2 years ago

          Well of course blood angels people often go for bats... But how about something angelic? Hmm, and tied to ranged combat and a desert.

          Maybe pure white humanoid titans they mount artillery on?

          Like a bizzare abhuman which evolved to be giant but lost all intellect.

          • 2 years ago

            I like the idea of avian mounts, but not so much the abhuman bit. Maybe some mutated as frick version of pic related?
            >Oh child. Oh brave, stupid child.
            >Put down that knife, and come give your family one final hug before they come.
            >The old stories are very clear, the price of the Golden Lord's angels salvation is flesh of the first born.
            >When they come on bloody wings, do not run, do not fight.
            >You will need your strength to endure what comes next.

            • 2 years ago

              since these are cop marines, the avian mounts should be some bird associated with police, like an eagle or a nocturnal bird like an owl.

              • 2 years ago

                Eagles are kind of a common thing in a lot of loyalist forces, maybe something like a scaled up version of this?

              • 2 years ago

                Twin headed eagle… twin headed barn-owls?
                Sounds like we ride giant, possibly servitorized tzaangors into battle. Guess not all of them signed up for the “free mounts with a redeemed mark of eternal service to tzeentch” deal he had going on.
                Some instead became mounts themselves, in service to the empire of man! How noble.

          • 2 years ago

            I like the angels riding bigger angels motif. Could be the Ogryn meta type of their world tend to sprout wings and lose their sense of self as they mature. Sounds like it has some pulpy prison planet origin there.
            Are they both naked, or do they have matching uniforms?

          • 2 years ago


            • 2 years ago

              That, but giant and angelic not demonic. Member the movie it was nice

  5. 2 years ago

    Rolled 42 (1d100)

    Rolling to see how many artifacts they have

    • 2 years ago

      now someone give me a d100 to see their strength

      • 2 years ago

        Rolled 68 (1d100)


        • 2 years ago

          another d100

          • 2 years ago

            Rolled 14 (1d100)

            • 2 years ago

              Why do we hate Orks? Are they just louder more annoying Mortals?

              • 2 years ago

                I mean they are mortals taken to the extreme. Even more stupid, even more careless and more easily swayed by their emotions.

                Also we clearly heave ~~more dakka~~ superior firepower.

              • 2 years ago

                Orks reflect humanity's continuous warmaking

  6. 2 years ago

    Can someone please run a spellcheck on the document? It’s really nicely done but the spelling is all over the place.

  7. 2 years ago

    >During the scouring a blood angles strike force was diverted to the sub sector to assist a small arbite force in bringing back law and order
    >it was during this time these sons of Sanginuis became disillusioned with mortals
    >mortals are easy to panic, they are easy to trick, and most of all they are easy to fall to the temptations of the dark gods
    >the chapter has since took an oath to reduce contact with these lesser beings as much as possible, with only the local arbites ever having any form of contact due to them trying to move past their feeble mortal clingings
    >any new recruit to the chapter must always learn to first let go of their mortal feelings, their passion, anger, fear, and wants for that is the path to the dark gods
    >there is only service to the emperor
    also what colors should they have

    • 2 years ago

      >what colors should they have
      Black and red

      I like the idea of avian mounts, but not so much the abhuman bit. Maybe some mutated as frick version of pic related?
      >Oh child. Oh brave, stupid child.
      >Put down that knife, and come give your family one final hug before they come.
      >The old stories are very clear, the price of the Golden Lord's angels salvation is flesh of the first born.
      >When they come on bloody wings, do not run, do not fight.
      >You will need your strength to endure what comes next.

      • 2 years ago

        If we want to actually lean into a buddhist theme, we could do worse than take some cues on a color scheme from the Tibetans.,is%20associated%20with%20this%20color.
        >Blue is associated with purity and healing. Akshobhya is the Buddha of this color. Ears are the body part that is represented by the color blue. Air is the element that accompanies this color. It is believed, when meditating on this color, anger can be transformed into wisdom.

        >White is the color of learning and knowledge in Buddhism. It is represented by the Buddha Vairocana. The eyes are associated with white. White is in the elemental group water. If meditated upon, white can cut the delusion of ignorance and turn it into the wisdom of reality.

        >Red is related to life force and preservation. The Buddha Amitabha is depicted with a red body in Tibetan art. The part of the body associated with this color is the tongue. Fire is the natural element complementary to the color red. In Buddhism, meditating on the color red transforms the delusion of attachment into the wisdom of discernment.

        >Green is the color of balance and harmony. Amoghasiddhi is the Buddha of the color green. The head is the body part that is associated with this color. Green represents nature. Meditate on this color to transform jealousy into the wisdom of accomplishment.

        >Yellow symbolizes rootedness and renunciation. Buddha Ratnasambhava is associated with yellow. The nose is represented by this color. Earth is the element that accompanies the color yellow. Yellow transforms pride into wisdom of sameness when visualized in meditation.

        • 2 years ago

          So yellow is definitely their primary color.
          Only color can cleanly cut out of the running is green.
          I would say green and blue are the least like them, while the strongest arguments and serendipitous associations with their requisite parts so far.
          Cases for the others->
          >red: color of BLUD, of which these guys are the angels of. Could have a humors sub-theme. Red is also thought of as aggressive, and they’re attack dogs

          >Attack Dog

          Founded to frick something up for someone in particular apparently, maybe one of the newly founded Imperial institutions after the Heresy.

          Gonna take a little side trip down the tables, give me a 1d100 for who's attack dog we are
          >white: seems to go well with our views on our flaws


          Well we don't just not adhere to our progenitors values, we throw them right out of the window.

          Give me 2d100 for new values and pick two of the following to invert and keep the inversion,

          >Ashamed of our geneseed flaws
          >Sanguinary Brotherhood - Part of the loose community of Blood Angels successors
          >Optimistic, or the reality of the mortal condition. Maybe we have our arbite and servitors friends wear yellow/white
          >blue: honestly I’ve talked myself out of blue at this point. I think it should be yellow with either red or white.
          So concludes my post tbh. looking at the humors wheel, black might fit as a sign of rank, since the oldest of these farts are infact mad old, potentially the oldest

          Now, the table says 3rd is the lowest we could get but I think a 1 could easily be 2nd given the BA don't have every single Second Founding successor accounted for if we like. That'll also add a +40 to the later artifacts roll.

          We're still going to roll for founding reason though, regardless, so give me another 1d100

          • 2 years ago

            Wtf even is this wheel? I never understood the 4 humors shit. Is it like actual sense of humor or was it something invented by Reddit?

            • 2 years ago

              What do you gain out of pretending to be a moron?

    • 2 years ago

      >suppress and bloody (the worst of) their feeble mortal clingings*

    • 2 years ago

      >suppress and bloody (the worst of) their feeble mortal clingings*

      Did we just make buddhist marines?

      • 2 years ago

        that could work

      • 2 years ago

        Monks... What if their mounts are those singing vat monks from Elden Ring?

      • 2 years ago

        >buddhist marines
        I like it. The Black Rage and Red Thirst rejected, taken as signs of weakness or a wound of the soul inflicted by the Archenemy. I don't know a lot about buddhism, but maybe the chapter engages in ritualized meditation, attempting to achieve a state of nirvana?
        Maybe they have a larger than normal Librarius?

      • 2 years ago

        I wonder if they have matching yoga outfits w/ their mounts.

  8. 2 years ago


  9. 2 years ago

    >they are ancient, perhaps dating back to the formation of the chapters themselves
    >they are fanatical adherents to the codex
    >they loath their geneflaws
    >they are perfectionists
    >they are removed from the brotherhood of fellow sons of sanguinius
    >they are without optimism
    >they loath mortals, to the point of genocide & beyond
    >their existence is wholly embedded within the adeptus arbites, largely in a noncombative role
    >they venerate the emperor for the great man he was, not as a god, but as the creator & leader of the imperium of man
    >the hold no artifacts
    >they bare no additional geneseed flaws
    >their home world is a feral desert planet they lord from afar, kidnapping the locals to fill their ranks, molding them to the needs of the chapter
    >overwhelming firepower is what they bring to the enemy in sweeping ranks, as the hymns of their martial shepherds, the Officer Chaplains, chant ritual incantations of obliteration they have recited tirelessly inturn over thousands of fields before, keeping the tempo of war fully in control of their wards & brothers; few are more central or tireless in their observances than these scepter wielding scrutineers, robed in sanctified ceramite
    >they hold no mortals against their bosom, instead diligently tending to each of their chapters needs by hand. Only the prospective neophytes & their hollowed servitors brothers exist within these hallowed halls, if without the greater honors of duty, as mortals are useless & beneath such considerations
    >of all the filthy creatures, material & not, that infest the emperors great universe: none have found themselves more spurious in the eyes of the chapter than the greenskins & their futile mortal struggle
    >the chapter is of an appropriate strength, as dictated by the codex, No more No less
    >the chapters fleet is composed of 2 battle barges, & a significant number of strike & support ships
    >the chapter keeps a host of creatures they tend to & ride as mounts (1 word:GIANT-BLANK-ANGELS)

    • 2 years ago

      Everything except being wholly embedded in the police and riding stupid animal mounts is awesome.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it’s pretty neat. Gives them an eccentric space hall monitor vibe. Like sergeant SWAT officer pulling up to you in Africa on an elephant or something to give you a parking ticket at gunpoint.
        Just a strange place and purpose to find guys who were obviously built to do something else.
        >what if we had super human space marines… and we made them desk jockeys and bureaucrats obsessed with 10k year old books on management and organization
        >oh and they’re self hating vampires, the only thing they hate more than their flaws are the flaws in the rest of the bleeding world
        >and they have these massive over the top mounts for no other reason than their endless lives needing a hobby so they’ve taken to keeping kennels of the oversized thing and riding the things around the office and sites of crimes like some kind of weird, giant, mouthbreathing symbols of office.
        I like the idea of the mounts kind of being reflections of them and their ideals potentially.
        living sculptures taking the most base and unwieldy creatures and turning them into towering stoic works of living art, in honor to the vision of what could and should be if the world wasn’t subject to feeble mortals, and instead honored the laws and ways of their betters, and lived rightfully, silently and obediently, to the letter of those words.
        Was thinking Justicars might be a apt enough name for them.

        • 2 years ago

          selectinly breeding birds so they can hold their weight could have been something a little hobby that went out of control over the millennia

          • 2 years ago

            >judiciar general, chapter master Mendely looks at the photos behind his desk showcasing his prized birds
            >the first photo shows himself as a young captain, a small avian creature perched on his finger; with nearly as much poise as the angels of death himself. a small cage sits pronouncedly besides his old workdesk the word “JUSTICE” inscribed on a plaque above its entry port
            >the next photo shows a chapter master millennia older though unaged for it, with a wide stance before the port of his battle barge “the precinct”. Crouching in a “thinkers” poise behind him is a massive gargoyle of a perfect, unbroken, unmarred form. A collar around its neck reading “JUSTICE, #12trillion&8”

          • 2 years ago

            >judiciar general, chapter master Mendely looks at the photos behind his desk showcasing his prized birds
            >the first photo shows himself as a young captain, a small avian creature perched on his finger; with nearly as much poise as the angels of death himself. a small cage sits pronouncedly besides his old workdesk the word “JUSTICE” inscribed on a plaque above its entry port
            >the next photo shows a chapter master millennia older though unaged for it, with a wide stance before the port of his battle barge “the precinct”. Crouching in a “thinkers” poise behind him is a massive gargoyle of a perfect, unbroken, unmarred form. A collar around its neck reading “JUSTICE, #12trillion&8”

            They do the same to humans, or at least, are trying to. It's the explanation for their alliance with the police, they're filtering the criminals from humanity and repurposing them to serve it. Commit a crime on their recruiting world and the police will turn you over to the Emperor's angels of death where depending on age, gender and other compatibility issues, you'll either serve the imperium by becoming one of them or sate their Red Thirst.

        • 2 years ago

          They do the same to humans, or at least, are trying to. It's the explanation for their alliance with the police, they're filtering the criminals from humanity and repurposing them to serve it. Commit a crime on their recruiting world and the police will turn you over to the Emperor's angels of death where depending on age, gender and other compatibility issues, you'll either serve the imperium by becoming one of them or sate their Red Thirst.

          Yeah I've been imaging that their mounts are actually gross and uncanny human mutants that have been warped to be bat/birdlike. In fact, instead of having servitors the chapter has a whole range of specially bred/mutated humans/failed marines specifically tailored for tasks. Maybe through selective use of their geneseed somehow?

          • 2 years ago
          • 2 years ago

            Same but angelic. Like the floaters from xcom.

          • 2 years ago

            Can't imagine the Inquisition taking kindly to the deliberate breeding of mutants from pure humanity. If the chapter's pets have humanoid traits, they're purely cosmetic and were bred in.

            • 2 years ago
            • 2 years ago

              inqusition might tolerate a slave race so long as they are kept in their place and don't have any chaos shit

            • 2 years ago

              inquisitor, I can assure you these birds are not humans. Yes, we did put some human DNA in them a few milenia ago to slightly increase their brain mass over the years, but that was just controlled evolution, they aren't human, they are still just birds, so it's totally legal.

              • 2 years ago

                Abhumans are not illegal to begin with

              • 2 years ago

                Depends where and with who's in charge.

              • 2 years ago

                abhumans are not ilegal but purposely creating an abhuman breed from a pure population may not be seen in the most kind candle light

              • 2 years ago

                Breeding abhumans seems like something a wealthily connected faction like these guys could pull. Especially in so far as the “breeding” being in the name of demonstrating their “perfecting” that could be done potentially to all mortal life under Righteous Jurisdiction.
                Some kind of abhuman Ogryn derivative makes the most sense, as far as big mounts go, but it would also be great if they were originally some kind of flying monkey ratling or some barely metahuman toothfairy-looking shits, eventually turned into the ideal(ly mountable) mortal form
                >The Icons are the epitome of humanities rightfully obtained potential beneath their betters.
                >Let’s start with their body’s.
                >Their body’s are large.
                >An impassive gaze leaves it’s presence of mind unmistakably open to be worked upon by the will of the master of mankind, though none other.
                >Each is well muscled, owing to the needs of its betters & its tireless wordless service to them.
                >They’re wreathed by powerful wings, evoking that of the primarch himself, molded by his sons in tireless duty, themselves molded by the irradiated winds & heat of their desert home world, mirroring bal itself.
                >These provide a psychological effect on the onlooker, reminding us of the peerless beauty of Sanguinius, the unquenchable might of his sons, & the unmeetable sacrifice of his life.
                >It steals away all who look to that place millennia ago upon the horizons of Holy Terra, where the ultimate sacrifice was made
                >bringing fourth within all who look the unquenchable wish that it would have been them instead.

      • 2 years ago

        >Everything except being wholly embedded in the police
        I like it. Makes them a sort reverse Minotaurs for the Administratum.
        >minotaurs are the hatchet men of the imperium, a chapter sized kill team solely made to hunt down and obliterate other chapters of marines
        >the justicars are the centralized eternal upper-management of the arbiters; w/ an undying pursuit of perfection performing what mortal means could not
        Kind of makes sense. The Arbites probably face crazy shit all the time. Having a steady angelic hand guiding you would be a huge emperor blessed boon for them in the most trying (or not) times. Plus the Administratum wouldn’t use the admech for such things as handling their most central archives related to the enforcement of the lex imperialis. Having a bunch of bespectacled vampires/grouchy angels as your heavily armed librarians makes a kind of sense for these things.

      • 2 years ago

        I had some thoughts

        >"We Are Nothing without the Law."
        >During the Great Crusade, what would become this chapter frequently fought alongside the Night Lords not long after they were reunited with their primarch. They admired the Night Haunter's ferocious dedication to enforcing the Law on his planet, seeing in it a model to use in the righteous compliance of other worlds. Humans were, and are, weak. Foolish. Prone to stray. Not so the Astartes. Spectacularly enforcing the Emperor's Law became their highest calling.

        >Then the Heresy. The corruption of the Space Marines, the terrible degeneration of the Night Lords, and finally the gene-curse of Sanguinus. Other Blood Angels acknowledged this weakness, and used it to show empathy to mortals. This is clearest in the Lamenters - even the Astartes can fail. This chapter, however, took a different tack. Mortals and Astarte are both terribly flawed, but the Law is perfect. Pure. Like the Emperor, it cannot fail but only be failed.

        >The Emperor had decreed that the Space Marines were not to rule over mortal man. At the creation of the Adeptus Arbites, this chapter swore an oath binding themselves to this institution. This proved to be as much a curse as a blessing - true, the Space Marines can destroy any opponent, but they see sin everywhere and few Watch Commanders are as pure as they believe they are and few continue to live once the crisis requiring the Space Marine's aid is resolved.

        >Space Marines of this chapter have, over the years, developed innumerable superstitions, sub-laws and habits governing their lifestyle and far beyond even that dicated by the Codex. They believe this gives them a greater focus, a cage of law and reason to keep the Black Rage of the Beast within caged. The most notable, for outsiders to the chapter at least, is that they do not allow themselves to enter uninvited and while they seemingly despise ordinary humans, they follow stringent laws of hospitality.

        • 2 years ago

          >In the event of a planetary crisis, such as a rebellion, genestealer cult infestation, or alien invasion, the Arbites precincts are often the very last to fall. For those Justicars bold (or desparate) enough to risk it, the Space Marines will come to render aid if called for. Many of their campaigns begin with the recapture of areas around Arbites strongholds, and spread from there out across the planet and, if nescessary, the the rest of the System. Once order is established, and they are satisfied that the Arbites are as pure and untainted as a human can be, they will depart.

          >Some find it curious that Orks, and not recidivists or heretics, are the focus for these Space Marine's ire. To the Marines, all humans but the Emperor are weak and prone to error, and their failures are on somoe level expected. Even brothers of the chapter fall into the Black Rage and lose themselves in Saguinus' most bitter failure. Most aliens are simply following their nature, and in their own twisted way serve their own laws. The Eldar, the Tau, have civilisations and codes (of a sort). The Tyranid is at heart a hungry beast. Even Demons, supposedly Chaos unbound, seem to follow strict codes in their appearences, attitudes and means of action.
          >The Ork, on the other hand, at their core is an unbound, unruly rulebreaker. They serve nothing but their own whims and the strongest among them enforcing their might. They are sin simply by existing. They must be stopped. As the Codex says, Suffer not the Alien to Live!

          I'm sorry if the conversation moved on since I started writing this down, but I got a bit inspired by the idea that they use traditional vampire stuff like not entering uninvited or specific weaknesses as means to try to control the Black Rage, and that putting themselves under a human institution allows them to channel their violence in specific ways. They're non-violent, in the sense that they need permission to go berserk.

  10. 2 years ago

    Also, the “Shepard-Martial’s” fit great with the theme of the arbites form this chapters particular angle.
    The Chaplains where created to internally police the legions after the ruling of nokia, the order coming from noneother but the sigilite; though inspired by none-other than Lorgar.
    So not only are they managerial post-human “Overseers of Overseers”, but they are the better reflections of the corrupt inspiration. Going above & beyond, censuring themselves & the imperium at large while guarding their spiritual sanctity & moral.
    This difference is pretty similar to the Lorgar/Sanguinius relationship over all, where Lorgar based his entire life around building his brothers and father into icons on a perverted whim, while Sanguinius lived truer to their fathers vision than the rest, doing more miraculous & divine acts as an aside to his duty than Lorgar did as an all consuming goal, all inspite of his own flaws.
    Also plays well with their self disgust in regard to their geneflaws and mortals, paired with their perfectionist nature, if without hope, vs Sanguinius perfect compassion & mercy for his sons & mortals. Even if they don’t hang w/ the rest of the BA successors, they are affected by the heresy & the death of the primarch: trying to be more like Sanguinius, the angel, his perfect shared dream & great work for the imperium with the emperor; than his mortally flawed siblings.
    If this chapter was canon it would be a great touch, explaining, together with the realities of policing a place like the imperium, how the arbites became the outfit they are today.
    Even keeping caged birds seems very symbolically apt for them.

  11. 2 years ago

    I have a paintscheme here for you.

    • 2 years ago

      was thinking a more sand papery, honey mustard yellow and a deeper red, but yeah, something like that

  12. 2 years ago


  13. 2 years ago


    It could be that the locals started doing it themselves. Tibetan monks looking for ascension would attempt riding the winds after cultivating their psyonics.

    After tens of thousands of years of such eugenics the religious caste 'Brahmins,' would have evolved wings to minimise the psyonic potential needed to take flight and ascend.

    Respecting the humans who begun evolving last their flawed mortality the SM would eugenics them to become flying mounts, fully capable of thought. This would also mean the mounts are fully sentient and also somewhat respected by the chapter.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry, I spellchecked here

      Breeding abhumans seems like something a wealthily connected faction like these guys could pull. Especially in so far as the “breeding” being in the name of demonstrating their “perfecting” that could be done potentially to all mortal life under Righteous Jurisdiction.
      Some kind of abhuman Ogryn derivative makes the most sense, as far as big mounts go, but it would also be great if they were originally some kind of flying monkey ratling or some barely metahuman toothfairy-looking shits, eventually turned into the ideal(ly mountable) mortal form
      >The Icons are the epitome of humanities rightfully obtained potential beneath their betters.
      >Let’s start with their body’s.
      >Their body’s are large.
      >An impassive gaze leaves it’s presence of mind unmistakably open to be worked upon by the will of the master of mankind, though none other.
      >Each is well muscled, owing to the needs of its betters & its tireless wordless service to them.
      >They’re wreathed by powerful wings, evoking that of the primarch himself, molded by his sons in tireless duty, themselves molded by the irradiated winds & heat of their desert home world, mirroring bal itself.
      >These provide a psychological effect on the onlooker, reminding us of the peerless beauty of Sanguinius, the unquenchable might of his sons, & the unmeetable sacrifice of his life.
      >It steals away all who look to that place millennia ago upon the horizons of Holy Terra, where the ultimate sacrifice was made
      >bringing fourth within all who look the unquenchable wish that it would have been them instead.

      and deleted the original.
      I’m sure it was voluntary! Some group of poor unwashed barely-humans saw a group of angels descend from the sky and restore order to their land, and broke out singing that song from the jungle book.
      Now I want art of some ugly little ankle nibbling pixie shits sitting on the finger of a Blood Angel, totally lost in the glory of the moment.
      >on the planet of [REDACTED], from the local population of abhumans, ostensibly classified as “Harpies” but widely regarded as “Pixies Ticks”, a specimen comes fourth to have an audience with an Angel of death, thanking them from saving their world from abhuman traffickers, and to make a request
      >colorized: Captain (later Chapter Master) Mendely of the Justiciars, conversing with “Face-Eater” (later “JUSTICE” (#1)) a chieftain of the native abhuman populous.

      • 2 years ago

        this is my pet bird, I named it Justice.
        this is my abhuman servitor, called justice, with lower case.
        This is my favorite landrider, as you can see on the side paint job, I called it JUSTICE.
        And the small star like flicker you can see from here is our battlebarge, unfortunately I didn't get to name that one, my predecessor was terrible with names, he called it Justiφ

        • 2 years ago

          >that over there?
          >oh, it's a malfunctioning hydro-processor
          >yeah five thousand years ago it took a glancing hit from a macrocannon round

          >supposed to hydrate decks 23 through 48, now it's just ice.

          • 2 years ago

            motherfricker don't make me laugh like that, everyone is looking at me funny now. Give me some warning

            • 2 years ago

              Sometimes you just see the line and the universe moves of its own accord, anon.

  14. 2 years ago

    Just give them dragons or some shit it’s 40k it’s space fantasy

    • 2 years ago

      > Go for the boring option
      Also dragons are a chaos thing

      • 2 years ago

        Tell that to the blood dragons

  15. 2 years ago

    >their mounts double as secretaries
    >silent, lifeless outside of work secretaries
    every office drones dream.

  16. 2 years ago

    So should the mounts have come from an “elite Brahmin caste” ie just the most loyal and aspirant of the abhuman population on the planet, or should they have actually adopted the planetary nobles who willfully mutated themselves to grow wings?
    makes a big difference on the reflection of the chapters character.

  17. 2 years ago

    Seriously makes more sense for the mounts to have originated as some kind of xeno birds which had a vaguely facelike pattern on their heads which after centuries of selective breeding, now look very nearly human, not mutated humans.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel like having the mounts be recognisable as humans might look a bit too goofy. I was thinking they could be similar to a vulture, seeing as the planet is a desert. If people wanted some human stuff there, they could maybe be kinda like parrots in that they can mimic speech. I know that's kinda goofy too, but it's not so immediately obvious.

      As for abhumans, if people are really married to the chapter using them, there could be some local feral variety that the chapter breeds for ferocity and use like war dogs. Could create a few saying about them, like how they'll trust their birds and their beasts before they trust a mortal.

      • 2 years ago

        >Could create a few saying about them, like how they'll trust their birds and their beasts before they trust a mortal.
        In the end, their mounts are either self determining but jobless outside of being a mount, basically leisure pets/status symbols, or they work in other capacities and are also servitorized, given the roles so far.
        Abhumans and birds are still mortals. No matter the plumage or capacity to do desk work, so they won’t trust them to do much of anything of any importance anyway.

      • 2 years ago

        What about the harpy eagle?

    • 2 years ago

      Different department. The rogue traders and inquisitors are down the hall and to the left with all the other xeno-consorters.

  18. 2 years ago


    rent free

    • 2 years ago
  19. 2 years ago

    Have we decided on a name yet? Cause I do think the Impaler's fits pretty well, but obviously other people might have other ideas.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't care for Impalers, gives a decidedly Transylvanian vibe to a bunch of Tibetan Monks in power armor.
      Something like, I don't know, The Enlightened Host. It should play on the Angelic aspect of Sanguinius more than the vampiric, and have something to do with their chapter ethos.

    • 2 years ago

      I kept saying the justiciars.
      Did you say “The impalers” we’re taken already?

      • 2 years ago

        Justiciar sounds too much like the Arbites Justicar rank to me.

        • 2 years ago

          Yeah, also just feels a little bland for what they are.
          I was thinking something like Eyes of Sanguinius, something that ties together their work with the arbites and their Blood Angel lineage, along with a little mysticism to it, but given their views on the black rage, I'm not sure that would fit.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm the anon who suggested the Enlightened Host, perhaps we could lean again on the Buddhism angle and work in something to do with Dharma?
            >In Buddhism, dharma means "cosmic law and order",[12][14] as expressed by the teachings of the Buddha.[12][14] In Buddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[15][note 2]

            • 2 years ago

              what about Karmic Wardens

              Maybe the Bright Wardens could work? With Bright being kind of a pun on Enlightened, and also referencing the Buddhist idea of seeing things as they really are though the Dharma.

              • 2 years ago

                I like the sound of that, also plays on a theme of contemplating/reflecting the Emperor's Light.

              • 2 years ago

                >Bright Wardens
                Happy name for grumpy people!

  20. 2 years ago

    Here's a thought, as Blood Angel successors, how is the Black Rage handled? I would assume brothers who fall are viewed as having failed, fallen short of the purity and perfection of the Primarch/Emperor, but what then? Are the fallen quietly taken out back and shot, or formed into a last resort force of close range shock troops like a traditional death company?

    • 2 years ago

      It might depend on rank. Like, lower ranked marines get chucked in the death company, but the high tankers are quietly euthanized to avoid staining their honor in the eyes of the chapter, or something like that.

      • 2 years ago

        just put helmets on all of them with vox modulators, nobody will know it's them

    • 2 years ago

      probably have a ritualized death were their former brothers chant for them to be reincarnated back as a marine for another chance to reach perfection and escape the bondages of the mortals

      • 2 years ago

        >ritualized death
        Ehhh, I don’t know if we need to go full hindu here. If anything just use the in universe religion and pray that the emperor glomps their soul before the warp does.
        Our guys aren’t strictly imperial truthers, but they are definitely not imperial cult types either so it’s hard to say where to draw the line.

        • 2 years ago

          it doesn't have to be literal reincarnation beliefs. more of a metaphorical sentiment of telling the black angels "find your way back to us" or "come back to us" when sending them to die, and then some bullshit of them changing the name of their neophytes to those of currently dead warriors

          • 2 years ago

            Sargent Bullfrog was the greatest champion third squad ever had three lives in a row. You better don't break your streak now fresh meat.
            Neophyte Johnny Johnson, you have been a disgrace and a disappointment since your first life, I don't expect anything from you but you have a chance to give your name something worth talking about recruit, make history by making your name something worth remembering

        • 2 years ago

          just have them use a finite amount of names so you're "reincarnated" when you become a full marine
          finished your scout training and all surgeries and such? great. you're brother chaddeus the 69th now.
          no names currently available because brother chaddeus the 68th didn't die? you're a senior scout until such time as a name becomes available. this can also be where they get veteran scouts. you spend an unusual amount of time as a scout, maybe you're more likely to decide to keep training people or keep doing stealth shit.

          • 2 years ago

            ah yes, good ol'nameless scout. that nameless name has more achievements under it's belt than most low end underachiever marines

            • 2 years ago

              oh he still has a regular name just not one off of the marine list
              or maybe they can have a scout list too
              ...or maybe it would actually be cooler if they don't have names
              maybe if you get cool enough as a scout you can add your original name to the roster or a name based off your achievements

          • 2 years ago

            probably should be a limit to when they stop passing down a name to recruits, maybe its only reserved for those who have fallen to the black rage where there name is passed down until a marine who had carried the name lives a pure life, or a disgrace member of the chapter finds redemption by taking a fallen name and purifies it after doing multiple deeds and as a reward his forsaken name will be passed down so he can be cleansed

            • 2 years ago

              I just imagine a fresh kid still wet behind the hears being forcefully put in front of a completely mad Marine that's chained to a wall and trashing trying to get Free and telling him "look at him, when he dies, you will become him "

              • 2 years ago

                >many neophytes learn one simple truth, shedding the mortal coil is not easy
                >none know this better than those who undergo the trails or recarnation
                >each battle brother under this trail are to take up the name and armor of those who have fallen to the curse of the black rage, or those who have fallen from the Emperors perfection
                >through cleansing their brothers name in either battle, acts of intense mediation, or through great acts of self restraint they also purify their original selves of mortal desires stepping ever closer to the Emperors teaching, or should death claim them on this trail give their own soul the chance for another to redeem them starting the cycle anew
                >many of the chapters legendary heros have gone through these trails on numerous occasions gaining proper insight into the great truths of the universe
                >to even become a chapter master one most go through these trails at least once

              • 2 years ago

                I really like this, but it almost makes it sound like the people taking part in the trials are actively choosing to do it? So maybe it's a case of, you get selected and made to do it if you're a scout, but you can choose to take part in a trial if you're a full marine.

              • 2 years ago

                You're forced into scout training but have to volunteer for the even more brutal but also more prestigious full marine training

      • 2 years ago

        it doesn't have to be literal reincarnation beliefs. more of a metaphorical sentiment of telling the black angels "find your way back to us" or "come back to us" when sending them to die, and then some bullshit of them changing the name of their neophytes to those of currently dead warriors

        Here's an idea. Mercy killing a brother fallen to the rage and taking his name is the final rite of initiation for a Scout to become a full marine.

        • 2 years ago

          It's probably a bit muchfor everyone to have to euthanise a raging marine in order to get promoted (would kinda put a crimp in their ability to replace losses if every scout has to kill a marine first), but that could be a tradition to do with the trials of purity. Whoever euthanises the afflicted marine is also the first to try and purify their name, or something like that.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair, maybe something like a rite of initiation to become a company captain?

            • 2 years ago

              Could be instead that Scout squads each have to witness the slaying of a marine lost to the black rage before they can become full fledged space marines, just so they know exactly what they're getting into. Maybe they see if a scout from the assembled squads would be willing to pull the trigger. It's not necessary for their advancement, but its considered a good omen for any scout that does. Also starts them along the trials of Purification for the marine they euthanised, but they don't get told that till after the deed is done.

              >scouts have to witness a Judiciar hack a black raging battle brother to death as initiation
              Could be a many part ritual that singlehandedly explains the fate and function of the would-be-marines, while also being training and showing off how their units will work in the field alongside others using their chapters particular methodologies.
              >Hazee Scouts have to catch/coral/restrain him.
              >Chaplain has to oversee the rite while enunciating the many attributing factors and other legalize spiritual mumbo jumbo as part of his brothers final judgment/mercy.
              >Judiciar (chaplain in training) has to get in there and do the deed and finish the guy off as a part of his duties/training.

          • 2 years ago

            Fair, maybe something like a rite of initiation to become a company captain?

            The Chaptermaster must finish off the Black Raging, technically still living remains of the previous Chaptermaster.

            • 2 years ago

              I can see that working. Could extend to the captains as well. So, if high ranking marines fell to the rage, their successors have to give them the Emperor's Peace before they can take over, (seeing as their commanding officer is technically still alive) and also have to purify their predecessor's name.

            • 2 years ago

              I can see that working. Could extend to the captains as well. So, if high ranking marines fell to the rage, their successors have to give them the Emperor's Peace before they can take over, (seeing as their commanding officer is technically still alive) and also have to purify their predecessor's name.

              The Chapter is led by a council of lower-ranking marines since the current Chaptermaster has been lost to the Black Rage for decades yet proven irritatingly unkillable. They keep him locked in the fortress monastery basement and occasionally a marine tries their luck and gets slaughtered.

              • 2 years ago

                So they do technically have a death company. It's just that it's only got one member

              • 2 years ago

                >company of one
                Sounds like a sick name for a war movie/stratagem.

              • 2 years ago

                How are we supposed to deploy him if he kills everyone who gets near him while screaming about Horus?

              • 2 years ago

                throw a captured heretic in a drop pod and hit drop when he follows the bastard in

              • 2 years ago

                Official dreadnought corral

              • 2 years ago

                >dreadnought corral
                "Ancient Duran, the Emperor calls you forth once more."
                "Aw, techy-boy, here I thought I'd got my peace at last. Well, saddle me up again..."
                Dreads are cowboy enough already. They're the old sheriff back from retirement for one last time.
                Over and over again.

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe he is in a dreadnought. Makes him a hell of a lot more dangerous, but more susceptable to emps and just generally being turned off

              • 2 years ago

                Chaplains playing into the delusion and saying things like "come Lord, into the drop pod, we must get to Horus as soon as possible!" I would think. They'd also need some way to get him back after he inexplicably survives another engagement, get him out of the armour so it can be repaired, then get him back into it. We could say the chapters apothecaries and tech marines did something similar to the World Eaters with Red Butchers and made him a Terminator suit which could be remotely immobilised. This also solves the deployment issue - they just deep strike him right into the thickest fighting (and secretly, guiltily hope he gets mishapped)

              • 2 years ago

                They have his favorite freaky bird mount draped in gold, and in his deluded mind it’s featureless face & oddly light chirping soothes him as it princess carries him back into the pod.

                what if that's what the mounts are

                >what if that's what the mounts are
                >their are no ‘fenrisian wolves’
                Eww. Spooky.

              • 2 years ago

                >as it princess carries him
                How? It's a bird. No hands.

              • 2 years ago

                >Eww. Spooky.
                I kinda really like it. They could transform their lost brothers into something more pure in the eyes of the chapter

              • 2 years ago

                So they do technically have a death company. It's just that it's only got one member

                Chapter master mendely NO! There’s still so many things to be renamed justice!

              • 2 years ago

                Maybe the most senior chaplain in the first company acts as unofficial head. Can’t go against the codex too much, so nothing is in writing, but he through the other chaplains is the one issuing most of the large scale tasks.

          • 2 years ago

            Could be instead that Scout squads each have to witness the slaying of a marine lost to the black rage before they can become full fledged space marines, just so they know exactly what they're getting into. Maybe they see if a scout from the assembled squads would be willing to pull the trigger. It's not necessary for their advancement, but its considered a good omen for any scout that does. Also starts them along the trials of Purification for the marine they euthanised, but they don't get told that till after the deed is done.

    • 2 years ago

      what if that's what the mounts are

  21. 2 years ago

    what about Karmic Wardens

    • 2 years ago

      The Unbridled Wardens of the emperor's vision

      • 2 years ago

        but if we go with karmic wardens we can play radiohead on loudspeakers everytime they fight heretics
        they'd be karma police

  22. 2 years ago

    Do you have any idea how large a winged mount would have to be to carry a space marine in power armor?

    • 2 years ago

      Would't really work, the wings are probably decorative with the flight achieved by some sort or cybernetics. Pretty sure that's how the IoM makes those fricked up cherub things

    • 2 years ago

      Yes. Exactly yes.

  23. 2 years ago

    Rolled 5, 3 = 8 (2d6)


  24. 2 years ago

    Rolled 77 (1d100)


  25. 2 years ago

    wouldnt using the chapter master as death company and actively choosing to keep him alive and maintain/repair his gear go against the whole mercy killing biz

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