Splatoon 3

New Season Update Trailer this week (probably). Who's excited and what do you want to see in the 1st Year Anniversary Update?

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  1. 11 months ago

    I'm rather lukewarm on it. I feel the more I curb my expectations the less likely I'll be utterly disappointed. I'd like to see some more news on the dlc. though I don't expect a release date on it, and more maps and weapon kits than we saw this season. Oh and gear that isn't from 1 or 2.

    • 11 months ago

      >I feel the more I curb my expectations the less likely I'll be utterly disappointed

    • 11 months ago

      >Oh and gear that isn't from 1 or 2
      The fact that, aside from catalog gear, they haven’t added in any brand-new gear since the game’s release is disappointing. Just a handful of new stuff each season and that’s it. Especially not good for Barazushi and Emberz getting only 1-2 new pieces each season. They’re the newest brands and barley get shit

  2. 11 months ago

    >Who's excited
    >what do you want to see in the 1st Year Anniversary Update?

  3. 11 months ago

    Side Order dropping at the same time as the season change.

  4. 11 months ago

    A decent brush kit
    Cannot think of anything
    Else, in Haiku form

    • 11 months ago

      >no seasonal language
      every time with you fricks

      • 11 months ago

        Haikus suck anyway

  5. 11 months ago

    ability to become pool admin and kick out solo players

  6. 11 months ago

    I can't understand why I get so tilted on Splatfest, I'm a sore loser but I don't rage this much while playing ranked.

    • 11 months ago

      The one real thing on the line in Splatfest is taking photographs on stage with the idol of your choice. In competitive, you're just playing squid-brand TF2 game modes for little more than bragging rights.

      • 11 months ago

        No lie, ever since, the feature was added Iv won multiple 10x but have never even gotten into a 100x or 333x and it's pissing me off

  7. 11 months ago

    I want a sign, a sign of what's to come
    If it's just another season and there's nothing special to acknowledge the anniversary, it's a sign that it's genuinely over for this game and it's not going to get any significant changes from this point out.

    If there's something more, something meatier, perhaps something new beyond just another Big Run or a single player DLC. Just something, a new mode, a change to challenges, way more weapon kits, way more gear and music. Being able to play tableturf without friends/pool. Just something to show that they're willing to bring this game up to a higher standard.

    Either way I think we'll get a sign. A sign of what the direction is for Splatoon going forward. We've gotten plenty of signs already, but the one year anniversary mark is important for Splatoon.

    • 11 months ago

      the current directors were just put in because nintendo believed they could "manage" the series, after their predecessors had already build the core gameplay. there is nothing to move forward to. You are lucky if they dont frick up 4 as much as this one.

  8. 11 months ago

    I'm trying to think of what I'd like but somehow I feel like whatever I think of is just out of the question for devs to consider working on. I have low expectations so maybe the trailer will blow me away.

    • 11 months ago

      Probably just gonna be a teaser image like season 3. We got a trailer in 2 and 4, a teaser image for 3, so likely the same for 5

      • 11 months ago

        Welp. I was expecting at least a trailer. I'm already picrel

        >I feel the more I curb my expectations the less likely I'll be utterly disappointed

  9. 11 months ago

    show me where the next big run is headed at and if its a cool looking place
    also the king being shark-like

    • 11 months ago

      The deep cut bossfights were pretty neat and an interesting change of pace. Too bad they add nothing to them. Outside of sending 3 to space, shiver having a big shark or frye having an army of eels adds nothing to their characters

  10. 11 months ago

    >holiday splatfests are culled
    >hats from Splatoon 2 are dead

  11. 11 months ago

    >what do you want to see in the 1st Year Anniversary Update?

    • 11 months ago

      >on Ballpoint
      Cancer, but I would like to see that exact kit on a different splatling.

      • 11 months ago


        Wiper Deco already proves that's not the case.

    • 11 months ago

      What’s the site to make these again?

      • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Burst bomb
      Ink storm

      • 11 months ago

        frick yes.
        that's the fricking dream.

  12. 11 months ago

    John Titor here.
    Trailer fo the new season on august 25th.

    • 11 months ago

      no way just like my favorite anime

  13. 11 months ago

    Give me that new king.

  14. 11 months ago

    Buff dualie squelchers for the love of god.

  15. 11 months ago

    Splatoon 1 still has the better OST

    • 11 months ago

      Splat 2 is better. 1 doesn't have Deluge Dirge.

      • 11 months ago

        but does it have ink or sink?no legit I can't remember

        • 11 months ago

          Just did a quick google for you and no_

        • 11 months ago

          Only 1, ergo 1 has the better soundtrack even though “Ink or Sink” is Squid Squad at their worst

      • 11 months ago

        Yes yes, you make a good argument.....
        God I want them in 3 so bad please Nintendo I'd give anything

  16. 11 months ago

    How would you guys buff some of the weaker weapons/specials in the game?
    Like I always see people saying Brellas suck, but what would you change about them? How to make reefslider better, things like that

    • 11 months ago

      How about re-balance the specials in SR.
      Like you get invincibility and no knockback when you use reefslider.

      • 11 months ago

        It would be really nice if Reefslider's explosion didn't get blocked by steel eel bodies. I hate seeing 3 eels show up and just knowing that a Reefslider, despite being designed for these situations, can sometimes do nothing.

    • 11 months ago

      i wanna do sharp turns with reefslider, imagine a large amount of ink apon each turn like driving over a big puddle

    • 11 months ago

      Would it be overkill to bring sprinklers back to their Splat 1 strength where they stayed at max power forever? They got a slight duration buff but it doesn't seem like it changed anything

    • 11 months ago

      Let run speed up effect rolling speed

      • 11 months ago

        >Let’s frick with the balance
        Um, pass…

        • 11 months ago

          Don't care, I wanna watch the chaos as a full run speed build Dynamo blitzes towards enemies faster than they can swim away

  17. 11 months ago

    new weapons

  18. 11 months ago

    new hairstyles
    a new splatling or dualies
    the reef or bluefin depot
    new king salmonid
    more than 10 kits (lol)
    a map that isn't a tetris block (lmao)

  19. 11 months ago

    i hope the trailer shows some more of side order, we basically know nothing about it.

  20. 11 months ago

    Custom Explo, mines + breaker
    Just do it already

  21. 11 months ago

    I bet gold dynamo won't be in next season either

    • 11 months ago

      Smart man.

  22. 11 months ago

    >Haha lets leave all the good music in the lobby while we have Pearl scream your ears off every other match

    Devs please

  23. 11 months ago

    >game is almost a year old
    >only 3 big runs and 2 eggstra works
    I should cancel my NSO subscription next month.

    • 11 months ago

      bomb nintendo headquarters while you're at it

    • 11 months ago

      Why are you so afraid of PVP?

      • 11 months ago

        Join the /vg/ pool. The Ganker pool is just for salmon run players.

        • 11 months ago

          I'll take my chances with pubbers, at least for anything besides Splatfest matches

        • 11 months ago

          Nobody is joining your troony pool
          >but our pool members play with you!
          yeah they're trying to get away from you troony freaks
          no one is joining your troony pool, stop advertising for the last time

          • 11 months ago

            You're too obsessed with lgbt players. It's not like the whole Ganker pool are hetero

            • 11 months ago

              You guys could be troony, straight, any label whatever. Everytime I go to ink it's the gayest shit possible with avatarposting, ERPing, and just in general obnoxious homosexual behavior. I don't care what your actual sexual preferences are. You frickers are annoying as frick and everytime you come here to shill your shitty pool it makes me want to join it less and less. Everytime I've peaked in on your general it was a shithole that i couldn't tolerate being in for more than 5 minutes, let alone interact with you frickers. Stay in your containment thread. Stop advertising your shitty pool.

        • 11 months ago

          We do PVP st/ink/er

      • 11 months ago

        Nobody's afraid of PVP
        but there's a lot of reasons to dislike it right now, especially the stage design. Don't pretend like it's all sunshine and roses right now. The stage design in this game is extremely sterile and samey to the point where it's turned many people off. Meat grinder level design just isn't all that great, at least not when so many of the levels follow the similar tetris block layout. It's just lame as frick man. In comparison, the new Salmon Run levels we've got have been solid. I don't blame people for enjoying the PvE mode more. It's been better handled than the PVP.

        • 11 months ago

          And that's just focusing on stage design.
          How about matchmaking?
          >The casual mode, turf wars running rife with discord teams
          >The casual ranked mode, open also allows discord teams because the devs are lazy and moronic
          >X rank is a fricking ghosttown where you can go on long stretches where you can't find enough players
          >The team matchmaking in general is fricking awful and has no rhyme or rhythm.
          Even in X rank where the weapon balancing is supposed to be strict it's just not balanced whatsoever. It's really not fun playing anarchy where you're carrying, getting 3:1 kill death ratios, you're pushing the objective, you're trying to carry but you're just getting punished for moronic teammates or unlucky weapon comps.

          Now Salmon Run has its own share of bullshit, flaws, but they don't come anywhere near some of the problems with PVP. Notice I've only touched on Level design and matchmaking which are two of the bigger issues, but that's not even going into weapon/special/sub balance which while it's in a better state than it was before and hasn't quite reached the lows of Splat 2's meta, there are a handful of weapons/subs that are just downright awful. Rolling out weapon kits at an atrociously slow pace is unforgiveable. It's not just people being "afraid" to play. They've lost fricking interest in playing. The content has been rolled out too god damned slow.

          And that's not even going into how BADLY they fricked up challenges. Pants on head moronic decision to make them available in two hour slots. At least Salmon Run figured out it's better to have it available all the damn time.

          With Salmon Run, for the most part, you know what you're going to get. At high difficulty levels contrary to popular belief it gets pretty chaotic and challenging, to the point where it has its own separate meta that even very skilled players are going to struggle with if they haven't practiced the mode extensively.

          t. play a healthy amount of every mode, S+ every season

          • 11 months ago

            old sr was better. i dont even play sr anymore, because i cant invite any specific player i meet, AND i have to play half a day to get to HLM. Its bullcrap. The stages are also more bland then the old ones. I also never see any players anymore, because the new matchmaking limits community interaction.
            They want 999 to be a one time thing for you, for any given map. A grind. An experience. And then you are supposed to not do it again. With the reset point being 400 it was much easier to reach 999 or HLM, if you were in the mood.

            Outside of splatfests and Big Run im just about done.

            Mahi has got old reaaal fast. Sometimes I don't mind playing certain levels, other times it's just a buzzkill.

            When the levels aren't fun to play, it severely reduces the enjoyment of the mode.

            Salmon Run objectively has better designed stages, at least the new stages, and you can see the difference when you compare all the new ones with say, Marooner's Bay and Spawning Grounds from the previous game.

            It's the opposite situation with PVP where level design has just been on a steep decline not only from 1 but also from 2. There were stinkers in both games but 3 just doesn't have any standout new levels that are actually good. But it doesn't have many new levels that are just straight up shit.

            but the feel if those new stages is not as good. They are "open", so you can visually see nearly everything and throw eggs. Hydroplant is like the opposite of something like Lost OutPost. Sockeye and Hydro were the first maps I stopped playing entirely.

            • 11 months ago

              >With the reset point being 400 it was much easier to reach 999 or HLM, if you were in the mood.
              It was much easier to reach HLM back then because the game was a frick ton easier in general. They've cranked up the difficulty quite a bit in this one and it's kept a lot more player's interest because of that.

              In my opinion the pool system, while rough around the edges, is a great addition to this game as far as community interaction goes. People have fun playing in the Ganker pool, I see it in literally every thread. I've played with all sorts of different people in multiple modes, it's a cool system since there's no need to exchange friend codes or any of that.

              • 11 months ago

                >It was much easier to reach HLM back then because the game was a frick ton easier in general.
                I mean even if you win every single game it takes a long time to get to HLM. King Salmonid also adds an extra wave+time every few matches.

                >They've cranked up the difficulty quite a bit in this one and it's kept a lot more player's interest because of that

                Cringe take. I played thousands of hours of both. Higher difficulty can be fun; but not if you have to play an entire day to just fricking get there. And if you were good it stood our more, which motivated you further. Getting 30+ eggs and carrying a team was satisfying. And so was getting HLM unexpectedly when you matched with another decent player. Now players are evened out. And the idea of bringing bad players into HLM "by chance" was also hilarious. I noticed a lot of good players stopped. Only shitters are impressed by current "difficulty".

                >In my opinion the pool system, while rough around the edges, is a great addition to this game as far as community interaction goes.

                The pool system is superflawed. You know that In 2 i could change my name all the time and even invite people through the app to play something? When I recently met someone in SR i wanted to continue playing with, I had no way to do that. 2 already had a terrible system. But now it got worse. The pools literally only work when supplemented through THIRD PARTY RESSOURCES. If I meet someone organically inside the game, the pools dont help at all. Why the frick cant i directly invite someone?

                >it's a cool system since there's no need to exchange friend codes or any of that.

                Yes, its decent for already existing communities. But then again... arent those people also removed from the fricking organic community, splintering it further? Unless its common names like "squidparty" or whatever. Its funny you mention friend codes. You know in other games people communicate with text messages after meeting organically inside the game.

              • 11 months ago

                I genuinely don't get HLMers. A completely flawless streak of wins is still at least 5 hours of gameplay and that's ignoring bosses. And arguably 4 hours of that being the braindead low difficulty you can do with ease. I truly don't get how people can say that they enjoy doing that, its so repetitive after awhile and without the challenge of a grueling difficulty its just boring tedium. And at the end of the day its gone too, all that 5 hours of work completly reset and you need to do it all again.

                I get that each map and kit is a different experience, but reducing all the 999 players back to 40 each day is a fricking joke. Or at least give over achieves a way to do raise ranks faster, like every 2 eggs over quota goes on top of your 20 win points.

              • 11 months ago

                what people? there's only octo troony and its faux discord

        • 11 months ago

          I try so hard to pretend the maps are "okay" but some of them (Mahi, Scorch Gorge) piss me off beyond belief.

          • 11 months ago

            Mahi has got old reaaal fast. Sometimes I don't mind playing certain levels, other times it's just a buzzkill.

            When the levels aren't fun to play, it severely reduces the enjoyment of the mode.

            Salmon Run objectively has better designed stages, at least the new stages, and you can see the difference when you compare all the new ones with say, Marooner's Bay and Spawning Grounds from the previous game.

            It's the opposite situation with PVP where level design has just been on a steep decline not only from 1 but also from 2. There were stinkers in both games but 3 just doesn't have any standout new levels that are actually good. But it doesn't have many new levels that are just straight up shit.

            • 11 months ago

              >Salmon Run objectively has better designed stages, at least the new stages, and you can see the difference when you compare all the new ones with say, Marooner's Bay and Spawning Grounds from the previous game.
              It's amazing how they managed to make them worse with the new bosses too.

  24. 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      Sorry it was kinda good at the beginning of the game so now it's gonna spend the rest of it no higher than mid tier

  25. 11 months ago

    >Bored of PVP
    >Bored of Salmon Run
    >Only things that come out to break up the gameplay loop come once every few months
    >Special Matches were designed by a fricking moron and have the stupid schedule system
    >Most special matches have also sucked
    >Big Runs or Eggstra Works are also few and far between
    >Can't even get a new boss with every Big Run even though we know they have more ready

    I know they want to dripfeed content they already have finished so they can say the game has a three year lifespan but I'm already struggling to give a shit about the game anymore.

  26. 11 months ago

    Still excited for Side Order but the Splatoon team’s post launch support has been so bad that I haven’t really touched the game for more than an hour or two in like half a year. I have almost no faith right now and even past what updates can change this game has some fundamental flaws that I can’t really see them fixing just like every other Nintendo “free update” game.

    It’s unbelievable that we’re a year into updates for the game and Splatoon 2 is still very arguably the better game despite releasing on the same system six fricking years ago and being rushed out the door, this team clearly couldn’t handle a game of Splatoon 3’s scope with the time and resources given and it’s heavily affecting the goodwill this series had for a while.

    Honestly I’m just happy that I didn’t go full sunk cost again like I did with ACNH, ended up putting way too many hours into a 7/10 game at best and (after a year’s worth of updates and a fricking paid DLC lmao)

  27. 11 months ago

    >Main new feature of 3 is Big Run
    >It's actually pretty fun
    >We get 7 total because we still need ample time for forced turf war only even shittier thanks to 3 teams
    It should be 2 big runs and 1 splatfest honestly but they just see Salmon Run as some weirdo side mode

    • 11 months ago

      >>Main new feature of 3 is Big Run

      That would be Tableturf. Big Run is just an event

      • 11 months ago

        >At first could only play with cpu’s, multiplayer had to be added in an update
        >Even then it’s only through friends/pool, no matchmaking
        >Cards are rare to get from the gatcha, making collecting hard
        >Rewards just consist of more cards and card accessories
        >All updates add is more cards to collect
        >No one gives a frick about it
        >Big Run
        >Big event splatfest-esque event
        >Transforms a multiplayer map into a SR map, changes the plaza as well
        >Get rewards for multiplayer and SR
        >Updates add new SR rewards, maps, king salmonids, etc.
        >It’s all anyone plays
        Yea, some “new feature” you got there. Let’s be real, they care about tableturf as much as everyone else does, which is none. Talk about a pointless addition

        • 11 months ago

          The one that introduced Fug was the only good Big Run thus far.

        • 11 months ago

          What a pointless post. "Muh RNG multiplayer mode", doesn''t change the fact that Its still an event

  28. 11 months ago

    >Frye is just fugly
    >Big Man is just a meme
    >Shiver is only hottest by default
    >People will also just pick her out of spite
    So how do we save splatfests?

    • 11 months ago

      Make better choices.
      Frye won the food one because the other two choices sucked. Almost all the splatfests have been the most moronic things, trying to take 2 choices and split them into 3 and Frye usually taking the shitty third.

      • 11 months ago

        Frye lost Aliens which should have been a free win but choked it to the fricking lochness monster

    • 11 months ago

      Explain why people liked Pearl then. White people sticking to their color no matter how ugly they look?

      • 11 months ago

        Pearl looks great in her own way.

      • 11 months ago

        There’s a lot different between their designs beyond skin colors and foreheads. Pearl proved you can have a popular gremlin with a big forehead (although it took a little while for her to grow on people). I think it’s partially her personality and animations to be honest, along with how the DLC fleshed her out (and also gave her a cool new look).

        And it’s not muh white people either. Marina was very popular despite being brown. Being brown isnt the issue. Being fugly is. Frye just isnt as attractive and her personality is bordering on forgetful. Pearl is a princess. Frye is like a feral dog in comparison

        • 11 months ago

          >Frye just isnt as attractive and her personality is bordering on forgetful
          Her looks are fine, truly. People make it out like her forehead ruins everything.
          The real issue is her character and personality. Its insane how is forgettable she is. Her personality is just so boring, its always just this happy go lucky no one. Every splatfest her dialogue is like "yeah thing is great because yeah lol", she has no passion or excitement. They made the character so nice to eachother that you never see a real side of what she's like. The fricking story mission against her was more interesting then ANY of the splatfest dialogue. And whatever map change dialogue she has is irrelevant as people skip it.
          Try and actually describe Frye's personality in a simple sentence and make her sound interesting, you really can't.

          • 11 months ago

            She’s a brainless bandit who likes food and has a short attention span. Yeah that’s not interesting at all really

          • 11 months ago

            I do like her boss fight the most of the three at least.

      • 11 months ago

        Octo expansion made a lotta people like pearl. Pearl/marina shippers had a field day with it too

        • 11 months ago

          And this is why it feels like Deep Cut are getting shafted in their own game
          Pearl and Marina get another DLC focused around them and we dont even know if deep cuck are involved whatsoever, yet this is their game!
          >b-but Off the Hook were shafted in their own game until the DLC! Deep cut has more of a single player presence!
          The boss fights are cool but that’s really it. There’s hardly anything about their characters to flesh them out or make you care about them. And we didnt get unique stage dialogue from the idols until 3/4 of a year into the game’s life! I feel sorry for Deep Cut in general, not just Frye. I feel like they’re always going to be overlooked compared to the other idols.

  29. 11 months ago

    She looks like Rei, therefore I hate her

  30. 11 months ago

    Big Run should be a weekly event, every weekend.

    • 11 months ago

      be quiet

  31. 11 months ago

    A new hydra kit would be nice

  32. 11 months ago

    All I want is a rematch with them only the fight's like the one with Agent 3

    • 11 months ago

      Would've been the perfect opportunity for getting their badges, or even from fighting them normally, now they'll either be shoehorned into Side Order or everyone just gets them in an update

  33. 11 months ago

    I'm hoping for an Agressive Naut and Squiffer kit, Any new stringer/splatana kit and weapon.

    I'm expecting a 3rd shooter before we get all 2nd kits

  34. 11 months ago

    >Who's excited
    You seriously think anyone on Ganker still playing is gonna be excited after the year we've had? If anything, I expect nothing and will probably be delivered less than that. There is a genuine, decent chance that they'll frick up again this year by not having Splatoween. That's how low the bar is set. The one bright spot on the horizon is Side Order, and given how they've handled the rest of the game, even that's debatable.

    • 11 months ago

      Yea, let’s be honest there ain’t much hope to be had left, you’d have to be gullible/nintendo’s ideal customer to be any sort of excited. Doesn’t matter in the end, the game sold like hotcakes and we’ll still play it, no matter how poorly they treat us

      • 11 months ago

        At the end of the day, I've still had an insanely great amount of fun and time put into the game. We all b***h and moan because of the horrendous support it's had, but it's hard to look back at all those hours played and the fun I've had in events like big run and think it wasn't worth it. But with the track record the devs have had thus far, it doesn't make me want to buy Splatoon 4. I'm even wary of buying Side Order, despite my desperate need to rescue Agent 8 again.

        • 11 months ago

          Yea, if updates don’t improve and SO ends up a mess then it’s a hard pass on 4. At that point splatoon is just finished. Outside of events it eon’t be anything that would justify putting in any more investment into the game and/or series going forward.
          Believe me the fun from before was more than worth it, and the core gameplay is fantastic, but if the devs clearly show no interest in building on and improving, and only just the bare minimum, at that point it’s time to just move on from Splatoon as a whole and maybe think twice before going with nintendo

  35. 11 months ago

    > Lv. 20 on Catalog
    Not gonna make it bros

    • 11 months ago

      Oh no you're going to miss out on all the....is there even anything that'd suck to miss out on?

      • 11 months ago

        They could eventually get it from the gacha, but a sure thing is better. And now I'm now realizing I don't have a gif or webm of the thing at all.

      • 11 months ago

        You miss out on brand new gear. Old S1/S2 you can order but the newest S3 stuff you miss

        • 11 months ago

          Oh no all that amazing new gear that totally looks cool and worth the hassle!

        • 11 months ago

          You can buy the gear in the store early even if you haven't hit the catalog milestone yet, but they probably disappear once the season is done.

          Yea, if updates don’t improve and SO ends up a mess then it’s a hard pass on 4. At that point splatoon is just finished. Outside of events it eon’t be anything that would justify putting in any more investment into the game and/or series going forward.
          Believe me the fun from before was more than worth it, and the core gameplay is fantastic, but if the devs clearly show no interest in building on and improving, and only just the bare minimum, at that point it’s time to just move on from Splatoon as a whole and maybe think twice before going with nintendo

          Wouldn't be the first time it happened with a Nintendo franchise.

          • 11 months ago

            >Wouldn't be the first time it happened with a Nintendo franchise
            lmao name one that hasn’t gone down that road. switch is really just ruining all their franchises

            I have an in at Nintendo
            Trailer in and hour 15, hope you guys liked bubble blower

            I swear to god if custom e-liter is just its S2 kit…

            • 11 months ago

              Can't speak for Zelda, never finished it. But Odyssey was insanely fun. Was worried what Nintendo might do going in the direction of 64 and Sunshine, going so far as to graph it out as separate from the 3D games that came after that. But goddamn, I 100%ed that shit twice. Never did get to level 50 balloons, but whatever.

              Kirby was also really fricking good. Had some really high eyebrows after Star Allies, but they knocked it out of the park with Forgotten Land. One of the best transitions to 3D I've ever seen. On a related note, I need more Kirby with veemo.

  36. 11 months ago

    I have an in at Nintendo
    Trailer in and hour 15, hope you guys liked bubble blower

  37. 11 months ago

    >fail every rank up series this season
    >switch to the new heavy splatling because it goes well with my coord
    >immediately go 3-0 in my next rank up series

    what is this magic weapon. what the frick. i'm consistently getting double digit kills. have i just been blind to the power of the heavy splatling?

  38. 11 months ago

    i'm excited to see how disappointing it will be

  39. 11 months ago

    Surely they will rework splatfests right?

    • 11 months ago
    • 11 months ago

      they already reworked splatfests and you are still b***hing, no they won't rework them so you get guaranteed win, shut up

  40. 11 months ago

    >a full year without undercover buffs

    • 11 months ago

      It got buffed in SR. That counts for something

    • 11 months ago

      prease undahstandu

      We'll be getting more shooter buffs so the under used shooters are used as often as the splash-o-matic.

      • 11 months ago

        >under used shooters
        *the ones devs want everyone to use, frick jr and frick nova right?

        • 11 months ago


          no one uses the n-zaps because their specials are garbage, i only use the nzap 89 (the super chump) during splatfests because that special does nothing in ranked modes

          • 11 months ago

            >their specials are garbage
            no they are not
            nobody uses zap because moron Black person devs made shit like splash, ballpoint and crutch machine exist

            • 11 months ago

              i'm sure you've clutched out tons of wins with tacticooler and super chump like a booyah bomb in tower control or a kraken in rainmaker can bro

              • 11 months ago

                a good tacticooler usage in fact does a lot homosexual
                even ignoring its current usage for dealing with inkjets

              • 11 months ago

                no it doesn't

  41. 11 months ago

    >what do you want to see in the 1st Year Anniversary Update?

    • 11 months ago

      fricking have a nice day
      fricking have a nice day
      fricking have a nice day

      • 11 months ago

        get good

    • 11 months ago

      Sad thing is, it'd still be better than pretty much all the new maps.

      • 11 months ago

        >wanting eliter towers back
        Like hell it will be

        • 11 months ago

          >wanting it back
          Don't put words in my mouth, homosexual. I was merely stating the facts.

        • 11 months ago

          as if most maps in this game aren't built for eliters

          • 11 months ago

            less than 9/11

  42. 11 months ago

    I want more clothes options, I want dresses and high heels

  43. 11 months ago

    Took way too long. Good night.

    • 11 months ago

      A lot of the various squids and others from the bands have such fun and varied looks. Wish we could see more of that in-game.

      • 11 months ago

        >band octo can be of blue-ringed type
        >normal ones have nothing
        Black person devs

  44. 11 months ago

    why devs are so afraid of making any source of viable DoT a player can use?

  45. 11 months ago

    They should add strength and defense up back into the game

  46. 11 months ago

    they should add good map design back into the game

  47. 11 months ago
  48. 11 months ago

    splatoon maps were always shit and i'm tired to pretend that they are not

    • 11 months ago

      wrong homosexual

      • 11 months ago

        I don't know, he seems like the right kind of homosexual to say that sort of nonsense.

        • 11 months ago

          liking any splatoon map in non visual sense is literal stockholm syndrome

  49. 11 months ago

    >remove splatfest points from popularity and preview you just get some extra conches from winning preview
    >open, tricolor, and pro are now worth 5 points
    >total area inked is worth 1 point

    • 11 months ago

      >total area inked is worth 1 point
      that's popularity but one point

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