>squanders all roleplaying potential by forcing a rigid background on the player on top of forcing him to care about his "family"

>squanders all roleplaying potential by forcing a rigid background on the player on top of forcing him to care about his "family"
>nonsensical main story with no cohesion, things just happen to you
>vast majority of side content has no connection to the main story, is only there because the writers thought it'd be funny and quirky
>no incentive to invest on non-combat skills outside of medicine
>shallow dialogue. Can only choose to say yes, barter, get an exposition dump or leave
Pic unrelated. Frick Fallout 2.

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 3 months ago

    >Pic unrelated.
    No, pic very related. Except you forgot to add "constantly shilled by pajeets for some ungodly reason"

    • 3 months ago

      Obsessed. Keep crying over brahmin aryans you impotent eunuch

      • 3 months ago


        >squanders all roleplaying potential by forcing a rigid background on the player on top of forcing him to care about his "family"
        >nonsensical main story with no cohesion, things just happen to you
        >vast majority of side content has no connection to the main story, is only there because the writers thought it'd be funny and quirky
        >no incentive to invest on non-combat skills outside of medicine
        >shallow dialogue. Can only choose to say yes, barter, get an exposition dump or leave
        Pic unrelated. Frick Fallout 2.

        have a nice day shitskin.

        • 3 months ago

          >kill yours- ACK!

          • 3 months ago

            >attacks from behind
            Ooo big man.

          • 3 months ago

            Sorry to ask this (I do have a life outside of this /misc/ infested board) but wtf is going on in this clip? When did this happen?
            Is this some dude on Jan 6 that got separated and got surrounded by actual soldiers tired of both life and this weirdo (guessing) nazis(?) ranting?

            • 3 months ago

              A bunch of maga Black folk first optics-cucks got triggered by some chan sperg who was possibly FBI. Everyone involved deserves death

      • 3 months ago

        LMAO this proves that pajeets really are behind the Fallout 3 and 4 spam lol

    • 3 months ago


    • 3 months ago

      >pic very related
      Saves dead and forgotten franchise is also very picrel

      • 3 months ago

        Saves is being very generous when the new games resemble almost nothing about the originals. But I guess it still applies since Interplay was also looking to ruin Fallout when they rushed out 2, and made console garbage like Brotherhood of Steel. Also Fallout 1/2 were very popular games within their genre, it's just that the genre itself was niche.

        • 3 months ago

          Fergus and Brian killed Fallout, Todd saved it. Any other perspective is hipster reddit soiyerboi cope

          • 3 months ago

            >Anyone who doesnt like Bethesda raping Fallout is a hipster reddit soiboi
            So convincing.

      • 3 months ago

        The Fallout IP was heavily contested. Had Bethesda not obtained it, someone else would've and whether that would've ultimately been better or worse we'll never know. Keep in mind, it took 23 years for a third Baldur's Gate to be made and by all accounts it was loved by everyone and seen as a worthy sequel.

        • 3 months ago

          Sven saved BG
          Todd saved FO
          It would've been terrific if Tim Cain bought back the rights to Fallout but he didn't have the funds. Do you know why Tim didn't have the funds? He didn't have the capitol because Fergus and Tim raped him and then they raped Fallout into its grave

          • 3 months ago

            >I'm moronic
            Thanks for sharing, moron.

            • 3 months ago

              I accept your concession

          • 3 months ago

            Sounds like headcanon to me, fren

        • 3 months ago

          >In another timeline Troika would have made Fallout 3

          >In another timeline Black Isle would have made Van Buren
          >In another timeline Bioware would have made Fallout 3
          I'm always curious to how things would have looked for Fallout in these eras. Feels like the grass is greener in every scenario except maybe the Bioware timeline, and even then they made Dragon Age which was pretty similar to Baldur's Gate.

      • 3 months ago

        No, it shit all over a dead and forgotten franchise. I'd rather it stayed dead than being remembered for the absolute dog shit that Bethesda has made.

        • 3 months ago

          but you never would've gotten New Vegas if Todd didn't resurrect Fallout

          • 3 months ago

            No, not New Vegas as is but a lot of it's ideas were present in Van Buren.

            • 3 months ago

              Van Buren wouldn't have been the cultural phenomenon that New Vegas is

          • 3 months ago

            >release 3 garbage as frick games for 1 good one
            Bad ratio anon.

            • 3 months ago

              New Vegas is a FO3 mod, just accept that you love Todds Mod

              • 3 months ago

                >mod is better than the game
                >asquth every shitty Bethesda game minus morrowind
                Ok and? Nothing wrong with admitting that people do Bethesda's job better than them.

              • 3 months ago

                The most difficult part of creating anything is being the innovator, building something up from the ground level. Anybody can take an already established work and improve upon it after the fact, that's just grunt work. Todd had the spark of creativity that built an empire. Josh doesn't and that's why nobody is making a New Vegas out of his original works

              • 3 months ago

                >The most difficult part is BLAHBLAHBLAH
                Don't care, didn't read slurper. Stay mad Bethesda is shit.

              • 3 months ago

                whatever you say soiyerboi

              • 3 months ago

                >The most difficult part of creating anything is being the innovator, building something up from the ground level. Anybody can take an already established work and improve upon it after the fact, that's just grunt work
                Sounds like what Bethesda did with Fallout 3 by copying everything from 1 and 2. Oh except the "improving upon it" part

              • 3 months ago

                Bethesda copied everything for FO3 from Oblivion you stinking Obsidiot

              • 3 months ago

                >Oblivion had you allocating skill points to a list of skills when leveling up
                >Oblivion had perks when leveling up
                >Oblivion had voiced followers with personalities
                >Oblivion had you starting the game leaving a Vault then coming back later and being told "You're a hero. . . and you have to leave"
                >Oblivion had a plot point about the GECK
                >Oblivion had the Brotherhood of Steel shoehorned in
                >Oblivion had you fighing the Enclave
                >Oblivion had radio statios with 50s songs about nuclear bombs and the atom to really hammer home how this is a game about the 50s and nuclear bombs, guys
                Damn, I want to play the Oblivion you played

              • 3 months ago

                Are you really trying to argue that Fallout 3 has more to do with OG Fallout than it does from Oblivion/Morrowind from a game design perspective? Obsidiots are fricking delusional

              • 3 months ago

                Are you trying to argue that Fallout 3 didn't do its damnest to copy its identity from Fallout 1 and 2 from iconography to plot because it was afraid of "not being seen as a real Fallout" and the consequence was that it was just a poorly told retread of an amalgamation of plot points from the previous better entries? New Vegas is a game about fricking cowboys and Roman LARPers fighting for a dam and it's more Fallout than the one with the Vault from 1 but the GECK from 2 but the Brotherhood from 1 but nice but the Enclave from 2 but Emil's obsession with religion sprinkled into the mix. Get an argument or enjoy the last (You).

              • 3 months ago

                >New Vegas is a FO3 mod
                Oh you'ree the last of us troony.

              • 3 months ago

                ESL much?

  2. 3 months ago

    >oblivion with guns

  3. 3 months ago

    Fallout 2 is such an overrated piece of shit.
    Most homosexualrons here lick its butthole but have never even played it.

  4. 3 months ago

    >Elder Scrolls
    >complete blank starter character
    >family drama defined starter character

  5. 3 months ago

    >squanders all roleplaying potential by forcing a rigid background on the player on top of forcing him to care about his "family"
    You could kill the arroyo elder on the Oil Rig if you wanted to. The only thing Fallout 2 railroads you on is blowing up the Oil Rig and you could completely ignore it and die in the wasteland if you wanted to.
    >nonsensical main story with no cohesion, things just happen to you
    No there very much is a path of progression that makes sense. You're looking for a GECK and as such are looking for a Vault to have one, and by the time you grab one the Enclave needs genetic stalk to find out how much radiation and FEV makes a difference on vault inhabitants vs wasteland tribal so that they can enforce their superiority.
    >vast majority of side content has no connection to the main story, is only there because the writers thought it'd be funny and quirky
    That's all side content in any Fallout game 1 included. It's not like Junktowns Gizmo has much barring on you needing to look for a water chip. But even still the side content has some barring on the surrounding world in Fallout 2 such has the power that Redding has and why the reno families, NCR, or Vault City having control over it.
    >no incentive to invest on non-combat skills outside of medicine
    This is just wrong. Also ironic that your propping up "Medicine" (is it First Aid or Doctor?) since its one of the weaker skills in the classic Fallout games.
    >shallow dialogue. Can only choose to say yes, barter, get an exposition dump or leave
    This is dialog in any Fallout game, New Vegas included. They're not that in depth and that's intentional as this is a game, not a novel.

    • 3 months ago

      You have several opportunities to kill your son and change your allegiance to factions multiple times on Fallout 4, yet it's storyline get trashed by rabid Fallout 2 fanboys saying their game has the best story ever even though the old agency the player has in the entire game is offing some old hag in the very end with no consequences. Funny how that double standart goes
      You just spend two thirds of the game going towards a goal only for a bunch of cartoonish mustache twirling villain to appear and suddenly change the entire narrative, who also just so happen to have your friends held prisoner in their super secret base. Doesn't sound like good writing to me
      Is it? Most Fallout 1 quests are simply mercenary work for you to do if your character is low on money. Meanwhile Fallout 2 side content boils down to finding a whacky situation or talking creature.
      Name 5 opportunities where you can use science or repair skills on the second game.
      Fallout 2 has much less dialogue options than 4 or even 3, but people don't talk about that because the only dialogue option you get is a whole paragraphs where the writer rants against a imaginary strawman

      • 3 months ago

        Why do bethestroons love to talk about the games they haven't even played?

      • 3 months ago

        >You just spend two thirds of the game going towards a goal only for a bunch of cartoonish mustache twirling villain to appear and suddenly change the entire narrative, who also just so happen to have your friends held prisoner in their super secret base. Doesn't sound like good writing to me
        I agree the Enclave in Fallout 3 are poorly written.

        • 3 months ago

          >being kidnapped by the antagonists is the same thing as finding a huge boat on the other side of the map to get to the secret base or something
          Typical obsidrone. Bet you think you're real smart and funny because you act disingenuous all the time. Protip: You're not (:

          • 3 months ago

            kidnapped by the antagonists
            >forgetting about Autumn magically surviving
            >forgetting about the moronic president Eden and his nonsensical suicide
            It's asinine just how awful the writing in F3 is, and moronic bethesdrones just eat it up.

          • 3 months ago

            Did you forget the part where they show up out of nowhere at the memorial and you have to escape and do an absurdly tedious and unfun escort quest though the sewers? I didn't. Because it wasn't 'kino' it was unfun and annoying.
            The idea of the Enclave flying to the complete other side of the country after the oil rig blew up is moronic too but you never mention that despite it being mentioned in Fallout 3 numerous fricking times.

            • 3 months ago

              Who cares? Obsidian proved in new vegas that the enclave is all over the country and that's all that matters. Eat your slop obsidian piggy

              • 3 months ago

                Where did they do that shartytroon?

              • 3 months ago

                Ed-E in lonesome roads talks about going from DC all the way to the mojave you fricking newbie. Go play the games before you yap at Ganker oldGODS

              • 3 months ago

                >DC all the way to the mojave
                lmao go be a braindead troony somewhere else.

      • 3 months ago

        >Meanwhile Fallout 2 side content boils down to finding a whacky situation or talking creature.
        Not even close.

        • 3 months ago

          >pretending not to know about the hecking wholesome talking deathclaw
          >or the talking robot
          >or the talking plant
          >or the talking dog
          >or the talking rat with psychic powers
          >or the hecking whacky city full of people who are totally not scientologists
          But yeah sure, it's bethesda who ruined Fallout by turning it into a theme park, even though obsidian has done it a decade earlier and making each consecutive game shittier and an even bigger flop

          • 3 months ago

            not to know about the hecking wholesome talking deathclaw
            Enclave experiment moron, all of them are. Play the game first.

          • 3 months ago

            As much as talking deathclaws are dumb there is a precedent for them to exist all the way in F1
            >The strangest thing is happening to the animals. They actually become smarter and more aware of their surroundings. I dipped a dog and a rat at the same time today, and they were fused together. It's not quite two creatures anymore, but it's more than one. Perhaps this is the future - a coming together of different creatures in some sort of harmonious unity. I no longer consume the different animals I create simply for sustenance - I have become the instrument through which unity will be achieved. I am so much more than a human being now.
            This proves that the FEV has the capacity to improve the intelligence of any given creature, not just humans. By F1s own worldbuilding it would be theoretically possible to make any species more intelligent, maybe to the point of human intelligence. FEV also can give you psychic powers

      • 3 months ago

        But what about Fallout 3, I thought this was the one you were trying to defend? The one that has 1 ending just the same as F2. Fallout 4 was just adapting the model that New Vegas set for the series. Also there very much is a slide for when you kill the Arroyo elder.
        Yeah that's almost any Fallout. 1 did the same thing, hell maybe worse in someways as after finding the water chip the Overseer now wants mutant heads, and even in that case you can side with the Master and Unity, you'll just lose. At least there's some reason for the Chosen to go the Oil Rig and stop the Enclave. It's his entire village of people and the Enclave are looking to gas all muties of which s/he is.
        I just gave an example with the content of Redding. That's not just le talking animal.
        That's a lot for me to remember off the top of my head but you can use science on the Vault City computers, the computers at Gecko, the Highwayman in Klamath, the turrets on the Oil Rig.
        Why are you still harping on the dialog, it's not always about the amount of choices given between a PC and NPC. That's why F4s model of always having 4 choices at any given time was dumb.
        Fallout 2 of course has flaws, they all do. But I can't imagine that pointing out the flaws of 2 when the same flaws would apply to 3 ten fold is a good case for your argument.

        • 3 months ago

          idk. it was pic unrelated. learn to read or something

  6. 3 months ago

    Best to worst
    >Fallout 1
    >Fallout TTW
    >Fallout New Vegas
    >Fallout 3
    >Fallout 4

  7. 3 months ago

    Pic actually related. There's nothing redeemable about Troonout 3. Keep dilating xister.

    • 3 months ago

      What does your image have to do with anything?

      • 3 months ago

        That Pajeetout 3 gays are trannies.

        • 3 months ago

          And how does your image accomplish this?

          • 3 months ago

            By showing the truth of who the hell shills troony games like Troonout 3.

            • 3 months ago

              This ManyATrueNerd person sells Fallout 3?
              And what is this image supposed to represent?

              • 3 months ago

                No xe shills Troonout 3.
                >And what is this image supposed to represent?
                That xe's a troony.

              • 3 months ago

                What does shilling mean to you? I think I'm missing something.

                Also if they are a troony, what's the issue? Obviously they wouldn't be interested in supporting Rowling.

              • 3 months ago

                >What does shilling mean to you?
                Watch the first 3 minutes of xis video and you'll see.
                Why not? I think it's relevant to point out that Troonout 3 is mainly defended by trannies like xim.

              • 3 months ago

                I still don't get the issue.

              • 3 months ago

                Lurk more.

  8. 3 months ago

    I love that they let you roleplay as a slaver to earn income

  9. 3 months ago

    dialogue. Can only choose to say yes, barter, get an exposition dump or leave

    Nah, not true. In Modoc there's the shopkeeper who asks you to help save the town, and you can tell him that you will only help if he cuts off his pinky finger to seal the deal. There are numerous dialogues where you can taunt people into attacking you (like Flick for example), and there are situations where you can threaten/intimidate people in order to get your way (the rapists outside V15). The dialogues with Bishop and his female relations are full of traps and have to be carefully negotiated for a good outcome. There's loads of stuff that doesn't fit with your description. Next time, think before you type.

  10. 3 months ago

    main story with no cohesion, things just happen to you
    This is all Bethesda Fallouts though?

  11. 3 months ago

    >>to care about his "family"
    Nobody cared about your shitty father in F3, nobody cared about your shitty child in F4. You can't even kill your dad, but I can kill the elder.

  12. 3 months ago

    BASED fallout 3 enjoyer. I can't wait to read all the comments from seething obsidiatroons ITT.

  13. 3 months ago

    If you play any fallout that is not 1 and 2 (and brotherhood of steel console game), you are a redditgay

    • 3 months ago

      You have to go back.

  14. 3 months ago

    It's funny how to this day it's Todd's favorite intro from a game he's made

    It's so damn obvious Bethesda's vision for Fallout was *never* what it used to be under other devs, the only thing they've done in time is be more comfortable with changing Fallout to their whims instead of trying to please the past crowd. Like, in TES they keep up no problem with the protagonist being a faceless prisoner and they'll never change that because it's what they want for TES. But Fallout? First an established son looking for an established father, then an established father looking for an established son. They want Fallout's narrative to be way more scripted and personal and I swear I don't understand why

    • 3 months ago

      >They want Fallout's narrative to be way more scripted and personal and I swear I don't understand why
      You know this would be fine if they just didn't touch the Fallout IP and went with their own original post-apocalyptic IP. There's a market for post-apocalyptic story driven shooters, Rage and Metro exist. Bethesda could have just done a wacky version of those two while borrowing the iconography that they want from Fallout. But they clearly don't want to make "A Post-Nuclear Role Playing Game" like the originals wanted to, it's pretty evident with just how streamlined F4 is.

  15. 3 months ago

    >Troon Vegas fansisters still seething that their game got infested with troons.
    That's like wearing a rainbow colored shirt and wondering why people are calling you a homosexual.

  16. 3 months ago

    your media literacy has no power to stop me
    its already over
    I already enjoyed both fo3 and nv

  17. 3 months ago

    >3 shitters still calling NV the "troony" game to cope with their game being an irredeemable piece of shit

  18. 3 months ago

    Fallout? Based
    Fallout 2? Based
    Fallout 3? Based
    Fallout NV? Based
    Fallout 4? Based

  19. 3 months ago

    >have a mutie companion
    >immune to radiation poisoning
    >tell it to step inside the chamber
    >noooooooooooo you can't do that!!!!!!! we wuz hero's ourneying n shiiiiiiii

  20. 3 months ago

    >free of pajeets
    >free of contrarians
    >free of r*dditors
    >free of trannies
    >free of autists
    >free of shitposters
    Yup, this is objectively the best Fallout game by virtue of having the least insufferable fanbase.

    • 3 months ago

      Probably because it doesn't have a fanbase.

  21. 3 months ago

    Nothing forced you to care about your family in fallout 3 srrms2

    • 3 months ago

      >Entire main quest is about finding Liam Neeson dad and fulfilling his wishes.
      I guess this is true if you never touched the main quest and just did side content.

    • 3 months ago

      Nothing forced me to care about daddy issues in 3 or the daddy issues in 4. Which homosexual writer(s) at Bethesda have daddy issues that badly that they made two dogshit games over it?

  22. 3 months ago

    I think anons blow the family aspects of FO3 and 4 way out of proportion. Yes, its there, but there’s a shit ton of other things to do than worry about it. If you claim you can’t roleplay in such a frame work I don’t you know anything about rping at all.

    • 3 months ago

      Fallout 3 establishes your mom died at childbirth and your dad is a white doctor called James. It establishes you grew up in a vault being friends with Amata and at odds with the Tunnel Snakes. It establishes you're canonincally no matter what 19 years old. Fallout 4 establishes you were born before the bombs were dropped and knew the world before the Great War. You lived in it for three decades. You were either a soldier at Anchorage or a lawyer. You were straight, in a committed relationship and had a son.
      This idea that Bethesda's Fallouts don't force you into a framework is fricking hilarious. You want to play an old man in F3? You can't because you're 19 and looking for your 51yo father. You want to play as an experienced wastelander in F4? Get fricked, you're a pre-war parent that cares a lot about their burrito baby and you will not be able to ignore it every time the VA will be angry or sad when talking about Shaun. You want to romance someone in F4? You better start doing mental gimnasti- I mean, "roleplay" on why you were crying over your dead spouse's cryo chamber a week before fricking Curie. You bomb Megaton ten seconds after leaving Vault 101? Start imagining what the frick kind of parenting did James do to raise a psychopath and never realize it.
      F1 and F2 establishes where you came from, that's it. No age, no gender, no pre-established backstory sans 2 making you the Vault Dweller's grandson. New Vegas even better, the Courier is 100% a blank slate and lo and behold, the one DLC that adds to that (and really at the end of the day all it adds is "you were a courier for some time even before the Platinum Chip") is disliked for forcing backstory on the player character.

  23. 3 months ago

    >Investing in Medicine in Fallout 2

    • 3 months ago

      Doctor in Fallout 2 can sometimes be useful, I believe there are some skill checks that put it into use plus healing crippled limbs is nice. First Aid is fricking useless though and F3/NV were smart to combine the two.

      • 3 months ago

        Speech, Lockpick, Repair, Science are all infinitely more useful in Fallout 2.

        • 3 months ago

          I agree. Fallout 2's skill set are very unbalanced and that's mostly because of Fallout 1. F2 should have been the first game to combine Doctor and First Aid into Medicine but I guess they couldn't from engine limitations. Even the super pimped out Fallout slav mods run into the same issue which leave me to believe that the skills are hard-coded. Still F2 at least has more application for the skills than Fallout 1 did.

  24. 3 months ago

    >squanders all roleplaying potential by forcing a rigid background on the player
    homie it's a role playing game
    you play a role
    not all rpgs can or should have freeform blank slate characters

  25. 3 months ago

    uh oh soiyerboy melty

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