Star Citizen (scg/sct) IAE 2023 edition

>What's new?
IAE is here
C1 Spirit is LIVE
Gatac Railen is tbd
Pyro in tech preview channel
Citcon happened, was good

>Should I buy?
Try again next year

>Pastebin w/ links

>CitCon 2023, intends to release "within next 12 months"


DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    I thought you were moving over to rentry, OP

    • 7 months ago

      didn't notice, that's a different guy

      >New and improved pastebin

      • 7 months ago

        Heres a newplayer guide to add along with the next op aswell still abit more i have to write up

  2. 7 months ago

    >no Jax
    >no pyro
    IAE feeling a bit shit this year. Yet another opportunity to look at the same ships we see every year and stare at the crappy holo models of unfulfilled promises.

  3. 7 months ago


    Crusader is Space Boeing

    • 7 months ago

      For it to be space Boeing it needs to "merge" with Aegis which is actually the Aegis president getting on the board and forcing them into buying Aegis and then firing all the Crusader execs and half the engineers and replacing them with Aegis suits.

      And then getting into several costly lawsuits because they go completely moronic.

      • 7 months ago

        Kino corpolore that should actually happen especially since Crusader are presented as benevolent Good Guys

        • 7 months ago

          I've met several ex- and current Boeing workers that are still salty 30 years later over the McDonnel-Douglas "merger".

  4. 7 months ago


    >so is crusader the ford of star citizen
    IDK but Drake is definitely Dodge. Famous for use by criminals but also makes cop cars and ambulances, focus on straight line speed, shitty build quality, and they even both have five-letter names starting with D and ending with E.

    • 7 months ago

      >Famous for use by criminals
      Their stuff makes me think of Toyota technicals more than some random crook's car.

  5. 7 months ago

    I'm tempted to buy the Fury LX on Mirai day, it looks cool as hell. My only other ship is my starter though, and I only started playing around a week ago.

  6. 7 months ago

    Xenothreat pamphlets are almost gone, but the "Citizens for Pyro" pamphlets are pretty much untouched.
    Really sets my noggin jogging.

    • 7 months ago

      Closeup in case anyone is interested what it says.

    • 7 months ago

      Closeup in case anyone is interested what it says.

      bunch of xenophobic chuddies seething over superior alien engineering, my alien ship mogs their human trash

      • 7 months ago

        You can only trust those of your own race

      • 7 months ago

        You say that, but humans seem to have got logistics nailed down to an art form.
        Let's consider from perspective of carriers. There's nothing aliens have that comes close to an Arrow when it comes to logistics.
        Vanduul got the Blade, Xi'An got the Khartu and Banu got the Defender.
        Defender of course is a medium fighter, so we should compare it to a hornet or a sabre.

        Regardless of what alien ship you compare to a human ship, human ship is always far more compact, which means when it comes to a battle between two equally sized carrier groups, the human fighter swarms will always outnumber the enemy.
        Doubly so now that we've used Alien tech to make the Fury, which is so incredibly small it fits on a light freighter.

        • 7 months ago

          A race wagies that were born from generations of overworked online commerce workers is of course going to nail logistics down. That doesn't mean the Xi'an can't keep up. The Gatac Railen is only the beginning

          • 7 months ago

            Railen carries less cargo than Hull-B and is almost 4 times the size.

      • 7 months ago

        shut up xeno lover, can't wait to stomp your faces in with titan suit

      • 7 months ago

        We should be slaughtering the Xi'an and the Banu, not trading with them

    • 7 months ago

      they're all citizens for pyro pamphlets, xenothreat doesn't do hippie leaflet campaigns

    • 7 months ago

      Reminds me of people throwing hissy fits over Japanese cars in the early 80s.

      • 7 months ago

        fitting since Mirai ships use Xi'an technology

  7. 7 months ago

    when are they adding parachutes or wingsuits or some shit

  8. 7 months ago

    are they gonna make aliens playable

    • 7 months ago

      planned but I wouldn't expect to see it for years

  9. 7 months ago

    >2 days after the patch and I can't find a server with over 10 FPS anymore.

    • 7 months ago

      homie its freefly

      • 7 months ago

        It was free fly the past two days and I couldn't find a server with less then 10.

        • 7 months ago

          australians finally finished downloading 80gb

    • 7 months ago

      >free fly after what is arguably the best citcon shilling session yet
      >good servers
      Lol, lmao even

    • 7 months ago

      >He thinks the game is ever playable at a free flight week

      >load into tutorial
      >load in again

      This has happened twice now, what the frick is the problem

      Time to keep loading, and trying. Free flight week is also aids. At least there's a tutorial now, it used to be that you had ZERO guidance on how to do anything and you would blow up in your hanger at least twice from not knowing what anything did.

      >carrack owners can name their carrack
      >we can't name our Idris/Kraken
      This pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.

      >Own a nautilus
      >Supposedly can name it
      >Can't name it
      Frick this game

      for me it's the Crucible because I like waiting

      >Most the ships I own are useless support ships with no gameplay loops right now
      >At this point I'll have no one to even crew my ship in the future
      >Fight the urge to become a future space dad because one way to get crew members is to have a girlfriend and or start a family, cause by the time this game gets released I'll be 93
      Fricking single seat fighter gays are laughing at me again

  10. 7 months ago

    Is the merlin bugged? None of the people flying it can seem to get the docking working

    • 7 months ago

      Hold N.

  11. 7 months ago

    Wait is it bugging out or can I not rent the C/A1?

  12. 7 months ago

    >load into tutorial
    >load in again

    This has happened twice now, what the frick is the problem

    • 7 months ago

      welcome to star citizen

      • 7 months ago

        Is there a way to fix it, or do I just keep trying until it works?

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah, pretty much.

        • 7 months ago

          keep trying until it works, my first moments were pretty bumpy too

  13. 7 months ago

    what ships are you buying with store credit this sale?

    • 7 months ago

      perseus cause im a frickin whale

      • 7 months ago

        for me it's the Crucible because I like waiting

  14. 7 months ago

    >leaving a bugged bunker, decide to log off
    >flying back to seraphim
    >'huh what's a quantum beacon doing here'
    >some newbie is getting rescued by another dude
    >murderhobo friend hears this and demands I stay put so he can kill them
    >vanguard eats a dozen rattlers and suffers critical existence failure
    >take the bodies for their gear
    >put them in my ship and proceed to seraphim
    >bring them back to the station
    >dude proceeds to thank me for bringing his body back to him and pays me 50k
    >take all the gear off the other guy's corpse and log
    this fricking game

  15. 7 months ago

    >carrack owners can name their carrack
    >we can't name our Idris/Kraken
    This pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.

    • 7 months ago

      >we can't name our Idris/Kraken

      You cant even fly the fricking things, lmaolol

    • 7 months ago

      thats a feature? I wish we could name all our ships

      • 7 months ago

        Only on a select few ships to start, then eventually they will roll it out to the rest of the lineup.

        For now, theres the:

        • 7 months ago

          Corsair too

        • 7 months ago

          My msr is named Chad thunderrunner

      • 7 months ago

        Yep. 25 character limit IIRC.
        I've been waiting to name my ship for five wienersucking years.

        • 7 months ago

          Cool, I'm wanna name my Syulen "Onahole"

  16. 7 months ago

    >introduced some friends to the game on free fly
    >session didn't go anywhere amd we didn't get much done
    >however, this was due to their own sheer incompetence and not the game bugging out and shitting itself
    A marked improvement over the last free fly.

  17. 7 months ago

    space bmw day innit

    • 7 months ago

      Oh gee I love touring gameplay. There will definitely be a touring gameplay loop in the future which makes best use of luxury space yachts.

  18. 7 months ago

    Origin bad. They're just objectively inferior ships with a lazy aesthetic.
    Banu literally have gold plated ships and Xi'An use ostentatious amounts of gravel with marble/rock decor while Origin uses white plastic.

    • 7 months ago

      Meant to say Gravlev, but got corrected

    • 7 months ago

      Oh gee I love touring gameplay. There will definitely be a touring gameplay loop in the future which makes best use of luxury space yachts.

      they don't call it space bmw for nothing, this is the demographic for origin:

  19. 7 months ago

    What's your favorite fighter, /scg/?

    • 7 months ago

      If the leaks are true, the Heavy Mirai fighter will be my favorite

      • 7 months ago

        confirmed fake unfortunately

        • 7 months ago

          Damn, oh well. I like the Fury a lot

        • 7 months ago

          Damn, oh well. I like the Fury a lot

          >confirmed fake, unfortunately
          No? Or, atleast not yet. If theres anything the leak troons get right, its upcoming ship concepts.

          Citcon teased the silhouette of a fricking XL fury. So, I don't know where you got that from

          • 7 months ago

            The guy that made that image said he just based it on scaling up a fury and making it bulkier, hes not an involved dev/leaking

            • 7 months ago

              Afaik that was about this pic here. The line drawing is an accurate representation of the upcoming concept, as far as we know.

          • 7 months ago

            Corporate espionage trannies dropped the ball with the Perseus though.

    • 7 months ago

      Cutlass Black

    • 7 months ago

      >But the Gladiator isn’t a fighter, it’s a b-

      • 7 months ago

        I miss my gladiator.
        Freelacner was my first, Gladiator and Tally were my second and third, bought together in 2013.
        My tally got turned into an orion and then my gladiator got turned into another Orion and given to my nephew.

        I'd like to reaquire Gladiator but they've been so brutally power crept over the years it seems foolish to me. I hope the Idea of them getting a rebuild happens but Im not holding my breath for it.

        • 7 months ago

          > I hope the Idea of them getting a rebuild happens
          Realistically, it almost has to happen. It’s the second oldest ship designed, and hasn’t really been touched since then. I’m sure they’ll have to work on it to bring things like physicalized components and armor, plus paints. The biggest question is whether it’s going to be a 1-to-1 update to bring it up to standards, or if they’re going to update it to be more competitive.

          If I had to hazard a guess, I’d say it and the Hornet are probably coming with S42.

    • 7 months ago

      Hawk, my beloved.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm the kind of autist who just likes line units. I like line infantry, line armor, line ships, and I guess 'line fighters', so I enjoy the old dependable Gladius. Of course of the light fighters it's the easiest ship for me to aim with.

    • 7 months ago

      Probably the Vanguard, just because it's so versatile, the combo of really good weapons, decent shields, great Q drive and tank, decent handling, full interior, optional second crewman, and relatively small overall size makes it top tier for pretty much all PvE combat content in the game, OK for a lot of PvP encounters, and it can even do deliveries if you really want to.

      I just wish they'd do a little update with stuff like door control panels, the whole ramp/rear door situation is my biggest complaint about the whole ship and it'd be nice if the galley area got the stocked fridge from the Redeemer and stuff like that.

    • 7 months ago

      I cant hit shit in my vanguard, maybe I'm just a shit pilot, but when I take it into pvp, I find it lacks maneuverability. I like the Scorpius, or the F8C mainly cause I suck ass and need to bank, roll, turn and I use gimbals

    • 7 months ago

      The Ares, but if Crusader ever made a medium or light fighter then that would probably be it.
      God I love the look of crusader ships so much.

      • 7 months ago

        Personally not a fan of the asymmetrical layout. Put size 4's on either side and I'm happy.

  20. 7 months ago

    I saw the new C, and now i'm even madder at the state the Freelancer is in.
    The cargo hold really needs to be wider to accept vehicles and the fricking wienerpit needs a rework to have fricking visibilty

    • 7 months ago

      It's kind of irrelevant now that the space trucker role is being handed to the Hull series.

      • 7 months ago

        Always has been

    • 7 months ago

      Freelancer is ugly though, so they should just delete it from the game rather than upgrade an eyesore.

    • 7 months ago

      It's kind of irrelevant now that the space trucker role is being handed to the Hull series.

      It's not made for being a trucker, it's for being able to handle some low level bounties, do bunkers and pick up/loot/steal cargo without being too expensive to upkeep. I wish they added more multirole ships. I like having a space home where I can keep all my shit and not have to worry about constantly switching ships so I can tackle different contracts.

  21. 7 months ago

    Ah okay, 12gb of ram, installation on a hard drive with a 1060 isn't gonna run the game after all

    • 7 months ago

      You need to install on an SSD absolutely and have a MINIMUM of 16gb, ideal 32gb RAM. A 1060 can run it fine if you have a good enough CPU to carry it... but this isn't a game for poorgays.

      • 7 months ago

        I would say ABSOLUTELY minimum is now 32GB, since the game will always try to get 27-29GB of RAM. Dont forget your Windows needs 5-6GB at least and if browsers, 3rd party apps... also running in the background, even 10GB alone for that.

        If you go over your system memory it will start lagging (micro lags) since the RAM will be saved to pagefile on your storage.

        SSD is a MUST, NVMe good, SSD minimum.

        • 7 months ago

          Nah, I run it(like shit) on 16. I'm not sure why, but my RAM is never actually maxed out when I'm running it, my shitty RX 570 seems to be the main bottleneck, which is always maxed out and struggling. Obviously it runs like complete shit, but I grew up playing Diddy Kong racing so I'm used to 15 FPS. SSD is an actual minimum though, as I had an issue where windows was using my HDD for virtual memory and it made the game unplayable. Constant stuttering.

  22. 7 months ago

    C1 is okay, but the inside is kind of boring. I want more of these kinds of ships though, because I don't really like the ones they have. Freelancers not my style, but I love Cutlass Black on the outside. However the inside is boring and it's about twice as large as it looks like it should be. It looks like someone took the model in photoshop and just hit that ctr t and just expanded it. If you go in third person while in the wienerpit or by the side doors you look like an ant, it looks ridiculous.

    • 7 months ago

      Cutty is like 30% larger or something due to an error when they outsourced the original model, but it's CIG's policy to NEVER downsize so that whales don't shit and cum about their ship "losing value" or some nonsense even though its more practical afterwards
      Cutty was originally a Hornet that traded armor for solid storage capacity, we ended up with an obese Freelancer competitor

      • 7 months ago

        Well that explains why the size always felt so off to me.

  23. 7 months ago

    I’m glad that Crusader is getting more ships. I like their aesthetic.
    Now if only they could make a light or medium fighter (or a heavy fighter that’s not gimped by CIG’ and I’d be happy as a clam.

  24. 7 months ago

    What's the point of having those good prices update page in the journal? Does anyone even trade that shit? Might be interesting if they made all goods prices very a bit, then cargo running might actually be slightly interesting. As it is it's literally the most mind numbingly boring way to make money in the game.

  25. 7 months ago

    >Aurora LN (game package)

    I was planning on upgrading the Prospector to something else but I’m getting cold feet. I’ve got warbond CCU chains up to the San’tok and the 400i would be the next step for a total of $25 but I have no clue what I would be going for after that. A mole? The idea of a 400i is cool but it would be stupid to do.

    Might take the Avenger to a C1 (or maybe a Cutlass Black again) and then make that LN a Titan or a Cutter. Star Citizen is fricking stupid, lads.

  26. 7 months ago

    >randomly clipped out of the new babbage train
    uh oh

    • 7 months ago

      log out and log back in moron

    • 7 months ago

      I saw someone in chat claim the next train hit him and he got sucked back into it.

    • 7 months ago

      I saw someone in chat claim the next train hit him and he got sucked back into it.

      yeah i had that happen and tried that out cus why not? and it worked

    • 7 months ago

      I had a Gladius quantum away without me last night. Definitely some fricky shit happening with physics right now.

      • 7 months ago

        that's some looney tunes shit

      • 7 months ago

        >Start a group HRT.
        >Ares quants away without me.
        >Log back in, grab a 600i.
        >Ship powers up but engine has 0 Hydro and 0 QT

        • 7 months ago

          You need to activate the engines anon.

          • 7 months ago

            I did. I could hear the engine sound effect after pressing I, but still no fuel. Also couldn't see the ship by hitting F4. I managed to navigate out of the hangar but then I was just drifting without being able to steer.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah happened to me when trying out the C1 yesterday.

  27. 7 months ago

    Why does the Syulen have a bench?

    • 7 months ago

      Study desk for Xi'an to read about how to subvert and destroy human poriticar organization

  28. 7 months ago

    any curved monitor users ITT? I see some Amazon deals on them and I'm curious if curved monitors actually worth it or just a meme

    • 7 months ago

      They offer no advantage, just are aesthetically pleasing.

      • 7 months ago

        aesthetically pleasing is the goal, I asked around and figured I'd also ask here since I play Star Citizen a lot

        • 7 months ago

          I had no problems with mine. I suppose if you use multiple screens, they might not be optimal as secondary screen.

    • 7 months ago

      I have a 35" 21:9 that's got a pretty mild curve to it and I think it makes sense on that, less so on 16:9 though.

  29. 7 months ago

    damn the Ion is a lot more fun than what I was expecting. I don't have a dedicated fighter in my fleet yet, just multirole ships. this one is very tempting. I have yet to try the Inferno out but I feel like I'm going to like the Ion more either way.

    • 7 months ago

      Ion is NOT a dedicated fighter, think of it as an AT gun in space
      Big damage small profile, same role as the torpedo bombers with less cost but less alpha potential
      Using it as a fighter will get you mogged by just about every ship in the game

      • 7 months ago

        That makes sense, I definitely wasn't thinking about it for pvp though. It's just been very satisfying to use for bounties. Barely taken any damage. Only downside is having to leave cargo behind.

        • 7 months ago

          My personal favorite bounty ship is the Vanguard, with an AD5B on the nose (ADXB series gatlings are the only ballistics worth using right now, and are best in slot for size 4-6 for raw DPS while still having solid ammo capacity) and the laser cannons in the four nose slots, it has a single pip and absolutely bonkers damage output. Erkul says its slightly more than the Ion, about 75% of the Inferno, not including the turret which puts it more than either, while also being more agile.
          Swap the nose cannons for repeaters and put a gimbaled S4 (for 1400m/s velocity, nothing more) and its not solid in PvP again too, with a gunner its outright potent if you're a solid pilot

      • 7 months ago

        can't wait to get 4 of these in one package.

        • 7 months ago

          Sadly the loaner is a Hammerhead.

          • 7 months ago

            HH is not bad for XT, too bad XT's been shit after PES was introduced.

            • 7 months ago


              • 7 months ago

                xenothreat it's the event that sold me on the game at the time it's a big PvE event

              • 7 months ago

                Ah, I never partook on the event because I thought Xenothreat was based and they didn't let me side with them.

          • 7 months ago

            HH and Perseus go hand in hand in the final "meta", if anything the Perseus would be even shittier if live right now

            can't wait to get 4 of these in one package.

            i wonder how they're gonna balance big ship turrets, no way they're getting the slew rates of what we have now but it'd be pretty cool if Javelin or Bengal turrets were slow enough it became a strategic positioning thing

            • 7 months ago

              slew rate, dispersion, fire rate, damage over distance, projectile speed.

  30. 7 months ago

    Is the C1 Spirit pant jizzing warranted? It seems like other than some slight cargo bay increase, the Cutlass is still arguably the better choice?

    • 7 months ago

      Main benefit of the C1 is the better tractor placement, the fact it can hold 32s if you're salvaging, and the ramp being easier to get a ROC through.

      Main drawback is that there's maybe 3 inches of clearance each side when you go into a hangar. And frickall for missiles.

    • 7 months ago

      The C1 technically has 96 SCU since you can easily slide a third 32SCU crate between the other two. The tractor beam is much better positioned and can move shit around inside the cargo bay in addition to just picking it up.

      For me though it's a very pretty ship and very comfy so I prefer it for that alone, but if you do intend to do a lot of ship combat then yes it is straight up inferior to the Cutlass.

  31. 7 months ago

    Wew these new videos today are utter shit, give jax back.

  32. 7 months ago

    Eww, Drake

    • 7 months ago


  33. 7 months ago

    >not dropping the "coming soon" third cutter variant at iae

    • 7 months ago

      Scout was only a month ago, they're probably saving the other one for a slow period or release with a new patch.

  34. 7 months ago

    >ship holograms are less detailed at current IAE than they were two years ago
    Literally what is the point
    Has development stalled for so long that we're currently sliding downhill?

    • 7 months ago

      They always phone in the iae holograms for no reason.
      The santokyai is scheduled for next patch. From isc we know that the 3d model has been done for months but the iae holograms is still just seven polygons

    • 7 months ago

      I wonder if it's a performance thing, those high poly unoptimized whitebox models might have a really high cost. Actual flyable ships are way lower poly than the concept models are, they just use a ton of shader and rendering tricks to make 2d surfaces look 3d and the concept models also have a lot of useless internal geometry etc. from the way they're put together.

  35. 7 months ago

    Holy shit driving and 890 jump is a fricking nightmare, it's insanely slow and handles like fat b***h. how do those fricking whales pilot those things??

    • 7 months ago

      >get big fat ship
      >be surprised when it is a big fat ship
      I dunno what you were expecting anon.

    • 7 months ago

      Liberal use of the afterburner

      • 7 months ago

        You can't escape your mistake, I know you now... Adam Kadmon!

      • 7 months ago

        calm down Adam

    • 7 months ago

      Think of it like the reclaimer. She's a huge b***h, you need to keep the thrusters going to make sure you don't plummet into the ground.

    • 7 months ago

      not sure what you expected, I didn't rent the 890 but my experience with the 890 was mind-blowing while I was walking inside the display model. shit's huge. I think I liked the 600i Touring's interior a bit more though.

  36. 7 months ago

    I hope this trend continues and we see new multipurpose starter and medium sized ships every year.

    Or they could just make something that will unseat the ugly ass Freelancer from its throne and be done with it, but I would like to see an Anvil equivalent to the Avenger.

    • 7 months ago

      Freelancer rework would basically qualify as a new ship at this point, that fat frick is OLD

    • 7 months ago

      >but I would like to see an Anvil equivalent to the Avenger.
      There's a decent chance that's what this is, it's definitely somewhere around the right size class and has some design features that look pretty Anvil.

  37. 7 months ago

    Stupid question that I may have asked before, but have they said anything about twin mounts still being a thing?

    • 7 months ago

      Nope still nonexistant
      Anything fancy and weapon related probably slated for after the weapons rework

      • 7 months ago

        Of course it’s locked behind a vague “future system rework”

        • 7 months ago

          I think the intent was that you could split a N-sized mount for two N-2 sized weapons, but right now splitting a size 3 to two size 1's for example would be a MASSIVE improvement in sustained dps and capacitor volume so obviously they're not adding it now, it would completely frick balance
          with gimbals leaving the N-1 system too it's hard to tell what they'll do, they're probably gonna readd it later though since a turret with dual s1s or s2s instead of s2s or s3s would be worth it for CIWS if you're not worried about getting hit with fighter-sized projectiles

  38. 7 months ago

    Btw, replication layer is in testing right now, and it works as intended. No more 30k, you just wait somewhere between 1-10 min and reconnect to the server like nothing happened. Devs say it'll get faster.

    • 7 months ago

      We're all gonna make it bros.

    • 7 months ago

      >replication layer
      I've heard this term but I'm not entirely sure what it means.

      • 7 months ago

        Heres a quote from CIG about the replication layer.

        >In this update, the game's networking replication and state are separated from the game server into its own service. Game clients are connected to this new service and the game server itself becomes a client with authority on the Replication Layer. With the replication moving off the game servers, the team is hoping to begin testing server recovery without disconnecting game clients from the universe state on a given game shard.

        It doesnt mean the end of 30k's, but this tech allowes for us to remain connected while a new server picks up where the other left off. They demo'd it at citizencon, showing off crash recovery with that technology. Next step is adding more game servers to the RL in a "static mesh", which they also had working in a demo (hinted we might see it being tested aswell soon).

      • 7 months ago

        It's part of server meshing, a separate service that your actual game server connects to and stores all the positional and status data for all actors, items, etc in the game world. In full server meshing it allows all servers to share data between them, in this limited implementation it lets newly spun servers to regain all the data it had at the moment of the crash. It also lessens the load in the game server, since it doesn't have to track all that crap while also simulating AI, physics, damage, game logic for the players.

        • 7 months ago

          Heres a quote from CIG about the replication layer.

          >In this update, the game's networking replication and state are separated from the game server into its own service. Game clients are connected to this new service and the game server itself becomes a client with authority on the Replication Layer. With the replication moving off the game servers, the team is hoping to begin testing server recovery without disconnecting game clients from the universe state on a given game shard.

          It doesnt mean the end of 30k's, but this tech allowes for us to remain connected while a new server picks up where the other left off. They demo'd it at citizencon, showing off crash recovery with that technology. Next step is adding more game servers to the RL in a "static mesh", which they also had working in a demo (hinted we might see it being tested aswell soon).

          As far as I can tell reading between the hopium, it’s essentially similar to the long-term persistence, but instead of covering just inventories, it includes everything. Inventories, mission status, current location in space, and so on. And that it’s one of, if not the final major steps before implementing server meshing. But I failed networking class in college twice, so take my words with a shipping container of salt.

          I understand now, thanks. I also found a video that explains it pretty well too:


      • 7 months ago

        As far as I can tell reading between the hopium, it’s essentially similar to the long-term persistence, but instead of covering just inventories, it includes everything. Inventories, mission status, current location in space, and so on. And that it’s one of, if not the final major steps before implementing server meshing. But I failed networking class in college twice, so take my words with a shipping container of salt.

    • 7 months ago

      Also what's the patch I just downloaded? Patch notes don't say shit, is there somewhere to see what the frick they did?

      • 7 months ago

        Hotfixes for crashes

      • 7 months ago

        hotfix for losing your ship list after a rent ends

  39. 7 months ago

    >no new drake ship
    what does "the latest from drake" even mean then?
    Fricks sake they like misc need to be a ubiquitous and varied manufacturer. The world is supposed to be teeming with their lineup of dependable el cheapo ships. CIG should be kitbashing them like an warhammer autist with $10000 of spare orks. Wheres the 100m drake gunship? Wheres the Caterpillar but big, wheres the buccaneer2.

    • 7 months ago

      They blew their DRAKE load with the Vulture, Corsair, and Cutter (with upcoming variants) last year. We could have had the new mining ship be MISC if the community vote went that way, but since RSI won the vote and the Polaris AND Zeus is in development, it looks like the triangles will dominate the ship pipeline for a while.

      • 7 months ago

        Its so weird to me how the very first RSI ships were the aurora and constellation and how prettt much every other RSI ship went in a completely different direftion except maybe the scorpius

    • 7 months ago

      CIG gave them the perfect lineup. There's not much else they can do from here.

      I mean that literally. The cutter is the most popular ship CIG has ever sold, and everything else Drake produces beats the brakes off the other manufacturers. The fricking Kraken can do everything with the right loadout for God's sake.

      • 7 months ago

        is the Cutter more popular than the Aurora? it's definitely more well liked, but the Aurora has been around since the start
        they confirmed the Cutter was more popular than the Cutlass Black, which is an enormously popular ship
        the Corsair BTFOs the Connies and the MSR
        the Caterpillar BTFOs the Carrack now with the cargo grids and tractor beams
        the Kraken concept BTFOs the Idris concept for literally everything other than defensive capabilities, but even then you can have more escort fighters and defensive ships
        Drake is just so good and the only dud in the lineup is the Cutlass Steal, which nobody bought

        • 7 months ago

          Reason why Cutter is better than Aurora is that Aurora MR is incredibly bad in every area overall where it actual beats the Cutter.
          You might beat Cutter in Combat, but there's no demand for a dedicated anti-cutter ship that's only slightly more effective than it in a scrap.

          Aurora MR doesn't carry a vehicle, has less cargo, severely smaller jump range and doesn't have internal storage compartment.
          Cutter excels in the sort of low risk newbie friendly content like box missions, fps gameplay, medgun rescues, hand mining and general mucking about with friends.

          • 7 months ago

            I know I agree with all of that, but are there more Cutters in existence than Auroras?

            • 7 months ago

              LTI game package initially, lots of new players, a cheap upgrade from an Aurora to a Cutter, lots of shilling in youtube as well as having a relatively affordable game package long term.

        • 7 months ago

          STOP talking about the Kraken

          • 7 months ago

            why? the more we talk about it, the more likely they are to make it

            • 7 months ago

              drake day is over you can continue talking about it now.

              • 7 months ago

                it's the most useful capital ship by far, the others don't come close
                literally useless because you need at least 50 people to make the ship function
                good but same crew count as kraken and can only do combat
                can only do the mining/refining loop and is space-locked
                >hull e
                exceedingly boring gameplay
                we don't know how often we'll be making bases but the kraken is essentially a base except it flies

              • 7 months ago

                >can only do combat
                You have 3 landing pads in a more secure enclosed hangar space, enough to fit some small ships for industrial and salvage shit. It also has ample cargo space around 800SCU double that of a liberator for sustained operations.

                It won't be as good as a Kraken in non combat duties but can still handle them with ease and is likely more durable than the kraken given its intended purpose. Harder to board as well, Kraken looks easier to infiltrate as well anyone can land on the kraken.

        • 7 months ago

          The ISIS technical is not bad if you manage to cram your clown car with a bunch of NPC maggots armed with AK47s and malatovs on the cheap to do your bidding. The exorbitant price is what makes it bad.

  40. 7 months ago

    heres hoping todays new warbond is the RAFT for $115.

    • 7 months ago

      RAFT is pointless until they rework 32 SCU containers to hold 49 SCU of bulk material. Or add loading mechanics you can operate from the pilot's seat.

      • 7 months ago

        well two points.
        1 is the RAFT is super cozy, but the real point is that I dont want the RAFT to have a RAFT I want it for CCU chaining purposes.

        • 7 months ago

          Looks like the warbond CCU is on the Mole and the SRV.

          Also, today is mining day. Can rent the Nomad+ROC, or rent the MOLE.

  41. 7 months ago

    how much longer will the Vulture warbond be around, lads?

    • 7 months ago

      7 hours.

      • 7 months ago

        warbond ccu deals only last a day, but for the vulture, it could come back on the BIS day cause it won top 4 for the skin.

        okay sweet. the 'move' is to buy a $5 CCU from the Razor, right? `

        • 7 months ago

          Yup, I got myself 2, 1 for spare just incase.

    • 7 months ago

      warbond ccu deals only last a day, but for the vulture, it could come back on the BIS day cause it won top 4 for the skin.

  42. 7 months ago

    Should I upgrade my cutter to that gatac starter? Im thinking that or just buying it with warbonds since steam sales kinda ayss this year

    • 7 months ago

      If you think its worth the bit of extra cash, you cant go wrong with the gatac onions.

    • 7 months ago

      Also thinking of melting my vulture for a retaliator base. Ship just looks cool and is basically a submarine on the inside and get to have the military version as a loaner. I have grown to really not like the vulture because it's so tedious. I was sold a solo ship where it certainly feels you need at least one person. I bought it for 120 or 140 forgot but it's 175$ right now if I want to upgrade it for something. Any recommendations? I have cutter, Corsair atm.

      • 7 months ago

        They did say they have a solution to that vulture problem in the works, but gave no details. As for potential upgrades, im not sure how much you want to spend or what gameplay loop you fancy, but I guess you could look into maybe one of the zeus variants?

        • 7 months ago

          Actually scratch that, the only zeus option up from the vutlure would be the MR, kek.

          • 7 months ago

            Just melt it and use the credit for a zeus. You didn't fall for the ccu scam, did you?

    • 7 months ago

      do not get the Syulen, it is shit to deal with
      the Cutter is more useful because of the interior space that can carry an STV or Mule

      Also thinking of melting my vulture for a retaliator base. Ship just looks cool and is basically a submarine on the inside and get to have the military version as a loaner. I have grown to really not like the vulture because it's so tedious. I was sold a solo ship where it certainly feels you need at least one person. I bought it for 120 or 140 forgot but it's 175$ right now if I want to upgrade it for something. Any recommendations? I have cutter, Corsair atm.

      Tali base is a good idea because it is guaranteed to go up in price next year when it releases
      pair that with your Cutter and Corsair and you're set, you won't need more ships

  43. 7 months ago

    i melted my Gladiator to get the C1 and i already got a Freelancer
    Am I a moron?

    • 7 months ago

      If you have to ask, the answer is yes.

    • 7 months ago

      Melt the sneedlancer and get something else.

    • 7 months ago

      > i melted my Gladiator
      Yes, you’re a moron. You’ll be hating yourself when the Gladiator gets the rework that it desperately needs.

  44. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >Future of Gaming
      Lol, absolutely fricking not.

      • 7 months ago

        This, the actual future of gaming is an unending stream of Unreal Engine slop.

  45. 7 months ago

    >"please proceed to the assigned landing bay"
    >get no marker on hud
    >just go into a random one that is open
    thats enough flying free for me

    • 7 months ago

      I have to wonder what crackhead decided to hold the free fly at New Babbage.

      "Hey you know what'd be great? If new people's first experience with our game was a city where the spaceport is literal miles away from the city's map marker, the landing markers don't work even if you're directly above the spaceport, there's a wind that can blow you off course, rain covering your windshield, and massive fogbanks a third of the time."

      • 7 months ago

        DESU, they need to add some way to mark spaceports. It’s a pain in the ass to find Orison and especially A18 at night.

      • 7 months ago

        To be fair, this issue is also existent in just about anywhere outside Lorville where the Hurston Pyramid serves as a landmark.
        > Orison: "Which of these fricking islands has the landing pad?"
        > A18: "Which part of the city planet has the landing zone again?"
        > Newb Baggage: "Why is the landing zone built so far away from the city?"

        Honestly, I think because of S42, they were ignoring literally every issue in PU for years because the big man wanted S42 and a lot of the people working for CIG probably quit because they wanted to work on Star Citizen and not on Chris' pet project.
        Not to mention that Chris also had a habit of setting unrealistic schedules, so you probably never had free time to actually work on the thing you would think is important.

        • 7 months ago

          >lot of the people working for CIG probably quit because they wanted to work on Star Citizen and not on Chris' pet project.
          There were some people who left back in 2015, after SQ42 got rebooted with new landable planet tech and all previous work got scrapped (all the FPS mechanics Illsonic was working on, as well as Moon Collider's AI which could not function with this new design), rest were just individual devs who either got their job moved to another studio or got better job elsewhere in the industry (like that Marvel guy who went from Lead Character Artist to CFO of Gnomon). Bulk of the actually important devs are still with the company since 2012-2013.

          • 7 months ago

            This reminds me: whatever happened to Ben?

            • 7 months ago

              He was hospitalized for a while, then retired from CIG and is back home, honing his Wing Commander autism forever more.

              • 7 months ago

                Cig is still listed on his LinkedIn as his current job.

              • 7 months ago

                He probably needs to update it then.

  46. 7 months ago

    Forcing everyone to land at the spaceport is silly when a lot of those cities have buildings with landable roofs and whatnot. Spaceports should be for people with big cargo haulers or large ships, or when a player wants to safely store their ship. But if Tyrone's dad needs to get something from the Orison grocery store then he should have the option to land his cutty on one of the nearby landing pads. Hell, the 9T assault areas are littered with pads everywhere, some of them aren't even sitting on anyone's office building.

    • 7 months ago

      Unironically, you should make small landing pads at the more crowded areas amd if you want to pull out big stuff, you need to muck about at the star port.
      This would create additional reason as to why you would utilize these small ships in the first place and it would increase convinience.

      • 7 months ago

        I want an open-air landing zone/flea market in the slums of Lorville where players can put shit up for sale that they got from bunkers/salvage/off-world stores/dead paypiggies.
        I was digging through the former possessions of some corpses at a derelict yesterday and found a a cool set of shades. I haven't seen any at stores, but, if I saw it in a player stall I'd definitely fork up a couple thousand for it at least. So someone who isn't a broke newbie like me would probably pay way more.

        Just a bunch of shitty little cutters and mustangs/auroras on some rusty landing pads that let you call your shitp up on an elevator from "underground". Surrounded by people who fly equally shitty junkers running their dirty stalls selling toy pistols, bloodstained backpacks, and fire-charred ship modules. Anyone who lands an Origin ship gets immediately mugged and lynched.
        If we're lucky, maybe they'll add something like this in a couple decades. Just in time for the switch from alpha to beta.

        • 7 months ago

          >I want an open-air landing zone/flea market [] where players can put shit up for sale that they got from bunkers/salvage/off-world stores/dead paypiggies.

          That's what the Kraken and BMM will be for.

          • 7 months ago

            This shit bothers me too.
            I don't understand why someone would pay 300 USD extra for the privateer when its entire gimmick could be substituted with VOIP, direct credit transfer and a tractor beam.
            Literally, you could just plant a bunch of cargo boxes on the upper landing pads and throw them to whoever sends you a few creds, without going through the process of converting your hull into a variant with less cargo space

            • 7 months ago

              presumably the convenience of terminals or the aesthetic or whatever, anon

              and if you have the kind of money where you can throw 2 grand at pixels anyways then $300 may as well be $3 to you

            • 7 months ago

              selling to NPCs

          • 7 months ago

            I don't know what those are, but they sound expensive and I'm not fricking paying for that. The fact that they're charging $45 to bug-test their alpha game for them is egregious enough and already tests my tolerance for israeliteery. Now that I've tested the game and know it works on my PC, if they put the cutter pack up for $45 again I'd heavily consider it, even with all the jank going on, but, several hundred dollars for ships?
            That's fricking insane. Especially when they justify their prices by actively and oftentimes unrealistically screwing players at every opportunity then selling the solution to their engineered problem.
            Is proximity or even party VOIP supposed to work? Why the frick can't I talk to anyone near me? There isn't even a microphone test in-game so I can tell whether it's on my end or the person I play with.

            presumably the convenience of terminals or the aesthetic or whatever, anon

            and if you have the kind of money where you can throw 2 grand at pixels anyways then $300 may as well be $3 to you

            2 grand in pixel money, anon. aUEC.

            > Anyone who lands an Origin ship gets immediately mugged and lynched.
            This should be true regardless. Total Origin Death.

            Honestly, I really liked the 100 series after test-flying them. I'm mostly interested in FPS content and they have good atmospheric performance and a neat little dead Black person storage for my loot. They just really wouldn't fit the aesthetic of a smoggy flea market selling loot from corpses. It's unfortunate that they intentionally avoid adding a little ATV or something so small ships can run hostile zone bunkers. The frickers can fit in mini-vans yet they give us crap like the PTV specifically so they can't fit in smaller storage spaces so they can sell their big ships to the piggies.
            Also too bad that bunkers are fricking busted and bugged to shit right now like most of the other gameplay loops.
            Pic related; me filling up my dead Black person storage while 4 more Black folk are 350m underground and my bunker mission is uncompletable.

        • 7 months ago

          > Anyone who lands an Origin ship gets immediately mugged and lynched.
          This should be true regardless. Total Origin Death.

  47. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Hilarity being that CIG obviously played a trailer at citcon.... that wait for it....wasn't finished yet.

      • 7 months ago

        I mean, it was impressive even unfinished.

        • 7 months ago

          for sure and don't mistake my pointing it out for hostility, but its just so fricking on the nose for CiG to release an unfinished glitchy trailer for their unfinished glitchy engine.

  48. 7 months ago

    >Cutlass Steel: $235
    >Cutlass Black: $110
    >Cutlass steel in game: 1,355,300 aUEC
    >Cutlass Black in game: 1,385,300 aUEC
    This is making me unreasonably angry.

    • 7 months ago

      Never downscale when whales will buy it anyways

    • 7 months ago

      Cutlass Steal wasn't a shitpost, but the Steel should have a higher price due to the added turret and weaponry plus jump seats and "life support", probably 1.5M

      • 7 months ago

        Somone on the /r/starcitizen discord (I know) was saying that an ex-designer openly stated on Reddit last year that the Cutlass Steel was a whale experiment to see whether people would just buy without thinking.

        • 7 months ago

          Ex sales person, but yea. He had to dox himself to prove who he was, and now he just lurks the sc refunds subreddit seething that he got let go iirc.

  49. 7 months ago

    is salvage broken again? This stupid fricking vulture I swear. The scu does not increase at all.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah it is but when I had trouble with it, it was just laggy UI that eventually caught up.

  50. 7 months ago

    oh goodness what the frick
    and it's being chomped away at right now

  51. 7 months ago

    obscene capital ship btw

    • 7 months ago

      oh goodness what the frick
      and it's being chomped away at right now

      its really not even that big, the 890 is larger.
      and many civilian utility ships with be far larger.
      Orion will be twivc as long and like 6 times as massive volume wise.

      no mention of Orion in the discussion of "RSI backlog" QQ

      • 7 months ago

        all i intend to do in this game is float around aimlessly in a polaris with an eclipse in one bay and a nox in the other
        nothing to accomplish
        all to simply inhale the texture

        • 7 months ago

          >eclipse in polaris.
          actually why?
          thats like completely inferior redundancy.
          Why would you want to add 3 S9 torps to your ships that carries 28 S10 torps rather than adding something that adds capability.Like get an ares or some sort of away team ship. Or defensive fighter escort like a hornet, I think even a vanguard will fit. A Hoplite would let you send the goons and also have it defend you against small hostiles.

          • 7 months ago

            >or some sort of away team ship
            Speaking of which, we really need some options for that, there's almost nothing that fits in the Polaris hangar AND carries more than 2 or 3 people. The Legionnare is the only one but it's a pretty specialized boarding craft and doesn't add much more utility. Something Nomad-sized with a bit of cargo, seating for 6 or so, and halfway decent combat capabilities would be awesome, kinda hoping

            >but I would like to see an Anvil equivalent to the Avenger.
            There's a decent chance that's what this is, it's definitely somewhere around the right size class and has some design features that look pretty Anvil.

            turns out to be something like that.

          • 7 months ago

            maximum unfettered fricking about away-boat
            she's all mine
            do to next to frick-nothing with, of course

  52. 7 months ago

    once the new character creator comes out I'm gonna create the hottest space bimbo on the 'verse

    • 7 months ago

      you and every other frick (half the server) who's going to unironically run around with breasts and ass set to maximum size

      • 7 months ago

        once the new character creator comes out I'm gonna create the hottest space bimbo on the 'verse

        >tfw looking forward to space dykes, space tomboys and space waifs
        Bimbos are gross tbh

        • 7 months ago

          Personally I'd like a space sexbot kept on the ship for those long QT jumps.

      • 7 months ago

        Why would you do that before AI crew? The whole point is to make the captain look like yourself and the crew all shortstacks with giant breasts.

        It's like none of you played Star Trek Online.

        • 7 months ago

          the boomer players are going to do that, on the other hand modern mmo zoomers nowadays create their own character and bawd it out with other players

  53. 7 months ago

    Sippin' some 'ruz 'ark on the 'yulen

  54. 7 months ago

    If I were to get the $40 warbond Mustang Alpha IAE pack, could I upgrade the Mustang to a Cutter for an extra $5 if they ever sell the cutter pack for $45 again?

    • 7 months ago

      If, yeah. That's literally what I'm waiting for, I was hoping it would be on sale for Drake day but I was let down.

    • 7 months ago

      Nope. Packs and CCUs operate on separate manner as do Warbond and non-Warbond deals.
      The Base value of a Mustang is 30$, so upgrading to Cutter is going to cost 15$ store credit.
      Cost of a game package is not included to ship price when doing ship upgrades.

      Only two ways to get a discount if CIG increases the price of your ship or if they offer you a discount for putting fresh money in (Warbond)

  55. 7 months ago

    you really think these libidoless old husks will allow us to alter body proportions?
    you will get one unoffensive female body with b-cups and one milquetoast vaguely v-shaped male body and you'll like it

    • 7 months ago

      I actually do like b-cups quite a lot, thank you
      the model could be slimmer though

  56. 7 months ago

    Did some research and bought a Mole for 185$ from the gray market. I'm going to melt it for 315$, any ship recommendations? I was thinking of getting the cheapest pledge with real money then use the rest on other ships like Corsair or just upgrade the pledge.

    • 7 months ago

      Was the Mole sold as store credit? That's the only way that makes sense to me. The melt value is based off of how much was spent to get to that ship, not the upgrade value in CIG's pledge store. Getting a Mole for $185 off the grey market with a higher melt value than what you paid is very unlikely. Sellers use CCU chains to get ships at a lower price and then resell them for profit. For instance I have a Corsair that was bought off the grey market for $170 but its melt value is only $150 because the seller chained warbond CCUs together and used $150 in total to get to the Corsair.

      • 7 months ago

        I bought it from Reddit, it was gifted to me as a Mole but but the base was an aurora. The person was selling 10 of them but I had to wait a week because something about not being able to gift since there's a max value you can only do per day or something.

        • 7 months ago

          you dun goofed

          • 7 months ago

            I mean, I got 315$ for 185$ and the dude has high trades and it's been fine so far

            • 7 months ago

              You're asking to get rugpulled for buying from the grey market.

              • 7 months ago

                Backed in 2012, bought most of my ships besides my initial package on grey markets
                He'll be fine

              • 7 months ago

                I've never even heard of someone getting rugged on the grey market, if you do a little research and use the proper procedure its pretty much impossible to get scammed

              • 7 months ago

                This, the moment a confirmed instance of that got out it would collapse the whole thing overnight.

              • 7 months ago

                This, the moment a confirmed instance of that got out it would collapse the whole thing overnight.

                First of all, I know some of you homosexuals are making a killing off this shit, so don't lie to me.

                Secondly, I've seen posts on several platforms talking about how they were fricked through similar circumstances.

                You want to roll those dice, go ahead.

              • 7 months ago

                I've never sold on the gray market, only bought. It is incredibly easy to vet sellers and to safeguard yourself from foul play. If you somehow got scammed then nothing in this world can help you. That's just the way it is and not some different way.

  57. 7 months ago

    Anything new from Anvil today?

    • 7 months ago

      F8C is available again for people who missed it the first time and want to quite literally pay to win pvp

      • 7 months ago

        Do you think I could beg cs to give me access to the ship, I didnt have the chance to play the event due to death of a family member.

        • 7 months ago

          You could ask randos in chat if they'll sell you a ticket that they may still have.

  58. 7 months ago

    where the hell can I rent a F8C? It's not at IAE. they are purchasable again today and someone was nice enough to hook me up with a golden ticket but I want to try it first before I decide to melt anything for it.

    • 7 months ago

      There are maps at the expo hall.

      • 7 months ago

        I see the F8A but it won't let me rent it ;_;

    • 7 months ago

      There are maps at the expo hall.

      I see the F8A but it won't let me rent it ;_;

      I'm moronic, redeeming the golden ticket gives you the rental. this thing feels fricking good to fly, about to do some VHRTs. I foolishly thought I could maybe CCU to it but that's not the case... gotta do the warbond at $260 or $300 of credit.

      • 7 months ago

        Don't worry too much, the moment you can slave turrets under pilot control then Vanguard and Scorpius have comparable firepower to compete with it. You also get stuff like Cutlass, Gladiator and Hurricane making an resurgence.
        Combat meta is always changing and when the combat systems come online along, we have no idea what kind of vessel is going to be prevalent.

        • 7 months ago

          >implying they will ever allow turret slaving without major drawbacks, especially on the small turreted heavy fighters
          Hurricane meta overnight

          • 7 months ago

            They already did it with the Cutlass years ago.

            • 7 months ago

              to test the waters, then promptly removed it
              crazy how that works

              • 7 months ago

                It was dogshit though. Especially since it couldn't fricking fly straight.

        • 7 months ago

          scorp would lose to it in a dps race because of the f8s 2 shields, the vanguard loses to even with turret slaved because the f8 will just outfly it and sit on its ass pumping shots into it. right now its the best solo ship for anything illegal because its tanky, has firepower and can outrun most everything coming after it including a mantis. We'll have to see how other ships handle with the mastermode change to determine pecking order, for now just fly what is fun

  59. 7 months ago

    I hired you to protect me, now get back here and protect me.

  60. 7 months ago

    Have Carrack, cant fire guns as pilots. Multicrew ships are the way of the future, but server caps of 100 people. Time to let us hire crews or the AI blades for turrets we keep hearing about.

  61. 7 months ago

    Thanks to the SRV towing Hammerhead mission I'm up to 3.5million. Should I get a Scorpius or a Vanguard Sentinel?

  62. 7 months ago

    Sentinels are meh currently.

  63. 7 months ago

    elite is shit but I wish star citizen had this:

    • 7 months ago

      lmfao the dogshit ass combat, people complain about SC getting closer quarters but these guys are just kissing and lasering one another before doing a lil flip occasionally

    • 7 months ago

      According the ship combat dev it is possible with Maelstrom now.

      • 7 months ago

        Specifically, he said that's not his field, but maelstrom might allow that to happen. Only the physics guys can confirm if thats the case, and if they might explore that option at some point.

        • 7 months ago

          I expect that Croberts' autism will make it happen.

          • 7 months ago

            >sq42 gets delayed another ten years so wienerpit cracks are possible
            I can see it happening

            • 7 months ago

              Nah, I'm pretty sure they really want to just fricking release it already, but this feature can make its way to the PU and SQ42 part 2.

    • 7 months ago

      well in starcitizen canopies are not glass, but rather "transparent metal" handwavium

      • 7 months ago

        It's called Aluminum Oxynitride and its not "handwavium"
        It radically stronger than bulletproof glass, and a relatively new tech that will certainly be improved upon.

      • 7 months ago

        It's called Aluminum Oxynitride and its not "handwavium"
        It radically stronger than bulletproof glass, and a relatively new tech that will certainly be improved upon.

        AFAIK it's supposed to be some kind of synthetic diamond laminate material rather than transparent metal. It's also supposed to be extremely expensive and harder to make curved, which is why cheaper ships have few windows and wienerpits made of flat glass panels while Origin ships have tons of big curved glass everywhere.

  64. 7 months ago

    What is it that makes flying and driving a space ship / truck hauling cargo or vehicles that just soothes a man's soul?

  65. 7 months ago

    I'm picking up a new GPU soon. Nvidia only for reasons, any recommendation for general smooth frames?

    • 7 months ago

      144hz panel (TN if you care about input lag, IPS if you don't)
      32gb ram minimum
      Game directory on SSD
      Don't expect much though. Server performance is the primary determinant if you have decent hardware, but they slowly degrade over time.

      • 7 months ago

        Something I forgot to mention: make sure your monitor is g-sync compatible.

      • 7 months ago

        I got 32 gigs and an SSD already, and my CPU's a 3700k 8-core, but the GPU is ancient and is the last piece to upgrade before I can call her "up to date". I'm just sick of getting only 15-20 frames in Lorville. Or any city for that matter.

        • 7 months ago

          >but the GPU is ancient
          Star Citizen is mostly CPU bound at this point. I'm running a RX 5700 XT and so long as I stay away from cities, I get an easy 60 fps.

          • 7 months ago

            Either can bottleneck though. I've got a 5800X, 32GB, and a good NVME SSD and saw a huge increase in frames, 20-30 more in many places, when I upgraded from a 1080 to a 6800.

    • 7 months ago

      I use a 3080 and it's pretty good so I'm guessing you can't really go wrong with a 4070 and up. Just make sure you have a decent cpu which will prob give you more performance at this point especially in cities.

    • 7 months ago

      Wait. Nvidia is going to announce new cards in a couple of months that are better, relatively cheaper, and have more VRAM.

      If you absolutely can't wait my 4070 handles 4K in this game just fine.

  66. 7 months ago

    Is there a list of ships always available in the pledge store?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, the list is called the "Pledge Store" you moron

      • 7 months ago

        Okay, c**t, how then do you discern from what is always there and what is temporarily there because of IAE? Huh, smart guy? Has your autistic ass memorized it? God, I'd grind your wiener into mince meat if I ever saw your dumb face IRL.

        Thanks, anon.

        • 7 months ago

          >calls others dumb
          >is too moronic to work out that sale ships have IAE in the name
          took me 5 seconds to look at the store page and work it out

          • 7 months ago

            Literally all the ships have 'IAE' in their listings if you're looking at individual ships, even the ones that never leave the store. It took you a whole 5 seconds to come to an obviously wrong conclusion? Good shit, anon. If you're looking in the ship upgrades there is no 'IAE' listed anywhere except on the warbond CCUs. Don't ever (you) me again, b***h.

            • 7 months ago

              point to the IAE in the name here please

              • 7 months ago

                >uses a concept ship as his example

              • 7 months ago
              • 7 months ago

                are you photoshopping out the IAE?

              • 7 months ago

                im using paint

    • 7 months ago

  67. 7 months ago

    >speed at 1300 m/s in Murai fury
    >turn, retrograde burn
    >11.3 g's
    Gonna have a hard time returning this rental

  68. 7 months ago

    >Literally every flight simulator has VR
    >NMS, the forest, Skyrim, and hundreds of flat games have VR
    >Scam citizen still has no VR

    • 7 months ago

      Only after full Vulkan implementation and optimization.

    • 7 months ago

      pretty sure they know ther own performance is so shit that vr is not going to work, especially how the clouds are heavy on the performance.

    • 7 months ago

      I think it's really gonna be a gameplay design issue more than a graphics one, switching between flight and FPS seems like it could be really clunky. NMS has a simplistic enough flight model that I can see how it'd work with VR hand controllers but SC's would be awful with them and I know from experience with X-Plane that blindly switching between stick and hand controllers fricking blows. None of SC's UI is really designed to make sense in VR either.

      • 7 months ago

        Motion controls isn't make or break. When I first played NMS I literally sat down in my HOTAS chair for vehicles and used motion for ground.

    • 7 months ago

      Scam Citizen is missing a lot more crucial features than VR. Lot of the ships in game are still missing their gameplay loops.

  69. 7 months ago

    So how do I get gud with the Arrow? I took it on an LRT and got popped before I was even within gun range by missiles.

    • 7 months ago

      did you try avoiding the missiles
      if you really suck ass just play AC till you git gud

    • 7 months ago

      Spiral by rolling and using vertical thrust, use countermeasures depending on missile tracking type which is displayed in the warning as an icon.

      You can see where the missile is coming from by looking at the triangles or radar, when the beep is intense try to move towards it at a steep angle and closing speed continuously until it runs out of fuel because it will lap around and home in on you a few times.
      Generally counter measures alone are enough to spoil it but you still have to move out of the way or it can still hit you.

      If the servers are fricked then good luck you'll get hit not matter what with the bullshit netcode and rubber banding pray they aren't firing torps.

  70. 7 months ago

    >doing a bunch of box missions
    >half of them already bug out and wont complete
    >ship's loaded with a lot of good loot, some stuff I mined, a vehicle, some crates I took
    >quantum jump to one of the moons
    >ship suddenly vanishes into the fricking ether leaving me floating
    >refuse to trust moronic pubs with a transport beacon
    >total value lost: ~500k in loot and materials and 3 hours of my life

    I'm fricking done with this game

    • 7 months ago

      git gud

  71. 7 months ago

    I think the arrasta is pretty aesthetic. shame it's a mining ship

    • 7 months ago

      >Small, medium, large, capital mining ships.
      >Still just small and capital salvage ships.

    • 7 months ago

      RSI aesthetic doesnt really lend itself to industrial ships, would have been more suitable for it to be more Orion-y. Arrastra looks more like a gunship or missile boat than a mining ship to me.

      • 7 months ago

        >Orion mining ship.
        >Looks like a flying saucer with dish shaped mining lasers on the bottom.
        >Half the ore capacity of the MOLE in favor of a Jacuzzi overlooking the refinery.

        • 7 months ago

          Origin not Orion

  72. 7 months ago

    >Server fps 0.4

    • 7 months ago

      >Server fps: Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped

  73. 7 months ago

    the MISC Odyssey is on the IAE page animation today.

  74. 7 months ago

    Ayo, what happened to the Star Citizen/Elite Dangerous general?

    • 7 months ago

      ED occasionally gets posted on /simg/ and that's about it

      • 7 months ago

        SC discussion lives and dies by the games progress, so since these past 2-3 years have been pretty bad, you couldn't really keep a thread alive on /vg/, that's why we are here now.

        the /edg/ portion died due to how bad odyssey went, and was never enough to keep the threads going anyways. There might be some ed discussion on this board, but the game is on life support.

        Thank you for the updates, to be frank I didnt give quite a frick about ED, but it is sad to see the general gone all together. Definitely new gayging since its been awhile since I played, but do we have a guild running or anything?

        • 7 months ago

          >do we have a guild running or anything?
          Oh god, dont say that or spergs will derail the thread.

          Yes, theres a group thats been going since before the generals died on /vg/ that has some new and oldgays. I can link if you want

          • 7 months ago

            Ah shit, my bad homie. I am tired of solo gayging so if youd kindly send it lol

            • 7 months ago

              No worries, its a multiplayer game after all.

     Throw an inv here and i'll accept.

              • 7 months ago

                Just a question; you guys don't happen to be run by furries or /misc/gays or any other types of degenerates, do you?

              • 7 months ago

                Lmao, its not "run" by anyone really, nor is it req to join the org. It's just a group of c**ts who want to shittalk, lurk and attempt to play the "game". Idk what else to say mate.

              • 7 months ago

                Well I won't commit myself to an org in any case (not that other anon) but if I see any of you playing I'll say hi.

              • 7 months ago

                >finds out there's no furries or homosexuals in org
                >decides not to join

              • 7 months ago

                Join us bro, set your shit to redacted or anonymous if you're really worried about your rep so much

              • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      SC discussion lives and dies by the games progress, so since these past 2-3 years have been pretty bad, you couldn't really keep a thread alive on /vg/, that's why we are here now.

      the /edg/ portion died due to how bad odyssey went, and was never enough to keep the threads going anyways. There might be some ed discussion on this board, but the game is on life support.

      • 7 months ago

        It's better to stay here anyways; /vg/ is full of unironic morons and actual schizos and a slow thread will not survive when one of the many waifu dating simulator generals have a fit and make like 10 new threads each upon reaching bump limit.

      • 7 months ago

        gamedev has been going on for so long that shitposting isn't any fun anymore

  75. 7 months ago

    What are the most fun missions?

    • 7 months ago

      Space combat ones since they actually work

    • 7 months ago

      The boarding action ones.

  76. 7 months ago

    Syulen is fun but it reminds me of Corsair during release because any hit on your front wings just frick you up. Fun little ship with 3x size 3 canons.

  77. 7 months ago

    should i fuggin' do et?

    • 7 months ago

      >warbond fotm

      Your money end of the day, but im not going to not call you a moron.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't that coming with SQ42?

    • 7 months ago

      is the lightning only warbond?

      • 7 months ago

        There is a store credit option for 300.

        • 7 months ago

          You can get it with credit for $300, but only standalone, no CCUs.
          I have an MSR and a Corsair and I'm pretty done with both, would totally CCU one of them to an F8 if it were an option but no way am I buying that shit with cash.

          shiiiiet can you still buy one today? Frick the Corsair, I kinda want to melt it now. Anyone have a golden ticket?

          • 7 months ago

            I've heard mixed reports about whether the ticket still unlocks it or not. Otherwise it's actually a better time to buy one than the original sale though, since at least you get 10 year insurance with credit now.

            • 7 months ago

              I redeemed a golden ticket the other day and got a rental for 24 hours and the option to buy it now. It’s a shame you can’t CCU to it because I would have totally done that.

      • 7 months ago

        You can get it with credit for $300, but only standalone, no CCUs.
        I have an MSR and a Corsair and I'm pretty done with both, would totally CCU one of them to an F8 if it were an option but no way am I buying that shit with cash.

  78. 7 months ago

    I love the Corsair bros

  79. 7 months ago

    I wish there was a Connie-class ship that didn't have some kind of crippling flaw
    >Connie is ancient and the cargo grid sucks for the new big boxes
    >Corsair handles like a capital ship, loses wings and engines if you look at it funny, is a pain in the ass to land, has mediocre turrets, and has desync bugs when playing multicrew
    >MSR pilot armament is pitiful, it's huge, and is a pain in the ass to get in and out of
    >400i is really an overpriced Freelancer-class ship and the cargo bay and pilot guns are both pathetic
    >600i is giant but has a tiny lift and is useless for cargo. (Should be awesome post-rework though)

    I just want a ship that can kill bounties and then loot their cargo, and also something that's sized appropriately for carrying a Storm while playing solo.

    • 7 months ago

      Of those I think only the Corsair can carry a storm right now. Otherwise C1 has been working wonders for me in the "kill bounties and loot their cargo" department.

      Also the MSR's flaws aren't really 'crippling' - it's a runner with unmatched speed and not a fighter, if you're trying to fight with it then that's your issue

      • 7 months ago

        You just know that eventually CIG will introduce an M1 Spirit that is identical to the C1 except slightly tweaked to fit the Nova and charge fifty extra dollars for it.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't think a Nova but maybe the Storm, especially if CIG fixes it to not be wider than some of today's MBTs are long

          god DAMN
          you need crew :)?

          I'm good, I usually keep to myself

          • 7 months ago

            Meant the Storm. Got the two confused because neither of them can fit in anything.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, Corsair's the only thing smaller than a Herc that can carry the Storm.
        I guess it's better to say the MSR's flaws cripple it for my particular needs, though I think it's generally a pretty underwhelming ship overall too and I really wish they hadn't bloated it so much for those stupid tunnels. Doesn't help that half its space is devoted to gameplay that doesn't exist yet either.

        • 7 months ago

          Connie Pheonix enjoyers also have the option of ferrying a storm around in their ship.

          • 7 months ago

            lmao what? no they dont, connie fits a RSI Ursa or Lynx max

            • 7 months ago

              As i said, constellation phoenix enjoyers can fit a storm.

            • 7 months ago

              As i said, constellation phoenix enjoyers can fit a storm.

              • 7 months ago

                did they widen the pheoniz bucket or something? used to be an ursa barely fit

              • 7 months ago

                It's always been that wide afaik

  80. 7 months ago

    wtf I love VHRTs now

    • 7 months ago

      god DAMN
      you need crew :)?

  81. 7 months ago

    Have you visited the go kart track yet?

    • 7 months ago

      I've spent most of my time zooming around the surface of planets while blasting eurobeat.

    • 7 months ago

      Wait, there's a ground vehicle track?
      Where is this?

      • 7 months ago

        It's at Orison's expo center iirc. When its not in use, there a track with respawning PTV's you can frick around with. I think there is also one on microtech, when theres no event at their expo hall either.

    • 7 months ago

      >drivers are naked

  82. 7 months ago

    all my ships will be in my hands within a year
    this is probably the only way to have the game in a subjectively finished state for one to fully enjoy

  83. 7 months ago

    Anyone pick anything this year?
    I'm already playing the waiting game with BMM and Perseus, so there honestly wasn't much going on for me.
    Was thinking of upgrading the Cutler for Basedlen, but I probably would just rather go for Nomad or 315p for a courier ship if I'm gonna upgrade as I got the store credit for it and those are always available.

    • 7 months ago

      I forgot that we can't use the correct pronounciation of Suylen

    • 7 months ago

      Finally got the C1 I always wanted and that's about it.

    • 7 months ago

      Spent zero this year since I lost the pioneer f5 game.
      Tempted by the Arrastra but I've had an Orion in my hangar for ages and it's not like my org needs more mining ships.
      Plus I have no desire to buy more multicrew ships, will just earn then in-game once I can judge how easy getting enough people to crew them is.

      • 7 months ago

        >Tempted by the Arrastra but I've had an Orion in my hangar
        You'll get an arrastra as loaner for the orion for sure.

    • 7 months ago

      Grabbed the Syulen and a CCU to turn it into a Talon at some point. Also grabbed a C1. I probably would have picked up a Lightning because based Anvil, but I missed the event for it.

    • 7 months ago

      Picked up a Syulen and obtained the concierge skin but that's all. Already have a Corsair + Vulture + Kraken for everything I want to do.
      I could've dissolved my Kraken for a bunch of cheaper and similarly sized ships, like the Merchantman and Pioneer, but none of that appeals to me.
      I wish they put the Titan suit back in stock. I would've enjoyed picking up one of those.
      Also, for anybody curious: CIG does refresh the "stock" of whale ships during the fire sale several times so ordinary players can obtain them. I was on Wave 5 of the Kraken sale back in 2018 and they refreshed it 3 times, so they are definitely selling more than they let on.

      • 7 months ago

        On the day of that manufacturer they refresh the stock every six or eight hours or something. After that day stock only increases if a whale buys one of those ships and melts it before the end of IAE. Happens a surprising amount.

        • 7 months ago

          In my case they refreshed it in the first five minutes.
          I refreshed the page, it was sold out instantly, told myself "well thank goodness for that, prevents my moronation" and then it magically restocked itself.

    • 7 months ago

      still linking my CCU chain, thus far I have spent $65 and gained $120 in hull value for it.
      Not the best ive ever done but acceptable.
      The Hull-D price increase gives me another sub-cap of choice if I want, I could get an arrastra for $25 in store credit but I have an orion so I probably wont, like I'll just sit on it for now. Happily I bought back my Star-G to Hull-D ccu just before IAE and then change to CC buybacks, so for $10 I go from $340 Star-G to $550 Hull D, and the Hull D will almost certainly jump again, likely to ~$625, which would be half way between the C and E. I have a hull E so I won't be keeping the D but it'll be a nice bridge to something else I want. I'm hoping they sell "complete" galaxy ships at some point, the thing theyre doing with the hull and modules sold separately makes CCUing to them a pain in the ass, with no way to get a discount on the module.

      I have a large selection of ships already so Im kind of in like "sorting" stage where I only ever spend a few bucks just shuffling around exactly which ships I have. Taking advantage of CCU offer that allow me to jump to fancier more expensive hulls at a discount. Right now Im looking at either a 400i or Star Runner, I might actually keep the 400i, its a decent ship and I've been looking to acquire something slightly flashy with big windows as a "touring"/sightseeing ship to just cruise around in, always sorta wantedd a Pheonix but CIG is super gay about sellign them, never allowing CCUs also spending $350 on a conny kinda rubs me the wrong way.

      I think they'll be doing new warbonds tomorrow and tuesday? if now I'll have to spend another $15 ish to complete my chain. turning my $85 freelancer into a 400i for ~$80 more spent totaling $170 ish, which is acceptable for that hull IMOin the ridiculous scope of SC obviously, but hey I've been a whale for like 9 years now, I know the score.

      • 7 months ago

        I upgraded my hull-C to a D in the hopes that Hull trading mechanics would be fleshed out by then because I know the price will bump up again.
        Frankly atmo haulers are more enjoyable since you have a larger variety of locations to trade at with more varied scenery than yet another space station with a different patch of nebula. I hope we get to trade with Hull C/D/E on gas giants like orison, no reason not to even if you need a tug boat to get you out into orbit faster.

        • 7 months ago

          I realized last night that I could for $50 cash and $25 credit that I already had, Turn that $550 Hull-D into a second $750 polaris at total cost of $280 which now leaves me agonizing about whether to melt my first, OC 2016 Serial stamp Polaris for the $625 I paid for it.

          With that cash I could get like three other hulls, I have a buyback/CCU path to a Zeus MR for $160 entirely credit. And I could upgrade my current compromise ships like my 400i to whatever I liked.

          The only hitch is that the Serial stamp Polaris is "Special" and I kinda hate to melt it.
          I personally dont give a frick about stuff like that and will be just as happy to fly my CCU Polaris as the "Special" one, but it just sort seems a shame. I'm considering selling it, one cus I might get more money for it than I paid and 2 cus then someone who cared would have the serialized one, but I know thats a hassle and doubt it could be done in a day

          • 7 months ago

            see if you can grey market the serial for more than its melt value, i reckon you might be able to get a whale that throws down 800+ for it

            • 7 months ago

              I realized last night that I could for $50 cash and $25 credit that I already had, Turn that $550 Hull-D into a second $750 polaris at total cost of $280 which now leaves me agonizing about whether to melt my first, OC 2016 Serial stamp Polaris for the $625 I paid for it.

              With that cash I could get like three other hulls, I have a buyback/CCU path to a Zeus MR for $160 entirely credit. And I could upgrade my current compromise ships like my 400i to whatever I liked.

              The only hitch is that the Serial stamp Polaris is "Special" and I kinda hate to melt it.
              I personally dont give a frick about stuff like that and will be just as happy to fly my CCU Polaris as the "Special" one, but it just sort seems a shame. I'm considering selling it, one cus I might get more money for it than I paid and 2 cus then someone who cared would have the serialized one, but I know thats a hassle and doubt it could be done in a day

              to add to that i'd just go and grab the CCU, you're getting a 400 odd cash injection to store credit at worst and a 800+ cashout to real money you could just pocket at best, in exchange for some bragging rights
              you could also just opt to hold and see what happens, if mustang omega and sabre raven are any indication rare limited shit can easily moonshot
              if serialed polarises got a rare skin or something their value would spike hard, you'd probably be able to get idris prices

              • 7 months ago

                yeah I already did the CCU and now have two Polarisisis the question is do I sell or melt the other one or just keep it? Having two seems redundant to me and and If I keep one I keep the cheap one, cus its the function that matters to me not the "bragging rights" or w/e.

                see if you can grey market the serial for more than its melt value, i reckon you might be able to get a whale that throws down 800+ for it

                As Im reading it seems theres a minimum time of a few days to get verified and IAE has only 8 hours left, so I won't be able to use the credit freely till like invictus.

                I think I'm just gonna melt it. Slightly less money, but way less hassle and no concern about process timing

              • 7 months ago

                hey, fren
                bite the bullet
                it's a noble starship, not a head of cattle. no need for an S/N.
                go nuts. get all your stuff.
                a polaris is not diminished in it simply being a polaris
                (mine is tied to my game package now lmfao)

              • 7 months ago

                As I said I am personally no concerned with the SN, I will be 100% as happy flying, happier even, the $280 on, cus I paid way less for it.

                I just feel sorta bad melting a limited edition thing out of existence, particularly an early one like I have, my ship is serial 00933, and they sold tens of thousands of those during the original sale.

                I'd be happier selling it to someone who cares about the serial than just deleting it from the series. Being 4chins guy particularly I see the multiplicative dubs serial as special. I know what I want to do, which is melt it can have many more jpegs, I am just torn, I've been kicking this back and forth all night(minus sleepy time)

              • 7 months ago

                the things you have really have you
                make some alchemy of it, destroy it and set it free and keep the number in your heart
                you are going to feel so very immaculate once it's all said and done and your hangar is rounded out
                i know i am

              • 7 months ago

                Real talk I have considered that by melting it I banish the last ghost of citcon 2016. I always felt like I got duped there, they spewed a mountain of bullshit that year, sold a $750 jpeg and then went silent for damned near a year.

                3.0 in december(It didn't come out for more than year and wasn't playable for nearly 2)
                We are only now at point where the 2016 citcon pitch is fulfilled.
                I've felt for years that 2016 was the point where they really broke faith in a deliberate, greedy way for the firs time. Like they lied knowingly to generate capital.

              • 7 months ago

                what are you waiting for?

              • 7 months ago

                yeah I already did the CCU and now have two Polarisisis the question is do I sell or melt the other one or just keep it? Having two seems redundant to me and and If I keep one I keep the cheap one, cus its the function that matters to me not the "bragging rights" or w/e.
                As Im reading it seems theres a minimum time of a few days to get verified and IAE has only 8 hours left, so I won't be able to use the credit freely till like invictus.

                I think I'm just gonna melt it. Slightly less money, but way less hassle and no concern about process timing

                don't listen to that angel, think of the oldgay bragging rights

              • 7 months ago

                fren 2016 isn't oldgay
                2016 is like gen 4 midgay
                my old gay bragging rights is my pre-kickstarter 2012 Freelancer(An odyssey now lol) and Original Backer Account flair and my physical game copy perks.

              • 7 months ago

                >physical game copy perks.
                wing commander? fug me...

              • 7 months ago

                the fricking grin on my face when this shows up in the flesh
                >how do you want your sc bro

              • 7 months ago

                >revel & york
                hmmm, myess.
                My Starfarer came in a revel in york hangar

    • 7 months ago

      grabbed pic related and will apply the chain when they release the rework.

      • 7 months ago

        That's a pretty beefy discount.

      • 7 months ago

        what addon is that showing comparative price?

        • 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      Haven't pulled the trigger on anything yet. I've bought a handful of CCUs that have just been sitting my hangar but that's it. Very indecisive. Pic related is current fleet.

      Originally I was planning on upgrading the LN to something more useful, with either a C1 or Vulture in mind. Also was kicking around the idea of getting rid of the Prospector, so I have a CCU chain from the Prosp to the San'tok in my hangar just in case but I really don't know what I would upgrade it to beyond that. The C1 is neat but it doesn't have me as excited as some people. Really enjoyed using the Vulture when it worked right, but I had a very buggy experience with my rental so now I'm not sure. Despite that, Prosp to Vulture is a $5 warbond right now so I am considering that.

      I want an F8C after flying one but don't want to buy a warbond. Considering melting the Taurus and putting that towards it maybe but I feel like I would probably regret it. It just seems like the Corsair and Taurus have quite a bit of overlap.

      So, in conclusion, I have no fricking clue what I want to do.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm a newbie so I bought a cutter starter and only after a couple of days I upgraded it into a Syulen since it looked cool, also I bought a Fury LX during Mirai day

      • 7 months ago

        >Buying the Fury without guns.

    • 7 months ago

      Nothing crazy for me, I mostly just rearranged CCU chains to make them cheaper and free up some store credit. I did spend that credit turning my referral dragonfly and MPUV into a C1 and Fury respectively, and also melted my alt's Gladius for the more versatile Syulen.

      Only thing still up in the air is whether I keep the Fury or CCU it into something else <$100 since I've got the credit to do it. I'm really tempted to get a Storm, had fun with one at Ghost Hollow the other day and I think it'll be really good for those derelict outpost missions next patch since they're all outdoors and might have a frickton of NPCs to kill. (They did in Pyro, at least.) I know ground vics are usually a bad deal but I'd just keep it until it's buyable ingame (probably not until 3.23) and then CCU it to something else afterwards.

  84. 7 months ago

    Are the siege of orison, ghost hollow, jump town only happen at certain times? I kind of want to just land of a nearby cliff and watch space ships and orgs fight each other.

  85. 7 months ago

    how are the Inferno and Ion nowadays?

    • 7 months ago

      Ion is good. I’m pretty sure they gave it a stealth buff after the big nerf.
      Haven’t used the Inferno yet.

  86. 7 months ago

    another year another IAE with my beloved.

    • 7 months ago

      >my beloved
      But what if I'm a newbie who can't ID anything other than the Cutter, Corsair, and Syulen by their silhouettes?

      • 7 months ago

        That's the Retaliator.

      • 7 months ago

        It's a Retaliator. It's easy to identify by it's defining feature of being useless.

        • 7 months ago

          But is it sexy?

          • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          right now the Retaliator is supper fricking tanky, had to kill one for HRT bounty and it took like 1 minutes of continous fire to die
          honestly? for me the Retaliator is the better gunship, Redemeer is just a power creeped piece of shit

        • 7 months ago

          it has 6 size 9 torps and is therefore not useless.

      • 7 months ago

        Speaking of being a newbie, how do I find out where to dump this cargo?
        I have a bay full of medical supplies, but everywhere that says "in demand" only buys like 2SCU before telling me to frick off.

        • 7 months ago

          Head to a major city. Each one has a big area which is pretty much dedicated to trading.

          If that doesn't work, switch servers. And if that doesn't work, throw them into the abyss because the demand isn't enough to satisfy the amount of supply.

  87. 7 months ago

    Star Citizen's setting is pretty cool and grounded I hope it doesn't get ruined by lame bullshit like space magic or le multiverse

    • 7 months ago

      >I hope it doesn't get ruined by lame bullshit like space magic
      Ever wonder why you can even "regenerate" after you get vaporized by a bomb while FPS?
      EVE just goes ahead and says every piloting pod is directly hooked to your brain and in the event of breach it does a complete backup and instant vaporization while sending the data off to be put in your new meat puppet. Separate from all the game's other faults, it's one of the most reasonable sci-fi lores I've seen justifying respawn capability.
      If CIG wanted, they could just say everyone with an ongoing subscription has a chip implanted somewhere that does something similar to also work in FPS. But instead:

      >Ibrahim Sphere
      >The technology inside medical beds and scanners that allows them to create and store imprints. Made out of advanced materials that are alien in origin

      >Traumatic Response Echo (TRE)
      >Known commonly as an ‘echo,’ this is the term used to describe the link between an imprint and its source. When a major traumatic event occurs, such as death or even regeneration itself, the psychological impact of it can sometimes be strong enough to permanently alter the imprint. For example, if a person’s legs are crushed prior to death, there’s a possibility that an echo will be created that will alter the imprint so that the individual’s legs are no longer functional. Echos are the reason why patients may regenerate bearing the scars and wounds of how they died and why only one copy of a person can exist at a time.

      CIG supposedly wants to do some fricking permadeath/scar system bullshit (Probably so they can monetize it somehow, they've said they plan to just outright sell UEC "when the game releases") and thus uses space-magic soul-PTSD scroll-of-resurrection-cloning bullshit surrounding the regeneration system. Fricking "~~*alien*~~ in origin", AKA >It's space magic, I ain't gotta explain shit
      Might as well get revived by Dokuro-chan

  88. 7 months ago

    Man, the 600i handles like a boat.
    And not the cool kind of boat that gets shot at by the Coast Guard because it’s running drugs. But the boring kind that ends up getting stuck on a sandbar because the owner is 80 years old and had a stroke at the controls.

  89. 7 months ago

    I so want this game to be worth buying, and it just isn't.
    I've never come across a more glitchy bug ridden mess of a hollow tech demo.
    How do you guys actually enjoy this?
    >every NPC t posing or idling
    >glitchy trains
    >elevator doors open and game needs a few sec to load the lobby
    >bugs everywhere
    >get locked out of your own ship with no remedy
    >every location is a quarter finished (except the pointless food courts lol)
    >random vacuum anomalies
    >horrible interactive ui
    Such immersion

    • 7 months ago

      Skill issue

    • 7 months ago

      90% of the game's issues are trying to cram a full fledged space sim experience into an MMO. I doubt they'll ever fully resolve those issues but SQ42 is probably going to be game of the decade

      • 7 months ago

        >bog standard on rails FPS will be game of the decade
        lmao. even if it is good, it won't be reflected in reviews because anything with 6DOF & puzzles immediately filters game journos and normans

    • 7 months ago

      >How do you guys actually enjoy this?
      With frens ofcourse

    • 7 months ago

      it can be frustrating to play at times and it can definitely feel like the game doesn't want you to enjoy it some nights. right now my character is in prison for attacking my own bounty target and catching a bullshit crime stat. on the bright side, I was able to sell their cargo before turning myself in.

      then there are days the game runs flawlessly. despite its flaws, there's still something really enjoyable about the game once you get into it and there are no alternatives despite how much further SC still needs to go. even back in 2017 when the game was even more bare bones, it was still more compelling than something like E:D.

      • 7 months ago

        SC takes elite out back and shoots it through the face tbqh

        • 7 months ago

          Elite never went past the minimum viable product stage. Instead of working on ship interiors, various profession mechanics and maybe adding some story via all the factions in the lore, they wasted momentum after launch doing jack shit and just adding more and more grind to the game.

          • 7 months ago

            Did Elite ever abandon their carebear snoozefest attitude or is it still a space trucker simulator for men in their 40's and 50's?

            • 7 months ago

              ED is the same as it ever was. No way would fdev change it from being nothing but a grindfest boomer safespace.

              • 7 months ago

                Well, guess that means there's no reason to give it a second chance. Already got bored of it once before even getting to an Anaconda.

        • 7 months ago

          More like it shot itself in the face with Odyssey's release...

          • 7 months ago

            Odyssey looked like it was completely outsourced, which is likely what happened. Almost no devs who were working on original ED release were at Frontier by that time. Some of the are working at CIG btw.

      • 7 months ago

        No, I have used a flamethrower to remove the files from my computer.
        What a goddamn abortion of a game.
        Actually literally unplayable. Everything is broken, everything.
        You guys are absolute masochists for spending time on this, it is as bad as everyone says it is and then some.
        And I used to main Armas I II and III. jfc is this bad.

        • 7 months ago

          Now is a good time to set this demo down for another 5 years. Freeflys are worse to play on but it's not really worth it right now. This thread is now people blowing their financial load early because of Citcon, seasonal depression, and true delusion.

          For those planning on playing up until Pyro, what do you plan on doing in the verse?

          • 7 months ago

            >people blowing their financial load
            On what, bugged af ships that you can barely do anything with because every aspect of the game is equally bugged and glitching out?
            I feel like you have to spend 200 hours on this game just to learn how to work around all the bugs, and by that time there'll probably be a major update and another 50 hours required to learn the new bugs.
            In 6 hours I can't even count the bugs and glitching and general bad design I came across.
            This is just a bug management game. New genre, very cool.
            Wish I could grind bugs with my $500 pixel ship too.

            I had always assumed things weren't as bad as people said and there was an actually playable game here, and the few videos I watched weren't just super cherry picked sessions but actually the state of the game.


            I've been gaming since 94, and this is by a large margin the worst game in that timeframe for bugs and half-assed features. They need another 12 years.

            I can't fathom how bad it must have been at initial EA release...

          • 7 months ago

            Genuinely just moving boxes
            I dipped my toes in mining and salvage with someone else trying this game out and finding different ways to fill a caterpillar outside of the soulless risky salvage grind was pretty fun.
            Mole saddlebags, refined materials, RCM, random hard points and components, we ripped off other ships, and some ground vehicles all on one Cat was an interesting session even if we couldn't sell all of it/non-optimal grinding.

          • 7 months ago

            >what do you plan on doing in the verse?
            chase sunsets, ingest drugs, generally faff about without a lot of regard for cause or consequence
            i trust i'll manage to cover the fuel somehow
            the shape my allotment of ships have taken wasn't much foreseen by me but here we are
            very pleased with the state of the game as is, even given all the manifold issues. people don't understand what they've got their hands on way ahead of time here. it is THE video game.

            • 7 months ago

              This. It is -the- next best thing to the Ubergame.

            • 7 months ago

              yesterday i spent 12h with some friends, first memeing with putting pocket ships in my MAX™, then trying to escape prison and clear crime, 9999x more fun than your average do 20 bunker missions for the 10th day in a row, the sandbox part of the game is just not posible in any other "game", pocket ship doesnt fit? just fricking blast the fins or whatever to reduce its size 🙂

              • 7 months ago

                actually fighting an idris in even simulated flesh is thrice to five times as intense that pretty neat webm

              • 7 months ago

                I can't wait until we're fighting even bigger ships like whatever the Vanduul bring to bear. I want to purge xenos so bad

              • 7 months ago

                The only good xeno is a dead xeno.
                And the Teverin I suppose, since they’re too cucked to be a problem

          • 7 months ago

            Hunting carebears probably

          • 7 months ago

            >For those planning on playing up until Pyro, what do you plan on doing in the verse?
            Shooting & looting. The new wider range of bounty targets and the fact that they carry random cargo has added a whole new dimension to PvE and created much more of a motivation to play with a group and/or choose ships other than just whatever the current meta fighter is - suddenly multiroles with cargo space make sense if solo/duo, or you can group up with fighters and cargo ships, or even carry snubs IN a cargo ship - I'm actually planning on playing with my org tonight and I just got a Fury so I'm gonna try that.

            3.22 is also bringing Pyro's derelict outposts to Stanton and those should add quite a bit of variety to FPS gameplay, they certainly did in the Pyro demo and they were also a lot more group-oriented with big enemy counts, I did one with like 30 NPCs and saw others get ones with as many as 75. Since they're all outdoors it might finally be worth bringing a tank to a mission too.

          • 7 months ago

            I just wanna play the game with an organized group to do successful nefarious things. No one really hops on and most of the time things end up fizzling because everyone has to go or something.

            • 7 months ago

              if you look to others for enjoyment or fulfillment you're going to be left wanting every single time anon

            • 7 months ago

              This game actively tries to prevent group play from happening, and it gets demoralizing when we have to constantly server hop to find one that isn't so volatile. In rare cases like 3.7.2 or 3.15, there's more incentive to group up and play, and it's a blast, whereas most of the time it's just trying out the latest thing and instantly dropping it for another 3 or so months because nobody has the patience to put up with CR's bullshit, understandably.

              • 7 months ago

                >If you share a quest than everyone has to split the reward.
                >But if the quest has a fee everyone pays it.
                >If one person doesn't accept the salvage mission you're hit with trespassing.

            • 7 months ago

              It takes fricking forever to actually do anything in this game.

          • 7 months ago

            just establishing a routine for our drug cartel

            • 7 months ago

              >anon and his buddies discerning the best ways to torture and murder other digital space men who cross them

        • 7 months ago

          cont... I'm just thinking of the like 6 hours I wasted trying to learn this game and make it work and feeling like an idiot considering I could've done something not horrendously unpleasant like going for a really really long walk or jacking off while staring at my blank wall. How do you guys with thousands of dollars in this game sleep at night
          holy shit is it bad
          I will pray for you all

    • 7 months ago

      >every location is a quarter finished (except the pointless food courts lol)
      That's just flat-out wrong.
      The food courts aren't finished, either. We still can't eat pizza or noodles.

      • 7 months ago

        Noodles worked in Pyro.

  90. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Space whales soon

  91. 7 months ago

    ED and SF are neat but they are never touching this level of detail and scale.

    • 7 months ago

      Starfield is inferior in practically every quantifiable measure, I wouldn't even put that glorified fallout mod (itself an oblivion mod) up with the likes of NMS and ED.

  92. 7 months ago

    putting up with the dummy thicc atmosphere on egress is worth it for the sheer views on hand here as well as the ready supply of pink whale plushies to throw around and set free back over the railings

    • 7 months ago

      They fixed it so you can QD out 10k up from spaceport.

      • 7 months ago

        i hadn't realized that, had been spending a while just mozying back at last after trying out the tutorial centric from new babbage

        • 7 months ago

          I home out of Orison now, its nice. Its a nice place plus if transit bugs out you can still get to the spaceport.

  93. 7 months ago

    white whale
    holy grail

    • 7 months ago

      >split your lungs with blood and thunder
      >when you see the white whale
      Hope you merked them, anon

  94. 7 months ago

    wow, that was sick
    this game is a lot of fun. very tactile. it really does put the dab on elite, but its taken years and years to cohere itself to this point but that's quite well and fine of course
    a decade in and yeah, it's definitely starting to shape up
    the game to end all games, i do contend

  95. 7 months ago

    take the originpill
    smell the flowers

    • 7 months ago

      Origin is my least favorite manufacturer by far. Literally iRobot car ships. M50 and 350r are two of my favorites but other than that they have some of the most gaudy, unappealing ship aesthetics in the game. The 400i is alright.

      • 7 months ago

        there are some aesthetic foibles i think manifest with the outer contours of it on the top but the 400i otherwise is an exceedingly straight-faced and hands-on saud kruger/gutamaya-esque pleasure boat for those who've not forgotten the pleasantness of luscious dirt between one's fingers
        big ye olde hot rod vibes too, maybe even so far as a dragster. very upturned nose kind of ship. i really like it and even its warts increasingly

    • 7 months ago

      this years CCU chain increasingly looks like it ends at the 400i, All told I'll have gotten it for about $150, which IMO is a reasonable price for the ship, and I have been wanting a "pleasure" craft for a while, something soloable, but multicrew, with nice lines and big windows for touring, it having a hold that can carry a vehicle is a big bonus.

      The only thing I might trade it for it an ares if that gets warbonded at a similar price.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah, I got mine for $165 through a similar chain and I've always thought that was about what it should cost. It's a better ship than people give it credit for, really nice bunker runner thanks to the front ramp design (being between the gear means it almost always touches down on uneven terrain) and it can haul some serious ass, I outran a whole gang of BHs multiple times the other day when my friend accidentally got a CS at a bunker. Also, the bottom remote turret is great for clearing sketchy LZs, I murked the frick out of a guy who tried to ambush me that way during the Pyro preview.

        • 7 months ago

          i just got finished trashing someone's 890 YUMP and that thing is a vastly inferior ship for a solo fricker just wanting to enjoy himself
          the 600 meanwhile is a seriously unintelligible hot mess
          then a 300 is not much of a pleasure craft if you want to do anything besides fly it
          so barring them doing a 500 that's really nifty at some point the 400i will be as good as it gets for one's own little slice of opulent furnishing and it is really nicely portioned for a single man just wandering about
          also hilariously fuel efficient with bigbig tanks and it's also pretty wicked quick when it has to be
          not a combat vessel all that said, it's just laden with a big shield to see it through and the pair of rear remote turrets to ward things off as it flees, the forward mounts aren't worth real note
          it's not strictly intended for anything more than an x1 bike in the forward hold though, but some other things seem to fit

          frick has the thing grown on me
          really, really stately looking ship

          >it's just laden with a big shield to see it through
          Speaking of the shield, I don't know if it's the S3 or a bug or what, but my 400i was immune to Pyro solar flares, even when in quantum right by the sun. It literally popped up the same "shielded from solar flare" message that you get while behind a planet, and this happened on multiple servers in different places etc. I almost wonder if they gave it that special feature because it was the original Pyro demo ship or something.

          by the sounds of it, it was sitting around for a good while, basically already designed and half done well before they ever got around to marketing it for sale in concept and such
          it's probably a good bit older than is apparent, i wouldn't be surprised if it was made as a puzzle piece for this or that way ahead of time.
          nonetheless as it is right now is pretty cool

      • 7 months ago

        i just got finished trashing someone's 890 YUMP and that thing is a vastly inferior ship for a solo fricker just wanting to enjoy himself
        the 600 meanwhile is a seriously unintelligible hot mess
        then a 300 is not much of a pleasure craft if you want to do anything besides fly it
        so barring them doing a 500 that's really nifty at some point the 400i will be as good as it gets for one's own little slice of opulent furnishing and it is really nicely portioned for a single man just wandering about
        also hilariously fuel efficient with bigbig tanks and it's also pretty wicked quick when it has to be
        not a combat vessel all that said, it's just laden with a big shield to see it through and the pair of rear remote turrets to ward things off as it flees, the forward mounts aren't worth real note
        it's not strictly intended for anything more than an x1 bike in the forward hold though, but some other things seem to fit

        • 7 months ago

          >it's just laden with a big shield to see it through
          Speaking of the shield, I don't know if it's the S3 or a bug or what, but my 400i was immune to Pyro solar flares, even when in quantum right by the sun. It literally popped up the same "shielded from solar flare" message that you get while behind a planet, and this happened on multiple servers in different places etc. I almost wonder if they gave it that special feature because it was the original Pyro demo ship or something.

          • 7 months ago

            >It literally popped up the same "shielded from solar flare" message that you get while behind a planet, and this happened on multiple servers in different places etc. I almost wonder if they gave it that special feature because it was the original Pyro demo ship or something.
            durr hurr btw, it keeps its shield generator and power plants in fridges, of course

  96. 7 months ago

    got BMM and Orion as the only ships. Guess the only thing left is to cover combat side.

    • 7 months ago

      >got two ships which absolutely require other people if not also other ships to run
      What are you going to get for combat, a Polaris?

  97. 7 months ago

    Bomber Chad here, what are the best types of torps this patch? I want to go after big ships and bounties.
    Sometimes I go after players if they have announced that they are on a 890j or claim they are doing the bidding action mission.
    Are the EM ones still good?
    Also when the frick am I getting blade turrets so my retaliator will be a terrifying gun boat, I'll never be able to get 5 people to gun for it and make profit ever.

    • 7 months ago

      Seeker IX torps, so get a Tali or Eclipse

      • 7 months ago

        Nothing is more exciting than when XT was going on and the NPC HH's and IDIRIS would stay still and you could buzz them and point blank to torp them manually under minimum lock range, then pull out, probably slamming into a asteroid or dead invisible player ship, but it was fun.
        So EMs are still king?

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah XT was very fun when it didn't cause the server to just give up and stop working completely.

          EMs are still kings yeah, but really with Size 9 Torps the point is just to get rid of those god-awful Argos, any other torp will do

  98. 7 months ago

    shop wont let me add a $5 Freelancer to 350r CCU to my cart, wtf is this shit? Like it either says "you cannot add that to your cart" or acts like it does it and then just doesnt.

  99. 7 months ago

    I was thinking of melting the Vulture but I bought it for 120 and it's 175$. I am just not a fan of it because the seat situation. Any recommendations? Also thinking of melting the Syulen to use the credits to upgrade the Cutter (game package) just for extra store credits I guess. The Fury lx, Cutter, Syulen are LTI. I really want to use the Cutter as a base for upgrades but melting the Vulture for it seems like a loss. I don't know what to do bros.

    • 7 months ago

      >Any recommendations?
      The Vulture's pricing is fricked, you're going to have to spend upwards of $70 to CCU to anything worthwhile. I'm sitting at a $5 DUR-Vulture CCU and I guess I'm just gonna keep sitting on it while hoping a good concept in that price range gets announced.

      • 7 months ago

        Right now I torn between Gatac Railen which is a 50$ upgrade or one of the Ares which is 75$. Railen looks cool and fun to fly so I'm leaning towards that.

    • 7 months ago

      if by seat situation you mean the standing up to move the boxes, cig said they are "working" on an automated solution

  100. 7 months ago

    Remember to include a picture of your desk and pc build when you spend over 500 bucks!

    • 7 months ago

      That's half the fun.

      • 7 months ago
      • 7 months ago

        dusting all that shit must be aids

        • 7 months ago

          It's not that bad, doesn't take long and isn't done that often.

  101. 7 months ago

    Can the Vanguard fit inside the Polaris hanger? I changed up my CCU chains and freed up enough credit to buy one

  102. 7 months ago

    Just rename it Starship Troopers because all you do is fight bugs

  103. 7 months ago

    I just spent 2k on a HOOKER
    That PUSSY was REAL
    WHO is going to look at me like I'M THE IDIOT when you post about >muh kraken privateer in your >private Second Life hanger

    • 7 months ago

      You had to pay 2k for an orgasm and calling us fools.

    • 7 months ago

      You spent $2000 on an orgasm whereas I can get one for free at any time

    • 7 months ago

      why would you pay 2k for STDs?

    • 7 months ago

      You spend two thousand to come now
      Kraken comes in 2025

    • 7 months ago

      I may have spent over a 1000$ on Star Citizen, but at least I didn't overpay for a lay.
      I may have made some poor financial decisions in the long term with this game and I accept that, but at least I am not a simp. Holy shit man.
      If 2000$ is chump change for you, you shouldn't even need to pay for sex at that point. Frick, just spend that money on a suit and get a haircut, what are you doing?

    • 7 months ago

      Excellent bait anon, here's an extra (You)

  104. 7 months ago

    I kind of want to ccu my mole into an arrastra.

  105. 7 months ago


  106. 7 months ago

    I wonder what a Cruiser will look like

  107. 7 months ago


  108. 7 months ago

    in the ocean of night

  109. 7 months ago

    I cruise the surface of MT, looking for somewhere pretty to land. And yet it's either nothing but tundra or grassland

  110. 7 months ago

    I never really tried the ccugame thing, does this look alright?

    • 7 months ago

      You only have about 3 days left before these warbond ccu deals are gone until Invictus late may (which will have less ships cause its military only). Up to you if you want to go through with it, but im warning you now the tali wont be as great for solo bounty hunting when the resource management gets added to the game.

      • 7 months ago

        I have a Corsair for bounty and just all rounder, I just really like the Tali since it looks like a sub on the inside and guns like a b17 on the out and it's prob my favorite ship in the game. I'll prob stick to the Railen though because I never really tried the trade loop and work on getting Tali as a goal in game.

        • 7 months ago

          You can also just hoard heaps of warbond ccu deals and when accumulated over a few events, you will end up with a really cheap chain buildup for whatever ship you want.

    • 7 months ago

      Mediocre. Stack any 75%+ WB CCUs for sure, but watch the last 3 days of the finale for more you can slot in the gaps, and aim for 50% or more final savings
      I'm on 76% right now on a BMM and I could have gotten it even higher, current final cost of 155$ which I'm gonna try to turn into a sub-160$ Perseus

  111. 7 months ago

    Just did Salvage in the Reclaimer for a few hours with my gf. That ship is sexy and pretty fun to play. Definitely need to swap between salvage and laser to break up monotony, though.

  112. 7 months ago
  113. 7 months ago

    new troony leak just dropped

    • 7 months ago

      >Avoid Orison / Crusader in this build. It will be a bad time and will most likely require an account recopy. This build has extra debugging for AI falling through floors and spawning out of bounds in many UGF locations.

      There goes my Seige of Orison backup plan for next patch.

      Is there any other FPS loops outside of
      Reclaimer missions
      890J missions
      That one Caterpiller mission?

      • 7 months ago

        Some mercenary jobs take you to caves or crash sites to clear out enemies, then there's retrieval ops at derelict outposts (with the 1 cutlass dropping off more enemies), and old derelict starfarer wreck sites in space have some inside the destroyed ship. That's all I've remembered off the top of my head.

  114. 7 months ago

    Was doing high lvl bounties and when approaching one of them, some dude in his 400i killed it for me and then proceeded to ram into the last npc and died. I hope it wasnt one of you nerds lmao.

  115. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      how dare an alien fetishist such as yourself utilize a dialect legible to me

      • 7 months ago

        I just want unique looking ships, I don't want RSI flavor of the month Python from ED look alike for the nth time.
        I'm not full xenophile tho, luv me hawk, luv me ho'net, luv me sab'e

  116. 7 months ago

    starship trooper

  117. 7 months ago

    every minute i stay in this sim i get weaker
    and every day the vanduul squat in the dark they get stronger

  118. 7 months ago

    If I melt the vulture now, do I still get to keep the paint? Tired of this piece of shit ship.

    • 7 months ago

      Yea, your safe to melt. These BIS paints are separate items.

      • 7 months ago

        Annoyingly I think if you buy the BIS edition or the warbond upgrade the skin is actually part of the ship package and you lose it if you melt, but if you have a normal one (which

        If I melt the vulture now, do I still get to keep the paint? Tired of this piece of shit ship.

        does) it's a separate item that you keep. One of the reasons I refuse to melt my 400i is that one of the steps in its CCU chain was a BIS Cutty with a cool skin that I'll lose if I melt.

        • 7 months ago

          I bought these last year as standalone so the paints just show up as a bucket

    • 7 months ago

      Vulture and Reclaimer in Evo got a pretty nice "buff" with a storage buffer of RMC so you don't need a crate b***h or to ladder climb constantly, if it means anything to you.

      • 7 months ago

        How does this work? Your Vulture can store the recycled materials until it's ready to shit it out?

        • 7 months ago

          Right now its probably very overtuned, Evo build says they have a 14SCU and 720SCU buffer each right now which is greater than their total cargo capacity, more likely it's gonna get tuned down to 3-6SCU in buffer for the Vulture for release if I had to guess.
          Just means instead of running down every two crates like you do now, you only have to go back once or twice per ship to empty the buffer into your hold. Also increases total capacity, as you can hold crates in the buffer as you run off and shit them out once you're safe/once your cargo area has been emptied out and room has been made

          • 7 months ago

            Wow what the frick I love the Vulture now. The BiS paint garbage though

            • 7 months ago

              Stuff like this is always why I like to keep an eye on evocati leaks as long as I'm actively watching the game and shuffling stuff around tbh
              It was probably done because "crate b***h" is NOT a very fun job and the current implementation requires someone basically constantly on duty there, a buffer would allow even a Reclaimer to operate with just one person loosely "in the back" doing any engineering, cargo duty, cratebitch, ect
              Reclaimer also shits out much larger crates but Evo leaks didn't say what size.

              • 7 months ago

                I just don't get how Vulture ship gameplay for a pass
                "Yeah standing up every 60sec or so to go down stairs place crate, go back up, sit down."
                It did not feel like a solo ship at all.

              • 7 months ago

                The vulture has three different ways to salvage things.
                >scrape armor
                >chew up scrap metal
                >get your fatass out of the chair, participate in EVA and pocket whatever valuables you can find in the wreckage
                That last example is literally why the side door exists. You need to go exploring if you want the finer valuables. Going into your cargo hold is just an extension of that.

                The Reclaimer is inarguably worse, though, because CIG expects you to have a team of players collect processed scrap and toss it down into the cargo hold like some kind of intergalactic baggage handler.

              • 7 months ago

                The vulture has three different ways to salvage things.
                >scrape armor
                >chew up scrap metal
                >get your fatass out of the chair, participate in EVA and pocket whatever valuables you can find in the wreckage
                That last example is literally why the side door exists. You need to go exploring if you want the finer valuables. Going into your cargo hold is just an extension of that.

                The Reclaimer is inarguably worse, though, because CIG expects you to have a team of players collect processed scrap and toss it down into the cargo hold like some kind of intergalactic baggage handler.

                The lack of any buffering and manual unloading was probably an oversight or internal communication issue, but even with it the Vulture will probably still shine the brightest with a second crewman buzzing around outside and ripping parts off/out of the wreck while the pilot strips the initial hull off. Hull armor (RMC) is also a different material than the structural core (now CMC on Evo) so I reckon that it's going to be a multi-step process to full scrap a wreck.
                A good example would be bandits plundering the hold and ripping off weapons and components, before a vulture rolls by and illicitly strips the wreck of more-valuable armor or sanitizes it for the bandits on contract, then a Reclaimer gets contracted and chops the entire ship.

              • 7 months ago

                Any leaks on what they are doing for the claw on Reclaimer?
                Gonna be finishing a CCU up to it this IAE and curious how it's gonna be implemented, though the scrap box changes alone sound really nice.

              • 7 months ago

                only thing I saw is that it's broken in the evo build, not sure if that means they're attempting function for it or not

          • 7 months ago

            I don't think its so overtuned, before the Vulture official cargo was 12 scu but you can fit more like 26 scu by just plopping shit around the side, so really if they remove that capability then it will effectively have the same cargo space as before. Likewise the Reclaimer could easily hold 1000+ scu of cargo, it just doesnt have the grids for it.

  119. 7 months ago


  120. 7 months ago

    >ayyy, new expo, what kind of paint are we thinking of this year?
    Just dragon dildo my shit up, senpai.

    • 7 months ago

      just be grateful its not as bad as that pink and white one

  121. 7 months ago

    I'm not knowledgeable in game development stuff, realistically speaking how much could they optimize this game? I'm kind of worried even after they optimize, something like a RTX 3060 wont run smoothly (60 fps minimum)

    • 7 months ago

      The game is CPU bound. Worry more about getting a SSD and 32gb of ram.
      The performance issues are related to the servers. Fresh servers run easily, free fly weekend will make you want to eat bricks.

      • 7 months ago

        >Worry more about getting a SSD and 32gb of ram
        no worries here, though is it really feasible for a finished game to require 32gb of ram? is there a current game that's doing that now?

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe not right now, but 16 has become pretty universal and SC is still at least a few years away from anything you'd call a release, might not be that unusual by then. One unexpected benefit of the delays in general is that it's given hardware a decent amount of time to catch up, and even now a decent current-gen midrange rig can run the game pretty well whereas a few years ago you needed a monster.

    • 7 months ago

      Optimization of modern games is a multilayered art form at this point, it is well beyond the realms of mortals, it requires every facet of the game to be built in a way that enables optimization.
      Star Citizen's foundation isn't that bad, it has great LODs and they've demonstrated before that they can add more, it has workable culling but they consistently either overcull or undercull in notable situations (like the NPC pits of 3.18 at Lorville that would grind your game to a halt despite being hundreds of meters away and between several walls)
      the underlying streaming tech of SC, as well as engine limitations are the major sources of lag nowadays, also the fact that the fricking NPCs are incredibly high detail and exist in the hundreds at landing zones solely to eat up framerate with zero gameplay addition

      Vulkan and DLSS are gonna be big in freeing up both CPU and GPU resources but there are some major underlying "WTFs" that SC does right now that really kneecap it, but considering le alpha, we can probably expect performance to get pretty fricking solid
      3060 will probably not run anything, I would never buy a 60-series card since they're gonna be kneecapped out the gate, you should look for used old flagship cards- a used 1080 or 1080ti would have run less than a new 3060 and outperformed it

  122. 7 months ago

    looks aight, although i feel like they based this paint on how it's going to look on the 600i tbqh

    • 7 months ago

      the dark shade of blue is really nice, but the cyan color makes it look tacky

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, it looks awful on Redeemer and Corsair

        • 7 months ago

          Yeah if you're gonna go with covenant colors then put it on a covenant shape ship like the 600i

        • 7 months ago

          What does it look like on them?

  123. 7 months ago

    I have the older iae vulture CCU in my hanger that I haven’t applied yet… if I use it will I get the BiS paint?

  124. 7 months ago

    • 7 months ago

      >Some of Starfield's planets are meant to be empty by design - but that's not boring.
      This reads like somebody who is trying his hardest to lie so he doesn't lose his job.
      >'space is boring?' frick, how do we spin this? I mean it IS boring, but what is actually interesting about space? astronauts? those guys weren't bored, they were doing stuff all the time. alright, yeah, let's write something about astronauts
      >what else can we write about space? space is big, we know that.. yeah, space is big! and big things aren't boring, right? lots of things to explore, like rocks and other things we put in the game, like buildings

    • 7 months ago

      What will be the next shitizen """killer"""?

      • 7 months ago

        space engineers 2

        • 7 months ago

          Different games, Space engineers is more focused on you designing shit similar to KSP but in first person with more survival mechanics and industrial gameplay.
          Star citizen is primarily multiplayer focused, SE is more single player focused and allows you to host servers for smaller lobby based multiplayer games.
          SE1 was huge for its time, the first game I've ever played which implemented procedurally generated planets well ahead of the pack.
          SE2 will be great if the engine updates they are working on for physics resolve clang.
          I reckon it will have better physics than SC at least as far as collisions and moving parts are concerned they are absolutely atrocious in star citizen.
          Being singleplayer also has its perks over star citizen's network limitations even with server meshing implemented as good as it may be.
          Building/crafting and designing your own shit to fly or operate is the bomb, it won't be KSP level of orbital mechanics autism but it will have first person gameplay.

          Different strengths over Star Citizen but let's be real it is extremely difficult to contend with star citizen's scope no bean counter's going to be insane enough to even attempt it.
          Even if different space games can target their respective niches more effectively than star citizen no one is going to reach the sum of all its parts that take literal decades to develop.

          I am looking forward to SE2 it's not like you HAVE to play only 1 game.

          • 7 months ago

            They got a polaris and a C8X inside in there, hilarious. Obvious nod to SC.
            I think Space engineers is the most modular/customizable first person space sim of the lot.

            • 7 months ago

              fuggin carrack

            • 7 months ago

              thats a carrack not a polaris

        • 7 months ago

          All speculation based on development updates recalled since neither game is finished.

          Space Engineers 1/2
          >Voxel terrain, ability to modify the terrain by landscaping beyond just ships crashing and deforming it slightly. SC will most likely be a lot more limited in how much you can modify the landscape/terrain
          >Ship Crashes demonstrated with Sand/rock already, SC might not have ships sinking into the sand but will likely be more detailed otherwise with maelstrom and terrain deformation for craters
          >Will have water and the ability to move it from one place to another physically, water in SC will look great but again we likely won't be "physically" displacing it from the environment
          >Singleplayer mode and mods, star citizen will most likely not have mods for multiplayer. If the servers go down or the company goes bust you cannot play star citizen. SE2 will always be playable and easy to keep going as the players can host servers even if they are more limited than star citizen infrastructure and feature wise.
          >Design your own ships, vehicles, and bases. At best you can plug and play some ready made components in star citizen you will not be creating your own ships from scratch like legos
          >Programming blocks, SC will have hacking gameplay but you most likely won't be writing custom scripts
          Star Citizen
          >Much more visually impressive overall (far larger budget and team with a less limited engine)
          >Server Meshing would lead to far better performance and a lot more fidelity/features/interaction in multiplayer and way larger player counts
          >Rotating planets and bigger planets, gas giants which SE2 might not have unless modded in. Devs did not want to add rotating planets to keep the gameplay simpler
          >Hand crafted environments that are less procedural generated and look more interesting
          >Designed for PC first and foremost but will have controller support, SE2 intendeds to release on console might be more limited
          >more tailored mission variety less sandboxy though

  125. 7 months ago

    >carebear joins the fray

    • 7 months ago

      Can't wait for all the spectrum salt when we get pyro

      • 7 months ago

        You must have missed it a few weeks ago then because the place was filled with boomer salt about getting killed in the pyro playtest

      • 7 months ago

        Some idiot on spectrum got upset that they were killed for 4 hours at the same station when trying to leave
        BuzzCutPsycho was in a stealthy eclipse killing everyone, and this moron didn't think to hop servers to get away

        • 7 months ago

          I cannot wait till that Black person gets banned.
          he is such a piece of shit been dealing with his dickery since planetside.
          he's always doing something pointlessly antagonistic, always has like 10 people holding his hand so no one can actually do anything about it and always acts like hes the hottest shit for picking on random solo players with 10 to 1 numbers advantage.

          like I mostly just dont give a frick about e-celebe name homosexuals, but that motherfricker I despise.
          When he got featujred on the CIG community page that one time I sent support a bunch of screenshots of him telling people to kill themselves and throwing aroundd racial slurs in planetside and rising storm and was like "hay by the way this guy is a malicious, destructive lunatic and you should really not associate your brand with him"

          he's an actual literal psycho in the "will inevitably murder someone and wind up in jail because he's a monstrous person with no regard at all for anyone elses existence"

          • 7 months ago

            >so I reported him because word bad
            Why are you here and not on plebbit?

            • 7 months ago

              I reported him for being a Black person in spirit and reporting him for his homierdly ways wouldnt get him banned but reporting him for saying the Black person word might.

              Used the systems of your enemies against them. I want that Black person banned, I don't care the exact reason. I want his ships deleted for all the shitty things he has done to me my friends and other random people over the years. He's a rotten sack of shit of a person. Like I said ordinarily I just don't care about "personality" buttholes but he is gleeful smug c**t and deserves punishment.

              • 7 months ago

                send us some of the screens or somethin

              • 7 months ago

                no, because I could probably be identified through them. the chances he remembers who I am among the literally tens of thousands of random people he has antagonized and harassed to entertain and inflate himself over the years is virtually nil, so on the off chance you are him or one of his orbiters who would go running to him I will not open myself up to target retaliation, because he is exactly the vindictive like this anon said

                sounds like someone who ought to have grown some balls and gotten himself killed in ukraine by now or something
                said people are into terrorizing the defenseless in manners they can face no retaliation for, for that very reason on account of cowardice of course
                just look at his yammering Black person and kys on rs or ps as you state but not SC
                consequence-averse but malignant all the same

                "Malignant" sort to try to do me harm for daring to call out his shitty ways.
                He's a wretched c**t who deserves to have stones thrown at him by faceless nameless people he is powerless to reply to. He's way past the point of "Improve yourself and stop being shitty" and into the "you deserve to be physically punished for how awful you are to other people, purely as a form of retribution, not rehabilitation". He should be wordlessly caned without being told why until he realizes why on his and spontaneously apologizes for being such a shithead and begs forgiveness.

                like legit he is one of the most low petty and hateful people I have ever encountered, in a life of online gaming.

              • 7 months ago

                >He should be wordlessly caned without being told why until he realizes why on his and spontaneously apologizes for being such a shithead and begs forgiveness.
                that's happening to him at all times
                i promise you
                it's how it works, in actuality
                great phrasing though

              • 7 months ago

                Understandable mate. I do find it funny that these types have found a place years later as a shitizen "content creator". Avenger one is another example (came from EvE), and already gained a shitty reputation among the community as a combat logger who cant take a loss.

              • 7 months ago

                yeah waaay back in like I dunno alpha 2.6 or w/e it was I ran into him a couple times, when I was flying my gladiator and freelancer as combat ships and he like came at me out of nowhere at I blew his ass out of the sky cus he was shit and I'm driving a heavily armed guntruck type ships. Like I'd just Torpedo him or his him with the lancers gimbals and waste him but every time I did he's post some dumb shit in chat about "Activating his cloaking device" or jumping to safety" Like I hit him with a stalker 5 and watched him explode into confetti and he just wouldn't admit it and then a few minutes later Im still fricking about in the ame area popping rats or w/e and he comes back and we do it again I waste him again he autistically denies it again.

                In one instance this went on for like an hour with him exploding like 9 times for literally no kills on me and he just started raging in chat about missles and gunships being OP, he was flying an avenger titan renegade at the time, and like larping as a "Space Patrol Cop" of some sort, and like shit did you started a fight with a ship with three times your firepower and double your health, in the case of the gladius you attacked a ship with 4 s5 torps in the belly each of which can one shot you and and which at the time completely ignored countermeasures, because they EM signature homing, not Thermal or Radar.

                Had another run in with him later when the Ares was new, I had an Ion cus I fricking love big slow fire guns on little ships, and so of course I zap him with it cus it was OPd as shit a launch and he just again denies dying and than later starts crying about it.

                like I don't know who he is if hes some stream or w/e but I see him name every now and then and I just cant help but think he's like developmentally disabled or something cus he acts like a literally wailing baby when he loses. Like shit man you got blowed up in a fight that you started, grow up. I don't start shit with people outside contract.

              • 7 months ago

                >words words words
                Back to plebbit

              • 7 months ago

                >I've been here plebbiting up Ganker with my shit opinions for a long time
                Is this a good thing?

                >plebbit opinion with plebbit words
                Back you go!

                >words bad
                >banning because of my hurt feelings gud
                Just go to a different server you ultra homosexual, you're such a pussy, you absolutely deserve being camped and go back to plebbit Black personhomosexual.

                >so I reported him because word bad
                Why are you here and not on plebbit?

                you have posted the same thing 5 times. without any further thought
                and that thing is itself a regurgitated and hollow meme, founded on a false premise, one which is incidentally most often held by redditors. That Ganker is "Mean and edgy and tough" and reddit is "for pussies and carebears"

                There is not an original thought in your head and your mindless repetition of words you do not actually comprehend in fact makes it likely you are the reddit refugee, who thinks that by migrating here you will somehow be in among the "cool guys" or w/e gay bullshit.
                I bet you are turd colored IRL.

                TL:Can't Read:
                No, U, homosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                Youre right, those posts are all me and you know what homosexual, you're still wrong and a pussy, you absolutely should go to plebbit and post there as you and your moronic kind are unwanted here or realistically anywhere really.

              • 7 months ago

                gayest homie in the thread

              • 7 months ago

                sounds like someone who ought to have grown some balls and gotten himself killed in ukraine by now or something
                said people are into terrorizing the defenseless in manners they can face no retaliation for, for that very reason on account of cowardice of course
                just look at his yammering Black person and kys on rs or ps as you state but not SC
                consequence-averse but malignant all the same

              • 7 months ago

                >words bad
                >banning because of my hurt feelings gud
                Just go to a different server you ultra homosexual, you're such a pussy, you absolutely deserve being camped and go back to plebbit Black personhomosexual.

              • 7 months ago

                decent people should not have to make way for shitty people.
                Shitty people should be physically removed so that decent people can thrive. You can be a pvper without being a dispicable cowardly honorless shithead.

              • 7 months ago

                >plebbit opinion with plebbit words
                Back you go!

              • 7 months ago

                I have been here longer than you fricker, you leave.
                I have been here since the beginning.

              • 7 months ago

                >I've been here plebbiting up Ganker with my shit opinions for a long time
                Is this a good thing?

              • 7 months ago

                >decent people should not have to make way for shitty people.
                Heaven is gated, hell has open doors.
                Don't like it? Get good or get dunked on.

              • 7 months ago

                what are you attempting and failing to say, you edgy moron?

              • 7 months ago

                Cope and seethe.

              • 7 months ago

                >le crazy edgy clown man

              • 7 months ago

                ESL AF

                He made perfect sense, sorry you're too moronic to understand.

              • 7 months ago

                No you didn't.

              • 7 months ago

                it really is simple enough to become a carebear with his head screwed on

              • 7 months ago

                ESL AF

              • 7 months ago

                youre going to be very angry about his presence in your video game for a very long time then. he has spent a lot of money on this game and hasnt actually broken any of the rules in it, so odds of him being banned are next to nothing. i suggest being less emotional and learning to accept or react to the fact that hes here to stay in some other way, because what you are doing now will accomplish nothing for you.

              • 7 months ago

                goodie. really.
                he doesn't get to express himself fully in SC as no one would tolerate it and it will eat at him and something amazing will happen, as is the end result of all ever-escalating suffering

              • 7 months ago

                He will unironically get banned for spawn-torpedoing people eventually.
                the difference between that and pad ramming is effectively nothing and end the end of the day CIG is not going to choose one disruptive sociopath over and ever growing numbers of whales calling for his head.
                They ban people for pad ramming and literally the first thing he did in star citizen was pad ramming.
                doing something that has the same effect as pad ramming, but in a stealth ship from 10km out where you cant even be targeted will get him tossed.

              • 7 months ago

                there's no need to bother with that, just make his life hell in game with the far end of law enforcement response and the like, shouldn't be too difficult

              • 7 months ago

                As of now there are no rules against spawn camping (pad ramming aside), if they made rules against it he would just start doing something else, like how he just started spawn torpedoing after they banned pad ramming.

              • 7 months ago

                you understand that banning is entirely discretionary and they can just decide to ban him for things he has done, even if those things are no explicitly spelled out.
                This isn't some courtroom where you can israelite to the letter of the law and safely be legal-maxed sociopath safely.

                He is very clearly sidestepping their very clear statement on spawn pad grief by spawn pad griefing in a slightly different way, but the effect is exactly the same. Various and many other people don't get to play the game so that an abusive narcissist can feel important for 3 minutes.

                CIG has said they will ban people who behave that way and have in fact already banned people for similar actions. The pad ramming change was his warning, that was done because he was visibly, flagrantly griefing, which he is still doing.

                Torpedoing random vultures as they leave port is not "pvp" it is griefing, and CIGs made their stance of griefing clear, PARTICULARLY in the case of Buttplugcornhole and he is the perfect example to make if he spent thousands, to have those thousands deleted on account of being an insufferable c**t to random people would serve as a great warning to others of similar mind. There is no better example to make than one everyone will see and most people will cheer for. Only his own little circle of wienersuckers would object to seeing him driven out, and someone like him being driven out will be good for the community in the long run, people like him are a cancer that will fester if not excised.

              • 7 months ago

                >abusive narcissist
                >visibly, flagrantly griefing
                You are an insufferable homosexual and I wish you would stop posting here, given your word choice and general attitude you should stick to rsi forums or reddit.
                In those places you will find more like minded shitters to gas you up about your asinine beliefs being valid or worth anyone's time.
                I sincerely hope you and everyone you love is victimized by coal black Black folks from Africa, maybe then you would realize how little other people's actions in games matters.

              • 7 months ago

                ok, they are going to discretionarily not ban a whale and his large organization of also whales because you are very mad at him. I have not seen any uproar surrounding him in general aside from your very long posts.

              • 7 months ago

                his first foray into Starcitizen was to livestream pad ramming random people over and over for hours.
                They made pad ramming officially bannable because of him specifically.

                But my hatred of him doesnt come from start citizen, I have yet to encounter him in game.
                I know him from Planetside2, where he was a huge piece of shit who did his level best to ruin as much for as many people as possible all day everyday for months on end. He's the sort of person who plays games purely to antagonize people because he wasn't to feel big but he's too much of a pussy to risk conflict IRL. He's a highschool bully trying desperately to find new playgrounds and new children to fight.

              • 7 months ago

                sounds like they decided to not ban him because he followed the rules afterwards instead of "discretionarily banning" him like you say theyre supposedly going to.

              • 7 months ago

                This dude does sound like a massive c**t and I hope he gets banned, but at the same time I've gotta say that I haven't experienced a single spawn camp I couldn't get out of since open pad spawns went away. Just charge shields, plot course, and spool before leaving the hangar, blast out of there at full speed, and you'll be gone before anybody can hit you. Unless you're unlucky enough to be the first target local chat will pretty much always give you warning too.

              • 7 months ago

                Wew carebears using Ganker.
                Why not just switch servers instead of letting a literal stranger live so rent free in your head that your ideals start to align with whales and plebbitors?
                Do you also think internet bullying is real or something equally moronic?

              • 7 months ago

                This. Why make yourself a target for people getting their kicks from pissing your type of people off?

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not a target these gays have no idea who I am.

                Wew carebears using Ganker.
                Why not just switch servers instead of letting a literal stranger live so rent free in your head that your ideals start to align with whales and plebbitors?
                Do you also think internet bullying is real or something equally moronic?

                Youre right, those posts are all me and you know what homosexual, you're still wrong and a pussy, you absolutely should go to plebbit and post there as you and your moronic kind are unwanted here or realistically anywhere really.

                Spawn killing isn't "PvP" unless you are a huge homosexual who cannot win actual encounter or instanced pvp, And objecting to lowest-grade shitters fouling the waters of pvp isn't carebear.

                In the early days of the competitive ladder I was a top 100 fighter pilot, I am miles from a carebear, I am an active pvp bounty hunter, active pvp pirate, Hijacker, joyrider, carebear barge boarding massacre perpetrator, active pvp troll as

                real talk I do that on the regular when Im feeling bored and troll-y.

                Pick one of the mission wrecks, either hide a low sig turned off ship a way off and walk to the a ground wreck or take my pisces set it to fly on its own and just bail as I pass a zero g wreck.

                Backpack full of oxpens and medigun charges, gun with a few mags, skull helmet and were waiting until we get bored of waiting. Recreational drugs to make the float interesting, wait until the box runner or looter shows up and scare the shit out of him.

                In particular I used to take bounties by floating zero-g in the superstructure of SP Kareah with a sniper rifle, wait for nerds to come in to clear crimestat and just waste them 2 minutes from salvation with .50cal to the dome from 100m up the station gantry. Sometimes I'd do this for hours, cus half the games didn't know there were other bunkers to clear stat at. so I'd just float around Kareah collecting scalps, having been dropped of my friend or just set my Pisces on athe flaot and either calling for pickup later or "borrowing" a ship from one of my customers to get home.

                Good times tbh, it sounds dull and it can be but when it works out is super satisfying. Particularly watching the carebers very visibly shit his space suit when my yellow eyed horned helmet having ass detaches from the wall towards him.

                stated above.

                I hunt both dangerous game and baby seals for sport, I'm just not a petty c**t who targets random people with a massive uncounterable advantage. If I club a seal its cus the seal has done something to deserve it And I a man of violence, vindictive temper and diabolically malicious patience, think Buzzcut is a totally worthless piece of pig shit..

              • 7 months ago

                >words words words
                That's a lot of text just to say that you're a soft homosexual who b***hes online to strangers about what other online strangers make you feel like.
                Unironically kys

              • 7 months ago

                you're the next encrusted layer of puerile b***hing, you realize that, right?

              • 7 months ago

                >more words
                Just stop posting and leave, no one wants you here.

              • 7 months ago

                zased schizo illiterate

              • 7 months ago

                All these supposed qualifications (which no one cares about) and yet you can't handle griefing in a fricking video game, and easily avoided griefing at that
                You are a sensitive lala man and I agree with the other anons suggesting that you return to reddit where you won't be getting your fee-fees hurt.

              • 7 months ago

                >can't handle griefing
                like I said, I've never seen him in SC, he's never rammed or torpped me, I've had people try to spawn torp me, I avoided them because I am not a baby seal I know the game and I know the tricks, I know what a contact lurking outside the hangar means, I know what a lock looks like and I know how to shoot down an incoming missile.

                I object to the man character and I object to his actions. He is a piece of shit, and I would see him removed before he can smear himself all over starcitizen the way he did planetside.

              • 7 months ago

                My favorite thing is PS2 was landing my liberator on biolabs and shooting through the shield and abusing infinite afterburner.
                I bet you would b***h about that too.

              • 7 months ago

                >The way he did planetside
                QRD? Only notorious homosexual I know of is paletiger and as far as I know he ended up switching servers and pissing off everyone in the new one

                There are multiple bunkers around stanton with terminals that allow you to clear crimestat, Kareah was the best know but it hasnt been the only one for several years. One on Lyria I wanna say, one on Aberdeen, and one of the Microtech moons too I think, been a while Ive forgotten, I actually ahven't been SCing much lately, patched too unstable + constant events shitting the servers, I've been waiting for a good patch to commit time.

                Neat. Are they all just listed as "Security post"?

              • 7 months ago

                There are multiple bunkers around stanton with terminals that allow you to clear crimestat, Kareah was the best know but it hasnt been the only one for several years. One on Lyria I wanna say, one on Aberdeen, and one of the Microtech moons too I think, been a while Ive forgotten, I actually ahven't been SCing much lately, patched too unstable + constant events shitting the servers, I've been waiting for a good patch to commit time.

                Kareah is the only way now
                They removed those options

              • 7 months ago

                wonder why? thats moronic and makes shit way too easy for the hunters, Like camping kareah for bounty intercept was waht I did when I was feeling lazy, if its just "what you do" whats even the point of flying around when you can just wait in the AP air vents for your bounty to show up and then shoot him while he uses the terminal

              • 7 months ago

                HSD-1 On Hurston used to
                SDL-1 Lyria
                SP Kareah
                I forget the one on microtech,
                However, wiki says you cannot scrub on Hurston anymore, so things have changed again and my information is out of date.

              • 7 months ago

                They just need to increase crimestat if you are sentenced for both destroying a ship and killing a player from cs2 to cs3 What griefers tend to do is wash their hands clean by paying a fine and repeating the process
                They don't target players that can put up a fight they don't want to take any risk they always go for cheese tactics and find helpless toddlers to beat up effortlessly without repercussions or challenge on their part inside secure stations to mine salt for the lulz
                I've seen it happen a few times and never bothered wasting my time trying to fight them because I get no reward for it and did not want get the crime stat myself, they themselves can run back into armistice and clear any CS making it hard to deal with them unless you use the same abusive tactics

                If they can be bounty hunted and actually take on a challenge to continue abusing players the cowards wouldn't do it because they can't cheese the system by beating a piniata over and over and have to actually put up a fight against someone capable eventually
                If they grief while the other players are putting up a fight and losing by getting out-skilled that is fine but it is a different matter entirely to camp a player in a secure zone waiting for the hanger to doors to open with no chance of dodging and not get enough crimestat for a deliberate crime to be marked for bounty and face the consequences of their actions

                Fricking ruins the game but I am hoping they introduce those shields at major high sec stations which slow ships and projectiles down to prevent hard collisions/torpedo griefing so aesthetic stations with a lot of Pads you can see from the inside of the station like port ollissar are made viable along with people loading cargo in secure zones not getting rammed
                low sec and nullsec is every man for himself so even ramming is acceptable, you can't hide behind an armistice zone you either have what it takes to keep it going or get a taste of your own medicine eventually

              • 7 months ago

                "The plan" from devs is to introduce a maximum security prison for players like the one mentioned that they get put in after an increasing number of npc bounty hunters go after them from some rebalanced crime stat system. The idea is that it will eventually be unwinnable for the perpetrator and eventually they will wake up in a new prison with no means of escape or lowering their sentence with wait times around a week.

                That being said that won't really happen until 2033 after Chris Roberts suffers a heart attack and dies. Maybe an org will form to keep instances like that in check, a Bully Hunters 2.0

              • 7 months ago

                That was from an unsubstantial "leak" from just 1 reddit user. I wouldn't take it as anything but bullshit until CIG says so themselves.

              • 7 months ago

                Please don't tell me they plan to keep player locked in a location for a fricking week in real time, what a surefire way to frick the playerbase that wants to be a criminal warlord

              • 7 months ago

                It's bullshit anon, only until chris thinks its a good idea.

              • 7 months ago

                What'd you expect? I'm pretty sure the whole idea is that you'll "possess" an NPC on your friend's ship or play on a different character while your main lives out his prison sentence. Same goes for all the dads you want to dadnap and force to work in the mines.

              • 7 months ago

                That’s basically the only way to make prison an actual punishment and discourage homosexualry.

              • 7 months ago

                >carebear comes back to post more words
                Why haven't you gone back to spectrum or reddit?

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine being so such a neurotic carebear that you get banned from both spectrum and plebbit, and in order to vent to prevent a complete meltdown, you decide to post on Ganker.

                Imagine being such a coward that you hide behind game mechanics to bully toddlers that can't even fight back what a tough badass you are.

              • 7 months ago

                Is this going to be a thing, now? We're going to have to listen homosexuals pretend to have hurt feelings for (You)s?

              • 7 months ago

                ur literally advocating to be able to hide behind game mechanics kek

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine being so such a neurotic carebear that you get banned from both spectrum and plebbit, and in order to vent to prevent a complete meltdown, you decide to post on Ganker.

              • 7 months ago

                >banned from both spectrum and plebbit

              • 7 months ago

                you cant pay homicide out and its an instant CS3 idiot

              • 7 months ago

                Imagine being bullied so hard you seethe like this on Ganker.

    • 7 months ago

      i saw someone the other day talk about how there was someone guarding a space station and KOS-ing people trying to land there and eventually some people banded together and killed him and that it was an interesting interaction, and then in his very next breath he says that there should be more “moderation” and that these things should be handled by the ai. carebears truly astonish me. they will note how pvp created a fond memory and interesting gameplay and then immediately demand that it be taken away and controlled by a higher authority so they can keep playing their single player cargo simulator.

  126. 7 months ago

    >the fricking volume of cargo one will be able to siphon up into the polaris' hangar
    might be tedious to manage but that shit is getting freighted under lock and key and gun

    • 7 months ago

      Idris sized ship, Idris sized cargo bay. Not really surprising, but there are a lot of solodads who think their Polaris is gonna be their combat carrack that can haul more than a C2 while being strong and fast and invincible! are gonna eat massive shit

      • 7 months ago

        I do not understand the people who have bought multiple capital-class ships
        I've been slowly working to a Reclaimer and even that is on the cusp of 'always need at least one other person, two more for best operations'
        How are they gonna crew a 15 man ship consistently?

        • 7 months ago

          AI crewmembers (soontm)

        • 7 months ago

          The way i see it, is you have your mates cover the essential roles you'd rather have occupying, and use ai crew members to fill out the rest to make up the minimal effective crew. The more mates you have, the better.

        • 7 months ago

          I mean, the polaris has a medical bay to respawn in, can carry frick huge torps, can haul some cargo, and can lug fighters around.
          It's basically a mobile base to frick around with when bigger star systems gets released

        • 7 months ago

          They aren't, or believe that they could reliably manage the 8-25 AI needed to skeleton crew-fully crew the ship. Realistically, the player crew of a casual Polaris or Idris won't be anywhere near 20, I personally expect even org-tier "maximum performance" threshold will be half the listed crew requirement with a few AI managers.
          Do you *really* need player manned antifighter turrets on a capship? Or is 4-6 AI and a human weapons officer flagging target priority equally good once people figure out AI orders? Sure, players will probably always be better than AI, but their importance is secondary and having a player on the bridge, in a fighter nearby, or crewing a second capship is probably gonna be a better play.

        • 7 months ago

          This is why I only have BMM and Perseus as big ships.
          Cargo is something you can ultimately solo with time and setting up NPC run shops on your ship is something they confirmed with Kraken, so I really just need it to move from point A to B to make money.
          Perseus is pretty goddamn crew efficient. 5 dudes is about the size of a classic dungeon group in most MMOs, so getting a player crew for it won't be an issue.

          Failing that, I got 315P for being a solo loot goblin. (it's tractor beam can abduct a cutlass black)

          • 7 months ago

            315p seems great now with tractor beams

        • 7 months ago

          The number of NPCs to players will be 10:1. This will obviously require NPC crews and captains, otherwise the ingame economy would never be able to function.
          Players will also be able to automate turrets with blades. What resources those require are unclear, but they are in the pipeline.
          I own a kraken and that is my plan. And if that doesn't pan out, I'll gift the kraken to my org and let them play around with it instead.

          • 7 months ago

            CIG has stated they are not likely to give players the ability to command AI captains, aka ships with zero players aboard, as it would unbalance the game too heavily. They also have repeatedly stated that blades will have drawbacks of some sort by consuming server space- I reckon blades will only be particularly useful for CIWS or on ships with an excess of server space as a selling point.
            AI crew will not be managed 10:1 by players, they make up 90% of the background activity in the game, players will likely be able to effectively control far less, probably gated mostly by player skill itself ala FTL crew management
            Any ship with a crew req over 20, especially those in combat roles, are 100% gonna be org-only.

            • 7 months ago

              I think a lot of that will change in the coming years.

              The reality is that many big ships won't disappear on log-out, so if players are planning on using anything Capital-sized, and players won't be able to manage AI captains, then CIG will be effectively demanding players to poopsock to keep those ships alive.

              The alternative would be to bind org members to shifts, which would literally turn Star Citizen into a second job.

              Ark: Survival suffered from a similar situation. Player-owned bases needed to be constantly supervised otherwise raids would demolish the base while everyone was away. It was tedious as frick and nobody liked it.

              • 7 months ago

                just bring it back into dock and logout then lmao
                yes, though, actually keeping an idris or javelin or polaris or perseus in space is understandably a dicey affair as it should be, plan accordingly or snuggle up back at home if you don't want to worry about it

              • 7 months ago

                Perseus has max crew of 6 though.
                1 Pilot, 2x Manned turrets, 1x Missile operator, 1x Remote turret operator / Co-Pilot and 1x Engineer.
                You could theoretically slap 4x of those jobs to just the pilot if you slap AI blades to slave the manned turrets to the pilot and have him also be in charge of firing the the missiles.
                You could also completely forgo PD if you felt like it considering how lacking it is to begin with.

                This means you could theoretically just have 1 guy do the fighting and flying while everyone else is on damage control if you REALLY wanted to.

              • 7 months ago

                My prediction: Blades can only target based on signature and get faked by countermeasures, their only reliable targets are idiots and missiles
                Blade server cost scales with size of turret, making it nearly impossible to blade anything larger than a dual S3 turret

              • 7 months ago

                >plan accordingly or snuggle up back at home if you don't want to worry about it
                That still doesn't prevent it from being 9/11'd by some cheeky aurora, though.

                This shit will apply to player bases, too. What's the point in building a base in outlaw space if you can't reliably defend it from c**ts dropping bombs on it while you're at work?

              • 7 months ago

                You can't just quantum your base into the middle of bumfrick in Ark, to be fair. Blind jumping is coming back before capital ships will enter the game, making it trivial to hide a ship in deep space where it's nigh undetectable.

      • 7 months ago

        it looks to have twin lifts feeding up from the lower cargo deck into the hangar bay too so even potentially managing the shifting of perhaps s16 containers by the looks of it may not be all that silly, if a bit of an octopus dance to do nonetheless by one's self. i assume there will be implements to assist.
        i just want to blade up some of the turrets and run shit around half-secured-to-begin-with space with not too much for value on hand to begin with bloodying the water and then too much for teeth atop to sniff too hard at
        iron tiger carebear shit

  127. 7 months ago

    is there a way to transfer your vulture cargo to another ship without manually doing it?

    • 7 months ago

      Nope. If the other ship you are transferring the cargo to has a tractor beam, like the caterpillar or C1, then it will make it a little bit easier.

  128. 7 months ago

    fully automated turret by the sound of it btw

    • 7 months ago

      I think its actually a tandem turret linked to the manned top rear turret. One gunner controls both turrets at the same time like on the Reclaimer, can aim either from the top manually or from the bottom by remote into it but in either case both turrets tract and fire to the same pip if its within gimbal.

  129. 7 months ago

    What is the best starting planet? What are some starter missions to get the hang on the gameplay, have not played this in a year.

    • 7 months ago

      Orison probably, crusader is the best planetary system for doing missions and shit.
      They have a tutorial now so you can do that, other than that all the entry level missions are pretty easy so you can get the hang of shit that way.

  130. 7 months ago

    Thinking about melting my Taurus and Prospector for an F8C, lads. I barely touch either one, especially the Prospector. Would leave

    • 7 months ago

      >Would leave
      *me with some store credits. I’m just really trying to resist the urge to put $260 on my credit card.

    • 7 months ago

      F8 is overpriced
      Prospector is not great but Taurus is quite handy
      If you can melt more or CCU to a Hercules, that would be best

      • 7 months ago

        It definitely is overpriced, certainly. It is fun though and as far as a heavy fighter for a solo player goes it’s kind of a wet dream. The Taurus would be missed a but I just don’t use the thing. I have a Corsair for money making and I’ll just buy it in game if I really end up missing it.

  131. 7 months ago

    Frick it, lads. Life’s too short.

    • 7 months ago

      Can you buy that with store credits?

      • 7 months ago

        Yes but you have to have gotten wonka's golden ticket first

    • 7 months ago

      I fricking bet the grind will be set to insane levels uec wise once the game is in a more mature state

      • 7 months ago

        Am I the only one wondering what the frick will be the end goal in SC ? I know it a MMO but like what's next ? Will buying everyship in game the goal ? Maxing reputation ? Community goal ?

        Once you've got blackrock amount of UEC what do you do ?
        They always say what will be in the game but the conclusion of it all ?

        • 7 months ago

          Build bases on nullsec planets control regions of of unclaimed space. Org wars, same as any sandbox game, the end game is pvp and bragging rights.

          • 7 months ago

            >the end game is pvp and bragging rights
            And online casinos

  132. 7 months ago

    I want to get a SRV so I can tow away bunker gay ships to a salvager after I disable the com array with the intent of salvaging outside of comms. But it's at least a 3 person job since the SRV doesn't have any guns. But questions are
    >Would salvaging a player ship outside of comms be "illegal salvage"? Ex: forcing the salvager to avoid scans or sell at Hex
    >Can the player ship just be distorted with just distortion weapons (disabled shields + engines) then be towed wherever? Or does it need to be soft deathed?
    The idea here is to scout and find players who do shit with cargo but aren't at their ships, scan them, or just take them out of spite and blow em up (scrap or just pickup and drop). This includes doing it at scrapyards, cargo cuck hull Cs, and bunker gays.

    • 7 months ago

      >Would salvaging a player ship outside of comms be "illegal salvage"? Ex: forcing the salvager to avoid scans or sell at Hex
      I could be wrong on this, but if you salvage someone else's ship outside of comm range, you won't get a crime stat, and the RMC you receive won't be perceived as illegal salvage because it was generated by your salvage ship, not actually stolen boxes.

      >Can the player ship just be distorted with just distortion weapons (disabled shields + engines) then be towed wherever? Or does it need to be soft deathed?
      Thats possible, but it won't be distorted for very long, and the moment they regen shields or just get engine power back, they can easily break out. So it's better just to soft death them anyway.

      • 7 months ago

        Wouldn't distorting them completely leave them helpless for like 5 mins?

        • 7 months ago

          I think so. I don't really frick with distortions since they get changed on a whim almost every patch, but if 5 minutes of a ship being shutdown is all you need, then you can tow them no problem.

  133. 7 months ago

    are fuel scoops operable right now?
    i'm decoupled and drifting forward in a c1 but the progress seems pretty nonexistent

    • 7 months ago

      >Do features work in star shitizen
      Holy shit get a load of this guy.
      Also to answer your question, no they don't work right now.

      • 7 months ago

        i'm quite and fully aware of the 'state' this is all in but thank you all the same

  134. 7 months ago

    >finally work to Reclaimer I've wanted since seeing this buggy scam
    >not actually certain if I need other ships linked to my account
    I thought about snagging a Syulen or maybe upgrading my Cutter, but nothing seems to catch my eye apart from maybe the C8R Pisces
    Tell me fellow anons of questionable financial stability, should I be content or feed into Chris Robert's delusions more?

  135. 7 months ago

    fuel scooping is in fact functional on at least some ships but it is laughably slow
    t. i sat in the spirit's wienerpit for a while longer and now the gauge is nearly full

  136. 7 months ago

    it's not much but it's mine
    some day I'll get a galaxy

    • 7 months ago

      a pretty good set for solo pve.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I just wish I didn't have to swap seats to use the C1's tractor beam, otherwise it offers no real benefits over just going out back and using a multi tool

        • 7 months ago

          safety. If you're floating out the back with am multi tool you dont have sensors to see the pirates dropping in on you. You're outside the shields and the nullo lurker camping on that wreck waiting for you to open the door and float out can snipe you.

          With the tractor you can lock the bridge open the back, tractor stuff in, close up and fly off without ever exposing your squishy meatbag to the dangers of space directly. Getting out of your ship is always riskier than being in your ships because you lose massive durability, lose awareness or surroundings and lose precious time if something happens. From the second seat all you have to do to rabbit is swtich seats.

          • 7 months ago

            if Star Citizen persistence and stability ever gets to the point that someone could camp a wreck like a grassy knoll sniper and wait for a pilot to make themselves vulnerable, I'd let them have my ship if they pull off a shot
            That dedication is just impressive

            • 7 months ago

              real talk I do that on the regular when Im feeling bored and troll-y.

              Pick one of the mission wrecks, either hide a low sig turned off ship a way off and walk to the a ground wreck or take my pisces set it to fly on its own and just bail as I pass a zero g wreck.

              Backpack full of oxpens and medigun charges, gun with a few mags, skull helmet and were waiting until we get bored of waiting. Recreational drugs to make the float interesting, wait until the box runner or looter shows up and scare the shit out of him.

              In particular I used to take bounties by floating zero-g in the superstructure of SP Kareah with a sniper rifle, wait for nerds to come in to clear crimestat and just waste them 2 minutes from salvation with .50cal to the dome from 100m up the station gantry. Sometimes I'd do this for hours, cus half the games didn't know there were other bunkers to clear stat at. so I'd just float around Kareah collecting scalps, having been dropped of my friend or just set my Pisces on athe flaot and either calling for pickup later or "borrowing" a ship from one of my customers to get home.

              Good times tbh, it sounds dull and it can be but when it works out is super satisfying. Particularly watching the carebers very visibly shit his space suit when my yellow eyed horned helmet having ass detaches from the wall towards him.

              • 7 months ago

                >other bunkers to clear stat at

              • 7 months ago

                There are multiple bunkers around stanton with terminals that allow you to clear crimestat, Kareah was the best know but it hasnt been the only one for several years. One on Lyria I wanna say, one on Aberdeen, and one of the Microtech moons too I think, been a while Ive forgotten, I actually ahven't been SCing much lately, patched too unstable + constant events shitting the servers, I've been waiting for a good patch to commit time.

              • 7 months ago

                fps scanning and enhanced ship scanning will make that a bit harder to do especially if you are dealing with a small coordinated group.

          • 7 months ago

            I suppose. Guess I just got spoiled by the nomad

    • 7 months ago

      do you genuinely like the ship, or are you metagayging due to a fricking bug

      • 7 months ago

        a) One of my buddies has one and I'm a sim autist so I need to be flying in formations of same-craft
        b) I genuinely like its aesthetics
        c) I had a lot of leftover store credit
        d) It has a comfy mix of maneuverability, modularity, builds, and firepower
        What bug?

        • 7 months ago

          it has more forward acceleration than any ship in the game

          • 7 months ago

            And that makes it meta?

            • 7 months ago

              yes, because if you're about to die, you can just run away and recharge shields and have another go

              • 7 months ago

                well that's no advantage to me since I usually explode before my shields go down

          • 7 months ago

            how is that a bug

            • 7 months ago

              It's been confirmed to be one in dev posts on Spectrum.

      • 7 months ago

        it has more forward acceleration than any ship in the game

        And that makes it meta?

        how is that a bug

        It sounds less like a "bug" and more like another example of extreme incompetence by CIGgers. Developers like to just call everything bugs nowadays so they can pretend it's an accidental mistake rather than a negligent one. It's quite possibly even purposefully malicious to intentionally shift the meta around and milk the paypiggies some more.
        Either way; there's no sensible reason that some fighter should out-accelerate dedicated racing vehicles such as the M50 which is like 50% engine by volume, and probably higher by weight.

        • 7 months ago

          >intentionally shift the meta around and milk the paypiggies some more.
          based unironically.
          people who are willing to repeatedly pay money for marginal advantage in a meaningless "competition" deserved to be abused to the fullest.
          people who seek to buy their way to "meta" deserve worse.

        • 7 months ago

          >milk paypiggies
          but most fighters(meta ships) are less than 300 bucks. If you have 300 in store credits you can pretty much melt your outdated meta ship and buy whatever is the new meta ship

          • 7 months ago

            This is where LTI fomo comes in, doubt LTI will even be that good it will just put you back to stock without having to pay recurring UEC insurance fees. Only really useful for big ass ships if they cost a metric frickton to insure/replace.
            No one even knows what insurance would be like but given CIG's track record it's always a big nothing burger.

            Even the lowest insurance time might be more than enough if you play the game on release and build enough capital.

  137. 7 months ago


  138. 7 months ago

    Give me good names for a Reclaimer NOW

    • 7 months ago

      500 miles

    • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Messy Eater



    • 7 months ago

      Shitting Bricks

    • 7 months ago

      Grab my hand!

    • 7 months ago

      Space Hugger

    • 7 months ago

      Persephone's Reach

  139. 7 months ago

    holy frick the zeus (pronounced, to me, zay-us) is so hot
    dead center between the viper and cobra of elite for vibes

    • 7 months ago

      Ah yes, much like how I enjoy the Drah-key Vool-tyure-eh

      • 7 months ago

        yfw there are manifold speculative future space subdialects that would all but certainly butcher up the words as such
        feels good man

    • 7 months ago

      Ah yes, much like how I enjoy the Drah-key Vool-tyure-eh

      I heard a guy pronounce "Talon" "tuh-lone" once and it'll aways be that to me now.

  140. 7 months ago

    if you don't treat others with dignity expect none in return

    • 7 months ago

      It's just a video game.

      • 7 months ago

        who am i to tell you what to do
        do what thou will is indeed the whole of the law
        but reaping the consequence is simply a portion of that

  141. 7 months ago

    Jesus frick I come to the most niche of generals for something I enjoy and I STILL can't get away from fricking dramaprostitutes schizoposting. Why is the internet chock full of fricking morons nowadays?

    • 7 months ago

      Smartphones and lack of global war has bred a huge number of people who think they matter to people other than their parents.

      • 7 months ago

        and you follow this line of being i take it
        it should be no wonder to you then why this world is the way it is

    • 7 months ago

      This is just your average spectrum poster who strayed too far from the RSI website.

  142. 7 months ago

    What sounds better:
    >C1 (with a CCU to CL ready)


    • 7 months ago

      Probably the latter because you have the option of cargo, bounty, and salvaging. If you do decide on the c1 instead, the cl has it as a loaner so you can use it now.

      • 7 months ago

        *use the ccu now

  143. 7 months ago

    Just rode the warbonds
    From my last Star-G to a Hammerhead for $60, Resulting in a $250 Hammerhead, which I could upgrade into a Polaris or a Herc A1 for $25.
    Catch being that I already have a Polaris and don't particularly crave a herc.

    However My polaris is a OG warbond serial stamp that I paid full ($625)price for and I could melt it and buy multiple other hulls with that cash.

    • 7 months ago

      Only the wb version of that ship has the serial doesnt it?

      • 7 months ago

        Only the warbond version from the original 2016 concept sale, I have a <1000 serial number.

        I've thought about reselling it as well but the greymarket is a hassle and I hesitate to put that much at risk.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm waiting for a wb freelancer dur and tali bomber, if those hit I'll have a 110$ BMM which I'll either turn into a 135$ Perseus or 160$ Polaris

  144. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago


  145. 7 months ago

    Does this shit ever drop below 45 for the cheapest entry pack?

    And how much of the game is gatekept by real monies

    • 7 months ago

      if you can get a starter with lifetime insurance you're pretty much in the door for everything else

    • 7 months ago

      >None of it except ships released within the last 2 patches

    • 7 months ago

      Not really, anymore
      Nothing, find the bug of the month for moneymaking and get everything ingame (unless your ship released recently ie SRV Vulture)

  146. 7 months ago

    What makes more money, salvaging or mining? Which is more dynamic and fun

    • 7 months ago

      Mining Quant.

    • 7 months ago

      both make good money but you need to wait a fricking full week before selling what you mine

      • 7 months ago

        What, why? What kind of busted Black person shit is that?

        • 7 months ago

          The only refineries ingame right now are at stations (and only a select few) and CIG had the brilliant idea of making them scale work order time to # of orders, and they're linked across servers. If they scaled work order price it'd basically shut down mining entirely, instead we get a several days long wait for your products to finish refining.

  147. 7 months ago

    What region do you guys usually play in?

    • 7 months ago

      any but I never sell at brio's

    • 7 months ago

      Whichever has decent servers at the moment

      • 7 months ago

        Do you just server hop until you find one then?

        • 7 months ago

          Pretty much

  148. 7 months ago

    God laughs at the wicked.

  149. 7 months ago


  150. 7 months ago

    pioneer the frontier

  151. 7 months ago

    We need another spacious game developed that allows us to cease the means of reproduction and host our own private static/dynamic server mesh.

  152. 7 months ago


  153. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      yeah but he didn't though, he took it for himself and then gollum bit it off his hand.

      • 7 months ago

        i'm hoping mr frodo here will actually follow through for the sake of his own soul

        • 7 months ago

          I have always been slightly irked by the lack of major discount on that hull.

          • 7 months ago

            I did it, the polaris is dead, long live the polaris

            Going to get a Zues MR, Crucible and ??? with the credit

            Post-game report.

            HATE RSI, Anvil, Aegis, Crusader
            LOVE Origin, Argo, Alien, Mirai
            Simple as

            Drake, ARGO, Harold, Corsair, Ares
            Banu, MISC, RSI, Crusader, 400i
            Anvil, Aegis, Mirai
            Origin, Gatac, Aopoa, CNOU, Esperia, Kruger
            Tevarin fricking shits, Aurora, Constellation, 890, X1, Mantis, Nomad, Mustang, Scorpius, 600i
            Light fighter homosexuals for getting the ARES nerfed into the ground

            • 7 months ago

              >Light fighter homosexuals for getting the ARES nerfed into the ground
              I really hope Ship Armor absolutely FRICKS the light fighter meta into oblivion
              I dream of the day my Reclaimer can rightfully laugh at the light fighter wing trying to stop my comfy salvage times (and then shit myself when an ARES or Corsair come dive bombing towards me)

              • 7 months ago

                Fricking state of the ares, the only thing shitting itself is the incontinent boomer flying it because they're too senile to remember it got nerfed.

        • 7 months ago

          I have always been slightly irked by the lack of major discount on that hull.

          I did it, the polaris is dead, long live the polaris

          Going to get a Zues MR, Crucible and ??? with the credit

  154. 7 months ago

    Since IAE is coming to a close, I thought it nows a good time to postem, png edition.

    • 7 months ago

      gross tbh.

      • 7 months ago
        • 7 months ago

          not even, its just a boring lame ship
          It's amazing they managed to make an x-wing gay.

          • 7 months ago

            F8 is the OG x-wing

            • 7 months ago

              I meant the F7

              • 7 months ago

                Obviously, and the Hornets various version are way cooler than the Scorpius.
                I'm just saying the fact they took a folding wing x-fighter and made it so lame is remarkable.
                It's like the most uninteresting fighter in SC.

              • 7 months ago

                functionally the moving turret was a cool touch, doesn't look very slick but it is not that bad looking.
                My favorite is the sabre but the f7 has the most iconic design especially with those moving vents in the sq42 trailer looks bad ass.

  155. 7 months ago

    zeus clipper

  156. 7 months ago

    So with salvage ships getting a buffer storage before they have to start spitting out boxes and the option to create bigger boxes, how do you think they’ll frick the gameplay of it to keep it unprofitable compared to every other activity?
    My guess is prices will plummet unless you fully crunch a ship.

  157. 7 months ago

    Is there any ships with physicalized components that have any worth you know of? The 400i apparently has a powerplant worth 16k this patch but I haven't come across it to confirm it myself

  158. 7 months ago

    Croberts got away with it once again..,

    • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago
  159. 7 months ago

    >They made siege of orison start after free-fly ended; but also never fixed NPCs glitching into the ground. The absolute state
    Either way; it's over.

    See you guys next free-fly, or when they put a Cutter or Pisces package up for $45.

  160. 7 months ago

    Brio's Buck Breaker Yard

  161. 7 months ago
  162. 7 months ago

    Are you guys going trick or treating?

    • 7 months ago

      its november homie

    • 7 months ago

      Are you going wiener sucking? Are you going wiener sucking? Huh?

      • 7 months ago

        Furries make good content sometimes.

        • 7 months ago


          • 7 months ago

            Oh, shit. I thought you were referencing this.

  163. 7 months ago

    claimer chads ww@?

    • 7 months ago

      is that new claw for 3.22?

      • 7 months ago

        yeah, it prints 16 scu crates now too

        • 7 months ago

          Is 3.22 in PTU or still troony only?

          • 7 months ago

            troony only as of now, thats an evo leak

          • 7 months ago

            what the frick are you even saying c**t

            • 7 months ago

              You should know exactly what I'm saying unless you're:

              A) moronic
              B) A newbie
              C) A troon and I just struck a nerve

              Maybe all 3.

              • 7 months ago

                ya sure w/e

              • 7 months ago

                There's four different realms of testing, newbie-sama. In descending order from most public to least public:
                >Live servers
                >Public Test Servers
                >Preview Channel (whales, dedicated testers only)
                >Evocati Servers (NDA bound, trannies publish Evocati patch notes on discord)

            • 7 months ago

              Star Citizen leaks are ran by a troony activist who does corporate espionage for patreon bucks on discord.

    • 7 months ago

      Fricking terrifying.

    • 7 months ago

      that's really hot
      whitekitten ship lmfao

    • 7 months ago

      can you see shit getting grinded behind the bridge room yet?

      • 7 months ago

        Not my screen but up until now the reclaimer's claw hasnt worked properly. A newer patch dropped for evocati's so will have to wait and see. PTU wave 1 probably tomorrow aswell.

    • 7 months ago

      looking pretty different from original design language but ok wait & see

      • 7 months ago

        as long as its an actual mechanical claw and not another fricking beam ill like it

        >Spawn Camping / Ganking is a part of being in an unlawful system but more systems are needed to improve the experience (Like reputation)
        Spectrum tards must be imploding right now kek

        who said that?

        • 7 months ago

          >who said that?
          It was a quote from a dev in todays ISC.

    • 7 months ago

      holy FRICK
      I am so glad I finished my Reclaimer chain this IAE

  164. 7 months ago

    How often does the game gets wiped? If I buy the cheapest package now, grind up to a ship I want, how long will I have it for?
    Also, do starter ships go on sale often? Not gonna spend more than 50 Black personamerican dollars on this shit, but I want to start with the Nomad.

    • 7 months ago

      Every 4-8 months IIRC.
      Don't play the game if you want to grind right now. Reasons being
      >shit's unstable
      >whales have all the big ships and will gladly take you along if you want to use them
      >you will probably get bored of the gameplay loop before the game releases in 4+ years
      If you want to play ship tourism simulator then just join an org.

    • 7 months ago

      They dont do full wipes often, if they can avoid it. However, if you're unlucky, when a new patch drops to live sometimes you may lose ships/items, its alpha bro.

      As far as grinding goes, its not terrible but missions bug out alot. I wouldnt recommend you try play the game until they rework the mobiglass at the very least.

    • 7 months ago

      The game is just broken right now, the quests are repetitive and basic, and you can lose an entire night's progress in an instant when the server 30ks on you, so...
      Wander around a bit and log off or do some fun PvP, that's all.
      The sheer tidal wave of new content coming in 2024, with lots of QoL features, almost double the "map" size, and maybe just maybe a server backend unfrickening will make next Nov a much better time to invest your time. Maybe summer. Probably just do S42 and then once that's done maybe the PU will be worth a damn.

      Currently it's for whales and mega autists that love space sims and don't care how utterly broken and empty one is.

    • 7 months ago

      Usually once a year or so at most. Next wipe will probably come with the addition of the Replication Layer, probably Q1 next year if not sooner, otherwise it's gonna come with Static Server Meshing later next year for sure.

      • 7 months ago

        The game is just broken right now, the quests are repetitive and basic, and you can lose an entire night's progress in an instant when the server 30ks on you, so...
        Wander around a bit and log off or do some fun PvP, that's all.
        The sheer tidal wave of new content coming in 2024, with lots of QoL features, almost double the "map" size, and maybe just maybe a server backend unfrickening will make next Nov a much better time to invest your time. Maybe summer. Probably just do S42 and then once that's done maybe the PU will be worth a damn.

        Currently it's for whales and mega autists that love space sims and don't care how utterly broken and empty one is.

        They dont do full wipes often, if they can avoid it. However, if you're unlucky, when a new patch drops to live sometimes you may lose ships/items, its alpha bro.

        As far as grinding goes, its not terrible but missions bug out alot. I wouldnt recommend you try play the game until they rework the mobiglass at the very least.

        Every 4-8 months IIRC.
        Don't play the game if you want to grind right now. Reasons being
        >shit's unstable
        >whales have all the big ships and will gladly take you along if you want to use them
        >you will probably get bored of the gameplay loop before the game releases in 4+ years
        If you want to play ship tourism simulator then just join an org.

        Thanks. Guess I will wait for the new moby dick glass, map, and the homiemeshing. Should I buy a package now or wait for something? The aurora was 40 dollars way back and now its 55. Do ships just increase in price over time and I should get one now or wait for a discount?

        • 7 months ago

          There was a sale on the Cutter with package for $45 at Halloween. Similar sale might happen again. Starter ship you want to aim for is Cutter, Avenger Titan, or Pisces Expedition.

        • 7 months ago

          Wait for Christmas sale and a referral event, use a code from someone here or a friend of yours, buy one of the discounted starters (CUTTER it mogs the others) and collect free side ship too for an LTI token/fricking around, if you ever decide to put more money into the game that token is a great candidate for upgrading as long as you're decisive with it, since it's unmeltable (can't get cashed back into store credit aka downgrade ship hull)

          • 7 months ago

            why does the cutter mog the other starters so hard?

            • 7 months ago

              has solid storage and a no-bullshit walkable interior, bed, storage locker which is gonna be more relevant once the magic storage in ships goes away, frickhuge QD fuel tanks, also has workable weapons, maneuverability, and survivability and is already gold standard so no frickery
              the mustang and aurora are fair comparisons to one another as they both have cucked ass trunks and no real interior, but the cutter is more comparable to the mustang beta in living quarters and the avenger titan in interior, if it wasn't for the shit weapons it'd be a starter+

              Played around in the cutter, liked it enough, but the nomad I liked even more. Is nomad much worse than the cutter?
              Also qrd on the tokens, ccu, melting lti and all that shit. Is it even relavant for me if I want to buy a starter and put exactly zero (0) more dollars in the game.

              nomad is a solid tier or two above the cutter, you can get a cutter package for 45$ usd on sale but the nomad is 90$ iirc, it's a definite upgrade in basically every way
              in that case the whole lti token melt blah blah bullshit is utterly irrelevant to you, you get a free hoverbike/argo cargo or whatever the flavor of the week is this time around for the referral bonus
              they've done dragonflies, argo cargo, citcon had free hoverquads just recently, ect- it's probably gonna be hoverquad again, MAAAYBE the x1 with it coming in 3.22 and probably flyable by luminalia

              • 7 months ago

                As someone who went from Cutter to 315p to Nomad, I have to say that Nomad has considerably smaller quantum tanks, making you want to go back to Cutter and 315p after being used to be able to go from Arccorp to Microtech and back without refueling.

                Also, the tractor beam on the Nomad isn't strong enough to tow vehicles even though it's perfectly located for it.

              • 7 months ago

                Only the SRV has the giga towbeam that generates a second quantum bubble, the same way only the Mantis has the ability to snare shit. Ability of scale I guess. Once crates have proper masses implemented though, having a proper gigabeam in the back will be important if you wanna sling a bigass crate of tungsten or gold around, so the Nomad has that going for it. Also has enough weaponry to sorta do bounties unlike the Cutter.

          • 7 months ago

            Played around in the cutter, liked it enough, but the nomad I liked even more. Is nomad much worse than the cutter?
            Also qrd on the tokens, ccu, melting lti and all that shit. Is it even relavant for me if I want to buy a starter and put exactly zero (0) more dollars in the game.

            • 7 months ago

              for an actual QRD:
              Tokens refer to a cheap ship that you buy while it's in concept to get LTI, aka lifetime insurance, on it and therefore anything you upgrade it to. A minor bonus that CIG intentionally leaves vague aside from "it's not gonna be much" but whales bite it every time
              CCU is cross-chassis upgrade, it's upgrading one ship to another, ie Mustang Alpha to Mustang Beta for 5-10$ or whatever the frick
              Melting refers to basically refunding your package, as long as the initial cost of the item was greater than 0$ (referral bonuses, free shit from ingame events or whatever) you can melt it to get everything you put into it. Indecisive whales often have a huge liquid pool of store credits that they get from melting ships and rebuying the new FOTM, so meltability is far more important to them than normal people who stick with one ship. Downside is that if your upgrade path gets skullfricked by bugs or balance you're SOL if you upgraded a referral ship and want to go downwards, its upwards only with regards to money input

              literally none of this is relevant at all to you if you don't wanna be an autist with jpegs though, buy your shit ingame and don't waste brain cells on it

              • 7 months ago

                Holy frick. I though they banned whale hunting ages ago, and here cig got the whole hook line and sinker operation going. It's fricking insane how well though out and involved the whole process is to get you to spend more than you want/need. Moby Dick eat your heart out. Is crobberts a israelite?

  165. 7 months ago

    >Spawn Camping / Ganking is a part of being in an unlawful system but more systems are needed to improve the experience (Like reputation)
    Spectrum tards must be imploding right now kek

    • 7 months ago

      Get dicked down carebears

  166. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >When the hair update adds afros

  167. 7 months ago

    your ship does have a bawd locker right?

    • 7 months ago

      Yes, it's where I keep the sexbot when I'm not using her.

    • 7 months ago

      >Can't add armor to ship insurance.
      >Can't quick switch from spacesuit to plain clothes.

      No point.

      Saying this as someone who has a 300i and a (loaner) A1 Spirit.

      • 7 months ago

        can you still claim weapons on ship lockers?
        I tried it earlier and it didn't work, but it could be that I equipped/unequipped the ship component too fast so it didn't save

  168. 7 months ago

    Dammit I used the m50 as part of my CCU chain because I thought it was always available ;_;

    • 7 months ago

      that thing is more a toy than an earnest ship to be fair
      i'm not aggrieved about not having mine any longer

      • 7 months ago

        It was just the first jump from my base ship and I didn’t buy the CCU yet. I have all the others in my hangar.

  169. 7 months ago

    I am hoping armistice zones get removed altogether only reason they have them in place is because npcs are moronic vegetables until server perf is fixed.

    • 7 months ago

      I doubt they'd do that. What would be cool is if it was supposed to be like some kind of digital lock on weapons and you could jail break your shit to bypass it but if would auto flag you as an enemy. But I doubt that'll happen either.

  170. 7 months ago

    >Someone sequence breaks the SoO mission
    >Activated the final boss before all the inverters were shut down
    >Result: Everyone who was doing the mission gets teleported to Klescher
    >Any weapons you picked up on the platforms also comes with you so you arrive in Klescher with SMGs, ARs, shotguns

    • 7 months ago

      Is that what just happened to me? like half the server is in jail now.

  171. 7 months ago

    I'm so bored, I rented every ship available in IAE, but there is nothing to do in this game

    • 7 months ago

      Well, it is an alpha.
      Join an autism org or something. There's only so much fun you can have solo.

    • 7 months ago

      Play with friends. Just did the Caterpillar Fury carrier with a couple of friends last night and it was a ton of fun just doing bounties and service beacons. Maybe I'm just weird, but even with strangers just joining a Reclaimer or Mole crew is a lot of fun.

      • 7 months ago

        if caterpillar modularity is still gonna be a thing they should add snub fighter hangar/repair bays, they’ve already acknowledged tht its being used as a makeshift carrier

    • 7 months ago

      This is why I’ve just slowly gravitated towards more combat orientated gameplay and want to start delving into pvp/player bounties. There just really isn’t much reason to spend time doing much else in SC atm when we have no progression/goals in mind.

      • 7 months ago

        My gameplay now is fricking with people doing the drugs to get rich.
        I wait for them above the Hurston site with distortion weapons and shoot at them and look as they crash down with their fat as frick cargo ship.
        It's funny to me

  172. 7 months ago

    >the phantom

    • 7 months ago

      I wish there was an actual gameplay loop for Pathfinder/Touring/Expedition. As it stands they're just shittier daily drivers with slightly better sensors and shields in exchange for frickall cargo.

      • 7 months ago

        i am in love with the 400i already for the simple end of using it to fly around orison's atmosphere and look at all the pretty colors
        small enough that to go out and do it arbitrarily isn't so so silly but a substantive enough platform to really be able to get up and bask in it all a little
        touring is well and available right this moment and there are already ships that make it quite a good romp, in my eyes, at least

  173. 7 months ago

    >plans for engineering gameplay have been known for ages
    >people just now starting to realize they won't be able to just fly their giant capital sgips solo
    >raise stink over it
    Why is SC community so fricking moronic? Chris literally said as much back in 2013. For all the whining about lack of communication, these frickers just don't fricking listen when CIG explain their plans for the gsme.

    • 7 months ago

      what exactly would preventing someone from simply launching their 890j or polaris oor whatnot by themselves out of a control seat?

      • 7 months ago

        would be preventing* hurrsdfhgsdaghjfhjgkadsf

      • 7 months ago

        It will mainly affect combat, don't expect to be able to solo or severely undercrew huge ships optimally without heavy compromise because you need enough people to deal with resource management and damage control.
        You can't effectively solo most large ships with a weak pilot armament or agility anyways but this will make it even more obvious even for smaller ships like the constellation and the corsair.
        You need an engineer if you are going to combat, and the crew will have to hop out occasionally to put out fires or fix damaged components.

        Outside of combat still doable, just more shit to run around and do eventually you might get swamped and need some help. Some people are already multiboxing the game to get shit done quicker similar to eve like not having to run to the back of the vulture to clear the RMC ejection chute but that only works for doing one thing at a time without running around the ship by switching characters.

        Hopefully adding NPCs that aren't totally brain dead helps with menial tasks that most players wouldn't want to do because they want to enjoy the game.

    • 7 months ago

      forum dads will always be fricking moronic, this is a constant

      what exactly would preventing someone from simply launching their 890j or polaris oor whatnot by themselves out of a control seat?

      polaris captain can't even fire the torps, it takes a second person, but it's because harassing fire dealing minor damage that one person cannot reasonably repair would frick your components up, causing damage over time from shorting or fires to shut your ship down from otherwise easily managed damage
      also your turrets are all unmanned so you're a sitting duck
      they've explicitly said that a soloer can still fly as big of a ship as they want, it's just going to be suffer in combat- the bigger it is, the more it sucks

      • 7 months ago

        >polaris captain can't even fire the torps
        do you have this in writing from the mouth of god or dev or the like?

        • 7 months ago

          from Q&A #1:
          >How viable will it be to run a Polaris solo or with AI crew?
          >In a combat scenario, you will absolutely need a crew of some form to stand much of a chance. The main firepower comes from the Torpedo launch room, which has a station for a dedicated weapons officer. You can hire AI crew to man the stations, and bear in mind that they are not free and come with varying levels of skill. It’s generally not recommended to attempt to operate a capital ship with a skeleton crew if you expect to get into combat. Think about the USS Enterprise in Star Trek III: she typically operates with a crew of over 400. A crew of just 5 people can fly the Enterprise somewhere, but without a proper crew, she was punching far below her weight in battle. Generally speaking you will want to bring friends, hire AI crew, or both, because while you can operate with a skeleton crew, that doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.
          They rehashed later in an ISC? or an interview that the weapons operator is in charge of loading and firing the torps

          • 7 months ago

            Thats so fricking dope.
            Just being on a crew during combat sounds fun.

          • 7 months ago

            >The main firepower comes from the Torpedo launch room, which has a station for a dedicated weapons officer.
            this does not rule out the pilot/helmsman/captain being able to fire them and i don't see such a function being relegated to a station without even a view as to what is going on though of course a forward camera can address that too
            we'll certainly see though
            the crew slot might certainly be capable of imbuing added function one way or the other
            lots of sour grapes in this thread towards whales of any measure lmao
            don't be too envious of my jpg b-bakas

            • 7 months ago

              >lots of sour grapes in this thread towards whales of any measure lmao
              ressentiment is older than mankind itself

              • 7 months ago

                there's no inner kingdom of heaven without the teeming capacity to celebrate another's wellbeing and majesty and dignity

            • 7 months ago

              >lots of sour grapes in this thread towards whales of any measure lmao
              For real.
              I just want to have a mother base without any need for morons destroying shit in the engine room.
              >dude just get friends lmao
              We're on Ganker, what the frick are you asking?

            • 7 months ago

              Mine was a joke about hunting whales with a picture of a Japanese ace.
              I'll just as much enjoy using my snub against capital shitps bought in-game. And if I start losing, ram it.
              That's damn right. 天皇陛下万歳!

              • 7 months ago

                the secret, solo, highest role of my polaris is as a kamikaze craft

              • 7 months ago

                rape and kill that stupid cat

              • 7 months ago

                cat rapes and kills you, silly

              • 7 months ago

                no, that cat is actually easy to rape and skin alive. cats are very weak animals in comparison to man.

              • 7 months ago

                i repeat
                cat rapes and kills you

              • 7 months ago

                >i repeat ca- ACK!!

    • 7 months ago

      morons are still banking on having AI crews or CPU blades do all the multicrew while they fly their 890J solo. Since that functionality is so far away and there's still so many questions surrounding it, coupled with it not coming out alongside engineering next year, obviously, the reality of actually having to get people to properly use a big ship is settling in hard.

      I mean, the simpler answer is that these c**ts just refuse to believe that this has always been the intention. If they cover their ears and do not listen, then it is not real.

      • 7 months ago

        890j isnt a combat ship and has loads of empty space to sink rounds without a component strike, so as far as soloable whalemobiles go its probably pretty high up there tbh
        The ones saying they'll solo a Polaris or daily driver a Perseus are the real morons

        • 7 months ago

          >The ones saying they'll solo a Polaris or daily driver a Perseus are the real morons

          I've noticed a couple of them frequenting these threads. Daily reminder, ywnsap (you will never solo a Perseus)

          • 7 months ago

            you **might** solo a perseus with bots.
            It is just a turretboat, and it'd probably be a bit shitty, but its a gun-ship no real additional functions.
            Much here depends on two factors, the quality of NPC gunners and the ability to eitehr remotely manage damage control or have an AI Chief engineer that can do that.
            as for
            >Daily driver
            big doubt, but I frankly cannot imagine an outcome where the whales that funded the project cannot make use of their whaleboats solo to some extent.
            Like I agree and have said all along that large mutlicrew is going to be the dungeons and raids of Star Citizen, get friends or frick off, but most mmos these days give the option to hire NPC minions, that cost more than your friends and are not as good(potentially, people can be dogshit too) at their jobs.

            Like its real multiplay with a group of humans should always be best but the blowback if you simply cannot use the big ships without a large human crew will be massive and will basically lock large ships to large orgs, due to real world scheduling issues.
            even if you have friends getting them all on at the same time isn't always practical and having your coolest ships grounded because Jimmy and Kyle have to work this wweekend would just be gay as frick.

            Like what weve seen thus far of engineering looks like it will get tedious very fast and I don't think many people are going to want to do it. And IMO the fact that little fighters wont have to deal with it seems pretty bullshit to me, the only way that will be balanced is if the little fighter just die when hit, and the engineering play of the big ships effectively provides them with immunity to attack by small ships. Otherwise no one will use the large ships, due entirely to hassle.
            The old argument of why would you bring 7 guys in a Hammerhead instead of 7 guys each in their own gladius? The Hammehead's entire purpose is to win that fight and IMO it should be a foregone conclusion that it does.

            • 7 months ago

              > engineering looks like it will get tedious very fast
              Was always going to be.

            • 7 months ago

              it probably depends on what you're doing with it. daily drivering the perseus outside of combat because you like it? okay, expensive but you do you
              daily drivering it on pve/pve stuff because you think you can slave the turrets to pilot or that AI gunners are gonna be foolproof? you're an idiot, also it gets countered by small craft that are easy to organize and scramble with low numbers, it requires wingmen to operate effectively

              Engineering will probably be largely done by AI with only a small number of players managing them, there's no reason you'd need a human running around playing Beam Citizen unless subcomponents adds enough difficulty and complexity that you can't trust an AI to do it effectively so a player is needed for large repairs
              CIG stated that engineering is only a net positive to large ships though, single seaters will continue to get disabled or die fast while large ships have the ability to sustain themselves and essentially reward damage control. CIG already stated that big ships are gonna have huge resistance to small ships by virtue of armor, but how much weapon choice and numbers bypasses that remains to be seen.

            • 7 months ago

              >It's only fair if the fighters die immediately and damage control makes us completely immune to them
              Whale spotted. There's a reason battleshitps have been phased out and the world superpower has carriers as the combat core of the Navy.
              You can cry and kick and scream all you want, but no amount from your wallet will change the practical reality that it's already over for your kind.

              • 7 months ago

                battleships were phased out because BVR weaponry came into play and precision/payload increased for planes
                SC hates BVR and torpedoes are imprecise and shit, it's meant to be WW2 combat in space, battleships will 100% be relevant
                also most ships casually sport armor that would make modern armor weep

                whales will shit and cum when fighters equip cannons or railguns (or just bring a gladiator lmao) and skullfrick them still as they desperately get out of the pilots seat to do damage control but die of smoke inhalation during the chair animation

              • 7 months ago

                Battleships were phased out because carriers did their job better in almost every way. It'll be the same way in SC, carriers carrying a variety of smaller craft including fighters, bombers, dropships, boarding craft, etc. will probably be the go-to for the majority of crews/guilds/clans/orgs

              • 7 months ago

                That's clearly the intent in SC, every ship has fricking hangars and landing bays because small ships=kino and croberts loves carriers. There was still a Bengal battleship variant visibly present in the CitCon sq42 demo though, so they're not gone- it's probably just gonna be battlecarriers with slightly more weaponry but less parking space
                players can't realistically expect anything of that size regardless, and big ships in SC will probably swat most fighters if they get wienery, it's like trying to strafe a deck with a Zero and catching a 20mm
                unless you bring specialized weaponry that gimps your anti-fighter ability in exchange via shit velocities or low ammo, fighters running repeater meta aren't gonna do much to big ships, their job and role with that kit is to guide the bombers in

              • 7 months ago

                >WW2 combat in space
                And what was it that decided the Naval war in the pacific, again?

                That's clearly the intent in SC, every ship has fricking hangars and landing bays because small ships=kino and croberts loves carriers. There was still a Bengal battleship variant visibly present in the CitCon sq42 demo though, so they're not gone- it's probably just gonna be battlecarriers with slightly more weaponry but less parking space
                players can't realistically expect anything of that size regardless, and big ships in SC will probably swat most fighters if they get wienery, it's like trying to strafe a deck with a Zero and catching a 20mm
                unless you bring specialized weaponry that gimps your anti-fighter ability in exchange via shit velocities or low ammo, fighters running repeater meta aren't gonna do much to big ships, their job and role with that kit is to guide the bombers in

                >like trying to strafe a deck with a zero and catching a 20mm
                We've all seen how that goes. Assuming they try that hard to appease the battleshit boomers, are you prepared for "nonconventional tactics" in-game?

              • 7 months ago

                >And what was it that decided the Naval war in the pacific, again?
                dive bombers and torpedo bombers, as well as US gunnery control utterly mogging that of Japan
                I never said that air superiority via fighters isn't going to be incredibly important, it's just that the fighters aren't gonna be the ones getting fatal blows on capital ships, bombers or other capital ships will do that.

              • 7 months ago

                >die of smoke inhalation during the chair animation

    • 7 months ago

      890j isnt a combat ship and has loads of empty space to sink rounds without a component strike, so as far as soloable whalemobiles go its probably pretty high up there tbh
      The ones saying they'll solo a Polaris or daily driver a Perseus are the real morons

      What's even worse are the delusional whales who think they'll be able to staff their whole fleet with NPCs and fly all their ships simultaneously, turning SC into some kind of RTS game or something. I just got in an argument with one of those guys the other day and he was acting like I was the ridiculous one, saying "then what's the point of having a fleet?" and stuff, when CIG have clearly and explicitly stated that won't be possible as recently as earlier this year.

      • 7 months ago

        I never understand gigawhales who own every ship. They're basically removing like 90% of the incentive to play at that point. Not to mention that they probably won't have the people to crew them.

      • 7 months ago

        If you've ever interacted with the whales on Spectrum, you would understand why playing with 100% NPC crewmembers would be preferable.

        Some of you are fricking nuts even bothering with a /vm/ org. Literally every time Ganker gets together to play videogames, everyone acts moronic and kicks up a drama storm.

        • 7 months ago

          just make friends moron

          • 7 months ago

            >2 of my irl friends play star citizen regularly
            I feel really lucky pretty much all the time

            • 7 months ago

              Sorry you don't have enough friends to man a connie, bro. Must be rough.

              just make friends moron

              I have friends who play star citizen but they also juggle real life shit like families and dating etc so if I just play whenever I want I rip past them in terms of progressing so I have to not play sometimes and that is painful

          • 7 months ago

            >just get fifteen friends to play star citizen bro
            How many close friends do you know that are willing to smash internet space ships together?

            • 7 months ago

              Do you know how big the world is? Just make a discord for you and folks you meet so you can hang out

        • 7 months ago

          Spectrum and Ganker are like the worst possible examples, though. Spectrum is full of morons who never play the game and just theorycraft all day, and Ganker is Ganker, 90% of the people here are autistic antisocial buttholes. Engage in communities where people actually play the game - certain discords, Twitch communities, in-person events, etc., and you'll eventually find people to play with who share your attitude and ideas about how the game should be played. I actually just co-founded a new org recently with a bunch of people I'd met through things like that, plus some of our friends from real life/other games and we're having a ton of fun so far.

        • 7 months ago

          Sorry you don't have enough friends to man a connie, bro. Must be rough.

        • 7 months ago

          >Some of you are fricking nuts even bothering with a /vm/ org

          Maybe so, but we've been at it for 4+ years no problem. I'll leave it at that.

          • 7 months ago

            How much money is that total?

            • 7 months ago

              Almost 56k.

              • 7 months ago

                Holy moby dick

              • 7 months ago

                Not total spent by the ORG anyways. This is only the value of the prices of these ships based of how much they sell for today, not taking into account CCU chains, greymarket deals etc.

    • 7 months ago

      I’m just hoping I’ll be able to solo my Corsair when it comes down to it, whether that means having to hire AI or just roughing it. To me, that’s about as big as soloable ships should be.

  174. 7 months ago

    HATE RSI, Anvil, Aegis, Crusader
    LOVE Origin, Argo, Alien, Mirai
    Simple as

    • 7 months ago

      Hating the ships I like is forgivable but liking Origin is not

    • 7 months ago

      Imagine being this wrong.

      • 7 months ago

        Old anvil was based.
        Nu-vil looks fat and bloated. I don't want that shit anywhere near me.

    • 7 months ago

      Just give me more dark red A18 ships

    • 7 months ago

      Origin has this weird disconnect where all their small ships look great but their big ships are bloated wastes of space.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah the 125, 300 and 400 are all ships and get the "Functional Luxury" in the form of aesthetic, comfort and atmosphere right.
        And then the 600 and 890 just make a total mess of it, "functionless space is luxury" instead of "Highly functional space that's also elegant, well crafted and pleasing to the eye"
        Even the 400 kinda of fumbles a bit with its "cooled component bays" That lower deck could have been a small medbay.

        • 7 months ago

          400i mostly suffers from their bizarre idea that cargo on the elevator should stay on the elevator instead of being transitioned to the rest of the cargo hold. The cooled component bays are idiotic but apparently make the ship immune to solar flares in Pyro.

        • 7 months ago

          good thing the 600i is getting a redesign to get rid of all that wasted space.
          It's going to be a godship in the future

        • 7 months ago

          Touring the 800 at iae was a shock. I understand that most of the space and pathways are for crew, not guests, but you walk around so much nothing. No art, no views, just empty corridors and empty rooms. Honestly feels spartan if you walk anywhere outside of the hotel sections. Sure nobody spruces up the lower decks on a cruise ship but those decks are still full of something and always have a purpose. If they want the mega-yacht feel then the crew spaces should be more utilitarian than drake.

          • 7 months ago

            One thing that's always really bothered me about the 890j is that it doesn't have an actual captain's cabin. I'm not talking about the suite at the back of the ship that they CALL a "captain's cabin," that's really for the owner of the ship, I'm talking about a room for the head of the hired crew, which is something that every real yacht big enough to have a crew has, usually located close to the bridge so the captain can be woken up and take charge quickly in an emergency.

            It's also really stupid that a ship that big only has four guestrooms.

  175. 7 months ago

    SC needs a Pelican that can externally carry a Storm on it.

    • 7 months ago

      I would like a RAFT variant with downward facing tractor beams that then lock the vehicle in place.

  176. 7 months ago

    Why didn't they just make an artillery support like old age of sail ships where big ass guns fire from the broadside etc. Of course players are going to use Ares and inferno as dog fighting ships since it's mounted in the front. Like a slow long ranged, long reload artillery support ship would be cool. This way Dad's can't really complain because it's niche, fills specific role, and needs skill to be used as a dogfighter pvp.
    But yeah, big ass ballistics or lasers firing from the side would be rad

  177. 7 months ago

    Are you folks too poor to have the best fricking ship in the game to gank?

    • 7 months ago

      It get hard countered by the terrapin and hornet tracker
      I still want one though
      Is there a way to refund ships I upgraded to from my game package? I cant upgrade to it because my current ship is too expensive.

      • 7 months ago

        i think you have to buy a new game package if you melt it

        • 7 months ago

          RIP. I have the old package that came with star citizen + Sq42.
          I guess I'll finally look into what ccu chains are.

    • 7 months ago

      I hear stealth isnt what it used to be, at least in regards to pve. I considered upgrading my ares to it this IAE but I decided to hold out to see if that Mirai heavy fighter would be better. I like the wienerpit though, it feels the way a stealth ship should.

      • 7 months ago

        The point of stealth isn't for pve though it's to lowdiff actual players because they literally have no way to know who hit them from where unless they see you physically

    • 7 months ago

      >to gank
      attacking random people in a vain attempt to make your ED go away is for homosexuals.
      The eclipse is for org-wars which aren't a thing yet, and kill-target bounty hunting.

      entertaining yourself by accosting random people for no profit is Black person-tier behavior.
      and jerking off over your ability to employ massive overkill against unsuspecting and defenseless targets is a sure sign of Psychopathy. People who think "Ganking" is fun gameplay should be institutionalized IRL.

      Attack someone to steal their shit, to eliminate competition, as part of a larger conflict, because they wronged you in some way, sure thing.
      Attack people at random because you are bored and want to hurt people for fun, you deserve to be put in a box both in game and IRL and I truely hope CIG follows through on the escalated "Terrorist" jail that is bascially an ingame for of a tempban

      • 7 months ago

        But what if someone just wants a good fight; win or lose?
        I wish there was more FPS-based pvp. It's probably janky as shit, but I'm honestly just sort of disgusted at the way the ship combat works. There's no actual "flying" involved. The anon earlier said it's meant to be WW2 combat in space, but WW2 didn't involve a bunch of decoupled UFOs flipping around and jousting at each other depending solely on the stats of their frontal pilot armament and shields/hull health.

        If your vehicle can do ANYTHING, then there's no fricking point. Spaceship combat games always devolve into moronation because of that. There's no concept of lift, turn radii, angle of attack, or getting behind someone's 3-9 line. Nor did gravity really matter as far as I could tell, so no using it to your advantage in a split-S, and since everything's a SSTO spaceship, there's certainly no using it to bait an enemy into a stall before a hammerhead turn. There's basically no actual mechanics to dogfighting, just mashing numbers together or hoping to confuse the enemy pilot with your positioning, at best. There's no counterplay other than just ramming or QTing away.
        t. 4,000+ hours in War Thunder and disappointed at the SC flight models; not that I even need more than one hand to count the number of times I saw players other than my own party outside the armistice zones during free fly

        • 7 months ago

          >But what if someone just wants a good fight; win or lose?
          this is what Arena commander exists for, everyone there is signing up for a good fight win or lose without consequences

          In the real world people who go around looking for "a good fight" and egaging random people to find it, get shot, or they get beat down by police and stuck in a box for years.

          It 100% accurate that going around attacking random people for no coherent reason gets you locked up long term because attacking random people to entertain yourself is the action of a violent, dangerous sociopath.

          The pirate jumping ships and stealing shit is more reasonable and more understandable. His actions are predatory but rational and profit seeking, he's a healthy wolf. The guy "looking for a good fight" is a rabid wolf, biting stuff not out of hunger but out of impulse.

          >There's no concept of lift, turn radii, angle of attack, or getting behind someone's 3-9 line. Nor did gravity really matter as far as I could tell, so no using it to your advantage in a split-S.
          no shit you moron, its not a flight sim, its a 6dof space game, The rules of air combat do not apply to space combat cus there is no air. Frick can you spergs stop insisting that everything is turning fights and tail chase? THATS WHAT AIRPLANES DO THERE ARE A MILLION FLIGHT SIMS OUT THERE FOR YOU THIS GAME IS ABOUT SPACE SHIPS.

          >4000 hours in warthunder
          mental illness warthunder is a dogshit game and *******nothing***** in war thunder applies in any way to Star Citizen.
          Air combat tactics are NOT RELEVANT to a zero-g zero-drag environment, because EVERYTHING ABOUT AIR COMBAT is built on the basis of BEING IN AIR with one movement axis and three steering axis.

          You are attemtping to compare 4 axis flight in atmo with 6 axis flight iin vacuum. STOP DOING THAT. Your thinking in that regard is defective.

          • 7 months ago

            >The guy "looking for a good fight" is a rabid wolf
            Nothing stopping them from adding some illegal mercenary PVP stuff like gang wars or trade blockade events.

            • 7 months ago

              Ah, no no, it's no fun if the other guys are in to it. I can only have fun if I'm shitting all over some carebear's mediocre existence and there's the potential of them raging at me in global.

          • 7 months ago

            Aren't they moving more towards ww2 in spehss with master modes and improved aerodynamic model and overheating maneuvering thrusters?
            It will be similar to flight sims in that case but less intricate with maneuvers.
            Still plenty of things to do playing whack-a-mole with engineering coming along for multicrew ships which distances it a bit from a typical flight sims and brings it closer to something like sea of thieves.

        • 7 months ago

          >t. 4,000+ hours in War Thunder
          what a colossal waste of life lmfao
          t. dumped comparable sums of time into far, far better games
          no wonder your brain has gone to shit

        • 7 months ago

          >t. 4,000+ hours in War Thunder and disappointed at the SC flight models; not that I even need more than one hand to count the number of times I saw players other than my own party outside the armistice zones during free fly
          Flight model is getting a major overhaul in the next year, especially for atmospheric flight, which is going to be much more realistic and involve physical control surfaces etc.
          You don't see players outside of armistice zones much during free flies because the servers are totally fricked by them so nobody really wants to try much in the way of actual gameplay, and making it worse this time was that the most recent patch fricked up the PvE FPS missions.

        • 7 months ago

          >Future combat is just who has best tech
          Just wait until all your fancy jets are replaced by amazon drones dispensed by a B2-UAV. Let the best sensor suite and onboard AI win.
          This is the most interesting space combat gets, because its a fantasy.
          Real space combat will be something between the Expanse's "shoot at 150,000km" and the above droneswarm tactics.

          Anyway, its basically CSGO twitch gameplay without the constraints of level geometry. I agree its repetitive and dull. It seems like you can learn a few simple rules, get a decent ship, hone your reflexes over a few dozen hrs of arena and you've hit a ceiling with each flight thereafter being a rehash of "circling in void".
          No way out of that other than pure eve-rpg faff.

      • 7 months ago

        Carebears disgust me

        • 7 months ago

          Truly contemptible. Play sp and frick off. You probably start votekicks when you ask for knife fights in csgo and get shot

          I bet you are brown, or yellow
          or some truly horrifying hybrid.
          browns and yellows always glorfy mindless aggression and self defeating thuggery in an attempt to compensate for their innate self worth issues and inferiority.

          • 7 months ago

            Why are you even here, no one will share your insane views here, did you get banned from plebbit and spectrum, the objective better place for someone as mentally ill as yourself?

          • 7 months ago

            im an econ player (caterpillar/mole) and i think youre moronic. pvp being made opt-in for carebears has ruined every mmo ive ever played, i want a reason to hire escorts and turret guns otherwise i might as well go play a singleplayer game.
            "this is what Arena commander exists for, everyone there is signing up for a good fight win or lose without consequences"
            "I truely hope CIG follows through on the escalated "Terrorist" jail that is bascially an ingame for of a tempban"
            frick you homosexual. if people are ganking hire bounty hunters, let the player base deal with its problems, begging for the game to be MODERATED is lame and boring and ruins any possibility of interesting interaction.

            • 7 months ago

              This, it's literally trying to turn it into a game version of reddit.

          • 7 months ago

            A racist carebear.. truly a sight to behold. To think there are carebears here is insane. A sandbox with no consequences IRL is not the same as IRL. Blow it out your ass, carebear.

      • 7 months ago

        Truly contemptible. Play sp and frick off. You probably start votekicks when you ask for knife fights in csgo and get shot

  178. 7 months ago

    3.22 Patch 1 for PTU seems out
    Someone hurry up and get video of my Reclaimer's new claw
    Also someone hurry up and try out Full Disortion Reclaimer shutting someone down and mulching them mid combat

    • 7 months ago

      Still shows me 3.21.1, are you EPTU?

      • 7 months ago

        it is an eptu wave

    • 7 months ago

      this guys streaming it

      go like 20 minutes back

    • 7 months ago

      this guys streaming it

      go like 20 minutes back

      XeroState's doing some Reclaiming on Twitch right now too

  179. 7 months ago

    >the claw has become yet another beam

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed that too.

      I guess it's just a placeholder until we can get something better.

    • 7 months ago

      At least they bother animated it and making it look cool
      An ACTUAL physics based claw was never gonna happen, but I'll take a massive electro-magnetic maw that can munch a Hammerhead in seconds
      Plus It might be more viable in combat

      • 7 months ago

        >An ACTUAL physics based claw was never gonna happen
        it sure looked like it was gonna happen when they put a, by appearance, physics based claw on the reclaimer. but anyway hopefully its just placeholder until they work it out a bit.

        • 7 months ago

          The Reclaimer was made back when they had barely begun figuring out what they were gonna do with ships and interactions
          It has been in need for an update for ages to match modern expectations and gaming
          I'll take a working claw beam and ship-harvesting to complete the salvage loop over a fancy nothing

          • 7 months ago

            >The Reclaimer was made back when they had barely begun figuring out what they were gonna do with ships and interactions

            4 months ago
            again im fine with it being a placeholder for this first iteration, but if its just a beam in the end then its an epic fail.

            • 7 months ago

              It won't be a beam in the end, but much like most things in the >game the big claw relies on other tech that isn't finished yet so this is just a patchwork solution until such tech is available.

              • 7 months ago

                The whole game is a placeholder now and forever. They never actually finish anything, just rush more half baked le alpha trash out and leave it broken forever.
                It'll be a beam.
                It'll work half the time.

  180. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Getting some MGS vibes here with the character creator.

    • 7 months ago

      We finally have the technology for blond hair that doesn't look like shit? This actually a breakthrough in gaming.

  181. 7 months ago
  182. 7 months ago

    (it's really just a very large rocket with a seat and two dozen penetrators up top for (b)reaching paradise)

  183. 7 months ago

    you could probably rig the vast hangar up too
    it is a sublime suicide craft and i'd wager it will end up being the 'best' at it in terms of end effect reasonably accomplishable

  184. 7 months ago

    reminds me out how I used to quickly kill the Idrises in XT by repeatedly ramming a vulture into them at max speed

    • 7 months ago

      it's how i got past the hammerhead you're pitted against in pirate swarm by yourself
      the thought of engaging it didn't really occur, i was just going to spend a life and careen into it and bot did it work lmao ebin

      • 7 months ago

        That hammerhead serves as a filter, if you can't solo it in a gladius then you'll never make it as a pilot

        • 7 months ago

          i seem to be doing well enough pointing my vessel at things and crashing into them

  185. 7 months ago

    On some servers I've noticed now that when you call a VHRT/ERT it also spawns a massive fleet of cops and more than half of them are mantises

  186. 7 months ago

    lurking around trying to find people posting hair pics, it looks pretty damn good now

    • 7 months ago

      >develop space game
      >in the course of doing so make the best digital hair ever seen
      h8rs rolling in their suicide graves
      derek smart's corpse, though, has been discovered missing

      • 7 months ago

        lurking around trying to find people posting hair pics, it looks pretty damn good now

        • 7 months ago

          lurking around trying to find people posting hair pics, it looks pretty damn good now

          Okay I'm convinced, the hair tech was worth it.

          • 7 months ago

            i must say
            it *would* mar one's 750usd jpg to go walking around in a game where everyone's hair wasn't looking pretty fricking nice

  187. 7 months ago

    word has emerged of a cloud imperium games marked van departing the pertinent graveyard on the night where an exhumation would have occurred
    more to come

  188. 7 months ago

    the new salvage is so shit, literally hold mouse button to make money

    • 7 months ago

      Don't you love beams? I hope exploration and data running are also beams. Can't forget the base-building beams too!

      • 7 months ago

        I love how it goes bzzzz but also bzzZZZzzzz
        good shit

    • 7 months ago

      i wonder how theyre going to make salvage more challenging, before it was extremely tedious or required 2 people to manage the printers but now that you dont need to worry about that its just like mining for babies, at least while mining you can frick up and get yourself killed if you arent paying attention.

      • 7 months ago

        Its inherently uninteresting.
        Their new "feature" is "break it up into three pieces and magic beam vacuum each".
        Honestly, what more can you do, its dull as shit IRL too.

        • 7 months ago

          theres an entire video game about ship salvaging, if they had more creativity then they could make something of it.

  189. 7 months ago

    >How to greet a carebear flying a Hull-C full of cargo
    Remember, it costs nothing to nuke down a space trucker before going to bed.

  190. 7 months ago

    Stop fricking schizoposting.

  191. 7 months ago

    >Salvage is getting major quality of life
    >Claw actually has a purpose
    >Bunkers work again
    >FPS and TTK changes for comfort and gameplay focus
    >One of the most stable EPTU Wave 1 patches ever
    I hold immense doubt for this project, but it seems like SQ42 devs moving back is having some tangible results

    • 7 months ago

      Well I hope that and the fixes to Siege come before the event ends, that event is genuinely fun but it keeps teleporting the whole server to Klescher.

    • 7 months ago

      >major quality of life
      >yet another press left click beam and earn money
      I don't think your doubts are enough

      • 7 months ago

        you know, for all the talk about beam citizen, I wish they would add a beam weapon.
        But we all know they won't since light fighter homosexuals will complain since muh corkscrew muh skill expression

  192. 7 months ago

    >turns off comm array
    >Distorts you
    >SRV tows you away
    >Steals your gibs with the Bois
    You should hit the KYS button (self destruct) NOW and save yourself time, then post on spectrum.

  193. 7 months ago

    >reclaimer owners

    • 7 months ago

      >stealing jokes from reddit unironically

      • 7 months ago

        >it's actually real
        The internet was a mistake, if only because it reminds me that I've never had an original thought.

  194. 7 months ago

    you could be pretty fricking proficient at nearly anything with four thousand hours of practice and you spent it in some p2w mexican-brazillian gacha game

    • 7 months ago

      Only if you actually find something interesting to do which you have the means to do and won't get you in jail.
      Kids especially from single parent households are discouraged from having hobbies because it's more convenient for the mom when kids just stare at the screen and you don't gotta pay for any equipment or memberships.

      • 7 months ago

        if you scream and nag mommy enough it will eventually be more cost effective for her to support you in your aims as opposed to try and resist the wishes of her special little boy

    • 7 months ago

      >In a scam shitizen thread
      >Calling anything else p2w
      As dumb as the useless goddess in your picture, apparently.

      >But what if someone just wants a good fight; win or lose?
      this is what Arena commander exists for, everyone there is signing up for a good fight win or lose without consequences

      In the real world people who go around looking for "a good fight" and egaging random people to find it, get shot, or they get beat down by police and stuck in a box for years.

      It 100% accurate that going around attacking random people for no coherent reason gets you locked up long term because attacking random people to entertain yourself is the action of a violent, dangerous sociopath.

      The pirate jumping ships and stealing shit is more reasonable and more understandable. His actions are predatory but rational and profit seeking, he's a healthy wolf. The guy "looking for a good fight" is a rabid wolf, biting stuff not out of hunger but out of impulse.

      >There's no concept of lift, turn radii, angle of attack, or getting behind someone's 3-9 line. Nor did gravity really matter as far as I could tell, so no using it to your advantage in a split-S.
      no shit you moron, its not a flight sim, its a 6dof space game, The rules of air combat do not apply to space combat cus there is no air. Frick can you spergs stop insisting that everything is turning fights and tail chase? THATS WHAT AIRPLANES DO THERE ARE A MILLION FLIGHT SIMS OUT THERE FOR YOU THIS GAME IS ABOUT SPACE SHIPS.

      >4000 hours in warthunder
      mental illness warthunder is a dogshit game and *******nothing***** in war thunder applies in any way to Star Citizen.
      Air combat tactics are NOT RELEVANT to a zero-g zero-drag environment, because EVERYTHING ABOUT AIR COMBAT is built on the basis of BEING IN AIR with one movement axis and three steering axis.

      You are attemtping to compare 4 axis flight in atmo with 6 axis flight iin vacuum. STOP DOING THAT. Your thinking in that regard is defective.

      >In the real world
      You b***h and cry about how I mention flight games in regards to a space game yet you're trying to spout some fricking moronation about >in muh real world
      Your "real world" is a lot closer to my flight games than this fricking bullshit. Absolutely no fricking skill involved whatsoever until they

      >it's* a 6dof space game
      Exactly, moron. There are NO fricking tactics or skill involved. Which is the major fricking problem with spaceshitp games. You end up with moronic battleshitp boomers who want to use scifi as a pseudo-magical cope for why their big shitboxes wouldn't get turned into space dust simply for being a massive inertial target that needs more delta V to change velocity and eating a rail or nuclear missile or just a big frickoff laser with potentially infinite upper bound of energy.

      >t. 4,000+ hours in War Thunder and disappointed at the SC flight models; not that I even need more than one hand to count the number of times I saw players other than my own party outside the armistice zones during free fly
      Flight model is getting a major overhaul in the next year, especially for atmospheric flight, which is going to be much more realistic and involve physical control surfaces etc.
      You don't see players outside of armistice zones much during free flies because the servers are totally fricked by them so nobody really wants to try much in the way of actual gameplay, and making it worse this time was that the most recent patch fricked up the PvE FPS missions.

      >major overhaul in the next year
      I sure hope so. And yeah, the bunkers being busted was fricking cancer. Orison platforms worked, at least. I hope they'll do something similar in arccorp at some point where we just land on the roof of a skyscraper and have to fight our way down.

      • 7 months ago

        watch your hairline bro

        • 7 months ago

          >No argument
          My hairline is fine. I have to go slowly with the hair clippers, too, or they jam.

          Aren't they moving more towards ww2 in spehss with master modes and improved aerodynamic model and overheating maneuvering thrusters?
          It will be similar to flight sims in that case but less intricate with maneuvers.
          Still plenty of things to do playing whack-a-mole with engineering coming along for multicrew ships which distances it a bit from a typical flight sims and brings it closer to something like sea of thieves.

          The engineering is definitely interesting, as well. Some of the guys in my friend group really love that sort of shit like multicrewing vehicles and hate how few games get it right. If CIG gets their shit together, I'd love for all of us to get together to crew a corsair or something, with me in a Fury/P72 in the cargo bay.
          I think small fighter drones would be really neat, too. Operated from a console in the mothership and replenished like munitions. Just one S2 or two S1 guns each for scouting/enemy snubs/harassing larger ships. Doesn't seem like they want to head in the direction of remotely controlled vehicles, though.

      • 7 months ago

        >paid $300
        >didn't win
        Scam Shitizen indeed.

    • 7 months ago

      we could all be artists, inventors, wealthy businessmen if not for the gacha menace

  195. 7 months ago

    you could have fashioned at least the beginnings of a lifelong career for yourself in any creative facet you pleased were that amount of time simply allocated less wastefully

  196. 7 months ago

    is money
    as they say....
    who's the real whale

    • 7 months ago

      one only has time enough to get good at a few things in this life if even that for a sum
      careful what you do indeed put yourself into

  197. 7 months ago

    (mommy of course just being a sow teat to be nipped at to summon more milkies)
    as next to no fricking parent is worth their salt in this world and has little to offer their children beyond monetary support
    despite this verbiage i am very happily not a tendie-eating utter hikki frick neet, lmao

  198. 7 months ago

    >all this incoherent bullshit
    >carebears not understanding the differences between griefing and PvP
    >gays whining about carebears
    >while wanting zero repercussions for acting like Black folk
    >plebbit plebbit plebbit spectrum plebbit
    Who the frick let all the tards loose in here?
    How are these insufferable homosexuals capable of feeding themselves, much less turning on a PC?

    • 7 months ago

      who are you quoting?

    • 7 months ago

      You use the word Black person as if it has any sort of power over anybody here.
      I will keep dunking Torpedoes on Hull-E's even inside your high sec hugboxes.

    • 7 months ago


  199. 7 months ago

    i wish they bring stealth like something in Elite where you go silent running mode, heat sinks, launch torps while hunting forum dads. Those were the days, anons.

  200. 7 months ago

    what is the command to see the server identification thing? is there a way to get back to a certain server using that?

    • 7 months ago

      I think you are talking about "r_displayinfo 1" in the games console. Replacing "1" with "2" displays more session info, and "3" displays GPU debugging info aswell.

  201. 7 months ago

    Oh hey. New ships added to the Master Modes…mode.

  202. 7 months ago

    3.22 Full Weapon Reworks: The Arclight Pistol is now a burst pistol with an alt fire mode of single fire
    The LH86 Pistol is now fully Automatic
    Fire Rate Changes: The Demenco (Now a Gatling Laser), S71 (Fires as fast as you click), P4 (Firerate matches real-world ARs), and Lumin V (Time between bursts decreased) have all had their firerates increased

    Damage modifiers have been adjusted to increase TTK globally and allow for more consistent firefights. Removed increased stamina costs on limb HP pools being low. Removed movement speed penalty on limb HP pools being low. Medical Pens will now fully heal players

    P8, C54, Custodian, Karna Rifle, and FS9 now suffer heavy recoil penalties when firing for extended periods.

    The Gallant rifle suffers no recoil whatsoever and is pinpoint accurate even at range.

  203. 7 months ago

    Official response to the current state of "structural salvage". I expected this as much, so its just waiting to see what plans they have to announce for the feature when maelstrom eventually makes its way into LIVE.

    • 7 months ago

      >introduce feature that's very clearly a tier -99999999999999 implementation
      >spectards have a fricking meltdown acting like it'll never be changed ever again
      >have to damage control because geriatrics are afraid that they'll have died before salvage is actually in

      • 7 months ago

        >answer the call + 7 years of development
        >still developing and implementing placeholders for gameplay

        • 7 months ago

          I'm young enough to wait, grandpa. Are you?

      • 7 months ago

        Watching people flip out on spectrum, reddit, and youtube makes me realize why the devs have been so against doing CLEARLY super-alpha gameplay
        I like that they are trying to get some semblance of features in instead of taking several years to spit out something that might end up changed, but half the posts in anger about it seem to be living in a different universe
        Have they never watched how the physics work in this game, how things interact? In the fricking hangar half the time if you drop the wrong elevator your reclaimer will start to spazz out and blow up
        The claw moves and works, and has a function rendering the co-pilot seat not a deathtrap anymore yet apparently CIG was supposed to have fully functioning vehicle grabbing mechanics by now?????
        Hopefully this response spelling out the obvious calms down the forum dads and redditors but jesus wept if this stops CIG from actually hustling to implement more gameplay at the expense of quality I'm gonna be salted.

        • 7 months ago

          The fact that people are often more upset about a placeholder implementation than they are about waiting is hilarious and sad.

          • 7 months ago

            waiting does not waste dev time, placeholders do.
            SC has literally tens of years of dev time sunk into endlessly replaced placeholders. time and money that could have gone to some finished system instead.
            Endless placeholder to appease the impatient leading to the overall project taking longer and longer as generations of placeholders are made and remade. hull munching is not needed for the game to work, therefore it shouldd just not exist until hull munching 1.0 is made and then iterated on. Hull munching-placeholder- is just dev time that will be eventually thrown away entirely, again like many other such system have been.

            • 7 months ago

              like 80%+ of the existing structural salvage mechanic added in 3.22 would still be used in the "full" implementation post Maelstrom. Adjusting default keybinds, rerigging and remodeling the Reclaimer claw (minus the magic beam FX), economic balance like sale prices, object cleanup on the server side, resource output values like how much CMC a ship contains, any issues with the content like unsalvagable wrecks, broken missions, any crashes, resource leaks that it could cause, etc etc etc.
              Not implementing and working on tuning is a waste of developer time compared to slapping a particle effect and sfx onto the Vulture and Reclaimer and making them wish the salvage apart with nearly zero VFX and sound effects. Even the reclaimer animation is likely just a freezeframe of an already-complete grab animation thats intended for a more complete version.
              You're genuinely fricking moronic if you look at the current implementation and think "hmm yeah they wasted a ton of dev time on this, it's all getting scrapped in the future"
              It's the most obvious T0 "frick this noise just make it work good enough for testing" implementation they've done yet, and considering how awful physics interactions and ship breakage is right now+Maelstrom is already in a state that they can demo it live, not setting the stage for it's release by getting the 80% of salvage that doesn't require it at all is genuinely moronic.
              Think before you post

              • 7 months ago

                >You're genuinely fricking moronic if you look at the current implementation and think "hmm yeah they wasted a ton of dev time on this, it's all getting scrapped in the future"
                How new are you? That's how SC's development has been going on for ages.

                CIG was literally sued by Crytek because they had decided to rebuild their chosen engine from the ground up after several years of progress. Not even Crytek could believe that they had taken so much time retreading old ground.

              • 7 months ago

                Crytek lost the case, by the way

          • 7 months ago

            >wait several years for a barely up-to-par T0
            wtf cig wasting my money and time this is awful and buggy and x meta event is still more profitable
            >implement T0 using existing ingame mechanics and prep it for tech in the pipeline
            wtf cig wasting my time and money this is nothing like you talked about in X article from two years ago or how those concept trailers looked made by artists and x meta activity is still more profitable

      • 7 months ago

        >geriatrics are afraid that they'll have died before salvage is actually in
        which is a completely legitimate concern, unironically. When I backed SC in 2012 I was promised a single player game in three years and an mmo sometime thereafter, I was 24 years old and relatively healthy. 11 years later I am 35, I have throat cancer and I still don't have either game, which has since abandoned OS compatibility with the PC I built in 2015 to play the game I was sold. So I cannot even currently play the game I was sold, and put many hundreds of dollars into, because I cannot afford to build a new PC because I am fricking dying and the only thing delaying that costs all of my money.

        Theres no world in which you can spin away the "game when?" crowd.
        Some of us cannot wait another ten years.

        • 7 months ago

          Maybe you should've put the cigarette down you lowlife.
          Not CIGs fault your bad decisions are catching up to you.

          • 7 months ago

            I don't smoke or drink or do any drugs.
            just bad luck and unfortunate genetics.
            Father had the same, as odes one of my cousins and his father.
            It's a side effect of acid reflux, acid in the esophagus, burns and scars the tissue, sometimes it turns cancerous, and when it does there is basically nothing to be done about it, in order to remove it they have to cut out sections of your throat and stitch it back together, the cancers is a nearly 100% fatal sort, eventually, but surgery is the "60% chance you just dont wake up" kind and chemo in such close proximity vital organs is also risky. Even if the surgery works at first move wrong tear the repairs open and you choke to death on your own blood before anyone can do anything to help you.

            Theres things to try but most of them don't work and its really just a question of how long until I fall over.
            I've literally never done use any "drugs" besides coffee. I'm like the most boring person in the world in that regard. Never touched a cig or a blunt, I drank one beer in my entire life, when I was a teenager and decided it tasted foul. I literally didn't do anything to bring it on, just genetic recessive, some people in my family die this way and I am one of the lucky winners.

            • 7 months ago

              Frick man, that's actually shitty

            • 7 months ago

              The kind of shit you're going through is my all-time #1 fear. Nothing terrifies me more than getting cancer especially considering that I've lost relatives to it as well. It's a shame that you have to go through that shit anon, try to enjoy what life you have left.

              • 7 months ago

                Same here. I'm normally not a suicidal kind of person at all, but I'll admit that a significant part of why I own guns is so that I can just end it on my own terms if I ever end up in a situation where I'm gonna die anyway or otherwise have some kind of disease/injury that makes it impossible to live a normal life.

            • 7 months ago

              >have unresolved silent acid reflux for decades
              >read this shit
              Oh LAWD have mercy, I'm making a doctors appointment tomorrow.

              • 7 months ago

                Nearly a third of all americans have GERD, anon. That anon just got cursed with really shitty genes.

        • 7 months ago

          Sorry anon. Hope it goes as smoothly as it can.
          My best friend lost his dad to that. Cut his throat out just to die 2 mo later. Doubt that was worth it. Don't imagine there's much quality of life left after that. Dunno why they don't just seal it up and do like aenema or IV for nutrients. Medical science always seems as half baked as this game to me, like they're only half trying.
          You might get to fly among the stars in a more real sense before this game finishes. You hear crazy shit from NDEs, who knows. Surf the astral plane... I personally don't discount any of that, even if some seems sketchy. Were sipping existence through a tiny straw, and science really struggles to look into some areas of experience.
          Might as well go try all the drugs now. Frick this game, its not worth your time, take up some crazy sports like wingsuit. Literally what's the worst outcome, a quicker merciful death?

          Same here. I'm normally not a suicidal kind of person at all, but I'll admit that a significant part of why I own guns is so that I can just end it on my own terms if I ever end up in a situation where I'm gonna die anyway or otherwise have some kind of disease/injury that makes it impossible to live a normal life.

          >kys with a gun
          There are way less messy and more baller ways to pull the ejection handle than that. Or messier and more baller (see wingsuit).
          Basically a bullet is the least imaginative route.
          Its your final act, have fun with it, or be solemn about it, but shotgun ain't either.
          Pure nitrogen tank and a mask works just as well and your relatives get a better resolution at least.

          • 7 months ago

            >There are way less messy and more baller ways to pull the ejection handle than that. Or messier and more baller (see wingsuit).
            >Basically a bullet is the least imaginative route.
            >Its your final act, have fun with it, or be solemn about it, but shotgun ain't either.
            >Pure nitrogen tank and a mask works just as well and your relatives get a better resolution at least.
            If I were in a condition to go out in a baller way I wouldn't do it anyway. To hold backspace IRL I'd have to be in such a bad state that I couldn't do much more than hold a gun to my head, I'm talking about permanent paralysis below the waist or end-stage cancer or whatever. Like I said, I'm not a person who's inclined toward suicide, and even if I were fricked but functional I'd hang on until I hit a point where I couldn't enjoy any kind of life anymore, really just skipping the part where it's nothing but hospital bed misery.

    • 7 months ago

      Better to have it in a simple form for now than not, it is beneficial, at least an excess of ship carcasses won't be left behind with PES.

      They need a way to deal with ships littering the landing pads at moons, you can service your ship because the pads are occupied with abandoned ships that can't be removed without crimestat.
      Perhaps add Impound missions for SRVs and once dropped off at a scrap/impound yard if the ship is already claimed create salvage contracts for those ships.

  204. 7 months ago

    OP here, have been checked out for a while
    has anything happened?

    • 7 months ago

      Iae came and went and was their best yet. That and 3.22 is in wave 1 ptu.

    • 7 months ago

      IAE is over, Siege of Orison is going on until the 7th, and 3.22 hit EPTU

  205. 7 months ago

    So is replication layer in testing yet?

    • 7 months ago

      yes, one of the many evo branches

  206. 7 months ago

    Whats the fastest and easiest way for a solo cutter shitter to make bank so i dont have to give croberts my mortgage to try out ships?

    • 7 months ago

      ask global if people are looking for crews and make money and reputation off their contracts

    • 7 months ago

      ask global if people are looking for crews and make money and reputation off their contracts

      This, if you join an ERT crew you can easily make a million a day.

      • 7 months ago

        You can make WAY more than that looting VHRT cargo ships for their drugs and selling them. My friend made enough to buy an 890j in one day doing that and did it almost entirely solo, just got me on to watch his back while he sold.

      • 7 months ago

        made 17 million from a single VHRT run full of Gasping Weevil Eggs
        I've seen as high as 53 million for a single run

  207. 7 months ago

    wish something changes in cig soon

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