Star Trek?

Any recommendations for good star trek /vst/?

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  1. 1 year ago

    there used to be a cardgame that was interesting and tactical, but IDK if it's alive still
    only other good trek game i know of is a boardgame, Star Trek Ascendancy. pretty good for a 4X, and the Tabletop Simulator mod for it is amazing.

  2. 1 year ago

    Never understood why so many Star Trek games and mods focuses on ships and space battles, when that's the least important thing in this series

    • 1 year ago

      Normies happened? Also, I think the franchise peaked back when games were rather simple and arcade-oriented. In any case, phasers are a cool piece of tech that happen to blow stuff up rather spectacularly.
      By now there's not even much reason to make a Trek game because other franchises and indies covered various possible gimmicks: 4X empire building, ship and crew management, space exploration, colony management, interstellar trade, interactive fiction, etc.
      However, an in-depth away team management game is something that's yet to be made. A game where you'd hand-pick crewmen to handle randomized encounters: archeology, mediation, anomaly documentation, derelict ship investigation, first contact.

      • 1 year ago

        Have to take issue with the "normie" comment. Fans who collect and build models, pour over schematics and technical made up nonsense, theorize about designs, make up lore, and actually care about what the designers have to say about their ships are hardly normal. I do agree with you I'd love to see a modern game with more of those in-person elements. It has been done before, but it could be done better and more often. I believe there's a new game that's focused on dialogue choices and story. But that's probably more of a Telltale Games type deal. 25th Anniversary might be close as well. Also, ships are cool. We want to play with them. A-and maybe live on them.

      • 1 year ago

        >Not having a guy for space rape
        Kirk is disappointed in you

    • 1 year ago

      easiest to translate to mechanics and a marketing campaign
      also I imagine a lot of the time it starts with "we want to make a space naval fight game" and then they chase the licence cause it has name recognition and even to this day a rabid fanbase

    • 1 year ago

      what kind of star trek game would you like to be made? there was some genesis game that combined a world map, space combat and away missions but it was too obtuse for me and I never figured it out
      there were also the elite force fps games which were about as good as you could expect

    • 1 year ago

      That's what the fans care about the most that is easy to pump out. Always remember that people rarely know why they like a thing and thus every attempt to recreate the original will be destined to fail. What made Star Trek good was a combination of good writing handled by excellent actors in a setting that offered a lot of hope and optimism about the future. None of that exists with modern trek and even if it did it'd be hard to put into a strategy game. So tech and art design it is.

    • 1 year ago

      cuz pew pew poo poo is important rather than intrigue and dragged out filler episodes full of dialogue (in a strategy game)

    • 1 year ago

      The one time they made Star Trek X-Com it bombed

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe that's precisely the reason. The feats of diplomacy, exploration, engineering and trickery in the series are memorable, sure, but people also often wondered just how destructive these vessels would be in a real battle.

  3. 1 year ago

    Does the ST mod in Stellaris have nu-trek nonsense?

    • 1 year ago

      I seen that telepathic energy being species from Prodigy
      And apparently spore drive is used instead jump drives
      At least didn't saw change to Gorn last time I checked

  4. 1 year ago

    >Starfleet ships with actual military designations
    Damn. If a science ship (the Enterprise) could routinely defeat other races' warships, what could any of those do?

    • 1 year ago

      >imagine that Starfleet made a fully-militarized version of the Sovereign
      >imagine a wing of those mogging D'deridexes, Jem'Hadar battleships, or even a Borg cube

    • 1 year ago

      >imagine that Starfleet made a fully-militarized version of the Sovereign
      >imagine a wing of those mogging D'deridexes, Jem'Hadar battleships, or even a Borg cube

      >ywn play dark mirror universe games as Terran Empire

      • 1 year ago

        The stellaris mod New Civilizations lets you play as mirror universe Terran Empire, Terra Prime or even an alternate universe were Khan won the eugenics war. Just pirate stellaris + dlcs from Good Old Downloads and get the mod from Skymods. It's a really good mod unless you just hate stellaris mechanics, although it does make some changes to them.

    • 1 year ago

      maybe it's not a science ship and its entire purpose is to be a massive provocation

    • 1 year ago

      Armada 2/3 or Bridge Commander with some cool mods.

      i'm pretty sure its implied in ds9 and voyager that starfleet is actually really fricking stupidly powerful and could easily frick everyone if they actually didnt spend all their time moralgayging about it until it was too late to do anything

      • 1 year ago

        >i'm pretty sure its implied in ds9 and voyager that starfleet is actually really fricking stupidly powerful and could easily frick everyone if they actually didnt spend all their time moralgayging about it until it was too late to do anything
        in what way is it implied? i remember being annoyed at how much of a jobber starfleet was in ds9 and how they basically needed a tbh ex machina to delete the dominion fleet

        • 1 year ago

          It's a fairly consistent theme across star trek that humanity, for all the progress it's made by star trek times. Still hasn't quite progressed beyond our modern day capability for being phenomenally ruthless and pragmatic. Star Trek also tends towards aliens all being gimmick races, with humanitys gimmick being adaptability, so while they do one thing really well, we do EVERYTHING just slightly worse this shows up in a lot of fiction tbh.

          Consider the Defiant. A rushed side project, only working because one of the best engineers in starfleet jury-rigged it together with duct tape and hope, and it's one of the single strongest vessels in the alpha quadrant, it casually pastes dominion ships that were giving Galaxy class ships trouble, and it's what starfleet can make happen when only a single angry black man wants to kill borg rather than moralgay at them. Consider DS9 itself, an old busted Cardassian mineral processing station, which starfleet successfully retrofitted to be a battlestation capable of making a whole ass klingon fleet go "wait hold up"

          There's that whole speech Quark gives to Nog where he essentially points out that for all the niceness humans put on, the instant they're even moderately invoncenienced we turn into genuine psychos who scare klingons.

          • 1 year ago

            the defiant jobbed a lot whenever it had to take on more than 1 jem'haddar ship at a time, and the bloody romulan cloaking thing never ever worked

            • 1 year ago

              >and the bloody romulan cloaking thing never ever worked
              never trust those homosexualy knife-eared fricks

    • 1 year ago

      Enterprise is not science ship. It's warship with science stuff added (and families later)
      And it track record is not always great. Especially D had embarrassing asskicking from weaker ship. Starfleet ships other main ship often jobs to everything. Only Mirror Universe it does better job only because being moronic evil is rewarded for Terrans

      • 1 year ago

        >Enterprise is not science ship. It's warship with science stuff added (and families later)
        It'd be like saying the Ohio battleship is a mobile weather station because it has a radar. Every fleet in the setting would've called Starfleet out for bullshitting like that, but I don't remember any instance of people saying 'wait, are you trying to get around some treaty'?

    • 1 year ago

      >a science ship (the Enterprise)
      its military tho, long range cruiser
      >what could any of those do?
      they are manned by gays, trannies and lesbians and so they mostly do degenerate sex and accidents

      • 1 year ago

        They take 41% casualties as soon as they leave the dock

  5. 1 year ago

    Star Trek Armada 3 for Sins, same group is also working on Ages of the Federation, new update for the latter tomorrow.

    • 1 year ago

      2.0 is out

  6. 1 year ago

    orion pirates? I used to play it a lot as kid.
    I also remember a star trek 4x. Birth of federation i think (?)

    • 1 year ago

      Both are good.

  7. 1 year ago

    Excelsior a most beautiful Trek ship.

  8. 1 year ago

    to answer OP there's a bunch of star trek games in the 90's, most of them are space sims or action games but there's also a few turn based strategy games and the like, like birth of the federation.

    If you want anything modern there's literally only that mobile star trek game that I believe is just a clash of clans clone or the stellaris mods (new horizon and new civilisations, one changes shit from vanilla just to change it whilst the other is mostly just reskins and a static/preplaced map)

  9. 1 year ago

    Hopelessly unbalanced with an at times infuriating UI, I still love Birth of the Federation. On the opposite end there's the little known Star Trek Away Team, a pretty neat Commandos knockoff.

  10. 1 year ago

    Starfleet command was released for free. There's even a mod on the hotandspicy forums that enables EAW missions in Orion Pirates.

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