>Starfield is shit. >Dragon's Dogma 2 is shit

>Starfield is shit
>Dragon's Dogma 2 is shit
Why only he can make good games now?

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  1. 3 months ago

    Correction: only he can make good game, singular, because they're all the same fricking game.

    • 3 months ago

      Which is what we want.

    • 3 months ago

      Sekiro was awesome

    • 3 months ago

      if it ain't broke

    • 3 months ago

      the same game with a different setting makes a lot of difference.

      that's why 4 dudes in a row and dudes on a chess board are still classics.

  2. 3 months ago

    >elden ring regularly dips to sub 30fps, includes fun features like enemies ignoring the tarrian, button reading and spazzing out and more such fun features!

    • 3 months ago

      >dips to sub 30fps

      poorgay subhuman esl detected, opinion discarded.

      • 3 months ago

        he's unironically correct though.
        feels like they doubled down on a lot of the unfun bullshit that wasn't present until ds3.
        which is a damn shame because if you cut out all the nuisance and inconsistent bullshit, you'd genuinely have a 10/10 game.

        • 3 months ago

          There's nothing unfun or "bullshit" the game isn't for you.
          You are clearly a DD2 enjoyer that likes to have helpless enemies

          • 3 months ago

            strawman and cope.
            haven't play dd nor dd2, not interested.
            played ds1, ds2, ds3, currently beating elden and then it's on to sekiro before elden dlc releases.
            you built your whole fragile personality around fromsoft games. lol, lmao even.

  3. 3 months ago

    It's because he's both a director and the president of the company.
    Most game companies aren't run by devs but by businessmen who don't give a frick about video games.

  4. 3 months ago

    Yazuka funding

  5. 3 months ago

    If you make the same game for over a decade, is only logical that you would get it right eventually. I guess that's the benefit of being an one-trick pony

    • 3 months ago

      >If you make the same game for over a decade, is only logical that you would get it right eventually.
      so what went wrong with dd2?

      • 3 months ago

        I would be elated if Capcom made at least 6 iterations of Dragon's Dogma like Fromsoft did with Demon Souls, but alas they have a lot of IPs to work with, so they can't commit to DD only. Hope they get it right next time and don't abandon the IP

  6. 3 months ago

    He made one good game 15 years ago and turned the series into shit.

  7. 3 months ago

    DD2 has better combat than any Fromslop game. Bait thread.

    • 3 months ago

      Better combat against 8 enemy types and the easiest bosses in human history
      btw nice QTE final boss lmao

      • 3 months ago

        Every single fromsoft final boss is absolute garbage aside from radagon but he's only phase one

        • 3 months ago

          Literally ZERO dragon's dogma 2 bosses are good so Elden Ring is better by your logic

          • 3 months ago

            >only thing that matters is bosses
            ok moron

    • 3 months ago

      even Demon's Souls has better combat than Dragon's Dogma

  8. 3 months ago

    TOTK is shit as well. I don't blame you for forgetting that one. Everyone did.

  9. 3 months ago

    It's him and the morons at RGG delivering on everything their fans want out of the yakuza franchise.
    I had that thought today. Is there literally any other studio who you'd trust to make a good game today?

    • 3 months ago

      Yakuza games are movie games though, I love fighting for 15 minutes and then watching cutscenes for 40 minutes. Repeat.

      • 3 months ago

        Sounds like you never played one, the cutscenes are great between 5 hours of side content and combat

    • 3 months ago

      Dragon's Dogma 2 is better than Infinite Wealth easily

      • 3 months ago

        According to all the controversy i'd disagree, and I haven't played infinite wealth, because non brawler = non canon

  10. 3 months ago

    Man I wish I could see how DD2 runs without this garbage Denuvo, it got removed on Callisto Protocol today and the people who bought it on steam say it runs so much better now

    • 3 months ago

      honestly denuvo reducing performance is a cope, its always devs not implementing it right or shitty optimization

  11. 3 months ago

    Sekiro is the most fun FromSoft game and I want more games with that exact combat system.

  12. 3 months ago

    He hasn't made a good game in 13 years.

  13. 3 months ago

    He is God

  14. 3 months ago
  15. 3 months ago

    Japan is full of essentially boomers nowadays trying to just get a paycheck, so innovation is no longer pushed. See nintendo, gamefreak, square enix for other examples.

  16. 3 months ago

    Elden Ring:
    >still locked to 60 FPS
    >still releases with blatantly unfinished content and hours upon hours of cut things in game files
    >quests are still janky "interact with NPC until they repeat themselves like robots and then rest at bonfire/reload the game to trigger next phase"
    >input buffering is still fricked, it was a problem back in DeS - in 2009
    >same with enemy leashing/pathfinding, it's too easy to exploit it
    >archery is still the shittiest implementation in any AA+ aRPG out there
    >online hasn't evolved since Dark Souls
    >UI is still janky, with ER now doing pop-up prompts that interrupt your button inputs (eg. when reviving Torrent)
    >they still cannot program more than 10 npcs scattered across the map, games 20 years ago figured out how to do cities/villages
    >despite lower fidelity (textures resolution, details and NPC quality is often below industry standard) the games still can have performance issues
    >some most obvious QoL features are still missing - turning off the "snap camera in front of character" button or being able to turn off the compass/individual UI elements, with rest of the HUD staying
    >there are still the same glitches that were present in DeS/DaS (moveset swap etc.)
    >there is less consequence for our actions than ever - it's optimal to kill merchants on sight, to join every faction and to never care about any of your action to have lasting consequences because now there are "no fight" zones and immortal NPCs
    >story doesn't exist, there is no plot, you are just a random Dark Souls Guy dropped into not-Lordran and do Dark Souls stuff and find some scattered lore pieces to piece together and make up shit, previous From games had plain stories with good establishing intros
    >combat hasn't evolved beyond spamming the roll button, there are no new interesting mechanics
    >overall jank in everything - platforming, physics etc.

    I won't even mention what is in the cut content because it's honestly depressing what we missed on.

    • 3 months ago

      all wrong

      • 3 months ago

        I love ER, but those are all valid points. From is allowed to get away with shit that would be unthinkable for other devs. If Bethesda had 10 NPCs standing in a single place in their Open World and no story whatsoever, people would tear them a new butthole.

        • 3 months ago

          >but those are all valid points.
          No they aren't
          >uh I heard from some Ganker homosexual input buffering and input reading is bad so why don't they remove it uh, fromdrone
          you are a fricking moron who has no idea of how this stuff works. All of those elements are necessary and beneficial

          • 3 months ago

            Input buffering was the cause of 99% of my deaths in this shitty game because character rolled or did shit even though i didn't want it to and it should have been possible for me to change my mind.

            • 3 months ago

              No, input buffering saves from countless deaths by allowing players who press actions during the committment of animations to have their command in que rather than lost, so pressing rolling before an attack ends because you want to dodge something actually lets you roll
              It also punishes button mashing morons, yes

          • 3 months ago

            No, they are all wrong

            >no they're all wrong
            no, they're all right.
            cope harder, fromcucks.

            • 3 months ago

              strawman and cope.
              haven't play dd nor dd2, not interested.
              played ds1, ds2, ds3, currently beating elden and then it's on to sekiro before elden dlc releases.
              you built your whole fragile personality around fromsoft games. lol, lmao even.

              >homosexuals that are forcing on themselves to play games they hate tell me I built my personality around Fromsoftware games
              oh the irony

              • 3 months ago

                >illiterate esl doesn't understand the definition of irony, continues to cope.
                there's nothing in these games that would make anyone force themselves to play them.
                you think they're gauntlets because to admit anything else would shatter your fragile ego.
                the games have good writing, settings, level design, music, etc. (to varying degrees).
                you're coping because you think genuine critique of the games = critique of you.

              • 3 months ago

                >you think they're gauntlets because to admit anything else would shatter your fragile ego.
                LOL got any more strawmanning to do?
                >the games have good writing, settings, level design, music, etc. (to varying degrees).
                But you just said (or agreed to( that these games have shit writing, shit npcs, no story, bad controls, bugs, glitches and so on

                Elden Ring:
                >still locked to 60 FPS
                >still releases with blatantly unfinished content and hours upon hours of cut things in game files
                >quests are still janky "interact with NPC until they repeat themselves like robots and then rest at bonfire/reload the game to trigger next phase"
                >input buffering is still fricked, it was a problem back in DeS - in 2009
                >same with enemy leashing/pathfinding, it's too easy to exploit it
                >archery is still the shittiest implementation in any AA+ aRPG out there
                >online hasn't evolved since Dark Souls
                >UI is still janky, with ER now doing pop-up prompts that interrupt your button inputs (eg. when reviving Torrent)
                >they still cannot program more than 10 NPCs scattered across the map, games 20 years ago figured out how to do cities/villages
                >despite lower fidelity (textures resolution, details and NPC quality is often below industry standard) the games still can have performance issues
                >some most obvious QoL features are still missing - turning off the "snap camera in front of character" button or being able to turn off the compass/individual UI elements, with rest of the HUD staying
                >there are still the same glitches that were present in DeS/DaS (moveset swap etc.)
                >there is less consequence for our actions than ever - it's optimal to kill merchants on sight, to join every faction and to never care about any of your action to have lasting consequences because now there are "no fight" zones and immortal NPCs
                >story doesn't exist, there is no plot, you are just a random Dark Souls Guy dropped into not-Lordran and do Dark Souls stuff and find some scattered lore pieces to piece together and make up shit, previous From games had plain stories with good establishing intros
                >combat hasn't evolved beyond spamming the roll button, there are no new interesting mechanics
                >overall jank in everything - platforming, physics etc.

                I won't even mention what is in the cut content because it's honestly depressing what we missed on.

                You clearly are just bitter that these games have precise and unique design choices in spite of their popularity (like a committal combat system with zero animation canceling that uses input buffering) and this makes you mad.
                The question is why you are forcing yourself to play games you hate

              • 3 months ago

                >esl now doesn't understand the definition of strawman
                >But you just said (or agreed to( that these games have shit writing, shit npcs, no story, bad controls, bugs, glitches and so on

                Elden Ring:
                >still locked to 60 FPS
                >still releases with blatantly unfinished content and hours upon hours of cut things in game files
                >quests are still janky "interact with NPC until they repeat themselves like robots and then rest at bonfire/reload the game to trigger next phase"
                >input buffering is still fricked, it was a problem back in DeS - in 2009
                >same with enemy leashing/pathfinding, it's too easy to exploit it
                >archery is still the shittiest implementation in any AA+ aRPG out there
                >online hasn't evolved since Dark Souls
                >UI is still janky, with ER now doing pop-up prompts that interrupt your button inputs (eg. when reviving Torrent)
                >they still cannot program more than 10 NPCs scattered across the map, games 20 years ago figured out how to do cities/villages
                >despite lower fidelity (textures resolution, details and NPC quality is often below industry standard) the games still can have performance issues
                >some most obvious QoL features are still missing - turning off the "snap camera in front of character" button or being able to turn off the compass/individual UI elements, with rest of the HUD staying
                >there are still the same glitches that were present in DeS/DaS (moveset swap etc.)
                >there is less consequence for our actions than ever - it's optimal to kill merchants on sight, to join every faction and to never care about any of your action to have lasting consequences because now there are "no fight" zones and immortal NPCs
                >story doesn't exist, there is no plot, you are just a random Dark Souls Guy dropped into not-Lordran and do Dark Souls stuff and find some scattered lore pieces to piece together and make up shit, previous From games had plain stories with good establishing intros
                >combat hasn't evolved beyond spamming the roll button, there are no new interesting mechanics
                >overall jank in everything - platforming, physics etc.

                I won't even mention what is in the cut content because it's honestly depressing what we missed on.
                no, i didn't. that's a different anon. congratulations, you're strawmanning yet again.
                >you clearly are just bitter that these games have precise and unique design choices in spite of their popularity
                no, moron. i literally just said, in what you literally quoted, that these are good characteristics (to varying degrees).
                >this makes you mad.
                no, it doesn't. if it did, i wouldn't beat the games.
                >The question is why you are forcing yourself to play games you hate
                strawman yet again, i literally outlined the good characteristics of the games and why i play them, and intend to play sekiro and elden ring dlc.
                you're really stuck on this because you're illiterate and you let these games become your ego, and now you're parroting 'strawman' because you just picked up a new word.
                by your own logic, you ought not criticise dd2, or any other game for that matter; if they're unfun or "bullshit" they aren't for you.
                cope harder, esl moron.

              • 3 months ago

                >backpedaling this hard
                >i literally outlined the good characteristics of the games and why i play them
                All you did was say they are either "unfun bullshit" or worse, clearly these games aren't for you because you find enemies unfun bullshit.
                So the question remains, why are you forcing yourself to play games that have "unfun bullshit"
                >you're really stuck on this because you're illiterate and you let these games become your ego
                I'm not the one hanging around threads of games I don't like to tell everybody how these games should change and how they are unfun bullshit, clearly I'm not the one obsessed with them
                >Uhhh.. they are shit and I fricking hate them but I play them for the music
                LOL ok frogBlack person

              • 3 months ago

                >All you did was say they are either "unfun bullshit" or worse, clearly these games aren't for you because you find enemies unfun bullshit.
                So the question remains, why are you forcing yourself to play games that have "unfun bullshit"
                i never mentioned enemies being unfun bullshit you illiterate sperg. strawman yet again.
                i'm not forcing myself to play anything.
                it is entirely possible, as is the case here, that a game gets 90% of it right, and fumbles on shit they wasn't present in previous games.
                >I'm not the one hanging around threads of games I don't like to tell everybody how these games should change and how they are unfun bullshit, clearly I'm not the one obsessed with them
                literally coping.
                >LOL ok frogBlack person
                lmao, i accept your concession.

                >Calling someone 'ESL' while writing this poorly

                you're mad cus i'm not leddit formatting my posts and you're struggling to keep up cus you're esl, you don't understand basic words and their definitions, how to use them, and genuinely struggle with reading comprehension.
                >I'm not the one hanging around threads of games I don't like to tell everybody how these games should change and how they are unfun bullshit, clearly I'm not the one obsessed with them
                you're hanging around because someone picked on you (the game you built your whole personality and ego around) and coping really hard because you can't refute any of the points made. lmao. yeah, you definitely don't come across as a loathsome pathetic homosexual.
                your whole stance here is "if you don't like it, it's not for you", yet you've conflated the idea of honest and genuine criticism of 'something' with not liking that 'something' as a whole. again, this is just you struggling with reading.
                i bet you don't go to the gym and cope that anyone who calls out your fat grotesque appearance just doesn't like it cus "it's not for them."
                have a nice day, inbred.

              • 3 months ago

                >Uhhhh I'm not

              • 3 months ago

                i accept your concession.

              • 3 months ago

                >Calling someone 'ESL' while writing this poorly

              • 3 months ago

                >fire orb
                didn't beat the game

              • 3 months ago

                You are right, that's why it's a deep sorcery build now

        • 3 months ago

          No, they are all wrong

    • 3 months ago

      >previous From games had plain stories with good establishing intros

      tell me what kings field is about, please. should be easy.

  17. 3 months ago

    From is a private company. Its not free to buy and invest to in the stock market, therefore, its not subject to the wims of ((stakeholders))

  18. 3 months ago

    Starfield is better than Elden Ring. Bait thread.

  19. 3 months ago

    Name a single game released in the past 10 years (not by fromsoft) that is better than Elden Ring

    • 3 months ago

      breath of the wild
      kingdom come deliverance

    • 3 months ago

      Witcher 3
      Far Cry 5
      Assassin's Creed Odyssey
      Nioh 2
      Rise of Ronin
      Ghost of Tsushima
      Wo Long
      Lies of P
      RDR 2
      GoW Ragnarok
      Breath of the Wild
      Mario Odyssey

  20. 3 months ago

    Sekiro is the only good game he made in the past 10 years.

  21. 3 months ago

    >Why only he can make good games now?
    >pic unrelated

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