
40 kiloton box of raaaape,
40 kiloton box of raaaaape,
40 kiloton box of rape,
don't overload it

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Copy that, increasing tonnage.

  2. 1 year ago

    Are you guys ready for the big update this month?

    • 1 year ago

      >this month
      faster i will see Putin on white horse in warsaw

    • 1 year ago

      >all my mods disappearing into the aether

      Please, I can't do that again.

    • 1 year ago

      >this month

      • 1 year ago

        Bros I fricked up, I just lost my whole fleet trying to get a radiant. Feels bad man, wish I could restart it but my autism won't let me; a death is a death no second chances.

        • 1 year ago

          I went into a system the other day and there was a fleet with like 3 of em.
          I just left the entire region of space.

        • 1 year ago

          Honestly, I can respect that. Even with iron mode I have savescummed fights too many times to count.

          • 1 year ago

            NTA but I only savescum for bullshit like instantly manifesting magic fleets. If I frick up I frick up. I have done "tests" before just to see if I had any chance against shit that I thought I would die against 100% but I don't think that really counts. I find it easier to not constantly reload in this game vs a lot of others.

  3. 1 year ago

    >start a new game
    >do a bit of exploration
    >find a bunch of good Domain shit: 1 fusion lamp, 1 pristine nanoforge, 3 corrupt nanoforges, 5(!) fullerene spools, 1 soil nanites, 2 alpha cores
    >no fricking good systems
    I have a factory set up on Druj but that's about it, it doesn't really make money, just lets me build stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      >no fricking good systems
      how picky are you? just grab something with +2 farming and a cold dirtball for the nanoforge

      • 1 year ago

        >just grab something with +2 farming
        nta but I spent 3 sessions, legit hours, searching the last 2 days on a save:
        not fricking one +1 farming, hell, only found *one* neutral farming planet. Never been that unlucky.

      • 1 year ago

        Why exactly is farming important? Food market isn't large compared to industrial ones. As long as you can install item into it, shouldn't it produce more than it consumes regardess of soil state.

        Actual system I always look for is
        >Habitable world, hopefully at least half decent but it's not required
        >Barren world for industry
        >Gas giant for volatiles
        >Volcanic world for metals and military base
        >Gate must be as close as possible
        >Nice to have cryosleeper nearby
        >Shunt is complete meme, the only use for it is to add full sized military bases to more planets, and even then you can't even activate it without cores

        • 1 year ago

          he had nanites. read homie read.

        • 1 year ago

          I did a nex start with adjusted sector and quest complete and opted to settle only systems with gates. It's pretty OP being able jump between your systems and frick multiple raiders etc near instantaousely. Eventually I started settling distant gate systems, growing them to about 4 pop for a couple of planets and then handing them over to other factions. These turn into a useful pitstop to sell shit and buy supplies and fuel if you set them up with industry and fuel production

          It's also funny to engineer conflict by putting hostile factions close by or even in the same system.

          • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          >Why exactly is farming important? Food market isn't large compared to industrial ones. As long as you can install item into it, shouldn't it produce more than it consumes regardess of soil state.
          Food is the most profitable industry for low size worlds. you can plop a colony down on a world with good food, set hazard pay and build farm, and then frick off and explore while it grows to a decent size because almost nothing is going to mess with it besides maybe pirates until it reaches size 5-6.

  4. 1 year ago

    I'm going to do a Pirate playthrough of Underworld's Infernal Machine start (only using console commands to change relationship to friendly for the pirate commission), and I'm going to use a bunch of the anime girl mods like UAF and Iron Shell to go on a death spanning rampage across the sector and have a right proper scrap. Gunna go proppa ork mode.

    • 1 year ago

      iirc there is a proper imperium/ork mod, did you try it out?

      • 1 year ago

        Not that anon but are we talking about Interstellar Imperium or Bultach Coalition? i personally found imperium faction awfully weak

        • 1 year ago

          I'm talking about this

          I avoid mod overdose so I haven't tried out both of the mod you mentioned.

          • 1 year ago

            never seen that one in particular, will check if anything catches my fancy

        • 1 year ago

          Battlefleets of the Gothic Sector.
          The imperial ships are ok but the chaos and ork ships are just ugly and not in the way they're supposed to be.
          Interstellar Imperium isn't 40k and bultach stopped being 40k awhile ago.

          • 1 year ago

            Isn't that the guy that had discorders help him make his mod into something else so they could claim credit for it?

            • 1 year ago

              bultach is the guy who has some weird hate boner for UAF being OP, despite his mod also being OP

            • 1 year ago

              >Isn't that the guy that had discorders help him make his mod into something else so they could claim credit for it?
              Pretty much. He kept getting told GW was going to come after him because 'copyright'. They helped him remake the mod and when he wanted to take it in a different direction they basically said "That's fine but you'll need to remove all our code and redo all your art because it's out property". It wasn't like he was even trying to do anything controversial, just wanted to change the descriptions to something more pro-commie.

        • 1 year ago

          Imperium? Weak? You brain damaged or summat?

  5. 1 year ago


    She has Patreon?!?!

    • 1 year ago


  6. 1 year ago


    >Does picking a female persona in an internet game
    Nia plays FFXIV.

  7. 1 year ago


    Not necessarily, could be rational move to maximize simpbuck income.

  8. 1 year ago


    Nia Tahlan has a legion of simps. Never underestimate the braindead coomers.

  9. 1 year ago


    it didn't use to, but now no one else does it because you don't want to get mistaken for a troony

    it's the avatar version of bad money driving out good

  10. 1 year ago

    Wow, awesome, starship legends, thanks

  11. 1 year ago

    I've slowly learned that the secret to fighting Legio is to heavily damage and cripple, but not kill, the Dun Scaiths and Hel Scaiths and other shitc*pitals they send out.
    That way, that ship will sit out passively of the fight or limp slowly away to retreat, while taking up DP from the enemy board.

    If you outright killed their capitals, their AI bullshit frigates and destroyers will swarm and destroy your ships. But if you only cripple their capitals, the smaller enemies can only trickle in slowly in a manageable way.

  12. 1 year ago

    Is the Valkazard OP?

    • 1 year ago

      >20 DP

      • 1 year ago

        is that a no?

    • 1 year ago

      It is nice but you gotta build in a wingcom suite and bring some backup with those mechs, makes it much more enjoyable.

      >20 DP

      20DP that can do hundreds of DP in damage easily no problem, especially with a skilled pilot. (which I am not and I still do fine)

      • 1 year ago

        has the dev finally finish that new meshan quest yet?

        • 1 year ago

          Don't think so. I am not very familiar with the stuff in the mod other than the mechs though.

      • 1 year ago

        >20DP that can do hundreds of DP in damage easily no problem
        heh. never played with an eradicator P or altagrave EX, have you?

        • 1 year ago

          What about those invalidates what I said?

          • 1 year ago

            they're both more robust, versatile, tankier, don't require carrier support to maximize their PPT, and have higher damage output with eradicator P being less expensive to deploy. eradicator in particular is also far better in AI hands compared to valkazard. it was only okay even when it was 15 dp.

            • 1 year ago

              eradicator p isn't a mech, also its only 20 if its you driving. It still doesn't remove it from use just because you don't like it or some ship is better.
              Technically you could run a bunch of 8-10dp cost mechs with wingsuites and close combats etc and do way more fricked up shit.

    • 1 year ago

      If you ever see anyone say arma OP, there's a 50% chance they think that either because of valkazard or the Altagrave bounty

  13. 1 year ago

    What does the ARC mod do?

  14. 1 year ago

    >An upgraded version, the Mayasuran Sunder is the envy of every faction
    shut the frick up you morons

    • 1 year ago

      The author doesn't even know what he is doing with his mod.

      • 1 year ago

        The only reason I didn't pull it from my modlist was so I could bully them.

    • 1 year ago

      Just pretend it's their in-faction propaganda tard spewing bullshit while being the worst dogshit vessel out there.

      • 1 year ago

        kek, just cracks me up how someone could produce that with a straight face. don't even bother with drawbacks or anything, made up or otherwise.
        off the top of my head:
        >The Mayasuran Sunder was developed as a leap forward for the Sunder platform. Given advanced hardware, this Sunder variant is capable of performing beyond its standard expectations. This however comes at a cost as the advanced systems require a higher level of crew training to run at optimal strength.

  15. 1 year ago

    >Want one big ship to frick everything with, don't want to look after an entire fleet
    What mod/ship do i pick?

    • 1 year ago

      buckwood, for all your raping needs

    • 1 year ago

      None, just use the zigg

    • 1 year ago

      Star wars mod,ARIA or UAF,have self sufficient super capitals

      ARIA has one,UAF has three,star wars has dozens

      • 1 year ago

        Not sure how hullmods work on ships with different 'parts' however

      • 1 year ago

        How did you manage to recommend 3 cancerous mods in one post? Well done!

        • 1 year ago

          He asked i responded,why so hostile?

          • 1 year ago

            I complimented you, there was no hostility. You did extremely well.

    • 1 year ago

      that one mod thta has the pelagornis or nagato, think it's ship and weapons pack (SWP

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Neutrino has the Unsung-class which can frick up a lot of ships with the right setup and escorts.
      There be Juggernauts also adds a lot of giant ships but i don't know how powerful they are.

    • 1 year ago

      Why the frick has no one mentions the Cathedral from SWP? You can start with one if you use Nex.

      • 1 year ago

        Nex lets you start with any fleet now

    • 1 year ago

      the Ouroboros from Kingdom of Terra can rape just about anything, only downside is that its very tricky to pilot

  16. 1 year ago

    >Boisterous and menacing, the Mayasuran falcon hunts its prey with deadly efficiency. With upgraded hybrid turret mounts, more effort was given to increasing the versatility of this bird

  17. 1 year ago

    One thing I always felt like game lacks, is ability to bind directly firing desired weapon group on some button. It can be made work by switching auto fire on and off, but it's still inconvenient compared to that.

  18. 1 year ago

    Alright frick it, I've bided my time enough, done missions, built up a strike force of 15 elite ships, bought out the rights to the abandoned colony ship next to Auroria and turned it into a war station to stage an invasion, even smuggled out a couple of nukes. It's August 1, Cycle 211, and it's time to frick up the UAF.

    The die is cast. May the gods of rape be ever on my side.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >this anon was never heard from again

      • 1 year ago

        they raped him instead and he liked it

  19. 1 year ago

    Why do remnant ships have names? Seems weird an AI would pick something like "Ride or Die" or whatever for a ship name. Must get bored in the void I guess.

    • 1 year ago

      Because it's tritach products that still use their naming conventions.

      • 1 year ago

        You would think being AI that replaces itself would eventually switch to something else. I'm not talking about the brilliant etc names though I'm talking about them having actual ship names. Is the lore that they have a database of random ship names?

        • 1 year ago

          Who knows. In real life maritime ships generally keep their christened name even if it changes many captains (and at least the Hegemony still does the whole christening ships thing).
          In the case of Starsector, it's probably Alex being a bit too lazy to create a separate set of names for Remnants.

          • 1 year ago

            Well in the case of these ships I don't think they ever had any captains other than the remnants and most are probably ships made *by* them at this point.
            >alex being a bit too lazy
            that or maybe our fleet has a random name generator so we can call them out by something other than "attacker 012023894857"

          • 1 year ago

            >In real life maritime ships generally keep their christened name even if it changes many captains
            they usually switch names when they get a new owner, not captain - who is ultimately just a wagie

            • 1 year ago

              +1, ships get namechanges only when they move navy or when their name is needed for another big project much more important than the current one. When the Russo Jaoanese war ended, they ended up with a bunch of Russian vessel which they renamed, after WW2, the Japanese themselves had to give away their destroyers, Hibiki became Veriny in the Russian Navy, Yukikaze became chingchong something in the Chinese or Taiwan navy, plenty captains got fricking sniped by a hit to the bridge or replaced with another guy from promotions and the ship still keep her name.

    • 1 year ago

      I think Alex borrowed idea of named AI ships from some sf novels. They too had illustrious names and were big buttholes

      • 1 year ago

        It's the culture by Ian Banks. Basically reddit homosexual post-scarcity space communism, the AI warships name themselves with this snarky cynicism as if they were Rick and Morty fans.

        • 1 year ago

          I never understood it it was supposed to be utopia or anti-utopia. Humans are essentially kept in luxurious zoo by AI overlords and have no own agency in that setting, but apparently it's a really luxurious zoo so it's all good.

          • 1 year ago

            I always hated the culture tbh, I thought consider pheablas or whatever was supposed to set the tone, that they were the big bads representing an evolutionary dead-end of society filled with smarmy hedonists who throw themselves into the sun when they get bored with existence, and I was always rooting for the Tleilaxu face dancer guy who was the protagonist fighting against them for that novel

        • 1 year ago

          I never understood it it was supposed to be utopia or anti-utopia. Humans are essentially kept in luxurious zoo by AI overlords and have no own agency in that setting, but apparently it's a really luxurious zoo so it's all good.

          I enjoyed the novels but I agree that the Culture are kind of ambivalent, which may kind of be the point. On the one hand, humans want for nothing and get to live in a Scottish middle class paradise, but on the other they are basically living in the mouse paradise and the only thing that keeps a lot of the Contact and Special Circumstances types going is the proximity to danger and the option to be c**ts to the galactic equivalent of spear chucking fuzzy wuzzies by meddling in their shit and fricking their societies up, but in a nice, polite, tasteful middle class way.

          I did really enjoy the last novel, the Hydrogen Sonata. I suspect Banks knew he was dying when he wrote it, and kind of comes through.

      • 1 year ago

        It's the culture by Ian Banks. Basically reddit homosexual post-scarcity space communism, the AI warships name themselves with this snarky cynicism as if they were Rick and Morty fans.

        that makes it even goofier.

  20. 1 year ago

    It's done. A flawless victory.
    And, most importantly...

    • 1 year ago

      Solvernia Auroria, High Fleet Admiral of the UAF Navy, personal commander of the Super-Capital Solvernia (now destroyed), and daughter of Ava Nitia, was captured alive.

      As the queen watches the flashfire and the burning corpses of ships drift in the skies above, I wonder what she's thinking.

      • 1 year ago

        take her as a trophy wife and impregnate her

      • 1 year ago

        >daughter of Ava Nitia
        Anon she's unironically the daughter of Nia
        When you talk to her on that independent station in the same system she asks you to greet her daughter when you have the chance

        • 1 year ago

          Ah, I don't follow this anime shenanigans. Anyway, I eventually wanna break her in infront of her mother. But first things first, the queen.

        • 1 year ago

          rape Nia as well as Ava
          and start a harem

          • 1 year ago

            Ah frick threesome with a broken wiener addict daughter and mother is so fricking hot.

      • 1 year ago

        you know what to do, no rape, no funny antics. get to business.

  21. 1 year ago

    Breed these bawds, turn them into proper mothers. Get the Daughter and Mother pregnant with your seed.

  22. 1 year ago

    Dare I say it? Rapist Reich, after the album.

  23. 1 year ago

    >the rapesector!
    >the rapesector is real!

    • 1 year ago

      >wasting a perfectly good body to use as a breeding slave by executing her

      • 1 year ago

        bodies are the one thing there is certainly not a lack of in starsector.
        Theres always more to join your crews. No need to wait 14-16 years for a viable new addition.

    • 1 year ago

      plan is to implement a bit of everything (level drain, skill loss, etc.) as a proof of concept before fleshing anything out

      • 1 year ago

        If you really want to flesh it out have her enjoy one of the options and make it improve your relationship with her (although the faction still hates you more for mind-breaking her).

        Also, for choice wording just pull a few stories from and cherry pick sentences.

    • 1 year ago

      do you want someone to write up some stuff for that? anything in particular you are looking for?

      • 1 year ago

        Making progress

        Some flavor text for each interaction would be really helpful. I'm okay with most of what anons in this thread have mentioned so far.

        >Slave Market industry
        >Enslaved Population colony condition
        >Captured Female Auction industry

        Planned. Need to figure out how it works backend first.
        Also looking for broken versions of female portraits and a way to change them mid-campaign

        • 1 year ago

          Nia hates herself?

          • 1 year ago

            It's the great tranadox. Even though they claims to identify as women, they know they are not.

            It's why they ask for things such as more representation, even in their own delusion, real women do not represent them.

          • 1 year ago

            self-loathing narcissist, many such cases

          • 1 year ago


  24. 1 year ago


    making female characters in games is nothing worth looking into unless they're incredibly social games
    making your entire online persona female-presenting, demanding everyone refer to you as a female, and pretending to be a pretty anime girl when in reality you're almost certainly a fat, disheveled and unshaven blob of hormonal issues is definitely indicative of one of the few categories of troonism
    Considering the obsession with programming for an obscure spaceship beat-em-up, i'd lean towards autistic autogynephile with an obsession of being sexually gratified by the female persona and the people acknowledging it.
    video games

    • 1 year ago

      >you're a fat, disheveled and unshaven blob
      I feel personally attacked.

      • 1 year ago

        as long as you don't push all of those problems onto "gender dysphoria" then you're already leagues ahead of the average trannoid
        buy a razor and take showers more often

  25. 1 year ago

    I tried ripping out the le ebin
    >semibreve launcher
    from UAF because I don't want to use the rest of that gay ass mod, including the crap from the jar file and all but I am getting filtered despite working out (I think) uaf_nukeHit and uaf_mapField as .java

    Java makes me want to tear my wiener off because of getLocation in the uaf_nuke script. I don't have the knowhow to get this shit working beyond copious amounts of cola and intuition carrying me so far. Looks like no meme launcher for me.

  26. 1 year ago

    Anyone have the updated Of Ludds and Lions mod? I am so sure it the the Sindrian Diktat had a specialized hammerhead that my current mod doesn't have.

  27. 1 year ago

    So is there a way to control what is allowed on *your* open market?
    I can't sell drugs I produce to my own market and they don't contribute to taxes kek

  28. 1 year ago

    Does anyone know what the new portraits are or are they not revealed yet? I'm hoping for cool references.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah i have a leak

      • 1 year ago

        didnt some troony get assmad at this pack for some stupid reason? or was that another portrait pack

        • 1 year ago

          It was the developer, Alex.

      • 1 year ago

        >it doesn’t have the happy TriTach merchant

        • 1 year ago

          Its also missing the AI Zuckerberg.

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, misses a bunch of things too

            uh excuse me
            >The rightmost portrait in the 5th row down is troubling, and heavily associated with bigotry. This isn't something that's *at all* acceptable on the forum. I've removed the download link and preview image; locking the thread for the time being. Please send me a PM if you'd like to re-post a version of the pack without that portrait.

            If this was made back then, Alex wouldn’t bat an eye. And you can just not preview the happy merchant in the front page.

        • 1 year ago

          uh excuse me
          >The rightmost portrait in the 5th row down is troubling, and heavily associated with bigotry. This isn't something that's *at all* acceptable on the forum. I've removed the download link and preview image; locking the thread for the time being. Please send me a PM if you'd like to re-post a version of the pack without that portrait.

          • 1 year ago

            >include an incredibly obvious racist canard based off one specific image that itself is nearly 20 years old in your mod back
            >bluster about "UH IF BACK THEN"

            do you people just not have critical thinking skills? jesus

            • 1 year ago

              That was the other anon that said that. You gonna be ok, bro?

            • 1 year ago

              Black person israelite israelite lmoa

            • 1 year ago

              I will include the happy merchant and Zuckerberg in that portrait pack, and obfuscate it for good measure

      • 1 year ago

        That portrait pack is still gonna get shutdown because the remove kebab guy is there

        • 1 year ago

          nobody cares about bosnians kek

      • 1 year ago

        That portrait pack is still gonna get shutdown because the remove kebab guy is there

        nobody cares about bosnians kek

        If ForumBlack folk throw a shitfit it'll be over Filthy Frank or Sseth

        • 1 year ago

          Why do they care about an african warlord g*mer?

          • 1 year ago

            They are racist, obviously.

          • 1 year ago

            TRVE GVMER

          • 1 year ago

            something something dogwhistle

      • 1 year ago

        didnt some troony get assmad at this pack for some stupid reason? or was that another portrait pack

        I'm mad, 3 of the 8 gachi portraits aren't even gachi.

  29. 1 year ago

    Who knew gun bricks were so much fun? I used to play high tech only because the systems were cool, but after switching to low tech focused fleets I never went back.

    Nothing is more fun than plowing a max combat skill Onslaught right into the enemy formation and surviving somehow even after you've tanked the entire fleet's firepower, all while reducing the replacement rate of every carrier in a 100km radius down to 0% and BTFOing every missile coming at you.

  30. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      How much RAM is this?

      • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        If you gotta ask, you haven't got enough.

  31. 1 year ago

    Nia needs a correction for being a c**t

  32. 1 year ago

    >hegemony sends expedition into my territory despite us being friendly
    >gets bootyblasted by npcs in the system
    >-5 relations

  33. 1 year ago

    pff my Ragnarok could do better

  34. 1 year ago

    It makes no sense for Gilead to be size 7 world if it's an actual Earth-like planet. 200 years have passed since the collapse. Even if collapse reduced technology to state of late 20th century, this world would have been able to feed more than 10 billions people, and post-collapse technology is better than that, with basically infinite mineral fertilizer from space mining and shit, which means conventional farming in Earth-like conditions will yield even more.
    Also Luddic church wouldn't really have any other options except encouraging world to be fully populated, because population number is power and because if they won't harness this potential someone else will eventually take the world from them and do so. If anything it's weird that Hegemony didn't try to do it and was harassing some relative nonfactors instead, because this world is the singular most important asset in whole sector.

    • 1 year ago

      It's because nobody wants to take away women's rights, even the luddies.

      • 1 year ago

        women's rights are a mistake

    • 1 year ago

      >because this world is the singular most important asset in whole sector.
      it really isn't though. the main resource the planet produces is food, which the hegemony isn't hurting for. it doesn't have any strategically significant heavy industry or fuel production. The hegemony doesn't really have a need for lebensraum currently. attacking gilead would turn every singly luddic adherent in the sector against them creating a powerful enemy. it would also likely diminish the natural paradise. they have no real reason to attack and every reason to not attack.

  35. 1 year ago

    >start new run
    >forget to disable Shadowyards
    >every trade mission wants cloned organs

  36. 1 year ago

    Bros the Ludds made peace with me on their own and constantly improve relations with me.
    ...we jihadi mecha now?

    • 1 year ago

      >...we jihadi mecha now?
      Every knight of Ludd should have a mecha and AI core wife, so they can bring even more destruction to Tri-Tech in our glorious Jihad.

  37. 1 year ago

    I think institutionalized rape culture is the only way for a faction to go to great power status, get size 7, 8, 9 planets, etc.

    Maybe rapemod coder can add a breeding sow resource variable, where breaking officers, capturing regular female crew, etc. gives your colonies population growth boost

    • 1 year ago

      >Slave Market industry
      >Enslaved Population colony condition
      >Captured Female Auction industry

  38. 1 year ago

    use the alien's technology against them
    take their women as spoils

    • 1 year ago

      TO THE Breeding PIT

    • 1 year ago

      >hitting ship wreckage first to fry their point defense with the blast radius

  39. 1 year ago

    What mods should I avoid? Ie; dodgy scripts?

    What mods does /vst/ recommend?

    • 1 year ago

      Vanilla or homosexuality

  40. 1 year ago

    Star Federation seems nice. Ships are distinctly different from vanilla, but not enough to really bother me.
    Shield gimmick is simple to understand and I like flashy entrance on the battlefield.
    Ships tend to be on a slower side and falter under continuous pressure.
    I enjoyed weak reloading frag rockets and variety of new beams. Though ai seems to not know how long those beams last and often turns while they are still firing.

    • 1 year ago

      >Though ai seems to not know how long those beams last and often turns while they are still firing.
      I have this problem with some of the superweapons from the superweapons mod too, its really annoying when they piss 3000 flux into the wind

    • 1 year ago

      >Though ai seems to not know how long those beams last and often turns while they are still firing.
      I have this problem with some of the superweapons from the superweapons mod too, its really annoying when they piss 3000 flux into the wind

      >Though ai seems to not know how long those beams last and often turns while they are still firing.
      alex says this is fixed in 9.6, something related to the autofire AI not staying on target for burst weapons

  41. 1 year ago

    >1356 replies in the just archived previous thread
    It was quite a nice run!

  42. 1 year ago

    What happened to the Bultach Coalition mod? It got rebranded from wh40k orcs into a generic transcord style mod.

    • 1 year ago


      >Isn't that the guy that had discorders help him make his mod into something else so they could claim credit for it?
      Pretty much. He kept getting told GW was going to come after him because 'copyright'. They helped him remake the mod and when he wanted to take it in a different direction they basically said "That's fine but you'll need to remove all our code and redo all your art because it's out property". It wasn't like he was even trying to do anything controversial, just wanted to change the descriptions to something more pro-commie.

      • 1 year ago

        >Isn't that the guy that had discorders help him make his mod into something else so they could claim credit for it?
        Pretty much. He kept getting told GW was going to come after him because 'copyright'. They helped him remake the mod and when he wanted to take it in a different direction they basically said "That's fine but you'll need to remove all our code and redo all your art because it's out property". It wasn't like he was even trying to do anything controversial, just wanted to change the descriptions to something more pro-commie.

        I'm blind sorry. I detest Discord so much it's unreal.

  43. 1 year ago

    How to deal with enemy fighter saturation (particularly shunt encounter) as wolf pack memes? I used to have a couple of herons for that shit but it feels like there are no good vanilla fighters left. Still preferably without involving some overtuned mods.

  44. 1 year ago

    >tfw I can't find the astral in the sea of flavor mod ships
    Bros, not like this! Not like this! There should be an option to pre-order a ship if you are commissioned to the faction that has it for a premium price.

    • 1 year ago

      Use Nex and have an operator buy one from Tritach at like 200% mark up?

      • 1 year ago

        Nex is really bad in bloat, wish they would cut the mod into pieces because they are some things I like but its full of stuff I don't.

    • 1 year ago

      What are you even planning to do with it? It's fricking dead since they added cooldown to system, you are actually better off just having two herons now.

      • 1 year ago

        rule of cool anon, i just like how it looks. not that i need more fighters as all my ships have converted hangars with remnants pd wings. missiles and fighters are my bane so they are really useful for my afflictor, every other ship is just their to look good and soak up aggro while I actually win the fight.

        • 1 year ago

          >remnants pd wings
          >using soulless automatons instead of sending your men to die
          Most dishonoraburu.

          • 1 year ago

            tbh we having drones is more practical, even with no AI

          • 1 year ago

            well i was using claws before I got my hands on remnant wings; they can't beat the 6 OP renmant wings. yes those -2 ordinance points are needed and they kill missiles so i don't have to waste too much on pd on my ships.

          • 1 year ago

            I want to frick AIs

  45. 1 year ago

    Does anybody know how Imperium's armor package is interacting with polarized armor skill in terms of armor damage reduction?
    I tried to search the forum thread, but the only person asking about it was never replied to.

  46. 1 year ago

    Haven't played in 9 months or so, did anything good release/update in that time? Like cool custom starts in nex?
    Also, is there anything good thats not available on the forums? I never bothered with that before.

    • 1 year ago

      >Haven't played in 9 months or so, did anything good release/update in that time?
      Yes. The Buckbreaker


  47. 1 year ago

    What would you put on SO unstable injector XIV Dominator? I want to go fast and hard.

  48. 1 year ago

    Since anons here shill Armatura so much, I decided to try it out and gather a few questions.
    Requiring an officer on a carrier it seems to benefit combat carriers, right? And Diable have a lot of those, so can it make up for Diable being weak and all?
    Also, as fighter get stronger with growth of a pilot, does it mean high-cost fighters benefit from wingcom the most?

    • 1 year ago

      Yes you want to put pretty much all the points you can on carriers with wingsuite into the mechs you're using on those fighter slots and hullmods that help fighters.
      Diable has a cruiser carrier I like because you can take over one of your wings temporarily but sadly no larger version that has it that I know of.
      better mechs/fighters = your wings can use their skills longer and live to refit in the field.
      I found the hunt for me was for more fighter slots more than anything. Ships with 4 or more are a blessed thing. Charon is a good pick earlier on because of its ground support stuff which pairs nicely with cataphracts from arma. (Lets you frick up people with cataphract strikes using your mechs in ground combat, ability on a short cooldown)
      There's a 6 wing ship I think called the Triton(?) that I am quite fond of for how tanky it is.
      >also can't ever go wrong with legions

      • 1 year ago

        >wingcom on gust

        holy shit why did i never think of this

        • 1 year ago

          I'm not familiar with the Gust. Which mod is that from?

          • 1 year ago

            derp the second i typed this I remembered it from Diable. You'd think I would know what I fricking mentioned kek.

  49. 1 year ago

    ETA for next patch?
    I know we have the patch notes, but I'd rather not wait another year for Alex to deliver.

    • 1 year ago

      As soon as you're doing something super cool in a modded run you're really attached to.

      • 1 year ago

        Figures Alex would implement Dynamic Update Releases.

  50. 1 year ago

    Are the royal azeala and Aria bootlegs working? Anyone got a link to the mega? I have two but I don't know if they are updated. I don't even know if that mega is updated anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      >I don't know if they are updated.
      >I don't even know if that mega is updated
      I don't know why you would want them

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe there is a 3rd hitherto unknown mega that IS up to date. Like jeez anon, wasn't that obvious?

    • 1 year ago

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks anon

  51. 1 year ago

    Just learned you can convert regular officers into mercenaries by giving them more than 1 elite skill then respeccing out of the ability to give more than 1 elite skill.
    Pretty neat. If you've got enough XP/Story point income, there shouldn't be a need for uncaptained ships anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      I wonder if this works in vanilla, I don't know if that is intended or not. Still, I'll allow it.

  52. 1 year ago

    Intense handholding session with Ava Nitia

    • 1 year ago


  53. 1 year ago

    *betrays u*

    • 1 year ago

      Remember boys, break and butcher

    • 1 year ago

      I always give independences to the conquered planets. It create more consumer market for my goods (holy frick did I just reinvent neo-liberalism?)

      • 1 year ago

        >tfw you just wanted to turtle up but the spacehomosexuals made you bring them under control at least temporarily for the sake of the market

    • 1 year ago

      Why do the the sunrider mechs have such shitty sprites?

    • 1 year ago

      Wait, officers can do this?

      • 1 year ago

        only special homosexuals coded by trannies who sit in this thread right now reading your posts

  54. 1 year ago

    Is TakeNoPrisoners still the go-to for capturing officers? They keep updating it every fifteen minutes and changing how it works, probably to stop me from domesticating DonutSteels, which is the only reason I have the mod. Is there a tweaked version somewhere? Is there an ideal version to use?

    • 1 year ago

      I use capture officers and crew.
      I thought that is what most people used?

      • 1 year ago

        I thought that was the one with the memory leak.

        • 1 year ago

          this is why I hate all the "this mod has code that breaks this other mod" "this mod has memory leaks" etc talk as I feel like I need a fricking checklist of what to avoid kek

          • 1 year ago

            well my modlist to avoid after a long time of lurking here:
            Beyond the Sector (Generated new zone that will stay while you can't reenter after you leave)
            Captured Officer (

            >Quote from: MapleDaddy__ TTV on April 29, 2022, 09:12:09 AM
            Because there isn't anything stated here, I'll do so for the good of anyone coming to download this mod in the future, from what a few have pointed out, the Author is MIA and it likely won't be fixed (If it is fixed down the line I'll delete this, maybe.) But currently, Capture crew has a memory leak bug where EVERY officer gets loaded into memory. That doesn't sound too bad on the outset until you realize most fleets have about 6 or so officers, sometimes more, which will add up fast. I'd seen a post a while ago, think it was on the discord, where someone posted a crashlog and it was capture crew eventually just killing their save. If you download this mod, you're loading a ticking time bomb into your mods, there's no telling when it'll go off, much like Beyond the Sector, which, unsurprisingly is also made by the same author.

            Varya's sector (wall of text thinks it's Disco Elysium)
            That's all for now, faction mods is french fries as in you can pick it as a side dish but too many will hurt your gameplay.

          • 1 year ago

            You're not alone.
            Someone really needs to make one (and explain why certain mods are shit)

            • 1 year ago

              It's been done before.

    • 1 year ago

      Whoops forgot to add to my post:

      I use capture officers and crew.
      I thought that is what most people used?

      I thought that was the one with the memory leak.

      this is why I hate all the "this mod has code that breaks this other mod" "this mod has memory leaks" etc talk as I feel like I need a fricking checklist of what to avoid kek

      >Quote from: MapleDaddy__ TTV on April 29, 2022, 09:12:09 AM
      Because there isn't anything stated here, I'll do so for the good of anyone coming to download this mod in the future, from what a few have pointed out, the Author is MIA and it likely won't be fixed (If it is fixed down the line I'll delete this, maybe.) But currently, Capture crew has a memory leak bug where EVERY officer gets loaded into memory. That doesn't sound too bad on the outset until you realize most fleets have about 6 or so officers, sometimes more, which will add up fast. I'd seen a post a while ago, think it was on the discord, where someone posted a crashlog and it was capture crew eventually just killing their save. If you download this mod, you're loading a ticking time bomb into your mods, there's no telling when it'll go off, much like Beyond the Sector, which, unsurprisingly is also made by the same author.

      I was just starting to really enjoy my current modded run and now I'm worried it will explode, fantastic
      Starsector yay!
      Take No Prisoners has a recent version on the forum (thread started january this year) and can be added to existing saves it says.

  55. 1 year ago

    >Quote from: MapleDaddy__ TTV on April 29, 2022, 09:12:09 AM
    Because there isn't anything stated here, I'll do so for the good of anyone coming to download this mod in the future, from what a few have pointed out, the Author is MIA and it likely won't be fixed (If it is fixed down the line I'll delete this, maybe.) But currently, Capture crew has a memory leak bug where EVERY officer gets loaded into memory. That doesn't sound too bad on the outset until you realize most fleets have about 6 or so officers, sometimes more, which will add up fast. I'd seen a post a while ago, think it was on the discord, where someone posted a crashlog and it was capture crew eventually just killing their save. If you download this mod, you're loading a ticking time bomb into your mods, there's no telling when it'll go off, much like Beyond the Sector, which, unsurprisingly is also made by the same author.

    • 1 year ago

      The mods should probably slap a disclaimer on the first post so people don't get fricked over by not reading the last couple pages.

      I was just starting to really enjoy my current modded run and now I'm worried it will explode, fantastic
      Starsector yay!

      Sorry bro. I had my shit get corrupted before, so I know the feel.

      • 1 year ago

        Well at least this way I know about it now and already removed it for my next run. I was already thinking about doing a new one and removing mayasuran navy and kadur factions from my list. Also maybe Epta and yuri while I'm at it.

  56. 1 year ago

    I was just starting to really enjoy my current modded run and now I'm worried it will explode, fantastic
    Starsector yay!

  57. 1 year ago

    Ok well is there a terraforming mod that doesn't break everything or have troony anime girls or something?

    • 1 year ago

      You build stuff to terraform your planets, also comes with tons of toggleable buildings that will help your colonies in various way (among that is a building that generates AI Cores)
      >DIY terraforming
      You build stuff and find stuff to terraform your planets ,can create your own planet and coronal hypershunt too. Downside is that it will frick up your lootpool for useless junk (pristine nanoforge? here's a shade for your planet)

      • 1 year ago

        Do they both work ok? I saw you can use both and just turn off TASC's terraforming. Would that be the best way to go? Thanks

        or console command, add the conditions you want without the hassle.

        I just feel like it should cost *something*. Guess I could just delete resources kek

        You're not alone.
        Someone really needs to make one (and explain why certain mods are shit)

        If we tried to add a pastebin or something the jannies would sperg out. Probably should just do it anyhow.

        • 1 year ago

          I mean you could use both and follow the instruction but after the 10th mining station giving me only junk I think just TASC is enough.

          • 1 year ago

            Makes sense. Thanks again.

    • 1 year ago

      or console command, add the conditions you want without the hassle.

  58. 1 year ago

    Space Truckin' overhaul

    • 1 year ago

      Now this is stupid and I love it. Was just thinking about doing a run where I use nothing but small ships with shielded holds for cargo and frigates.

      • 1 year ago
        Anonymous that i said that,
        is there an atlas that has a shielded cargo hold?

        • 1 year ago

          No clue, but there's the 'Shielded Holds For All' mod, which makes Shielded Cargo Holds a Hullmod that can be bought for 7,500 credits and installed into any ship for a fitting cost 8/16/24/40 points depending on the hull size.

          • 1 year ago

            Eh why use a mod at that point?
            You can take a comma away before the word TRUE and add one after in the hull_mods.csv in the hullmods folder and you can get them from default if you want to go that route. The in game default settings for cost are included (5,10,15,30)
            I was more thinking about an atlas "built around it" like a massive blockade runner or something. Thanks for the mention though, that mod might be useful to others who don't want to edit files in notepad++

    • 1 year ago

      Come on

      • 1 year ago

        kek I probably listened to that song 200k times playing eve online doing transport runs
        was on my truckin' list

  59. 1 year ago

    how to unpack vanilla faction theme and slap it on your Donut steel faction? I love sindiran theme but using PAGSM it overwritten the vanilla theme with Tropica ones (not that I hate it). My current modlist has 3 factions using pirate themes and none using the vanilla sindrian one so I could chose it for my own faction using Nexerelin.

    • 1 year ago

      does this reddit guide help? I was using it for some faction colors and whatnot.

      • 1 year ago

        yeah, that helps, thanks

        • 1 year ago

          I think I'm gonna start a spacetruckin save tonight or tomorrow. Seems like a good excuse to make a new run anyhow.
          Maybe a big ass space truck with a small backup fleet?
          Or a bunch of small trucks with mechs and frigates? Hmmm

          no problemo glad I could be of some help. at least the soundtrack is easily found online.

  60. 1 year ago

    >Valkazard start's description is a zeroranger reference
    >The Valkazard itself can't morph itself into a fighter
    what a shame

    • 1 year ago

      >tfw you realize almost all of the mechs in AA are named after shmups

      • 1 year ago

        I thought it was quite clearly all game and animoo references just based off the naming standards.

      • 1 year ago

        Almost everything in AA is named after shmups
        I'm grateful he didn't go full bullet hell with his stuff though

        • 1 year ago

          nta but it feels like it sometimes when you're piloting one in a fleet fight though. I frickin love it. I kind of wish there was a couple of large carriers and a heavy mech or two in the mod though, love the style.

  61. 1 year ago

    >Made it so that built-in hullmods that have a story-point bonus can be "enhanced" to get the bonus (in the screenshot, it's ECCM Package).
    >This cleans up the odd-feeling case where if a hull comes with an intrinsic hullmod, you couldn't get this bonus in any way.

    • 1 year ago

      also link:

    • 1 year ago

      also link:

      >invents a problem
      >comes up with a moronic solution
      >it has obvious drawbacks and edge cases
      >patches up said drawbacks with even more moronic bandaid fixes instead of redesigning the solution
      Sasuga Alex

      • 1 year ago

        kek well the whole concept of hullmods you pay cost for having further drawbacks is already some ??? tier stuff I will be modding out once its added.
        I get it, but he's overthinking it.

    • 1 year ago

      >unique 10% more dps bonus
      Apparently he wanted to rework this shit to make is so player won't be tunneled into always building in highest cost mods, I wonder how some mods giving shit like this factor into that.

      • 1 year ago

        I am starting to think more and more that it needs to be a thing where you get a ship with a base set of cost to deploy and points to use but over time it gets "optimized" by the crew and "levels up" to be more efficient than standard.
        Something sort of like starship legends but more controllable on your end. Or/and types of crews like carrier trained crews that give bonuses to fighters and so on.
        That way while you're probably going to still have a "best build" for a ship type in a given context, you can tune it more to your style. Also gives more ability to "Grow" a fleet vs just buying specific ships and using specific builds.
        Eh the idea probably sucks frick it.

      • 1 year ago

        well, since the cost of s-modding AWM over a standard no-bonus mod is 2/4/6/10 OP there's two options here:
        +10% b/e ROF is genuinely worth 2/4/6/10 OP
        alex has brain damage

        • 1 year ago

          Alex posted an example of hullmod drawbacks and it showed a drawback for expanded missile racks
          >reduces rate of fire of missile weapons by 50%

          I'm about to give a real first attempt at managing a colony. I've made one before but I was not ready at all, and made a ton of mistakes so I wanted to go in clean.

          The best system I've found is really far away from the center, and that fricked me last time. How important is it to be close to the center in general? I know I can make it work, but I'm bleeding money and want to get this fricker online. I have like 3 mil saved up, will that be enough?

          this helped me, replace
          >100,000 credits for growth incentives
          with hazard pay
          It is nice to be within 10-20LY if you don't have a gate. Try to have 3 planets, at least 1 with mining and 1 with farming, makes things a little easier long term. 3m is a good chunk of change just take your time investing as it costs more money than you think to get this shit online. Farming is a great early industry.

          • 1 year ago

            Oh yeah there is a gate there, that was noteable, and part of the reason I'm so interested in it. It also has crazy good resources.
            I've never completed the main story but I'm working on it. I understand the gate thing will be helpful to me, but will the distance impact trading greatly?

            • 1 year ago

              You should probably have the main story done before you bother with a colony to be honest anon. For your own sake and for your colony.
              Are you playing vanilla?
              The distance matters for trade yes but you can take over some nearby systems and give them to your buddies if you really have a problem.
              How far out are you from the center~?

              • 1 year ago

                oh i forgot the screenshot, oops. I wasn't paying attention.

                If I built here it would be VERY far. I just cannot find farmland closer. I found one other planet with farmland, sort of nearby this one and slightly closer but it lacks a planet with good mining. This one also has the gate, and the planets are all exceptionally good. I'll post a screenshot of the habitable world, some of these are brand new to me.

                Also, mostly vanilla. I'm still pretty new so the only mods I have are the few QoL ones I found that felt handy. Combat Chatter, some portraits, and Unknown Skies because I almost consider that fricker essential. It just makes the sector feel slightly more alive to me.

              • 1 year ago

                As long as its neutral on farming you're fine, doesn't have to be +1-2. Especially if it doesn't have troony ore on that planet since you can put soil on it. That is pretty fricking far out to be honest. Since you haven't actually settled yet I would highly suggest doing the full story before since it sounds like you never have before. While it isn't complete yet it is worth doing at least once in its current state and you can take survey missions from the academy and the like to get potential locations for new colonies. A lot of the systems they send you to are better than those you find randomly wandering.

              • 1 year ago

                30 light years from the core is pretty gnarly, but all that really means is some accessibility penalties, which can be offset with colony items, alpha cores and story points as well as non-negative relations with the factions
                if there is a gate in the system it makes it very easy for you to go back and forth to access it as long as you don't piss off all of the factions with gates in their systems, just make sure you finish the main story first or you will be stuck out there and/or be making 60 LY round trips just to do milk runs and basic maintenance

          • 1 year ago

            and the massive boost against frigates on ATG. he doesn't seem to realize that the opportunity cost of building in one hullmod over another is very low - which is concerning on several levels.

    • 1 year ago

      Wasn't all story points …erm, point to slightly bend rules in player favor and also make your favorite ship cool and unique?
      Why is this small side mechanic is so overgrown, it dominates the game balance?
      I kind of hate it.

      • 1 year ago

        I though it's supposed to be compensation for loadout design skill getting deleted.

      • 1 year ago

        >slightly bend rules in player favor and also make your favorite ship cool and unique?
        That is what I thought and what I was suggesting with my shit idea before. No instead you are going to have even more focused meta builds because of the drawbacks to hullmods coming unless you mod the penalties out like I plan to.

    • 1 year ago

      also link:

      Sound like a good implementation to me.
      Frick the naysayer, built-in hullmod are clearly unbalanced and only the costliest one were built-in. But now this should be a good way to encourage more creative design.

      • 1 year ago

        it's a bad solution in the same style that created the problem in the first place

        • 1 year ago

          I disagree and no other anon gave any better alternative.
          So far all I've heard is anon saying all ships should be able to gradually be minmaxed into anything, or removing SP which are a good addition.

          What will actually happen is people will figure out which hullmods are now optimal to build in instead of the most expensive ones and the "problem" will remain unsolved

          As long as the number of ""optimal"" hullmod and possibilities increase, this is a win. That's the best you can hope to balance a game as you will always have an autist working out a best build on a spreadsheet and sharing it.
          Frankly I think anon-kun is just annoyed because he liked the overpowered hullmod.

          And I don't agree with the dev on everything, the skills system is not good for fleet game.

          • 1 year ago

            Building shit in adds unnecessary level of complication to ship refitting. And this new system just doubles down on that.
            I remember starting game before introduction of storypoints and It was confusing from new player perspective. Now it even less newbie-friendly.
            Not to say it's not cool to be able to boost your ship without caring for balance much, but at this point it is becoming more then that.

            • 1 year ago

              Some players want a certain ships to be unique, not just another hull you slap mod on.
              But we don't want to turn the ship into RPG character that are leveled and break ship balance.
              Built-in allow it using a resources you want to use sparingly.

              The problem was that some hullmod are good enough to always be added and cancelling their OP cost is plain "here, get a leveled super-ship".
              Alex's plan is so far interesting because it should force you to consider "is this setup really so amazing my ship can get away with a debuff?" which play into the design gameplay.
              It's sound like how the built-in gameplay should have been made to begin with.

              >Now it even less newbie-friendly.
              Some here would tell you just have to learn and catering to low-effort casual would be a bad idea.
              I do care for newbie (some of my best friend are newbie) but what we are describing is late-game content you don't strictly need, so it's no problem.

      • 1 year ago

        What will actually happen is people will figure out which hullmods are now optimal to build in instead of the most expensive ones and the "problem" will remain unsolved

  62. 1 year ago

    I'm about to give a real first attempt at managing a colony. I've made one before but I was not ready at all, and made a ton of mistakes so I wanted to go in clean.

    The best system I've found is really far away from the center, and that fricked me last time. How important is it to be close to the center in general? I know I can make it work, but I'm bleeding money and want to get this fricker online. I have like 3 mil saved up, will that be enough?

  63. 1 year ago

    What are the prevailing phenotypes of each major faction?
    Are the heggies largely mexican / chicano / mixtec mutts going by their home system's naming conventions?
    Where the whypipo at?

    • 1 year ago

      it's mutts all the way down

    • 1 year ago

      hegemony is mexican neo-aztec uberrace
      tri-tachyon are irish migrants
      persean league are greco-indians
      luddics are naturalized german citizens
      pirates are black

    • 1 year ago

      >Where the whypipo at?
      Got left outside of Persean sector after collapse. If there were some they'd sort that shit out to have at least some semblance of decent society instead of
      >Latin American military junta
      >Asian corporatocracy
      >Semitic theocracy
      I think Persean league is closest thing to wypipo left.

    • 1 year ago

      >Where the whypipo at?
      Who do you think shut the gates?
      >Convine everyone the Persean Sector is the land of opportunity
      >Send all the undesirables
      >Close the gates
      >Technically not genocide

  64. 1 year ago

    LD3 was a vastly superior design to the S-mod swamp - simpler while also offering more depth

    • 1 year ago

      LD3? I personally prefer S-mod for battle experience.

  65. 1 year ago

    Wtf is Alex doing, he's turning the whole story point thing into a giant impossible to balance mess (more than it already is)

    • 1 year ago

      slavjank but with western soi injected into it

    • 1 year ago

      >Muh balance

  66. 1 year ago

    >how many resources did you pull from your colonies to support your buckbreaking legio?

    • 1 year ago

      uoooohhhh phase AI erotic ToT

      Aptly Simple Hullmods adds a hullmod that allows you to train your marines up to elite level relatively quickly. Made invading Lucifron way easier for me.

      • 1 year ago

        rape sierra

      • 1 year ago

        That sigil is her womb tatoo

  67. 1 year ago

    the drawbacks aren't important, if they're too high you'd just pay 5 extra OP to s-mod ITU instead

    the problem is that the buffs to cheap mods greatly outsize their cost - and they have to. the only options are trivial, overpowered or undercosted. there's not enough design space for what he's trying to accomplish.

    long term he will likely have to remove the penalties and say that s-modding adds a buff worth up to (40 - hullmod cost), making all hullmods but EMR/HA have an additional s-mod. what a mess.

    • 1 year ago

      >drawbacks aren't important
      they are moronic
      >pay 5 extra OP

      • 1 year ago

        a classic symptom of autism is getting upset over trivial things. but i will be patient.

        • 1 year ago

          Who is upset? I already said what I'm going to do and there is no anger in it:
          Just going to remove the penalties, simple as that.

          Reminder to always keep backups of game/mod versions that you like so you can avoid this kind of bullshit entirely. It's very clear that Alex has no idea what he's doing with this game. Between that and the fact that many of my favorite mods are getting older without proper updates, like Blackrock and Tiandong, I just don't see a reason to keep up with the current game version.

          *waves at alviss*

          S-mods are definitely getting too much. Who the frick is complaining that battles are too hard and the player needs more advantage anyway?

          Ships should be designed around basically 0 hullmods being used since otherwise just build them into the fricking things and don't waste my time.
          >who the frick is complaining that battles are too hard
          I was last time I played but I swear the game got way easier or something as I don't have anywhere near the issues I used to years back.

          • 1 year ago

            >Ships should be designed around basically 0 hullmods being used since otherwise just build them into the fricking things
            Right, there is very little reason not to put hardened shield on every high-tech ship, why is it even optional?

            • 1 year ago

              My idea sucked here

              I am starting to think more and more that it needs to be a thing where you get a ship with a base set of cost to deploy and points to use but over time it gets "optimized" by the crew and "levels up" to be more efficient than standard.
              Something sort of like starship legends but more controllable on your end. Or/and types of crews like carrier trained crews that give bonuses to fighters and so on.
              That way while you're probably going to still have a "best build" for a ship type in a given context, you can tune it more to your style. Also gives more ability to "Grow" a fleet vs just buying specific ships and using specific builds.
              Eh the idea probably sucks frick it.

              but I still like the idea of growing ships a bit beyond standard if anything more than smods.
              >Why is it even optional?
              So this is one thing I was thinking about that might actually be kind of cool.
              Have those standard hull mods built in on ships, but then give you the ability to pull them out if you want. I get the term standard hull mods is kind of weird on its own but I think you get what I mean.
              Basically have the ordinance points be designed around weapons capacity and then let me "rip out" that hardened shield subsystem if I want to add more vents or something.

              • 1 year ago

                >"rip out" that subsystem
                This actually could be a better use for story points then building shit in.
                You still bend the rules, but not as exploitable.

              • 1 year ago

                I feel like story points need to be reworked in general. The weird inflating cost thing on colonies, the build in costs, it all scales weird when you spend 1 to repair or 1 to escape a fleet etc.
                Both the rate at which you get them and the cost of their use need to be tuned.

            • 1 year ago

              HS is ass post-nerf, just add more caps

              • 1 year ago

                t. wants his SO ships to last 2 seconds

              • 1 year ago

                you better be this fricking moronic and not just trolling

              • 1 year ago

                what if i'm BOTH?

              • 1 year ago

                >HS is ass post-nerf
                Wait what? I knew expanded deck was bad, but how much more hullmods are inefficient right now?

              • 1 year ago

                the tl;dr is that on most (but not all) ships you get more durability from adding caps than from spending the OP on the hullmod, plus you can use the extra flux cap to fire guns instead if you want to. HS does let you recover faster from shield-tanking X incoming damage, but the effect is small.

                another popular hullmod that's just ass is reinforced bulkheads, since it adds very little durability on most ships and getting guaranteed recovery elsewhere is super easy

                high-scatter amplifier is also utter garbage, but i don't think there's anyone under the impression that it's actually usable in any situation

              • 1 year ago

                >reinforced bulkheads adds very little durability on most ships
                What about low-tech bricks with big hull health? With armor stacking? And elite combat endurance?

              • 1 year ago

                feel free to run the numbers. it ain't great.

              • 1 year ago

                I wish high-scatter amplifier could work with optimized lens mod, because then it will be useable. or make high scatter amp s-mod to have its range negated. the problem i have with it is that once the range is below 400 then ships will not want to get close to their target.

              • 1 year ago

                >you get more durability from adding caps
                What about Flux Coil Adjunct, would it be worthwhile investment after maxing caps?

              • 1 year ago

                for 60-120 on cruisers? no. for 15 on frigates? hell no. same with the other one. cruisers get 600 max while frigates get 150 or something. its down right terrible.

              • 1 year ago

                it's 75% as cost effective as building in caps, which is a pretty bad deal in most circumstances.

    • 1 year ago

      you know would be good - just make SP add flat amount of OP and that is
      and you know what would be better?
      just get rid of this whole spend SP for upgrades and boost ships OP all over the counter

      • 1 year ago

        yes but alex is dumb and won't revert it

      • 1 year ago

        >you know would be good - just make SP add flat amount of OP and that is

        A far better solution:
        >Increase ship OP
        >Building in an S-mod doesn't refund any OP, instead you can no longer remove the hullmod but it gains additional benefit
        Basically S-mods you trade flexibility for specialty.

      • 1 year ago

        alex won't do this because it would make safety overrides good again

  68. 1 year ago

    Reminder to always keep backups of game/mod versions that you like so you can avoid this kind of bullshit entirely. It's very clear that Alex has no idea what he's doing with this game. Between that and the fact that many of my favorite mods are getting older without proper updates, like Blackrock and Tiandong, I just don't see a reason to keep up with the current game version.

    • 1 year ago

      >Blackrock and Tiandong
      I see you for what you are...

  69. 1 year ago

    S-mods are definitely getting too much. Who the frick is complaining that battles are too hard and the player needs more advantage anyway?

    • 1 year ago

      surely there's a line in 9.6 that says "faction and bounty fleets can now contain S-modded ships" and i just overlooked it

  70. 1 year ago

    t-thanks for the assist

    • 1 year ago

      >frick him and you know what frick you too

    • 1 year ago

      Which mod are the critical hits from?

      • 1 year ago

        Unofficial new game plus:
        It's also where I picked up the +250% friendly fire damage quirk

    • 1 year ago

      What are those guns on hyperion?
      Are they more fricked than cryoblasters?

      • 1 year ago

        They're a diable weapon but one you don't see often on their ships. It's got good burst with extended mags, not as high on dps as an ion pulser and without EMP, but the larger damage instances are much better for stripping armor.

        Instant flashing meson beams are a bit easier to handle and aim as well since you don't need to account for projectile travel

        • 1 year ago

          we need more ugly bastard officers. i want a full on rape party before the rape mod cums out.

          • 1 year ago

            >not taking all rape for himself
            What are you, a commie?

  71. 1 year ago

    >See the countryside!
    >Plenty of window seats
    >Having a nice day?
    >Enjoy the ride!

    • 1 year ago

      Which version of Common Radar are you using ahd where did you get it?

      • 1 year ago

  72. 1 year ago

    Is their a way to add an officer using console commands?

    • 1 year ago

      addofficer personality level
      addofficer aggressive 5

      • 1 year ago

        thanks brother.

  73. 1 year ago

    So I didn't know Beyond the Sector had issues and could brick saves, I have it enabled in my current run but haven't actually used it at all yet, am I safe as long as I never do?

  74. 1 year ago

    Is anyone using Traversers Design Bureau? How do you get that one unique nanomachine officer?

    • 1 year ago

      why are the chinese mods so much fricking better than the shitty western ones

      • 1 year ago

        Too bad literally every ship they make looks exactly the same

        • 1 year ago

          made in the image of their creators

      • 1 year ago

        what are some some good chang mods?

        • 1 year ago

          I like Seafood Shipworks since the ships have real drawbacks to offset their strengths in battle, no meaningless logistics penalties. Like one of the low tech cruisers has 3 large turrets that have overlapping arcs but has dedicated targeting core as a built-in. The high tech capital is comparable to an Odyssey except it has 5 large turrets, but 3 of those are used for paladins and combined with the lack of plasma burn keeps it in its fleet anchor role, fast but not as mobile as an Odyssey and not able to match the actual firepower of a Paragon. The only one that's really just strong is the low tech capital since it has missile restoration. Even then the actual reason I used the mod in the first place is cause the ships look nice and aren't flat as frick like most mod ships, if anything they feel a bit too in line with their design types like most of the high tech ships feel like they're more fragile than vanilla when it comes to taking hull damage.

          Originem makes a ton of stuff but only has the new game plus mod updated in English. Sure there's other stuff worth checking.

          How pozzed is Iron Shell and is it fixiable? Heard they like to spam a death fleet on top of you if you raid a certain planet and in which you can't use story points to escape?

          They're mainly annoying since the last thing the Hegemony needs is help. Despite all the b***hing imo they aren't all that interesting in a fight. Like that death fleet is mainly dumb and annoying, I don't really see people b***hing about the actual fight itself. It's not like you're fighting a dorito or any of the HMI exploration fights. Their super frigate (roided tempest one) is weird since despite its numbers when I had one it died all the time so I shelved it.

          • 1 year ago

            That high tech capital just sold me on it. I hate fighters and that ship sounds right up my alley.

            • 1 year ago

              >he uses high tech

              • 1 year ago

                If it drops from fleets I killed, good enough for me.

              • 1 year ago

                ok I can understand that. Wish we could somehow rough it up like the minmatar in eve online with their duct tape and scrap metal ships when we capture shit that is "above" our wanted tech level. Or vice versa for hightech people, strapping clean blue engines on rustbuckets etc.

              • 1 year ago

                Don't listen to those poorgays, they are just jealous of our superior shields and toptier color.

              • 1 year ago

                b***h I roll lowtech so hard I got a UI mod to make it amber colored kek

      • 1 year ago

        no trannies

    • 1 year ago

      frick thats so good

  75. 1 year ago

    How pozzed is Iron Shell and is it fixiable? Heard they like to spam a death fleet on top of you if you raid a certain planet and in which you can't use story points to escape?

    • 1 year ago

      Outside of that single fleet, it's pretty average.
      If you use nex you'll barely even know they are there, unless you raid that certain planet.

  76. 1 year ago

    Working on a potential flagship for my mod. It's about robots defecting from the Remnant to wage war on the galaxy. Tell me what you think about this concept:

    >humongous capital ship shaped like a saucer, about the size of 10 onslaughts
    >only turret emplacements are PDs to suppress missiles
    >has 10 flight decks
    >has two built in hull mods: robot servicing gantry and special fleet ops
    >first one gives a bonus if it's manned entirely by specialized drones that come with the ship. It does not drain CR, costs 0 crew, and any destroyed fighter is replaced instantly
    >second one gives the flight crews unlimited range and can literally assault your fleet from the other side of the map

    The idea is to make it the ultimate carrier, but it's so specialized that it can't fend off attacks from dedicated ships.

    • 1 year ago

      >size of 10 onslaughts
      Are you sure it is not too absurd?

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe that is a bit big, but they're supposed to be superweapons. I'm kind of wondering if I should even make them salvageable, or if they should just remain glorified boss fights, because i feel like starsector is missing dedicated boss fights. You fight a station here and there, maybe a repainted Onslaught. But I want to feel like I'm fighting a monster.

        • 1 year ago

          There are a few boss fights in HMI, Seeker and Thalan. Also the final IBBs are pretty close too. Approlight has a few too but I don't think it is updated, there might be a bootleg though.

    • 1 year ago

      >to wage war on the galaxy
      they already do that
      also perfect addition for a donut faction would be a donut so carry on

  77. 1 year ago

    Breaking now changes the look of the officer (only specific people)

    • 1 year ago

      no waifu is safe

      • 1 year ago

        Why is she smiling?

        • 1 year ago

          Clearly she's enjoying it.

    • 1 year ago

      no waifu is safe

      That's the stuff

    • 1 year ago

      Amazing. Are you doing the manips yourself? Would be great I'd you could have diference between -100 angry defiant broken and coyly smiling devoted 80/100 broken like Kim Quy seems to be

      Also, population mechanics.

      • 1 year ago

        >"Also, population mechanics."
        >capture 5 officers at least, put them in "breeding facility" station above asteroid in system
        >gives +1 crew per year each officer

      • 1 year ago

        How come no one thought about not using them and instead sending them to the crews to be used as a way to boost a ship's CR

        Lets say, I have the Solvania as my flagship and I can use one or two officers as toys to increase the CR to 100%

        • 1 year ago

          Not to argue against rape, but I doubt crew matters much for CR.

      • 1 year ago

        Ty. I'm really new to photoshop so only subtle changes for now. Helps that it's only 128x128.

        Dynamic portrait changes are definitely possible. I'll look more into industries and market conditions.

    • 1 year ago

      no waifu is safe

    • 1 year ago

      no waifu is safe

      Also, I took those writeups from FreeCities so you could replace the bare minimum text placeholders if you wanted:

      If we're at the point of theorycrafting mechanics for the rape mod, there probably should be a 1-day global cooldown on any action so it isn't so spammy and fits into the regular gameflow better, and hopefully a proper breaking mechanic rather than just a storypoint option. Something that perhaps uses the basegame relationship variable plus a seperate variable per character, like a 'fear' value also operating on a -100 to 100 scale. Characters would only be broken if these are at certain levels, like high fear low relationship being a regular broken like Ava's portrait, high relationship low fear being 'devoted' like Kim's.

      • 1 year ago

        Thanks I'll add them soon. The 1 day cooldown is nice but the other features will need some time. I do like those ideas though.

    • 1 year ago

      Bro that's so fricking cool, God bless you every day of your life.

      • 1 year ago

        >God bless you every day of your life.
        >get to heaven:
        >"so uh, whats up with all the rape mods, anon?"
        >I dunno, pretty based right?

        • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      You ruined her makeup.

      • 1 year ago

        if she needs makeup to look good then she’s ugly and/or has something to hide

    • 1 year ago

      >runny mascara
      who are you and how do you know my fetish?

    • 1 year ago

      no waifu is safe

      Added progress and changelog. Currently need more help with creative writing. Base framework is done so I'm free to implement other features.
      Add your suggestions below~

      she needs "correction"


      • 1 year ago

        totally not op

        dangerously based, when will you upload the first version?

        • 1 year ago

          Probably when I figure out how to add the player's own officers to the menu. Otherwise you won't be able to breed them after they join your fleet.

          Remnant Sex when?

          As soon as Sierra gets a neuko body

        • 1 year ago

          is that the nova from seeker - unidentified contact? I thought it was unrecoverable.

          • 1 year ago

            I just removed the "unboardable" tag from seeker's ship_data.csv

      • 1 year ago

        Remnant Sex when?

      • 1 year ago

        How about consensual sex with your own officers? Maybe give them a temporary stat boost or special skill after fugging them enough.

        • 1 year ago

          Higher CR cap and stat bonuses when within a certain radius of your piloted ship maybe?

        • 1 year ago

          maybe add options/dialog for extra debauchery like holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling, etc

      • 1 year ago

        cant wait to turn all of legio into my little brothel of raped bawds

      • 1 year ago

        Did any of those circlejerk modders chimp our over the mod yet? Do they know? Does it feed into their autogynephilia? Did they just finally realize that it's beyond their power to control things like these?

        • 1 year ago

          >Did any of those circlejerk modders chimp our over the mod yet?
          I don't think any of them know about it, but there will likely be some serious sperging out when they do.

          • 1 year ago

            no they know, some random moron indirectly mentioned it so dont be suprised if they try to prevent the code from being altered in the future at some point/inject crashcode/ whatever those trannies do now

            • 1 year ago

              and to think such a measure by them would be prevented from happening if Alex actually grew a pair and included a "hey frickface I will permaban you from the forum if any of you moronic modder monkeys put crash code in again" clause after the last few crash code incidents. It's heavily likely Alex doing that would heavily influence the discord server to implement the same rule.

              I swear the only thing that will make Alex do that is if some mad lad actually puts malware in a mod.

              • 1 year ago

                Eh, we already had an IP tracker in Boggled's terraforming mod that resulted in nothing. What else is left other than someone going full dumbass hackerman? As in, from that point you don't have a lot of space to escalate, and anything similar or smaller will probably just fly safe.

              • 1 year ago

                >we already had an IP tracker in Boggled's terraforming mod that resulted in nothing
                That's because it is a nothingburger, you give more data to every website you connect to, I bet you don't even read ToS.
                Had the urge to call me Boggled? Then you are an easy target for marketing algorithm.

              • 1 year ago

                I think Alex is too scared to rein in the modding community at all because he realizes how big a part of the game's appeal at they are at this point. He absolutely should crack down on malicious code in mods, though.

      • 1 year ago

        broken nia needs a lewder portrait
        also it’d be cool to add “crack open a cold one with the boys” for male npcs

      • 1 year ago

        Nice progress man.
        Converted more freecities text for your use here:

        I like the idea of breaking changing their personality in case you do recruit them, though I guess Timid should be the worst/easiest option to get just by plain beating a bawd into submission.

        It should be possible to get steady or even aggresive/fearless slaves by training and breaking them in right, increasing their devotion or relationships. Though how to do this in a lightweight fashion seems a bit difficult now given how few variables there are at the moment. Other games usually have training/skills as another

        Anyway, looking forward to the first release, already seems pretty great and mechanically deep comparing it to the standard TakeNoPrisoners and CaptureCrew.

        • 1 year ago

          Thanks. Used your text for after break interactions.
          I set it to only timid because there are already so many other mods that add a personality change mechanic (borken, indevo academies)
          But mainly because current relationship system is one-dimensional like you said.

          >Currently need more help with creative writing
          time for my coomer brain to shine

          >You storm into the cell and pin ${NAME} down on her back. She screams and writhes under you as you pull her skirt up and forcibly spread her legs.
          >As you rip her panties off, your knuckle brushes against her folds -- warm and slippery. She's already wet.
          >"Stop, I don't want this--" she sobs, thick streaks of mascara running down her cheeks. Her body goes limp after a few stinging slaps to the face.
          >${NAME} turns her head away from you as you plunge your wiener inside her. She whimpers and sobs as you thrust faster and faster. Wet folds of her pussy cling to your wiener as you thrust into her repeatedly. Her needy body betraying her and accepting your wiener readily.
          >After several minutes, you unload inside her with a grunt. ${NAME} averts your gaze as you pull out of her.

          Thanks. Used your text for the break interaction. Had to split it into three chained dialogs.

          broken nia needs a lewder portrait
          also it’d be cool to add “crack open a cold one with the boys” for male npcs

          Nia gets my fist to her face and nothing else

          >/vst/ is only enjoying 'raping' anime girls because they're looking for a response from the authors in a bout of trolling.
          Pathetic. You should break anime girls for its own sake, not because you care what some real person will think about it when they see it. Literally attention-seeking behavior.

          Go jerk off and then come back to post as normal.

          >Obviously, there's more joy in raping somebody in front of their loved ones, like tying up the whole family in a B&E and taking the mom and her daughter while her husband impotently watches, probably with a hard-on.
          Sorry, I actually enjoy it more when a woman is willingly seduced away from her loved ones more than when she's just broken into a sack of sex meat.

          So yes, I will spoil these b***hes to the point of breaking. They will only take MY lava cakes from now on.

          least sophisticated /vst/ discussion

          • 1 year ago

            >Used your text for the break interaction.
            i guess i'll provide other break interaction "variants"

            >You march into the cell and twist ${NAME}'s arm behind her back. She lets out a pained whimper as you raise her twisted arm almost to her shoulder blades.
            >You continue until she's bent over at the waist with her ass presented to you.
            >"P-please stop, it hurts," she begs. You ignore her pleas as you forcibly tug her skirt up over her ass and peel her panties off.
            >${NAME} screams as you hilt your wiener in her anus. She lets out ragged moans as you thrust into her shameful hole repeatedly, her beautiful hair sprawled all over the dusty prison cell floor.
            >After several minutes, you unload inside her with a grunt. ${NAME} stays frozen as you pull out of her, mewling and sobbing quietly.

            >You barge into the cell and kick ${NAME}'s legs from under her, sending one of her high heels flying across the cell. She yelps as she collapses on her knees.
            >She begins sobbing as you grab her blouse and forcibly tear them apart. She looks up at you tearfully as her breasts spill out from her ruined uniform.
            >"N-no, not like this," she shakes her head as you cup her chin in your hand. You squeeze her tear-streaked cheeks to make her lips pout.
            >${NAME}'s shoulders drop as you slide your wiener inbetween her lips. She whimpers as you thrust repeatedly into her mouth. Her loose lipstick leaves bright-colored streaks on your shaft as you take hold of her hair and make her choke on you.
            >You climax in no time, filling her mouth with your semen. ${NAME} averts your gaze as you pull out of her mouth to "decorate" her pretty face with strands of your cum.

            • 1 year ago

              btw you're more than welcome to modify this to fit the character limit, personal preference, etc

      • 1 year ago

        well, i've fapped to worse stuff

        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          Frick off and don't ever defile my beautiful little angel boy like that again.

          • 1 year ago

            it's a literal screenshot from the video, you nonce

        • 1 year ago

          >spit on her hole
          Trying to be nice 'eh?

      • 1 year ago

        >Currently need more help with creative writing
        time for my coomer brain to shine

        >You storm into the cell and pin ${NAME} down on her back. She screams and writhes under you as you pull her skirt up and forcibly spread her legs.
        >As you rip her panties off, your knuckle brushes against her folds -- warm and slippery. She's already wet.
        >"Stop, I don't want this--" she sobs, thick streaks of mascara running down her cheeks. Her body goes limp after a few stinging slaps to the face.
        >${NAME} turns her head away from you as you plunge your wiener inside her. She whimpers and sobs as you thrust faster and faster. Wet folds of her pussy cling to your wiener as you thrust into her repeatedly. Her needy body betraying her and accepting your wiener readily.
        >After several minutes, you unload inside her with a grunt. ${NAME} averts your gaze as you pull out of her.

      • 1 year ago

        Probably when I figure out how to add the player's own officers to the menu. Otherwise you won't be able to breed them after they join your fleet.
        As soon as Sierra gets a neuko body

        Figured out how to use the player's own officers. Needs a bit more polish before release.

        >Used your text for the break interaction.
        i guess i'll provide other break interaction "variants"

        >You march into the cell and twist ${NAME}'s arm behind her back. She lets out a pained whimper as you raise her twisted arm almost to her shoulder blades.
        >You continue until she's bent over at the waist with her ass presented to you.
        >"P-please stop, it hurts," she begs. You ignore her pleas as you forcibly tug her skirt up over her ass and peel her panties off.
        >${NAME} screams as you hilt your wiener in her anus. She lets out ragged moans as you thrust into her shameful hole repeatedly, her beautiful hair sprawled all over the dusty prison cell floor.
        >After several minutes, you unload inside her with a grunt. ${NAME} stays frozen as you pull out of her, mewling and sobbing quietly.

        >You barge into the cell and kick ${NAME}'s legs from under her, sending one of her high heels flying across the cell. She yelps as she collapses on her knees.
        >She begins sobbing as you grab her blouse and forcibly tear them apart. She looks up at you tearfully as her breasts spill out from her ruined uniform.
        >"N-no, not like this," she shakes her head as you cup her chin in your hand. You squeeze her tear-streaked cheeks to make her lips pout.
        >${NAME}'s shoulders drop as you slide your wiener inbetween her lips. She whimpers as you thrust repeatedly into her mouth. Her loose lipstick leaves bright-colored streaks on your shaft as you take hold of her hair and make her choke on you.
        >You climax in no time, filling her mouth with your semen. ${NAME} averts your gaze as you pull out of her mouth to "decorate" her pretty face with strands of your cum.

        Thanks. Implemented the variants.

        • 1 year ago

          I genuinely hate the soundfx kek

          • 1 year ago

            lol I just slapped together some assets from other games. The overlapping makes it sound worse than it is.

            • 1 year ago

              your captcha just gave me a horrible idea i don't even know how you'd execute.
              >ASS TO ASS

              • 1 year ago

                Jesus Christ, anon.
                >coding interactions between two prisoners for your captain's entertainment
                That's even more degenerate than this already is.
                Probably be an absolute nightmare to figure out, as well.

              • 1 year ago

                >Probably be an absolute nightmare to figure out
                this was where I had apprehension. Ass to ass is just a good solid family evening.

        • 1 year ago

          you're a terrible person and so am i.
          impressive. very nice.

        • 1 year ago

          time to beat the wiener.

          • 1 year ago

            Which mod even adds Nia as a character?

            • 1 year ago

              Tahlan Shipworks and Disney Princess faction

          • 1 year ago

            RAPE AND RAPE

            • 1 year ago

              Is ECM mod still worth using now that they don't decrease range?

        • 1 year ago

          please name your mod "[Br]eaking [Ba]bes"

  78. 1 year ago

    Rapesector is becoming a reality before our eyes, and it's beautiful

  79. 1 year ago

    Did anyone look to see if LL already has starsector mods? Someone made have made tentacle monsters.

  80. 1 year ago

    THIS is the fleet you people have been complaining about?

    • 1 year ago

      It scales to always have a bunch more DP than yours, anon

      • 1 year ago

        no, no it does the frick not

        i have 2 radiants, 8 brillaints and like 50 carrier frigates, that was a joke

        • 1 year ago

          That's weird. Could've sworn it did that.

        • 1 year ago

          >i have 2 radiants, 8 brillaints

        • 1 year ago

          That's weird. Could've sworn it did that.

          It definitely does, but maybe 900+ DP fleetvalue is causing some kind of overflow with the fleetspawn.

          • 1 year ago

            Well I its probably looking for a cap of like 600 or something with normal NPC fleets? (dpwise that is)

    • 1 year ago

      >he doesn't know about the magic teleportation

  81. 1 year ago

    Does Sneedault-Chuckoyan have a damage bonus against UAF ships? If not, they should.

    • 1 year ago

      It gets 2x damage

      • 1 year ago

        the fricking pl*yers part always kills me
        imagine making mods for a game whos players and fellow modders you have contempt for

        • 1 year ago

          Mentally healthy people don't become modders because they simply won't do amount of work modding requires for free.
          Starsector modding community isn't something unique, take one for any game with flexible modding API and you will find similar can of worms.

      • 1 year ago

        Nia Tahl needs ________?

        • 1 year ago

          Her bac- I mean head blown out

          • 1 year ago


  82. 1 year ago


    Something may be broken then, these homosexuals love their magical instaspawn fleets. Hell the vanilla game does it even.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah that's true

      Also I deleted the post due to formatting errors ; - ;

      • 1 year ago

        embarrassing why even bother deleting your post

        • 1 year ago

          kek why bother, no one gives a frick anon

          I thought no one would have seen my post yet...

          • 1 year ago

            dumb or new?

            • 1 year ago

              Both, I came here to post rape + minor discussion

              • 1 year ago

                hey you can't rape minors until they are at least teenagers, come on now we have standards.

              • 1 year ago

                have you considered killing yourself

              • 1 year ago

                *rapes you*

          • 1 year ago

            I see all

          • 1 year ago

            >what is
            >what is Gankerx

      • 1 year ago

        kek why bother, no one gives a frick anon

  83. 1 year ago

    How hard would it be to mod the TARDISes and Time Lord tech out of all things?

  84. 1 year ago

    Does anyone else use Space Truckin' ?

    I like the idea, but I've been testing it out and it kinda feels like it's too easy to make lots of money with it. Probably due to how simple and it is to get contracts while in the base game you have to scour for good deals in commodities and go into every bar looking for lucrative deals.

    I'm still making some custom textures for it though since I don't like the base ones.

    • 1 year ago

      I wanted to start a new save, talked about it last night, set up the modlist, never did. seems really fun though.
      You can make money super fricking easily just going out into the black and surveying with survey equipment efficiency overhaul modded ships for awhile or destroying pirate bases or or or so I don't see it being too broken. I like that parcel good work. What did you make that in if you don't mind me asking?

      • 1 year ago

        >What did you make that in if you don't mind me asking? It's the vanilla Supplies texture, but heavily edited and colored to resemble the USL logo, which I have also played around with since I don't like the original very much.

  85. 1 year ago
    Carter's Freetraders updated:
    >- Fleshed out the CFT lore in descriptions
    >- Added a new CFT smuggling bar event
    >- A new ship and mining drone (added both to the ship image on the forum OP, take a peek)
    >- A new ship system
    >- A re-work of the combat engineer hull mod and a fleet of ships with a common identity for them
    >- Too many code changes to list here so see the changelog on the forum OP or in the RAR for details

    I thought some of the ship designs are cool, interested to see if they've gone and ruined everything.

    • 1 year ago

      This mod's ship designs are kino

      • 1 year ago

        They added a new one that sounds cool.
        >Added a new cruiser, the Knarr - A combat engineer mining & salvage rig - CFT lacked a cruiser mining ship and it adds another combat engineer ship to the lineup - win/win
        >Added a new mining drone, the Tender - Able to withstand the battering of an asteroid field it also doubles as an armored fighter when things get hairy
        >Added a new ship system for the Knarr, EMP Burst Wave - a modified version of the EMP system that has a larger radius and does more damage but has lower uptime and increased flux cost
        >The Bawley, Bolster, Clipper, Collier, Danube and Knarr all now have the Combat Engineer hull mod and EMP burst ship system
        >Changed the built in Borer drones on the Bawley, Bolster, Collier and Danube to the new Tender drone but left the mining drone wings as was - On brand that all Combat Engineer ships have them
        >Added/adjusted Nexerelin mining strength to the above Combat Engineer ships varying on their ship size - CFT lacked dedicated mining ships for Nexerelin

    • 1 year ago

      >All of those disgusting amalgamations of scrap metal, refuse engines, and duct tape welded together into barely flight-capable ships.

      The portraits look too clean and white by comparison.

      • 1 year ago

        The more combat aligned ships are pretty clean. The salvage and mining shit is properly scrap and whatnot and I love it.
        also forgot to link the superior lowtech ui I mentioned earlier

        • 1 year ago

          Looks good, but I just use Reactive UI. Discord Beta.

          You'll need LunaLib to make it work.

          • 1 year ago

            cool but frick discord mods. just on principle.

    • 1 year ago

      >Requires Nexerelin
      Looks nice, but I guess I'll pass.

      • 1 year ago

        what don't you like about nex? I know you can disable a lot of it and you can still do the normal story start etc.

        • 1 year ago

          Nex is very chaotic. It distracts me with constant pop-ups about celebrities' weddings, saturation bombardment raids and operatives successfully procuring a kite.
          Then there is ai colonizations that can mess tings up even more, but I at least learned how to remove those.
          Diplomacy seems extremely random and nonsensical, mining reportedly shit and not worth it.
          Freeport and prisoners are nice, but not essential. Story skip and tariffs based on relations can be added separately.
          I guess I could do some fine-tuning, but I don't see a lot of benefits in running nexerelin, so I don't bother.

          • 1 year ago

            I guess, feels a bit more realistic with stuff turned down a bit for me.
            I use ore refinery to make mining better. Makes early salvaging runs more enjoyable to refine organics, ore, etc into compacted materials to sell alongside my survey data etc.

          • 1 year ago

            Turn up the points needed for events in nex settings. I use 5x and it feels a lot better.

            >use bootleg version of an old mod without a proper update
            >adds new system(s) for its faction
            >there are pirate/independent planets within these systems
            >constantly at zero stability due to having too many industries, only hanging on due to stability fleets from other factions
            Any way I can fix this? In particular I'm talking about Blackrock, where the independent and pirate planets in their system will destabilise and collapse very quickly.

            Are you using the unofficial version from the forums? A couple posts down someone posted their own version that fixes this by upping the colony size of those planets to 4. Here's the link:

            • 1 year ago

              >A couple posts down someone posted their own version that fixes this by upping the colony size of those planets to 4
              Thanks anon, any idea if this will work with an active save? It's not a big deal if it won't, I'll just use it on my next run.

            • 1 year ago

              >A couple posts down someone posted their own version that fixes this by upping the colony size of those planets to 4
              Thanks anon, any idea if this will work with an active save? It's not a big deal if it won't, I'll just use it on my next run.

              Scratch that, just read the changelog. Guess I'll use it next time.

  86. 1 year ago

    >make my fortune mining and salvaging, selling off goodies to the highest bidder and truckin my way betwixt the stars
    >finally amass enough of a fund to settle my own little system and expand my mining business
    >not two cycles after settling down i have every faction up my ass because i dared to slightly have more metal than they do
    i really wish this fricking game had a sort of infamy stat so you dont immediately make a new faction and get railed by everyone for it
    itd be nice to just have a few planets and a small percent of a market share and only draw the ire of some low level pirates and luddites instead of everyone sending in doomstacks to frick your day up for daring to have a decent planet or two

    • 1 year ago

      is it in default where you can just pay them off for a storypoint or is that added by nex or something?
      i just pay off everyone kek

    • 1 year ago

      >>not two cycles after settling down i have every faction up my ass because i dared to slightly have more metal than they do
      It's just business baby. Should've given them special 'Discounts' for all of the good business you did with them that allowed you to even get this far.

      • 1 year ago

        nta but meanwhile in my last save the ludds made peace with me on their own and started hanging out guarding me all the time despite me having tons of AI cores in everything. The only people that didn't like me when I last played was tryhard because they are salty boys.

  87. 1 year ago

    >rape mod is manifesting
    >vnsector is getting it's ground up
    Time is moving so fast, I'm not ready to have a hentai experience in starsector yet! MY DICK!
    It's basically an adult version of Infinite Space!

  88. 1 year ago


  89. 1 year ago

    Anyone got any faction mod recommendations to turn the system into even more of a warzone?

    • 1 year ago

      haven't used them yet but these guys seem to be a military focused faction
      I like the look of the ships.

    • 1 year ago

      haven't used them yet but these guys seem to be a military focused faction
      I like the look of the ships.

      whoops forgot to paste name:
      Volkov Industrial Conglomerate

      • 1 year ago

        Also known as the "Turn that spacer into a catgirl!" mod.

        • 1 year ago

          lol tell me more

          • 1 year ago

            I'm pretty sure the mod author, Astarat, is a furry.
            Half of VIC's portraits are catgirls or some manner of monster girl (and of decent quality at that), and VIC's planets come with a VIC revitalization center that allows you to change your portrait (or that of your administrators and officers) to any other in the game.
            The joke surrounding the mod, in general, is that Volkov Industrial Conglomertate will drop a catgirl viral bomb unto Jangala and any spacer that tries to cross them.

            • 1 year ago

              i dont think catgirls count as furry, just a case of terminal anime poisoning

              • 1 year ago

                His personal profile pictures on Patreon, Discord, and the Forum would tell you otherwise.

            • 1 year ago

              I somehow missed the catgirl stuff in the op reading over the features and looking at the ship line, thats pretty funny. I saw the mention of the revitalization center and thought it was a cool addition. I guess I'll avoid the catgirl plague kek

  90. 1 year ago

    >use bootleg version of an old mod without a proper update
    >adds new system(s) for its faction
    >there are pirate/independent planets within these systems
    >constantly at zero stability due to having too many industries, only hanging on due to stability fleets from other factions
    Any way I can fix this? In particular I'm talking about Blackrock, where the independent and pirate planets in their system will destabilise and collapse very quickly.

    • 1 year ago

      Maybe console commands could help you?

  91. 1 year ago

    i say again, LD3 (+30% OP) was simply a superior design

  92. 1 year ago

    You know what, I don't like all the anime pictures in mods etc but that supposed furry mod (Volkov Industrial Conglomerate) has some pretty good pictures that fit "in universe"
    Makes sense that some people in the far future will have all kinds of fricked up shit body mods and fake horns considering what people do to themselves and the mod itself has support for you to change images of your people so it works for me. Also considering how many portraits I have in my game at this point they won't exactly be common.

  93. 1 year ago

    Is it normal that in a recently updated "Of Ludd and Lions" and discord version of "Bultach Coalition" some ships have no descriptions?

    • 1 year ago

      Authors probably just didn't write a description yet.

    • 1 year ago

      Authors are lazy.

      KOCanon (who made ludd and lions) is pretty open to suggestions and normally implements them for us. He made a waterworld with infected waters and closed immigration because we said "pool's closed".

      Bultach has been procured by the discord crowd, you could ask on the discord, just don't mention you come from here.

  94. 1 year ago

    >mod includes ship with a realistic battleship layout
    >it absolutely mogs almost everything else regardless of stats simply due to having non-moronic size, shape, maneuverability and weapon arcs
    I see why the vanilla game doesn't have any, the closest you have is the Odyssey and that's gimped by moronic weapon arcs.

    • 1 year ago

      >having non-moronic size, shape, maneuverability and weapon arcs
      meaning it work with magic not possible in the setting

    • 1 year ago

      Wtf are you smoking
      Let me guess you also think Conquest is bad

  95. 1 year ago

    Nice, Corvus (the less moronic discord server) finally changed hands and has stopped trying to police speech.

  96. 1 year ago

    I've noticed there is a lack of armored speedy ships. (Aside from eradicator.) Is there a reason for that?

    • 1 year ago

      probably "hmmmm armor heavy"
      feel free to make some

      • 1 year ago

        I've noticed there is a lack of armored speedy ships. (Aside from eradicator.) Is there a reason for that?

        >top speed
        >in space
        Too few games actually make acceleration a key aspect of spess combat

  97. 1 year ago

    *destroys your fleet*
    *calls you out for having no balls if you disabled legio*
    *tells you that you have a skill issue*
    heh, nothing personnel pl*yer

    • 1 year ago

      I still use Shipworks because I like the ships it adds

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I unironically like the way NGO ships and weapons look

        • 1 year ago

          Hope to see them have a new life in Sneedault-Chuckoyan

    • 1 year ago

      >never installed your gary sue shit

    • 1 year ago

      You deserved to be mindbroken over and over

    • 1 year ago

      I wiped legio out once but I don't feel like doing it every run, and if you won't wipe them out they start fricking up other factions pretty bad because their shit is overtuned way above reasonable level and nobody except player can fight vs them consistently. Btw wasn't this clown sperging out about balance?

    • 1 year ago

      Some of you really are buckbroken over this troony and its fricking hilarious.

      I miss Diable Avionics. 🙁


      • 1 year ago

        >last update was in 2021

        It's over Diablokes 🙁

        • 1 year ago

          Tartihomosexual's moved on from this game, although I heard there was an update for Diable in the works at some point, but I doubt it now.

        • 1 year ago

          Is there something broken with the mod that needs updating? It was working fine in my modded run.

          • 1 year ago

            >is there something broken
            The ships and fighters are all weak AF.

            • 1 year ago

              The ship system needs to be reverted to its pre-nerf glory and overall the faction is just incredibly weak, same as his other mods.

              I think they fit in well as a fuel post faction on the outskirts and their shit works pretty well with arma imo
              As for nerfs, thats why you save old mod versions. I didn't know if it had some sort of memory leak, discord troony mod anger script that makes my mechs fly rainbow flags because I downloaded the wrong mod on a tuesday, etc.

              • 1 year ago

                Most nerfs are easy to fix because it's literally just changing values in notepad, but the ship system is another thing entirely.

              • 1 year ago


                now that I mention old mod versions, diable has been up on nexus for years, it has versions dating back to 2019 in its download list.

                then, have fun!

              • 1 year ago

                I assume you are talking about the Flicker Core removed from the Panda and the Mael. The ship systems still present in the mod and used for other ships.

          • 1 year ago

            The ship system needs to be reverted to its pre-nerf glory and overall the faction is just incredibly weak, same as his other mods.

      • 1 year ago

        hi nia did you remember to dilate today?

        • 1 year ago

          You're nia.

          • 1 year ago

            No you, nia.

            • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I beat him up a little. Noah better not be a masochist.

      Is your mod based on the "capture officers and NPC" mod? If so, are you planning on fixing the memory leak?

      No it's based on TakeNoPrisoners

      • 1 year ago

        Alright cool.
        >made for ryona
        Good taste.

      • 1 year ago

        >skill iss- AACK!
        >p-please stop hitting me
        >i will stop putting hidden stats to my mo-
        >stop it!
        >she cowers in fear while covering her head

        • 1 year ago

          Oh shit I was waiting for this webm for years, whats the dude called again?

          • 1 year ago

            bryan fury

    • 1 year ago

      she needs "correction"

      • 1 year ago


  98. 1 year ago

    What are your favorite perma-dead mods that are never ever going to receive an update but you refuse to let die?
    >Royal Azalea
    >Yuri Expedition
    They have bootlegs for now but I doubt any of these will get another going forward.

    • 1 year ago

      Thule's Legacy
      Interstellar Federation

    • 1 year ago

      Thule's Legacy
      Interstellar Federation

      I miss Diable Avionics. 🙁

    • 1 year ago

      Version Checker, because it was integrated into Nexelerin now nobody feels like updating it.

    • 1 year ago

      Kingdom of Terra

    • 1 year ago

      Bitches don't know 'bout Project Ironclads

    • 1 year ago

      Dev said they're working on an update for Yuri, but don't hold your breath.
      Regardless of if they deliver, I suspect Yuri will at least be kept alive since it still seems to work just fine unlike ARIA and RYAZ which have game-breaking issues on the latest version.

  99. 1 year ago

    Can someone please give me a link to a bootleg Aprolight mod?
    I want to try that mod out if possible.

    • 1 year ago

      • 1 year ago

        Wanted to see what that mod was about for a while.

  100. 1 year ago

    now that I mention old mod versions, diable has been up on nexus for years, it has versions dating back to 2019 in its download list.

    • 1 year ago

      we can use this to make an unnerfed branch of the current ver
      probably same for scy

    • 1 year ago

      Or you can just look for the old releases on the forum thread, most if not all the links should still work.

  101. 1 year ago

    What's the mods name that makes point defense weapon only shoot missiles and fighters. So tired of seeing my burst pd drop its shifty load on capital ships.

    • 1 year ago

      i find it fricking hilarious
      in my mind its like the PD crews got hyped

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago


  102. 1 year ago

    What exactly is the problem with DME?

    • 1 year ago

      I think people are angry they aren't cucky self-nerfed useless shit like Tardiflette content, or something about trannies.

      • 1 year ago

        >I think people are angry they aren't cucky self-nerfed useless shit
        But Harmful Mechanic is the number one driving force behind this game's notMP balance obsession.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't like how it looks. It's not objectively bad, but it fits into game aesthetic about as good as those anime mods.

      • 1 year ago

        >but it fits into game aesthetic about as good as those anime mods
        People have every reason to dislike Iron Shell, but I find it actually fits into the game's aesthetic quite well, portraits aside. UAF is just plain ugly, an affront to the senses on every level. As for DME I agree, everything looks way to clean and shiny.

    • 1 year ago

      Aside from creator being petty and unconventional visual style, ships tend to be noticeably better their vanilla counterparts.

    • 1 year ago

      shits ugly, doesn't fit the game

    • 1 year ago

      shits ugly, doesn't fit the game

      also, forgot to mention: I hate when factions add pointless objects to the game

    • 1 year ago

      Same issues as UAF but to a lesser degree, offset by the creator being that much more of a colossal Black personhomosexual
      I still use it because in my heavily modded game it's actually perfectly balanced

    • 1 year ago

      I personally see nothing wrong with it.
      Similar to prv it adds it's own a new menace, the Blade Breakers.
      But unlike the Remnant, they aren't fun to fight.

  103. 1 year ago

    What am I supposed to use as general purpose frigate after tempests got killed? Scarabs are fricking shit, slow, terrible flux stats and no good options to deal with armor.

    • 1 year ago

      Tempest are still solid, probably still the best frigate if you give them heavy blaster and some other token shit small gun. High cap and vents are needed though

    • 1 year ago


  104. 1 year ago

    Total newbie here, are there any mods you would consider essential?

    • 1 year ago

      Copying my post from previous thread.
      My preferred QoL mods - Automated Commands, Captains Log, Detailed Combat Results, Leading Pip, Logistics Notifications, Speed Up, Which Mod;
      Those I also like, but some can consider them too cheaty - Attuned Drive Field Hullmod, Console Commands, Fair S Mods, Neutrino Detector MkII, Objects Analysis, Officer Extension, Skip Story, Stellar Networks.

      • 1 year ago

        And here I expected open hostility.
        Thank you for spoonfeeding me. I appreciate it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Captains Log

    • 1 year ago

      if you haven't played vanilla, play vanilla first, MAYBE consider dropping in a couple of low impact QoL mods like Autosave and Speed Up

      And here I expected open hostility.
      Thank you for spoonfeeding me. I appreciate it.

      unlike Ganker we actually like talking about video games

    • 1 year ago

      Copying my post from previous thread.
      My preferred QoL mods - Automated Commands, Captains Log, Detailed Combat Results, Leading Pip, Logistics Notifications, Speed Up, Which Mod;
      Those I also like, but some can consider them too cheaty - Attuned Drive Field Hullmod, Console Commands, Fair S Mods, Neutrino Detector MkII, Objects Analysis, Officer Extension, Skip Story, Stellar Networks.

      And here I expected open hostility.
      Thank you for spoonfeeding me. I appreciate it.

      if you haven't played vanilla, play vanilla first, MAYBE consider dropping in a couple of low impact QoL mods like Autosave and Speed Up
      unlike Ganker we actually like talking about video games

      Highly highly agree playing through at least the story and setting up a colony in vanilla before adding mods beyond stellar networks, speedup, stuff like that.
      Yeah I find most (keyword most) of the people in the starsector threads are cool and try to keep it comfy. There are some weird fricking trannies and troonylovers/haters in these threads that try to ruin it but for the most part the threads are good stuff.

    • 1 year ago

      The mod Index in the forum will have most of what you seek.

      Specifically, the 'Utility' mods are often QoL mods that improve overall playability, some of which don't necessarily directly affect gameplay and others that can be removed from a savefile at will.

      If you want a mod organizer for Starsector you can check out SMOL. It allows you to catalogue each mod into categories, tells you about their RAM usage, allows you to easily assign more RAM to the game, handles multiple Profiles for different mod configurations, and tells you which mods can be safely removed from a savefile and which ones aren't without having to boot up the game.
      >Source Code & ReadMe in Github

      • 1 year ago

        seconding SMOL.
        makes installing JRE8 easy, setting ram usage, profiles, etc easy.

      • 1 year ago

        I think I need an invite to see that

        • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            Thank you kind anon.

            • 1 year ago

              no problemo
              not a fan of the discord mod trend myself so always nice when I can avoid it completely.

    • 1 year ago

      Copying my post from previous thread.
      My preferred QoL mods - Automated Commands, Captains Log, Detailed Combat Results, Leading Pip, Logistics Notifications, Speed Up, Which Mod;
      Those I also like, but some can consider them too cheaty - Attuned Drive Field Hullmod, Console Commands, Fair S Mods, Neutrino Detector MkII, Objects Analysis, Officer Extension, Skip Story, Stellar Networks.

      Fleet size by DP:
      It remove the arbitrary "30 ships only in your fleet" and instead use the DP value so you can replace one big ship by a dozen of smaller one.
      standard neutrino detector have false positive signal that are just pointlessly annoying to go around and make you lose good loot simply because you didn't wasted 2 minutes and extra fuel traveling to make sure you checked signal around the false positive.
      It's so annoying you never use it or do the extra maneuver.

      This neutrino detector mod add a distinct neutrino detector (you must exchange it manually in the skill bar) that remove the false positive, so you only have to be smart and not also do a stupid dance to use the system

    • 1 year ago

      don't forget about portrait packs to make the game feel more alive

      • 1 year ago
        • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >didn't link the furry portrait pack
        low tier

        • 1 year ago

          frick off theDragn

          • 1 year ago

            download HTE and Apex Design Collective

    • 1 year ago

      Speed up
      Captain log

  105. 1 year ago

    >makes a faction in a game where the player is exceptional and is expected to beat factions
    >*player makes short work of said 'challenge'*
    >proceeds to add stupid tedious bullshit every other update
    >d-d-d-deal with it chud!

    • 1 year ago

      That's it. I'm breaking her portrait next.

      • 1 year ago

        frick I just realized if I do that then it will feed Noah's autogynephilia

        i didnt even know there was a rape mod, now i need it, where can i get it? because its obvious that it wont be in the forums

        In development and not out rn. Progress is posted here.

        • 1 year ago

          make an obviously male broken portrait and a special description just for "Nia" Tahl that calls out the troonyism

          • 1 year ago

            maybe as you break them they slowly become more true to form. broken has stubble and an adams apple

            Sounds gay as hell. She's getting executed and that's it.

            • 1 year ago

              its break and butcher in that order

        • 1 year ago

          maybe as you break them they slowly become more true to form. broken has stubble and an adams apple

        • 1 year ago

          Is your mod based on the "capture officers and NPC" mod? If so, are you planning on fixing the memory leak?

          • 1 year ago

            capture officers and crew*
            im gay

            >verification not required

    • 1 year ago

      >player is exceptional
      you're worse than the trannies you special snowflake homosexual

      • 1 year ago

        shut up noah

        • 1 year ago

          no you noah

      • 1 year ago

        moron, he meant the player character, not the players

        • 1 year ago

          Yes, I know exactly what he meant, stupid homosexual.
          You're not special, you never will be, you're not omega, you're not an AI. Deal with it.

          • 1 year ago

            lvl20 cap

            • 1 year ago

              shut up noah

  106. 1 year ago

    i didnt even know there was a rape mod, now i need it, where can i get it? because its obvious that it wont be in the forums

  107. 1 year ago

    S-So you're not gonna send me a hundred choco-lava cakes?

    • 1 year ago
  108. 1 year ago

    >Drive Field Drain
    >Drive Field Drain
    >Drive Field Drain
    >Drive Field Drain
    >Drive Field Drain
    What the frick was Alex thinking?

    • 1 year ago

      interdiction pulse

      • 1 year ago

        Oh so that's what it can do. Never actually used it my entire life because I move at light speed.

        • 1 year ago

          Interdiction pulse is what npcs have been using on you to stop your sustained burns. Super useful if you want to slow some fast moving fleet down when you're a fat chunky fleet.

      • 1 year ago

        not him but thanks bro, changed my life

  109. 1 year ago

    Why is techmining so unrewarding even with vast ruins? I only keep it up for a few months then disband it because of the lackluster items. What should I change in the salvage entity gen data or drop groups to make it little more rewarding?

    • 1 year ago

      you can change the rates at which ruins are depleted so they pretty much never run out

    • 1 year ago

      Techmining should not be an industry.
      Change my mind.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah salvage yard and tech mining feel like they should take up an industry slot if you upgraded them kinda like how patrol hq works.

        • 1 year ago

          only if*

  110. 1 year ago

    If you mod list has supervillians (Legio, Hivers, Fang, Draco) do you kill them first or unite the sector and then kill? I have been liberating pirate and Pathers planets and my profit is up to 1m2 per month but the hard part is keeping them independence because Draco and Hiver are constantly invading the planets.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm letting Legio live in anticipation of having an awesome final showdown like my last run.


      They will be shaped into our individually preferred image by the might of dick alone. Or with genetech or whatever the frick VIC has.

  111. 1 year ago

    I want to punch Nia Tahl's womb.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Nia's tight, round, plucky bussi... Uuuwaaaaaa

      Bullying Nia's feminine, hairless balls with your dangling, hairy, full sack...

      Nia Tahl deserves to be ryona'd

      I'm 90% sure you are Noah cause no one else would be that obsessed with him

      • 1 year ago

        Are you insinuating that Noah has a vested interest in having other men make rape mods of his self-insert as part of his autogynephilia?
        How controversial, yet entirely plausible.

      • 1 year ago

        I'll fill up 90% of his bowels is what's what.

      • 1 year ago

        Are you insinuating that Noah has a vested interest in having other men make rape mods of his self-insert as part of his autogynephilia?
        How controversial, yet entirely plausible.

        shut up noah

  112. 1 year ago

    What mod should I play if I hate women?

  113. 1 year ago

    what's the point with Onslaught anyway? We don't see thousand of Astral clones or Paragon clone but Onslaught. It's not even a good ship ffs

    • 1 year ago

      >It's not even a good ship ffs
      These fricking threads, I swear to God

      • 1 year ago

        If it was good no one would try to make a better version of it. Hell even in vanilla there's still the XVI verstion because Alex made the base version so shit so he tried to patch it up

        • 1 year ago

          So, a conquest is much better ship than an onslaught, because there are not that many variants of it, is that correct?

          • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          I regularly see excited players who burned in the middle of enemy fleet, killed a lot of shit and were still alive afterwards, when allies came to help.
          I personally don't like most capitals because of low speed and maneuverability, so can't say for myself, but armor stat on onslaught is impressive.

          • 1 year ago

            >who burned in the middle of enemy fleet, killed a lot of shit and were still alive afterwards
            >Do this not vs some D-modded pirate fleet but vs encounter that actually matters, like large Remnant ordo (not even talking about shunts)
            >Everything has atrophos/reapers/high burst energy weapons and instantly unloads it once your hard flux is high enough
            >Armor gone in a second
            >Ship ripped apart in 5 seconds
            Armor is a fricking joke in this game.

            • 1 year ago

              Why not boost armor with mods?
              >inb4 all ballistics and missiles get expended before battle ends until you and AI have to either use energy or keep on ramming each other until someone wins

              • 1 year ago

                >from two hits till armor is gone to three hits to armor is gone
                >while enemy has dozens of them on the field at each given moment
                Finite resources such as armor will forever be shit in endgame encounters because enemy will ALWAYS have more of those than you, even without nex not to mention with it.
                That is until you carry much more of shit than you deploy around and just throw it at enemy when one on the field gets expended, but I consider playstyle like this too undignified to be anywhere close to fun one.

              • 1 year ago

                >carry much more of shit than you deploy around and just throw it at enemy when one on the field gets expended
                My problem with this, that replacement ships (without officers) will be worse in quality then the first batch.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh and I forgot to add that enemy has much more officers than you because frick you that's why
                Every ship player deploys must count and have potential to consistently fight vs many times its DP, and unfortunately this doesn't fit well with doctrine based on non-replenishable resources like armor and missiles.

              • 1 year ago

                Send in your bad ships first to soften up the enemy

              • 1 year ago

                Do you feel even a little bad for your crew, tossing them like that?

              • 1 year ago

                I always carry at least a 1000 spares with me at all times.

            • 1 year ago

              Armor is also very important to phase ship. Are afflictors a joke to you?

    • 1 year ago

      it gets clones because it's extremely iconic and known as the quintessential low-tier superbrick with big guns

    • 1 year ago

      You summoned me. What mod? I'll add it to the collection!

      • 1 year ago

        missing the Traversers Bureau Onslaught

        • 1 year ago

          Chinese mods are so fricking ugly.

      • 1 year ago

        Turning Onslaughts into some routinely garage retrofitted car analogue or a spaceship version of AR-15 is just wrong.

        • 1 year ago

          It IS supposed to be old-ass blueprint retrofitted for modern warfare.
          Did you seen what nerds do with floppy drives?

          • 1 year ago

            Haven't seen a floppy drive in a decade.
            Got some lying around though, somewhere.

      • 1 year ago

        Is that a Blade Breaker Onslaught in the top right?

        • 1 year ago

          yeah, i've had no luck getting the updated version of that mod so if you get post it to this thread

          • 1 year ago

            Is it not just hidden away on a Discord somewhere? On that topic, how many Discord-exclusive mods/submods are there? Shit like ARC and Dabbled Avionics.

            • 1 year ago

              diable isn't discord only

              • 1 year ago

                Dabbled, not Diable.

              • 1 year ago

                theres no telling with you homosexuals since half the time you try to be cute with names like you're on twitter or something
                frick discord mods and people who use discord in general though.

              • 1 year ago

                Dabbled Avionics is literally the name of the submod you fricking sperglord

              • 1 year ago

                thats nice dear, did you make sure to add custom dialators?

              • 1 year ago

                I don't even know what you're getting angry at, I was asking about mods that can only be found on Discord because I refuse to use it.

              • 1 year ago

                he's mad that he misunderstood your post and instead of just going "oh lol my bad" he has a struggle session over someone contradicting him on the internet
                surely a case of deep-seeded mental issues

              • 1 year ago

                shut up noah we all know that was your post

              • 1 year ago

                Do those modders really visit this place?
                Anyway, why are some of them a little bit too fricked in the head? I can't really see what the correlation between so called troony coomers and an innocuous space combat game, yet years later as I learn that Ganker has starsector threads and look inside, it's the same internet clusterfrick that seeps through everywhere.
                Is nowhere safe?

              • 1 year ago

                All modding scenes are hyper-autistic to a large degree. I think the problem with Starsector is that the mod scene is mostly contained to one site, with 'outsiders' not being welcome, see the forumgays' repeated seething over anons from these threads releasing proper bootlegs of abandoned mods before they could.

            • 1 year ago

              >Is it not just hidden away on a Discord somewhere?

              no, DME's creator took offense to it being made so even the discord only release was pulled and now you basically have to beg people who got the last updated version before it was pulled to share it

          • 1 year ago

            I have a copy of Blade Breaker Plus if you guys want me to upload and post it. I don't know how up to date it is, as I haven't really played Starsector in like a year.

            • 1 year ago

              Sure, throw it up somewhere.

              • 1 year ago

                I put it up on anonfiles, but can't post it because Ganker thinks its spam. What uploading service can I use that won't get filtered?

              • 1 year ago

                not that anon but just censor the link

      • 1 year ago

        what's the point with Onslaught anyway? We don't see thousand of Astral clones or Paragon clone but Onslaught. It's not even a good ship ffs

        Hear me out, what if we made an Onslaught, that fired smaller onslaughts?

        • 1 year ago

          A Slingslaught?

        • 1 year ago

          inbawd strikecraft inside the on slot deployed via cannons

    • 1 year ago

      >what's the point with Onslaught anyway? We don't see thousand of Astral clones or Paragon clone but Onslaught
      capitals with movement abilities are generally more fun than capitals without movement abilities. piloting paragon is giga aids. you spend half the time just trying to get to the front lines. bawd having burn drive is great. you get up to the front in a fairly manageable amount of time to solidify your hold over the objectives while enemy capitals without movement abilities like paragon are still trying to crawl over to where you're already fighting at a snail's pace. being able to chase and finish off damaged cruisers on the slower end is also nice. no more letting shit like champions get away to provide missile support from the backlines after they overflux.

  114. 1 year ago

    I haven't touched a vanilla ship in months

  115. 1 year ago

    >want to make a mod
    >think i have a clear aethstetic and military doctrine ideas
    >coding experience but none in java
    >can't draw for shit, no wacom, only have a mouse
    How do I make it, bros?

    • 1 year ago

      >coding experience but none in java
      rip shit out from other mods
      >can't draw for shit
      shitbash everything
      everyone else is doing it, why can't you?

      • 1 year ago

        People like you da kitbashes, mixing existing ships into new shapes. Maybe even changing color scheme.
        To be honest, to draw a ship from scratch is enormous undertaking for non-artist. Speaking from experience.

        But I don't want to create Frankenstein ships from discarded Onslaught foreskins. To be more specific, I'm imagining shitty ships made from asteroids. I know some mods have done that before, but the faction idea I have is basically a sort-of High Tech Luddic Church, outcasts from the sector disillusioned with its current state, but unable to see exactly eye-to-eye with the Church on other social issues. They'd have a very gritty, punkish vibe, similar to Junk Pirates; their ships decorated with flickering bands of neon livery to mask the crappy ship underneath. Mechanically, they'd be an agressive, short ranged faction with deep flux pools, high armor and hull, focusing around hybrid mounts, but with low dissipation and mobility. They'd make use of ship systems or smaller, less slow frigates to flank, fire off their loads, then use their armor to cover themsleves whilst they vent. Maybe they'd have a uniqie gimmick of having a mini Damper Field active when venting, or some sort of boost to mobility/manuverability which scales with the amount of flux vented so it isn't easy to abuse. I get that these ideas don't mean much really but I've always entertained the idea.

        • 1 year ago

          Give them all "rugged construction" and make them take extra damage from mining weapons

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, that'd make sense.
            What initial resources would I need to get into modding?

          • 1 year ago

            Take a look at Noah's hullmod

            It gets 2x damage

            It causes extra damage to certain ships.
            If you tweak the code you should be able to make it so you receive extra damage from certain ships (or in your case weapons).

        • 1 year ago

          >shitty ships made from asteroids
          >sort-of High Tech
          Does not mesh well in my head.

        • 1 year ago

          Sounds like yet another oc donutsteel faction with strengths that all conveniently play into the current "meta" way to play the game (as well as a few inconsequential "weaknesses") to throw onto a giant pile of already existing oc donutsteel garbage

          • 1 year ago

            >with strengths that all conveniently play into the current "meta" way to play the game
            What would be the point in making a faction that don't work with game combat?

            • 1 year ago

              "min-maxed to abuse currently overtuned gameplay mechanics" and "doesn't work" are not the only two options available

    • 1 year ago

      People like you da kitbashes, mixing existing ships into new shapes. Maybe even changing color scheme.
      To be honest, to draw a ship from scratch is enormous undertaking for non-artist. Speaking from experience.

    • 1 year ago

      Use MS Paint

  116. 1 year ago

    >love the idea of a rugged mining/exploration fleet just cruising through the stars, occasionally smuggling and fighting off pirates
    >plenty of faction mods to accomodate this
    >it's only fun for so long and the ships are never good enough to deal with proper end-game content
    It hurts

    • 1 year ago

      >Install omega weapons on your shitty exploration/scav/mining fleet
      There, fixed

      • 1 year ago

        I think it goes back to one of Starsector's biggest problems, in that it's far too easy to very quickly become rich, and once you're at that point, why not just hit up every military planet and buy some capitals? Unless you're doing a completely standard start where you have nothing but a Wayfarer every time, without a commission, the game is just too easy to get going. The hobo phase never seems to last long enough. I know you're meant to go through the phase of scrambling together every shitty, d-modded frigate you can find and barely scrape by, but outside of my very first run I have literally never found myself doing that. Why in the frick would I ever buy something like a Lasher when I can go and do a survey/bounty mission and immediately have enough to buy something much better? I'm not even going to get into how utterly broken trading is and how as long as you have a functioning F1 key, money is never an issue. Rant over, time to go back to my Iron Shell run.

        • 1 year ago

          >Why in the frick would I ever buy something like a Lasher
          Speak for yourself, a bunch of restored LP Lashers is nice to have and unleash in the first wave so they could deal with pesky enemy frigates and light destroyers and retreat.

        • 1 year ago

          >hobo phase
          Completely unnecessary in my opinion, never I enjoyed wasting time being weak and useless.
          But otherwise, yeah, growth from small scale to world ender is very quick.

        • 1 year ago

          I started a run with 1 fricking frigate last night (so small I couldn't even do the tutorial salvage objective without being over fuel and weight kek)
          and in very little time I had a couple million just from doing some exploration and science quests. I am basically forcing myself to use small ships this time though. My largest ship right now is a single falcon, followed by a fuel truck. My freighters are all smallbois with shielded holds.

          One thing I didn't even think about though is somehow even with fricking frigates your fleet is still "too big" to disengage on its own without story points which is some battlestar galactica tier "we missed the jump" bullshit.

          >functioning f1 key
          this is Starsector not eve, anon.

        • 1 year ago

          >Install omega weapons on your shitty exploration/scav/mining fleet
          There, fixed

          >love the idea of a rugged mining/exploration fleet just cruising through the stars, occasionally smuggling and fighting off pirates
          >plenty of faction mods to accomodate this
          >it's only fun for so long and the ships are never good enough to deal with proper end-game content
          It hurts

          I'll regret it if Alex ever read me, but a bigger reason for quickly reaching high level is the legion of Legion you find and how easily it is to recover ships. Buying spaceship from faction is very very costly, a money sink I usually never bother with trading except for a salvage rig or two.
          Recovery is how I usually obtain my entire fleet.

          Not getting all the best ships/weapons of a faction as data would also slow down progress.

          Maybe if ship recovery required more heavy equipment?
          Then you would require a constant supply and might have to leave some early ship found until you can come back to recover them.

          Or maybe GATE it, you can recover a ship as a mothball but can't use it until you obtain the data (you can't repair it if you don't have the plan), if it's too harsh, permanent d-mod until you get the equipment.

          • 1 year ago

            The supply costs often make it not worth doing on anything but larger ships or rare ships so it definitely doesn't need an INCREASE in cost.
            If anything, supplies and fuel in general need a rework. Money isn't as much of a problem early on as is storing all the supplies and fuel you fricking need and constantly have to buy in small quantities.

            • 1 year ago

              Are you from the Bizarro sector?
              Money is hard to get but recovery is a very efficient way to get Supply/Fuel.

              Supply and Fuel are fine and the only remaining form of balance.
              For Fuel you quickly find abandoned tanker which is the only requirement for exploration.
              For Supply you easily find enough to cover early/modest fleet, even before using the skills.
              Both are the most important aspect in fleet management, Making them easy to buy in bulk for your endgame fleet would ruin it all.

              Here are my secret:
              - Do system-bounty on pirates, the pay isn't bad but more importantly you recovers a lot of Supply/Fuel
              - Recover everything, even ships you don't want and put you above limit, then scrap them manually. It will give you more than scrapping them in the dialogue windows. I think there's even a tip telling you what I'm saying.

              • 1 year ago

                >Money is hard to get
                hahaha no it fricking isn't.

              • 1 year ago

                >Money is hard to get
                Bro your F1 key?

                Are you from the Bizarro sector?
                Money is hard to get but recovery is a very efficient way to get Supply/Fuel.

                Supply and Fuel are fine and the only remaining form of balance.
                For Fuel you quickly find abandoned tanker which is the only requirement for exploration.
                For Supply you easily find enough to cover early/modest fleet, even before using the skills.
                Both are the most important aspect in fleet management, Making them easy to buy in bulk for your endgame fleet would ruin it all.

                Here are my secret:
                - Do system-bounty on pirates, the pay isn't bad but more importantly you recovers a lot of Supply/Fuel
                - Recover everything, even ships you don't want and put you above limit, then scrap them manually. It will give you more than scrapping them in the dialogue windows. I think there's even a tip telling you what I'm saying.

                My bad, I forgot to add EARLY
                >Money is hard to get EARLY
                before you have the fleet that can take on any bounty, or the freighter that let you make big trade. And then of course there the cheat colony later

              • 1 year ago

                >you can take off at any speed you want
                sounds like quitter talk to me.
                anon I started out with 1 fricking frigate last night on a regular tutorial start and had millions in no time what are you talking about?

                and let me add: I'm awful at this game compared to most people posting in these threads I'm sure.

              • 1 year ago

                i regularly rush to see how quickly i can get a million credits or start a colony, i can very regularly get a station going through tasc before 9 months have passed exclusively through smuggling, usually just rec drugs and heavy arms

                800 shortages at 300-500 are pretty common but man if you can land a 1200 or 1600 shortage at 600 you drop everything you're doing and take that hit asap

                mudskippers and shepards are amazing early game traders for their cost:cargo efficiencies. yeah cerberi and wayfarers exist but those are usually 3x the price of a simple 4,000 credit mudskipper (75 cargo base, +50% with the expanded cargo holds) that you put no more investment into except possibly an eff overhaul or insulated engines modspec (3k for either)

                any faction mods just make it easier to get rich since all of them usually add 1/2 pirate or LP market that are always eternally short on shit, nevermind the eternal "raid epiphany to make your own shortages" shenanigans

              • 1 year ago

                >Money is hard to get
                Bro your F1 key?

              • 1 year ago

                >Bro your F1 key?
                why do you keep saying this?

              • 1 year ago

                It's the button to check the market values of items

              • 1 year ago

                Its also the expand tooltips key in every other part of the game as well. Do people not know about the tooltips or something?
                The way you say it reminds me of EVE online f1 monkeys kek

              • 1 year ago

                >scrap them manually. It will give you more than scrapping them in the dialogue windows
                It's seems unnecessary. What is the point of that feature?

  117. 1 year ago

    Herons or Moras? Need to replace my 6 condors, they're too fricking slow

    • 1 year ago

      Personally I prefer Moras for survivability and dakka, but they're barely any faster than a Condor.

    • 1 year ago

      Heron for pure carrier, but Mora can make better use of officer skills and contribute to fight herself.
      Depends on fleet composition, I guess.

    • 1 year ago

      Herons obviously. No matter how much hull points and damage reducing abilities you have, there are enough of various enemies in the game which will rip your shit apart without even noticing it, unless you aren't next to them, and herons are better at not being next to enemies to not only they result in more damage, but they are effectively more durable as well.

      • 1 year ago

        Weak low test midline manipulators typed this post

    • 1 year ago

      Heron are flagship material for early fleet.
      I've never managed to make use of Mora

  118. 1 year ago

    >the two factions with a midline focus are also the most forgettable with borderline nonexistent lore
    Really makes you think

    • 1 year ago

      The most normal guys whose existence does not require much explanations.
      I like midline, it's generalist no extremities approach. I do wish they get a capital ship, though.

      • 1 year ago

        It'll never happen due to the way factions work, but I'd love to see an overhaul to the Persean League and Independents. They really should be their own distinct polities with factions representing each, rather than monolithic factions.

        • 1 year ago

          Rather than overhaul them, Alex could also make relations with station administrators/portmasters/etc actually mean something. Make it so that the faction as a whole may hate you, but one specific market may tolerate your presense because you sold its administrator a bunch of AI cores earlier, or something. The framework is already there
          But apparently he thinks his time is better spent rewriting hullmod tooltips

      • 1 year ago

        >generalist no extremities approach
        Huh? Almost every midline ship is highly specialized. They all need each other to function as a fleet. I guess you can drop Centurions and Brawlers as you progress.

        • 1 year ago

          I meant in more of doctrine-wide sense. Like lowtech carrier is supposed to facetank and shoot shit, for example.

  119. 1 year ago

    I wish midline had a 4 or even 5 slots carrier.
    Getting a missile-cruiser isn't enough and the Conquest isn't a carrier.

    • 1 year ago

      so the ships just fly out and crash into each other? kek
      In my Arma run anything with 4 slots or above became king. Love the Charon for its ground support stuff and it looks mean, too.
      Still ended up with a group of legions though. Just like how those ships look and function.

      • 1 year ago

        >so the ships just fly out and crash into each other? kek
        Took me a moment to realize what you were talking about.
        This is space, you can take off at any speed you want. You should congratulate a carrier who have armor protecting the bays

        >In my Arma run anything with 4 slots or above became king.
        Guess they didn't follow the nerf of Vanilla on all carriers.
        Legions are very overpowered, capable of focusing many weapons at once on a single target, system is good for pursuit and the XIV version is much more flux-friendly with the large missiles mount.
        Fact: No enemies have lived long enough to see the rear of a Legion.

        • 1 year ago

          >you can take off at any speed you want
          sounds like quitter talk to me.

          My bad, I forgot to add EARLY
          >Money is hard to get EARLY
          before you have the fleet that can take on any bounty, or the freighter that let you make big trade. And then of course there the cheat colony later

          anon I started out with 1 fricking frigate last night on a regular tutorial start and had millions in no time what are you talking about?

          • 1 year ago

            >sounds like quitter talk to me.
            sounds like troll talk to me.
            That setting don't even prevent space-fighter from strafing or flying backward.

            >no time
            Define "no time"
            Cause maybe I make that money even quicker and simply have shorter standard for a run.
            If you want to keep the game within small fleet longer, nerfing all money supply isn't going to help, I make my entire fleet from recovery and money is only a problem for very large crew.

            and let me add: I'm awful at this game compared to most people posting in these threads I'm sure.

            >I'm awful at this game
            If you are triggered by a launch platform, no surprise.

            • 1 year ago

              >immediately tries to argue semantics once people point out that no, earning money isn't hard early on
              >determines game skill by autistically scrutineering a facetious comment
              Yep, this is a moron post.

              • 1 year ago

                You are the one pretending to be moronic.

              • 1 year ago

                >You are the one pretending to be moronic.
                At least you aren't pretending.

  120. 1 year ago

    What ship pack has the Balisong destroyer?
    I remember it from my previous playthroughs but can't seem to find it in-game with my current modlist.

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Oh, thanks. I have that installed actually, but I haven't run into it in 2 playthroughs, nor any of those machine plague ships.

        Guess I gotta seek harder.

        • 1 year ago

          I'm pretty sure the Balisong is exclusive to a game start, same with the Metafalica from Tahlan

        • 1 year ago

          I'm pretty sure the Balisong is exclusive to a game start, same with the Metafalica from Tahlan

          You can get it immediately with a custom Nexerelin start, or you can find it as a bounty target from the un sanctioned bounty board.

  121. 1 year ago

    Do you typically use a mix of ships or get a commission and exclusively use the ships of that faction?

    • 1 year ago

      I like to go into runs with a "plan"
      last was nothing but mechs and carriers supporting a salvage and mining fleet.
      My current run I am attempting to use mostly frigates and smaller ships but the game is moronic and treats a mass of frigates the same way it treats 30 battleships in space. Somehow they magically can't disengage because you know, reasons.
      Game really just wants you to use a bunch of big ships and fling them at everything it seems like.
      As for exclusivity I just trend towards lowtech in general because I like how the ships look. I stopped bothering with commissions because the factions are fricking moronic and constantly go to war for no reason.

  122. 1 year ago

    Hey: Mod developers and Alex both.
    Frick you and your built in fighters.

  123. 1 year ago

    Tri-Tachyon did nothing wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      tryhard suck and they stink

      • 1 year ago

        Don't blame others just because your Hegemony ships have such terrible air filters that you end up turning into a walking biohazard.

        • 1 year ago

          >your hegemony
          frick them too nerd.

        • 1 year ago

          >trihomosexual goes straight to insulting the hegemonkey living in his walls
          this is a Luddic thread

          • 1 year ago

            Don't scream too loudly, your rust bucket might just fall apart!

          • 1 year ago

            Luddites would have died out decades ago without drugs being legal and free to purchase on the open market at Eochu Bres. Seriously they buy more of that shit than rest of the sector combined.

            • 1 year ago

              How else do you think they pay for all the retar- martyrs they go through? Just like real terrorist cells they go through a lot of drugs.

              • 1 year ago

                Luckily, the steady stream of crazy bold risk taking privateers armed with nothing but Wolfs and Apogees and Hounds routinely create new colonies in the sector, so the people willing to die just keep on coming.
                Why, marines and crews like groceries, pick any you want!

              • 1 year ago

                That is one thing I think really is out of touch with the game itself. This idea that there are barely any humans left when there are millions on colony after colony and crews are easy as frick to find in space apparently. Enough so that they can convince millions to martyr themselves as well.

                Thoughts on Arkgneisis? The only times I've ever seen anyone talk about it is when the Iron Shell-tier 'frick you' to the player is brought up.

                >when the Iron Shell-tier 'frick you' to the player is brought up.
                ??? Is this something in their systems when you try to conquer them or something?
                I like the look of their ships and find their frigates useful to support my other ships but haven't tried to take them over or anything in any of my runs that included it.

              • 1 year ago

                >Is this something in their systems when you try to conquer them or something?
                If memory serves, their system just disappears from the game if you try to conquer it and it may or may not wipe out your fleet along with it.

              • 1 year ago

                ... holy frick why are people like this? That doesn't sound like a fun game design for anyone involved. Kinda sours me on the mod really.

                >That is one thing I think really is out of touch with the game itself. This idea that there are barely any humans left when there are millions on colony after colony and crews are easy as frick to find in space apparently. Enough so that they can convince millions to martyr themselves as well.
                Another anon, I agree with that.
                Crew cost a lot of money but you can find as much as you want the rare time you need them.
                Maybe the game could be rebalanced so you worry about losing crew (and installing those bulkhead) because they are harder to get.

                >reminder the Holy brick of Ludd will need 4000 crew

                I had an idea I mentioned before about being able to get specialized crews either through training or purchase that would give benefits and/or take less crew. Like carrier trained crews that repair fighters better, etc. I think it would make crews something you cared about more.
                Its funny, little things from starship legends like talking to your crews at bars make them feel a lot more "alive" so stuff like that would be a great addition to vanilla. Hell, even taking the wingcom suite bit of promoting officers from your crew is a great concept that Alex should totally copy. I would probably tone it down a bit from how they do it with you getting elite officers but a monthly chance that someone from your crews approaches you in the bar trying to get a promotion or something like that would help a ton.
                It just seems weird how you can set up a colony and within a few cycles you've got millions of people living there even with hazard pay being a thing if we're to believe that the sector is lacking humans.

              • 1 year ago

                Commissioned Crews does this.

              • 1 year ago

                I'm talking about a vanilla implementation and more grown/trained that that. Good mention though.

                >This idea that there are barely any humans left
                Is there such a thing in starsector?
                Here on earth we have thousands of people willing to try luck in war, and it is a single, much less technologically advanced planet.
                There is a few mods to make it slightly inconvenient to lose crew, but does not a lot to make crew important.
                To make me really invested, there must be some sort of additional layer to this, like a whole new interface where you can manage a crew of every single ship, with fresh recruits lowering CR.
                Maybe even make it more diverse, splitting plain crew into different factions from Commissioned Crews, so you could tweak performance of each ship separately.

                The whole setup is that we're dying out alone in this sector cut off from humanity meanwhile theres millions of us left.

              • 1 year ago

                >I had an idea I mentioned before about being able to get specialized crews either through training or purchase that would give benefits and/or take less crew. Like carrier trained crews that repair fighters better, etc. I think it would make crews something you cared about more.
                IMO you are just adding pointless micromanagement without changing the gameplay for the better.
                Also the marines already have a quality system, you use them rarely so you don't need to replenish them constantly.

                >wingcom suite bit of promoting officers from your crew
                Vanilla already allow you to do this, from time to time you have an event alert telling you X could be made an officer.

                >This idea that there are barely any humans left
                Is there such a thing in starsector?
                Here on earth we have thousands of people willing to try luck in war, and it is a single, much less technologically advanced planet.
                There is a few mods to make it slightly inconvenient to lose crew, but does not a lot to make crew important.
                To make me really invested, there must be some sort of additional layer to this, like a whole new interface where you can manage a crew of every single ship, with fresh recruits lowering CR.
                Maybe even make it more diverse, splitting plain crew into different factions from Commissioned Crews, so you could tweak performance of each ship separately.

                >To make me really invested, there must be some sort of additional layer to this, like a whole new interface where you can manage a crew of every single ship, with fresh recruits lowering CR.
                Sorry but that's even more micromanagement in a game where that stuff should be left to statistic. It would also be a b***h to balance as some ship will lose crew more often than other.
                I stand by my idea that simply making you want to actively minimize "crew loss" (which in practice will require hullmod per ship) is the most Alex should aim for.
                We already have a few hullmods and skills that impact crew loss, the only change needed is to make Crew more difficult to hire so you don't refill them the same way you refill Supply or Fuel.

              • 1 year ago

                >make Crew more difficult to hire so you don't refill them the same way you refill Supply or Fuel
                Wouldn't this rise questions for where do pirates and pathers get enough crew to field endless fleets? Kind of makes it less fair to player in this regard.
                Maybe make crew a restricted commodity, like marines? So you need either a commission to hire them, or get even more affiliated with blacked free markets.

              • 1 year ago

                This is a tougher nuts to crack. Players want to have fun destroying pirates/pather all day. Making population realistic would slow that whole dynamic (just like making colony growth more realistic) even with the time stretching.
                We will have to accept some inconsistency for the sake of gameplay.

                >Maybe make crew a restricted commodity, like marines? So you need either a commission to hire them, or get even more affiliated with blacked free markets.
                It would definitely make them harder to get but you essentially already have that with the different market.
                -public market: crew who accept to work for everyone
                -military market: crew who accept to work with commissioned admiral
                But it would be a hassle to affiliate crew with a faction, IMHO I don't foresee much fun if you had to manage <Tri-tac crew> and <Pather crew>, or even <Low-tech crew> and so on...

                You could also make more tier for "minimum crew", ex: 50% crew = 50% CR, 70% crew = 70% CR.
                I'd definitely reduce how much extra crew you can carry, so you need transport for more than the Ground assault bonus.
                New idea: Any action that require crew only count the Extra you have, so your action are limited if you didn't bring extra crew.

                >lots of whining with 0 suggestions
                you should be a discord modder

                >0 suggestions
                Dumbass, the very post above yours noticed one of my suggestions.
                alone, making crew more difficult to obtain would make the features related to crew loss more important. It's plain rebalance.

              • 1 year ago

                shut up noah

              • 1 year ago

                >lots of whining with 0 suggestions
                you should be a discord modder

              • 1 year ago

                >... holy frick why are people like this? That doesn't sound like a fun game design for anyone involved. Kinda sours me on the mod really.
                ...why? lol this only happens if you kill their supercapital. the system disappears because it 's only maintained by its drive bubble which, suprisingly, no longer exists when its dead. (though admiteddly, if you don't know what to expect, you can very easily get fricked over by it, especially if you don't have tranverse jump)

              • 1 year ago

                >"That doesn't sound like a fun game design for anyone involved."

              • 1 year ago

                If this supercapital is so important, does it flees as soon it's armor get scratched? There is no way people in charge would be ready to just disintegrate if they lose a war.

              • 1 year ago

                Now that I understand what the original anon was talking about, the "supercapital" in question is the fricking station in their "home" system. It operates as their station/planet.
                You're basically killing the battlestar galactica of their group if you destroy that ship.

              • 1 year ago

                because this is the equivalent of bombing their planet because the planet is a combat ship

              • 1 year ago

                >"That doesn't sound like a fun game design for anyone involved."

                The ship actually flies around the sector and its location is hidden by default, even if you do stumble across it you can't even access it without some investment. You either do enough work for them to trust you or you take out enough of their outposts (afaik, never actually personally did this part since all factions can and will do it since ARS eventually ends up fighting everyone due to how they work) to piece together the ships location in order to destroy it.

                Fun thing is ship boarding and crew experience worked as more of a frick you than this, that's why they're gone.

                just check the portrait folder, who is this guy?

                One of the Brigador portraits.

                >Why am I getting punished for playing the game?!
                Same question regarding peak performance time mechanic. Why does it exist? What exactly does it add to the game that's valuable? How come it's only an issue for player and not enemy?
                Most importantly, why does it have to specifically shit on player for non-basic choices of using small ship and not capital as flagship?

                Is there a mod to just outright remove it from the game?

                It was put in to nerf super frigates like the Hyperion being able to solo everything. You can beat SO and phase ships by outlasting them, at times without actually trying if the battle is large enough.

              • 1 year ago

                >It was put in to nerf super frigates like the Hyperion being able to solo everything.
                Lmao this is definitely an issue to frick every single player over. Oh no, some autist (that is able to destroy the game in multitude of different ways anyway) broke it by chewing mid sized enemy fleet for 30 minutes with hyperion, quick, make player unable to use frigate as flagship in any meaningful engagement. Frick you Alex.

              • 1 year ago

                The real problem is that a lot of those autists will fight every single battle like that and then act like it's the game's fault that they chose to rely on tedious bullshit.

              • 1 year ago

                Underrated post

              • 1 year ago

                >It was put in to nerf super frigates like the Hyperion being able to solo everything
                It was also put in place to prevent the exact opposite. It's not exactly fun to chase frigates when you only have big ships left and the Ai never gets tired.

              • 1 year ago

                >That is one thing I think really is out of touch with the game itself. This idea that there are barely any humans left when there are millions on colony after colony and crews are easy as frick to find in space apparently. Enough so that they can convince millions to martyr themselves as well.
                Another anon, I agree with that.
                Crew cost a lot of money but you can find as much as you want the rare time you need them.
                Maybe the game could be rebalanced so you worry about losing crew (and installing those bulkhead) because they are harder to get.

                >reminder the Holy brick of Ludd will need 4000 crew

              • 1 year ago

                >This idea that there are barely any humans left
                Is there such a thing in starsector?
                Here on earth we have thousands of people willing to try luck in war, and it is a single, much less technologically advanced planet.

                >That is one thing I think really is out of touch with the game itself. This idea that there are barely any humans left when there are millions on colony after colony and crews are easy as frick to find in space apparently. Enough so that they can convince millions to martyr themselves as well.
                Another anon, I agree with that.
                Crew cost a lot of money but you can find as much as you want the rare time you need them.
                Maybe the game could be rebalanced so you worry about losing crew (and installing those bulkhead) because they are harder to get.

                >reminder the Holy brick of Ludd will need 4000 crew

                There is a few mods to make it slightly inconvenient to lose crew, but does not a lot to make crew important.
                To make me really invested, there must be some sort of additional layer to this, like a whole new interface where you can manage a crew of every single ship, with fresh recruits lowering CR.
                Maybe even make it more diverse, splitting plain crew into different factions from Commissioned Crews, so you could tweak performance of each ship separately.

          • 1 year ago

            frick any space goats recently?

            • 1 year ago

              What, like Draenei?

              • 1 year ago

                you know being a goatfricking jihadi doesn't sound so bad if the goats are hot alien b***hes

              • 1 year ago

                every crewman gets at least one draenei fricksleeve
                Ludd ackbar

  124. 1 year ago

    Is a pirate run remotely viable? I'm also tempted to go with the Path, but the thought of basically being forced to use d-modded shitboxes just doesn't sit right with me. At least with the pirates, I can roleplay as a wealthy privateer or warlord and generally use whatever ships I want. I'll also likely sell my blueprints to them, as well as 'acquire' the nanoforges of other factions and gift them back to my pirate bros.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes both are viable, get some mods to expand their shit a bit. PIrate is a little harder at start just because EVERYONE WANTS TO FRICKING KILL YOU no matter what you do.
      its unironically easier to start as a space terrorist than a pirate.

      • 1 year ago

        Well I'm using Tahlan and the Red Hand start looks interesting, might also do the Infernal Machine start from Underworld.

  125. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago


  126. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on Arkgneisis? The only times I've ever seen anyone talk about it is when the Iron Shell-tier 'frick you' to the player is brought up.

  127. 1 year ago

    What's the minimum amount of memory this game can run on?

  128. 1 year ago

    So whats a decent frigate? I like the hartfell but its really not made to be used as a flagship. I feel like if I don't find one better I'm just going to go back to mechs because I got too used to that speed and maneuverability.

  129. 1 year ago

    Anyone have the updated version of Sylphon from the discord? Not the bootleg one.

  130. 1 year ago

    Nia's tight, round, plucky bussi... Uuuwaaaaaa

  131. 1 year ago

    Nex starfarer mode seems like how the base game should be

  132. 1 year ago

    Is it worth it to give my tempest extreme modification mod? I think it's a really good mod but there have to be a terrible drawback, right?

  133. 1 year ago

    Do people actually enjoy """playing""" as a carrier? This is efficient but incredibly boring, Christ.

    • 1 year ago

      It depends, most ships in the game in general are way too fricking slow so I feel that way a lot honestly.
      Have you ever tried the type 7 I think its called supergarage from Takeshido? (subfaction in epta, and the only reason I use that faction kek)
      Its *really* fast and has a bunch of built in takeshido ships (which are basically fast cars with guns on them) and has slots left over for whatever strikecraft you want.
      I used this in my first recent modded save towards the end to rocket around the map capturing points and applying pressure while letting my mecha and racecars go nuts.

  134. 1 year ago

    I have no negative opinions toward the Starsector modding community nor any particular members of it.

    • 1 year ago

      I wish UAF ships didn't look so bad because I can appreciate the work that went into the mod as a whole, and honestly nothing about it really bothers me aside from the ship designs and music.

      • 1 year ago

        The portraits and ships not remotely fitting with the game nor the faction or its lore doesn't bother you at all?

        • 1 year ago

          I already run half a dozen portrait mods of a questionable nature
          Read my post

          • 1 year ago

            Its one thing to think they are ugly but the not fitting in the game and looking massively out of place is another.
            Don't worry anon! There are plenty of 'tards out there living really kick ass lives. My first wife was 'tarded. She's a pilot now.

            • 1 year ago

              >Its one thing to think they are ugly but the not fitting in the game and looking massively out of place is another.
              Oh, they're both. I put them in the same group of ugliness as most Chinese mods where everything's just a mess of blue panels, neon, and angles. Don't even get me started on UAF's carrier hangars.

              • 1 year ago

                >chinese mods
                why do they all purposefully try to make everything so "smooth"??
                I've seen it some ships I don't like in factions like this but it seems like every chinese mod I look at has these weird overly blurred up high tech ugly bugships.

              • 1 year ago

                >everything so "smooth"
                Isn't it describes most of high-tech vanilla ship as well?

              • 1 year ago

                I more meant the layer of vaseline they all seem to put on what are supposed to be sprites but yes its a problem I have with a lot of the high tech shit in general in a different way.

              • 1 year ago

                What's wrong hegmonkey, can't appreciate true beauty?

              • 1 year ago

                shut up noah

      • 1 year ago


        • 1 year ago

          It's the absolute worst part of UAF

    • 1 year ago

      god i wanna feel those pantyhose-clad legs wrapped around my waist as i hilt my wiener inside her
      i guess the ships are okay too

  135. 1 year ago

    Damn it would be so cool if you could somehow run sim battles against ships from your own fleet

    • 1 year ago

      That... Might actually be moddable? Interesting suggestion at the very least.

  136. 1 year ago

    Bullying Nia's feminine, hairless balls with your dangling, hairy, full sack...

  137. 1 year ago

    >Neural interface doesn't add the peak performance seconds I need in my second ship
    You should fix this Alex!

  138. 1 year ago

    >first portrait for my starsector faction thingy
    >it's sad that I cannot show her soft squishy long ̶e̶e̶l̶ *cough*, dragon tail

    Not sure who the mod author is, but I guess look out for that.

    • 1 year ago

      iirc the VRI author talked about how he wanted to add dragon girls so maybe it's related to that

      • 1 year ago

        Well, I'm looking forward to that. If anything he has some nice stuff.

  139. 1 year ago

    Give me a good built for a conquest.

    • 1 year ago

      If its for you put all the dakka, if its for AI put the dakka on mostly one side.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh damn, it got shitted on by an onslaught. I guess I am just going to give it hardened shield, reinforce bulkhead, and heavy armor so it can sponge some damage. Going to raid a high level system for my radiant.

        • 1 year ago

          safety overrides and more dakka

          • 1 year ago

            > SO on a conquest

            • 1 year ago

              No no he may be on too something, unless Alex decided to make so incompatible with capital ships. It's been a while since I played.

        • 1 year ago

          >hardened shield
          Some anon here preached about its low effectiveness, implying that maxed out caps would be a better investment for shield-tanking.

  140. 1 year ago

    How many fricking marines do I need to bust the clone guy out of the path base? They're so expensive.

    • 1 year ago

      you could just ask them nicely, no joke it's that easy, I somehow managed to do it in my first run and it's either that or break the lesbian out of Kanta's den.

    • 1 year ago

      you could just ask them nicely, no joke it's that easy, I somehow managed to do it in my first run and it's either that or break the lesbian out of Kanta's den.

      >doing the main quest

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, I'll do Neriene too before touching the anime factions. Too bad the Hivers and Legio sat bombed everything

      • 1 year ago

        I'm a new player

      • 1 year ago

        Everyone should do it unmodded at least once.
        I left it in on my current run to make shit as hard as possible for me. Started with a really shit frigate, nothing else in the tutorial start.

        Yes, I'll do Neriene too before touching the anime factions. Too bad the Hivers and Legio sat bombed everything

        Alex purposefully made this b***h ugly as frick right?

        • 1 year ago

          5.5/10, she's what a female officer would look like and not an anime waifu. Can't wait on the luddic church mission update

          • 1 year ago

            just check the portrait folder, who is this guy?

            • 1 year ago


          • 1 year ago

            kek fair enough. I'm being "mean" I guess but the game suggests she's this hot woman and its like nah player I'm good.
            I want more church content as well. I want to talk to the bossman more.

            just check the portrait folder, who is this guy?


  141. 1 year ago

    Nia Tahl deserves to be ryona'd

  142. 1 year ago

    I wish we have more AI waifus than anime women, I mean it's the far future, Tri-tach must be raking in tons of money for virtual gf experience right?

  143. 1 year ago

    I can't stop my addiction with frickhuge ships. Currently using HMI, UAF and Missing ships, any more recommendations?

    • 1 year ago

      Ship/Weapon Pack has a battlestation with engines if this is what you want.

      • 1 year ago

        ahahaha what the frick not that anon but how do I get one of these? Any other giant ships in that pack?

        hate to ask this but does anyone have the superweapon mod download? last time I downloaded it was in April and I think the version I have is a few versions behind the last released version of it.

        leery of superweapons, does it give half the npcs planetcrackers or some shit

        • 1 year ago

          nah superweapons are for ship-to-ship combat. Unless there was an update that added planetkillers but that's doubtful. They're basically super expensive to use (in terms of costing a lot of loadout points) but you slap em on a weapon slot and they, to put it very generously, would absolutely wreck shit.

          • 1 year ago

            I understood that they are for ship to ship I just meant are half the fights going to be ended by an npc dropping a fricking nuke or deathlazer or whatever the frick through half my fleet kek

            Especially since "super expensive" means absolutely frickall to the AI in starsector with their love of however the frick many officers and capitals and whatever else they can stuff in a fleet.

            • 1 year ago

              i dont think npcs can have superweapons in their loadouts, you only find the stuff through exploration loot
              the superweapons aren't "press button i win" weapons, they're definitely a few tiers above your average weapon but they come with heavy flux/OP costs so they can be a little unwieldy unless the ship you're using is also really good

              • 1 year ago

                >exploration loot
                oh that is cool, do pirates or scavengers end up with them?
                Thanks for the info. A lot of mods don't seem to give a frick about any of that kind of shit hence my hesitation. Hopefully someone posts the version you're looking for.

              • 1 year ago

                hate to ask this but does anyone have the superweapon mod download? last time I downloaded it was in April and I think the version I have is a few versions behind the last released version of it.

                Superweapons Arsenal 2.5

              • 1 year ago

                nice, apparently you can wayback the threads to get old links too kek
                reading through that thread holy shit are these people insufferable. Mod author probably could've handled it 1000x better but the idea that these mod sprites made by stealing alex's work and bashing it together in paint are somehow the property of anyone becomes some amusing shit quite quickly.
                this is like if I got mad that people made new versions of my black and white 2 creature stuff when I was a teen.

                >how do I get one of these?
                I just nicked one off a luddic church traitor bounty. I think there's a custom start that has it in nex, but I'm not sure.

                >I just nicked one off a luddic church traitor bounty.
                oooo did you get it from a church bar? sounds fun.

              • 1 year ago

                >oooo did you get it from a church bar?
                nah it was just one of the normally generated ones that just get put out there.

              • 1 year ago

                Oh ok interesting. Was it from the church though? Like one of their missiongivers?

              • 1 year ago

                yes. traitor pirate bounties that have ships from 1 faction's pool are always posted by that faction and give you rep for that faction when completed. the persean league isn't going to give out traitor bounties with xiv ships in them; it'll be the heggies doing that. likewise, the heggies aren't giving out traitor bounties with paragons in them; that'll be tritach.

              • 1 year ago

                Cool, yea makes sense obviously. That said, I could totally see going to places where people aren't so friendly to look for some traitor and get people to find them. I don't expect the game to make sense also so it is worth asking. I didn't pay much attention to bounties in vanilla beyond "kill who? he's flying what? ok"

              • 1 year ago

                many thanks

                nice, apparently you can wayback the threads to get old links too kek
                reading through that thread holy shit are these people insufferable. Mod author probably could've handled it 1000x better but the idea that these mod sprites made by stealing alex's work and bashing it together in paint are somehow the property of anyone becomes some amusing shit quite quickly.
                this is like if I got mad that people made new versions of my black and white 2 creature stuff when I was a teen.
                >I just nicked one off a luddic church traitor bounty.
                oooo did you get it from a church bar? sounds fun.

                The thing I hate the most is that I still see the occasional "what happened to the superweapons" mod post on reddit (yeah yeah I know) and the discord (yeah yeah I know x2), and it's been interesting and infuriating to watch as it as the reasoning morphed over time.

                It's no longer "yeah someone claimed that the superweapons guy stole part of their weapon sprite."

                It has now morphed into

                "yeah the guy clearly stole someone's weapon sprite (not even part of it) and was a complete butthole and got angry at people when they pointed it out, the guy they stole it from was super cool and totally didn't come across like a dickhead. There totally weren't like five or six big mod makers that all dogpiled this random guy, please ignore that and DO NOT read the superweapon thread. We even gave them the chance to say they're sorry and redo the weapon model, and they refused, which proves they were an butthole and a thief :)"

                No wonder they probably just left the community. I would too. The guy made like 15 weapon models and their effects. Would they really be so moronic to steal such a random part of the sprite? Possibly? I just find it extremely unlikely. I don't get why starsector's modding community can be so autistic for its size.

                Remember everyone, three slightly similar pixel lines that look enough like another person's three-pixel lines enough to have you ostracised in the Starsector modding community if the big modders randomly decide to get angry at you. If one big mod maker gets mad at you, you're fricked, since they're all butt buddies and they're also butt buddies with the forum/discord/reddit moderators, and alex is too much of a pansy to do anything as he is too busy spending two years writing ten minutes worth of event chains for the main quest that barely anyone does and getting mad when someone says "reeee" in the change notes thread.

              • 1 year ago


                It makes me more frustrated because I seem to remember this superweapons mod author be (unless I'm confusing it for someone else) somewhat bad at english. I think they were Chinese or something but I forget. Imagine making a mod for a game you love only to see a bunch of native speakers of a language yell at you, accusing you of being a thief, then being condescending as hell when you try to defend yourself. Only to get chided every time you try and retort their points as it's impossible to defend such an absurd accusation. Only in a community overwhelmingly filled with left-leaning basement dwellers and trannies could you get a situation where a non-native English speaker is getting yelled for not giving perfectly articulated responses.


              • 1 year ago

                don't forget the part where modders made the superweapons not work on their ships etc.
                *before* all the "controversy"

              • 1 year ago

                I'm 100% certain that the only reason people tolerate Tahl is because he/she/don'tgiveashit/ managed to find a way to inherit, like, 2/3rds of the big faction mods on top of their own creations like an autistic Charles the 5th. He is up there in the modding cabal list of people who act like they're hot shit and bury themselves in sarcasm in a vain attempt to seem like they aren't horridly depressed.

                I still hold that if some random no-name modder did what they did with the legio infernalis taking less damage from certain mods they would have gotten kicked out of the community a long time ago.

                (I'm presuming that is who you are referencing)

              • 1 year ago

                Soren got banned from the discord shortly after for being a vindictive c**t to new modders he didn't liked and pulling the "You stole some pixels" card one too many times.

              • 1 year ago

                >I don't get why starsector's modding community can be so autistic for its size.
                Starsector modding community is not anything unusual. Modding communities are always like this.
                Mentally healthy person is unlikely to become modder in first place, because mentally healthy people don't like working for free. Only autists with particular focused obsession would. However, even autist would eventually start feeling some entitlement about all that work he did for free, which would result in both narcissistic attitude towards rest of community, and this shit progressively taking more place in one's identity. What started as genuine benefolent desire to add something to the game you loved, will eventually end in pathetic powertripping in your discord pen vs anyone you didn't like and typing things like "pl*yers".

                If anything Startsector one is relatively tame, I recall incident in some city building game modding community with some mod outright executing malicious code if it detected presence of a mod by author whom author of first mod didn't like for some reason. However local homosexuals also have funny record, for example I remember time when they impersonated dev to file takedown vs some mod that discord mantrain deemed verboten.

              • 1 year ago

                >If anything Startsector one is relatively tame, I recall incident in some city building game modding community with some mod outright executing malicious code if it detected presence of a mod by author whom author of first mod didn't like for some reason. However local homosexuals also have funny record, for example I remember time when they impersonated dev to file takedown vs some mod that discord mantrain deemed verboten.
                Both those have happened in starsector. There's still crashcode in SWP (and additonal malicious code even if you circumvent the crash code). Noah added code maliciously targeting every modder he personally disagreed with.

                There was also issues with the discord requesting DMCA takedown in Alex's name, it was the one time he went against the discord if only because there were potential legal rammifications if he didn't put a stop to it.

              • 1 year ago

                I'd like to see him try to code malicious script after I tie him down and run my tongue all over his naughty little feet.

              • 1 year ago

                Hey now, you don't need to go as far as "particular obsession" to like modding.
                You could say the same about people writing big rant on the internet. Except that modder do it with codes.

                You are still right that autistic egocentric modder is not surprising in any modding community.
                I know from good sources multiple indy game now there's PAID coders out there who put trap in their shitty unreadable code to frick over their boss if they get fired.

                (I'm no modder, did made some sprites using tools for another game)

        • 1 year ago

          >how do I get one of these?
          I just nicked one off a luddic church traitor bounty. I think there's a custom start that has it in nex, but I'm not sure.

  144. 1 year ago

    hate to ask this but does anyone have the superweapon mod download? last time I downloaded it was in April and I think the version I have is a few versions behind the last released version of it.

  145. 1 year ago

    Do you guys go through and name your ships?
    I find myself only naming a few key ships generally.

    • 1 year ago

      > tanker alpha, tanker beta
      > freighter alpha, freighter beta
      > tug alpha, tug beta
      Combat ships keep their original names

      • 1 year ago

        ur a beta tug
        You don't name your flagship though?

        • 1 year ago

          Flagship is different of course, but if it rolls a good name I'll keep it.

          >The total automated ship points are equal to the deployment points of all automated ships in the fleet, with a multiplier for installed ai cores - 4xfor an alpha core...
          What the frick a single radiant with an alpha ai drops it to 43%. What the frick alex. Why am I getting punished for playing the game?!

          Use beta cores. One less skill for a lot more cr

          • 1 year ago

            I guess this is the way to go other than cheating, such a damn shame I sold all my betas to tri-tachyon. It ain't right to cuck players like that.

            • 1 year ago

              now Tri-Tach has all the beta cores and they get to sell them right back to anons for a huge markup.
              Alex has to be a Tri-Tach shareholder. it's the only explanation.

    • 1 year ago

      I name them after the games they come from, like my star fed ships.

      >Pride of Node 17
      >Wentworth's Pride
      >Tully's Lament
      >Rockman Crusader
      >109 Slug Exile
      >Zoltan Juicer
      >Mantis versus Machine
      >Engi-neer is Engi-here

    • 1 year ago

      Ore 001
      Supply 001
      Supply 002
      Supply 003
      Supply 004
      Fuel 001
      Fuel 002
      Fuel 003

      Yes, I use Forge Production mod.

    • 1 year ago

      Battleships get named long after introduction into the fleet, depending on their deeds so far.
      Tankers are named after farm animals
      >Cow, Buffalo, Chicken
      Atlases are named after strongmen
      >Shaw, Pudzian
      Light cruisers get named after scientists
      >Richter, Fahrenheit, Newton
      Carriers get named after cloud formations
      >Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulonimbus
      Manticores are always named after blunt weapons
      >Hammer, Mace, Bludgeon
      Phantoms are named after emotions
      >Sorrow, Joy, Dread, Wrath
      Wolfs get dog names
      >Rex, Lab, Fluffy
      Hyperions are named after hunting dog breeds
      >Sighthound, Bloodhound, Foxhound
      Afflictors are called after nuisances
      >Thorn in side, Pebble in the shoe, Mosquito
      Dooms are always named after assasins (yes, I know)
      >Altair, Auditore
      [REDACTED] are given magical names
      >Star Witch, Sorceress, Enchantress, Illusionist
      That one Shade that I always have accompany Sierra is called >Apprentice
      ISS Athena keeps her name, as well as a special place in my heart.
      Unidentified Phase Vessel has no name given and is usually stowed away and rendered inert. May Ludd have mercy on us all.

    • 1 year ago

      Only Capital ships and cruisers with s mods.

    • 1 year ago

      Go on and rate my insanity.
      If there was an easy way to show "fleet ships + name" I think more people would post it

      • 1 year ago

        >Phoca (R)
        I love that little thing, traditional battleship layouts are my jam and it's rare to see it on a cruiser
        >Vayra commieshit

    • 1 year ago

      I named them after the title song I'm currently listening. Halo naming convention is really easy to conjure.

    • 1 year ago

      Currently doing a Blackrock run where I'm naming them after missions/things from Half Life. My science and exploration ship is called Black Mesa.

    • 1 year ago

      I name ships based on my first impression of said ships or interesting events that led up to acquiring said ships. Just a couple of seconds of effort. Same with captains.

    • 1 year ago

      Yes, name every single ship. It's the only way to play Starsector.

  146. 1 year ago

    >The total automated ship points are equal to the deployment points of all automated ships in the fleet, with a multiplier for installed ai cores - 4xfor an alpha core...
    What the frick a single radiant with an alpha ai drops it to 43%. What the frick alex. Why am I getting punished for playing the game?!

    • 1 year ago

      because alex is a moron. anyway, just put the alpha on a brilliant. cores on a radiant are all moronic anyway because even with non-fearless AI phase skimmer is always a recipe for suicidal disasters.

    • 1 year ago

      pretty sure adjusted skill thresholds would let you change that

    • 1 year ago

      >Why am I getting punished for playing the game?!
      Same question regarding peak performance time mechanic. Why does it exist? What exactly does it add to the game that's valuable? How come it's only an issue for player and not enemy?
      Most importantly, why does it have to specifically shit on player for non-basic choices of using small ship and not capital as flagship?

      Is there a mod to just outright remove it from the game?

      • 1 year ago

        >How come it's only an issue for player and not enemy
        PPT can for sure be an issue for the enemy. Some of the most broken enemy ships can be defeated by wearing them down to 0 CR.

  147. 1 year ago

    I'll do a wolfpack vanilla game. What mods do you guys recommend that are vanilla adjacent enough, I'm not even gonna run nex.

  148. 1 year ago

    Imagine being a shitter crying that can't win because of peak performance mechanic or because your alpha core radiant has -1% damage due to sub-60% CR

  149. 1 year ago

    I like this spacetrucking mod. Comfy trading using a slowly expanding fleet of shielded cargo hold having small freighters and frigate escort and all the women at the offices are cute blondes.

    • 1 year ago

      Extreme modifications fricking sucks.

      • 1 year ago


        Why does this run bad on my AMD card? Is it because its modded to shit? I wonder if I should disable graphicslib

        It runs awful on AMD hardware for many reasons and its fricking moronic. Disabling some of the graphicslib can help some but you're basically hitting your head against a wall. Install JRE8 if you haven't, allocate some more ram if you haven't, lock it 60 fps and turn vsync off in the settings if you haven't. I've heard giving the game just one core affinitywise can help but I've not tried that myself.

        It's probably not your GPU
        Give it more ram

        This game runs awful on AMD hardware in general a lot of the time newer shit can brute force it but its still pathetic given the game.

        well, i've fapped to worse stuff

        >her, tight

  150. 1 year ago


    Very nice, this knight of Ludd will have 72 virgin AI cores in the afterlife

  151. 1 year ago

    Why does this run bad on my AMD card? Is it because its modded to shit? I wonder if I should disable graphicslib

    • 1 year ago

      It's probably not your GPU
      Give it more ram

  152. 1 year ago

    I unironically like Scalartech and Tahlan Shipworks

    • 1 year ago

      Ok Nia

    • 1 year ago

      Hate Scalartech, but Tahlan is decent if you delete legio

  153. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >/vst/ is only enjoying 'raping' anime girls because they're looking for a response from the authors in a bout of trolling.
      Pathetic. You should break anime girls for its own sake, not because you care what some real person will think about it when they see it. Literally attention-seeking behavior.

      Go jerk off and then come back to post as normal.

      • 1 year ago

        Pffft, what a pleb. Obviously, there's more joy in raping somebody in front of their loved ones, like tying up the whole family in a B&E and taking the mom and her daughter while her husband impotently watches, probably with a hard-on.

        We're recreating this wonderful dynamic in the online world with speshul snowflake OCs.

        • 1 year ago

          >Obviously, there's more joy in raping somebody in front of their loved ones, like tying up the whole family in a B&E and taking the mom and her daughter while her husband impotently watches, probably with a hard-on.
          Sorry, I actually enjoy it more when a woman is willingly seduced away from her loved ones more than when she's just broken into a sack of sex meat.

          So yes, I will spoil these b***hes to the point of breaking. They will only take MY lava cakes from now on.

          • 1 year ago

            >willingly seduced
            Then... sorry homie... that isn't rape.

            Maybe you should look for another modding community fampai

      • 1 year ago

        nta but i respect pronouns and also enjoy breaking anime girls.

    • 1 year ago

      They know, and they won't care until you try to show off on the discord.

    • 1 year ago

      You really think they don't come here?

      When I tried to tac bomb them before ground operations it took 16k fuel. The only thing you can do about it is disable one of military installations with agent, and even this is not guaranteed to always work.

      I'm still in the hobo phase and managed to do a lot of damage piggybacking off of other invasion fleets. You could always clear the way for another faction who can bring more fuel and troops, let them take it, and then take it from them since most of the shit there is gonna be disabled.

      • 1 year ago

        >piggybacking off of other invasion fleets
        Neat idea. Guess I have to dump my gamma core on Hegemony and the Church and form a truce with them.

        • 1 year ago

          Get a commision from either the Hegemony or the Church, then improve relations between them until they form an alliance.
          Then if you have colonies making you shit ton of credits you can spam massive invasion.

          Improving the relations and making the alliance is the easy part.

  154. 1 year ago

    You guys are not joking about Legio faction being literal unkillable cancer. Managed to slowly and repeteadly fight my way to their homeworld only to not be able to invade or do a little harmless raid with 10k marines I brought.

    • 1 year ago

      When I tried to tac bomb them before ground operations it took 16k fuel. The only thing you can do about it is disable one of military installations with agent, and even this is not guaranteed to always work.

    • 1 year ago

      anyone ever try a VIC viral solution on them?

  155. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Is this actually from a mod or just a shitpost?
      As stupid as it looks, it's also kinda badass.

    • 1 year ago

      Needs the Astral's flight decks on it somewhere

  156. 1 year ago
  157. 1 year ago

    shit guys I think I finally found my flagship

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer to party a little harder

  158. 1 year ago

    So is penelope's star colony bait or something because it feels that way. I've been looking around for a terran world and haven't really found any I like. I use HMI so there is that one place with the tundra world. I'll probably check out all of those area and then pick one I like.

    • 1 year ago

      Penelope's Star seems like a way to guarantee player a reasonable planets to colonize.

    • 1 year ago

      it used to have a chance to spawn terran worlds and other good shit, got removed last update iirc so now it can only have really mediocre stuff, still it's a red giant with a gas giant so it tends to have a lot of planets in it

    • 1 year ago

      The three unexplored and uncolonized systems (Duzahk, Penelope's Star, Tia-Ta'xet) have a few guaranteed planets iirc. The wiki pages I provide below go into a bit more detail about the guaranteed planets and the likely/possible conditions they'll have.

      My RNG has always been dogshit which often leads me to having all the planets be effectively useless outside of when you already have other good colonies.

      I have gotten 3/3 almost useless planets so I usually just default to colonizing Huascar (Yma system), volcanic world with abundant ore and abundant transplutonic ore), and/or Kolasis ( Al Gebbar system) ultra rich transplutonic ore, rich ore) Basanizo (also Al Gebbar system) rich ore and rich transplutonic ore). I usually play Hegemonkey or Iron Shell because of my crippling XIV addiction, so those may be good or bad systems to set up in depending on your allegiance and/or diplomatic relations.

      I tend to colonize good mining planets first because I'll usually set up mining + refining + heavy industries with a nanoforge (in that order) since the pollution modifier doesn't affect hellholes like volcanic worlds. There's also the aforementioned thing of most planets in the core words already being inhabited by some sort of faction.

      I really wish we had a good wiki site like the old Minecraft wiki before it, too, got turned into fandomwiki shit. It feels like every other week that I have to use Add Block Plus/Ublock to disable annoying ass pop ups (on top of the fact that the wiki will openly show spoilers to new players because the pages are popular)

      No, I don't want to read about some marvel shit frick off Fandom.

    • 1 year ago

      >So is penelope's star colony bait
      Yes, that's why I edited it to have a yellow star and to have habitable worlds spawn in them again. Money is super easy to get with colonies regardless if you're in the core systems or not.

    • 1 year ago

      >So is penelope's star colony bait
      yes. 90% of the time the desert world there doesn't even have farming. it's a big issue in vanilla. desert worlds are eligible to spawn with stellar shades too despite mostly not having farming so all they do is negate the hot trait.

  159. 1 year ago

    kek I love the "fleet size by dp" mod
    I have 80 ships at this point and the largest one is a single Falcon. 12k storage~ 5k~ fuel from tiny little freighters and a phaeton, 4 salvagers, and a troop transport.
    Battles require some high tier autism wolfpacking so far but its fun.

    • 1 year ago

      how did you deal with tight capital/cruiser/carrier battlelines?

      • 1 year ago

        die horribly thus far kek

        You're not picky until you write a script that creates a new game and takes a screenshot of the sector map with hypershunts and cryosleepers visible. Then use another script to score each picture based whether a hypershunt is within 10 LR of a cryosleeper and how far the cryosleeper is to the core worlds. Then take the top scoring saves and put them into to see if the stars near the cryosleeper have any perfect planets.

        Then discard every save that does not have a perfect system with hypershunt and cryosleeper bonuses and planets that can support every colony item. Then do this in 50-100 save batches for an entire week before arriving at a single perfect savegame.

        Yes, I did this. Yes, this was moronic. I dropped that save before starting a colony.

        sounds severely unfun

      • 1 year ago

        Not the anon, but I also run a small-ship fleet and find that the key is squeezing as much alpha damage as you can out of your ships, while having the mobility to frick off and vent. LP Brawler is a fantastic player ship for the premium bullet hell experience if you stack enough bonuses on it, even after the assault cannon nerf. LP Lasher is also good, and the AI handles it better than the brawler. Basically, just find an open hole and plug it mercilessly with as much lead or energy as you can fit. In general, prioritize DPS over weapon uptime, so think assault cannons, heavy blasters, mining lasers, phase lances, sabots for missiles. The quicker you get the damage out, the harder it will be for the AI to respond, and the less time you gotta spend getting shot at.

        Phase ships are also great if you get the associated blue skill. It works fine for vanilla too in my past runs, but right now I'm running a pirate Einhander from ArmaA and it's absolutely disgusting with dual mining blasters once you buff it hard enough. This is offset by the fact that I'm still hilariously fragile and will get obliterated if I'm not focusing, but phase anchor keeps you from losing your ship if you got enough CR.

  160. 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Both since I am a midline Black person.

  161. 1 year ago

    designing a new mech concept, what you guys think?

    • 1 year ago

      There's black colour on it and my OC super speshul 100% originel mech also has black pixels so delete this RIGHT FRICKING NOW before I have you BANNED you COPYRIGHT INFRINGING NAZI CHUD

  162. 1 year ago

    is there a centralized loredump for UAF out there?

    • 1 year ago

      what lore? even the meme gas station got more lore and characters (and that's after being modded). The tidbits of lore we got is through tips and it reads like manga omake than actual lore.

  163. 1 year ago

    >can't buy normal eradicators because luddic enhancement overrides them with the luddic church skin variant
    Any fix to this?

    • 1 year ago

      you can still buy them off independent planets but they're very rare.

  164. 1 year ago

    >found terran world
    >only planet in that solarsystem

    • 1 year ago

      We are quite picky aren't we brother? I can't settle a system if it doesn't have either a tundra or a cryovolcanic world, and some dominion comms/radar and the minimum two stable locations.

      • 1 year ago

        not that anon but I need at least 3 planets, 1 mining, 1 farming, and 1 volatiles or something to put a commerce building on

        • 1 year ago

          We are quite picky aren't we brother? I can't settle a system if it doesn't have either a tundra or a cryovolcanic world, and some dominion comms/radar and the minimum two stable locations.

          I just treat the immediate star group as one entity for the purposes of evaluating whether or not to settle somewhere
          like a 5LY radius or so

      • 1 year ago

        I would preferably like everything in one system just for ease of management. Also need that warpgate too.

      • 1 year ago

        not that anon but I need at least 3 planets, 1 mining, 1 farming, and 1 volatiles or something to put a commerce building on

        I would preferably like everything in one system just for ease of management. Also need that warpgate too.

        You're not picky until you write a script that creates a new game and takes a screenshot of the sector map with hypershunts and cryosleepers visible. Then use another script to score each picture based whether a hypershunt is within 10 LR of a cryosleeper and how far the cryosleeper is to the core worlds. Then take the top scoring saves and put them into to see if the stars near the cryosleeper have any perfect planets.

        Then discard every save that does not have a perfect system with hypershunt and cryosleeper bonuses and planets that can support every colony item. Then do this in 50-100 save batches for an entire week before arriving at a single perfect savegame.

        Yes, I did this. Yes, this was moronic. I dropped that save before starting a colony.

        • 1 year ago

          I knell to your autism.

    • 1 year ago

      you can set system to have more planets in the config files and that only your colony will have size 10 pop too, who cares

  165. 1 year ago

    >remove legio
    >had faction resurgence turned on to keep things interesting
    >legio colonises a new planet and immediately has a fricking pristine nanforge on their new colony
    >this happens several times
    Excuse me, what.
    I mean, easy pristine nanos, but I don't exactly need them. That shit's just stupid, Nia.

    • 1 year ago

      did you turned it off from the mod settings? this is quite concerning as i am also started playing with faction resurgence, i hate those fricking Black folk like you wouldn't believe.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah, I was well-versed enough in Legio-murdering by that point that it was just more shit to blow up, as far as I was concerned. It's still really fricking dumb, though.
        I didn't have them turned off in the settings, if that's what you meant. By "remove legio" I meant "co-ordinate with about half-a-dozen ai grand invasion fleets and overrun their home system". Turning them off shouldn't let them appear at all.

        • 1 year ago

          that's good to hear anon.

    • 1 year ago

      did you turned it off from the mod settings? this is quite concerning as i am also started playing with faction resurgence, i hate those fricking Black folk like you wouldn't believe.

      Nah, I was well-versed enough in Legio-murdering by that point that it was just more shit to blow up, as far as I was concerned. It's still really fricking dumb, though.
      I didn't have them turned off in the settings, if that's what you meant. By "remove legio" I meant "co-ordinate with about half-a-dozen ai grand invasion fleets and overrun their home system". Turning them off shouldn't let them appear at all.

      That's an issue with Nexerelin, not Thalan

      • 1 year ago

        Nexerelin's resurgence option can cause factions to spawn and colonise a new planet with a pristine nanoforge ready to go? Seriously, I must have gotten a half-dozen of the things from pushing them back off the map.

  166. 1 year ago

    Alex is such a lazy Black person it's actually unreal
    You can 100% start from zero today, completely rip off the idea of starsector and have a complete steam release before he even gets to 1.0

    • 1 year ago

      you should probably do that then.

      • 1 year ago

        >let's see you do better!
        You don't need to be a 5-star chef to recognise a shit sandwich, as the saying goes.
        That said, I doubt Starsector makes enough money for Alex to live off it, it's been a passion project from the get-go. He likely has other shit going on that takes up his time.

        • 1 year ago

          >I'm just going to misquote you and durrr I'm a homosexual who sucks troony dick!
          yeah we know.

          • 1 year ago

            What I quoted carries the same meaning, with different words. You're doing the greentexting equivalent of disregarding someone's post because they misplaced a letter or forget an apostrophe.

            • 1 year ago

              shut up noah no one cares that you're a loser

              • 1 year ago

                >I have no valid retort so I'm just going to accuse you of being one of the disc**t cabal
                I unironically like that Snoah's name has become a running insult here, though. I didn't think Arthmoor could ever be rivalled for sheer unlikeablility, but here we are.

    • 1 year ago

      t. nocoder

      • 1 year ago

        It's just fricking java
        I used to code in java when I was fricking 12 to make my own hackneyed minecraft mods

        • 1 year ago

          >i know what i'm doing because i used someone else's java api for the block game
          if you're that confident why don't you make a starsector clone and put it up for early release
          you could be the next early release spacegame rockstar

          • 1 year ago

            I was making a point that a fricking 12yo can use it on a basic level
            I had to program a game in java as part of my classes when I was 15, you won't convince anyone that it's some sky-high barrier of entry

            the hardest part of making a starsector clone would have everything to do with assets and nothing to do with coding
            at this point you could probably even get ChatGPT to do a lot of the lifting for you

            • 1 year ago

              >the hardest part of making a starsector clone would have everything to do with assets and nothing to do with coding
              and this is why you're a massive moron

              • 1 year ago

                i can write code
                i can't make sprites for shit
                it's harder if I can't do it myself

              • 1 year ago

                you've never coded anything more complex than a fricking minecraft mod. 99% of programming is about designing the abstraction and having domain-specific knowledge. i can guarantee you that whatever garbage you write will be an unmaintainable trash less than a week into development.
                i write firmware for a living. don't spew your Ganker memes at me.

              • 1 year ago

                yes yes 300 confirmed codebase updates etc etc

              • 1 year ago

                >300 confirmed codebase updates
                you can't even meme at me properly because you don't even know any version control tools.

        • 1 year ago

          >It's just fricking java
          Ah, so that's why it lags so much.

      • 1 year ago

        >i know what i'm doing because i used someone else's java api for the block game
        if you're that confident why don't you make a starsector clone and put it up for early release
        you could be the next early release spacegame rockstar

        no bro you don't understand he could do it in a weekend if he really wanted to

        • 1 year ago

          Of course not. The reality of what an undertaking building a game is doesn't excuse Alex's own failure to build upon foundations he has already laid, however.

  167. 1 year ago

    Well I was going to stick to cruisers and smaller but a pirate revenge fleet had a "Mitigator" Class from LTA (giant frickoff scrapship) so I guess thats my flagship now.

  168. 1 year ago

    >find a derelict ship
    >level 7 officer inside
    >all his skill are garbage
    Also had same face with another officer I have.

  169. 1 year ago

    What's wrong with you guys? Stop wanting to rape Iron Shell and UAF women. That is terrible.

    • 1 year ago

      back to discord you go

  170. 1 year ago

    So I conquered two planets and just purchased governorship and one I colonized on my own all in the same system. Is there a way to get those first two from my buddies?

    • 1 year ago

      There has to be a way to buy out these colonies or something in nex.
      Tried ceding it to the heg but the only option after that was to just buy the governorship back.

  171. 1 year ago

    200+ Haz levels even worth colonizing?

    • 1 year ago

      if its 200% and +3/+3 yeah as long as you're not in spacefarer mode and you have some sort of future infrastructure nearby planned. Usually thats the kind of planets that end up being my mining planet near a farming one.

  172. 1 year ago

    >finally got an early paragon
    >Oh frick yeah I am going to be 200k richer if I sell this
    >sells for 28k

    • 1 year ago

      >gets an early paragon
      >doesn't farm bounties for massive profit

      • 1 year ago

        I guess I'll use it,energy weapons are pretty rare in my sector so I will put it on shelf until I can refit it.

        • 1 year ago

          Using one of the mods to make the game harder or playing Pirate?

          • 1 year ago

            I suppose starpocalypse makes it harder to gain weapons but I am doing fine since most of my shit comes from salvage. Wish the 4x the price for the ships though.

  173. 1 year ago


  174. 1 year ago

    How to get more DP? Being unable to put anything in a fight while an enemy overwhelms me is getting old.

    • 1 year ago

      There is a few mods for that, but you can simply change config to make it fair:
      'Starsectorstarsector-coredataconfigsettings' - "minFractionOfBattleSizeForSmallerSide" - set this to 0.5.

    • 1 year ago

      >How to get more DP? Being unable to put anything in a fight while an enemy overwhelms me is getting old.
      It was reworked from purely your dp : enemy dp in 0.95. It influences base deployment, but ultimately percentage is controlled by comm relay objectives. If I understand correctly controlling one means you get to deploy 50% of battle size's DP worth regardless, controlling two means 60%. Also green skill always makes you deploy at least 50% as if you already have one relay, and you are supposed to take it anyway for +1 S-mod.
      It is also possible that you have fricked up battle size in settings. Set it to 5/3 of your fleet.

    • 1 year ago

      if you want to go vanilla way you should put more points in fleet skills and use a better mix of capital/cruisers/destroyer and frigates combination. Some are great in general but some are situational at best. Also Derelict Operations helps you field more d-modded ships so you can rush more ship that has rugged construction that combined with Derelict Op will technically ignore D-mods and reduce DP for your ships. While fielding 30 d-modded ships seems kinda turned off at first glance you'd be suprised on how effective Atlas MKII is. Putting in modded contents like HMI is just low-tech overkill

      • 1 year ago

        >you'd be suprised on how effective Atlas MKII is
        It is very glass cannon (as most pirate ships), I think pather's prometheus is more capable shitty ship.

        • 1 year ago

          It's still 2 large missiles and a bunch of ballistics with AAF just for 24 dp.

      • 1 year ago

        Every time I want to do a pirate playthrough I chicken out because I hate trying to acquire pirate ships.

        I kinda wish there was a way to convert ships into pirate/pather variants while on the go at the cost of setting its CR to zero for a bit, requiring heavy machinery/metal and possibly adding d-mods. It would be cool to intercept a merchant fleet, recover the merchant ships, then turn them into pirate versions. That way you wouldn't have to spend enough money on an atlas mk2 that you really could have bought a cruiser or a few destroyers for the same amount of credits.

        Then again, that issue might just be an issue no matter what as long as you can buy flat out military vessels on the open market.

        • 1 year ago

          you could acquire pirate ships through spoil of the victor, no pirate start needed
          or get lucky and acquire a pirate blueprint
          last resort to start our as pirate but not having the other factions chasing you is to start out as HMI (pirates all in name).
          Also it might be hard starting out as pirate and you might get your shit shoved in by everyone but you can always respawn (this happened to me in a modded playthrough so idk about what happens in vanilla)

        • 1 year ago

          i don't know shit about modding but how hard would it be to make a mod that
          >keeps track of which hulls have pirate/pather variants (or just have a hardcoded list of variants)
          >while docked at a pirate/pather world, adds a button to the screen when viewing those hulls labelled 'convert' or something
          >converting the ship strips its weapons and hullmods, then swaps it over to the other variant at some cost of money/materials/whatever

          • 1 year ago

            easier said than code. I guess the best way to implement ship conversion is to talk to the base/planet commander and have him swap your ship or a "new" Pather or Pirate version that they just kept in stock. I mean PAGSM has Ruy that will turn your crews to marines (with a fee) so it could be coded in like that (but why bother? We could buy or loot their ship anyway)

            • 1 year ago

              >(but why bother? We could buy or loot their ship anyway)
              flavor and mild qol, mainly
              all of the variants come from somewhere, so why not allow the player to interact with that part of the setting a little bit

          • 1 year ago

            The In-game Codex already lists all Ship Hulls and Ship Variants there are in the game, native or modded. Modders must tag these as variants of the original ship, which io truth they often already do.

            easier said than code. I guess the best way to implement ship conversion is to talk to the base/planet commander and have him swap your ship or a "new" Pather or Pirate version that they just kept in stock. I mean PAGSM has Ruy that will turn your crews to marines (with a fee) so it could be coded in like that (but why bother? We could buy or loot their ship anyway)

            Some Faction mods already do Market Hull conversions. You can get a regular ship and place it on the market's storage for it to be converted to the variant specific to the faction. I don't remember which specific mods implement this feature, however.
            Industrial.Revolution has a similar feature where colonies/starbases with a Repair Dock can store one of your ships and make it's D-Mods go away over a period of months for a fraction of what it would cost you to do it instantly.

            Do you like combat-abled logistic ships?

            I don't know anyone who hates the Apogee.

            • 1 year ago

              >Industrial.Revolution has a similar feature where colonies/starbases with a Repair Dock can store one of your ships and make it's D-Mods go away over a period of months for a fraction of what it would cost you to do it instantly.
              Must've been useful when that wasn't just a skill
              D-Mods mean frick all for the player

            • 1 year ago

              posting these ugly ship women images should be an instant permaban.

              • 1 year ago

                New schizo permaloser fixation just dropped

              • 1 year ago

                Being a butthurt homosexual should also be an instant permaban.

                But then there would be no rape mod.

            • 1 year ago

              What's the best large missile to put on the Apogee? The location of the slot is so annoying.

              • 1 year ago

                Vanilla large missile selection is dismal. You can put anti-shield ones, but ultimately apogee is not a combat ship.

              • 1 year ago

                Depend of how you play
                Long range, good for support

                >Locust SRM Launcher
                Good if you go close range and use that 360° shield

                >Squall MLRS
                Anti-shield, useful since your main weapon will be the large energy mount

                Next update will have a large version of the PILUM.

          • 1 year ago

            Tiandong and Roider Union have this exact feature for their own ships

        • 1 year ago

          If you start aligned to pirates in Nex do you get the blueprints like when you pick to be buddies with a minor faction? That might be a way to bypass that.

    • 1 year ago

      just cap the comm relays with fast frigates before the enemies can. having lots of officers also influeces how much starting dp you have by quite a bit more than your number of ships. by default you'll never get more than 240 DP nor go below 160, I believe. of course, you can edit the limit in the config file.

  175. 1 year ago

    fricking coomers invaded SS threads and taken over it
    frick, we are done

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        I despair
        you get troony modders on one side and then coomer modders on other side, obnly difference is that one are safe on forum and others would be chased from
        both degenerate trash that should be hanged

        • 1 year ago

          It's not like coomers do a lot of modding. For now.

          • 1 year ago

            every comfy community that get infected by coomers(or gays or trannies or furgays) stopped being comfy soon

    • 1 year ago

      First let's figure out one thing you moronic puritanical mutt, who exactly are those "coomers" you cry about?

      • 1 year ago

        you for example

        • 1 year ago

          If there is one thing that lowers quality of discussion here, it's subhumans with rotten brains who cannot articulate themselves without buzzwords meanings of which they can't quite explain. And to think that those undesirables have audacity to shittalk upstanding members of community who actually make modding content.

          • 1 year ago

            >t. degenerate

            • 1 year ago

              >Animal who seriously talks in Ganker lingo out of wojak pictures has nerve to call anyone else degenerate
              Holy shit the self awareness here

              • 1 year ago

                >angry degenerate noises

          • 1 year ago

            >upstanding members of community who actually make modding content
            Hi Noah!

    • 1 year ago

      they're basically homos, involving everyone else in their gay cybering. disgusting.

      • 1 year ago

        pretty much
        >look guys this is thing i gonna jack off tonight, hope you will jack off with me
        like wtf is wrong with them?

    • 1 year ago

      1) break
      2) butcher

  176. 1 year ago

    Never seen one of these.

    • 1 year ago

      Reeks of speshul steel donut (quite literal in this particular case) mod shit.

      • 1 year ago

        Looked into it and it's an extremely rare system spawn that can appear in Blade Breaker systems (Dassault-Mikoyan Engineering).

        It's essentially two potential colonizable locations in one, which you colonize independently from one another, but neither of them have any noticeable resources to collect from (One's an empty, artificial shell. The other is the planet that was mined out to create it).

    • 1 year ago

      >dyson sphere
      >not around a star
      Smell like buzzword addict

  177. 1 year ago

    alex will never finish the game not because coding is hard but because he spends weeks overdesigning features no one even wanted, and then overhauling them two updates later to be even more unneccesarily complicated

    • 1 year ago

      >features no one even wanted
      To be honest, it's his game. His vision. (or at least other team members okay with this, idk)

    • 1 year ago

      Typical scope/feature creep
      I wager he's also just trying to avoid "finishing" the game, whether consciously or subconsciously.

  178. 1 year ago


    cope and seethe piss baby

    • 1 year ago

      >t. diaper coon

    • 1 year ago

      That's literally what Iron Shell haters do unironically.
      A single fricking fleet made enough people seethe and cope to the point that someone made this


      Figured out how to use the player's own officers. Needs a bit more polish before release.
      Thanks. Implemented the variants.

      • 1 year ago

        >immediately brings up iron shell
        You're not fooling anyone Noah.

      • 1 year ago

        >make OP fleet
        >people get mad its bullshit
        I'm not that anon but still.

        Anons, let's maybe not get into empty arguments for once? Let keep this thread civil and all.

        Black person.

        • 1 year ago

          not that anon or the other anon but I just hate teleporting bullshit fleets. They are in vanilla as well and its a lazy mechanic for homosexuals.

          • 1 year ago

            Considering the amount of fleet skills the commanders get in that fleet it its kinda bullshit. It supposedly scales the fleet off of vanilla numbers but there is the whole way better captain shit to deal with. I dunno, its kinda gay.

        • 1 year ago

          >I'm not that anon but still.
          I know, it's hilarious how butthurt some people are over it.
          Funniest part is that it's not even that OP.

          not that anon or the other anon but I just hate teleporting bullshit fleets. They are in vanilla as well and its a lazy mechanic for homosexuals.

          >I just hate teleporting bullshit fleets
          It literally comes through a jump point.

          • 1 year ago

            >It literally comes through a jump point.
            then it isn't what I'm talking about literally now is it literally?

          • 1 year ago

            >It literally comes through a jump point.
            No it doesn't. It's also coded to scale to always be stronger than your fleet.

      • 1 year ago

        >make OP fleet
        >people get mad its bullshit
        I'm not that anon but still.

        Black person.

        It's not even about it being OP. Nobody would have cared, enough OP shit out there.
        Problem is it being gotcha moment that explicitly violates rules established in the game. Base game never teleports shit on top of you. Don't remember any mods doing it either, even ones where modder explicitly doesn't give a frick. Even then, it would have been acceptable if mod warned about upcoming violations of game's rules if player does thing, but it doesn't. On top of that, it violates second rule that game sets and mods generally don't violate, by not permitting player to use story point to deal with situation, and it doesn't warn player that game will stop working like it always was after the certain point again. Complete surprise.

        And what's the whole deal about?
        >Player fricks up certain faction (within reasonable limits btw, no sat bomb genocide shit)
        >Modder's donut steel suddenly violates multiple established rules of the game to stop player and flex on him

        I am definitely not into rape shit, but I wholeheartedly support this community's endeavor because it's going to teach that self absorbed clown a lesson.

        • 1 year ago

          >Base game never teleports shit on top of you
          Yes, yes it does. There are multiple story points which shit just spawns in right next to you so they can chitchat with you.

          • 1 year ago

            >Yes, yes it does. There are multiple story points which shit just spawns in right next to you so they can chitchat with you.
            I don't recall shit ever being put on top of player. Game spawns things at the border of sensor range in story missions, but you can easily avoid them if you want to. And more importantly, game warns you that there's shit out there looking to get you.

        • 1 year ago

          >explicitly violates rules established in the game
          Where? point me the place where said rules are written

        • 1 year ago

          >Player fricks up certain faction (within reasonable limits btw, no sat bomb genocide shit)
          Taking the nano-forge literally cripples the Hegemony.
          It's literally poisoning someone's water supply instead of taking it away.
          Them not going on sector wide hunt for the Player makes no sense.

          • 1 year ago

            Which in and of itself is a dumb consequence. Even without a pristine nanoforge they should function mostly okay, and they should realistically have a backup corrupted one at least.

            • 1 year ago

              what did i tell you about assuming things anon? thats like saying your computer with windows 10 broke let me quickly dust off my old one with windows 98

              • 1 year ago

                I'm not assuming shit, I'm basing it off of how nanoforges work for everyone else.

                >Taking the nano-forge literally cripples the Hegemony.
                >It's literally poisoning someone's water supply instead of taking it away.

                oh no the heg might have to deal with d-mods like the player does the absolute horror!

                Maybe they should get out there and explore some fricking planets and get a new one then, nerd.

                No removing the Chicozmotoc nanoforge has a dumb scripted consequence that actually CRIPPLES h-mon to a level completely disproportionate to the lack of one pristine nanoforge

              • 1 year ago

                >No removing the Chicozmotoc nanoforge has a dumb scripted consequence that actually CRIPPLES h-mon to a level completely disproportionate to the lack of one pristine nanoforge
                Seems like a heg problem to me
                (yeah thats fricking moronic)

              • 1 year ago

                >(yeah thats fricking moronic)
                It is.

                Which in and of itself is a dumb consequence. Even without a pristine nanoforge they should function mostly okay, and they should realistically have a backup corrupted one at least.

                >they should realistically have a backup corrupted one at least
                Realistically the player shouldn't even be able to steal it.
                Hell, how is a single pristine one even able to do this much, when Chicozmotoc is a size 8 planet.
                Does Chicozmotoc have a continent sized Heavy Industry that's all connected to single Nano-forge?

              • 1 year ago

                >Does Chicozmotoc have a continent sized Heavy Industry that's all connected to single Nano-forge?
                Sounds moronic enough for h-mon

          • 1 year ago

            >going on sector wide hunt for the Player
            Sure it's fine when action have consequences, it would be a cool addition.
            Not the immediate punishment with no warning.

          • 1 year ago

            >Taking the nano-forge literally cripples the Hegemony.
            >It's literally poisoning someone's water supply instead of taking it away.

            oh no the heg might have to deal with d-mods like the player does the absolute horror!

            Maybe they should get out there and explore some fricking planets and get a new one then, nerd.

            • 1 year ago

              in vanilla all factions were locked into a stalemate, any single one of them diverting their forces for exploration and colonizing would have meant spreading their forces way too thin and getting fricking destroyed like McArthur in Korea, which is why you only see indie prospectors and pirates going out there.

              • 1 year ago

                They pay millions to scavening and scouting crews (the player included) to do just that, anon.

              • 1 year ago

                scavenging too*

              • 1 year ago

                oh, so all the unrealistically wellpaying 50-100k exploration were actually reasonable all this time, would have been more sensible if contractors had to turn in shit they found (for big bonus) though, otherwise it wouldnt really solve anything, congrats some guy found a perfect system 15ly away but you are still locked down in the sector's biggest staring contest.

              • 1 year ago

                my point is those funds could go towards war or whatever else, they clearly have the logistics based off what the game shows.

          • 1 year ago

            >Taking the nano-forge literally cripples the Hegemony.
            To be honest, making a single -easily transportable- device impact the entire fleet is broken in the first place.
            I'd rather have several dozens of those with lesser effect.

            Could have been: 1 nanoforge remove 10% of d-mod
            Or make it so you can't build the costliest ship unless you have enough nanoforge.

            • 1 year ago

              >To be honest, making a single -easily transportable- device impact the entire fleet is broken in the first place.
              Hegemony is a size 8 entity. Its size is comparable to US. It's smaller than modern China which is size 9 entity.
              One onsult is more mental and more sophisticated machinery than any of naval warships existing IRL, and Hegemony's industry seems to assemble multiple of those every month. Even considering incomparable level of automation, easily accessible metals in space and much higher percentage of population employed in heavy industry, this is completely insane feat for US-sized entity to assemble multiple onbawds and dozens of smaller vessels per month. It can't not involve magic level automation that comes out of black box inherited from Domain workings of which nobody can understand. Black box can't be that large considering it is stated to assemble its own tools out of any scrap you give to it. It's probably small building-sized at the center of huge shipyard or something, and marines can definitely steal it if they neutralize defenders.

              • 1 year ago

                You are rationalizing it the wrong way.
                Of course they need automation. It need automation even without a magic device that is more of a quality-control booster than a forge.
                You can build the Onslout even without the forge, but can't avoid d-mod? Despite being able to remove most d-mod by throwing money at them?
                It's as if the US Air Force reliability rate plummeted just because someone stole an item that conveniently had the size of a truck container.

                Making a whole faction dependent on one single gimmick is not good for gameplay. And making your own faction should also involve a lot more hoops lining up.

              • 1 year ago

                >You can build the Onslout even without the forge, but can't avoid d-mod? Despite being able to remove most d-mod by throwing money at them?
                Remember what Sseth said in his video? We can't build new ships, we can only use blueprints so they would magically come to existence. It's completely alien approach to the construction and our earth logic is not applicable.

              • 1 year ago

                sseth's take on the blueprint system was moronic and wrong

              • 1 year ago

                You got it wrong.
                First, they don't need any nanoforge to build ships and it doesn't change what I said about removing d-mod.
                Second, they do build new ship, plenty of ship were built, modded after the collapse.
                The encrypted blueprint are just a aftermath of the Domain being control freak plutocrat.
                They did lose plans, they didn't lose the tools. But as game mechanic go what the nanoforge do is somehow reinvent quality control.

                Sseth's was just being hyperbolic for his video.

              • 1 year ago

                its tales from the afternow taken to its logical conclusion of DRM and copyright

              • 1 year ago

                And clearly they've hacked through enough DRM to have all the tools they needs.
                Blueprint are useful because it let you build a ship immediately.
                Designing a ship from zero would take decades, and they still do, read the blog.

              • 1 year ago

                ok? thats nice dear.

                >Caymon ship pack

                don't you ever disgrace arma like this again you homosexual

        • 1 year ago

          >Base game never teleports shit on top of you.
          Neither does Iron Shell

          • 1 year ago

            This. Never understood that anon's bone to pick with Ironshell about instant fleets when they appear in the inner jump point with ample warning.

            Literally just hyperwave jump away.

            • 1 year ago

              >when they appear in the inner jump point with ample warning.

              I watched one pop into existence mere pixels from mine. Luckily its one you could talk your way out of but still.
              I reloaded more than once to make sure because I swore I missed it showing up or something.

              >I watched one pop into existence mere pixels from mine.
              Could it be that you're talking about different versions and modder altered that after too many people called bullshit?

              • 1 year ago

                >Could it be that you're talking about different versions and modder altered that after too many people called bullshit?
                no I'm talking about vanilla. I won't use iron shell, sierra shit, etc.

  179. 1 year ago


    And who it might be that accuses other of being "degenerates"? We both know that you jack off to way worse shit and whatever people meme around with here, arbiter of morals. Not to mention that you are an actual subhuman with hollowed out head using wojak lingo. Nobody here is even half as "degenerate" as yourself. Perhaps you should suckstart a shotgun if you care about quality of this place.

    • 1 year ago

      >We both know that you jack off to way worse shit
      stop projecting your filth you degenerate and stop spreading your filth around here
      you should consider taking your won advice and kys

      • 1 year ago

        Never onse saw self-proclaimed arbiter of morals who actually practices what he preaches. Never. Once. LARPing attention prostitute whose soft brain got contaminated by wojak pictures at /misc/ lmfao, what are you even doing in here, go LARP in some gacha general, much more people will be able to see you being righteous moral crusader there.

        • 1 year ago

          why i should go to gacha generals tho?
          its filled by coombrains and gambling addicts addicted to dopamine hits like you
          why you for example not just frick off and keep your ugly fetishes for yourself?
          you are filth and no amount of copying will change that
          >but, but I produce some shitstain content
          take it and shove it back from where it came, you are on same level as discord troony modders just lack the safe space
          now frick off

          • 1 year ago

            ok there tough guy, keep seething while everyone ignores and mocks you.

            • 1 year ago

              >t. homosexual who want safe space
              I am not afraid but it looks like you are
              now go back from where you come

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                >t. evolutionary cul-de-sac
                remove yourself from the gene pool, abortion survivalist

              • 1 year ago

                >t. I am jacking off for human race survival
                like how you can be even that moronic?

              • 1 year ago

                >t. limp wristed homosexual who write about rape instead of going and doing the deed
                like get real you soiboy, go outside and rape anything i dare you

                >no capitalization
                Ah I get it, you're the resident schizo permalosers who've been squatting in these thread for months, maybe years, getting mad that something else is getting popular in a place where you probably don't even play the game anymore.

                It's pretty amazing how you could spend threads sperging out and crying about discord troonymods one minute, then go strait to moralizing and acting offended when these same troonymods or OCs are getting raped in some thread OC. You petty little slugs really just love the attention and starting shit, don't you.

              • 1 year ago

                and now you are making a lore in your won head to cope with being a worthless wanker
                how more pathetic are you gonna be?
                >but but my fanfic tier creations about some fetishes gonna ...
                what they are gonna do exactly?
                shit the thread that what they gonna do
                now stop breathing as you waste oxygen that could be used by some bugs or something

              • 1 year ago

                It's a testament to the strength of mental illness that you're still here, starting shit and flinging mud, desperate for any engagement and drama to distract you from the fact that you're human waste. What argument are you gonna start next, dumb Black person?

              • 1 year ago

                i just visited through long period of inactivity and only because new patch soon
                wanted too see how its going but instead seen thread overrun by wankers and crypto discord gays talking about trannies and their degenerate mods
                and then you are here making coombrain baits mods and talking about schizos
                like Black person look in the mirror - you are one
                lack of selfawarness of gays like you

              • 1 year ago

                What a fugly everything.
                Looks like an aborted eve online ship model complete with overpriced ugly skin.

              • 1 year ago

                I've seen many funny things but pretty sure nothing was as hilarious as life form unironically using wojak tard lingo like
                attempting to claim moral superiority over literally any living being.

                Is that expected chimpout of discord modding homosexuals over this place's little funny mod that mutated in a weird form, or are you actual brown Judeo-Christian who somehow ended up in here instead of /misc/ where likes of you gather to LARP together?

              • 1 year ago

                discords gays or you, there is little difference tbh
                you are all wankers with rotten brain

              • 1 year ago

                nice job exposing yourself as a brainfrick esl, brainfrick esl

              • 1 year ago

                better know two languages than none you mutt

                Whatever I am, at least I'm not a brown Judeo-Christian who attempts to perform completely unwarranted moral grandstanding while being unable to talk without lingo that is only used by 70iq Gankertards (and who is also quite a wanker himself).

                you are mystery meat tho
                its funny tho
                call them a degenerates like they are and they erupt with rage trying to defend their hurt ego
                but they can't

              • 1 year ago

                I speak three languages, and yet you are the obvious ESL here, you room-temp-IQ failed abortion ass motherfricker
                you were conceived with a dog and crawled out of the biowaste bucket at the planned parenthood, much to the local rabbi's chagrin at the loss of his sunday snack

              • 1 year ago

                >coombrain switch to ESL tier insults when exposed

                What was always hilarious to me is how /misc/ subhumans completely twist meaning of this word. Degenerate means genetically defective specimen (such at them, or you, because those who are not have no reasons to engage in screeching like you do). It does not means "someone doing something I forbid because no fun allowed", no matter how much genetically defective specimens want that word to have meaning like that lmfao.
                >also doesn't even deny that he's brown

                you are degenerate tho, you wanker
                >language don't evolve
                all that anger just because you want some safe space where you can endorse your degenerate and shitty fetishes
                you both know that and that is why you screech

              • 1 year ago

                >all that anger just because you want some safe space where you can endorse your degenerate and shitty fetishes
                PFFFFT AHAHAH
                Are you genuinely imagining right now that I cower in fear before your powerful preaching consisting of buzzword vomit from wojak macros, and that I can't communicate ITT while such a powerful figure is throwing accusations? Holy shit I hope you at least do not jerk off while imagining that.
                You are completely impotent, you can only cry, scream and be a laughing stock.
                I on other hand just poke a stick at chimp in the zoo, quite a contagious entertainment you know, there's a whole lolcow culture around it.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't think about you at all
                I don't even read your posts

              • 1 year ago

                Which is why you are historically shitting yourself ITT for hours?
                Holy shit b***hboy learn to accept that some things on the internet are beyond your control lest you embarrass yourself any further. So far your b***hing is only going to feed everyone's enthusiasm.

              • 1 year ago

                kekus maximus
                but its me who is ESL heh

              • 1 year ago

                You're trying too hard with the "hehe so witty" image replies. Be more subtle in your seetheposting, Noah.

              • 1 year ago

                I am not trying at all you wanker
                All i ever done was visiting SS thread and noticing that its filled with degenerate shit
                if you just left my post unnoticed you could spare yourself but of course you could not

              • 1 year ago

                >Maybe I was shitting all over myself for hours because local mod offended my sensibilities but what about that wrong auto correct!
                b***h weren't you just swearing that you aren't even reading my posts? Pathetic homosexual lmfao. It's not going away, cope.

              • 1 year ago

                I just gloss over them
                you could too if you ever perfected a art of reading

              • 1 year ago

                >coombrain switch to ESL tier insults when exposed
                you are degenerate tho, you wanker
                >language don't evolve
                all that anger just because you want some safe space where you can endorse your degenerate and shitty fetishes
                you both know that and that is why you screech

                Never change anon, never change.

              • 1 year ago

                wait until you find out its the same anon talking to himself.

              • 1 year ago

                What was always hilarious to me is how /misc/ subhumans completely twist meaning of this word. Degenerate means genetically defective specimen (such at them, or you, because those who are not have no reasons to engage in screeching like you do). It does not means "someone doing something I forbid because no fun allowed", no matter how much genetically defective specimens want that word to have meaning like that lmfao.
                >also doesn't even deny that he's brown

              • 1 year ago

                Whatever I am, at least I'm not a brown Judeo-Christian who attempts to perform completely unwarranted moral grandstanding while being unable to talk without lingo that is only used by 70iq Gankertards (and who is also quite a wanker himself).

          • 1 year ago

            >why you for example not just frick off
            Or what? What are going to do, subhuman? What are you capable of, other than being laughing stock with your shitty moralgay LARP? Was getting people to poke with stick at you part of your plan?

            • 1 year ago

              I am going to call you a mean names you worthless homosexual
              your overblown ego can't take and hopefully you gonna join 41%, make it 42%

              • 1 year ago

                Oh no
                Some subhuman with brain rot who LARPs as a moralgay on fricking 4chins no less is going to screech at me in impotent rage
                This is the end

  180. 1 year ago

    Anons, let's maybe not get into empty arguments for once? Let keep this thread civil and all.

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      >Anons, let's maybe not get into empty arguments for once?
      He's right, we can all agree the discord is a petri dish of depravity and Noah should seek professional help. But nothing is going to change, they circle jerk he other so hard individual thought is suppressed. So lets drop the subject and more on.

      What are your favorite mods? No troony mods please as it will only sow discord.

      • 1 year ago

        I only use Captain Log and double speed
        plus sometimes I import few ships from ship packs that are vanilla reskins

  181. 1 year ago

    Something doesnt look quite right here,any idea what may be causing this? tends to happen to ships with several parts like the armaa mechs and UAF capitals

    • 1 year ago

      1) you're a homosexual
      2) you're running the pre-reqs for those mods? I've never seen anything like that with Arma and have been using it for months now.

      • 1 year ago

        1)i know
        2)yes,i am running all the reqs

        • 1 year ago

          even graphics lib?

        • 1 year ago

          Something doesnt look quite right here,any idea what may be causing this? tends to happen to ships with several parts like the armaa mechs and UAF capitals

          Post mods you're using.

          • 1 year ago

            its probably something fricky happening with the variant validator, i will post again if i actually encounter this on the campaign

            • 1 year ago

              I think this is easier to read

              • 1 year ago

                its probably something fricky happening with the variant validator, i will post again if i actually encounter this on the campaign

                i disabled "Star Wars 2020 Starfighter Project v0.0.3" and the names are back to normal, i dont know what might be the issue with that mod

              • 1 year ago

                Your game was rebelling against you for installing such fricking garbage kek

              • 1 year ago

                I was looking at the wrong spot, the names keep having "_" on their names


              • 1 year ago

                At least you figured it out.

              • 1 year ago

                No i didnt, i got lost when you said "Their names are wrong" what part exactly looks fricky?

    • 1 year ago

      1)i know
      2)yes,i am running all the reqs

      Your ships shouldn't have names like that, is that happening to vanilla ships too? Something's fricked up somewhere.

  182. 1 year ago

    Imagine being a limp-wristed onions-sucking evolutionary dead end offended by rape, crying and 20th-century-puritan-moralizing about its depiction.

    Rape isn't degenerate, if anything it's the far opposite. Rape is the fount of civilization. Rape is Zeus and Europa, of Rome and the Sabines, of the founding institutions, of populations and state might that set the foundation stone of western civilization, all the way to the eagle in the Hegemony's banner in the far reaches of the Persean sector.

    Where man must go, where man must build, he will rape. And it's only right that this should be celebrated in the Starsector community and modding.

    TL;DR Rape Nia anally without lube

    • 1 year ago

      >TL;DR Rape Nia anally without lube
      he would like that.

      >Base game never teleports shit on top of you.
      Neither does Iron Shell

      vanilla story does indeed magic fleets into existence.

      • 1 year ago

        >vanilla story does indeed magic fleets into existence.
        I know it does, but I don't ever recall having one TELEPORT ONTOP OF ME. At worst I've seen one burn towards me from across the screen right after I picked up an item.

        • 1 year ago

          >At worst I've seen one burn towards me from across the screen right after I picked up an item.
          That's literally what the Iron Shell fleet does.

        • 1 year ago

          I watched one pop into existence mere pixels from mine. Luckily its one you could talk your way out of but still.
          I reloaded more than once to make sure because I swore I missed it showing up or something.

        • 1 year ago

          >but I don't ever recall having one TELEPORT ONTOP OF ME
          Again, Iron Shell doesn't do this

          • 1 year ago

            I'm 100% certain it did. It might not do that anymore, but it absolutely did in the past.

    • 1 year ago

      >t. limp wristed homosexual who write about rape instead of going and doing the deed
      like get real you soiboy, go outside and rape anything i dare you

  183. 1 year ago

    what happens if you flee the iron shell battle anyways? i mean retreating from the fight and then boosting away from their sector

  184. 1 year ago

    >the fleet itself is nothing special, nor is it teleported on top of you

  185. 1 year ago

    >Caymon ship pack

    • 1 year ago

      >people start to whine about the rape mod all of the sudden
      >coincidentally people who defend the special cringe force from iron shell also appear out of nowhere
      DiscordBlack person deserve the rope

      I can't bring myself to play with the Rosenritter shit from tahlan's, the color scheme and naming conventions (rose knights sounds gay as frick) are just a huge turn off for me.
      ArmaA and Caymon's ship pack are great though.

      • 1 year ago

        >rose knights sounds gay as frick

  186. 1 year ago

    And the cabal wonders why nobody likes them

  187. 1 year ago

    >No! You can't rape my self inserter and my waifu and the butcher her
    Lmao Noah is definitely seething.

  188. 1 year ago

    Do we even know that Noah even comes here?

    • 1 year ago

      I've encountered what was almost definitely him in Starsector discussion on other boards, so most likely. Thing is, rape mod is an insult to discordtard sensibilities of such a cosmic scale, if I was him I would have no other choice, but to just pretend it doesn't exist, because any other reaction would simply mean pouring more gasoline into fire. But then I'm not autistic or narcissistic, so who knows how would he react.

      • 1 year ago

        I'm mainly asking because like several other posters here, I was called Noah.

        • 1 year ago

          >post iron shell and uaf girls getting rape
          >No one bats an eye
          >post the troony self insert getting rape
          >suddenly we get a raging autistic moron seething
          It's that simple.

          • 1 year ago

            I don't care about them at all
            Simply I just don't visit often
            For all I care you, troons, discordgays and other assortment of wankers can burn in same pot in hell

            • 1 year ago

              he cares so much

              • 1 year ago

                cowardly wanker

              • 1 year ago

                >wanka wanka wanka wanka
                what did you watch some british bake off today, noah?

            • 1 year ago

              You sound like a delicate little c**t.
              Why don't you go to a safer space then, if rape scares you so much? Soft Black person.

        • 1 year ago

          someone called me noah earlier in the thread too, schizos and people that don't belong on Ganker are obsessed with trying to break other's anonymity and connecting unrelated posts/conversations with each other in an attempt to get an epic own or whatever, or just spamming "shut up noah" in response to every other post like a braindead moron because they think it's funny

        • 1 year ago

          someone called me noah earlier in the thread too, schizos and people that don't belong on Ganker are obsessed with trying to break other's anonymity and connecting unrelated posts/conversations with each other in an attempt to get an epic own or whatever, or just spamming "shut up noah" in response to every other post like a braindead moron because they think it's funny

          shut the frick up noah no one cares

        • 1 year ago

          >I was called Noah.

          someone called me noah earlier in the thread too, schizos and people that don't belong on Ganker are obsessed with trying to break other's anonymity and connecting unrelated posts/conversations with each other in an attempt to get an epic own or whatever, or just spamming "shut up noah" in response to every other post like a braindead moron because they think it's funny

          >someone called me noah earlier in the thread too
          Noah can be used as both a name and an insult to mean "one who is mentally unwell".

          • 1 year ago

            shut up noah

          • 1 year ago

            noah is a b***h Black person, homosexual, israelite all in one word so instead of calling you all the names in the book its easier to just call you noah.

            • 1 year ago

              >noah is a b***h Black person, homosexual, israelite all

          • 1 year ago

            >an insult to mean "one who is mentally unwell"
            There's some irony there when it's used as an insult by mentally unwell individual.

      • 1 year ago

        >pouring more gasoline into fire
        Ironically, the rape mod probably wouldn't be happening if it weren't for the anti-capture code and all the pissing and whining of discord turboshitters when people on the anonymous image board decided to desecrate the image of something they don't like.
        They have nothing to blame but themselves.

        • 1 year ago

          Did those people discover internet yesterday?
          What gets into the internet, will remain on the internet indefinitely, beyond your control and available to all who use internet. Don't want some greasy autists on the internet laying their greasy paws on something precious to you? Don't fricking put it on the internet. Or if you absolutely need to, don't attract attention to it, especially bad kind of it but any kind really.
          Apparently this is very hard to figure out for people who seem to spend a lot of time interacting with online community, even though it should be as obvious as water being wet.

        • 1 year ago

          tbh I don't really care, was just bored because alex don't release new patch
          coomerbrains are too easy to trigger tho

          • 1 year ago

            oh come the frick on thats just taking the piss

            • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      Yep, a couple of weeks ago he was b***hing about what we were saying and how we don't understand reason. He warned [the discord] that he was keeping an eye on these threads and if he recognized anyone from the discord on here he was going to get us banned.

      • 1 year ago

        >and if he recognized anyone from the discord on here he was going to get us banned.
        kek I'm a mod on there and he can't do shit

      • 1 year ago

        >He warned [the discord] that he was keeping an eye on these threads and if he recognized anyone from the discord on here he was going to get us banned.
        Surely you are making this up? He can't be so autistic to seriously make nonsensical threats like this.

        • 1 year ago

          >audacious claim put forth with zero supporting evidence
          what do you think, anon? you'd think these internet super sleuths getting the hot goss on all these modders would be screencapping all the crazy shit they say, yet it never really seems to come around

          • 1 year ago

            >you'd think these internet super sleuths getting the hot goss on all these modders would be screencapping all the crazy shit they say
            You assume we're all putting in the same effort, what are you, a commie?

            You may now go back to your discord and dilate.

  189. 1 year ago

    >visit SS thread(since when SS mean safe space and not Starsector?)
    >trigger some wankers
    >leave and will come back when the new patch hit
    cheers c**ts
    death to degenerates tho, they are limp wristed gays and don't deserve privilege of breathing air

    • 1 year ago

      >leave and will come back when the new patch hit
      see you in 2 years noah

      • 1 year ago

        once cowardly wanker, always cowardly wanker

        • 1 year ago

          >ma look I said wanker again!

    • 1 year ago

      >Shit yourself in public
      >Get laughed at
      How exactly does this mental deficiency called?

      • 1 year ago

        dunno anon
        tell me what doctor said about your mental health

        • 1 year ago

          >n-no u
          You are throwing a chimping fit here for fricking HOURS crying and screaming in subhuman lingo over a meme mod made to frick with narcissistic homosexuals in community lmao. But sure console yourself with reassurances about how all those people commenting on that shit in your pants are just triggered by it lmfao.

          • 1 year ago

            what you don't realize you easily triggered gay is that them and you are made from the same mold and shitty material
            remember its Star Sector thread not safe space thread
            want have some hugbox make your own discord channel you weak minded fool

            • 1 year ago

              weren't you saying you were leaving, homosexual? oh wait you lurk this thread all day to defend your dogshit OC you troony freak, don't you, Noah?

              • 1 year ago

                want me to leave? STFU and stop responding you c**t

                >safe space
                >you are just like them haha you shouldn't do anything im so smart
                2015 called they wanted that shit back
                Seriously this is legitimately lobotomized specimen without a shred of self-awareness. Nonetheless, there is NOTHING you can do, except crying and shitting yourself. Meanwhile I hope your impotent anger would improve mod author's motivation to develop it further, because making subhumans anally obsessed with some moralhomosexualry (which they base on wojak images) mad is a reward on its own.

                >make fun of some discord gays, this is fine
                >somebody make fun of me, REEEEE
                double standards you wanker, are you sure you are not on HRT or something?

                You sound like a delicate little c**t.
                Why don't you go to a safer space then, if rape scares you so much? Soft Black person.

                if you want rape then rape, writing fanfics don't make you a man

              • 1 year ago

                >make fun
                I can't find a single instance of you even trying to make fun of anything. Just screeching same few words which are apparently very accusatory in your head, like deranged old woman with some religious obsession. How mentally impaired you must be if that counts as making fun of for you?

              • 1 year ago

                less mentally ill than you for sure

            • 1 year ago

              >safe space
              >you are just like them haha you shouldn't do anything im so smart
              2015 called they wanted that shit back
              Seriously this is legitimately lobotomized specimen without a shred of self-awareness. Nonetheless, there is NOTHING you can do, except crying and shitting yourself. Meanwhile I hope your impotent anger would improve mod author's motivation to develop it further, because making subhumans anally obsessed with some moralhomosexualry (which they base on wojak images) mad is a reward on its own.

    • 1 year ago

      >trigger some wankers
      Sad how easy it is.

  190. 1 year ago

    i genuinely hate myself and want to die
    ha ha spaceships right guys?

    • 1 year ago

      luddic path enhancement or PAGSM dick exploder

      • 1 year ago

        >it can't fit in the gap
        that just makes my desire to end it even stronger.

      • 1 year ago

        doesn't luddic path enhancement have a lot of leak memory with their exploding ships or did finally fix that?

        • 1 year ago

          It's still leaky as shit

          • 1 year ago

            Does it still leak if you turn explosive ships off?

            • 1 year ago

              i think its only the explosion script but i can't be sure.

        • 1 year ago

          >leak memory with their exploding ships
          Wait what

          • 1 year ago

            tl;dr their exploding suicide tanker ships can cause your game to break, resulting in a crash or heavy performance loss. I'm talking framerates in the single digits.

  191. 1 year ago

    It's the same mentally ill morons who are obsessed with trannies, or were blithely talking about how it's impossible to play without redskills and calling others morons for not being shitters like them.

    There's not much you can do against literal subhuman mental illness, but their sperg episodes will burn out after a while.

    • 1 year ago

      >and calling others morons for not being shitters
      There is only one explicitly and unarguably shitter thing to do in this game - taking skill that allows you to lose ships in combat with no monetary repercussions in form of d-mods. You do that.

  192. 1 year ago

    Hmm, yes, time for another NGO run

  193. 1 year ago

    Nia enjoys rape fantasies

    • 1 year ago

      shut up noah we don't care

  194. 1 year ago

    hehe, seething gay can't do shit. the boys will be eating good when it's out (raping OCs).
    nice to reap the seething tears early though

    • 1 year ago

      That shitter seems to seethe at something new every thread, to the point of no consistency or reason.

      I wonder what it's mental illness will fixate on next.

  195. 1 year ago

    Do you like combat-abled logistic ships?

    • 1 year ago

      I prefer all round logistic ship that would reduce the logistic ships I need in my fleet (advance ground op, salvage gantry, high res sensor, surveying equipment and >2000 crew, cargo space and fuel)

  196. 1 year ago

    Statistically, which is better on a phase ship officer; impact mitigation or polarized armor?

    • 1 year ago

      Armor skills are a joke because one missed hit of something bad will tear it off anyway, either take damage control or ordnance expertise for more flux.

      • 1 year ago

        It's for an afflictor and i already have ord expertise. 3rd in line is system expertise but like you said, they do get tag a bit. Don't count armor off just yet anon, it still cam tank a good amount of hits and the ai pretty good at not getting killed.

        • 1 year ago

          Where do you even fit armor?
          >Target analysis
          >If you use 6th, ordnance or damage control

          • 1 year ago

            Fire control
            Gunnery implants
            Ordinance expertise
            >some other token shit which I presume armor
            I do just fine without system expertise.

  197. 1 year ago

    >Tesseract fight
    >Bring paragon with inhuman levels of point defense focus, fighters physically cannot exist within 2k radius of it
    >Frigates kite enemies away from it it separate corner of the map and die to fighters there
    >If ordered to guard paragon or me, die even faster

    >Meanwhile fight vs enemy fleet
    >All enemies consistent keep together
    >Larger ships consistently have weak spots covered, however escorts also properly preserve themselves
    >If trying to order my ships to attack particular target, they just suicide against it
    >They consistently suicide unless left on their own, really

    Why is AI so severely handicapped on player's side?

    • 1 year ago

      It isn't, though. That seems like a dumb assertion to make.

      Sounds more like you let your side Yolo in all your battles instead of putting a few assault/guard orders down to set a coherent battle line

    • 1 year ago

      If you order them to attack a target that's group in then they will die. You have to keep opening that map to check if your ships are doing something moronic like holding a impossible point and such. Best I can do is Neural link into my afflictor and kill ships that stray from the group. They are moronic in some scenarios though.

    • 1 year ago

      Only somewhat related but I desperately wish that you would have a button to have an AI commander on your side direct your ships and push them towards objectives, and assigning orders. I tend to get too focused on not dying during big battles so I'll miss some of my ships being stupid and they'll get blown up, or look at the battle map and realize 1/3rd of my fleet has just been hanging back defending an objective no where near the battle line because I'm stupid.

      Also for frick sake can my moras stop wandering off and dying. Every fricking time you idiots die it's because you're somehow BEHIND the enemy's lines completely separated from the battle line. How are you even getting that deep into enemy lines when you don't have a burn drive and you move as fast as a sloth with all its legs cut off?

    • 1 year ago

      Only somewhat related but I desperately wish that you would have a button to have an AI commander on your side direct your ships and push them towards objectives, and assigning orders. I tend to get too focused on not dying during big battles so I'll miss some of my ships being stupid and they'll get blown up, or look at the battle map and realize 1/3rd of my fleet has just been hanging back defending an objective no where near the battle line because I'm stupid.

      Also for frick sake can my moras stop wandering off and dying. Every fricking time you idiots die it's because you're somehow BEHIND the enemy's lines completely separated from the battle line. How are you even getting that deep into enemy lines when you don't have a burn drive and you move as fast as a sloth with all its legs cut off?

      every time

    • 1 year ago

      Do you USE defend orders? They keep your ship banded together very well.

      • 1 year ago

        >Do you USE defend orders?
        I used to try at some point. It works okay vs other faction fleets but against anything actually aggressive, like large remnant ordos which attempt to overwhelm you with ramming all they have in your face or, god forbid, tesseracts, there's very little difference between giving ship defend order and just scuttling it from fleet menu.

        • 1 year ago

          You're doing something wrong then, maybe with your ship builds. The point of defense orders isn't that it ties ships down and makes them die because they wont run away. It's about grouping your ships closer together for the sake of mutual support and playing off each others flux pools; within ships following the same defend order, a ship that's close to overload will fold into the ranks while its fresh flux buddies move forward to the enemy.

          Putting a stable line of defense orders or a small convex salient, corresponding on some objective points (which you use assault on, since assault converts to a defense order once the point is captured), is always a no-brainer at the start of a battle.

        • 1 year ago

          Don't try, use them.
          With multiple defend order you can shape the battleline while keeping your small ship from fleeing, you can attack from multiple angle, keep your ship from isolating themselves. Then you use ATTACK order (not on a ship basis) to make sure all your ship attack a single ship preferably. As long as you didn't give the order to a ship directly, it won't override the DEFEND order. Meaning they'll both stay grouped and attack the same target.
          Of course the target may run in the back of the fleet, but your ship then won't pursue it. And if you force the enemy to attack from multiple angle, some ship will simply have their back wide open.

          new player,
          i've been playing with weapons to find strong ones and got really addicted to the hammer torpedos. What other missiles are that badass I love watching shit go BOOM.

          >What other missiles are that badass I love watching shit go BOOM
          You may like the REAPER, it's the hammer but even more powerful, and it have a medium-size version already.
          The next update will give us a medium version of the Hammer + a hullmod that give small missiles reload

  198. 1 year ago

    Yknow, that anon shitting up the thread with his moral crusading doesn’t stop the rape mod’s development either. Unless he comes to the dude’s house and proceed to beat him up, delete the entirety of the mod, and do whatever lol.

  199. 1 year ago

    kek some of you homosexuals really need a break from anime

    • 1 year ago

      Why don't you start crusading against anime then? You obviously don't have anything better to do with your life.

      • 1 year ago

        shut up noah

        • 1 year ago

          Why don't you start crusading against Noah or Varya or all the evil modtroony discord shadow cabal as well, then?
          I'm sure that'll be a great headstone when you inevitably die: 'Here lies someone who spent his waking moments making angry spergouts against things he didn't like in a java game and its adjacent modding community'

          • 1 year ago

            damn you mad as frick noah

            • 1 year ago

              I'm not the one squatting in this thread shitting my pants and crying everytime there's anime, or rape, or modding, or trannies, or gameplay discussion.

              • 1 year ago

                noah you're sperging out for paragraphs any time anyone says anything kek

  200. 1 year ago

    What a shit thread.

    • 1 year ago

      it's basically two types of sex-fixated trannies trying to see who can be more obnoxious

      • 1 year ago

        >basically two types of sex-fixated trannies
        You can't say that, they identify as non-binary and identifying them as two types will trigger their dysphoria causing serious emotional damage.

    • 1 year ago

      what no update does to a mf

  201. 1 year ago

    Why are schizos usually so unsuccessful and marginalized in real life?

    You'd think overcharged pattern recognition on imageborad posts and the ability to own discord modders would equip them well to succeed. They should be CEOs and senators, but instead they seem to subsist as NEETs on family and welfare, or end up getting institutionalized. It makes zero sense.

    • 1 year ago

      Schizos are tho only ones that can successfully identify sociopaths and sociopath occupy most of high places on society. So they keep pushing schizos down so they can't be easily identified.

      • 1 year ago

        Whoa so narcissists and sociopaths are like vtmb vampires and schizos are like cool vampire hunters

        Schizos are so cool. I wish they could call random people Noah and make bad and passive life decisions even more.

        • 1 year ago

          Shut up shut up shut up shut up you fricking sociopath

  202. 1 year ago

    nice try, discord brigade. we have a mod on the inside and know what you're doing.

  203. 1 year ago

    Waiting on rapemod v1.0 so I can start a New Meshan mech-only run...

    Hopefully it gets released next thread

  204. 1 year ago

    Nia Tahl's discord boyfriends are white knighting here lol

    • 1 year ago

      Shut up Noah

  205. 1 year ago

    Time for mod ideas: e-girlsector or dickysector

    • 1 year ago

      Do we use child officers in combat or make a full faction of genetically modified e-girlbabas?

    • 1 year ago

      this and shota

  206. 1 year ago

    What the frick did some german trannoid even really do to buckbreak half the morons on this thread? I get that he got drunk and put stealth nerfs and super-meanie words like 'pl*yer' in code comments, but is that enough to trigger an obsession of this magnitude?

    Why not ignore him and discord and general, not use his troony mods, then move on? Why shit up totally unrelated stuff and accuse every other person of being noah in a foam-at-the mouth schizo fit every other day? Mentally ill people are pathetic.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pleas stop making that mean mod
      It's too late now, should have contained your narcissism moron

      • 1 year ago

        I'm the person who arguably started the whole rape trend in the first place with Ava Nitia dogeza stuff and also contributed some writing to the current modder anon, yet mentally-ill people still accuse me of being Noah wanting to shut it down.

        • 1 year ago

          No it wasn't quit lying, that was me.

    • 1 year ago

      >What the frick did some german trannoid even really do to buckbreak half the morons on this thread?
      He didn't do anything.
      All it took was some anons with an average intelligence to start asking questions and getting moronic answers.
      Revealing just how many morons visit these threads.

  207. 1 year ago

    >Ctrl+f 'rape'
    59 results
    >Ctrl+f 'noah'
    44 results

    So that's approximately 1.34 quality/shit ratio at the moment. Not bad, but worse than last thread. Schizos should get the rope

    • 1 year ago

      rape noah?

  208. 1 year ago

    Rape mod is a Discord psyop to derail thread
    just like Ludd is an AI psyop to plant idea of technology=bad and lower their chances to reopen the gates and therefore attracting ayys

    • 1 year ago

      I like the way you think.

      • 1 year ago

        >it’s a psyop AND the OC owners get off on it
        >Nia is the one coding it and taking dialog suggestions from the thread
        no, i will not be taking my pills

        • 1 year ago

          I wouldn't doubt you if I didn't know that Noah is pathological narcissist
          All of his past actions show a personality exactly opposite to what you suggest

  209. 1 year ago

    God i wish we could have starsector thread without cancer drama circlejerk

  210. 1 year ago

    new player,
    i've been playing with weapons to find strong ones and got really addicted to the hammer torpedos. What other missiles are that badass I love watching shit go BOOM.

  211. 1 year ago

    Thoughts on FPE?

    • 1 year ago

      Good mod. Nice range of bargain bin to wunder weapon stuff balanced by flux/OP cost. Only real problem is that despite being a 'tinpot dictatorship on the verge of collapse' all their planets have massive defense buffs which make them impossible for other factions to conquer in Nex.

  212. 1 year ago

    Oh my frick, why are Scy Nation ships so bad? I always thought the over-nerfing thing for this game's mods was just a meme but at last I see it was the truth.

    • 1 year ago

      It's mostly just a meme. Tartiflette is the only one who overnerfs his modded factions for some moronic reason.

    • 1 year ago

      Their capitals are pretty good though. Nemian Lion can take a lot of punishment with it's armor. Their carrier is pretty good too since it's got parts that break off before exploding. There's that one destroyer (I think? Might be a cruiser) that has the meme pull system too that is pretty interesting. I've been using their freighter and tanker ships for my current run since they seem a bit more efficient capcity to fuel/supply use than other factions.

    • 1 year ago

      IIRC they're designed entirely around having great flux capacity at the cost of shit passive venting, requiring you to disengage/rotate any given ship of theirs back to so it can actively vent. Never really had any issues with them and like the other anon mentioned their capitals are good and also aren't as dependent on this playstyle.

      Is capturing point ever worth the split if you have the skill that already increased your fleet combat size? Also any mod for independent and persean league?

      Pretty sure the boost from capping points isn't part of the starting pool and is an on cap bonus that you won''t lose if the enemy captures that point from you, so some people just toss out a few extra frigates to rapidly cap each point asap and retreat them right after in order to field a little extra. Also it's a decent way to help split up some of the ships you're fighting since the AI will attempt to capture points and hold them.

      I'm just not fast enough to pilot these mechs. Granted, I've only played around with the one you get in the Sleepers start, maybe there are some slightly slower/tankier ones.

      Watchdog is basically a destroyer with capital range. It's tanky from the front but you will generally die if you mess up or make a mistake. Requires good use of zoning and area denial suppression fire to not get overrun since it's slow enough that it can't really escape and is basically always flux hungry. Also has a lot of difficulty with phase frigates and destroyers, 1v1 generally feels like this Gundam Thunderbolt fight.

  213. 1 year ago

    Is capturing point ever worth the split if you have the skill that already increased your fleet combat size? Also any mod for independent and persean league?

  214. 1 year ago

    Arma Armatura made me realise how bad I actually am at piloting ships. Guess I'll stick with my dadcore heavily armored capitals.

    • 1 year ago

      Have you checked out Leading Pip and AdvancedGunneryControl? They make piloting your ship so much easier and fun.
      Leading Pip helps you with leading the guns you're in manual control of. AdvancedGunneryControl helps you by configuring the specifics of how weapons in Autofiremode should behave (Prioritize/Avoid Shields, Stop shooting at % Flux, Prioritize Point Defense, etc).

      • 1 year ago

        I'm just not fast enough to pilot these mechs. Granted, I've only played around with the one you get in the Sleepers start, maybe there are some slightly slower/tankier ones.

    • 1 year ago

      I'm just not fast enough to pilot these mechs. Granted, I've only played around with the one you get in the Sleepers start, maybe there are some slightly slower/tankier ones.

      are you using the alternate strafe mode? It is basically required for the mechs for sanity reasons.
      Also make sure you have backup in the form of a wingcom suite and some close combat mechs at the very least when you're running those mechs as it makes combat control much easier.
      Also also, depending on fleet comp I would put my ships and other mechs guarding a bigger ship and just command that via the map while I used their chaos to kill everything that had the absolute fricking nerve of moving in my immediate area.
      I'm absolutely dreadful at the ship combat but after a little bit of fricking around I find the mechs amazing and wish there was a frigate that could even remotely compare in movement ability.
      I like to fill the shoulder mounts with small, high count missiles so I can roll up and blast a motherfricker while I laserblade them. Quite satisfying.

      • 1 year ago

        >alternate strafe mode
        Quick rundown?

        • 1 year ago

          In settings there is a way to toggle strafe so you don't have to hold the key down the whole time. Makes it so you can "aim" at a ship and strafe it easier.

        • 1 year ago

          In settings there is a way to toggle strafe so you don't have to hold the key down the whole time. Makes it so you can "aim" at a ship and strafe it easier.

          I should mention I mean the settings in game under gameplay, its just a toggle box.

  215. 1 year ago

    How come you can enter spaceports while they're being attacked by fleets? Is the Orbital Station not the same as the Spaceport?

    Similar issue with planets being Raided/Invaded, but at least planets are large enough to excuse you being able come in and out during an Orbital Bombardment without getting ripped to pieces by either side.

    I guess not being able to would be kind of annoying, but it makes sense you couldn't/wouldn't enter a fort being sieged.

    • 1 year ago

      It would probably be very easy to block port interaction in the same vein as enemy fleets prevents you from exploring planets and stuff.
      But on the other hand it only thing that it would change is took away benefit of fighting on friendly territory, so not really a good change. (in vacuum at least)

      • 1 year ago

        >But on the other hand it only thing that it would change is took away benefit of fighting on friendly territory, so not really a good change. (in vacuum at least)
        You could still join the battle on either side maybe to help the attackers destroy the spaceport, or the defenders being sieged.

        I say this mostly for Nexelerin, but I think it'd be a good addition to the base game when the player spaceports are involved. You can join the battle, you just can't park in it to do transactions repair your fleet and so.

    • 1 year ago

      Have you checked out Leading Pip and AdvancedGunneryControl? They make piloting your ship so much easier and fun.
      Leading Pip helps you with leading the guns you're in manual control of. AdvancedGunneryControl helps you by configuring the specifics of how weapons in Autofiremode should behave (Prioritize/Avoid Shields, Stop shooting at % Flux, Prioritize Point Defense, etc).

      shut up noah

  216. 1 year ago

    >ctrl F rape
    >63 results
    what a shameful thread. this thread is pretty much less than 0.5% rape

  217. 1 year ago

    Was stuck for an entire day on a single fricking bug. Tested and rewrote shit like 50+ times. It was one fricking line that I missed right at the top of the document.
    At least I fixed it now. Release soon-ish.

    • 1 year ago

      Don't worry, we will find more bugs for you.

    • 1 year ago

      There's a rules.csv editor available on the forum that can help quite a bit.

      • 1 year ago

        I have it, but got so used to editing with notepad++ that I can't get into using the rules tool.

        Thanks for letting me know though.

    • 1 year ago

      can’t wait to break some anime bawds with my wiener

  218. 1 year ago

    I unironically can't play without ArmaA anymore. The mechs are too fun to pilot and every other ship just feels like shit compared to them.

    • 1 year ago

      This is becoming my problem. I couldn't find a frigate or destroyer worth a frick so I'm back using a big ass flagship but the call to go back to my mech is strong.
      They aren't remotely overpowered either is the funny thing.

  219. 1 year ago

    Nia's self insert deserves to be raped

  220. 1 year ago

    So I tried to give AIs more human-like portraits. Can you tell me how bad they look?
    Left batch was inpainted from original portraits and not really that noticeable, but ones on the right are completely new. I was not able to obfuscate them enough, so probably too anime to fit into starsector.
    Still I only wasted on this a few hours and can improve results later.

    • 1 year ago

      I actually like how they all turned out, that digital crust on AI art really works for portraits representing AI in-game

    • 1 year ago

      I really like the Impainted versions. I guess the ones generated from scratch could serve for Unique AIs.
      Either way I'd much prefer it if they were made in the style of Starsector portraits, rather than generic anime ones.

    • 1 year ago

      What prompts did you use generally for all the digital artefacting effects?

      • 1 year ago

        Honestly speaking, I just slapped every related tag I could find onto it:
        "abstracted, acid, databending, glitch art, ascii art, pixel art, cyberpunk,
        holography, computing, programming, glitch, color blast,
        abstract background, close-up, portrait"
        Used low cfg (3-4) and most importantly, a more brushy model - Pastel-Mix from civitai.

        I really like the Impainted versions. I guess the ones generated from scratch could serve for Unique AIs.
        Either way I'd much prefer it if they were made in the style of Starsector portraits, rather than generic anime ones.

        >in the style of Starsector portraits, rather than generic anime ones
        Yeah, I am aware they are not ready to seamlessly fit in. It's just most development goes into either anime, photorealism or porn. And model from forum was not very cooperative with me.
        But as I said, it was only the first try. I'll work on it some more in coming days.

    • 1 year ago

      i like it, can you do the omega one?

  221. 1 year ago

    where can i find the rapesector mod ive been digging around but i can never find it not even on the bootleg servers

  222. 1 year ago

    I cant get it to work, it sits in the loading screen and just crashes. maybe because of nerexelin maybe I failed at getting the game to java 8, tried anything I can think of, any help?

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