>Steam Deck + Windows 10 + Steam's Big Picture Mode

>Steam Deck + Windows 10 + Steam's Big Picture Mode

Congrats, you never have to deal with Linux again.

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  1. 11 months ago

    Yeah let me just waste 2 gigs of ram idling windows on my handheld device

    • 11 months ago

      Worth it to avoid the bullshit amd annoyances that come with linux

      • 11 months ago

        >being this moronic
        AMD is only good with linux.

        • 11 months ago

          Works on my machine :^)

      • 11 months ago

        imagine being so much of a brainlet that you can't even use a neutered linux for handheld devices.

        I bet you pay full price for an iphone and make fun of android users too, don't you.

    • 11 months ago

      just solder on more RAM anon

  2. 11 months ago

    That's exactly what I did, added big picture shortcuts to launcher games and Ryujinx games too, runs like a charm

  3. 11 months ago

    >Installing an inferior OS
    For what purpose?
    >Muh multiplayer anti-cheat
    None of that shit is worth playing since 2015.

    • 11 months ago

      to play more games with less effort, keep coping though

      Yeah let me just waste 2 gigs of ram idling windows on my handheld device

      >muh idle ram usage
      have a nice day moron

  4. 11 months ago

    What's wrong with Linux? Legit games work great and the experience is flawless, like a console pretty much. I only had some issues with pirated games but once I learned how to use Bottles even pirated games work just fine. When I have an issue, there's usually some other pirategay on plebbit that had the same issue and fixed it.
    I tried Windows for a while but games usually ran better under Linux, I also preferred the native Deck interface compared to Big Picture.
    And finally, Yuzu runs much better under Linux than Windows. This means that for 90% of my Switch games, I no longer need my modded Switch and its shitty drifting joycons.

    Anyway, can you have Gamescope and Mangohud functionality like in Linux under Windows yet?

    • 11 months ago

      What Switch games don't work on the Deck?

      • 11 months ago

        I had problems with TotK (runs like crap, can't get a stable 30fps even with all speedhacks enabled), and Master Detective Rain Code (unstable 25-30fps and graphical issues, namely, no facial expressions). Some time ago I had problems with Xenoblade Chronicles Remake, after a while it would fill all the ram and the FPS tanked to single digit, but maybe they fixed it now.
        RyujiNX has better compatibility but runs poorly on Deck compared to Yuzu, so for these games I just play them on RyujiNX on my computer.

    • 11 months ago

      If we're talking purely gaming then linux has never been reliable for games and the amount of people gaming on linux has never been any kind of significant number. Even linux users know this, which is why they all run WINE. Steam Deck is quite literally the only thing that's made waves for linux gaming, and even then it's only due to Proton being real good for compatibility and the Deck itself being a device that people actually want to use. Take away the Steam Deck numbers and the linux playerbase drops back down to where it's always been, extremely minor.

      • 11 months ago

        >uhh linux gaming sucks because the userbase is small
        based moron pajeet

    • 11 months ago

      Microshills are antilinux

    • 11 months ago

      >Anyway, can you have Gamescope and Mangohud functionality like in Linux under Windows yet?
      Yes but Windows comes with other problems. It also uses more RAM. It's a pretty good experience by now for the rare game that doesn't work on SteamOS but overall it's a step back. I just dual boot it occasionally for Sonic Generations.

      • 11 months ago

        does generations run better on windows? i can get it working and running fine at the full 15W but from time to time it IS finicky with the silly options launcher

        • 11 months ago

          It stutters like frick on Linux (and Windows without the mod) because you can't get the 60 FPS mod to work. But on Windows you can install the mods and it's really fluid. It's kinda 60 FPS even without the mod but there's a micro-stutter every 5 seconds.

      • 11 months ago

        >It's a pretty good experience by now
        is it possible to have the same controls customization as under lunix? somehow i very much doubt it.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah not quite the same, it kinda sucks, I only use winblows for the rare incompatible game

  5. 11 months ago

    Waste of energy. Linux works great and also you're learning a new skill along the way if you have to do something you're unfamiliar with

    • 11 months ago

      Unless you pirate you don't even have to see the KDE desktop once on Deck.

  6. 11 months ago

    but I never want to deal with Windows ever again

  7. 11 months ago

    AokZoe A1 Pro. 7840u, 65Wh battery, 8' 1200p display, actual fans, 32GB RAM

    Congrats, you never have to deal with poverty PC handheld again.

    • 11 months ago

      >over 1k
      >meanwhile, the deck costs 300 + 50 for a 500Gb ssd on Ebay

      Yeah, how about no. Deck runs just fine, and if you play AAA muh grafix games on a portable instead of a proper gayman pc you should just commit sudoku.

      • 11 months ago

        This is the same cope from people who buy 3050 and pretend you don't "need" anything more than that.

        I have both SD and Aok and I can say the latter makes the former completely redundant. The SD is literally just a poverty option now. It's worse at everything.

        • 11 months ago

          I have a proper gaming PC with a 32" 1440p 240hz monitor, why would I need to play big budget AAA games on a dinky little portable with a shitty screen? Deck is great to play simpler games in portable mode, especially smaller games, indies, and emulation. I mostly use the deck to play JRPGs when I don't feel like firing up my main rig for immersive gaming. For $1000 I could get a 4k monitor and a new GPU for my PC, seems pretty dumb to me to spend it on a crappy little portable device that will surely shit itself as soon as you use anything more than the lowest settings.

          But yes, a device like that would be even better for Switch emulation, the Deck sometimes struggles with more complex games.

          • 11 months ago

            >why would I need to play big budget AAA games on a dinky little portable with a shitty screen?
            It's not just the AAA games benefitted from the perks I mentioned. Even AA games are hugely benefitted from a larger screen, bigger battery, better fans and so on. It's night and day experience, no matter what game you're playing. Sure, if money is very limited to you, then I guess you can do fine with SD. But don't pretend it's not the poorgay choice. On my chinkheld, I can power through PS3 and Switch emulation just fine. I have emulators from NES to Switch installed and this battery life means if I'm emulating at 10-15W TDP, I can have battery that lasts me the day without issues. This is peak handheld gaming.

            • 11 months ago

              The issue isn't that Steam Deck is a poorgay choice so much as it is that the Chinese handheld PC options do not make sense unless you're a turbo-enthusiast because of their sheer cost, and even then the Steam Deck beats them out for QC (yes even in light of things like haptics problems and other RTM worthy fixes) and community support. To say nothing of these handhelds also only just recently adopting trackpads.

              • 11 months ago

                The "sheer cost" is again entirely dependant on your income level and so on. It's the same argument as why one would choose a 3080 over a 3050 GPU. The latter is functional and theoretically does the job. But once you've gamed on a 3080, there is no going back to worse. This is the same situation. Honestly, once you've played a game at 20W TDP, fans stay quiet, temps stay cool, performance is great and battery life is sustainable, there is NO going back. It's that easy.

                Personally, SD's cheap ass fans and bad battery almost discredits entirely from being an actual handheld. You can't even play it around people and you can't even bring it anywhere without its charger. It's simply too limited and cheap in design.

            • 11 months ago

              >starting area of the game
              Very interesting. Tell me more about all the emulation you're 'powering through'

              • 11 months ago

                Got a little bit sidetricked by Pikmin 4 so I haven't progressed far.

              • 11 months ago

                Not gonna lie, Pikmin 4 is the comfiest Nintendo game since that Cap Toad Wii U game.

    • 11 months ago

      bad value

    • 11 months ago

      This is the same cope from people who buy 3050 and pretend you don't "need" anything more than that.

      I have both SD and Aok and I can say the latter makes the former completely redundant. The SD is literally just a poverty option now. It's worse at everything.

      Kys chink

      • 11 months ago

        cope poorgay. Enjoy your thermonuclear bomb that can't even emulate properly. Or last more than an hour without clinging to a wall.

        • 11 months ago

          Chang cope

    • 11 months ago

      I think I'm gonna buy the onexplayer 2 instead

  8. 11 months ago

    Good luck with wake/sleep in the middle of a game and repeatedly docking/undocking without rebooting. There's a reason Valve didn't go with Windows.

    • 11 months ago

      >Good luck with wake/sleep in the middle of a game
      As if SteamOS isn't fricked in that part.

      • 11 months ago

        It isn’t. Why would you lie on the internet?

  9. 11 months ago

    There's basically nothing Windows can do that I wouldn't rather just use Steam OS for. I guess some anti-cheat doesn't work on Linux? But Steam OS at least werks out of the box, my internet speeds are higher because there aren't fifty fricking Windows processes sucking up bandwidth in the background, and I don't have to fiddle frick with programs to get the features like the Steam OS resource manager back.

    What the hell is the advantage of Windows on Steam Deck supposed to be? It seems like it's just a familiarity argument. Like I get it, I fricking hated having to set up keyrings in Linux to get a resource package working for an obscure smartwatch that didn't have a Windows tool equivalent to use, but that one's a "me" problem I wouldn't ever bump into if I intended on using the Steam Deck as a gaming machine and not a Linux PC on the side.

    • 11 months ago

      Vice versa, what really is the benefit of SteamOS over Windows 11?

      I get the headache of Proton. I get shit compatibility between my PC and my handheld. I get to experience that obnoxious shit that is bottles/lutris.

      Windows 11 just works. It's just better in every way. SteamOS is great if you're just playing Steam games and nothing else. But outside of that, it's a massive headache and launchers break all the fricking time.

      • 11 months ago

        >I get the headache of Proton.
        This isn't really much of a headache in my experience. Proton's only given me grief in games that also have hardware-related compatibility issues like Prototype not being able to run on CPUs with more than four processing threads.
        >shit compatibility between my PC and my handheld.
        What are you doing, here, specifically?
        Never needed to use it for anything.
        >Windows 11 just works.

        • 11 months ago

          You need to use bottles/lutris for pirated games. And then you need to go through the hassle of adding the game on Steam just so it can run through Steam's Proton functions.

          • 11 months ago

            >You need to use bottles/lutris for pirated games.
            Why would you not let Proton handle this.
            >And then you need to go through the hassle of adding the game on Steam
            You gave yourself an extra compat-layer step and you're wondering why things don't work?

          • 11 months ago

            >You need to use bottles/lutris for pirated games
            First off no you don't, second off you're a fricking moron if you're blaming the console for making it "difficult" to run pirated games. Imagine if you bemoaned the Xbox 360 for requiring a tricky hardmod (varies depending on revision) in order to pirate 360 games, people would simply tell you "no shit, of course microwiener would make piracy 'difficult' on their console".

            • 11 months ago

              >using a PC that is cucked out of piracy and defending it

              All my torrents on Windows work great. Frick your bottles and shit.

              • 11 months ago

                "IMAGINE DEFENDING IT LMAO" is the strangled cry of a shitposter in a corner

              • 11 months ago

                If you can't recognize piracy as a core part of the PC experience, you don't belong on it. You can't even legally acquire most of the worthwhile PC games today.

      • 11 months ago

        >SteamOS is great if you're just playing Steam games and nothing else
        I have no issues installing non-steam games and playing them
        proton is fool proof

        • 11 months ago

          he described running thing through both proton and lutris/bubbles at the same time so it seems to be user error

        • 11 months ago

          Same, I have a lot of games on GoG and just use Hero Launcher for those. Haven't had any real issues with any of the ones I own, save for the ones that expect a full keyboard and mouse setup like Fallout 1 and 2.

          • 11 months ago

            I literally just copied my already installed NFS Most Wanted folder from my pc to my deck, ran the exe through steam and it worked

      • 11 months ago

        >Vice versa, what really is the benefit of SteamOS over Windows 11?

        uh, the power management tools in gaming mode for instance

        • 11 months ago

          Those exist on all modern PC handhelds too.

          • 11 months ago

            So why the frick am I moving over to an OS with worse driver support for the AMD chip in the Steam Deck, lower internet speeds, and an otherwise identical feature-set? The anus already got gaped on the "piracy hard on Steam Deck :(" angle, the guy touting that line let slip he was trying to double-up on Lutris or Bottles and Proton at the same time, i.e. he doesn't know what he's doing.

            • 11 months ago

              >So why the frick am I moving over to an OS with worse driver support for the AMD chip in the Steam Deck
              Frick are you talking about? The 7840u decisively outperforms the Steam Deck chip as is. And the gap will only widen as the 7840u architecture is way more future proof in design.

              >lower internet speeds,
              I don't have this problem.

              >and an otherwise identical feature-set?
              Enjoy launching any other launcher that isn't Steam on SD. Fricking cancer.

              > the guy touting that line let slip he was trying to double-up on Lutris or Bottles and Proton at the same time
              Tell me how you're supposed to install an exe file on SD without using a conversion software?

              • 11 months ago

                >> the guy touting that line let slip he was trying to double-up on Lutris or Bottles and Proton at the same time
                >Tell me how you're supposed to install an exe file on SD without using a conversion software?
                Not by using three Wine wrappers at the same time. You can just use one of them. Or just Wine.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you know the meaning of the word "or"?

                Hint; it's not the same as "and".

              • 11 months ago

                Okay, two at the same time, not three.
                >Lutris or Bottles and Proton at the same time
                The point is nobody was telling you not to use a compatibility layer.

      • 11 months ago


        Good luck with wake/sleep in the middle of a game and repeatedly docking/undocking without rebooting. There's a reason Valve didn't go with Windows.

        • 11 months ago

          I yearn for the day when they invent save functionality for video games.

          • 11 months ago

            It's a handheld you stupid frick, you're supposed to be able to put it to sleep when you get off the bus or whatever the frick.

            • 11 months ago

              >It's a handheld you stupid frick
              He said, while shilling the handheld that sounds like a jet engine, that has battery life for 1h30min and that is bigger than an Xbox.

              What a handheld!

              • 11 months ago

                Cope and seethe, don't forget to dilate as well

              • 11 months ago

                Bro, don't ever throw around the "it's a handheld!" card when shilling this absolute monster brick sized thermonuclear reactor.

              • 11 months ago

                Do you even have one you moronic homosexual? I use it all the time on train rides and flights, it's fine, I only play pre-2010 games on it with TPD limited to somewhere below 8 watts, it doesn't get hot and the fan doesn't spin up at full speed, and has 5+ hours of battery. Even when the fan does spin up on modern games it's not that loud unless you have one of the shitty early 2022 models.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes I had one. Its size was comical. Its battery life was terrible at the advertised 15W performance. And its fans sounded like the cheapest laptop fans I've ever heard. Yes, early models but Valve never gave a frick about adressing the early model issues.

                My current handheld has quiet fans and cool temps even at 20W TDP. And I get battery life than SD did at 15W. The difference is night and day, both in performance and in handheld experience.

              • 11 months ago

                >chinkshit shill
                Damn should've known

              • 11 months ago

                >My current handheld has quiet fans and cool temps even at 20W TDP. And I get battery life than SD did at 15W.
                Unless your battery is immensely bigger than the Steam Deck's this isn't electrically possible. You seem to be confusing a bigger battery for better battery life under higher load. Battery life means your actual power consumption.

              • 11 months ago

                Yes it has a 65Wh battery life. Even the smaller chink handhelds such as Geek 1S come with 50Wh battery. And they're like half the size of Deck. Honestly Valve needed to revise the form factor like a year ago. It's so outdated today.

              • 11 months ago

                Stick to your own topic, you've confused a bigger battery for better battery life.

              • 11 months ago

                Please tell me, what is the direct result of having a bigger battery?

              • 11 months ago

                Longer battery life, not lower electricity consumption.

              • 11 months ago

                When did I say the electricty consumption was lower? I specifically said the consumption was higher (notice the TDP numbers). My bad for assuming that you had the two brain cells required to figure out that for such a device to have better battery life, it must therefore have a bigger battery.

              • 11 months ago

                moron, if the battery is bigger but your chinkshit is using proportionally more power, the battery life will be the same. But this is exactly the level of moronation I'd expect from someone that drops over a grand on Chinese crap with non existent quality control.

              • 11 months ago

                Here are some numbers for you.

                You consume 33% more power. But your power source is also 60% bigger. What has the longer battery life?

                I'll leave this math to you.

              • 11 months ago

                What's the handheld? TDP and battery life is easy to calculate from specs so post them.

              • 11 months ago


              • 11 months ago

                >paying $1500 for some shitty chinkheld that runs windows

              • 11 months ago

                Only $1100 extra for a fatter battery and no trackpad? What a steal.

          • 11 months ago

            >Have to save your game and shut it down every time on a handheld
            This has been solved for 20 years

  10. 11 months ago

    The proton side works pretty well nowadays, can even run Alone in the Dark 08 just fine with the wrapper.

  11. 11 months ago

    >Congrats, you never have to deal with Linux again.

    in terms of gaming, linux hasnt been as much of a headache as i expected on the steam deck, hell some games run fricking better than on windows

    Prince of Persia Sands of Time has a glitch on windows that makes the fog extra thick, forcing me to disable that effect, this glitch is not present in proton 8.0-3, which is the version i use with the game

    • 11 months ago

      >linux hasnt been as much of a headache as i expected on the steam deck, hell some games run fricking better than on windows
      It's not so much linux as it is proton making things playable. Proton's made and maintained by Valve themselves so you know it's going to be supported to the highest limit. You can even see it yourself given how garbage it was when it first came out.

  12. 11 months ago

    >>You can't even legally acquire most of the worthwhile PC games today.

    • 11 months ago

      "PC games" also include emulators. So yeah, I'd argue most of my played games on PC aren't really commercial products today.

      • 11 months ago

        >"PC games" also include emulators.

        • 11 months ago

          don't reply to me

          • 11 months ago

            >don't reply to me

        • 11 months ago

          It's true, Steam has Retroarch.

  13. 11 months ago

    Nah, I'm good

  14. 11 months ago

    If I only play docked would owning a Steam Deck be a good replacement for a PC?

    • 11 months ago

      Assuming you're comfortable with the idea of its targeted performance and the fact that Desktop Mode is intended to mostly be a fallback for when shit doesn't work in the console-like mode, yes. You can run it as a 720p-1080p gaming rig just fine. Be aware that obviously there is no upgrade path for it.

    • 11 months ago

      No since you're choked at 15W TDP even in docked mode. You should look into the handhelds that unlock to 30W TDP. But I don't think handhelds can replace real PCs. They're complimentary devices.

    • 11 months ago


  15. 11 months ago

    Your mobile phone needs to be iOS then, because Android is based on Linux as well.

  16. 11 months ago

    Yeah it's almost like Steam Deck is a PC or something.
    I kept Linux on mine, though. I also use Linux on my desktop PC, which I also use for games. I don't use Windoes at all, except to check my email at work. Seethe about it, if that's how you want to spend your weekend.

  17. 11 months ago

    >use windows on deck
    >STILL can't run fricking diablo 4 and destiny 2 at a reasonable framerate
    no thanks.
    >hurr bad games
    literally the biggest fricking cope this side of the rio grande
    We need bare minimum of 32gb ram in these devices, so you can constantly allot a full ass 8-12gb to virtualized vram and have the rest for overhead of the OS. steam deck cuts a thin line between with it's 16gb, but all the other modern devices, ally, neo 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-e-i-e-i-o and odin loki whateverthefrick all need to figure this shit out if they want anyone to buy them.

    • 11 months ago

      Deck does need more power for new games, but those games you listed ARE bad

    • 11 months ago

      >but all the other modern devices, ally, neo 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-0-e-i-e-i-o and odin loki whateverthefrick all need to figure this shit out if they want anyone to buy them.
      My chinkheld has 32GB LPDDR5 @ 7500Mhz. So they already got it figured out.

      • 11 months ago

        let's see them figuring out the fricking price, steam deck made waves by being more affordable than any other computing option in its price-cat

        note: they cannot figure out the price because most chinkhelds need off-the-shelf parts

        • 11 months ago

          Once you've tried out one of these premium handhelds, you'll know why Steam Deck is $400 cheaper. The same way you know why a shitty GPU costs half of a good GPU. You can't ignore physics. These handhelds use top of the line system chips. They're barely in laptops. And if they are, the laptops cost $1500+.

  18. 11 months ago

    Windows is the thing that i never want to deal with again

  19. 11 months ago

    I don't want to deal with constantly turning off services and fricking around with the registry. No thanks.

  20. 11 months ago

    anything good on the horizon in regard to storage? i remember a yearish ago chinks had some breakthrough relating to ssd printing, promising cheaper and larger drives, but there is frick all signs of it as of now.
    and sd cards seem to be pretty stable with 80ish bucks for 1tb which is not really worth an upgrade from the 500gb i assume most of us use.

  21. 11 months ago

    >steamdeck still causing this much asshurt
    I don't even think it's chinks at this point. Steamdeck brought attention to the handheld pc market so it's a net benefit for them.

    But it also made Linux for viable for gaming than ever, something Microsoft doesn't want.

    Think about it, every anti-steamdeck poster is also conveniently anti-linux and pro-windows. Almost as if they are paid Microsoft shills and Microsoft shilling on Ganker(nel) is nothing new.

    • 11 months ago

      I will never understand how you come to this conclusion that being anti-Linux and pro-Windows means you are paid for it or somehow on Microsoft's payroll.

      Did you ever think that "It just werks" is a very VERY big deal to people?
      Did you ever think that people don't like troubleshooting?
      Did you ever think that having to tick a Proton box is already way too much work to play a game compared to just installing it?
      Did you ever think that people have a seamless experience on Windows that they can easily deal with without thinking about anything, so when they're put on Linux and told to do shit to customize it for themselves they lash out?
      Did you ever think that the concept of having to use bottles, Wine, or Proton in general is way too many steps for virtually anyone to actually want to do?

      Like hell, a "Power user" on Windows is someone who goes to Microsoft.com and downloads an NT Framework to install for a game to run. The people who debloat or anything else are going to be so far away from the average person who discusses stuff that of course Linux is going to be a point of contention both for gaming and general use. You even have reviewers like Wulffden who absolutely loathe using the Linux desktop mode and hate having to set things up manually because it's not immediately intuitive and you have to jump through hoops, even if the end result can be a lot smoother or better on performance than Windows.

      People just don't want to touch Linux and for good reason, even if it does have its benefits. It is an enthusiast platform, not something grandma or even the general public will use because the community is constantly hostile, b***hes about RTFM, and any criticism that it's not user-friendly is met with snobbery and superiority. Just look at how everyone seemingly hates GUIs in Linux when that's what 99.999999% of people want.

      • 11 months ago

        steamOS does mostly just werk
        you still have to troubleshoot shit on windows, especially if playing older games (linux/proton actually has the advantage here)
        steamOS doesn't make you tick a proton box unless shit doesn't werk
        the seamless experience on windows is overblown
        if compat layers are too hard for you, please do stick to windows
        nt framework is absolutely not a power-user, get back to me when you have fifty macros, a QMK keyboard with shortcuts, and you use powershell or the terminal more than once a century

        • 11 months ago

          Emulation is better on Windows

          • 11 months ago

            works on my machine

          • 11 months ago

            I installed arch instead


            • 11 months ago

              SteamOS IS Arch.

        • 11 months ago

          I mean he's right that they aren't necessarily shills. They are more likely just a zoomer. Zoomers don't actually understand technology and worship corporations and are braindead consumer cattle just like boomers.

          Linux, pirating, and actually understanding how computers work are the domain of millennials and some gen x.

        • 11 months ago

          >you still have to troubleshoot shit on windows
          Very rarely, and in most cases the stuff you need to troubleshoot has been fixed by GOG releases, would require the same fixes Linux would require but without the hoops Linux would have to jump through in addition to the fix, or by downloading an already prepared ini file or crack.
          >steamOS doesn't make you tick a proton box unless shit doesn't werk
          Yeah, the thing is that you shouldn't be required to tick the Proton box at all. It should already by default be ticking it for you.
          >the seamless experience on windows is overblown
          It isn't. It is as user-friendly as iOS is and completely idiotproof. Mac is even more idiotproof. Linux can be somewhat made idiotproof, but as soon as anything goes wrong it's much harder for the average idiot to fix it because there's far more variables to consider and less easy documentation.
          >compat layers are too hard for you, please do stick to windows
          Here's the superiority and snobbery I just talked about. I understand that Linux has to jump through hoops to get stuff under the hood working because Windows is a mess, but most people don't, and if you want a working system people should adopt then by default this shouldn't even be something people have to consider. The system should automatically know what it needs to bottle, what you need Wine for, and what you need Proton for.

          Little Timmy in front of a Windows machine double-clicks his installer and off he goes. In front of a Linux machine he double-clicks his installer and isn't sure if he has to do anything else after.
          >nt framework is absolutely not a power-user
          Anon, I want you to step off of your high horse and be a normal person for five seconds here. A power user on Windows is anyone who does anything out of standard usage, an enthusiast would be someone debloating or doing anything you said. Frick, going to "Settings" and knowing what they're doing or even running a troubleshooter is above most people's pay grade.

      • 11 months ago

        It's been fifteen years since I discovered that Windows' backwards compatibility doesn't work well enough to play video games. The people who you say are having a smooth just werks experience, in reality they just give up when things don't work, which is most of the time. Ask your mom.

        • 11 months ago

          >Ask your mom.
          My mom and close relatives don't even know how the right-click menu works and still ask me if I mean to left-click something or right-click it despite them using a computer daily for work or personal use for 20 years now. Imagine trying to get them to use Linux.

          • 11 months ago

            That's not what I'm saying. Computers suck and never work right regardless of what it is, if you're getting any use out of one in 2023 you're used to tinkering with stupid bullshit. The people who have no problems are just too used to it to question it.

            • 11 months ago

              Sure, to an extent anyone who is actually invested on playing games on PC will inevitably have to troubleshoot, but in the case of Linux you are absolutely going to have to troubleshoot more, require a different kind of support or wait time to fix stuff, or make concessions. Just look at stuff people Gold or Platinum on ProtonDB that still have issues that aren't present on Windows. Just basic stuff like crackling audio, missing audio, weird graphical textures, etc. So much of the stuff that is Platinum should be Gold, and so many Golds should be Silvers.

              I'm not saying there won't be troubleshooting because there always will be, but on the Windows side there is less need to tinker which is why for the average person Linux will never be popular and never gain traction unless someone like Gabe forces it like with the Steam Deck, and even when someone like that does people still have massive issues with trying to acclimate themselves to this new system.

    • 11 months ago

      >looks at the recent posts
      Yep, you were right. Also, if chink handhelds start switching to Linux to save on licensing(you know they're gonna) that's another blow for Microsoft and another reason why they would be invested in attempting to smear the Steamdeck and Linux as a whole.

  22. 11 months ago

    Linux as a gaming platform was such a mistake for deck. God I frick Linux
    >Teehee sowwy you have to look on protondb for every single game! Sowwy can't play this game, the audi doesn't work on Linux! Sowwy but you can apply a fix but it'll take 3hours and you have to edit 20 individual files!
    Happy I'm selling this piece of shit.

    • 11 months ago

      Get the ProtonDB plugin with Decky so you don't have to cross-ref. Steam Deck is such a fricking good moron filter.

      • 11 months ago

        dont reply to obvious shitposts.

  23. 11 months ago

    >Steam Deck + Windows 10
    This already is a combination of shit.

  24. 11 months ago

    Night falls, and I'm alone
    Games, emulaaated on my phone
    Yuzu neeeever ran, oh yeah
    Deck slipped right in my pants

    Hey, 'ick on 'eck, queers on the vidya
    Ban on a Ganker, no it don't mean much
    Pecker on Knack, dick on a DOTA
    wiener on DOOM, killing demons and such
    Switch's OLED screen
    Doesn't change a thing
    I don't give a heeeck
    'ick on 'eck

  25. 11 months ago

    Steam Deck with Windows is the equivalent of cutting your dick off because someone tells you ITS SO GREAT YOULL BE A POPULAR BEAUTIFUL GIRL. Really though I've not found any reason to put up with crappier battery, drivers or any other Windows stuff and it works flawlessly on Linux. Maybe if I was autist about wanting to play some rootkit game like Valorant or whatever but that's not me but overall Linux is part of the features.

  26. 11 months ago

    I need ps3 emulation

  27. 11 months ago

    Why would I want to deal with Windows where nothing works?

    • 11 months ago

      Everything works for me, from all various launchers and emulators. I've yet ran into a game that refuses to boot or has upside down display (happened to me on Deck)

      >paying $1500 for some shitty chinkheld that runs windows

      The cheapest models (though not Aok) are like $700 now. They're getting closer and closer to Deck prices while offering so much more.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah nah, enjoy your overpriced trash, meanwhile I'll enjoy playing Morrowind on my €400 Deck with gyro and touchpad support, and stellar community software.

        • 11 months ago

          Yeah enjoy your 2001 video game. We know anything fairly modern just breaks SD completely as its battery simply is not cut out for 15W and even at 15W, the performance is very limited.

          • 11 months ago

            >Yeah enjoy your 2001 video game.
            I am, you stupid homosexual.

          • 11 months ago

            >enjoy what you like! heh, owned...
            imagine being this person

            • 11 months ago

              I'm saying SD has a very specific and narrow utilization. It's basically a retro/indie handheld.

      • 11 months ago

        >I've yet ran into a game that refuses to boot or has upside down display (happened to me on Deck)
        Sucks for you that I know that's an issue from running Windows.

  28. 11 months ago

    No thanks, the battery will drain even faster with this.

  29. 11 months ago
  30. 11 months ago

    >muh online troony garbage
    >what will i do without microgaysactions
    >i need propaganda forcing it's way into my brain daily
    >linux is so hard to use boohoo
    it wouldn't be in your brain wasn't fried and you still had the capacity to learn, but that's asking too much out of you out of your kind

  31. 11 months ago

    >what is gamescope bros?

    • 11 months ago

      To be fair Steam Deck Tools pretty much replicates it on Windows.

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