Steel Division 2

Why is this game never discussed here?

Is it that bad?

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It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    It's bad. And also /vst/ doesn't really play vst games.

    • 1 year ago

      what do they play?

      • 1 year ago

        nothing, just like every other Ganker related board

  2. 1 year ago

    I played this game and like it a lot. Though I hate the dlc out the ass, and the always online drm that Eugen loves to require in every game. I'd play it more but I can only get ~30fps on minimum. The controls are really the best part, I hate having dozens of units that will ultimately just sit around doing nothing because I can't be bothered to look at defensive units. It's also good for throwing out decoy forces, since you don't have to micro them. Hopefully more games adopt these controls

  3. 1 year ago

    >Is it that bad?
    Yes and No, Eugens DLC policy ruined it for me. It only costs around 250 bucks to buy the game and all DLCs ... most DLCs are just trashy reskins to be honest. You pay for new units which are limited to a few divisions and there is no free deck builder in the game without mods. Which means that MP is dominated by a few over powered DLC divisions, Eugen now needs to power creep with more and more divisions to keep the scam running. They hardly release new maps as well, which makes the game rather boring and repetative.

  4. 1 year ago

    its fun but you need to be fast and have a good pc

  5. 1 year ago

    dont buy dlcs, the best divisions are free 97gv & 16pz

  6. 1 year ago

    Too much going on over too big a map. It's not even strategy, it depends more on who wasn't paying attention and lost some unit somewhere.

  7. 1 year ago

    WRD is better tbh. And Broken Arrow looks like a decent successor.

    Frick off.

    • 1 year ago

      >loves WRD but hates WRD with QOL aka Warno

      It must hurt to be moronic, but I wouldn't know

      • 1 year ago

        While Balance is a bit fricked in WRD with some stuff being better for no reason. Balance is complete dogshit in Warno. Also the fact that they kept the unit shit shows that Eugen huffs gasoline fumes for fun.

      • 1 year ago

        Local Eugen Apologist Sucks wiener: LIVE on Tibetan Fingerpainting Forum!

      • 1 year ago

        Wargame fans hate literally all other Eugene games. Matter of fact, they hate all the games that even vaguely resemble Eugene games. I've played Wargame and I can safely say it's a solid 6/10.

        • 1 year ago

          Well it's because all other Eugen games are shit anon.

          • 1 year ago

            The only Eugene game that isn't mediocre is RUSE and you literally cannot prove me wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      >Broken Arrow is going to be swarmed and ruined by le competitive wartroony immigrants
      >Javelins nerfed into the ground
      >Unit customizations being stripped back in the name of balance
      >Every cool and modern unit b***hed about until it's prohibitively expensive
      I already knew it was gonna happen but it's still gonna hurt bros.

  8. 1 year ago

    >Why is this game never discussed here?
    Because Wargame was better
    >Is it that bad?
    No it just wasn't what people wanted from it.

  9. 1 year ago

    I didn't get deep into either game but the first game seemed better
    >More distinct decks and phases
    >Smaller engagement distances
    >More movement in general
    >More maps
    >Better looking maps.

    • 1 year ago

      Nah the first game was worse, the phases in it were only interesting in a few divisions, but those ones were gimmicky and under powered
      >More maps
      Maybe on release but now the second game has about 27 maps versus the 17 of the original (3 of those were alternative versions of the same maps). Plus SD2 has the breakthrough mode, which is a ton of fun

    • 1 year ago

      You are not wrong. SD was a lot better designed. That said, the sequel does have a lot of QOL upgrades.

      Nah the first game was worse, the phases in it were only interesting in a few divisions, but those ones were gimmicky and under powered
      >More maps
      Maybe on release but now the second game has about 27 maps versus the 17 of the original (3 of those were alternative versions of the same maps). Plus SD2 has the breakthrough mode, which is a ton of fun

      And all the SD2 maps are boring, desolate forests or towns because the devs are too stubborn/lazy to make some western front maps.

      • 1 year ago

        >play game about eastern front
        >mad because no western front maps

        • 1 year ago

          >make game about eastern front
          >add western front armies to cash in but not maps because you are too fricking lazy

          • 1 year ago

            ah yes, I remember that time when the Americans showed up to bail out the Soviets in some bumfrick village in Ukraine. Good time.

            Honestly there is no good reason why all the SD1 divisions shouldn't have been imported into the game and there shouldn't be freeform 'any division versus any other division' gameplay
            Arbitrarily sticking to some bullshit setting/tone/'le realism' in the multiplayer is nonsense, totally putting yourself in the corner for no reason

            • 1 year ago

              It's especially silly since that even in the default gamemode you can play US and Soviet divisions on the same team since they are both "allies" (well unless you set t to east front only which I think is an option) You can set it to axis vs axis or allies vs allies but I don't think it's actually possible to make mix and match teams.
              1v1 tournamentgays make no distinction and treat all divisions as a single pool to draft from from what I understand too

        • 1 year ago

          ah yes, I remember that time when the Americans showed up to bail out the Soviets in some bumfrick village in Ukraine. Good time.

    • 1 year ago

      It's not really bad strictly speaking it's just something nobody really wanted. Wargame gays were still seething because it wasn't wargame. The newbies that actually enjoyed the first SD didn't like the fact that that SD2 gutted most of the things that actually made SD unique and made it more like wargame WW2-edition. Like I actually enjoyed the phase system and escalation of battle. To be fair there has been considerable power creep in what kind of units some divisions could bring but still. SD2 left it just a vestigial feature instead of doing anything with it. In the end nobody was really happy. Eugen was also on verge of bankruptcy and involved in a labour scandal at the time they were releasing SD2, so for anyone following the news it looked more like a desperate attempt and didn't inspire much confidence in the game.

  10. 1 year ago

    if only they released the ability to make maps like they promised.

  11. 1 year ago

    >fight over the centre of the map for 40 minutes: the game

  12. 1 year ago

    Real time is really stupid for these kinds of games.

  13. 1 year ago

    Steel Division 2 is very interesting to me as a game that when I play it, I am really impressed with it, but also simultaneously I never have the desire to play it

    For me, it goes like this:
    >Boot up an Army General Campaign
    >Holy shit this scale and detail
    >I don't really understand all the AG systems or mechanics but it's fine
    >Play a battle
    >Damn it's so sick setting up these huge defensive lines, overlapping gun turrets, artillery dropping on them, etc.
    >This game is so slick
    >Play battle no. 3
    >OK i am getting really bored this is tedious as hell
    >I assume I'm doing well but this isn't sticking with me
    >Log off game
    >Don't play it again for months
    >Think to myself "That Steel Division game is pretty good right?"

    • 1 year ago

      Same thing here, I can't bring myself to uninstall or play it. Every now and then I'll remember "hey this steel division 2 game is really unique and cool right" and then play it for a bit, get bored of army general and say I'll get around to it when I find the time, and then never do. I've probably spent more time looking at all the units and messing around with battlegroup building than actually playing the game.
      It's like the game just lacks something special to actually draw me so I just go "meh" and forget about it. It's just less than the sum of it's parts somehow.

    • 1 year ago

      Same thing here, I can't bring myself to uninstall or play it. Every now and then I'll remember "hey this steel division 2 game is really unique and cool right" and then play it for a bit, get bored of army general and say I'll get around to it when I find the time, and then never do. I've probably spent more time looking at all the units and messing around with battlegroup building than actually playing the game.
      It's like the game just lacks something special to actually draw me so I just go "meh" and forget about it. It's just less than the sum of it's parts somehow.

      Third here with the same problem. I don’t know what it is, but it’s probably a mixture of some or all of these:
      >too small selection of maps and all look the same (which BTW is the signature Eugen sin with all their games)
      >so many divisions but so many feel too samey, they just kind of blur together in my head
      >compared to Wargame and its cold war weaponry, WWII equipment just feels kind of boring to play around with in scale like this where you don’t really feel the fine little differences between infantry squad weapons of different nations etc. (I like WWII as setting, but IMO it just works better on smaller RTS scale like Men of War, or on even grander strategic level)

      • 1 year ago

        >in scale like this
        This is one of the reasons I actually preferred SD1. It was smaller scale and had more mid-range engagements so infantry shooting at each other was something you paid more attention to. The phase system and overall lower availability meant that the meme weapons were still viable to use because you could get them early or just because you didn't really have as much of the good stuff. Light tanks are pretty pointless when everyone can get panthers in A anyway. This also ties into the unit variety. Because you can get all the good stuff in every division they look the same. In SD1 germans had a lot of captured equipment and weird divisions and allies haad a bunch of different national divisions. They were made up primarily of british and american equipment, but that's at least two sets of stuff, not everyone gets a t-34.

      • 1 year ago

        Maybe the reality of world war 2 equipment and combat kind of sucks and maybe that has something to do with it lol, they stuck too close to 'reality' and it takes the fun out of it contrary to expectations and head-fantasy
        infantry are slow as frick, their RPG's have no range, they get mowed down in the open
        battlefield is too frickin big
        everything is slow slow slow
        tanks are cool but outside of the fan favorite tanks, world war 2 vehicles kind of blow (armored cars etc)
        planes are big slowfricks and not that impactful with small bomb loads
        AT guns are just 'heh hide in the forest and hopefully get a shot off'

        modern combat 'semi-realistically' approximated is maybe just a more fun setting because high-speed, high-power tanks and aircraft and infantry with long-range ATGM's are just more fun to use lol

        • 1 year ago

          SD2 'meta' is really all about infantry fights backed up with artillery and some tanks as fire support as far as I understand it from my pretty limited MP experience. Which is I guess semi-historical. But I know what you mean. Compared to Wargame a lot of the units feel weak and very limited in their weaponry and capabilities. The combat is pretty slow, or at least much less mobile than in Wargame as well. And yes I agree the recon armored cars and such are not quite as cool to use as equivalent units in Wargame too.

      • 1 year ago

        i wish they wouldve released mapmaking tools like they promised. i dont know how people play on the same exact maps for years and years and still enjoy it.

  14. 1 year ago

    What are some good decks for 2nd US Indianhead/3rd Armored in 1v1 and teamgames (including 10v10)? I'm pretty shit at building decks.

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