Stellaris Bread

Post empires, recomend mods, share stories.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Running with this so I can earn achievements while playing modded

    They improved this mod:

    You can pick any combination of precursors, so you can get your Cybrex ring world, First League relic world, and Zron for psychic ascension. Really nice with the new archaeotech

  2. 1 year ago

    Real Space or Planetary Diversity?

    • 1 year ago

      Real space.

      I was really into modding for Stellaris but I got to a point where I want to get really good at the vanilla game, and real space doesn’t really change anything.

  3. 1 year ago

    I play with -0.50% fleet upkeep for everyone modded in.

  4. 1 year ago

    Imma post pics of my favorite custom civs i made for Stellaris

    This is the first one I made and still one of my favorites. The bonus to specialists from egalitarian and meritocracy stack, and so do talented and meritocracy for leader caps.

    • 1 year ago

      this is my most favorite. Its silly but i like conquering the world as the Gieco Insurance Lizard civ.

      • 1 year ago

        this is my favorite villian faction, they are just so damn evil and scary looking. i liked them so much i wrote flavor text, the last line reads

        >having become too toxic to breed without assistance, debt in Kreshhk society is forever, there is no word in the Kreshhk langauge for 'free'

        • 1 year ago

          this is another fun faction, sort of like my mos eisley.

          • 1 year ago

            this is an aquatic lithoid hivemind with tree of life and organic reprocessing. It tends to snowball pretty hard in most games.

            • 1 year ago

              this is my machine intelligence, DAAR Link, which is set up on a broken ring world and is pretty busted tbh since it has no habitability requirements. (its still effected by the habitability cap from the busted ring sections)

              wrote some fluff, kind of got the idea from ship AI in Wall-E

              >Only upon feeding one of the oranics a native delicacy that had been rotting in its food dispensor for nearly a mellenium and watching it have an allergic reaction and die, did it finally understand. the people it had been serving for over thousand years were STATUS: DECEASED It withdrew into hibernation, and awoke determined to discover the true purpose of its existence

              • 1 year ago

                this was a crazy idea for a terravore necrophage lithoid hivemind. Sinister evil dudes. Terravore is still bugged though and doesn't show up correctly.

                the fluff reads
                >A highly organized, predatory species, the planet teems with swarms of the creatures. After a revelation known only as "The Hunger", the species came to know the lights in the sky were other planets and stars, and that soon it must traverse the void lest it consume the world that gave them birth.

              • 1 year ago

                Typo after first senetence you must fix!

              • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >most favorite
        Anon you shouldn't use double positives

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah right

    • 1 year ago

      I'm playing my militant koala's and I got a chance for a new civic. I'm torn between distinguished admirality and idealistic foundation.

      • 1 year ago

        >ate too much chips
        >want to go to bodega but trying to get healthy so i can get sexy times
        >not sure whether to play stellaris or rimworld
        >almost too lazy to turn on fan
        >have to go potty but don't want to get up
        decisions, decisions..

        • 1 year ago

          maybe i'll just play tropico.
          the game is ridiculously easy now, though.

  5. 1 year ago


    And this is another villian species. Their breeding stock are the cute mollusks and have aquatic and argrarian.

    the fluff reads
    >and the naive mollusks treat the lobotomized drones as having attained a state of enlightenment

    • 1 year ago

      i made about a dozen more, but these are my favorites. I think they are iconic and fun.

  6. 1 year ago


    I don't think you understand the speed at which /vst/ moves. If you want a quicker-paced thread you should be posting on /vg/'s /civ4xg/, not on /vst/


    That being said, yes. those are some nice civs, and I appreciate the custom descriptions.
    I used to have some custom civs myself but deleted them to change to 3.7.2. On progress of making some new ones.

    • 1 year ago

      bretty kewl

  7. 1 year ago

    Cool factions if you wanna design cool sci Fi races I suggest /tg/ if you want to have the most boring time of your life then play Stellaris. This game is bollocks and has only gotten worse as they update it, so much potential pissed away.

    • 1 year ago
    • 1 year ago

      My most played civ is ancap earth/lost colony. I have nearly 600 hours with it.
      Currently I started playing confederated UN.
      I really need to reinstal creamapi for 3.7

    • 1 year ago

      Stellaris is an alien creation simulator with a bit of 4x gameplay.

  8. 1 year ago

    If you keep making threads before the old one dies you'll have 20 stellaris threads on this slow ass board.


    • 1 year ago

      >kek a little
      Jesus, is this one still alive?

      • 1 year ago

        Not even. Page 7.
        Yes I'm using sage.
        Abusing a public resource is Black person tier behavior, I'd like to believe I'm not surrounded by such people.

        • 1 year ago

          frick off, you should be able to make a thread the minute it reaches the bump limit, there is no reason to force OP to hover over it like a buzzard over a carcass.

          • 1 year ago

            You can, but you shouldn't. There isn't a reason for us to make a new thread so soon. We're just bumping off threads that didn't need to be bumped off, because you want this thread on page 1 or something?
            Nobody is forcing you. I'm just telling you the right thing to do. It's just that choosing otherwise is antisocial behavior.

          • 1 year ago

            This is how threads get banned off of boards and sent to /trash/

          • 1 year ago

            t. Black person

          • 1 year ago

            >bump limit
            oh no it will fall off the front page! even though everyone uses catalog and bookmarks and search these days. frick off

  9. 1 year ago

    Do I still need the mod to keep primitives from nuking themself?The patch notes only mention that they made it less likely when not observing them.

  10. 1 year ago

    >Paradox makes the AI better
    >Captain's now too difficult
    >Ensign's still too easy
    I'm not very good at this game.

  11. 1 year ago

    >guys in the wright brothers plane
    frick that's a good one

  12. 1 year ago

    >Try to play progenitor hive so i can expand out and make some vassals
    >First game boxed between marauder empire and advanced empire
    >Second game decide to try stargazers, weak opening handicaps me
    Hives are awkward and i still don't get how they can't be psionic, especially with new cyborg hive option.

    • 1 year ago

      It's double moronic because how the FRICK is a hivemind, especially a non-progenitor hive, going to stay unified across different star systems without some kind of psionic link?

      • 1 year ago

        They don't have to have direct FTL connectivity exactly. So long as each system agrees its "one organism" then when they link up again they just transfer any relevant memories to each other. High levels of deviancy would cause a group to be unwilling to do this, then you get rebellions.
        Put it this way, in a much more primitive insect hive mind, an insect leaves the hive to gather food, comes back, gets new instructions and leaves again. So long as it keeps coming back and getting updates, its goals and knowledge shouldn't drift too far from what everyone else is focused on.
        The same is true of this kind of being, so long as they routinely share synapse drones etc between systems, they should be able to maintain a "close enough" that they all still agree they are one being and are willing to "update" themselves if they drift out of sync.

    • 1 year ago

      Because they are already psionic.A hive is one psionic being with many bodies.

      It's double moronic because how the FRICK is a hivemind, especially a non-progenitor hive, going to stay unified across different star systems without some kind of psionic link?

      Anon kun they already have a psionic link, that's the point

      • 1 year ago

        If they're already psionic why the frick can't they use psionic powers?

        • 1 year ago

          Brother, please read the description of psionic powers.

  13. 1 year ago

    when I saw the industrial traits last patch I knew I had to do something like this. I'm ruining every planet I settle. If it's low habitability i either send robots or enslaved species

    • 1 year ago

      Name your federation after the UN
      Set up sweatshops in your branch offices.
      Might even be worth it to get to stage 1 of becoming the crisis so you get armageddon bombardment.

    • 1 year ago


      >play a corporate empire that specialises in ruining planets through relentless industrialism
      >kill a dimensional horror
      >hey, let's bring it home to study it
      >a few years later my capital turns into a dimensional horror with a fresh Black personman living in it
      I suppose it fits, there's only one way to make your tomb worlds even worse.

      It happened to me, but then again, that's what I get from losing a gamble and bringing a remnant of a black hole home

      Stellaris dev posted a survey, have a go at it
      Main things I mentioned were current pop system and simplistic economy

      Its funny how many times I mentioned "performance" and "bad combat" and "diplomacy/espionage"

  14. 1 year ago

    what's the best civic combination as of the new DLC?

  15. 1 year ago

    >human only population could have re-elected a highly celebrated, honored and successful general, who distinguished himself during several first contact wars
    >instead they vote an exiled marauder admiral to be president, wtf
    >it's a female fertility preacher
    You heard it here folks, all mankind is horny for space bug pussy.

    • 1 year ago

      So, exactly what kind of 'Marauding' was she known for?

      • 1 year ago

        Is there a full version, anon?

        • 1 year ago

          Viewer discretion is advised.

          • 1 year ago

            > benis :DDD
            dizabboinded DDD:

            • 1 year ago

              Excuse you, that's her olfactory organ.

              Humanoids... psh seriously.

            • 1 year ago

              >warp travel

    • 1 year ago

      >Home in the Sky Icon is the fricking Jetsons houses.
      I can't believe I just realized this and I've been playing since 2016.

    • 1 year ago

      I like the frostpunk sector.

  16. 1 year ago

    Rate my empire

    • 1 year ago

      I laughed.

    • 1 year ago

      i shit myself somehow without noticing it.
      i spent 15 minutes cleaning my ass.
      now there is shit underneath my fingernails even after washing my hands
      in retrospect, i should have just taken a shower

  17. 1 year ago

    >Envoy slot is needed to mess around with a pre-FTL civ
    aaaaand entire expansion gameplay feature totally ruined. does paratard devs even play their own game?

    • 1 year ago

      Wait?What?Are they moronic?

    • 1 year ago

      You get more envoys from insight technologies you get from studiying primitives

      • 1 year ago

        So there's a point to keeping primitives around now instead of just invading them?

        • 1 year ago

          Yeah, Insight Technologies are fascinating and helpful techs that are exclusively discovered from researching wonderful and diverse cultures of Pre-FTL Aliens.

          • 1 year ago

            >Half of an envoy

            • 1 year ago

              You get either a half or a quarter of an envoy for each of these, so if you research a couple of them you get a full envoy. You get way more envoys than usual this way. This also means stuff like espionage is slightly less moronic since you're more likely to have a spare envoy to spend on it. It's still probably better so spend them on diplomacy unless you're genocidal, but at least the option to do something else with them is made slightly more attractive.

            • 1 year ago

              They stack, so if you rush primitives and prioritize Insight bonuses and technologies you can get lots of Envoys from primitive worlds.

          • 1 year ago

            Space Black person

          • 1 year ago

            That‘s not nearly as good as a bunch of pops in the early game.

            • 1 year ago

              Which is why the techs remain a valid option until they're researched. So you can prioritize other things if necessary.

    • 1 year ago


  18. 1 year ago

    >Youtube vid "Space Ambient Music" but muted on monitor 2
    >/vst/ on auto-refresh on monitor 3
    Its Stellaris time.

  19. 1 year ago

    total newbie with only the utopia dlc starting as a militarist empire and i'm right next to a religious cult militarist civ and war seems inevitable soon

    how do you rush kill someone down in the early game?

    • 1 year ago

      You build corvettes over the limit, destroy their fleet, preferably next to your border starbase to take as few casualties as possible, destroy their fleet a second time if necessary, and then you can usually proceed with bombings and planetary occupation. You need a lot of spare alloys to pull that off, so you focus your economy on manufacturing them or buying them on the market beforehand.

      • 1 year ago

        For starters open Policies tab and change economy to militarised

        Thanks, two wars later and I've vassalized some pig xenos. I got a nomad spam event and my fleet went from 70 ships to 140 in a single event with cruisers and other shit. Zero idea what to do with them

    • 1 year ago

      For starters open Policies tab and change economy to militarised

      • 1 year ago

        Militarists start with it as the default.

  20. 1 year ago

    You fricks make me want to play more Stellaris

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        Seemed pretty tame to me.

        • 1 year ago

          Please don't post NSFW on a SFW board! Thanks!

          • 1 year ago

            My wife's son saw that!

  21. 1 year ago

    Can you join someone else's war? I was browsing the wiki and stumbled upon this.
    Does this mean that the AI can join ongoing wars even as a pacifist?

    • 1 year ago

      No but you can dogpile on empires that are already at war.
      This can make it harder to reach a victory since your war goals aren't aligned and any system not occupied by you doesnt count towards raising status quo acceptance

  22. 1 year ago

    How high is the spawn chance for the new origins?I don't want to play as them but I want to have them in the game.Should I make a custom Broken Shackles empire and force spawn it or do they have a high chance to appear on their own?

  23. 1 year ago

    Is there anything more fun than running a super xenophobia slavery empire, but also take the politics tradition and grant yourself galactic laws immunity, then vote to pass the greater good laws that bans slavery, and watch half the galaxy suffers from sanctions while you still make banks out of massive chattel slavery yourself?

    • 1 year ago

      I like bullying pacifist empires by enacting the military fleet resolutions

  24. 1 year ago

    >Fear of the dark origin
    >The fearmongers live on a planet with 10% habitability

    • 1 year ago

      Looks like they were right, universe is trying to kill them.

    • 1 year ago

      can you perpetually sabotage them with espionage or did paradox have another melty and forget to code that in?

  25. 1 year ago

    Stellaris dev posted a survey, have a go at it
    Main things I mentioned were current pop system and simplistic economy

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      I'm going to ask them NOT to get rid of pops

      • 1 year ago

        I don't want them to get rid of pops but I want them to do (yet another) rework

    • 1 year ago

      Where the frick is the survey?
      I don't see shit

  26. 1 year ago

    what mod do I get for no Black folk or women leaders?

    • 1 year ago

      No women leaders is already in the base-game, you can force your leaders to be of either gender

    • 1 year ago

      Make your empire male only. Just like in real life you won't see women at all.

    • 1 year ago

      Delete all human portraits that aren‘t white.

    • 1 year ago

      • 1 year ago

        Go leave.

        • 1 year ago

          • 1 year ago

            Oh God, I fell for it, I have clicked on the link...

  27. 1 year ago

    >play a corporate empire that specialises in ruining planets through relentless industrialism
    >kill a dimensional horror
    >hey, let's bring it home to study it
    >a few years later my capital turns into a dimensional horror with a fresh Black personman living in it
    I suppose it fits, there's only one way to make your tomb worlds even worse.

  28. 1 year ago

    >forget to close border
    >AI moves a construction ship and builds an outpost behind my territory

    • 1 year ago

      I have this exact issue. You gotta remember to switch Policy to Closed Borders by default and open them only when you're sure you want them through and that they can't build any starbases on your rightful, god-given systems.

    • 1 year ago

      I have this exact issue. You gotta remember to switch Policy to Closed Borders by default and open them only when you're sure you want them through and that they can't build any starbases on your rightful, god-given systems.

      They only do this if there's only one of your systems between their border and the system they want to claim. If there's more than one, they simply won't bother even if your borders are open. So if you don't have any unclaimed systems close to their border there's no point in closing borders, all it really does is give you a relationship penalty.

      • 1 year ago

        Broken Shackles if you want MSI in your game.
        Payback if you want MSI in your game.
        Neither if you want MSI ijn your game.

        MSI is here to stay in every single one of your games, because if at least a single Empire spawns with Broken Shackles or Payback as their origin then you're gonna have MSI in your game because Paradox couldn't figure out people might want to play those Origins against someone other than MSI, like a custom-made Empire.

        • 1 year ago

          God damn linkage, was meant for

          Broken shackles or payback?

        • 1 year ago

          What happens if my friend takes payback origin and i take broken shackles? Will it spawn more of those origins or are they locked out for the AI factions?

          • 1 year ago

            I am not sure, but I think you're allowed to have more.

            If you read the Payback/Shackles Origins it says that when you take either of those Origins the game spawns several Pre-FTL Empires regardless of the slider's settings and it spawns an opposite Empire with the other Origin (by specifically uplifting one of these Pre-FTL Empires), as well as spawning MSI as an advanced empire.
            No clue if the game checks if there's already a Payback/Shackles Origins and a MSI Empire being spawned before spawning its own.

            You could try testing this by forcing the spawn of multiple empires with these origins and see if the game duplicates them.
            Who knows? If Paradox was incompetent enough you might get to see multiple MSI empires in a single game.

  29. 1 year ago

    if you switch your policy to liberation wars do you get to keep all your claims?

  30. 1 year ago

    Broken shackles or payback?

    • 1 year ago

      Payback's a bit of a nothingburger. Broken Shackles isn't fantastic but it has a bit more substance to it, both mechanically and narratively.

      • 1 year ago

        Guess i'll try to play the nice guys for once

        • 1 year ago

          >First aliens i contact have the same portrait as me
          Thanks Paradox.

          • 1 year ago

            FIX YOUR SHIT gayGTODOX.

    • 1 year ago

      Just played a bit of paypack.
      >a challenging start? Well, I better go defensive starbases then and stack platforms in Sol
      >MSI spawns 3, 6 and then 9 corvettes at generous intervals
      >galactic congress reveals that MSI is on the other side of the galaxy
      >they declare war followed by literlly nothing, no sight of their supposedly overwhelming fleets
      >the phony war exhausts them, status quo enforced
      >a bit later 9 corvettes spawn in Sol
      Oh wow. It's iterally nothing. Imagine paying for moot pirates spawning in your home system. What a joke.

      • 1 year ago

        Using quite a few mods the Debt Collectors corvettes actually become a serious threat that can beat your starbase and leave your capital isolated even if upgraded, with defense platforms and you take unyielding as your first tradition.
        The AI still can't into war through. The only time the MSI scripted war declaration did anything for me was when I had Advanced AI Empire spawning near the player turned on and they randomly happened to spawn a couple of fo systems beside my capital.

        There also seems to be a bug where if the debt collectors are beaten by something else such as random Tiyanki roaming the system (who knows why Paradox make them aggressive towards anyone but you), the debt collection timer gets broken, and then you can end up with an event that tells you that the debt collectors will come in year 2230, but it's already 2260.

  31. 1 year ago

    How do I even get Primitive Insight Technologies?I have been observing them,I have finished the situation that told me I would get one soon and I have gotten serveral events afterwards but non of them gave me any research options.The situation didn't restart either.This shit feels like a waste of time and I should have just invaded them.

    • 1 year ago

      You just have to wait for the event to pop up. I don't know the mechanics behind it, might just be random, but it's usually a short while after the situation concludes.

  32. 1 year ago

    >make a Fear of the Dark build with Distinguished Admiralty and Parliamentary system to capitalize on the first contact earlygame total war event
    >plan is to have a fleet of 30 corvettes ready with a lvl 3 admiral to rush a neighbor within the first 15 years
    >all going as planned, just wiped the enemies fleet, just a few jumps to reach their colonies and homeworld
    >another neighbor decides to steal my laurels and declares a vassalization war on the guy I'm trying to kill, reaches every fricking colony first because his borders are closer, frick me I guess
    >I cant take a single further system because all the starbases belong to the third party, and the guy I'm attacking cant even take them back himself because I already killed his fleet, I have to settle for a fricking white peace for a whole two useless, empty systems while my neighbors vassalize eachother
    >frick this shit, restart the run
    >exact same thing happens again
    >and AGAIN
    Holy FRICK I hate this game.

  33. 1 year ago

    Frick I hate playing with higher tech cost.

    • 1 year ago

      funny, I actually feel higher tech/tradition cost makes the game better since it screws up some research related bonusses the AI gets.

      • 1 year ago

        I guess it's not so bad if you're used to it but it just feels so slow.

  34. 1 year ago

    There is no benefit to having more than one research agreement right

  35. 1 year ago

    Masterfull trolling by the map generator.

    • 1 year ago

      >finding out what you thought was a dead end isn't
      Easily the worst feeling

  36. 1 year ago

    shit art

    • 1 year ago

      post your work

  37. 1 year ago

    >Broken shackles gives me 2x2 species with same portraits, just different names
    You'd think with this many species packs that wouldn't even be possible

    • 1 year ago

      >Pre-Sapients are still the same 10 fricking portraits over and over again.
      I think Paradox are just incompetent.

  38. 1 year ago

    Ok how the frick does the cloaking work, and does AI have access to it even if I don't own the dlc? I've seen fleets just disappear in front of my eyes and I'm not sure what the frick is going on anymore

    • 1 year ago

      >Ok how the frick does the cloaking work
      Basically you install cloaking devices as a component on your ships, and if you're cloaked the enemy needs to have a higher detection value than your cloaking value (determined by what level of cloaking device you have, and the size of the ships in your cloaked fleet) to spot you.
      >and does AI have access to it even if I don't own the dlc?
      >I've seen fleets just disappear in front of my eyes and I'm not sure what the frick is going on anymore
      Maybe it's a bug, maybe they jumped away, maybe they got out of sensor range, maybe your intelligence level on their owned dropped. Hard to tell without context.

    • 1 year ago

      >Ok how the frick does the cloaking work
      Basically you install cloaking devices as a component on your ships, and if you're cloaked the enemy needs to have a higher detection value than your cloaking value (determined by what level of cloaking device you have, and the size of the ships in your cloaked fleet) to spot you.
      >and does AI have access to it even if I don't own the dlc?
      >I've seen fleets just disappear in front of my eyes and I'm not sure what the frick is going on anymore
      Maybe it's a bug, maybe they jumped away, maybe they got out of sensor range, maybe your intelligence level on their owned dropped. Hard to tell without context.

      I've detected AI science ships cloaking around my territory using the Stabase cloaking detection building.
      Outside of that no, the AI would be too dumb to effectively use cloaked military fleets, but they do have science ship cloaking.

  39. 1 year ago

    Do FE's use Archeotechs or do they still have the old ship loadouts?

  40. 1 year ago

    >Payback casus belli against MSI is just End Threat wargoal against purifiers/swarm
    >but has a cooler name
    honestly, I can let it slide because in the end it's just a free card to purge those buttholes and the rest of the galaxy won't even care

  41. 1 year ago

    What mods do you guys use? I've been running Ethics and Civics Classic and I'm not sure I like it. It adds some cool stuff but the cooperative/competitive ethics axis seems to be weighted too heavily when determining AI personality. Every AI empire that spawns with the competitive ethic gets the ruthless capitalists personality regardless of what other ethics or civics they spawn with.

    • 1 year ago

      Right now I'm not looking into Ethics mods, since I feel they conflict alot with other mods. Civic mods are more compatible while still allowing for more complex empires.

      Howeve then I do use Ethics mods I use 'Ethics & Civics: Bug Branch'.

    • 1 year ago

      Stronger Orbital Bombardment because bombardment should be dangerous and it actually makes the AI better since they won't sit on a planet with 10 pops and endlessly bomb it.Being able to destroy habitats is also nice.Remastred human portraits because the new vanilla humans are terrible.Dynamic difficulty to buff FEs,Marauders and Leviathans since I play on GA.And I'm currently trying to decide if I want to use Starnet or Startech.I'm usually using Starnet but a slower early game might be nice.

  42. 1 year ago

    My vassal is declaring war on my own federation, so I have to defend him against my federation. How can I stop this ?

    • 1 year ago

      Change the federation law so vassal are forced to join.

      • 1 year ago

        They are authoritarian, and my federation is currently mostly democratic. If they join I will lose Federation XP

      • 1 year ago

        They are authoritarian, and my federation is currently mostly democratic. If they join I will lose Federation XP

        What I also don't understand is that War is supposed to be an unanimous vote in my Federation, but I never get a prompt to vote on it.

        I even tried to give my vassal association status to the federation, which is accepted but they still declare war on my vassal a few months after

  43. 1 year ago

    Do you use any particular mod to improve the defensive capabilities of Starbases?
    Looking for one that's updated and balanced and that's not based on Defense Platforms because the AI doesn't ever build them.

  44. 1 year ago

    >New Ship Classes 2 (Season 7) has been out for 8 fricking years.
    >The ships still look like ass, the mounts aren't aligned and the new Headquarters building still has a generic model and not a custom one for each shipset.

    • 1 year ago

      seriously frick NSC2
      it adds a bunch of ship classes but they're pretty much all "it just gets bigger" with stat & slot bloat
      and most of the sections are just copypastes of existing ones, and the multiple center sections look awful with most shipsets since they weren't designed to have the center section duplicated several times

      i've always preferred RIG:SD/RIG:US as my ship overhaul mod of choice tbh, the creator actually knows how to place turrets in ways that aren't eyesores, too bad that it hasn't been playable for a while but I do have copium reserves and from what the creator told me, it's re-releasing soon

      • 1 year ago

        RIG:SD/RIG:US? The only other prominent ship overhaul I know of is Realistic Ships, and it's a fork of the original

        Waiting for Guilliman to update his mod again. Supposedly precursor origin was nerfed a bit, which is okay, that shits ridiculous. The entire mod makes the galaxy so much more rng driven though

        Planet Modifiers and Features? Isn't it already updated to 3.7.X?

        • 1 year ago

          It’s buggy

  45. 1 year ago

    Frick the Yuht.Why is this garbage precursor even in the game?They are still useless after years of patching.It's like they only exist to ruin the early game.Even the new Archaeotech they get is useless.This could have been a way to buff them but no they get the worst fricking tech of all the precursors.Does Paradox keep them in the game as a joke?

  46. 1 year ago

    >StarTech AI
    >I agree, that's why it's not going to happen. While technically AI can declare wars in 2241, they rarely will (only genocidals sometimes did that in my test runs).
    What a load of bullshit.Both empires I bordered declared war in 2241 and non of them were genocidal.And yeah when I went to reveal he map the same had happened to other empires.What's the point of lying about this or is the current version bugged?

    • 1 year ago

      If you have Dynamic Mod Menu mod you can disable this or configure it.

      • 1 year ago

        Nah I just went back to normal starnet.The ai actually seems to be less moronic about declaring wars with it.

  47. 1 year ago

    I'm using a heavily modded game, but it seems that if the Payback Debt Collectors aren't beaten by you (like if they're for whatever reason beaten by Spaceborne Aliens like Tiyanki) the Debt collecting Event will be broken.

  48. 1 year ago

    Broken shackles is really fun if you don't get your shit stomped early on by a hyper aggressive neighbour. Exploring the galaxy with your ragtag group of castaways is peak comfy

  49. 1 year ago

    Some games are funny.Had a hostile contact with a Fear of the Dark empire and they blew up a space station of mine after it finished.So I got the option to declare total war on them and it was called Worst Contact.So I stomp them and I arrive to siege down their captial and I notice that the second world they should get was an uninhabited tomb world.The Second AI I met declared me a rival despite having half my fleet power so I killed them too.It's not even 2226 and I have 113 pops .And I wanted this to be a slower game and wasn't even alloy rushing.

    • 1 year ago

      I love FotD total wars

      • 1 year ago

        Are they always suicidal?

        • 1 year ago

          Not when you play them yourself

          • 1 year ago

            >parliamentary system for extra unity, rush supremacy ascension path from day 1
            >distinguished admiralty for extra fleet size, fire rate and better admiral
            >bank all your influence and alloys, only grab systems with colonizable planets to produce more alloys or extremely lucrative space mines
            >by year 10 have a size 50 fleet of corvettes ready to assfrick the first unlucky soul that crosses your path after finishing first contact
            >afterwards, the second poor sod you find gets immediatly rivalled and their entire empire claimed in one go from all the influence you've banked up
            Haven would be proud.

            • 1 year ago

              Doing it right

            • 1 year ago

              You're playing the game wrong. Stellaris is about federating, not about map painting.

              • 1 year ago

                >You're playing the game wrong. Stellaris is about federating, not about map painting.

  50. 1 year ago

    First empire, what do you think? Are these traits good? What's funny is that I spawned next to two hyper agressive empires(one of which was a purifier) so I pretty much immediately abandoned my xenophobic traits and joined a federation with two other spiritualists for joint protection.

    • 1 year ago

      Your trait picks are pretty good, except for decadent, but sometimes you don't know what else to pick. (-10 to happiness on laborers is huge, especially if you have slaves)

      I don't know whats going on with your civics, ascentionist is kind of niche late game stuff, forget what effecient buerocracy does but i remember it being somewhat lackluster.

    • 1 year ago

      RP>meta, stellaris on lowrt difficulties is fairly easy
      I would take tradional over enduring through, it'll synergise fairly well with your other civicd

      Your trait picks are pretty good, except for decadent, but sometimes you don't know what else to pick. (-10 to happiness on laborers is huge, especially if you have slaves)

      I don't know whats going on with your civics, ascentionist is kind of niche late game stuff, forget what effecient buerocracy does but i remember it being somewhat lackluster.

      I thing efficent bureaucracy is fairly good now. Together with ascensionist they make a nice thematic build

      • 1 year ago

        So far I've not really felt the happiness debuff, especially since I've outlawed slavery

        Your trait picks are pretty good, except for decadent, but sometimes you don't know what else to pick. (-10 to happiness on laborers is huge, especially if you have slaves)

        I don't know whats going on with your civics, ascentionist is kind of niche late game stuff, forget what effecient buerocracy does but i remember it being somewhat lackluster.


        • 1 year ago

          Traditional gives you more unity, and you already have effecient bueracracy for even more and ascensionist to put that unity to good use

  51. 1 year ago

    How do I start a militaristic empire of space foxes and take over everything and win over the endgame event?

  52. 1 year ago

    >start playing
    >get a big empire going
    >annex a rival or two
    >get bored
    I never even make it to the crisis anymore.

    • 1 year ago

      Just play on smaller galaxies. I got burned out playing on big maps all the time, but smaller maps with increased research speed and an earlier endgame timer are 100% more fun.

  53. 1 year ago

    So will the organic singularity event eventually create a real hive?I have a pre ftl planet that got taken over during the stone age and has the "Slaves of the Machine" modifier but that just turns some of them into slaves.I also found another real pre ftl hive in the stone age.

  54. 1 year ago

    My economy is in the shitter. I have 500+ pops but I can't seem to get over 300 of anything a month except alloys, and its nearing midgame. I'm even rocking the mining edict and I can barely break even.

    I may have over developed, also i think my fleet maintenance is taking a big chunk.

    • 1 year ago

      my maintenance is almost in the thousands for each one but i'm only pulling like 250 energy and 100 minerals and food even with the edict. Tbf i got clone pitts running out the wazoo, so thats where a lot of the food is going.

      • 1 year ago

        i keep running into an issue where my stupid pops keep migrating and don't want to demote. they get all pissy their cushy union jobs are getting axed or I'm moving them around life refugees at the border and won't integrate.

        Ruler pops cause a lot of grief when they don't have jobs. Sometimes I'll go out of my way to make a job for them and the bastards recruit someone else for the ruler / specialist job leaving me up shit creek.

        • 1 year ago

          At least I managed to keep my pops segregated. I've been dragging these dead weight habitat natives around forever and they are fricking up the stability on the only planet they have so so habibility on.

    • 1 year ago

      Are you specialising your planets?Mining and energy Habs are also more efficent than most planets.Xeno slavery also helps since you can make sure that your slaves have the right traits for worker jobs.

  55. 1 year ago

    >want to specialize a mining planet
    >keep finding ones with loads of industrial districts
    Oops! All industrial worlds!!!
    Seriously, how come 20+ industrial district planets are WAY more common than 20+ food/energy/mining

    • 1 year ago

      Industry districts work like cities.So a size 20 planet will have more than a size 10.Mining ,energy and food come from planetary features and sometimes modifiers.And since everyone in stellaris is too moronic to build reactors on planets they are reliant on wind and water for their energy.If you want a reliable energy and mineral income you need to build habitats.

    • 1 year ago

      because industrial districts are uncapped like city districts are

    • 1 year ago

      Brainlet post.

  56. 1 year ago

    >Found a primitive civ
    >Built an observation post
    >Bar went to full
    >Should receive something after the next event fires
    >Been 20 years and nothing has happened
    Should i be doing something or is this just bad luck?

    • 1 year ago

      Bad luck it can take decades to get one or you can get a situation andg et serveral in a few years.

  57. 1 year ago

    Is it worth putting an autochthon monument on all planets or should I keep them on unity worlds only?Some of the bonuses like the ones from Xenophobe or Xenophile seem pretty useful for all planets.

    • 1 year ago

      I put one on every planets, the extra naval cap and other bonus are nice and I end up with enough unity from them that I never have to make a dedicated unity planet

  58. 1 year ago

    The new pre ftl event really need some more work.An iron age society shouldn't get the world leader event.

    • 1 year ago

      >An iron age society shouldn't get the world leader event.

      • 1 year ago

        >World leader
        >Only conquered one of the four centers of civilization of his time (had to finish India, conquer China and didn't even know about natives)
        Yeah, ok

        • 1 year ago

          Anon's point is that it's possible, not that it happened

          • 1 year ago

            >World leader
            >Only conquered one of the four centers of civilization of his time (had to finish India, conquer China and didn't even know about natives)
            Yeah, ok

            More or less. If anything, it should be possible for it to occur at every Era, but lower tech eras have a lower chance to occur and a higher chance of breaking up back into fragmented nations after a few years.

            If anything I don't think the "Fragmented Nations" empire type changes regardless if the event occurs or not, does it? I also don't know if it nullifies the chance of world war during Atomic Age and beyond.

          • 1 year ago

            It was clearly not possible.He couldn't even keep control of what he did conquer and it wasn't even close to the whole world.

  59. 1 year ago

    I just got to year 2370 in my first game on ensign and I feel like I've seen a good amount of the research tree and gotten a hold on how to play. What difficulty would be good for my next playthrough?

    • 1 year ago

      Grand admiral

    • 1 year ago

      Whatever the difficulty right below commodore was

  60. 1 year ago

    Im Eager explorer and researched hyperlanes, i use it on my military for faster deployment but I cant change it for my construction/colony ships.
    Can I never change it on civil vessels?

    • 1 year ago

      You should have two different types of vessels you can build for both science and construction ships, one is a vessel (jump) and one is a ship (hyperlane)

  61. 1 year ago

    Does Difficulty Adjusted AI Modifiers affect FEs and AEs?

  62. 1 year ago

    What the frick is the ship design meta against the AI now, I got back into the game, got decent enough to survive commodore difficulty but I can't seem to win any offensive war.

    AI fleets always anihilate mines even when I bring twice the fleet power midgame.

    • 1 year ago

      >What the frick is the ship design meta
      Missile cruisers I think.

      • 1 year ago

        I have heard that that is true up to midgame and now cruisers are the endgame meta (and were strong beforehand)

        Is it true that Overlord is basically a downgrade?

        I like it enough

      • 1 year ago

        Stellaris devs are gundam fans confirmed

    • 1 year ago

      I dunno, I always do torpedo / missile cruisers and autocannons, works pretty well. I upgrade to swarm missiles when i get them, then switch to hangers and artillary battleships when i get battleships.

  63. 1 year ago

    Is it true that Overlord is basically a downgrade?

    • 1 year ago

      Anons just complain about vassalization snowball, which happends with or without the DLC. The vassalization rework was part of the free update. Overlord itself is nice enough, i'd argue that the hyper relays alone are a fantastic addition. Orbital Rings are nice if a bit micro heavy if you have alot of planets and the vassal specializations can be fun to play with.

  64. 1 year ago

    >finally get some time to try stellaris
    >ravenous swarm
    >start a first-contact war, destroy an enemy outpost
    >wait a second
    >it stays there at 1 hp and regens once my ships leave the system
    >meanwhile first contact event chain ends
    >enemy becomes neutral
    >you have to declare a war to resume battle in progress
    >select a reason for war out of this empty list (lol you can't, silly)
    >you can't just murder people as a murderous swarm because... you just can't, ok?
    why is this gayme popular, again?

    • 1 year ago

      Sounds like a bug. Genocidal civs should always get a total war casus belli that lets you fight until they're wiped off the map.

      • 1 year ago

        Huh, you right, I reloaded the last auto-save out of curiosity and now it's here.

  65. 1 year ago

    can someone explain to me what fleet composition should I go for (single player)? I'm newish to the game (not at all to paradox games lol) and I dont really understand what ships should I use. I understand the gist of it but still I cant manage to understand what ships should I put in a fleet, if I should use different fleets each with only one type of ship or whatever

    • 1 year ago

      Missile corvettes in the early game .Then missile cruisers.Arc/Artillery BBs can be good too but you need a lot of repeatable techs(20x).After that they will beat cruisers .

  66. 1 year ago

    anyone got a big good modpack?

  67. 1 year ago

    >Starts a new game
    >Starts a new game
    WHY!!!!Frick I hate them so much.They only exist to force players to restart because of how garbage they are.Why not give add the empire that wiped them out?At least those guys did something good.

    • 1 year ago

      The Known Precursors mod lets you adjust that.

      • 1 year ago

        That mod drastically improved with the last update. You can choose any number of precursors, with mod support.

  68. 1 year ago

    >create a new empire with the Payback origin
    >destroyed MSI ship and the corresponding archeology site don't spawn
    is this a bug, or just the premade Payback origin empire get's the chain?

    • 1 year ago

      Archeology is just for broken shackles isn't it
      Payback just gets blockers instead

      • 1 year ago

        from the wiki,
        I finish both the event to remove the debris and clear the blockers in the planet, but it just won't spawn no matter what
        dunno if it's because both times I tried a "humans from sol" empire or it's a mod fricking it up

        • 1 year ago

          It's mods, I've seen tons of reports on the workshop about various mods fricking up the payback origin. I had to drop a few origin mods because of it.

          • 1 year ago

            ah well, thanks for the heads up. Still it's not too bad, I liked the added challenge of not having a safety cushion.
            also, what do you guys usually pick to deal with MSI? pacifist route through the galactic community, or just wipe them out like the good old book says?

            • 1 year ago

              Warfare, but they always end up vassalizing the rest of the galaxy. So I end up in a cycle of pain

              • 1 year ago

                that's funny, most of my games have been MSI getting completely assfricked in mid game either by:
                -Purifier/Exterminator/Swarm rushing them
                -Another AI snowballs hard and vassalizes the other weaker AIs before MSI can do the same
                -The AIs band together in Federations
                Even then, I've noticed the MSI AI never builds fleets outside their starting 3 or 4 fleets of 10k-15k fleet power (but they do tend to build a dyson sphere later on).
                One thing I've found interesting in my campaigns with Payback or Broken Shackles, there's always 1 or 2 wormholes aproximately 6 to 8 jumps from your capital that always connects to MSI territory.

        • 1 year ago

          Archeology is just for broken shackles isn't it
          Payback just gets blockers instead

          yeah don't use mods with that origin lmao
          it made the "the enemies have launched a bomb at your planet" event happen 5x
          and I couldn't even finish them all
          so my capital got nuked

  69. 1 year ago

    Just experienced a slave revolt. A Pre-FTL asked me to give them control of their system and I told them to frick off. It was just a shitty habitat with 18 unemployed pops left after I hauled off everyone I could to a plantation on one of my planets. I figured I'll be fine if I let it get out of hand because I all I'd have to do is sail my fleet into their system and cull their population. I was not prepared. I couldn't finish them off before reaching 100% war exhaustion and they forced peace on me. Thankfully I have these savages more or less contained so I'll have no trouble exterminating them when the peace treaty expires.

    • 1 year ago

      How?It takes two years after reaching 100% war exhaustion for auto peace to kick in.And why would you choose to have that many unemployed pops?

      • 1 year ago

        >And why would you choose to have that many unemployed pops?
        I didn't. It's a little habitat and I decided to remodel it a bit, but it still had a lot of unemployed pops from the start if I'm not mistaken. It is very early game and I haven't met anyone except a fallen empire so I didn't have a navy built up. I only had 2 colonies before taking over that habitat (main species is aquatic) and I just didn't have enough work for everyone. This is a first for me so I didn't know what to expect when the slave revolt kicked in. Like I said I thought I'll let them ape out and bomb the shit out of their habitat when they do. They were pre-FTL so I assumed they wouldn't have anything. But suddenly they declare independence, get access to 3 systems (no new planets thankfully) and they managed to heavily fortify each and every one. Cut my empire in half too. I had to fend off a 2K fleet that could attack me at 2 points, and build up my own fleet to take on said fleet AND their ~1.5 stations they had everywhere.

        This is nice though. Emergent storytelling as they call it. I am going to devolve them if that's an option or stick them in a zoo or something when I get my hands on them.

    • 1 year ago

      I'd like to see this happen more often. Break up the late game with slave revolts.

      • 1 year ago

        >And why would you choose to have that many unemployed pops?
        I didn't. It's a little habitat and I decided to remodel it a bit, but it still had a lot of unemployed pops from the start if I'm not mistaken. It is very early game and I haven't met anyone except a fallen empire so I didn't have a navy built up. I only had 2 colonies before taking over that habitat (main species is aquatic) and I just didn't have enough work for everyone. This is a first for me so I didn't know what to expect when the slave revolt kicked in. Like I said I thought I'll let them ape out and bomb the shit out of their habitat when they do. They were pre-FTL so I assumed they wouldn't have anything. But suddenly they declare independence, get access to 3 systems (no new planets thankfully) and they managed to heavily fortify each and every one. Cut my empire in half too. I had to fend off a 2K fleet that could attack me at 2 points, and build up my own fleet to take on said fleet AND their ~1.5 stations they had everywhere.

        This is nice though. Emergent storytelling as they call it. I am going to devolve them if that's an option or stick them in a zoo or something when I get my hands on them.

        I haver never had a revolt in 7 years of playing this game.And I play mostly slavery builds.

        • 1 year ago

          You really have to frick up to make them happen

          But when they do you are in for some shit

  70. 1 year ago

    >hmm, today I will play an inward perfection tall and just spy and enjoy events and line go up
    >spawned next to two Fedarions, both of which declare war on me, have to 1v6
    >okay so that was a mistake, let's restart until I am in the tail end of a Starburst for more comfy game
    >ooh, an L-gate
    >open it
    >Gray Tempest

    • 1 year ago

      thats good tho
      gray tempest doesn't come out of the l-gate of whoever opens it

      • 1 year ago

        I still unleashed several 40k fleets WAY too early.

        • 1 year ago

          Who cares?Fortify the borders and tech rush while the AI dies.

  71. 1 year ago

    Waiting for Guilliman to update his mod again. Supposedly precursor origin was nerfed a bit, which is okay, that shits ridiculous. The entire mod makes the galaxy so much more rng driven though

  72. 1 year ago

    game needs more space babe portrait mods

  73. 1 year ago

    Oh, and how could I forget
    >start with only 2 envoys
    >at set one of the to establish communications with space amoeba or something
    >get a cascade of contacts
    >yeah, the same guy will do it after he gets done with the "Naga"
    >10 years later notice that the fricker still isn't done
    >turns out that the process was waiting on me to click confirmation on some literal what flavour text
    >not even a choice, just an "Ok. Keep going."
    The depths of failure you manage to reachas a gamedesigner keep astounding me, wiz. Bravo.

    • 1 year ago

      That's just normal for events in Stellaris, including archaeology situations and such.
      Maybe if the game locked on autopause it'd be more noticeable to check these events, but I do use the ability to leave events on standby to obtain the resources I need for a particular choice and then go with it.

  74. 1 year ago

    The DLC for this game comes to about 300 fricking dollars. Is it possible to pick most of it up for dirt cheap during sales? If not, then I might not bother with this thing.

    • 1 year ago

    • 1 year ago

      I bought the game a week ago for $6 (key reseller) and used creamapi/creaminstaller to fool the game into thinking I'd already bought all the dlc. You can still use the workshop for mods as if you've bought the whole thing. If you're strapped for cash I'd recommend you do something like this.

    • 1 year ago

      >giving money to this particular degenerate corporation just so you can play their game
      lmao never. i pirate the shit out of this woke garbage

  75. 1 year ago

    >Broken shackles origin
    >Use one of the random generated names as my species name
    >Another one of my starter species has the same name
    >First encounter with another alien civ
    >They also have the same name

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Stellaris' namelists are hilariously tiny.

      • 1 year ago

        Not making the same mistake again. Restarted with a full OC donutsteel race
        >Yuht precursor

        • 1 year ago

          I HATE THE YUHT

  76. 1 year ago

    >A new Crisis Threat that is dependent on the Galactic Community and uses Espionage, and Cloaking to subvert and destroy the galaxy. without anyone realizing they're being manipulated until it's too late to stop them.

    Hire me as your Idea Guy, Paradox.

    >Give Prethoryn new Juggernaut-like brood mothers and can spawn new Prethoryn ships, heal them, and fight in the same way. Replace the one Brood Mother ship you get with one of these.
    >Give Extradimensional Invaders Star-Eater-like ships that can wipe life of entire systems targeting only the stars.
    >Give Contingency Colossus-like ships that will use Neutron Sweep on all colonized planets, but use Devolving Beam on Capitals.
    >All existing Crisis get Titan-like ships with XL mounts weapons flavored to their style.

  77. 1 year ago

    >Get huge chunk of Galaxy with 1 exit closed by FE
    >1 wormhole leading out
    >Get Baol precursor
    >Greatest start ev- record scratch
    >Next dig site spawns on other side of FE guarded coridor
    >Wormhole leads to other side of galax to genocidal blob

    • 1 year ago

      >Next dig site spawns on other side of FE guarded coridor
      Bullshit like this is why i still haven't managed to complete the Zroni precursor in a single one of my playthroughs despite having 1300+ hours played

  78. 1 year ago

    I've been watching a lot of Stellaris videos the last week or so, and I think I've come to the conclusion that it's too confusing and complicated to play. I find it hard to follow along to what's happening much of the time in the videos, and don't get a lot of the systems in the game. I guess it just isn't for me.

    • 1 year ago

      I think it's by far the most newbie friendly paradox game. Personally I found CK2, EU4 and HOI3 to be too bothersome to really get into but I really enjoy Stellaris.

      • 1 year ago

        it has garbage tutorial and is nothing like other paradox games which makes is hard cause they arent able to make game which isnt confusing mess with hundreds of pointless mechanics and rules.

        • 1 year ago

          tutorials being literally low effort is a staple of paradox, no matter what game is it, still

          I think it's by far the most newbie friendly paradox game. Personally I found CK2, EU4 and HOI3 to be too bothersome to really get into but I really enjoy Stellaris.

          is right, stellaris is the easiest paradox game to get into despite all the barebones mechanics and unfinished/abandoned freatures.
          also, I HATE THE YUHT AS WELL

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know. I think it's pretty easy to figure out as you go along. Like I said I had fun playing it from the get go and I got filtered by pretty much every other Paradox game. I think the 4X format is very useful here. You start off gradually and have time to get your bearings

    • 1 year ago

      I've never played a 4x game untill a week ago when I started playing stellaris. It didn't take too long for me to get comfortable

    • 1 year ago

      I just set up a game with only me in it to get a feel for things, that works pretty well.

  79. 1 year ago

    >machine empire
    >get influential in the galactic community
    >successively pass the industrial and scientific reforms all the way to tier 5 and repel the others
    >now every planet in the galaxy is a polluted shithole with horrific experiments taking place
    >my empire doesn't care beacause lol robots
    >I eventually pass the commerce reforms so that other empires get hit with that -25 happiness
    >everyone loves me

    • 1 year ago

      reminds me of when I opened the L-gate and released murderous grey goo nanites that tried to devour the galaxy but the galactic community made me the emperor to stop the problem I created

      • 1 year ago

        Which is pretty fair. It's not your fault after all.

      • 1 year ago

        >but the galactic community made me the emperor to stop the problem I created
        All perfectly canon

  80. 1 year ago


  81. 1 year ago

    >Broken shackles now starts without starbase modules after the hotfix

  82. 1 year ago

    I have to be playing this game wrong

    >beginning of game is fun mad-dash rush to acquire land and resources
    >lots of circumstantial events and quest chains
    >fighting occasional minor threats like pirates
    >eventually it all just dies out and I put the game on double-fast forward for literally 10 hours mindlessly building up worlds and eventually megastructures
    >Crisis happens and wipes me out instantly

    This is how literally 9 out of 10 of my runs have gone. I end up having had more fun in the empire creator before the game started than I do the endgame years. Combat is just 'who can build the biggest blob'.

    • 1 year ago

      No, that's about correct, minus etting steamrolled by the crisis.
      The game is balanced around the first 50 or so years and setting up your empire to snowball, so it's not really a surprise that's the funnest part of the game.

  83. 1 year ago

    install NSC2
    so much more fun

    • 1 year ago

      Too Bloated.

    • 1 year ago

      NSC2 is bloated as frick.
      I'd say used ACG instead but the mod author is taking a break.

  84. 1 year ago

    I bet these isolationists didn't see that one coming.

    • 1 year ago

      Tell me more.

      • 1 year ago

        There's a new system where there's a hyperlane anomaly, that leads to this system where there's a whole bunch of gaia worlds that are inhabited by this pre FTL civ that turns out to be super advanced isolationists who want their piece. If you provoke them they'll spawn doom stacks and turn into an awakened empire, if you get off their lawn they'll gift you a size 25 gaia world into your capital system.

  85. 1 year ago

    What are some relatively simple additions to the game that could improve the complexity of internal politics and management?

    >All Leaders have two Ethic point assigned to them. They can either have a combination of two Ethics or a Fanatical Ethic assigned to them once they spawn.
    >Leaders can only lead factions they share Ethics with. Leaders are considered members of factions if they're not leaders but they share an ethic with the same faction.
    >Factions are slightly displeased when their leaders are reassigned from tasks to tasks.
    >Factions are displeased if some of their member Leaders are dismissed manually (and through certain events).
    >Factions are greatly displeased if their Faction Leaders are dismissed.
    >Leaders don't go away when they're dismissed, they simply remain as members of a faction but go back to the recruitable pool of leaders, similar to how you can have pending technologies aside from the rotating ones).
    >Factions are pleased when members of their faction are in positions of power/jobs (particularly Ruler jobs), and displeased when members of their opposing ethics are in positions of power.

    • 1 year ago

      Any of these changes to leaders or ethics are unfortunately pointless unless they fundamentally change how factions/ethics/government affects your empire.
      As it stands, factions do literally nothing except assign a happiness, ergo stability, ergo resource output modifier to your empire. So your changes to leaders regarding their individual ethics is essentially just meaningless fluff, yay, 2% extra alloys if my egalitarian faction scientist is president.
      Further, there‘s also functionally 0 difference between playing a democracy/oligarchy/dictatorship/empire other than minor passive buffs, and the rate at which you cycle through your randomized leader traits.

      In order to make internal politics interesting, they‘d need to add actually unique mechanics based on ethic and government types, such as voter agenda‘s, no confidence votes, internal dissent meter, coup de tats, revolutions and colonial independance wars, succession wars, oligarchial councils, lobbyists, etc. All of which fundamentally go against stellaris base design, since any of these would have the consequence of removing or limiting certain control over the game from the player.
      Tldr stellaris fundamental problem regarding internal politics is that you play as an empire in its entirety, not as the individual leading it.

      • 1 year ago

        >Any of these changes to leaders or ethics are unfortunately pointless unless they fundamentally change how factions/ethics/government affects your empire.
        Wait, so what mod is it making it so factions rebel if their approval is too low for too low?
        Probably Civil War.

        Paradox should probably just keep getting ideas for new DLCs from what mods are most popular since it's what players actually use.

    • 1 year ago

      >Any of these changes to leaders or ethics are unfortunately pointless unless they fundamentally change how factions/ethics/government affects your empire.
      Wait, so what mod is it making it so factions rebel if their approval is too low for too low?
      Probably Civil War.

      Paradox should probably just keep getting ideas for new DLCs from what mods are most popular since it's what players actually use.

      Every single time someone at Paradox suggests that the way to counter blobbing is to introduce internal stability mechanics, the MPgay and Casual representatives immediately declaw, defang and gut all their ideas.

      • 1 year ago

        Quick rundown on what Internal Stability are? I'm drunk as shit.

        • 1 year ago

          The faction system, ideological drifts, fallen empires, and neutral hostiles in Stellaris were meant to discourage expansion and blobbing and have people focus on stability and cohesion. The same goes for EU4's estates.

          MPBlack folk and casuals must fricking hang.

          Hope Victoria 3 doesn't follow the same path.

      • 1 year ago

        MPBlack folk and casuals must fricking hang.

  86. 1 year ago

    Cultural Victory for Starsector when?

    • 1 year ago

      Stellaris I meant. What's wrong with me.

    • 1 year ago
      Marina Huff

      I generally just want victory conditions that give me a nice pat on the head and let me leave the game with no regrets. I don't know gow a cultural victory would work but a diplomatic victory would be nice. Uniting the entire galaxy under the same ideology as yours, becoming galactic emperor and leading for X years, etc.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, some alternate win conditions would be nice.
        I like the diplomatic idea. If I'm Galactic emperor with the entire galaxy in the empire, and I enacted the law prohibiting war, there should be a countdown started for victory.

      • 1 year ago

        >culture victory
        Have your ethos dominate the galaxy, including on pre-spaceflight worlds
        >economic victory
        Have your megacorp spread its products (new mechanic) to a majority of worlds
        >religious victory
        Similar to cultural victory and economic victories, but with a recontextualized 'doctrine' mechanic that is different for each spiritual empire.
        >science victory
        Send a spacecraft to Andromeda (this could be something that the Galactic Council will need to work on)

        • 1 year ago

          Who gives a shit about victory conditions?

          • 1 year ago

            People who don't care about seeing which doomstack is larger than the other for the Nthillion time.

            • 1 year ago

              So bad players?And if I cared about victory conditons I could send my doomstack to make sure your points are lower.

          • 1 year ago

            I dunno. I think pacifist, spiritual, and megacorp kinda need their own victory conditions. The game is way too map painty.

            • 1 year ago

              Why does it matter?Just stop playing when you think you won.The victory screen doesn't mean anything you can even continue playing afterwards or make up your own win conditions.

              • 1 year ago

                >Dude just roleplay a victory condition
                How about I roleplay that I'm playing a better fricking game

              • 1 year ago

                >why make other ethos more unique and interesting? Just play the game the same way over and over again

              • 1 year ago

                How would adding a different victory screen change the gameplay?And you can already win via diplomacy.

              • 1 year ago

                No, we're talking about a fricking different victory METHOD, you tard.

              • 1 year ago

                Victory in stellaris is just a pop up you mongoloid and the game continues as normal once you close it.What type of method would you add?Building a wonder?What should happen once you build it?

              • 1 year ago

                >What type of method would you add?Building a wonder?What should happen once you build it?
                That's basically the "Become the Menace" ending already. You build the Aetherophasic Engine and then delete the galaxy for the win.

  87. 1 year ago

    >roll Earth Custodians because i like bots
    >relatively ok start
    >soon enough run out of influence
    >cant expand fast enough
    >neighbours expand faster than me
    >end up losing a lot of my desired systems
    >end up being jammed between two empires that outmatch me from get-go
    >both are also "protective" of me
    >pretty much at the bottom of the empire lists because "lol look at them cute terran bots - so cute, so useless"
    >cant expand without getting killed
    >build tall
    >its hard
    >always short of resources
    >but have archeotech
    >and atlast can build megastructures (while everyone else has already built a heap)
    >beefed up my pops by bying robot slaves on market before slavery was outlawed
    >everyone pretty much ignores me
    >just waiting for crisis to stir shit up
    Soon you buttholes, soon.
    Also, i think there is something like a glitch because game speed is not moving faster when i click it to faster, and that while im gimped, virtually every other empire gets that speed bonus. Oh well.

  88. 1 year ago

    Also, uber-doomstacks of over 1 million or even more lagging my game the frick out. Thanks Federation.

  89. 1 year ago

    Guys, may I have some recommendations for early/mid game?
    What do I rush?
    Do I focus on tech?
    Do I just go for strong military?
    How many science ships are too little? Too much?

    • 1 year ago

      >What do I rush?
      People love rushing alloy production and trying to build early ecumenopolis, since it's pretty OP. I usually just go as wide as influence generation allows.
      >Do I focus on tech?
      Viable choice. But I know that tech in Stellaris is balanced in some weird way, that makes sure that AI shouldn't stay behind the player too much.
      >Do I just go for strong military?
      I don't, unless I have to. More pops are always good, but building large fleet early is quite costly. I think if you are playing militarists or exterminators, their bonuses make early war better, by giving you better CBs and cheaper claims
      >How many science ships are too little? Too much?
      Around six should be enough for normal-sized galaxy in single player, but there is no such thing as too much science ships, as long as you have new, accessible systems to explore or planets where you can assist the research.

      • 1 year ago

        Thank you

      • 1 year ago

        Holy shit stop lying to him.

  90. 1 year ago

    I'm fricked, ain't I?

    • 1 year ago
      Russell Parrish

      Are you a Payback Origin empire?

      In my experience, as long as you fortify enough your capital system they won't be able to do anything too harmful during their initial, scripted war against you.
      You WILL need the Unyielding Tradition tree for the Starbase bonus and War Attrition Bonus however, as it helped me last long enough during the war to allow me to call a Status Quo Peace where I lost no systems.

      • 1 year ago

        Yes, payback origin; choose spoked galaxy and appeared on the outer rim of the galaxy.
        when is this scripted war triggered? currently year 45 and nothing happening yet.

        • 1 year ago

          After a set amount of times the Debt Collectors have been driven off your Capital system. Not sure if it occurs in other instances, as I always pick to fight them off, but after a set of times they have been beaten MSI will send a message regardless of wether you have made first contact with them or not denoting their disappointment and declaring war.
          Previously they always declared a war of Vassalization, but I think after the last update they declare war to Humiliate you instead, so the victory conditions of the war might've changed.

          • 1 year ago

            oh, that one.
            it only happens if you refuse to pay 3 times, not a problem since I choose to pay in energy.

            • 1 year ago

              >He paid
              Good goyim

  91. 1 year ago

    MSI should've been an Enclave or something akin to Marauders, who you can hire to provide Uplifting, and similar Pre-FTL Civilization services for you and the Pre-FTLs inside your borders.

    Then you can have the Payback and Broken Shackles Origins deal with the Random/Custom Empire who's hosting the MSI Enclave. Essentially MSI are still the Corpos you deal with and hate, but you also have to deal with the Advanced Empire who's borders they recide in and who were the ones who hired them to deal with you.

  92. 1 year ago

    >Spent ~4 hours rolling for a start that i would like while watching netflix on a second monitor
    >Ended up abandoning the start anyway because i got Yuht
    Think i have a problem.

    • 1 year ago

      I know right ?I FRICKING HATE THE YUHT!!!!

    • 1 year ago

      >Get awesome start
      >No precursor until 2300
      >Ready to go synth
      >Get Zroni precuesor

      And that's how i ended up installing known precursor.

      • 1 year ago

        >Spent ~4 hours rolling for a start that i would like while watching netflix on a second monitor
        >Ended up abandoning the start anyway because i got Yuht
        Think i have a problem.

        Why do you care do much about precursors?

        • 1 year ago

          Because they are important?Getting a good one can make a big difference.

        • 1 year ago

          Some zro deposits and an artifact that reduces shroud cooldown vs... a damaged ring world that simply having in your borders will increase your chance of rolling Megastructures tech fivefold.

          • 1 year ago

            >Megastructures tech
            If you have anicent relics you won't even need to role it.The secret of the cybrex situation gives Mega-Engineering as a permanent research option.

        • 1 year ago

          I've just had the Yuht one too many times in a row. I'd settle for literally anything else.

  93. 1 year ago

    How do i deal with this... hyper doomstack?

    • 1 year ago

      do you have really powerful mods enabled
      if not then consider starting a new game

      • 1 year ago

        Nope, this is vanilla with Federations enabled (no nemesis or overlord), and aquatics species.
        Yeah, due to the lag this whole nonsense causes i think it would be better to start a new game.

        WTF?How do you have only 211 naval cap in 2452?
        You realise how moronic you sound anon?Do you think a victory screen makes it any less made up?

        >low naval cap
        I am fixing it, but issue is that very early my expansion was curbed hard. Really hard. The bad is that i think there is an issue/glitch with game speed where even at fastest mine is just normal, but fastest for AI. That and being low on resources and stuff got me stunted. The good is that no AI thinks bad of me, no AI is hostile to me, noone attacks me, and most of them are protective (it says in their status) of me. So AFAIK, im safe. And then i got into a federation which has similar doomstacks. So i just build tall, and have 3 fleets each at 50k, and a hella lots of starbases with like 40 defence platforms. I just want to start building halos and watch shit go down with endgame crisis. Issue is, due to lag, i just cannot be arsed to continue.

        • 1 year ago

          >and a hella lots of starbases with like 40 defence platforms.
          Don't.Build anchorages instead and invest the alloys into more fleets.

    • 1 year ago

      WTF?How do you have only 211 naval cap in 2452?

      >Dude just roleplay a victory condition
      How about I roleplay that I'm playing a better fricking game

      You realise how moronic you sound anon?Do you think a victory screen makes it any less made up?

  94. 1 year ago

    Hey morons, there have been some bullshit hysterics about Stellaris development for the last 24 hours.

    Apparently Paradox is cutting investment into Stellaris by closing two studios, one of which was working on Stellaris. Essentially One-quarter of the devs working on Stellaris has been taken out without the opportunity to rejoin back into the main team.

    Paradox is refusing to comment about this.
    What have you heard about this?

    • 1 year ago

      I have not heard much about it but the forum drones seem to be shilling hard for paradox as usual.
      Losing devs usually sucks for a game. We'll find out soon enough whether the quarter being laid off were carrying the actually decent development cycle or not.

    • 1 year ago

      I have not heard much about it but the forum drones seem to be shilling hard for paradox as usual.
      Losing devs usually sucks for a game. We'll find out soon enough whether the quarter being laid off were carrying the actually decent development cycle or not.

      Apparently it is because paradox wants to move the production to Stockholm. Gutting the Stellaris dev team would like be killing the proverbial goose. It is the only paradox game that isn't consistently shit. I think this might have something to do with the fantasy gsg they are working on.

    • 1 year ago

      They're closing down two extermal locations, which is the kind of corporate restructuring that nobody would give a shit about if that homosexual Montu didn't make fearmongering clickbait videos about it. One of those locations houses a small part of one of the teams working on Stellaris DLC, so even in the worst case scenario and all the people at those locations get fired, that still only means that a few people on the Custodian team get fired since the majority of them is already working in Stockholm. And that's the worst case scenario, assuming nobody on the team gets moved to the Stockholm location and nobody else gets hired to replace them.

      The whole "25% of the Stellaris devs just got fired" is entirely wrong and literally just Montu purposely making shit up for Youtube views.

      • 1 year ago

        Paradrone cope lol.

        • 1 year ago

          >everyone whonsays things I don't want to hear is a drone!
          I hate seeing morons like you abandon all common sense just because you hate Paradox. Literally nothing Montu said has been backed up, not a single ex-Paradox employee has confirmed they've gotten fired, and we already knew that the two locations getting closed (as in the physical buildings, not the people working there) didn't house the primary teams working on the game. Paradox simply want to have their Swedish teams working in one location instead of spread out over the country, which makes sense logistically and financially.

          I mean just try using your brain for once. Paradox has just had the most profitable year in a long time, so why would they need to fire people? And if they really wanted to get rid of people, why would they fire the team that's working on their one of their most profitable games with already proven long-term viability, which is still making them easy money after all these years? Even if you see Paradox as an evil overlord only interested in making money, Stellaris would be the last game they want to mess with.

      • 1 year ago

        >everyone whonsays things I don't want to hear is a drone!
        I hate seeing morons like you abandon all common sense just because you hate Paradox. Literally nothing Montu said has been backed up, not a single ex-Paradox employee has confirmed they've gotten fired, and we already knew that the two locations getting closed (as in the physical buildings, not the people working there) didn't house the primary teams working on the game. Paradox simply want to have their Swedish teams working in one location instead of spread out over the country, which makes sense logistically and financially.

        I mean just try using your brain for once. Paradox has just had the most profitable year in a long time, so why would they need to fire people? And if they really wanted to get rid of people, why would they fire the team that's working on their one of their most profitable games with already proven long-term viability, which is still making them easy money after all these years? Even if you see Paradox as an evil overlord only interested in making money, Stellaris would be the last game they want to mess with.

        Oh, no idea this all came from some e-celeb. I had assumed this was an official statement
        Thanks anon

        • 1 year ago

          He's been hella moronic recently

  95. 1 year ago

    >Finally completed the Zroni precursor
    It only took for me to have 16 habitable planets within my borders so the colony digsites wouldn't spawn somewhere moronicly far away.

  96. 1 year ago

    >want to make a archeotech themed build
    >taking on the ancients exclusively WITH tech older than them
    >finally roll arcane deciphering
    do you guys know if any mod breaks archeotech weapons specifically? the rest of the buildings and starbase modules are fine it's JUST the weapons which don't work

    • 1 year ago

      scratch that it was the addidional vanilla components mod fricking it up

  97. 1 year ago

    Is First Contact worth it?

  98. 1 year ago

    Just reached the turning point for my game, defeated the great khan and got into the hegemon I'd been trying to get into forever cause it already has everybody in it.

    Is 2330 early for a crisis? seems early.

  99. 1 year ago

    agryrian idyl gives building slots for argiculture districts, master crafters gives slots for industrial districts, how come nothing gives slots for mining or energy districts?

    • 1 year ago

      Idyll makes Mining and Energy districts better too, doesn't it?

      • 1 year ago

        it gives extra housing, but no extra build slots.

        • 1 year ago

          Extra housing is a pretty good buff.

          • 1 year ago

            but it nerfs housing districts by giving them less housing, and they provide clerks for amenities and trade value.

            • 1 year ago

              It buffs all three basic resources districts, though, so I usually just avoid producing trade value and focus on energy credits through electricity.

            • 1 year ago

              Clerks are terrible .Having entertainers and technicans is more efficient.Techncians also benefit far more from techs and they have repeatables to boost their output.

              • 1 year ago

                clerks are great.
                amenities, energy credits, and consumer goods with no mineral upkeep. add in thrifty and charismatic plus some good modifiers, they are pretty useful.

              • 1 year ago

                No they aren't anon.A default clerk produces 4 Trade value and 2 amenities .With wealth creation each point of trade value is 1 energy.With Consumer Benefits it's 0.5 energy and 0.25 consumer goods. 1 entertainer produces 10 amenities ,1 technician produces 6 energy and 1 artisan produces 6 CG . So let's compare 3 clerks and 3 pops working other jobs.
                >3 Clerks = 6 amenities & 12 energy
                >1 Entertainer + 2 Technicians = 10 amenities,12 energy.
                That's already more efficent.If the increase the numbers of pops it just get's more obvious.
                >10 Clerks = 20 amenities,40 energy
                >2 Entertainers+8 Technicians = 20 amenities , 48 energy
                And Consumer Benefits
                >10 Clerks=20 amenities ,20 energy , 10 consumer goods.
                >2 Entertainers+2 Artisans + 6 Technician = 20 amenities, 36 energy, 12 consumer goods.
                Producing energy directly will always be more efficient than trade value and even with the mineral upkeep it's still better to use artisans .Artisans and technicians also have far more ways to increase their output.
                >add in thrifty and charismatic plus some good modifiers,
                Technicans get +20% Field Modulation +20% Quantum Energy States + 20% Quantum Field Manipulation .That's 60% just from 3 early game techs.Applied Superconductivity is a 5% repeatable bonus.Capacity Subsidies is another 50% bonus to output.With a base output of 6 it would boost it to 9 ,so with the 0.5 cost it's 8.5 energy.With the 15% from Ingenious you can boost technicians ouput by 125% so each technician produces 13 energy . And that's without buildings or repeatables.

              • 1 year ago

                What's the point of clerks then? It looks like they simply aren't cost efficient even in the early game, when you're short on pops

              • 1 year ago

                I use clerks as a buffer for resettlement to Ecus or gigastructures.

              • 1 year ago

                They're sort of worth it in a full trade build where your TV is king. They're still shit compared to real jobs like merchant, but merchants are a lot more limited in number. Other than that, I basically just use them to prevent unemployment, especially in lategame when I can't be bothered to micro everything,

              • 1 year ago

                If I was in charge of Stellaris I'd make trade value be converted to currency and split it from energy
                That way clerks and technicians no longer compete

              • 1 year ago

                That'd only work if you added some new shit to actually spend currency on. If you just made people pay for things with currency instead of energy that'd severely frick the economic balance.

              • 1 year ago

                Yeah, currency is used for market and trading, energy for job upkeep
                I have an idea about an economic overhaul that has been brewing around for quite a while
                Anyone wanna hear it?

              • 1 year ago

                Tell us, chap. Even if it sucks, it'll benefit the thread.

              • 1 year ago

                First of all, make galaxies far larger, but decrease or at least keep the same amount of planets. That has other benefits as well
                First of all, basic resources. Same as now, except currency, luxuries and manpower are added. They are used by (almost) every empire
                Currency is required to purchase shit on the market and upkeep (most) jobs, buffing slaves and servitude robots that way. It's made by collecting trade value
                To prevent the meta from being "just buy it bro", the market has a cap, probably at around 50% of your total production, plus things that you sold, decaying in stock. It can be increased and decreased through resolutions, civics and buildings. Galactic market forces a unified pool. To counteract it you should be able to end sale of some of your goods to all or some empires, who can in turn forbid you from purchasing theirs
                Energy, on the other hand, becomes the lifeblood of economy (like IRL). Also needed by every job, metallurgists and scientists are especially energy hungry. More on it's production later
                Minerals are fine as is, as are alloys and cgs
                manpower is produced by soldiers and is required for spaceships and armies. Techs, civics and modules can reduce, increase or even eliminate it for ships/certain army types
                Then, there are special resources. They are plentiful, and include hydrocarbons, anti-matter, biomass, etc. Again, more on them later
                Strategic resources are unchanged as well, maybe a few more are added
                Luxury resources are produced by jobs created by deposits. They are naturally rare, and are mostly used for upkeep of high-strata pops
                part 1/?

              • 1 year ago

                part 2/?
                Then, districts. There are six of them now, with rural district added
                Labs, strongholds, admin buildings, commercial zones, etc. now act as cg factories and foundries for city and rural districts, adding more jobs
                Now, back to special resources.
                Energy districts get various ones for reactor techs (and other, like food and hydrocarbon) conversion to generate energy. Tier 1 simply adds a job per every district, tier 2 replaces one technician, and tier 3 adds a second one. Those jobs require special resources but produce more energy. Those buildings have some small differences, like hydrocarbon ones slightly decreasing habitability or fission giving a small alloy buff on planets
                Those resources are generated by mining district buildings (and farming one for biomass) and mining stations. Here larger galaxy plays a role-certain regions of space have more of certain type of resource, forcing you to think about where do you wanna expand.
                other then that, special resources are used in various ship components (in small amounts), special projects, megas, etc.
                Farming districts get cash crops and biomass collectors. Cash crops turn part of output into cg/tv, biomass collectors at first level give simple+1 biomass, later they replace jobs, with the twist you produce more of it then food. Maybe a trait taht lets species eat it over food? Also food should be able to be converted into biomass
                Industrial districts also should get some special buildings. Turn catalytic processing from a civic into a tech, maybe a sidegrade allowing you to use biomass
                Now, above section was mostly about planet and pop based economy, but how about we look at space based one?

              • 1 year ago

                part 3/?
                First of all, researching a tech, or maybe getting a tradition will unlock upgraded a larger mining/research station with more upkeep. Perhaps even with several tiers
                next step up are deca-structures (kilostructures are already used by gigastructures). Basically large space generator array or a farming complex. Another option would be customizable stations. basically another starbase, althrough maybe without shipyards. Then, first kilostructures, I think here they can straight up borrow from Gigastructures mod. Basically large resource hungry structures (still smaller then current Big Three megas). Plus a few jobs, buildings and civics that can buff space born production. Hell, maybe a possibility to play pop-free
                All this is to turn economy into bunch of meaningful choices that force you to both follow a plan and adapt instead of basically same thing every time. Do you wanna go space or pop based? Do you want your pops to be on planets or habitats? Maybe you just wanna vassalize people. How do you generate energy and do you build your building from minerals or simply grow them? Those choices are done both at game start and later when you adapt.

              • 1 year ago

                part 4/4
                Say, find a planet with a large food bonus but it's next to an empire taht hates your guts. You can try to shore up your military and take it, meaning you'll pour resources into your military and grab it to produce even more alloys, or you could instead expand into less ocuppied outer rim and grab Helium 3 deposits to produce bunch of fusion farms, which will power your hydroponics and solve your food issue. If you choose the first option, now you can bully an empire into becoming scholarium to produce research you neglected to get fleet, helping you snowball into a vassal swarm, while second done means larger areas with fewer planets, so you start focusing more on space exploitations. Now, even military is different. First one focuses on a attrition tactics, trading area for casualties and hit and run tactics while the other has been boxed in by your vassals so they focus on heavy ships with no retreat and fortress worlds. Do you tear down your old fusion infrastructure for better dark matter reactors and will the temporary economic crisis be not too severe, otherwise some empires might decide you are an easy picking? Maybe you just wanna produce tv and buy everything off market, and to do that you trade resource-rich systems to a civ more suited to make use of them for a fair sum and making multiple mercenary enclaves to be both your shield and money-maker.
                First of all, do you wanna go space born or do you wanna
                Along with it I'd want a pop rework, where pops are agglomerated into starta and reducing planet number but increasing their size I already posted about it and it's a topic for another time

              • 1 year ago

                >the market has a cap, probably at around 50% of your total production
                The market limit should be how much is sold onto it. If I dump 10k alloys onto the market then you can buy that many, but you can't but 11k no matter how much you make

                But overall some good suggestions. Though in reality implementing them would so radically change the game that it would just become Stellaris 2 instead of an addition to Stellaris

              • 1 year ago

                part 2/?
                Then, districts. There are six of them now, with rural district added
                Labs, strongholds, admin buildings, commercial zones, etc. now act as cg factories and foundries for city and rural districts, adding more jobs
                Now, back to special resources.
                Energy districts get various ones for reactor techs (and other, like food and hydrocarbon) conversion to generate energy. Tier 1 simply adds a job per every district, tier 2 replaces one technician, and tier 3 adds a second one. Those jobs require special resources but produce more energy. Those buildings have some small differences, like hydrocarbon ones slightly decreasing habitability or fission giving a small alloy buff on planets
                Those resources are generated by mining district buildings (and farming one for biomass) and mining stations. Here larger galaxy plays a role-certain regions of space have more of certain type of resource, forcing you to think about where do you wanna expand.
                other then that, special resources are used in various ship components (in small amounts), special projects, megas, etc.
                Farming districts get cash crops and biomass collectors. Cash crops turn part of output into cg/tv, biomass collectors at first level give simple+1 biomass, later they replace jobs, with the twist you produce more of it then food. Maybe a trait taht lets species eat it over food? Also food should be able to be converted into biomass
                Industrial districts also should get some special buildings. Turn catalytic processing from a civic into a tech, maybe a sidegrade allowing you to use biomass
                Now, above section was mostly about planet and pop based economy, but how about we look at space based one?

                part 3/?
                First of all, researching a tech, or maybe getting a tradition will unlock upgraded a larger mining/research station with more upkeep. Perhaps even with several tiers
                next step up are deca-structures (kilostructures are already used by gigastructures). Basically large space generator array or a farming complex. Another option would be customizable stations. basically another starbase, althrough maybe without shipyards. Then, first kilostructures, I think here they can straight up borrow from Gigastructures mod. Basically large resource hungry structures (still smaller then current Big Three megas). Plus a few jobs, buildings and civics that can buff space born production. Hell, maybe a possibility to play pop-free
                All this is to turn economy into bunch of meaningful choices that force you to both follow a plan and adapt instead of basically same thing every time. Do you wanna go space or pop based? Do you want your pops to be on planets or habitats? Maybe you just wanna vassalize people. How do you generate energy and do you build your building from minerals or simply grow them? Those choices are done both at game start and later when you adapt.

                part 4/4
                Say, find a planet with a large food bonus but it's next to an empire taht hates your guts. You can try to shore up your military and take it, meaning you'll pour resources into your military and grab it to produce even more alloys, or you could instead expand into less ocuppied outer rim and grab Helium 3 deposits to produce bunch of fusion farms, which will power your hydroponics and solve your food issue. If you choose the first option, now you can bully an empire into becoming scholarium to produce research you neglected to get fleet, helping you snowball into a vassal swarm, while second done means larger areas with fewer planets, so you start focusing more on space exploitations. Now, even military is different. First one focuses on a attrition tactics, trading area for casualties and hit and run tactics while the other has been boxed in by your vassals so they focus on heavy ships with no retreat and fortress worlds. Do you tear down your old fusion infrastructure for better dark matter reactors and will the temporary economic crisis be not too severe, otherwise some empires might decide you are an easy picking? Maybe you just wanna produce tv and buy everything off market, and to do that you trade resource-rich systems to a civ more suited to make use of them for a fair sum and making multiple mercenary enclaves to be both your shield and money-maker.
                First of all, do you wanna go space born or do you wanna
                Along with it I'd want a pop rework, where pops are agglomerated into starta and reducing planet number but increasing their size I already posted about it and it's a topic for another time

                I dunno, i kinna like the game the way it is. but if you think you can mod it go for it.

              • 1 year ago

                part 2/?
                Then, districts. There are six of them now, with rural district added
                Labs, strongholds, admin buildings, commercial zones, etc. now act as cg factories and foundries for city and rural districts, adding more jobs
                Now, back to special resources.
                Energy districts get various ones for reactor techs (and other, like food and hydrocarbon) conversion to generate energy. Tier 1 simply adds a job per every district, tier 2 replaces one technician, and tier 3 adds a second one. Those jobs require special resources but produce more energy. Those buildings have some small differences, like hydrocarbon ones slightly decreasing habitability or fission giving a small alloy buff on planets
                Those resources are generated by mining district buildings (and farming one for biomass) and mining stations. Here larger galaxy plays a role-certain regions of space have more of certain type of resource, forcing you to think about where do you wanna expand.
                other then that, special resources are used in various ship components (in small amounts), special projects, megas, etc.
                Farming districts get cash crops and biomass collectors. Cash crops turn part of output into cg/tv, biomass collectors at first level give simple+1 biomass, later they replace jobs, with the twist you produce more of it then food. Maybe a trait taht lets species eat it over food? Also food should be able to be converted into biomass
                Industrial districts also should get some special buildings. Turn catalytic processing from a civic into a tech, maybe a sidegrade allowing you to use biomass
                Now, above section was mostly about planet and pop based economy, but how about we look at space based one?

                part 3/?
                First of all, researching a tech, or maybe getting a tradition will unlock upgraded a larger mining/research station with more upkeep. Perhaps even with several tiers
                next step up are deca-structures (kilostructures are already used by gigastructures). Basically large space generator array or a farming complex. Another option would be customizable stations. basically another starbase, althrough maybe without shipyards. Then, first kilostructures, I think here they can straight up borrow from Gigastructures mod. Basically large resource hungry structures (still smaller then current Big Three megas). Plus a few jobs, buildings and civics that can buff space born production. Hell, maybe a possibility to play pop-free
                All this is to turn economy into bunch of meaningful choices that force you to both follow a plan and adapt instead of basically same thing every time. Do you wanna go space or pop based? Do you want your pops to be on planets or habitats? Maybe you just wanna vassalize people. How do you generate energy and do you build your building from minerals or simply grow them? Those choices are done both at game start and later when you adapt.

                part 4/4
                Say, find a planet with a large food bonus but it's next to an empire taht hates your guts. You can try to shore up your military and take it, meaning you'll pour resources into your military and grab it to produce even more alloys, or you could instead expand into less ocuppied outer rim and grab Helium 3 deposits to produce bunch of fusion farms, which will power your hydroponics and solve your food issue. If you choose the first option, now you can bully an empire into becoming scholarium to produce research you neglected to get fleet, helping you snowball into a vassal swarm, while second done means larger areas with fewer planets, so you start focusing more on space exploitations. Now, even military is different. First one focuses on a attrition tactics, trading area for casualties and hit and run tactics while the other has been boxed in by your vassals so they focus on heavy ships with no retreat and fortress worlds. Do you tear down your old fusion infrastructure for better dark matter reactors and will the temporary economic crisis be not too severe, otherwise some empires might decide you are an easy picking? Maybe you just wanna produce tv and buy everything off market, and to do that you trade resource-rich systems to a civ more suited to make use of them for a fair sum and making multiple mercenary enclaves to be both your shield and money-maker.
                First of all, do you wanna go space born or do you wanna
                Along with it I'd want a pop rework, where pops are agglomerated into starta and reducing planet number but increasing their size I already posted about it and it's a topic for another time

                that just sounds like a different game bro.

                all i really want is a buff / expansion to espionage and to rollback to the old pre sapients interface if you don't have the dlc

                i think the other dude had a point, also, some victory conditions would be nice.

              • 1 year ago

                >that just sounds like a different game bro.

              • 1 year ago

                It certainly is a different game, but that's what modding is about. Some of the best mods radically change the game they're attached to.

              • 1 year ago

                O only found two mods, and they are both abandoned and not particularly compatible
                >It certainly is a different game
                That's on overstatement. Stellaris didn't become a different game after combat was reworked

              • 1 year ago

                I play hyper-tall (single-world if possible) and Trade Value is important because your Policy for it allows you to automatically turn it into anything else without fricking with Market Fees or fluctuating exchange rates. I use it to fill gaps in my resource production.

                So I have to ask.
                Slaves in this game seem to not be worth it unless you're far in the tech tree and can just mentally neuter entire species.

                Sorry, forgot to actually ask the question:
                Are slaves worth it? What do you do to make them worth it early game?
                Do you need to rely on continual conquest expansion or can you be a pacifist homosexual and just rely on defensive claim conquest?

                For the same reason as above, I use Livestock slaves aggressively to free up districts from farming.

              • 1 year ago

                clerks don't need a building slot to make entertainers, they come free with nexus districts, which give extra housing and a building slot. Two entertainers won't be enough for a large colonies amenities needs, so that means you have to upgrade it and use an exotic resource, which is another building slot. Clerks also are laborers and don't have to be demoted from their specialist position like entertainers do, and can also be filled by robots.

              • 1 year ago

                capacity subsidies costs massive amounts of unity as well, and every trade agreement you have is 10 percent of your total trade value. More clerks making consumer goods means more specialists can be assigned to alloy production using the forge world designation, and urban worlds get a 20% bonus to their trade value and -10% to your building and district upkeep.

                Unless you are totally trade-focused Clerks are total garbage and should be disabled unless you have no alternate jobs anywhere else. All those advantages you listed can be easily offset by either competent planet management or other techs/traditions. The 'costs tons of unity' for subsidies is easy to mitigate with either using it early on and taking a particular/civic/ascension perk to continue using into midgame for free, or just powering through with massive unity gain. The main problem with Clerks is, outside of certain situations, you will always be in need of more pops, and having specialized pops jobs you can shuffle around to meet a particular demand on due to the efficient nature of those jobs until they all fill up is far better than spamming out a jack-of-all-trades job that is only viable if you build your entire economy around it and have literally hundreds of them. Plus Trade scales very poorly into the late-game as there are so few good boosts to it, unless you are Void Dwellers who can casually shit out 500 trade value per habitat, with 10 per system. Merchants are the sole reason trade-empires are feasible right now, and they STILL require you to build your economy around them.

                Finally, trade empires crash the moment a trade route is interrupted, so even the smallest enemy fleet can be a menace if it get's past your borders. Other empires actually have to lose their planets before taking an economic hit (once more, making trade-Void Dwellers not only comfy, but a good way of addressing this weakness).

              • 1 year ago

                I disagree. Its a matter of preference.

              • 1 year ago

                Don't get me wrong, I love building comfy trade empires. I find that finding new, interesting or otherwise aesthetically pleasing ways to build up a nice trade empire is a nice way to relax. But ultimately, conventional eco is better. More flexible, more convenient, mathematically it's better in the long run and for early wars, more resilient to invasions or outflanking attacks. But I do like how much better they have made trade in the last few patches, even letting cyborgs get +50% trade via traits now. Plus Void Dweller trade is so very comfy.

              • 1 year ago

                For me, it's Shattered Ring trade.

              • 1 year ago

                capacity subsidies costs massive amounts of unity as well, and every trade agreement you have is 10 percent of your total trade value. More clerks making consumer goods means more specialists can be assigned to alloy production using the forge world designation, and urban worlds get a 20% bonus to their trade value and -10% to your building and district upkeep.

              • 1 year ago

                clerks aren't capped by energy districts either. There are just as many modifiers to trade value as there are to resource production and they are easier to get, too. One tradition tree gives +20% to trade value and +1 to clerks base output. trade leagues, merc and trade resolutions each give +5% to trade value each level. You get a .6% boost for every point of stablity over 50, and if you stack the bonus from amenities and good living conditions, you can get a pretty good snowball effect.

              • 1 year ago

                That’s some college level maths anon
                No way I’m reading all of that.
                Listen, if I need more trade and/or amenities, I’ll just make more clerks.

              • 1 year ago

                Min-maxing autists truly shouldn't play games, they would have more fun with Excel tables anyway.

              • 1 year ago

                hes only looking at the numbers. like i said, there are other factors, like entertainers taking up a building slot and using exotic resources for advanced buildings, caps on generator districts, trading for consumer goods with no mineral upkeep, snowball effect of consumer goods with good living standards, ect.

              • 1 year ago

                every consumer good you trade for is an artisan that could be making alloys as well.

              • 1 year ago

                then there is the potential +75% you get from being in a trade league and passing senate resolutions, +25% for thrifty, +20% and +1 to tv for the mercantile tradition, urban worlds giving a -10% discount on building and district upkeep.

    • 1 year ago

      >master crafters
      Probably my favorite civic. Loads more industrial districts and less need for cities

    • 1 year ago

      There is. Subterranean origin.
      >Mining Districts are uncapped
      >+2 Housing per Mining District
      >+1 Building Slot per 3 Mining District

      • 1 year ago

        >Mining Districts are uncapped
        But what about energy?Will there ever be an origin that allows us to build reactors instead of relying on wind power?

        • 1 year ago

          >can I get unlimited money, plz

          • 1 year ago

            Money isn't any more important than minerals though.The most important resources are tech and alloys.

  100. 1 year ago

    how do mercenary enclaves work?

    • 1 year ago

      you surrender one of your fleet to the ai and get paid a pittance once in a while

    • 1 year ago

      If you want to create one you need to have a special civic or there needs to be a galactic mandate in effect that allows you to do so.
      Once there's one Enclave in your diplomacy menu you can talk to them and you can hire armies from them or a fleet (very expensive to maintain) until dismissed.
      If you're their patron (if you created them) you can invest in their technology and on the size of their fleets to make them stronger, as well as request them to break their current contract with someone (if your reputation with them is good enough).
      Being their patron also gives you a return of investment in the form of Energy or other goods every once in a while.

  101. 1 year ago

    Should i be going hangar, gun or missile ports for bastions?

    • 1 year ago

      None of those. Get Ancient Ramparts. Add Archaeo-Engineers for extra laughs.

    • 1 year ago

      None of those. Get Ancient Ramparts. Add Archaeo-Engineers for extra laughs.

      You shouldn't build bastions at all.Build anchorages and get a fleet.

      • 1 year ago

        You will never have enough anchorages to sponsor a large fleet.
        One fortress world, however...

        • 1 year ago

          >You will never have enough anchorages to sponsor a large fleet.
          You absolutely will.
          I even take the ascension perk for +5 starbases if I really want to have a large navy early on.

          • 1 year ago

            I do that and have a fortress world. Maybe two if I'm a really big empire.

            • 1 year ago

              Blobbers will never understand the joy of tanking up and just building.

        • 1 year ago

          You should do both and in the early game 99% of your naval cap will come from stations so building bastions is a waste.You also need 44 soldier pops to get a full fortress world so it takes time for it to actually produce anything.

          • 1 year ago

            Corn takes time to produce, too, but I still plant it early.
            What I usually do is start with a world that's going to produce one of the basic three, then switch it over once it's bulked up.

      • 1 year ago

        I set Hyperlane density to 50% and expand until I meet another empire and have a single system point of contact. :^)

        Bonus points for those being in black hole systems or nebulas.

        • 1 year ago

          That's what I do as well. Patton said that fixed fortifications are a monument to man's stupidity (I don't know if he said it in real life but he said it in the movie) but I just don't feel comfy unless there's at least 70K in fleet power between me and the filthy xenos.

          • 1 year ago

            Fixed fortifications may be a monument to man's stupidity, but the enemy losing shields and me getting fire rate is pretty good.

          • 1 year ago

            He said it about the Maginot's line specifically and he was dumb for saying it, the line (just like the Chinese Great Wall) was supposed to slow down the enemy & force it to converge, giving enough time for your own forces to mobilize and destroy them (and it did that job pretty well btw).

            • 1 year ago

              Don't take anything that moron (Patton) says seriously.

              • 1 year ago

                He was cool

  102. 1 year ago

    >use 'precursor pack' story mod
    >choose astanines because it seems interesting
    >it's just some morons who use fake projectors to do literally everything
    Any way for me to add a less boring precursor?

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, the story it's kinda boring compared to the other two, but you get a free max level station and a ruined mega art installation after it's done.
      At least it's not the Yuht.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah, but that's fricking boring. I thought it'd be fun. I wanted a cool precursor.

    • 1 year ago

      So, is there no way to add it?

      I want to add something else. Maybe Zroni for so i can get the Chosen One from the Shroud, or maybe the Baol.

  103. 1 year ago

    >spawn next to some pacifistic lithoids that have my planetary preference
    >already have 3 arid worlds and 2 savanna worlds
    >neat my population will explode
    >snack 2 of their planets and stabilise
    >meat another auth/spiritualist so we become friends
    >about to finish off the lithoids
    >theyre now a vassal under my new friend
    >have to dissolve my NAP with the overlord to attack
    >10 year truce

    Wonderful, I cant even trucebreak for a major malus like in EU4, I would go full Russia on their ass for this shit, no matter the cost, this is so moronic.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah, trucecucking hurts even more than 180K star fortress wienerblock

  104. 1 year ago

    >to my north, enigmatic observants and an advanced fanatic militarist empire who hates
    >to my left, the galactic core me
    >to my right, another advanced fanatic militarist empire who hates me
    >to my south, determined exterminators
    >it's nearly 2300 and i still haven't seen the galactic community
    here i am, stuck in the middle with you

  105. 1 year ago

    I am once again asking you about Real Space vs Planetary Diversity.

    • 1 year ago

      Planetary Diversity.

  106. 1 year ago

    Is there any decent Dune mod?

  107. 1 year ago

    Is there a mod for faster pop growth in 3.7?

  108. 1 year ago

    >a new multiplayer mode where multiple players control a single empire has been confirmed for the 3.8 update
    What the frick? Who asked for this?

    • 1 year ago

      It's been a meme playing style on Youtube to put multiple players in charge of a single country or even in charge of separate armies in the same country in HoI4.

      • 1 year ago

        So 99.99% of the player base won't care and will never use it.

        • 1 year ago

          Problem is, let's say the youtubers who did it had a collective of...1 million subs. They probably have less, but math is hard.
          Let's say 1 percent of them started asking for a mode like it on the forums.
          That's 10,000 people.
          For paradox forums, which can be kind of slow, that's a lot.
          Make it a tenth of a percent.
          1,000. Still noteworthy on the Paradox forums.

          • 1 year ago

            To be clear, I am not arguing with:

            So 99.99% of the player base won't care and will never use it.

            I think a coop mode would be more fun in a more grounded game or a game where betrayal is possible and potentially profitable.

            • 1 year ago

              A much better coop mode would be to have an origin that allows both players to start next to eachother and already in a federation, like the two existing federation origins except adapted for multiplayer, since those only allow AIs as federated allies for some moronic reason.

              A gameplay mode where two or more player control a single empire is only good for le funny Youtube meme playthroughs.

              • 1 year ago

                I don't disagree.
                I think the main use case for coop mode of one empire would be to teach a newb by example.

  109. 1 year ago

    Should I start with the United Nations of Earth?
    I played one run with them two years ago and then dropped the game, didn't even finish the run.
    I've got all dlc's as well.

    • 1 year ago

      You can just make a custom empire if you want even on your first time as long as you don't pick any gimmicky origins or traits you'll be fine

  110. 1 year ago

    >get gorillion mods
    >lore origins
    >more civics
    >more traits
    >2 extra civic slots
    >more trait picks
    >researchable extra civic slots
    >allows builds to be even further min maxed
    My favorite way to play stellaris. I think one of my favorite empires was one I build the first time I decided to go with fanatic egalitarians+xenophiles. Stacked civics and traits that trashed governing civics attraction until it was at -140%. Wanted to play muh freedoms civ. Start game and I'm right next to two fanatic purifiers. Rushed fleet at the cost of potato economy that barely functioned to survive. Lucked into cruisers and then battleships with tier 3 fighters, giving me repeatable fighter upgrades super fast. Steamroll fanatical purifiers, capturing crazy populated planets whose populations I can't shit to because of how hands off the government is. Economy even more strained because of it and because I gotta keep the carrier spam going to win Selling and buying resources to avoid running out of shit. Eventually defeat both and now rule an egalitarian xenophile empire where 2/3s of the population are fanatical xenophobe militarists. The following 50 years the entirety of my empire feels like some kind of mad max space somalia. Eventually stabilize and sic my carrier spam on neighboring slaver empires to liberate the frick out of them while befriending ruthless capitalists.

    • 1 year ago

      >fanatic egalitarian xenophiles
      >not fanatic egalitarian xenophobes

      • 1 year ago

        To be fair, xenos are lesser than humans.

      • 1 year ago

        I do xenophobes so much I wanted something different. Also xenophiles get trade bonus.

        • 1 year ago

          >trade bonus.
          Sure.Trade still sucks even with it though.And it definitely not better than +20% pop growth.Or slavery.

          • 1 year ago

            They just want to bang ayys, anon.

  111. 1 year ago

    >early game expansion
    >find pre-FTL civilization, build OP over it
    >it gains FTL shortly afterwards
    >refusing to let them go just flips the planet over to you (and giving them the star system subtracts 200 influence from you for some insane reason)
    >very early game empire can't handle 30 new slave pops and gets into a deficit of everything
    >slave revolt happens as it does
    >right before revolt succeeds set their right to extermination and the revolt vanishes overnight because le slavery is over
    nice game you have here

    • 1 year ago

      So I have to ask.
      Slaves in this game seem to not be worth it unless you're far in the tech tree and can just mentally neuter entire species.

      • 1 year ago

        Sorry, forgot to actually ask the question:
        Are slaves worth it? What do you do to make them worth it early game?
        Do you need to rely on continual conquest expansion or can you be a pacifist homosexual and just rely on defensive claim conquest?

        • 1 year ago

          getting a plus 10 to resource output with slaver guilds is nice, stacks with the 10 you get from fanatic authoritarian, and you can get another 5 from strong, nerve stapled, and robust.

          if you can find proles in a presapient thats another bonus to minerals and food

  112. 1 year ago

    >Start a campaign
    >Play for ~40 years
    >Take a break
    >Come back 3 days later
    >Massive urge to just restart from scratch
    >Repeat from step 1

  113. 1 year ago

    Is it worth it to do Roleplaying stuff like starting as a pacifistic race and then becoming slowly more militaristic and xenophobic as you're abused by Xenos?

  114. 1 year ago

    Pompous Purists isn't worth the expenditure, but getting to ignore diplomacy is probably in character for stereotypical elves.

  115. 1 year ago

    >play Inward Perfection Celestial empire
    >vassals pledge Secret Fealties to me

  116. 1 year ago

    are parasite vassals the new meta? this fricker wanted seem to want to be a NEET with no responsibilities

    • 1 year ago

      Agree, if you want, you can renegotiate these in a year or two.

      MPnigs out

    • 1 year ago

      To be fair, getting the resources off of them and just being able to leave them to die is pretty nice.

  117. 1 year ago

    Shit's not working, only the most recent stuff wont unlock.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pirate btfo

  118. 1 year ago

    Okay, i'm getting an issue here where every time, my game keeps crashing because of this event right here. I don't know what i have to change to fix it - it's in the "invalid" part of the conflict solver because something something "invalid encoding, please use UTF-8-BOM encoding"

    • 1 year ago

      And by the way, i checked, and yes, every time it's this specific event crashing, all the time

      • 1 year ago

        How do you check that kinda thing?

        • 1 year ago

          error log

          For example, every single time, there's some error relating to namelist.cpp.203, they can't find leader names for some reason, and then it crashes.

  119. 1 year ago

    I wish i could spawn close to someone who wasn't a goddamn advanced empire once...i always get completely surrounded by big advanced empires, meaning i can't have early game wars with corvettes and frigates, which kinda sucks.

    • 1 year ago

      disable them

      • 1 year ago

        I don't want to literally disable advanced empires, that would just mean the whole galaxy would be on easy mode

        I just want them to spawn somewhere else

        • 1 year ago

          There's a game rule that's meant to do just that.

          • 1 year ago

            I *did* disable it

  120. 1 year ago

    I got the base game years ago in a bundle, played it briefly and it seemed 'okay'. Do the DLCs significantly improve upon it?

    • 1 year ago

      The issue with the game is that you need a frickton of mods to make it interesting beyond the first playthrough, but because of constant game-breaking updates and bad optimization you will have to spend a million year fixing the mods so they don't crash

      And the worst part is that sometimes, everything is okay until the middle of the game, at which point you can't fix it because the error was made in galaxy creation so 'oopsie doopsie, start again'

      • 1 year ago

        What sort of mods?

        • 1 year ago

          Basically everything, mods are necessary to make the game interesting in more than one playthrough

          I do not reccomend buying the DLCs. Pirating is ok, though, since you'll only be wasting your time.

      • 1 year ago

        I have over 1000 hours in the game and have never looked at a mod. Which ones should I look at for future playthroughs?

        • 1 year ago

          >I have over 1000 hours in the game and have never looked at a mod

          The game is completely barebones.

          • 1 year ago

            Nta but different strokes for different folks i guess. All i have is some graphics mods.

          • 1 year ago

            How is it barebones? Keep mixing and matching different origins/ethics/species and see if you can survive.

            Currently running a a stability build with fanatic pacifist, pleasure seekers, and robots to see how strong it is.

            I still need to try the new origins out that cane out with the last origin pack.

          • 1 year ago

            The real problem is that Paradox does too much and doesn't actually make sure shit works and is fun

      • 1 year ago

        >Spending half your life finding and fixing all 1508576 mods you "need" to make the game fun
        If the game is not fun, I just do not play it.
        Simple as.

        • 1 year ago

          Sadly, there's no other game that scratches the space empire itch as well as stellaris. And by that i mean one where you create stuff, not use an existing empire.

  121. 1 year ago

    What mods, if any, do you have on for regular campaigns? Been playing with a large mod list but am starting to get sick of the snowballing, so I was wondering if there are any must have mods for a minimally modded campaign.

  122. 1 year ago

    fricking modders man. can't have fun unless their cheating.

  123. 1 year ago

    Does cloaking serves any benefit in combat other than first strike?

    • 1 year ago

      You can get past Starbases you'd rather not fight.
      Haha just kidding all Starbases are pushovers and There's no reason to avoid them.

      • 1 year ago

        do you not use defense platforms?

        • 1 year ago

          The AI is literally incapable of building Defense Platforms, their AI is too dumb to manage its efficient construction, so they simply do not build them.
          In addition, the AI is too dumb to effectively use Cloaking to avoid fortified Starbase.'

          Cloaking is irrelevant in most combat scenarios unless you're playing Multiplayer, which practically no one does, and if they do they're not using the mods I want.

          Starnet AI mod allows the AI to build Defense Platforms but they're still mediocre at it. It's practically a clutch against the AI, so you'd have a fairer game installing a mod that buffs and disables the ability to build defense platforms entirely, like ACG or similar.

          • 1 year ago

            >The AI is literally incapable of building Defense Platforms
            They do build them though. Not in the smartest locations but they do build them.

        • 1 year ago

          The AI is literally incapable of building Defense Platforms, their AI is too dumb to manage its efficient construction, so they simply do not build them.
          In addition, the AI is too dumb to effectively use Cloaking to avoid fortified Starbase.'

          Cloaking is irrelevant in most combat scenarios unless you're playing Multiplayer, which practically no one does, and if they do they're not using the mods I want.

          Starnet AI mod allows the AI to build Defense Platforms but they're still mediocre at it. It's practically a clutch against the AI, so you'd have a fairer game installing a mod that buffs and disables the ability to build defense platforms entirely, like ACG or similar.

          Even if when do build defense platforms a decent 120k fleet can beat a 200k starbase.It just not worth investing into them unless you roleplay.

          The AI is literally incapable of building Defense Platforms, their AI is too dumb to manage its efficient construction, so they simply do not build them.
          In addition, the AI is too dumb to effectively use Cloaking to avoid fortified Starbase.'

          Cloaking is irrelevant in most combat scenarios unless you're playing Multiplayer, which practically no one does, and if they do they're not using the mods I want.

          Starnet AI mod allows the AI to build Defense Platforms but they're still mediocre at it. It's practically a clutch against the AI, so you'd have a fairer game installing a mod that buffs and disables the ability to build defense platforms entirely, like ACG or similar.

          It's probably useless in multiplayer as well since it's so easy to counter.

          That’s some college level maths anon
          No way I’m reading all of that.
          Listen, if I need more trade and/or amenities, I’ll just make more clerks.

          I know you have read the kindergarten level math and I know you understood it.

          • 1 year ago

            Doesn't cloaking not even let you bypass FTL blockers?
            While I'm sure it has its uses for getting an advantage in initiative (use an uncloaked fleet to draw attention, and a cloaked fleet to attack), I presume most players will have fortress starbases on their border system.

          • 1 year ago

            you should build torpedo platforms, best bang for your buck.

  124. 1 year ago

    Is there a way to make a genetic template and copy and paste it to all the new species?

  125. 1 year ago

    >new dlc comes out, have fun theorycrafting how to use all the new mechanics
    >try out all fun or intersting civic/origin combinations I can think of, only ever manage to get about 50 years into the game before getting bored and restarting with a different build
    >eventually get fed up with lots of minute details in the builds and go back to playing yet another 500 year long game with my bog-standard human citizen republic/prosperous unification build
    Why am I like this

    • 1 year ago

      If you found your wife young, and she turned out to be good for you, you wouldn't say, "what's wrong with me?" because you don't like every passing hussy, right?

    • 1 year ago

      Is it a lack of challenge on the Mid-Game that's doing you in? Tried some of the gameplay-improving mods or simply giving the AI some bonuses above your current difficulty?

      • 1 year ago

        What are the 'gameplay-improving mods'?

  126. 1 year ago

    Do you guys play randomized empires? I like to play them and save the successful ones for them to appear in my next games.

    • 1 year ago

      I don't really like randomized empires.
      You can get objectively bad picks like fanatic pacifist (which for me is bad because if I don't kill off some empires by late game I'm going to have a bad time).

    • 1 year ago

      It seems like when you pick a hegemon origin that the empires you get are procedurally generated, which is confusing because I would have thought they use the ones you select.

  127. 1 year ago

    >have a bad experience playing pacifist again
    >play Purifiers
    >first empire crowds my territory in like year two or three.
    Aw yeah, that's the stuff.

  128. 1 year ago

    I haven't really played this game since Federations.
    I assume everything's been reworked to hell and back and mods have gone through similar things.
    Presumably anything that hasn't seen an update in 6+ months I can discard because there's no way in hell it's gonna work or be relevant, right?

    • 1 year ago

      Fanatic Purifiers still work pretty good.

  129. 1 year ago

    I've just read this
    and it's fricking amazing.
    >Small mod
    >Makes suboptimal DLC content more fun and engaging
    >Does not break vanilla balance
    >Almost fully customisable

    Also ZoFE 4.0 started somewhere last week, like a 3 days ago. Can//t wait to buck break FE another time.

  130. 1 year ago

    I gotta say.
    Democratic Purifiers makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
    People come together and vote that killing foul xenos is the right answer.

  131. 1 year ago

    stellaris is dead

    • 1 year ago

      >game will stop getting updated so modders will have a stable platform to work with
      Oh no. How terrible.

      • 1 year ago

        >product requires unpaid labour to be bearable

    • 1 year ago


  132. 1 year ago

    Any good general modlists with load order you can recommend?
    I want to have a slow-paced and challenging game against the AI, preferably without resorting to giving the AI extra bonuses, but I'm not entirely opposed to the idea.

    • 1 year ago

      Xeno compatibility for xenophobes.

      • 1 year ago

        >Breeding with the foul xenos
        >allowing them to persist in your geneline
        >a good thing
        This is your brain on summertime saga

  133. 1 year ago

    >pre FTL at game start figures out FTL
    >instantly shits out an entire navy

  134. 1 year ago

    Just started my first game, only other grand strategy game I played was civ 5, I have a lot of questions but my most pressings are about population and districts.

    I see that building districts has an energy cost and some have other costs like it might cost minerals to then convert to alloys and consumer goods, but are those the only things to consider or do I have to consider population too, like can my districts exceed my population so that I end up with energy upkeep for nothing

    What exactly are ascension perks

    What is an edict fund, I get that unity is similar to culture from civ 5 in that you gain it steadily and use it buy perks like increased output or decreased cost and edicts are like a more powerful version that requires continuous unity, but I keep son seeing edict fund and not really sure what that is

    • 1 year ago

      I'm relatively new myself (about 80 hours)
      >like can my districts exceed my population so that I end up with energy upkeep for nothing
      I'm pretty sure that's the case, although I never checked. Take what I'm about to say about this subject with a grain of salt because I'm not 100% sure, but basically:
      1. Pops have upkeep in consumer goods depending on their class (worker, professional, ruler), living standard, their status (slave, citizen etc.), and their biological makeup or lack thereof (robot).
      2. Pops work jobs that produce a resource or convert one resource to another
      3. buildings and districts cost upkeep in energy credits and/or other resources like strategic crystals.
      I haven't figured this out entirely for myself either, but what works for me is to keep food and consumer goods just above zero, and focus on minerals in the early game when I'm building up a lot of planetary infrastructure and then focus on alloys and EC for bigger and better things. Like warships and mega shipyards and all that.
      >What exactly are ascension perks
      In the traditions screen on the bottom right you'll see your perks. When you finish a tradition you get to pick one. They do what it says on the tin. Some are more special than others. Read through their descriptions and choose what works for you.
      >What is an edict fund,
      There is an edict tab. Edicts are like decrees you can pass to more or less instantly get a bonus of some kind. For example, there's one that reduces construction time for ships. there's another that gives you faster and cheaper outposts. All of these edicts cost something. Some of them cost unity, but thankfully, you have edict funds which are basically free unity that only works for edicts. So if you have 100 edict funds and want to activate say 3 edicts that cost 50 unity each, you'll only have to pay 50 unity from your actual pool of unity. 150 - 100 edict funds = 50 unity out of your pocket.

      • 1 year ago

        How can I control my pops makeup and what is the disadvantage of robot workers over bio ones. Also can I just build as many districts as I can, fill them up with robot workers and then gradually phase them out as my bio pops grows.

        • 1 year ago

          >How can I control my pops makeup
          There are buildings such as gene labs as well as research and policies that accelerate population growth. In terms of slowing down growth, there are planetary policies that halt reproduction, and you can prioritize which pops grow on the planet screen where the job breakdown is (although that may only apply to robots? that's how I used it anyways). You can also set species-wide policies on migration and reproduction on the species screen.
          >what is the disadvantage of robot workers over bio ones.
          Robots start out pretty dumb. They can't do ruler jobs or specialist jobs. Also, robot assembly isn't as quick as biological reproduction. With additional research in robotics, These disadvantages can be negated. From what I understand, robots end up being the most productive citizens if you modify them correctly (in the species screen) but it takes a lot of research and therefore a lot of time to get to that point compared to other avenues your empire can take.
          >Also can I just build as many districts as I can, fill them up with robot workers and then gradually phase them out as my bio pops grows.
          Eventually yes. However, keep in mind that robots do not have souls. They're natural slaves and only the most depraved species in the galaxy would want to dabble in satanic black magic to convert their entire empire into robots. Sick shit.

          Forget about pops for a moment though. The most important thing to do is to specialize your planets. You have to start out with generalist planets but eventually as you expand you want to select planet specializations. Choosing a specialization gives you a production bonus, and on top of that buildings give you more bonuses. It adds up.

          • 1 year ago

            >Robots start out pretty dumb. They can't do ruler jobs or specialist jobs.
            This is why machine intelligence empires are the best.

  135. 1 year ago

    are missile corvettes the best for early game rushes? They seem to demolish the AI

  136. 1 year ago

    what thefrick am I lookign at
    just replace these "concept artist" with AI or someshit. these things are incoherent as frick

    • 1 year ago

      >replace the AI with AI
      Bold strategy, Cotton.

    • 1 year ago

      Is your brain damaged? They are plenty coherent

  137. 1 year ago

    The vassal snowballing is ridiculous, especially with megacorps.

    • 1 year ago

      yeah. I started the game intending to go for a diplomatic kind of playthrough. Before I knew it, like 3/4s of the galaxy are owned by a megacorp. They have more score than the fallen empire. At this point my game plan is to capture the L-gate area where the Grey Tempest comes from, build myself some habitats and ring worlds and a shitload of fortifications and hope that the end-game crisis wipes everyone out.

  138. 1 year ago

    >most vassals after overlord are just glorified defense pacts
    paradogs have really outdone themselves yet again, haven't they?

    • 1 year ago

      You should be able to betray your vassals by not joining them in wars.

      • 1 year ago

        Just change the vassal terms to not have to defend your vassals my guy

  139. 1 year ago

    I have never actually used the Planet Ascension feature.

    • 1 year ago

      You can't find the button, can you.

      • 1 year ago

        It's right beside the Planetary Assignment and the Sector buttons, right?
        Is it really important? It just always try and save my Unity for new Traditions.

        • 1 year ago

          Same. And when you have all 7 traditions unlocked you are at the stage of the game where you are already swimming in resources so spending unity to ascend planets feels sorta pointless

    • 1 year ago

      I used regularly it until they hardcapped upkeep so you can't print resources from nothing now.

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