Sticker Star is an overrated game to be honest

Sticker Star is an overrated game to be honest

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 5 months ago

    Sticker Star was always shit. It's no coincidence that every bit of praise for the game online also comes from people who played it as stupid kids. Every single time, it's always "childhood favorite" and the like

  2. 5 months ago

    He's done

    • 5 months ago

      Who, Tim?

      • 5 months ago

        Tim's too smart to lose his virginity

      • 5 months ago

        That Goomba there, on the cover.

      • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        He's streaming now

      • 5 months ago

        Tim is going to be fine. In fact, I bet his channel is about to skyrocket in popularity. Emile's fans already know him.

        • 5 months ago

          His channel has been stagnant for years

      • 5 months ago

        Tim is going to be fine. In fact, I bet his channel is about to skyrocket in popularity. Emile's fans already know him.

        Tim lives with emile and said hes still gonna take care of emile's house while hes away and still pays half the bills. He used to be in far worse shape a few years ago he sounded like he was dying.

      • 5 months ago

        Post Tim kino

        • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Tim definitely has skeletons in his closet that are as bad as or worse than Emile's. Look at this video; this dude is a fricking weirdo. Weirdos tend to be artistic and thus gravitate to online content creation as an artistic outlet. But there's no way you live in the same house as Chuggaa without knowing how much of a freak he is, or even participate in the degeneracy yourself.

          • 5 months ago

            Chugga isn't a freak. Barely classifies as degenerate. By modern standards anyway

            • 5 months ago

              >"Man, big and stinky? You've got it all."
              >Wanted pics of troony feet

              Dude's the definition of a freak. Doesn't matter if he's autistic. He's a freak.

              • 5 months ago

                So you're saying he fits perfectly on Ganker?

              • 5 months ago

                i bet you have way worse shit on your hard drive you hypocritical motherfricker

              • 5 months ago

                obese slob fetish is 1000x less disgusting than stinky feet

              • 5 months ago

                you keep telling yourself that freak

              • 5 months ago

                No you can't say cringe shit anymore you need to be serious at all times respect women!
                I think everybody knows he is an autist moron by now. This is also a nothingburger.

          • 5 months ago

            >Tim definitely has skeletons in his closet that are as bad as or worse than Emile's
            He's a virgin lol he has nothing a woman can use against him

          • 5 months ago

            we kind of already know what his biggest issue was, he was pining over lucah and then jon proposed to her, it kind of broke him for a while but I think he recovered. I think he might be genuinely more autistic than chugga ever was and I don't think he's ever had the same level of success to let it go to his head

    • 5 months ago

      Emile is fine. Destiny has come to his rescue.

      • 5 months ago

        Cr1tikal is more popular and plans to bury Emile next week.

        • 5 months ago

          Critikal doesnt seem like someone to totally dunk on a person even when he has to keep up an image, he covers drama but hes not keemstar.

          • 5 months ago

            Crit is a coward who waits for a ton of dust to settle before delivering a room temperature take, giving him ample time to know which way the wind is generally blowing in.

            • 5 months ago

              isnt that the normal thing to do by waiting until every has been said first

      • 5 months ago

        You know a situation is fricked when this manlet is a voice of moderation and reason.

      • 5 months ago

        >I have to agree with a libtard
        This is truly a clown world.

        Tim definitely has skeletons in his closet that are as bad as or worse than Emile's. Look at this video; this dude is a fricking weirdo. Weirdos tend to be artistic and thus gravitate to online content creation as an artistic outlet. But there's no way you live in the same house as Chuggaa without knowing how much of a freak he is, or even participate in the degeneracy yourself.

        It's almost like Chugga actually isn't a freak or degenerate?

        • 5 months ago

          A broken manlet is right twice a day

  3. 5 months ago

    You're right. It doesn't get enough hate.

  4. 5 months ago

    So, did he deserve being put in a mental hospital and have to move to scotland and vanish off the internet?

    • 5 months ago

      apparently we can't do jack shit nowadays, any mistake on our teenage years is enough ammo for a witch hunt

      • 5 months ago

        Just don't get e-famous or have any sort of nostalgia-based following, and no one will witch hunt you because there's no clout to be had in it.
        Simple as.

  5. 5 months ago

    I have not played Sticker Star or seen any videos on it. What makes it so shit?

    • 5 months ago

      here's a good video going over what's bad about it

    • 5 months ago

      You know that thing you like about video games? This doesn't have it.

    • 5 months ago

      NO bombette, NO lady bow, NO goombella, NO peeka, NO lahla, NOTHING

    • 5 months ago

      >Devs make a turn-based RPG
      >Remove basically every element of the genre that makes it work while claiming that it is NOT a turn-based RPG
      That's the gist of it

  6. 5 months ago

    Haha im so glad i never once said anything remotely incriminating online to a woman no sir especially if they were a bit younger than me

    • 5 months ago

      haha yeah we'd be fricked, right
      i wouldn't worry about it unless you slap your face/name on something that gets popular. not worth it, anon. do it under a fake name.

      • 5 months ago

        >do it under a fake name
        This, but also learn to slightly affect your voice if you're gonna speak. Not quite doing an outright "character" or impression, but enough to help bury the lede a bit. The same way vtubers tend to do.

    • 5 months ago

      I was dating a 16 year old when I was 17... then I turned 18 during the relationship... I really don't know what I'm gonna do if I make it big, bros. It's so over.

    • 5 months ago

      I jerked off to a girl on stickam cause she was shaking her ass on camera and i told her to grope herself

      Just bury me right now frens

    • 5 months ago

      Neither did Chugga

    • 5 months ago

      You can only get "cancelled" if you give "those" people power.

    • 5 months ago

      Seriously, why do people put their real names and info online!? I STILL add 2 months and 2 years to my birthday when signing up!

  7. 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago
  9. 5 months ago

    Soon it will happen to you and there is nothing you can do about it. It's time for us to just give up and die

    • 5 months ago

      Frick off demoralization shill

  10. 5 months ago

    How's Color Splash? Feel like I should give it a proper go since the last I played of it was the first couple of levels years ago

  11. 5 months ago

    Okay, tough question: which one is worse?

    • 5 months ago

      I rented both and I played Sonic Chronicles for longer. Honestly another 3-6 months of dev time and a new soundtrack and it would have been good.

      • 5 months ago

        Unless that dev time included completely replacing the battle system, rewriting the story, and changing the controls, there's nothing that would have saved it in that time period.

    • 5 months ago

      Unironically, Sonic Chronicles' core gameplay is a lot better than Sticker Star's.

      • 5 months ago

        Barely. Getting EXP and skill points is nice, and the "mostly useless" item drops, but whoever decided to make every single move require an Elite Beat Agents minigame to make work needs to be buried in a fire ant mound for five hours then slowly lowered into hydroflouric acid.

        • 5 months ago

          I kneel, that joke was too good, Sonic Chronicles without gimmicky touch controls could’ve been good.

      • 5 months ago

        Wrong. Sonic Chronicles is a train derailing. Sticker Star os a shitty train but it reaches a destination.

        • 5 months ago

          Based, Chronicles ends on a literal cliffhanger, in a did you know gaming video it was revealed that a Chronicles 2 would’ve basically been like Sonic Forces, so maybe it would’ve been good? Who knows.

    • 5 months ago

      It could do without the shitty touchscreen gimmicks that it Sonic forces down your throat and holy frick these models are garbage and the cutscenes are low effort newgrounds tier.

  12. 5 months ago


  13. 5 months ago

    A 19 year old dating a 15 year old is legal in my state because we have romeo and juliet laws, why is this a big deal?

    • 5 months ago

      It isn't. It's sheltered imbecilles who wouldn't know something thats actually "problematic" if it hit them in the face at the speed of sound. Not saying its not bad, but this is ridiculous

    • 5 months ago

      >in my state
      States differ. You may be living in a different than Chugga when he was 19. Also, they weren't dating.

      • 5 months ago

        Regardless of state, it doesn’t answer the question of why its somehow a big deal

        >I have to agree with a libtard
        This is truly a clown world.

        It's almost like Chugga actually isn't a freak or degenerate?

        >I have to agree with a libtard
        Libtards breathe air and drink water anon, you don’t need to go the exact opposite opinions from them

        • 5 months ago

          Because these heckin 22-24 year olds think they were much more mature at 19 than they were at 15!
          Spoiler: they weren't

          • 5 months ago

            That's like saying a 14 year old is just as mature as an 18 year old.

            • 5 months ago

              They pretty much are in the grand scheme of things

              • 5 months ago


            • 5 months ago

              That's the joke, they are.

            • 5 months ago

              Anon do you think 18 year olds are mature?

            • 5 months ago

              They really are, 18 year olds are fricking stupid and so are 19 year olds, turning 18 doesnt magically make you mature you frickin spoon

              • 5 months ago

                Then why does society say that 18 turns you into a near-adult who can do anything except drink and smoke?

              • 5 months ago

                Because society is moronic? Society also says men can give birth and women have penises now that doesnt make it true.

              • 5 months ago

                Why can't 18 years old drink and smoke anon?

              • 5 months ago

                Because they're not "mature enough". Yet they're mature enough to be sent off to die in some foreign hellhole for the glory of the country.

              • 5 months ago

                Also mature enough to talk to someone in their age bracket. Lefties applaud 18 year old pornstars for getting railed by 50 year olds as being “liberating”, yet a 19 year old sexting a 15 year old (literally legal in mosts states btw) is somehow a big deal

              • 5 months ago

                I said this in a different thread but even cuckhold nations like canada allow 14 and 15 year olds to consent up to 5 years above them

              • 5 months ago

                >Lefties applaud 18 year old pornstars for getting railed by 50 year olds as being “liberating”
                >bringing up leftists out of nowhere regarding sex and porn
                Meanwhile red states lead in cuckoldry porn, incest-related porn, and want to allow grown men to marry 12-year-olds.

              • 5 months ago

                >and want to allow grown men to marry 12-year-olds.
                Pulled that one out of your ass

            • 5 months ago

              People obsess over the age of 18 like it just makes you a mature adult at the snap of a finger, it doesnt, maybe when you turn 18 you'll realize nothing has changed but you got a few more years for that bud

        • 5 months ago

          >it doesn’t answer the question of why its somehow a big deal
          It's not, but aside from the feeling "power" and being treated as the "cool older guy", there's not much point to dating a high schooler.

          • 5 months ago

            19. That's fresh out of high school,still the same age bracket.

            • 5 months ago

              Anyone that's ever been to college knows fresh college students are still mentally children

    • 5 months ago

      Why would you want to date someone who can't even drive and barely has money for anything?

      • 5 months ago

        Spoken like a true disgusting, material hylic.

      • 5 months ago

        A woman?

  14. 5 months ago

    it was never a good game

  15. 5 months ago

    it's a shame what happened really. TheRunawayGuys NSMB let's play will always be the best let's play of all time.

  16. 5 months ago

    What's Chuggaa supposed to have done? I didn't even know about any of this until earlier today.

    • 5 months ago

      Don't interact with women
      Jack off when you have sexual urges / pay prostitutes, make sure it's strictly business
      Otherwise you are always risking putting yourself in this situtation

      • 5 months ago

        What situation?

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        It was around 2009. Half of the women you interacted with were just middle aged men pretending.

  17. 5 months ago

    >"hey everybody it's chuggaaconroy. I had been having a friend of mine run my social media for a while since editing and making videos is a tough task. Said friend went rogue and did some bad things."
    >Pay an irl friend to take the fall

    All he had to do

    • 5 months ago

      He didn't even need a friend. He could've walked up to a homeless person and said "Hey, want a free house?"

  18. 5 months ago

    I don't know who any of these people are, I came here to tell OP to kill himself for having a bad opinion.

  19. 5 months ago

    >[05:50] Lawly: Fuuuu. You secretly love small children.
    >[05.50] Lawly: Dont deny it~
    >[06:03] Lawly: It's still pedophiliaaaaa.
    >[06:03] Lawly: But it's okay. The law will never stop us.
    The restraint to not correct that brat is commendable. Why are people even mad at him?

    • 5 months ago

      People saw this shit and still call this b***h the victim
      Not that this shit is real anyways.

    • 5 months ago

      This shit is probably real and neither of them REALLY knew what they were saying... but it certainly reads like she understood more of what was really said than he did.
      Like if a man was the younger one and a woman was the older one and the man posted the logs, a lot of people would be responding more like "hey bro wtf is this about"

      • 5 months ago

        The joke is that if it is, said girl kept in contact with him over the years and clearly had no issues until other drama happened and the c**t had the idea of fanning the flames by suddenly being "not okay" with it.
        You don't get to fricking retroactively turn consent into harassment.

        • 5 months ago

          >You don't get to fricking retroactively turn consent into harassment.
          It doesn't matter, anyone will believe a woman's words regardless of the truth
          Anything you say (and do) can and will be used against you

          • 5 months ago

            The world is a circus and my mother still sometimes wonders why i refuse to become a clown.
            Like good lord. Anyone here in their early 30s has more than likely done the same thing before.

        • 5 months ago

          I went from loving making friends on the net to distrusting every single interaction I have, even if they mean well. How can you trust people when others who were good friends with each other found and opportunity to dogpile and decided actually they hated you the whole time. Do these people even think of what happens to the person after?

          • 5 months ago

            >Do these people even think of what happens to the person after?
            i think that a lot of people have an incredible cruelty within their hearts and partake in this sort of opportunistic internet-execution behavior because it is a way to put someone down while still feeling and appearing virtuous
            it doesn't matter that this case is basically just Chugga humoring a fan 15 years ago (when he was 19) and being an awkward sperg around woman due to his lack of ability to pick up on unspoken social cues (the guy is autistic and from what it looks like, none of the people he conversed with ever outright told him to knock it off; even the initial transgender person only ghosted him), he is now a sick frick beyond salvation who should either vanish forever or die to atone for the damage he has caused to so many women
            seriously, i genuinely cannot understand how him being an awkward autist around women has permanently scarred or harmed them in ways that cannot be remedied by simply avoiding him or telling him to frick off, this all feels blown out of proportion

            • 5 months ago

              I don't think I'm a genius for saying this but:
              I think this era of acceptance has become the most intolerant time to be alive ironically. Nuance is a lost concept, context is irrelevant, and anyone opposed to the crowd are to be hanged alongside the accused.

              • 5 months ago

                it's like a twisted puritanism, everyone is to be accepted and accommodated BUT if they do something horrid like be autistic they should immediately better themselves despite this whole situation being caused by the guy's friends not correcting him at all or stepping in to say "hey man you're making me/[x] uncomfortable can you cut it out"
                really, this whole situation just seems like people letting their grievances with an imperfect autist build up until it was acceptable to announce them to the public and disown him, clearly he isn't a fricking social whiz but it all seemed extremely avoidable

              • 5 months ago

                Its the classic story of holding a childhood idol to an unrealistic expectation and when they dont meet it you get angry and attack them as some sort of degenerate
                The whole "better yourself" thing is really funny because its bullshit, there's nothing you can do to win these people's approval other than roping

              • 5 months ago

                Stop writing fanfiction. You don't know any of these content creators personally. You don't know what interpersonal ossue they had or if those issue even exists. Quit speculating on some incident or whatever happening between online personalities or atleast don't pretend you actually know anything about them.

              • 5 months ago

                address something i said instead of being vague, i'm going off of what i know

              • 5 months ago

                Everything you said is pure speculative trite

                You sound upset that people have the ability to make educated guesses based on all the dirty laundry left around

                >Educated guesses
                Ever heard the term parasocial

              • 5 months ago

                >Ever heard the term parasocial
                Yes. You used it wrong if you're trying to apply it to me

              • 5 months ago

                When you're making "educated guesses" about an online personality's personal lices, interpersonal relationships based on mediated content. That's parasocial

              • 5 months ago

                None of the screengrabs are mediated you dumbass. Why would people trying to crush his career post screengrabs that line up well with established information that points to him generally being socially inept? Is it parasocial to make guess on presented information at all about anybody that isn't in my immediate vicinity?

              • 5 months ago

                You sound upset that people have the ability to make educated guesses based on all the dirty laundry left around

              • 5 months ago

                >Be internet autist
                >demonstrate spagetti spilling tendencies and social awkwardness
                >with said information infer that this social awkwardness leads to problems with communication
                Critical thinking is truly dead

              • 5 months ago

                >Critical thinking
                Lmao. Cold read me next. You have as much veracity as a fortune teller. That's not critical thinking, that's morons thinking they know someone they've only seen through a camera

              • 5 months ago

                You don't have to be upset you lack even the slightest bit of inference skills.

              • 5 months ago

                you don't need to "know" someone personally to understand things about them and how it factors into events relating to them
                if every instance of grievance relating to him has centered around him either making people somehow uncomfortable or not knowing how to handle a certain social interaction, it isn't a fricking stretch to believe that maybe he isn't socially gifted, especially when he is autistic and the negative impact of autism on social skills is well-documented

              • 5 months ago

                > "know" someone personally to understand things about them and how it factors into events relating to them
                You do. You want proof of that. What are the actual greviences. You don't know because at most you have vague statements that could mean any number of things. You are speculating based on mediated content. There is an inherent barrier between you and any online personality. Realize this.

                None of the screengrabs are mediated you dumbass. Why would people trying to crush his career post screengrabs that line up well with established information that points to him generally being socially inept? Is it parasocial to make guess on presented information at all about anybody that isn't in my immediate vicinity?

                You can attest that the sceengrabs are true. Claiming based on those screengrabs that you have any knowledge on anything that happens between Chugga Masae or anyone else is speculative nonsense ripped straight form tabloid articles

              • 5 months ago

                Oh, but these allegations over messages on Gaia? COMPLETELY valid study of his character, he's Adolf Epstein, he NEEDS to get the rope.

                What the frick is this? What are you doing? Is this bait? You're making arguments for yourself about things nobody is saying. You're ironically making weird assumptions about people's motives when none of what you imply is happening. Your criteria for truly "knowing people" is flawed and I know for a fact you can't even begin to imagine why. Beyond that, no one is implying they know him 100%, just making very easy to make guesses and going from there. Do you disagree with their guesses or are you just here to say "Nuh-uh"?

              • 5 months ago

                Your very easy guesses that off-camera Chugga did a speghetti spill or autistic sperg out souring his relationship with some fellow creators. Because of the wealth of information you have on Chuggaconroy and tidbits you have on Emile

                there's that word again
                i have never outright claimed to "know" anything in this exchange, just have an idea as to what is going on and why things are happening; even in the post you responded to i used the word "just seems like" because i'm operating off of information that is available to the public and using it to make inferences with it
                sure, i don't know them personally, it doesn't mean that i can't guess things about them from information available to me concerning them

                Anon... you can put a tarded qualifier you want. You can say it seems like,you can say alledged. It still tantamounts to fanfiction. If you find that notion disagreeable, then clearly you must "know" things.

                >Firsthand stories about how he's a sperg and completely confirms he has bad social skills
                >Nope, still invalid
                Okay you're either taking the piss or are legitimately braindead, here's your last (you) from me you enjoy it!

                Povide those spergs out you think are related to anything involving Masae. You're making inferences afterall so you should have something semi-direct to base them on.

              • 5 months ago

                >Your very easy guesses that off-camera Chugga did a speghetti spill or autistic sperg out souring his relationship with some fellow creators. Because of the wealth of information you have on Chuggaconroy and tidbits you have on Emile
                Yes. You can never truly know someone by the way, you can only hope you do. Hope you enjoy knowing every relationship you have is parasocial. Take one last (you) buddy

              • 5 months ago

                If you think your "relatuonship" with Chugga is comparable to other normal relationships then. I mean that's kind of the point.

              • 5 months ago

                >You can say it seems like,you can say alledged. It still tantamounts to fanfiction. If you find that notion disagreeable, then clearly you must "know" things.
                I think Im picking up what you're putting down
                I "know" your a gigaBlack person homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                I "know" you're a terminally online moron.

              • 5 months ago

                t. brainlet
                Unless you're saying he's faking his sperg behavior which is even more speculative, the most logical conclusion is that the sperg has no social skills and has trouble figuring out social situations, it doesnt take fricking nostradamus to figure that one out

              • 5 months ago

                >Do these people even think of what happens to the person after?
                i think that a lot of people have an incredible cruelty within their hearts and partake in this sort of opportunistic internet-execution behavior because it is a way to put someone down while still feeling and appearing virtuous
                it doesn't matter that this case is basically just Chugga humoring a fan 15 years ago (when he was 19) and being an awkward sperg around woman due to his lack of ability to pick up on unspoken social cues (the guy is autistic and from what it looks like, none of the people he conversed with ever outright told him to knock it off; even the initial transgender person only ghosted him), he is now a sick frick beyond salvation who should either vanish forever or die to atone for the damage he has caused to so many women
                seriously, i genuinely cannot understand how him being an awkward autist around women has permanently scarred or harmed them in ways that cannot be remedied by simply avoiding him or telling him to frick off, this all feels blown out of proportion

                I went from loving making friends on the net to distrusting every single interaction I have, even if they mean well. How can you trust people when others who were good friends with each other found and opportunity to dogpile and decided actually they hated you the whole time. Do these people even think of what happens to the person after?

                it's like a twisted puritanism, everyone is to be accepted and accommodated BUT if they do something horrid like be autistic they should immediately better themselves despite this whole situation being caused by the guy's friends not correcting him at all or stepping in to say "hey man you're making me/[x] uncomfortable can you cut it out"
                really, this whole situation just seems like people letting their grievances with an imperfect autist build up until it was acceptable to announce them to the public and disown him, clearly he isn't a fricking social whiz but it all seemed extremely avoidable

                This era will last forever and there is nothing we can do about it.
                "dude just focus on yourself lmao!" Bullshit. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. There is nothing in this fricking world left that is worth improving yourself over. Reason and nuance are dead and will never come back. Zoomers own us.

              • 5 months ago

                there's no use in getting torn up about it if it's just how things are
                i don't like it either, but the best anyone can do is to just do what makes you happy, no matter how small

          • 5 months ago

            If I was a content creator, all this situation has shown me is to NEVER collaborate or engage with an audience. Lock DMs, only play with Randos online, use Social media only for video uploads and stream dates, and avoid conventions.

    • 5 months ago


  20. 5 months ago

    Even if Chuggaa gets through this okay, most of youtube has already judged him guilty and are telling their viewers there will never be any mention of him in their videos. Wonder if they're going to pull their old videos where they do mention him.

  21. 5 months ago

    >Those comments


    • 5 months ago

      you have not seen the worst of it yet

      • 5 months ago

        And I'll bet every one of those videos has someone crying about it "being so obvious in hindsight".

        • 5 months ago

          Do they not know Chugga has a GF? Chugga x Masae was always nonsense created parasocial terminally online losers

          • 5 months ago

            Remember when everyone joked that Masae was living in one of Chuggaa's closets that was the size of a normal room?

          • 5 months ago

            Honestly, i didn't until he randomly mentioned her in one of the BW2 videos.
            Either way, i doubt they were a thing back when the shipperhomosexualry was in full swing.

            Honestly if Nairo can come back, I feel like Chuggaa could too.
            The guy had his dick sucked by a crazy kid and got blackmailed, lost all his sponsors, had his friends and entire community turn on him, got banned from Twitch, got banned from tournaments, disappeared for 6 months, and came back without a problem. The age gap was even bigger (Nairo was 20 and Zack was 15).
            Chuggaa didn't even actually do anything. I bet if he lawyered up he'd turn out alright.
            The worst part is the people who act like he's been some monster behind closed doors this entire time, and that he's some cruel psychopath who has manipulated millions of his viewers.
            I'm sorry but if you instantly turn on this guy after enjoying him for years because he did some cringeworthy shit, you are mentally ill.

            I think he will. Something tells me a lot of this bullshit is going to get looked into and be proven to be overblown or fake.

            • 5 months ago

              >I think he will. Something tells me a lot of this bullshit is going to get looked into and be proven to be overblown or fake.
              It never will. Nothing bad ever happens to these fricking people until it's too little, too late.


              Praying for death this year.

      • 5 months ago
      • 5 months ago

        >Last updated 3 weeks ago
        Bro is gonna have a meltdown

        • 5 months ago

          >there is an unironic chance at least 1 person will commit suicide because their parasocial internet hero sent weird DMs 15 years ago
          This is the weirdest timeline

  22. 5 months ago

    Hopefully someone archives the TRG fortune street vids, they're very comfy and I don't want them deleted forever

  23. 5 months ago

    Honestly if Nairo can come back, I feel like Chuggaa could too.
    The guy had his dick sucked by a crazy kid and got blackmailed, lost all his sponsors, had his friends and entire community turn on him, got banned from Twitch, got banned from tournaments, disappeared for 6 months, and came back without a problem. The age gap was even bigger (Nairo was 20 and Zack was 15).
    Chuggaa didn't even actually do anything. I bet if he lawyered up he'd turn out alright.
    The worst part is the people who act like he's been some monster behind closed doors this entire time, and that he's some cruel psychopath who has manipulated millions of his viewers.
    I'm sorry but if you instantly turn on this guy after enjoying him for years because he did some cringeworthy shit, you are mentally ill.

    • 5 months ago

      Nairo, Zero, D1 all came back and stronger than before

      The only thing that will actually stop Chuggaa from coming back will be himself. He will artistically see all the discourse around him online and even though the internet will completely forget about this in exactly 1 month, he will still feel like everyone will hate him and likely refuse to return. He could come back and pick up right where he left off after ignoring witch-hunt twittards in the comments for a few weeks until they get bored.

      • 5 months ago

        The fact that all but one of his closest friends dropped him like a sack of shit so quickly would take a huge toll on the guy.
        All of the stuff he did isn't deserving of that kind of reaction at all - it's different in real life compared to the internet, but they're his friends in real life too.
        Fricking spineless cowards.

    • 5 months ago

      Zack being a crazy manbawd cum prostitute who also had raped/try to rape multiple other men also worked in Nairo's favor and got him his friends back. I don't see that happening for Emile

      • 5 months ago

        Apparently the mesugaki prostitute he erped with had someone call them out for being a freak though it probably won't help not even spread because it doesn't suit the narrative

        • 5 months ago

          It's a guy on twitter calling himself 'Drew.' He said heblost the logs and we have to take him at his word, but we have to do the same for Masae and Antdude (as far as i know).

    • 5 months ago

      Nairo, Zero, D1 all came back and stronger than before

      The only thing that will actually stop Chuggaa from coming back will be himself. He will artistically see all the discourse around him online and even though the internet will completely forget about this in exactly 1 month, he will still feel like everyone will hate him and likely refuse to return. He could come back and pick up right where he left off after ignoring witch-hunt twittards in the comments for a few weeks until they get bored.

      Emile is dead. Zoomers and New World ecelebs like Schaffrillas and KingK have sealed his fate

      • 5 months ago

        what'd the tamatoa theatre kid do now/

      • 5 months ago

        >Schaffrillas and KingK
        Literally who

  24. 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty

      • 5 months ago

        believe all women, chud

      • 5 months ago

        That stopped being a thing when #MeToo first gained traction. Now it's guilty until proven innocent and even then they still think less of you after.

    • 5 months ago

      Frick you. I'm not going to blindly participate in your government-mandated 2 minutes of hate out of fear of "defending a groomer." I only believe in hard facts and justice. If the accusations were false and "the victims in future drama-bombs wouldn't be believed" then good. Bringing people down out of petty revenge and retroactive hurt feefees later on is the scummiest thing a human being can do. Supporting a false victim means you fell for their trap of wanting clout and would even more likely have future victims believed to be crying wolf like the "Accusations were false but you defended the groomer" path.

      This is the most inane and inconsequential shit built entirely off of disingenuous screencaps and "Dude trust me bro" games of Telephone, yet this one dude's life is on the brink of ruin. If cancel culture is allowed to be this powerful then I fricking fear the future of the internet and content creators.

      • 5 months ago

        Read that in his voice.

        • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        it's bait, man
        you're right but that image in particular is bait

      • 5 months ago

        >If cancel culture is allowed to be this powerful then I fricking fear the future of the internet and content creators.
        You should have learned that good things are only allowed to happen to God's true chosen people AKA troons and zoomers.

    • 5 months ago

      The end result of supporting a false allegation is the same as defending a person accused of it, both ruin the credibility

  25. 5 months ago

    is there even 1 youtuber that's a normal, well-adjusted person?

    • 5 months ago

      Nope, and it's a matter of time until all of them get outed for some reason or another.

      Don't interact with women
      Jack off when you have sexual urges / pay prostitutes, make sure it's strictly business
      Otherwise you are always risking putting yourself in this situtation

      unironically good advice, although the cost is that you'll most likely die alone and struggle to open up to most people about anything. Are (you) willing to make that decision?

      • 5 months ago

        2009 was a different time. The idea that people was get run through the mud for being edgy teens wasn't a thing. And the vindictive terminally online losers were rightfully made fun of instead of given sway.

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        raocow's forum has had insane drama though over the years. conveniently it's a forum of troons

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not but I'm upfront about it. If you come to my channel I let you know what to expect and don't pretend to be some saint.

  26. 5 months ago

    My love for xenoblade because emiles the sole reason i know it exists is kinda being tested.
    I was looking to play 3 + FR but...i just cant muster the strength too

    • 5 months ago

      Judging games by some random stranger on the internet is a really stupid way of thinking.

  27. 5 months ago

    Paper mario bros... your response?

    • 5 months ago

      is this real?

      • 5 months ago

        No its an inspect element of the "does this mean we get to finish sonic 06" tweet, but it is funny

      • 5 months ago

        I looked on Nitter since Elon ruined twitter and how it shows tweet order, it looks like Jon hasn't tweeted anything since PBG had his kid in Dec.

    • 5 months ago

      Man I remember back in 2011 when JonTron was a literal who people would constantly confuse him and ProtonJon together

    • 5 months ago

      Seems like he’s just hating for the sake of hating, it seems forced.

      • 5 months ago

        It's a vicious loop that serves to "morality check" every single person who engages with the situation.
        If you don't stop hating, then "you're either with us or against us" mob mentality will decide you're a sympathizer. And a sympathizer is the worst possible thing you could be when the subject regards someone who the zoomer mob considers a pedophile, because that means YOU'RE a pedophile too by extension.
        He HAS to hate. He HAS to spite. He HAS to wish death on Emile until it happens. Because if he doesn't, his spineless peers will turn on him and rip him to shreds.
        The mob is akin to a starving swarm of piranhas, except if those piranhas were willing to turn to cannibalism to try and sate the insatiable hunger if they sensed the slightest bit of hesitance from a member of the swarm.

        • 5 months ago

          Seems like he’s just hating for the sake of hating, it seems forced.

          it isn't a real tweet

          • 5 months ago

            Even if it isn't real, the fact still stands that anyone who chooses to engage is held up to this process.

            • 5 months ago


  28. 5 months ago

    this feels like a targeted attack

    the lady emily stuff was the start. an allegation that's bad but not terrible

    then masaeanela and some random vtuber b***h call him out right after at the same time, and proceed to say a whole lot of nothing, but because the original accusation exists it makes him look worse because zoomers see the quantity

    finally you drop an absolute nothingburger of a chatlog from 2009 but because there's other allegations that date to the present even though they're different things it tricks zoomers into thinking he was and still is a groomer

    • 5 months ago

      >this feels like a targeted attack
      Wouldn't be the first time where unrelated people suddenly had a lot to say all at once and they are always all women.

  29. 5 months ago

    Hated that the game shits on you for beating the bosses wrong

  30. 5 months ago

    so why does every autistic guy have a weird fetish? They are different from traditional coomers in that they usually just have one main fetish that they stick to instead of becoming porn addicted to everything

    • 5 months ago

      >why do autistic guys get super attached to some seemingly random particular thing
      gee its a frickin mystery

  31. 5 months ago

    What's stopping me from making false allegations against someone I dislike and getting away with it? I can even take some evidence. They'll believe me immediately, won't they?

    • 5 months ago

      >What's stopping me from making false allegations against someone I dislike and getting away with it?
      just make sure you're female

  32. 5 months ago

    Does canceling really even matter? Doug is still making videos and averages over 100k weekly for NC still.

    • 5 months ago

      Nobody cares about the people he fricked over. Chugga came intact with a trannie.

  33. 5 months ago

    I still think it's weird that not a single one of the extended TRG crew (all the people that went to colosseums) haven't said anything about this yet. I guess they think it's better to just pretend like it isn't happening, or maybe they see there's really no winning no matter which side of the fence you're on

    • 5 months ago

      Well, all of the TRG stuff is now going to be nuked and not existing in the future.
      Tons of revenue tossed into the trash.

  34. 5 months ago

    Be honest, you'd all do the same thing in a heartbeat. We are Ganker, we are Anonymous, we are Legion, we are the internet hate machine, etc etc. And you've all claimed to despise and want ecelebs and youtubers destroyed for years.

    • 5 months ago

      >all of Ganker is one person

    • 5 months ago

      I hate the vast majority of modern creators. Seeing as how this shit is going, I can tell it's all we're gonna have left.

    • 5 months ago

      Do the same thing as in ERP with a 15 year old or destroy an eceleb?
      Because I've always thought ERP of any kind was super cringeworthy and I want nothing to do with anyone under 20 much less 18, kids are annoying.
      Destroy an eceleb though, maybe if it was someone I particularly despise but for the most part I wouldn't care enough

  35. 5 months ago

    This whole fiasco makes me wonder if anyone even bothered to sit Emile done and explain cohesively what he was doing was wrong. Sounds like he got nothing but slaps on the wrist. Nobody threatened him in a way that would make him take things seriously, like Jon threatening to leave TRG or something. Surely he wasn't oblivious to everything that was happening, unless Masae kept her mouth shut instead of going to the people who could privately get this shit sorted out?

    • 5 months ago

      >unless Masae kept her mouth shut instead of going to the people who could privately get this shit sorted out?

      • 5 months ago

        Girl has only got herself to blame then. If you want someone to stop being a shithead, you have to get the friendship group involved. They're not the type of people to disregard her concerns. But she seemingly didn't do a thing and now we're here.

        • 5 months ago

          Nobody did anything to help and they instantly and immediately ditched him as soon as it became a big deal, calling him a demon, monster, and worse. Tim is the only person who's stuck with him. How's that for "friendship".

        • 5 months ago

          >If you want someone to stop being a shithead
          Quit creating fanfiction about Masae and Chugga having some beef

          To be fair I'm more referring to the Masae shit (which would have avoided the Emily situation if resolved)

          There's nothing in the Masae situation aside from parasocial frickers shipping

          • 5 months ago

            did you not see the tweets homie?

            • 5 months ago

              The tweets where she says she's not friends with Chugga. The surprisingly revelation that people don't have to be friends to collab or make cotent together.

              • 5 months ago

                That's not what the thread said you moron, she even specifically stated she didnt want him to post the last collabs they did

              • 5 months ago

                That's what the threads said. They're not friends and she doesn't keep up with his personal life. Assuming anymore is speculative garbage.

          • 5 months ago

            Black person go read her frickin tweets and stop talking like you know whats going on

      • 5 months ago

        Its men, mentally ill men

    • 5 months ago

      >unless Masae kept her mouth shut instead of going to the people who could privately get this shit sorted out?
      this is exactly what it sounds like as far as i'm aware, she just kept her distance instead of telling him what he did wrong

    • 5 months ago

      Anon why would Jon sit Emile down over being a cringe teenager 15 years ago?

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't this shit happen like fifteen years ago? When it's been that amount of time passed the only reason to bring it up now is for attention and revenge.

        To be fair I'm more referring to the Masae shit (which would have avoided the Emily situation if resolved)

        • 5 months ago

          Masae literally said she did nothing to avoid rocking the boat. But now the boat is sinking.

          What's the Masae shit? This I haven't heard about.

          • 5 months ago

            she was vagueposting on twitter after the initial feet stuff about how Chuggas been a creep the past few years but never gave any specific example

            • 5 months ago

              So she was actively helping this nonsense explode.

    • 5 months ago

      >unless Masae kept her mouth shut instead of going to the people who could privately get this shit sorted out?

      Didn't this shit happen like fifteen years ago? When it's been that amount of time passed the only reason to bring it up now is for attention and revenge.

    • 5 months ago

      >Surely he wasn't oblivious to everything that was happening, unless Masae kept her mouth shut instead of going to the people who could privately get this shit sorted out?
      Anon, I...

    • 5 months ago

      I feel like Jon might've been the only person who talked to Emile about serious stuff, but it probably would be something like "don't make rape jokes in your/TRG videos"

    • 5 months ago

      Masae literally said she did nothing to avoid rocking the boat. But now the boat is sinking.

  36. 5 months ago

    I don't particularly care about chuggaaconroy but I HATE snakes who ditch their friends the minute something goes wrong and their reputation is potentially threatened to. I want to get back at them somehow. The best I got is Lucahjin dropping n bombs in old ass videos nobody has watched, but I just know they'll say it's OK because they're old, despite the chugga erp shit being older.

    • 5 months ago

      >Tim backing emile immediately without reservation
      >Meanwhile Jon nowhere to be seen probably waiting for the dust to settle to take the least career damaging stance
      If Jon snakes Emile he was never his friend

      • 5 months ago

        >Tim doesn't defend him, but is a voice of reason and levelheadedness to the point he only drips info on reddit of all things because of how rabid twitter is
        >Jon hees and haws in his statement and then unfollows Chugga

        • 5 months ago

          Apparently Chugga helped Jon out when he was sick one point or something. Dude is a genuine friend that just needs to control the shit he says sometimes. But to Jon his career obviously matters more. Ironically it only continues to exist thanks to Emile.

          • 5 months ago

            i swear to fricking god if jon completely shuts him out after all they've been through together and not trying to amend this i'm going to fricking lose it
            i fricking hate twitter so much

            • 5 months ago

              I will too
              It sucks reading all this shit, I've really liked them both for ages, I got into all of them way back in 2009 and passively enjoyed their stuff for years
              Chuggaa might be cringe, but he means well. He's just a sperg. He'd never intentionally try to hurt or traumatize anyone.

              I think the rest of my faith in humanity will die if he just joins the hate parade against him and closes him off for good.

            • 5 months ago

              It's already happening, anon. He unfollowed him on Twitter. He's throwing him under the bus. His community is entirely mentally ill troons as he appealed to them with that RosaJon shit. Even if he secretly wants to do otherwise his hands are tied, unless he decides his lifelong friend is worth risking his career over, which is obviously a no no.

            • 5 months ago

              If you found out your best friend was a pedophile who said he wanted to rape a 15 year old girl, and you actually think sticking around someone like that is alagood thing to do, you deserve the rope. Point blank period. have a nice day scum of the earth.

              • 5 months ago

                He didn't say that though, now did he?

              • 5 months ago

                Bro he didn't even say that. That mesugaki bawd was the one saying all the rape shit.

              • 5 months ago

                I like how she's the one saying the weirdest freakiest shit but gets away with it because she was 15 and she "didn't know any better" That b***h knew what she was doing. But the autistic gets the blame because he's 19. Shits fricked. It's never as black and white as looking at the ages, especially for one that's not even that big to begin with.

              • 5 months ago

                Low quality bait but have a (you) anyway

              • 5 months ago

                >19 year old talking to 15 year old
                >HES A HECKIN PEDO
                According to 99% of the legal systems on earth, that isnt pedophilia

              • 5 months ago

                you first, troony lover

            • 5 months ago

              I will too
              It sucks reading all this shit, I've really liked them both for ages, I got into all of them way back in 2009 and passively enjoyed their stuff for years
              Chuggaa might be cringe, but he means well. He's just a sperg. He'd never intentionally try to hurt or traumatize anyone.

              I think the rest of my faith in humanity will die if he just joins the hate parade against him and closes him off for good.

              I would like to think Jon has read over everything and recognizes that it's just Emile being an autist, that he's not just gonna piss a 13 year friendship down the drain over a troony, two testimonies without evidence and a decade old ERP from the time of Newgrounds and Pedobear, i really do.

      • 5 months ago

        >Tim doesn't defend him, but is a voice of reason and levelheadedness to the point he only drips info on reddit of all things because of how rabid twitter is
        >Jon hees and haws in his statement and then unfollows Chugga

        i swear to fricking god if jon completely shuts him out after all they've been through together and not trying to amend this i'm going to fricking lose it
        i fricking hate twitter so much

        My only real hope is that Jon's taking a backseat from this because Twitter's witch hunt mob is infamously ravenous and nothing he does in Chuggaa's favor would put his career in Jeopardy, similar to how PBG had to close off ProJared on social media when he was getting canceled despite still being on his side behind closed doors.
        However, if Lucahjin's already made her statement against him then this is just naive wishful thinking.

    • 5 months ago

      >The best I got is Lucahjin dropping n bombs in old ass videos

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          No hard r, she gonna get the n-word pass because she's a milf anyway

          • 5 months ago

            not really an n bomb since shes not using the hard r

            There's no distinction between Soft homie and Hard R anymore, if you go "Nig" outright you're getting labeled as an ultimate racist.

        • 5 months ago

          not really an n bomb since shes not using the hard r

          • 5 months ago

            No hard r, she gonna get the n-word pass because she's a milf anyway

            to twitter, this would count

            • 5 months ago

              Randy Orton said it and nothing happend to him

              • 5 months ago

                yeah but he's cool

        • 5 months ago

          Damn. Jon really did get the perfect woman

    • 5 months ago

      If I found out one of my friends said *notices the bulge in your shoe* and Pedocrush to a 15 year old I would probably rip into them until they leave

      • 5 months ago

        15 years ago when they were a teenager. It great you weren't alive in the 2000s and never did cringe shit as a teen but there were people who did.

        • 5 months ago

          Yup. Thank God Im A Zoomer and I get my fortnite and Anime without caring about 40 year olds

      • 5 months ago

        The difference between you and I is that if I had a friend in their 30s that said that when they're 19, I wouldn't give a shit because they were 19.

    • 5 months ago

      Playing the game of "Scavenge [eCeleb]'s entire web footprint for nono words" just gives more power to this shitty twittergay behavior.
      If you're gonna do anything, do it while being the bigger man and putting these vindictive motherfrickers in their place.

  37. 5 months ago

    So how long until Tim has to be the one to tell everybody that Emile killed himself? I'm starting to think it's an inevitability. Think of it from his perspective. Dude went from top to rock bottom in a ridiculously small timeframe. Do you think his autistic ass can handle that? Even the editor for his channel said that he should kill himself though obviously didn't phrase it as such, but it was obvious what that meant. He's doubtlessly going to see comments like that and follow through as it's the only way to be forgiven.

    • 5 months ago

      it'll happen if his girlfriend leaves him, I'm almost sure of it. ironically, I thought it would always be emile keeping tim on suicide watch but it'll probably be the other way around

  38. 5 months ago

    Kinda? I mean, the game deffo is bad, and Color Splash/Origami King showed how to make a similar game but much better so it's not like the concept is inherently terrible even if it is flawed.
    My main issue with Sticker Star being so hated is that it is often compared to the first three games, but honestly, they're not much better, 64 and especially TTYD are essentially walking simulators, with every single level being designed as a corridor and most of them requiring you to travel back and forth several times just to read more and more text, altough the battle system is pretty good; Super does away with the battle system and substitutes it with a much more simplistic platforming approach, which wouldn't be so bad if the game hadn't essentially duplicated the amount of text, it gets to the point that you get 5-10 minutes of gameplay per 20-30 minute text segments, it's just too reiterative and boring.
    On the other hand the newer games did have more compelling levels with more to do in them than just talk to NPCs, TOK in particular excels at this with some very good overworld gameplay, but the battle systems feel like an afterthought and the games would have probably benefitted from simply retaining the Super platforming approach.
    All in all, I find this franchise very flawed and easily the worst of the three Mario RPG properties, it even ruined Mario & Luigi with its suckage when they crossed over.

  39. 5 months ago

    Jon is fricked no matter what he does. The lack of TRG revenue means Lucahjin is going to have to start an OnlyFans and frick strangers to keep the money rolling in.

    • 5 months ago

      >implying she isn't already doing that
      and even if she isn't, something like that is an inevitability. there will be a few autists with money bags willing to pay a lot

    • 5 months ago

      She's already an e-prostitute so might as well go all the way

    • 5 months ago

      Being a troon lover means you need to be a cuck too, if anything Jon's already polishing the rod at the mere thought of Lucah whoring out.

    • 5 months ago

      Being a troon lover means you need to be a cuck too, if anything Jon's already polishing the rod at the mere thought of Lucah whoring out.

      kek tim will probably think he dodged a bullet if this happens

    • 5 months ago

      I'd think he's rolling in it with all the damn rosajon art

    • 5 months ago

      >Lucahjin is going to have to start an OnlyFans

      >implying she isn't already doing that
      and even if she isn't, something like that is an inevitability. there will be a few autists with money bags willing to pay a lot

      She's already an e-prostitute so might as well go all the way

      Being a troon lover means you need to be a cuck too, if anything Jon's already polishing the rod at the mere thought of Lucah whoring out.

      Fansly, but yes it exists.

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          Mine are better than that shit
          Troons are such fricking losers I'm so mad they ruined my boy

      • 5 months ago

        do you think Tim is subbed to her Fansly

        • 5 months ago

          Considering she was his one true love (probably still to this day), I would bet money on him having a sub

          • 5 months ago

            This shit makes my heart hurt.
            Tim deserves so much more.

          • 5 months ago

            >Alternate timeline where Tim actually moved to Seattle, got married to Lucahjin, had a Renaissance in his channel's videos and subscriber count, got Ganker and had a child, Chuggaa never got ousted by trannies, and Twitter never caught on and died in Silicon Valley Startup hell

            What could've been

            • 5 months ago

              does jon release more than one superman 64 video in a year in that timeline?

              • 5 months ago

                Yes, and Game Grumps never formed either

              • 5 months ago

                He releases two

          • 5 months ago


          • 5 months ago

            The worst part is he chose family over moving to Seattle near her and his sister and deadbeat brother in law ended up fricking him out of 100k dollars.

            • 5 months ago


              • 5 months ago

                Go to exactly the 5 minute mark.
                He funded his sister's failed art business and would have to pay other shit like their bills and down payment and his brother in law getting scammed into pyramid schemes.

  40. 5 months ago

    Of course Chuggaa has problems with social skills, he's told a thousand stories about them in his videos and in TRG videos. He's also told stories about how his brain holds onto information and facts about games like a vise yet he's completely unaware of things the rest of the world knows about.

    • 5 months ago

      No anon, you must know him on a PERSONAL FACE TO FACE level or else its PARASOCIAL and therefore bullshit

      • 5 months ago

        but you didn't meet him in real life and witness him spill his spaghetti in person so it's speculative and parasocial

        Yes. You have to actually know content creators off camera to know what they get up to off camera.

        • 5 months ago

          there's that word again
          i have never outright claimed to "know" anything in this exchange, just have an idea as to what is going on and why things are happening; even in the post you responded to i used the word "just seems like" because i'm operating off of information that is available to the public and using it to make inferences with it
          sure, i don't know them personally, it doesn't mean that i can't guess things about them from information available to me concerning them

        • 5 months ago

          >Firsthand stories about how he's a sperg and completely confirms he has bad social skills
          >Nope, still invalid
          Okay you're either taking the piss or are legitimately braindead, here's your last (you) from me you enjoy it!

    • 5 months ago

      but you didn't meet him in real life and witness him spill his spaghetti in person so it's speculative and parasocial

      • 5 months ago

        Oh, but these allegations over messages on Gaia? COMPLETELY valid study of his character, he's Adolf Epstein, he NEEDS to get the rope.

  41. 5 months ago

    It's like I always say, "Never trust someone who has never watched Indiana Jones or Back to the Future".

  42. 5 months ago

    I don't know if this site has just rotted my brain, but I really struggle to read those IRC logs as anything other than a very horny 15 year old attempting to ERP with him. If anything, he's the one getting unwanted sexual advances here.

    • 5 months ago

      Parts of it read like a e-girldom doujin it was pretty funny

  43. 5 months ago

    wtf are you guys talking about

    • 5 months ago

      Paper Mario: Sticker Star

    • 5 months ago

      Idk lol the completionist charity fraud thing was way funnier

    • 5 months ago

      Paper Mario Sticker Star

    • 5 months ago

      Paper Mario, Sticker Star

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      Sticker Mario: Star Paper

    • 5 months ago

      Star Mario: Paper Sticker

    • 5 months ago

      We are discussing a side quest in Paper Mario Sticker Star. It is a morally gray quest so it gets a lot of discussion about who is in the right and wrong. We also like to speculate how a follow-up to the side story could go

  44. 5 months ago

    Those old chats just show that Chuggaa is the late 2000s internet personified, quirks and everything, and thus does not fit into the shitty commercialised 2024 internet.

  45. 5 months ago

    How long until Youtube deletes his account?

    • 5 months ago

      YouTube doesn't care. He's making passive income even if isn't uploading and that's a little cash for them too

    • 5 months ago


      YouTube doesn't care. He's making passive income even if isn't uploading and that's a little cash for them too

      said, and most of his subscribers will never learn about any of this regardless unless he puts a video out himself

    • 5 months ago

      Unless people actively make an attempt to get it taken down it's pretty much safe

    • 5 months ago

      If anything you should worry he'll delete his own account out of shame

  46. 5 months ago

    >something that happened fifteen years ago
    >person says and does nothing about this, not a peep
    >suddenly they bring it out now and start harping and screaming about it

    Yeah, this whole thing smells of bullshit. If this person was so horribly affected about it they did a real good job keeping it bottled up inside.

  47. 5 months ago

    >tfw mentally untouchable

  48. 5 months ago

    >DSP has now outlasted even chuggaaconroy
    Im starting to think he really will be the last man standing at this point

    • 5 months ago

      He's the final boss.

    • 5 months ago

      He's the King of Hate for a reason, and his following of lolcows will ensure that the only way he's dying is if it's of old age or incurable terminal illness.
      It's only when our favorite little piggy falls that the olden times will be completely gone.

  49. 5 months ago


    This era will last forever and there is nothing we can do about it.
    "dude just focus on yourself lmao!" Bullshit. Bullshit bullshit bullshit. There is nothing in this fricking world left that is worth improving yourself over. Reason and nuance are dead and will never come back. Zoomers own us.

    >mass replying just to be a doomposting Black person

    • 5 months ago

      Find a single thing wrong with what was said. The era of genuine human connection is over and done, for ever.

      Why do autistic men seem to have it so rough nowadays?

      Your mental disabilities are only heckin valid if you self-diagnose and act le quirky and say trans rights all the fricking time. It also helps if you are a woman or a troon.

      there's no use in getting torn up about it if it's just how things are
      i don't like it either, but the best anyone can do is to just do what makes you happy, no matter how small

      >but the best anyone can do is to just do what makes you happy, no matter how sm-*gets arrested for just being an awkward autist*

      • 5 months ago

        >*gets arrested for just being an awkward autist*
        i never said that the situation wasn't moronic, just that there's no point in howling at the wind about it
        maybe you'd be happier if you tried doing something you enjoyed instead of fixating on negative things, as well

  50. 5 months ago

    Why do autistic men seem to have it so rough nowadays?

    • 5 months ago

      People want to support autistic women not autistic men.

    • 5 months ago

      i-is that a-

    • 5 months ago

      Because some are more inclusive than others, comrade. Hypocrisy is reveled by the demons that flock the earth.

      • 5 months ago

        Reminder that Emile is unironically going to jail for this. Zoomers and trannies control the justice system now.

        Because autistic men are "incels" which means they're the equivalent of neo nazis to zoomers

        This. There are about 100-200 of us and billions of these demons. We stand no chance

    • 5 months ago

      Because autistic men are "incels" which means they're the equivalent of neo nazis to zoomers

  51. 5 months ago

    This is legitimately sickening to the core.
    and when I called this little shitstain out, I got hit with a 12 hour lock.
    what the frick even is twitter lol

    • 5 months ago

      These people are vultures. Do you think they actually give a shit if he dies at this point? He's already been dehumanized. He's the sick monster.

      • 5 months ago

        What's fricking crazy to me is even after Elon's takeover it still feels like the algorithm itself sways in favor of the woketards takes.
        Another dude called that post out who used much gentler vocabulary and it was still hit with the 'Show additional replies that may contain offensive content' thing.

        • 5 months ago

          >What's fricking crazy to me is even after Elon's takeover it still feels like the algorithm itself sways in favor of the woketards takes.
          Everything in this world is in favor of woketards. Normalgays are literally cheering on the Biden administration fricking over Texas for protecting the US-Mexico border. Biden will go down in history as "the greatest most badass president of all time"

          • 5 months ago

            Protecting it from what? Also why is the House rejecting the Senate's border control bill when it has everything they want for the border, and why wasn't the wall built when the right had 100% control of the government from 2017-2019?

            • 5 months ago

              Protecting it from the illegal aliens attempting to swarm across the border. It's time for you to learn the dirty secret of politics: it's a show. Both sides are playing for the same team, themselves, they just need to give the illusion of choice to the masses.

    • 5 months ago

      As a reminder, these are the people who are the current arbiters of morality and act as judge, jury and executioner
      If that aint the hardest black pill to swallow idk what is

      • 5 months ago

        >If that aint the hardest black pill to swallow idk what is
        The blackpill is the only pill that matters anymore. No more redpills. No more whitepills. All is lost. Zoomers control us all. We might as well just turn ourselves in and use this thread as evidence.

      • 5 months ago

        I'm making an appointment to get the COVID vaccine later this month so I can leave this shitty planet for good after my heart inevitably explodes. The zoomers and wokeists have earned their everlasting victory over our kind.

      • 5 months ago

        What's fricking crazy to me is even after Elon's takeover it still feels like the algorithm itself sways in favor of the woketards takes.
        Another dude called that post out who used much gentler vocabulary and it was still hit with the 'Show additional replies that may contain offensive content' thing.

        This is legitimately sickening to the core.
        and when I called this little shitstain out, I got hit with a 12 hour lock.
        what the frick even is twitter lol

        We lost. The zoomers and the cancel mob won forever.

        Is this another stealth Chugga hate thread?

        It's a blackpill thread reminding everyone that, no matter what you do, your life will never improve. Because you oppose the woke agenda.

        What is the ACTUAL reason behind the scenes that all Emile's associates aside from Tim are turning on him? What do they have to gain?

        Who knows. Who cares. They are winners and we are losers in the end.

      • 5 months ago

        >If that aint the hardest black pill to swallow idk what is
        The blackpill is the only pill that matters anymore. No more redpills. No more whitepills. All is lost. Zoomers control us all. We might as well just turn ourselves in and use this thread as evidence.

        Hey, you wanna know what's even more fun?
        Once all of Gen Alpha are at least teenagers, it'll be their turn to take the wheel on morality.
        And lemme fricking tell you, they're gonna be full of piss and fury from the fact that, while the zoomers were preaching morality and "protecting the kids", the alphas simultaneously got stuck with the hyper-sexualized fetishized childhoods because their zoomer parents shoved them in front of a mobile screen from the very beginning, and they brainlessly consumed content farm slop without knowing any better until their stunted development told them that they were basically raised wrong and they're fricked for life.
        The worst has yet to come. Better scrub-a-dub-dub your history to the best of your ability, because today's "OK" will be life in prison in 10-15 years. And gen alpha won't care about seeking clout, they've been corrupted too much by their own blackpill to care about fame. They'll want retribution. Justice. And that will target EVERYONE who came before them, because they'll understand that their problems are a systematic one that has spun for countless generations, thus, the generations still alive must be punished.

        • 5 months ago

          or we just stop making babies.

        • 5 months ago

          >the alphas simultaneously got stuck with the hyper-sexualized fetishized childhoods because their MILLENNIAL parents shoved them in front of a mobile screen from the very beginning,
          FTFY. What's going to happen is zoomers and alphas will both unite against milennials and all that is non-woke. Zoomers are like israelites in that nothing is ever their fault and nothing will ever be their fault.

    • 5 months ago

      >he attempted suicide to victimize himself
      is this guy stupid
      it's like they can only view people through the lens of image and not as humans, every action they take is weighed and assessed once they've soured in the eyes of the world

    • 5 months ago

      I'm not surprised the person in the image is a One Piece fan. They always say the dumbest imaginable.

  52. 5 months ago

    I see the samegayging loser is starting early!

    Chugga can come back so long as he has conviction. But he will need a steel will just like the great Feeder who was gone thru the pits of the Hell's Autism and back just to get his website on air.

    • 5 months ago

      >But he will need a steel will just like the great Feeder who was gone thru the pits of the Hell's Autism and back just to get his website on air.
      Kiwifarms just got dropped by the .hk domain and the .st domain is soon to follow. Not to mention fricking Epik is planning on bribing courts to indict Josh for "possessing CP". Bad example my friend

      This is legitimately sickening to the core.
      and when I called this little shitstain out, I got hit with a 12 hour lock.
      what the frick even is twitter lol

      Welcome to the modern world. Where good things only happen to bad people.

  53. 5 months ago

    What is the ACTUAL reason behind the scenes that all Emile's associates aside from Tim are turning on him? What do they have to gain?

    • 5 months ago

      They have nothing to gain and everything to lose.
      Why risk your entire online reputation to defend somebody the mob has already declared irredeemable? Even staying silent in this situation will make the sharks start smelling blood.

  54. 5 months ago

    Is this another stealth Chugga hate thread?

    • 5 months ago

      a Black personpilling loser is using it to samegay right now.
      if you use brave use the tor mdoe and check out the farms and get the rundown

      REmember doxing will never be a federal crime~

  55. 5 months ago

    >No no no, you can't just apologize and move on from things. I want you DEAD. When people think of you, I want them to have sheer hate in their hearts. The butt of the joke for eternity. Why now? Because the dogpile had already started.

    • 5 months ago

      >>No no no, you can't just apologize and move on from things. I want you DEAD. When people think of you, I want them to have sheer hate in their hearts. The butt of the joke for eternity. Why now? Because the dogpile had already started.
      The blackpill is that they will succeed

  56. 5 months ago
  57. 5 months ago


  58. 5 months ago

    The guy samegayging all of these Eeyore posts of total human extinction could at least try to vary it up a little between posts, it's like watching Barry or ACgay talking to himself.

    • 5 months ago

      "Total human extinction" would imply that zoomers and woke mobs will be negatively affected when it's basically a hardcoded rule that people who follow the globohomosexual agenda will never have anything bad happen to them. We will go extinct, cancel mobs will be hailed as heroes for the rest of human history.

      What's fricking crazy to me is even after Elon's takeover it still feels like the algorithm itself sways in favor of the woketards takes.
      Another dude called that post out who used much gentler vocabulary and it was still hit with the 'Show additional replies that may contain offensive content' thing.

      Did you really think anything good would ever be allowed to happen to us?

      As a reminder, these are the people who are the current arbiters of morality and act as judge, jury and executioner
      If that aint the hardest black pill to swallow idk what is

      >If that aint the hardest black pill to swallow idk what is
      Blackpills are all we can take at this point. We've accepted that it's over for anyone who isn't a puriteen frick. We neel, cancel culture-sama.

      • 5 months ago

        Well Florida is going to ban anyone under 16 off of social media. At this point, I think that's the only way to help.

  59. 5 months ago

    The funniest part is, it's January. We're not even at the worst of what thus year can do and this'll be less than a foot note.

  60. 5 months ago

    I’ve played through this game like 4 times, I think it’s pretty fun

  61. 5 months ago

    Dancing internet monkey is a real high stakes, high reward career path huh?

    • 5 months ago

      Highest stakes, least reward, actually.
      The only way you get rewarded is if you're already business savvy and have connections in the industry, otherwise you dead end and don't get shit, or worse, you get picked up, but you STILL don't get shit because you're not the favorite child of whatever network picked you up.
      This was true even for the earliest of creators, James Rolfe only went big with AVGN because he had Cinemassacre.

    • 5 months ago

      >say e-girl 15 years ago
      >lose everything you've worked for

      • 5 months ago

        Actually, it's more so "pedocrush" that completely ruined him. e-girl could've been ALMOST excusable as "that's how things were at the time", but "pedocrush", that word right there, is enough for the zoomers to consider him as completely malicious and undeserving of mercy.

        • 5 months ago

          Imagine a zoomer going back in time during the pedobear era, their brain would frickin explode and they'd probably rope right then and there

          • 5 months ago

            >pedobear era
            I thought it was funny then and I still do, I have no idea why people started taking the internet so seriously, "the internet isnt real" was common sense to me even in elementary school
            T. Zoomer
            Also I hate these twitter freaks, the most terninally online of terminally online. Tumblr truly did just ruin millions of people.

        • 5 months ago

          lol man the internet is so unrecognizable to me these days. I don't know what happened in 20 years but everyone is so serious.

          • 5 months ago

            part of it is that a lot of meaning through tone and expression you'd get from seeing people talk in person gets completely lost in text format but twitter encourages short messages as communication between people. and a lot of things were going to get exaggerated and more extreme in presentation for the sake of attention since attention is currency online. but also there's a lot of incentives to keep the commoners continually inflamed at each other instead of pausing to wonder more about the people who are leading their countries across all levels

        • 5 months ago

          I have never heard the term pedocrush in my life until i read that dm kek

  62. 5 months ago

    The best possible outcome is that Emile takes the martyr route while naming the following in public:
    >the transexual movement being a plague on society
    >feminism is running rampant with evil ulterior motives
    >people are beyond repair with their morality
    >~~*they*~~ have been lying to you the entire time about who you are and what you should do
    He may be autistic enough to do it, given how much effort he puts in his material. This might be the catalyst that will sway the tides of war.

    Wishful thinking of course, but he is one potential customer.

    • 5 months ago

      He already apologized and is practically on suicide watch.

    • 5 months ago

      thats not gonna work
      fricking markiplier could do that and it wouldnt change a thing
      George Floyd himself could rise from the ashes and do the same and it wouldn't change a thing

  63. 5 months ago

    That's what happens when you're a male feminist bootlicker youtuber. Your past will be brought to light and your "friends" will disown you on a dime. Don't feel bad. This is a teaching moment.

  64. 5 months ago

    But everyone always hated it? I mean you are still right because people should hate it MORE.

  65. 5 months ago

    It's kinda on Chuggaa for making his entire brand the super innocent and oblivious Nintendo kiddy YouTuber. He basically set himself up to have Mr.Rogers tier innocence so when people find out he's a depraved sex pest in reality, it hit them a lot harder even if what he actually did isn't that bad, leading to outrage. I have zero sympathy for eceleb cancer so honestly good riddance. Too many people are okay with being lied to and fed these obviously bullshit personas just do they can sell you their content. Look at how many people are sucking his balls in this thread. Pathetic.

    Just goes to show that the newhomosexualry has really completely taken over, the Ganker I used to know would celebrate an eceleb being on suicide watch no matter who it was, because they are ALL a carcinogen on society.

    • 5 months ago

      He's just a guy that let's plays. He didn't build a super wholesome rep that was something people applied to him. He said his mom was hot in the B/W LP. And he's not a sex pest. Not based om current evidence.

      • 5 months ago

        NTA but I get what he's saying. Back in the day you has the Somethingawful Let's Plays which were informative and even keeled and then you had the kiddy shit like Pewdiepie, Markiplier, Tobuscus and this guy where they screeched and screamed at the top of their lungs over game play. Then Game Grumps came along and popularized the 'podcast over game footage' genre and that's all that exists anymore. I would definitely categorize this dude under "children's entertainer".

        • 5 months ago

          Chugga never stopped doing someawful style informative LPs. That's not even relevant.

          • 5 months ago

            I distinctly remember a lot of screeching and reading every line of dialogue in a stupid fricking unfunny voice. He was so unbearable I turned him off after an episode and never came back.

      • 5 months ago

        >Feigned ignorance when it came to Doing Daisy on Hard, Morning Wood, Heart Shaped box etc.
        >Literally screamed about how he was too innocent to know what was going on and begged ProtonJon to elaborate

        He's autistic, but not moronic. He was absolutely cultivating that sort of appearance

        • 5 months ago

          You do realize he probably didn't know what heart-shaped box meant right. Like getting the idea that it meant something bad after the reaction is not feigning ignorance. And it wouldn't matter anyway,because he broke the wholesome character numerous times throughout his LPs and on Therunawayguys.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly based. People are so busy focusing on hating the trannies and """"victims"""" that they can't see that all of this shit is cringe as a whole, Chuggaa included. Frick every single person involved, hope they all die off to irrelevance

      • 5 months ago

        No one cares about "trannies". It's the cancel culture bullshit. Shit from a decade ago,different era of the internet being used to brigade an older content creator. Of course Ganker if it truely is old Ganker is gonna defend old internet culture from zoomies.

    • 5 months ago

      Honestly based. People are so busy focusing on hating the trannies and """"victims"""" that they can't see that all of this shit is cringe as a whole, Chuggaa included. Frick every single person involved, hope they all die off to irrelevance

      true, but it's hard not to think of "well what if it was me or a friend who was being attacked" but at the end of the day it is just cancer being destroyed by an even greater cancer

      • 5 months ago

        So it's okay for the greater cancer to takeover I guess. I'll take mid-late 2000s youtubers over twitter zelots anyday.

        • 5 months ago

          not what I said and he's not exactly preventing their bullshit and wasn't before. but yes old youtubers are far less cancer than twittergays and I feel sorry for him.

        • 5 months ago

          It's not an either or; the extermination of both cancers is ideal and achievable but you're too attached to Chuggaa's butthole to see it.

          • 5 months ago

            Unlike that other anon, I see no reason to label any and all online personas as cancer other than to appeal to the cynical void of other likeminded morons on here. Not everyone has done things worthy of being called a cancer, and no, annoying you slightly doesn't count.

            • 5 months ago

              Then you're a newbie, probably an election tourist, and are actively contributing to the decline of quality of not only this site, but the internet as a whole. You probably don't care, in fact I know you don't, but just know that you are why things are getting worse. Go back to Redddit.

              • 5 months ago

                you can try to pin as many boogeymen as you want on me. I never agreed with that shit blanket take before 2010, and I don't now

              • 5 months ago

                Calls others election tourists while making excuses for twitterites. Definitely an oldgay

            • 5 months ago

              Its not that all online personas are inherently cancer (although the vast vast majority are) its that any remotely significant one will invariably build a following that is and the creator will be influenced by them and/or destroyed by them

  66. 5 months ago

    Chugga was always so unfathomably obnoxious and unfunny to me. His Super Mario 64 DS let's play was pretty good though, when he wasnt being a turbosperg. RIP lil foot sniffer.

  67. 5 months ago

    >tfw you remember watching his entire Mother 3 playthrough
    >suddenly remember the drama around the fanart he would post in the beginning (of a character prominent in that specific chapter)

    It sucks that the internet will rip you apart for this stupid nonsense.

  68. 5 months ago

    >Looked up chuggaa drama
    >Realises very quickly it's just the usual "MUH RAPE AND SHIEEEE"
    When you're famous, especially internet famous: Do not ever interact with any woman in any of the conventions ever. Keep your status completely incognito with a complete nobody if you plan on dating someone.

    Who am I fooling though, e-celebs love putting out their fame because the only one they're truly in love with is themselves.

  69. 5 months ago

    Dude, I've seen parts of the chat logs. They both type like they're in fricking middle school, man.
    Chugga is 33 years old, aren't you a little too, hmm...OLD for this shit?
    Especially to be typing as if you're a stupid myopic dumbass.

    • 5 months ago

      bait or mental moronation

      • 5 months ago

        Nevermind it seems like the so-called chats are from over a decade ago. It's a nothing burger.

  70. 5 months ago

    So who's next?

    • 5 months ago


  71. 5 months ago

    >*Notices a bulge in your boot*
    I can't stop laughing

    • 5 months ago

      Reading everything he wrote just makes me burst out laughing
      I don't know how anyone can take it ultra seriously

  72. 5 months ago

    Big AND Stinky!?

  73. 5 months ago

    Twitter trannies are a plague on this fricking cursed earth

  74. 5 months ago

    The troony was fine with everything until he pointed out she had enormous stompers.

    • 5 months ago

      Ironically in the stinky peeyouuu crinkly community this is the highest compliment you can pay a female.

  75. 5 months ago

    >Be a horny 19 year old with a fellow teenager in a shitty old online video.
    >Almost 15 fricking years later, you get an angry mob of leftists after you calling you a pedophile for doing stupid teenager shit.
    What a world we live in.

    • 5 months ago


      • 5 months ago

        Spell 19 with words instead of numbers.

        • 5 months ago

          NineTEEN. You might want to take a literacy test.

          >it's okay if a 70 year old dates a 15 year old because seventy has the word "teen" in it

          • 5 months ago

            It's seventy, you moron.

            • 5 months ago



              2 e's, an N and a T. T e e n.

          • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          NineTEEN. You might want to take a literacy test.

          >It's now okay for a 19 year old to have sex with a 13 year old because they both have -tewn in the age

          Ahah silly me yes this logic makes perfect sense, critical thinking and situation application are gay concepts absolutely! drools on the ground

          • 5 months ago

            It's a four year age difference.

          • 5 months ago

            >"Sir? Can you hear me?"
            >"Copy, agent. Report. Has the mission been accomplished successfully?"
            >"Sir yes sir. I have successfully moved the goalposts."
            >"Excellent work, agent. Return to base."

          • 5 months ago

            nobody said this, they didn't have sex, they didn't even interact in real life at all. no photos, no video calls, nothing. Just really moronic texts.

      • 5 months ago

        NineTEEN. You might want to take a literacy test.

  76. 5 months ago

    >19 and 15
    Honestly I don't think anyone whose age ends in teen is remotely capable of making a rational decision when it comes to sex. Hell, even in their 20s probably not.

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah no shit that's what makes it a nothing-burger

    • 5 months ago

      yeah, there is no line in the sand that can be drawn objectively speaking. everyone is different and how "mature" someone may be when they're 18 can be drastically different from someone else's "maturity" when they're 18. regardless this is frickshit drama that's funny to watch

    • 5 months ago

      Even the dev for Nick All Star Brawl called him a pedo. And they added a Zone reference to their game!

      • 5 months ago

        thaddeus was always a homosexual, like how are you gonna make nickelodeon smash bros twice and have it die both times?

    • 5 months ago

      Umm, chud. That's a four year age gap. Anything beyond three is pedoshit. Also, 18 year olds are still children.

  77. 5 months ago


    This eceleb cancer reminds me of a bit from my favorite eceleb cancer

    • 5 months ago

      respect to the animator cause they put a lot of work into this but man this was a lot funnier in the context of a lets play

  78. 5 months ago

    Man I'm bummed out. As a fellow autist it hurts to see someone that reminds me a lot of myself getting tormented for no good reason. It just makes me wonder if I overstepped boundaries with some people without realizing it. Maybe I've made people feel like I'm a creep. I just don't understand how to socialize. I'm not trying to be a bad person I promise

    • 5 months ago

      I feel the same way, had most of my friends I knew for 8 years leave me with no reason specified, they all left at different times and I don't know if it's something autistic I said or what.

    • 5 months ago

      I've thought about playing the odds and trying to get popular on the internet, but I've lived a boring life of just playing video games, so there wouldn't be anything very interesting for me to tell stories about.

    • 5 months ago

      I've felt the same way to the point where I stopped bothering with trying to get a gf or make friends. I just know I'll find a way to frick it up and not realize it until the damage is done.

    • 5 months ago

      I feel the same way, had most of my friends I knew for 8 years leave me with no reason specified, they all left at different times and I don't know if it's something autistic I said or what.

      I've thought about playing the odds and trying to get popular on the internet, but I've lived a boring life of just playing video games, so there wouldn't be anything very interesting for me to tell stories about.

      I've felt the same way to the point where I stopped bothering with trying to get a gf or make friends. I just know I'll find a way to frick it up and not realize it until the damage is done.

      Friendly Discord :^) QBjNP3J7Kg

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          >he joined the honeypot

    • 5 months ago

      I don't really partake in much active discussion with my friends anymore out of fear of saying something that will be them wanna kick me out.
      We can shoot the shit over playing vidya video games, anime, and music together, but when any kind of serious opinionated discussion comes up, I'm going complete mute to avoid triggering accidentally triggering landmine.

  79. 5 months ago

    >Chugga never did a lets play on XCX

    • 5 months ago

      Stopped watching chuggaa after Gale of Darkness, but didn't he say he didn't like Xenoblade X?

      • 5 months ago

        I honestly never heard of this dude's opinion on X.

      • 5 months ago

        He liked the game enough to be planning to LP it for many years. However, eventually he scrapped the plans because some of the Wii U functionality was shut down, or something. It was his biggest scrapped project ever. That's when he put all his efforts into XB2 instead.

        • 5 months ago

          I see. How many other scrapped Let's Play's did he have?

          • 5 months ago

            >Eternal Sonata
            >Yoshi's Island
            >Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (was delayed due to the announcement of the Switch remake, was replaced with the completely unplanned Kirby Triple Deluxe LP)

            He also had two LPs that were always planned but took a few years to be made:
            >Pikmin 1 (13 Minute days didn't mesh with Youtube's length limit)
            >Luigi's Mansion (had planned on doing it two other times before he finally did it for real)

            • 5 months ago

              >was replaced with the completely unplanned Kirby Triple Deluxe LP
              huh, didn't know that. I probably had stopped watching him by that point but I knew he put autistic amounts of work into his LP's which was why they took so long. How'd even it work out?

              • 5 months ago

                >How'd even it work out?
                Triple Deluxe had an absolute ton of easily accessible Miiverse posts and interviews about the game's development, on top of Kirby games being generally short. Made it really easy to throw together, and it doesn't feel haphazard or rushed at all.

            • 5 months ago

              >Eternal Sonata
              I'm surprised

          • 5 months ago

            Nobody is sure, he has mentioned a few other projects that were cancelled but apart from XBX, he didn't reveal the names, at least to my knowledge.
            My theory is that one of them was a Zelda game, because there was a period of time a few years ago after Phantom Hourglass where he would randomly slip into Zelda trivia out of nowhere, so I think his research for whatever game it was bled into his actual videos.

  80. 5 months ago

    Makes one wonder if the mesugaki 15 year old that was trying to push her rape fetish onto Chugga back then just grew up to become a massive sadist, so her pushing these logs out is just another way of getting her sexually excited.

    • 5 months ago

      European Twitter is confused about the age controversy since that's kind of tame there.

      • 5 months ago

        Anyone whose not a twitter looney is confused.

        • 5 months ago

          Also the controversy has really lost steam suddenly. Like around noon it just sort of petered out.

          • 5 months ago

            Because Chugga isn't responding. He's in rehab right now and ever hour that's not him reacting or engaging might as well be a week going by.

          • 5 months ago

            Because the vultures are aware that
            1. Chugga probably tried to kill himself
            2. Chugga did literally everything a person like him faced with those accusations right [Didn't victim blame, didn't fight back, didn't weaponize his own self harm, got mental health]

            The vultures need controversy to keep the fight going and Chugga isn't giving any fuel and there are no "new witnesses" to testify against him to come out the wood works because the ones who did were "brave" enough to come out. Meanwhile the moderates in these communities are working in the background talking to people off the public forums and basically curtailing the whole thing.

            For every screaming American shitter user telling Chugga to die, you've got not Americans talking to their friends and pointing out how crazy this is. For everyone grossed out by foot fetish talk, you've got people asking why the first person didn't show their side of the logs and planting the seeds of doubt. Rationality will win in the end simply because there's no fuel for this fire and most Zoomers are TERRIFIED of call out culture themselves, we only see the insane ones who try and benefit from it and are vocal. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who'll stab them in the back or say a mentally ill man needs to die for being mentally ill just to make other people feel better

            • 5 months ago

              God bless you.

            • 5 months ago

              like the streamers/youtubers who were silent on Completionist until he made that 19 minute video, then they all said they believed him and knew he was good all along. Until days later they backtracked on that. The internet is net negative.

              • 5 months ago

                The Completionist and Chugga coins is wild. You had people defending charity fraud with real evidence but a mob over nothingburgers and vague statements.

              • 5 months ago

                The issue there is that he MADE a video. A video can be nitpicked. It can be pulled apart and small slip ups can be used to invalidate the entire thing.

                The winning move in these moments is to NEVER settle it in the court of public opinion. Projared, Vinesauce, Mangs. They’re all proof of this. The winning move is to drop off the grid and let people have enough time to get grossed out by the bloodlust

              • 5 months ago

                Projared made a video anon. So did Mangs actually but he took it down.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah and in both cases the video only added fuel to their fires. It’s when they just stopped that things were able to cool down

              • 5 months ago

                No Projared's video single handedly saved him. Pretty much everyone covered the comeback. Mangs didn't go over so well but his was an apology video. The point is if you can make a good video you can change the narrative.

              • 5 months ago

                I am PRAYING to God Chugga at the very least settles for another Facebook post saying he's leaving for a while. That's it, no video please!

              • 5 months ago

                Also, compared to everything going on with Twitter. Thus had been eclipsed by Texas, Palworld, and Vince.

              • 5 months ago

                It would take atleast a a week or two if the allegations weren't hollow.

              • 5 months ago

                This. I think Mangs is the best example over these people only having as much power over you as you let them.
                Mangs had the least flattering repuation out of these guys even pre-"cencellation", everyone saw him as a coomer making occasional kinda edgy jokes and he came out stronger than ever while the other FE content creators stagnated or died out entirely.

            • 5 months ago

              Also the controversy has really lost steam suddenly. Like around noon it just sort of petered out.

              He didn't even lose that many subscribers.

      • 5 months ago

        I've had some British people on Twitter think it was troubling, but then again they're fricking Bongs, not Europeans.

  81. 5 months ago

    The best thing Chugga can do now is just walk away. Leave the YouTube gig for about a year or so and come back when the fire has died down and some of the people that accused him are dealing with their own controversy.
    >"Hey guys I'm back, wow I may have fricked up but atleast I wasn't _____ getting caught _____"

  82. 5 months ago


  83. 5 months ago


  84. 5 months ago

    >haven't seen his MM LP since he was posting it
    >it's stretched to 16:9
    Well, at least there are sites to easily fix it...

  85. 5 months ago

    how are things so fricked up that destiny is the good guy here

  86. 5 months ago

    >majora's mask 15
    >"what is it with me and asian voices? must have asians on the brain"

  87. 5 months ago

    >rewatch the RunawayGuys' playthrough of Mario Party 5
    >Chugga fricking brings up foot fungus growing in shoes and a hypothetical scenario of becoming a foot researcher
    I miss when the "worst" aspect of this shitshow was Chugga being outed as a footgay. It was more funny than anything, and the poor guy, while embarrassed, wasn't about to kill himself over it. Here's hoping he makes it through this.

  88. 5 months ago

    Hopefully his mom is doing alright after all of this

  89. 5 months ago

    You know whats REALLY fricked? Completionist is still going even though he actually did something wrong while Chugga suffers because he took responsibility and apologised and yet everyone still wants chugga dead right now

    • 5 months ago

      It was expected this was the outcome, as Chugga is really a sensitive person of this kind of shit anyway. Especially after he was an ally to trannies, even his B2W2 LP had him push a cringe ass frick line of him replacing the name of the X-Transceiver with "X-Trans Right", to then later on get his life destroyed by one and not long after the very allies he had stood with. Maybe he will have learned a lesson that the left are quick to cannibalize themselves, but given he's a massive autist I doubt he will point a finger at the groups that dragged him down. He really won't see any blame in the way these groups have decided to ruin his life and push him to suicide at all.

      • 5 months ago

        >his B2W2 LP had him push a cringe ass frick line of him replacing the name of the X-Transceiver with "X-Trans Right"
        Kek, link? Thought it was only the trans Nia allegory.

        • 5 months ago

          I don't remember the specific episode anymore unfortunately. I think I might have given it a dislike, though. I'll see if I can scrounge it out through that.

          • 5 months ago

            Still looking through them. So far did find one other video I had a dislike for. This one, where he fricking does a cringe as frick segway into how amazing it is to have a strong wahman representative in jobs dominated by men:

            • 5 months ago

              Welp, I've no luck so far. If I recall, it was around the point where he got to Driftveil when he had called the X-transceiver X-trans rights, though. So it's probably around episodes 20 to 40.

              • 5 months ago

                Further investigation reveals that this happened before episode 30, given I am seeing people in comments bringing it up as well in ep #30. Continuing to investigate.

              • 5 months ago

                It's in episode 24 hahaha frick you

              • 5 months ago

                Ah, there is sure is:

            • 5 months ago

              >"Wait, you have a nature fetish? Okay, I ain't kink shaming."
              >Proceeds to get kink shamed into a mental hospital.

    • 5 months ago

      Never apologise
      Apologising is what they want you to think is the "right" thing but they will always want more
      Just double down on "did nothing wrong" and ignore people shouting at you

    • 5 months ago

      karl should've reported jirard to whatever government body is responsible for investigating charity fraud instead of releasing a bunch of youtube videos to make money if he wanted to see actual consequences. Clearly nobody cares that much

      • 5 months ago

        Grifters gonna grift

        • 5 months ago

          if you were going to grift I feel like making a video going "I got this famous youtuber thrown in prison" would make more money

          • 5 months ago

            Maybe, but there wouldn’t be as much longevity to it.

  90. 5 months ago

    >Sticker Star thread
    >0 (Zero) Sticker Star discussion

    • 5 months ago

      >Comes to Ganker to expect discussion of videogames other than Palworld.

    • 5 months ago

      >how do I get past here?
      >Use [thing]
      >wtf how was I supposed to know?
      >Guide or get fricked lol

  91. 5 months ago

    Be honest though, Ganker: if you were back in grade 12 of highschool and some weeb girl in grade 9 with a rape fetish from consuming too much hentai pulled off a mesugaki play on you, what would you have done?

  92. 5 months ago

    It's a lose-lose situation with Paper Mario nowadays.

    Either you go with remaking the old games and wank off the OG PM autists giving them more ammo to b***h off or make Sticker Star 4 and piss off the Mandate schizos.

  93. 5 months ago

    So is the suicide stuff just rumors? I can't find anything about it so I guess so. I hope it is, he doesn't deserve that at all.

    • 5 months ago

      I mean, rehab doesn't take you in just for posting cringe. Let's just hope he doesn't relapse.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but mental breaks and suicide, while one can easily lead into the other, aren't the same thing I think. I'm no doctor, though. All I know is that frick everyone but Tim for ditching him despite all the good he's done over the years. Jon especially because either he let his wife force him into ditching him or he did so himself. Either way he's horrible for doing that. And for cucking Tim but I just learned of that today. Imagine the guy you've known for 19 years and has helped you nunerous times, the guy you've rode the coattails of to success, ends up in a mental hospital. And instead of being there for him you unfriend him, say 'oh well hope he gets fixed' and move on.

        • 5 months ago

          Has Jon officially disowned Emile yet? I know he unfollowed him, but I just saw that as a "for now" precaution. The fact he didn't respond immediately and was either taking time to reflect on the matter or waiting for the heat to die down gave me some shred of hope. And has Lucah said anything directly beyond consoling Masae in that one tweet?

          • 5 months ago

            Jon has way more to lose than someone like Tim if he types the wrong sentence so hes probably trying to figure out how to denounce Emile without totally destroying him. They both dont approve of what he did but Tim lives with him and got helped by him immensely. The responses are gonna be skewed regardless.

          • 5 months ago

            While we obviously don't know about how they're handling it privately the way I was seeing it Jon isn't on Emile's side because unlike Tim who has stated he wants to stay with and help Emile Jon has said basically nothing and unfollowed him. As for Lucah, it's sewn that she might have made him do so because she posted a tweet right after he unfollowed Emile saying she was proud of Jon for doing so, and Lucah is a lot more vocal on being supportive of Emile's victims. But no, we don't know anything beyond that. If I'm wrong then I'll admit as much but I can only go off what I see.

  94. 5 months ago

    Everybody on all these sites want him in jail so he needs a lawyer for defamation. But hes too autistic and is basically admitting defeat so i doubt he will.

  95. 5 months ago

    Here's a thought experiment.

    Someone is being cancelled. What for, does not matter.

    They continue doing their thing without even addressing it, in this case uploading let's plays.

    Does this "witch hunt" have any real power or capability? I don't think so. Payment processors rarely listen to Twitter anymore in spite of what rightoids would otherwise claim. Especially not when Chuggaa is ostensibly an "ally."

    • 5 months ago

      If someone actually has the capability of doing that they're a better person than a lot of content creators. If you have a massive controversy against you it will effect you these days one way or another.

  96. 5 months ago

    >tfw Ganker has more reasonable takes about this than twitter.

  97. 5 months ago

    This whole situation fricking sucks.

    >Emily only made the post on twitter because she was irate about people thinking Chugga was some wholesome content creator
    >Publicizes genuine greviences with Chugga which have already been revolved over Discord in order to gain sympathy and get back at him from past transgressions
    >Everyone gets that you're either a sexpest, a spurg with no understanding of boundries or just comically damn oblivious because "muh autism"
    >Opens the door for other literal whos like Antdude and other randoms to say he's been a creep to me too, we're not friends.

    He could of bounced back from this. This was a dumpster fire but ultimately this painted him as some spurg who just didn't know boundries and how to talk to girls about his obvious fetish shit. Nobody painted him as some incel weirdo, just an autistic weirdo.

    >Masaeanela chimes in and brings to light to everyone out of the know that Chugga has had a very long past of just being weird inappropriate to her. Pouring gasoline onto the fire.
    >More literal whos come out of the woodworks saying "he killed my dog" and alot of other unverified claims
    >Uproar gets so bad all the TRG related subfeeds get nuked to the point where its causing damage for the rest of TRG
    >TRG website is taken down
    >Jon unfollows
    >Wester suddenly has this dogshit old Gaia Online DMs from a unverified party which it doesn't matter if its true or false, its suggesting Chugga is a groomer which makes twitter go nuclear.

    He is fricked. He is not coming back. Jon 100% is going to wash his hands about this and never bring it up again. Tim meanwhile is going to be the only way to hear about Chugga moving fowards and is likely going to mention that Chugga wants to be left alone.

    All because some troony got her junk in a tissy.

    • 5 months ago

      Such bullshit, it's such bullshit that the Gaia shit was stored and dredged up from FIFTEEN goddamn years ago and that doesn't factor into their opinion about it, both parties could've easily lived on and just forgotten about it

      • 5 months ago

        The joke was that the dumb b***h was apparently affiliated with Chugga up until recently.
        This whole shit was literally, LITERALLY a moronic "Wait, i can say this was him grooming even though it was casual fun for me back then for attention"

    • 5 months ago

      >If Chugga didn't have a girlfriend or Tim he would've killed himself by now since literally everyone else flaked on him

    • 5 months ago

      The only gem in the rough is that all of these snakes will become irrelevant after this is all said and done, much like all of Mangs' detractors.

    • 5 months ago

      Friendly reminder, if you ever become famous, delete all your history.

  98. 5 months ago

    what the frick is happening in this thread?
    why are you moronic Black folk talking about a random eceleb instead of paper mario? go back to the farm homosexuals

    • 5 months ago

      >come into a thread with an obvious derailment incoming.
      >you get mad when the train derails instead of just leaving.
      I bet you enter Nier threads and get pissed off when nobody talks about the game and keeps posting android ass.

  99. 5 months ago

    Imagine being beholden to a group of terminally online 14 year old little Julius Ceasers. Live by the sword, die by the sword autismo.

  100. 5 months ago

    Werster said Black person during GDQ 2013 and never apologized for it and has tons of drama with his family too so its funny how that little b***h thinks he has any sort of power over Chuggaa

  101. 5 months ago

    Has Jon said anything more beyond his twitter post?

    • 5 months ago

      Not so far, i guess he's still collecting his thoughts.

    • 5 months ago

      Not so far, i guess he's still collecting his thoughts.

      this was before he found out about the gaia online thing.

    • 5 months ago

      No he's too much of a pussy to defend his lifelong friend

      • 5 months ago

        More like his balls are being held by a pussy who had to express how "proud" she is of her friend for blowing this out on twitter instead of involving the friend group privately.

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