Stop talking about that cringe ass abomination Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Can we stop talking about that cringe ass abomination called Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin and talk about the best Final Fantasy in the last two decades. Final Fantasy VII Remake.

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  1. 3 years ago

    Remake was trash, just play the original

      • 3 years ago

        What reason do you have for not playing the original, is the ATB system to hard for your brain? And let's not pick apart Remake's God awful story changes since it's been done to death already. The remake has nothing over the original, get over it.

        • 3 years ago

          >What reason do you have for not playing the original
          i already know the story, i see little reason to replay it.

          FFVII remake offers much more fun and intense gameplay and replayability.
          What, you dont like this part but you like this part? thats ok, just select the chapter you want. Or just go in the simulator to kick weiss ass.

          It is that simple.

          • 3 years ago

            I can understand that, I guess it's where I've never cared for the sequels/expansions(Advent Children, Crisis Core, and now Remake) because I felt the original was fine as it's own standalone thing, but I do like that the gameplay is as engaging as it is and an excellent way to translate ATB into an ARPG

        • 3 years ago

          You can literally attack your way to disk 2 and then you only need like 3 materia and consumables in the original. I can't believe boomers jack off to this "game" its more like a DVD menu. Its the most non-interactive, non-game shit I've ever seen. This is not gameplay.

          • 3 years ago

            wtf i attacked sephiroth only once and he died,the fricking final boss of the game
            THIS GAME SUCKS

          • 3 years ago

            That's just JRPGs for you anon kun

          • 3 years ago

            Its ironic because DVD menus were the ones that tried to be like games, not the other way round

      • 3 years ago

        archaic boomer here (25) the original is better

  2. 3 years ago

    Remake was shit, frick off

  3. 3 years ago

    Even Aerith feet are more interesting than this "kill chaos" shit

  4. 3 years ago

    Remake was great, love the gameplay

  5. 3 years ago


  6. 3 years ago

    I love both.
    Im also looking forward to XVI.
    Tonight, real FF fans are eating well.

    Thank god we are forgetting about the abomination FFXV was.

    • 3 years ago

      FFXV saved FF, FFO oozes ffxv vibes
      7R bombed and was forgotten
      SE forgot they announced ff16
      no one cares about 14 mmo dogshit
      Real FF fans only like FFO and XV, not your failmake and yoshitpiss dogshit

      • 3 years ago

        What happend to square enix's graphics department anyway?
        15 came out in 2016 and it's still their best looking game lol

        • 3 years ago

          nomura is just a hack

          FFXV is the worst JRPG I've ever played. Its literally fujo porn with an empty open world and an incoherent story. Its combat is somehow less interactive than turn based menu wanking.

          >autist is clearly holding R1+O and still gets hit taking damage while having wait mode on and using one of the strongest base game regular weapons in the game Durandal with elemental advantage against one of the weakest grunt mob enemies in the entire game while having a full 5 member party

          Meanwhile FF7R is one button action and has a mode that requires no buttons to win


          >Kitase: This is one button action.

          7R is literally fujoshit the game
          XV is for gigachads

          • 3 years ago

            >1207 results
            holy fricking shit.

            • 3 years ago


              FFXV is the worst JRPG I've ever played. Its literally fujo porn with an empty open world and an incoherent story. Its combat is somehow less interactive than turn based menu wanking.

              Nathan the 7R shill has been seeth posting that nearly every day for 4 years

      • 3 years ago

        FFXV is the worst JRPG I've ever played. Its literally fujo porn with an empty open world and an incoherent story. Its combat is somehow less interactive than turn based menu wanking.

        • 3 years ago

          I could beat this overrated piece of shit the same way. Every boss in the game can be beaten by standing right in front of it spamming missiles. Except for that one guardian thingy who can deflect them, but he can’t deflect mega missiles.
          In fact I will record a webm of me doing it it one day just to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt this is the most overrated crap of all time and anyone who defends it is a troony.

  7. 3 years ago

    Remake is garbage and here’s a few reasons why:
    1) Time jannies are fricking stupid, both as a concept and aesthetically
    2) Sephiroth is absolute garbage in the remake. Not sure if it was Nomura, Kitase or Nojima who said OG Sephiroth had a Jaws approach, where they build up the suspense, while with NuSephiroth they just wanted him “to be really cool lmao”. This shit is indefensible.
    3) In the English version Hojo flat out states Cloud wasn’t in Soldier. What kind of fricking moron thought this would be a good idea? Spoiling the main plot twist of the game (no not Aerith’s death) for nothing just like that?
    4) Tifa looks garbage, sorry. Too kawaii ugu with bug eyes. Pic related looks 1000x better. Also her legs are too fricking skinny. Fricking Japs and their gay anorexic beauty standards. Tifa (along with Mai Shiranui) was the hottest vidya girl of the 90’s but now she’s getting mogged by Ryza and the likes because Nomura is a fricking homosexual and insists anorexia = good when even the rest of the Japanese industry is catching up with the rest of the world in acknowledging ass > breasts.
    5) FFVIIR is an incomplete game. If OG FF7 ended in Midgar, you would find it lame. FF7R is lame for the same reason.

  8. 3 years ago

    FF7R is only good for porn and nothing else. Bros > Hoes anyways so Jack's game wins by default.

  9. 3 years ago

    It's amazing how FF7R can have such a great cast and STILL be so incredibly fricking boring and terrible in both story and gameplay

  10. 3 years ago

    >Can we stop talking about that cringe ass abomination called Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

  11. 3 years ago

    Imagine the PS5 upgrade for FFXV

  12. 3 years ago

    A really easy way to separate Ganker posters from GameFAQs FF7 worshipers is whether they hate the ghosts or not, because time traveling ghosts keeping the canonicity of the original game intact is really not any more out there for FF7 than planet protecting kaiju, an extinct human race that could use magic because reasons, twenty variants of Bahamut, and John Carpenter's The Thing.

  13. 3 years ago

    Only nostalgic boomers and tryhard millenials watching youtube essayist sees anything without Sakaguchi a sacrilege. It was always his wish to see FF take on other challenges. If he didn't he wouldn't have stood in front of an audience to talk about XV, he wouldn't have pushed for FFXI, an MMO at that time, to wear the mainline title. Dumb frick boomers crying about muh ole FF, muh tradition can kill themselves.

    • 3 years ago

      I agree
      The Remake is still shit
      You didn't say anything to convince me or anyone else otherwise
      You didn't even try

    • 3 years ago

      Sakaguchi literally killed Squaresoft with his Kojima tier delusions of grandeur thinking he's a movie director. Xenogears died for this shit. Square deserves every ounce of humiliation they're now suffering.

  14. 3 years ago

    They could have done a lot more with Tifa in the remake but no they made her into a whinny confused b***h who still has the hots for cloud because spiky hair turns her, who is sacred of spooky ghosts that fly around despite being trained in martial arts by some grand master. Her character is fricking stupid and it doesn't make sense for her to be that way but Muh big booobs muh cute anime girl poses. Frick that weeb loving character

  15. 3 years ago

    VII:R is narratively moronic. Trying to tell the original game's story but then destroying that by inserting a sequel metaplot on top of it hurts both and goes nowhere.

  16. 3 years ago

    sop has better graphics than ff7r

  17. 3 years ago


  18. 3 years ago

    no yuri path for tifa no buy

  19. 3 years ago

    >the best Final Fantasy in the last two decades
    really goes to show how incredibly low standards at SE have gotten
    are 7R fans just happy because it wasn't AS shit as everything else has been for 20 years?

  20. 3 years ago

    But Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin IS the best Final Fantasy in the last two decades, so your premise makes no sense and contradicts itself.

  21. 3 years ago

    Doesn’t really matter, FF7R will likely be EGS exclusive as well. Disappointing but oh well.

    • 3 years ago

      Now that doesn't really matter, you can just pirate it.

  22. 3 years ago

    What will end the BARRY versus BA7RY conflict?
    Their autism compels them to reply to each other, like bots, the exact same way, all day, every day. What can break the cycle? Who will be the first to look in the mirror and accept they're achieving nothing and pissing their lives away?

  23. 3 years ago

    >spliting timelines, timetravel, etc
    You know I would be fine with sequels, even with Nomura going as wacky as he wants. But just wish they'd have actually remade the game like they promised first

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